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Vivien Ann SchmidtBoston University

Department of International Relations152 Bay State Road, Boston MA 02215

Tel: (617) 358-0192/ Fax: 353 9290Email: [email protected]


Table of Contents:Education, Professional History, Honors, Awards, Grants 1-6Books 6-7Refereed Journal Articles 7-12Chapters in Books 12-18Encyclopaedia/ Dictionary Entries, Book Reviews, Forewords 18-19On-Line Publications, Working Papers, Newsletter Articles 19-20Policy Journal Articles, Online Pieces, Briefs and Reports, Op-Eds 20-23Media Interviews and Appearances 23-26Workshops and Conferences Organized (recent) 26-27Academic Conferences, Papers, Lectures 27-38Policy Inputs, Consultancy, Public Talks 38-45Administrative, Professional, and Community Service 46-52Teaching, Languages, Fine Art Photography 52-53

EDUCATION:University of Chicago, Ph.D. in Political Science, l981Institut d’Études Politiques, Paris, l973-l974 (Fulbright-Hays Fellowship)University of Chicago, M.A. in Political Science, l973Bryn Mawr College, B.A. cum laude in Political Science, l971


Professor of International Relations (l998 to present)Jean Monnet Professor of European Integration (2001 to present)Professor of Political Science (2009 to present)Founding Director, Center for the Study of Europe (2011 to present)Director, Center for International Relations (2008 to 2012)

University of Massachusetts Boston: Professor of Political Science and Management (l993-l998); Director, Center for Democracy and Development, and Senior Fellow, McCormack Institute

(l994-1998).Director, European Studies Program (l993-l998) Associate Professor (l987 -1993); Assistant Professor (l981-l987); Instructor (l979-l981)

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Visiting Professorships and Affiliate Positions:Harvard University, Center for European Studies:

Co-Chair, European Union Studies Group (2008 to present); Faculty Affiliate (l999 to present); Visiting Scholar (Sept. l992 to Feb.l993); Research Associate (l985)

LUISS University, School of Government, Rome:Visiting Professor of Comparative Politics (2012 to present)

Copenhagen Business School, Denmark:Visiting Professor of Comparative Political Economy (2008 to present)

University of Geneva, Global Studies Institute (BU exchange program):Visiting Professor of International Relations (July 2013)

Sciences Po, Paris: Visiting Professor of European Studies (2000 through 2008)

Freie Universität, Berlin—Otto Sühr Institute, Research College ‘The Transformative Power of Europe:” Visiting Research Scholar (January through June 2010)

University of Göthenborg, Sweden:Visiting Research Scholar (October 2010)

Warwick University, UK—Institute of Advanced Studies (IAS)Visiting fellowship (February 2010)

Roskilde University, Denmark—Department of Globalization Studies Visiting Professor of Institutional Theory (November 2009; September 2011)

IMT, Institute for Advanced Studies, Lucca, Italy—Political ScienceVisiting Professor of European Studies (May-June 2009)

CEVIPOF (Center for the Study of Politics), Sciences Po, Paris: Visiting Researcher (July to December 2007)

Université Libre de Bruxelles, Institut d’Études Européennes, and Université Catholique de LouvainChaire Franqui Professor (January through June 2007)

Cambridge University, UK: CRASSH (Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities), Visiting Fellow (March-April 2008)

Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna: Visiting Professor (July 2003)

Oxford University, Nuffield College: Visitorship and Fulbright Fellow (Sept. 2001 through Jan. 2002).


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European University Institute, Florence, Political Science Department: Visiting Scholar (May 2000); Part-time Professor (May l999)

Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Cologne (Fall l998): Visiting Professor and Co-Director, project on the Welfare State.

University of Lille II-- Political Science: Visiting Professor (Oct., Dec., l995, Feb., April l996). University of Lille I--Economics: Visiting Professor (Jan. l995)

University of Paris V--René Descartes, Law: Visiting Professor (Nov. - Dec. l992). University of Paris X--Nanterre, Political Science: Visiting Professor (March l991; May l987)

ACADEMIC HONORSHonorary Doctorate (doctor honoris causa), Université Libre de Bruxelles—ULB (December 2008)

Franqui Chair (January through June 2007)—Most prestigious inter-university Chair for Foreign Scholars in Belgium, granted every three years to a social scientist by the Franqui Foundation. Held at the European Studies Institutes of the Free University of Brussels and the Catholic University of Louvain.

Phi Beta Kappa, Epsilon: Recipient of Honorary Membership (Boston, December 2004).

Jean Monnet Chair of European Integration (2001 to present), European Union Commission Award.

Distinguished Scholar Award, University of Massachusetts Boston (May l997).

French government decoration: Chevalier in the Order of the Palmes Académiques (Oct l994).

