

Board of Trustees - Regular Meeting

Tuesday, January 5, 2021 5:00 PM

Virtual meeting on (Access information available at


November 24, 2020 - Minutes

3 - 4

5.2. December 15 Regular Meeting

December 15, 2020 - Minutes

5 - 12

6. SET REGULAR MEETING SCHEDULE FOR 2021 6.1. Resolution 21-001 - Set Meeting Schedule & Starting Time

Resolution 21-001 - Pdf


7. ESTABLISH TRUSTEE BOARD APPOINTMENTS 7.1. Resolution 21-002 - Establish Trustee Board Appointments

Resolution 21-002 - Pdf

2021 Internal Board Appointments

14 - 16

8. ESTABLISH VEHICLE MILEAGE RATE FOR 2021 8.1. Resolution 21-003 - Establish Vehicle Mileage Rate for 2021

Resolution 21-003 - Pdf



(Attendees must register their intention to participate upon their arrival at the meeting and will be heard at the time of the agenda item)

11. ROAD/SERVICE DEPARTMENT 11.1. Resolution 21-008 - Accept Roadway into Township Maintenance System

Resolution 21-008 - Pdf


12. FIRE DEPARTMENT 12.1. Resolution 21-009 - Authorization to Appoint a Captain of Training & Safety 19 - 21

Page 1 of 43

Due to Retirement Resolution 21-009 - Pdf

CHIEF'S RECOMMENDATION TO PROMOTE - Bennett 12.2. Resolution 21-010 - Resolution to Fill Vacated Lieutenant/Paramedic Position

Due to Promotion Resolution 21-010 - Pdf


22 - 25

13. POLICE DEPARTMENT 13.1. Resolution 21-004 - To Authorize Hiring of Confidential Executive Assistant -

Replacement Resolution 21-004 - Pdf


14. ADMINISTRATOR 14.1. Resolution 21-006 - A Resolution Updating the Sylvania Township Wellness

Committee Resolution 21-006 - Pdf


14.2. Resolution 21-007 - A Resolution Authorizing a Memorandum of

Understanding with Sylvania Firefighters Local 2243 Resolution 21-007 - Pdf

Insurance MOU Final Fire

28 - 30

14.3. Resolution 21-011 - Resolution of Intent to Sell Property by Internet Auction

Resolution 21-011 - Pdf

31 - 32

15. FISCAL OFFICER 15.1. Monthly Report - November 2020

November 2020 - Fiscal


15.2. Resolution 21-005 - Policy for Federal Financial Management Procedures

Resolution 21-005 - Pdf

Federal Financial Management Policy OKT 12-11-2020

34 - 40


(Attendees must register their intention to participate upon their arrival)

17. OPEN DISCUSSION & REPORTS 18. EXECUTIVE SESSION 18.1. Motion to Go Into Executive Session - Employee Discipline & Purchase of

Property Motion to Go Into Executive Session - Pdf


18.2. Motion to Come Out of Executive Session

Motion to Come Out of Executive Session - Pdf


19. ADJOURNMENT 19.1. Motion to Adjourn.

Motion to Adjourn. - - Pdf


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Board of Trustees - Special Meeting

Tuesday, November 24, 2020 @ 9:00 AM Virtual meeting on (Access information available at

PRESENT: Neal Mahoney, John Crandall, and David Simko

ABSENT: John Jennewine

1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER 1.1 Chairman Crandall called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. The meeting was held

electronically via GoToMeeting in accordance with the Ohio Revised Code. 2. ROLL CALL

3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3.1 Trustee Crandall reviewed the meeting agenda and added 4.5 - Comments from

Citizens. 4. 2021 BUDGET HEARINGS 4.1 Road Department

Oliver Turner gave an overview presentation of the 2021 Road & Bridge fund. Trustee Crandall requested the total number of miles was paved in the last 3 years and projected to pave in 2021. Oliver Turner will gather and provide Mr. Crandall’s requested information.

4.2 Fire Department Oliver Turner gave an overview presentation of the 2021 Fire fund. Assistant Chief Nye provided additional input on the 2021 Fire fund. Trustee Mahoney and Trustee Crandall had inquiries on the 2021 Fire fund budget.

Agenda Item #5.1.

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Board of Trustees - Special Meeting November 24, 2020

Chief Ramm, Assistant Chief Nye, Vicki Alspach, and Administrator Turner answered the Elected Officials questions regarding the 2021 Fire fund.

4.3 Police Department Oliver Turner gave an overview presentation of the 2021 Police fund. Chief Long and Nancy Beckmann provided additional input on the 2021 Police fund and answered additional questions asked by the Elected Officials.

4.4 General Fund Oliver Turner gave an overview presentation of the 2021 General fund. A discussion was held amongst the Elected Officials and Oliver Turner regarding the General fund.

4.5 Comments from Citizens No one wished to speak.

5. ADJOURNMENT 5.1 Motion to Adjourn.

Motion to Adjourn. - 24 Nov 2020 - Pdf Approve - Motion Moved by John Crandall seconded by Neal Mahoney Mr. Simko called the roll. Yes – Neal Mahoney and John Crandall No – None Passed


Agenda Item #5.1.

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Board of Trustees - Regular Meeting December 15, 2020



Board of Trustees - Regular Meeting

Tuesday, December 15, 2020 @ 5:00 PM Virtual meeting on (Access information available at

PRESENT: John Crandall, John Jennewine, and David Simko

ABSENT: Neal Mahoney

1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER 1.1 Chairman Crandall called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. The meeting was held

electronically via GoToMeeting in accordance with the Ohio Revised Code. 2. ROLL CALL


4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 4.1 November 24 Special Meeting

November 24, 2020 - Minutes Postponed to the January 5th meeting due to Mr. Mahoney not being present to vote, his presence is needed to act on the minutes since Mr. Jennewine wasn't present at the November 24 meeting.

4.2 December 1 Regular Meeting December 1, 2020 - Minutes Approve - December 1 Minutes Moved by John Crandall seconded by John Jennewine Mr. Simko called the roll. Yes – John Crandall and John Jennewine No – None Passed

Agenda Item #5.2.

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Board of Trustees - Regular Meeting December 15, 2020


5. ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA 5.1 There were no additions or deletions to the agenda.

