Page 1:€¦  · Web viewProgram Plan. Executive Summary: As a part of the Canadian Association for the Advancement of Women and Sport and Physical Activity, we developed

Program Plan

Executive Summary:

As a part of the Canadian Association for the Advancement of Women and

Sport and Physical Activity, we developed a program called “Go Girl” which focuses

on young girls taking part in Recreation and Leisure activities to become confident

and proud of who they are. This is program also focuses on leadership in that there

will be older girls paired up with younger girls to ensure positive reinforcement in

all the activities these girls will be taking apart in.

CAAWS is focused on keeping girls active, promoting the benefits of physical

activity and to understand the challenges to women and girls. We feel as though this

program will be beneficial in hoping that the outcomes would be that they gain

social skills, leadership skills and communication skills. Along with those skills we

hope the girls learn to be confident within themselves, have a more positive outlook

on life, ways to prevent bullying, and to participate more often in physical activity.

The target audience for this program is girls in grade seven and eight since

we feel as though this is when a lot of bullying and self image problems begin to

really take place since most girls bodies are changing in going through puberty. As

the mentoring group our target age is grade ten and elevens, we decided this to give

them the chance to be leaders and to have younger girls look up to them. It was also

planned this way in hoping that the mentor will still be in high school when the

mentee starts to attend so the transition is easier.


Page 2:€¦  · Web viewProgram Plan. Executive Summary: As a part of the Canadian Association for the Advancement of Women and Sport and Physical Activity, we developed



The purpose of this specific program is to provide the young girls with the

confidence to be proud of whom they are, and to understand that everyone is

different but beautiful in their own skin. For the older girls that are serving as

mentors to the younger girls, this allows them to grow as leaders and enhance their

social skills, but to also become more confident that they can do anything if they put

there mind to it. It is essential to have this program for these girls in grade seven

and eight right before they go to high school because this is when girls start to

change and go through puberty. It is also right around this age when young girls

start to be more conscious of they way they look. It is important to understand that

girls self esteem is not just how they look, but how they feel about how they look is

what is more important. We are aiming to build confidence in the younger girls

involved in the program especially right before high school, this is a big step in their

lives where a lot of things can change. The older girls that are the mentors within

this program will also build confidence with taking part in all the activities with

their mentee. With this program we want all the girls to understand there is not one

kind of beauty and everyone is beautiful but it goes a lot further then the face we see

on the outside.


Page 3:€¦  · Web viewProgram Plan. Executive Summary: As a part of the Canadian Association for the Advancement of Women and Sport and Physical Activity, we developed

Target Audience:

This program is aimed at young girls in grade seven and eight and the

mentors that would be preferred to be in grade ten or eleven. We decided for grade

seven and eight because this is right when these girls are prepared to make big

changes in their lives in heading off to high school, also because it is tough to go

from being the oldest in the school right back to the youngest. Some characteristics

of this age group are that they are not sure who they are as an individual yet, so they

could be constantly changing how they look or act. Although bullying is always a

problem it is in these years that it really effects these girls self esteem and if the

begin to believe all the negative things they hear it is sometimes when things go

wrong. They are also becoming older and want to become more independent so

they don’t think it is “cool” to talk to mom and dad as much anymore about their

problem, which is why we feel as though a mentor is a good idea. It was decided that

the mentors would be in grade ten or eleven because they are is a big enough age

difference to provide guidance and the younger participant will look up to the older,

but also because then when these girls do begin high school there mentor will still

be attending. This way right when these girls go into high school they already know

an older student which hopefully be more comfortable and will leave the girls more

excited then nervous.


Page 4:€¦  · Web viewProgram Plan. Executive Summary: As a part of the Canadian Association for the Advancement of Women and Sport and Physical Activity, we developed

Proposed Agency:

As the Canadian Association for the Advancement of Women and Sport and

Physical Activity we created this program to benefit youth girls, but we cannot

implement this program ourselves because we do not have the space of supplies to

do so. We have proposed this idea of this new program “Go Girl” to the City of

Kitchener to help with our needs such as space and supplies. We hope that the City

of Kitchener will pair up with us to also help receive sponsorships or any other

donated supplies to help with the program. The City of Kitchener belongs to the

public sector.