Special award (Mention d’Honneur) for Democratizing France, received at the Gaston Defferre Prize Ceremony, Marseilles, May l992.

ACADEMIC AWARDS AND FELLOWSHIPS:BJPIR Journal Prize for best article published in the British Journal of Politics and International

Relations 2014, for “Speaking to the Markets or to the People? A Discursive Institutionalist Analysis of the EU's Sovereign Debt Crisis.”   Announced at the Political Studies Association Annual International Conference (March 31st, 2015 in Sheffield, UK).

Research Fellowship (June 2014-June 2015), European Commission, Directorate General of Economic and Financial Affairs (DG ECFIN) to consult and produce a paper on “Political Economy of EMU: Rebuilding Trust and Support for Economic Integration.”

Best Paper Award, ECSA-Canada 2012— “The Clash of Titans/ The White Knight and the Iron Lady: France, Germany and the Simultaneous Double Discursive Game of EMU Reform.” (co-authored with Amandine Crespy).


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Visiting Research Scholar (2010)—Research College for the Transformation of Europe, Free University Berlin.

CNRS Foreign Researcher Award (July through December 2007), CEVIPOF—Center for the Study of Political Life, Sciences Po.

Rockefeller Foundation—Bellagio Study and Conference Center Residency Grant: July 17-August 15, 2003. For book project: Democracy in Europe.

Fulbright European Union Research Scholar Award (Sept. 2001- Jan. 2002), Nuffield College, Oxford University. For book project: Democracy in Europe.

Fulbright Senior Research Scholar Award (Feb -July l991), University of Paris X—Nanterre. Research for From State to Market?

University of Massachusetts Grants: Healey Grants, University of Massachusetts system (l992-l993, l985); Faculty Development Grants, UMass/Boston (l989, l987, l983)

Fulbright-Hays Program, French Government Scholarship (l973-74): Institut d’Études Politiques, Paris.

University of Chicago, Hillman Fellowship (l972-73): Research Assistantship (l97l-72).

GRANTSEU Commission Grant: Director and Principal Investigator on the EU Grant: “Getting to Know

Europe: EU Futures’ for a public lecture series by European artists, writers, public intellectuals, (Sept. 2015 to August 2017— €96,190--from the European Commission Delegation in Washington). The grant allows BU’s Center for the Study of Europe to continue the ‘European Voices’ series, developed as part of an earlier Getting to Know Europe project, and also to launch a new series, entitled “Interferences,” on issues pertinent to the transatlantic relationship.

EU Commission HORIZON 2020 Grant: Co-investigator of the EU grant: ENLIGHTEN ‘European Legitimacy in Governing through Hard Times: The Role of European Networks¹ (2015-2018— €2.5 million).  Focused on theoretical issues surrounding legitimacy and EU institutional actors in the Eurozone crisis, ENLIGHTEN is a collaborative project coordinated at the Copenhagen Business School (CBS) which includes the University of Amsterdam, the Central European University and Université Libre de Bruxelles plus non-academic partners Tax Justice Network, European Trade Union Confederation, Finance Watch and Housing Europe. The project addresses the legitimacy of EU institutional actors’ differing modes of governance as they cope with hard times on short-term and long-term issues in three main policy fields: (1) Banking Crisis and Fiscal Sustainability; (2) Deficit Reduction and Continuity of Public Services; and (3) Youth Employment and Inclusive Growth.

Center for Finance, Law and Policy, Boston University: Principal Investigator for a grant for the workshop “Ideational and Social Resilience in Political Economic Life” at Boston University (Spring 2014--$5000)


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EU Commission Grant: Director and Principal Investigator on EU Grant “Getting to Know Europe: The EU Inside Out” for a public lecture series by European artists, writers, public intellectuals, and ambassadors (Jan. 2013 to May 2014— €75,000). The project explores the prospects for democratic politics in Europe against the backdrop of the profound transformations taking place on the continent in response to the global financial meltdown and the crisis it has unleashed in the Eurozone. It does so from two vantage points: from the “center,” through a series of debates with European ambassadors, and from the “edges,” through a series of conversations with European artists and writers, intellectuals and activists, and a “European Voices” cultural festival.

European Science Foundation Grant to hold a workshop in 2012 on Resilient Liberalism, a collaborative book project (2011— €14,000) at Sciences Po, Paris (June 25-26, 2012)

EU Commission FP7 Grant for GR:EEN (Global Re-ordering: Evolution through European Networks)—Lead member for Boston University for this multi-university academic cooperation coordinated by Warwick University, with a consortium of 15 member universities from around the world, focused on the current and future role of the EU in an emerging multi-polar world, for which we will hold workshops at Boston University (2010-2014— €10 million grant in toto).

