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Building and Construction Sciences 2017 Program Handbook (Ver 2.0)

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Background Image: Joyce Centre for Partnership and Innovation, Construction Site (May 2017)

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The Building and Construction Sciences (BCS) department is a part of the Faculty of Engineering Technology at Mohawk College. We offer full-time post-secondary diploma and certificate programs in various disciplines.

Architectural Technology combines art, science, and the environmental factors required to design, build, renovate and maintain residential, commercial, institutional, and industrial buildings.

Civil Engineering Technology includes the design, construction, and maintenance of public and private facilities. Some examples of these facilities are: treatment and distribution plants that provide potable water; transportation facilities that ensure safe travel; and waste treatment systems that maintain a safe and clean environment.

Civil Engineering Technology - Transportation (formerly Transportation Engineering Technology) is a highly specialized field concerned with the safe and efficient movement of people and goods. The planning, design, and operation of new and existing transportation facilities are part of this discipline.

Urban and Regional Planning Technician combines planning principles, legislation and geographical information management with the art of urban and subdivision design. The creation of a well-balanced municipal environment that benefits all its inhabitants is a primary goal of this discipline.

Men and women working as technicians, and technologists in these related disciplines have a great influence on the health, safety, and standard of living that we all enjoy. Through their efforts, a unique blend of art, science, and technology is used to service the many needs of society. The Faculty of Engineering Technology strives to maintain standards of excellence as a community committed to personal development. Every student and employee of the College is to provide and maintain an environment conducive to learning and working. All individuals are treated with respect and dignity. Our department has set standards and guidelines to promote positive student conduct structured around but not necessarily limited the Charter of Expectations found at This handbook is printed to provide guidance and information for students and employers. Every effort is made to keep this handbook accurate and timely. Prospective students and employers should however, check with The Square or the Mohawk College web site for details regarding admission requirements, enrolment limitations, co-operative education, and the program of studies for the various programs. Mohawk College has grown to be one of the great Canadian community colleges. It began with the establishment of the Provincial Institute of Textiles (PIT) in 1947, which in turn became the Hamilton Institute of Technology (HIT) in 1957. Ten years later, in 1967, the HIT was incorporated as the newly established Mohawk College of Applied Arts and Technology. The College supports campuses and education locations in Hamilton and Stoney Creek. A great variety of full-time, post-secondary certificate and diploma programs together with a wide range of part-time courses and programs, leading to either a certificate or college diploma, are detailed on the College web site found at Many of the programs are co-operative in nature, offering students the opportunity to experience the real workplace environment and gain valuable on-the-job training. The college also has many partnerships in training and technology to make us more valuable to the students and the community at large. Mohawk College serves the communities throughout Southern Ontario, offering over 100 full-time programs and more than 1,000 Continuing Education courses. There are currently 10,000 full-time, post-secondary students enrolled at Mohawk College and 40,000 continuing education students. Mohawk College is the largest in-school apprenticeship trainer in the province, with more than 3,000 apprentices registered in skilled trades programs. There are close to 800 full-time employees, including over 400 full-time faculty, and an alumni association of more than 72,000 members. There is also a 342 bed on-campus student residence. The Accessible Learning Services staff develops ways to eliminate barriers and facilitates access for students at all campuses that may have learning or physical disability, visual or hearing impairment, mobility impairment, or other disability. Student self-identification well in advance of course or program start-up is required to effectively evaluate, plan, co-ordinate, and implement support services.

Our Programs

Charter of Expectations

About the BCS Handbook

About Mohawk College

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Enroll yourself in the BCS Program eLearn course “BCS Program”. This course provides students with all kinds of information … industry events, social events, links to learning resources, etc. Follow the instructions below to add the course to your eLearn. Students must be registered and have an active MyMohawk account in order to register.

Log into eLearn (through MyMohawk) Click on “Open Offerings” and find “BCS_Program”. Click on “Enrol”

Click on “Register”




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Staff Listing

Mario Rojas, Dipl.T. (Civil) Technologist

Jessica Digiovanni, Dipl.T.(Arch) Professor

Craig Sherwood, DiplT.

Matt Shelley, Dipl.T. (Civil) Technologist

Dorota Goede, B.Arch., Dipl.T. (Arch) Professor

Part-time Professors Amanda Antler, Dipl.T.(Arch) Piere Bordeaux Chris Blackwood, BA, BSc., DiplT, CET Michael Easton, Dipl. (Civil) Eva Frickleton Ward Houghton, B.A., OLS James Ip, Dipl.T. (Civil) Tina Keochanh Shannon Kyles, Dipl., B.A., M.A. John Lane Stephen Namisniak, Architect Vicky Pellerin, Dipl.T. (Arch), LEED AP Jason Potter Sheyda Saneinejad Tyler Simpson James Warren Bryon Wiebe, MASc, P.Eng

Irene Amog Professor

Michael Keating, B.Eng. & Mgmt.,P.Eng. Professor

Rebecca Beatty, OAA, BES,B. Arch,LEED AP Professor

Madaniyo Mutabazi, Ph.D. Professor

Richard Borger, OCT Professor

Dan Robichaud, Dipl.T. (Arch) Professor

Program Coordinators

Year 1 (Architecture, Civil Engineering, Civil Engineering Technology - Transportation) Sean Nix [email protected] Architectural Technician & Technology Kevin Haluik [email protected] Civil Engineering Technician & Technology Rocco Carbone [email protected] Urban and Regional Planning Technician – GIS Steve Pudsey [email protected]

Student Success Advisor

Engineering Technology Programs Lorraine Skuse [email protected]

Dean, School of Engineering Technology

David Santi, Sir Sanford Fleming College – Natural Resources Heavy Equipment Technician Dipl., Ontario Certificate of Qualification Automotive / Truck Coach, University of Western Ontario - Ivey Executive Human Resource Management Program , Queen’s University - Executive Organization Development Program, Diploma In Education & Technological Studies – University of Western Ontario, Ontario Teacher's Certificate - Ministry of Education

Associate Dean

Dan Havercroft, B.A.Sc., P.Eng., P.T.O.E

Resources and Contact

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What is MAP: MAP is a web-based academic advising tool. It displays a student's entire academic record including completed, in-progress, and remaining course work. The primary purpose of MAP is to be a self-advisement tool for students but it is not a substitution for consultation with a Student Success Advisor or your Academic Coordinator. How can I access MAP: MAP can be found in the My Student Account tab under the My Grades channel in MyMohawk. There are no additional usernames or passwords required. MAP is web-based and it can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection. Who can use MAP: MAP is available to all students in post-secondary programs. Why should I use MAP? MAP can do the following: Display which courses you still need to take to complete your program Display your overall GPA for your program to date* Display your grades for completed courses Display your exemptions Display your equivalent courses Compare your academic record to another Program of Studies if you are considering changing programs** More information about MAP: BCS offers two-year programs (Technician) and three-year programs (Technology) leading to a Diploma. Graduates from the Technician Programs are entitled to use the DIPL. designation. Students who have completed the requirements of the Technology Advanced Diplomas are entitled to use the DIPL.T. Designation. The Technician programs offered by BCS Department include: Architectural Technician Civil Engineering Technician Urban & Regional Planning Technician – GIS These programs do not have a co-operative education component. The curriculum is however structured to include significant laboratory and practical applications. The Urban & Regional Planning Technician – GIS program has a field placement for students. Students in these programs are encouraged to seek out summer and part-time job opportunities within their field. The Technology programs offered by the BCS Department include: Architectural Technology - Design Stream and Construction Stream Civil Engineering Technology Civil Engineering Technology - Transportation (formerly Transportation Engineering Technology) All the technology programs are co-operative in nature. Students must meet the minimum requirement of eight months’ work experience on co-op in order to graduate with a Co-op Diploma. Students within each discipline must compete for the available co-op jobs, and go through an interview and selection process. There is a service fee for co-operative education. The department is assisted by the Job Centre and Co-operative Education whose sole purpose is to seek out positions, assist the students in getting placed, and evaluate their performance in the field. For more information on co-op please see the Cooperative Education on the college web site at

Audit Your Progress Using MAP

BCS Programs

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A variety of awards, scholarships, and bursaries are available every year through the Mohawk College Foundation. Each award has criteria written by the donor. Some awards are open to all Mohawk College students, while others are only open to specific Faculties within the College. Shown below is a partial list of awards from previous years that were available to students in the Building and Construction Sciences Department. These awards are dependent upon the donors and we cannot guarantee that these awards will be offered every year.

IBI Planning Principles Award Harold P. Langer Urban Design Award Hamilton, Burlington and District Real Estate Board Outstanding Student Award (2) Hatch Associates Ltd. Award James G. LeSarge Memorial Award ITE Hamilton Section Bursary Terrance Webster Architects Tradeport International Corporation Award Sewer and Watermain Construction Award Don Granger Urban Design Presentation Award

Association of Architectural Technologists of Ontario Award Dufferin Construction Company Award Ontario Good Roads Association Award McNally Construction Inc. Award Stantec Consultant Group Limited Award T Johns Consulting Planning Graphics Award Donna Madden Technical Merit Award Bryan Prince Bookseller Ltd. Planning Principles Award Canadian Association of Certified Planning Technicians Planning Graphics Award

A variety of bursaries are also available to students through the Financial Aid and Awards Office. Visit the web site or contact The Square at 905-575-2000.

The difference between technicians and technologists is a difficult concept to describe. There are people who may be classified as technicians in the workplace but perform the work of a technologist, and the reverse also applies. A technician is normally someone who is skilled in handling instruments and performs tasks that require specialized skills, training, and knowledge. Technicians will choose from several available methods to solve problems where measurable variables are involved and information is readily obtainable. Technicians will use basic algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and standard software packages to mathematically analyze conditions. They will troubleshoot systems to locate and repair faulty components. Technicians will perform repetitive design tasks and sometimes make site-specific and minor changes to existing plans, layouts and calculated values. A technologist goes beyond the repetitive application of process. Technologists deal more with abstract concepts that are not readily demonstrated, but proven by means of indirect measurement and inference. They deal with complex, integrated systems of equipment, structures and processes. Technologists will develop methods of data collection and analysis, often leading to solutions which are complex. They troubleshoot problems and develop design improvements or alternative product applications. Technologists are adaptive individuals and will be looking for new and better ways to apply current technologies to their jobs. Does that help? Let's look at a practical example using the civil engineering technician and technology programs. A civil engineering technician on a construction site could have the responsibility for ensuring that the concrete used to construct a foundation conforms to stringent requirements. That technician would have the skills necessary to test and analyze the concrete and determine if it meets the standards called for in the contract. A civil engineering technologist, in addition to performing the technician's duties, would also have the skills to analyze and determine exactly what the standards for that concrete should be, the strength of concrete, the specifications, and the consequences of not conforming to the specifications. The technologist may also have supervisory responsibilities on the job site. In more general terms, technologists will normally have more responsibility and decision-making in their jobs than technicians. As a consequence of this the technologist requires more training and will normally have greater career opportunities and higher salary expectations. No matter what program a student graduates from however, success is largely dependent on the student, and the goals that he/she sets for him/herself. Further information about technicians and technologists can be discovered at OACETT is one of the provincial bodies that certify technicians and technologists in Ontario.


Technician or Technologist

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Students that are accepted into the Architectural, Civil and Transportation Engineering programs are accepted into the "BCS Cluster" (Building and Construction Sciences) and take a common first semester. Following the first semester, students separate into “Technology” or “Technician” in semester two for the Civil and Architectural programs. Students in the three-year Technology Programs (Architectural, Civil Engineering, and Transportation Engineering) will begin to take more specialized courses in semester 3 depending on their program choice.

Note that some courses in semester two are common to both Technician and Technology. This is to facilitate a Technician student the opportunity to transfer to semester three of Technology after completing the necessary course in Spring/Summer semester.

Promotion within the BCS cluster is governed by the College’s Policy AC700 Grading and Promotion, and by BCS promotion requirements. Students will be asked to complete a Program Choice Form at the end of semester 1 and semester 2. Promotion from one semester to the next requires certain levels of academic performance. There is great demand for several of our programs and the School uses student choice of program, grades, and academic success as the criteria for promotion and program selection. Students enrolled in the BCS Cluster have the opportunity to move from one program to another at the end of the first semester. Every attempt is made to give students their first choice of program. These are posted on-line and you will be advised by the Year 1 Program Coordinator when these are available. Students may also change programs at the end of the second semester. Students in the technician stream can change to a different technician program. Technology students can switch between the various technology programs. The better a student performs academically, the more likely the chance that he/she will get into the program of his/her choice. It is this competition for positions in the various programs that has made our graduates extremely valuable to both co-op and full time employers.

BCS Program Clusters

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For more details on the promotion and program selection requirements see the section covering BCS Promotion Requirements in this handbook. Another added benefit to the cluster system is that a Technician graduate can return for a third year to complete the second technician diploma. Students in any technology program need only start in Semester 3 to switch to or add a different program. Students are strongly encouraged to speak to their Program Coordinator before switching program.

