
I II:'

'\T,· " . iJ;-,,~ ., ,H,·, E 'Seelio, One ~i~;~",eight p~~~~!~.

16 pages tWo sections


E~~Y' EiG~TH YEAR --------::1". ,~ "k ~,;., t:::Eg;;;-;;;;;;;;;;ii;:-W;;:;:-'.;;;;I;ili-'I--!\\iA¥1E:NiEBiw~~{Eii;NEs.;:;:V:AitRiil24iQ;;~---'----~-J,;,;~;;;-;;;':;;-;w.;;;;;;:;;;;;;:i.;;;-.~i-..:---l------7.:':7:= -;.;;:;~;;;;,

New Fiction Bo_ks A: ~c t~~ To Observe Li~rary Week

ThiH wct'k has he('tl designated ---~< -~""-----.-~ -----+------

National Llhrury We('It. The theme W k f· Id is ,"R, "!ld~l!'" ,flflh freed,O',n " h, e Ie H~st to enjoy II!" 'I he Wayne Puhlic Llbr- !H nry invites ~ou to stup III to viSIt D· ( .m, U • 01 your 10<'''1 Ithr"ry lhis we ('Ie. I~on oun.y ["IUSIC

WhY--!lOt/ make your vi$it ol:l f . i f' ·d..l. family .ffo;r? Thoro .r. book, on ~tlva fl ,y.\ ::r;:,~~r to f::::rc;:a~~:~t::;ni!~ Wal{cficld--Wakefield :w:as host

little sister. ~~r[~~~ ~i~~~u~o~~~y S~IUJ(:~t!es:l~~~ l\'ew fiction books to Iw out Into Allen, Emerson, Ponca iand' Wake·

circulation In ohsC'l'van('e of Nat llt'ld, attended the all-daty event. ional Library Week an': ··Hal.',\' V(leal und IIlstl"umental numbers High the Roof Beam, CarpPlltcls", n'('elv('([ cOllstructive criticism but by J. D Salinger, "'rlll' 1\1<111 Who \\el"ll' not I'ated Dr Raymond Played God," 'by Hobert SI. John. I(l'Uon. WSTC, judged the instru­"Hid£' Wps! to i'ut'blo,' h) King.~ IlH'J)tlll numbers. Gene Nelson, ley Wpst, "i':Vl'l"yIJlldy AdorE'd J\lldlland ("ollege, judged thc vocal

Cal'a," by Alln (]('ud. I nll~~~::~:~ for the eVCinilng. pro-

Juniors: Carol i\nderspn, Bar· bara Farran, Hoblirt Hamill, Mar· ~ha Mann, .Iodenel Pruwilz, Judy Swanson. and sandl'a Wooekman

Sophomores: Chayl II e It m (' r, Helen Hamill, HiOnnll' Follettl', Kathy Misfeldt anc1 [Jean Mann.

Freshman: Brcnf.1u S\ enson and Dr. Da' Steve Mueller.

Forty hlOh ,chool. In (:1, .... 1

B, C a)1d D havo ol1ferod. Among tho largor entrie., !It.,. 126 contoltlln", Laurel 126.: TU, den 120, Pender 102, Pon~ •• nd Plainview each 100. '

Contest OIn'ctur, Georgb ,C11hj.' well says ,.111 COlltCl)tS will· c' beld on tilt' Wayne Stutc cnm U$ <;X­Cl'pt blilld lind ol'che!ltrn I r:1urm·

~;~~('s:\U~;~~~:lu~~~1 be Ih~ tIt Wayno Bunci competition has ht:ul J)

und pari of Clns~ C on llrKduy evcning. the r(!sl ot Cia,s' C un Friday ('vC'niUJ::, starlin I . nt. 7 o'clock In this order lit 2 ·minute intl'rvals:

speak • Thursday - uanc~roft, oomer, PhY$ically, . and Morally." Profes .or d I TUden, Allen, Wausa " R ndoJpb, sor Swed~urg's lopic will be Remm Dog ,Owners Wakefield, • -

"She Fell Amon,!;, Thlt,\l'~;," b.\ gram \\'l'(' hoys'. quaJ'L-ct, AlIeni Gretchen Trllvls, .. j IH' 1l1'1i!ord in h()y~' lTIedlllm V(JI('l', Ray Brown, cldf'nt", by l\lark H'l.~(·O\,It"h. "Onl' i ~~rnl('rson, t{'nor s<lxaphone .'1010, 111 til{' Life of 1,\ jln l)(om.'·o : 1J,1{"k Brownell, Wakefield, boys' vlch," by Alex SolzhC'nllsyn, ··{;un.., i hl?h VOIce, Nick Kneifl, Newcastle at Gray Butte'," b~' L(:v.I~ l'ullen i tnplc trio, Ponca; boys' voice, Don and "Wh('re's Annw"" 11\ l-:lIt'('n i PrQtzl'j", Wakefield; flute solo, Bassing. Mary Jewe'l. Allen; baritone horn

..,01$, DU\Jd Ilickmun, AJl~n; snare +.--~-~-'---'----'----, -~.'---,.-~-.-.--

"Bu~lding: Ithe Family Spiritually Friday-Walthill, LYons. Pfigcr,

an~;::;'~i~~~~~I:~ep.rlnienl h"~d To Purchase !Licenses :~~~~Ii~",~:,ce~'me~:o~~~~ lo~g~c., Two Vacancies ~med At Wayne High School

drum solo, ,Jim Kingshllrty, Ponca.

I '!~~,1't(JI~I,U~)'~~~c~at71~e~i~:~ebder~~ Dr.


Claudia N!emann Enters I ~erald Receives State Spelling Cantest

Claudia Niemann, Wayne Counly ~k-Sar-Ben Award Spelllllg ChampIOn, entered the " ,

I Kessler on Dean's :List state contest at Omaha, Saturday_ C): EI d At a HpC'elal m(-'ding of tlw I John Da\llJ Kessler, son of Mr. 'L'here w('re six. founds of written ramer ecte

Wayne High Board of i':du('U!lUll I and Mrs. Yait' Kf'ssier, Wayne, words and Claudia went out on thl' t Thursday two it'aellen. Vd'n' ('l~'l.t-IJJa.~ h('I'o namC'd on th(/' Dea,n's fil'st along with 15 Oth('f5. She mls- 'he Wayne Herald. recein'd an ed, LISI a\ OhIO Wesleyan UniverSIty, spelled brach!. Claudia IS the J[ . nor a b 1 e MentlOO from ~he

las a result of the first semester daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Herbert K~lghts of Ak-Sar-llen for Service

Raymond .r. TICSZt'O, a gruduaLc g;·jrjp· . • Niemann, Carroll. tr:lt Agriculture. The award, was of Southern Slate Tt'HchcIS ('oll('gl'. ! s ____ ~._ .. ___ . ___ ~__ _ ________ p senlf'd li'riday at the annual Springfield, S. D will kaell lll"h I N h k P A 'I'

~~~~~, ~~gcmaticS. I11~ bonlt' "'J.~ I Pro"lamat-lon v~n~~~ t~~~~~~~S~en SS::~r:: :::-

te~~::;~'YS~;~r~~:~ I~:t'l('::'l~l~ :::' 1 ::: : \\' 1II:ltEAS 0111' natiol~ on ,)(e",i" 11, hi" laillt! 11 po 11 ilo 11:::d:oo~I:~:~;:~';'''in:~~~~r Ws~· was graduated from Kl'arn('y Stah,l ' m~tl. and :, .... om.en t41 give ~d' t"h('nl~wl:'(,"" tt~ .the I p,~cs~s ye:r.agncu ure urlng e

.JUr~~laer~~,~;~h~~~~r:I'~~I::'\~a~nr)(' ,HI I .c.;ell\']C"e 01 th('lr country 111 lJnll'-i u1 c()nflld; I rrhis is the 10th ycar Ak.Sar-Ben the past two y(,<.Irs tit and IllHh giVl'll the awards in re'cogru·

\tVHEREAS, man.\' of thc~e men nnd \\'umPll ha\'(' madl' the 1l~1l1 of ;lJ~r!eultural services by Nc· sUJlleme ~al'l'ifi('e in th(· ,~:t'n'I('p Ilf th(·ir ("()UH_lbrtl.',ka nl'Vvspa,pNs. trv, <'llld untold nllmbl'l"s ( r ()thl']"'-. 11:1\'(' !"I'_ In other conv{,[,tion highlights,

studies, g('n('ral Seiellel', hi)'; h tL;.rned fl.-om the onl('al I.J! \\':11' ~()l"l'ly ill lll't'd W"<I.vne ~,'ae~'a~;lCcl~~lh~~sht~re board school vocal, ('[(,lllentu]"), lllU.,J(' I of h{,lp tor bod v alld nllll(]; :llld j" ! " f th N b k P and el('mmtary principal.' ,II vV IlEI{EAS, during- thf' more than fort \" Y(';-(,1':-; of it." ('xisi- A I( Ir~~.?r~ (~ ~ eras n ress,

® enct', the American Ll'giOl'l Auxiliar.v ha:-i <1('- (vcr Ismg erv~ce. voted its best effort~ to as~ist In the rehabil-

Hug~es Re~e.ives ' " , ~~~,tion of ~ur veterans and t~eir dependents;,!!!,senior., ,", Musl'" 'er!hf ..... te \\IHE,l\~.<\i:l, tl>.e, ~!1I~nc"n. Legl~n Auxlhary afford,:UUr, Ano"r' ed 'by ,

... \m ,II 11"" people 'an opportumty each year to assmt 111 ~ Jayne Hughes, daughter of Mr: ' this. worthwhile and patriotic Rervice with Two senior girls who graduated

and Mrs. Ismael Hughes, has been > the purchase of memorial poppies; A ril 13 from Wayne State Tea!!h-awarded a certificat'e for outstand· NOV\-, THEREFORE, I, B. tL BrHnd~lrtt('r, Mayor of the <'1"5 College have received awards ing achievement in music and a Cit:v' of' Wayn(', Nebraska, do hereby pl'U- fIlo~l th~ American ~ssociation of letter of congratulations from tbe claim Saturday, Ma~' 4, 1 ~(j:·L as Popp:v Vay Ulllvcrslt~ Women. 1hey are Na-Department of Music of the UllI· ill this city and I call upon all of Ollr cilizenH d~'n(' Long, No~folk, and Beth versity of Nebraska. to support g-enerously this \\"ort hy effort. ~r~~kew SChles;lg, Iha f AP.UW

The honor was a result of her IN \VITNESS "'HEREOF, I hav(· .h('l"t'Ul, st'.t nrl.\' hand ~res:nteday~~ss r~:~g :n honor-

~~:~~~~a~;~d ~!c::~t~y.F~~: ::~~ and caU.;-;ed the :wal ()f trll' ( Ity IIf v\ ayne to ary membership on the ba!.is of ificate and letter constitutes her be affixed thiH 22nd d:l)' :,1' Ap\i:, 196:1. . leaderShiP and. scholarship. She

official ac:ceptanc:e as a student h .• J. 1.)1 alHls~i"~~~:~l: ae:er~;: ;~~5~~~ a:~~:~ail~ ::::r~ :e:::~fU~~:i~~ity in the Depart- ______ ~~_~_. . ~I organizations.

Th{' Nebraska Division of AAUW honored Miss Krohnke with a state

national membership. She graduated magna cum laude

and took a prominent role, in dra­

,Jayne, a senior at Wayne High, ,Bowling Banquet Planned will l'lerform before the judges at

. Doane College, May 2, for the Coun­cil for Nebraska's Cultural Resour­ces Music Competition.


The Wayne Woman'S Bowling Banquet will be held May 13 at EI Rancho at 7:30 p.m. A social hour is scbeduled from 6:30-7:30 p.m.

Area University Students Honored matics.

The following area students were ,Bath women participated in cited for superior or high scholar· tayne's honors program, Miss ship' at the "Cnh'ersity of Nebr· rohnkc earning high ho~ors in aska's tlllrty-flfLh :lllllual Honors ('r major field. speech. and Miss ConvocatlOn. Tuesday. ~ong earning high honors in ele­

They are senior.'>. Jaml's A. Mc- Ipentary education. Farland, Wisner, Vincent R. Mag· I • Duson, Wayne, Darrel E. Puis, Hos- ~ PI kins; ill,niors, Allcn A, Oltc, Wayne" ew acemenf Tests sophmores, Mary E. Grenz, Pilger. i Jack W, Schwan, En,",'son, Joan I iven by Peace Corps E. SklJ][ler, Wisner. Fresh~an, Kare~ K.. Boecken- i A new and much shorter Peace

hauer, ,Wayne, l~~~~n S. Bonder· orps Placement Test will be given ~n, Elpers~n, Dand }; ~a~ra, or the first tim(' Saturday at the wayne, an . wmg, ivil Service testing center, Nor-ayne.. olk. The basic test will be only

ne hour in length. Applicants who have

lready taken the old test do not eed to take the new one. To be

DeGrbot in Top Ten

In P~otogenic Contest ! ~~:~l~~~t ~n~e:h~a~:a~i:)J~&i~~ Mari~'n DeGroot, Madison, a

~ti~~ela~s ~na:~~ 't~~a~~p ;:~c~~~~ testants in the Miss Photogenic Contest:, sponsored by the Profes­sional I PhotQgraphers Association of Nebraska.

The ,'winner of the contest will be a~ounced Saturday at a coo­vention in Omaha.

Ia Questionnaire to the Peace Corps

rr, must bring a completed ques­ionnaire to the test site. For furt· etr information you may conLact he local post office.

, g :

Gerald Schnaor En.olled Gerald V. Schnoor, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Vernon J. Schnoor. W~yne, has enrolled in an Auto Bc[>dy and Fender Repair class at

B "- M b G t the Universal Trades School. Oma-ureru em ers ues 5 ,ba, The course W~I slart in June,

Of P~oducers Monday , ove140 Farm Bureau members

w'ere uests IOf the Producers Live­stock I;vtark~ting Association of Omah Monday night at a dinner meeting at the Hotel Morrison.

'l1axes Become Delinquent 'The first half' of the i962 Real

Estate taxes become delinquent May 1, and will draw 7 percent interest after that date according to Leona Bahde County Treasurer.

• General Hvesetock marketing problenhs were discussed, aided by slides Ia.nd a question and ans\-ver Area Shippers period· Area shippers this "teek to Sioux.

• 1._ C~ty were Paul Hansen. Conco~,

L .:J 1.1 • PI i . d I ~ st., wi. 1,171, $24_,5,0; 4 st.. \"t_ eglDn Meeting anne 1113, $23,00; Robert Hans e n,

',The ~ellican Legion 1 ,P9St, .. ,'/1I,. ayne,52 st, wt, !105r $21.00; Carl Will h ~d ~tsl regular me~ting Wed· . Koch, Concord, 42 HaL st., wt. nf!sd '. aht:oo !I).m. ~ the Vets ~069. $19.25; Dick Ohapman, Al· Club oom _ The Me orial Day I n, 23 st_, wt_ 952, $23_75~ 7 st_. :Q-rogr JIl . be ,discnss d. . 1,159: $23! _ ,_ ~ - Ii

i I I


Home Extension Spring Tea Set Next Thursday

The Wayne County Home Exten­sion Spring Tea will be held at the Wayne city auditorium May 2, starting WIth registration at 1 p.m.

Then at 1:30 p.m., there will be group singing followed by a U.S. Wcather Bureau film on Tornados, vocal selections by the Stanton County Triple Trio and a hat style s~ow with Mrs. Dale Flowerday in charge.

A coffee hour will follow and the public is invited to attend.

~~h:r:ic~~W ~~;ec~o~~~lk m~~~~~~ Garth Dawson, chief of pohn', rc· sa~:~~:y ~ig~~~I,n~~ar~~~ .St l~i~OI~~ portion of the conference. Pastor %i;::(,:lImd:-;~ o~~t'r;)~~lt~~n~~~ d~; :Hl· minute! intervals: adlsol}, Everett Epperson, minister of t~e May·1." . Stanton, Pender, West Pont. Wis-

Slid~~u~~h'h~nar::~n~a'E:~~~ , The lic~nses cal~ be purchased ~f:\' ... Wuync, Pierce, )Laut ,plaJn~ trip I' and tour of the Holy I at I th~ C~~yoo c!erk 5 ~fflce. Th: II MIxed choruses will sin in -tho , I pr ce 15 ~. or ma e or sp~ye mornin~ and afternoon Sa urdoy-

The public is invited to attend. f~alesd and $3.00 for f,"1 ma 175 .1, Clas)! B stnrting ut 8 o'cto k, Class • 10 ay granj rwrtuc .... 1 )(' I D at 11. Clnss C at 1 0 I In th'

g~jlnt('d after \'<hH)h a 5U' I mcrease administration buHding oudltor~ Markets Will be leVIed, • um ! i

(Prices in Wayne T",esday a.m.) M hUH . tilos/' llstf'u with bands, 1\ e ROliu-g~~:m $:~; ars a 'urt In lie. Ohprt·Maskcll, Brun w!i c k,

Other schools entered~'bJflldCK

Hens, lb. .06 ;-..!ewcafith~, Crofton, Wyn t, -1Iart·

One (ar MI·sh .. p in.[!ton lIoly Trinity. Icrldall, Coc:ks, lb. .04 '" Ri?omfil'ld, Winnebago, HORf<1r.

Denms llal::;hal~, Wa}!l(" suffll" I WlDsldl', West Point Gua . Inn J\n­cd lacerations ab(lut Uw Iwad <.Inu gel. Handnlph st. [frances!: Norfolk a~lTIs and a hip injury Thursday I As.~umpli()n, and Norfolk Bul'lls. mght In a one c<lll" £H"l"Jde!>1 [hr('(' I Tw~) orchestras will 'ompote, miles nOlth of Wa~'n('. 11 I~ Iwtle\'f'd I Way~e at I p.rn Saturrlny followed

~~a~;{!~~~\:I~~'~ ~! ~~~ ~v~~;e~~ j\II~~- ! hY(;~~rf~)II~b~s:l~em,~~~c~lu~ J:~~·lt1r. pital {lilt! tram;f(',rred to a SIOUX I day morning and nfternO(I'n jn An-City Hospital Frlliay. dnrson Ifall.

• ~IJlo t.ln~ sm.all e~ombl' CQmpc·

Eunice Johnson Is tit!~~llI~:d~;tC(~l~~nhmow:: d arh~I'· noon-piunb, nil classcs~ ClaHS U

.Consultantom'-Miami vocal '010"1 an<, ,m'al1 voc I Woul". Friday rJ,1ornina ulld a ernoon-

Wakefield-Eunlicc Johnson. Lin· Chlsses C !and 0 vocal tl9S and coIn, daughler qf Mr. and I\1n;. ~~(~'~~ a~~c~las;~~~PS; ins ,ru~enlal Waiter . Johnson, Wakefield, IS r ~1>cnding thhi week in Miami, Fla., Saturday+-<small instru en tal wherc she is scr).rillg as a con:.ul ensemhles,' all ciasse!;. tanl to a study C(lnference. • ,

The AssociatiOl~ for Childhood Education InternptlOnal mects an· ,Tietsorl nually to !itudy c$rr~nt educatlOnai problems. Eunicd Will be t1w cqn· Naj'l.o"al sultaDt for a specific Etudy groUp ~. and as part of h¢r duties wlil ('on· ducl primary pllysical educatiun Foundation work shops.

~, Mark Tietsort,

i Drihl Re-elei:ted to I ~~:v~~e /N~\i~~~~e ~i;~r:~~~te~h~~ooo.

Clinic and Concert Redeemers Mission Nursing As$ociation ,;~;.;;o~~::~~::t.nd Clifford Dahl, Wayne, was re· is sched~l&d to

Set Today at WST( G D F d elected president of thc ~ebraska I mer session He roup onates. un Nursing borne Associalion al a Irat; up~n ~ m .. ter The Woodwmds of Houston a three day convention held in Lin- degree. i

renowned Texas qumtet wIll' do The Mlsslon Group of Redeemer~ coIn last week. , ·Tiet50rt· is the son double duty on a Wayn~ VlSlt to Lutheran Church donated a fund ~t~er.s e~ected~wer~ Mr~. HeJen~ Mrs. Merle :Tictsort, d BUd 11 t I a 1m memDry of Mollie Vath Jor the Pllllhps, Chadro , flrst-vH:e-pre~a- was graduated (rom

ay 1 e ~ngma ~t t p aYth

purchase o( Latin American books dent; Jim Keillo , Omaha. second and Wayne State concert at ayne a e 10 e to the Wayne Elementary School vice.president; rs. pauline Wal- • eveOlng, the ensemble also Will LIbrary, Friday, 10 observance of lick, S1. Edwar 5, secretary. and conduct an afternoon cllmc for NatIonal Library Week Earl Blair, Ogal ala, treasurer. West Point AIPpaj~~hnent5 school dIrectors and woodwmd The SIXth grade students also William Beaumont, Little Rock, ' students from the Wayne area The matched an anonymous givers 'I Ar~.,. president of th~ ~mericall I U. S. . clinic is free, as is the concert. donation for additional book. The Nunang Home IAssocJatlOn, ,'.fas m~nn announced

Both cvents will be held in the Mission Group wC[1e also coffee principal speake~ at the convention. pomtment~ to administration bUilding auditori- guests of the Elementary School, The 1964 convention will bc tI~ld John B., Carter, urn, the clinic at 1:30, the concert Friday. at Kearney. :,- Jerry D. Walker, at ,g.

Wayne State Band Director R~y­mon{l Kelton, in charge of the clin. ic, s~id it will provide students and directors a rare opportunity to hear the advice of experts.

All five members of tl;1e quin­tet are or have been soloists with the Houston Symphony Orches­tra, and all but one are on the music faculty of the University of Houston.

The ensemble-including clari· net, flute, oboe, bassoon and horn -played informally for several years. then decided, in 1959, to

formallv for concert tours. It has won high praise from critcis and musicians, including Houstan Symphony Conductor Sir


• E and H Bands' Reach 25.9 Percent of Quata

Henry E. Ley sa\'ings bonds chairman for Wayne County re­ports that E and H bond sales amounted to $24.,988_00 in the county last month_ -Mar c h purc~e

the total for the first ye~r to $115,

re~,resentin.' 25.9 percent of qvo~' :

s~andings ;' for ,this regiqn foIIoW5~ ~edar, 33.9 per-

Dixon, 32_~; Dakota, 31.0; ~.9i ~~·,~ursto~:.20.4.;-~



The Wayne .f Nebr. )

First Place Winner



'I I .1

Jo:lIlllhIJ~II"d III 187;, lL rl{'\\'NTHlJH'1" TutolIPlh ... f/ w{wlll)' hy Mb ...;'llret

"''' II ,. r ,. :11 ~:; 1;;'r'!1 1 ;!"~)/:I' g,I,),fJ;j\;~:~;;I\:I! /,I( d."\;~:;\;ll;,e~I;~~ ~1~l:I!:~'h::~J !~:::;"::~~ ~~I:~~~ "rt.·1 nn"n. ,

Fl'ed B. nlbh9 Jilmes W. :i\~o.lElh "'{nunglng Edltr.,r n/JVr.'nlfllng mlllllJ::""r

---F---~-- --- ~-----l'<)"~'hn "\Vrry/1(l II"rllld dn"" IIfHr fmu'U'O 1\ Jltllrllry pflkn.lIflfl doe .. Ilvl h"v,· " H!orul'Y ,'.llt"l Th,'r'''f"n~ PfJetry 1M not n(.("e"l~(l~ for fr"e pIII,JI, ,,'1"11

Urrh'lol ~~"'\:~,~~~I; ~::tll~II~'(' (~:~I('(J'(Jr":~t~I~a;~fI~l~e (·.ItI~IIY - ~- .. -----.---- -------- _. +------

NUIiSCIU1 ... , 111 JlATE8 111 \\·"\'Irr·. J'b·r,·e. (',>(Jnr. J!Jxon, 'l'hurdou, Cum lng, .'-ltant"f) fillr) :o.1a{1IH""

;:)f:I\:~; Ir,~:'.i' ,'" ~J'~J ~I:~. H)!~;:" r;t'::~ ~l(~ ;{.~J~I. ot/J~,. ~ I 'CI~~'~ ~~IOi) :r~]"I)~ I:' ',:'1()~!1~;~~~~ tl. ~~ t ::;; Ihl'" m .. III"". ~ll1gle copt",; tHe

HOSKINS NEWS Mrs. J. E. P,"g~1 - Phone 73

~ . Ii - -r i I

d~y n[~hL ~1' went Mcjcr~cnry, Mrs. Jack U'cnskc,. Mrs. Darrell Puis, and Meierh;cnry.

Blrlhdj' y Club Mrs. Erwin Ulrich

nwrnbcl's of Ithe Rlrthda her hoimc oj} Tuesday Mrs .. 1. F.. 'Pingel wa~: Gomes' :and QOntestH Prizes wel'~ won Krause!, Mrs. II. C ,Ik, Mrs. r{ather,n£! Jileem;ang alOe! Mrs. Fred J!ochcn.~. In the ('v 'ning the birthdalY gro~lp was entclltuined in the Ullrich homl'. Mr, rnd Mrs J. E. hngcl. Mr. and 1\11'1'. Clint Reber ;llnd ~rs. Mary [< alk were guests. Te~ point pitl'h w, splayed Prizes were a warded to Mrs. Ed M aas, ; Clarence Schroede,', Eric .\1ci(>rhl:mry and Mrs. Clinlt Reher.

C~nfir+atjon' Dinner Mr. timl Mr·s. WiJhur Bruns pn·

tertain~'fJ at dlnnn last $llnday in honor iqf D1anny's {"on(ir",ation. Mr. a~(/ Mr::;. Mdvm B'nms nnd family,: Waymf', a-n(j Mr. and l\1rs Georg-~ Bruns and fi;lmlly. W<I]((' field wrn' gur'sts

Young: Peoples League

Y~U~g P«dples League of the Trimty. Lutheran church met at the Parochial school ba~'ement, Mon· day ev£'ning, Rev. (;. ·n. Frank Il:'u devotiqm:. Carolyn Deck anu Lind<l Krause! wt're hostess('s Next meet· ing will hI:' Apr. 29 \\fith .Janpt Glaze Ilnd C(Jllnit, Marqullrdt f1nst-

Hoskins Baby Beef Club ,Mrs. Edwin Brogie, Mrs. Ha'rvey esses.

Ilf'ld at th(' Wilhur BL'hmer home rs. Ray Jochens, 1)1rs. Myron "Get.T~.Gether Club" llo . .,kins Bahy B£'d meeting waH ~vermann, Mrs. Wendell Davis,

!l-Jonliay. AnI' 8, The dote for all alker and Mrs. Bomhe Spitalnik Mrs.; Clarcnec ,Johnson, Wayne, th(· club ItlPrnilprs to go around to arc in charge of servIng the din· entertallwd (iet·To·(;('ther (. J u b t'a('h ml'mber farm and look at all ner, Thursd~r aft(:rnoon, Mr;-,. Charles 111(' r;Jivt's wa.o, set for Apr 30'1 Mrs. Raymond Jdchens was Farran', WinSide wa~ a guest. In The n{'xL meeting will h(' at the ('~ecled 10 serve as thtl new presi. ten point pi lie 11 , prizes \\('n:' won

\'{,l'llon Ikh1l1er homt' May 6. dm-lt. Urs,M~jhar;~~lITa;~~ge'~~~rg, 1\1<;:'~' --- I P3Ilroiman Zurcher of the police Iren!:" Iftctcher. ThiS was the final

Soc,·ely dt'partment told about his work me('ting untJ! St'ptl'll1JWl" • • • with his dog "Casey."

North Villlev Club The gorial committee, Mrs. Er- Helpi~ Hand Club Thir'It'f'n members WeTP present v,Jin Ulrich, Mrs. Norris Langen· IIclplhg Hand ('Iuh met at the

al lht' No.·tll Vallt'y Extension club b~rg, Mrs. George Langenberg, Gus Porske home WecincHiay {'vc· IlH'f'ling twill in the Mrs. Edwin Mrs John Amende, Mrs Vernon ning. After the huslIlf"'sS mct'tlllL( Sch('J1ellbC'rg home Thursday af. Bphmer and Mrs. .J. E. Pingel len point pilch was pla.'l'cd, 'WIth tl'rnoon. Roll call was "Namin~ strvcd lunch. - prizes going to Selma ~little TIH'ir Spring Flower." Mrs. Louis staedt, Robert Mar:shall" Loretta lknrlin reported 00 the coqncil Zion Ladies. Aid Perske l Irvin Aye Clnd .John Thlf'lje medlng held at Wayne. Mrs. ~laf- Zion Lutheran Ladies Aid met The Of'xt mcpting Will bt' l\1el} R old Ma,rs, reading leaeier, told of 1<1.<;\ Thursday at the church base- at the Harry Schwt'dt' /lomt'. Lihrary Week and· books available l1'Ient. Nineteen members were for thL: public. Mrs. lIans Hansen, present and one guest, Mrs. La- Ch' h ciliz('llship chairman, reported on Vf'rn Brock, Norfolk. R£'v. La- lure es. 0

"Why I Want 10 be an American' Vern Brock had the t<)JpiC' , "Spiri. Mrs. Wilbur Andason, health reo tUlal on Your Table." portf'f, gavE' "Happiness Comes LWML tops were handed out to from Living Right" and "Poison title delegates.

!:~~i:!1i~J~OOI~ H;o~~·'~~ahr~.,I~S~:~ Attend Extension Tea

Peace Evangelical and Reform'ed C.1ohn Saxton, pastor)

Sunday. Apr. 28: Morning wor­ship, 9 a.m.: Snndny school, 10

Monday, Apr. 2~)' Teachers meeting. 8 p.m

;glven by. Mr~, . Claus R~thman. Mrs. Walter Fenske, Wayne Nt'xl m(' IS III th(> Alvlll Wllg-lcounty chairman, Mrs. Fred Bru· Trlinitv Lutheran Ch(Jrch nc'!' home May 16. : nncls, Wayne county do-chairman, Wisconsin Synod

;-._- i !\Ir". Erwin Ulrich, Mrs. George (G. B. Frank. pastor) HOSKINS prA 'I Langenberg, Mrs, Edwin Meier- Sund~y, Apr. 28: DilVme ser-

Hoskins. P.arent Tt'acher asso- hrenry, Mrs. Awalt Walker, Mrs. vices, 10'00 a.m ; Sund4Y school. md III the H010kins Public Clarence Schroeder, Mrs. Wayne 11:00 al.m. . house M'o~day evening. ITho~, Mrs. J. E. Pingel, and Monday, 29' Young PC'o 1

sehu:,] pir.:'flIc. Will be held on'll\ttr.'t. I-:rwin Kollath attended lhe pIe's BihlC' B'OO pJlI1. I 22 \1'I1h i1 picnic' dinner aV Oeci'-ar County Extension Tea held ~- I nl Ihe school house. Dennis. irlt fhe auditorium at Hartington, I' Evangelical Uni~ed Brethren

! PuIs is m charge Of tht, hall game 'rhursday afternoon. (Wendell DaVIS, pas~or) ~ Mrs W. C Behinpr, Mrs. Don· _ Q...- Wednesday. Apr. 24' Youth Fel-

I'ald Langenherg and Mrs Harold Tenth Wedding Anniversary lowship~ 8 p.m. ,Wit.tlPr are in charge ~f games Mr. and Mrs. Dennis PuIs wer.e J Saturrl.1Y, Apr. 27 Chloir. 7:30 I'

<lnd cunlests and Mrs Clmt Heher honOl'pd on their tenth wedding:p m. ~. \~" 111 r~~~~~_~:~~~=:~~,.~_"_~lliverS~~~~~_::'~=-~~Sllnday. Apr 28'. Wonhip srr-

Even the styling says"go." It's not only beautiful. its aernri,rn' emi', styling red. yce$ air resist-ance. Choose from two : the Maraulde\ withJt big 390 V·8 standard engine. •. the sporty Marauder:S-55. wit~ console· mounted transmission Iselector, Iu~urious bu~ket seat~

, Walker, Omaha. spent tlie . her pneats, Mr. ,and

Walker. M'rt. H.tlry Wlhe,

Mr. and MI"S ......... rd family, Co'umb.,. and

Omah.· were din­in the ,V.Llbur Behmer

and Mrs. H. C_ Falk and Hattie Prince were dinner in the Mrs. MarS' Falk hom'i.".

r. and Mrs. Dennis PuIs, Den· , Hennee and Dianne, Mrs. Liz·

Darrell and Dallas Puls. Lt. and Mrs. Darwin Puls and

, n, LlDcoin were dinner guests the Rucben PuIs home. ~'lrs. Emma Bernhardt, Pierce. I'. and Mrs. Harry Schwede' and

and Mr. and Mrs, Don and family were dinner

guests in the Edwin . Evening visitors wElre

Mrs. William Viergutz,

Mrs. George Wegned Mer. end Mrs. Gari

Topeka, Kan1 the Richard

Council Bluffs. Mr, and Mrs, (t~rank ,Marten clil­

tertained at dinner, Mr. and Mrf· I W~-"~,".;i~;; Leonard Marten and family aqd Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Wachter aqd family.

Mr, and, Mrs, Duain Luhr and were dinner guests in the

home, Norfolk. Gene Kudera 4"4,

la., Mr. an,d and familv~

Sattle Creek and Mr. and Mrs, Walter strite and family were dinner and' afternoon guests hi the John Kudera home. Mr. and Mrs, Max Krueger and

family w.~~ visitors in the home of her bftitber, R. W. Raubach, Norfolk.

A llO·host family dinner was held at the William Kruse home,

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Johnson Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Kruse, add Keith, Wayne and Mr. and and Kip',' Herbert Matthies, Mrs. Claus Rathman were dinner Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Win· a mis-guests In the Henry Langenberg , Veryle and Keith, Norfolk, Mr. of Mrs.

, home. and Mrs. Edwin Brogie, Mark an~ in the Mr. and Mrs. Larrv Miller ano Eddie, and Arthur Kruse were Plainview

Lori Lynn, Springfield, III. left guests. Mr. and Mrs_ Monday after spending Easter cy~~iean~n~rsL}:~~ 'B::~ s~~~~:~ were l)l1arried Apr. 4th vp~C,eant;to,n, ;Mn,.'he.ndhomMe" •• ofAtlfh."edir in Miami. She is ~he former .Judy ~ • gu.ests in the home of her parents Weber ~ daug~r Of Mr. and Mrs ..

Miller, Winside and Mr, and Mrs, Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Samuelson. G'el'ha~dt Weber, J, E, Pingel, Hoskins. Newman Grove. Mr. ~nd Mrs. Jbhn Steven, eyn-Mr. and Mrs. Gene' Kudera and Mr, and Mrs. Victor Clocker en· die aqd LuAnn were visitors in

LeMars, lao spent the tertained at dinner, Mr. and Mrs. the J. L. Samuelsotn home, Meadow

in the John Kudera home. ~~~I~r~jlJ~rrc~~ a~~nArt:-l: :~~ Grove" Wednesday evening. Mrs. Walter Hartman, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Miller and

. were dinner guests in t~e family, Lori Lynn, Springfield, Ill., Mr. of their daughter and Son-Jll- Mr. and Mrs. Hans Asmus' were and Mts. Eugene Miller and Kim­

Mr. and Mrs. Glen Wagner guests in the Henry Asmus home beriy, iOmaha, Mr. and Mrs. J. Mfr~r::~~ Mrs, Robert Lieneman E. pinjgei and Dick were dinner

ahd family Omaha, and Mr. and Mr, and Mrs. John Bohn and tl'ns~le·. aElna~te~f;~ntl~liyr~~ M DIS' rkl d d family spent Wednesday in Omaha. w pl;~ela, oU~I:~wooJ~ I~~ sP~~t Mrs Max Krpeger attended the steak-house and were the weekend in the home of their musical festival of Stanton county guests ip. the Carl Nie-parents, Mr, and Mrs, Henry grade school at Stanton, Monday Winsi~le. Other guests

Arsmus. - aft~~~o~"'d Mrs. Arn.old Miller . ~~. ~:J' ~t~ £a~:s~~;: ~lr. ~nS~O~~rsCi~y~W~r,.u~r~~h ~;s~ were visitors in the Orlin Kuchta family, 'Wayne, and Mr

:~le~i£~~~F~t~~~I~b~;~ ~~~:~i.~~~:±~:~:§;~~a~~~;~ ::~~~~~~:?;;n ;;~~~~: ;;;;;r I~!~~~~b~~:s~~n:~, ~~~fofi~s. were guests in the Paul Schwindt Mr. and Mrs.' R:pger Fiehn and

. and Mrs. Louie Wink, Mo- home, Lindy. ~~~~i:Ts~'u~~~:af~~fI~ a::dM~::


. and St~ntc, She W.IIS'· nc­

by Elaln. Zobel; l\Ior. Barbara Nielsen,. Ook~

'. a'~d Ml'Rj Herman M~rtcn, Nor(OIl<.~ Mrs. MarUm KlIllgblcl. Melbour e, In, lind Mr, anll. Mrs. AWait' nlker were dl'lnc-r !ltuC'sts in th4.l larry Bli'umels home, Rnn.

, S turdaYI ' More H<!>SKINS ..... p.go 6 --~--~-----:-4--

~EDNESDAY thru y , I ~ro~ 5:00 to 8:00 eac~ evening

Br.lkej Ham .. . . . . . $I .00 Chick n Fried Steak . . . . . J 1.15 Y2-lb Choice Round Steak .. $1.25


JERRY'S C~FE Ia., Mr. and Mrs, Orville

and family were dinner ;§~~~~~~~~~~iain~diMir~Si' ~B~iI~IYijKio~e~p~ke~a~ndijfa~m~i~IYi·~~iiii~~~~j~i~:::=:3r.~::~l in 'the Leland Anderson , Winside. . and Mrs. Ed Schellenberg guests in the Harlan Herbol·

home, Pierce. and Mrs. Julius Wachter

dinner guests in,' the Ralph hom'e, Hadar. . _

and Mrs. Justin Petel'SOn, Colo., spent a week in 'the

Mrs. Peterson's parents, Mrs. Harry Strate.

and Mrs. Ed 'Green ,and and Mrs. Bertha Steppat

guests in the Dorothy home, Stanton, Jean Strate, R,acin,e, Wis.,


2-lb Can


COFFEE $1 19


Wi'mmer's All Meat


Summer ~ausage

Lbj .. , .. 69c Wimmer's Reg_

WIENERS Lb. . .. 65c

10~lb_ bag


APRICOTS Whole in heavy syrup

~:~ 2Y2 ...... 2Se Contadina I

PEACHES' In heavy syrup


29c FRANKS .............. ~~:: Sl-oz_ Can'

69c'2 39c 303 cons

Cedar Farm Sliced

BACON ................. Ib. 3ge Hershey's

COCOA U_ S. Round


Assorted Flavor SANDWICH

COOKIES' ~~~b. 29c . ROUND STEAK Swansd~wn P9und ....................... 6ge 4 Fun lb. $1'00 .

pltgs •.. " ......•. "

CAKE MIX 'Wiener Hamburger Meadow Gold I

BUNS BUNS. ICE C~EAM (White ond De~ils Food)

2Sc Reg. Box. ','"


(O~N Creom or Wh91e Kernel

." ,303 $100 11 cans

3le ~~;~ ........ r 31e SHERBElli. I

• ".'·1,·

$25.00 DRAWING •. ' to Bill's and write your nam~ ~n CI .slip not~ing to buy. Each Thur~dCl~ nlg,ht

will' be "etd to determine the Y'Inners. be fa~r winner9 - $10, $8, $4 ~ond $3.

drClwing wri,lI be at 8:OQ.p,m. T~ursdcly, April , i, : .'., ,-I i/ .:

week'~ wintleJs were: Mrs; ISt.on Westerg~rd, Donaljl Rolon, Mrs. Marie and Rlch-

69, .' ~,.", I'" I·'


M'~B.2!1c~:! LlN<C04N'M~~C~RY DIVISION

i I 1 F.9~ ~o

1 ":190"





~~ciat and

Mrs. Wiltso Ellterl'ains Cameo Club Wcd!le~day

\11 \\ ili.lrd \\ II:",· {'t1!~'rlam-

! I I (llIll II I \\ (drl'~dd" II"" ~ \, 01 ~ 01 glll ,I

Jill , II 11 il\ \11 ~ \ dldl II \11 \\ 11 III I r (rill ~~

,111.1 \llnllU hltt' M,n 1 rr (I 111ll.' I~ \\ III \11 M!I r.;,nt'l (trllli

Sharon Gunnars{)n/ s

Engagement Anno need

.'-,11.11'''11 1 ""II;H'

"I \11


I Friendly Group I

'I'll!' l'"I'I('ndh (;, IIIIP llH't Thll!'~

11,1\' III lil{' 'Ill, FIIWllllhIPP'> 1'''IIl!' 1'1 I ~I'~ II ("Ill I () 1\1'~ An I<>rt I'r-,I"I t'Il'lllrll:r.HI'I'')hl1''''11 'III., II(('.II'J') \',1 ,·j·,1 \11'-

~ ,r' IIIf I . \ I 11<' \1.1 ~ .,

\\dl I,,· \\1111 \111' 1,'1\ ~1'1',d, 011

Immanuci C""ples flUb 11111l l I ( 1111, (II 11"11

"!I I< I , I I ~ I I I 1 I \11111 I r II II I ",I

I III ~ • I I I I ( Jl \ '\ II I tlill J', I I' Illil Ill, II', (11",1 I I 'lll 111111111"

",I I III ' • 1111 ~ Ill, dill

~~ r L ~\1l1 I I : I 1 'j (

PI 'L!r:llJl on "{'an' ul the Aged will! specifk (~mp!w.'il:' on tlw flt'W Preshvh!)'Ian !lolll(' now un· der CljnstntctilJn !T1 Lincoln, Rev PI'oet1 'and hiS family will he 1(,;lving "(Jon I) ailll1mistrah' <.It till' hl)l11('

l!osll~ss{,s w('r!' ,ViI'S Jacl{ King'!lon, Mrs Carl NUns, Mrs Vnl" KcsslC'r and Mrs. Bowanl Will

Piano Recital Set by

By Mrs. W. Johnson , Mrf, Willi:, Johnson, Lnurel,

\\Idl present her piano pupil,s in rr'cltal Monday nt 8 p.m. in the WlJman's club room. Wayne

Solos wIll he given by Melinda '\nd(>r.~on. (;loria Magnuson. A,lie£' ilnd PaUl Pl'arson, WaynE>; Sandra '\ndpt·"ol1. Kilthy Holdorf .. }panl(' ;"1"\"11 j'Pggy Volll'r". Concord

('fl'allll'r, Alyce Johnson. .! ")lJl '-;011 , Debt,;. Kuhl, ('h(,rl Hank. Llllda and

111',11 ')11, Jl'L!Tlt'dnl' 1 l!lll, I )]'IJi(, :'Ila~rlll"(ln, L~'nt'tt" "1 IlI"j lid ,lllrl 111.1:](' II I~\t'dl' I

1)11('1 ~

FlalTH' I Inn.

\1 ,(",

all,1 )~ till I ,Inri

.John ,1111


I ·,II!'I~ 1'.111 I',!' Till!l Et'\~ln :111 I Lll\'f'rlt' '1<'nl)1\.il1I TIll' pulJiLc I'

Mrs. Alvin Meyer Hosts Club lS VVednesday

Nin(' memb!'fS of Club 15 met last Wectne~ctay with Mrs. Alvin Meyer. Gue~ts were Mrs. Paul Sieyer5,l ·Mrs. Gilb~rt Rauss, Mr~, Henry N0lte, MI'S. William Meyer and 1\1rs. J(>ITY Daniels. Mrs. Harold Gathje was in charge of elltertninment Q...

Ma"v 20 m{'pHng IS ~lall'd with Mr:,. 'Delbert Hulwrls at the IU:.\ Ro( m

M:.s. E1fereH R<lCS Hbsts Delta Ijlei< Tue~day

nell a Dpir met last Tluesday wL'th M 'j; Everett Heps. Prizes wt're qn by Mrs. Arlen Fitch, !\'lrs I tf)yd .J('n~e'n anrI Mrs Wa~ne Tielgen

MI":, :'jdg('n will host April :10

PEO bids Mell'ting PEO ,met last "fuesdaty with

Mrs. ¢rtrude Ley as hostess Mrs. uth C!:1yc01nb anti Mrg, Nf'va (tlvanaugh wcre assistant hostess s Mrs. Ml~rgareti Cram­er pre.·ented the ~esson, "Reli­gion A nish Mennonite"

May; mer>tmg will be in the Woma 's Cluh Room..

Mrs. trnold Mau Hosts

O~I~B~~l~tbT!~~I~~d~Xh ~ll"S i\rrw!<! ';\1au ;<'l!·s. John Rltz(' w,~" u Priz('~ went tn Mrs Carl 'lr~ l\J('rt()n lillIan <lnrl 11,-1111-, Hil/{'

;\1r c ' ]{I';l!ll, jr will hl)'it lilli'

J,me Bousquet Egan

Engaged to D. lloyd ,\11' a'1:1 :l.lrs

!<I.I~~'rH' \\"'lil:ITll F'~an. SIO\lX .I!1lHIlH'('(' (Ii(' I'ngag(>ment

()( .Ja:H' B')usqut't to f)on:dd Lloyd. "on of Mr .;'1d '.llr, nalph ~I J.l·lyn, Sioux Cit ~

Mi<.,~1 E~':ll1 wa~ ~raduated from Central High school, Sioux Cily, :Ifld atl(':l'led Grinne~1 col­le;~e. $he 1-; presC'ntly teaching 1O Baker .Junior school, Denver. Her, fi~Ulce, was graduated, from Wakefijeld 'high school and at­tended'the Urliversity of Nebras­k~. Hd is employed as .a surgi" c~)\ tl'lehnician in Denver. He p1ans to r('turn to the Univ('!" sill\' (lr :-';('bra"ka a.s a dental stlldenl

A 1111(' :'11 m nWI" w('dding is

Acme Given by .;;.....:-.~...;;;;'-'===f-'=- : Mrs. Robert Mercha"t


Maxine Muller Is Wed

I ~ CQlifornia Rites


Mrs R )bl..'r\ Merchant gave the program, "!\10t'1£'f'S Dav

! Thnu~ht.s." ;1l an Acme club meeting last \lnnrlay at ~iller's Tca Room. :\lrs. Martha' Bier­in<lnn was hostess Fifteen memo b£'rs were present. A brE"ukfast is pla'nned May 6 at 9 a.m. at "\lillcr's Tea Room. The program committ('e will be in charge.

I Max:tl1C' Muller, San Diego,

Calif .i dallght~'r df Mr. a~d Mrs amil <;. i\1uller, Wakefield be-