EU Commission Global Erasmus Mundus Grant for PhD Program—Lead member for Boston University for this multi-university joint doctoral degree program on “Globalisation, the EU, and Multilateralism”(the GEM PhD school), funded by the Education, Audiovisual & Culture Executive Agency of the EU Commission, coordinated by the Free University of Brussels (ULB), with a consortium of 10 member universities (also including Warwick, LUISS, Geneva, Fudan, Waseda, ITAM, and UN University), providing full three year support for approximately 9 PhD candidates annually, offering shared training programs, supporting international mobility actions, international seminars and joint workshops (2010-2015— €5 million grant in toto).

Humanities Foundation Grant to hold a workshop in 2011 on Resilient Liberalism, a collaborative book project (2010--$8,500), at Boston University (March 25-26, 2012)

EU Commission Grant: Director and Principal Investigator on EU Grant “Getting to Know the EU” for a public lecture series by artists and writers, a seminar series by political scientists, and a new course: Topics in European Politics and Culture: Critical Moments and Memory (Dec. 2008 to Dec. 2009— €100,000).

Humanities Foundation Grant for translation into French of Democracy in Europe, (2007--$2000).

EU Commission Grant: Director and Principal Investigator of grant to develop a European Studies Program, with a Scholar-in-Residence program and lecture series at Boston University (Oct. 1, 2004- Aug. 31, 2005— €50,000).

Volkswagen Foundation Grant: Co-Director and Co-Principal Investigator of collaborative international research project on Welfare and Work in the Open Economy (co-directed with F. W. Scharpf)--Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies (1998-2000— €150,000)

USIA Grants: Director and Principal Investigator of grants while Director of the Center for Democracy and Development at UMASS. Grants included “Decentralization and Local


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Democracy: Citizen empowerment in Cameroon, Mali, and Senegal,” (l997-l998); and “The Role of Government in a Democracy: Namibia” (l995-1996) (approximately $200,000).

European Union Commission and Boston-area Consulates: Director and Principal Investigator for a series of grants for the European Studies Program at UMASS; from the European Union Commission-- successive yearly grants (l994-l998); French Cultural Services, French Embassy -- yearly grants (l993-l998); Spanish Consulate -- yearly grants (l994-l997); Italian Government with a lecturer in Italian Studies (l994-l997, renewable) (approximately $50,000 in total, not including the lecturer)


Books:The Eurozone’s Crisis of Democratic Legitimacy: Governing by Rules and Ruling by Numbers (in


Discursive Institutionalism: Ideas and Discourse in Political Analysis Under contract with Oxford University Press (anticipated date of publication: 2016)

Resilient Liberalism in Europe’s Political Economy, co-edited with Mark Thatcher. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2013 (448pp)

Debating Political Identity and Legitimacy in the European Union co-edited with Furio Cerutti and Sonia Lucarelli. London: Routledge, 2011 (214pp)

Democracy in Europe: The EU and National Polities Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006 (317pp) [Translated into French and fully updated as: La Démocratie en Europe: L’Union Européenne et les politiques nationales Paris: La Découverte, 2010.]

*Named by the European Parliament and its President as one of the top one hundred books written on the European Union since its founding (Feb. 2015): ‘One Hundred Books on Europe to Remember’

Public Discourse and Welfare State Reform: The Social Democratic Experience (Vivien A. Schmidt et al.) Amsterdam: Mets & Schilt, 2005 (270pp) [Sponsored by the Forum Scholars for European Social Democracy: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Berlin; Karl Renner Institut, Vienna; Wiardi Beckman Stichting, Amsterdam.]

Policy Change and Discourse in Europe (co-edited with Claudio Radaelli) London: Routledge, 2005 (205pp)--and Symposium issue of West European Politics vol. 27, no. 4 (March 2004).

The Futures of European Capitalism Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002. (356pp) [Chinese translation: Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press, 2010]

Welfare and Work in the Open Economy Volume I: From Vulnerability to Competitiveness (co-authored with Fritz W. Scharpf). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000 (424pp)


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Welfare and Work in the Open Economy Volume II: Diverse Responses to Common Challenges (co-edited with Fritz W. Scharpf). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000 (680pp)

From State to Market? The Transformation of French Business and Government New York and Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1996 (476pp).

Democratizing France: The Political and Administrative History of Decentralization. New York and Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990 (406pp)

*Special award (Mention d’Honneur), Gaston Defferre Prize Ceremony, Marseilles, May l992

Refereed Journal Articles: “Power through, over and in ideas: Conceptualizing ideational power in discursive

institutionalism.” Article for Symposium issue of the Journal of European Public Policy (forthcoming 2016).

“The Roots of Neo-Liberal Resilience: Explaining Continuity and Change in Background Ideas in Europe’s Political Economy,” for the Symposium on ‘Background Ideas,’ British Journal of Politics and International Relations (forthcoming 2015).