At the Fennell Campus, all Textbooks and Courseware can be found in ‘BUY the BOOK’ located in Room C068. All Supplies, clothing, giftware, and all non-text related items are located in the Campus Store in room C104 (beside The Square). Textbook services are also available on-line. Visit http:/ Of course we love it when students find Mohawk College right out of high school, know exactly what they want to study, have every pre-requisite for their programs, and then enroll, graduate and achieve fame and fortune in their chosen fields. But, in reality, it’s rarely such a straight line for students. We’re here to help students understand the options available as they discover new interests and passions. Credit transfer agreements have been arranged to make it easier for students to move from Mohawk to another institution. Details may be viewed by program or by receiving institution. Visit the Pathways and Credit Transfer site at What does a Program Standard contain? Each program standard for a postsecondary program of instruction includes the following elements: • Vocational standards (the vocationally specific learning outcomes which apply to the programs in question),

• Essential employability skills (skills that, regardless of a student’s program or discipline, are critical for success in the workplace, in day-to-day living, and for lifelong learning. The essential areas where graduates must demonstrate skills and knowledge: Communication, Numeracy, Critical Thinking & Problem Solving, Information Management, Interpersonal, and Personal) and

General education requirement (the requirements for General education courses that contribute to the development of citizens who are conscious of the diversity, complexity and richness of the human experience; and, the society in which they live and work. Specific themes for General education courses to cover are: Arts in Society, Civic Life, Social and Cultural Understanding, Personal Understanding, and Science and Technology). Collectively, these elements outline the essential skills and knowledge that a student must acquire and be able to reliably demonstrate in order to graduate from the program. The vocational and essential employability skills components of program standards are expressed in terms of learning outcomes. They are not simply a listing of discrete skills, or broad statements of knowledge and comprehension. Learning outcomes represent culminating demonstrations of learning and achievement. Expressing standards in this way ensures consistency in the outcomes for program graduates while leaving to the discretion of the individual colleges such curriculum matters as specific program structure and delivery methods. Program Standards are developed and published by the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Development. More detailed information related to College Technology programs can be found at Note: The learning outcomes have been numbered as a point of reference; numbering does not imply prioritization, sequencing, nor weighting of significance.


Pathways and Credit Transfers

Program Standards

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Synopsis of the Vocational Learning Outcomes Architectural Technician (Ontario College Diploma)

The graduate has reliably demonstrated the ability to 1. communicate with clients, contractors, other building professionals, and approval authorities 2. assist in the preparation, reading, and interpretation of drawings, and other graphical representations used in building projects 3. read and assist in the preparation of specifications and other project documents used in design and construction 4. assist in the preparation of estimates of time, costs, and quantity 5. assist in solving technical problems related to building projects through the application of principles of building science and

mathematics 6. collaborate with members of the building team 7. assist in the development of architectural designs 8. review and assist in the preparation of site planning documents 9. comply with the legal and ethical requirements of an architectural technician in the practice of building design and

construction 10. assist in the assessment of buildings related to repurposing and renovation projects 11. ensure personal safety in the workplace 12. identify sustainable design and building practices 13. use current and emerging technology to support building projects 14. assist in the administration of the construction phase of building projects

Synopsis of the Vocational Learning Outcomes Architectural Technology (Ontario College Advanced Diploma)

The graduate has reliably demonstrated the ability to 1. communicate with clients, contractors, other building professionals, and approval authorities 2. prepare, read, interpret, and revise drawings, and other graphical representations used in building projects 3. obtain, analyze, prepare, and revise specifications and other project documents used in design and construction 4. prepare estimates of time, costs, and quantity, and participate in the tendering process 5. solve technical problems related to building projects through the application of principles of building science and mathematics 6. collaborate with and coordinate information from structural, mechanical, and electrical building systems professionals 7. contribute to the design of architectural projects 8. contribute to the analysis, planning, and preparation of site planning documents 9. comply with the legal and ethical requirements of an architectural technologist in the practice of building design and

construction 10. assess buildings and their interiors, and make recommendations for their repurposing and renovation 11. ensure personal safety and contribute to the safety of others in the workplace 12. participate in sustainable design and building practices 13. use and evaluate current and emerging technology to support building projects 14. assist in the planning, scheduling, and monitoring of building projects 15. apply business principles to design and building practices

Synopsis of the Vocational Learning Outcomes Civil Engineering Technician (Ontario College Diploma)

The graduate has reliably demonstrated the ability to 1. develop and use strategies to enhance professional growth and ongoing learning in the civil engineering field 2. comply with workplace health and safety practices and procedures in accordance with current legislation and regulations 3. complete duties and assist in monitoring that work is performed in compliance with contractual obligations, applicable laws,

standards, bylaws, codes and ethical practices in the civil engineering field 4. carry out sustainable practices in accordance with contract documents, industry standards and environmental legislative

requirements 5. collaborate with the project team and communicate effectively with project stakeholders to support civil engineering projects 6. collect, process and interpret technical data to produce written and graphical project-related documents 7. use industry-specific electronic and digital technologies to support civil engineering projects 8. participate in the design and modeling phase of civil engineering projects by applying engineering concepts, basic technical

mathematics and principles of science to the review and production of project plans 9. assist in the scheduling, cost estimation and monitoring of the progression of civil engineering projects by applying principles

of construction project management

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10. perform quality control testing and the monitoring of equipment, materials and methods involved in the implementation and completion of civil engineering projects

11. apply teamwork, leadership and interpersonal skills when working individually or within multidisciplinary teams to complete civil engineering projects

Synopsis of the Vocational Learning Outcomes Civil Engineering Technology (Ontario College Advanced Diploma)

The graduate has reliably demonstrated the ability to 1. develop and use strategies to enhance professional growth and ongoing learning in the civil engineering field 2. comply with workplace health and safety practices and procedures in accordance with current legislation and regulations 3. complete duties and monitor that work is performed in compliance with contractual obligations, applicable laws, standards,

bylaws, codes and ethical practices in the civil engineering field 4. promote and carry out sustainable practices in accordance with contract documents, industry standards and environmental

legislative requirements 5. facilitate the collaboration and interaction among the project team and project stakeholders to support civil engineering

projects 6. collect, process, analyze and coordinate technical data to produce written and graphical project-related documents 7. use industry-specific electronic and digital technologies to support civil engineering projects 8. participate in the design and modeling phase of civil engineering projects by applying engineering concepts, technical

mathematics and principles of science to the review, production and/or modification of project plans 9. contribute to the scheduling and coordination and cost estimation of civil engineering projects and monitor their progression

by applying principles of construction project management 10. coordinate and perform quality control testing and evaluate equipment, materials and methods used in the implementation

and completion of civil engineering projects 11. apply teamwork, leadership, supervision and interpersonal skills when working individually or within multidisciplinary teams to

complete civil engineering projects

Synopsis of the Vocational Learning Outcomes Civil Engineering Technology – Transportation (Ontario College Advanced Diploma) (Formerly Transportation Engineering Technology)

The graduate has reliably demonstrated the ability to 1. develop and use strategies to enhance professional growth and ongoing learning in the civil engineering field 2. comply with workplace health and safety practices and procedures in accordance with current legislation and regulations 3. complete duties and monitor that work is performed in compliance with contractual obligations, applicable laws, standards,

bylaws, codes and ethical practices in the civil engineering field 4. promote and carry out sustainable practices in accordance with contract documents, industry standards and environmental

legislative requirements 5. facilitate the collaboration and interaction among the project team and project stakeholders to support civil engineering

projects 6. collect, process, analyze and coordinate technical data to produce written and graphical project-related documents 7. use industry-specific electronic and digital technologies to support civil engineering projects 8. participate in the design and modeling phase of civil engineering projects by applying engineering concepts, technical

mathematics and principles of science to the review, production and/or modification of project plans 9. contribute to the scheduling and coordination and cost estimation of civil engineering projects and monitor their progression

by applying principles of construction project management 10. coordinate and perform quality control testing and evaluate equipment, materials and methods used in the implementation

and completion of civil engineering projects 11. apply teamwork, leadership, supervision and interpersonal skills when working individually or within multidisciplinary teams to

complete civil engineering projects

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Synopsis of the Vocational Learning Outcomes Urban and Regional Planning – GIS (Ontario College Diploma) The graduate has reliably demonstrated the ability to

1. Utilize design and GIS software to support the development of land use plans 2. Use computer software and the internet in support of the planning environment 3. Utilize oral, graphics and written communication skills appropriate to the profession 4. Utilize research skills to facilitate the planning process 5. Utilize planning legislation and processes to address planning process 6. Create a design proposal for a functioning community 7. Apply knowledge of land law standards to property 8. Make conclusions and recommendations in the context of a variety of complex and technical variables 9. Assist with client consultation in support if the planning process 10. Conduct oneself in a professional and ethical manner 11. Function effectively in an integrated planning environment

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Program Highlights Learn residential and light commercial design and construction techniques Acquire CAD, plan reading and visualization skills needed to create plans for today’s modern structures

Explore building and construction materials and finishes Develop construction surveying skills, estimating, building code applications and regulations Understand how buildings work by learning the science of their materials and services

Experience hands-on education consisting of labs and practical projects over four semesters Learn green building fundamentals and sustainability concepts Program Length 2 academic years

Admission Requirements for September 2017 OSSD or equivalent (Mohawk Academic Upgrading, GED) including: • Grade 12 English, C or U or

equivalent • Grade 12 Mathematics;

MAP4C ≥ 80% or MCT4C; or any U or equivalent*

• Grade 10, 11 or 12 Design Technology recommended

Note: Applicants that do not satisfy minimum requirements will be provided an alternate offer to the Pre-Technology tuition and program as a pathway to their desired program. Successful graduates from this program will be considered for advanced standing into original program choice.

*Applicants with an MAP4C between 60-79% who would like to challenge the math requirements may do so by writing a Pre-admission assessment test for a fee.

Option are available for mature applicants.

Questions? Learn more about how to Become a Student

Contact Admissions

Don't have the necessary requirements? Check out upgrading courses at Mohawk College

Career Opportunities The Architectural Technician Diploma program prepares students for long-lasting careers Industries of Employment:

Public and Private Sectors Architectural and Engineering Consulting Construction Companies Residential and Industrial, Commercial and Institutional (ICI) Design and Construction

Occupational Categories CAD Technicians Architectural Technicians Estimator/Project Scheduler Technical Sales Graduate Opportunities Graduates from this program can complete the Civil Engineering Technician Diploma with just one more year of study

Graduates from this program can ladder into Semester 3 of Architectural Technology Affiliations Affiliations include the Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists (OACETT) and The Association of Architectural Technologists of Ontario (AATO).

Learning Outcomes Program Learning Outcomes, often referred to as ‘Program Standards', set out the essential learning that a student must achieve before being deemed ready to graduate.

In many cases these program learning outcomes were developed by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (MTCU) in consultation with employers and educators who are experts in the program field. To ensure the outcomes remain current and in line with industry needs, we invite our employers, graduates working in the field and current students to re-examine and update them during regular, ongoing program review focus groups.

Assessments for Success Preparing for College Success Upon accepting your offer of admission, students have the opportunity to prepare for success.

Assessments for Success are designed to assess your skills and help you succeed; they do not affect your offer of admission. Completing your assessment early will help you succeed by ensuring that you are placed in the Communications course that is right for you. Based on your program, the Communications Assessment may exempt you from one or more of your required Communications courses. As well, if your program requires Math, the assessment will determine any recommended developmental work and may be used to determine exemption eligibility.

To book your assessment visit

Intakes: January September

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Students in the program will learn residential and industrial-commercial institutional (ICI) design and construction techniques. They will understand how buildings work by learning the science of their materials, construction techniques and building services.

Program Highlights Learn residential and Industrial, Commercial and Institutional (ICI) design and construction Understand how buildings work by learning the science of their design, function, materials, construction techniques and building services Acquire CAD, plan reading and visualization skills needed to create plans, contracts and specifications for today’s modern structures Explore building and construction materials, interior and exterior finishes, building services and mechanical systems Learn green building fundamentals and sustainability concepts Design in steel, timber, masonry and concrete Develop construction surveying skills, estimating, building code applications and regulations Choose your own path in third year by selecting between the Design Option (building design, specifications, plans, working drawings) and the Construction Option (project management, construction supervision, facilities management)

Admission Requirements OSSD or equivalent (Mohawk Academic Upgrading, GED) including: • Grade 12 English, C or U or

equivalent • Grade 12 Mathematics;

MAP4C ≥ 80% or MCT4C; or any U or equivalent*

• Grade 11 Physics and Grade 10, 11 or 12 Design Technology recommended

Note: Applicants that do not satisfy minimum requirements will be provided an alternate offer to the Pre-Technology tuition and program as a pathway to their desired program. Successful graduates from this program will be considered for advanced standing into original program choice.

*Applicants with an MAP4C between 60-79% who would like to challenge the math requirements may do so by writing a Pre-admission assessment test for a fee.

Option are available for mature applicants.

Questions? Learn more about how to Become a Student

Contact Admissions

Don't have the necessary requirements? Check out upgrading courses at Mohawk College

Academic Opportunities For transfer opportunities, visit Pathways and Credit Transfer Career Opportunities

Industries of Employment: Public and Private Sectors Architectural and Engineering Consulting Construction Companies Residential and Industrial, Commercial and Institutional (ICI) Design and Construction

Occupational Categories: Architectural Technologists Building Inspectors Construction/Facilities Managers Plans Examiners Estimators/Schedulers Occupational Categories Graduate Opportunities Graduates can complete a Bachelor of Technology – Civil Engineering Infrastructure degree at McMaster University

Affiliations Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists (OACETT), the Association of Architectural Technologists of Ontario (AATO), the Canadian Institute of Quality Surveyors (CIQS) and the Ontario Association of Architects (OAA).

Program Length 3 academic years, plus co-op

Learning Outcomes Program Learning Outcomes, often referred to as ‘Program Standards', set out the essential learning that a student must achieve before being deemed ready to graduate.

