Page 1: Booklet Grow Spring 2015

Train The Coordinators

8-12 October 2014

Page 2: Booklet Grow Spring 2015

Dear Delegate Train the Coordinators,

The responsibility of organizing the perfect environment for the GROW

message to be delivered to all high school students, is a challenging and in

the same time a satisfying work. We are very glad to meet YOU, the

coordinators, which will bring a great value to the project’s success and a

positive impact in 15 cities and more than 1000 high school students. Feel

free to interact with us, to ask questions and discuss about the project

and also other topics during the conference and after that.

Hope you have a great GROW experience!

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Members of School of Values that have a role in organizing the conference and delivering

trainings in TTC.


GROW 0.9- 1.0

Coordinators from the cities where the program is delivered by

AIESEC to high school students.


Entities that are supporting the program and the conference. They believe in the added value that the

GROW program brings to the Romanian society.


Members of National Comitees of AIESEC ROMANIA that have a

role in delivering trainings in conferrence


Trainers from others organizations or companies that will deliver

session in TTC

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- Presence at all the conference is mandatory (from 11:00 on 8h October , the

deadline for check-in, till 15:00, 12th

of October, last day of conference)

For unjustified absence* during the conference, on this period of time,

accommodation and meal charge is applied during the absence. *In case of absence for 2 number of conference days, the organizing team is announced

with minimum 4 days in advance. You will receive an answer in minimum 24 hours, if the

rule applies or not in your case.

*For absence during the trainings, in exceptional cases (cold, flue), get approval from

the Master Trainer of your track. Otherwise, the rule of unjustified absence is applied.

- Smoking during trainings or in the training rooms is not allowed – there are

smoking areas arranged outside the training rooms. Otherwise, the damage fee is not


- It is forbidden to consume alcohol during trainings and inside training spaces.

Drinking alcohol during meals (between trainings) is not allowed. Otherwise, the delegate

will be excluded from the conference and will cover accommodation and food costs for the

period present in the conference.

- It is forbidden to use any type of narcotic, hallucinogen; marijuana etc. whether

legal or illegal as well as any other substances of this type that do not have prescription

from a doctor. Otherwise, the delegate will be excluded from the conference and will cover

accommodation and food costs for the period present in the conference. In case of illicit

drug use will be notified police.

- It is forbidden to consume food or non-alcoholic beverages during the

trainings. There will be breaks organized with food and non-alcoholic beverages for you.

Otherwise, the damage fee is not refundable.

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- The organizers are not responsible for the lost object (clothes, phones or any good

of the delegate).

- The organizers are not responsible for lost manuals/materials. Otherwise, the

damage fee is not refundable.

- It is not allowed to take photos in the hotel, training room and restaurant or

during trainings.

- At the party, photos are allowed only if they are not licentious – images with

alcoholic drinks and with inappropriate nature that mismatches the conference purpose or

the organization’s values.

Pictures can be exposed only on the private facebook group of the conference.

Otherwise, the damage fee is not refundable.

- The organizers are not accountable for the accidents or neglecting that can bring

health problems – for example, out of rush, a person falls on the stairs and broke his/her

leg. The organizers will do all in their power to help the victim, but we are not

accountable moral or financially for the neglecting of the delegates.


- Is the tax per delegate which covers various damages during the

conference (made by the participants) or for violation of conference and locations

rules .

The agreement is signed by all the participants at the conference, because the

conference content is copyrighted and can not be used outside the project and for

personal purposes.

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The check-in on the first day of conference ( 8st of October) is between 06:30am –

11:00am. Any delegate who exceeds the schedule of check-in(excepting the announced

special cases) is responsible for the payment of accommodation and meals for the first day

(in case of absence for a longer period of time, specifications are made in Trainings section).

Objects from the hotel room are not in use outside enclosure. Otherwise, the damage fee is not


Any damage caused in the hotel will be charged from the total amount of damage fees

collected from all delegates.

No smoking in rooms – there are smoking areas arranged on hallways or balcony rooms (if

any). Otherwise, the damage fee is not refundable.

