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    The internationalThe internationalThe internationalThe internationalexchange textbookexchange textbookexchange textbookexchange textbook


    Youth Volunteerism for European Legacy

    of Culture and Nature

    Hnut Brontosaurus 2009

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    The international exchange textbook came out from the international exchange, which took place

    in the Czech Republic from 22. to 28. 9. 2009.

    The main aim of the exchange was to innovate and inspire everyday work of the organizations

    working with young volunteers in order to preserve nature and the cultural heritage.

    Program of the exchange:

    - Visiting locations connected with the preservation of the nature in the Czech Republic

    - Presentations and practical workshops prepared by each partner organization

    - Volunteers work for the medieval village (open-air museum in Modr U Velehradu)

    - Meeting, connecting, exchange of information, experiences and best practices during the

    spectacular action organised at the occasion of the 35th anniversary of the Brontosaurus

    movement- Dort pro Brontosaura 2009. This was a traditional event, which takes placeevery five years. About 400 members, ex-members and friends of the Brontosaurus met

    here to celebrate.

    The detail programme was following:

    22nd Arrival Day

    23rd Introduction Day official welcome and introduction of personal introduction of all

    participants (small games), preparation of posters introducing each organization (creative

    workshop), excursion of the eco-centre vcrna, visit of nearby museum of steelworks, collective

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    preparation of intercultural dinner, festal opening of posters display, introduction of organizations

    and best practices.

    24th Outdoor Experience guided excursion to Protected Landscape Area - Moravian Karst.

    Excursion to city Brno with native guides. Transfer to Archaeological open-air museum Modr u


    25th Museum Modr excursion at the open-air museum Modr, opening ceremony of Dort pro

    Brontosaura event, introduction defile of all participating segments of Movement Brontosaurus.

    Concert of Czech folk group Nesthme as a part of the Dort pro Brontosaura event.

    26th Volunteer Day volunteer work for municipality Modr, BAZAAR I. experience exchange,

    workshops, discussions, forums, presentations, games, introduction of international projects.

    Expert seminar about energy savings, alternative sources of energy - lecturer RNDr. Jan Hollan;

    Brontotalent competition of amateur talents; Birch Awards acknowledgement for

    Brontosaurus volunteers; Campfires singing with guitars at the fire.

    27th Cake Day BAZAAR II. experience exchange, workshops, discussions, forums,

    presentations, games, introduction of international projects. ArchaeOlympiad extraordinary

    competition for teams. Workshops art, old crafts, games, juggling, singing, dancing, theatre and

    drama. Fair of NGOs and Brontosaurus locations. Cimbalom music. Brontobiograf projection of

    movies made by Brontosaurus volunteers. Round table panel discussion with politicians with thetheme Nature protection and volunteerism as a value for Youth. Final ceremony proclamation

    of Ekofr (Ecological cartoon competition) winners. Brotosaurus awards. Cutting the cake.

    Concerts of bend amboi and Burana Orchestr. Night game.

    28th Evaluation Day (20 participants, 4 organizers, 1 guide) Evaluation of the project. Discussion

    about future co-operation. Signing of partnership in new project organized by Hungarians.

    29th Departure Day

    The partners of the exchange were:

    Czech Republic- Hnut


    Poland - Europejskie forum


    Slovakia - Preles, o.z.

    Hungary - Kristly alaptvny

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    Prezenten organizations and there programs.

    1. Hnut Brontosaurus

    ''Our goal is not only to take a lot of

    pictures and make a lot of memories during the

    events we organize, we also work to renovate

    castles, help trees, and clean meadows and

    springs in order to create good feelings and help

    the world become a better place.''

    What is Hnut Brontosaurus?

    Hnut Brontosaurus is a non-

    governmental, non-profit organization which

    has been helping to protect the environment

    and historical sites in the Czech Republic - as

    well as helping people living there - for over 35

    years. Several generations of Brontosaurus

    participants have taken part in hundreds of weekend and summer holiday events focused on

    taking care of the Czech countryside and the cultural heritage of the Czech Republic. However,

    Hnut Brontosaurus events consist of more than just rewarding voluntary work.