~~~l~~!I~~:J r~ri~~d o!M~~~al~e~nd~: Vendtf Baton Rougf:'. La., Apr. 13 M th~' ']wmt' ('f, Mr. and Mrs. .lamp! C. Hickey, Lakeside,

~~~~t .:~~tOtl~eJ ~~~o ~~~.h~:U~I~ ring eremony.

The bride, given in marriage by h'r hthrl' W"Ira ~l strr'pt I(>ngt! gown of silk organza ovcr~'t;lfj('ta. with a rniw,Lt ()j

'i1npo ted 1 Ice, .sco:1p neck anel

~~h:\ i~~G~~a;!~t~~:rtar~~t~e~~~~: ~er;~ t~a~~c;~~XI~~u:- I~~~ c~~:{:·:~~ Bibh"1

nejnrations were carriC'd out with candelabra and Easter lilies. :\Iusic during the ('ere­mon I \\'as furnished with chimes and n organ.

Mr . Royce Huckaby, San Di· qgo, Calif.. matron of honor, ''''::Ire :a street length gown of bro­dade' imported SJ.lmon-colored silk rganza and carried a b3U­quet bf

RJ 'cc Huck.'lby, San Diego,

ias best man and James . H ckey. Lakeside, Calif., was she. Th bride's lUother wore a

~eig lace dress with black ac· cess ries. Her corsage was of pink ~osebuds.

Ph "llis Muller was in charge (If the guest book. Marcella and Phy1 . s Muller and Anita Under­

asssisted with the recep-jovoo hun.

Fa going away the bride chos a beige linen sheath dress with matching accessnries. The coup e will r,eside in San Diego.

TI e bride is a graduate of Wak' fielH High School. She at­tend d Gustavus Adolphus Col­lege, st. Peter, Minn., and C. E?­Busi' ess Scbool, Omaha, and 15

pres tly employed at Hytech, San :Diego, as recepti!lni~t:secre­tary I The bridegroom is, a grad-

if;te ;.Of ·Baton Rouge High !SChO.Oi

a ld I is att~mjing Radioman's Ie tronics Sc~ool, U. S. Navy.

San 'Diego.

i an~ Ph~~.l\~~k~fi~~, <;~:~;~ I !ce~a Muller, Ceylon, Mmn~, at­--+f--..:..----.... - tended the, \vedding.


a.m. ThUrfHll/ Y, Apr. 25: :\la~M. ('hllll~l,

8;30 il,Ol jSl. Mary's l\len'~ dub, 8:30 p.m. 1

11~1~di~.;nl :\pr. 26: Ma.~s, chapel.

Sntur£I,~r, i\'I.lf. 27: l\la,<,s, church, B <.I.m; rt'lig\ou.~ ills!l'uctions for chil(h'clll : iitterullllg J)ubIH.' school. l:~J 3 p.jn.; l'on[('.\s]ons, ,UO·S:lO and 7::1tJ-!J p.m.

SAnd:lV) All!" 2~: Low muss. 7 i1. 01.; lo~ ma~s Lind l)l'nt'dlctlOn, junior C 1OIr,.8 II tn; lllgh mas:-" senior "c~lOir, iU; llH'lI'S l!

MR. AND MRS. ORVILLE F. ERX c{l~::~~I~lt,nA~~.n~\~~'(·o:nmllni()n dlf,.

Redeomer Lutheran Church (S. K. de I"I't'cse, pastor)

Wedn(>sday. Apr, 2·1: Youth choir, 6:·15 p.m.


County Court .. ~ ~ Ali". ·17:. 1)"11,,. Rob •• IB, All ••

Iinod $·10.00 .nd . COlli ot ... : ;. ",)['('(lin~ nlilll1. (85). Compl.lnt. ~y 0., Mnh!jkuj {Jntrol~an. ' I I

Apr. 19: Oon.ld C.swoll, Stll~., Kiln" fined $25,,00 and cost of' $11.50, dl'lll.ying nnQlhor.op .... '

\'(r~bl~~~~~~~'Y C~b';~I~i.'jt by Don

Winside ·BV GlldVI R.lchtrt

Phone 2681

I),~~.l:ur~:~i'JI:~~.~~ 2:h~~~li~~~' ~.:I~~ Woman'l. St\ldv, Club S d fI. 28 E I . Nino mOmb(~I'R of WOltlnn'h

sCI'~:~OI~Y,"S~~l~~lici~Y.' ,u~ ~. ~~'~'~'~l~~: SIllily club met F't'lday n't~l'no.,on, dny school, 10; Adult Biblt, doss, ' with Mrs. Artl~' li'll1hl'r. Mr~", .~()r. 10; Late Service, 11. lie}' Benshoof, ClH'roll, wns o ',IICHL,

l\londnv Apr ')9' Uis;;ion "tndv !\1ay 17 mcctln~ will be with MrR. ('ovl'l'ed 'ciish S;I;P~'l', 7"jl m. ·MN:t.:! ~tinnl(' :AntiN'son., ~ ing. 8 p.m. I

6;~~e~~~~~alc ~l~;n.1 ~ ~(:~~~h choir.: Cub Scout News , , ' • nell I, Puck 179 met Thuraday iil

twenty-fifth wedding anniversary and year in the Floor tributcd! at chapel, 7 ii.1ll ~las~, Finishing Business, Sunday, with open house from 2:30 to 5:00 ll:30 Apr .. G: Mr, and Mrs. Oscar (W. pm. in the church porlors at Grace Lutheran Church. All friends Tuesd3lY, Apr 30' EVl'ni11g muss, L.) LundelL Wayne, a son, Michuel

.~IUltl'l. iiI(' '1'I'ln1t)l l .. uthcran c~qr(!~·I·b ..... mcnt . with nil mcmb"rs pr01U!nt. Roll call -was nanling a 1~'VQrl~ lJ,lec. The ·scouts finished:, maklna, Icuthel' coin PUI'!i!cs',In(J key P~alP.s;:. Robt!l·t Kr'ucJ:cr made a· Iq~. Wff c1os('(J with the II ving circlo.: Curtis Quinn, scribe.

and relatives are invited to attend. No :invitations are being sent. church, 7 p.rn; cnnfl'sslolls fOi' WilUum, 5 Ibs. 14'~1 o.z. -- ------------~------ --- Newman club ::tlld all, 6·7 [) m. Apr. 14. Mr. and Mrs. Delmar

SOCIAL FORECAST Thursdav, Apr. 25

5t. Paul's Church Women, 2 p.m. H{'gular Masonic mcetmg, 7:30

p.rn" E. 1\. drgree Friday, Apr. 26

Woman's eiuh. 2 pm. Hcbekah Lodge

Sunday. Apr. 28 Sf. PauJ"s Couples Club, 8 p.m

Mor:'day, Apr. 29 Hedcl'mcr Mis"'ion Study

Tuesday, Apr. 30

chairman, Mrs. Robert Beeks Wednesday, Mu} 1, "'las3, l'hal~cl, Nielson. a daughter, Pe~gy Ann, and Mrs. Max Ash, Mrs. Rob- 11:30 n.m.; Newman l"h~b .. St. Mary's I Ibs,. 4 oz.

ert Beeks was serving chairman, _ha_I_I._,_:ao p 111. T::/~: ;6~on~1rKe~~nd D~~;~~, ~U~t~ .. ~ ~~~li~~. is the date of thC' next United Presbyferian Church i 13 OZ., Wayne Hospital.

Mrs. Moses Named Prexy Of Minerva Club Monday

«)Iivt'r B Pro{'ll, pastor) Apr 17: Mr lind Mrs, Dt'e Ras· Wedfl('.~day, Apr. Z·l, Youth mus.~('n, Heldt'n, u son, 8 Ills., 13

Steward~hlp meC'tlllg, 6 p.m uz

ThurMlay, Apr. Z5. t,:('CF confer ellj~r~l~o\:~!~~~, a~~I:~~~t~~l,P BI~~~: ('flee. () pill da Murie, 8 Ibs. lot. Mr. and Mrs 9:;5un~I.~I~"; A~~~s~~.y>hlL:I:l'I~~~~~~!: HU . .,f,clJ Hull. Carroll, and HellJ'Y "Wisdom of the Heart, 11. Chris j·'roendt. Coleridge, art' grand·

The Donald FiRhcr faml~.f, NO"; folk, Wf'rC Sundu,Y dinn~r lNe8t~' ,in the Artie' Ji'isher home. MJ's, J<:nos William artC'rnoon visitors.

~l~~~ltH ~~:I~~~~::!er In w~~~ homc.

81 ,upp~ FI.htlt

Mrs. Ml'I'Il' Powley and family Wf'rc w('c.kcnd guests In' the- Don Pow Icy home. '

Mrs. F I. Moses was electt'd president of Minerva club at a mepting Monday in the Yale Kessler home. Other offieN.'! named were Mrs. Raymrmd Kel· ton. vice president; Mrs J. R John,son, secretary. and Mrs Stanlf'Y Morris, treasurer.

lian Educa~ion COlllml1tl'e, -1 P III II parcl}ts. I Wedne.~ctdiy, l\1<lY.:!· \\ (J]lll n'" A,,- Apr 20: ,l\lr. and Mrs. Kearney Ca II

sOCla\IOn,2'p.m La('ka's, a daughter, Wayne Uus· rro' J)('lta Dek. Mrs. Wayne Tietgen

Wednesday, May 1 St. Paul"" molher·daughkr ban·

qlli't, n 30 p,m. ('anl('o, Mrs, Margaret Cramer Irnrnanul'i Couples Club

Mrs Moses was In charge of the pro,gr8m B. 1-1. EltmK: man­ager of Northwestern Bell Tf'le· phone'·' company, showed the film, "Decorating l,'nlil1).itl'lL" May 13 mceting)' is \\ith Mrs Fl'('cJ Hale.

I pltal. , I Mrs. Edward'Oswlld


Grace Lut',eran Church ,Apr, 22: Mr. and Mrs. RIchard _____ P..;;h.j-0"."_11.5 ___ _ . ! Wo"lagcr, l daughh'r, Wayne Ho!>' -',

(E .~11~~I~~ih;rll~~!~torl : pita 1. I ~Ir. and Mrs,' L. E. Morrisl

Nor. \Vpdnesday, Apl'il 2:- Confir·! folk, will, mark their golden wed,"

m.ands, 7.00 p.m.; Senior ChOl.'.·'1 . DID YOU KNOW ,ding anmversary quiclly at thedr '130; Walther Lt'a ut', 8:15. that It costs les5 to run II full· Ihome, May L

Mrs. D. Mikkelson Hosts Day. South SIOUX ("Ily. 2 p.m. post c~rd to all the ruder! of I SELL IT WITH WANT AD IN Thursday, Apr. :!:) J.('SS Ladit'S'1 page lid than ill' does to ,end II _.:..._, ___ _

Happy Homemakers H. EJcker to Speak at Friday. Apr. 26 CircUlI 4 "Faith The Wayne Herald. THE WAYNE HERAJ,.D, '. ( 'I b t Grace Duo Club M-onday Forward" raily, Wakl'lrclrl, 8 pill ______ ~ __ . __

IJappy lIomemakers ,u me Saturday, Api'. 27 Junior ('hOlr'l

~'II,II~:~{~a~')~t~atl,r~, ~~el~~v~~:~~ at~:rO~~llE~~ke;,·~!;~~.\!~~~~:~eJ~t 1 p.m.; Saturd.ay school. 1 :30 p.~.; H('admg Material," was an· Gracf' Lutheran Duo club meet· CO;~~d~;:I~np:~l~~~I(~~;J~da~' 3~)l'~~~~: I SWf'fed by 13 members. iog Monday evening at 8 p.m. Bible das~"'s, pastor's das~, !) !l

:'Ilrs Fred Frevert and Mrs. His address wi!! cover Lutheran m.; Worship sef\'j('p, 10 ra til

;(~:l ,~I~~e~~f:r~3e~~~ ~:a;:.~; I's League represe n t a- 'N'Chrwist'ltthhc rI){)(Jr;'I~I:.l~\11)~U:~'~~I~~~~' I

Articles were read by Mrs. Pres· I ·4 a rr ,p(ll.,l , ' -

ton Rgggenbach and Mrs. K.en·l W . bU~~'n~:y~·/\pr. 29: Confirmands, ~eth Frevert. May 16 meeting.. ,:ayne 7 p.m.; Duo Club, 8 p.m. 1S v,:ith Mrs. ~orest Hansen. I ' Tuesday, April 30: Church coun.

A. Auker Home, .1$ Scene ; Churches cilw~J'~~~day. May 1 Senior choir. Of Golden Age Club 7:30 p.m.; l'amh Educalti". Com·

b F ·d mittee, 8 p.m. Golden Age Clu met n ay 'First Methodist Church I evening in the Art Auker home. -~ h Ch h

Prizes were won by Mrs. Eric Wednesday, Apr. 24: Alpha' Cir- ('R. E. Shir('k. pastor) (William Simmer, pastor) 1 St. Paul's Lut eran urc

Thompson, Mrs. John Gettman, ~ :::Ie, Church; Esther Circle, Mrs. Thursday, Apr 2;): Executi\'e Carl Wright aorl Charles Heikes. 0; MartIni Lage: NJl)mi Circle. Mrs ichurch wom('n, I 15 P 111 : Church

:'!1ilY 10 meeting is slated in C. n.IMcCuJ]ough; Mary Circle, !I,,'omen, 2. the John Gettman home. 7 S t

i~~,~: ~~:~erS('(~~~~~~, R~~go C;J~~~;' hi;~t,u~~;rr ~.~~~\~ir:l~ ~ ~~~:~s~~:~~: Mrs. R. Florine Hosts Seniqr High TiIYF.. 2'30 pill; Sunday. Apr. 28: Church schoo~. Friendly Neighbors Electa Circle, coveren dish lunch-


9:30 a.m.; Adult Blblp claf>s; Dl-Friendly Neighbors met Fri- ~on, Mrs O. K. Brandstetter, 6:30 V]fl(' \,iOFhip, 10:30; Cotlples __ ~Iub

day at Miller's Tea Room with !\lrs. Raymond Florine as host­ess. All members were present. ~lrs. Fred' Beckman gave the h'sson, '"Add Life to Your Years." Name cards were made for the Spring Tea which is to be held May 2.

Mrs. Ray Agler will host the May 15 meeting

Mrs. A. Sydow Hosts Progressive Homemakers

Progressive Homemakers met last Tuesday with Mrs. Alfred Sydow. Officers elected were Mrs. Martin Lage, president; Mrs. Harry Schulz, vice presi­dent: Mrs. Otto Saul. secretary­treasurer; Mrs. Erwin Hage­man, reporter an9 Mrs. Julia Haas and Mrs. Otto Baier, pro­grl:lm committee. Mrs. Schulz and Mrs. Lage were prize win­ners.

The last meeting of the season will be May 21 with Mrs" Bern· ard Splittgerber.

Ethtenkamps Observe Farti~th Anniversary

Mr.: and Mrs. Ed' Echtenkamp observed their fortieth wedGing anniversary Sunday afternoon with dinner and open house from 2:00-4:30 p.m. at Grace Lutheran church.

so~~~y ;::ne~~ Pt:i~f:'~ two Earl at home. They have three' grandchildren. '

Carpet Rags'Donated by Legion· Auxili,ry .

American Le~n Auxiliary . met last Tuesday in the Woman's Club Rooms. Mrs. :Norbert Brug",

ff~' p~~v:g o~h~J:e~'r'=~~ been sent to the Veteran's Hos­

... pital, Grand Islkji. Boxes of greeting cards wi~ be sent: to the

their territories r Poppy Day, 1\fay 4" . .! .

The. nominating eommittee for

At Swan/s .


But Quality

Be Ignored


By Knickerbocker and Curlee

Veteran's HOSPit~pmalia. Mrs. Hattie McNutt, po p. Y Chair. man,. . reported on the workers an.q

the election of 0 clfI"s in, .T~~ l'l..,j.. ......... ....: consist of Mrs. Ift~ Heiner I'

. '1: ,;','1'

_,~. /f:H\ .. ,,,,,-'>ff,",·~·J \

'<0- '~ ji/~:~="l r(-- ',' I

"j "',r'i- .\

\'/:: " '. ~

~ SKIPPI'ES . New "diamond deSign" h~

.: .. . i.. finn panels Iowan the hip, • 'E..-".,· '- the exact spot mpst WOn1t!n : .42": need the Illost eontrol,. :.

In addition, diamondpaneTsi. . ;j.:1' front and back to mold alJd. i~

" ·11' .. ' bold,. gently, with fam~ .. , Skippiescomfort. Very.. I practical-and very pretty""': way to look great. Skippies. i longleg 877, spandei elastic, . S.M.L:XL., White . 1\1atclHngregular length' : . pantie or girdle, $10.00. The

. bra is new l"iest;a!)48 .ilt.$3.9~~ !a~~~r:Yr::aEt!~~ ,: of nylon. apancle:¥ MId

~i~~':~~~ ii-."i!i~.~<"'" ,\:<1"


I :

---------i-----...;Ie'~:_:::==__:"_=~-- Calif. A short progrnm by Gl ria John's, 8:00 p.m. entertained at a party for former Walter Johnson home. Mr.

. . cated to a bride of 40 years, r8. class, 9:30 a m. l 1 Albert I Anderson, :Mrs. Clarence were dinner~ guests Easter Sunduy

4 The Wayne dlsday"AP,i, 24, 1963 lnaJled April 13th at San D~go, "Faith Forward" mleuDg, St. ment. Wednesday .ltemoon 'she alter sp~>ndln" Easler vncauon:

EWS Oberg was given. A poem d di· Saturday, Apr. 27: tionfirmatioD nelghbqrs. Attending were Mrs. nnd Mrs. Pearl LnQdhohn, Wnusn,

Melvlin Lundin, was read. 1\ rB. Sunday. Apr. 28: Chtistian Edu~ Utema~kf Mrs. Art Hol",an, Mrs. In the Waltfllr JohlUlon home. Melvin Larson was a guest. ext cation Hour, 9:30 a.~; worship Maurice Gustafson, Mrs. LaVerne All', and Ml's. mee~lng wiJl be a co-Opera(ive services, 10:80 a.m.; I Zone N-4 FredrickljOn and Mrs. ElWin Fred· .oMn r·.n·dn~lrM .... ·ndMM·urr.I." DC."pl•• 1,,',ilntl',lo 'I',~n.".d Otto'

Annual Ho. pital, Meeting At Wakeflleld Wednesday

lunch in the Mrs Waldo KraemtS- Walther League rallM. Martins· riCkso~ Mrs. Bob Hol.:rtan and .,1 I~ " home I burg, 2:00 p.m. dough r and Mrs, Austin'!Ring and Qulmbv left for a visit at the 01111, Wamm.

_ . - son. C Uers Saturday were Mrs. I r::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::::;::;::::C:IIH::;:c:.r:I.:o:n:;::h.:m:.~'::::L::..U~I:'Y::.II:I.;:' =M:o:'r.~W:A:K:E~F~I::E:L:D-;:P:.g~.~;;:;[; Mrs. JBllion Honored J St. Paul'li Lutheran Church T. M. IGustafson and Mrs. Elca-II

~- .... -.. ---.----.---Mrs F cd Jansson was ho cd (Caryl M Ritchey, pastor) nor Weam$, Omaha. M~s. Lawr-

for her birthday of Apr 13 on '4 Thursday, Apr 25: Meeting at ence Nelson and Mrs1 Robert CON G R AT U L AT ION S day after oon when ladles cam~ to Hope Lutheran church, South Swan and Mrs. Josie Anderson. . I the par'fagc for a social time'.A SlOUX C,ty, 9,ao a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Mrs. Nelson was. supper gues. t at .

Wakcfwld Commurllty lIi)SPltdl - --------short pro ram was given with ~rs. Friday, Apr. 26: '~Faith For- the Lawrence Nelson home Russell enstrand reading a ~as· ward" meeting, St. ;John's Ev. day. On Sunday dlnne~ gUests ~ere ~ \ I

held Its annu.1I mpl'lIn!2: las~ Wed Bnn('y and Mrs Wanda Strupait, nc!lday at tlw j,('giun Ilatl, Ht'v Pon(·a. Mrs. Sadie Briney, DIxon, Johh Brllnn g<lVC' the ()1)('nJfl~! prny· \1r. anu Mrs. Ronald' Stone and cr. Paul Sodt'l'bel'g !"I'ad !llf~ lrl'll.~· fdmily, Ralston, Mr. and Mrs. urer"s report H<'T)f)rt.~ w{'r' IIlso Donald Lichtenberg ~nd family, given by 1\11''' JanH'H Brow. Aux· Norfolk, Mr. and ~rs. Fred Wary; Mrs. Punt Byers .. Baby Schultz, ,Tessie Baumalll and Mrs. Alumni. a~d Wiltiam Hlirholtz. :\Jinnie Stark, Martin$burg, Mr. admInistrator ilnd Mrs. Gerald Beck~r and Dav-

sage of. ripture and prayer. Mrs. Lutheran church, 8:00 p.11'/.. Mr. and Mrs. Martin' Holmberc. ~ LOWELL PETE RSON Myron O~son read a poem, "The Saturday, Apr. 27: Catechism, Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Gustafson, . Minister'~ Wife." Mrs. Eleanore 9-11:00 a.m. Mr. and Mrs .. Joe Johnson, Mr. Johnson cad several poems. Mrs. Sunday, Apr. 28: Sunday school, Mrs. Len,;!s Ring and Mr. and Merlin ressler sang a solo, 9:30a.m.; morning worship, 10:30. M;,rs.ArtFlorme. LAUREL, NEBR. "Trust in the Lord." Easter Sunday guests at the EI·

First Trinity Lutheran Church mer F~lt home were Mr. and Mrs.

Daryl-lrlml. 1l111"'1(' director at id, Wmsidc, Linda PhilJeo, ,Wayne, Wnkcfi('lrl hldl ~(·Il(l(ll. pn'sej1tcd Ii 'I Mr. and Mrs. Georg~ A~derson vocnl and IJI~ll'tllllcntalll\~tnbt~r. ami family, Mr. and MrR. Kermit

Paul and MaunU, Tm'n('f and familY, Mr. and Mrs. CUl'lflon \\C'I'" . to Ille, hoard ICha.rlt'S peters. and femily, Mr. of lru'!ll'{'~ .Irw I·;n{'k'ion \~U!. ['p. and Mrs. Oscar Becker sr. and rlectl>d fCII' iI 1111('(' v('ar' [(,[,Ill Thl' ('lair Anderson lIospltal :\In.1I1.1l'\ ~i't'\'('d lut~dl __

: Mark Anniversary

Society . .. Borg.Anderson Wed


MI'. and Mrs. Fred Lundin and Carl Pearson were dinher and af·

. t('rnonn guests at the J'tlelvin Lun· 'din home to help ther(1 celebrate

Mrs il-LI\ nl" Rot'!.!(' and Hoh· their fortieth weddin~ anniver· t'rt Andl'r"'(>11 "'('!"C' Ilmtt'(1 rn H1ur sary. other gwests welie Mr. and l"Iug{' ut S,!lC'III !.uthcr,m church Mrs Alford Rakow, Ponca, Mary .s,1Iurd.1Y. 1:1. HI", Hol)('rt Kuy Rakow, Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs. \. John,>()n MI .... Hob('rt Jeff' Burkink and Jay, Norfolk, \ . .J()hn~()n \1 :C'. ()rganl~1

:\IJ'.~ ll:llc' II )rJ~. Alilancl(,. and .Tam('s Andl'I·'~'JlI Wl'I'P OW attend· ants

The bl'idt' \\1))'(' Oil i('l' blile suit With matC'hing hat Ikr ,dl('ndant wor£, H gold ~IJlt Broth w"rt- orC'hld

Mrs. Albert Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bengston and the fam· ilies of Eugene Lundin, Myron Olson, Gordon Lundin ·and Elmer Carlson. Mrs. Myron Olson. Mrs. Gordon Lundin and Mrs. Ellgene Lundin were ryostcsse~ al iunch

C'orsllge ... , The attf'ndants 40 yearS ago were l;ue:-,h Inci\ld('d 1\1r anjl Mrs. Mr and Mrs. f<~red Lundin.

Dale Rorg. Hundy <llli! TJllllny. AI'i'-' !Janel'. 1\-11' and l\1r:-, .J'ln1<'~ An· Announce Engagement$ dprson and Hrifdle.\'. PJ('J"(j('. M~. M/'. and Mrs. Jack l!>ark' have and Mr~ Dill Andc·r.~on. NeM- York announced the engagement of their City. Mrs. Vlur('nt·p Dun(>lson and ,daughter Marlene to Ted Klopp of Mrs Nma Horg A wpddlhJ?: din· Cherokee, Ia., son of Mrs. Ltllian nrr wliS sl'rvC'd at 11](' FIHmingo at Klopp, Minneapolis. They are both South SIoux Cli v graduates of WSTC. Marlene is

Sunday :1Il 1'~:lst('r luncl)eon at teaching at Marshalltown, la. Her the Robert Ander"on homp was fiance is teaching at Wausa. A s(ll'veci for t!H' f:llllily group JUIl(, wedding is planned. before thl;'Y tl'ft tlwir rl'spec· Mr and Mrs. Th('ociore Johnson. live homes Strandburg. S. D., announce the

Mrs. AnderSlIil Il(I~ belen 11 beall' commg marriage of thQir daughter ticiun in Wakeflt'l.1 1\11' Anderson Kathryn to Paul Hanson. Kathryn is a cashi(,r al (1)(' WakPficirl Na· i" a ~cnior at Gu,tavus Adolphus

" tiona! Bank Coll£'ge. St. Peter, MInn., where she> is majoring in nursing. The

Roger Beckers Feted wf'(lding will b(' June 26th in West Easter Sunday MI'. and Mrs. Os· Berlm, Germany, where Paul, a

car BeC'ker .11' cntcrtaint'd at din· HJHl graduate of GushlVus is pres· nt'r in St .rohll·~ Lutheran church ('!lily pmployed hy the Lutheran parlors lor SI'/·1 ;lnd Mrs Hog('J' World l'er1{'ration. Paul is HIP. son

Past Presidents Dine Out

Pa·st pySidents of the Auxiliary attended the Smorgasbord dinner at the otel Morrison, Wayne, Thursda evening. Fifteen ladies atte~ded. Mrs. Warren Bressler prcsikJed. Mrs. Harold Smith be· camq a new member having been president of the chapter in Allen before moving to Wakefield.

, PEO Mebts

ChapteIl' CZ, PEO met in the Roy Wiggains home Monday evening with Mrs, Wiggains and Mrs. John Foreman as hostesses. An Easter program. directed by Mrs. W. L. Byers, was given .

Home CII-cie Club Mrs. Paul W. Bengston wa:;

hostess to Home Circle Club last Thursday. Mrs. Olof Nelson was

~ervge~~S~y ~rs.l ~e~~st~o~ °tnnd ~:~ mother.

Churches . .. Christian Church

(Merlin M. Wright, pastor) Thur$day, Apr. 25: youth ch0ir

rehearsal, 7:30 p.m.; Adult and Youth Bible study, 8:00 p.m.

Sunday, Apr. 28'. Bible school, 9:45 a.m; Morning worship. 10:55 a.m.; evening service, 8:00 p.m.

United Presbyterian Church (J(jlhn Brunn, pastor)

Wednesday, Apr. 24: Steward· ship and IMission workshop, Wayne Presbytenian church, 6-10 p.m.

Thursday, Apr. 25: Youth choir, 7:00 p.m.; Chancel choir, 7:30 p.m; Deborah Circle, 2:00,' Mrs. Harold Wilson and Mrs. John Foreman lead Bible study.

Sunday, Apr. 28: Church school, 10:00 U 01.; morning worship, 11.

Rl'ckel'. 1\;11 Pll and l)onl(,1, who 1)[ Mr and Mrs. I,aw'['('nce Han St. John's Ev. Lutheran Church arc h()llll' lroll1 1'<l1"l~. FI'<ln('(' SOil wpst of Wakefield Missouri Synod Thosl' 111 at1('11d1111C'(' wen' Mr. and i. "_.- (Samuel Meske, pastor) Mrs. (;('ne Bl'lnt'y <lnd John, W{)Od·IThursda v Clvb meets Thursday. Apr 25' Lutheran him'. la. [\.II' and Mrs .J B. Thursdav Club met at thc home ChiWren'~ Service Society Ladies' O'Conner. Mr~ J.dtlHn EriC'kson, iof Mrs.1Elmer Carlson Apr. 18. nay. Hope Lutheran, SO\.lth'Sioux and I\!r ,lilt! I\~r~ ('11111· Wath'r IThC ladier tied a quilt which will "City, 10:00 a.m. and chlldr(,ll. SIOUX Cily. L('slit' be scnt to Maxine MuHler who was Friday, Apr. 26: Circuit IV

(~ \

Gladiolus Bulbs . I)OZ. 98c

Dahlia Bulbs ., . . . 2 for 7St

Hardy Phlox Plants ea.75c

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Lily Bulbs ............... 2 for 75c

··We Have i'Il Complete li ne of EARL MAy' Seeds, Insecticides a nd Fungicides

It Grass Seed a Lawn Fertilizer j- Onion Sets • Rose Food DOZENS OF VARIETIES OF PETUNIA PLANTS

70e per pack of 15 Growing Plants •

Tomato Plants, per pack of 12 . . . . .40c Big Boy Hybrids, per pack of 12 ... .60, Geraniums, fun of buds and blooms, each ......... 8Se:

Manv Other Plants and Supplies Too Numerous to Men ion


Featuring Many Specials anl"- Bargains You will Not Want to Miss!

WA~NE GREENH USE Phone 375-1555 Wayne

(Caryl M. Ritchey, pastor) Homer Ericson, Elk Point. S. D., h k d f p~h~r~:~iin~P:t 2~~p;ht~ih:~~~ ~~x a~?ty.M~'~s E~ste§ ~~:~:~~: You ave won. a FREE wee en 0 your choice with church, South Sioux City, 9:30 a.m. ShadY 'Rest Lodge and Mr. and

3i~i:'; Apr. 26 "Faith For. Mrs. Carl Anderson. Coryell's completely e"uipp~d CAMPER and TR~CK. ward" meeting, st. John's church, Celebrate Anniversary Wakefield, 8:00 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Felt will be

Sunday. Apr. 28: Altona Sunday honored next Sunday at the' Alfred school, 9:00 a.m.;, morning wor· I-Utz home rut' their forty·fifth wed­ship, 11:00 a.m.; Bible class, 11:15. ding anniversary of Apr. 17. Mr.

Salem Lutheran Church (Robert V. Johnson 1 pastor)

Thursday, Apr. 25: Lutheran Church Women, 2:00 p.m.; junior choir. 4:00 p.m.; senior choir, 8:tffi.

Friday. Apr. 26: Bible study leaders. 3'30 p.m.

and Mrs. Rohcrt Felt and Jan, North Platte, Mr. and Mrs. Clay· ton Andrews, Jean and Jane, Nor· folk, and Mr.. and Mrs. J. W. Felt, Steven, Rochelle, Meri and Polly, Omaha, and Lavonne. Wakefield, I will be guests.

Saturday, Apr. 27: Confirmation, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Ericson, 9:00 a.m.; Junior Missions, 2:00 Glendale, Calif .. were overnight p.m. guests Tuesday at the Elmer Felt

Sunday. Apr. 28: Worship ser· home. They also visited Mrs. E. J. vice, 8:30 a.m.; church school, Ericson at Shady Rest Lodge be~ 945 a.m.; worship service, 11:00 "fore· going to Truman, MInn., to a.m.; Couples Club. S1. Paul's visit Mrs. Ericson's home. Lutheran, Wayne, 8:00 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. James Hallstrom,

Monday, Apr. 29: LCW Bulletin Danbury, Ia.,' were weekend meeting, 2:00 p.m. guests at Wakeffeld at the Claro

Evangelical Covenant Church (Fred Jansson, pastor)

Wednesday. Apr. 24' Boys Bri· gade, 8:00 p.m.

Thursday, Apr. 25: Mary·Martha Circle, 2:30 p.m ; Junior choir reo hearsal, 4:05 p.m.

Friday, Apr. 26: Mid·West CWA, Wausa. 9:00 a.m.

Sunday, Apr. 28: Sunday school, 10:00 a.m.; morning worship, Cecil Osterberg, Greeley, Colo., 11:00 a.m. No evening service.

ence SchUne home. Mr. Hollstrom went to Minneapolis to attend a two·day school sponsored by a lumber company.

Mr. and Mrs. Gary Don. Sal­mon and baby arrived Saturday afternoon from" Loveland, Colo., for a visit in the parental Vel mer Anderson home. Guests were M~, 'and Mrs. Allan Salmon, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Doupnik and Rick, Thurston, and the 'Gary Don Salmons, Lucille Luhr and Bernadine Per·

____________ due, D~s Moines, Ia., were week·

Wakefield Hospital

Here Harlan Farrans, center, draws the winning name from the box

held by Coryell's Used Car Manager W. P. Thomas, left, as Ken

Hamer lo~ks on.

CORYELL AUTO COMPANY 112 East Second Street


Admitted: Mrs. Louise Rastede, Concord; Emil H. Greve, Wake· field; Mrs. Sharon Utemark, Wakefield; Baby Damon Hensch­ke, Wakefield; Mrs. Joyce Magnu· son, Carroll; Mrs. Jewel Schram, Newcastle; Baby Karen prokop, Emerson; William Hu gel man, Wakefield; Doyle B. Ellis, Allen.

end guests at the Hugo Luhr home. ~rs. Laura' Hanson anci Mrs. Blanche Noe came Sat1Jrday from

,uth Sioux Cit~_~~~~aall~llVw~er~e,]E~a~s':.. ~_:"_:"_:"_:":: _ _:"_:: _ _:"-_ .. _ .. _ .......... ---..... ----:-------..... - ......... :;:~~~~:::

Dismissed: Herman Jag e r, Emerson; Elden Carlson, Laurel; Mrs. Barbara Reynolds, Laurel; Charles Rogg£'nbaeh, Wayne; Mrs. Evelyn Bressler, Pender;' Mrs. Verona Henschke, Wakefield; Mrs. Rowene Clark, Concord; Mrs. Sharon Utemark, Wakefield; Mrs. Louise Rastede, Concord; Fred Plantenberg, Emerson; Doyle El­lis, Allen; William lIugelman, Wakefield; Baby Karen Prokop, Emerson.

Emil Greve Injured Emil Greve was seriously injur·

ed in a farm accident last Tues­day morning. MI'. Greve was feed· ing cattle and had gotten off the tractor. Either the tractor or the feed wagon ran over him seriously injuring him. He was taken to the Wakefield hospital and at last re" port his cond\~ion was listed as very good. '




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'.", .... '~" ..... r .. ".· ... 'T.,...,.~'::-t.,.. . .,.'.,..-r1" . ."...,.'~,..V""t+¥l'~.\'''1'oIlIi,,~ ... ~rf*~~~mf~~.

" ''I'' .' '·"':i11;:I:f:,.!'i11i)t , I

ami t1aught "' Ft. Worth, Texas. Jensen IlOmcl. Todd, u grandson. I ------------ 1 "1H1 i On the returl trip they wIU visit I will' re(urn I home after a few, Reg,·ste' red Ed, J. seyler, Wayne, Mettcury Wakefield

" hers. present.' Wo said tile HI 1;he Wayne INebr.1 Herald, Wcdnesdaw, April' 24, 1'!IS 5, pledge. :tcm.bers received their: ';" __ ~..I.I ~~ __ ",;,_,;,;,_ ... ;';';:"~';:'';';';;;;.. __ ..; Mr and Mn.;. irgil Oaks ~nr oth. w'fcks visit hrc with his grand· .:t: " 1950

cr relatives ilO Oklahoma. parents. The I Jensens and Meiers . . _" Cit~ of Wayne, Wayne, Chevf Trk project nd record books. Our, Olrt'Scout'l~w.'1 and' promise werb ncmunde, Wj~~idcj·.' n~~Gd Uob; next 'bc,Ung wUl be May 3 'at the: studied .. SlgnR of spring were ob. nckc, Ool('rid~ci JuUo Aon Ovorin! :::'A JO~:r*re~k~~i~r b~ahc~:i:~~~~1 served and the· glrls worked on Wayne; Mrs. Don Shorr)" C(mC:Ord.,

Mr. nnd Mrt Melvin Han'".n ond pion to go tb Denver for a few Cars rru' c".s Arnold Ml11er, Hoskins, ,tude. daughters w ro ~unday ~Hnncr dnys vMit. , ~ baker , '

Mrs Hllmn Andcrbur~ relllTnrd guests of Mr . Gu~t Hanson. Af- . Mrs. 1', c. ~ypse spent last weeki •

C:ontJouC'd from pngc 4)

May baskels for tho Dohl Retire· Connie Fl10rine will give a demon· mcnt Center. Dllml.ttd: , (rom Olhnhn Wednesday whclrc tC'rnoon callers were Mrs. N. O. visiting her son and family at 1963 . ' W

slit' spent I'~nsl('r wu~kl>n(! ,with h1'pr Anderson and, Lilliun nnd Mr. and S,penccr, Ia. t"riday she visited ~er Clarence Pfeiffer, Winside, Chev. • 'ClUB HE IS 4lHll:htt'rs H~l~l fHlllll,Y I1.ICY lad Mrs. Jerry Allvin. 81stor .. Mrs. I Randol McLaughlin, Harold J. Olson, Wayne, Olds. E.tlstcr tlmllo nl tilt IIl1lOl.d ~n· Mrs. Cnrol Ackerman went to Emerson. Edith M. Sundell, Wayne, Pontiac dtll'Son hOIll!' wh(,re Ih(' MelVin ~n'l Lincoln April 9 to spend a few Mr. and .~~s. Catl Bark, Lincoln, City of Wayne, Wayne, GMC Tk.

straHon Ion making cocoa. Cindy' Mrs. Robort Clnyton,' flaynCi Hurd' wn~ gi\l c ,onc on cinnamon, Mrs. DoroU,y Thun lind dl~lahtcr, too st. Ja~ Lomp, new reporter, Wayne Hospital Noles Lallrel; Mr., Marth" Frovort,

Swayne; Terry D {} eke nh:. uc r,

dl'rsnn [aollly :VI'I't' ,abo gUCSlR. days with her, Mrs. came to VISltJ Mr. and Mrs. Waiter John J. Gallop, WiQSlde, Ford Mr and Mrs I'.mil ~'..~ber/.t w(.1r(' LOllis. I1ugelman. She returned Fri. Carl.<;on.1 ~r~. Carlson. had. just reo Arnold A.' Janke, Wayne, Chev. Wpclnl'llilny l'vNlmg vlsltor~ al the clay. She visited Friday with Mrs. turned-Jro/'Jl the hospital. Fred Langenberg, Hoskins, Cbev Mrs. Andt·rI.H'rg hnllH' I Ada McCorkindale Rev qlrd rs', Alvin John Brunn, 1962

Mr nnd \Irs Walt!'r Pearson. . ;. Lisa arM M rk, Jackson, Minn., D Id G M' W J\fr nnd Mn John Behrcntls. Easter Su?diay Mr. and Mrs. Vel· visited last onday and Tuesday ona . errlman, ayne, Wt'lls. Mum and the Bride INi· mer Anderson nnd Rodney were with R~v. a~d Mrs. John Brunn. Chevrolet. ('hol.~{)n Wl'f!' WIth otiler entertain<!d at the H?~ Lennart Mr. and Mrs. Vemlel Hollstrom, Lars Olson, Randolph, Rambler rt'lnll\,l'~ III ('la("f'n('(' P('ur'!iOn home, Wayne, Other VISItors were Vermillion. " D., were weekend Don Sherbahn, Wayne, Mercury hornl' for ('0 ,,! ... r;III\·(· dinnpr Mr .. and Mrs. LyJe Church and guests here :ot the Wilber Baker 1961

Mr flnd ,\1r, JOl' H('If,.(ren en· famIly. Lyons home and lother relatives. Mr. Lyle Pierson, Wayne, Chevrolet t("rlamed Mr and \tr." Byron H¢y· Mr. and Mrs. E. E. HVP$e re· Hallstrom iSI teaching at Vermil. 1960 dOll. Mr and \Mr~ L('vI IJcigJ"ll.'n, turned Apr. 12 after spending lion. I Andrew Hansen, Wayne, Dodge Jo),('1' Iklgn·ri. Denvcr .. Jcan¢lIc 10 wtteka wlt~ Mrs. Viola Strom, Coopeirativ¢ dinner guests Sun. Erwin Siebrandt, Wakefield, Olcis Olson. Slfltf""'---('Ity. Mr and Mrs. Long Beach, Calif. They vil~ted day in the Merlin Bressler home 1959 Carl ]ll'lgrl'n. :\1r lind Mr~. JIcr- their son·in·law and daughfpr, were Mrs. Myrtle Bressler, Tom. Beach Hurlbert, Carroll, Rambler nHln 1\<1'>. SIOUX ('lty. Mr ~ltld the G. W, Inmilns, Lomita, ~nd the Val D~nehue family, Bette 1958 Mr~ 1(I'lJbr'r1 .Jlt)m~()n. Mr~. Ml~hl'f Mr. and Mr1s. A. E. C;oburns, Bressll,r, Omaha, Dick Iverson Banh'll. \lr ,md Mrs Hcynolrl: Paramount, ,Calif. They were family and Gene Dobbs family, Andr') ,on alld Mr and Mrs. D(' overnight gu~sts ~t the Bernard Sioux City. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar wayrll' 1"111111' <llld II it u £: hit' l" .~. Erickson's, Pasadena, and oth- Ottoson. Wausa, joined them in the

Alvin Longe, Winside, Chevrolet Rudolph Kay, WakefJeld, Pontiac Robert L. Wattier, Randolph,

WaYllf·. Jill/It·d 11!(,1Il In till' aft/'r er friends there. afternoon Pontiac 1957 nllon [\.11' lind Mrs. (; Jansson ____ ,-______ _

1\11 and [\'lr~ L1Wl"pnc(' (;ra,ffi.~ C,lllil' Friday to SIJl'lIri til(' day in S J .• Eddie Ahlmann, Jr., Wayne, Olds 1956

ir-f! Apr ](, flJr a vacatIon They till' HI'\' Fred Jans.<Ion home. eB'vice NeWS ••• .~p('rl! TlIt'~day night III lh" hnm(' 11I1'11'n Jansson, Chkag/). was an _ Carl B. Hansen, Wayne, Pontiac

1954 of Mr~ (;rn{fl ... · IIn{']f'. Mr Hnd i Ea~t('l" weekend visitor CarrQlI~Ncw Address for Duane L. .Johnson IS SA 591·418·81, USS IIigbef'. (DDn) 806, c/O FPO San Ji'ranciso, Ca.lif.

Kent Hall, Wayne, Olds 1953 ~Ir~ Jarne.~ Yall'. KHnsa.~ (,it~ and Mrs George .Jpnsen and

Tlw.> will ~p('nd til(' \\t'plt"nd VI~ Mr lind Mr.~ Alfr"pd M"ier went llllig ill! alHI Mrs .1011n Hrowndt !,IIJ SIIIII!'), to VISIt III the Wpldon David John Rees, Carroll, Int'l


Water Testing~~ DO YOU HAVE AN IRON OR


(By fadory-trained water engineers)




Bring in a sample of your water - you can get an absolutely FREE report of your Itlnalv§is - spedfictltioD1s II'.!nd ~elCcmmendatic!lls 011 prope~ water softening and iron filter eqlli~mell' for your home or'hmlll - the fltldowy engineers will be here Thursday ltInd Friday, April 25, 26. So (orne early - bri&1lg il'l }'Iliur water sample.





Open Till 9:00 p.m. Thursday Night Q.

Complete ~ii'lle @f Softeners and Iron Filters

COMPARE for YourseU • • •


9:00 a.m.

till 6:00 p.m.

New Wat~rking Water Conditioners Cost Less Than Comparable Models!

Detacli label here -bring to the water clinic at Tiedtke's -Thursday or Friday, April 25, 26 for your free test. Enter name, P.O. a.ddress - at­toch to clean pint bot­tle containing you r water sample.

~mmeQmMnnDmmmmarnmmmEfi~m~ •••••••••••••••••••• ~ . • • • NAME Date • : ADDRESS • : HARDNESS (grains) Iron (ppm) • : ph (acipl turbidity (g'Ll

• • Water laboratorv recommendations • • • • · M ~ S • : Tested by · ' •••• · ................. 111 •••••••••••••••••••••••



FHA Title 1 Loan Can Save $18800 Every Year and Enioy the Benefitsl of Healthful Soft Water!


FREE PRIZES FR E PRIZE EVERY HOUR Yes, we will give a· fr e prize every hour (starting at 10 a.m.) to

the person aving the hardest water tested.

\ .v

TIED' KE" H~ating, Air' Eledri~ and Appliance

220 Mcoin Phone 3i'5-,2812.2

Glnghlm Gil. Gingham Gals 4·H club: held

their last meeting in the Joel Dor·

:~~en~mr:~ni'!':O D~~~:ersde~:~~ strated. th~ correct way to iron clothes. Members discussed 4.H posters. April 26 meeting' wUI be in the Tom McCright home.

PreSident, Gail MIddleton, called to order' with 13 memo

GIRL (OUT NEWS Wayne; Mf8. Morlo Siule, a~d a.n, Admitted: W$Yl1c; Mr.. R,~by D U h can,

! I , M~·S;. Duane Twait, Wayne; Mrs. Wayno: Ccd~lck SWlIDson, WAyne.; T 437 MafiC Brittain, Wayne; Mrs. Harry Mrs. John LeUman,' Wayncj Mrs.'·,

roop ~ Huddleston. Laurel; Mr~, Cole lIag. Anton J~nBcn Rnd lion, nart,nglonj Eleven Br wnles. of Troop 437 lund, Wokefleld; Dennis Marshall, Mrs. Coli! noglund, Wakefield;

met at Karen Jensen's home. Ncw Wayne; Mrs. RobcI1 Ogan, Wayno; jDooniS M-nrshall. Wayne; Mrs. Har. officers wer. chosen. They nro Henry Bush, Wayne; Mrs. Keor:nc)' ry H.uddJ~ston, Lnureli Mi~. Annle Jillannc SchMto, president; Suo [LaCkaS' Carroll; Mrs. J;Uchftrd WoUcrstedt, I .. aurcl; Mrs., Dill. no Brown, secretary and treasurer Woslnger, Carroll: Mrs. ~lnrthn Twait and' son. Wayna; WUIb Ro. and Debbie Kert. reporter. The Frevert, Wayne; Mrs. David War· I bi.n_s.?~:.~~~~yne. __ -,_--,-:,-,,-_

SH RRY'S . ,

AN· OUNCE The Introduction of Our Own Feed

It Will Be Called


-Super Gro Dairy Feed • Super Gro Cattle Feed

• Super Gro Hog Feed • Super Gro Poultry Feed

SUPER GRO is formulated for Sherry'S by a large area manufcidu~er.

This deal ~nables the manufacturer and Sherry's to cut advertis~ng, costs, salesmen's .salaries and distribution costs. The saving is passed onJo the farmer. SUPER GRO is' sold at very competitive prices. Come in ,and ". ~et us go over your feeding program. TR!SUPER GRO, IT'S GRE~T!


~ 1 r" ~ 9 ~ 'i 'i r'l ~ "'\' "''I t r ~~ j', T ~ i~',~'f I '?''''' "_\:II'4""1"!l;\~1 tOll'" ",}"l'Y.' '1~"}'~''i''/r,rtt#'l'~~~lt~~~;;~IJ .~t~~l'

II ",. ,

',. / . .' 1·1 'I' " I Tho Wayne Nebr. l' Hcral Wednesday pril 24 1963 ~l' oil"" Mrs Darrell Nordby and /auCnrling the 25th wedding n-nni~ MI' and Mrs. Edav'h Ulrich and Klcl!Dsnrl:,! and HCI"bl'l"( Kl'RUSC I Fred J'Ich<'nfS bortl(l TIumalny, Luthor Leaguo Northont I1lutrlct ' I I ! ami y and Mr. and MrSI Wilfred versary of Mr aod :Mrs family, Sioux City. and B~rniCO were visitors in thO' Mrs, Minnie • n II I Id

lhl! All n Wickmuo lOme, Pierce. Ian. e~ and family, ?ole idgc Shufelt, Carroll. Easler Sunday, Lllngenticrg were di~ or guo ts In J(:rau~c home EastCl' Sund~y. Mfs'l' S B Th H lei th~r~n Wb::lIr~h S;ttl1(~~~cr.~\:;t~cU~ . Shoo les I ,It und l\trH GJ'anfU'ld were M ~ ~ntl Mrs, Wilham Puntncy I Mr and Mrs J E. Pingel were the Mrs, Marr Lang oberg omCt l<;l.luke o.:ld Marjorie wcr~\ among ee y e era YOllth gruups wero t reprQsenlud . I Sunday supper gucslts In the De· Ind E~ith Burrus werc Sunday viSitors In the AI t Lchmann home Norfolk. Easter Sun ay. " ~tinner guests In the lIerbert wUh n rt~g:lstl'ntlor\ of 223. lbi1plra~

(' Crunfwld h ~I1C 'ven nij guests In the Warren Frtday eV('lUng Mrs Bertha Bclim r spent Eas· jiehwmcit home --"M W It. tional sJJ('ukcr waR Dr, IVernon By Mr •• Martin Ma •• n I \\a~n' 'I~d Mrs [t'wn ne Gran. ,ans an home Mrs "'red Jochens, MrS'. Paul tel' Wmt her son In·la v and £laugh I Mr. and Mrs Arnold F~ochlich, I wee~:' 1 'It~ h~r H:~m.n ~nt two Stfu'mJec of C(!nh'.nl Semlnnty, Fr{!· i Phone 48·R14, Ran olph I fi!:i~r .:nd CIndy ,~cr: Monday ~. M , . ~nd Mrs, Warren I Janssen I Scheurich 'and Mrs. Awalt Walker ~cr, ~:r. and Mrs. Leo Jordon, ~orft~lk. were visltol'S ,in fhe l\1r" ibr. thl Joo Cla~bo~~~e~ ~~;h~::~. mont. .

,t.lUlltits In the Roy Gtanfield 'md tfatmt,ly were Thurslf,ay eve· were visitors in the Rev., Wendell arro. • ~\hnn~c Krause home l'ucl~day lng In D('Knib 111 Wus"lngtol1 J) .•

r Mr. ~.I~~ r~ll'~ Ii) I\,;;~ tl~~~~k~~~ I ;"HI'. and .Mrs. AI B.uden were iog gUicsts in the Duane JlCunzman Davis borne Monday. aft~rnoon. an~ll'ral!~I~. ~r:~ce~ hnn:t~r~I!~~ I Mr, and Mrs Wooelr?w Mahan je, and New y'ork c.ty She vltiited READ TH~ HE' RALD WA:·. 'NT G!l~;' Ii 11 t~: mil ri',1t (' home . Friday L'V(mm.~ guest!:! In the Otto 110m, Laurel. ~ Mrs. Martha Klmgblei, Mel· \1rs, Everett Newma~ and family h.od Daryl, ATc.adln, .COljj, .were.1 her .Slst<!.'r, Mrs M:ll.It't LUfldahl In I m

I!U~ s n~ ~rs. Cha~-1i~ _l!elers and i ""h'l's . home., Mr. and Mrs. John uhl and bourne, la., was an ove~ntght were visitOrs in the JQhn Kudcra ~l~~~~~_~~~n~~f{ ~_\~~_-:!~ ~n __ ~I_~~O~I!~-.:.!'l Y ADS eVERY WEeK I f iI' F: . t .' s . l' " I Mr. ~nd Mrs. Lyle Baden and ~aug. ulrs were Easter Sunday guest Saturday and Sunday 10 the home Friday evenin T . ___ . __ ... _~._ ....... ,~~~_. "e __ "_ ...... "" ___ •• ~~ g~l~st~ ~er~llC,a(;t~!I\ .. I~I(~/ 'I~~ rhl(~ll~~,I: I Mr. al~d Mrs. Wlllllom 8a~en .inn I' guests in the Gene Kuhl Awalt Walker h0me. Mr. and Mrs. Gi~'n. Kudera

• d Mrs (lUo Pl(t'rS ..... p!"t'! and Mrs. Hilda Woqckman, Nor· m. Othe!r guests we~c 1MI'. and Ted Wendt, who is attendIng the and family, Le M.rlt.~ la., apent A; . Mr an. -1· folk, WEtI"e Sundoly afternoon s. Al Boota and fa mll)-1 , Exeter North·west Lutheran academy at the Easter weekend r' n tho Joh t n nO U n C .' n 9 t;'rldny gue ... ls In IIH' 1.~I{' Pelcn: guests in the AI Baden home. .Ind MJ~. ane! Mrs. Don ~uhl and !\1obridg~ S. D <lrrived at the K d ho 'I. n

home, Osmond . . i • I a~d M:~. Bill B~rmel and ~ami y. I William Wendt 'horne Wednesday lIi~lj ~rl:nd %~s. Walter Hartman, . . Mrs Pcorl l'Ila.!!lng!} ,and MI,<, . family were l'nclay IrVcOlng: guests Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd McF'adden, Ito spend Easter vacation. Norfolk Eastcf dinner and

Myrtle K.cnrfl:". S.IOIIX cd~, vls~\('rl: In the WilHam Punlncy .~omc. <tal v n and Cathy, ~ere' Sunday Mr. and Mrs. William Wendt and afterno~n guests in the home of

with Mn Ll!1(lfd Hurnh.lm flun· Mr. nod Mrs; Carl, Jen!;en visi~- Jvenng lunch guests In the v. G. Ted were Itaster dinner gucstli in their son·in·law and daughter, Mr. (ml'rhart'tr Fftr{nril clay nft('rnootl I('d lit. Ih!' WIII~am fluntney home McF d~len hOlne. Mr and Mrs. V'lth(, Dary!e Haase home Hadar. and Mrs·. dlen Wagncr. f.Vl ~ U U

Sunday dinner guesti in the I. TllUrsday {'vI'mng l}lr. and Mrs. ~;. n cFadden, Calvin, Cathy and Mr. anri Mrs. Awalt W~lker and l\lr. and Mrs. Herujy Asmus en-Lloyd .1Dunklau home vycro Mr. ,Floyd I'untnt'y anll daughters, Lind McFadden were in Norfolk Karen Mr and Mrs Raymond ~elltained' at dinner Easter Mr I ~J:~~ ~:~~18~,ec~t;~e, aJnO~ I H~~rJ.~IP~\ ~~.f(' alsO>nI~:st~r and SatUiday. . Jo("he~s and family, M~. and Mrs. 'fInil Mrs. Robert Li~nenman and 1 WIN NERS an Beckman, Omaho, Marvin 1!\11'~~<lSWm/al~laYpU(>~~~E'y ,Imd 'Edith .1. Mr . and Mrs .. Martjn~Madsen G.ene Weigert and familY, Plain- f'1mily, O~aha, MI1. and Mrs. _ Stueckritth and J(onnet1ostran. B·" ~i 't'd in tI ' Ali'i'ed Gr in. were E. aster dlOner an lunch view. Mr. and Mrs. Melton Wei· "our,las Bjorklund ~nd Pamela. I . dor, Afternoon guests ore Mr. U1~u~ 81 e 1e e ~es s jn the Everett Robi s home, ~ert. Plainview, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Glenwood, la., Mr. ai'td Mrs. Don.! and Mrs. Myron Strathman, Mc- : (~I' ,,).,)) le. d M Dean MG. liart ngtan. Mr. and Mrs, Madsen Alderman, Arthur Krause. Nor· lid Asmus ·and family and Mrs. t I IVI It h L •• n. .n/i."'~IY ,;:~, s." .. ·w:.;;'. tere in Norfolk Saturday to visit folk and Mrs. Martha KlioghieJ. northa Behmer. I Boy's Bieye e . . . i e Jensen, 10,.108 SOlSt Lincoln, Wayne Mr and )1.11''' (;('orgp !{I'aj;}(,lc d in lincoln vi itlng the New iln t e Warren ChrIstians n home. l\>1elbourne, la .. wpre guests at a Mr. and Mrs. Norman Deck and

and !'{'t!gy. (J1ll:lha. (';JITH' 1-'1'1'1:1\' :~ McGrew fami~y.i • , 11o-host Eas\PI' dinner in the T,Il'r. f~rnily. Winsiae, and.~:r. an~ Mrs.

nftorn'.'''" ~Ir ".Od M.~' olh," Sundny Mr, Hnd Mr<. Chnrlie sk.Ons ",an Marlen home. Norfolk, Sun ii le" Fl'ink were v,",lors '" tbe.I' Man's S-pt. Saw ........... L' . Adolph H. Claussen, Ml, Wayne Hillkl" and falnlly. Om ha. ('<lIlli' S')hn ac~ompanied Mr. and Mrs. day h'. enr,Y A~P1us home last Monday Salul'd<lY !loon TO \ISII IIH' .lOP I \iorris McGrew to tht'ir cabin west Mrs Mart a Khng-hlcl, Mel ('v:rlllg·C I . k' d II d Hinklf's All WI'I'(' .<;lIrprr gW''ib lof Gavin's Point and were dinner bourne. Ta, and Mary Andersor't, t,,1 rs. . '. ~unmn~ham, Nor Lawltl Snrtn tel an Go on of Spre 'Satin _ '1.' .. ' Saturday III till' ./ulrus Oiberdllll! ·l!uestJ., of Lhe McGrew.".. \mPH, 101., returned to their hom('); I k .. Mrs ErwlO Ulrich, Esther I .- .

homf'. Hllndolph I Mr. and Mrs. Morris McGrew, Mondav after visiting rt'latives /nch. Mr,s. J. E. Pingel ami Mrs. 1 -II- A d 817 - d an~lfrfal~~~I(~" ~)~;~ah·;. ~/r ! ~~:;~~':.(~~ : ~~~,tJeP1~:~rn~,at~~~~~ c~~:. :::~ :~~. frimds at Hoskms and Nor· i~l<l~i~:~e c~~·;.roecter spent Monday i LI laD n erson, Win om, Wayne.


• • •

Julru'i Olhl'l'ding and faltlily. Ran· ISunday tuppcr guests in the Char. Mrs. Mabel Gries spent several Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thomas'i yoolph. ~lf Hnd Mrs. Cpbrg<' Kra-Ilie Sohn home. , . days in the home of hcr sorl·jn·law Wayn~, and Mr. a·od, Wayne I

jflCIC and Peggy ;lnd !'Ifr .'lllrJ Mrs. Mrs. !'Ieanor Bierrschenk, Gary I r. ~nd Mrs .. Wllhag Wendt ;J.nd claughter. M'r. and Mrs. How· Th~ma~ spent Monday ~n Omaha. : Olivl'r lIinkh' ,mel l;ll(1i1V wr're [lnd Elaill1e, Randolph, were Easter ent rtamed at dlnne~ 1 st Sun· ',rd GriC's, last week. T. and Mrs. !. E. Pml1.eI w('re: Sunday dlnJll'l' glJl'~h III tire .Jo(' !SundHY dinner guests in the Fern day T~d Wendt, Mobrldg , S. ~., . Mrs Fred Frevert. Wayne, vis- weekend guests III the IrWin N{'w .. rhrt


J.linklC' hnllH' I Schutt home. ~r. a ... d Mrs, John Ehlers, Wm· lted ~er. mO,ther, Mr:" ~crtha man~ ho~e,. Frem?nt. I

\1f~ \'IIH'('nt \Vlflhonn I. Easter Sunday dinner guests in sid, Mr. and Mrs. Haase Behmer, m the Henry Asmus home I" 1Ii.1I s .. ~mllle ~rau~e .and ,Mar. I Lou and .I1Illmir·. Ihe Llid Kuhl hom£' :were MI'. and and family, Hadar, and ,Richard last Monday. . Jone .vls1ted Mrs. Mmme Wltten-

LUMBER CO. Mr~ Er\\in WI11I('r .~p('nt i \Irs. Matt Kuhl <lJl(1 family, Ser- I We dt, Pierce, I. Mr. a.nd Mrs. Norns Langen· I berg 10 the August Kumm hom<,. Mond<lY af(f'l'l1l)OI1 III til!' .J'H·! t.:l'ant, Mr <lnd Mrs. Don Bauer: Ml. an.d Mrs. ,Howard GrieS, Kay I ber~, Blily and. Jlog('r, Mr. ~nd ~ol'folk, M,onday afternoon. Sat~ I IIinklp !romp :and f~lmily and Mrs. Pearl Bauer and BIf''v('l"ly. ""ere among guests Mr~. Arnold Wtttier and famdy, lurday evenmg Mr. and Mrs. Frcu 1' ________________________________ .... ___ •

Mr. and Mrs (11I(,l'nJY Lorenz! Sunday dinner guests in the Don- -~- - ---~-- .--~- --_. ~-------------~~ --·----~--·--I--and family. Mr. and ]\11' I1nmond raid Winkf'lbalicr home were Mr. Korth find f:lIn!!y. Pi(,IT(. !'III'. and land Mrs. Paul Youpig and family,

