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BOOKA: About Us

We belong to a generation that grew up with books. They were everywhere: on shelves, on bedside tables, in our school backpacks (we are not talking about school books, you know, but the ones that you always drag along, eagerly grasping every mo-ment to continue reading). With books we used to measure the length of our summer holidays, because during that seemingly endless periods of time one could read as much as one wished. And we all know how excited we were every time we discovered a great novel, relished a phenomenal short story, found a new author.

Now, when we’re a little older, we see clearly: for a huge part of what we have become and what we are, we owe grati-tude to all those countless books we have read. And we say: the time has come that we pay our debts. We do not want to be part of the crowd that laments over the disappearance of the written word and the death of publishing, yet shoots furtive glances at another episode of something-that-is-being-broadcasted-each-and-every-day-and-means-nothing-and-features-those-nobodies-who-are-famous-for-being-nobodies...

We strongly believe that the audience ex-ists, and that it is a smart, educated, young audience (some in spirit, some in body too), a readership which eagerly awaits new in-teresting and beautiful books. Beautiful inside, beautiful outside, well translated, polished, printed ...

We are determined to persevere and, al-though facing a long and uncertain jour-ney, we firmly believe that together we are stronger. The meaning of our existence is precisely expressed at the beginning of this article. We would be glad that, with our help, many readers discover new favorite authors and breathtaking, life–changing books, those that open reader’s eyes and represent at least a small contribution to making her or him a better person.

BookaSlanački put 128, 11060 Beograd, SERBIA

IVAN BEVC, editor-in-chief [email protected] 00 381 60 33 100 31




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The literature is experiencing great chang-es at the turn of 21st century. New authors are arriving; they transform, alter and re-devise what we will read in the coming years. Liberated from the constraints of literary rules, they accepted postmodern-ism as one of the means, and not as aim. Not hermetic, easy to read, they are young and wise, awarded significant literary priz-es, but also loved by general public. They write for magazines, have blogs, and are aware of time they live in - they create for the generations to come. Do not lament for not living in the time of Bulgakov, Kafka or Salinger. Discover the classics in the making, follow their devel-opment, one day many will envy you for be-ing their coeval.


Thomas BrussigAm kürzeren Ende der Sonnenallee 978-86-88335-22-5

Dave EggersThe Circle978-86-88335-37-9

Dave EggersA Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genious978-86-88335-20-1

Dulce Maria CardosoOs meus sentimentos978-86-88335-15-7

Miranda JulyNo One Belongs Here More Than You978-86-88335-06-5

Hitomi KaneharaSnakes and Earrings978-86-88335-17-1

Nicole KraussGreat House978-86-88335-40-9

Jeffrey EugenidesThe Virgin Suicides978-86-88335-05-8

Jonathan LethemA Fortress of Solitude 978-86-88335-23-2

Tao LinEeeee eee eeee978-86-88335-02-7

Frédéric Beigbeder

99 francs978-86-88335-07-2

L’amour dure trois ans978-86-88335-11-9

Au secours pardon978-86-88335-00-3

L’égoïste romantique978-86-88335-27-0

Un roman français978-86-88335-01-0

Vacances dans le coma978-86-88335-42-3

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Contemporary literature

Michel HouellebecqLanzarote et autres textes978-86-88335-43-0

Michel HouellebecqPlateforme978-86-88335-39-3

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Robert McLiam WilsonRipley Bogle 978-86-88335-32-4

Ryu MurakamiAudition978-86-88335-21-8

Ryu MurakamiIn the Miso Soup978-86-88335-04-1

Ryu MurakamiAlmost Transparent Blue978-86-88335-29-4

Tom RachmanThe Imperfectionists978-86-88335-41-6

Zadie SmithNW978-86-88335-31-7

Andrzej StasiukDziewięc978-86-88335-16-4

Viktor PelevinS.N.U.F.F.978-86-88335-36-2

Miriam ToewsA ComplicatedKindness 978-86-88335-10-2

Wells TowerEverything Ravaged, Everything Burned978-86-88335-13-3

GENRE Edition

We are not being born with prejudices, they are inculcated by parents, environment, media. Do not let prejudices create your taste, release them and explore the lus-cious and seductive landscapes of genre literature.Some of the greatest visionaries, futurists, dreamers, plot masters, connoisseurs of human passions and weaknesses, and the darkest depths of fear are actually writers of genre literature. After all, the best novel of the 20th century, tells the story of the dwarves, wizards and magic ring, and in the second best Devil visits Moscow.