“Why are Neo-Liberal Ideas so Resilient in Europe’s Political Economy,” (with Mark Thatcher) Lead article in Forum with responses from Bob Jessop, Susan Fainstein, Christoph Scherrer, and Philip Cerny, Critical Policy Studies (2014)

“The Discursive Double Game of EMU Reform: The Clash of Titans between French White Knight and German Iron Lady” (with Amandine Crespy) Journal of European Public Policy vol. 21, no. 8 (2014): 1085-1101

* ECSA-Canada Best Paper Award (Ottawa, April 27-28, 2012)

“Speaking to the Markets or to the People? A Discursive Institutionalist Analysis of EU Leaders’ Discourse during the Eurozone Crisis,” British Journal of Politics and International Relations vol. 16, no. 1 (2014): 188-209.

* BJPIR Journal Prize for best article published in 2014

“Arguing about the Eurozone Crisis: A Discursive Institutionalist Analysis.” Critical Policy Studies Vol. 7, No. 4 (2013): 455–462

“The Political Sources of Italy’s Economic Problems: Between Opportunistic Political Leadership and Pragmatic Technocratic Leadership” (with Elizabetta Gualmini) Comparative European Politics (Symposium on “The Italian Transition within the European Framework”) vol. 11, no. 3 (2013): 360-382.

“Democracy and Legitimacy in the European Union Revisited: Input, Output and ‘Throughput.” Political Studies vol. 61, no. 1 (2013): 2-22


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“France’s Postwar Model from the State in Action to a State of Mind,” (Review Essay of Philip Nord’s France’s New Deal) in French Politics vol. 10, no. 2 (2012): 196-208

“Reinterpreting Interpretive Social Science: Mark Bevir on Democratic Governance.” Review

Essay in Comparative European Politics vol. 10, no 5 (2012): 625-633.

“European Member-State Elites’ Diverging Visions of the European Union: Diverging Differently Since the Eurozone Crisis and the Libyan Intervention?” in Symposium issue on “Diverging Views of Europe: The EU Against Itself?” Journal of European Integration, vol. 34, no. 2 (2012): 169-180.

“A Curious Constructivism: A Response to Professor Bell British Journal of Political Science

vol. 42, no. 3 (2012): 705 - 713

“Speaking of Change: Why Discourse is Key to the Dynamics of Policy Transformation,” Critical Policy Studies Vol. 5, No. 2 (2011): 106-126

"The European Union’s Eurozone Crisis and What (not) to do about it" Brown Journal of World Affairs vol. XVII, issue I (Fall/Winter 2010), pp. 199-214. [Chinese translation, Nankai Journal vol. 3, 2013: 1-10]

"The Unfinished Architecture of Europe's Economic Union" Comment in Governance Vol. 23, No. 4 (2010): 555–559).

“Taking Ideas and Discourse Seriously: Explaining Change through Discursive Institutionalism as the Fourth New Institutionalism.” European Political Science Review vol. 2, no. 1 (2010): 1-25 [Reprinted in: Institutionalism II eds. Guy Peters and Jon Pierre, Sage Library of Political Science, 2011]

“Re-Envisioning the European Union: Identity, Democracy, Economy,” Journal of Common Market Studies vol. 47 Annual Review (2009): 17-42.

“Putting the Political Back into Political Economy by Bringing the State Back Yet Again.” World Politics vol. 61, no. 3 (2009): 516-548.

“The Challenges to European Citizenship from Global Capitalism and European Integration”

Politica & Società (2009).

“Explaining ‘Democracy in Europe’,” Review Article (response to three reviews of my book) in Comparative European Politics vol. 7, no. 3 (2009): 396-407.

“Déliberation publique et discours de légitimation en France et le Royaume Uni face à l’Intégration Européenne,” Revue internationale de politique comparée vo. 15, no. 4 (2009) : 555-571.

“Envisioning a less fragile, more liberal Europe,” European Political Science vol. 8 (2009): 212-224. [Also in Italian translation in Biblioteca della Libertà vol. 43, no. 193 (2008)]


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“Discursive Institutionalism: The Explanatory Power of Ideas and Discourse,” Annual Review of Political Science vol. 11 (2008): 303-26.

“European Political Economy: Labor Out, State Back In, Firm to the Fore.” 30th Anniversary Issue of West European Politics vol. 31, no. 1-2 (2008): 302-320.

“Trapped by their Ideas: French Elites’ Discourses of European Integration and Globalization.” Journal of European Public Policy vol. 14, no. 4 (2007): 992-1009.

“Procedural Democracy in the EU: The Europeanization of National and Sectoral Policymaking Processes,” Journal of European Public Policy vol. 13, no. 5 (2006): 670-691.

“Adapting to Europe: Is it Harder for Britain?” British Journal of Politics and International Relations vol. 8 (2006): 15-33.