6. HEARING OF THE PUBLIC (Agenda Items Only)

(Attendees must register their intention to participate upon their arrival at the meeting and will be heard at the time of the agenda item)

6.1 No one wished to speak. Oliver Turner reviewed the meeting procedures for the online meeting forum

7. ROAD/SERVICE DEPARTMENT 7.1 Monthly Report - November 2020

November 2020 - Road/Service There were no questions on the report as submitted with the agenda. Mr. Simko asked if the street sweeper goes behind the leaf crews. Mr. Nash answered Mr. Simko's question, crews usually do not use the road sweeper when the vacuum machines are used to pick up the leaves, but crews do use the road sweeper when the contractors use the front loaders since the front loaders tend to make a larger mess. Trustee Crandall asked Mr. Nash if there could be an improvement in communicating with the citizens on the status of the leaf pick up. Mr. Nash replied to Trustee Crandall that he believes the confusion happens with the contractors and will take steps to improve communication.

7.2 Resolution 20-217 - Accept Roadway into Township Maintenance System Resolution 20-217 - Pdf Approve - Resolution 20-217 Moved by John Crandall seconded by John Jennewine Mr. Simko called the roll. Yes – John Crandall and John Jennewine No – None Passed

8. FIRE DEPARTMENT 8.1 Monthly Report - November 2020

November 2020 - Fire There were no questions on the report as submitted with the agenda.

8.2 Resolution 20-222 - Authorization to Purchase One Fire Engine Resolution 20-222 - Pdf

Agenda Item #5.2.

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Board of Trustees - Regular Meeting December 15, 2020


Sutphen Proposal Cover Page-2020 Approve - Resolution 20-222 Moved by John Crandall seconded by John Jennewine Mr. Simko called the roll. Yes – John Crandall and John Jennewine No – None Passed

8.3 Resolution 20-223 - Authorization to Purchase One Ambulance Resolution 20-223 - Pdf Horton Ambulance Summary Approve - Resolution 20-223 Moved by John Crandall seconded by John Jennewine Mr. Simko called the roll. Yes – John Crandall and John Jennewine No – None Passed

9. ADMINISTRATOR 9.1 Resolution 20-230 - A Resolution Authorizing a Mid-Term Modification to the Collective

Bargaining Agreement with Teamsters, Local No. 20 Resolution 20-230 - Pdf Approve - Resolution 20-230 Moved by John Crandall seconded by John Jennewine Mr. Simko called the roll. Yes – John Crandall and John Jennewine No – None Passed

9.2 Mr. Turner presented the three liquor permit transfers (item 9.2, 9.2, and 9.4). The trustees had no issues with them after review by police and fire. Mr. Jennewine asked what companies the liquor permit transfers are for; Mr. Turner responded that they are for S&G Stores.

9.3 Request for Liquor Permit TRANSFER - 4001 Holland-Sylvania Road TRFO - 4001 Holland Sylvania Ave

9.4 Request for Liquor Permit TRANSFER - 8256 W. Central Ave Unit 1 TRFO - 8256 W. Central Ave Unit 1

9.5 Request for Liquor Permit TRANSFER - 8256 W. Central Ave Unit 2 TRFO - 8256 W. Central Ave Unit 2

Agenda Item #5.2.

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Board of Trustees - Regular Meeting December 15, 2020


10. FISCAL OFFICER 10.1 Resolution 20-226 - Township Appropriation from Unencumbered Balance and

Reducing Appropriations Resolution 20-226 - Pdf Trustee Jennewine had a few questions regarding line items in Resolution 20-226. Imran Mirza and Mr. Simko answered Trustee Jennewine's questions. Imran Mirza will get back to Trustee Jennewine regarding his question on account 212 and the $75,000 reduction. Approve - Resolution 20-226 Moved by John Crandall seconded by John Jennewine Mr. Simko called the roll. Yes – John Crandall and John Jennewine No – None Passed

10.2 Resolution 20-227 - Transfer of Appropriations Resolution 20-227 - Pdf Approve - Resolution 20-227 Moved by John Crandall seconded by John Jennewine Mr. Simko called the roll. Yes – John Crandall and John Jennewine No – None Passed

10.3 Resolution 20-228 - Transfer of Funds Resolution 20-228 - Pdf Approve - Resolution 20-228 Moved by John Crandall seconded by John Jennewine Mr. Simko called the roll. Yes – John Crandall and John Jennewine No – None Passed

10.4 Resolution 20-229 - To Establish New Revenue and Expense Accounts and Appropriate Funds Resolution 20-229 - Pdf Trustee Jennewine had a few questions on Resolution 20-229 and Imran Mirza provided clarification for Trustee Jennewine.

Agenda Item #5.2.

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Board of Trustees - Regular Meeting December 15, 2020


Imran Mirza answered Trustee Jennewine's previous question regarding account 212 and the $75,000 reduction contained in Resolution 20-226. Approve - Resolution 20-229 Moved by John Crandall seconded by John Jennewine Mr. Simko called the roll. Yes – John Crandall and John Jennewine No – None Passed

11. BOARD APPOINTMENTS Only the current appointees for the positions up for appointment applied, no other

applications were received. All appointments were advertised in the Sylvania Advantage and on the township website.

11.1 Resolution 20-218 - Appoint Member to Board of Zoning Appeals Resolution 20-218 - Pdf Daryl Graus provided the background on the appointment; Don Miller (current appointee) is the only applicant for the position. Trustee Crandall asked if there were any other nominations, there were none. Approve - Resolution 20-218 Moved by John Crandall seconded by John Jennewine Mr. Simko called the roll. Yes – John Crandall and John Jennewine No – None Passed Don Miller was reappointed.

11.2 Resolution 20-219 - Appoint Alternate Member to Board of Zoning Appeals Resolution 20-219 - Pdf Daryl Graus provided the background on the appointment; Jerry Malek (current appointee) is the only applicant for the position. Trustee Crandall asked if there were any other nominations, there were none. Approve - Resolution 20-219 Moved by John Crandall seconded by John Jennewine Mr. Simko called the roll. Yes – John Crandall and John Jennewine No – None

Agenda Item #5.2.

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Board of Trustees - Regular Meeting December 15, 2020


Passed Jerry Malek was reappointed.

11.3 Resolution 20-220 - Appoint Member to Zoning Commission Resolution 20-220 - Pdf Daryl Graus provided the background on the appointment; Robert Sabo (current appointee) is the only applicant for the position. Trustee Crandall asked if there were any other nominations, there were none. Approve - Resolution 20-220 Moved by John Crandall seconded by John Jennewine Mr. Simko called the roll. Yes – John Crandall and John Jennewine No – None Passed Robert Sabo was reappointed.

