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The invasions took place between 1806 and 1807

Britain attempts to seize control of the Spanish colonies located around the La Plata Basin

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The invasions were in two phases

1. The British Army occupied Buenos Aires for 46 days in 1806

2. A second force occupied Montevideo, following the Battle of Montevideo in 1807

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The resistance of the local people and their active participation in the defence of the city

No support from the Spanish Kingdom

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The May Revolution in 1810

The Argentine Declaration of Independence in 1816.

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The South Sea Company was granted trading concessions in South America in the time of Queen Anne, under the Treaty of Utrecht.

The British had long harboured ambitions in South America, considering the estuary of the Río de la Plata as the most favourable location for a British colony

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The La Plata Basin, scene of the British invasions in 1806 and 1807.

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In May 1804 William Pitt was in charge of the British Government

Napoleon was the Emperor of the French Empire

William Pitt claimed that Napoleon and his Empire should be destroyed to restore the balance in Europe William Pitt

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Napoleon decided to invade Britain, but his plan failed

The French and Spanish were defeated in the Battle of Trafalgar

England would have absolute control of the seas

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A British force commanded by Lieutenant-General David Baird and Admiral Sir Home Popham took the Dutch colony of the Cape of Good Hope in 1805

Admiral Sir Home Popham

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The following year, a smaller British force of 1,500 men under Colonel William Carr Beresford was sent across the South Atlantic to invade the Plata region, departing on 14 April 1806 .

Colonel William Carr Beresford

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The Spanish Viceroy, Marquis Rafael de Sobremonte, had asked the Spanish Crown for reinforcements many times, but no new men arrived

It was suggested that he should arm the city residents of Buenos Aires to form a militia, but he was reluctant to give weapons to the population. Sobremonte

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The British landed on Quilmes, near Buenos Aires, on June 25, 1806

They reached and occupied Buenos Aires on the 27 June.

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The Viceroy fled to Córdoba Province with the city's treasure

The British forces took it away from him during his escape.

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Buenos Aires was held under British domain during 46 days

The residents of the city feared becoming a British colony

Beresford decided to decree free commerce and reduction of port taxes

This measure displeased the merchants

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French marine officer Santiago de Liniers y Bremond, in service to the Spanish Crown, organised the re-conquest of Buenos Aires from Montevideo, with help of the city governor Ruiz Huidobro. Also of importance was the participation of Juan Martín de Pueyrredón, chief of the urban militias.

Santiago de Liniers

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On August 4, 1806, Liniers landed at Las Conchas, north of Buenos Aires

He advanced with a mixed force of Buenos Aires line troops and Montevideo Militia toward the city

After two days of fighting, Beresford surrendered

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Two days later, the government at the Buenos Aires Cabildo named Liniers military and political chief of the city.


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Militias were formed by the Spanish and criollos

The creation of such local forces created concern within the Spanish elite, fearful of an attempt of secession from the Spanish Crown.

As a result

The Patricios

Compañía de Granaderos de Infantería o Provinciales


The Arribeños Pardos and Morenos

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Militia porteñaSeñora porteña

Indio on horse

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On February 3, 1807, Montevideo was captured in a joint military and naval operation using British reinforcements of 8,000 men under General Sir Samuel Auchmuty and a naval squadron under Admiral Sir Charles Stirling.

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On 10 May, Lieutenant-General John Whitelocke arrived in Montevideo to take overall command of the British forces on the Río de la Plata.

He landed on June 27.

John Whitelocke

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On July 1, Liniers was defeated in the environs of the city

Whitelocke did not attempt to enter the city, but twice demanded the city's surrender.

Buenos Aires' mayor Martín de Álzaga organised the defence of the city by digging trenches, fortifying buildings and erecting fences with great popular support

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Whitelocke resolved to attack Buenos Aires

He divided his army into 12 columns and advanced without the protection of the artillery

His army was met on the streets by a determined militia, and fighting continued on the streets of Buenos Aires on 4 July and 5 July.

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Whitelocke underestimated the importance of urban combat, in which the inhabitants of the city overwhelmed the British troops.

the British controlled Retiro but the city's centre was still in the hands of the defenders, and the invaders were demoralized.

At this point, a Spanish counter-attack defeated many important British commanders

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Whitelocke proposed a 24-hour truce, which was rejected by Liniers, who ordered an artillery attack.

Whitelocke signed a ceasefire with Liniers on 12 August.

He left the Río de la Plata basin taking with him the British forces in Buenos Aires, Montevideo, and Colonia.

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he was court-martialed and cashiered, mainly for surrendering Montevideo

Liniers was later named Viceroy of the Río de la Plata by the Spanish Crown

He left the Río de la Plata basin taking with him the British forces in Buenos Aires, Montevideo, and Colonia.

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The people of Buenos Aires became concious that they had to fight the British invasions by themselves, with little help from the Spanish Crown, and given the Spanish King was captured by Napoleón, the idea of independence from Spain grew stronger. Less than 3 years after the second invasion, the May Revolution took place in 1810, as a prelude to the Declaration of Independence of Argentina of 1816.

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Treasures of war

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Re-conquest of “La Virgen del Rosario”

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2006: Two hundred years later

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Map of Buenos Aires

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William Pitt and Napoleon


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Soldado PatricioBritish soldier

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Spanish Ship

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Sebastian´s Pride – Wilkinson, Susan

Cronista Mayor de Buenos Aires – Núm 54 Año 8 Buenos Aires julio 2006

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