    Hnut Brontosaurus offers young people an alternative to consumerism, encourages their

    creativity, shows them new and unconventional ways of spending free time and provides them

    with a space for self-fulfillment. Brontosaurus courses and events also include outdoor education,

    various games, workshops, discussions, informal education and more.

    In past few years, Hnut Brontosaurus has also been expanding its activities abroad; we

    provide assistance to monasteries and schools in Ladakh, India, and help to protect Czech culturalheritage in Banat, Romania.

    This balanced combination of rewarding voluntary work, education, new experiences and

    good fun is what has been attracting high school and college students (as well as working parents

    with children) to our diverse array of programs for over 35 years.

    Akce proda (Project Nature) is a program focused on weekend trips where volunteers

    landscape precious orchid meadows, maintain educational nature paths, help organic farmers with

    their farms, plant native species of trees in local forests, clean springs, help in shelters for hurt

    animals, renew alleys, etc.

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    Akce pamtky (Project Historical Sites) is a program offering help to conserve old castles,

    renew and restore small, local sights in the country, and maintain chateaus and churches.

    During the Summer break, the Przdniny s Brontosaurem (Holiday with Brontosaurus)

    project offers similar activities, spiced up with outdoor education.

    The year-round activities of Brontosaurus children's groups are centered around

    environmental education. Program Vzdlvn (Education Program) provides training for new

    volunteer organizers of Brontosaurus events.

    Akce proda (Project Nature)

    Akce proda (Project Nature) is at the core of

    Brontosaurus activities. It teaches young people (and,

    indeed, everybody) that we can all plant a tree, beautify

    a protected meadow and renew springs. Thanks to the

    games and outdoor education activities that the

    volunteers engage in, their playfulness, creativity and

    team skills improve.

    However, Project Nature is not only about

    voluntary work and games, it is also about increasing

    one's knowledge concerning interesting and attractive

    places in the countryside, meeting experts and benefitingfrom their experience, wisdom, and practical field

    experience. For an event to be included in this project,

    three basic conditions must be met: voluntary work,

    environmental education and outdoor education.

    Voluntary work must be meaningful and crucially

    important. We want to help only where help is really

    needed. The project cares for chosen locations over the long-term, follow-up events will continue

    to take place at designated sites for several years into the future.

    Project Nature offers active lifestyle choices and the inspiration needed to make the world

    a better place to live. For many people, the organization becomes part of their way of life; for

    many of us, taking part in weekend events is more than just a matter of spending time in a

    pleasant and useful way. During our events, we do our best to adhere to optimum environmental

    practices: we save energy, prefer public transport services, and we don't waste material and/or

    food, etc.

    The trips and events are organized by young people themselves; the head organizers take

    part in courses and seminars to learn how to organize the trips.

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    Examples from long-term Brontosaurus work projects

    Back to the Roots in Jesenk region

    Before WW2, the majority of inhabitants of this region were German. They lived diffused

    throughout the countryside. Most of the time, the German residents worked on and improved

    their surroundings. Having been dislocated after the end of WW2, they left behind many sites in

    the countryside. The unfortunate fate of these sites in later years demonstrates that the new

    inhabitants did not quite feel at home there. But that is not the whole story.

    The situation of these local sights started to change about 30 years ago and has been

    changing significantly since 2002, when members of Brontosaurus under the guidance of

    specialists renewed three local sights: two springs and one cross. These sights were reminders of

    the famous past of this region, especially of the spa tradition closely tied with the name of

    Vincenz Priessnitz (1799 1851). Every year during the

    summer holiday more sites got renewed, especially

    springs, with local people getting more and more

    involved. In 2005, when Brontosaurus were opening the

    new Vincenz Priessnitz natural path, next to a thousand

    people visited the event, and the Path has been very

    popular ever since.

    In the course of the past few years, more

    organizations and groups have joined the Back to the

    Roots project, and even more sights have been renewed

    thanks to this trend. Several inhabitants of the region,

    from different age groups, have volunteered to regularly

    take care of some of the sites. To this day, several dozen

    sites have been reborn. The Back to the Roots project is

    ongoing, continuing to gain popularity both at

    Brontosaurus events and among local people.

    Alleys of Pen

    In Pen, Brontosaurus volunteers are helping with planting an alley, they plant trees that

    are typical for indigenous forests and game refuges of the Orlick hory.