Thomas HarrisSilence of the Lambs 978-86-88335-24-9

Arnaldur IndriđasonMýrin978-86-88335-26-3

Ira LevinRosemary’s Baby978-86-88335-25-6

Arnaldur IndriđasonGrafarþögn978-86-88335-44-7

Contemporary literature

Patrick McCabeThe Butcher Boy978-86-88335-18-8

Jon McGregorIf Nobody Speaks of Remarkable Things978-86-88335-09-6

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We are not being born as a reader. We be-come one. With a little help of our parents who understand how important it was to read to their children instead of giving us over to disastrous impact of munched con-tents leaking from the ubiquitous screens. Every word out of a good children’s book echoes in the kid’s little head, stimulates the imagination, teaches him to underst- and the world and creates a healthy foun-dation for an independent research of the home library, and then one day the big one. Read to children, it is a small investment with huge returns.

Mirjana Ognjanović Illustrated by Slavko KrunićNesanica za dvoje 978-86-88335-30-0


Ian FalconerOlivia 978-86-88335-08-9

Adam Manzbach Illustrated by Ricardo CortésGo the Fuck to Sleep 978-86-88335-12-6

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There was once a country where we all lived, believe it or not, more or less happily with all those who we constantly squabble today with. That country - “the region” we call it now, the euphemism for the former republics in which the languages are spoken that we all call by different names, but understand each other perfectly when we want to - is home to many brilliant writers. There are many reasons why reading writers who create in BSHC languages can certainly be a great pleasure. Not only because of the undeniable quality, but also because of shared history, language and mentality, which we can decipher easier than the readers from some more distant and cul-turally different countries. Discovering excellent writer from Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro... and other islands that now float in the area of the former Yugoslav continent, is not much different from revelation of such authors from Ser-bia. No matter how much wholeheartedly hindered we are by some, we actually do understand each other so good.

Balša BrkovićParanoja u Podgorici978-86-88335-03-4

S. MehmedinovićAutoportret s torbom978-86-88335-26-3

Bekim SejranovićNigdje, niotkuda978-86-88335-19-5

Nebojša Krivokuća39 pesama978-86-88335-28-7

Vladimir ArsenijevićU potpalublju



Frédéric BeigbederOona et Salinger

Dave EggersA Hologram for the King

Karl Ove KnausgårdMin Kamp

Hanif KureishiThe Last Word

Thomas LigottiMy Work is Not Yet Done

Ryu MurakamiPopular Hits of the Showa Era

Andrés NeumanHablar solos

Ruth OzekiA Tale f or the Time Being

Florian ZellerLa fascination du pire

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Arsenijević vladimir

BeigBeder Frédéric

Brković Balša

Brussig Thomas

CArdoso dulce Maria

eggers dave

eugenides jeffrey

FAlConer ian

HArris Thomas

HouelleBeCq Michel

indriđAson Arnaldur

july Miranda

kAneHArA Hitomi

knAusgÅrd karl ove

krAuss nicole

krivokućA nebojša

kureisHi Hanif

leTHeM jonathan

levin ira

ligoTTi Thomas

lin Tao


McCABe Patrick

Mcgregor jon

MeHMedinović semezdin

MurAkAMi ryu

neuMAn Andrés

ognjAnović Mirjana

ozeki ruth

Pelevin viktor


sejrAnović Bekim

sMiTH zadie

sTAsiuk Andrzej

Toews Miriam

Tower wells

wilson McliAM robert

zeller Florian



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