11.4 Resolution 20-221 - Appoint Alternate Member to Zoning Commission Resolution 20-221 - Pdf Daryl Graus provided the background on the appointment; Joseph Belinske (current appointee) is the only applicant for the position. Trustee Crandall asked if there were any other nominations, there were none. Approve - Resolution 20-221 Moved by John Crandall seconded by John Jennewine Mr. Simko called the roll. Yes – John Crandall and John Jennewine No – None Passed Joseph Belinske was reappointed.

11.5 Resolution 20-224 - Approve Appointment to SAJRD Resolution 20-224 - Pdf Oliver Turner provided the background on the appointment; John Munch (current appointee) is the only applicant for the position.

Agenda Item #5.2.

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Board of Trustees - Regular Meeting December 15, 2020


Trustee Crandall asked if there were any other nominations, there were none. Approve - Resolution 20-224 Moved by John Crandall seconded by John Jennewine Mr. Simko called the roll. Yes – John Crandall and John Jennewine No – None Passed John Munch was reappointed.

11.6 Resolution 20-225 - Approve Appointment to Sylvania Community Arts Commission Resolution 20-225 - Pdf Oliver Turner provided the background on the appointment; Austin Serna (current appointee) is the only applicant for the position. Trustee Crandall asked if there were any other nominations, there were none. Approve - Resolution 20-225 Moved by John Crandall seconded by John Jennewine Mr. Simko called the roll. Yes – John Crandall and John Jennewine No – None Passed Austin Serna was reappointed.

12. HEARING OF THE PUBLIC (Non-Agenda Items)

(Attendees must register their intention to participate upon their arrival) 12.1 No one wished to speak.

13. OPEN DISCUSSION & REPORTS 13.1 Monthly Report - Police

November 2020 - Police There were no questions on the report as submitted with the agenda.

13.2 Monthly Report - Zoning November 2020 - Zoning There were no questions on the report as submitted with the agenda.


Agenda Item #5.2.

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Board of Trustees - Regular Meeting December 15, 2020


14.1 Motion to Adjourn. Motion to Adjourn. - 15 Dec 2020 - Pdf Approve - Motion Moved by John Crandall seconded by John Jennewine Mr. Simko called the roll. Yes – John Crandall and John Jennewine No – None Passed


Agenda Item #5.2.

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Set Meeting Schedule & Starting Time BE IT RESOLVED, by the Trustees of Sylvania Township, Lucas County, Ohio, that the regular meeting schedule for the Board of Trustees for 2021 shall be as follows:

• 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 5:00 p.m. beginning January 19, 2021 • All Public Hearings for the Zoning Department will be held at 6:00 p.m.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that in the event a Primary or General Election should fall on a regular meeting date, the meeting will be postponed until the following day at the regular time. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all regular meetings shall be held at Township Hall, 4927 Holland-Sylvania Road, Sylvania, OH 43560. INTRODUCTION AND VOTE RECORD Motion:


Adopted at the meeting of the Board of Trustees on

AUTHENTICATION This is to certify that this resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Trustees, and filed with the Sylvania Township Fiscal Officer, on

Agenda Item #6.1.

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ESTABLISH TRUSTEE BOARD APPOINTMENTS BE IT RESOLVED, by the Trustees of Sylvania Township, Lucas County, Ohio, that the attached list be established for the 2021 Board Appointments. INTRODUCTION AND VOTE RECORD Motion:


Adopted at the meeting of the Board of Trustees on

AUTHENTICATION This is to certify that this resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Trustees, and filed with the Sylvania Township Fiscal Officer, on

Agenda Item #7.1.

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Office of E.D.

One Govt. Center. Toledo, OH 43604

Jodi Sheaves


Mr. Mike McMahon, Oper. Mgr.

7060 Sylvania Ave.

Sylvania, OH 43560

SYLVANIA COMMUNITY ACTION TEAM (S.C.A.T.) 1 year Neal Mahoney 12/31/2020 Maria Hoschak-Gagnon, Executive Director 6:30 p.m. 2nd Thurs.

Appointment by S.C.A.T. Indefinite 6850 Monroe St. Sylvania 43560 Fire Station #4

TMACOG Boardroom

300 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive

Toledo, OH 43604

Ms. Claire Proctor, Exec. Dir.

6850 Monroe St.

Sylvania, OH 43560 (885-4126)


Oliver Turner Office of E.D.

Imran Mirza One Government Center Tol, OH 43604

John Jennewine 2144 Monroe Street

Mike Ramm Toledo, OH 43604

2144 Monroe Street

Toledo, OH 43604

TOWNSHIP INVESTMENT COMMITTEE 1 year Neal Mahoney 12/31/2020 Imran Mirza TBD

SYLVANIA FALL FESTIVAL COMMITTEE 1 year Mike Ramm 12/31/2020Michelle Sprott

Chamber of Commerce TBD

Indefinite 11/7/2018 Rob Nash

Indefinite 11/7/2018_________



E-911 BOARD 1 year 12/31/2020

2nd Tues - Starting

March, every other

month 8am-10am

EMA Building

John Jennewine

Mike Ramm


LUCAS COUNTY EMS ADVISORY BOARD 1 year 12/31/20201st. Wed. 8:30 a.m.

EMA Building



2 p.m. 3rd Wed. in

March, June, Oct. & 2nd

Wed. in Dec.

John Crandall

SYLVANIA COMMUNITY SERVICES CENTER 1 year 12/31/20205:45 p.m. 3rd Wed.

7140 Sylvania Ave.Neal Mahoney

HEALTH DISTRICT COUNCIL 1 year 12/31/2020 One annual meetingChairman of the Board

(John Crandall)

SYLVANIA AREA JOINT RECREATION DISTRICT (SAJRD) 1 year 12/31/2020 7:30 a.m. 4th TuesdayDavid Simko


ENTERPRISE ZONE NEGOTIATIONG TEAM 1 year 12/31/2020 *Ad Hoc Chairman of the Board

(John Crandall)

Agenda Item


Page 15 of 43


Office of E.D.

One Govt. Center. Toledo, OH 43604

Jodi Sheaves


Mr. Mike McMahon, Oper. Mgr.

7060 Sylvania Ave.

Sylvania, OH 43560

SYLVANIA COMMUNITY ACTION TEAM (S.C.A.T.) 1 year Neal Mahoney 12/31/2020 Maria Hoschak-Gagnon, Executive Director 6:30 p.m. 2nd Thurs.

Appointment by S.C.A.T. Indefinite 6850 Monroe St. Sylvania 43560 Fire Station #4

TMACOG Boardroom

300 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive

Toledo, OH 43604

Ms. Claire Proctor, Exec. Dir.

6850 Monroe St.

Sylvania, OH 43560 (885-4126)


Oliver Turner Office of E.D.