“Democracy in Europe: The Impact of European Integration.” Perspectives on Politics vol. 3, no. 4 (2005): 761-779. [Also in Spanish translation in Papeles de Relaciones Ecosociales y Cambio Global no. 100 (2007/2008): 87-108]

“L’Etat, l’économie et la protection sociale aux États-Unis et en Europe: diversité des strategies, des capacités institutionnelles et du discours,” Critique Internationale (2005)

“The European Union: Democratic Legitimacy in a Regional State?” Journal of Common Market Studies vol. 42, no. 4 (2004): 975-999 [Also in Italian translation in Biblioteca della libertà vol. 30, no. 171-172 (2004); Rreprinted in: Political Accountability eds. Richard Bellamy and Antonio Palumbo Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate 2010, pp. 445-67.]

“Europeanization of National Democracies: The Differential Impact on Simple and Compound Polities.” Politique Européenne no. 13 (Spring 2004): 113-140.

“Conceptual and Methodological Issues in Policy Change in Europe.” (co-authored with C. Radaelli). Introduction to Symposium issue of West European Politics vol. 27, no. 2 (March 2004): 1-28.

“Conclusions.” (co-authored with C. Radaelli). Conclusion to Symposium issue of West European Politics vol. 27, no. 2 (March 2004): 364-379.

“French Capitalism: Transformed, and yet still a third variety,” Economy and Society vol. 32, no. 4 (2003).

“How, Where, and When does Discourse Matter in Small States’ Welfare State Adjustment?” New Political Economy vol. 8, no. 1 (March 2003): 127-46.

“Europeanization and the Mechanics of Policy Adjustment,” Journal of European Public Policy vol. 9 no. 6 (2002): 894-912. [Republished in 2010 virtual special issue of Journal of European Public Policy on Europeanization, ed. Claudio Radaelli]


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“Does Discourse Matter in the Politics of Welfare State Adjustment?” Comparative Political Studies vol. 35, no. 2 (2002): 168-193. [Reprinted in: Welfare States: Construction, Deconstruction, Reconstruction eds. Stephan Leibfried and Steffen Mau. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar 2008]

“The Politics of Adjustment in France and Britain: When Does Discourse Matter?” Journal of European Public Policy vol. 8, no. 2 (2001): 247-264.

“L’Économie Française est-elle toujours un Capitalisme d’État?” Critique Internationale no. 8 (July 2000): 163-176. [Also editor of Symposium on Models of Capitalism for this journal, with contributions from Colin Crouch, Linda Weiss, and Greg Jackson.]

“France between Étatiste Tradition and the American Federalist Model,” Tocqueville Review Vol. 21, no 1 (2000): 73-81.

“Discorsi di Legitimazzione del Cambiamento Economico e Sociale in Europa.” Europa Europa no. 1 (2000): 113-138

“Democracy and Discourse in an Integrating Europe and a Globalizing World.” European Law Journal vol. 6, no 3 (2000): 277-300

“European ‘Federalism’ and its Encroachments on National Institutions.” Publius vol. 29, no. 1 (1999): 19-44.

“Democrazia e Discorso Pubblico: La Sfida dell’Integrazione Europea e della Globalizzazione.” Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica no. 2 (1999): 207-241

“The Changing Dynamics of State-Society Relations in the Fifth Republic.” West European Politics (l999): 141-165.

“The Impact of European Integration on National Patterns of Industrial Policy-making: The Cases of France, Great Britain, and Germany.” Current Politics and Economics in Europe vol. 9, no. 1 (1999) 1-17.

“Privatization in France: The Transformation of French Capitalism,” Government and Policy no. 4 (l999).

“La France entre l’Europe et le Monde: Le cas des politiques économiques nationales,” Revue Française de Science Politique vol. 4, no. 1 (l999): 49-78.

“Discourse and (Dis)Integration in Europe: The Cases of France, Great Britain, and Germany,” Daedalus vol. 126, no. 3 (l997): 167-198.

“Running on Empty: The End of Dirigisme in French Economic Leadership,” Modern and Contemporary France vol. 5, no. 2 (l997): 229-241.


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“Economic Policy, Political Discourse, and Democracy in France,” French Politics and Society vol. 15, no. 2 (l997): 37-48.

“European Integration and Democracy: The Differences among Member States.” Journal of European Public Policy, vol. 4, no. 1 (1997): 128-145.

“European Integration and Institutional Change: The Transformation of National Patterns of Policy Making.” Leviathan special issue (1996).

“The Decline of Traditional State Dirigisme in France: The Transformation of Political Economic Policies and Policymaking Processes,” Governance vol. 9, no. 4 (l996): 375-405.

“Loosening the Ties that Bind: The Impact of European Integration on French Government and its Relationship to Business,” Journal of Common Market Studies vol. 34, no. 2 (l996): 223-254.