Page 5:€¦  · Web viewProgram Plan. Executive Summary: As a part of the Canadian Association for the Advancement of Women and Sport and Physical Activity, we developed

Needs Assessment:

Since we are starting off this program in Kitchener, we decided to contact

them to see if they felt as though this kind of program would be useful within their

community, but to also see if there was an available community centre we could use

to base our program out of. To continue our needs assessment and to further our

findings we also sent out surveys to girls in grade seven in eight to see how they felt

about this program, but also one for their parents. We also gave a survey to the

teachers who teach grade six, seven and eight. The grade six teachers were also

included to see if we should change our program to allow grade six girls as well or to

wait until they are in grade seven. Then we took our research to the high school to

see if the girls in grade ten or elevens would be interested in being mentors, we held

a small presentation in their gym classes and also one over lunch for the girls that

do not take gym. We also sent out surveys to all the girls in that age group. Once that

was complete we also sent out questionnaires to the principal and to the teachers

asking a few questions and to see if they had any suggestions on the types of girls

that would be good as mentors for this program.

Once all of this background research was done we found that there wasn’t a

program offered like this anywhere within the area so that many thought as though

it would be beneficial. The girls in grade ten and eleven seemed very interested

because they gain community service hours for being involved in the program. The

feedback from grade six teachers was mixed whether or not we needed to provide

the program for that age group so we left it strictly to just grade seven and eight

because the grade six’s will have the same opportunity the following year. The


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feedback from the parents came back very positive and it seemed that they felt this

age group of girls would really benefit from this type of program since it is based

more like a youth group so they do not feel as though they are being treated as a

little kid. The community centre also is the space and time to allow us to utilize that

space to run this program.

The following survey we used for the grade seven and eight students can be

found in Appendix A. The survey we used for the mentor student in grade ten and

eleven can be found in Appendix B, and also the survey sent to parents of the girls in

grade seven and eight can be found in Appendix C.


Page 7:€¦  · Web viewProgram Plan. Executive Summary: As a part of the Canadian Association for the Advancement of Women and Sport and Physical Activity, we developed

Expected Outcomes:

The first outcome we would like to come out of this program for the girls is

that they gain social skills and make close ties and friends with the other girls within

this program. We would like to create a very positive atmosphere and to try our best

to refrain from any sort of conflict or bullying since this is suppose to be a program

to bring these girls together and not split them up. Not only do we want to enhance

their skills in communicating with others but also within themselves. Many girls

have the awful habit of talking down to themselves, especially if they have bullies

that speak down to them and they begin to believe it or even parents sometimes,

also within the media the stereotypical “beautiful girl”. We want to steer well away

from that and teach these girls that its not all about what is on the outside but also

what is within themselves, and that everyone is beautiful in there own way. We

want these girls to find beauty in other people and in other places if they don’t like

something about themselves to also help with bullying. We hope that when these

girls go back to school that if they were maybe to hear someone talking bad about

someone whether it is about what they are wearing or how they look to step up and

tell them that it is not nice. So to help prevent bullying we also want to help these

girls build confidence so that they can stand up and say something, or even just

more confident within them is a huge step forward. By building all these skills

within this program we hope that these girls leave this program with a more

positive outlook on life and a better outlook on themselves. We also hope that

within this program by taking part in many activities that these girls learn that it

isn’t embarrassing to participate in things even if you are not the best, so we hope


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they begin to participate more in school and the community and to also be more

outgoing if they were quieter before, or at least more comfortable in voicing their

own opinion.


Page 9:€¦  · Web viewProgram Plan. Executive Summary: As a part of the Canadian Association for the Advancement of Women and Sport and Physical Activity, we developed

Program Plan

Goals and Objectives:

The main goals of the “Go Girl” program is to have the girls to have a better

self image and a better image of the world around them in the completion of the

twelve weeks. We hope to do this by having these girls take part of different

activities and to have different speakers come in and speak to them to really help

them open their eyes and be more willing to participate within the world around

them. Many girls stop taking part in sports when they get older because they have

this image that sports is a boy thing. We want to have them understand that this is

not the case and to hopefully increase the participation of the girls taking part in

sports. We also really want to focus on having these girls have a better image of

themselves and to find beauty on the inside and outside because media gives a

perception of beauty that many young girls try to be and get hard on themselves

when they are not the typical kind of beautiful.