Imran Mirza One Government Center Tol, OH 43604

John Jennewine 2144 Monroe Street

Mike Ramm Toledo, OH 43604

2144 Monroe Street

Toledo, OH 43604

TOWNSHIP INVESTMENT COMMITTEE 1 year Neal Mahoney 12/31/2020 Imran Mirza TBD

SYLVANIA FALL FESTIVAL COMMITTEE 1 year Mike Ramm 12/31/2020Michelle Sprott

Chamber of Commerce TBD

Indefinite 11/7/2018 Rob Nash

Indefinite 11/7/2018_________



E-911 BOARD 1 year 12/31/2020

2nd Tues - Starting

March, every other

month 8am-10am

EMA Building

John Jennewine

Mike Ramm


LUCAS COUNTY EMS ADVISORY BOARD 1 year 12/31/20201st. Wed. 8:30 a.m.

EMA Building



2 p.m. 3rd Wed. in

March, June, Oct. & 2nd

Wed. in Dec.

John Crandall

SYLVANIA COMMUNITY SERVICES CENTER 1 year 12/31/20205:45 p.m. 3rd Wed.

7140 Sylvania Ave.Neal Mahoney

HEALTH DISTRICT COUNCIL 1 year 12/31/2020 One annual meetingChairman of the Board

(John Crandall)

SYLVANIA AREA JOINT RECREATION DISTRICT (SAJRD) 1 year 12/31/2020 7:30 a.m. 4th TuesdayDavid Simko


ENTERPRISE ZONE NEGOTIATIONG TEAM 1 year 12/31/2020 *Ad Hoc Chairman of the Board

(John Crandall)

Agenda Item


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ESTABLISH VEHICLE MILEAGE RATE FOR 2021 BE IT RESOLVED, by the Trustees of Sylvania Township, Lucas County, Ohio, that the Vehicle Mileage Reimbursement Rate for 2021 shall be the same rate as that set by the Internal Revenue Service. (.56 effective 1-1-21) INTRODUCTION AND VOTE RECORD Motion:


Adopted at the meeting of the Board of Trustees on

AUTHENTICATION This is to certify that this resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Trustees, and filed with the Sylvania Township Fiscal Officer, on

Agenda Item #8.1.

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ACCEPT ROADWAY INTO TOWNSHIP MAINTENANCE SYSTEM WHEREAS, the Lucas County Engineers Office recommends acceptance of various Roads in Sylvania Township Maintenance System per Ohio Revised Code Sections 5555.02 and 5559.01 Maple Creek, Plat 9 Wood Trace Court (TWP Rd No. 3060) Length 0.04 mile Quarry Ridge, Plat 1 Island Park Boulevard (TWP Rd No. 3087) Length 0.07 mile Howe Lane (TWP Rd No. 3088) Length 0.11 mile Comstock Drive (TWP Rd No. 3089) Length 0.15 mile Rock Creek Drive (TWP Rd No. 3090) Length 0.15 mile Waterside, Plat 8 Windward Drive (TWP Rd No. 2985) Length 0.08 mile Montauk Court (TWP Rd No. 3092) Length 0.07 mile NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Trustees of Sylvania Township, Lucas County, Ohio, accepts the various roads listed into the Township Road Maintenance System. INTRODUCTION AND VOTE RECORD Motion:


Adopted at the meeting of the Board of Trustees on Jan 5, 2021.

AUTHENTICATION This is to certify that this resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Trustees, and filed with the Sylvania Township Fiscal Officer, on Jan 5, 2021.

Agenda Item #11.1.

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WHEREAS, per Article 47 - Staffing, of the current Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Sylvania Township Board of Trustees and the International Association of Firefighters, Local 2243, Section 47.2 reads, in part, that the Employer shall maintain one (1) officer at the rank of Captain assigned to training and safety to a regular work week of forty (40) hours or as otherwise determined by the Employer; and WHEREAS, due to the retirement of the currently promoted Captain/Paramedic effective December 20211, apromotetopermissionlike currentRammChief0, would Lieutenant/Paramedic from Certified Captain Promotional List, which expires 1/21/2022 and was certified by the Sylvania Township Board of Trustees at their regular meeting on 1/21/2020, Resolution #20-014; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Trustees of Sylvania Township, Lucas County, toBennettJeffreypromotetoChief hasRammthatOhio, permissionCaptain/Paramedic with the following conditions: This promotion shall include a one-year probationary period and be contingent upon the candidate obtaining State of Ohio certification for Fire Officer II, Fire Department Incident Safety Officer, Fire Instructor NIMS 300 & NIMS 400, if needed, within the one-year probationary period. INTRODUCTION AND VOTE RECORD Motion:


Adopted at the meeting of the Board of Trustees on

AUTHENTICATION This is to certify that this resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Trustees, and filed with the Sylvania Township Fiscal Officer, on

Agenda Item #12.1.

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Working Smoke Detectors Save Lives!

December 21, 2020 To: Sylvania Township Trustees Thru: Oliver Turner, Administrator From: Michael J. Ramm, Chief/BS, OFE, OFC Re: Recommendation to promote Captain/Paramedic Trustees Crandall, Jennewine & Mahoney: I would like to recommend that the individual listed below be promoted from the position of Interim Captain/Paramedic to the position of Captain/Paramedic:

Mr. Jeffrey Bennett 8009 Fox Run Ct. Temperance, MI 48182

This promotion will be effective January 5, 2021 and with the following stipulations: a. He will observe a one-year probationary period, from the effective date of promotion, which may be extended at the Fire Chief’s discretion; and b. If he does not have State of Ohio Certifications for Fire Officer II, Fire Department Incident Safety Officer, as well as NIMS 300 & NIMS 400, he will be required to obtain such certifications before the one-year probationary period has expired. Respectfully, Michael J. Ramm, Chief/BS, OFC, OFE

DEPARTMENT HEADQUARTERS ● Fire station #4 8210 W. Sylvania Ave. ● Sylvania, Ohio 43560-9646

Phone ̇ 419-882-7676 ● Fax 419-885-0031

Agenda Item #12.1.

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Working Smoke Detectors Save Lives!