“Industrial Policy and Policies of Industry in Advanced Industrialized Nations: A Review Article,” Comparative Politics vol. 28 (l996): 225-248.

“The New World Order, Incorporated: The Rise of Business and the Decline of the Nation-State.” Daedalus vol. 124, no. 2 (l995): 75-106.

“An End to French Economic Exceptionalism? The Transformation of Business under Mitterrand.” California Management Review vol. 36, no. 1 (1993): 75-98.

“A Profile of the French CEO.” International Executive vol. 35, no. 5 (l993): 413-430.

“Débloquer la Société par Décret: Le Cas de la Décentralisation en France,” Pouvoirs Locaux no. 6 (l990): 113-118.

“Unblocking Society by Decree: The Impact of Governmental Decentralization in France,” Comparative Politics vol. 22, no. 4 (1990): 459-481.

“Engineering a Critical Realignment of the Electorate: The Case of the Socialists in France,” West European Politics vol. 13, no. 2 (1990): 192-215.

“Industrial Management under the Socialists in France: ‘Decentralized Dirigisme ‘ at the national and local levels.” Comparative Politics vol. 21, no. 1 (l988): 53-72.

“Four Models of Explanation.” Methodology and Science vol. 21, no. 3 (l988): 174-201.

“The Historical Approach to Philosophy of Science: Toulmin in Perspective.” Metaphilosophy vol. 19, no. 3 (l988): 223-236.

“Four Approaches to Science and their Implications for Organizational Theory and Research.” Knowledge vol. 9, no. 1 (l987): 19-41.


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“La Dérégulation aux États Unis.” Revue Française d'Administration Publique no. 41 (l987): 115-127.

“Four Approaches to Scientific Rationality.” Methodology and Science vol. 19, no. 3 (l986): 207-232.

“Bringing Moral Values Back In: The Role of Formal Philosophy in Effective Ethical Public Administration.” (with C. Hetzner) International Journal of Public Administration vol. 8, no. 4 (l986): 429-453. [Reprinted in: Principles and Practices in Public Administration Part 10: Ethics and the Public Service. eds., Jack Rabin, Robert Munzenrider, and Sherrie Bartell. New York: Marcel Dekker eBook, 2003.]

Articles in Progress:“Changing Supranational Rules by Stealth: EU Institutional Actors’ Pathways to Legitimation in

the Eurozone Crisis.” Article under review.

“Reinterpreting the Rules ‘by Stealth’ in times of Crisis: The European Central Bank versus the European Commission” Article in progress for West European Politics. Revision of paper to be presented at the workshop ‘Rethinking European Integration,’ European University Institute, Florence (Sept. 2015, first presented at a workshop of the same name in June 16, 2014).

“Explaining Continuity and Change Endogenously in Advanced Industrialized Countries: From Historical Institutionalism to Discursive Institutionalism.” Article in progress.

Chapters in Books:“Changing the policies, politics, and processes of the Eurozone in crisis: Will this time be different?”

Social Developments in the EU 2015 eds., David Natali and Bart Vanhercke Brussels: European Social Observatory (OSE) and European Trade Union Institute (ETUI), 2015

“Discursive Institutionalism: Understanding Policy in Context” in Handbook of Critical Policy Studies (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, forthcoming 2015).

“Conceptualizing Change in Europe: Is Europe becoming a ‘Region-State’?” Chapter for Conceptualizing Change in Comparative Politics: New Writings on Polities, Peoples and Markets, eds., Tony Spanakos and Francisco Panizza (London: Routledge, forthcoming 2015)

“Contrasting American and French Approaches to Public Policy.” Co-authored chapter (with Peter Hall, Mark Thatcher, Claudio Radaelli) in Laurie Boussaguet, Sophie Jacquot, Pierre Muller, Pauline Ravinet (eds.) Une discipline en action. Où en sont les policy sciences en France ? (Paris: Presses de Sciences Po, 2015)

“Varieties of Capitalism: France’s State-Influenced Market Economy” in Oxford Handbook of French Politics. Eds. Robert Elgie, Amy Mazur, Emiliano Grossman, Andrew Appleton (Oxford: Oxford University Press, forthcoming 2015)


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“The Forgotten Problem of Democratic Legitimacy: ‘Governing by the Rules’ and ‘Ruling by the Numbers’ in The Future of the Euro co-edited by Matthias Matthijs and Mark Blyth. (New York: Oxford University Press, 2015), pp. 90-114.

“Conclusion: Sense-Making, Politics, Ideas, and Discourses in Institutional Change” (with Susanna Borrás and Leonard Seabrooke) in Sources of National Institutional Competitiveness: Sensemaking and Institutional Change (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015).

