
© Confederation of Indian Industry

Bottle Gourd Lagenaria siceraria

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CII-Godrej GBC, Hyderabad



© Confederation of Indian Industry

Bottle Gourd Lagenaria siceraria

Native: Africa & Asia

Family: Cucurbitaceae

Height: 18-24 inches

Leaf Shape: Circular

Annual climbing vine


Pollination: Self


Calabash was one of the first cultivated plants in the world, grown not for food but as a container

© Confederation of Indian Industry

Hindi: लललल Lauki

Manipuri: Khongdrum

Tamil: लललललललललल Surakkai

Telugu: సరకయ, Sorakkaya

Marathi: लललल Dudhi

Malayalam: Pechura

Kannada: Sorekayi

Bengali: Ladu

Gujarati: Tumada

Sanskrit: Tiktalabu

Bottle Gourd Lagenaria siceraria

Grows fast and begin to flower only 2 months after seeding

© Confederation of Indian Industry

Lagenaria (lag-en-AR-ee-uh)siceraria (sy-ker-AR-ee-uh)

Bottle Gourd Lagenaria siceraria

© Confederation of Indian IndustryDried Calabash is used as bottle, Utensil or Pipe. Hence the name Bottle Gourd

Bottle Gourd Lagenaria siceraria

Calabash means dry gourd in Persian literature

© Confederation of Indian IndustryA gourd is a plant of the family Cucurbitaceae - a name given to the hollow, dried shell of a fruit

Bottle Gourd Lagenaria siceraria

© Confederation of Indian Industry

Leaves are up to 15 inches wide, circular in shape, with smooth margins, a few with broad lobes or undulate margins

Leaves of lower surface have a velvety structure because of fine hairs

Lower Surface

Upper Surface

Bottle Gourd Lagenaria siceraria

© Confederation of Indian Industry

Flowers are borne singly on the axils of the Flowers are borne singly on the axils of the leavesleaves

Flowers grow upto 4 inches in diameter. White and attractive

Male flowers on long peduncles

Female flowers on Short peduncles

Pollinated at night by hawk-Pollinated at night by hawk-moths and other moth speciesmoths and other moth species

Bottle Gourd Lagenaria siceraria

© Confederation of Indian Industry

Fresh fruit has a light green smooth skin and a white flesh

Bottle Gourd Lagenaria siceraria

© Confederation of Indian Industry

Brownish seeds are numerous in a whitish green pulp

Bottle Gourd Lagenaria siceraria

Seed is rectangular in shape with grooved notches near the attached end

© Confederation of Indian Industry

A glass of juice is a

valuable medicine for

dehydration due to severe


Cures disorders like

jaundice and inflammation

of kidneys & Diabetes

Medicinal Value

Bottle Gourd Lagenaria siceraria

© Confederation of Indian Industry

Provides multiple


Cooling effect

Prevents constipation

Help on pH balance

Aid in weight loss


Health Benefits Bottle Gourd Lagenaria siceraria

© Confederation of Indian Industry

Please do remember Bottle Gourd

Lagenaria siceraria

Everybody must eat bottle guard at the month of Mid – February upto mid – April to prevent getting chicken pox

© Confederation of Indian Industry

Contains 96% of water & Low in Calories

Varieties of Dishes are made out of it

Bottle gourd is a common vegetable in India

Rich in minerals, iron, protein and fiber

Drinking a glass of bottle gourd juice in the morning daily can be very useful for treating graying hair because it helps liver

Bottle Gourd Lagenaria siceraria

© Confederation of Indian Industry

Taking one glass of Fresh gourd juice sometimes develops Diarrhea and vomiting mixed with blood and Oliguria and leads to death

It also leads to Peripheral circulatory failure

Cucurbitacins are the toxic compounds which are responsible for the bitter taste and can cause ulcers in the stomach

Bottle Gourd Lagenaria siceraria


© Confederation of Indian Industry

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