Page 10:€¦  · Web viewProgram Plan. Executive Summary: As a part of the Canadian Association for the Advancement of Women and Sport and Physical Activity, we developed

Program Description:

This program, “Go Girl” is a twelve-week program that meets every other

Wednesday. Each week the girls will be talking part in different activities or will

have different speakers come in to talk about important issues appropriate to their

age group. Within these different activities and speakers we hope to succeed in

reaching our outcomes for the girls. Some of these different activities include a

Zumba class, a nature hike, crafts and sports. The different types of subjects our

guest speakers will be speaking about include; drug and alcohol abuse, sex, bullying

and empowerment of women. This program is designed to build confidence and self

esteem within these girls but also to give them more positive outlooks on life. For

the mentors this program will help to enhance their communication skills as well as

leadership skills as they will be paired up with one of the girls in grade seven and

eight, and they will be there go to person to talk to regarding any issues they may

have or just to talk about anything at all.


Page 11:€¦  · Web viewProgram Plan. Executive Summary: As a part of the Canadian Association for the Advancement of Women and Sport and Physical Activity, we developed

Program Schedule:

The program run from January to June every other Wednesday from right

after school from 3:30pm until 6:30 pm. We decided to do this because it is a good

easy way to give this group a fun activity to look forward to after school. This also

makes it easy for their parents to know where they are from the time school ends

until when they are home from work. We also decided this time because we will be

providing them with a snack, but come 6:30pm it will be time for them to go home

and have dinner. This also allows them to have time to do homework in the evenings

if they were to have any.


Page 12:€¦  · Web viewProgram Plan. Executive Summary: As a part of the Canadian Association for the Advancement of Women and Sport and Physical Activity, we developed

Lesson Plan:

Program/Workshop Name: Go Girl

Target Group: Youth girls in grade seven and eight as well as grade ten and eleven.

Both groups of girls are participants within this program but the older girls are

serving as mentors to the younger girls.

Program Goal: To have this group become more confident and proud of themselves

as well as have a better outlook on the world around them.

Lesson #: 1

Performance Objectives: To have the group of participants to meet and to get to

know one another and to become comfortable with the group they will be spending

the next twelve weeks with.

Equipment and Supplies: paper, markers, balls

Program/Workshop Outcomes: Improved social skills, leadership skills and

communication skills. Along with those skills we hope the girls learn to be confident

within themselves, have a more positive outlook on life, ways to prevent bullying,

and to participate more often in physical activity.

Lesson Schedule:

Time Specific Activity Supplies/Equipment Required

Participant Response



ArrivalAttendanceSnackName GameName Rock, Paper, ScissorsMingle GameSwish2 truths 1 lieQuestions

Paper and penGranola bar and juice

A ball with different

To take the time to utilize the first day to listen to the other participants and really begin to get to know each other. By doing icebreakers they will learn some easy fun games but


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6:20-6:30 Clean up home time

questions on it begin to make friends right from the first day.

Diagram/Set-up of Room

There are the tables within the room in which they have to sit around for time such

as snack and any sit down activities. Across from the tables is open area for when

they are taking part in physical activities.

Program/Workshop Name: Go Girl


Page 14:€¦  · Web viewProgram Plan. Executive Summary: As a part of the Canadian Association for the Advancement of Women and Sport and Physical Activity, we developed

Target Group: Youth girls in grade seven and eight as well as grade ten and eleven.

Both groups of girls are participants within this program but the older girls are

serving as mentors to the younger girls.

Program Goal: To have this group become more confident and proud of themselves

as well as have a better outlook on the world around them.

Lesson #: 2

Performance Objectives: For the group of girls to begin to learn how to work

together well as a team

Equipment and Supplies: rubber chicken, floor mats, dodge ball, skipping ropes

Program/Workshop Outcomes: Improved social skills, leadership skills and

communication skills. Along with those skills we hope the girls learn to be confident

within themselves, have a more positive outlook on life, ways to prevent bullying,

and to participate more often in physical activity.

Lesson Schedule:

Time Specific Activity Supplies/Equipment Required

Participant Response




Chuck the ChickenSet upSoccer BaseballClean upSkippingClean up home time

Paper and PenGoldfish crackers and waterRubber chickenMats and dodge ball

Skipping ropes

To listen to instruction to learn some new games as well as begin to work in teams with the other participants rather then being alone

Diagram/Set-up of Room


Page 15:€¦  · Web viewProgram Plan. Executive Summary: As a part of the Canadian Association for the Advancement of Women and Sport and Physical Activity, we developed

There are the tables within the room in which they have to sit around for time such

as snack and any sit down activities. Across from the tables is open area for when

they are taking part in physical activities.