“Democracy in Europe” in Routledge Handbook of European Politics, ed. José Mangone (London: Routledge, 2015)

“EU Leaders’ Ideas and Discourse in the Eurozone Crisis: A Discursive Institutionalist Analysis,” in EU Foreign Policy through the Lens of Discourse Analysis: Making Sense of Diversity, eds. Caterina Carta and Jean-Frederic Morin. (Farnham: Ashgate, 2014)

“Comparative Institutionalisms” in Globalization, Europe, Multilateralism ed. Mario Telo. Global Erasmus Mundi PhD textbook (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2014).

“Theorizing Ideational Continuity: The Resilience of Neo-Liberal Ideas in Europe” (with Mark Thatcher) in Resilient Liberalism in Europe’s Political Economy co-edited by Vivien A Schmidt and Mark Thatcher (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013).

“The State: Bête Noire of Neo-Liberalism or its Greatest Conquest?” (with Cornelia Woll) in Resilient Liberalism in Europe’s Political Economy co-edited by Vivien A Schmidt and Mark Thatcher (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013).

“State transformation in Italy and France: Technocratic versus political leadership on the road from non-liberalism to neo-liberalism” (with Elisabetta Gualmini) in Resilient Liberalism in Europe’s Political Economy co-edited by Vivien A Schmidt and Mark Thatcher (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013).

“Conclusion: Explaining the resilience of neo-liberalism and possible pathways out “(with Mark

Thatcher) in Resilient Liberalism in Europe’s Political Economy co-edited by Vivien A Schmidt and Mark Thatcher (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013).

“In the Light and the Shadow of the Single Currency: European Identity and Citizenship.” Chapter for The Single Currency and European Citizenship: Unveiling the Other Side of the Coin ed. Giovanni Moro (New York: Bloomsbury, 2013)

“The Europeanization of National Economies.” Revised chapter for second edition of Simon Bulmer and Christian Lequesne, eds. Member States and the European Union. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013).

“Discursive Institutionalism:  Scope, Dynamics, and Philosophical Underpinnings” in The

Argumentative Turn Revised: Public Policy as Communicative Practice eds. Frank Fischer and Herbert Gottweis. (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2012)


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“The State and Political Economic Change: Beyond Rational Choice and Historical Institutionalism to Discursive Institutionalism,” State, Globalization and Multilateralism Ed., Mario Telò. (Berlin: Springer, 2012)

“What Happened to the State-Influenced Market Economies? France, Italy, and Spain Confront the Crisis as the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly” in The Consequences of the Global Financial Crisis: The Rhetoric of Reform and Regulation eds. Wyn Grant and Graham Wilson. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012)

“Les Implications Politiques du Modèle Économique Italien,” La Transition Italienne dans le Cadre Européen eds. Jean-Michel De Waele, Mario Telo, Giulia Sandri and Luca Tomini (Bruxelles: Éditions de l'Université de Bruxelles, 2012)

“Democracy and Legitimacy in the European Union” in Oxford Handbook of the European Union (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012)

“European Economy 1950 to 2010: The Miracle of Growth and the Sources of Wealth.”

Completely revised chapter for third edition of Richard Sakwa and Anne Stevens (eds.) Contemporary Europe (Basingstoke: Palgrave foundations, 2012)

“Varieties of Capitalism and the American Model.” Oxford Companion to American Politics (Oxford: Oxford University Press 2012).

“European Member-State Elites’ Diverging Visions of the European Union: Diverging Differently Since the Eurozone Crisis and the Libyan Intervention?” in Euroscepticism within the EU Institutions: Diverging Views of Europe eds. Nathalie Brack and Olivier Costa (London: Routledge, 2012)

“Introduction: Internationalization and Policy Paradigms” (with Grace Skogstad) in Policy Paradigms, Transnationalism and Domestic Politics ed. Grace Skogstad. (Toronto: Toronto University Press, 2011), pp. 3-35.

“Ideas and Discourse in Transformational Political Economic Change in Europe” in Policy Paradigms, Transnationalism and Domestic Politics ed. Grace Skogstad, (Toronto: Toronto University Press, 2011), pp. 36-63.

“Institutional Theory.’ Encyclopaedia of Political Science, General Editors Bertrand Badie, Dirk Berg-Schlosser, and Leonardo Morlino. Sage, 2011. (8000 words)

“The Problems of Identity and Legitimacy in the European Union: Is more Politics the Answer?”

in “Debating Political Identity and Legitimacy in the European Union” eds. Furio Cerutti, Sonia Lucarelli, and Vivien A. Schmidt. (London: Routledge, 2011), pp. 16-37.

“The Smalls, the Bigs, and Europeanization.” Chapter in Forever Corporatist? Change and

Continuity in the Small West European Countries’ Capitalisms ed. Uwe Becker (Amsterdam University Press, 2011)


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“Reconciling Ideas and Institutions through Discursive Institutionalism” in Ideas and Politics in Social Science Research eds. Daniel Béland and Robert H. Cox (New York: Oxford University Press, 2010).

