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Written by

Michael J. Green

CONTACT: WGAwMichael J. [email protected]

©Copyright Michael J. Green, 2009. All rights reserved.

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MICHAEL WESTEN stands across the street from the recognizable Westen home. It’s inviting in the Miami sunshine. A black Dodge Charger sits in the driveway.

Michael wears green fatigues, black boots and a chiseled jaw. His face is strong, but more youthful than we remember, and lacks his trademark confidence and smirk. He holds a full green duffel bag to his side.

Swallowing hard, he takes a step into the street.

SUAVE MAN (O.S.)First Sergeant Westen?

Michael stops and turns to the stranger. The man is classy as hell; clean-shaven, perfect gray streaks in his hair, Armani suit. He even chews gum loudly like the smarmy ass he is.

SUAVE MAN (CONT'D)Michael Westen of... well, of across the street?

Michael doesn’t give him anything.

SUAVE MAN (CONT'D)You’ve served your country well. Not many have what it takes to make special forces. But when you’re done with your... vacation, and itching for some excitement, give me a call.

He offers Michael a card. This being anything but a vacation, Michael takes it rather eagerly.

SUAVE MAN (CONT'D)They want you. And I can see in your eyes: you want them.

FREEZE FRAME AND SUPER: Sixteen years ago.


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Michael as we know him. He strolls down the boardwalk with FIONA, the two in their usual garb. Fiona picks at a stick of cotton candy.

FIONASo what’s your plan of attack?

MICHAELWho am I attacking?

FIONAYou tell me. You’re so insistent on un-burning yourself.

MICHAELThat’s right.

FIONAAfter all this time? You still want to make deals with Afghan warlords or wander around some ultra-depressing village in Eastern Europe?

MICHAELThat doesn’t sound so unappealing.

FIONAYou’re really not happy here, Michael?

MICHAELThat’s not the point, Fi. It’s--

FIONAIt’s what? The principle?

He stops.

MICHAELAre you happy here?

Fiona looks at him.

FIONAAt times.

An uncomfortable beat between them.


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FIONA (CONT'D)I can understand wanting revenge for what these people did to you. Now that would make me happy.

MICHAELNo. Victor tried to take them down, and we know how that turned out. It’s too big for me.

FIONAAww, humility.

Michael smiles.

FIONA (CONT'D)Not an attractive quality.

His smile fades.

FIONA (CONT'D)I... it was just a joke, Michael.

She realizes that he’s watching something in the distance. She turns around to follow his gaze: the suave man is chatting up a skinny CHINESE STUDENT and the STUDENT’S GIRLFRIEND.

FIONA (CONT'D)Who’s that?

MICHAELThat’s Frederick Jackson. He’s the man that recruited me to the CIA.




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Michael and Fiona watch FREDERICK. The man hasn’t aged so well. Now sporting a bit of a pot belly, his fake tan screams desperate. He’s a sleazier Sam.

FIONASo he’s the reason you’re you?

MICHAELHe was my first handler. He introduced me to the world of intelligence gathering.

FIONA“The world of intelligence gathering” - was that his hook?

Michael’s too nostalgic for jokes. Fiona’s not.

FIONA (CONT'D)Maybe he won’t remember you and recruit you again.

Michael considers it. He steps forward to confront Frederick when his cell phone RINGS.

It’s his mom. He sighs to Fiona before answering.


MADELINE (O.S.)(over phone)

Michael, I want you to meet me at Sts Peter and Paul.

MICHAEL...You’re at church?

MADELINE (O.S.)I have someone I want you to meet.

MICHAELWhy are you at church?

MADELINE (O.S.)Michael! I think you can help him.

MICHAELI’ll be there in an hour.


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MADELINE (O.S.)An hour? What are you doing?

MICHAELJust spending time with some friends.

Michael hangs up.

FIONAYour mom’s going to church now?

MICHAELCatholic it sounds like. You’d be proud.

Michael leaves Fiona and walks to


Michael walks intently towards Frederick.