In many cases these program learning outcomes were developed by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (MTCU) in consultation with employers and educators who are experts in the program field. To ensure the outcomes remain current and in line with industry needs, we invite our employers, graduates working in the field and current students to re-examine and update them during regular, ongoing program review focus groups.

Assessments for Success Preparing for College Success Upon accepting your offer of admission, students have the opportunity to prepare for success.

Assessments for Success are designed to assess your skills and help you succeed; they do not affect your offer of admission. Completing your assessment early will help you succeed by ensuring that you are placed in the Communications course that is right for you. Based on your program, the Communications Assessment may exempt you from one or more of your required Communications courses. As well, if your program requires Math, the assessment will determine any recommended developmental work and may be used to determine exemption eligibility.

To book your assessment visit

Intakes: January September

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Architectural Technology – Program Streams


Semester 5 Semester 5

SSCIMP125 Introduction to Urban Planning SSCIMP125 Introduction to Urban Planning

OPELXXXXXZ General Election 2 Option Table OPELXXXXXZ General Election 2 Option Table

BLDGAR525 Structural Design 3 BLDGEA501 Structural Design 3

BLDGAR545 Commercial Construction (Design) BLDGEA521 Sustainable Design & Bldg. Practice

BLDGAR562 Architectural Design BLDGEA545 Commercial Construction (Construction)

BLDGAR635 Commercial Bldg. Systems Design CADMEA531 Construction Computer Applications

BLDGAR700 Architectural Computer Visualization MGMTEA541 Construction Management 1

Semester 6 Semester 6

BUSNBA107 Entrepreneurial Training BUSNBA107 Entrepreneurial Training

BLDGAR625 Structural Design 4 BLDG10060 Sustainable Construction Techniques

BLDGAR645 Interior Construction & Finishes BLDG10061 Facility Management

BLDGEA635 Commercial Bldg. Systems BLDGEA645 Interior Construction & Finishes

LAWSAR675 Contracts & Economics 3 LABREA643 Canadian Human & Labour Relations

TDRWAR662 Contract Doc Prep & Presentation MGMTEA641 Construction Management 2 In semester 5 of the Architectural Technology program, students may select one of 2 streams (Design or Construction). All choices will be honoured based on seat availability. Academic standing will be applied to determine the stream if a stream is oversubscribed. Also see 200.4 under BCS Program Procedures.

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Students in the program will learn about municipal services, roadway design and construction techniques, construction layout, electronic surveying and Global Positioning Systems applications.

Civil Engineering Technician students will experience a very hands-on education consisting of many labs and practical projects over four semesters.

Program Highlights Learn about municipal services, roadway design and construction techniques, construction layout, electronic surveying and Global Positioning Systems applications Acquire CAD, plan reading and visualization skills needed to create plans for today’s modern infrastructure Explore building and construction materials, project management and estimating Develop procedures for construction, materials testing and inspection and geotechnical services Understand how structures work by learning the science of their materials Experience a very hands-on education consisting of many labs and practical projects over four semesters

Program Length 2 academic years

Minimum requirements for admission OSSD or equivalent (Mohawk Academic Upgrading, GED) including: • Grade 12 English, C or U or

equivalent • Grade 12 Mathematics;

MAP4C ≥ 80% or MCT4C; or any U or equivalent*

• Grade 10, 11 or 12 Design Technology recommended

Note for September 2017 Admission: Applicants that do not satisfy minimum requirements will be provided an alternate offer to Pre-Technology as a pathway to desired program. Successful graduates from this program will be considered for advanced standing into original program choice.

Applicants with a MAP4C from 60-79% that would like to challenge the math requirements may do so by writing a Pre-admission assessment test for a fee.

Option are available for mature applicants.

Questions? Learn more about how to Become a Student

Contact Admissions

Don't have the necessary requirements? Check out upgrading courses at Mohawk College

Career Opportunities Public and Private Construction Sectors Engineering Consulting General Contracting Construction Companies

Occupational Categories CAD Technicians Civil Engineering Technicians Surveying Technicians Estimator/Project Schedulers

Graduate Opportunities Graduates from this program can complete the Architectural Technician Diploma with just one more year of study Graduates from this program can ladder into Semester 3 of Civil Engineering Technology or Civil Engineering Technology - Transportation (formerly Transporation Engineering Technology)

Affiliations Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists (OACETT).

Learning Outcomes Program Learning Outcomes, often referred to as ‘Program Standards', set out the essential learning that a student must achieve before being deemed ready to graduate.

In many cases these program learning outcomes were developed by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (MTCU) in consultation with employers and educators who are experts in the program field. To ensure the outcomes remain current and in line with industry needs, we invite our employers, graduates working in the field and current students to re-examine and update them during regular, ongoing program review focus groups.

Assessments for Success Preparing for College Success Upon accepting your offer of admission, students have the opportunity to prepare for success.

Assessments for Success are designed to assess your skills and help you succeed; they do not affect your offer of admission. Completing your assessment early will help you succeed by ensuring that you are placed in the Communications course that is right for you. Based on your program, the Communications Assessment may exempt you from one or more of your required Communications courses. As well, if your program requires Math, the assessment will determine any recommended developmental work and may be used to determine exemption eligibility.

To book your assessment visit

Intakes: January September

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Program Highlights Learn about municipal services, potable water, storm water and waste water management systems Design roadways and gain an understanding of construction techniques, construction layout, electronic surveying and Global Positioning Systems applications Acquire CAD, plan reading and visualization skills needed to create plans for today’s modern infrastructure Explore building and construction materials, project scheduling, estimating and management Develop construction surveying skills, estimating, materials testing and inspection, and geotechnical services Design structures in steel, timber, masonry and concrete Understand how our infrastructure works by learning the science of their materials and operation

Program Length 3 academic years plus co-op

Applicants to the Civil Engineering Technology Advanced Diploma program must have the minimum requirements for admission OSSD or equivalent (Mohawk Academic Upgrading, GED) including: • Grade 12 English, C or U or

equivalent • Grade 12 Mathematics;

MAP4C ≥ 80% or MCT4C; or any U or equivalent*

• Grade 11 Physics and Grade 10, 11 or 12 Design Technology recommended

Note for September 2017 Admission: Applicants that do not satisfy minimum requirements will be provided an alternate offer to Pre-Technology as a pathway to desired program. Successful graduates from this program will be considered for advanced standing into original program choice.

Applicants with a MAP4C from 60-79% that would like to challenge the math requirements may do so by writing a Pre-admission assessment test for a fee.

Option are available for mature applicants.

Questions? Learn more about how to Become a Student

Contact Admissions

Don't have the necessary requirements? Check out upgrading courses at Mohawk College

Career Opportunities The Civil Engineering Technology Advanced Diploma program prepares students for long-lasting careers in the infrastructure industry. Industries of Employment: Public and Private Sectors Engineering Consulting General Contracting Construction Companies

Occupational Categories: Construction Supervisors Civil Engineering Technologists Surveying Technologists Project Managers

Graduate Opportunities Graduates can complete a Bachelor of Technology - Civil Engineering Infrastructure Degree (opens new window) at McMaster University For degree transfer/completion opportunities, visit Pathways and Credit Transfer. Affiliations Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists (OACETT), Transportation Association of Canada (TAC) and the Ontario Good Roads Association (OGRA).

Learning Outcomes Program Learning Outcomes, often referred to as ‘Program Standards', set out the essential learning that a student must achieve before being deemed ready to graduate.

In many cases these program learning outcomes were developed by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (MTCU) in consultation with employers and educators who are experts in the program field. To ensure the outcomes remain current and in line with industry needs, we invite our employers, graduates working in the field and current students to re-examine and update them during regular, ongoing program review focus groups.

Assessments for Success Preparing for College Success Upon accepting your offer of admission, students have the opportunity to prepare for success.

Assessments for Success are designed to assess your skills and help you succeed; they do not affect your offer of admission. Completing your assessment early will help you succeed by ensuring that you are placed in the Communications course that is right for you. Based on your program, the Communications Assessment may exempt you from one or more of your required Communications courses. As well, if your program requires Math, the assessment will determine any recommended developmental work and may be used to determine exemption eligibility.

To book your assessment visit

Intakes: January September

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Civil Engineering Technology - Transportation (formerly Transporation Engineering Technology) is a three-year Ontario College Advanced Diploma program offered at Mohawk's Fennell Campus in Hamilton, Ontario.

Students in the program will learn about transportation networks, public transportation systems and their role in society, and develop the planning skills needed to make decisions about present and future transportation needs.

Program Highlights Learn about transportation networks, public transportation, active transportation systems, and their role in society Develop the planning skills needed to make decisions about present and future transportation needs

Apply current standards and practices to design roadways, intersections and facilities with safety as a key ingredient Acquire surveying, CAD, plan reading and visualization skills needed to create today’s modern infrastructure

Explore traffic data collection methods, traffic control devices and management strategies Analyze traffic operations, capacity and level of service on streets and highways

Program Length 3 academic years plus co-op

Admission Requirements Applicants to the program must have the minimum requirements for admission January 2017

OSSD or equivalent (Mohawk Academic Upgrading, GED) including: • Grade 12 English, C or U or

equivalent • Grade 12 Mathematics;

MAP4C ≥ 80% or MCT4C; or any U or equivalent*

• Grade 11 Physics and • Grade 10, 11 or 12 Design

Technology recommended

Note: Applicants that do not satisfy minimum requirements will be provided an alternate offer to the Pre-Technology tuition and program as a pathway to their desired program. Successful graduates from this program will be considered for advanced standing into original program choice.

*Applicants with an MAP4C between 60-79% who would like to challenge the math requirements may do so by writing a Pre-admission assessment test for a fee.

Option are available for mature applicants.

Questions? Learn more about how to Become a Student

Contact Admissions

Don't have the necessary requirements? Check out upgrading courses at Mohawk College

Academic Opportunities For transfer opportunities, visit Pathways and Credit Transfer

Career Opportunities The Civil Engineering Technology - Transportation (formerly Transportation Engineering Technology) Advanced Diploma program prepares students for long-lasting careers Industries of Employment: Public and Private Sectors Engineering Consulting Municipal and Government Agencies

Occupational Categories Transportation Technologists Traffic Operations/Planning Analysts Traffic Control Signals Analyst

Affiliations Ontario Association of Certified Engineering Technicians and Technologists (OACETT), Transportation Association of Canada (TAC) and the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE).

Career advantage Mohawk College is the only college in Canada that provides this highly specialized training in transportation engineering. Graduates are working across the country in planning, design and operations positions and have excellent opportunities for career advancement within this unique engineering field.

Co-op Education Advantage Cooperative Education allows students to earn while they learn with paid work semesters.

Learning Outcomes Program Learning Outcomes, often referred to as ‘Program Standards', set out the essential learning that a student must achieve before being deemed ready to graduate.

In many cases these program learning outcomes were developed by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (MTCU) in consultation with employers and educators who are experts in the program field. To ensure the outcomes remain current and in line with industry needs, we invite our employers, graduates working in the field and current students to re-examine and update them during regular, ongoing program review focus groups.

Assessments for Success Preparing for College Success Upon accepting your offer of admission, students have the opportunity to prepare for success.

Assessments for Success are designed to assess your skills and help you succeed; they do not affect your offer of admission. Completing your assessment early will help you succeed by ensuring that you are placed in the Communications course that is right for you. Based on your program, the Communications Assessment may exempt you from one or more of your required Communications courses. As well, if your program requires Math, the assessment will determine any recommended developmental work and may be used to determine exemption eligibility.

To book your assessment visit

Name Change Effective May 2017 Civil Engineering

Technology - Transportation

Intakes: January September

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Students in the program will learn to use planning principles, planning law, process and documentation necessary to create active and sustainable communities.

Complete a Bachelors of Urban and Regional Planning degree at Ryerson University.

Program Highlights Learn land use planning principles, planning law, process and documentation necessary to create active and sustainable communities Acquire CAD, plan reading, graphics and visualization skills needed to create plans for today's modern infrastructure Develop surveying skills and geographic information systems (GIS) applications Explore subdivision development and design, site planning and detailed design Understand official plans, zoning by-laws, and provincial legislation Produce planning reports and make public presentations Obtain very hands-on education consisting of many labs and practical projects over four semesters

Program Length 2 academic years

Admission Requirements Applicants to the Urban and Regional Planning Technician - Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Diploma program must have the minimum requirements for admission • OSSD or equivalent

(Mohawk Academic Upgrading, GED) including:

• Grade 12 English, C or U or equivalent

• Grade 12 Mathematics C or U

• Grade 10, 11 or 12 Design Technology courses recommended

This program offers a direct entry option for those with a related university degree. Applicants may be able to complete the program in one year. For further information and program entry assessments please contact the program coordinator.

Option are available for mature applicants.

Questions? Learn more about how to Become a Student

Contact Admissions

Don't have the necessary requirements? Check out upgrading courses at Mohawk College

Career Opportunities The Urban and Regional Planning Technician - Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Diploma program prepares students for long-lasting careers

Industries of Employment: Public and Private Sectors Engineering Consulting Land Development Companies Real Estate and Utility Companies

Occupational Categories: Planning Technician and Technologists CAD Technicians Surveying/GIS Technicians Graduate Opportunities For degree transfer/completion opportunities, visit Pathways and Credit Transfer

Affiliations Students are automatically enrolled in the Canadian Association of Certified Planning Technologists (CACPT).

Learning Outcomes Program Learning Outcomes, often referred to as ‘Program Standards', set out the essential learning that a student must achieve before being deemed ready to graduate.