December 21, 2020 To: Sylvania Township Trustees Thru: Oliver Turner, Administrator From: Michael J. Ramm, Chief/BS, OFE, OFC Re: Recommendation to promote Captain/Paramedic Trustees Crandall, Jennewine & Mahoney: I would like to recommend that the individual listed below be promoted from the position of Interim Captain/Paramedic to the position of Captain/Paramedic:

Mr. Jeffrey Bennett 8009 Fox Run Ct. Temperance, MI 48182

This promotion will be effective January 5, 2021 and with the following stipulations: a. He will observe a one-year probationary period, from the effective date of promotion, which may be extended at the Fire Chief’s discretion; and b. If he does not have State of Ohio Certifications for Fire Officer II, Fire Department Incident Safety Officer, as well as NIMS 300 & NIMS 400, he will be required to obtain such certifications before the one-year probationary period has expired. Respectfully, Michael J. Ramm, Chief/BS, OFC, OFE

DEPARTMENT HEADQUARTERS ● Fire station #4 8210 W. Sylvania Ave. ● Sylvania, Ohio 43560-9646

Phone ̇ 419-882-7676 ● Fax 419-885-0031

Agenda Item #12.1.

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WHEREAS, due to an employee promotion, effective January 5, 2021, there is a vacancy within the fire department for a lieutenant/paramedic; and WHEREAS, the above mentioned promotion reduces the number of full-time, platoon work employees at the rank of Lieutenant or Captain to eleven (11); and WHEREAS, Article 47 ofthe current contract between the Sylvania Township Board of Trustees and IAFF Local No. 2243 states, in part, that the employer shall maintain a minimum of sixty-three (63) career, full-time employees assigned to platoon work and twelve (12) of those employees shall be at the rank of Lieutenant or Captain; and WHEREAS, Chief Ramm would like permission to offer the vacated lieutenant/paramedic position to the candidate on the current Lieutenant Promotional List that he deems most qualified; and WHEREAS, Chief Ramm has determined that Firefighter/Paramedic Jeremy Gillen has been deemed most qualified; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Trustees of Sylvania Township, Lucas County, Ohio that, effective January 5, 2021, Chief Ramm has permission to offer the vacated lieutenant/paramedic position within the fire department to Jeremy Gillen whose name appears on the current Lieutenant Promotional List that he is deemed most qualified. This promotion shall include a one-year probationary period and be contingent upon the candidate obtaining State andInstructorFire Inspector,Safety Fire Fire Officer for certificationOhio of I,EMT/Paramedic, if needed, within the one-year probationary period. INTRODUCTION AND VOTE RECORD Motion:


Adopted at the meeting of the Board of Trustees on

Agenda Item #12.2.

Page 22 of 43

AUTHENTICATION This is to certify that this resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Trustees, and filed with the Sylvania Township Fiscal Officer, on

Agenda Item #12.2.

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Working Smoke Detectors Save Lives!

December 21, 2020 To: Sylvania Township Trustees Thru: Oliver Turner, Administrator From: Michael J. Ramm, Chief/BS, OFE, OFC Re: Recommendation to promote Lieutenant/Paramedic Trustees Crandall, Jennewine & Mahoney: I would like to recommend that the individual listed below be promoted from the position of full-time firefighter/paramedic to the position of Lieutenant/Paramedic:

Mr. Jeremy Gillen 5390 County Rd. 6 Delta, OH 43515

This promotion will be effective January 5, 2021 and with the following stipulations: a. He will observe a one-year probationary period, from the effective date of promotion, which may be extended at the Fire Chief’s discretion; and b. If he does not have State of Ohio Certifications for Fire Officer 1 and Fire Instructor, he will be required to obtain such certifications before the one-year probationary period has expired. Respectfully, Michael J. Ramm, Chief/BS, OFC, OFE

DEPARTMENT HEADQUARTERS ● Fire station #4 8210 W. Sylvania Ave. ● Sylvania, Ohio 43560-9646

Phone ̇ 419-882-7676 ● Fax 419-885-0031

Agenda Item #12.2.

Page 24 of 43

Working Smoke Detectors Save Lives!

December 21, 2020 To: Sylvania Township Trustees Thru: Oliver Turner, Administrator From: Michael J. Ramm, Chief/BS, OFE, OFC Re: Recommendation to promote Lieutenant/Paramedic Trustees Crandall, Jennewine & Mahoney: I would like to recommend that the individual listed below be promoted from the position of full-time firefighter/paramedic to the position of Lieutenant/Paramedic:

Mr. Jeremy Gillen 5390 County Rd. 6 Delta, OH 43515

This promotion will be effective January 5, 2021 and with the following stipulations: a. He will observe a one-year probationary period, from the effective date of promotion, which may be extended at the Fire Chief’s discretion; and b. If he does not have State of Ohio Certifications for Fire Officer 1 and Fire Instructor, he will be required to obtain such certifications before the one-year probationary period has expired. Respectfully, Michael J. Ramm, Chief/BS, OFC, OFE

DEPARTMENT HEADQUARTERS ● Fire station #4 8210 W. Sylvania Ave. ● Sylvania, Ohio 43560-9646

Phone ̇ 419-882-7676 ● Fax 419-885-0031

Agenda Item #12.2.

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WHEREAS, the Sylvania Township Police Department has a need to replace the Confidential Executive Assistant due to a retirement within the Department, and WHEREAS, this will not cause an increase in staffing; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Trustees of Sylvania Township, Lucas County, Ohio, that the Police Department be authorized to replace the Confidential Executive Assistant on January 6, 2021, by hiring Monica Slomka. INTRODUCTION AND VOTE RECORD Motion:


Adopted at the meeting of the Board of Trustees on

AUTHENTICATION This is to certify that this resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Trustees, and filed with the Sylvania Township Fiscal Officer, on

Agenda Item #13.1.

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A Resolution Updating the Sylvania Township Wellness Committee WHEREAS, the Sylvania Township Wellness Committee has been in place for

approximately ten years; and WHEREAS, during the past ten years the use of part-time employees has remained

the same or increased; and WHEREAS, it is presently understood that part-time employees are not participants

in the Wellness Committee and its activities; and WHEREAS, the Wellness Committee offers incentives for wellbeing which in turn

can reduce absenteeism and contribute to an organization culture of wellness; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Trustees of Sylvania

Township, Lucas County, Ohio that Sylvania Township Wellness Committee be

extended to include part-time employees in addition to full-time employees. INTRODUCTION AND VOTE RECORD Motion:


Adopted at the meeting of the Board of Trustees on

AUTHENTICATION This is to certify that this resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Trustees, and filed with the Sylvania Township Fiscal Officer, on

Agenda Item #14.1.