Program/Workshop Name: Go Girl


Page 16:€¦  · Web viewProgram Plan. Executive Summary: As a part of the Canadian Association for the Advancement of Women and Sport and Physical Activity, we developed

Target Group: Youth girls in grade seven and eight as well as grade ten and eleven.

Both groups of girls are participants within this program but the older girls are

serving as mentors to the younger girls.

Program Goal: To have this group become more confident and proud of themselves

as well as have a better outlook on the world around them.

Lesson #: 3

Performance Objectives: To learn a new activity and to have fun. Also to be more

aware of some of the complications women have around the world and how we can

work together to overcome these obstacles. We want the girls to feel powerful and

that they can do anything they put their minds to.

Equipment and Supplies: Music system

Program/Workshop Outcomes: Improved social skills, leadership skills and

communication skills. Along with those skills we hope the girls learn to be confident

within themselves, have a more positive outlook on life, ways to prevent bullying,

and to participate more often in physical activity.

Lesson Schedule:

Time Specific Activity Supplies/Equipment Required

Participant Response



ArrivalAttendanceSnackGuest speaker: Power of womenZumba Class Music System

We hope that the guest speaker opens the eyes to the participants in that they can focus on the things they want to accomplish and meet them, but also for them to learn about women around the world and how


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they struggle in their everyday lives just for being a girl. By taking a Zumba class we are forcing the girls to participate in something they may have not done before. We are also doing this so they realize everyone is different but everyone can have fun taking part in the same activity.

Located in Appendix D is more information about what Zumba Fitness is

Diagram/Set-up of Room

There are the tables within the room in which they have to sit around for time such

as snack and any sit down activities. Across from the tables is open area for when

they are taking part in physical activities.

Program/Workshop Name: Go Girl


Page 18:€¦  · Web viewProgram Plan. Executive Summary: As a part of the Canadian Association for the Advancement of Women and Sport and Physical Activity, we developed

Target Group: Youth girls in grade seven and eight as well as grade ten and eleven.

Both groups of girls are participants within this program but the older girls are

serving as mentors to the younger girls.

Program Goal: To have this group become more confident and proud of themselves

as well as have a better outlook on the world around them.

Lesson #: 4

Performance Objectives: Once again teamwork is a skill we are building within this

specific group of girls. We are also trying to build on trust, safety, and shared

experiences. Confidence to over come fears and that you can do things that you put

your mind to. Overall we want the girls to have fun.

Equipment and Supplies: Bus to travel to Onondaga Farms, Ropes course located at

Onondaga farms and all the safety equipment that is also supplied by Onondaga


Program/Workshop Outcomes: Improved social skills, leadership skills and

communication skills. Along with those skills we hope the girls learn to be confident

within themselves, have a more positive outlook on life, ways to prevent bullying,

and to participate more often in physical activity.

Lesson Schedule:

Time Specific Activity Supplies/Equipment Required

Participant Response




Arrival AttendanceLoad on to the busBus ride and snack

Ropes course

Travel back to

BusWater bottle and Bits and BitesRopes course, helmets, harnessesBus

In doing high ropes we hope that the girls work well together as a team and try something new. If they are scared we hope they can overcome


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community centre their fears and learn that they can do anything they put their mind to.

Onondaga has a few different ropes courses depending on the weather they will decide which specific course we use. They have certified people to assist us in running the ropes courses.

Program/Workshop Name: Go Girl


Page 20:€¦  · Web viewProgram Plan. Executive Summary: As a part of the Canadian Association for the Advancement of Women and Sport and Physical Activity, we developed

Target Group: Youth girls in grade seven and eight as well as grade ten and eleven.

Both groups of girls are participants within this program but the older girls are

serving as mentors to the younger girls.

Program Goal: To have this group become more confident and proud of themselves

as well as have a better outlook on the world around them.

Lesson #: 5

Performance Objectives: To have the participant get involved in the environment.

By going on a hike we focus on teaching them the importance of the environment

and what they can do to help preserve it.

