  • 8/9/2019 Bnei Akiva Schools University Application Guide



  • 8/9/2019 Bnei Akiva Schools University Application Guide






    Use these steps as a guideline to help your research and

    application process go smoothly:

    1. Research your many options by using the following

    publications and resources:

    Start with eINFO to browse your university and

    program options. Make sure you perform many searches

    as you will probably nd something new each time.

    Read the dierent universities websites, admission

    handbooks, guidebooks, and calendars. ese resources

    provide the greatest detail about courses and programs.

    You can nd university contact information in eINFOsFurther Information section.

    Meet the Reps when they visit the school on

    November 5th.

    Check out the on-line university application, OUAC

    101, at You will eventually use your

    account to apply to university, but even before you are

    ready to apply, you can browse anonymously for additional

    program information.

    Check the websites for universities outside Ontario.

    Use the university website or foradditional information.

    Most importantly, talkto your parents, teachers and

    administrators. ey will have information and insights

    that can help you make a more informed decision.

    2. Record the Programs

    Make a list of the programs that interest you and their

    OUAC program codes. Keep this handy, you will need

    the OUAC program codes when you apply on-line using

    OUAC 101.

    3. Obtain Your Confidential PIN Letter

    We will notify you when these letters are available. e

    letter will provide you with your School Number, Student

    Number and Personal Identication Number (PIN), all

    three of which are required for you to log in to OUAC

    101, the on-line application.

    4. Start working on your application

    5. We recommend you apply online byDecember 19, 2014

    After you submit your initial application, you can

    still make changes to your university and program

    information.Apply Early.

    6. After You Submit Your OUAC Application

    You can log in to Review and Change Your Completed

    Application after you have submitted your application.

    is site allows you to view your application and to make

    changes to your information.

    7. We strongly suggest you visit the universities and/orcolleges that you are considering attending.

    All universities and colleges have campus tours and are

    very willing to arrange meetings with representatives from

    programs you have an interest in. You can nd dates for

    specic events on the universities websites or on eINFO.



    Mrs. Nicky Kagan

    416-630-6772 ext. 43


    Mrs. Shari Weinberg

    416-638-5434 ext. 38

  • 8/9/2019 Bnei Akiva Schools University Application Guide




    ere are 4 main types of programs at most universities:

    Arts/Humanities/Social Sciences

    Life/Health Sciences

    Physical/Engineering Sciences



    Program links between colleges and universities are

    increasing dramatically.

    Many colleges and universities are oering joint programs

    that will provide students with both the theoretical and

    practical skills required for their career and earn them a

    degree and diploma, e.g. Seneca@York, Guelph-Humber, U

    of T Scarborough/Centennial College.

    Applied degree programs are now granted by many colleges

    and universities. Opportunities for transferability between

    colleges and universities exist.


    Community college programs provide a valuable

    combination of academic and practical/technical skills

    training for a specic career.

    ere are almost 600 programs to choose from at Ontarios

    community colleges including Business Administration,

    Biomedical Technology, Computer Animation, Engineering

    Technology, Paramedic and Social Worker.


    19-21 - University Fair, Metro Convention Centre 10 am 5 pm


    Student meeting to outline OUAC application process

    and introduce einfo 2014.

    Representatives from Ryerson, York University and the

    University of Toronto will be visiting both campuses to

    speak to students.

    20 & 21 - Ontario College Fair, Direct EnergyCentre - Exhibition Place, Hall B 20th from 5-9pm

    and 21st from 10am -3pm


    5 - Universities evening - representatives from York,U of T, Ryerson, Yeshiva University and Stern College

    will be at Or Chaim at 7:00 pm.

    Distribution of OUAC access codes. Students should

    begin working on their university applications.


    Students are strongly encouraged to submit their

    applications by Tuesday, December 30, 2014, and

    not wait for the January 14, 2015 deadline.


    14 - deadline for online applications, submissionsand all applicable fees to OUAC.

    Students should be aware of application deadlines for

    any non OUAC universities.

    Any changes or additions to the application can

    be made through the Review and Change your

    Completed Application option.

    FEBRUARY 3 - the recommended last date for students to makechanges or additions to the university or program choice

    they have made on OUAC.

    Mid February the school will submit students grades

    to OUAC.


    e school will submit students interim grades toOUAC.


    28 - the latest date by which all secondary schoolapplicants can expect a response from an Ontario



    1 - the earliest date by which Ontario universitiesmay require you to respond to an oer of admission..

    JULY e school will submit students nal grades to



    Although the published deadline for application to

    OUAC is January 14, 2015 you are urged to submit

    your application earlier.

    e school submits your personal and academic data

    to OUAC. Check carefully to make sure there are no

    errors or omissions. You can choose to apply to as many programs as

    you wish, but you can only choose a maximum of 3

    programs at any one university.