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A Resolution Authorizing a Memorandum of Understanding with Sylvania Firefighters Local 2243

WHEREAS, authorized nonTownshipSylvania recently - andemployees union

employees of the Police Department to become eligible for benefits on the first day

of employment with Sylvania Township; and WHEREAS, allowing employees to become eligible for benefits on the first day of

employment supports employee recruitment; and WHEREAS, Sylvania Firefighters Local 2243 has approved the included

Memorandum of Understanding; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Trustees of Sylvania Township, OhCounty,Lucas Oliver be TurnerAdministratorthatio Township

authorized to sign the presented Memorandum of Understanding allowing unionized employees to of the Fire Department be eligible for enrollment in Sylvania

Township’s health insurance plan upon their first day of work. INTRODUCTION AND VOTE RECORD Motion:


Adopted at the meeting of the Board of Trustees on

AUTHENTICATION This is to certify that this resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Trustees, and filed with the Sylvania Township Fiscal Officer, on

Agenda Item #14.2.

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Memorandum of Understanding

During recent negotiations between Sylvania Firefighters Local 2243 and the Sylvania Township

Board of Trustees, the parties agree to attach the following Memorandum of Understanding to the

Collective Bargaining Agreement. These changes will be effective December 16th, 2020, or the

date of the below parties signing this memorandum, whichever is later. Following changes made

by the Sylvania Township Healthcare Committee, the parties agree to amend Section 30.2 of the

existing Collective Bargaining Agreement to read:

30.2 Newly hired employees will be eligible for enrollment in the health insurance plan

effective upon their first day of work.



Trustee, John Jennewine


President, Ryan Sedlock


Trustee, Neal Mahoney


Secretary, Steve Sutherland


Trustee, John Crandall


Sergeant at Arms, Greg Wilcox


Robin Zaletta

Agenda Item #14.2.

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Memorandum of Understanding

During recent negotiations between Sylvania Firefighters Local 2243 and the Sylvania Township

Board of Trustees, the parties agree to attach the following Memorandum of Understanding to the

Collective Bargaining Agreement. These changes will be effective December 16th, 2020, or the

date of the below parties signing this memorandum, whichever is later. Following changes made

by the Sylvania Township Healthcare Committee, the parties agree to amend Section 30.2 of the

existing Collective Bargaining Agreement to read:

30.2 Newly hired employees will be eligible for enrollment in the health insurance plan

effective upon their first day of work.



Trustee, John Jennewine


President, Ryan Sedlock


Trustee, Neal Mahoney


Secretary, Steve Sutherland


Trustee, John Crandall


Sergeant at Arms, Greg Wilcox


Robin Zaletta

Agenda Item #14.2.

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RESOLUTION OF INTENT TO SELL PROPERTY BY INTERNET AUCTION WHEREAS, Pursuant to O.R.C. 505.10 (D), the Board of Trustees may sell personal property, including motor vehicles, road machinery, equipment, tools, or supplies, which is not needed for public use, is obsolete, or is unfit for the use for which it was acquired by internet auction, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Trustees of Sylvania Township, Lucas County, Ohio, as follows: SECTION 1: The Board of Trustees authorizes GovDeals, Inc. to provide a means for the Township to sell items via an Internet-based Auction System. The Primary Contact Person shall be:

Greg Thomas, Service Representative Telephone Number: (800) 613-0156 Fax Number: (615) 846-1154 E-mail: [email protected]

SECTION 2: GovDeals is not a party to the actual sale and has no control over the listed information or the ability of the buyer and seller to complete the transaction. All property is offered for sale “AS, WHERE IS”. Sylvania Township shall warrant to the Buyer that the property offered for sale will conform to its description. Bidders may inspect the property prior to bidding. Bidders must adhere to the inspection dates and times indicated in the item description. Bids will be posted for no less than 15 days, including Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays. Sylvania Township reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to withdraw from sale any of the items listed. Successful bidders will receive a Buyer’s Certificate by e-mail from GovDeals. Payment in full is due not later than 5 business days from the time and date of the Buyer’s Certificate. All items must be removed within 10 business days from the time and date of issuance of the Buyer’s Certificate. Purchases will be released only upon receipt of payment as specified. Successful bidders are responsible for loading and removal of any and all property. Upon removal of the property, all sales are final. INTRODUCTION AND VOTE RECORD Motion: Second:

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Adopted at the meeting of the Board of Trustees on

AUTHENTICATION This is to certify that this resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Trustees, and filed with the Sylvania Township Fiscal Officer, on

Agenda Item #14.3.

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Month End Analysis - November 2020General Fund, Road & Bridge Fund, Police Fund, and Fire Fund.

The discussion below includes only Operating Revenue and Expenditures, and does not Include AdvancesITransfers

The following percentages are for the month of November 2020 and 2019. At the end of 11 month of operations,the standard percentage for expenditures would be 91 .7%


Year to Date % of Budget BudgetFund 2020 2019 2018 2020 2019 2020

General Fund 1,798,393 1,728,358 1,782,069 109.5% 105.8% 1,642,101Road and Bridge Fund 2,843,300 2,373,752 2,159,390 112.5% 98.7% 2,527,300Police Fund 7,967,831 7,698,784 7,727,013 105.1% 101 .5% 7,578,184Fire Fund 11,044,557 9,649,084 9,536,134 114.0% 96.8% 9,686,000


Year to Date % of BudgetFund 2020 2019 2018 2020 2019

General Fund 1,650,909 1,545,776 1,480,075 79.8% 77.2% 2,067,708Road and Bridge Fund 2,226,725 2,424,279 1,937,032 63.0% 71.9% 3,533,269Police Fund 6,769,988 6,791,849 6,723,715 79.8% 85.4% 8,479,001Fire Fund 8,556,267 7,865,415 7,371,007 84.7% 86.1% 10,098,802


Majority of the Significient Revenue in all Funds have been received-Fire Fund will receive some money for EMS/runs before the year end-Revenue is very consistent with prior year— In all funds revenue collection have exceeded our target for 11 months.

Expenditures: Allfunds are below the standard percentage. The Road and Bridge Fund might have few bigbills coming, consistent with prior year-

Agenda Item


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POLICY FOR FEDERAL FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES WHEREAS, Sylvania Township has received Federal funding and will continue to

apply for Federal funding in the future, whenever appropriate; and WHEREAS, established Federal Financial Management procedures and practices

provide clarity to the administration and oversight of the use of federal funds; and WHEREAS, established Federal Financial Management procedures and practices

further compliance with auditing standards and Uniform Guidance; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Trustees of Sylvania Township, Lucas County, Ohio that the included Federal Financial Management

procedures are hereby adopted. INTRODUCTION AND VOTE RECORD Motion:


Adopted at the meeting of the Board of Trustees on

AUTHENTICATION This is to certify that this resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Trustees, and filed with the Sylvania Township Fiscal Officer, on

Agenda Item #15.2.

