
Malena Accomazzo Scotti Viviana López Larretchart

Daiana Martínez Silvia Rettaroli

Objectives of the session

Outline XXI c. learning skills,

knowledge, strategies, etc.

Describe a teaching strategy for

the attainment of XXI c learning.

Create an online community to

stay connected.

Accomazzo Scotti - López Larretchart - Martínez - Rettaroli


How many of us were born in the XX century?

How many of us were educated in the XX century?

How many of us were provided teacher education /

training to teach XXI c learners?

Accomazzo Scotti - López Larretchart - Martínez - Rettaroli

WHAT does XXI c. LEARNING mean to Argentine bilingual school teachers?

Accomazzo Scotti - López Larretchart - Martínez - Rettaroli

Talk to the person sitting next to you for about

two minutes about the knowledge, skills, strategies, tools XXI c learners need to learn at our schools.

Share your conclusions at

Twitter: #worldinclass

WHAT does XXI c. LEARNING mean to Argentine bilingual school teachers?

Accomazzo Scotti - López Larretchart - Martínez - Rettaroli

XXI century learning

New information skills

Critical, analytical skills

Communication skills and team work

Creative skills

Reflective and assessment skills

Intercultural skills

Accomazzo Scotti - López Larretchart -

Martínez - Rettaroli

Accomazzo Scotti - López Larretchart - Martínez - Rettaroli

Accomazzo Scotti - López Larretchart -

Martínez - Rettaroli

Dudeney, G., N. Hockly, & M. Pegrum (2013): Digital Literacies. Harlow: Pearson.

Byram M. (2008) From Foreign Language Education to Education for Intercultural Citizenship Essays and Reflections. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters

Walker A. & G. White (2013) Technology Enhanced Language Learning. Connecting Theory and practice. Oxford: OUP.

Teaching in the 21 century


Accomazzo Scotti - López Larretchart - Martínez - Rettaroli

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