
ORCiDs for researchers - now coming to a website near you

This work is published under the Creative Commons Attribution license (CC BY: which means that it can be freely copied, redistributed and adapted, as long as proper attribution is given.

Gudmundur A. Thorisson <[email protected]>University of Leicester / University of Iceland / ORCID EU

?????? 0000-0001-5635-1860

Monday, 22 October 12

BRIF workshop, Toulouse Oct 22 2012


‣ Introduction to ORCID, an organization and a community

‣ ORCID has launched a live service - what happens now?

‣ Relevance to BRIF mission

Monday, 22 October 12

BRIF workshop, Toulouse Oct 22 2012

The problem with names

Are these authors all the same person?G. Thorisson, University of LeicesterG. A. Thorisson, University of LeicesterG. A. Thorisson, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

How about these?

Or these?

J. SmithJ. SmithJ. SmithJ. SmithJ. Smith [...]

[..] ∼2/3 of the ∼6 million authors in MEDLINE share a last name and first initial with at least one other author, and an ambiguous name refers to ∼8 persons on average.

Torvik and Smalheiser. Author name disambiguation in MEDLINE. ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (2009) vol. 3 (3)

Monday, 22 October 12

BRIF workshop, Toulouse Oct 22 2012

The problem with names (cont)

• Number of authors and other scholarly contributors is increasing

• Number & kinds of “works” they contribute to is increasing

Monday, 22 October 12

BRIF workshop, Toulouse Oct 22 2012

The problem with names (cont)

• Number of authors and other scholarly contributors is increasing

• Number & kinds of “works” they contribute to is increasing

‣ The scholarly record is broken

‣Reliable attribution of authors and contributors is impossible without unique person-level identifiers

Monday, 22 October 12

BRIF workshop, Toulouse Oct 22 2012

Use cases for contributor IDs

• Why? – Attribution - link content creators with their works and attribute credit

appropriately – Discovery - who contributed to publication X?

which publications has person/organization Y contributed to?

• What kind of contributions?– Characterizing ‘contributorship‘:

role: author, creator, analyst, reviewer contribution: ‘conceived of study & designed experiment’, ‘wrote paper’, ‘performed experiments’

• LHC example: ~2000 ‘authors’ and ~170 institutions

Monday, 22 October 12

Monday, 22 October 12

BRIF workshop, Toulouse Oct 22 2012

WHO CARES? Lots of people!

• Publishers who publish researchers’ work– Accurate author info, dealing with coauthors, generally managing the peer-

review & publishing process

• Institutions that employ researchers– Evaluating performance of research staff, tenure decisions

• Funders who give researchers money– Which PI scientists are getting funded, who are their co-applications, track which

research outputs were produced by a given grant

• Researchers!– Automated CVs, receive credit, save time when submitting manuscripts to


Monday, 22 October 12

BRIF workshop, Toulouse Oct 22 2012

The Open Researcher & Contributor ID initiative

‣ ORCID is an international, interdisciplinary organization involving multiple stakeholders:

- Research institutions, libraries, funding organizations, publishers, intermediares and individual researchers

‣ Started in late 2009 to solve the name ambiguity problem in scholarly communication.

‣ Incorporated as a non-profit with a Board of Directors in August 2010.

Monday, 22 October 12

BRIF workshop, Toulouse Oct 22 2012

ORCID Principles1. ORCID  will  work  to  support  the  crea7on  of  a  permanent,  clear  and  unambiguous  record  of  scholarly  

communica7on  by  enabling  reliable  a@ribu7on  of  authors  and  contributors.

2. ORCID  will  transcend  discipline,  geographic,  na7onal  and  ins7tu7onal,  boundaries.

3. Par7cipa7on  in  ORCID  is  open  to  any  organiza7on  that  has  an  interest  in  scholarly  communica7ons.

4. Access  to  ORCID  services  will  be  based  on  transparent  and  non-­‐discriminatory  terms  posted  on  the  ORCID  website.

5. Researchers  will  be  able  to  create,  edit,  and  maintain  an  ORCID  ID  and  profile  free  of  charge.

6. Researchers  will  control  the  defined  privacy  seLngs  of  their  own  ORCID  profile  data.

7. All  profile  data  contributed  to  ORCID  by  researchers  or  claimed  by  them  will  be  available  in  standard  formats  for  free  download  (subject  to  the  researchers'  own  privacy  seLngs)  that  is  updated  once  a  year  and  released  under  the  CC0  waiver.

8. All  soTware  developed  by  ORCID  will  be  publicly  released  under  an  Open  Source  SoTware  license  approved  by  the  Open  Source  Ini7a7ve.  For  the  soTware  it  adopts,  ORCID  will  prefer  Open  Source.