    Originally, there was no alley in this area. There used to be a forest, but it was gradually cut

    down and became a pasture.

    However, open countryside with pastures presents a great risk of quality soil erosion. Also, itdoesn't offer enough hiding and nesting places and food for birds and other animals.

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    The planting of an alley in this area will help to solve these problems. It creates a natural

    biocorridor for game and, in winter, it protects the road from getting snowed under.

    The voluntary work itself does not only consist of planting the alley. We regularly return to the

    area to help protect the saplings from wild animals, and we make sure that the saplings don't get

    overgrown by grass or broken by wind.

    We also look for other places in the area that would benefit

    from planting trees, alleys and game refuges. Furthermore, we are

    trying to negotiate better and wider protection of a forest in

    Zdobnice pod Penem valley, which is a very distinct and important

    natural site. Young people working here would like to, with help of

    experts, negotiate a change in forest management, so that the local

    country is preserved in its present state. We have also been plantingan orchard with indigenous fruit trees in this area.

    Everything is going very well and we are glad that the range

    of activities, which started with the planting of one alley, has been

    continuing to grow.

    Planting a live auditorium

    It's been two years since Brontosaurus members started helping Centum ekologick

    vchovy Dbrava (Environmental Education Centre Dbrava) to beautify their neglected gardens,so that they can function as a live auditorium for children and a place to go and relax for both the

    visitors to the Centre and the public.

    Much work is yet to be done, but

    we've already helped to plant more than

    350 bushes and trees to form hedges, a

    model riverine forest and a small

    arboretum. We also helped to construct

    model biotopes: wetland, savanna,limestone rocks, etc. Volunteers have also

    managed to plant herb beds and a tactual

    path in 550 work hours. They plan to

    maintain the garden and continue the

    work well into the future.

    ''Our employees would not

    possibly manage to do the job by

    themselves,'' says the head of the Centre

    about Brontosaurus work.

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    2. PRELES

    Preles is a non-governmental non-profit

    organization whose aim is to educate and

    connect young people of different life

    conditions and social backgrounds by making

    them working together to help and protect

    nature or by spending free time in creative way

    far away from civilisation. It is also aiming to

    improoving life in cities generally. To achieve

    that, Preles run different projects presented in

    this text as an example of youth volunteer work

    which has succes and makes important

    contribution to society in general.

    Preles was founded in March 2008 by 5 young people after they succeded in their first project

    called Park that connects. This project was launched in automn 2006. The goal of this project

    was to connect lighly mentally disabled people with young students by common work on

    revitalization of a historical park in village Ladce. The project lasted four month and was supported

    from a Youth grant program of EU.

    Since Preles is founded, its annual activity is organizing an outdoor camp called Preles. It was

    helded for the first time in 2007. This camp is targeted to

    young people who come from foster families as well as to

    young people living with their biological parents. It aims to

    create space where they can get to know each others life

    stories and life conditions which leads to their better

    integration but also to showing them how to spend free

    time in alternative ways, to learning them about nature

    around them andits protection. Participants of the campwere sleeping in tents, making trips to nature and doing lot

    of creative activities. Thanks to small number of

    participants these camps have chamber, almost familly

    atmosphere which contributes to succession of this project.

    Besides camps in Slovakia Preles also organizes

    international youth exchanges, focused on personal

    development, in cooperation with International Synergy


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    These exchanges are organised for young people who want to improve their organisation and

    communication skills in creative and nonviolent way. Each exxhange is focused on different topic.

    So far there has been organized two exchanges by Preles one has been connected to

    volunteering and the way of sharing abilities between different communities, the second one hasfocused on theater and art as a mean of communication. The exchange usually consits of activities

    prepared by organisators as well as of empty space serving participants to prepairing up

    workshops on their own. Thats how they can improove their skills. In addition there are 3

    outdoor days which give possibility to participants to get to know each other by disscussing

    freely and simply being together in nature. The age of participants is usually between 15 to 30.

    They come from different EU countries or their partner countries(i.e. Slovakia, Hungary, Czech

    Republic, Greece, Turkey, Latvia, Bulgary and Romania). Altogether each exchange hosts about

    60 young people and it is supported by grant programme Youth in action of EU.