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Federal Financial


In respect to Federal financial management, Sylvania Township will account for its Federal grants on a cash basis of accounting and will comply with the provisions of 2 CFR 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (the “Uniform Guidance”).

• If the Township in any given year has expended federal awards in excess of $750,000, the Township will have a single audit performed in accordance with 2 CFR 200 and inform the Auditor of State or Independent Accounting firm engaged in Township audit of same.

• All new Federal grants, before an application is made by a Township Department, will be discussed by the Administrator and the application will be approved by the Board of Trustees.

• Long-term recurring grants such as small Police Grants may be submitted at

any time by the respons ib le Department Head upon first notifying the

Township Administrator and providing a copy of all application materials.

• To comply with provisions of 2 CFR 200, the Township will follow the same Receipts, Purchasing and Payment of Bill Policy it follows for all non-federal expenditures. This includes internal controls as well as procurement/bidding requirements. However, for approval and book-keeping, certain requirements per established uniform guidance will be implemented such as:

1. Each Federal grant will be accounted in a separate fund approved by the Board of Trustees, which will maintain all activity/accounts of respective fund to avoid comingling of federal funds. All Grant expenditures will follow the Uniform Guidance. State law, Township policy, and the provisions of the grant award agreement will also be considered in determining allowability. Grant funds will only be used for expenditures that are considered reasonable and necessary for the administration of the program as per CFR 200.302.

All Grant expenditures will be approved by the grant coordinator or responsible Department Head initially through the purchase order process and subsequently when the bill or invoice is received. This will be evidenced by signature or initials and a date on the invoice. Disbursements will not be processed for payment by the Fiscal Department until necessary approval has been obtained as per Cost Principles CFR 200.302 Sub-part E.

2. In the event Township grants are awarded on a reimbursement basis, the program costs will be expended and disbursed prior to requesting reimbursement from the grantor agency. The Township will continue to monitor new grant agreements and will follow the method of cash management (e.g. reimbursement basis, advances, etc.) as prescribed within the grant agreement and as per CFR 200.305.In the event grants are already advanced before expending, every best possible effort will be made to minimize the time elapsing between the transfer of funds from US Treasury/pass-through agency and disbursement at the local level, whether the payment is made by electronic fund transfer, or issuance or redemption of checks, warrants or payment by other means as per CFR 200.305 (b) criteria.

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Federal Financial


In addition, all Federal funds received will be deposited in an interest bearing account and per CFR 200.305 (b), interest income will be credited to the established fund for the federal grant. Any interest income earned greater than $500 will be deposited in an interest-bearing account and remitted annually to the Department of Health and Human Services Payment Management System (PMS) through an electronic medium using either (ACH) network or a Fedwire Funds service payment.

3. All procurement carried out with federal funds, where the Township is a

direct party, shall be carried out in a manner that provides maximum free and open competition. Procurement procedures will not restrict or eliminate competition. The Township shall not place unreasonable requirements on firms such as excessive bonding for them to qualify to do business. Nor will the Township encourage or participate in noncompetitive practices among firms as per 2CFR 200.319. Consideration shall be given to such factors as the contractor’s/firm’s capacity, integrity, compliance with public policy, record of past performance, and financial and technical resources. Any small purchases which do not qualify for the formal procurement procedures based on reasonable search will be acquired as per 2CFR 200.319.

4. For all personnel working on Federal programs, payroll costs and

reimbursement to the employees (such as relocation costs) will be documented in accordance with the Township Payroll Policy and Uniform Guidance. Compensation paid, including fringe benefits, will be consistent for the amount paid for non-federal similar work and labor market as per 2 CFR 200.430 and 2 CFR 200.464 (a) (2).

5. Equipment will be used in the program for which it was acquired and

purchased according to program guidelines and the Township Purchasing Policy approved by the Department head and Administrator. The Department responsible for equipment purchase will retain as evidence of this approval as per 2CFR 200.313. In addition:

• All Equipment records will be maintained, in orderly manner by each

department which will include description of property, cost a serial number or other identification of source of funding.

• Each Department in possession of equipment will take physical inventory of the equipment and the results will reconciled with the master property record every two years. In addition, control systems will be developed to ensure adequate safeguards to prevent loss, damage, or theft of the equipment purchased and any damage, or theft will be investigated.

• If the Township is authorized or required to dispose of the equipment,

proper sales procedures will be used to ensure the highest possible return and disposition guidelines of the Federal awarding agency will be followed.

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Federal Financial


6. Federal Grants that require a local match must be coordinated through the Department

Head/Administrator and Fiscal Department. At a minimum, funds must be identified within the budget to provide the match, or a budget amendment will be required. To ensure compliance with matching, level of effort, and earmarking requirements if applicable, will be the responsibility of the Department Grant Co-ordinator with assistance by the Finance Department as requested. Adequate documentation will be maintained to support compliance with matching, level of effort, and earmarking requirements. agencies, as requested.

7. In respect to overall monitoring Federal Grant Funds-Grant Co-Ordinator/ Department Head may use some internal mechanism (such as a spreadsheet) to monitor grant revenues, expenditures, and budgetary compliance to demonstrate cost effective practices. The Fiscal Department maintains this information in the general ledger (the Township’s accounting system) as well, and this is the Township’s “official” accounting system by the granting agencies. 2 CFR 200.301.

8. To satisfy single audit requirements in accordance with 2 CFR 200, the Township will prepare a schedule of expenditures of federal awards (SEFA or the “schedule”) in accordance with Federal and State requirements on cash basis. This schedule will be characterized as follows:

Federal awards will be grouped based on Federal awarding agency. Each Federal award with current expenditures will be listed along with its CFDA number, pass-through grantor name (if applicable) and award/pass-through grantor number (if applicable). Such information will agree to the award documentation.


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Federal Financial


In respect to Federal financial management, Sylvania Township will account for its Federal grants on a cash basis of accounting and will comply with the provisions of 2 CFR 200, Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (the “Uniform Guidance”).

• If the Township in any given year has expended federal awards in excess of $750,000, the Township will have a single audit performed in accordance with 2 CFR 200 and inform the Auditor of State or Independent Accounting firm engaged in Township audit of same.

• All new Federal grants, before an application is made by a Township Department, will be discussed by the Administrator and the application will be approved by the Board of Trustees.

• Long-term recurring grants such as small Police Grants may be submitted at

any time by the respons ib le Department Head upon first notifying the

Township Administrator and providing a copy of all application materials.