~~~~It' B(~~st:):~:'i.(I~():~~;~. L mily ~.~I;:~~I ~:~;IO~II~~I' ;~~lilyan~lnl~~~ItD~;~~~ kr Sunday dmnr'r In til(' i Belden. tlnd LiJrry Alderson, Ran-Art Obon hom(' i dolph

Mr and .\II'.~ Ito\' l,l';HIflPld, Mrs Virt0r Castor ;md Cinda, ""'('fI' I\)()nd:l\, ('\'('nillt! n--.ldcn. were visiting in the Don· I ~~;T~~a~~'.:(':ll!::;~rtl,il~;I/~ :1!1.~~n{~:;l~hlhau('l" 110111(' Friday a.f.

Mf and ,11", E }<;II'f Sunday dinn('l' f(lI('sis In W('f(' :;;:1I\I\'d:1\ ,.,' 1:1 1 Ill' \1,'<lI'H'n .Jan.~'ir·n hOIllI'

Before you buy ... VOl! owe it to yourself to see this new

were 1

WeS1f~ nghouse FURIJURE TV ~

Prices· Sta rt

As Law As


With tradll

I \Vegtinghous advanepd design, advnnce-enrgineered "Picture Pow '1'" cha:::.o;is in heautiful furnitlure cabi­lwtl',Y ... Chl't: tiH'SC important performance ~~atul"es:

• New 2~~"ii aluminized pieim'e tube v . .dth 278 sq. , in. viE' ving 'U·P<l. .

t New 0,000 volt "Picture Powel") chassis fop 1 I grente' bl'ilIh~nce and clarity. . I

• Big 8 wide rapg-e ~peaker for better sound Jl~rfor an("E'. .

• ~e,v 1111H'oved linearity controls.

, ~~~-d ~~~g~~et~i~~}t~i~l;~g co~.trols with illumi~

t New 1\ :emory Fine Tuning control. ,

. Walnut grain finish on hardboard wit~ seI~d' ~~~;~o~ ~!~~~\ . ,i'

For ~~tte:t.,ren . ineerivg ... ,greater r~liability .... more quahtr fea~ul' s-y01~ can l}f~ ."mre, if it's TVestinglwuse.

.'. ~. .' .


~.~6 0 311 Phone 3



'i! ! :,

Yes, it's already c~l'V('d ami ready {Ol" tlH' OHn.

·t· Ea P l"(lr perfect roa8tjn~. we rceolJlInclld lhut you u~" , 0 "9 fa rapar" a lTH'at titl'rrnonH'If'r III 11 tl·II1I)('f.tluJ'f' of IHO . ~ .::. ""d tl,nt tire ,·",,,t he don,' .Iowly in " 'IIlil . ,,"·n.

Or, YOll can UriC the ~Iicr'~ fflr pork (·hop!> pn'-

t e tent pared your favorite way. y('~. you'll find tld~ • t fQ ("IIlII'f, meaty pork dcljl'i()u~ lilly way y.ou prl·r,·r o On"'eblen e tn .m" it-,n ",·t il p"··C;",,,·d Pn,k !mn 0 V' I Ho3st loelllY :t thiS B~I}J:laL IlrJCC .••

OWKlOtrN ROMI N . ~~:, ~otRKr CHOPS lb. 59c GROUND BEEF ... 3 lbs. $1.29 :. 'I

~t~,. Hormel's Butt ~i~~ue:~~~~~~~t~:h~:~so~g~r~~~~· ,; HAMS ~~~~~n LB .• 3ge Portion .... LB. 49c alief



"eel (om 5~:!'39C TQAT JUICE ""M :rOEs~::e23C P'URPLE PLUMS

101b5. 35C


Your Choice 6' .. :F$l' 00 !o \

. IR

tan '9C:

46·&.:. can I

2% size Can

Super Va!u


14-0z. eel

1Ib. Pkg.

. •


• 41-

• •

• •

IREDEfM YOUR . WINNERS: Sewing Machine, Elsie Kittle. These fiv~i~ii~iP:

T. C. C;;thke, IvcJn Creigh,~: of .,groceries: Fred, Mar shalek,

Moson I and MrS. G. A. ~ 1 ,- :"'gill<'





Green Stamps' '

NQ:W! !Wednesday)Thursday, Friday,Saturday, !April24~h t~rough27th.' , . We reserVe the right to "mIt quantIty I ' . , . i

. 1



ARRIVAL that are

GO! i I



If you want to spe


G & yv I




62 ~hevrolel Biscayne 4-door, 6-cylinder, $ta~dard shift, radio.

61 Chevrolet Bel AIr I

... -. , " . '1' ..••• ~.~ .-, :','n :':';""""'-~"'~""?'311It!T\ I):';;"


",an I~!' r.1"nt Mrs, nc\,lwn Gold· I' and Ricky Wincgard.c>' acco~p.n. The WayncINcb,.' Herald;' Wednesday, A.·prjl :,24., 196, 3 7 'I 1~II~r~ ,t d M\s. M:n1;in! Holmberg. ied JIarley ilal'<1 to the horse show IL It ' t th EO,' M", ('rSOl Is Jlr(lsI~e"t of the I ""d sal. at Norrolk saMlday aC- e ers 0 e I ,0 j j locaJ -0111: Jand MJ's. I Mortenson tel'noon. I WANTED: Farm heir;, SinAI(l S" IV"'" 'C' -" :~~~U:tl'S' l/g(~IUHlIllli:~ng with a ho~!~~' S~~:~~la:la~~~~~1Jlg tc:~r:~ Wayne C,it)' ~C"ootJ VI;~~.:.."'h~~~!_6,~~.~~~~.~~~~~:!;~!~ _M_I ,,~_o,,_ .. E IES

Nor no Itu,t visited i~ the Leon- Wayne hospi,al. 'I Wayne, Ncb aska I ~__ r=-Rural H~m. Sociltr .rd II II,c,.ts :homc Thu"day after- Mrs, Susie Miller was .1 Frid.y ~ April 16, 1963 : ' YOUR bWN BUSINESS IVe .ervlco ~II mok.s 01 Ra410

Rural Home So~iety met with no~~~.~ antllshane (,iese s.·pent last baO!lmc~n.oon vitjitol' in the Art Borg DeT·br MEr'l

tGi ibbSd: h r:J I 'len '""d "'0"'". ,ervlcc 0' ur 'and TV. Whyl not en1o, botb to

Mrs. F. A. Suber in Wayne. Thurs.- I e. 'Ig 1 1 grn c tanks )U. fOI'> '" day aft~rnooll. IRoH call was "A Mond;~) \~Jtrl Bruce ond Roome Mr. and Mrs. Olc G, Nelson and our lime aod effort for let 'ng U$ growing number oC custom~rs the fullest. Lady I Admir~1 The gro.up sent a lUng. I Mr. ond 1\1 rs1' ,John Gettman spent lour through the Wayne e.'ald. in your community --quality . , case of eggs to !.fIe Nebra~ka ChIld. Mr:s~. ILa\~'~(~nc(' RlIllg :ViHilcd Mr. Sunday even ng In the Harry Wert We cnjoyCtilt very much. ' Mb, I

reo's Home for' Eastcl', John Ad· and j II~'l. /51/111 (Js~ an Saturday I home. Sincfrely yours, ! ~ (hothing for entire family, Earn "" .. ott 5 dJson answered~eg81 questions. for morm lit· ' ' : Mrs. Bud I Erlandson and Mrs. U $150 a wt'cl. and more. Snmpll's the ladies and ave intcrcsLing In· GOl'plh, ~alrd tool,. U.arbara Bard, Elvis Ol~on ~ttended Mrs. Fred The 'Eighth Grade Cla~s' furnished, no investment. Radio Be TV Service fot'nlaUon. The lay hosless WIll be Gw('n pls(ln. Honm(' Llurson and Jansson'a bir~hday party last Tues· John Brandstetter setretary Mrs. Carl Sundell. Mrs. Suher will Alan IWcnsllrland to Camp Cedars, dal, afternoon. 'I 'II NORTHWESTERN FASHIONS,

provide entcrtaj~IIlH'nt. ~~~~~~I~~~ '~l~~uD~~~t'1l \~:~~:~ tttt~ll~: M~~I~daJin~u:%e g!Ces:: ~;~i :~~ I See By The Herqld ~1O 1st Ave. N.

M R I h n' Jl<k 1,nd I !'iII'S Gordo'!!1 Bard a~l(.1 MI·s. Bud EHandson and Linda Miuneapolis, Minnesota day r~fter~!n g~~;t :tsM~H~I~~;: uuugtjl(frs a~l{'nded dlUn'h at Falr- Mr. anq. Mts. Elton Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bu ham, . __ ' ___ . ___ ._~ _____ _ wyn Kline (Ann Sandahl). Me. and ~l~:e~C:~e~~~h~:1 ~~~I:,d<jo~r~d ~~~~ a011 the Dean Dohlgr~n IWinner, S.D., Henrietta Jo'r ,cis('o, HELP WAN1'ED: Women for egg Mrs. Gene Sandahl and sons vifJ- home~ , Mr. iJnd ~rs. Alvin Sundell .C.herolcee, la., Nell Burnha~, Dc-n- breaking. TS a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Hed In the home Fnday ('ven/ng. Laslt Tue~day afierlnoon, Mrs. and dau9ht~rs and Mr. and Mr1i. vcr, and Marion Burnham, ~nndcn. $1·15 pel' hour. Alao accepting ap-

Clarice Switz~r. Om~ha, sp(mt Ruth'I<illi<lri visited Mts. Gordon Leland Beckner aMf LuAnn, Fre. were Saturday dinner guest& in the plications for work Mon.-Fri. l'Ji~hts Saturday and Sunday In tile Mer- Bard.1 WiH1 tH'r for lunch Thursday mont, werel Sunday dinner and IGlenn Burnham home. 4 to 12 p.n,. Apply in persoD. Mil.

Pho~. 375-1533

For the Best in Radio ond TV Repolr

Phone 375·3690 We Service All Makel

SWANSON TV Wayne"s Oldest TV Store wyn. home. She.I.'l an anosrlaften!.lOun Vltr!' :'lIn,. TlIli<' Wendel, supper guests in the Marvin Dr. and Mrs. J. R. John~on re- ton G. Waldbaum Co., Wakefield,

Ithellst In the rtf¢tllOdlBt hosl\ltal. Mrs. I Enolrh Martm~on and Mrs. Borg home~ turned Monday after 1 spen~ing a Nebr. m21t4 The ladies were' afternoon guests CarreHI M411shall aQ{~ sons. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pierson week with their sO~I·jn-law and \VA TED ~tf--h-k-- 0:-;:-====;;-;;;::--::::-::-:=;::' of Mrs Lloyd HlIgelman and spent, Mt, and Mrs. Morvin'Schubert, wen' in the Mrs. Roy Pierson daughter, Mr. ;llld ·Mrs. I Ralph A~gU:t ~~n~:, a~~eW(,~~sleot~~Pae;4 DO YOU WANT TO DO SOME~

I the evenmg at I-Iub('rt Eatons. i SlouiX ICity, visited Saturdoy night home, Wayne. Sunday evening vis- Johnson and family" Riverview, "~ ______ . _____ . Lhing about your drinktnc?