In many cases these program learning outcomes were developed by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (MTCU) in consultation with employers and educators who are experts in the program field. To ensure the outcomes remain current and in line with industry needs, we invite our employers, graduates working in the field and current students to re-examine and update them during regular, ongoing program review focus groups.

Assessments for Success Preparing for College Success Upon accepting your offer of admission, students have the opportunity to prepare for success.

Assessments for Success are designed to assess your skills and help you succeed; they do not affect your offer of admission. Completing your assessment early will help you succeed by ensuring that you are placed in the Communications course that is right for you. Based on your program, the Communications Assessment may exempt you from one or more of your required Communications courses. As well, if your program requires Math, the assessment will determine any recommended developmental work and may be used to determine exemption eligibility.

To book your assessment visit

Intakes: September

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Mohawk College uses a credit value system that supports the calculation of a weighted grade point average. Courses are assigned a number of credits based on their total course hours and these credits are multiplied by the grade obtained in the course when calculating a grade point average. In order to receive their diploma students must complete the entire program of studies and achieve a weighted GPA of at least 60%. A full explanation of the grading system can be found at: The Grading and Transcript Policy can be found at:

It is the responsibility of the student to be aware of various policies and procedures governing the School of Engineering Technology.

A full explanation of the honours designation can be found at:

Student and Engagement and Employment Services provide assistance to students by offering a variety of services. A full listing of services can be found at:

Access the Application to Graduate through MyMohawk (opens new window), My Student Account tab, My Graduation channel (bottom left side of screen) to apply for your credential(s). An application must be submitted even if a student does not plan on attending the ceremony. Information on how to apply for graduation can be found at:

Students in the Urban & Regional Planning Technician – GIS program participate in a field placement in the fourth semester. They will spend three weeks in a planning work environment to gain exposure to: planning office practice; technical skills; technical and political meetings; and to apply classroom training in a real-life setting. These placements are facilitated by the Program Coordinator. Cooperative Education (Coop) extends the academic learning process into the workplace through on-the-job learning experiences. Coop integrates the learning objectives contained in the program of studies with real life applications in the work force. These learning experiences enhance the student’s vocational maturation and personal development. The Coop Specialists works closely with BCS to ensure the job selection process produces jobs closely related to the academic program content. This close communication also provides feedback to the Program Coordinators and Advisory Committees, that the most appropriate skill sets are being developed to enable student success in Canadian business and industry. Further details pertaining to Coop can be found at:

The Co-op Program is available to students in the Technology programs. Students who enter a Co-op Program are expected to assume several responsibilities. They must compete for and obtain one of the available jobs or find acceptable alternative employment for the work semester. They are required to fulfil their agreements with employers and abide by the rules governing Co-operative Education. Failure to do so could result in suspension from the program and a failing grade in a work term. The format for co-op in the various Technology programs is shown below. Note that not all programs have the same co-op/academic semester sequence.

Student Evaluation and Grading

Honours System

Student Engagement and Employment Services


Field Placements

Cooperative Education

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A student who declines to accept two job offers without just cause after interviews provided by the co-op staff may be prevented from taking further interviews. The student will then be required to find his/her own job. International (VISA) students are eligible to participate in co-op if it is part of their program of studies. Students are required to provide Co-op Services with a copy of a valid work visa prior to each work term. Contact International Education for instructions on obtaining a work visa. Students participating in co-operative education will be assessed a co-op service fee per academic semester beginning with semester one. Students enrolled in Transportation and Civil Engineering Technology are advised that a driver’s license and personal transportation are crucial to accessing the co-op work term opportunities. Full guidelines for co-operative education may be obtained from the Co-op Services. Job Services staff attempts to provide work opportunities related to the students’ career interests and program of studies. This is not a guarantee. Work term success is largely the responsibility of the student.

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Architectural Technology – Design Stream (3 four-month co-ops) Architectural Technology – Construction Stream (3 four-month co-ops)

(2010 and Future Even Year Intakes)

Sept – Dec Jan – Apr May – Aug Semester 1 Semester 2 Vacation Semester 3 Work Term 1 Semester 4

Work Term 2 Work Term 3 Semester 5 Semester 6

(2011 and Future Odd Year Intakes)

Sept – Dec Jan – Apr May – Aug Semester 1 Semester 2 Vacation Semester 3 Semester 4 Work Term 1

Work Term 2 Semester 5 Work Term 3 Semester 6

Note: Co-op and semester rotations for Architectural Technology programs are based on the intake year. Civil Engineering Technology - Transportation (3 four-month co-ops)

Sept – Dec Jan – Apr May – Aug Semester 1 Semester 2 Vacation Semester 3 Work Term 1 Semester 4

Work Term 2 Semester 5 Work Term 3 Semester 6

Civil Engineering Technology (3 four-month co-ops)

Sept – Dec Jan – Apr May – Aug Semester 1 Semester 2 Vacation Semester 3 Semester 4 Work Term 1

Work Term 2 Semester 5 Work Term 3 Semester 6

Success in securing work placement for your co-op work terms is normally reliant on academic performance, covering letters and resumes, and job interview performance, availability of a driver’s license and a safe driving record. Architectural Technician Civil Engineering Technician Urban & Regional Planning - GIS Technician

Sept – Dec Jan – Apr May – Aug Semester 1 Semester 2 Vacation Semester 3 Semester 4

Semesters and Coop Work Terms – Program Rotations

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At the time of publication of this handbook, the Urban and Regional Planning - GIS Technician Program is a stand-alone program. The following policies are intended primarily for the BCS Cluster Technician and Technology programs. Promotion from one semester to the next for all programs is largely dependent on a student’s academic success and available seats in the program, and is ultimately governed by the College’s Grading and Promotion Policy. The department does allow students to pursue diplomas and certificates on a part-time basis, but this requires a documented arrangement with the Program Coordinator and/or the Associate Dean. BCS 100 ENROLMENT REQUIREMENTS 100.1 First Semester The College Registrar will normally admit up to 318 students in 8 common classes in the BCS Cluster. However, the college reserves the right to change this at any time. 100.2 Second Semester BCS School will allocate program seats in the second semester based on first semester academic performance and each student’s program selection form. The following numbers indicate the maximum program seats available. Technology Cluster = 200 (5 classes) Technician Cluster = 80 (2 classes) Total Second Semester = 280 100.3 Third Semester The BCS will allocate program seats in the third semester based on second semester academic performance and each student’s program selection form. The following numbers indicate the maximum program seats normally available: Architectural Technology (531) = 80 Civil Engineering Technology (534) = 80 Civil Engineering Technology -

Transportation Technology (543) = 40

Architectural Technician = 35 Civil Engineering Technician = 35 Total Third Semester = 270 BCS 200 PROGRAM SELECTION REQUIREMENTS

200.1 Students in first semester The students in first semester have joined Building & Construction Sciences with a stated preference for their field of studies. Students should note that all technician programs have a common first and second semester. Following the first and second semester, students will indicate their preference(s) for programs by completing a Program Selection Form. The technology programs have a common first and second semester, allowing students the opportunity to move from one technology to another with no academic penalty.

200.2 Promotion to second semester

Each student’s progress in the first semester will be carefully monitored and promotion to second semester will depend upon his/her performance in the first semester, as per the Promotion Requirements B.C.S. 300. 200.3 Students requesting program change within the

BCS Department At the end of the first and second semester, a student may request a change in his/her field of study (within the BCS cluster). These requests will be considered and permission for the change will be based on the following: • Seats available in the target program of study • Academic performance Program choice should be finalized by the end of the second semester. 200.4 BCS guidelines for allocation of seats If a particular program is oversubscribed, the BCS School may request students to change programs on a voluntary basis. If it is necessary to make any further changes in the number of students in a program, the decision will be based on the student’s academic performance as measured by his/her overall average grade. Where student demand dictates, the BCS School may create a second or third section of a program to accommodate the number of students eligible for a particular program and semester. BCS 300 PROMOTION REQUIREMENTS 300.1 Promotion to next semester Students should have passing grades in all courses and a GPA of at least 60% to proceed to the following semester. If a student's record contains one or more failing grades, or one or more missing courses, he/she may be allowed to continue with permission from the Program Coordinator and/or Associate Dean. If a student's record contains three or more failing/missing grades, he/she will be asked to withdraw from the Program, or transfer to another program within the College such as the Pre-technology program. A student may be permitted to continue with failing grades on a probationary status (see item 300.3 below).

Program Procedures for BCS

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300.2 Re-applying after withdrawal Students who have been asked to withdraw may apply to re-enter the program (usually after a period of 1 year) or may be allowed to continue on a part-time basis after a meeting with the Student Success Advisor and the Program Coordinator. The student should be prepared to discuss the reasons for his/her academic failures. The application will be carefully considered and if successful, probationary conditions will be applied (see 300.3 below). 300.3 Probation and Transfer At the end of Semester 1: Students in Architectural Technology who are missing either or both of CADM CV203 (CAD A) and/or MATH MS171 (Mathematics) will be automatically transferred to Architectural Technician (or other higher ranked program on his/her program selection form other than Architectural Technology that he/she still qualifies for) and placed on probation.

Students in Civil Engineering Technology who are missing MATH MS171 (Mathematics) at the end of first semester will be automatically transferred to Civil Engineering Technician (or other higher ranked program on his/her program selection form other than Civil Engineering Technology that he/she still qualifies for) and placed on probation.

At the end of Semester 2: Students in Architectural Technology who are missing either or both of CADM CV206 (CAD B) and/or PHYS EA201 (Mathematics) will be automatically transferred to Architectural Technician (or other higher ranked program on his/her program selection form other than Architectural Technology that he/she still qualifies for) and placed on probation.

Students in Civil Engineering Technology who are missing any or all of MATH MS271 (Mathematics), MATL EA102 (Construction Materials 1) and/or PHYS EA201 (Applied Mechanics) will be automatically transferred to Civil Engineering Technician (or other higher ranked program on his/her program selection form other than Civil Engineering Technology that he/she still qualifies for) and placed on probation. 300.4 Continuing on Probationary Status In order to be considered for probationary status, the student will be required to submit a letter and meet with the Student Success Advisor and Program Coordinator and/or Associate Dean addressing the following: (i) Why a reasonable performance level was not achieved

during the original term? (ii) Why the student is now confident of success in the

chosen program? (iii) What activities have been undertaken in the year's

absence to improve his/her chances of success?

300.5 Enrolment in Third Year Technology Technology students should note that they must obtain all first year credits before permission is granted to enroll in any third year course. 300.6 Graduation and Course Exemptions Upon completion of the program of studies, the student must

apply to graduate by completing an Application to Graduate form, which may be obtained on-line through MyMohawk and submit the form to the Square – Student Services, Room C102.

If you are missing courses from the program of studies, but have taken courses that are deemed equivalent, you must complete an on-line Application for Course Exemption for each missing course. Failure to acquire an exemption or failure to complete the program of studies will delay graduation.

300.7 Multiple Technician Diplomas Students who have successfully completed either the Architectural Technician Diploma or the Civil Engineering Technician Diploma may apply to complete the other Technician diploma. At the discretion of the Associate Dean the student may be allowed to enroll in the remaining courses required to complete their second Technician Diploma. Students are to consult with the Program Coordinator to determine which courses they are missing from the respective program of studies. BCS 400 ADVANCED STANDING 400.1 Technician Graduates Applying to Technology

Programs Graduates of a BCS Technician program may apply for advanced standing into a BCS Technology program. Technician graduates may apply through the Associate Dean’s office to enroll into the second year of a Technology program provided they have a 75% average in their final semester. Entry to the program is conditional on the availability of space in a class and will require the completion of the following additional courses through Continuing Education;

*PHYS EA201 Applied Mechanics *TRAN EA105 Transportation Technology *MATH MS271 Mathematics

400.2 Architectural Technician to Architectural

Technology Architectural Technician graduates who have met the requirements of BCS 400.1 will be authorized for entry into 3rd semester Architectural Technology. Students may be granted, upon application, the following exemptions towards their Technology diploma;

*OPEL GE100 General Elective Selection 1 *OPEL GE101 General Elective Selection 2 *BLDG AR345 Residential Construction *BLDG AR385 Residential Building Services *BLDG AR363 Ontario Building Code 1 *BLDG AR463 Ontario Building Code 2 *BLDG AR535 Light Commercial Bldg Services *TDRW AR362 Residential Design & CAD Students are advised to review Design and Construction stream options (see 200.4)

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400.3 Semester 5 and 6 Streams for Architectural Technology

In semester 5 of the Architectural Technology program, students may select one of 2 streams (Design or Construction). All choices will be honoured based on seat availability.

Academic standing will be applied to determine the stream if a stream is oversubscribed.

Students are advised to review Design and Construction stream options (see 200.4)

400.4 Civil Engineering Technician to Civil Engineering Technology

Civil Engineering Technician graduates who have met the requirements of BCS 400.1 will be authorized for entry into 3rd Semester Technology. Students may be granted, upon application, the following exemptions towards their Technology diploma;

*MATL CV301 Materials 2 *SURV CV346 Surveying 2 *TRAN CV571 Highway Technology A *CADM CV691 Highway Technology B *OPEL GE100 General Education Selection 1 *OPEL GE101 General Education Selection 2 *subject to change based on POS version in use BCS 500 EVALUATION AND ATTENDANCE REQUIREMENTS 500.1 Grading System In accordance with College Requirements all courses in BCS Post-Secondary Programs will be evaluated using percent grades:

Range of Excellent 85-100% Range of Good 70-84% Range of Acceptable 60-69% Range of Pass 50-59% Range of Unacceptable 0-49% (Failing Grade)

This grading system establishes one common passing grade level of 50% for each course. However students must also achieve a weighted GPA of 60% to receive their diploma. 500.2 Attendance Requirements It is assumed that all students will carry out their studies in a mature and responsible fashion. It is also expected that all students should attend their classes barring extenuating circumstances. In accordance with the Faculty of Engineering Technology practices the following statements are intended to encourage the development of good attendance habits for students commencing their college studies.