Equipment and Supplies: First aid kit

Program/Workshop Outcomes: Improved social skills, leadership skills and

communication skills. Along with those skills we hope the girls learn to be confident

within themselves, have a more positive outlook on life, ways to prevent bullying,

and to participate more often in physical activity.

Lesson Schedule:

Time Specific Activity Supplies/Equipment Required

Participant Response



Arrival AttendanceSnackHike/Scavenger Hunt

Debrief of hike Clean up and go home

First Aid kit

For the participants to learn about the world around them and the importance of the environment

Diagram/Set-up of Room


Page 21:€¦  · Web viewProgram Plan. Executive Summary: As a part of the Canadian Association for the Advancement of Women and Sport and Physical Activity, we developed

There are the tables within the room in which they have to sit around for time such

as snack and any sit down activities. Across from the tables is open area for when

they are taking part in physical activities.

Program/Workshop Name: Go Girl


Page 22:€¦  · Web viewProgram Plan. Executive Summary: As a part of the Canadian Association for the Advancement of Women and Sport and Physical Activity, we developed

Target Group: Youth girls in grade seven and eight as well as grade ten and eleven.

Both groups of girls are participants within this program but the older girls are

serving as mentors to the younger girls.

Program Goal: To have this group become more confident and proud of themselves

as well as have a better outlook on the world around them.

Lesson #: 6

Performance Objectives:

Equipment and Supplies: Paper and Pens

Program/Workshop Outcomes: Improved social skills, leadership skills and

communication skills. Along with those skills we hope the girls learn to be confident

within themselves, have a more positive outlook on life, ways to prevent bullying,

and to participate more often in physical activity.

Lesson Schedule:

Time Specific Activity Supplies/Equipment Required

Participant Response



ArrivalAttendanceSnackBullying guest speakerWrite how they will help prevent bullying in their schoolHelp with homeworkClean up and go home

Paper and Pens

To learn how serious bullying really is and to try and come up with ways to prevent it. When it is time to help with homework we hope the mentors will help the mentees with any homework they may be having difficulty with.

Diagram/Set-up of Room


Page 23:€¦  · Web viewProgram Plan. Executive Summary: As a part of the Canadian Association for the Advancement of Women and Sport and Physical Activity, we developed

There are the tables within the room in which they have to sit around for time such

as snack and any sit down activities. Across from the tables is open area for when

they are taking part in physical activities.

Rules and Safety:


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- Indoor shoes

- Outdoor shoes depending on the activity planned

- No bullying

- Positive words only

- Inform staff of any injuries

- Parent or guardian must call to inform staff if their child will not be attending

- Any allergies need to be reported to the staff

- Dress appropriately or bring proper clothes depending on the activities for the day

- Always listen to the instructors

Participant to Staff Ratio:

We are hoping that with this program we will have 30 participants, 15 being

the girls in grade seven and eight and the other 15 being the girls in grade ten and

eleven. In having 30 participants we would have 3 staff members, which would be a

1:10 ratio. All three of these staff members are paid and hired by the CAAWS.

Facility/Equipment/ Supplies:


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The program will be held at the local community centre being that it is easy

to access for the students coming from both the public schools and high schools.

This location is also key because it has the space that can be used for both sitting

and doing activities that need tables and chairs, but it also has enough space so that

when the participants are doing more intense activities. The equipment needed for

“Go Girl” program changes from week to week so different equipment is necessary.

For example when it is the lesson when they are doing the Zumba class the

instructor needs a sound system in which to hook up their iPod too. Also the lesson

when they go to Onondaga Farms for high ropes they need to have proper footwear

and clothing in which they need to provide for themselves, but the helmets and

harnesses will be provided by the camp. Some of the basic supplies that we will

need is pens and pencils and colouring supplies for some of the activities they will

be doing sitting down, but they also need supplies that would be located in a school

gym such as balls, mats, and other sports equipment. The community centre has all

these supplies but the mats in which we will need to purchase.

Policy and Procedures:


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Policy: Zero Tolerance to bullying

Procedure: The participant will be talked to by one of the staff members and will be

informed that their parents or guardian will be contacted. If the bullying then

continues they will be asked to no longer attend the program.

Policy: Zero tolerance to tobacco, alcohol or drugs

Procedure: If there is suspicion that a participant has been doing any of the

following they will be asked and sent home immediately if they did in fact do one of

tobacco, alcohol or drugs.