, Mr. and Mrs, "Ya)l('r Chinn at-I withl the 'Vern Carlson!>. Sunday lUng With Mrs J W Anderson, Mich I HELP WANTED: Women for fuU Write to Ai.., Box 83, Wayne, Nebr, ~ tendC'd VF'W meetmg al Stanton !!Ifte.rnoon Mrs. Schub:ert accom· ChI( ago, the former LOIS Pierson, Nell su-rnham. accompani«l-d Mar. time ttmI)loyment. Apply in per. 1 n15U I Sunday. panlled hEtr parents to Pender who arrIved Saturday for a VISit lIOn Burnham to Mlrjden ~londay son or write to Ben Franklin Store, I Amta Sandahl, Stanley Haglund where· thqy visited. Mrs. Mary I with her mother and other rela where she took the t1l0m for O('n Wayne, Nebr. a2413 MOVING? and one of the Burg children have I Lund at ttt~ Rest hbme, I tiV(!s. .\'~r following a weeks v'acatioll oPPOR'fUNl'l-:Y-fo~--Rawleigh- bus. _

I been ehlckenpux Hctims dunng I Th~~ M~h/iin Urun." l.amlly. Mrs. Mrs. H.cnry Holmberg visited in 'with her parenUl, M!r. and. Mn".. ines19 jn Wayne county or City of 'the wI'ck. " Stell" ChHlhe":ter ;ln~l ;-...janey Wert the Martin Holmberg: home Satur I n,lenn Burnham. ! Wayne which just became avail- Don't take chances with your

Mr. and Mrs. ~J .. l. ~~r{'~sl('l' were dlnn~11' '-';U('~ts ISunday in the Iday and Sunday. .,IGuests Sunday in the C:larenJe able. Good, opportunity for willing valuable' belongings. Move with ~. wI're dlOlll'r gll('~ts .sund<l} In. Ihe] Harr~ WC'l't. hOIlH.'. . ] Sunday dii\nor gU('sts in the Erick Preston borne. were JIll!". and 1\11' .... , WOrk('.f 'Write. Rawleigh's Dept Aero Mayflower. America's : Ed Sandahl holl'Je!. . Mrt;. Dil'lk Sandahl and Wayne G. Johnson home w{'re Mr. and Russell Preston, Laurel; Me. and NB D'150-140 Freeport Ill. 010.24 'most recommended mover.

M!' und Mrs. t.f1wrence (arlson w('rl' Ijl 1\1 telll'll, S I). Sunday VIS" Mrs. Th'lr(' Johnson and Ellis Mrs. Charles Bull, Wakefidd; M ____ ' , i went to :\lanon, S. D. WC'dn{'sday Hlnc'III'!' f'btf'l'. \[1' .... AnnlP Mor· .John~·on. and Mrs. George Lightner, s. Abler Transfer, Inc,


",1\1'1'(' III' rf'rnam~'d. lor a fl'w dav.'! ]tcnson at til(' il('{'h.{' Helln'mcnt: Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sundell, Edward; MI'. ~nd ~lrs. Earl P.rt't- I LOST·& FOUND Wayne, Nebl' Phone 375.3475 treatrni'nt. " . lI{)m~'. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sundell, Dr. ton, Verlyn and Shlrl~y, Colend,qe M~mbf'rs- of th~ Covenant chOir Rev. HoltJer! Evans and daugh· and Mrs. A. A. Sundell, Wr.sner, and Dr. and Mrs. Kienneth Pres-'" j17U-

I assIH!('d WIth .. <;orrmg r{'frt'shml'.nts, ters.,.jfj)Y Hllc{J HI'lb. Lug.w. la, \H.'IC and Mr. ar\'d Mrs. Vic Sundell, ton, Jack and Tim, Ames, Ia. Dr. ---------= to ~I~(' .cJ,lOlr Jr?~1 ~all~~ fOI!(j":I~~ I Sund'ay SUIPPPI' guest~ m the Haruld Laurel, were dinner and supper Preston has bee~ granteu a I"ull· FOUND: Pair of glasses at 420 E. CARDS f THANKS t~ell Jomt PI al l( ( I JIlin), e \ I i Olson hum!' attn attl'ndlrlg a YOUUl guests Sundoy in the Joe Erick· bright scholarshtp apd will be Walnut, Wayne. _____ ' 0 mng. I meejlllg til Norfolk Tilt' Jo:vans.' son home. given a year's leave' of ahsenrc

KllY Gustafson was among the sons, Chad('s and DaVid. Vd're ID Mrs. Carl Sundell visited Friday from the State University at Ames FOR RENT _________ ~ ___ ~_~~ ___ _ Luthel' Leagurll's who. attend{'d a th(' Maura'{' Olson' horne. All at· in the Fred Ericl~s(Jn home, Wm· to spend a y('ar m Cairo, Egypt A SINCERR THANK YOU to the llH'etlrl'-'; at Hedr'mcr.~ ('hurch. ll'l!dt'd tho local {']msttan church iSlde. to work in the university there. friends and relativ£,g who have

i Waynt' Sunday af <'rooon. st'rvk('s in Ihe jC\cnmg Rev. Mr. and Mrs AH)('rt Sundell Dr. and Mrs. Preston and their _ .. _________ "" _____________ been rC'mf'mbering me with cards,

I. In ~)akland Mo day for a dlstnC\ Evans s<'rIVI'd lhl' congregation as spent Sunday ev('nmg. m the Ed three childrjCn will le~\'e in August NEW FLOons from old. It's easy letters. gifts u. nd. visits during my

mcdmg of Luth ~rqn Cburch Wo- pastor for sf'vt'l'al yc.ars, Caauwe home, Wayne. for Egyp-Ll' when YOll rent 011.1' . floor .sander, IIln('ss nnd shut·Jn days. Mrs. J. nH'n W('I'(, the fbIJ wing from h('re: WE'dncsd;Jty. 1IH' "Lpt"s Cook" and ('dger and rcflmsh WIth our I H. Spahr. 024

Mrs. Chari<'s Pierrson, lV~rs. MarvlIl I. gTO.l~.P of file (,l{)\'erdle~ 4-111 c1.Ub NT A DS 11l\l~.1 ity seals, varmshes and .waxes. I. WE-' WISH 1:(:) EXPItESs our sin· I Mrfi 1{1'!'Intt Johnson, i \\hleh I~ IHklll~ 1)\'1~llIrllnt; ,home- Il1nghten your rugs by rcnt1ng our: ('ere thanks to our l'l'latives. and I :\I!'.~ H1Ig(~llllan. \lrs 1\(11'- Illlakl!1g pl'i'p<lr{'d ,Inc] ~('['\'''Il ~;IP- !shampooer. ,Makes rugs and ('ar· I friends for cards. gifts, fiuv.'ers and

I I pl'r In Ilw Ilafl!ld iJi",on hom '. (tn· i p(>t~ look ll'~(' new Coast-ta-Coast I congratulatIOns on OUl' fortieth

E 1:11 Idy Larson ga\{' a d('m()n~1ratlOn !SIOl~ .. ". \Val. (> ___ s6l3lw('(lding anniversary and for help-, xtra. lronl(~n pr< •. ~.a,r.I?~. l~. rf'll~h trat' and IFO.H HENT·, Fivl' rllllm 1.ll1furn.IJn¢ 10 make the day .~u('h fI happy . I a11iY I I~ \{ I I \\a~ t1()~te>;s. t lshed upstail''> !Ip:1rtnwnl Pri I anri memorable evrn!. A spe~lal

Mrs, (,I(~n O[."OI! and dau htc~s FOR SALE LIVESTOCK ','al(' halh and I'ntran('(' Mrs Gel' I thanks to Rev. Bernthal for hjs .j.. attel1dll'd a r.ll~Sl'{'Jlaljleous shu \'er.1O 11d Carmichael 301 W('st 1st lll{'~sag:e. 1\.1r. qnd Mr,o;. Ed Eehten-mea.ns : Ihe perinaI' (,Iis.'>maln home, llnday I l'hotH' ·:7S-36:1.1. . . illO kamp. a24

! t/!~:;~C~~~d;;:)I~'d:'~~~n~~h~e~lJ~r~~~~ II FOR -SAl~E-: C;('('n anu b-rOWn-!~e. FOR SALk: choi~-~--+----D\;~~c fall FO!{ HENT: Two-room furnished I WISH -TO-rnAN-K ~y neighbors,

E ... I Earl Lllnd,IIH fami[;l ~pent cd cotton rugs. WIth pad,> S,7,('.'> hoars. Located lOt mi.les south of apartment. Phon(' :;7;) 38~8. a17t3 fr/{'nds and relatIVes for the X j-ra ! /'v('nin~~ In Ill{' L('stn'Smil'l lOx12 nnd 12xl1: S.llntJf'am El('dr~(' Wayne, Arnold Stutlfman & SOliS f'al:ds. letters. and visits J! received - i hOllH'. Lalli 1'1 I I Lawn :'iow{'f. Dog IiOll'i!'. Phone ______ m13tf FOIl RENT: Thr{-'('-room and balh, whIle I was In the Waketield hos.

I. Mr. and ~lr" Joe '/ohnsol} wen' 37;;-27f;7. _ <l1ot3 REGISTERED ANGUS BULLS I fIrst floor aparlment 814 Wm Pltal;. also many thanks for all

P f~t I~ the. Jat:k{'g.ll'r hamel' w.ln.] ~~m SALE-=-19r;1I Cham illn Dc Hefis~ Angus Farm-Pender. N __ cb_r I dom _ ."__ ___ _ ___ . __ ~~~ I the kmd deeds done for m~ after rQ. · S' I sale, lor. . lHnne!' an 1 Will.' P ------- -____ FO!{ HENT II returned home. Mrs. Max P. Hen-• • • ':\lrs Ih']{'[1 'fur 1upper. lllXC"' 1\10 h I I t' Hom <'. ('om I· I schke. a24

I I '()t1;~;rs thel{' \\{'It' 1\1r. an· Mrs· lfll'1pl:..: flur.nlsh{~J: ](i X50

. Exec!- WANTED I Room') for college boys Private I WISHT-6 EXPRESS- my sincer~ ~lal:tin .lIolmlwr

g, Mr. am l\l~~. I ,,:a~~ (1;)1::1 '1~1;~'~13;·dH·~0l~~·\~5_~~1.~ I kitchen,' bath rumpus room I thanks to 1:~latives" friends and

Now Is the time to tie

into a deal on o~. ofl

our late model . , ..

62 Dodge 330 4.door soclan, r.~ with ,whit. top. v.a onglno, Torqu~l1t.


61 Ford Fai~ane 500. 4.door •• dan, whlto with nlu­tral Lnt.rlor, ,t.nd,ref· engln., Pord.o·matlc, pow.r .... rlrtg powor brakes. Exceptionally. clean and low mlleago.

61 Rambler' . Ambuudor 4-door loden, V.8 englno, automatic,. slon, power Iteerlng and brakes, factory air condition. ing.

60 Ford F250 Pi~kup J~ .ton, wid. i bOI(, 6.cyllnder engh,. and 4·speed transmll­.Ion.

STATION WAGON, 6-cy!lnder I with

r. Nt. (,u,~tab{)n and Mr an f 1\11S. I'lft!'r Ii Pill a17t3 i ~_ ' _____ T _ _______________ : Tlurd house north of eollcgc lIll I neighbors for letters eanis, visits, Arthur 1< l()nnl'. ' . ---- -----~WANTED TO RENT: Clean two or I' " ~ food, gifts and flowers. A special

L<ltst .'\11' ... and l1r1' W<'s· CARPETS ('LEAN EASTER with three-bedroom hOtlre cr apJrt- HIghway 15. I· hone 37;)·3540. eve· I thanks to those who furnished Icy ~ll,(, ) ]1l'1 fatl:el' ~Ie~or the BI,l(' LU'ijre Electrle Sham- ·1'hent. Contact David Lamm at nings. meals for my husband whIle I was

5~.~~:~:~r~1~~:~~Y.. dlo. Local one·owner en with air condltlonl99'

S9 Rambler 4-dodr 6-cylinder.

S9 Olds Dynamic 88 4.door, power steering, ~owor brakes, blue.

58 Chevrolet Biscdyne 4-door, standard shift.

57 Plymouth 2-door b-cylinder, standard shi~t

57 Ford F«!irlane 500 4 door.

56 Ford Sta. Wa~on 6.c~~.inder, standard shift.

5S O~ds H@liday 4-door, two·tone hardtop,

55 Cheno!et Pic~up , , 3 4 _ton

55 Chevrolet 2101 4 door, 8·cyl?nder, standard transmissi;)n.

Corve,1 Auto Cl'



Lowest Prices Eve~l

l "

new high-

John.'on to J,lonmlleld. Suo<ay. a~· pooer only $1 per day. MI'Nat N .. ation.ii'Tcc.'url(~tl.<'()ak'StOl'e -pirone -------:- ----. ------ ill the·-hospital and since I-have terl1oon, thp Hlces VISited thq VIrgIl Hardware, Wayne, Nebr. a2 f 75_1933t ' a24 Fon RENT. R.ooms for cO.l1ege been home May God bless you all. Kand(Cll herne, Wayne. I ------------ .r-:-~--,-' ___ -.:.____ __ _ _____ boys or working men. Pnv~te Mrs AUgU~t Longe a24

'rAt;s. Julia Herman re~rned FOR SAL>E: 1956 Chevrolet t~a. ' V'I/ 1-\ f .... I C. U ~nt.l'ance. Close to college. 914 Pine __ ,~ __ . ____ _ Wednesday from a trip to ash· overdnve, $450 -Eugene Hanson 1.\ dDt k ri(,lghts. Phone 375-1974 a24t3 1 WOULD LIKE TO THANK all

~ FOR RENT: Modern house, on '.' OShe accompanied her da ghter, (lAROENING TImE IS HERE-; -ic~ Phone W<lyne ;:',531G5, Collect highway between Carroll and friends for cards, gifts and the

I 1 Twila and family the Joe Clay· time to buy those famous Earl Wayne Rendering Co. Belden. $20 per month. Clarence plant from the G:olden Rule Club;

',n-'on, D. C. and New York. Phont' 375 2794 aU I veo or l':::lO 11ed Ilvestoc my relatives, neighbors and

balughs) DeKalb, III. They IISited 1\lay gard('n and flo'.'.cr seeds and Your Used Cow Dealer Boling, Wayne. a24t3 also ta Pastor Niermann, Dr. Coe

ARMI-rl.EXANI! I Mabelle Lundahl, Brookly . <:11 your garc\eDlnig needs at Coast 1 f26tf -----------~- aod the nurses; and. for th~ many .l+' I Dr and 1\11" 1 () Lu dherg to Coatit StOles Wayne m2711-.1, ___ ~ ____ .___ FOn RE:"JT: Five-roum downstairs thoughtful acts of .kmdness during -- Wausa \\110 returned dur ng the I ~ - ----- ',"ANTED EGG CARTONS Sher apartment 1 block from college, my recent stay m thf! hospital.

Now .. 1 cc d9se

stops ~(ID(ID \\('~'k hum a \\ln1<'r III lordlil REPOSSESSED 1')'5 WIll pay 3 cents per carton nicc yard. 11th & Pearl. Walter L. Mrs. Henry Rastsede. a24 anemia during cr~tlcal first -- I II an 0 ga IzatJon who returns Moiler, Phone 375-2145. 3 weeks \\Pf{' Sunda) dlnDCl gU("tsllll t1e Kirby Vacuum Cleaner, Rold for 0 ,y r n ___ . _____ . ______ _ Seeds alns on less feed James { Ildmlwl s llOllll . about S25().OO. baldnce due, $89.40. our cartons to us ShNry ~g~s

p .g . f • . . Stall :'lll'hapl. Omaha. a IUlllvcr. Filter Queen VHcuum Cleaner, may bl:' purchased at. ArOie s, REAL ESTATE Saves pIgs. , . wards off disease. sdy ~rwnd of !Jan ta~ hiS sold for about $256.00, balance Super Val~l, or ou~ s~atlOn. Help Evens out littersl .. fewer runts. glH~st from, Wf'dnpsday to IFnday dlH'. $93.61. Si~ger. rOUl:d bobbin, I·:,our favontc eat-Get new ARMIDEXAN 100 at Cul'US Bing CClIlH' lrom L~' ','(Jln to p(lr~able .~pwlllg machine. sews mg our eggs and returnmg the I' ___ ,_

spend Sllnday at home and an re- pf'rieclly, balance due, $39.63. I Sherry carton. a1ot4 RI' AL ESfATE FOR SALE-MalO

F Ib nih turnl'd to school with hi I Above units ilk!" nf'W, 1 :~-- Street bus inc s s building in e er Ii armacy M d'1\1 William BI1Ckholz I lOOr; guarante('d! WANTED: Pasture for ilvestock. iW.ayne Will sell trade or lease on , an·~ r.cI~17dn:n r~lld L Bard 1,1 ~n Graves, ~arroll, _~~2_4 licrrg te·rm. Writ~ Box RS, clo The Two R.g,·,'e,"~ Ph.rm"ist, 0 Special terms of $5.00 per month, ----.------ f If

216 M';n s;~ Se;:. P~~~.' 375.1611 ~~';~ i O~'~;~r;g;:O;';~,;~,o~a:: _H_ElP WANTED ____ ._I W'~~ H~'~l~ W'Y~~N;:~L 6

"There is no time I ike the present : .. " as the soying goes, and this is particularly true in savings ac­counts.

Write Credit Manager. Box ~)02. Sioux City. Iowa


PAINT UP, FIX UP TIME .. Com-plete line of Plaints, both inside

and outside. Low, low prices. Also linseed oil. brushes. thinner and accessories. Stop at Coast·to-Coast Storps, Wayne. for all your paint­ing np('ds. a3tf

ESPECIALLY FOR Vl:'iYL the new Seal Gloss acrylic finish

i for all floors is different. McNatt

I ~~~\\:a_~~~...:~~e~~~~. ___ a~ FOR SALE: Gehl Forage Wagon,

box 7" x 14', two beaters. Like new. Feed bunks, 16 ft. and 18 ft. Paul Korth, Randolph, Nebr. a24t2

Low Interest Rate - Long Term F"deral Land Bank Loans PEDERAL LAND BANK

ASSOCIATION Fetix Jelinek, Manager

Wakefield, Nebraska

AAAA-J will train qualified man with car. to earn $30 or more per

day in established route work. Write Davis, 1045 E. 10th St., Fre· mont, Nebr. a17t3

-Storted now, a savings account will payoff bigcdivid¢nds in a few years, nat only in caSh value, but olsa moking a reality of same of your present dreoms.

Department.the Sea,ORS RUR EarlJBeforet~e toor' combin~ or pickertake~ to theifield, theharvest season IS

Any omount, from one dol­lar on, is a ~od start to­ward futuse security,

nj)w paying

Wayne Feder~1 Sayings & Loan Phone 315-2043 I

over ill our depa~nien;. Weeks ago, our parts sp~cialist took inventory of his J

stock. Then using factory·prepared catalogs, he placed his orders well in advance of the seaso~.IThanks to hiS foresight, you can move th~ough th'e entire year's oper, ations comfortably aware that your John Deere partsman has anticipatediyour n~e~ and stands, r$dy to help. Excellent paris follow·through is another cus!~menz . service that h~lps insure you· of greater satisfaction a~d value when yQu inVest In

modern JOhniDeere products fro;n IDe ~ong ~reen unt Bi ndstetter Implement·. fOe Ph lie 375~332S. Wo,ne

~ ~;?~


58 Chevrolet Belair 2·door sedan, V-8 enal"e, Pow· ergilde transmission, ,adlo and two-tone gold and white.

57 Ford Country Sedan '·passenger, V·S, Ford·o.matlc and rlldio.

55 GMC %-T. Pickup 4 - speed trllnsmlssion, grain and stock sides, hIS goOd look· jng heavy duty tires.

55 Nash Statesman 6-cylinder, overdrive tr ... mls.. .Ion and radio, reclining .. ~t •• A very cle .. n car,

53 Dodge 2-door 6-cylinder. Has been driven leu than 50,000' ,,"iles.

Late Models Cars

Sold with

3-Part Warranty

1. Guaranteed serviceable condition on delivery,

2. ThJrw clay'S C!r 1,000 miles .spUt cosf on pnt. and labor.

3. "f'wQooyear 15% 'discount. on parts and I.bor. .




119 Eost 3rd S~et

" ••.• ~" ""'. ;',' ........ ;:; ... ~ '~-;~:.-;-;':';~;'~'.:',', J' •• ~ ...... ' .• 'I';···· .;:., .. ';:~~~~'r~ ·1'·, d.

8 The Waync edne,day, April 24, 1963( .".~o Yd. Rcloy (no points): jayne' D~n Koeber rounded out tho ,..m -------;...-1------.,.-------- l:.}G.a .. Wehrel', Bocckcnhauer, Me· With 83, 85 end 92 . Lean, Harrison. Jack Ready was low for Harting-

W·· He h The IdE d 4~0 Yd Dash: IR. Wrledt. W ync. Ion with 85 followed by Jim Bueh· aynel Incas n ~~~lJ;IO~:'ltler, Stanlon; H. Halsen, ~~~~~:'197Kcn Miller, 94 aDd Jim

160 Yd. L. H~rdles: Granfist, Wayne's next meet is on the

Fe Y T k D ·outh Wayne, 23.7; Harrison, 5ta ton; Wayne course with Norfolk, April Ive ear rac r ilic) Addison. Wayno. 24014 p.m. 880 Yd. Run: Demay. Sta ton, •

I 2:15; Manley. Wuyne; De ow. BI Dev.·ls Post Wny~)(.1 hIgh W.OII their f rst Irat·" Wilyne.: ! ue tlH'l't In OVI'I' five years Tllf'sda~' Broad .Jump: TlwilH!D, Stanton. 440 Yd. Reluy: Wayne 51.5; Pet-

:;I.'l they tripped Stantonl 63J

;., to ~~~.~;;:!"; Granquist, Wilyne; Old." ;·~;~r;~~n~.e'ton, Boeckenhauer, ~ECh- Third Diamond Win Two long established sqhool re- High Jump: Oids, Wayne, 5'2"; Mile Relay: Wayne, 3:50.6, Ad-! The newly.formed Wayne bigh

cords fell to the Blue i Devils. Severa. Thor, L. Hanson. Stanton ,, Wripdt, Wochler, Bernt aJ. school baseball team got the sea-Dean Weible threw th'el discWi 1'01£' Vaull: 0[£15, Wuyne, 10'.10"; .: son off to a good start the past 125' 9Y4". This broke the record Thol", Stanton; L. Han~en, Slanton. L G If week by winning its first three established by Vidor Knicschc in 100 Yd. Dash: Kettler, Sluntoll,~ Wayne Hign 0 ers games from Emerson Sacred 1952, .' 11 Ij S('vera. Stanton; 0 I d!i, Heart Creighton St. Ludger. Kl'n Old!i hrokr' lh(' .,('bond 1"1' WaYT1('; Buresh, Stanton. Tr- Ha f fon in First to fall victims were the

('ord With il 1'(1'1' \ all It (III ]0'.10"/ Mill' Run: Han!i('n, Stimton, 5:05 Ip ring Emerson nine by a score of four to hrl'aJc. th(' 1!J.',H /"l'('ord of Tom :5; S!pffi!':glusl, Stanton; Hasebrock ' to two with Jim Mau on the mound ~pdmcc ) W"np First Competition lor Wayne. Tbe Creighton squad

'1'111' Rill' J)("II~ alsQ 'won all T·wo Mtle H£'lay: Wayne. 9:32.2, was next in line for Wayne as they four uL.-tJ:H' 1"1'1<1.1 ~ !!J Ill(' ml'('L I Hl'rnthaL Woph",pr. LUhl.)Crstedl, Wayne high golfers were suc¢ess- were rolled 12-1.

How they finished: Forbes. "I freu,l t~nd tJhlea~rl'.nfigr.tSolnm34e2eltoas36t7hesY"tduer~ • Don Meyer and Jerry Granquist Shut I'!ll ; \\twhk. WaYrll'. Ij~.! t20 Yel II Hurdles: Lll'rhmun, ~. • f' had mound duties for the Blue

5',". IkJ1~(Jn. Slanti'n. \I~h ('ar [Stanton. 19.7; Carstens. waynp;j'day 1 Devils. Ray Vrtiska had two run ml'!\. \\11\11(' IHernm, Stanton. Jim K~rn was low man forlthe home run for the victors in the

J)I~('I(~ \\'1('1111' \V;J~'n~' 12:)' 220 Yel Dash: Thalkon Stanton .. Bllue Devils, posting a 42 an~ a fourth inning. !J1 J J!;Ul'(111 . ...,'<lnlutl. Bl'nson. :25.4, WI"!(>(it. v\.'aynp; L HnnsP[l , 40 for an 82 total. Wayne's ~ark ,Jim Mau was on the hili once Slalllo1l : Sianton . Gary Lorenzen land again, this time at Emerson,

p_im!llElm;:m;!!!1!II ____ I!IIIIIIIIIII~ ... p_IIIII""" ___ ....... "'" ___ .-.~ ••• -- ~::~areaa;dby h:l~co:~eof ~_~cr:~

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Do Your Brakes Grab? Squeal?

Pull to Left or Right?

A1I3g .. 95 for . Any

only American Car


'GIANT ZINNIAS 50c Package

No Cost or Obligatiom

Merchant Oil Co. 121 West 1st St,Jet Wayne, Nebr. Phone 375-3340

There's "SOMETHING EXTRA" about owning an OLDSMOBILE!


a one-hitter. He missed a no­hitter by one out.

The Nebraska State High School Baseball tournament will get under way for Wayne High Tuesday as the Blue DeVIls go to Omaha to meet Tech at Municipal Stadium in tile opening round of the district.

• Wildcats Now 6-2 In Baseball Play

Wayne State's baseball team had a doubleheader scheduled at Yank· ton college Tuesday for the week's only action following two double­headers, last week.

TIl(' WIldcats won three of those ga mes, downing Northwestern col· lege 9-2 and lU-O Wednesday, then ulviding at Hastings Thursday.

Keith Krommenho,k hurled the winner at Hasti'ngs with the sa me 6-0 score that he won his only other effort this season. Yielding three hits, he fanned six, walked two. Mean-while, the Cats poled six hits;-<i.ncluding Ii grand slam homer and a triple by Ron Jones and doubles by Dan. Sch­aulis and Duane Wehrer.

In tile second g<lme Wayne took a 2·0 lead hefore the Broncos pull· ed ahead 5-4 at the end of the fifth us Wildcats defense sagged. Dean, dcBuhr wcnt six innings before re,. lief 10 the .seventh by Larry Faust,

Bastings added a sixth run while holding Wayne to four, and the vic· tors outhlt the Cats 9 to 8. Wayne'.s ::.even errors proved the difference. Among the Wildcat hits. were tri­I plcs by Jones and John Bock.

Roger Ginapp \Yon Wayne's opener lith a four.hitter again·st Northwe tern. Wehrer's ,bese:Sr empty h mer highlighted the six· hit Way e attack. Cottcll ohn J ermier used three

hurlers in the nightcap, starting With Terry Horsley, who built a 6-U lead, and relieving with Ken Hutehmson in the fourth and Faust In the sixth.

A four-nun burst in the sixth enc;}.. ed the gdme on the 10-runs-ahelKl .

ruke~fore ihe Yankton games Tues­day, Waylne had a 6·2 season, 3-~ in conference play. Next games will be at home against Concordia ncxt Wednesday, May 1.'

! See By The Herald SF /1 L~wrence and Mrs. Kohrt,

Steve, Larry and Susan, Lomit~, Calif, pl~n to iea've tOday (Wed­nesday) after visiting since Good Friday in the Max P. Henschke home, Wl1kefield, and in the Mrs. Ella Volberding home, Norfolk. Mr, Kohtt will be on duty aboard the USS· Hornet for an indefinite time. The family will remain in Lomita,


OL Sparkling ... spirited. : . spanking new! That's the F-"85 ... the beautifully practical way t<j mbve into an

Humpal BJeaks Shot Put Record

Ed Humpal bas joined a selec group of Nebraska weight throwers The Wayne State shot putter' btoke

.cbool record aDd a MldTaod lie record Wednesday with a win heave of 50 feet 21h inches

the fifth state collegian to


50 feet. -'The 20S-pound lunlor from At.

klnson .rued Imarks held bV former teammate Dave Krecl, Schuyler, who set the Midland f'ecord of 49·3V4 and the Wayna record of 49·111h: In 1961, his sen­ior year. Hump.' .150 placed fifth In the disCUI at Midland with. 137-3 throw. Wayne Staters picked up two

other firsts at Midland. The 480 yard high hurdles shuttle relay won in 1:05.6, only four-tenths a a second under a record which Wayne f.oursorne seet las year. Two 0 f the 1962 team in that event ran it a g a in this . year-Phil Nelson and Do Shilling-joined by Dennis Dang

f 0 I


berg and Bob Pruett. Carl Owc~~rzak earned Wayne'

other first,'wtth a 4:30.B mile, fol lowed by teammate Bob Fulston in second. The mile event was new



in the meet this year. Darrell Reifenrath finished sec

and in the 100 dash, behind the re cord-tying 9.9 by Roger Sayers 0

Omaha. I

The sprint medley with Alan Ott Van Steckelberg, Don Shilling an d


Charles Borg gave Wayne Ar third Th place. Dennis Moyo Was f1 th in II'

omscnls Hardware .. 5% 391f.1 Igh sc?rcs: Fullertons, 938 and ; VMnn Muller. 529; WIllie lafson l 200.

the javeUn nt 162·8I0I0. , 2G18 Part-of the wayn~ team ~ent to 'Gus

tbe Cbadron Iovlta lanai TUUdaY, -and Coach Carl EJlermcter plans Ser ateh. L •• gue . W L to tnkje two or .three to the rake Fin Relays, Des. MOines, Friday ond W Saturday. W

al Standings of 2nd Half inner .

Wakefield Bcwling Su~day Nlte Mixed W L Hit & Miss 35 17 Lightning Rods 32 20 Jokers 32 20 In & Out 251,-'.1 26""!.I Four L's .25 27 Veil .23 29 Jolly Four 21l~ 301,·0.1 Sloppy Joes 14 38 High scores: Jokers, 1949: Hit

& Miss, 675; Jeun Fischer, 199 and 509; Morris Gustafson, 198 ,and 554.

-Women's Wed. Nita W L Fullertons 33 12 Quality Egg Market 29 16 Busby Elevator 28 17 TNT Motel 28 17 Herh's Honeys 27 IS Fnrmers Uunion 25 20 dambles 24 21 Bossmans 24 21 Helen's Shoppe 221'2 221;.~

Blue" Bunny 22 " Cash Store 201,~ 24 1;2

Rcxall Drug 19 26 Wake. Grain ~ Ff'cd IHI2 2(;1'.>

Sorensen Trucking 18 27 Waldbaums 16 211

akefield Nat'l Bank .. 46 14 Fa ir Store .. . .43 17 W akeCicld Furniture .2BVJ 311,,(J He neke Hybrid 221,-i, 31V~ W nke. Liquid J,i'Cl't. 21 39 Fr cdrickson's Servo 1l) 41 T he plalioff for the ·Seratch

phy between Fair Store winner irst hnlf and Wakefield Nation.

Bank winner of second half will Apr. 29th.

Tro 01 I .1 be

II igh scores: Fair Store, 2671; kcfield Liquid Fertilizer, 934; y Wiggains, 602; Doc Peterson.

Wa Ro 225.

Tue 'day .Nite Hlndicap W L Sa Imon Wells

ea Cola Co Co rr's Implement

win Service merican Legion s's Mobjl

Er A Bu Fa rmcrs Union

ality Egg Market rman's Dairy el'ry's Inc.


Qu Bu Sh U 4 X 4 Fecds Lu nd's Barber Shop N umber 13

41 1}J 14VJ 41 15 36 20 33 23 311~ 24th 301".: 25t,.<., 291~.: 261";.:

27 ~9 25 31 24 32 23 33 21 35 16 40

13 43 II Igh scores: Sherry'~ Inc, 1052

3016; Glen Lueders, 610; Mall· I p .Johnson, 247.

ian, nc

Former Wayno Dios in ConWay, ,

s. O. Anderson;' Conwny, Alk'i fOl'mor Woynn resldbnt, dl.d· Apr", v. Funcrul services wero hr).ld. Apr;· 3 at ConwRY. .,.:.'

Mr. Anderson WOS bo~n Mar. lS, 1881 In S\\icdcn. lie was ',I .. ded. Jun. 1. 1901 to Chl·lsll."· Slllku, WRynn. who died In Mnrcl~ 1960.

Grll~!~\~~~~:c~~~~o,:2: R~~~~~,k~~n:!:' Ilg:o. "hc fnmUy lived in MlnneNota j \

hefore moving to ArkansAs. Rela. tives from W~ync'WJnsldQ COOl". muniU(>s who attendc"d tho servIcos·, were Mrfi. Il.ussoll Thompson, Wln.~ sici(> , Leslie YO\ln~::"mcyCl~~ Wayne.: ami Mrs. Joe Karnos,' L.liurel.

• Tom Renz Rites Set In Hamer Thursday

Funl'ral serviens for Tom nem~ nrc plnnn(!d Thursday anernoon at Ilorn('r. Mr R{'nz died Monday uti the I'pndl'l' hospital. {ollowlng n· henrt attacK lie had ·been Q rcsl. rlpnt of thl' Penrler NUl'slng Horne' the' Pflst yeur ,. >

Survivors in dude five dnughtQr,e: and tiUt'C sons. Mrs. . Charles Hcikes. Wnyuc. i'S n; Jf Mr Rem .

2nd 81,G WEEK of Wiltse's Furniture


Drop Againe Shop Now While the Selection Lasts

Brown Sofa


Beige Living Room Suite Brown" Sofa ..... .

Brown Sectional, with Kane arms


$239.00 189.00 249.00 239.00 559.00


$175.00 135~00

Only 70 Rockers, Recliners and Chairs Le-ft

Dinette Sets .. . . .. . . . .. . . . . . ... .. .. complete Dining Room Suites Nite Mattress and Box Spring

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values to $79.9~ ......... 475.00

Cole lux Mattress and Box Spring. . .. . ..... 99.00



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54~9° ',,",", "ii"


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Up to 36 months to pay SMOEqILE'

·a5·~ Oldsmobile! Big car ride! S?,all c~r ~aine.uverabi1ity! I _

Pius an aluminum V·S thatdelivers up to 195 h.p.! -I ... Ft· """'9.:~ , ~~::p:;::::.;::' .... , ~:e"~I~~' ;:;'~;::"+':;*,~ ~:~;b":: I,. 5 e _ u[ n I Y r :::-r::';n:'G~.lW'."*"':'

----- SEE YOUR lO~'Al AUTHORIZED O~SMOBllE QUAUTY DEAl'~ ~-;"':"'-i--..4.-t--i LAUREL, ~EB~SKA 'AUTO COMP~~Y, .112-~b~2~d~~e~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

, . I 'I I ' I /:, CORYEl;;

, . ,II



'~~' 'II WINSIDE ' I Elro~.nd Nell, Mr, and Mrs, bcn'lleUder, Jal1cJuamen i1etilon,

A rd' 5 'Ba~quet eld at ~~.Bj;%:~:n:l'~~::~:~~r%~ and ~~~~Cd I:a~:. S:~f'~r~~:t~ HERA'I D' ,w. a • ' 1

M!} Marlh" LRU"tt


SsPI.,~atr'~rU:md ing party M'ny, Next meeting Tuc~iiay until Thu:sday ~ltl~ h~~r will be in .~aclc Kruger home '. :-J

Winside Th rsday 'Evening ?:~~lyt,C1'FrC~~;n! with D<jnn'IKruegrlr as ho.tcs~, ;;;;::;:v-:-:----+.--;:;--~-+--O~~-::-:-:--~::--=-:-7':_:_:_--=--::-..:=~,-_:_~=_, __ :_, __ :! __ I Mr l and Mrs Christ Weible I were Easter -=0& HUl1t

Thc annual Awnnls Bnnqu t or---_-____________ i rr~~~rBC~~~~·n~o;!sitors i~ the ut~~~~ti~~te~nu!? E~~:e~gS~;: ~~~~:n ::r~,M;:~lfE~f~re:.ta~t,z.U!~.A~~~

the Wi;nsid(' High School was held j Mr'l and Mrs. ,"Warren l\1arotz Hunt spons red by the Federated lec~ and Vernon Millet" and family. Mr. and Thursday f'v(~ning in the city uuci! WI""d and f~mily nnd Mr. and Mrs.1 John' Woman~6 Cub 10 the city pal"k ture Mrs. Chester Marob. Kevin Dnd torlum. One hundr('d fifty llcsts nSI e HohlH were Frldoy supper quests' Saturday at crnoon, April 14. Spe'IR"snlu""en Kurtis. and Mr, and MrH. J>on WE're pr(>Rent. 'I'h(> tables wer dec in the G(>arld Hecker home,f. clal prt~es ent to Mark Sehrien. er at Mattbes and $ons, Pilger.

°inr'",,!rc." 'r'nln:::,·d al~,~ld :p~~t: \:i:::I~~:::S By G~h:: ~6~1hert pc7:;1~ ~;!~~a ~;~~a;ndaf~e ~bo~~ ~~'a~a~~i~ ~m~~~:h~o~~~;P~~d Elmer Easter Sunday dinner guests in

.... , fl the George Jacgt':r home were hll"., ~o~~~~~'n~:~;~;LO~l~~:~~(> !~i~~e" ~t:.,d Richard Miller land Julene, Mr. W!~elr\~f{L William Peters (ImilY'1 G~:u~O~~i::rbers in charge includ. and Mrs. Oscar SWanS(lD, Wnypc,

Laurel By Mr>, edwin iI.d':".,

Phon. BL643114 Dunne Thomp~rm chairman. I ~(~~ !~;. ~rl.toa~:r~~~~, D~~=ig~: Mrs. C, J. Boyc(' nnd ~.inda, ed. Mrs, F.: C. Witt, Mrs. N. L. :t:~d l\~nd a~~'rni~;~s'cn~~!

Bill Wot('rhn\l~(' was ml.l~trr of Catstcns und family, Welyno. ~at~, ;;;~~o~r~:f[rl';u~~~(!~uests ~~\,~a~~nn~;I~' B;ohc~~~ell!~~k~Or~'. _ nlng vit;llors were Mr. lind .Mrs. New Memben W.I~om~ }

~f~::%~,if'~(,\,TI11;' I,~n~~~t~ti~nJel~e~s Dionne Wacker wall a Monday IPaul Zoffk:a and Mrs. Wesley TheophUus Church Russell Prince and fnmlly, Wayne.

~lr~ ~v('Jyn Schri('n('r, pre,tident ?;e[h~jg~ler~~~stM~~nD~~n~~. Mann Sociefy G Boydston. ~~te~, C~::;e,Ofp~:~:~ EI~~r~ ~~~g:~rs~e~~~~~ ~~~!e S~~~ of the FedC\rated Woman's Club Ruth .and Faye Jensen, Omaha. • • Surp;day, Apr, 28: Sunday school, evening aiter sl)entiing Ensh'r th' .! CC Club . gave' e we I sppnt Easter vacation with their Forecast I Center Circle Club met wlth :30 'a.m.; worship service, 10:30 with relaUVN. in Omaha.

