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Excellence in motion

Bringing out the best

Friday 8th January 2016

28nd Rabi’al-Awwal 1437 AH

Al-Hijrah Pupil Post

Al-Hijrah Pupil Post is Al-Hijrah’s very own pupil newspaper.

“A newspaper for the children; by the children; of the children.”

The newspaper will be available in the school Library and Main Office; so get your copy as soon as you can! Each edition will be crammed with news, action, information, sport and important events that have happened at Al-Hijrah. Examples of some work are included under ‘Celebrating Writing’ on the last page of this Newsletter.


4a Hamza Z & Maryam Y

4b Haniya K & Daiyaan A

BY5 Adam E & Shaheer S

GY5 Haleema A & Sara A

BY6 Abdullah T, Ismail Y, Zakariya M & Hamaad H

GY6 Lamees K & Mayyah T

Teacher Sr. Diana Shaibi

Parents & Head Teacher Coffee Morning

As you are aware the Parents and Head Teacher Coffee Morning will now be held every second Tuesday of the month. Parents are requested to email the school with topics and these will Insha’Allah be addressed by our Head Teacher, Br Arshad Mohammed. Br Shawkat Chowdhury (Deputy Head Teacher) will also be available for any queries you may have. The first Coffee Morning will be NEXT WEEK on Tuesday 12

th January 2016. The Coffee Morning will take

place in the Main Hall from 9:00 am – 10:00 am. Entrance and exit will be from the Main Office (Burbidge Road) and parents must kindly sign in on arrival – please kindly note that parents will not be granted access to the main school building due to safeguarding and will be escorted at all times.

Head Teacher’s Message

Dear Brothers and Sisters, As-salaamu' alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu Welcome back everyone – I pray that Allah (SWT) blessed your break with relaxation, rest and enjoyment, Aameen. Al-hamdu’lillah, we start the New Year and term on a positive with new additions to our Al-Hijrah family – Masha’Allah we have secured some great teachers and look forward to a blessed and productive future with them. We will continue to secure the best possible staff and resources for our school, Insha’Allah. During December 2015 we were inspected by OFSTED and I am pleased to announce that the school is no longer in special measures as we have made major improvements in our outcomes and the way we work. With your support and du’as, we will continue to evolve and develop on our journey towards excellence, Insha’Allah. The Report is available for your attention on the OFSTED and our website. We have as always kept the children busy and have some friendly competition for our Weekly Times with the Al-Hijrah Pupil Post which is a great read! The school as a whole has marked the rich and glorious Seerah of our beloved Prophet (Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam) through lessons and activities. Primary have continued to learn from the examples of our Heroes and GY5 were inspired to hold a mini business. Masha’Allah our children are a talented and creative bunch; may Allah (SWT) always protect them and give them success in their good endeavours, Aameen. As always, keep us in your du'as as we keep you in ours; may Allah (SWT) protect, guide and grant us His Mercy, Aameen.

Br. Arshad Mohammed

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The Al-Hijrah Weekly Times Friday 8th January 2016

Excellence in motion | Page 2 of 4 | Bringing out the best

Heroes of Islam Seerah Month at Al-Hijrah

Before the holidays we celebrated Heroes of Islam in the Primary classes. Masha’Allah, our religion is so full of rich stories and lessons that we continued the project for this week. Jazak’Allah for assisting and encouraging your child in learning and researching about their allocated Hero. This week the pupils in Primary presented their hard work in assembly, it was both fun and very informative, Masha’Allah.

GY5 explored the life of Khadijah Bint Khuwaylid (RA) and decided to do a special project. Having studied key qualities on the assigned heroine (wealthy, wise, intelligent and generous), GY5 were given the task of planning, organising and carrying out a ‘mini-business’ to experience the skills required in business and trade, such as: communication, time management and calculation. The children will be given the opportunity to debate and decide on how to use the money raised, Insha’Allah.

Rabi'al-Awwal is the most significant month in Islamic history because humanity was blessed in this month by the birth of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam). Before the birth of the Prophet (Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam), not only the Arabian peninsula, but also the nations of Rome and Persia were full of ignorance, superstitions, oppression and unrest. The Prophet (Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam), came with the Eternal Truth of Tawhid (Oneness of Allah); the faith which provides a firm basis for the real concepts of knowledge, equity and peace. It was this faith which delivered humanity from ignorance and superstitions and spread the light of true knowledge all over the world. At Al-Hijrah we try our best to follow the teachings of our beloved Prophet (Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam), to make his pious Seerah available to every Muslim pupil and staff member; to preserve it in the hearts of our pupils from childhood; to educate every Al-Hijrah family member to practise their lives according to it; and to hold it as the most glorious example of the human conduct the universe has ever witnessed. We make constant and consistent efforts through a meaningful programme of education and training. For example, during this month all assemblies and Friday sermons are based on the different phases of the life of the Prophet (Sall-Allahu alayhi wa sallam), posters on Seerah have been designed and one poster on each day is shared and discussed in class. Children are also encouraged to lead and deliver assemblies on Seerah and all teachers are asked to deliver lessons on Seerah in all subjects. All this is carried out with utmost love and reverence; not only through formal activities, but also through actual behaviour of following the Sunnah in school and outside school, and hopefully in every aspect of their life.

