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Business LawEthics & LawPreviouslyCompare federal and state court systems.Federal JurisdictionTiers of the Federal Court SystemState Court SystemsVirginias Court SystemTodays ObjectivesDifferentiate between ethical and legal behavior.Compare ethical practices and legal behaviors.Examine ethical dilemmas in business and in law. & EthicsWhat is Morality?Involves the values or beliefs that govern a groups ideas about right & wrongExample: religion, tradition

What is Ethics?Rules used to determine the difference between right and wrong

Is it Ethical?Is the action illegal?Does the action violate norms or standards?Company policyProfessional StandardsWho is affected by the action & how?What Does Ethics Come From?Ethical PrinciplesThe Greatest Good PrincipleExamines whether the action will cause the greatest good for the greatest number of peopleThe more good that results, the more right the action is

94 District Courts every state has at least one, larger states may have moreJudge decides the lawJury decides the factsIf no jury, judge is responsible for deciding law & facts9The Golden Rule PrincipleDo unto others as you would have them do unto you.Based on empathyPutting yourself in another persons shoes

94 District Courts every state has at least one, larger states may have moreJudge decides the lawJury decides the factsIf no jury, judge is responsible for deciding law & facts10Real-World EthicsMost people know moral rules instinctivelyLying is wrongSometimes it is okay to break moral rulesMight be permissible to lie to save a lifeDoesnt mean it is right it is less wrong

11Ethical Character TraitsIn difficult cases where moral rules and legal guidelines do not help, specific character traits become a compass you can use.Honesty: truthful in dealing with othersJustice: treating everyone fairly and equallyCompassion: caring about other people and their circumstances; understanding point of viewIntegrity: willingness and determination to do the right thing; standing up for what you believe is rightEthics and LawChanges in ethical standards can help us make new laws or get rid of old ones.Example: desegregation

Ethical DilemmasWhat will you do?!Group: Dilemma Create PostersWhat is the ethical dilemma?Who is affected by it? How?What are the facts?Outcome What would you do?

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