New members welcomed ,into thD" Methodist 'Church, IAur~l. IDs·t SundRY were Keith GlIJUa.d" Mar. ,ha ond Chfdy Gilliland, iI~d 'Bo •• nle Tl.l!t1e, Tltose jolnl." bm',trans. fer were Mrs, Kellh GlIJlla di Mr •. Cleo Kurne" Mrs, II. !1rw \I>r and Mr, nnd Mr" GIilC(!,;' Bral(on,

Welsl~.8oydston of the. Hi~h parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon JeD· Thursdav, April 25 Mrs Wilfred Miller Thursday af. Mrs. Ernest Elder en. SrllOcll faculty presented thel king '.1 Cotcfle Clut> ternoon Mrs Bill Hoffman was a I MI'. Dnd Mrs. Lylo Vun. nnd qu(>(m. lind their at~cnqlants Mrs Emma Wo('hlcr. Pilger, Frldav. April 26 guest Roll call was, "My Child~ Immlllnuel Ev, Reformed Church and Cnmily for dinner Eas. who wen' In turn crowned ~y the spent Monday unlil Wednesday Three Fours Bridge Club hood AmbitIOn" Mrs Bernie (John E. Saxton, pastor) ter Sunday. Mr and Mrs, Elder Thomp10n In ont alptll.CI 19~12 ~ootbnll royalty ~ro~p. ~hose with her sistcr, Mrs. Carl Nieman. Wodnesday, May 1 I Bowers and Mrs Harry Heme Sunday, Apr. 28: Worship ser· were afternoon and luncheon filcharrl T lOmpKon. InCant 80n relgmng WCI'C .queen, I'.umcC'~ankc Sunday afternoon und lu'ncheon Socilli Circle mann were m charge of entertam vice, 10:30 a.m, guests in the Duane Thompson or Mr. and rH, Von 'l.'hompftOn" ancl l\.lng. Ern,le J,acgcr. A~tt.c dants 1 gll('st.~ in the Don Wacker home St Paul's Llldl('s Aid and I~WML menl Cards were playe,d, with mar home. Coh.'ridge, W IS bnpU:t.ed lallLSun.

Ll~rr~ HCciC'l,. sophomore~, [Linda: :Jnd Mildred. Waynl', and Mr. and Mlssionarv MeetiflQ Mrs. Rosa Hoffman and Mrs. Mark ~ (Victor Ireland, pastor) and family and Mr.' and Mrs. Wi!. (>1. Rl'V. Gu McClura otfi'etated; w('rC' frt'shmen, Sundra }'rm .find .W(>I'(' Mr. and Mr.'i Fred Wacker --- IPrlzes gmng to Mrs. L. G Walde, with Mrs. Method.,t Church Mr, and Mrs. lIilpt'rl Libl'ngood day lit the M thodlst churc)1, ~8"r~ .Wlt.lIler lind (.~n~ I:angenh('r~; ,lun I \otT'; l\C'nneth Wa~nN and family. Trinity 'Lutheran Missiomlty SO', Benshoof. The next meeting, will be I Auxiliary Sunday. Apr. 28: Sunday school, Ham Libengood wet(' dinner guests Plnn"l guest in lhe 'Elm,ot'llatUg l~r1i. ,10(\(>n(' J ra'ltlti .and i'i~' cl1{1('1 1 l'Ir'i Arthur" YOLin I and Mrs. ciety mel Thursday afternpon in with Mrs. Halph Nathan May 16. Le' 1O:~ a.m.;! worship service, 11 :00. in th(' Mrs Anna Swmney hom(>. hOllle 10 hon rot lhe occa~Qn we~. ~bo~pson; U~d, .'H',nJOrti.,,' andra I WlIlII'l' Ilail lind SOil, ~auf(~!, spent /the ohurch parlors. Nine mr,mbers - after;I~~n Wayne Sunda) Mrs John IIDZ, Mr, .a d M $,

rf'nsh lind. Lugenc Longt. Wl'dnl'.~dlJv In Iii!' Mrs. Elva were' present. Mirs. Roy J'rnkins [prOiect Club Twelve St. Paul's Ey,. Lutheran Church Mr and Mrs Buy Roilln<l, CIll's 11:11'01<1 TJm pson, lfr., a ~ Pu • ' Mr SCIl~l.l1t1. pl'(';('n,\('t,l. ! lIamfll ho·rne . ~~s .Iesson It'a.(~('r. The topi):: was .Busy Be~s Project. Club met the (H. M. Hilpert, pastor) tCJ1, were Sunday dmner gu('sts of Mr lind 1\1 s IIlJ,rold ThOl1)pso • ball IIwards, Ml.~ 'IIHJI(I, Haymond (;I'andflll. L,lll('oin, Christ Today. 'It,'lIh all me!mbers With Mrs., Ch(>Hter Wylie Wednes· made Salurd'ay, Apr. 27: Saturday his parents, Mr. and Mrs. II. It. Jr, and rarnly, MI', and Mr~. Mel.

at h Mr ('III I I k' I M J k' d I T b school sessions, 1:00 p.m.; Teach· Rolan". vin MilO7. II d fnmilv, Guru Oxl"u llW (.. I ), ~P('llt from S"l1unla y unlll W('rin('s- a 109 . par' ~ 1',""" en }n,S rea I'"'Y' eVenU,lg. c,n m" m ?,rs were dinner B bl I 730 I U , ., ~" awards lind Supt Idav with Iw, grandmolhl'r, Mrs the SCJ'lptUI'l' ~,ph{sians Chapter 5, [HI·spnt. Holl call was, My Fa- ers 1 e c ass, pm Mr .mcl Mrs Walt('r SplIld('n lind MI' an( Mrs Don ThC>Dll)80n astic awards I';l~a 1I11mm. vC'rses 1 to 20 Th(' mo('ling ,cloSl'd voritl' Spnng Efobby." Mrs. Wy'lie Sunday. Apr 28 Sunday school, and Mr nnel Mrs "red Hemes nnd I and sons

Mr Waterhouse 1l1!r'oducod 1ht,! \"car an(1 Mrs, L.""'Y Mill,,'r "nd with a hymn ahd praycr. Mrs" and Mrs. Howard Iversen were 9 30 am, worship serVIce, 10 20 family, Norfolk, wero Sunday dm ~ .... ~~ "<.I l' Wednesday May 1 Ladles AId ~ gUl':lt speaker of lile ('V{'nI11~j. Car! Lol'l. Spl'ingfil'ld, Ill, and Mr. and Andy Mann st'rvl'd lin charge of the lesson which was d LWML' t Iner and afternoon vlsltOls In the ()('uro '1

i1WdC school pupls

Ellct'meil'l' of l/tl' WiI\,fj!' Sla\(' .\In 1':lIg('nc Millpl' nnd Kimbery I "Salads anr! Sfilad Dressing." The Reichert and ~ , mee mg Allen Hames hum(> I'I{'rCI 1ullle:! III SIC U"I Cily Apr. 11, M 8.

Tt;<H'h('r.~ Coll('g!" ()rnuha. spt~nl the Easter Seattered Neighb~rs Proiect Club 1 next meeting will be with MrS'I~ Trinitv Lutheran Church .Mr and Mrs DlIl~ 1"rll~Z{' 1 rmd I Elmer Hutt g Is the teachor, 1

.Jun£' 1"1I1k ilnd .Iodl'nt' ]11':1\\ III in, t,h,l' Alfr,ed Miller I Mrs. Myron B('ck was bostess [Wdliam Jloltg~ew. The lesson will Mrs (H F Otto Mueller, pastor) daughters wer(' East<'l Lanner 1,lur(>! 1.1 estock 4.H Club mot presen!prl n m\l.~ical . ~ltk b) home. when ~h(' memhprs of the ~catte.r. be cake decOll'ating and an ex· M;·. and Wednesday. Apr 24 JUnior I~uelsts O~,,~IS P,IIl'lIts Mr and l\tl~ ApI I') In the city auditorium SI<[{\" acc(JlnpaTl1(>ti h.\ \-Ior, I\Jr and Jl.Trs T L Rudolph, ('ci Nelghhors pn)]cct club met In 1 change of bul~~. tained at choir rehearsal, 4:00 p.m.; Senior UEgUS,' danlen. l' II M I willi Mr, a~d Mrs, Gary JohnKon ns I ('d~lalla. ]a .. wpre call<:-rs in the h('r hom(' WI.':I~('sday afttj'ornoon. - . I Monday choir rehearsal. 8:00 p.m. a~ e~ . Inner gll('~:~ In 1C .rs and Mr arid Mrs. Duana Kunz.

PJllll Krohn, ath!t'IIl' CO;]Cr, pn' l'Virs .sa,nl Hf'lehel't hom£' Sunday I ~{oll call"wa~. ~allw Your Favor· Methodist WS~S Nieman. twenty relati.ves Saturday. Apr. 27: Confirmation Dora MHltl~ dhoIMllt'. wNt'r('. h~'r C,hl~d Illall hosts Plnns were made to s('nt('d th(' athl('tlr aWllnlh andlmfll'rllllg lIe p('t ,Hpadmg l('ader, I Mrs. Allen Koch was hust~ss and friends present. Pnzes class, 10:00 a.m.; Girls choir re.l~en,. r, an r~. (Jlmdn Sv(n IItt!'rliJth('! also prcs{'n1NJ tl1(' Alh]{'t(.,:!)! 1hPI Mr am,l Mr.~, Otto Ulrich and Marvm, W Ittl!'r, ,h~d a magaZmelTllPSday wh,en th~,ge.nerlll meetJ~g went to Mrs . Hoffman. Mrs. hearsa!. 10:45 a.m.; Catechetical sM('n an(JI rlumIIRY"tstantolll"Mrr. ~nldltJll' Hanclo!ph roller rink, Tho club Y('ar award to Ell,l!f'n(' I.otlae .\ml'lw Schroerif'r were Sunday af· exchangl' Mrs (,erald $ecker, o.f the Woma1's SocIety of Chr.1S·IRiChard Alfred Miller, andlelass. 11:00 a.m. rs. om IZC' an( 1I1ll.IY'iP1Unnf'd a purty (or May 3. Ntlxt

hanqul't ('/" hump Safdy Tips on Thel spring 1 church met WJth 12 m('mbers and ~ h. . 00 anll ami y ant I. I' ani I' I"~ 1'1 A dan,c(' \\ll'~, ht'lrI fOll()WIIr,lg Ihl" tf'l'noon V1.~ito,rs ill the Dave Luek·1 ~ealth I,<'adt'r. 1"('<:111 an article .on lian Service. of the MethodIst Orpheus Sunday, Apr. 28: Sunday school. w~ynre, ~I r. and

l !"t /"~ 11'1'lr:)lld Hwlt~l(' nwdinJ.! wiJll be lat the Elmer Hat.

--.~- ' !\"lr and Mrs Ceorge ,Jaeger and ka was The Il('sson, 11\\'0 gu('sls )liesen! GU('sts were ., 10:00 a,m.; wors JP 'serVice, 11: /IiS Rilze ;a~d Billy . ,Ug h.onH', With M.r,. and Mrs, E. Sunday f'V('lllng \'i.~II()I", '10 Ihp I fanlih,' wpn' Friday evening visit· "Arid Life 10 . Yea.rsl" was :\1rs. Wayne ,Gesll'I,ech. and Mr~'1 MT"hSI~nary a.m. Gu(>sts in the Marhn Pft'lff!'!" l.JannS<'n ,.~ Ico·ho!its. Judy 1I1;ltUg

, I M M w ttl - 'v I II I t £1 t f ff C Missionary Sod· --- " 1,0n,. 'S'un,l."y "'ern 0'1,' ""I M,' Will 1:IVt' .111 demonslrnthm on Carl, NiC'rnan ho'n~' w('\'(' \'ICrll· nnd I"r.~ Iii, thl' ,Rob('rt Badcllstead / glven,)Y rs., a.I"\'I~. I yr ~n~! : :, CO,: {'Yo . OYC, s Oll. :c IOn () 0 ,. ety of h Mr an J Mrs Em 1 ThlCs enter .. '- " 'I I Mr~ Lllrl'Y ~11l1('r Mid [,01"1.'\1'))11('. (arroll !VIrs. Haymond WIIII(I. Mr$. Ha\·,(ers was held. All offlcerswerere· Reformed churc .' ( "1 I. d . Donald Pf('i((cr Hnd family, 1\11" ~lOWlllilll~U). Springfipld, III ,M!" 1\11·.~ (;u(',~ts in ,tilt' Howard IverSen mond WHIleI' will entertain the l'l'ICCIC.'d. The North·East Dislrict 'hmcmt William Fenske tamed at a faml y dmner Sun By. land Mrs. Norri" W!'lhle and fam. --- L. '

b h II t R

I 0 e Ulrich was de· Pr~se,nt were .Mr, and Mrs. Earl ,Iy, Wayn", "n,1 'I,' an,l, M,," I Boo,k Club ,...,eeh . F,\l~en(' Milh'l' nn!! ,0111;) "Imlll(' Friday ('v(',ning for Mrs. An· c1uh m May sprmg meetmg to : C (B., an, VOl,"'D'al I . Th d f mil A I IV! X ' u jY "

I I h M i ~ A I 29 an Mrs. WaJ~er. F~n· . Ie, s a.n a y, ~es, a., ~ •• a . Clllrenc(' I'fl'iff,('r anti famllv "()urt('('n memb~r!l ami lwo ha, Mr I~nd Mrs ,I L Il:l Anderspn's birthday were Mr. I ~. (0 P onc a. pn '. 'ltas . ske ga le'ison, "Chr.lstian me Thies, Omaha, and Mr. and • .1'1 • ~1H'.~ls, Mrl' Gerald Arnold ami Hoskins, Mrs f<=rnmil clnd I\lr.~. liarry Kahler, Kansas 4·H Club Organlied ,tl(luncpd . Mission RIm of Eastern Mrs. Donald Thies. Mr. and Mrs Wa!lpj" IJ.amlil "n Mr.. Rlm'r Mutter .attended Pilger, 1\11' ~tnd Mrs .1\1l'rlt!1 Mp

J J\Io. Mrs,' Rose Hoffman, lVIr . Thf' BlL~Y. Val il:creltt,,, dlf Club I ,I\TI'::; BronzY!~skl an article, Asia'" members taking Mr. and Mrs. (;eorge Farran tertam('(j her fulilpr. It<lr1'Y ~C·I B:"ok Club pl'. 15 In the home of

er and family. NO,rfolk 1\1 <md 1\In "ans Brogren and Rod was organJZl'd, III the larenC,'I".rhe W, orld ~edpratlOn of MethO·


t' IE! I r 'I t 'd h h Cune Randnlph and Mn (,IPrJ"1 D M Mr.~ Alfrt'd ~lilJer 1\11" anti \Irs 11('\·, J\]r and Mrs. Bill Brogr('n,w l'ri'thiffc"'"th,h'''I'','r'''''fr:l"onc:,,1 'hYOo, l'"','",·;",, i,','r", 'I 'mh·~a'" WIO,al~l'nth"e MI',~,.'o,'oJn', m,c"Ch'f"lrdoruetn'p po". I'm' " reac an .. as er and ami y en ertame er mot· H' ' . t I" I. rt,. { 101'1>. Hos {)(' empstcr, rs.

~ ".' .'.n U .,., wi!! be in cr. Mrs. Elva Hamm, and nephew, I LlmhmS

ad f mn(r ant a ('In jon (iriJcc Car([Ht'n WDS Co.ho6tns!J. ficers el~'ct(>d are Mar), Jane I Hound the World." Flags of all the Dave home with Mrs. Raymond Gra.ndon, Lincoln, at unc ,un ay. • Mr:. 1\l'n*th Mjoe~ revl9wed

',T H E ~ EST


5 E A M L E'S 5









$1 00 pair

, 3 .. ,:" L~ LA.! .. !»N~

Lucker May 8. dinner at a Norfolk cafe Sunday. Mr. and Mrs {ad NII'milO anti I "The Chin('l!it' Ginger JarH", The ! I1.ansen. P,I'f'SI(If'dt. Glenda Morl'[;;, leoun,tncs d.eCkJC,d th(' worship table·I~_ ' I Afternoon and SUPI,.r guests in the Mr. and Mrs. ,OliO Carstt'ns were fo~owing {Xff!C(,I'H were clect{)d:


V1Cl' prcsldent Ch{'1'\'1 Arm Dell· , ;\11', (.icslrl('ch was honored as the ' I t I J (' C mrr .. ~I'{'n·lal:Y Ir~'i\s\lri'1' and~' Child of the World" as she is a ~r. an.d Marvin Andersen Farran home'were Mr. and Mrs. rmner gupsts 10 Ilr .)1I I' ~ ar· pr,t~Sjdent. Mrs. Howard F. Han.

,(;U('l'!l(':' II:.tllSt'n L:. h'adf'r. and I ('1':..11 contrasts iO the w~y of living ue~<j:? in Li~~~I~rs. O~~~~~y supper guests in the Dale so~inh:~~I,gU~~~~I~~ 1:~;,r'(':m~rSv.~annd 1, ~:.Isar~, 1{I~~de~~~~~t~:~ir::~fl~g Cathy I'f('lff('r flews rl']lortdr. !\Irs. ina1lvl' of Englaml. Sh(' told of sev. anu KeVin Mrs. Andrew An· Eugene Miller and Kimberly Sue, /<jlcns haml'. W;.Jynp, Sunday :;(>n; \'lCC' preSident, MrR. Robert

slJ(~nt . Von Saggern home, Hoskins,were Mrs. Dale SWIlIl!>!)n. Carla <lIHl i wlll bt, n guest night at lhe Wagon .M,.',·s. (lar(>t1Cl' I'f('llf('r "",Ssl<;lantIIH.'1w('('n,,our two countnes. Several I Jame',: C I

--;:=-:;~};,~;.;;;;;;;;~ afternoon the August Voecks I Mr and Mrs Art Rabe, Jerry and Jeffery Omaha MI' and Mrs i Wlw'el Sluak HoU/;ej),a..t 8:30 with T home. Jimmie, Mrs Anna Rabe, Mr Gene Swanson and famlh- Mr and I Mr~ n ShcJrJ/. W.,e, 8f) guest

were.Mr and daughter and Mr and Mrs Blliy ----- - -~ ~ guests m the Leon I and Mrs Fred Marqqardt and Mrs LoUIS Mellick Frank Mel J'('VJeWl'r

. Mrs. ensen anrl Ronald. Marquardt and son L.urel. Andrew Arr~ersen, dinner guest' In WONDERFUL NE I

/ Mr, and Iversen and, home

dress up!

You'll say it's territic. "NEVERUN" 'S a new fea­ture in Kirburr hosiery .... A lacey knit .yelt and, ri~g

at toe to give longer life, even to the sheerest type.

This feature prevents runs from entering the sh~e, zone even,

when c~t with shears, ~t toe or welt.

98c 3 pair - $2.85


Colors:1 Honey~bei~; , blush gleam, blond beige

in jearned,styles.

Sea shell, south wind, lagoon In searnless,~

i "

I 2


Capital Deserves

Lincoln - GOVCT,nOr ha'i d('~('rib('cl tM out !If l\"ehras1'il capital M,t'iollS ohstndf' to ~r()wth" und said he ('umrnitt{,p to dt'aw up ,lillWd at solving thf'

April 24, 1963


Nebraska ommitt'ee Study

riled in Nebraska. Morrison ex­pressed the hope that the Legis­iahJfe would give serious study to Carpenter's suggestion.

Legislature Back Nebraska lawmakers came

, back to their desks after a six­day Easter vacation break and got right back to work.

With thl:' session at about the halfway point, the legislatt>rs know they still have some of the hottest business still on the agen­da.

The state income tax bill was .~('t for debate Thursday, April 2,:3. Some of the fenators would lIke to see the proposal held over for awhile but other<; are anxious 10 come to grips with it

It is known that an early at­t('mpt will be made'to give the m('8surc the axe. It is also kno\\in th<ll several of the senators have amendments prepared which wo~[d make significant revislOns in the bill.

Refuse to Revive The first· day the senators

were back on the job they turned thumbs down on an' attempt to revive a bill which would pro. hibit advertising by public pow­er and irrigation districts tend­ing to influence legislation orC)... elpctions.

The effort to revilfe rcc('iv('rj only 12 votes, compared with c4 which were cast against.

It was clear that a majority of the legislators believe a re­solution condemning the same type of advertising practices the bill was aimed against is suffi­cient to handle the problem.

The resolution .was approved several weeks ago, and several

. of the lawmakers said it has had the desired effect of "cleaning up" power districts' ads.

Sen. Harold Stryker, Rising City, said the present Legislature is taking some steps to solve public power problems "which

i w 1 giv(li liS ~ S('IlSC lit willi m:lke thifi u n('cesf:inry. '!

It wusIScn.! Albert that it {vrHfI~1 be.' sj )Ie to !'>('1. ., •

c Hate" Jl ,oper .ldve~lising.

Proper IPlacement of Fe tilizer Mixed fertilizer that IS applied

With a plankr .dtachm I as a ~tarter (or ('om should b' placed one or t \\'0 inches to til side of the sced row. In add lion, it should :he placet! al least as deep

f~~ s~:~~t.l;'l':~~;~'!).l'r that he seed

The Phosph()l"l~s in liq id [('ft· iIizl'l"s \\ ill not [1]OV{, sig ificanUy lllore In I1w ..,011 than !II the

phospho 'us 1 n ~olld fl rtiliz('rs. In botl cases, th(' felt i I I Z e r must h placed at a dep h where the g plant

{"n reach It t 0 I e used most d ('dively.

It <lIS(l IS 11"ln to alIo . mIxed fC'rtihl(,)" In (,(lrne m ('on <ld \~Ith

Uw sepd. Damage to s cd ger­~nmatlon and) (lung seed mgs can

f;Zt P;[I~(;:~.\ll!~~~tll\~.~~I~:~ ~~e \~:~i js dry at plantmg time and re· Imams dn for a week or more followint.: - plantlng. P <i('eInl'nt of sUntl'r jertllll.l'l (I qUId or solld) ill sUl'h a lllanner that the fertilizer eltlH'r cumes lJl con­tact with the seNl or I" 1 lacC'(\ m ,an area above thc Sl'P( row. IS

!much Tess f'fJ'('cti\c and s not fe· comm(mded. ICut Cattle Feeding Risk

The recent sharp dl'o in fed cattle prices Indlcate<; hl' need for marketings through lit the iyear. 1fpe ff'l'der who h s alJ of


his cattle read) at 01 (' tl!ne cannot hop<, to outguess the mar­ket.

"f~ s~~~~n~fl!~r~O~~~~:~ ~~ ~~w:~ 80' ( of the farmers Shl ted pro­duction in the wrong direction more than half of the ti c. They produced the most cat Ie while pt:ices were on the do" n swing. Then they became dis ouraged and dropped out just be re mar­kets turned back up. , The morc often you an mar-


ket cattle, the bette you r

· f:cao~~~ a;~i~f ~~:Oeun;l ~~sca~~~ more :regular farm inc me and

I. use o~, equipment. The '}in and ,outer'" seldom makes oney in lthe caWe feeding busm ss.

of P-A-G's showy SX hybrids and Iweed Control In Tree P antings

· proven to be a very effe tive way to know more about them. You'll about their StartJmg 1!Diformity,

:~;~~~~1~~~an~d~~e%tra. wtential for. bonus-toknowwhytopcomgrowers than doubled their acreage",

the last live yeatS. I will

I The use of chemi als has


Of controlling weeds i .~ wind­brea~~ an~ other tr~e. lantings.

II "SOlI: stenlan,t herhlel es such · as sil1j.azin and diuron .... hich coo-


trol weeds for a growi g ~eason \vith one appl~cation, without



, about SX hybrids from varieties tbatlfit your fann.

dover and alfalfa,. too!



RONAI,Q" Jt,'~S" ~~ndqlph' ,LYNN'ISOM~;CCllir~1I ' ELMER. HINtz~Winsid~


. injuring the tre~s, \>;,ill l}minate · the need for a IQl of ha d work. I Tree plantings. may e treated I at thEr; time of i plan . or be~


'1 !~~~e \\~:i~~ ~~~:D:e f9\~h~~ , chemical'. per !~Icre. .e: her~

, bi~ide,should be,applie in'bands


3 ito: 4 feet ,Widr down the tree

ro~.: The surt~I~,e, of the soil sh ulq be smoht1h and - rQ. and fr e .of trash. ,

! e rate ~f .3fPliCati n should

, I I


DEAl! MISTER EDITOR ~ Hank's preacher come by the

country store Saturday night, re­ported his joints was stiff from setting in on committee meet­ings all week. He lold the fellers he read onct where a carnel was a horse that was put together by a committee, said he Wouldn't dt;mbt it none on account of they had committees in his Church that put some funny thing~ to· gether.

He said they now got 32 com­mittees at his Church, one more than last ,, reported they added a new one on account of they always warited to show a increase fer the year in ever­thing. The new one, he announc· ed, was the Watchdog Commit­tee, a addition su!{gested by the Bishop on account of the many underground movements in most churches today. He sahl they made C ha r lie's wi fe, the best head·hunter they got, chair­man. of this new Committee. It ain't even beeR swore in official yet. be said, but they done un·

~~=~~~r~w~ P~{:n to f;;t ~~a~fg~~: the Choir, 10 cases of backbit­ing and one of backsliding. And he told the fellers confidential that he ·had a suspicion they was ,gitting ready' to tap his tele­phone.

Incidental, the goot! Parson asked the fellers if they was smoking more and, enjoying it less, reported this topic was brung up Thursday night at the meeting of the Committee on Christian Living. Ellie, the solo singe.r in the Choir, was in charge of 'the program and Ellie claimed smoking wasn't no sin. She said the Lord put everthing here fer a purpose and she

I couldn't think of nothing tobacca was good fer except smoking and chewing.

George claimed it was a sin and ·that if the Lord put ever­thing here fer a purpose. a man's nose wasn't put here fer a smoke stack.

But the big topic of the week, reported the Parson, come Tues­day night at the meeting of the

·:.christjan Education Committee.

...I.~'t-,~~~ffl~A~~1 ,,,'Il,,,i u

g, uS,I,,!"m,,;b~~~J ~~ ~ed:9~~eac;i;;

King Has~on II of Morocco. is no ptker when he goes shop­pmg. Really must be a joy to his \,Ifc or wiVies (?). You know the young man has been in this (,Ollnt ry on a visit and before he took off for home he staged qUIte a spending spree.

(~eneral Motors had been ad­VIsed of his coming and they lined up a: beautiful array of their new models, preparatory to the arri~val of the King and his ('ntourage. Didn't take him long to do business for inside of thirty minutes, so the, say, he had bought five Cadillacs and a number of other cars.

Then he moved over into the home depaIl"tment and it is re­ported that in an hour and forty· five minutes he had bought enough sheets, pillow cases, blankets <Jnd other bedroom-

~i~~~~l~m dls~~~h~~~~v~n o(~t o~ which goes' to prove that he has come a long way from the cam­el travel o~ yesteryear).

All tijis was undoubtedly a c'ash transadtion for he should have a roll bigger than a hound could jump 'over, inasmuch as the Unite(\,' States bas advanced his countr~ aro, und 300 million since 1945 pI s military aid the amount of whi h is ·'classified".

Righ when you and I were sweat~ng it out to get together ~noug~ lettuce to pay our in­come ax!this bird puts on a demon tr;at!on of where some of [hat . come tax. money goes.

Fun y is~ 't it. bow free handed people can become when they aIe us ng ~meone else's dough? Funny too that tbe cbaps who Dever' produced a dollar. them-

:~~e~ se~r:s:o f~:e ~:n~~~s ::l:~ tb~O er f~IlQw's mqney_ , Basson II were to take u h' -abode in the United St te~ he would fit right in with th t sleet group we bave in this cop.nt ,who never earned any., b~t ow it around like CODi fetti d shrug it an off with

was teaching that come from monkeys. to Big Slim, these

was claiming that at one time they wasn·t nothing but monkeys and they kept gitting better and beUer till they turn­ed into humans.

T-he Parson told the fellers he wasn't too shore We ,sprung

.JiI'om monkeys but it look en like the human race 'was going back to the monkeys. He said when God made man he was a pritty decent feller but he's been going backwards and giUing worse all the time. He claimed he knowed a few men, from the j way they was acting, that if they had a few fleas you couldl1't tell the difference.

The good Par·"o!1 left a little early, said he had to take some bananas homp to his six young·

Your;; truly, Uncle Zeke

Extension Notes

When You Defrost A corrugated cardboard carton

is all the equipment "you need to pre v e n t a darpaging rise in the temperature ofl froz~n food removed from the flezing com­partment during defr stin$_ How­ever, defrosting mn t take less

: than half an hour. , Tests show that the temperature

of frozen foods placed in cov-. ered . cardboard cart:ens rose an

average of only 3.5 egrees F. . while the eold·stora ,e area was ! being defrosted. The average I temperature rise for packages sta~keci on a table Was 7.3 de­grees F. and for th6se wrapped

in hewspapers, 5.2 degrees F. R~search shows that in con-

: velh,.onal refrigerator ,units ~n whi h frozen foods are left m 1 pIa e during semi-automatic de­fro ting. the aiVeFage Itempera_ tur "rise in frozen footIs in the ice cube department was 8.5 de­gre s F. I' refrigerator-freezer com-

bin tions with automatic de­, frosting, th~re was n~ significant

, ris~ in temperature in the freezing compartmeqt when the unit was in a room I with a nOI:-* •• "'IADI

the a.u-r persiflage of '"What's the differe~ce. ,it is only. money." :

, ,I,~ .. I '",I " ~", 1

10 Year. Ago April 23, 1953: Fire damliJ:g~d a utility room at

the C, J. Boyce home tbursday morning . Wayne, county soU conservation district officials Were hosts to bankers from thc county at a 'dinner meeting at Hotel Morrison Tuesday nIght , , , A crippled chUdreh's clinic, under thc,.ausplces of state services ·for crippled' children and the Ne­braska Elks association, wUl be held at Benthack's clinic Saturday Some farmers report oats has been hurt by the lingering cold weather

~~:u?'~~~~r~~ot~~r~~s~~~e~t to Th~~~d~~ ~~g~~\t meeting ... Members of Wayne's newly orgal::J.ized

r camera cJub met Wednesday niJ:ht to work otj.t de~ tails for an exhibition of black and while prints and colored slides An estimated 2,2QO hlgh school students frQm Northeast Nebraska 'ill~rtici­pated in the District III Music contest held Qt the college Friday and Saturday Rev. Jobn F. Schortmguis, pastor at Theophilus Evangelical church, has resigned his position to accept a posi­tion at Peace Evangelical and Reformed. church, AfIantic, Iowa A quarter section of! land in the Fred Rehling. estate was sold at the court· hOllse Tuesday for $35,400 .• John lJ. Clllu~sen was the purchaser.

* * 15 Years Ago April 29, 1948: The Lindsay twins, Everett and

Edwin\ will celebrate their 75th birthday anniver· sary Saturday The farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nelson was destroyed by fire early Thursday morning when lightning struck the north gable Kiwanis club members observed the silver anniversary of their organization with a banquet Monday night ... Phyllis Foster, junior at Wayne city high school, was chosen delegate

to Nebraska Girl's State. . Mr. and Mrs. Herman Puis will celebrate their golden wedding anniver­sary May 4. . Thursday is the traditional Bum's day at Wayne high school . Wayne State wl1l graduate 155 teachers this year. V. S. Peter­son, research engineer for the Du Pont Company, will give an illustrated lecture on research and chemurgy at the Wayne auditorium Monday eve· ning under the sponsorship of the Chamber of Co'mmerce. . Homer Shriner, Norfolk, suffered minor cuts when the panel truck he was driving overturned on Highway 35 Saturday.

* * 20 Years Aga May 6, 1943: Fire which started from an oil stove

Wednesday was extinguished at the Charles Heike~ home 'south of Wayne before the house was dam­aged. The stove was destroyed. . Norma Jean Test, Carol Freese, Annabel Warren, Grover Per· kins) Gregory Stuve and Dick Kirwan escaped with minor injuries Monday evening when the E. C. Perkins car, .driven by Grover, struck a culvert southwest of Wayne. The car was badly damaged

mal temperature. be consult-ed. Springtime Is Poison Ivy Time Some Like It _Cold

25 Years Ago May 5. 1038: Dr, Bent~ •• k was ol •• ted

chairman of the of eduClltlon ¥ E. E, I'lcetwood vlcc pre.ldent and Edward , Eighty .t"denla will receive at W~yn. State, this . . . W. George lloluewood left Wednesday. by .car Louisville, KY'I to .at. tend the Kentucky. Derby. Irving Andurson of Hoskinll ~ilI ride Bull LCD in the derby , .• BQMa Preston, district 43, hud an average of 93 plus to have the highest average Of the eighth grado g~~ unting class. Next in ol'dor were' Wayne Sandahl, B!llie Podoll, Arlcme -SOdcQ llnd Nadine Bajr~ •• 'j Gov. Roy Cochran spoke lit the corJlel'stone 'aying cert:monieS'" <It the new !Urn's dormitory Thursday afternoon . . . Rusty B ndford, Wayne collego sludent, broke the javelin record nt tho Colorado relays In Boulder by hur~ng the javelin 191 teet, 10 inches. The previous rc ord was 188 fC'lt. Coacb w. R. Hickman took six cn to the meet .•. Wal. f('r Bressler res\lmed his mall carrying duties at the local post office the f rst of May niter' spend. ing several months reco cring from injuries' re­ceived in a car accident ... F. S. Berl'Y haB beon

i invited to he the Ilrincip~1 speaker at the annual luw day hanquet at the University of Ncbruka school of law Friday. ,

* * 30 Years Aga I , May 11, 1933: With ph~nty of moIsture. so fJwi

we now need some wa~m tlunshlne to put the ground in shape for corn lanUng /. , The golden wedding anniversary of M . and Mrs. J. S. Cf(l6scy o~ Leslie precinct was celebrated MondllY . , .' F.~na Marie Ericson was graduated from the nurses' course of the Evangelical Covenant hos. M~~, i~0~~re~:d~~~n~~1:rOf 'his E~a~i~~~es;to~:k~ K H. Sc-hneider of ' Sioux ai"alis, S. D .... Kenyon L{'wis was made Eagle s.cout at May Gourt 01 hOOdr here Tuesday, . 'ired pneuger celebrated his 'seventy-fifth bil'thdn Sunday with a famUy gathering.. Hoskins eel oed to the Bound of ham. mf!rln~ and sawing ali last week wliUe storm damaged building.'! were being repaired, .. Swan Anderson, Concord,. celebrated hIs eighty-seventh birthday at his.home TUesday. Mr. Anderson is one of the early settlers J. A. Frydenlund plans ·to go to Denmark this month to visit reJa. tives and friends in his native land ... In regard to the propos('d I'arm strike, H. G. Keeney, presi­d<.>nt of the Farmers Union, says Ne.brasfta farm­ers wil1 remain neutral. Wliync'-Legion men ~::e ::;:i~:~d a fitting prOgram for the Memorial

- ,----,--- '-c----j----­Nebraska ExtenslOn food spec· iallst. '

ThiS is the time of year to watch: for poison ivy, says Helen Becker, Extension health and education specialist from the Un· iversi~y of Nebraska.

jUj~~ot~eant h~~nbCe~n;ts~~~:d ::~~:: The n~tritjonal value- cJf .proper-

~;~~~B ~~~~~s c;h;t~~1!i!.:s~~

Washing exposed skin with

squeezed orange Juice.' aeeon­Btituted juice does' Qot, alii is commonly believ,~d, lqse, m\lch of its vitamin C content thr91.1gh

~!~a9:t~~ ir:w~~z;.~~~a.:b!e:O~I~ 8JTlin C rapidly at room t~mpcra· ture.

soap under running w,ater, fol· lowed' with an application of al cohol, is one method of prevent· ing t~e painful itching and burn­ing condition. Treatments include calamine IQtion, compresses of cold baking soda or epsom salt sQluti(lns, according to Miss Becker. If a perSistent reaction continues, your physician should

as three years can be just as good as freshly-made concent­rate. The key to maintaining the delicate, fresh-orange fla\:,or of 1he concentrate is holding the storage temperature at zero de· grees F. When citrus concent­rate is exposed to tempera­tures of 15 to 20 degrees F., even for short peri~ds, the juice, when reconstitute, tends to 4:,~,r1A S()17I(T1IIIY(;? separate" into lay rs of water . and pulp, and storage life drops, , 'Trill ',1,

~c.c_o!:~in'g t~ .. ~~~_ut_h_W_a_ttn_e_m_, _---+.._ _. ____ _ ~~This Ford

Fairlane really takes on a road!~~

• I ~~That's ItS new V·S punch ...

handles like a dream too!~~

1iJlk about liveIY..! WaiCll you tty our hot new middleweight Fairlant with

V-8 engine ... and you're invited!


~I I

Now we have 3 greaty-a's to ~Ik abouf. , . hot. hott~r. hottest! T~e 1.45-hp-Chaffenger

. V-8 .• _ the 164--hp Challenger v-a ... and th~ new 271 .. hp 'C.haflenger High-Performance V-8! One of these optional V-8's in any.mid­dleweight Fa.irlane sedan or h~rdtop, our optional 4-speed stick shift. realty g,~es you something to talk about! Come ~nve -oBe and fjnd out.

"~o"e 375-3780

. I


"'1" '1 i. I


Mr . no~elt WJdett and Nancy Mrfl~', he ndcrson, Laurel" Ro~e lIuston~ Laurel. and Mrs. Loui&Abts Bnd family. I lamed t~c group for supper . was a Tim '!ida visitor m· therA-nen \ J I Mr. and Mtls. Lysle Park and Prairie Villago, KUD' I Mr. and l\tu.

Borg - Phone JU~4~2877 I Verdel Noco returned tf) Lmcoln I prmcltt h me 'hu .... l.i.e family, Norfolk.1lJere last Saturday Gust CarI50n~' Olenr Carlson. ttnd Sunday f\ollowmr, sllTmg vautlOn III I- J\1r and Mr$ Art Bell were'" _I .. n • • • visitors in the ElmoI' SWldcU bome. Rons, Mr. and .Mrs, Verner Wit'kett,


Kith K the LesUe Noe home Sunda 0\1 DlOgi visitors in the Max Meth dl t Ch h Mr. atld Mrs. Mel'lo, Sherman Janet Carlson 'and· Mrs. Ann,le School Notes c carnes, HInton, la ,- Mr $1" and Mrs Felix P tefwld, Ralto ami y. 0' urc laUd Camlll were Monda u r 'ricdemann. I ",nVan •• 'RIl.