Risk Management Plan:

To keep participants as safe as possible we will ensure that the staff

members or instructors will go over the specific activity before the participants

begin the activity. The participants are also welcome to ask any questions if they feel

they are not safe in doing the activity that is planned for that day. All of our staff

members have their first aid training to deal with any minor injuries. There are also

first aid kits at the community centre or any other location in which we would be

travelling. If there is any type of serious issue, or the staff members are unsure of

how serious an injury could be. If this were to happen there will be no hesitation for

them to call an ambulance and to contact the parents or guardians right away.

Staffing Requirements and Qualifications:


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The three staff that are hired to run this program must all at least have a

college diploma or a university degree, they must also have their first aid training up

to date. In order to receive the job they must also have had experience with children

around this age group and be able to prove it as well. With having prior experience

with his age group we hope that the program will run smoothly and professionally

without any major surprises. Considering that this is a youth program for girls in

order to run the program the staff also have to be female. Since this program is

based highly in finding the positives in things the staff also need to be fun, happy

and willing to help the girls that are participating. It would also be helpful if the staff

members lived active healthy lifestyles since that is what we are trying to promote

as the CAAWS and because we want the staff to take part in the different activities

with the participants rather then just being by standards. See job description in

appendix E


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Program Plan Methods

Promotion Methods:

In order to promote this program we would do a few different things in order to get

the name out there and to have people begin to talk about it. Before the surveys are

given out to the students parents and teachers within the schools we would have

advertisements posted in different locations such as the schools, arenas or

community centers. We plan to put these advertisements in these specific locations

because we feel as though this is where we would most often find our target

audience and their parents within the community. Once we have handed out the

surveys to the different people and do find a need for this program there would be

another advertisement put up with more details so people could gain a better

understanding of the program. These advertisements would also have a link to the

page regarding this program on the CAAWS website to gain even more information

if interested. We planned for these advertisements to be very reader friendly so that

the person reading will easily understand the details, but also attractive to first

catch a persons eye. Another way in that we plan to promote this program is

through newspaper ads; this is so if parents do not necessarily get out into the

community they still have the chance to learn about our program. To see examples

of both the advertisements and newspaper ads please see appendix F and G.


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Encourage Participation:

The first way that we are trying to encourage participation is by having the

younger paired up with an older girl so if they see the older girl participation in all

the different activities that we will be doing that they will want to too. We are also

encouraging participation by having the older girls taking part in this program will

receive community service hours. We hope that with having the grade seven and

eight girls as well as the grade ten and eleven girls they will all encourage each other

and all participate well without any problems.

Monitoring Participation:

The first way we are monitoring participation is by taking attendance

everyday and we ask that if someone is going to miss a day that we are informed

before hand so we are not responsible for any missing people. Also there are only 30

participants and three staff members, and considering that for the most part they

will be within the community center we feel as though it will be easy to monitor all

of the participants.

Program Budget:


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The total cost to run this program is $7906.00. There is a fee of $100 to be paid by

the younger age group of girls, which helps with the expenses. We were also able to

get some money from fundraising by doing a bottle drive and donations. The Lions

club, The Optimist Club, and Sears Canada all sponsored our program. Also Koinonia

Christian Fellowship generously offered to come up with any of the money we were

lacking to successfully run this program. The net profit of this program is zero. To

see the budget please look to Appendix H.

Registration Process:

We are planning on handing out registration forms at the schools for those

who are interested. The teachers will then collect these forms and return them to us.

There is a fee to be apart of this program for the girls that are in grade seven and

eight, which can be paid by cash or cheque that needs to be handed in at the same

time as the registration form. The participants in grades ten and eleven do not have

a fee because they are getting community hours for taking part in this program so

we really wanted to encourage them to take part in this program. See an example of

a registration from in appendix I.

Formative Evaluation Process:


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During the program we will focus on how much participation is taking place

through each activity. We know that since every week the activities are different

that some participation levels might by higher some weeks in comparison to others.

If there are problems with timing as to when we set activities in the schedule and

some take longer then others the timetable will easily be adjusted. If there is a

certain participant that does not seem to be enjoying themselves a staff member

would then speak to them and try to resolve the issue.

Summative Evaluation Process:

There will be a survey handed to the participants at the end of the twelve-

week program to see how they felt about it and to see what they have taken away

from it. There will also be given to the parents of the participants to see if there have

been any changes in how they are at home or school. Feedback from both the

parents and participants are crucial to see if our program was successful or to get

suggestions on what we could change for the following year. See examples of these

surveys in appendix J and K.



