
Bob & Terri Gillespie More Than Memories Video MORE THAN MEMORIES VIDEO2 Why Video Products should be added to your marketing tools: Nearly 1 million new books published each year!* Indie authors must be even more creative marketers than their traditionally published counterparts. Readers on social media only spend an average of 40 minutes per day on all outlets. Nearly 1.5 million books are shared on Facebook. Number of daily views of videos on Facebook alone, 1 billion! *Forbes magazine MORE THAN MEMORIES VIDEO3 Inbound Video Marketing Inbound marketing is the process of: Meeting your readers where they are. Attracting them to your website, Converting them into buyers of your books, then Making them promoters of your books! MORE THAN MEMORIES VIDEO4 You have to read this book! I will! Typical Video Products for Authors Book Trailers VlogsVideo Blogs Author Interviews Author/Book Events Book Reviews MORE THAN MEMORIES VIDEO5 Book Trailers Like a Movie Trailer, Book Trailers can convey excitement through the: Visual, Auditory & Emotional Senses of Your Potential Readers. In 30-seconds to two minutes a potential reader can get a feel for your book in what would take five-ten minutes of reading a short review or synopsis. MORE THAN MEMORIES VIDEO6 Components of a Book Trailer: Author Info Book Title Series? Subtitle? One to Two Line Synopsis (about 50 words) Theme/Tone of video Reader Demographics Endorsements Publishing Awards Previous Books Release Date and Where to Purchase MORE THAN MEMORIES VIDEO7 What Makes for a Good Book Trailer? Keep it brief: 1-2 minutes Keep it real and consistent: make sure the tone and feel of video reflects your content Make the connection: the viewer should get what your book is about immediately, even without narration Maintain balance: images, text and audio should flow together and not feel pasted together Create good pace: video should have a rhythm based on genre and time for the viewer to read captions MORE THAN MEMORIES VIDEO8 Tap into emotions: the purpose of any video is to entertain and inform. A cry or laugh makes for a powerful message. Manage your budget: know what you are willing to spend. Its too easy to think you need all the bells and whistles, when the message can be simply conveyed. Soft sell: the idea is to interest the viewer enough to either make the purchase or find out more about your book. Finish strong: a fun or dramatic ending to your video is important in keeping your book in the mind of that viewer. MORE THAN MEMORIES VIDEO9 STORYBOARD MORE THAN MEMORIES VIDEO10 Storyboarding your video helps Organize your story Help you to know what assets youll need Save time with production EXAMPLES MORE THAN MEMORIES VIDEO11 MORE THAN MEMORIES VIDEO12 Hair Mavens Book Trailer Transient Singularity Book Trailer MORE THAN MEMORIES VIDEO13 A blog in which the postings are primarily in video form. The posts are on your website. A vlog can be topical or timeless, instructional or entertaining. The main thread is trying to communicate on a personal level with your audience. From a production standpoint, there is a difference between book trailers and the vlogs from a production standpoint is that A book doesnt have to be completed to begin building an audience/readers with Vlogs. MORE THAN MEMORIES VIDEO14 MORE THAN MEMORIES VIDEO15 NEXT: VLOG Example MORE THAN MEMORIES VIDEO16 Raw Footage MORE THAN MEMORIES VIDEO17 Final Video Book Trailers Video Editing Software Royalty Free Photos, Music, Audio and Video Footage Personal Stock/Inventory Take lots of photos at events, especially with readers Have someone take video of you speaking or interacting with readers Interviews about your research MORE THAN MEMORIES VIDEO18 Social Media YouTube Channel Website E-Newsletters MORE THAN MEMORIES VIDEO19 MORE THAN MEMORIES VIDEO20

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