Tut'!ldll), th .. , 1'Ighth gradt pupils nnd Mrs Melle RtlHsclJ, and Mr Coleridge wore Thursday supper Mr and Mr$ Fred Mmer and (Mrs. Charlotte DJllon. pastor) ts . ~y th 0 y s!1 ppe Tuesday 8venJng Mr. and Mrs. at the Dixon, !;thool went 1 Allen lind Mrs Delbert Karnes and fam gu~'sls u.'thc <iarold Jewel home I nlll Linco n m~re Wednesday vis- Thursday, April 25; Choir prac- rues Sl~ ~ t urwin oman Lester Patton vIsited Ben Mh .. hcls !j('hool 1"0 Inkl' 11 SE'rws 0 place· IllY rrlr add Mr,.; WHmer lIe el and Iltor~ Itl the; rilC! Chambers home. bee, 7 p.m., WSCS, 2 p.m., Mrs. lO:;:dn~sd:y ~:pper guest.s In the ut the WQkctleld hospital.( Miko'·1'h,;m";,;,,.,,! •• !nt-nt t!'st~ 1'1Icsday evening vlIHtors In the ~onnte and MI s Ahle Her el \~ere I LasL Satul'da Mr Bnd Mrs. :Don- Wdlian). Eckert .w!!l review "The I RlChard Dolph home were Louie, Mr. and Mrs. Loren Park and ---..l: ,Clayton Stingley home were MrS! fulcsday evemng gucsts in the aid Peters an famdy attended Rim o~ East ASia Cad and Tilda Ki1.' 'hac famllv, Fremont, wort E.,ter

I Mrs ,\lIet' ,Ii(!rfc'l r~a~ a Friday Clarence McCaw, Ronnie and Glor· BO:h Dempstcl home, \Va ne, tOJcomm~nccment at WSTC Dbrothy Sunday. Apri~ 28' Sunday school, Saturd~y suppe/ gu:~ts in thu vilitors In the !:ilmlr Sufid.U 'eel.;-1;':'-.• '" \ JSlt(~r lfl till (,corgi a mussen 18 " lOb crvc the hOl!tel!s' blrthd y Park. Wakeflc d, was .one of the ]0 8.m , Worship" 11. I Richard IManz, home were Mr. and home. hom( MI and Mrs ~llrt McCaw were 11 and Mrs (:Ien 1\ acklem gladllates Monday, April 29 wsts Spring I Mrs Bel~nard Asbra Lllul'cl Mr. and Mrs, Frank Johnson

Mr, ant: ~]IS (tlcn M~('k em and Friday evemng vilutors In the Max an~ Stue were Easter supper t:.,tor dln~r guests tn tho Dlstllct Meeting, Handolph. Donnie Benjamin ~ns a W'cdiDDS- were Friday evening visUol's In thl.! St('\ l n Vd ) I I h([rsd~) (,lve ng VI!f' Rahn home gurds III Ihe Hobert .Jac~e home, i Oliver Noe h me were Mr ... nd - day afternoon vlsltor 10 the LQwcli Don Oxley ttomeJ Itm s. In Ibt' i\11'1\ HI SWII il "> ',fle. Et¥lCrson I Mrs. Lynn Jo QS and and St, Anne's Catholic ~hl,lrch I Thomp~Qn home. .;Vcdnesday ~\'~ning 1111'S, Frank

!\IJ. lind l\1r:-. E. t ~('Im.l were So"',efy . I Mr. and Mrs. Ted w~re I Mr and Mrs G E Jones c.(~, (Rev. Thomas Hitch, pa~tor) I Easler dinner guests in the Her. LLlC', Mrs. Nick Kvols nnd Mrs. Wt'dlH'~dn.Y {'velltng VISitor. in the .. • • • Tt)~I'sday morning S.i roli, Mr. and' r~. Ct.arles MoOSOS", Wednesday April 24: High school mao. lIil'cbcrt IlOmo, Laurel were rJ,ens Kvol" and Jim were a~nong M~i~ H~~:~I ~~(:,~W(;errY CUll ingham Social Forecast 8rlck Johnson' , Stuart, T. S. ,Hook, Mrs. Grace inslq.lction, 7':30 I).m. 1l\1r, and, l\1J"s. Carol JIirclu.!~l and', ~:~~S~I;\:hoMnt\en~~dJl~tt'lluslcale ut nr:d SOil" . lilHir!!1 '",:ere T lUl'stiay I 21.27: I Md r .. an~ Mrs,. ' I Lamb, W.yn.~ Mr. and Mr" Keflo> I Saturday. April 27: Catechism, f?IlHly ~nd Mr. and 1\1rs. Don"ld M· :~d a~ ,0. l~ ~ I1IOf~'Hl. . I

' , . an ianlily Wf'IC I neth Hemm IJnd Rflond. Fre- 9'30 a m I Knoell and suns I. rs. u nnsun an( PV('OIng VISlor.., In lhf.' Clayton Youth 'Femperanc(' EducatIOn visitors in lhe. Earl t MJ. ~ , ith 's d . A '1 8' . nd M·· tamlly wel'e Enster dinnt'r UlW'its SlI11glt,Lflt»IH'. 1 Week sponsored by the WCTU Mr. and Mrs, mon, .and ~,and Mrs, Ke _ ~y, PrJ 2 , Mass 9 a.m. Mr ••. , n. Marlen' $,hell jon tlH' Oscar bome,

l\iJ'. land Mrs. Itrt'd Mi t!r and I Thor,dav .. April 25: ,~ Karl'n were I Noe, Lincoln. I • ' , and family, ~eCalisburg, la. and Easter 1\11'8, Garohl B.jlJ. L.mcoin. nnd Mrs. Jor ta Min· I Methodist WSCS . in lhe Cia ton' ' , Mrs. Mae Je~eU was an Easter I' Easter dmner gueS"t,s m .the ,.Hus· I Mr. and Mrs, Lester PaHon Jewell atHmdcd Sun. I'r, Wuk('Cll'ld, were 'I'uesd y even. Monda.,.. April 2a: Y I wl'ckend guest ~n the Lowell Bayne sell Al'lkeny home were Mr. 'and I were Easter dinner guest. In the Ing \'!sllors !n the Dick ('I amlwrs WSCS Spring Meeting, Randolph Tuesday afternoon the I ho~e. Mea.dow' Grove. . . Mrs. Harry Gries and family allo Gordon Caul home, Belden. homp Bill Miller remai cd al' -- ~. P. Kavanaugh .home . j'.ast('r dlonet' guests In'the Bill I Mrs. W. J. Gries, Norfolk, Atiner Easter dinner guests in the Emil Sun'cn Chamhl'r:-.' ovemight. I Baptl.m Dinner Ed Ke~sler and chIldren, ph. :(,hamb~rs were .Mr. and Mrs. ',Gries, Omaha, Mr. and ,Mrs, Wald- borne, Ponen, were Mr'llc)' an'd

,I\l/" Imd Mrs George ickholf, i Mr. and Mrs. Fay .Walton were Mrs. G('f(~le AI· Dale I, urness Jim, . Mrl: "BOd I ron Bull and daughters, Wayne, I and Mrs. Bill Craig and family, Calk, M Wakl'flpld, \H~re We~ncBda supper 1 hosts at a family dmner Easter ----------.- -~ ---"'- -----.---------!,llll'sb In tlw Donald Pete s home Sunday following the baptism 01

.JImmy Erwin was a la 1 Salur I the.II' daughter, Janel. Guests. were d,[I) \·!.~ll[1r III ttl!''harH. Dolph Mr and Mrs, Ernest Putter, M. ' .. 1

tU'!lH" : Hnd Mn" Merlin .Johnson and Mr Clair ParI<, South Slouk City, and .Mrs. G,len Walton and fa~ilY, ~

WBS D Saturday visitor inlthe EI- ! all of HartlnguJn and Itt'V (hal"' , mer Sundell home, lolli' Dillon.

:'.11' and :\Ir~, Hic~HHd l\'lbnz ant: Tara Hill Altar: Soc;iety dUlIghlt'j'o.; \\'(,l"l' Sunday dmner I Thursday afternoon Tara Htil J.(LJ~'sts !n tbt, Uall! Barll!n~ bOll1e : ultar society met at Daily Hall . Sunday" ('~ I'nrng \'!sllol ~ H! til(' Plans were made for Summer

(,1'1"('11' h.H\'<lnallgh lltll.)](' Wl'fC School for the youngsters of till' '\11' Ilnd I\lrs Jan!!!" Katvanaugh: pansh It will be held the last week ;lIld .Jul1rny. Ilt-jf.len, :vIa.rgalrel Kav of May, Po silent auctIOn was held.

;111(1 !'III ~ An h :\Iorl('y i :V'lr. and Mrs. Paul Rahn and l\lr~ :'Ill' and \Ir~ l>orJalr! I'etrl"s I)on Dougherty w('rc hostesses,

\~!'I'!' . I'\'crllllg Vlliltor~ In I Best Ever ~Iub Elects I lill' ~'Io)d hOl~H', Wak.efwld.! Wednesday afternoon Best Ev('r I

w(~~/' S'~;~:J!lV i'\'{'nl;~~H'~rJl~:.~d~~ Club tnpl with Mrs. Soren Ha':Isen. I th(, (.·u~·1 sLln'tI{:11 home, ~~kefl~~ld. I ~l~:~edm:~r~e~:rs~t~~~~~~ T~I!~~~ : ,~Il IInti !\!lS. IJ('L()~ .'i('I\lIitz nnd I president; Mrs. Soren Hansen, VICt' I

(,ary \\ ~'n' SUlHlay l'Vl'nln~ \ ISltors '·Pl'es.idcnt; Mrs, Max Rahn, seer£' In Jhe (,ury ./uhm,on liollH'1 Laurel. I tar' treasurer' and Mrs. Earl Ec

K(:~~~:~':~Y h:Jl:;:::i'~~'I~l:~'.,·ts III Ihl' J)~'ll ! lu>l~, news rcp~rtcr. The rcmarn~l'I" I _______ .;;...~.;.lr_:'_nd.;.;..M_J_S i of the afternoon was spent sewrng I I qUill blocks. Mrs, Rahn v. ,II he !lH'

, May 8 hostess.

Sunshine Club Elects I KING"i·iS , Wednesday afternoon Mrs. Sadl/"' I

~ Bnney entertained the Sunshll1l' --------->--- ! dub members. New officers dee! TEEN TIME SPECI,A.L

Friday, April ~6 8:30 to 12:30

BUDDY KNOX And His Orche~~rQ

Adm, $100 - Parents Ihvite-d

Saturday, April,.'21

DUFFY IlElORAD And His Orches •• a

! ~;~llt'~~r~~r~a~a~~~~lr~Uvir~~.~~~:: I i dnet; Mrs, Lloyd Wenden, seel"t~· I

tnry-treasurer; and Mrs. Vincell Kavanaugh .t'ards an~ gdts ctHllr" I man. The group also drew names for g('net sIsters At the c101W of I the afternoon a cooperative lunch: was fH'rv(>d Mr~ Claren('(' Md'av. v. !II he the ~lay I;) IHJstt,'s'>.

I DI~~~ :~~:.e ;~~!~~da~a~iIl~~~h;u~ls~~


JO the Ernest Sands borne, Laurel. Mrs. Earl Mason was '8 Monday

afternoon visitor in the Frted Mattes I home.

Admission 7Sc or ~y Invit'ation of' 1 Mrs, Harvey Henningsen, LaVern I Milton G. Watdba'um Co. and and Sh~ron \\crc MOfl?ay!1

Humpty Dumpty Fe-fds i ;~~s~~~~. the Claren~ H.cnnmg·, --------.... ---1 Clayton Hartman was a Friday I

Sunday, AplI'il ~8 o~'ernight visitor in the Mrs, Frank; Lisle home, ,

"On the House Nilght" .Joan and Cheryl Harder, Ponca, I I spent the we.;k in the Donald SIll'r-,


! fa~!r~y a~~r:~.~~~~~r~~~d~~rk:ll:;t~ ! NEW SWING KINGS Orchestra

III the Myron Dirks· borne

O\:~;~l~t~~ :~~l~~tt~f ~~=llr:~n r~~~~~ : Admission $1.49, tfiX paid 11n the Arnold Spath home ' ---------41--- 1 i\Irs. 'Bud Hanson, Doreen ancl

Wednesday, Mo~ 1. '~s:,r~·;nJ~~~:O~ohn:Il~~. visitol" In the;

SIX fAT DUTCHIMF.N :Vi~~~~~~~~ne~o~~o,~se;~ \:;~.~~'::"d, Admission $1.0G 1


i Mrs. Ellis Hartman and Joy, pon'I' , ca, Sandra, Steve, Barbara and

----.-----------~ .......


iii·ROAis ~ 39 NATIONA~ 3·STAR 45C · NATIONA~ 3·STAR 15 7 -BONE ROAST P.db... CHUCK STEAK p" LI> .... 5 C

BONElESS ROTISSERIE 79c R~UND BONE ' 6: 5 ROASTS Po< Lb ........... , •••• ,. SWISS STEAK p" Lb. ...... C

:~~~l~'~u~~'PPED 29C or CORNED BEEF •••••••••••••• _ •• ~ ••• Pi:g.

MORRELL'S PRIDE ' 49c FRANKS I·Lb. PI ................ .


Sliced BACON I,L6. PI ....... .


Sliced BACON ~i~~· ......

45c 35c

TOP TASTE 59c CHILI '·lb. Pk.. ..................... .


~O~~~~E~~LO~~t.~~KLE 2,9C or LIVER "nP BACON ••..•••... 6.0Z. PKG, '

SWIFT'S SUMMER SAUSAGE 9c ESSEX p" lb ....................... 6 SUPER BLEND . 49c AM. CHEESE p" Lb ....... ;.

HEADLESS DRESSEO' 89c WHITING 5·Lb. Box .. ; ......... . so FRESH. HEAT .,nd ~T




L---------' O~NGES ........... 1C;:'



EARLY GARDEN. IRR. 4. PEACHES ............. J'!i, ORCH. FRESH CRUSHED 4 PINEAPPLE ........... J:.

~~Iiilia ~~2 w= 6 9~ ~ ASPARAGUS ..... J:' : MISSISSIPPI VALLEY 6 99c ORCHARD FRESH b 09c TOMATOES ........ J:' APPLE SAUCE. co:. 4

c,har1m;;.;.; -E :U:~~T~~~~ 5 ''; ~ !II ~I PASTEL COLORS ~ ,





::,NG ,MIX ~ 3 $1 CRACKERS 1·1b. PI!J.

Q. I am s~r6 "eat my arthritis gels lVorse

~~·!~f'~Il'f::a~r:.~~t:~, ~:~"~:~ :::t,f'i~~7~~g:t~~ A.·We call!fY. R<tsults of an experiment in wh,ich compi Ie envIronmental control was pos-sible show t at vadatio.n in a singfe factor such as temperatu e, humidity, pressure or air flow, did not mate ially affect p~tients suffering from chell.rnatoid < rthritis. But when two fa.ctors were altered, such as incr~asing humidity and decreas­ing: baromet~ic: press~e. ~efinite worsening of arthritic Symptoms occurred. It can be con­cluded, frQm this that ,weather changes may well induce f areup ,of arthritic symptoms.

Q. Wh~~~!~~!t! f!~~!~! II he $jJread fro~~~lle person to another?

A. The causative agent of glandular fever (the medical nan~ is "infectious mononucleosis") is not definitel knQwn but it is thought to be a \"in~s. ~vpich s tran4mlttcd f~o~ person to person hy mtlmate ral contact (kISSing).

se~d 'If'B~'fI~04~J='i~lT:Kyl.po;,,



PORK & BEAN$ Lg!I~ SLICING .CRISP.GREEN 2 "25c auKES • •• 2 for 25c PEPPERS.. • • I.,

TOMATOES ~~~E:~M ................ 25c and ARGO N". 303 Can

Cut Wax Beans

B.~Y:~:'~::~: an 104' EXCEPTIONAL VALUE AT

THts LOW PRICE • . .


STA·FLO Quarl ......... , ...... , 25c LARGE PKG. 3 Sci BREEZE ........... ; .... , .......... .

LIQUID ST"RCH 49c 5d)FF ON 40e STA~FLO Hoif.GoI. ............... . VIM 1'1 •• oI2H.b1 .... Net .......... .. .... 1M SIZE 2 4ge Be ()fI; ON· . . . 59 DOVE! ......... ;......... lItmi .. . LUX Liqu~d22 .... ~. Not ..... C IlABY .... I 2 :sa.. 39c ! ~ I • ' 82c DOVE. ................... .. . Li~:n.lldQ-.Net ... . . AlL%. 81 . I . -- 3ae

~_. ·"'~lc\1\)@e'""'.






Lunch Meat 12tot. Can ....


AI ' .1 umlOum 25-fl

2011 ....... .


Beverages ... 1IoII! .. !

.4 ':'The Wayne I Nebr.) Herald. We April 24. 1~ Ie. ~In,yt dillnlng room.: Mrs. ___________ -----+------- Pertty Jo~n.on and kitchen, ~jrs. ·Eari D •• lJi.

M~.. will bc· ari.we~.d by a * or rcnnlal rc!>ort. Mh. Worley Dcns·

_ I· I ~~{)M~~~h~~i.; 'c!::~~s le:::r 1rf;~ ~~::.Y~~~ ~~~L:~~h ~~s.~:;

CARROLL NEWS GST I' Petry John,son will serve. Clarence Woods assisting.

KIi.ttlng Club met Friday aiter- Dean Owen home. Guests w~re Shufelts Annlver •• ry Mrs. Martha Thnrn and Mrs. Ed· noon in the Mrs. Lizzie Griffith MI;'. and Mrs. Keith Owens and Mr. and Mrs. Will Shufelt, Car- wal Roberts. Mrs. Edward Oswald - Phone 115

--Knl .. lng Club GST mctiFrid8Y evening itt the -', I Ca.rds· were sent to Laura Kraft.

llr. and M.,T!!. I{C'orncy Llldeas I Mrs. Junior Test and lamHy. Mr. Mrs. Dave Hamer, Mrs.' Evan Robert Job son and Mr. and Mrs. oPlfn house from 2 to 4:00 in their The next meeting will be'May 1

home witb twelve members and Mr. and 1\ fS.' Vernon Hokamp, roll, observevd their silver wed· Rostessqs were Mrs. Charles four guests, ltirs. Dora' Griffith, Ptizcs were won by Mr. and Mrs. ding anniversary Apr. 14 with an Whitney ~nd Mrs. Lloyd TCXICY'


nnd family w('rc Suoday cvilming and Mrs. Harlan Krntke and lam· Hamer, a~d Mrs. Albert Jtmkins Lynn Robe ts. This was the final home, There were about 60 gu~sts with Mrs. Art Lage lending devo.

~~lli!~[~gC~n the gd Kulin !lome"1 :~;r~t"da~r·~:r~1 MJ:~D~I~;c~~' ~::~~~t'G~:!!e~n:e~r~o~o~~ ~:~: ~:e~~~!~r ~~;s tiee~:ldAi:a~t:/~ ~t!:~~r~e~:r~~~~~o:~s:::::: ~~c~ ~~~~r~~~ess:~d Wi~1r~~ ~~~~c~~~ Friday eventng visitors it) the Wednesday evening visitors In fith. The next meeting will be the Lynn Rqberts home. Mrs. Stan· ard Jones presided at the guest Woods, Roll call will be answered

Kenneth Eddie hrunt' were Vin-


the Tom Bowers home were Mr, May 3 in the Mrs. Mary Roberts ley Morris will be co·hostess. hook and Marcella Shufelt arrang· by telling sOplething about John cent Meyer tlnd Mr and Mr~. Ray· and Mrs. Bernie Bowers, Winside. home. cd the gifts, Mrs. Mary Raulston' Wesley. mond Harll1f'i£'r MI'. and Mrs. Vernon Hokamp Delta Oek and Darlene baked ond decorated

Wednesday ('\'pnin!: VIsitoris in and family were Easter Sunday c th II G 'Id D It D k t Th d it the cake Mrs John Hamm jr Delta Dek Party the Walt Lagl' hOlllt· Wt']'(~ Mr'. and dinner guests in the Earl Ander· ~a~~:liC ~uild met Wednesday noo~ ~n ~he mJ~y T~~ke~y ;or:~: Tucson, Ariz.,' poured. ,., Members of Delta Dek entertain. Mrs. Orvil\l' I.:lf!f' nnr! famill}'. fon home. after~.o0n. Mrs. Leroy Petersen Two guests~ - Mrs. Alfrcd Thomas Those assisting were Mrs. John ed their husbanas Tuesday evening

Mr. lind Mr~ T('d I1lIv('nell and S · t had the opening prayer. Bingo I and Mrs. Frank Vlasak,1"\vere pre· Hamm, sr., Mrs. Ed Brandt and in the Otto Wagner home. Mrs. family W('\"(' Friday {'veningl vi:> oe.e y • " e served for entertainment. Mrs. sent. Prizes were won by Mrs. Mrs. Henry Schmidt, Wayne_ Wagner, Mrs. G. E. JOIH'S nnd itor!! in the Dalla" I/HVen(>r home. Reynold Loberg received a spe· George OWli!ns, Mrs. Alfred Thom. Will Shufelt and Christine Jones Mrs. Charles Whitney were hos.

Mr. and Mrs. Hu:>h Turkcr,'Hob- Social Forecast cial prize for attendance. Hostess· as, Mrs. P~~rry .Johnson and Mrs. were married Apr, 16, 1938. The tessses. Prizes went to Mrs. Levi IlJ(~ and Maurie, 1.,lIlt'oln, ~p~nt Thursday, April 25 es were Mrs. Lillian Kenny ond I Clarence v.(oods. The next meet- couple make their h9me on a farm Roberts, Mrs. Joy Tucker, Lloyd TUcsdIlY~unda,\', In the Ma~nce Merry Makers, Clarence Vloods Mrs, Henry Haase. The next meet· ing will hei May 3 in the Charles near Carroll and have a SOD" Mel· Morris, G. E. Jones and T. P. Hansen and ,Toy rucker homes. home, covered dish supper ·.l ing will be May 8 with Mrs. Glenn Whitney home. vin, and a daughter, Marceila, at Roberts_

Mr /lnd I\t,l'S Bench lIurlbe:. t, I So and Sew, LeVerle Schnoor Loberg and Mrs. Grove Bass ~ home. Mr and Mrs Jotm H('(' .... and f$mlly home serving. Hillcrest Mr •. Dahlkotter Honored f'~I~~O~~r. v.~ll~::> ~:;·~tc;i~lU~(~~~b(~~~: Tuesday, April 30 ,. Hillcrest met Tuesday in the WSCS Meets Wednesday Mrs. Larry Dahlkotter was hon.

. Way Out Here Ivan Dledrlckson . Presbyterian Women's Aid Joe Hinkle home with 10 members WSCS met Wednesday afternoon ored at a miscellaneous shower ner guests III tllt· Ed Wolfgrum I h •

home, Madls(lTi. . ., ., ;e~~esday, May 1 w;:::~%!~ria~fte~~~~n'~\.i~d t:~~ ~~~sZ~~ ~~~~t~a~r~a~::~wJe~~~i~S~: ~i:~. ~~ 'B~::~~rp~e~:~t.°~:e ~~:~~: ~~~oaJum~v~~:o ;;sth;la~:{r~ll.! I Vl.~t:d a/~d n~tl,I~1 ~~;IIHI~~tns:,~m;~~ Blu~ Rib~ns ~H Club teen me~bers present. Guests naming "Our Favorite Salad or dent g~ve m,e opening thought entertainment with prizes going to

G.uerney Ilan~('11 h()IIJl'~ SlInduy Th~;)~,aYCyri~y Hansen home ::;,e :r~~e;~:~!~~ ~;~~,Kae~~h ~e~: ~:~~e~\~po~:s~n (~:rd~;efO:VI~~~~ '~'i!:.~~erto~~ c!~e w;~g:~~~er:!.ag:; th~ p~~~~eeiier cake decorated in eV~~I~~~ Sunda,Y dinner' guc9ts in Loyal' Neighbors, Wayne Imel Axen. Mrs. Lawrence Jenkins pre-I ers held at Wayne in April. Mrs. spring flowers. Mrs. Ern- the bride's colors of orchid ancl th(> Lynn 1~llrn home were Mr home sented the topic, "God's Acts of· Levi Roberts r.e&d articles on "If I I Winside, presented a white 'Yas baked by Mrs. Mauricc and Mrs M;.Jl'Vin ison1. Joni and Salvation." Mrs. Enos Williams Easter Be Not True," "Making the church kitchen with Hansen~ Presiding at the gift table

Jodi. Mr <lnd M r<; A .J . .Joncs and H~r:pVp-:o:oe::ers met Thursday Pmr,e,',e,.tlonte,d. thHeosqte"so,t:, of ::rWcingM~~~ ~tas~~r ~gp,gp;~'~e~nd a~'T~rn~~~~~~~' attended the sunrise i~~~e~;~d D~~~o~n~~~~"ie~[rs. Don I,

and Mr and ~1rs Dwayne Gran- home. Mrs. Ora Wax, Wayne, was Pritchard. The next meeting will lesson "Add Life to Our Years." were paid $10.24 ers, Mrs. John Bowers, Mrs. Herb I



SOON? We Are

Ready To Go

fDmily. ]\\1' and Mrs Ddbert I " " Isom and family. Ayr~hlre, la., afternoon in the Mrs. Dave Jones George Owens and Mrs. Leonard Mrs. David Garwood gave the I Sunday morning. I Hostesses were Mrs. Tom Bow· I

field and falllliv a guest. Plans were made to at· be May 1 with Mrs. Wayne WH- The next meeting will be in the Sunday school. Wins, Winside, Mrs. John Hdh· Mn. Katll' l1()knmp was u 'Uhurs· tend the tulip festival at Orange Iiams and Mrs. Lern Jones serv- I George Owens home. Roll call gave the Quad- wisch, Mrs. Delmar Eddie, !... ..... :::::::-:::::-::-:: ..... ::::::::-:-:::::=::::-::::::::=::::::::::::±::::~

daV"'morning gUt';;! in lhcl V~rnon City, In., May 16. The group I 1I;1~'~~~~:~"~~fm.n and Nooman ~~~~1'~a~~: ~1:t~~o~1:ei;£~~y~ ~oert:'in Btl:!r'De:o:; J~~:~a:o~v~~- Program." Pitch served for en·

E!]~(t'r StllH!:]\, dlllllt'r glle~ts in ~~::;~rn~:~~a~ith B~~~~e~a~~in~r~~ the Forrest f\lPltlelon h"me !wcrc George Johnston and Mrs. Herb Donald Nr!tlt'lrlll, iVIadl:>on.1 Mr. Brader. and Mrs lIul)(,j·( Nt'ttirton, Dyic('n and Kathlc{,Tl. Wavnt' and M~. and Friendly Wednesday Mrs. Edwllrrl Osw:.l(d Dnd Dn~lglas Friendly Wednesday Club met

ot~~i~~gl1(;,\;_C~li(7~lC \'~:~,\~:~s M~~ :~~ Wednesday with guest day at the

Mrs ,Hm Manh. Wayne. and Mr. ::~~beer;l~~d r:~:~~ ~~~~Je:O[~~ and Mrs nidwrd {;:ll-wo()d, Akron, I :00 luncheon. Guest speaker was Colo. Mr tInd !'III'S (;arwQud spE'nt VIrs John Leushen, Wisner, and Wednegdny to! Sn(llrday in the Otto who spoke on 'birds and wild life. Wagner hOIn!' . . . ' The next meeting will be May 15

M:. and 'l\1l~~ 1\1('1':'111 SHlr)' and In thl' Robert Erwin home. family Wt'r(' l'"a~kr Sunday Slipper guests in Ow Chn~ H,lier home. Woman's Club I

Easter Sunday dinner guests in I Woman's Club met Friday after· the Owen Owens home were Mr. aoon WIth 12 men/bers present.

. a"~ Mrs. Lllwrenc.e Jenkin~a.nd Roll call wa.s answered by naming LOIS, Norfolk, llnd Mrs. M ude a "Storage Hint." Mrs. Ellery Fisher, who recently ret rned Pearson and Mrs. George Owens home after spending the w ntor I ga ve the lesson on "Storage IID'­months in California. I prov('ment." Election of offic~rs

Mrs. Fprrpst Nettl('ton lA!as a was held with the following Monday aftt'rnoon lunchllon :gucst elected: president, Mrs. Levi Rob· in the F,dw:t]'<! OSv,.'ald home., Don-Ierts; vice president, Mrs. Clarence aId Nt'ttlcton, Madison, "'fas a Woods; treasurer, Mrs. Tom Rob· weekend guest In tht' Forrest erts; secretary, Mrs. Charles Nettleton home ,Whitney, and music leader, Mrs.

Easter Sunday dinner guetts in I Lawrence Jenkins. Plans were the Lestpr Menlce home for a co· made for the annual mother's day operatiH' dinne'!" were Mr. and tea to be held May 9. Committee Mrs. Otto Test. Wayne, Mr anrl, chairman are program, Mrs .. Char-

.-.---+-~~~------- -

• * • Keep smili!ng it makes everyone

wonder whot yo~'ve beeri'\Up to.

:-1< * -¥

A part of e~ery dollar you earn sh~uld stay with the o~e person who deserves it the most - YO . The time to save is now - the place is ight here with our friendly help. I

I I. • •

The joy of loth~rhood: What a woman experiences whd~ all the children are fin­ally in bed.

,. * • We are just ordinary folks here at the

Bank. Remember that: We are here to help you if we can; y ur problems a~e our prob­lems.

! -¥ * -I<

-~ ''''~#I .. ,,.,,,, J!IlJtK .~





S• • Ir o'ln Steak c , T·Bone Steaks


Red Potaloe

U.S. No.1 Grade

10 .. lb.

USDA Choice grade beef, properly aged for flavpr awl tenderness Sballoweyed, clean, a vegetable powerhou,e'''3licioUB ,erved marly ways

Cut-up Fnlell'~»t'M~n~n~o;'~'fr~!f.'~;;;;:o~~dt:~~j Beef Sausage =li~J=;qua4

39c CELERY HEARTS ............. !'n""g' 2.9c Frel&. and stringleSS', buy a. couple packages at this Snicway Baving I

, Lean Spareribs ~;_o~ •• ~::-;:r::;:::::::1..1. ROMAINE, ENDIVE ......... llunOh 19c - or rcd and green I.EAF LE'lTUCE, adds color to fresh salllds!

P In-apple: ,I. u·.ce Libby·s-fa~ous.quality. 46'0z.4 5c

III r .., IromHawawmpweapples ••• Can'"

Chunk Tun·: .J. Sea Trader-ligbtmeat. 6Vz.oz·25c .,. guaranteed first quality. a real value •••••••• Can

Baby Food~ ~::!'i:~~;p.;:~~:;~ek .. 6 4y~;. 59c: Peanut B._ter =ctyorcreamy ............. ::J:;39~ Graham Crackers ~~ .... ~~29c .. ~~55c AII~purpo_. Flour~f:::d~~ ..... ~~~89c

M -.xes' 'BettyCrocker-layervaneties. 19"'~. 29c , ,Yellow, While,Devll'sFood .................. Pkg.

Pie Mix ~~~~~L ......... : ....... Pkg.49c Cara"els,~c~o':etr!ar~ .......... I,b. 29c

Dinnefs b::~~';ues, bUyseveral ....... ~ ..... Pkg. 49.: 5 Grc,~e.Nuts ................. :~;:37c

anill.- Ice Cream s:~N=~~ .. g~! 98c .4C~EI)I'lnl.I~IIIII.'.· New.4-ronpack; 4-ron 33c , handy 650-sheet rolls, pastel colors ............... Pkg.

Tre~d Delergent;idealforwaWngdlshes ..... :~J.; 49c I

:J;toA/L I1a/tRfuJ- JARaIA. I Bread ~~:!~~-:e ...... n~ 19c ~ .. an Ralls~:::~ .... =20c: Plain Donuts ~ ~~:!':r: ..... r.:;'li 29c

~'~WflT ftUF ~~~t!Jt}J ~. . Bt's. Ii'ilot foo late!

Get your tords todoy at SAFEWA Y! Follow those easy Instructions .• ,

1. J'lace catd lInde. faucrt .nd "" black .po,untlllcuc.apl'un.

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- • , • , ' ••• ~ • " " '" ¥ " ... ~ ....... ~: ~ ••• :, ',' , l'

--.... -------+--Innd tre~, '.,. , ...... ,."M, .~ ..... \.,.. • ~~. "'. O<lli. ___ ... n. _. , ........... W"dnesday, Ap,II24, 1963

C II ami news rei rtcr, Anne GarWOOd'lilY nnd{Mr, an~ Wayne lIodney and Mr, .n~ Mr., Cha •• ' ' , arro IGirl' nr,. nl • ",,,I older arc In· rlpld nnd ramily, vlslwrs in I., MltcbeU were Easter Sun· visitors In'ill. Clarence 'Mortlo Morlln ~;rl.k.on, Llncoln,'ln II,,; (Continued front Page 4) vitcd to join, t, c club. Dues arc 5c. Saturday tupper guests In home were day dinner guests in the fo;ronk Ihome . Shll)loy home in lho aftornoon. , I Membel's jOlU1ln,t.l at theh next meet", ~arvin Isom home were Mr. Clark. Nor- C8Thrriucros(I".oym·s'upNpeOrrf0gulk·cL'. In tho' ---IE~ltor Su:ndIlV dlnn. Ir lIIIut.fs SundAY dinnnr trucK'- In .~.' ~.m·

in~ may still lccilmc carter memo mrs. Lynn Isom and Mr. I)I,-lJ rI '" .,. f'< "II "'~.' Saddle CI~b, ./ bers. If unable to attend the next Mrs. Delbert Isom lind Mrs. Clarence Morris Jens Jorgensen borne were Mr. ~ the Jen, Jargrtrl.ln ha-:n' Dowers homo wero Mr. an(t Mr ••

Carrol) sn,ddl~ Clull Ill(-'l ;VCdJCS' meeting they \muy 'still join before Avrshlre, I.. and William Swanson and Mrs, Ernie Orr and grandson. woro Mr. Ind. Mr •• Mlrlln Lin- H~rb Wll1$ and f'lmlly., Winside, day evening WIth ahout :1.) III m· May 15. The ~Iub will meet every M' Ri h d W I dinner guests in the I Mrs. Rush Tucker was ~ -Wed. dong.r and famllv and Mr. 4I!l)d 'rind Mr. and' Mrs. John Dow~ra berR present. T1H' u.~\la.1 dr!lls w 'rp two .weekS. I~)II cnU {or thel next ITh rS'1 e f:: os ~~~r • • • home. Newman nesday morning caller in the AT. I,t\ra. Jerry Landang., end Tom- and l!lmHy. '

~:~ mT::~b:.~':\i,"~\:::::~H'd ,,',c,ral I ~:~:;mWor Wi:~ beN;~~m~r~~~rz:8d E~:i~~; ~::lrg~~i:S;no:ho Ou~.~~~~c o~h~~~~w. M.s. OrvlUe Dowling, l~a~~k~::e~O~:; a Saturday 01. !m~~~.~'7:~h~"aton and Mr. and W~:~~~d:;dvl~t~~':~n ~~t~c.~:!; - CJlIb." The l~l'cC main projects Lnckas home were Mr. and (Daniel Galas. pastor) Thursda..l 8ftcr·lternOOrl caUer in the Harold liar· Mrs, F~rn Huwaldt had Eas~ar LfckOS hOUle. i;. ,-Social Neighbors ~ ure be a Homemaker./ Kearney Laekas and the Mrs. H. N. meier ~ome. dinner In Wayne Sunday. In tho Mr. nnd Mrs. Rush Tuektlr:

Social Nl'lghho:s 111('1 Thurslay L!,t's Sew and Skirt and Blouse. LnVonne Eddie Sunday, Apr. 28: Mass, 9:00·8.m. home. Mr. flnd Mrs. Bob Johnston and afternoon they visited in the Art spent Friday lp Ule Donn I: IIln· afternoon wIth nlf\(' mernl)('rs nd --- and Mrs. John Meyer to St. Paul'. Lutheran Church Mr. and Mrs. Charlel Whitney, family, and Mf. and Mrs. Ho~ard Obst home. sen hOOll!, O'NclU. ! 1,

one guest. Mrs Pllul Young nd EaNter Sunday supper guests in Friday evening to meet (H. M. Hilpert, pastOr) Mr, and Mrs. Ellery Purson. Scdtt were Easter weekend vlsltors 1 Easter Sunday dinner guests in Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Jonca Gnd Krista prl'!'wnt Holi cali was 18n- the Forrest Nettleton home were I Meyer, Ft. Sill, Okla. Saturday, Apr. 27: Chureh school, end Mrs. M. S. Whltnev were in the: George Johnston home. the Martln Paulson home .... werc Mr. and Mrs. Lynn JOJl(t{l a;nd' swel'ed by /('lIinn' "How I W(I)uld I Mr

l, ?l,nd Mrs. wElk,gCr'ncld Ne[;t1et~~ Irene Marro, Wayne, was .00 a.m. SC"lndkay dinner guelts In the Allie Mrs~ Mllrth. Tim!" lin Mrfi, Edna MlUgao, Mr. and MrS,!,fUmlhIY 'WO'"lrl,e E"Nstor hs!;,nd&,y,gU.Clt.

Chnng(' My p(.r .... lln.allty if I Cou ~." lln( . a01my, '. a c,le, ana urday dinner guest in the Sunday. Apr. 28: Worship. 9:00 Ir home, Walthill. Omah'. hOlpltal on Manda.,. to Heights, Hartington, Mr. and Mrs. n t c vcr DC olUe.· i I' I d ~ Id d n I

p.m.; un ay Be 00, : a.m. - • . Eh·ction of oHien!. was held J1th ~etll<'ton. Mn(hson. aru.l Mr. and Havener home. S d h I 950 Joan and Jim Havener and Dave underjlo eve surgery. j,J!lhn Paulson and daughter, ·Mr~. Frldav .~nlntl vlslton In the

Wlnkh~bn\J{'r, pr(,~ld('nt, Mrs. ar·' F.:lst<'r Sunday supper guests in Stanley Hansen home were Mr. Methodist Church the Dallas Havener home. the Jo Tucker home were Mr. and Marvin PAulson and fnmIly). Kathy', th rd blr'hdlY W .... th(' follOWing ('lp('l{'{1 Mrs )on Mr~. E:( war swa an oug as, Sunday evening visitors in Skowmal spent Easter holiday in Easttr Sunday dinner guests in Laura Johnson and Mr, tlnrl 1drs. Harold Lobo g hom. In honor of

v!n I1aselhOr\t VIC( presld/'Ilt 1 th{· AI t Wngnd' IlfJme were Mr 'In; Roy DaVIS II ·(Victor Ireland, pastor) Rev. Victor Ireland was a Tues- Mrs. obert Johnson, Mark and Mrs. Frank Lorenz was a Mon. Mr. end M •• Ravmond Loberg, I and Mrs \ ('J lOn rlol,.mlp St' 'n' and Mrs T{·d Slaph.::bn Laurel Mr. and Mrs. Marvin L~icy Sunday, Apr. 28: Worship, 9:45 day afternoon vlsitor in the Stan- Marsh~ and Dennis Johnson. lday dinner guest In the Earl Ship- Mr. and 1'1. Rlynold ILob.rg , tary trca~\lIry' Brldg(' w .. ~ [lId ell r afit Suneluy rimn{'r guests m the and Duane, Shlrlev Wittler, Lin· ~ m, Sunday school, 11 00 a.m ley HaDsen home. Mr. Land Mrs. Harry Lesebcrg Icy home, Norfolk. Mrs. Forrost Ind a.tty .nd Mr. and Mr.. Ver- I Mn HuiOTd Stoltl'nbelg IPce vec] I ()\H'n Owens hom!' W('re R('v IGal1 coin. and Dl!Irlene Wittier, fl,!or·


r--- Easter Sunday Mr. and Mrs. and S~Uy were Sunday evening Nettleton. Mrs. Lorenz an~ Mrs. non Lob.rg .and family. I I n Pfllt' The nt·xl meetmg WIll h(' AXf'n nnel Mrs Francis Ax(m folk, were Sunday dinner gu.aU Presbyterian-Congregational Harold Harmeie_r visited in the Mrs. N. H. Dowling was an EBS'I Edward Osward und Douglas vis· Jay Gurwood was a We~ ... e8dQY May 16 In IlH /\Idnm i1,lselh~lrHt I /'Ill .md !\fr~ Hush TlIckt'r Rob ip the ErVin Wittier home. Church Charles Swan and Otto Ribbe Iter Sunday dinner guest in the !ted Mr·s. Davitt Patterson and supper guest In the David Garwood,

~ I \!~lt()lS In till' Ihek 1ueker home, Easter Sunday dinner guests m th Sunday, Apr. 28: Worship, 10:00 ----- ~ ~------- - ------ ----,--holO(, I hl(' nnd Maulle 'H~[ Thurs~ay 1 Mr and Mrs Emil Twtgen wert I (Gail Axen, pastor) homes, Hartington. Glenn Dowling home. family. Madison. Wis., IilDd Mrs. home. '

4-H Club OrganIzed ! SIOUX ('II~ Harold Stoltenberg home ,m; Sunday school, 11;00 a,m.