• To comply with provisions of 2 CFR 200, the Township will follow the same Receipts, Purchasing and Payment of Bill Policy it follows for all non-federal expenditures. This includes internal controls as well as procurement/bidding requirements. However, for approval and book-keeping, certain requirements per established uniform guidance will be implemented such as:

1. Each Federal grant will be accounted in a separate fund approved by the Board of Trustees, which will maintain all activity/accounts of respective fund to avoid comingling of federal funds. All Grant expenditures will follow the Uniform Guidance. State law, Township policy, and the provisions of the grant award agreement will also be considered in determining allowability. Grant funds will only be used for expenditures that are considered reasonable and necessary for the administration of the program as per CFR 200.302.

All Grant expenditures will be approved by the grant coordinator or responsible Department Head initially through the purchase order process and subsequently when the bill or invoice is received. This will be evidenced by signature or initials and a date on the invoice. Disbursements will not be processed for payment by the Fiscal Department until necessary approval has been obtained as per Cost Principles CFR 200.302 Sub-part E.

2. In the event Township grants are awarded on a reimbursement basis, the program costs will be expended and disbursed prior to requesting reimbursement from the grantor agency. The Township will continue to monitor new grant agreements and will follow the method of cash management (e.g. reimbursement basis, advances, etc.) as prescribed within the grant agreement and as per CFR 200.305.In the event grants are already advanced before expending, every best possible effort will be made to minimize the time elapsing between the transfer of funds from US Treasury/pass-through agency and disbursement at the local level, whether the payment is made by electronic fund transfer, or issuance or redemption of checks, warrants or payment by other means as per CFR 200.305 (b) criteria.

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Federal Financial


In addition, all Federal funds received will be deposited in an interest bearing account and per CFR 200.305 (b), interest income will be credited to the established fund for the federal grant. Any interest income earned greater than $500 will be deposited in an interest-bearing account and remitted annually to the Department of Health and Human Services Payment Management System (PMS) through an electronic medium using either (ACH) network or a Fedwire Funds service payment.

3. All procurement carried out with federal funds, where the Township is a

direct party, shall be carried out in a manner that provides maximum free and open competition. Procurement procedures will not restrict or eliminate competition. The Township shall not place unreasonable requirements on firms such as excessive bonding for them to qualify to do business. Nor will the Township encourage or participate in noncompetitive practices among firms as per 2CFR 200.319. Consideration shall be given to such factors as the contractor’s/firm’s capacity, integrity, compliance with public policy, record of past performance, and financial and technical resources. Any small purchases which do not qualify for the formal procurement procedures based on reasonable search will be acquired as per 2CFR 200.319.

4. For all personnel working on Federal programs, payroll costs and

reimbursement to the employees (such as relocation costs) will be documented in accordance with the Township Payroll Policy and Uniform Guidance. Compensation paid, including fringe benefits, will be consistent for the amount paid for non-federal similar work and labor market as per 2 CFR 200.430 and 2 CFR 200.464 (a) (2).

5. Equipment will be used in the program for which it was acquired and

purchased according to program guidelines and the Township Purchasing Policy approved by the Department head and Administrator. The Department responsible for equipment purchase will retain as evidence of this approval as per 2CFR 200.313. In addition:

• All Equipment records will be maintained, in orderly manner by each

department which will include description of property, cost a serial number or other identification of source of funding.

• Each Department in possession of equipment will take physical inventory of the equipment and the results will reconciled with the master property record every two years. In addition, control systems will be developed to ensure adequate safeguards to prevent loss, damage, or theft of the equipment purchased and any damage, or theft will be investigated.

• If the Township is authorized or required to dispose of the equipment,

proper sales procedures will be used to ensure the highest possible return and disposition guidelines of the Federal awarding agency will be followed.

Agenda Item #15.2.

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Federal Financial


6. Federal Grants that require a local match must be coordinated through the Department

Head/Administrator and Fiscal Department. At a minimum, funds must be identified within the budget to provide the match, or a budget amendment will be required. To ensure compliance with matching, level of effort, and earmarking requirements if applicable, will be the responsibility of the Department Grant Co-ordinator with assistance by the Finance Department as requested. Adequate documentation will be maintained to support compliance with matching, level of effort, and earmarking requirements. agencies, as requested.

7. In respect to overall monitoring Federal Grant Funds-Grant Co-Ordinator/ Department Head may use some internal mechanism (such as a spreadsheet) to monitor grant revenues, expenditures, and budgetary compliance to demonstrate cost effective practices. The Fiscal Department maintains this information in the general ledger (the Township’s accounting system) as well, and this is the Township’s “official” accounting system by the granting agencies. 2 CFR 200.301.

8. To satisfy single audit requirements in accordance with 2 CFR 200, the Township will prepare a schedule of expenditures of federal awards (SEFA or the “schedule”) in accordance with Federal and State requirements on cash basis. This schedule will be characterized as follows:

Federal awards will be grouped based on Federal awarding agency. Each Federal award with current expenditures will be listed along with its CFDA number, pass-through grantor name (if applicable) and award/pass-through grantor number (if applicable). Such information will agree to the award documentation.


Agenda Item #15.2.

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Motion to Go Into Executive Session - Employee Discipline & Purchase of

Property BE IT RESOLVED, by the Trustees of Sylvania Township, Lucas County, Ohio, that the Board shall go into Executive Session at ____ PM for the following purpose(s).

• To consider the discipline of a public employee(s), as authorized by Ohio Revised Code 121.22 (G) (1)

• To consider the purchase of property for public purposes or for the sale of property at

competitive bidding, as authorized by Ohio Revised Code 121.22 (G) (2) INTRODUCTION AND VOTE RECORD Motion:


Adopted at the meeting of the Board of Trustees on

Agenda Item #18.1.

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Motion to Come Out of Executive Session

BE IT RESOLVED, by the Trustees of Sylvania Township, Lucas County, Ohio, that the Board go out of Executive Session at _____ PM. INTRODUCTION AND VOTE RECORD Motion:


Adopted at the meeting of the Board of Trustees on

Agenda Item #18.2.

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Motion to Adjourn.

BE IT RESOLVED, by the Trustees of Sylvania Township, Lucas County, Ohio, that the Regular Meeting of January 5, 2021, was adjourned at ______ PM with the statement that the adoption of all resolutions or motions was made in an open meeting of this Board and action by this Board or by any of its committees that resulted in such formal actions were in meetings open to the public in compliance with all legal requirements including Section 121.22 of the Ohio Revised Code. INTRODUCTION AND VOTE RECORD Motion:


Adopted at the meeting of the Board of Trustees on

Agenda Item #19.1.

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