  • 1. ODF, a SWOT analysis Budapest 28 June 2011Bart Hanssens

2. Fedict in Belgium 3. Fedict

  • Federal Public Service (Ministry) ICT

4. Services / consultancy

  • WCMS (Drupal / Tridion)

E-gov building blocks

  • Open source eID middleware & tools

5. Federal Service Bus Open standards

  • ODF Plugfest Brussels

6. OASIS ODF / OIC TC 7. ODF Introduction 8. Documents Not so paperless office Bob Braden sitting in the office in front of a computer, next to a desk full ofpapers and booksSource: Source: Carl Malamud) 9. ODF 1.2

  • Candidate OASIS Standard

10. Digital signatures

  • Allowed in 1.1, but wasn't specified

11. Some hints about using XAdES Enhanced metadata (RDF)

  • Fine-grained

Open Formula 12. ODF in Europe 13. SWOT analysis 14. Strengths

  • Openness
  • Drafts, mailing lists, ... visible for everyone

15. @ODFJIRAMulti-platform, multi-implementation 16. Libraries

  • Java, .NET, Python, Perl, Javascript

17. Weaknesses

  • No reference implementation

18. No official test suite

  • We know what and how but ...

19. ... it takes A LOT of time to develop Change tracking is to be improved

  • Tables

20. Weaknesses: what to do

  • Create and test documents !

21. Tools:

  • Validators (schema), officeshots (visual)

ODF Plugfests in Europe

  • Tests, discussions, presentations

22. 6 thedition: July 14/15, Berlin OASIS ODF Advanced Collaboration SC 23. Opportunities

  • Semantic
  • KOffice: annotate addresses (FOAF) events (RDF iCal)

24. Bungeni: legislative metadata ODF as source format

  • ePub, HTML

25. DAISY, Braille 26. OOXML 27. Threats

  • Continuous use of legacy formats

28. Toolchain / document flow support

  • Is your CMS, CRM, ERP... ready ?

29. Threats: what to do

  • Impose strong ODF policy

30. Test / report bugs 31. Ask your vendor about ODF 32. Additional info 33. Some pointers


34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Some pointers (2)


41. 42. 43. 44. Thanks ! Fedict Federal Public Service ICT Maria-Theresiastraat 1/3 1000 Brussels (Belgium) bart.hanssens[at] | @BartHanssens

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