Check – out is between 08:00am – 10:00am on the last day of conference (12th

of October

2014). Any delegate who exceeds the schedule of check - out is responsible for the payment

of accommodation and meals for the last day (check-out means clearing the rooms and

returning the key at the reception).

Any damage caused in the hotel will be charged from the total amount of damage fees

collected from all delegates.

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Check-in: 06:30am – 11:00am, 8th of October 2014

Check-out: 08:00am – 10:00am, 12th of October 2014

For check–in you will need to prepare the following:

-Passport and ID card

-Damage fee (12 euro or 50 lei (Romanian currency))

The procedure is the following:

The lady from reception will ask from you the following:

-ID and passport – you can take back your papers after 3 or 4

hours from the reception.

-The rooms are double, triple or with 4 beds in an apartment,

so you will have a roommates. Make sure you don’t lose the

room key, best way to keep it safe is to leave it at the reception.

For more information please read the Conference Rules Page.

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During the meals, you will have from appetizers, to soup and

prepared meat (chicken, beef).

For vegetarians:

Please send an email to [email protected] if

you are a vegetarian. If you are allergic to a type of meat or

vegetable, please inform us at the same email address.


Presence at all meals is required. In exceptional cases

(cold, flue) the organizing team must be announced before the

meal. Otherwise, the damage fee is not refundable.

Any damage caused in the hotel will be charged from the

total amount of damage fees collected from all delegates.

No smoking in the restaurant – there are smoking areas

arranged outside the restaurant or on the restaurant’s terrace.

Otherwise, the damage fee is not refundable.

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The location

The location is Training Center of BRD in Bucharest. Is close to

Bucharest Circus, situated in back of it.

The complete adress: Zambilelor Street no 10, Bucharest, Lacul

Tei area

Ways to get there: from Gara de Nord take bus no 282 in

direction Lacul Tei ,to the stop named Maica Domnului.

You have to pass approx 15 stops, it takes around 30 minutes to get

there by bus from Gara de Nord .

In case you need directions call Andreea Dinu at 0743908338.

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Here you have a google map:

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"Experienta GROW a reprezentat cea mai importanta

parte din experienta mea AIESEC din momentul in care am intrat in organizatie si pana in prezent.

Cand am intrat in organizatie, GROW a reprezentat primul meu contact cu un proiect, prima echipa

in care mi-am gasit locul si prima interactiune cu prieteni adevarati . Stiam de atunci ca vreau sa fiu

coordonator GROW, dar vroiam pentru motivele gresite. Voiam pentru ca VOIAM si atat. Acum,

dupa ce am coordonat editia de primavara pot spune ca GROW inseamna mult mai mult decat un

proiect prin care niste adolescenti invata ceva si eu ma dezvolt pe plan profesional. Acum, la final de

experienta sunt de alta parere, aceasta fiind faptul ca “tu, ca si coordonator nu inveti ceva nou in

proiect, ci GROW te invata, GROW te dezvolta si GROW de umanizeaza”.

GROW m-a invatat sa imi conduc o echipa, sa-i respect si sa le arat ca merit respectul lor . M-a

invatat sa sa fiu mai responsabila, sa am grija de echipa mea, sa le recunosc meritele si sa am mai

multa incredere in mine si in deciziile mele . Deasemenea, proiectul m-a invatat sa fiu o persoana

mult mai structurata si orientate spre solutii.

Prin intermediul participantilor am invatat sa empatizez mai mult cu alte persoane si sa am mai

multa rabdare cu adolescentii. Am devenit mult mai deschisa in procesul de socializare cu persoane

pe care nu le cunosc fara a-mi fi frica de nou si deasemena m-au invatat sa fiu fluffy.:).

Per total, GROW m-a transformat in cea mai buna varianta a mea.

(OCP GROW 0.9-1.0 2014 Andreea Rinceanu, Pitesti)

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GROW National Team

Andreea Dinu

Grow Project Manager

Email: [email protected]

Tel: 0743908338

Cristina Cojocaru Horia Grigoras

GROW Assistant Manager Globatic and Online

Communication Responsible

Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

Tel: 0758354451 Tel: 0745579882

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