MICHAEL (V.O.)The life of a spy isn’t something you just apply for. You have to be recruited; agents especially. Scouts look for the best of the best. Of course, as time goes on, the demand shifts from covert agents to computer analysts and engineers. It’s not as exciting a job, for the recruiter or recruitee, but it has to get done.

Frederick is sweet talking the Chinese student, but is equally interested in the bikini-clad girlfriend with him.

FREDERICKCome on, if you like computers, the government is the way to go. You get to work with the best technology, the best minds, and we’ll pay you to learn the in-and-outs of the latest gadgets. And who knows, if you want the lifestyle, we can even train you to get out of the server room and take up more... exciting tasks.

Frederick looks to the girl, hoping to pick her up with war stories older than her. But Michael pops in.



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Frederick turns to see Michael. He swallows the shock quickly.

FREDERICKMichael Westen! Now, Eric, here’s a person I want you to meet!

MICHAELNice to meet you Eric, I’m Fred’s doctor. A very lucrative and safe career.

Frederick bursts out a fake laugh.

FREDERICKHa, this guy’s great!

MICHAEL(to Frederick)

I just wanted to remind you to tell the girl Sally back at Langley that she needs to get tested for chlamydia right away, even if she’s not showing any symptoms.

The girlfriend is repulsed. This is starting to go too far for Frederick.


MICHAELThat kind of stuff is common in the agency, considering all the cases I get.

The student is really losing interest now.

FREDERICKNow, now, he’s just joking around. Michael Westen is a real-life spy. Hey, how’s Mahmoud? He’s the first contact Michael made as an operative.

MICHAELMahmoud’s dead. Torn to pieces by dogs.

That’s enough for Frederick’s target. The two hurry off.

Frederick drops the act and faces Michael.


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FREDERICKWhat the hell, Michael?

MICHAELJust wanted to say ‘hello,’ Freddy.

FREDERICKFrederick. And that was crossing the line. Especially the chlamydia thing.

MICHAELSeeing you here, I thought I might ask you a favor.

FREDERICKOh, absolutely. I’m clearly in your debt.

MICHAEL(serious now)

I was a good recruit - I helped you climb the ladder.

FREDERICKHell yeah you did. You were one of the best I’d ever seen. Then you had to get yourself burned. Now I’m here, trying to get Zits McGee to make CIA PowerPoint presentations while his girlfriend thinks I have god damn chlamydia!

MICHAELSo it’s in both our interests to clear my name.

FREDERICKPlease, Michael. You were burned.

MICHAELBy people acting outside the government, trying to blackmail me into working for them.

FREDERICKThat’s a nice story, but--

MICHAELCome on Frederick. Make some calls. See if I have any allies.


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FREDERICKYou do. The United States did not like losing you.

Frederick is still not convinced.

MICHAELDo it for yourself.

FREDERICKWell, if it’s for myself...

Michael smiles.

MICHAELSee me when you have something.

He turns and walks off.


A crowd pours out of the traditional Catholic church, a service having just ended. MADELINE WESTEN stands outside, away from the crowd, with HUGO RAMIREZ.

Michael walks up to her.

MADELINEMichael! Where have you been?

MICHAELI’m sorry, mom. I don’t keep my schedule open in the event that you call me to come to church.

MADELINEExcuse me. But not every mother has to deal with her son being constantly hunted down. And let’s not forget what happened to my house!

MICHAELWe can’t forget.

MADELINEThe point is: I need... guidance.

MICHAEL They have videos for that.

HUGOPlease, don’t dismiss the power of Communion.


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MICHAELI’m sorry, who are you?

Madeline turns to Hugo.

MADELINEThis is the person I wanted you to meet.

HUGOHugo Ramirez. Your mother and I have been sharing mass for a couple weeks now, and we started talking.


MADELINEHe’s in trouble with a drug lord.

HUGOYes, Jesus. Jesus Alvarez. He’s a major crack cocaine dealer.

MICHAELAnd how are you in trouble?

Hugo and Madeline hesitate.

MADELINEWell... Hugo here sells cocaine.

Michael freezes. What the hell?

FREEZE FRAME AND SUPER: Hugo Ramirez, Drug Dealer.

Michael forces a smile and keeps his eyes on Hugo.

