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Business PlanIntegrate airports to regional development projects (Industrial Districts) the alternative is to be an inducer of investment and greater complexity in the economy of a region. The integrated regional planning that considers the airport as a key to attracting private investment and to improve the efficiency of local production processes, can induce the development of a multiplicity of interrelated activities within and in the vicinity of the airport complex

Thiago Augusto Gomes Laert Rabelo Brandão Diretor Executivo Diretor Técnico de Operações

Implantação Base Nordeste – Monte Alegre


Runway Hangar and Maintenance Mechanics Logistics Cargo Hangar Hangar for private aviation Hangar Dry Port Cargo Terminal Passenger Terminal Technical school in aeronautical mechanics (IFRN) Convenience center Commercial and technical offices

A view of our proposed deployment of airport infrastructure and interconnection to the industrial district of the municipality;

The airport , as a major transportation infrastructure has a direct impact on the economic efficiency of the regions , to provide flexibility and allow the carriage of short and long distance . Moreover , the very existence of the airport itself is an instrument of socioeconomic development .Airports today are much more than infrastructure for aviation; become multimodal and multifunctional projects , generating considerable commercial development within and beyond its boundaries ;

• Include airports to regional development projects ( Industrial Districts ) the alternative is to be an inducer of investment and greater complexity in the economy of a region .• Integrated regional planning that considers the airport as a key to attracting private investment and to improve the efficiency of local production processes , can induce the development of a multiplicity of interrelated activities within and in the vicinity of the complex airport .In countries with large territorial dimension , such as Brazil , the plane has a key role to represent the only means of transport capable of connecting them end to end on the same day .Carry passengers, cargo , mail , organ transplantation , vaccines , to treat patients in the most equipped centers and enable the development of many supply chains that would be negated if not theagility afforded by their service .The growth in air traffic , creates the need for an infrastructure that support the activities and employees and users of the aircraft .From there come the construction of hangars with greater capacity , offices , post offices , warehouses , customs and waiting rooms for passengers , in addition to other facilities .

The airports participating in other forms of economic development in the regions where they live;

a) Direct impacts : income, employment , capital investment , income from fees generated by the main economic activity of the airport;b ) Indirect impacts : development of tourism ( leisure and business ) , infrastructure investments in remote warehouses , branch offices of large enterprises .c ) providers of goods and services for aviation airline maintenance, schools etc and mechanical companies .

City - Airport is a term that summarizes the new profile of an airport andyour administrator in the XXI century.It is the materialization of actions to manage it as a business , and the intent that the airport serves the socioeconomic development of the region where it is installed .Is a new tool of use and enjoyment of the airport complex , aimed at improving storage administrator through occupancy rates and use of infrastructure.It is worth mentioning that due to the cost per mile and the storage capacity of the aircraft in relation to other modes of freight transport, it is advantageous to ship by air only when there is a perfect balance in the equation that considers the variables weight , value and speed. This means that products with high added value , low weight and need fast delivery are ideal for the basement of the aircraft .Currently 40 % of world trade by value , are carried by air travel , compared to only 2 % considering the weight . Following these precepts , those of an industrial airport target companies should focus on , according to their area of expertise :• Flexible production and tailored ;• High value of the product in relation to its weight;• Manufacture of perishable products - either in physical terms or the economic sense ;• shorter production cycles and just- in-time ;• Ability rapid dispatch of spare parts for its customers .

In general, industrial airports around the world assume that tax benefits encourage the creation of new industries in its vicinity by binding to export its production to that specific airport, forcing the airport administrator to adapt to new needs , especially area ofcargo logistics , brought about by this increase .Thus , in Brazil , the Industrial Airport is officially defined by the Federal Revenue Service ( SRF ) , as a Special Bonded Warehouse Regime , accredited to carry out industrialization activities within bonded areas in SRF (2002 ) airport .According to this definition , the storage of goods in bonded place with the suspension of the payment of taxes , such as IPI , ICMS , PIS and COFINS is allowed.The concept of firm - Airport ( Airport or Enterprise) is nothing more than changing the idea of the airport as merely a modal point of connection to a complex business processes and organizational structure which shall be similar to private companies .The implementation of a project " Industrial Airport " , for example , assumes that management should understand and adopt the most modern logistics techniques , while they should be prepared to respond to environmental and social aspirations of the community under its influence . Thus , the economic impact of airports in the regions where they are located even closer to the design of modern airport design business , like a big industry that creates jobs, pays taxes . Being able to induce or facilitate the emergence of an industrial district or a new center of economic development.The rapid commercial development in and around these airports makes them great generators of urban growth , as the airport areas are large employers of labor, work , shopping and business .The airport complex to the domestic economy becomes , the only dedicated services directly related to aviation and passengers , to developments of secondary and quaternary sectors of the economy .

Centro de Manutenção Nordeste – Polo Monte Alegre

The northeastern region despite having a large number private aircraft and various air taxi companies and flight schools do not have a pole of suitable maintenance having to send their aircraft for periodic maintenance in the Southeast, with strategically deploying the airport will be developing this polo, attracting hangars painting, electrical, electronics, calibration and commerce of goods and connected to the service sector. Unlike road transport and preventive maintenances are determined by law.

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