• Attendance in Semesters 1 and 2 of the BCS Cluster will be

taken by BCS instructors where it is feasible to do so. • Attendance may be considered by the instructor in

determining a student's final grade. Students are referred

to the course outlines for more information. • If an instructor intends to assign a specific weight or penalty

pertaining to attendance, this shall be clearly indicated in the course outline and/or announced to the class at the beginning of the semester

BCS 600 LITERACY REQUIREMENT 600.1 Literacy Requirements Students and graduates of BCS programs must communicate with professional competence. To be successful in the program (and later in the work force), all students must demonstrate communication competence on all written and oral assignments, tests, and examinations.

Exclusive of technical content the following descriptions are given to indicate the difference between various levels of acceptable writing and their appropriate use, versus work that is completely unacceptable.

• Written and oral work with inadequate grammar,

punctuation, spelling, syntax, and organization shall receive a failing grade.

• Written and oral work which is reasonably clear and free of major grammatical errors shall receive a passing grade (50% – 69%). Such communication may be acceptable if sent to one's peers, but supervisors would regard it as draft quality.

• Written and oral work which contains grammar, punctuation, and spelling of professional quality, but lacks coherence and organization, shall be graded as good (70% - 84%). This work could be delivered to an immediate supervisor or equivalent personnel within a firm, but not to senior officers or clients.

• Written and oral work which displays grammar, punctuation, spelling, and syntax of professional quality, and whose organization is logical, complete, and concise, shall receive a grade of excellent (85% - 100%). Such communication could be delivered to any level inside or outside of an organization.

600.2 Literacy Requirements for English as Second

Language Students BCS post-secondary programs are delivered at a level requiring English as Second Language (ESL) students to achieve a score of 7 on the Canadian Language Benchmark Test, in the absence of a Canadian grade 12, College/University English (or equivalent). The department may require ESL/International/Advanced Standing students to complete language upgrading (speaking, reading, writing, and listening) prior to enrolment in a program. These students may be allowed to take some technical courses while doing their language upgrading courses, at the discretion of the Program Coordinator and/or Associate Dean.

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BCS 700 STUDENT PROTOCOLS FOR TESTS/EXAMS In this document the term "test" is intended to include both "tests" and "examinations". The term "Invigilator" is meant to include any person authorized to supervise or conduct tests, that is, proctors, professors, and support staff, etc. 1. Students must be aware of the College's Requirements on

Academic Honesty. 2. It is the responsibility of the student to be aware of the

place, starting time, and duration of all tests as well as the rules of conduct which govern them.

3. Only eligible students and authorized invigilators are allowed access to the testing facility.

4. Students must bring their student identification cards and place them in a conspicuous place on their test station or desk. Students without a valid student identification card may not be permitted to write the test. Students may be required to sign an attendance record in testing situations.

5. Invigilators are authorized to assign specific seats to students.

6. Students are expected to arrive at the testing facility before the scheduled commencement of the test. Students will not enter the testing facility until permitted to do so by the invigilator.

7. No materials and equipment, including calculators, may be taken into the testing facility except those authorized by the invigilator and/or specified by the test paper. It is the responsibility of the student to be aware of the type and nature of resources which are allowed inside the testing facility. Invigilators are authorized to inspect all equipment and materials used inside a testing facility and may confiscate any materials that are deemed inappropriate.

8. Students who bring unauthorized resources into a testing facility, or who assist other students, or who obtain assistance from other students or any other unauthorized source, may not be permitted to complete the test. They may also be subject to further disciplinary action under the College's Academic Honesty policy.

9. Students must not communicate in any way with one another during tests. Students must turn off any and all communication devices during tests. These devices may also be confiscated if left on.

10. Students will not be permitted access to a testing facility if a) the test has been in progress for more than thirty (30) minutes, or b) if one or more students have already left the testing facility. (Under special circumstances, the invigilator may waive this condition).

11. Students are not permitted to leave the testing facility during the first thirty (30) minutes of a test.

12. In the event of students being late for a test, they must complete their test in the remaining designated time, unless the invigilator authorizes an extension. The extension may be denied at the discretion of the invigilator.

13. In cases of emergency, students may leave and return to a testing facility ONLY if they have been accompanied by an invigilator for the duration of their absence. This requirement may be waived by the invigilator.

14. Student must enter and leave a testing facility QUIETLY. 15. After leaving the testing facility, students must not remain

in the immediate vicinity of the exit.

16. It is the student's responsibility to ensure that he/she has

received the correct test paper and that the document contains the correct number of pages and questions. Check with the invigilator if in doubt.

17. Students must follow all instructions as contained in the test paper and/or as stated by the invigilator. Any changes to written instructions will be communicated by the invigilator if required.

18. At the conclusion of a test, all testing activity must cease immediately. In the event that this requirement is not observed, the invigilator may refuse to accept a student's test results.

19. A student must ensure that all test materials is submitted at the conclusion of the test and contains the student's name – printed clearly. An examiner has no obligation to grade materials submitted by a student after that student has left the testing facility.

20. Tests and testing materials specifically provided by the invigilator must not be removed from the testing facility unless the appropriate authorization is given by the invigilator.

21. The Testing Centre provides students who are disabled with the opportunity to meet regular academic requirements while preserving the integrity of the testing process. Accessible Learning Services is governed by regular college policies and the Alternative Testing service will operate in accordance with BCS Student Rules of Conduct for Tests and Exams and the College's Academic Honesty Requirements. Students with disabilities are required to identify themselves to Accessible Learning Services where the Special Needs Consultant will recommend alternative testing where appropriate.

Please refer to the link below for further details.

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Program Name Intake


420 Architectural Technician 17-A 421 Civil Engineering Technician 17-A 531 Architectural Technology 17-A 534 Civil Engineering Technology 17-A 543 Civil Engineering Technology – Transportation 17-A

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406 17-A Urban and Regional Plann'g Techn-GIS - Semester 1

Del Type Reg Wks Reg Hrs/Wk

Credit Value


BLDG UP122 Graphic Presentation Lab 14 4 5 N

Lec 14 1

Equivalents BLDG-MP122 Graphic Presentation 1 or GRAP-MP200 Planning Graphics or TDRW-EA103 Drafting 1 or TDRW-EA106 Drafting Fundmntls & Standards CADM CV203 CAD A Lab 14 2 3 N

Lec 14 1

Equivalents CADM-CAD06 AutoCAD - Intro or CADM-10055 CAD A - CET and BR COMP CO002 Computer Skills For College Lab 14 3 3 N

Equivalents ( COMP-10098 Fundamental Computer Skills 1 [Min Grade R] and COMP-10099 Fundamental Computer Skills 2 [Min Grade R] ) ENVR 10046 Municipal Envir Infrastructure Lec 14 2 3 Y

OnLn 14 1

Equivalents ENVR-EA204 Environmental Technology or ENVR-UP100 Infrastructure Systems MATH MS122 Mathematics Lec 14 3 4 N

OnLn 14 1

Equivalents MATH-MS171 Mathematics SSCI UP111 Intro-Planning&government Lec 14 3 3 Y

Equivalents ( UPLN-MP123 Planning Principles 1 and UPLN-SS179 Municipal Government ) or UPLN-MP233 Planning Principles

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UPLN UP110 Data Collection&research'g Lab 14 1 2 N

Lec 14 1

Equivalents UPLN-MP123 Planning Principles 1 or UPLN-MP233 Planning Principles

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406 17-A Urban and Regional Plann'g Techn-GIS - Semester 2 BLDG UP200 Land Registry Systems Lec 14 2 2 N

Equivalents LAWS-MP400 Title To Land In Ontario CADM UP222 Computer Graphics Lab 14 2 2 N

Prerequisites ( BLDG-UP122 Graphic Presentation and COMP-CO002 Computer Skills For College [Min Grade R] and CADM-CV203 CAD A ) INFO CVA03 Intro To Geo Info Systems Lab 14 2 3 N

Lec 14 1 LAWS UP211 Planning Law 1 Lab 14 2 5 N

Lec 14 2

OnLn 14 1

Prerequisites Equivalents SSCI-UP111 Intro-Planning&government UPLN-MP223 Planning Principles 2 or UPLN-MP233 Planning Principles SURV 10000 Geomatics Lab 14 3 3 N

Equivalents SURV-EA141 Surveying 1 or SURV-CV104 Engineering Surveys UPLN UP221 Mapping & Subdivision Design Lab 14 3 3 N

Prerequisites ( BLDG-UP122 Graphic Presentation and CADM-CV203 CAD A ) OPEL XXXXX General Educ 1 Option Table Lec 14 3 3 N COMM LL041 Communication Lec 14 3 3 N

Equivalents COMM-10045 Grammar&Composition for GAS or COMM-10050 English 1 for Pre-Health or COMM-LL008 Communications For G.A.S. or TEMP-LL041 Communications (Langs)

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or COMM-LL223 Communications/Reporting or COMM-10100 Clin Recording&Presenta Skls or COMM-LL044 AC - Communications, Part B or COMM-LL126 Commun For Office Admin or COMM-10187 Commun & Aviation Reglatns 1 or COMM-10332 Communication for Paralegal or COMM-10256 English 1 or COMM-10351 Analyzing Video Games

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406 17-A Urban and Regional Plann'g Techn-GIS - Semester 3 BLDG UP321 Fundamentals Of Urban Design Lab 14 2 6 N

Lec 14 2

OnLn 14 2

Prerequisites Equivalents UPLN-UP221 Mapping & Subdivision Design BLDG-MP321 Elements Of Urban Design 1 CADM UP330 Advanced Cad & Customization Lab 14 3 3 N

Prerequisites Equivalents CADM-CAD06 AutoCAD - Intro CADM-EA303 Municipal Cad or CADM-CV203 CAD A INFO UP340 GIS - ArcView Lab 14 3 3 N

Prerequisites Equivalents INFO-CVA03 Intro To Geo Info Systems INFO-CVA36 GIS Software - ArcView LAWS UP311 Planning Law 2 Lab 14 3 8 N

Lec 14 4

OnLn 14 1

Prerequisites Equivalents LAWS-UP211 Planning Law 1 UPLN-MP326 Applied Planning 1 UPLN UP322 Applied Site Planning Lab 14 2 3 N

Lec 14 1

Prerequisites Equivalents ( UPLN-UP221 Mapping & Subdivision Design CADM-MP322 Planning Graphics 2 and CADM-UP222 Computer Graphics )

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406 17-A Urban and Regional Plann'g Techn-GIS - Semester 4 CADM UP440 GIS - AutoCad Map Lab 11 3 2 N

Prerequisites ( INFO-UP340 GIS - ArcView and CADM-UP330 Advanced Cad & Customization ) UPLN UP411 Applied Planning Law Lab 11 3.5 3 N

Lec 11 1

Prerequisites Equivalents LAWS-UP311 Planning Law 2 UPLN-MP323 Applied Planning 2 UPLN UP421 Community Planning Design Lab 11 3.5 4 N

Lec 11 2

Prerequisites ( BLDG-UP321 Fundamentals Of Urban Design and UPLN-UP322 Applied Site Planning ) UPLN UP422 Comm Site&Lndscpe Design Lab 11 2 2 N

Lec 11 1

Prerequisites Equivalents ( BLDG-UP321 Fundamentals Of Urban Design CADM-MP422 Planning Graphics 3 and UPLN-UP322 Applied Site Planning ) WORK UP400 Field Internship Lab 3 34 4 N

Lec 3 1

Prerequisites Equivalents ( LAWS-UP311 Planning Law 2 WORK-MP401 Field Internship [Min Grade R] and BLDG-UP321 Fundamentals Of Urban Design and UPLN-UP322 Applied Site Planning and CADM-UP330 Advanced Cad & Customization and INFO-UP340 GIS - ArcView ) OPEL XXXXZ General Educ 2 Option Table Lec 14 3 3 N

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420 17-A Architectural Technician - Semester 1


Type Reg Wks Reg Hrs/Wk Credit Value Genedified

CADM CV203 CAD A Lab 14 2 3 N

Lec 14 1

Equivalents CADM-CAD06 AutoCAD - Intro or CADM-10055 CAD A - CET and BR COMP CO001 Generic Computer Training Lab 14 2 2 N


COMP-CO002 Computer Skills For College [Min Grade R]

or ( COMP-10098 Fundamental Computer Skills 1 [Min Grade R]

and COMP-10099 Fundamental Computer Skills 2 [Min Grade R] ) ENVR EA204 Environmental Technology Lec 14 3 3 Y

Equivalents ENVR-UP100 Infrastructure Systems or ENVR-CN230 Municipal Government Services or ENVR-10063 Municipal Govern Serv CET MATH MS171 Mathematics Lec 14 3 4 N

OnLn 14 1

Equivalents MATH-MS165 Mechanical Basic Algebra SURV EA141 Surveying 1 Lab 14 3 4 N

Lec 14 1

Equivalents SURV-CV104 Engineering Surveys or SURV-CN350 Surveying And Layout or SURV-10000 Geomatics or SURV-10001 Surveying, An Introduction or SURV-10002 Surveying and Layout CET TDRW EA106 Drafting Fundmntls & Standards Lab 14 2 3 N