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A. Need Assessment for grade seven and eight students

B. Need Assessment for grade ten and eleven students

C. Need Assessment for the parents of the younger participants

D. Information about Zumba

E. Job Description

F. Advertisement

G. Newspaper Ad

H. Budget

I. Registration Form

J. Summative Evaluation for participant

K. Summative Evaluation for parent

Appendix A


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1) Please circle what grade you are in

7 8 10 11

2) Do you currently take part in any activities/sports out side of school?

Yes No

3) If yes, what activity/sport are you involved in?

4) What are your hobbies and interests?

5) Would you like to be involved in an all girls after school program?

Yes No

6) If yes, why would you like to be apart of this program?

Thank-you for completing this survey

Appendix B


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1) Please circle what grade you are in

7 8 10 11

2) Do you currently take part in any activities/sports out side of school?

Yes No

3) If yes, what activity/sport are you involved in?

4) What are your hobbies and interests?

5) Have you played a part as a leader before?

6) If yes, please explain how you were a leader?

7) Would you like to be involved in an all girls after school program?

Yes No

8) If yes, why would you like to be apart of this program?

Thank-you for completing this survey


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Appendix C

1. Does your child take part in any programs outside of school?

Yes No

2. If yes, what programs are they apart of?

3. Is anyone home when your child comes home from school?

Yes No

4. Do you feel as though your child would benefit from an after school all

girls program?

Yes No

5. What do you hope your child would take away from a program such

as this?

6. Would you consider enrolling your child in this program?

Thank you for completing this survey

Appendix D


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Are you ready to party yourself into shape? That's exactly what the Zumba® program is all about. It's an exhilarating, effective, easy-to-follow, Latin-inspired, calorie-burning dance fitness-party that's moving millions of people toward joy and health.


Zumba® Fitness is the Latin-inspired dance-fitness program that blends red-hot international music, created by Grammy Award-winning producers, and contagious steps to form a "fitness-party" that is downright addictive.

Since its inception in 2001, the Zumba program has grown to become the world's largest – and most successful – dance-fitness program with more than 12 million people of all shapes, sizes and ages taking weekly Zumba classes in over 110,000 locations across more than 125 countries.


Sometimes great ideas are born from accidents. In the mid-'90s, no one could have predicted the success of the Zumba® program, not even Alberto "Beto" Perez, who created the Zumba experience, after what many have called a true "happy accident."


As a fitness instructor in his native Cali, Colombia, Beto's life took an unexpected turn one fateful day in the mid-'90s when he darted off to teach an aerobics class and forgot his traditional aerobics music. He improvised using his own mix of music from tapes he had in his backpack (salsa and merengue music he grew up with). Spontaneously he created a new kind of dance-fitness, one that focused on letting the


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music move you (instead of counting reps over the music). Energy electrified the room; people couldn't stop smiling. His class loved it! And on that day, a revolutionary new fitness concept was born – the Zumba® Fitness-Party.


In 1999, Beto brought his new dance-fitness style to Miami, Florida, and in 2001, through a student (Alberto Perlman's mom), met entrepreneurs Alberto Perlman and Alberto Aghion. All three hailed from Colombia and all three had a vision to bring this dynamic dance-fitness class to the masses. The three Albertos formed an alliance and created a business, calling it Zumba® Fitness, LLC. They trademarked the word Zumba® and set a goal to expand the brand all over the world. First came the DVDs, then the infomercial – which introduced the Zumba® Fitness-Party to the public on a wide-scale basis – then came the demand for Zumba classes and Zumba Instructors. That's when the company took off and the Zumba® program expanded in a big way. By 2005, Zumba® Fitness spawned a full-fledged Zumba®

Academy to license Zumba Instructors to teach Zumba classes. More expansion followed with the launch of Zumbawear™ apparel and accessories, music CDs, and in 2008, one of the best-selling at-home fitness DVD series ever – the Zumba® Fitness Total Body Transformation System – which starred Beto and introduced Zumba® Fitness' newest stars, Tanya Beardsley and Gina Grant. In 2010, Zumba® Fitness launched its first video game — the Zumba® Fitness Video Game — on all three major gaming platforms: Kinect™ for Xbox 360®, Wii™ and PlayStation® Move.