    You can make changes to your OUAC on-line

    application using the Review and Change your

    Completed Application option.

    Make a note in several places of your OUAC

    Reference Number and Pin. Keep these condential.


    accepted at an Ontario university, you are able to deferyour acceptance to the following year if you are going to

    study in Israel. is means that your place in university is

    reserved for you and you need not go through the entire

    application process when you decide to begin university.

    You should check each universitys deferral policy with

    the Admissions Oce. Not all programs oer deferments.

  • 8/9/2019 Bnei Akiva Schools University Application Guide


  • 8/9/2019 Bnei Akiva Schools University Application Guide





    Everything you want to know about universities in Ontario


    Ontario University Application Centre


    Ontario College Application Centre

    WWW.OSCA.CAOntario School Counselors Association

    Information about universities/colleges and scholarships


    is is a search engine for Canadian colleges, universities,

    graduate schools, career quiz and on-line training


    Post-secondary institutions and programs, advice on career

    possibilities, nancing your education and an online



    is site allows you to search hundreds of grants, bursaries

    and scholarships


    Info list of scholarships for each university:


    is site allows you to evaluate your eligibility for bursaries,

    grants and scholarships


    is website is a directory of major information sources for

    careers and links to universities and colleges


    is site has a college guide where you can learn more about

    Jewish life on a particular campus.

  • 8/9/2019 Bnei Akiva Schools University Application Guide






    VALUE: up to $70,000 over 4 years

    ELIGIBILITY:Applicants should be in their nal year

    of high school. e focus is on outstanding community

    leadership and high academic achievement.


    VALUE:9 Scholarships ranging from $1,000.00 to $2,000.00

    ELIGIBILITY: Secondary school students planning to enter

    a program in Hotel and Food Administration, Institutional

    Food Service Management or Hospitality and Tourism

    Management at a Canadian degree-granting institution. e

    programs are oered at Guelph, Ryerson and Mount Saint

    Vincent University in Halifax.

    LORANAWARDDEADLINE:October 22, 2014

    VALUE:up to $16,000 per year (renewable)ELIGIBILITY:Academic standing, plus continued evidence

    of the qualities of character, leadership and service on which

    the award is based. Applies to specic Universities, (Alberta,

    Calgary, Dalhousie, Guelph, Kings, Laval, Manitoba,

    McGill, McMaster, Memorial, Moncton, Montreal, Mount

    Allison, Ottawa, Saskatchewan, Simon Fraser, York, Queens,

    University of Toronto, UBC, UNB, Waterloo, Western).


    VALUE: $15,000 per year for 4 years

    ELIGIBILITY: e candidate must enroll in a program

    at one of the participating Canadian universities in the

    STEM areas of study (Science, Technology, Engineering,

    Mathematics). e candidate must also possess at least two of

    the following attributes: exceptionally high academic grades;

    demonstrated leadership in school life and the community, orprovided evidence of entrepreneurial talent nancial need. BY

    NOMINATION ONLY (only one nominee per school).


    VALUE: 12 awards of $2,500 each

    ELIGIBILITY:Candidates must be students planning to

    enroll in a full-time certicate, diploma or degree program in

    the 2015/2016 academic year at a Canadian college, university

    or trade school. Applicants must submit a 150 word essaydetailing how they plan to Fund Your Future, and will

    be judged based on a combination of creativity, clarity of

    thought, and grammar.

    Every year, millions of dollars are handed out to graduating studentsin the form of scholarships (university/college, general), academic

    prizes and bursaries/student loans. If the cost of education beyondhigh school is an important factor in your immediate future, thenconsider familiarizing yourself with sources of nancial assistanceother than your personal and family income.

    1.Scholarships which are oered by Universities are not listed here.e information can be found in at

    2.Most universities also oer monetary awards based strictly ongrades. ese awards do not require a separate application. You do nothave to achieve 99% to be considered.

    3.Many scholarships require that the applicant should havea combination of leadership experience, extra-curricular and

    community involvement (in addition to the mandated 40 hours) aswell as a strong academic prole.

    4.Some major corporations oer scholarships to sons or daughtersof employees. Have your parents investigate.

    5.Surf the web for possible sites (e.g., Scholarship Information,; Please be advised that if youregister with one of these sites, you may receive advertising fromtheir sponsors.

    6.e Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) providesnancial assistance for students in need. For further information, goto

    Here are a few examples of scholarships that are oered:

  • 8/9/2019 Bnei Akiva Schools University Application Guide





  • 8/9/2019 Bnei Akiva Schools University Application Guide


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