Thlrte("n guls n:{'! Myrtlt If<J;~::1 :.l~dr~,~~ DI~}bc~;f'~~OI~a:t~~lJ Sund~y .. afterno~n VISitors Ig SDRING SPE· C "I AL' Anders(·n. 110 III I' ]..xkns)(l11 ilq('nt I Y'. Y, h ~L " h I thp Wilham .Jenkms home WeI' Sunday dinner guests in ' m the Marlin 11,IllSl'tl hOTll\' to or In ! (' ,,Ynn "'Oln omc. I Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Havener an I Loberg home were Mr. ga!lJz(' a <I" ctuh Th()se I),r('lwJll Mr. and Mrs'., Donnls Hansen IfarnJlY, Gilbert Mau and family, . r:kf : wer.{' Manl'an. ,)andl'a und .Jhll(,t. and Dean: O'Nem, spent Easter Easlel' Sunday supper guests ih II

PnUlson. Plltty N('lsf·n. Anne tar· home. Mr and Mrs. Harold Loberg, J<-ilT\- Let us mote your SPRED SATIN Pa·lntl·ng IInnsl'D. ShcIla Nelsen, Anjgela weekend In tho Maurice Hansen I the Rt'ynold Loberg home f.vere,

wood, Ma,.,' In Cool" <;,,,Ia so"1 'Ir ao,; Mn Jim I lorll)('rl , Lin· herly, Kirk and Kathy, Mr.' ana I ~ .Jlln.~s('n. l\Iarstw .J()hn~on. Hdlt'nl' coin. ~pent Easter weekend in the Mrs. Vernon Loberg nnd fafnil~, Friday supper guestl In the even eas·,er W·lth a Slahl. and Leah und Susan "<I,ven· Ika('h lIurlbprt hOIll('. I Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Loberg ank! ' Don Harmer home were Mr. and ('r Sevpral ,moUlf'r~ \\I(·rt~ ahl) ,pr(' I i"J'.ldHy evening vi~itors in the Mrs. Elizabeth Hosch, Randolph, Mrs. George Lee, Norfolk, and sent ApPOinted a.~ II'<ld('r~ 'ivt'I'p I \!arVln i!o.oJl1 hom(, in honor of Ml's. Frank Cunningham INjas ja Mrs. Dan Raasch and family. Mrs MiJrtm lIal1.'wll and I{o : .J:,l~l ~ fllurth. blrthdllY were Mr Monday afternoon visitor inl thle Forrest Nettleton, Mrs. lanrl Stalll .JJJI\J(J! 1('iJ(ll'r I~ .Ifill 11,11", Bill Stulling. J\Ir. and lc;(,nrge Couller home, Randolph. Lorenz. Mrs. Edward Os-jeR~ Hnns('n. ".fflC( .. r.~ ~'lt'rt('11 . I, ~'lr~ ('Ilrforr! StaIJinJ.( and familv. Sunday dinner guests ini t~e and Douglas and Patricia Sheila N"I"',, 1",,,,,,,1,'''' ,Ern", an'; Albert Rieth, Clayton George Jnhnston home were IMr


, were Tuesday afternoon

.10 Cook. "2~A' SL"",rdt'''c40":TlIg

'INBu' :lEnlsMGhLYn~Dso_n~A'-ATI~eur~~R~-YD~A,_esyS!~" i :~tgt:";~~~~;:~ S n' t fU and Mrs. Ray Otte. Mr. and Mrs.

I ;~~n M~~bes~~;n~af;s~~IY a~~d r~;;

TGp Quanty Top Value

~?O~ .. cf!!nt:~D !~~'';~I'''~~!~~~'' 69c Pre-Ele~l~ic Shave "O.DO.I.tlup~~er.,4<01 .••.••••••••••••

98c Shave Lotion Briargolo. SpiCD I(ented, 5-01 ...••••..

98c Shave

ily were Eash'r Sunday dinner ~~~~~ in the Mrs. W. R. French

Mr. and Mrs. Perry Johnson returned home Monrlay after spending a weck with their son Duane in California. They also visited Mrs. Christine Knudsen, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Garvin and family, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew French and family, Monterey

. Park and Mrs. Ed Stephens and Mr. and Mrs_ Nolon Holekemp, I Alhambra. Mrs. Robert Erwin was a Mon­

-lay afternoon visitor in the Mrs. Bud Hub('ck h.omc. /

:\1r. and Mrs. Clifford Lindsay were among other relatives Easter for dinner in the Otto Maas home.

Mrs. Worley B('nshoof was a Fri­jay overnight guest in the Harold ~uinn home.

Mr. and Mrs. Clair Swanson and \1a vis were Sunday evening vis­itors in the Edward Fork home.

Mrs. Erwin Wittler and Mrs. Vincent Widhalm were Monday afternoon visitors in the Joe Hinkle home.

Mr. <lnd Mrs. Gerald Hale and 'amily were Easter Sunday din­lcr guests in the Emil Kreyeik . 'lome, Verdigre. I

Easler Sunday dinner guests in 'he Harry Holieldt home were Mr. tnd Mrs. John Metteer, Mr. and \1rs. Milton Dreshear 'and family .mel Mr. and Mrs. Henry Papstein <lnd Stella.

Easter Sunday dinner guests in the Russel Hall home were Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hansen and family, Neligh, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Owens, LeAnn and Becky. Mr. and Mrs. Tip Froendt and Bruce, Henry Froendt and Mrs. Edna Hall, Coleridge, Mr. and I Mrs. Charles Hall, Arnold Han· sen, Mrs. Anna Hansen.

th;a~\~ro:U3~:~s d~~:~ !v~~~tsM~ i .llld Mrs. John Gesiriech and La-:

I Vern, Newport, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Edmond and Jane, Wausa, Mr. and Mrs. Rolline Geirieeh and Tim, Wayne. and Mr. and Mrs. 1 Wayne Geiriech and family, Win·


side, Afternoon visitors who joined the group were Mr. and Mrs. Rob­~rt nTate ,and family. Brookings. '1'

Thursday evening visitors in the Edward Fork home were Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Thomas.

Mr. and Mrs. Larry Lindsay and Brenda, Wayne. and Mr; and Mrs. Wayne Williams ,were Sun·

(S~fl. STEP LADDER onfy $3.49

We are offering this outstanding special on these well-malle, sturdy step ladders to help you with your spring point-up, fix-up work. 'Don't miss this opportunity to odd this valuable item to your home workshop kquipment.


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NEW! Most colors cover in one coat. Touch· ups blend perfectly. Painting tools rinse clean in soapy water.

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THANK YOU ••• For your attendante at our Hardw~re Department's:Formal Op!~~ ing. We hope to tontinue to serve you even ~etter With these new innovations!

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, ' ., ' .. t "" "," " ; " i . 1 J' , I' ,1" l' 0 "'1::"~:"';'rr!'>i'~:':;~'~~~;;;~?'?;I!':-ii:':;:! , , " '

( .br,l Acral~, dn sday, Ap II 24, 196311liMr, M~lviio' Ibnz, ~Ir, ., dI Merlc Hamm and Dcbbl, Nlotlol/t'I'AUdllOllU"; I" '10; ":Il~~' "'u, ""lcifcr.;;\"I.IBLIC)(T'ON > In, ,., "Il>' ,!>,,,,nl, Mrs. no Bi~k'ey qd f Uy a d and Mr. and ~r8. Tom Park and N~br( .... kn. !It fr W 0 l:hf.". ll.m 011 ~ T vltlll\1 In I 1'h ... ;;I,I:",;;;,li·li,.ii;':~;"':I~:

. [fS BU Sch'utte daugttters Sioux City an4 Diat)c ,the 14th (IllY or lU·uY. 1~1t1 •. to e 11· Notl(:,B 'ro ('ul1'1'n.A(''I'OIlM I bhMt,t 1 2,(111) I Mr. and Irs Mario QuJst a:nu E~stcl" . dJ~l)er uests n Dickey L'aurel JoIned the groUP'I':~~~II~~JJ';ll~(JI:l~o;~~~~Ji'ln~f~:~)6lnt~ fI(llth'll hll18 wlU hll) U)\'lll~lld At ~tu.' n I I I I ('\I\II'~\' Mill

DI~xon Gene and Mrs. Sadie l!Brlney. tile WlJl am Pcnlen k' h c WC'C I Mrs,' Ronald' Ankeny and Mrs. with rUcrence to tho ~e~tcrtl8 e- 10t(hO(, ~r~ th~' D,UPII.ltJlWlIl u( H~'lLdt<. I thll'" ."Il{lh hteltlt·,