MICHAEL(to Madeline)

Can I talk to you for a moment?

Michael walks his mother away from Hugo.

MICHAEL (CONT'D)Are you insane?

MADELINEPlease, Michael. He wants to walk away from that life.

MICHAELSo he walks away from that life.


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MADELINEBut he can’t leave while this Jesus is still out on the street. His conscience won’t let him.

Michael looks at her, disbelieving.

MADELINE (CONT'D)If you knew you were helping a monster, could you just walk away from it?

This hits Michael. He’s no doubt done that a few times.

He looks back to Hugo. FREEZE FRAME AND SUPER: Hugo Ramirez, Reformed Drug Dealer.


Michael enters his apartment to find SAM chilling with a beer in the kitchen, Fiona on the bed with a magazine. They both look to him, expecting to be relieved of their boredom.

SAMHey Mikey. So, I heard you bumped into your recruiter.

FIONAIt looked like an interesting conversation.

MICHAELHe’s going to see if there’s any way to clear my name, or at least find people sympathetic to me.

SAMWell hey, that’s great Mike.

FIONAIf anything comes of it.

SAMI tell ya Mike, you never should have left the military. You could have coasted through the ranks and never worry about this burn notice stuff. And share your ops with me.

FIONAWhere’s the fun in that? Besides, if Michael didn’t become a spy, he and I wouldn’t have met.


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SAMAnother point for my argument.

Fiona glares at him. Michael, ignoring their spat, heads to the refrigerator for a yogurt.

FIONASo what did your mom want?

MICHAELOh, you know, she wants me to take down a drug cartel.

The two look at Michael, confused.

MICHAEL (CONT'D)She met a seller that wants out of the crack game, and aims to take his boss with him.

FIONAWho’s the boss?

MICHAELHis name’s Jesus, if you can believe that.

SAMWhat, Jesus Alvarez? That’s a bad guy, Mikey. FBI, DEA, everyone’s after him.

FIONAWhy can’t they catch him?

SAMBecause they’re the FBI and DEA. The guy leaves a trail of dead bodies, but they can’t connect it to him.

MICHAELSounds serious.

FIONAAll the more reason to get involved.

SAMNo, you do not want to get involved with this guy.


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FIONACome on, Michael. What else are you going to do; sit around and wait for your sleaze ball friend to make some calls? You’re so eager to get back to your exciting life of neutralizing drug lords, why not start here?

Sam shakes his head no, but Fiona’s got a point.


Michael and Fiona sit in the front of Michael’s Charger. Hugo’s in the back. They watch Jesus, flanked by several men, walking to his black Hummer.

MICHAEL (V.O.)The drug trade is just that: a business. But given the dangers involved, it takes on a military vibe. The general has his captains and lieutenants, who have their own men under them. Very few cartels have uniforms, though.

FREEZE FRAME AND SUPER: Jesus Alvarez, Crack General.

HUGO11:15 every day, like clockwork. He goes to have lunch at his restaurant, then checks on his sellers from one to three.

MICHAELDoes he just sell?

HUGONo. He brings in the cocaine, makes the rock, and distributes it in and out of the city.

FIONASo taking him out would be quite a blow to the crack trade.

Fiona looks to Michael, smug.

MICHAELI imagine someone will quickly take his place.

HUGO...Sí. It’s the way of the market.


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MICHAELTell me about distribution. How does he--

Michael’s cut short by the activity in front of them: Jesus beats the shit out of a man next to the car. Michael and Fiona watch, concerned. It’s nothing new for Hugo.

FIONA I wonder what he did.

HUGOI can’t say. But that’s Jesus’ brother.

Michael looks to Fiona, as if she dragged him into all of this. She shrugs.




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Michael, Fiona, Sam and Hugo sit under a parasol. Sam enjoys a mojito, the others water. Michael and Fiona glare at Hugo, who looks as desperate as ever.

SAMLike, to a pulp?

FIONAA bloody pulp.

HUGONow you know why I can’t just walk away. He is a dangerous man.

MICHAELI think you should get out while you can, and leave this to the proper authorities.