    Last example of Preles volunteer projects is a long-term project which is aiming to build a

    high rope center in ilina, the capital city of ilinsk region. Preles wants to create a playground

    where young people could spend their free time, learn to overcome their fear and exceed their


    Preles got the knowhow for this project thanks to four organisators who had already

    experience with similar projects. Building of the high rope centre was enabled thanks to

    cooperation with the City hall and financial support of TESCO grant programme. It was finnished

    and opened for public in September 2009.

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    3. European Youth Forum

    (Europejskim Forum Modziey)

    European Youth Forum is an independent

    non-governmental organization. In our work

    circle engage young people both very active, as

    well as those less entrepreneurial, living in small

    and rural areas, with difficult conditions for the

    realization of their ambitions and plans.

    It was found in 1994 by young people

    from the region Kodzko interested in European

    integration, democracy and social work in local community. Since 1995, it operates as an

    association. The forum organizes since several years actions, trainings, conferences, seminars, and

    festivals for young people and residents of the region. It is now regarded as one of the most active

    youth organizations in the country and region.

    The main goals

    Our first aim is to establish the European education, the transfer of accurate and timed

    information about the process of integration in order to prepare local society for EU membership.

    Secondly, we are encouraging young people to develop interests outside their society and

    social inclusion.

    We are also trying to equalize the

    opportunities of young people living in small

    towns and rural areas in access to knowledge

    and information.

    Last but not least, we are shaping the

    image of a modern country and the region to

    work for the development of local democracy

    and encouraging residents to participate

    actively in life of region.

    Of course, all who are close to our

    goals we invite you to cooperation.

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    What are people in this association doing?

    EFM works with many government bodies, local government, diplomatic, school clubs, and

    European non-governmental organizations in the country and abroad.

    Associates are working in regional media,

    conducting their own businesses, working in

    political organizations, creating new, non-

    governmental organizations, travelling for foreign


    We educate to this date, approximately

    2,500 young people, and we organized masspublic events attended by several thousand

    residents of the region.

    Who are the key partners?

    Among others are these the Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland,

    Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, Ministry of National Education , Embassy of Poland in the

    European Union, Office of the Committee for European Integration, Rural Support Foundation,

    The program of the European Union "Youth", County Kodzki, Town Bystrzyca Kodzko, and the

    European School Clubs

    International cooperation

    We maintain and develop cooperation with several non-governmental youth organizations, both

    including countries of the European Union, and with an area not belonging to the communities.

    We especially cooperate with those

    organizations: Casa de Juventud in Alcaiz (Spain),

    Yap in Cluj (Romania), Info-NUORRA In Karasjohka

    (Norway), GOLTZ de Carvalho (Portugal), Urdd

    Dinbych (Wales United Kingdom), and Pensiero

    Tascabile (Italy).


    We work on those projects: EuroWeek

    camps organized for talented youth,

    International Exchanges and the European

    Voluntary Service

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    4. Crystal foundation

    Crystal Foundation a non-governmental non-profit organization which focuses on representing and

    protection of the interests of youth with material

    disadvantages. These aims are fulfilled by organizing

    free time activities and events, which help to develop

    their personal qualities, education and skills. It also

    provides free internet usage for disabled youth in the


    Crystal foundation was founded in

    2004. It runs a youth centre in Nyrbogdny situatedin a 3 storey building which is able to accommodate

    up to 40 people, so foundation can provide

    accomodation for other civil organisations for a

    discount price. The foundation is in connection with

    the surrounding towns and villages such as Kk, Demecser, Kemecse, Nagyhalsz, Szkely, Sny.

    The foundation organizes some annual events,

    such as Santa Claus celebration, christmas

    workshops and easter egg painting for childrenin kindergartens. Other regular project is

    summer and spring cycling.

    Since 2007, the foundation has been

    running the project of international integration

    of disabled people. The project bases on

    international youth exchanges. These events

    help young people to improve their language

    and comunication skills.

    The project consisted of two main parts. These were

    meetings where young people with disadvantages met each

    other and realized very useful programs. The first meeting was

    in Rodowo 11- 14 April 2007. The disabled young people were

    playing integration and know each other games. Each

    organization gave a short presentation about his own

    organization and role in this project. In the evening they had an

    international evening where each country gave a performance

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    about his country and prepared special national food. They visited two institutes. One of them was a

    children care house in Mragowo, the other one was Children home Keja in Biskupiec.