I~:t:~II~~~~e~I~~~e~~81'~n ~~e a~~ /Mr:' and rs, RO,nal Pen rick a d Paul Borg were Tbursday alter- ~:llt~~~ :;:~I~lIUI~~~~;:~~~~ll~~I~;:!~'(I ~:J ~i(l~:I.IH)t.llt,n~;n (~:~!~lo:r" ultu6!~·IIl:'~1\I:i I (l'tl.1t ~~l~":,lrt 11\1~;rn~:I:;/;ll (Continued ftom pug 3) me ~r P'k d f I S u K ylene, Wakefield, and Ml'. 81 d noon guests In the Carol Hirchert AllY obJ~cttJr ma)-' appear In pt'r 01; 10:00 °1Cl0Ck AM. llnd ttl that t.lmo 1 ' MIIJUP r [ '.u)rhdl1lh~\ 11111 ~Q,

~~~ om 81 an ml y, 10 X Mrs. Le oy Pcnlcr lk a faml. home. ?r by repl'l\lumla~lve llnd Hubl \it. r~:;I,I{'lclp{X~~;l~ '~~~~t;ou:ANt~,~~l;tN~: I. ~:l~~)itt~~ 111~h~' ~~~~:::1,1;1U uf Mr. and Mrs. l~ mor Ch etcIlscn, M~ and Mrs, Ri~' ard Dolph Mr. ad Ml's, A Ru cck a d Mr. and Mrs. A. E, Stingley, MUdl ;!'11t.lomJJ Itlto-UHft-tioU 11$ htl DElTOUn., ('"'Ut.VHatt'd nnd htdll~Il" QI'lullllg lhml!\ rnllr thOlIlUlnd hot! ('It til Iho IH'qullltt ~~~!~~,~~i1!,'!,~,,~~,~~!::

Laurcl, wer.e TlnU~d~y cv nlng VIS· and fanllly were Elster dinner /Mlt. andl Mrs. McIi Reck a d Laurel, and Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Inuy (l/l rei-It)' of WIlyne. iN('b,a.~I(I' .~I. wor~ on th(, WAYNI~~PI~Nl>E!U hUndlNt (l.~OO' ~1j,1I1\1'¥ 11IJ,t IIIlI,ll'ttlHN' ul' Itors in tho [ynn KlIhl lto nc th .H . Id E h family ~erc Eastc dmD r gue s Wendell and family were Easter (SEAL}:h)'j HO\>'I\td Witt. 4'Ity Clqlk I FI dt>.ltl.\ \I~I l:!ecoft<ll~ry I lolcet !'o:ll'l Oll\Vol 8m rlU'i1~j,\" llUIlUI "Ix !IU1ul· lIlU,l

Easter di;mcl' tlnd unchcon g~~~~~~ A\dl~:~B. l~:;. ~~:. a In the G rete Kava !ugh orne. dinner guests ID the Martin Buss", I A1Dlfi R-~9~~ (~:n~~::!:'~:l"l '~\I;~I(ltj~I~)III:tlll>l!4 or le~e~~!lll.~' ~~[:~~tI IIt:!JIIIII~lunlllt\{l 1200) I \\I:I\~ltJl~lU\ ·.!'":~!!".~'~.\!~'!"I,.'!:~"I!~~! guests in Uw HI dolph Swanson Friday din~cr guest n the John Easter dinner gu sts m the W it home, Onawa, la. I..E<;;AL. PUBLICATIONI conBtr~~tllJ~ ') \I 11I1I'!1 of GllHJl'd 11011"-1/\ IIOl'lIINI HI home were Mr ~nd Mr!l Ueorgo YOUII botn~ J1hnson horne W~le Mrs Gis s Mr. and Mrs. Wlllilim C;:raig I EUlth !{<Indo Pulvolt Itt'In~lt,~n th"U>Hnnd "1i0 1:IIj{ln.'~ I " Llppolt, ;t\fr nnd IMrs Ja. Mattes Thu~sdny MIS Earl feterson and J hnson,l Bo~ne, I ~o e Be - and family, Prairie Village, Ken. ~OTI~,R 011' HKAlUNO Oil' ;~fifl81 ~)~.!"~XI~~I~tcC(~~;~I~I~~~~~~ urI! h\l~!~:,I':II~~II!I~a ~:I~:I~I,(~l)tl!I\~\./\U.iVll IlIll n:~LI'Jl I , nnd Harlon nnd Mr a d Mrs Rev Charlrlttc DiIlonl attended a I an, SlOUX CIty, D IllIS dAle were Easter vacation guests in IJ RTl1.'JON .... OR J:l'INAb 6 "r,o ThfJIlHHni.l lilllllllllil WlIllr 1II't'hHICalltl(l~ nOll leJect IUt) III 1111 HIlII'dH "" .CO,'''''''"",I. Larry Lubberstedt and f mlly Mcthodl£t l Dlstl'lct Conference, Dl d Mr1 and Mrs~ Joe orsbe'g I the Gust Carlson -home. JIIE'I"1'I,Elr~1VT 0"- AccoUN'" APpi'ett ' hill!'!' Tlw "tI1'~t'Nlirul bl{h1ar wll~ bO r ...

I!a~ter weekertd guelt In the Creighton a d daughters. I~ Mr and Mrs. Ray Spahr and "N~oullity Court or Waynp COUlll~ 1.!n HI~hl·()rd\aV ~lllItHm~ "\ Ult1Pl\n'l!~trcN't' 011' HO,\IUI (11111,·\1 ttl flllnlllh h()lutl~",U~i\m(lUnt~ CI.vton Stingley home w re Mr. Rev .John Price, Ail1en, was a Mr and Mrs. i rnar ASbf,' family were Sunday afternoon vis· • ~B;~~t~!l of (;ustnv w th'cl ... Ot!· l'I!)!, ~!:\ 'l~"~VI'~!\t}~'''IrU'-H~ted ~.relul JOhbl.-{!~V Jl(i~~t~!t~,R;~\~C))~v~::::~('1 'I Nl~~"~I': :,~I:.;:'n';: I:~: c~~~rOt~:ith. (,/ and Mrl. Les Fredrick I fam- Wednesday evenIng c~ner ID the L urel, were 1M: day eveni g Itors m the Mrs. J. !..~. spahrITea."e~ k 576111111 It I~ ('IIIII'lt l'lp., rot Il"4t3 Pl1~II11\!1 ~lIhll,l\IIIIj.(" l,r"IHlilII1'(II'ttH,-'WOl.'k'J lIy. Topeka, Kan, BIll Chambdrs home g csts l~ the Rich~r Ma z hom home, Wayne, to VISIt Ilnrs Rich. ~~~edtut{! of Neblal! n to 0.1\ lon l'llvt\\~n," - - Ih, hl,lth'l mlllll CHt" with hi. pro~~

Mr, and Mrs }i'led Ml er, Lm Mrs Marhn Jens~n and Kerry Mr a d Mrs, U,sseU Anke ylard Kyle and Janet and...Mrs·, Edna CINot\CC Iii IICI(,oy g-IVl'(1 1I1ilt 11 4(11~: V .. 2,"" ('lit"" HUI(~c, LEGAL PU'LIFATI~- IH'KII! 1\ ,"111(1,11 HI' ~'lIl:IhIOr'trctIlH\l< coin, were Wednesday ftmnoon I were Tuesday visitors ID the Leo wbre Fr day vislto s lD t e wal· Pcrkms, Des Momes pl!Utlon hW! lHtell fll.'d ror (Ilud 1 cOlu~~~ ('u ),I1M 1,1 HI Oill I-\ur(!\{ t' , • "'" I ;'l'~,',I";fll':::,:~h\'r, t::nthl?II:~~lNI~I'\r~~"'~~~ callers in the Sterlmg Bo g borne GaI'vlO home rt, Bull home Wf*ne- Mr and Mrs Fred Mattes 80dlsetOemi.nt ho;n'ln, d~~tllmlratl.)lC or l'OUIs/'l fOI ))l'loUI l'IiH'IJ(E TO k,ON'In,U,Hul/; Ihll 1\\ I I 11"06) d Uutoit

TUe~dny~dinnel! guests m ttl(! Mrs. ElSie Dunn WaS a Thurs Mr. 4nd Mr~. 14y~e E dy a Lavonne were Sunday Visitors ID ~~I~:1~91~::~(n~~:t~~~u\(~~~\)~e';Il~~~~ fo?~n~::'~ll: ll,nL.ul "r ~IIJLvl (JlIldt·, .,!~t~l~h'2rb:~!~ \~~I)/~reIJ~~:I;t(~1 ~\j(H~~: T'I:, l':l{:::n'\~"'I1';{\r\':'/ to ~\lI~I~" DlckCh~ ershomewereMr and day afternoQn VISitor in the Mrs f mlly, Lineoln, !v.1ere eeken Ithe nandel Benton home, Dakota. and u.pplovo.l or rhllli II.C~O\llll and ~ ('\1 \,11< (""'OIl(I.t: for H"ad","ull" In lIw Htut,. ('~Pltul lit 1.11I\"ln 111\ l"'lllIt'It'Il'"", Rud li1JtIlIl "n~ 011 Mrs futY Miner and fanll ,PIUS Mae Jewell home uests ~n the S, El Ed home City 1 d!lichllrl{e v.hl('h \vlll hE' (r)r IH.IUiIlAIIUI f'll VIII< ('''11".,\0' r." 'n"", ~(, on I>1lty III, 19J1:1 until lUll hl<1>1 , , vl~c; :~~ Mrs Donald Pc ers and I Mrs, Carol I-hrchert anJ child, .~ obs~rvance of 1 Lyle EddY'r ,Mr and Mrs E C Lehner were II ~n 0 t:;~~k("o~l~ on (lay 1,. I 'If, I, al ('U/~i;,~~iHI'hB J\. Infol' In).!; SI,'II for I :1~~I~l\I:JIO~~~oJ~~:I' 1;~~:~111t r~:II~t I!~~~~ I"hn \~'I :1:~~~~I'~~~~~l~J'I~I~~~~~~' fomil I'vere Easter dmne guor;t" ren were Wednesday evenmg V1S' IrthdeY. Easter dinner guests m the Jim Entf'II'd thlll 181.h dn~ of Apr" H<,a<lwi!lll" (jR,\VIr.T~ Vern ApltF'H'JNU IIn<l 111 I"" 1 1\<\"11'1, ,JI". PIYIlllbn

Y 'h ,L ltors In the Ernest KnoeU home Mrs Vmcent }(;alVana gh andlwarnerhome,Auen 1!16i "'5.UlI7 I,bl'! Helnf"",,,!.:" "lc.1 for (LdNllu.l"orknntl"'Pll\!JH·I~J:A~'-" It )"j1lj{ln.,or In the <..e01gL Ewk of home Mr. and Mrs Keith J(arnes I' Easter Mr and Mrs Clarence OiEALI 111l,\1I1 I Ht.lmt'l Bux ('nlv""I,. -------------- -- -----_~ Wakefield I Hinton, la" we;e Easter dlnne; V nele ~ere ~l'lda:\f afQter oOhn

VtS Henningsen JOined a group fOI a.!11 I I'o\mtl JUrlJ,H I 61 L111 [1 2) (' 'tllJl.':,ll,,1 '1IIHli, '

Mr and 1\11:; Ken[}cth Hamm Il91'S In ~he LawrenlCe Ulln 0tge, I --_--+-- "11'(' I ,

gue~t5 In the Glen Macklem wtaterbuh I dmner m the Martm Hansen home, L~GALPUBLICATION 1'1 IAn II 1,,-.;111 t'IIUJ.:!lt'tl PUBLIC lSALE and Rhondp. rrem

onl, \\ Ie S~1tl home. Mr ald Mrs Marlen hell a~dlcarrOll ---- :\1(~tl\l I'll" \,," ("h'lt,.

day and Monday glicst:; Ifl the I Mr and Mirs JIm BenJamm, Lau, f 1 )\I C II b I!' I Mrs Jens Kvols and Charlotte NO'rl('fJ) O(t'I'LUI.1( III!: \i1U1\:G II.!~ \1, lat !'I", tI I nil ~" 1 I""H t

Ollver No(' hom( IIPl were Easter afternoon Vl.!lltors ami r' e a s U *, a, we e were Thursday luncheon guests III NOlke If! ~etPIJ) glvell thllt /( 1~'1 Lin I_Ill! (1\1\, II I'll" I MI and MIs SqrenlIan ITW('rc ' lalstSatrdayguestsmteLes r I IPUhllC henHnr.t: on the liu'lg<'r or OIOl,ln 11.1 '\11\.,1 l'lp"

. i m the Lowell Thompson home Patton !fome the Mrs Frank LIsle home S,·"t\onR 21 .!c, ~!, '<')(11 pt th.. 1<17 [.In II j() ('Ulfl It 1'11'(' Ifhursday, dlOner gU(lst.s n the Mr and Mrs J L Saunders were Mr an,d Mrs M~x Ra n JOm*d I Mr and Mrs Donald Sberman ~olthwl·R.t QUluler or Het;tlunt; "~I,l 31,1 1,11l I~t lIJ ,,,1\, 11 ! Ip.. I Saturday, Apr·.1 27 MarvlO Ellyson home. SLOU Cily Tuesday evenmg guests In the 1 . J..... were Easter dmner guests m the I", alllj 36 ull In TuwnHllip.!j !\',)!'Ih J II LIn "1 I. I IJ \ II I'lp,

Mr ond Mrs Sterlin Brand I' a group of lelatlv~s fl)t Eas er L HanK" 1 T'~I\"t 01 Iht' htil n III 1 flll .. LII Irt 11{ {1I1\, 1/ I'"" I . , 9 9 Lloyd Olandet home. Maskell dmner In the Osentl RIck tt home, yle Sherman home, VermIllion, \\ IH'Tle Couot\ NehlH.!:!l,,;. \Vhleh COli 1"" t~nl 1"1 ',~ (uh, 11 Ii" ..

Anna were i;astq.r dlnne guests Mr and Mrs Paul Borg and Ppnca ~D [!'!Jtu,tes all vf Schuo! I 1j;1It'!cI No 11 hiI" I'!u.r .. rl i.))c\ S,'tlonH In tha Mrs. Fnllnk Ourr home, Kal'('n were Easter d!nne! guests Mr. and Mrs. Ftl3ldWO'erweJe 1 fMr and Mrs Myron Dirks and .. ( \\'11\nl' ("nUII(\ ~"h!~"ltn I' !()"t /,'lnll'ci I-uti ~'lt'''fI

Wakefield~Nebl:. " In til(' Ahm Wllicrs home Wayne I +uesday viSitors ,h the Russ~11 family wele Easter dtnn~r guests ~,;~~~~ t~~~lrtl~t~~I~rtl:I<II :1~~~e~Ul~n g :~.I ~:~;~~ ~::;1 ~~~::~:::: : 1 30 1\11 and Mrs LOWell .aund(,rR I Mr Bernard Asbra laurel ~Issen hom'e Wisner, m the Ted Dirks home, Colendge h(I(1 (>1\ th, 2it!j (jlL\ "I I\.plll l'Ibll 212' l'I"lt'd !'lld '""'ll'll~ : p.m.

lind Bradl(') were Eastl! dinner s Th d f1 ' 't Mr and MI; Dar-xel R hn Ntr Cmdy Schutte was a Fnday eve al 800 pm 111 Ih, DI~I~I, t ('oull ~ 48 FI:HI'f\ I.nel ~"'(Inllll I gUl'stS In the Stanley Mitchell '.'.as il urs ay a ernoon VISlor , Dlng VISitor In the Earl Mattes Hpom Ilt the ('ourt HOUF .. In v.nync "uII1 Id,Idt'! mllHI h. '1un!I", ,I to I homl', Laurel In Etahsetc~~~II~~:~ ~:~~ ~nO~: Fred ~~l~h:~:er~~~~Y ~V~~lD Visit rs I home ~fe~ll:~fll~'~;g"~~r"Ht;!:~/:o\~~ ~P:,~tt;~i~a ~;\h~ll\!~" I~~:',~';:AI:~ !~~~, ~',;:\ 1~1\'\l, ~I I am selling all my restaurant supplies and

Easter weekend gucstslm thcll h g Easler d10ner guests In ijle Mrs OtelJa Magnuson and Mr tll('t No 44 and the H(hool tlnrlToIjlSIUtllOIlIII;";O Hi l'I"Ll'gl~I")III'1 Allt'n Prtseott hom1£! wcre :\.-11 dnd Wo ter orne were Mr and Mrs FI d B~ I e we e Mr Ind and Mrs Oscar Johnson were 0( DIstrIct No 17 of Wan\(' Cott)llv Rel!l!lon h f MI~ 1'1(,~COU Omaha ~eurss~l! ~~~e~r:n~l~a{~~:~~r ~~~ ~~: Ad~I~~ ~?o~m a~d Mr :nd Thursday evenmg \lBltors 10 the N·~;!~t\nellllng- \\111 he 10<1'1,,: b,fOIl' ('dT~~ :\:,t";:~~~';':'lhllcl:I,~:~i,~nl!!I,',:,1 equipment. Everyt ing must go ro.m D<'nms and Melva I amily a er ury an M~r an La-urel In the afternoon ev Am Mrs Anme Tldemann was a Reorganization of S(,hool Dlstrldf! I"'ontrlll't d' h t th h' ,\11 and MIS (,elald and f' W t b d


d l\1rs Wesley Bloo.m an farolly, IArvld Peterson home th .. Waynf> ("ounty ('omrhittf'f' fnl I"rln g flublettlng ur IU'6Lghlrl/{ th.

SIOUX (Ity, and Mr Mrs WlIliam Wolter and Cal\1U , tI h Thursday overmght VISItor m the nt which the 1f'(Omlllendlltloll~ of 1'lrlnH and flIHcl!I'litlon" fur thl'[ IS es 0 e mac: Inery. ncst KnocH \\er(' I Mr and Mr<; Darrell Rahn bi~le Cao~~nSMJ~~neFrta;kJ7ou~n~on Halold George home 1~II~t ... ~ta~~ lIn~'<l~~::;I!I1.~~lo~It'H~~I'tl:l(] : .. I;lu~e:rlll~t,I:Ii::l<1 ,!tr;,,},il~l~ gUf'sts 10 the LOUie home Norfolk were Easter weekend Were among the Easte dmIier I Mr and Mrs Clarence Nelson 10 thil iegul vutPr~ In "it.mllan,,· EIlJ.:"ino(>r 'f It. 11, J.lJutlHenl Of

Wallhlll vuests 10 the Max Rahn home I t h DOl hand Mr and Mrs Merlyn Nelson pU1Runnt to 79·11)2 It - cHIPp I!~"l '" ~ 11,,11, ,\',·lllll"]l:Il OJ al BRYAN JOHNSON WcdneSdU\ eV('n!ng \1 !n f Guests dUring the week In the gj.l~sr: I~ toe Q~I:t, ~:~r'I~:~s a and famlly werc Easter supper 1 g-1:~;1 ~~I~l~;~;;lunl!~IIII'\. 1<I'!II)(I)" I ,r1

1\ 1\'[, :,1:11 ~)"II::~:!~:~nt 'fl ,I

tIll' Skltmg BOig hom to ob Dudley Blatchford home mcluded Tuesday supper guest 111 tbe Mill' guests In the MIlo Johnson home AU,""l hearing Dut(d thta 19th daYI II(I'~ "tllt bl<hluJ \~I!I lit re 1

SNV(' tilt' hO!\t S hI were MIS Harold George and children, ICjn QUIst home I Cmdy Gilliland was a Friday or Apr!1 1963 1" r J'nl"l, b"oci III Olll MI and Mrs Paul Kan'n Mr and Mrs leslIe Noe and fam h d M overnlght guest of Lynette Noe Wavne+ COUi'"lty COlluhll!",," fur Um"lil'( '(III d to 100% or hi,. COil OWNER

Mrs M P KavalDaug an r,s npoIgnnlzation M ~cholJ"l l)il!lr\ltHI I .... - - - - -- ~---- ";Iden Selven were F1'l ay aft r In the Leslie Noe home I r/edel'llk M,ll n ,vHlpnre of g-ood {/lIth In /

nbon ca~ers In the Elme Gens el Mr and Mrs Newe.1l Stanley :121 ChllllmUJI" " IJIOP<lHlll for thlt! I\orl{ I to Plan NOW for hpme td Visit Mrs, WillIam Me- wele Tuesday evening VISitors III - - ~------------

r U R 0 P r Eastet' dinner guests i the ~i1l Easter dmner guests III the Gar-Oloud. ~ the Lloyd ~endcll home.

U;; It; Sjchutte home to cclebra e Jerr~'s old Jew~U hom~ were Mr. and I Hirthday were M. r. and M s. Mrs. F€hx Patefleld ~nd Oscar ..

IST'A TRAVEL SE~VICE ~chulte, Joan and Keith,1 Me. and M:t and Mrs. Sterlmg Borg and Ii , Mr<" Walter Schutte and faJilY Anna called Sunday evemng In

~nd Emtl and Amanda Sf hutte the MarIOn QUIst home I

, by Air, Rail, Bus, Ship Domestic and International

o ••• ov" .... ,m" . I> • I"otel and Resort . Anywhere in the World

Mr. and Mrs, V'l Ha t, I Mr and Mrs Wilmer Herfel and ISpirit Lah, la" were aturd.y Bonme, Mrs Allee Herfel and Mr afternoon guests In the Sterlhf)g and Mrs Bob Dempster were

Easter dmner guest" j the Idar] Lawton, Is, Easter evenmg IBorg home. guests lD the Larry Herfel home I

teterson home were Mr and ~rs I Mr and Mrs Verneal Gade and oren Park and famIly:! Fremont, famIly were Sunday evemng VIS'

I l;v1rs Mabel McCaw and Mr and ltor 10 the Frank Johnson home I

t~F~;I~th~F~lo:o,:"" ___ ,,,:~=~~:;: ____ ~p~h:::o:n.~8.::75~3~1 J I Mrs Ronald Colsden aqd fam~'!y Mr and Mrs Hans Johnson, Lee In the afternoon JVll ¥nd Mrs I and Alyce were Sunday evemng

Busin~~~ ~nd -Pro~~~;;;nll I!~~~~~.II BOWLERS' (ORNER

D m lEe TOR Y \ family, Willis, were Ea'ier dinner

I Mr. and Mrs. Alwin - Anderson


Complete Line


Sweet Lassy Feeds I 'I guests in the Lloyd Heidy home .. I


were Easter afternoon guests in I the Clyde Wilson home, Wayne, .

=: i~I-~b~~A~T RS-=[ M:~;~E CITY OF~~~~:-=--O~TOMET:I:-r-I~~;::;a~:e~i: ~J:~t;~~1~!1 On;':~:PF!:~vi~:::: all ~ - - - --- B J Brandstetter 375·1552 ~~ ~ ______ , ___ home, Wakefield, to celebrate

A D LEWIS C Treasurer .- Michele's birthday. ROBERTS LOCKER . '" Leshe W. Elhs 375·2043 W A KOEBER 10 D I

CHmOPRACTO City Clerk"," .. I" •

(Esl. 1914) Howard' Witl 375·1475, OPTOMETRISt I PubliC & PRODUCE


MEN'S HIGH GAME Joan Jespsen

MEN'S niGH SERIES MollY Strunk

I WOMEN'S HIGH GAME 214 ·1 Bill Garvin . 258

WOMEN'S HIGH SERIES 549 Norman R~ckwell _ 637


, Monday Night Ladies

Jerry's ; Gillette'Sf

t~~:;s M~~~~:tt

W L 981 25j 86 38 8~ 44 79 45

--J --Dixon Ramblers 51). 65 Vet's Club 57 67 Fredrickson's 54 70 Sicuxland Credit 50~ 13! Farmers Elevator .-43 81 Wolske's .38 86 High scores: Bill Garvj.n, ~58,




& Cafe B. B. Bornhort 375·2311 I N t" City ,Attorney -. !.111 West 2nd . Phooe 375-3145 1

Councilmen _ Wayne, Nebr, 0 Ices ---- ---~---

N & M OJ! ;'\ill-Tavern Hills Lo~ker

.. 70 54 68 56 55 63 46 78 40 79 42 82 42 82 31\ 921

Norman Rockwell, 637; Fredrick- . ____ ~ _____ _



The Place to Meet

When the Grimes

Fre::l Gildersleevc 375,3484 I '


St. Kad. Bank Schmode:.Wicble Farmers~ Bees' Dahls High scorct·· .JOan Jcspen, 214;

Molly Strlttlk, 549; Jcrry's, 783; Gillette's, 2256.

soo's, 973; Sweete Lassy, 2~08. ·1 Hit n' Mrs. W I-

Larson-Kuhn 811 40, 1 Carl's ConoCD 82! 45~

Super Valu 69 59


Are Ov~r !

M & SOil '751 521 1

Wagon Wheel 64 64 IN ONE E \~.., ~TOP Squirt . .61 67

·,t; i~\rg ifH::i i_SEWI~~-MACI!tIN~ Ir~-EV~.-'Y-9-0-v.-r-n-m-.n-t-O'-f;-C-ja-,-orll Chris Tietgetl 375-1423 Tiedtke Plumping [~;:,rds~~~rdh:~~117:hP~~I~~g~f;;

['~~fi~ :a:~son s ThE!f~! . H. e~~kiIC~~d s:l!nl!~~ces ~r:~:~r: i~:~~~~d~:~d~:ia~~ 1 Kf TH J ECH E. L Hailey Keith Reed GENERAL ELE' IC Itbe a fundamental principle ol

Your Refreshment


. Ph. 375.142'1_~201h w. 8J~:~~~(' FIRE Call 375.1122 Phone 375.2822 W yne, Nebr. dcmocra~ic government. _

Deto~n~~b~~~~~t~Dnsce :AO:::TA~aUNTY OF:~:::~ .. __ PH_Y~ICI.A_~ -"<>,A_,_ PUBuCATlO'" I

Frida y Couples W L T no m pson· West 83 45 Zach·Carman ... 80 48 Luschen:Whitney ... 79! 48! Jech-Batner .77t 50~ Hank·Roeber .... 72 56

Pioneer ...... 58 70 El Rancho . .57 71

Melodee Cleaners. 53 75 Fast, Effici""t,

CompJe~e Service

The Min. Bar

Carharts .......... 56t 711 I

~~r:a ~~Yla'S ... ::: .. ~: ·······~··~i g High scores: Anita h"hl, "OJ 0 $ S • 'C 't'

and 520; El Ranch" 7" "od 2269. M II! erViCe. }'" rr ' i 1 '·OTICF. 'ro CHI<JDITOR!'O

Phoo¢ 375.269~ Assesso", Henry Arp 375·1979 BENTHACK CIIINI J:"",< " ... , Detl'n C PIerson ,Agency Clerk: C. A: Bard 375·2<88 'r (' .. un,y e",,,·t '" WO."'" ,."unly'I'

Judge: I ,,,,,'hrll>lka.. III West 3" d Wayne 215 W. 2nd Str!:', et . 1 E"'.t- of "'. TI,o'.,a, C'],u r ("\"., de.

-;--~--~--.. -~---+---.----.~ S~~~~~ ~o~·la:e~~le ;;~~i~~~ Phone ~75.250~ ~~U~~~~t:te of NE'bra'Ska, tIT ~" ('on~

Hall·Da~ielson .... 71 57 McDermott-Baker .... 56 72 Gathje·liull .. .. ......... .53 75

Formers In$uranc~ Group Deputy: Wayne, ; Nebd ce~oet~~e is he'rehy given that UIII AL~ YOUR INSURAN* NEEDS E. L. Hailey '375-1305 claimfl against saId estatt?- must bl"

FAST - FA'~R _ FRI NDLY Supt: Gladys Porter 375-1777 I I filf'£l on or before the 2!ith day of CLAIM SERVI E ,GEORGE L_ JOH*, I\A'.D. July, 1~63, or be forev<'r bll.rre£l. anci ALWAYS A GOOD,

Gathje.*omsen 52 76 Frevert·Doescher .... Slt 1JH Bahe-Wirnemunde ... 46} 8t! W .............. .46 82

Rudy Roeber, 209 and nnie Frevert, 176 and 514; (,07; Hank.· Roeber •. 1&93.

Community W L Final League Standing

Lange.meier, Inc ...... " ... _...83 37 Super Valu .. .......... .,, __ ... .82 3B



H r:+ Leona Bahde 375-3885 , .. , that U helping on clll,lmfl will bel ' RIS E. BAR0HOLZ Cerk of District Court: PHYSICIAN A.ND S RGEON ~~l~oll~,~~l:k~oa~~. on July 211, 1~63 ...

Phqne ~75.27~~ .. __ .. __ Wayn_e J,·hn T, Bressler 375·2260 114 East 3rd Street (SEAL) DR.vid J. Hamer· Agricultural Agent: f dOtS County Judge

West's Barber Shop ... _. ..... 65 55 Bill's Market Basket __ .. 59 61 Ben Franklin ......... "" .. : .. ".571 621 Hotel. Morrison ... _. ____ .. ·._ . ..55 65

To Fit All Your eeds In ReJiable Comp nies

St.ate National Bank

Phone ~7.5=-'=11=30,-__ -+-

Phone· 3,5-3690

With FQst, .EHkient

'GOOD FOOD Service

Haro!d Ingalls 375·3310 Office Phone 375 1471 LEGAL PUftL'CAT'ION Ii I Assistant Director: g.

Mrs. Ethel Martelle 375+2715 ELECTRICI I NOTICE OP AD1UIJ'iISTRATION Attorney: In the County Court of Waynr I

Charles McDermott 375·2080 Coun!:\-'.l Nebraska. 1 Veterans .Service Officer: TI EDTKE ELE In t1e Matter of the E:nRte of

Ch ' B b I 3752764 I Carl A. Sa.muelson, decea.sed. '. rlS arg 0 Z --_... • The Rt te of Nebraska. to a.II con-Commissioners: cerned;

Dist 1 . Farm· Home - Co mercia! Notice is ht-reby given tha.t a

CUy W, L Einungs. _ 88 36 Sweet L~ssy ._._ .. ............... B7 37

Prope~~ Exchang~ ...... ::::~~ i;! ~~~:~i{i;;g .64 &l McNatt Hdwr. _62 62

Little Bill's . __ .. _ ....... __ . ___ :..53 67 Gem Cafe .. , ..... ", .. , .... .521 671 College All·Stars ..... __ . __ ... 49 71 Carhart Lumber Co. _ ..... ~.44 76 High scores; Jim Pokett, 233;

I Jim Pokett and H~oJd: Murray, 592; Super Valu, 926· ... Ud,,2493.

Dist. 2 Petition has been flIed for the ap-I !)ist. 3.. J!enry Hohneke Phone 375,2822 ~ yne, ~. ebr_


pointJl'lent or Melvin Samuelson anr,;: . I f Di~trict Probation OffIcer: ------.. ~ft'n:~dE,e~~~e~s~~l~~~d.:~~lis~eat~~ Jim.& ~Nv a's Ca ,f

William EYnon ...... 75·1250 VETERINARI illS ' h ... dng In 'hi, ~nuo·t on Ihe 10th D 'Ft . 'A,' ayne, I --- . day of "ay, '96', at 1.00 O'CIOCI'I on t orge "I

FINANCE. p.m. . . WAYNE I 1 (SE.AL)I • David J. Hamer G .• '& F-:';;.1

TRla:NGLE FI.N!A,NCE VETERINARY qLlNIC1, Cha"" E. "CD~'mO\~'o::.~:; ... J:d2~~' Try OUF th raiD' . eeu I

'1 I 1 1 'De~.";OU5. Pizz' a . e YOU'R' SATI.SFACTION. Persdnal _ Mai::h~ry 1iO We~t~st Slteet , I I LEGAL PU.BLICATION . ~ .....

. Phone ~75'29 , L AL NOTI AFTER BOWLING M I'ad L IS. OUR SUCCESS and /t-utomobile· Loans for Veterin""i~n 0 duty TO, ALL ~iSONS ';:ERESTED e. ee ones Gral'n _ Fl' e.eci -, .$e' ~d I

-hon' e 3'71'1\'2' 105 W, 2nd IN STREET DIPROVE:.\[ENT DIS~ 1 . f' - , . .. TRlCT NOS. 45 .AND 4(i OF THE We have putplased I.he pizza ,j.,

I CITY .OF WAYNE, ?\'TEBRASKA: machine V~m the Nu Ta.ven1 0; B I- , Fertilizers

- I ~L I Bowling In*ructio~

By AppointW ... i-


Complete' Une 01 Bowling E",lJf9n,~i/t

ond Supplies'

The Plal;e,:l~~;,:, .. Fer All Y~~'"iu,>", •.

Beverage N .• i ., 'c ;:·1

Fine. F~s Open Till 11:00 P.M.

Except Surul!ln F' t Nat" I B k :/~o~it~~~~ hi~~r~v~;:~ttbi5iit~~~~ :~ .. ~O::"'Y;::' it?· ~Qme in P', n' OW I~g j I I rs~, .' '. '.?no. an. Nos, 45 and 46 ot the City of Wayne. , '--W-' r.. PURINA CHOWS' co CTAL BANKING . , ,., " " . N.~r.ska, and 'chedu]e' of propo'> I" I . I . I' . Willard ,wiltse~ Row n .. · w~. se, . ~d special a.!j.!lE'ssmenl:!; of t-he pro· JO ~ N IS' 'To' urname'nt

' lJiiVE' TMiNTS SAVINGS Lice~sed Fun ral D ector "I pe"Y within' the di",ict, ~ P'c> un y a . " , PP&TASj.E F~(D IiISURAN<;E . 'MIBULANE S VICE .. ~~:.ds:~c!'~·n:':',!~~n:S\h'':''',,''{!~ ·;'""'C"U,"'"·e· "." . ·f"'".·' MIXING SERVICE 'I'

?hnne 37 +2525 Wayne Phone 375~2900 . yne- jects, are on t.ue in the ~;ffice OC.I· UT .~~~~g~~$~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~§~~~§~~ I th';';~~:;l~~;ther notified hat th61'~!::'~:!:!;;.;.,;~~; ~W~":Y:"":.L.:::.:.::=.~;:;;..:.;::.:.:+~~~~P~h:":,.:37::5:.:-~1;3::22::,~:-W:-T~.:y~ne:-~ __ ........ ___ ::;:::~~ , ' Mayor and Council. wlll si ~ as ... s. .&,h~ 375-~c .'.

Board of EqUalization in tb$ City

'ti 'I I I

" ·1

• . j

C· R D WS lionll MI'H Walloce AI dor.on was eo ge Anderson Mr.. Martita Eric .NelsOn 110m.. . Mr •. Ern •• 1 Swanson. Mr, And (N.brJ H~rold, W,d~esday, Apl'il 24, 1963, 7

, __ .... _...;.. _____ +-____ ~-+I _' __ -" __ , MrH. linn, ,Tohn,on I~III lb. d!i ,0.,lalln. Mrs. ~onJ ~;oCk.m. ·Mr • .' ~~~. :'M~ -::n.~ ':I~~t~ 'In ·~II.·IA~(~.r.o~ .. ~,~~.' rnllg~r' ·~.·.~:on. The .'~.~y'~: ' ,~ I .

CON m cbanw of the prog am, He rist cit 1, Mrs. MilJir Nelson, M~s. Slmday evening cuests in the twh\~. ~"'IQyd SUmV~J1~ Mr. and Mrs. "I'" " l'J'OdUOV:' J\sM~llIlg hCI'~crc Mi niellirit'. Reith. Mrs! Stan Swanson. Herman K acmcr homo, Laurel, Jim Hnnk. l\1r:;. Eric Nelson. S IJund. Mrs. Tburo Johnson. Mrs, time there,' '., I':',,:

. h JU 4· 5 0 Cal'h'tlO, MIS Vcrn ~al'lson. and en Via Sullivan land MfI.'i. lvar were Mr. a d Mrs. Eugene Kr;tC- Mr$. Roy llansoh~nnd Bud Hanson. J, F. P( .. der~cn and Mrs. A. OJ )t,1rs. Marlho' ~clt.h ~nd ~.r:~:.',nd Mrs Wllfrod N bb. - P one Mrs Ernest Swan!;on, A duct was J\tld~rson. I mcr and mily, Mr. and Mrs, Easter dinner guests in the Mr. S<:bager. Mrs .. LeRo>, Creamor '.~tt". ~arnUy

, . Mung by Mr. Walln • AndersoD I ~'rito Krae or and family and Mr. Wymore Wallin homo were Mr. Thursday evening guests In tbe wore Eoslor dInner guoita !11l tho Thufsda,) aftl'l'IIOOn gl)('st~ III IIU' and Mr~ Incr Pe cnmn Rnd fnmlly I and 1: ImnJc Carl~onl Unit one Cure I and Mrs. V rl Car1son and family. and Mrs, WaUace Magnuson and Art Andc.rson bome jn honor ,o( Frank Tomaaon homo. DlxPn. :

WllIanl I1nldotl hOHlt' \q'I(' !I- rs nlld Mr nod .J\hif VClne,tl Peter- sCfVl'd Ihe luncheon n ••• ,I }i'rida,y a tcrnoon guests in the family, Mr. and Mrs.' Winton Wal. birthday were Mr. a.nd MlSl SU'ndo), oyernIIlbL'aulltJJ.,)n t~e' I~rnl'st Ech[pnh..llnp ,lilt! :\ IS I

son lind ('!Duly -~--. I oncordia Lutberon Church Jim Kirchn r home to help cele- Un Bnd daughters nnd Mrs. Albin Koch and famlb't and Mrs Martha ReIU\holhO-W01'O.'n.v~ and

C,lloline I'lt g(' I Mr and Mrs. J~arold Burns ami Monday Ci,cning g~sts in the S E Peterson, pastor) br~te Patty s second bIrthday were Peterllon 19ld

Neal, Anderson and fnmily.' Mrs. G. L, Saarcb, 1(,",. I' MI lind ~11 s J>t'a\l Dahhn en, family joined IJ'lelattves if!. the I QumtcCl Erwin home help eele- S,*turd"y. Apr. 27. ConrJrmatiQni Mrs Vcrl C rIson and family. Mrs Mrs. W)'ntore Wallin was a F'ri. Mrs. Jim Davis, Orna1 "'U/"",,,,,,,J!I, .... II

l\lr Lind JIlt I )0 \OVIlll.lId IIOldOlf~nd Churit's Junek lorne for Easter brate Ille hostess' 1)1 thday were JlasiS. 930 a m Willard Holdorf and family. Mrs. day mOrning caller in the A. J. the weekend in tb8 MUlici l'IL

i A ;~ MI' nnd Mrs Ern('Ht Swnmon at dmner Sunday, Mr nn,~ Mrs verdCl Erwin and Sunday. Apr 28' Sunday schooll Delmar lIoldoH ancJ family and Collins home. Mrs, Ncl~ return~ , 1.11 '11ft' t\. I

INI(1(>([ till' I' ,II m BUI ('1111 Ban{ U(!t Mr Bnd MrS" ~o~ Biershenk ~nd sons, Mr and Mrs C arence Ras· nd Bible classes, 9 45 am; Di- Mrs . .Mikc~eWinkel and family. Easter dinncr f~uests in the Mrs, ~~~~~t~h:cm~t:o~.;pen~d~.;:o:m~.~==~_~j~. :_:._~_!:~.;_~.:.-;;;;:; , a! LHurf'1 \Ionrl[lv ('vC'nm,t( dlluglJt~rs were I'riday evemng teri(' and' fnmlJiY, Mr nd Mrsj AI- [n~ wOrShlpj 11 am. Mr and rs_ Eric Larson and Anna Stolle hornp were Mr. and I~ WI'('kcnd glH'sts HI thl' Willard g:ucsts 10 the Hatolrl Burns home vm Huslcdo and M and Mrs T~ursday. May 2 Five ALCWi Mrs_ Deo sam spent Friday m Mrs. J.Iarvin Stone aDd SOD, ,Ab:. I '. ,,'

Holdod horn{ 1).('le ~11 ,HId l\ lS • t Harvey J\'aJjte(~e. ni 5,200 p,m ,Sioux Citr, and Mrs. lferm8q. Stolle and ,Jme, I: , :'.' I' Don Cook IJnd duughlen. Norl lk. Mrl. and Mrs Jac Erwin and Friday su per guests in the Deo Mr. and l\lrs. Elmil Stalling and A N.t "

TtJPsd.lY lJft( rnoon guests In the _ • • • family MJ' all~ Mrs Delmar Hal- ~ M , and Mrs. WalJaee Anderson Isom hom were Mr, and Mrs. family. Mr. and Mrs pp V I rogen'i ('Ill \ ton Andl'1 SOil hotn(' were rs M H ' CI b dorI ~nd family, 1\01. and Mrs. ndl family were Sunday evemng Eric Larso~ Schwnrten, Mrs. Anna Stalling and

Dllrltne Kr,t!n(j1\11 lind fnl~IY' ~rv °I~ema e~ s, uC[ b t Max IIIoldllrf, Verruta and Darell ue ts In ttIe KeIth Erickson home Mr, and Irs. Dco Isom, Mr. and Mrs Marion Lockwood Afternoon , '. . : :\f,., Bnh Sh( II ~ ,Iud rllmily. Inl W derr~ omei~ er S th u Flmcd and Mr and Mrs MQrlen Holdorf !Rfcent vISItors m the Kenneth Mrs. DIck 'tailing and Kim, Mrs. guest.'i were Mrs" Edith Stolle and ("ll\ Er\\1n ,l/ld daughtCls, Irs S ~lines OK even~g:n eq bOY and family were Easter dJhner ri¢kson home were Mr and Mrs. Duane Tr~ith and family, were Mr, and Mrs. IJarold Stolle and I Wilfred Nobl)(' Mrs Alvm An cr- ;~reva~ese~~e MrswcMV:ry rub:~~ guests ID the ETJlcst IEchtenkamp ay Otte, Mr. and Mrs Melvin Friday eve ing calJers in the L.r· family.. P t T son .mel fomll~ dnd Mrs WU ard p ~ uest home. I ranzen, Mr, and Mrs Roy Pear- ry Koester home Kathy and Lori Hall, Omaha, rep an' 0 ilnldorf nnd Brt'n( ~ Aberdeen, Scotia d, was bag .' Re~. and Mrs. G. L. Search. Ion Mr nnd Mrs Norman Ander- Stace an Todd Ko~st~r were spent Sunday till Thursday m the .

!\-Ir <lnd~ll:.I( Evell ,Johnson Hnd ~~oll ca~ w~s tnQ~r~~~~rs~' gl~~g Atchison. ":~ns., Mrs. Martha on' and girls, Mr 1 and Mrs Frank Friday ov might and Saturday I Marvin Stolle homc . f.lIllily \\{'IC 1'.Io;!e'r dmner gu sts h Our 11r~S M PtE WIn:· y Reith and Clelmar HiOldorf were McDonald and fpmily Mr. and gucsts In e Deo Isom home. Jane Stolle wa;s capped Sunday HI Ihl' tut lohn)oon I~ome ostCtl8 WI {' rH a r I rid,r morliing callers in the Mrs ArVid Peterson, M~ and Mrs Larry KOwster, Staee ana Todd, evening a~t the St Paul's Lutheran

E,I;.fj'r rhnn! t guestfl In th(' VVnlt lSI CI b hck Erwin home. Ernest Knoell Mrs James Conn Noel Isom nd Mr and Mrs Eric Hospital 10 SIOUX. City INC R EAS E VO U R Tohn"OIl hOIlJ( \\(,1 (' 1\11 .tnd ill'S ew nr ~I h t W d I Monp.1Y cv(\mng g~lcsts In the End famIly Mr and Mrs Jim Larson w~re Saturday dinner 1 Sunday evening guests 10 the 11""" InIH""" .HI" """ Mr .ItHI i Sew ng ~ M me Q C t" '101 Tim llrbanlc ll,ome were Mr and tcrum and' lamlly Tonnle John. guests '" t~e Oeo 150m home Dale Pearson home to help Duane '. '1 M/\ II)( I'!ll~hllg nul dtlllgljtl'r~lt('~no()~ With t, ul~enb' ~Jn ,Mrs Armm $tnrl( ami Mr and on and I{enney Dogel Lmcoln Mr and~Mrs Oscar Johnson celebrate his birthday were Mr : .HId j.lurlv~ lohn'o()T\ Boone 1.\ I ~ c ay as e~s WI e rs Mrs jlack ErWin rs N. 0 Anderson a~d Lillinn; and Mrs telia Magnuson were and Mrs. Virgil Pearson an~ iarn- ,

\11 and MI S (j.eOl/.(c Anderson I rllz Rmth Mr and Mrs Max Holdorf were Ivan Anderson, Annandale, Minn, Thursday upper guests in the lilY' Mr and Mrs Pat ErwlD and COR N VI 'f LO S and M()rrl~ Johnson w('rt' Sll~day -, I Wednus,day evenlnf! guC'sts In the Mr and Mrs Raymond Erickson AVTld Pet.<irson home Overnight family. Mr and Mrs Verdel Er I ,Jil('lnoon llln(hl'on ~Il('sls lnl Ihf' ArtemiS extensl~n Club, lack ErWin home. rnd Mr and Mrs Keith EncksoQ guests were Lorl 13nd Sheri Peter WlU an~ famIly. and Mr and Mrs I ! ~em~~R~~. H()~ l()hn)ol)J! 110111(' , Artl.!rnls ExtenSIOn ~Iub met Mr and Mrs. l'ntz Reith and ~nd daughters I son Ernest Swanson and famtiy.

Lon'nn f ()sler rptllnl('d t~om( Monday .evening In the l'l'ltz Kral' MI' clild Mrs CeCil Cl.trk Were Easter dmner guests ill the Mar- 1\1r andl Mrs Virgtl Pearson I Last Saturday dmner guests 10 I Sundd~ ,!it ('I spendmg sonw ~l!n('lrnl'l horne Ten lliembcls were I Easter dinner hrtl('sts at the Nor- ~yn Dahlquist home were Mr and and family Joined relatives in the ~he Ivan Clark home In honor of WITH NIT' R~GEN In Ih( Wllll~ Johnson hump I present Mr" VerI Carlson and mandy Sunday IIMrs Clarence DahlqUist and Har Rohel't Taylor home, Laurel, for Mrs Stan- Swanson's graduation W

\11 dnd \110; WI1J.I~ /ohrttlo? l:vlrs Duane Koe!.(~?r had the :rosson CurtiS Wiwl'll'r was a Fllday ov- rIS, Mr and Mrs Don DahlqUIst Easter dIn fer at Wayne College were Mr and \ '''i!( d MI ~ !\1;.Jl h'n H~YTloltb I ilnd (In 1I1lndicraft May h Istcss erOJg~t gllCHt In thp Clarence Ras nd Mrs Fern Conger Mary C bban, Aberdeen, Scot I Mrs Stan Swanson and sons, Mr AP P LI E 0 AT THE RD 0 T LEVEL (wIn Illf<lnls Monday (\('nJlll! ,t( th(,,\\t!! hE' Mrs Clarence Rastede Itcdc home Saturday guests were Mrs Fern Conger, Elgm, spent land, spen Monday till Thursday and Mrs, Tony Stockem, BIll Wakf'fidtl hospital. 1'---- Doug WiH(', Bob Myer, Loren IThurSday till Monday in the Don m the Vjr~ll Pearson home. . Cla·rk. Geneva Sullivan and Fran.

\1r nnd 1\1rs Harold B:l.Il'ns ,St. Paul's Lutheran Aid lletu<'r and Curtis Wheeler. IDahlquist home. I'... . Easter d.j.nner guests in the Carl Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wall, Sioux A SlOE DRESS 1<'lned a group TU('sday {'v(jnrn~ st. Paul's {,utheran Ladies Aid Easler ~inner gu('sts in the Ray~ Mr. 8!ld Mrs. Bernard Macke Koch hom~.w~re Mr. a':ld Mrs. AI- ~ity, were T~ursday supper guests PREPLANJ NO for a hO.llSt.,warmln

g P3.rtY In. Ih.C IIIlC't Thursday afternooon at the mond. Ertckson homc. were Mr. land famIly, Way~{', were Thursday b~rt Fr.ane ls and family, Funer-llJl the Stan Swanson home. 'MATHIESON N.82

Clay fit'vd011 !Hlm(' Ichurch parlors. Mrs. Carl Koch and Mrs. KcHh Erickson and evening guests In the Jim Clark- ton and ~r. and Mrs. LeRoy Koch Friday ('vening guests in the II,lr and \Irs Wilfrpd :-JobbC' nnd I was the' hostess. The program on daught(,fS unrl Mr and Mrs. Ken- son home. and famIly. Frank Carlson home in honor of

~\ln w('rt' Fnday t'\"pning gllpsts In Mother's day was led by Mrs. Her- neth Erickson and son. I Mr. and Mrs. Pat Ewert. Fre. M:. and Mrs. Bud Hanson and Hazel's birthday were Mr. and till' .lI,1llfol'd ]{t,('lwr hOirll' :.11 ,\Jll'1l m.un Stolle. Mr$. Rudolph Blohm Guests in thp Cecil Clark home mont, Bnd Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy family and Mr. and.Mrs. Lawrence IMfS. Vern Carlson and family, Mr ANHYDROUS AMMONIA'

E:lsl('r dinrl<'r gU('sts in !Ill' ".vrid will bc the May hoste~s. to help c('l{'bra!(' the hostess' birth-I Clarkson, Scribner, were week. B.ackstromi an~ famlly were Easter and Mrs. Walla. cc Anderson and P,'1I'J"S'H1 h()I1!(' W{'f{' Mr anti Mrs 1'-'-- day Monday afternoon were Mrs. end guests in the Jim Clarkson Idmner guel<its In the Oscar Johnson family, and Mr and Mrs. Clayton irwr l'l'l£'rblJn and familv <lnd Mr ~ l. C. W, Neil Kluver and daughters, Mrs. home. Sunday supper guests in home. " Anderson and daughters. After. Apply Mathieson Anhydroul Ammonl0 from ona and Mr.~. Meredith .Johnson and L C W. met !hursday afternoon lol'1car ,Borg, "!rs .. Mable McCaw, the Clark~on home were Mr. and M:. and. Mrs. J1m Fitch a~d Inoon guests were Mrs. Art Ander. month before planting until the lad c",ltiv~tlon. fanul}' Supper gtl,('sts \vere: Mr at ,·thC' Conconhia churcn parlor.,s. Mr~. '1 hl)maH F~rwm, \i"rs. Wymore Mrs. Keith Clarkson, Newman family, Wayne, Mr. and Mrs. WII- son and Fern, Mrs. LeRoy Koch

~~.--~ Grove, and Mr. and Mrs. LaVern fred Nobbe, and sons and ~dna and family and Mrs. Ellger Pear- IncreolE! your bUlhel yIeld with

550-lb. 'fr ezer has handYiSlide '.nBl~?~i~es~o ~!t loadin~ and unl ding.

• Door lock. o Signal light . • Interior Iightinl!"

ONLY 16800 *exc1ange

115.0:£1':\'\ P

Holds 371 fbs. yet is only 26 inches wide • Fqur fast-freezing

refrigerated surfaces.

• Bookshelf-type s.heIvea O-put food at your

finger tips.

• Million-Magnet" ,door "sealsn without l:i<tchm.

• Adjustable temperature control

.Durable~ enameled interi ....



C~l~.T "'!!~~~!!

Clarkson and family, Cozad. I Markley were Easter dmnf'r son. Mrs. Clem Vandell and sons of guests in ~h~ Fay Fitch home. I Mrs. Wymore Wallin and Mrs.

Emmentsburg spent .. the weekend Mrs. BeSSie Isom and M7s. ~ar- Roy Johnson were Wednesday at-in the Ivan Clark home. old Burns!spent Thursday 10 SiOUX ternoon luncheon gu('sts in thc

I Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clark and City. George Anderson home I Tim were Easter dinner guests in Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Carlson I Cheri and M. ark Koch ~rent Wed ..


the Ivan Clark homC'. and ~rs. Mary H~ogner were Eas- nesday afternoon in the Art An ~ Mr. and Mrs. Stan Swanson and ter (linner guests In the Veri Carl· derson home



3. NITROGEN THAT YOUR CORN NEEDS. n NORTH EASTERN FERTILIZER CO. 'sons, niH Clark, Gpnev:.J Sullivan son home. . . I Fr.idav afternoon gu('.~h in lh(> and F.ran were Eastpr dinner Mr: and Mrs .. Lavern. Nelson an~ I Mrs A~('I F.redl'ick<;on hom(' for I

I?uests In thp Tony Stockem 110mp. VII'. and Mrs. JIm Da~ls were ~a.t- her birthday were Mrs. Wymore

. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Salmon and urday supper guests In the Mllhe Wallin, Mrs Ivar Anderson, Mil. I family wpre SunJay af1ernoon I Nelson home. , dred Fredrickson. Edna Dahlgren,

gUo ests in' lhe' Art Johnson home. M:. and Mrs. Jack ~~ers and 1~~rS~'~E~rn:e~stgA~n~d~eriso~n~'~M~r~S'~II~.~1 ::::::=:::::::::=::::::::::::===~;::~~~~==~ Evcning guests were Mr. and Mrs.' fam\ly were Sunday evenmg guests . __ " ________ .. _ Jlm Nelson and family. in the Clarence Rastede home.

Mr. and Mrs. Don Sherry, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence. ~aste~e ~. ~ and Mrs_ Bob. Sherry and famity were Sunday afternoon VISitors m I J

MATHIESON Ph. 375·1322 Wayne

and Pat Sherry, Superior, were the Harvey Rastede home, Laurel. '-= ~ 'T' ..:: Easter dinner guests in the Dan Mrs. George VoUers returned ~-:::_ _ '-' Sherry home, Wayne. home Monday afternoon from the _ ~:;I Mr. and Mrs. Jim Nelson :md Wayne hospital where she had un- {;;L ~ ~~ ........... ~"'--' --.J


family, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Stalling~ dergone surgery. v ........ _~ and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fre~r 'Iiecent callers ~n the George Vol-Hermann and Kelly and Mr. andJllen; home were [Mrs. Virgil Pear- /I Mrs. Laverne Clarkson and familyY s~rs. Dil'k H:m. .. ~, Mrs. Iv~ Z.h

I Resfutant ~ I ~ROSBY I JAA


d ds of thousands of acres in Ne~ aska. .

_ .. is no!.v dn our shelves and

awaiting your inspection. New

styles, new textures, new tones ... footwear to match your attire

or your mood. Come in soon

and examine our new sele~tioils.



that's new for r7> ~. I.




Men's from $995

Here's space--plenty of it .•. 1 up to 2O.S ct/. ft. aI crisp zerp degree storage thQt can hon~le I almost

e~~::i~~~ neS2seven1freaezer lOr· . . I SEA~ . ,. .. -t I

' \.:: i

Th only insecticide for resistant Jootworm , thl' gives you.!!!! these advantageF:

• P OVED EFFECTIVE in co~merCial use on hun·

• S FE TO USE - :"0 protectiV clothing req~ired. Ev n less tOxic thrllUgij skin absorij· ion than some iosee· tic des previously used for rootwor control ..


. ;t~~L;;~; d~~ctt;;;~ii ;7ITO.ES

Perfect tor spring and sum~er, Ligbtlt ounces per .. ~ shoe. Bou~cy crepe sole, ste~1 shank support· /leslsm dirt, repels water. Brushing cleans, restores lealber. Sizes and widths to fit anybOdy. . .~ ,

QQA. ITI£.. S . LlJttIT~D I I


Set your fertilizer supplier: i iazinon lOG granules are avai able in conve~i~nt.

ronomical 50 Ith /lags. Get yo r supply ~!i

§i-crea\O"ofc"mleat'for'td'nI"'rlcul .... ~1 . /.

_...:..:.:.:.::::..:.:..::..:.:.:.:.q.. ____ .. ..;W,;.a:.'y:;.;'n4·';.:.;,;;.;...:....;. __ -~ __ ...... I-222-'·-·-' .. _.M_·+·i_n __ 1 I;EIGY ACRlCUl~ CHEMICAlS... I _ I~ "I'd ,> . ,- i " I .. .. Di~slont_Cbemi'":~(~l.7M1Ll ~~<'"r' _voax !l..,.. .. ~._._.,." .... ;..;...-....;.-..... ~ ..... .:... ..... ....: .................... ~~""i:i:t

i' h

',1 r'·"i.~)~"'·'v,' c~~~T"l~7~r~~~=~~~~~~~~~~ I I "

• I I I I I .. 8 The Woy~.( Herald, Wednejday, April 24, 1963 ro, The LloYd ~oeber. wore Sun· Robert Dahlsren; North PlaHe, Mrs., M.erJe RlDg .hd'fa~ were Wednesday evenlrig V.lsuors

:==Z:===:::;:=~::=T,;;:~r::;-6:::-;::;:· ~:: day supper gue. Is In t e MeWord Mr. and Mr •. Petrow and Mr.. Ring and Mr •. B .••• I at Floyd Johnsons. I W.yne, and Gladys Bradnr and ~oeber home.. . ',Joel Dabl~reni Sioux City. . Clare Buskirk showe Mr. and Mrs. Dick Knl and lam. r,lORTHWEST Rodney, pend~r. Allernoon guests I Mrs. Ande Son was Mr. and Mrs, Leo Schub and their trip to the M"" I lIy were ~unday dinner guests at

a e Ie . and ramJly, C .rroll, and Gary l..or. 'l'ho helped Mr •. Jess B ownell·ob. spend Easter with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. C. W, McGuIr Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tarnow and W k f• Ig . were M,', and Mrs. lIerbcrt Brader among t~e nelg bors 8Qd frlerds Lorcn weqt to, Brqle 'F:ri~BY to ; Donald Kais. Pender.

By Mts" Wallace RI ~i" cnzcn, wnynCl ~~~e her birth ay Fr day after· GeraJd Bo(enkamp. birthday- d.inner we~e Mr. and !'tlrs. John Greve were . W4keflo,'d ATlas- 7.2 The Claren e Boeck e n h a u c riM' d M W"n fd Btl Mr. anq Mrs. Albert Echteu... Mr. and Ms. Sunday visitors" of Mrs. George

I - family were ,,,a5~cr dinner gues~s Jnd r ~h~~ren ~S~t e ~u:r~Y d~:e; ~amp were Sunday supper ,guests Mrs. E Ii Laase 8S were Mr.\ and Mrs. Char- were Saturday ovctnlght p •. rk HIII,Club Meots I In the Adqlphll.l,.Bnwr ho~e, Wayne. '~uests of Norfo k relat cs. I 10 the ~rB. LaVern Wiscbhof 1'l~~cK'~~.~.,!":r, Mfs. Carpi les McGuire and Lonnie. Itors at Dale Nelsons Rnd Sunday

Mrs. Tflcron Culton wnilhOSlCSS . ~r. ?n(l ,,~rs. LevI Dah~gren ~ Mr. and Mrs Dean oIIhl9rt" home, Wayne. , . ' Pastor M~r· Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Bottger callers at Albert L. Nelsons. to Park mn -'t.Jub l:tst "uesday vJSltcd 1~ the I Adolph Berg bOrne, look Mrs Paul DlIIht: en 1II d To help Betty Swagerty cele. a group pf and Edith, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Elwood Sampson ond Janice nt. nrtCl"I1()on. M.l'IL~IIUI Less, nn nnd ISiOUX Cdy, ~IJ!lday .a.ftcrDO?D. Mrs. Otto' Nelson to iOiux C tv brate her .. birthday the Kermit as· a surprise. Henschkc and family were Sunday tended the birthday party {or Mrs. Wnllac(~ Hin).!" were' guests., Sunday vlsl~rs l~ the Fridav evening. Mrs. ~UI DlIIhl~ :rurner family were supper .guests TueSd~~il~t~:::,~: dinner guests at Adolph Henschkes; Larry Bnd Lynn Stallboutn.. Thurs-Mrs. Thul'c Johnson rNld "1 poem, Levi! home WCle Mr. and oron left by f.ra~n for a' two-week In the Swagerty home. Cal Maurice Olsons F]

was held with Mrs F:mil, MIIl(>r hns sisters. Glenview II Mrs Nelon went guests In the Nep Swagerty of Trooks. "Success." . Election of OfficerSi.~.frs: EI'IC. G. [ohnson and the Col- visit with th Don Dye Ifamlly" Swager~YB were Sunday John Olson wer

namcd IH'('~H(!t'nt; Mrs. J-'~l,1 l~a~l- ,~r_ ~nd Mr:_ Ervin .Bart~ls an~ to Trave;so City, Mich.; to visit 'Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Nixon, Eldon Burhoop aDd daug _ grctl, "iN' pl"e . .,ldt'nl; Mr'~1 ErVin Eu~,ene were ~unday dmncl guests her daughtef a~d family. and \\lillis, were Wednesday eve- ThuI:sday visitors ~ Bnrt<,·l~. s('crclary·.trcIlSUI14l' and lin ~h~ Roy .ljlolm. ~om~. . . _ Mr. and Mh. Marvin Borg and Ding gUests in the G. H. Schnier Korths. Sunday Mr, Kart Mr!-l EOH'.,t I'ar'kl'r, floWer and II.l.vmg coo~)erahve Eastel dm sons and Peller Den Ouden were home, Bancroft. They helped Ivan dinner guest at Wende 1 card ('1}(J1Plllll'(' TIl(' ladl{r~ work· ner In the Erpest Anderson home djnner and SUPP€1f" guests Easter in Hollstrom observe his birthday. In the afernoon the We . cd Oil tlH'lr pro.wet, making pup· were. the Dlljle Anderson, Leon the .Joe Eric~so~ home. He is employed on the Schnier family visited with DII. 1)('1.'1 fo!') tht' h().~JlllaJ Holl call ~ndelson, ~).mlaha and Tom Shell- Ben Lund hf.d Easter dinner with farm. Alvin Amen, BartsvillEt, was "M~ .}<'avontl' TV. l'q~gram." Imgton familIeS.. the Verdel L nd family. the Burt Wright home, Mrs",--\~N(h,t Lund will be next Irvin Browll1, Phylhs ~nd ~yle, Marjean 'ulton, Sioux City, h d h{Jslt,~~ took Pvt. Gene Brown ,10 s'oux spent Easter vacation in the Ther- 'I See By T e Heral ' ~ City Thursday morning where 0[11 Culton home.

!;lr :!1\rt Mr.,: Kl'llIH'l,h) Pa('kcr I h? left for Camp Polk, La., after Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lessman I'nl!'r1:11lwd Ii! i-..1slt'1' dm I,er and hiS furlough at home. Peggy were Sunday evening visitors I at SllPllI'l" \11', Erne . .,t Packer ,and Brown, Pen~~r, and Duane Ek- Theron Cultotrls after taking Fred 1\11" .. nd \1 l"<" Dc-I lIamlon ,md berg were Tuesday supper Lessman to Wakefield. He had ae.-children. ·1" 'j9uests In honor of Gene. companied the Paul Les'Smans to

!'Ill' <lnd \!n, Wnllll{'(' Hing vi.!:;- Mrll. Mamie Schager and rs. the Marvin Nelson home, Way,ne, ltt'd llenr.'" BlIrl1HJ~~ and Irene, I Emma Booth, Hartington were for Sunday dinner. Elll('r.<.,(lll :-;l111da.~ afICl'nO()~. Sunday afternoon an supper Mr. and Mrs. Thure ~ohnson

1\11' and !\Ir~ ~:d ()fted~h.1. Chi· guests in the Irvin Brown hO. me. were among EaSter dinner guests cal-!o .. ~p{'(]t th{' w('ckC'nd III the Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Roeber en- in the Oscar Pearson home, Laur-L('Ho\ ,]rdll1.'1()n home. otl").~~r Sun· tcrtained at Easter dinner Mr. and el. dll~ :lltllH'r glll'SI!, wC'r(.' Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Utemark aop Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Art Meyer enter­~l\Ilrc, ·'\Ibn! Brad('r and «enneth, I and Mrs. GenC' Nettleton and Deb- tained Mr. and Mrs. De~bert Jen-

.. ---.---~- .. -~----~-.--- sen and sons at Sunday dinner.




Mrs. Art Meyer spent Tuesday evening with Mlrs. Helen Nelson while her husb~lnd attended the Appreciation dinner at the Wake­field School Auditorium sponsored by an oil company.

Mr. and Mrs. Herman Bose an"d Verdel att~nded a coopera~ tive family diriner Easter Sun­day in the Madon Hingst home, Emerson. Mr. land Mrs_ Gerald Bose, Wayne, -and their guest, Mrs. Ben Bothman, spent the Iwening in the Herman Bose home_ Sunday dinner guests in the Al­

bert Echtenkamp home "were Mr. and Mrs. D('lwyn Swanson, Mr. and Mrs JIarbn Nelson, Oakland, Mr. and Mrs. (;ary O. Nelson and :VII'S. Henry Echtenkamp.

Mr. and Mrs. Anton Puder..,. and Mr. and Mrs. August Brudigam were Thursday evening guests in the William ;Knoll home.

Saturday evening guestl 'In the A'nton Pedersen home were Mrs. Marie Ahern, Carroll, and Mr. and Mrs. William Ahern and Bon, Fort Worth, Tex." Sunday afternoon ilie Pedersens visited in the Arthur Drew home. Wisner.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lessman were Friday sUJ?~er guests in the Mar­vin Nelson home.

Bonnie: Lou Owens, Grand Is­land, and Mr. and Mrs. John Ow­ens and Judy spent Easter week­end with the Robert Simmons family, Torrington, Wyo.

Will J. Nehion, Columbus, spent last week in the Jim Bl-essler home. Mr. and Mrs. Elzy, Woods and daughters, Columbus, were guests last SlUlday evening in the Bressler home.

Dr. R. E. Gormley spent ~ri­day and Saturday at the' Creighton University Dental Homecoming Meeting in Omaha.

Friday Mr. anel Mrs. Albert Ech· Lesl."e tenkamp and Mrs. Fred Lehman were In Fremont to attcnd the fu­,leral of an uncle By Mr$. George Buskirk

Phor'le ATlas 7·2523 The Kermit. Turner family

joined il group of about 60 rela­tives and friends at a coopera- Dinner guests at Billy Hansens tlve family dinner Sunday at St. Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Arnold John's church sponsored by Mr. Brudigam, Mrs. Mable Clir'l)u~n·

25 gave an Easter party Frida~ afternoon for pupils a~d moth~rs.

Mr.1 and Mrs. Jim1llY Gladman and family, Omaha, ·were gues~s of Joe Wilsons Apr.' 7. Sunday guests were Mr. and Mrll. Melvin Wilson and daughters and Mrs. Anna Holst and Elmer.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Krusemark and family were guests Sunday at LeRoy Krusemarks for a. cooper­ative'dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Brudigam spent Sunday evening

Ed Krusemarks. Mable Clinkenbeard is vis­

and friends at Pen­Thurston.

Willis Meyer and Mrs. Mar­

"Whoa there, young feller! I said FIX that frayed phone cord. I can't afford to bUY"a NEW one!" , 1 ill:' :I: ' I' ,::J:.' , ;

l' \ d !i l'r=~~~li

I beard. Julus Meyer, Mr. and Mrs.

~:~orM:;. s~;~a:n:e~~:: ~~g!~ Henry Mueller, George o"'~:""~'""""UI .• U' Beclter and family. Roger left Mrs. Clara Pieper, Mr. and Mrs. Monday for Fort Knox, Ky., to Jack Schroeder and family, Nor·

served St. Paul's Aid May they plan tp

Ail). No customer of Northwestern Bell pays a penny extra to have his telephone kept in repair- although in this case the customejl did insist on the installer having' a cup of coffee. Keeping your telephone equipment in top condition (for instant use) is our job.

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look for s~itable housi~g, ~~~' f~~'il;~dM~r~'n:o~~~~ ~~~~:~ . Mr. and. j~Irs. Ivan Nixon. Jan- Mueller and family, Mr. and Mrs. lee and Wlllis, were Sunday. after- Ted Habrock and family and ~r. noon and supper guests m the t and Mrs. Arnold Mueller ahd Lawrencc Johnson home, Pender. family , '

,!a~.h3i!~~:I~~ke~~/:nmt~~ f~:;~ldS~~: Mr: 'and John Bressler en· son homf'. ~~rtalDed theIr two ~ons and

Mary Lynne Anderson Sioux Illes Sunday at ~mner' at the City, came Friday eve~ing to Wayne Hote.l ohservmg their forty­visit her grandparents, Mr. and second anmVersary. Mrs. H. S. Lund. She returned Mr and Mrs. Clare Buskirk en­Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bob tcrtained Mildred Agler and ~rs. Mohan and sons who came for GeorgE" Buskirk at dinner at Hotel

§a All we have -to sell is service. Northwestern Bell Telephone Company ~"'en/lce ... as help/ut as we can mahe It

the day. Morrison. Edna Dahlgrcn and Hilda Beng- Wednesday dinner guests n,t filrli- I-,,-t---~---------------

ston WCIff' Sunday dinner guests George Buskirks honoring the in Ihe Dean Dahlgren home. In birthday. of, Mrs. Clare Buskirk the afternoon the two ladies visited. were the Victor Trook familY, Mil­in the Slanl!'}, Dahlgren home fdred Agler Delores OJ::;!)n and where out v{ to\ .... n guests were Mr <., I' Mrs. W. C. 1Ring. Joining them for and Mrs. C()rdon Dahlgren and the ('vening, were Mr. and Mrs.

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