Fast forward to today, the Zumba® program is now taught in gyms and studios all over the world to millions of Zumba enthusiasts. And as the program continues to evolve – from its humble beginnings, to a global movement, to a way of life – its growth has only deepened our commitment to providing accessible fitness, without the strain, without the sacrifice, just the pure joy of a party.


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The truth is, a "happy accident" can move you in a new direction and change your life forever. That's what happened to us. And now we look forward to sharing the Zumba® program with you.


At Zumba Fitness LLC, our vision is to fill the world's empty rooms with Zumba® classes. Working hand-in-hand with our most dedicated Zumba Instructors (called ZIN™ members), together, our goal is to spread the philosophy of health and happiness and of loving everything you do, especially your workout.


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Appendix E

Job Description

If you are an energetic healthy female with a passion to work with youth this

could be the job for you. You will need to have a college diploma or a university

degree, be first aid certified, and have experience in working with youth. This is an

after school program for girls between the ages of 12 and 17. The location is the

community centre. The job entails you to be a positive role model for this group of

youth and to encourage them in participating in the different activities that will be

taking place. For more information please contact the City of Kitchener or CAAWS.


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Appendix F


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Appendix G

News Paper Ad

In the City of Kitchener the Canadian Association for the Advancement of

Women and Sport and Physical Activity is starting a new program called “Go Girl”.

This program is for girls in grades seven and eight as well as ten and eleven. We

hope that within this program that the participants will gain more confidence and a

better self esteem while learning about the world around them. The older girls

within the program will receive community service hours, as they will be serving as

mentors to the younger participants. If this seems like it is a program your child

could benefit from or would interested in being a part of please contact the City of

Kitchener or CAAWS.


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Appendix H


Account Number

Account Name Item Description Total

E-100 Instructor Wages 3 instructors x 3 hours x $20/h x 12 weeks

$ 2160

E-200 Instructor Benefits

2160 wages x 0.2015 benefits $ 436

E-300 Transportation $150 x 3 times $450

E-400 Community Centre

$125 per use x 12 uses $1500

E-500 Gym Mats $25/mat x 20 mats $500

E-600 Food $6/person x 30 people x 12 weeks


E-700 Zumba Instructor 50/hour x 1 hour $50

E-800 Guest Speakers 50/hour x 1 hour x 4 speakers $200

E-900 Supplies 15/person x 30 people $450

Total Expenditures $7906


Account Number

Account Name Item Description Total

R-100 Participant Fees $100/person x 15 people $1500

R-200 Sponsorships Sears Canada =1500Koinonia Christian Fellowship =1206


R-300 Service Clubs Lions Club =2000Optimist Club =1000


R-400 Fundraising Bottle Drive =700 $700Total Revenues $7906


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Appendix I

Registration Form

Program Name: Go GirlDate of Program: Every other Wednesday from January to JuneCost of Program: For Girls in grade 7&8 $100

Name of Participant:


City: Province: Postal Code:


Phone Number: Email Address:

Participant Date of Birth dd/mm/yy:

Emergency Contact Information

Name: Relationship to Participant:

Phone Number:

Health Information

Does the participant have any allergies?

Does the participant have any injuries?

Payment Details

Paying with: Cash Cheque

Signature of Participant: Date:


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Signature of Parent/Guardian: Date:

Appendix J

Survey for Participant

1. Did you enjoy the “Go Girl” Program?

Yes No

2. What are some things you learned from this program?

3. What will you take away from this program?

4. Would you like to take part in this program again?

Yes No


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Appendix K

Survey for Parents

1) Were you happy with this program?

Yes No

2) If you have any feedback or recommendations please write them below

3) Do you feel that your child has learned new things from this program?

Yes No

4) Any changes you have noticed in your child please write below

5) Would you recommend this program to other people? Why or Why not?


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"Canadian Association for the Advancement of Women and Sport and Physical Activity-

CAAWS." Canadian Association for the Advancement of Women and Sport and

Physical Activity. Web. 18 Apr. 2011. <>.

Gurian, Anita. "How to Raise Girls with Healthy Self-Esteem." About Our Kids. NYU

Child Study Center. Web. 18 Apr. 2011.

Sallee, Heidi M. "Understanding the Teen Years." Family Kids Health

Educational Partner. Web. 18 Apr. 2011.


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