HUGOThe proper authorities? Jesus has been dealing and killing for years, and they’ve done nothing.

SAMCome on, he’s not exactly a kingpin.

HUGOHe’s becoming one. He’s taken out several of his competitors in the last two years.

SAMHostile takeovers, right?

Hugo rolls his eyes.

Michael thinks, then looks to Hugo.

MICHAELYou’re serious about this?

HUGOOf course.

MICHAELAnd no more dealing?


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HUGONo more.

Michael looks to Fi and Sam, then sighs.

MICHAELI need to know everything about Jesus’ operation.


Madeline smokes a cigarette while frying pancakes on the dirty stovetop.

There’s a KNOCK at the door. Confused, she walks to


She opens the door. It’s Frederick.

FREDERICKAh, hello. Mrs. Westen, I presume?

Madeline’s a bit flustered. Frederick’s quite handsome.

MADELINEMiss, yes.

FREDERICKMiss. I’m looking for your son Michael, and I thought he’d be here.

She takes a step back, suspicious and cautious now.


FREDERICKI have some information for him. I’m a friend, Mrs. Westen.

MADELINEI told you, it’s miss. And Michael’s not here, he’s off helping a friend of mine, I hope.

FREDERICKYeah, I hear that’s what he does nowadays. “Help people.”


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MADELINEHalf the time. The other half he’s running around, trying not to get killed. It really scares me sometimes.

FREDERICKI wouldn’t worry about it. Michael’s talented; he knows how to take care of himself.

That raises Madeline’s curiosity.

MADELINEHow do you know him?

FREDERICKI got him out of the military and into his more exciting career.


FREDERICKI recruited him. Right across the street, as it so happens.

MADELINEAcross the... when was this?

FREDERICKOh... sixteen years ago.

Madeline can’t help but get a little teary eyed.

MADELINEHe... Did you want something to drink?

She steps back to let him in.


Michael steps into the bus. Wearing a grey suit and carrying no bags, he doesn’t really fit in.

He walks past the rows of seats, scanning for his mark.

MICHAEL (V.O.)Miami is a favorite of drug runners. Not only does it have a large domestic market, it’s the entry point for most of the cocaine on the east coast.



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If you’re stupid enough to smoke it and you’re east of the Mississippi, chances are it came to you courtesy of some desperate Floridian with an overabundance of luggage.

Michael finds his target: a scraggly-looking WHITE KID that’s trying too hard to avoid eye contact. A full duffel bag rests in the seat next to him.

Michael stops and considers how to proceed.

MICHAEL (V.O.) (CONT’D)You always want to avoid targets that have established a defensive position in an enclosed space. One way is to draw them outside, or play the spy and gain their trust.

He thinks, then grabs the bag and starts walking to the door. The drug runner springs up, scared out of his mind.

WHITE KIDYo, what are you doing!?

Michael keeps his easy pace. The kid rushes to him, but is thrown back with an effortless kick from Michael.

The other riders react, but are all too dumbstruck to do anything. Michael walks right off the bus, smiling.


Michael is back home with Fiona. She playfully explores the duffel bag sitting on the counter.

FIONAYou just took it?

MICHAELYep. I don’t think he’s going to report that his three pounds of illicit drugs were stolen.

FIONASo Hugo’s information was good, then.

MICHAELIt was. We may actually have a shot at this.



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FIONAI have to say, this is quite admirable of you. Taking down a drug dealer for a man seeking redemption.

MICHAELIt’s like you said: I used to do this kind of stuff all the time. And with real warlords, too.

FIONAYou made deals with them. I’d always offer to rig their cars to blow, and you’d only take me up thirty percent of the time.

Michael takes out his phone and starts dialing.

MICHAELIt’s about being smart, Fi. Sometimes a bullet to the head or a bomb wired to an ignition isn’t the best solution.

FIONAYou have a unique view of the world, Michael.

He puts the phone to his ear, waiting for a response.

FIONA (CONT'D)Who are you calling?

The call connects.




Frederick is thrilled to have the phone call serve as a distraction. He’s turned away from Madeline, who’s still smoking and finishing another round of pancakes.