Lec 14 1

Equivalents TDRW-EA103 Drafting 1 or TDRW-EA107 Engineering Graphics

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or TDRW-RE030 Residential Drafting or BLDG-UP122 Graphic Presentation COMM 11040 Communication D Lec 14 4 4 N

Equivalents COMM-10045 Grammar&Composition for GAS or COMM-10050 English 1 for Pre-Health or COMM-LL008 Communications For G.A.S. or COMM-LL041 Communication or TEMP-LL041 Communications (Langs) or COMM-LL223 Communications/Reporting or COMM-10100 Clin Recording&Presenta Skls or COMM-LL044 AC - Communications, Part B or COMM-LL126 Commun For Office Admin or COMM-10187 Commun & Aviation Regulatns 1 or COMM-10332 Communication for Paralegal or COMM-10256 English 1 or COMM-10351 Analyzing Video Games COMM LL041 Communication Lec 14 3 3 N

Equivalents COMM-10045 Grammar&Composition for GAS or COMM-10050 English 1 for Pre-Health or COMM-LL008 Communications For G.A.S. or TEMP-LL041 Communications (Langs) or COMM-LL223 Communications/Reporting or COMM-10100 Clin Recording&Presenta Skls or COMM-LL044 AC - Communications, Part B or COMM-LL126 Commun For Office Admin or COMM-10187 Commun & Aviation Regulatns 1 or COMM-10332 Communication for Paralegal or COMM-10256 English 1 or COMM-10351 Analyzing Video Games

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420 17-A Architectural Technician - Semester 2 BLDG EA202 Estimating 1 Lab 14 2 3 N

Lec 14 1

Equivalents BLDG-CN430 Constr&Estim 2-Commercial or BLDG-10012 Intro To Cost Estimating

or BLDG-10098 Const Estimate Computer 2 Comm

CADM CV206 CAD B Lab 14 2 3 N

Lec 14 1 Prerequisites Equivalents CADM-CAD06 AutoCAD - Intro CADM-10054 CAD B CET or CADM-CV203 CAD A

or CADM-CAD11 AutoCAD - 3D Modeling

or CADM-10055 CAD A - CET and BR or CADM-CAD15 AutoCAD - Advanced or CADM-UP330 Advanced Cad & Customization ENVR 10032 Green Building Fundamentals OnLn 14 3 3 N LAWS CN240 Ontario Building Code Lec 14 3 4 N

OnLn 14 1

Equivalents BLDG-AR363 Ontario Building Code 1 MATH MS248 Mathematics Lec 14 3 4 N

OnLn 14 1 Prerequisites Equivalents MATH-MS171 Mathematics MATH-MS271 Mathematics or MATH-MS165 Mechanical Basic Algebra MATL EA102 Construction Materials 1 Lab 14 2.5 4 N

Lec 14 1.5

Equivalents MATL-CN110 Construction Materials "A" 420 17-A Architectural Technician - Semester 3 BLDG 10102 Ontario Building Code 2 Lab 14 3 3 N Prerequisites LAWS-CN240 Ontario Building Code BLDG AR356 Residential Construction Lab 14 2 4 N

Lec 14 2

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Equivalents BLDG-RE027 Construction Practice-Basic or BLDG-AR345 Residential Construction BLDG AR385 Residential Building Services Lab 14 1.5 3 N

Lec 14 1.5

Equivalents BLDG-AR435 Residential Services or BLDG-RE029 Residential Elec and Plumbing BLDG CV342 Estimating 2 Lec 14 2 3 N

OnLn 14 1 Prerequisites Equivalents BLDG-EA202 Estimating 1 BLDG-10010 Estimating 2 CADM 10053 CAD C Lab 14 3 3 N Prerequisites Equivalents CADM-CAD15 AutoCAD - Advanced CADM-CAD11 AutoCAD - 3D Modeling or CADM-CV206 CAD B or CADM-CAD20 AutoCAD - Architectural MGMT CN340 Construction Management A Lec 14 3 4 N

OnLn 14 1

Equivalents MGMT-10127 Construction Mgmt A CET/BR OPEL XXXXX General Educ 1 Option Table Lec 14 3 3 N 420 17-A Architectural Technician - Semester 4 BLDG 10103 Structural Detailing Lab 14 4 4 N Prerequisites CADM-CV206 CAD B or CADM-CAD15 AutoCAD - Advanced BLDG AR485 Commercial Building Services Lab 14 2 3 N

Lec 14 1 Prerequisites Equivalents BLDG-AR385 Residential Building Services BLDG-AR535 Light Commercial Building Serv BLDG AR492 Architectural Project Lab 14 3 4 N

OnLn 14 1 Prerequisites Equivalents

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CADM-CV206 CAD B TDRW-AR462 Commercial Design & CAD MATL 10116 Methods and Materials 2 Lab 14 2 3 N

Lec 14 1

Equivalents MATL-AR448 Methods & Materials 2 MGMT CN440 Construction Management B Lec 14 3 4 N

OnLn 14 1 Prerequisites Equivalents MGMT-CN340 Construction Management A MGMT-10128 Construction Mgmt B CET/BR OPEL XXXXZ General Educ 2 Option Table Lec 14 3 3 N

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421 17-A Civil Engineering Technician - Semester 1


Type Reg Wks Reg Hrs/Wk Credit Value Genedified

CADM CV203 CAD A Lab 14 2 3 N

Lec 14 1

Equivalents CADM-CAD06 AutoCAD - Intro or CADM-10055 CAD A - CET and BR COMP CO001 Generic Computer Training Lab 14 2 2 N


COMP-CO002 Computer Skills For College [Min Grade R]

or ( COMP-10098 Fundamental Computer Skills 1 [Min Grade R]

and COMP-10099 Fundamental Computer Skills 2 [Min Grade R] ) ENVR EA204 Environmental Technology Lec 14 3 3 Y

Equivalents ENVR-UP100 Infrastructure Systems or ENVR-CN230 Municipal Government Services or ENVR-10063 Municipal Govern Serv CET MATH MS171 Mathematics Lec 14 3 4 N

OnLn 14 1

Equivalents MATH-MS165 Mechanical Basic Algebra SURV EA141 Surveying 1 Lab 14 3 4 N

Lec 14 1

Equivalents SURV-CV104 Engineering Surveys or SURV-CN350 Surveying And Layout or SURV-10000 Geomatics or SURV-10001 Surveying, An Introduction or SURV-10002 Surveying and Layout CET TDRW EA106 Drafting Fundmntls & Standards Lab 14 2 3 N

Lec 14 1

Equivalents TDRW-EA103 Drafting 1 or TDRW-EA107 Engineering Graphics

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or TDRW-RE030 Residential Drafting or BLDG-UP122 Graphic Presentation COMM 11040 Communication D Lec 14 4 4 N

Equivalents COMM-10045 Grammar&Composition for GAS or COMM-10050 English 1 for Pre-Health or COMM-LL008 Communications For G.A.S. or COMM-LL041 Communication or TEMP-LL041 Communications (Langs) or COMM-LL223 Communications/Reporting or COMM-10100 Clin Recording&Presenta Skls or COMM-LL044 AC - Communications, Part B or COMM-LL126 Commun For Office Admin or COMM-10187 Commun & Aviation Regulatns 1 or COMM-10332 Communication for Paralegal or COMM-10256 English 1 or COMM-10351 Analyzing Video Games COMM LL041 Communication Lec 14 3 3 N

Equivalents COMM-10045 Grammar&Composition for GAS or COMM-10050 English 1 for Pre-Health or COMM-LL008 Communications For G.A.S. or TEMP-LL041 Communications (Langs) or COMM-LL223 Communications/Reporting or COMM-10100 Clin Recording&Presenta Skls or COMM-LL044 AC - Communications, Part B or COMM-LL126 Commun For Office Admin or COMM-10187 Commun & Aviation Regulatns 1 or COMM-10332 Communication for Paralegal or COMM-10256 English 1 or COMM-10351 Analyzing Video Games

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421 17-A Civil Engineering Technician - Semester 2 BLDG EA202 Estimating 1 Lab 14 2 3 N

Lec 14 1

Equivalents BLDG-CN430 Constr&Estim 2-Commercial or BLDG-10012 Intro To Cost Estimating

or BLDG-10098 Const Estimate Computer 2 Comm

CADM CV206 CAD B Lab 14 2 3 N

Lec 14 1 Prerequisites Equivalents CADM-CAD06 AutoCAD - Intro


or CADM-CV203 CAD A or CADM-CAD11 AutoCAD - 3D Modeling or CADM-10055 CAD A - CET and BR or CADM-CAD15 AutoCAD - Advanced or CADM-UP330 Advanced Cad & Customization ENVR 10032 Green Building Fundamentals OnLn 14 3 3 N LAWS CN240 Ontario Building Code Lec 14 3 4 N

OnLn 14 1

Equivalents BLDG-AR363 Ontario Building Code 1 MATH MS248 Mathematics Lec 14 3 4 N

OnLn 14 1 Prerequisites Equivalents MATH-MS171 Mathematics

MATH-MS271 Mathematics

or MATH-MS165 Mechanical Basic Algebra MATL EA102 Construction Materials 1 Lab 14 2.5 4 N

Lec 14 1.5

Equivalents MATL-CN110 Construction Materials "A"

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421 17-A Civil Engineering Technician - Semester 3 BLDG CV342 Estimating 2 Lec 14 2 3 N

OnLn 14 1 Prerequisites Equivalents BLDG-EA202 Estimating 1 BLDG-10010 Estimating 2 ENVR CV320 Municipal Services 1 Lab 14 2 4 N

Lec 14 2 Prerequisites ( CADM-CV203 CAD A and MATH-MS171 Mathematics ) MATL EA448 Highway Materials Lab 14 2.5 4 N

Lec 14 1.5 Prerequisites Equivalents MATL-EA102 Construction Materials 1 MATL-CV301 Materials 2 SURV CVA38 Total Stations Surveys Lab 14 3 4 N

Lec 14 1 Prerequisites Equivalents SURV-CV104 Engineering Surveys SURV-CV346 Surveying 2 or SURV-EA141 Surveying 1 or SURV-10000 Geomatics or SURV-10001 Surveying, An Introduction TDRW CV306 Structural Detailing 1 Lec 14 2 3 N

OnLn 14 1 TRAN CV314 Highway Technology 1 Lec 14 3 4 N

OnLn 14 1

Equivalents TRAN-TR462 Transportation Design 1 or TRAN-CV571 Highway Technology A

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421 17-A Civil Engineering Technician - Semester 4 CADM CV406 Structural Detailing 2 Lab 14 3 3 N Prerequisites CADM-CV206 CAD B or CADM-CAD15 AutoCAD - Advanced CADM CV414 Highway Technology II Lab 14 4 4 N Prerequisites Equivalents TRAN-CV314 Highway Technology 1

CADM-CV691 Highway Technology B

or TRAN-CV571 Highway Technology A or TRAN-TR462 Transportation Design 1 ENVR CV420 Municipal Services 2 Lab 14 2 4 N

Lec 14 2 MGMT CN340 Construction Management A Lec 14 3 4 N

OnLn 14 1

Equivalents MGMT-10127 Construction Mgmt A CET/BR OPEL XXXXX General Educ 1 Option Table Lec 14 3 3 N OPEL XXXXZ General Educ 2 Option Table Lec 14 3 3 N

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531 17-A Architectural Technology - Semester 1


Type Reg Wks Reg Hrs/Wk Credit Value Genedified

CADM CV203 CAD A Lab 14 2 3 N

Lec 14 1

Equivalents CADM-CAD06 AutoCAD - Intro or CADM-10055 CAD A - CET and BR COMP CO001 Generic Computer Training Lab 14 2 2 N


COMP-CO002 Computer Skills For College [Min Grade R]

or ( COMP-10098 Fundamental Computer Skills 1 [Min Grade R]

and COMP-10099 Fundamental Computer Skills 2 [Min Grade R] )

ENVR EA204 Environmental Technology Lec 14 3 3 Y

Equivalents ENVR-UP100 Infrastructure Systems or ENVR-CN230 Municipal Government Services or ENVR-10063 Municipal Govern Serv CET MATH MS171 Mathematics Lec 14 3 4 N

OnLn 14 1

Equivalents MATH-MS165 Mechanical Basic Algebra SURV EA141 Surveying 1 Lab 14 3 4 N

Lec 14 1

Equivalents SURV-CV104 Engineering Surveys or SURV-CN350 Surveying And Layout or SURV-10000 Geomatics or SURV-10001 Surveying, An Introduction or SURV-10002 Surveying and Layout CET TDRW EA106 Drafting Fundmntls &

Standards Lab 14 2 3 N

Lec 14 1


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TDRW-EA103 Drafting 1 or TDRW-EA107 Engineering Graphics or TDRW-RE030 Residential Drafting or BLDG-UP122 Graphic Presentation COMM 11040 Communication D Lec 14 4 4 N

Equivalents COMM-10045 Grammar&Composition for GAS or COMM-10050 English 1 for Pre-Health or COMM-LL008 Communications For G.A.S. or COMM-LL041 Communication or TEMP-LL041 Communications (Langs) or COMM-LL223 Communications/Reporting or COMM-10100 Clin Recording&Presenta Skls or COMM-LL044 AC - Communications, Part B or COMM-LL126 Commun For Office Admin or COMM-10187 Commun & Aviation Regulatns 1 or COMM-10332 Communication for Paralegal or COMM-10256 English 1 or COMM-10351 Analyzing Video Games COMM LL041 Communication Lec 14 3 3 N