Free School Meals (FSM) School Website & Social Media

If you have not already done so, please register for FSM. Remember, even if your child is not having free school meals, it will still mean funding for the school so please take some time to check if you are eligible. The link is available on our website.

Please find below the links on our website for social media forums:

Facebook –

Instagram –

Twitter –

– Please logon and subscribe!

Important Dates! Afterschool Clubs

Parents & Head Teacher Coffee Morning: Tue 12

th Jan 2015, 9:00 am – 10:00 am,

Main Hall.

Year 9 STEM Day: Tuesday 12th

Jan 2016.

Please note the following:

ALL children participating in Afterschool Clubs between 3.30 and 4.30 pm will be dismissed from the Cobham Road Entrance/Exit only.

The Main Office (Burbidge Road) will be closed from 4:30 pm onwards – if you arrive early you will be asked to walk around.

Please collect children promptly (at 4:30 pm) from COBHAM ROAD to ensure the safety of all pupils particularly during the dark evenings.

Primary Pupils: To be collected from the Main Hall.

Secondary Students: Will be allowed to leave and exit the school unless otherwise informed.

Staff News

We are pleased to announce that we have secured some excellent teachers for your children in the roles that had become vacant before the holidays. Please kindly join us in welcoming Br John Brockley and Br Javed Iqbal to our Maths Department. We also welcome Sr Iram Ashraf as a new Science Teacher and Sr Shamim Ali is one of our new Year 3 Teachers. Br Muhammad Imran has swapped roles and is now part of the RE Department which is great news. May Allah (SWT) bless and facilitate their start and time with us at Al-Hijrah School.

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The Al-Hijrah Weekly Times Friday 8th January 2016

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Children Collected Late (Up to 4:00 pm) Year 7 Aberdovey Wales Residential

Uncollected pupils will be taken to the Portakbin classroom at the front of the school until 4:00 pm. Parents arriving up to 4:00 pm should enter via Gate 1 on BURBIDGE ROAD and report to the Main Office. Staff will then contact the Portakabin for your child/ren to be brought across. Parents/guardians will not be permitted to enter the main school after 3:45 pm.

Following the information evening last term we have had lots of positive feedback and many children have registered their interest. If you did not attend the workshop, the information pack is available from Sr Susan Coughlan (Head of PE). Full payment of £155 was required by this week Fri 8

th Jan 2016.

This trip was also opened to Year 9 students. If you would still like your child to participate in this residential please contact Sr Susan or Br Tariq, Insha’Allah.

Hadith/Focus for Next Week Pupils of the Week School Nurse Drop-In

Backbiting Ibn Umar (RA) said:

“The Messenger of Allah (Sall-

Allahu alayhi wa sallam) forbade

us from tale-bearing, backbiting

and listening to backbiting.”

R1 Safiyy & Aisha A

R2 Musab H & Hamza M

1a Inayah A & Saniya K

1b Hasan & Ismaeel

2a Aminah W & Al-Haji M

2b Alina M & Nabhaan A

3a Zikrah & Rayan

3b Harith & Khadija

4a Sakynah B & Ismaeel A

4b Afifa I & Nabeel M

BY5 Hamaad Y & Ibrahim K

GY5 Lubna K & Aisha H

BY6 Zain B & Abdullah T

GY6 Ashba Z & Zahra Q

The Drop-In Clinic takes place every Thursday. Appointments (for Primary parents only) are 10:00 – 11:00 am. The School Nurse will contact parents who need to be seen. If you wish to book an appointment contact Sr Ruth Glackin (Family Liaison Officer) through our school email:

[email protected]

Attendance & Punctuality Open Door Policy/Parent Matters Parking

Attendance is very important and all schools are judged on this. The national target is 95%.

Previous Week This Week

93.02% 94.97%

Masha’Allah, a successful week with an improvement on the previous figure. Please kindly continue to encourage your children to arrive on time, Insha’Allah. The school gates close at 8:45 am and pupils are noted as late if they arrive after this time. Secondary students are issued with a break time detention for lateness.

Your first point of call is the Class/Form Tutor. After this, a member of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) or Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) will deal with your query/concern. Please kindly note:

Br. Amjid Hussain Pastoral & DSL

Sr. Saima Khan Assistant Head & DSL

Br. Shawkat Chowdhury Deputy Head & DSL

Br. Arshad Mohammed Head Teacher

Br. David Brown Executive Head Teacher

A reminder: please park safely when dropping off and collecting your child from school. Please be conscious of our children and park safely. Help us to help you keep your child safe, Insha’Allah.

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The Al-Hijrah Weekly Times Friday 8th January 2016

Excellence in motion | Page 4 of 4 | Bringing out the best

Celebrating Writing

Please join us in celebrating some of the outstanding work produced by our pupils from different year groups, Masha’Allah!

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