FREDERICKMichael, there you are.

Madeline turns to Frederick, giddy.



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MICHAELWhy is my mom with you?

FREDERICKI’m at her house. You told me to find you when I got some information, and this is the only address I have.

MICHAELThose who can’t do, teach, huh?

Frederick accepts the humiliation.

MICHAEL (CONT'D)So you have some information for me?

FREDERICK(seeing his way out)

Uh, yeah. Very sensitive intel. We shouldn’t discuss it over the phone.

MADELINEOoh, tell him to come here. I’m making pancakes, Michael!


Pancakes, that sounds like fun.

FREDERICKNo! I have a meeting downtown, maybe we could do it there.

Madeline’s disappointed.

Michael, on the other hand, had fun screwing with Frederick.


Michael and Frederick walk and talk.

FREDERICKI can see why you were such an eager candidate. If I knew that was waiting for you across the street, I could’ve totally phoned it in.

MICHAELWhat do you have for me, Frederick?


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FREDERICKI did some digging, Mike. There’s a lot of nasty stuff surrounding your name. Whoever burned you went all the way, compromising every contact you made.

MICHAELI knew that.

FREDERICKYeah, but, even if it were possible for you to get back in, you would have to start all over. You couldn’t work the same regions, you’d have to establish a whole new series of contacts--

MICHAELThat was half the fun of the job. Going to new places, making friends.

FREDERICKWhy don’t you just hunker down here? You get better reception than some African slum, and you can retire all those useless languages.

Michael stops their walk.

MICHAELThis is not my life, Frederick.


I’ll call those I know are interested in you. See what I can do.

MICHAELThanks. And while you’re at it, could you call any of your friends at the DEA?

FREDERICKI wouldn’t say I have any friends. Why?

MICHAELI’m going to need some inside intel. It’s something I’m working on right now.


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FREDERICKSure. I’ll get what I can.

Michael starts walking away.

MICHAELI’ll tell my mom you had a good time.


Michael approaches the gates of Jesus’ mansion. The duffel bag is slung around his body.

MICHAEL (V.O.)The drug world is highly lucrative and highly dangerous. Any holes in your security don’t just jeopardize your profits, but your very life. Kill or be killed applies. What separates the kingpin from the small time is the ability to distinguish between an enemy and an opportunity.

Michael throws the bag to the ground in front of the gate. He speaks to the two guards in a strong, cocky voice.

MICHAEL (CONT'D)Hey, I happened upon some of your boss’s produce, thought he might be interested in buying it back.

GUARDPlease remove yourself and your bag from the property.

MICHAELOh come on now, I’d say there’s a good three pounds in here. That’s fifty gees, at least; I’m sure no one behind this gate wants to pass up that kind of money.

GUARDSir, drug possession is a serious crime.

MICHAELAlmost as serious as selling it.

The GUARD pulls back his jacket and rests a hand on his gun.


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MICHAEL (CONT'D)You really want to shoot a DEA agent standing outside your gate?

At that, Jesus comes walking out the front door. He eyes Michael and yells to him from the safety of his property. He has an obnoxiously strong Hispanic accent.

JESUSDEA needs a warrant to be talking to my men.

MICHAELAnd Jesus Alvarez needs to start addressing the serious gaps in his operation. A white kid on a Greyhound? There’s such a thing as being too clever - at some point it just becomes obvious. And let’s not get started on the five guys you got at the Port of Miami, the seven planes parked at various air strips, the “tourist trips” to the Bahamas--

JESUSYou’re accusing me of a lot of things, pendejo. If any of it were true, you’d have enough for a warrant.

MICHAELIt’s all true, and pretty well known around the office.

Jesus lets out a hint of fear. Michael seizes it.

MICHAEL (CONT'D)Doesn’t mean all of us are interested in warrants. A federal pension doesn’t get better the more you file.

Jesus gets the meaning and starts to consider it.

MICHAEL (CONT'D)I’ll leave this with you. Its cash value is a little low for me. If you feel like raising it, my information’s inside.


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Michael turns around and walks coolly away, leaving behind a speechless Jesus.




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