Equivalents COMM-10045 Grammar&Composition for GAS or COMM-10050 English 1 for Pre-Health or COMM-LL008 Communications For G.A.S. or TEMP-LL041 Communications (Langs) or COMM-LL223 Communications/Reporting or COMM-10100 Clin Recording&Presenta Skls or COMM-LL044 AC - Communications, Part B or COMM-LL126 Commun For Office Admin or COMM-10187 Commun & Aviation Regulatns 1 or COMM-10332 Communication for Paralegal or COMM-10256 English 1 or COMM-10351 Analyzing Video Games

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531 17-A Architectural Technology - Semester 2 BLDG EA202 Estimating 1 Lab 14 2 3 N

Lec 14 1

Equivalents BLDG-CN430 Constr&Estim 2-Commercial or BLDG-10012 Intro To Cost Estimating or BLDG-10098 Const Estimate Computer 2 Comm CADM CV206 CAD B Lab 14 2 Lec 14 1 Prerequisites Equivalents CADM-CAD06 AutoCAD - Intro CADM-10054 CAD B CET or CADM-CV203 CAD A or CADM-CAD11 AutoCAD - 3D Modeling or CADM-10055 CAD A - CET and BR or CADM-CAD15 AutoCAD - Advanced or CADM-UP330 Advanced Cad & Customization ENVR 10032 Green Building Fundamentals OnLn 14 3 3 N MATH MS271 Mathematics Lec 16 2 3 N

OnLn 14 1 Prerequisites MATH-MS171 Mathematics or MATH-MS165 Mechanical Basic Algebra MATL EA102 Construction Materials 1 Lab 14 2.5 4 N

Lec 14 1.5

Equivalents MATL-CN110 Construction Materials "A" PHYS EA201 Applied Mechanics Lec 14 3 4 N

OnLn 14 1 Prerequisites MATH-MS171 Mathematics or MATH-MS165 Mechanical Basic Algebra TRAN EA105 Transportation Technology Lec 14 2 3 N

OnLn 14 1

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531 17-A Architectural Technology - Semester 3 BLDG AR173 History Of Architecture Lec 14 2 3 Y

OnLn 14 1

Equivalents BLDG-10043 History of Ont. Architecture BLDG AR345 Residential Construction Lab 14 2 3 N

Lec 14 1.5

BLDG-RE027 Construction Practice-Basic or BLDG-AR356 Residential Construction BLDG AR363 Ontario Building Code 1 Lec 14 2 2 N

Equivalents LAWS-CN240 Ontario Building Codes or LAWS-10179 Ontario Bldg Code CET BLDG AR435 Residential Services Lab 14 2 3 N

Lec 14 1

BLDG-AR385 Residential Building Services or BLDG-RE029 Residential Elec and Plumbing or ( BLDG-10091 Residential Plumbing Basics and BLDG-10092 Residential Electrical Basics ) BLDG EA301 Structural Design 1 Lab 14 1 4 N

Lec 14 3 Prerequisites ( PHYS-EA201 Applied Mechanics and MATH-MS271 Mathematics ) LAWS AR375 Contracts & Economics 1 Lec 14 2 3 N

OnLn 14 1 LAWS-CV304 Engineering Law TDRW AR362 Residential Design & CAD Lab 14 3 4 N

Lec 14 1 Prerequisites Equivalents CADM-CV206 CAD B BLDG-AR492 Architectural Project or CADM-CAD15 AutoCAD - Advanced

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531 17-A Architectural Technology - Semester 4 BLDG AR445 Light Commercial Construction Lab 14 1.5 3 N Lec 14 1.5 BLDG AR463 Ontario Building Code 2 Lec 14 2 2 N Prerequisites Equivalents BLDG-AR353 Ontario Building Code 1 BLDG-10102 Ontario Building Code 2 BLDG AR535 Light Commercial Building Serv Lab 14 2 3 N

Lec 14 1 Prerequisites Equivalents BLDG AR435 Residential Services BLDG-AR485 Commercial Building Services BLDG EA401 Structural Design 2 Lec 14 3 4 N

OnLn 14 1 Prerequisites BLDG-EA301 Structural Design 1 LAWS AR475 Contracts & Economics 2 Lab 14 2 4 N

Lec 14 2 Prerequisites BLDG-EA202 Estimating 1 Lec 14 1 Prerequisites TDRW-AR362 Residential Design & CAD OPEL XXXXX General Educ 1 Option Table Lec 14 3 3 N

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531 17-A Architectural Technology - Semester 5 SSCI MP125 Introduction To Urban

Planning Lec 14 2 2 N

OPEL XXXXZ General Educ 2 Option Table Lec 14 3 3 N BLDG AR525 Structural Design 3 Lec 14 3 4 N

OnLn 14 1 Prerequisites Equivalents BLDG-EA401 Structural Design 2 BLDG-EA501 Structural Design 3 BLDG AR562 Lec 14 1 Prerequisites BLDG-AR445 Light Commercial Construction BLDG AR700 Lec 14 1.5

OnLn 14 1 Prerequisites TDRW-AR462 Commercial Design & CAD BLDG AR635 Commercial Bldg Systems

Design Lab 14 1.5 3 N

Lec 14 1.5 Prerequisites BLDG-AR485 Commercial Building Services BLDG AR700 Architech Comput

Visualization Lab 14 3 3 N

Prerequisites Equivalents ( CADM-CV206 CAD B CADM-10051 AutoDESK 3D MAX and TDRW-AR462 Commercial Design & CAD ) BLDG EA501 Structural Design 3 Lec 14 3. 4 N

OnLn 14 1. Prerequisites

BLDG-EA401 Structural Design 2 BLDG AR521 Sustainable Design and Bldg

Prac Lab

2 4 N


1 OnLn 1 BLDG EA545 Commercial Constructn

(Constr) Lab 14 1.5 3 N

Lec 14 1.5

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Prerequisites BLDG-AR445 Light Commercial Construction CADM EA531 Const Computer Applictns Lab 14 3 4 N

Lec 14 1 Prerequisites LAWS-AR475 Contracts & Economics 2 MGMT EA541 Construction Management 1 Lec 14 3 4 N

OnLn 14 1 Prerequisites

LAWS-AR375 Contracts & Economics 1

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531 17-A Architectural Technology - Semester 6 BUSN BA107 Entrepreneurial Training Lec 14 3 3 N

Equivalents BUSN-BA532 Entrepreneurshp&Bus Plan'g or BUSN-BA537 Small Bus Mgmt-Option or SBMG-BU395 Entrepreneurial Fundamentals BLDG 10060 Sustainable Constructn

Technqs Lab 14 2 3 N

OnLn 14 1 Prerequisites

BLDG-EA521 Sustainable Design & Bldg Prac BLDG 10061 Facility Management Lab 14 2 2 N Prerequisites Equivalents TDRW-AR462 Commercial Design & CAD MGMT-CDM02 Physical Building Management BLDG AR625 Structural Design 4 Lab 14 1 3 N

Lec 14 2 Prerequisites BLDG-EA401 Structural Design 2 BLDG AR645 Interior Construct'n& Finishes Lab 14 2 3 N Lec 14 1 BLDG EA635 Commercial Bldg Systems Lab 14 2 4 N

Lec 14 2 Prerequisites BLDG-AR535 Light Commercial Building Serv BLDG EA645 Interior Construct'n& Finishes Lab 14 2 3 N Lec 14 1 LABR EA643 Cns Human And Labour Reltn Lec 14 2 3 N

OnLn 14 1

Equivalents LABR-PIR08 Intro to Industrial Relations LAWS AR675 Contracts & Economics 3 Lab 14 1 3 N

Lec 14 2 Prerequisites LAWS-AR475 Contracts & Economics 2 MGMT EA641 Construction Management 2 Lec 14 3 4 N

OnLn 14 1

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Prerequisites MGMT-EA541 Construction Management 1 TDRW AR662 Contract Doc Prep & Present'n Lab 14 3 4 N

OnLn 14 1 Prerequisites BLDG-AR562 Architectural Design

531 17-A Architectural Technology - Semester XX WORK AR991 Work Experience 1 WT 14 35 4 N WORK AR992 Work Experience 2 WT 14 35 4 N WORK AR993 Work Experience 3 WT 14 35 4 N

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534 17-A Civil Engineering Technology - Semester 1


Type Reg Wks Reg Hrs/Wk Credit Value Genedified

CADM CV203 CAD A Lab 14 2 3 N

Lec 14 1

Equivalents CADM-CAD06 AutoCAD - Intro or CADM-10055 CAD A - CET and BR COMP CO001 Generic Computer Training Lab 14 2 2 N


COMP-CO002 Computer Skills For College [Min Grade R]

or ( COMP-10098 Fundamental Computer Skills 1 [Min Grade R]

and COMP-10099 Fundamental Computer Skills 2 [Min Grade R] ) ENVR EA204 Environmental Technology Lec 14 3 3 Y

Equivalents ENVR-UP100 Infrastructure Systems or ENVR-CN230 Municipal Government Services or ENVR-10063 Municipal Govern Serv CET MATH MS171 Mathematics Lec 14 3 4 N

OnLn 14 1

Equivalents MATH-MS165 Mechanical Basic Algebra SURV EA141 Surveying 1 Lab 14 3 4 N

Lec 14 1

Equivalents SURV-CV104 Engineering Surveys or SURV-CN350 Surveying And Layout or SURV-10000 Geomatics or SURV-10001 Surveying, An Introduction or SURV-10002 Surveying and Layout CET TDRW EA106 Drafting Fundmntls &

Standards Lab 14 2 3 N

Lec 14 1

Equivalents TDRW-EA103 Drafting 1

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or TDRW-EA107 Engineering Graphics or TDRW-RE030 Residential Drafting or BLDG-UP122 Graphic Presentation COMM 11040 Communication D Lec 14 4 4 N

Equivalents COMM-10045 Grammar&Composition for GAS or COMM-10050 English 1 for Pre-Health or COMM-LL008 Communications For G.A.S. or COMM-LL041 Communication or TEMP-LL041 Communications (Langs) or COMM-LL223 Communications/Reporting or COMM-10100 Clin Recording&Presenta Skls or COMM-LL044 AC - Communications, Part B or COMM-LL126 Commun For Office Admin or COMM-10187 Commun & Aviation Regulatns 1 or COMM-10332 Communication for Paralegal or COMM-10256 English 1 or COMM-10351 Analyzing Video Games COMM LL041 Communication Lec 14 3 3 N Course Note: COMM Strategy addition Equivalents COMM-10045 Grammar&Composition for GAS or COMM-10050 English 1 for Pre-Health or COMM-LL008 Communications For G.A.S. or TEMP-LL041 Communications (Langs) or COMM-LL223 Communications/Reporting or COMM-10100 Clin Recording&Presenta Skls or COMM-LL044 AC - Communications, Part B or COMM-LL126 Commun For Office Admin or COMM-10187 Commun & Aviation Regulatns 1 or COMM-10332 Communication for Paralegal or COMM-10256 English 1 or COMM-10351 Analyzing Video Games

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534 17-A Civil Engineering Technology - Semester 2 BLDG EA202 Estimating 1 Lab 14 2 3 N

Lec 14 1

Equivalents BLDG-CN430 Constr&Estim 2-Commercial or BLDG-10012 Intro To Cost Estimating or BLDG-10098 Const Estimate Computer 2 Comm CADM CV206 CAD B Lab 14 2 3 N

Lec 14 1 Prerequisites Equivalents CADM-CAD06 AutoCAD - Intro CADM-10054 CAD B CET or CADM-CV203 CAD A or CADM-CAD11 AutoCAD - 3D Modeling or CADM-10055 CAD A - CET and BR or CADM-CAD15 AutoCAD - Advanced or CADM-UP330 Advanced Cad & Customization ENVR 10032 Green Building Fundamentals OnLn 14 3 3 N MATH MS271 Mathematics Lec 14 3 4 N

OnLn 14 1 Prerequisites MATH-MS171 Mathematics or MATH-MS165 Mechanical Basic Algebra MATL EA102 Construction Materials 1 Lab 14 2.5 4 N

Lec 14 1.5

Equivalents MATL-CN110 Construction Materials "A" PHYS EA201 Applied Mechanics Lec 14 3 4 N

OnLn 14 1 Prerequisites MATH-MS171 Mathematics or MATH-MS165 Mechanical Basic Algebra TRAN EA105 Transportation Technology Lec 14 2 3 N

OnLn 14 1

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534 17-A Civil Engineering Technology - Semester 3 BLDG EA301 Structural Design 1 Lab 14 1 4 N

Lec 14 3 Prerequisites ( PHYS-EA201 Applied Mechanics and MATH-MS271 Mathematics ) ENVR CV303 Municipal 1 Lec 14 2 3 N

OnLn 14 1 Prerequisites MATH-MS271 Mathematics LAWS CV304 Engineering Law Lec 14 2 3 N

OnLn 14 1

Equivalents LAWS-AR375 Contracts & Economics 1 MATH MS377 Mathematics Lec 14 2 3 N

OnLn 14 1 Prerequisites Equivalents MATH-MS271 Mathematics MATH-MA383 Differential Calculus MATL CV301 Materials 2 Lab 14 2.5 4 N

Lec 14 1.5 Prerequisites Equivalents MATL-EA102 Construction Materials 1 MATL-EA448 Highway Materials SURV CV346 Surveying 2 Lab 14 2 4 N