    In 2009 the crystalfoundation organized the Festival

    for thevrecognition of

    tradition.Thefestival was held on 1st

    May 2009 in Nyrbogdny with 60

    participants and more than hundreds

    of visitors. The objective of the project

    was to organize an international

    cultural festival with Czech, Slovakian,

    Polish and Hungarian participants. Onthe festival the participants performed

    folkdances, folksongs, gastronomic

    show, handicraft traditions and

    introduced the culture of V4 countries.

    The most recent project is Ukrainian-Hungarian ecological project.The projects topic is

    Environment protection and effective usage of energy. Its aim is the realization of eko-counscious and

    energy- effective lifestyle. The Rystal foundation establishes energy clubs where they teach the energy-

    effective methods to the inhabitants. Both in Nyrbogdny and in Beregove they have trained trainedmentors who will keep the clubs.


    The project created space for exchanging information between the organizations, which focus on

    working with volunteers, and/or children from all countries of the Visegrad area (The Czech Repuplic,

    Hungary, Poland, Slovakia,).

    It enabled to identify situation in each country, and ensure exchange of information about activitiesimplemented by the participating groups. We could share examples of best practices and that especially

    with reference to protecting natural and cultural heritage.

    Due to the project activities, the motivation and competence of the participants rose, which lead to

    the successful goal of the project.

    The project enabled the creation and development of the cooperation between volunteer

    organizations of the Visegrad countries as well as the environmental education during free-time activities.

    We also signed partnership with Hungarians for new project 'Youth in Action' Programme, Action

    4.4., the last day of our project.

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    Description of the project of the future cooperation:

    Kristly Foundation chose Media literacy of young people as the theme of the planned

    programmes. The title of the project is W.E.A.R. Watch, Evaluate, Ask and Read. The main objective of

    the foundation is to educate youngsters about media and the massive information flow that characterizes

    the every day life, where influencing is a key issue even in simple situations like shopping in a supermarket.

    Youngsters have to learn to differentiate and select their sources of information carefully in order to be able

    to fully trust them.

    The programme will consist of several activities most of them will aim at challenging the

    participants believes, ideas and opinions in order to make them consider and think about their choices, to

    be able to explain the ideology behind it. The venue will be Nyrbogdny, Hungary the headquarters of

    Kristly Foundation. The premises allow the participants to fully commit themselves to the programme and

    various tasks during the implementation. The project will necessitate the use of computers, internet andother media tools which are available. Accommodation and full catering will be supplied in the town of

    Nyrbogdny as well.

    The number of participants will be 30. Four countries will be represented besides the host country,

    Hungary. From each country 5 students between the ages of 16-20 will be involved in the program

    accompanied by 1 adult teacher to assist the coordination and implementation of Kristly.

    The creative and innovative element of the project will be producing a documentary with cutting,

    editing and finalizing it about a given topic. This will also be the major output of the project which will be

    disseminated among the civil society organizations and schools related to them in order to multiply the


    The envisaged impact of the project is for the youngsters to be able to form and express their

    opinion regarding key issues in world politics, to be able to define and rank information sources

    evaluating their messages.

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    Contact data

    Czech republic

    Hnut Brontosaurus

    Hvzdov 10

    602 00, Brno

    Tel. +420 544 215 585

    e-mail: [email protected]

    Slovak republic



    Gatanov 48010 07, ilina

    Tel. +421 910 399 294 - Vlado Randa

    e-mail: [email protected]


    Europejskie Forum Modziey

    Plac Wolnoci 5/557-500 Bystrzyca Kodzka, Poland

    NIP: 881-12-03-505 Tel. +48(74)8110223

    Tel./fax. +48(74)8111399

    e-mail: [email protected]


    Crystal foundation

    1. Snyi street Nyrbogdny 4511Tel. Youth Centre: +36-42/232-074

    E-mail: [email protected]


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    Many thanks to the Visegrad fund,

    which enabled all of this. It was a

    valuable experience for all of the

    participating organizations and

    countries. We were able to share and

    improve in our volunteer work and

    we will continue in the cooperation.

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