9. ORCID  iden7fiers  and  profile  data  (subject  to  privacy  seLngs)  will  be  made  available  via  a  combina7on  of  no  charge  and  for  a  fee  APIs  and  services.  Any  fees  will  be  set  to  ensure  the  sustainability  of  ORCID  as  a  not-­‐for-­‐profit,  charitable  organiza7on  focused  on  the  long-­‐term  persistence  of  the  ORCID  system.

10.ORCID  will  be  governed  by  representa7ves  from  a  broad  cross-­‐sec7on  of  stakeholders,  the  majority  of  whom  are  not-­‐for-­‐profit,  and  will  strive  for  maximal  transparency  by  publicly  pos7ng  summaries  of  all  board  mee7ngs  and  annual  financial  reports.

Monday, 22 October 12

BRIF workshop, Toulouse Oct 22 2012

ORCID Participants

ORCID has 328 participant organizations from across the world, 50 of which have provided sponsorship funding.

Monday, 22 October 12

BRIF workshop, Toulouse Oct 22 2012

What makes ORCID different?

• Some key facts:• ORCID is the only researcher identifier that is not limited to discipline,

institution or geographic area

• ORCID is backed by a non-profit organization with >300 participants

• ORCID is backed by many different stakeholders

• Publishers are an important ORCID stakeholder but are just one part

• ORCID is serious about building an open system

Monday, 22 October 12

BRIF workshop, Toulouse Oct 22 2012

The ORCID service is now live!

‣ Get a persistent identifier

‣ Start managing their profile

- search&add publications

- [more features coming soon]

Individuals can registerat no charge

Monday, 22 October 12

Monday, 22 October 12

Monday, 22 October 12

BRIF workshop, Toulouse Oct 22 2012

The ORCID service is now live!

‣ Get a persistent identifier

‣ Start managing their profile

- search&add publications

- [more features coming soon]

‣ Public API‣ free to use, no registration needed

‣ look up & search public profile data

‣ Members API‣ ORCID membership required, annual fee

‣ read/write protected profile data

‣ create profiles on behalf of users

Individuals can registerat no charge

Individuals and organizations can use APIs to integrate their systems

Monday, 22 October 12

BRIF workshop, Toulouse Oct 22 2012

ORCID  system  searches  for  possible  matching  profiles

ORCID  RESEARCHORGANIZATIONWORKFLOW• Create  trans-­‐organizaGon  record  for  all  scholars  and  researchers  (students)

• Auto-­‐updates  for  researcher  publicaGons,  patents,  grants,  etc.

• Management  of  InsGtuGonal  Repository

• Reduced  document  management  workload  for  researchers

Organiza7on  creates  ORCID  field  in  their  HR  system

Researcher  logs  into  ORCID  to  approve  ORCID::HR  profile  pairing

HR  profile  updated

ORCID::HR  profile  pairing  noGce  sent  to  


OrganizaGon  prompted  to  resolve  duplicates

OrganizaGon  uses  Tier  2  API  to  upload  basic  informaGon  for  staff  

member  to  ORCID

Monday, 22 October 12

BRIF workshop, Toulouse Oct 22 2012

ORCID  Tier  2  API  passes  ID  (and  author  informaGon)  to  submission  system

ORCID  PUBLISHERWORKFLOW• Streamline  data  input

• Create  author  links

Researcher  starts  manuscript  submission

Manuscript  processed  and  content  published

Metadata  and  ORCIDdeposited  to  CrossRef

ORCID::DOI  pairings  submiXed  to  ORCID

ORCID  profileupdated

Manuscript  submission  system  asks  researcher  to  supply  and  validate  ORCID  idenGfier

Monday, 22 October 12

BRIF workshop, Toulouse Oct 22 2012

Several launch partners already have integration

• American Physical Society• Aries Systems• AVEDAS• Boston University• California Institute of Technology• CrossRef• Elsevier (Scopus)• Faculty of 1000• figshare

• Hindawi Publishing Corporation• KNODE, Inc.• Nature Publishing Group• SafetyLit• Symplectic• Thomson Reuters• ImpactStory• Wellcome Trust

Monday, 22 October 12

Monday, 22 October 12

BRIF workshop, Toulouse Oct 22 2012

Relevance to BRIF

• What can biobanks, databases and data repositories do?

– NOW - obtain ORCiD’s for contributors, data creators, curators and start associating them with resources

– LATER - update ORCID system with information on contributions

Monday, 22 October 12

Acknowledgements GEN2PHEN Consortium

Prof Anthony J. Brookes Bioinformatics Group, Leicester

This work has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013)under grant agreement number 200754 - the GEN2PHEN project.

Contact me!

<[email protected]> |<[email protected]>

http://www.gthorisson.namePublished under the CC BY license (

Monday, 22 October 12

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