Lec 14 2 Prerequisites Equivalents SURV-EA141 Surveying 1 SURV-CVA38 Total Stations Surveys or SURV-CN350 Surveying And Layout or SURV-10000 Geomatics or SURV-10001 Surveying, An Introduction

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534 17-A Civil Engineering Technology - Semester 4 BLDG EA401 Structural Design 2 Lec 14 3 4 N

OnLn 14 1 Prerequisites BLDG-EA301 Structural Design 1 CADM CV401 Comp App for Civil

Engineering Lab 14 3 3 N

Prerequisites CADM-CV206 CAD B ENVR CV403 Municipal 2 Lab 14 2 4 N

Lec 14 2 Prerequisites ENVR-CV303 Municipal 1 MATH MS477 Mathematics Lec 14 2 3 N

OnLn 14 1 Prerequisites Equivalents MATH-MS377 Mathematics MATH-MA483 Mathematics MATL CV404 Geotech 1 Lab 14 2 4 N

Lec 14 2 Prerequisites MATL-CV301 Materials 2 or MATL-EA448 Highway Materials TRAN CV571 Highway Technology A Lec 14 3 4 N

OnLn 14 1

Equivalents TRAN-TR462 Transportation Design 1 or TRAN-CV314 Highway Technology 1

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534 17-A Civil Engineering Technology - Semester 5 BLDG EA501 Structural Design 3 Lec 14 3 4 N

OnLn 14 1 Prerequisites BLDG-EA401 Structural Design 2 ENVR CV503 Municipal 3 Lec 14 3 4 N

OnLn 14 1 Prerequisites ENVR-CV403 Municipal 2 INFO CVA03 Intro To Geo Info Systems OnLn 14 3 3 N MATL CV504 Geotech 2 Lab 14 2 4 N

Lec 14 2 Prerequisites MATL-CV404 Geotech 1 OPEL XXXXX General Educ 1 Option Table Lec 14 3 3 N OPEL XXXXZ General Educ 2 Option Table Lec 14 3 3 N 534 17-A Civil Engineering Technology - Semester 6 COMM 10096 Technical Report - Civil Lec 14 1 2 N OnLn 14 1 ENVR CV603 Municipal 4 Lec 14 3 4 N

OnLn 14 1 Prerequisites ENVR-CV403 Municipal 2 MATH MS474 Statistics Lec 14 2 3 N

OnLn 14 1 Prerequisites Equivalents MATH-MS173 Mathematics MATH-MA482 Statistics or MATH-10020 Math

or MATH-MA570 Statistics

or MATH-MS271 Mathematics or MATH-10059 NDE Mathematics MATL CV604 Geotech 3 Lec 14 2 3 N

OnLn 14 1 Prerequisites MATL-CV504 Geotech 2

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MGMT CV687 Construction Management Lec 14 3 4 N OnLn 14 1 BLDG 10078 Structural Design 4 (Civil) Lab 14 1 4 N

Lec 14 3 Prerequisites BLDG-EA501 Structural Design 3 or BLDG-AR525 Structural Design 3 CADM CV691 Highway Technology B Lab 14 4 4 N Prerequisites Equivalents TRAN-CV571 Highway Technology A CADM-CV414 Highway Technology II or TRAN-CV314 Highway Technology 1 or TRAN-TR462 Transportation Design 1

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534 17-A Civil Engineering Technology - Semester 6

COMM 10096 Technical Report - Civil Lec 14 1 2 N OnLn 14 1 ENVR CV603 Municipal 4 Lec 14 3 4 N Prerequisites OnLn 14 1 ENVR-CV403 Municipal 2 MATH MS474 Statistics Lec 14 2 3 N OnLn 14 1 Prerequisites Equivalents

MATH-MA482 Statistics MATH-MA482 Statistics or MATH-MA570 Statistics

or MATH-MA570 Statistics or MATH-10020 Math or MATH-MS271 Mathematics or MATH-10059 NDE Mathematics MATL CV604 Geotech 3 Lec 14 2 3 N OnLn 14 1

Prerequisites MATL-CV504 Geotech 2 MGMT CV687 Construction Management Lec 14 3 4 N OnLn 14 1 Option Group 1 - select 1 course(s) BLDG 10078 Structural Design 4 (Civil) Lab 14 1 4 N Prerequisites Lec 14 3 BLDG-EA501 Structural Design 3 or BLDG-AR525 Structural Design 3 CADM CV691 Highway Technology B Lab 14 4 4 N Prerequisites Equivalents TRAN-CV571 Highway Technology A or TRAN-CV314 Highway Technology 1 or TRAN-TR462 Transportation Design 1

Lab CADM-CV414 Highway Technology II

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534 17-A Civil Engineering Technology - Semester XX Option Group 1 - select 2 course(s) WORK CV991 Work Experience 1 WT 14 35 4 N WORK CV992 Work Experience 2 WT 14 35 4 N WORK CV993 Work Experience 3 WT 14 35 4 N

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543 17-A Civil Engineering Technology - Transportation - Semester 1


Type Reg Wks Reg Hrs/Wk

Credit Value Genedified

CADM CV203 CAD A Lab 14 2 3 N

Lec 14 1

Equivalents CADM-CAD06 AutoCAD - Intro or CADM-10055 CAD A - CET and BR COMP CO001 Generic Computer Training Lab 14 2 2 N


COMP-CO002 Computer Skills For College [Min Grade R]

or ( COMP-10098 Fundamental Computer Skills 1 [Min Grade R]

and COMP-10099 Fundamental Computer Skills 2 [Min Grade R] ) ENVR EA204 Environmental Technology Lec 14 3 3 Y

Equivalents ENVR-UP100 Infrastructure Systems or ENVR-CN230 Municipal Government Services or ENVR-10063 Municipal Govern Serv CET MATH MS171 Mathematics Lec 14 3 4 N

OnLn 14 1

Equivalents MATH-MS165 Mechanical Basic Algebra SURV EA141 Surveying 1 Lab 14 3 4 N

Lec 14 1

Equivalents SURV-CV104 Engineering Surveys or SURV-CN350 Surveying And Layout or SURV-10000 Geomatics or SURV-10001 Surveying, An Introduction or SURV-10002 Surveying and Layout CET

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TDRW EA106 Drafting Fundmntls & Standards

Lab 14 2 3 N

Lec 14 1

Equivalents TDRW-EA103 Drafting 1 or TDRW-EA107 Engineering Graphics or TDRW-RE030 Residential Drafting or BLDG-UP122 Graphic Presentation COMM 11040 Communication D Lec 14 4 4 N

Equivalents COMM-10045 Grammar&Composition for GAS or COMM-10050 English 1 for Pre-Health or COMM-LL008 Communications For G.A.S. or COMM-LL041 Communication or TEMP-LL041 Communications (Langs) or COMM-LL223 Communications/Reporting or COMM-10100 Clin Recording&Presenta Skls or COMM-LL044 AC - Communications, Part B or COMM-LL126 Commun For Office Admin or COMM-10187 Commun & Aviation Regulatns 1 or COMM-10332 Communication for Paralegal or COMM-10256 English 1 or COMM-10351 Analyzing Video Games COMM LL041 Communication Lec 14 3 3 N

Equivalents COMM-10045 Grammar&Composition for GAS or COMM-10050 English 1 for Pre-Health or COMM-LL008 Communications For G.A.S. or TEMP-LL041 Communications (Langs) or COMM-LL223 Communications/Reporting or COMM-10100 Clin Recording&Presenta Skls or COMM-LL044 AC - Communications, Part B or COMM-LL126 Commun For Office Admin or COMM-10187 Commun & Aviation Regulatns 1 or COMM-10332 Communication for Paralegal or COMM-10256 English 1 or COMM-10351 Analyzing Video Games

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543 17-A Civil Engineering Technology - Transportation - Semester 2 BLDG EA202 Estimating 1 Lab 14 2 3 N

Lec 14 1

Equivalents BLDG-CN430 Constr&Estim 2-Commercial or BLDG-10012 Intro To Cost Estimating or BLDG-10098 Const Estimate Computer 2 Comm CADM CV206 CAD B Lab 14 2 3 N

Lec 14 1 Prerequisites Equivalents CADM-CAD06 AutoCAD - Intro CADM-10054 CAD B CET or CADM-CV203 CAD A or CADM-CAD11 AutoCAD - 3D Modeling or CADM-10055 CAD A - CET and BR or CADM-CAD15 AutoCAD - Advanced or CADM-UP330 Advanced Cad & Customization ENVR 10032 Green Building

Fundamentals OnLn 14 3 3 N

MATH MS271 Mathematics Lec 14 3 4 N

OnLn 14 1 Prerequisites MATH-MS171 Mathematics or MATH-MS165 Mechanical Basic Algebra MATL EA102 Construction Materials 1 Lab 14 2.5 4 N

Lec 14 1.5

Equivalents MATL-CN110 Construction Materials "A" PHYS EA201 Applied Mechanics Lec 14 3 4 N

OnLn 14 1 Prerequisites MATH-MS171 Mathematics or MATH-MS165 Mechanical Basic Algebra TRAN EA105 Transportation Technology Lec 14 2 3 N

OnLn 14 1

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543 17-A Civil Engineering Technology - Transportation - Semester 3 TRAN 10002 Transportation Data Analysis

1 Lab 14 2 3 N

OnLn 14 1

Equivalents COMP-CO318 Sprdshts-Transp Eng TRAN 10004 Traffic Engineering A Lec 14 3 4 N

OnLn 14 1

Equivalents ( TRAN-TR301 Traffic Engineering 1 and TRAN-TR503 Traffic Engineering 3 ) TRAN TR310 Traffic Studies Lec 14 2 3 N

OnLn 14 1 TRAN TR462 Transportation Design 1 Lec 14 3 4 N

OnLn 14 1

Equivalents TRAN-CV571 Highway Technology A or TRAN-CV314 Highway Technology 1 TRAN TR593 Public Transportation Lec 14 3 4 N OnLn 14 1 OPEL XXXXX General Educ 1 Option Table Lec 14 3 3 N

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543 17-A Civil Engineering Technology - Transportation - Semester 4 MATH MS474 Statistics Lec 14 2 3 N

OnLn 14 1 Prerequisites Equivalents MATH-MS173 Mathematics MATH-MA482 Statistics or MATH-10020 Math

or MATH-MA570 Statistics

or MATH-MS271 Mathematics or MATH-10059 NDE Mathematics TRAN 10001 Active Transportation Lec 14 3 4 N OnLn 14 1 TRAN TR151 Transportation Planning 1 Lec 14 3 4 N OnLn 14 1 TRAN TR401 Traffic Engineering 2 Lab 14 2 4 N

Lec 14 1 OnLn 14 1 UPLN MP126 Intro To Land Use Planning Lec 14 2 2 N

Equivalents LAWS-UP211 Planning Law 1

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543 17-A Civil Engineering Technology - Transportation - Semester 5 COMM LL571 Speech Presentation Skills Lec 14 3 3 N INFO CVA03 Intro To Geo Info Systems Lab 14 2 3 N OnLn 14 1 TRAN 10000 Traffic Engineering 4 Lab 14 2 4 N

Lec 14 1

OnLn 14 1 Prerequisites TRAN-TR401 Traffic Engineering 2 TRAN TR251 Transportation Planning 2 Lec 14 2 3 N OnLn 14 1 TRAN TR562 Transportation Design 2 Lec 14 3 4 N

OnLn 14 1 Prerequisites TRAN-TR462 Transportation Design 1 or TRAN-CV571 Highway Technology A or TRAN-CV314 Highway Technology 1 TRAN TR592 Transportation Project 1 Lec 14 3 5 N

OnLn 14 2 Prerequisites ( TRAN-TR301 Traffic Engineering 1 and TRAN-TR310 Traffic Studies and TRAN-TR462 Transportation Design 1 )

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543 17-A Civil Engineering Technology – Transportation - Semester 6 CADM CV691 Highway Technology B Lab 14 4 4 N Prerequisites Equivalents TRAN-CV571 Highway Technology A CADM-CV414 Highway Technology II or TRAN-CV314 Highway Technology 1 or TRAN-TR462 Transportation Design 1 MGMT CV687 Construction Management Lec 14 3 4 N

OnLn 14 1 TRAN 10003 Transportation Data Analysis

2 Lab 14 2 3 N

OnLn 14 1 Prerequisites Equivalents COMP-CO001 Generic Computer Training [Min Grade R] COMP-CO418 Databases-Transp Eng or COMP-CO002 Computer Skills For College [Min Grade R] or INFO-10081 Access Core or ( COMP-10098 Fundamental Computer Skills 1 [Min Grade R] and COMP-10099 Fundamental Computer Skills 2 [Min Grade R] ) TRAN 10005 Transportation Safety Lec 14 3 4 N

OnLn 14 1 Prerequisites MATH-MS474 Statistics TRAN TR552 Transportation Planning 3 Lab 14 2 3 N

Lec 14 1 Prerequisites TRAN-TR251 Transportation Planning 2 TRAN TR692 Transportation Project 2 OnLn 14 4 4 N Prerequisites TRAN-TR592 Transportation Project 1 or WORK-TR993 Work Experience 3 [Min Grade R] OPEL XXXXZ General Educ 2 Option Table Lec 14 3 3 N

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543 17-A Civil Engineering Technology - Transportation - Semester XX WORK TR991 Work Experience 1 WT 14 35 4 N WORK TR992 Work Experience 2 WT 14 35 4 N WORK TR993 Work Experience 3 WT 14 35 4 N

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