“On Putting Ideas into Perspective: Schmidt on Kessler, Martin and Hudson, and Smith.” Concluding comment for The Role of Ideas in Political Analysis: A Portrait of Contemporary Debates eds. Andreas Gofas and Colin Hay (Routledge, 2010).

“European Elites on the European Union: What Vision for the Future?” in European Union and World Politics: Consensus and Division eds., Andrew Gamble and David Lane London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009), pp. 257-73.

“Public Attitudes toward Business in France: The Importance of Good Ideas and Persuasive Discourse.” Book chapter for Public Attitude toward Business and the Modern Market Economy Korean Development Institute (forthcoming 2009)

“The EU and its Member-States: From Bottom-up to Top-down” in Reflections on European Integration: 50 Years of the Treaty of Rome eds. Alex Warleigh and David Phinnemore (Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2009), pp. 194-211. [Translated into Chinese and published in Nankai Journal No.5, 2010 (CSSCI).

“Comparative Institutional Analysis” in Handbook of Comparative Politics eds. Todd Landman and Neil Robinson. (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2009)

“La Démocratie Représentative en Europe : La « Politique sans Politisation » de l’UE et la « Politisation sans Politique » des Etats Membres » in Politiques Publiques et Démocratie—Mélanges en l’Honneur de Bruno Jobert Eds. Olivier Giraud, Pierre Muller, Philippe Warin. (Paris : La Découverte, 2008)

“The European Union as Supra-National Regional State: Rethinking What the EU is and Where it is Going” in A Recast Partnership? Institutional Dimensions of Transatlantic Relations Ed. Simon Serfati (Washington: Center for Strategic International Studies, 2008).

“Social Contracts under Siege: National Responses to Globalized and Europeanized Production in Europe” in Global Capitalism Unbound: Winners and Losers of Offshore Outsourcing Ed. Eva Paus, pp. 113-129 (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007)

“Labour in the 21st Century: The Strategies of States” in Labour in the 21st Century: Employment, States, Capital, Trade Unions and Social Movements.” Eds. Andrew Gamble, Andrew Taylor, Steve Ludlam, and Steven Wood, pp. 21-41 (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2007).

“Institutionalism and the State” in The State: Theories and Issues, eds., Colin Hay, David Marsh,

and Michael Lister, pp. 98-117 (Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2005).


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“The EU ‘Polity’ and the Europeanization of National Polities” in With US or Against US: European Trends in American Perspective eds., Nicolas Jabko and Craig Parsons (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005).

“The Role of Public Discourse for a Social Democratic Reform Project” in Public Discourse and

Welfare State Reform: The Social Democratic Experience (Vivien A. Schmidt et al.) , pp. 13-50 (Amsterdam: Mets & Schilt, 2005).

“European Economy since the beginning of the EU: The Miracle of Growth and the Sources of Wealth” in Richard Sakwa and Anne Stevens (eds.) Contemporary Europe Second Edition (Basingstoke: Palgrave foundations, 2005).

“Conceptual and Methodological Issues in Policy Change in Europe” (co-authored with C. Radaelli) in Policy Change and Discourse in Europe (London: Routledge, 2005).

“Mapping the scope of discourse, learning, and Europeanisation in policy change” (co-authored with C. Radaelli) in Policy Change and Discourse in Europe (London: Routledge, 2005).

“Die Reformfdhigkeit Frankreichs im Vergleich”(French Reform Capacity in Comparative Perspective) in Frankreich Jahrbuch 2004: Reformpolitik in Frankreich ed., Deutsch-Franzoesisches Institut (dfi) (Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag, 2005).

“The Europeanization of National Economies?” in Member States and the European Union eds., Simon Bulmer and Christian Lequesne (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005).

“Europeanization and the Mechanics of Economic Policy Adjustment” in L’Intégration

Européenne entre Émergence Institutionnelle et Recomposition de l’État eds. Christian Lequesne and Yves Surel (Paris :Presses de Sciences Po, 2004).

“European Economy” in Fifty Years of UEFA volume 1, ed., U. Rudolph Roethenbuehler

(Geneva: Union of European Football Associations, 2004).

“The Boundaries of ‘Bounded Generalizations:’ Discourse as the Missing Factor in Actor-Centered Institutionalism” in Die Reformierbarkeit der Demokratie: Innovationen und Blockaden Eds. Renate Mayntz and Wolfgang Streeck (Frankfurt a. m.: Campus, 2003).

“European Integration as Regional Variant of Globalization: The Challenges to National Democracy” in European Integration and Democracies in Europe Eds. Ines Katenhusen and Wolfram Lamping (Opladen: Leske and Budrich, 2003).

“The Effects of European Integration on National Governance: Reconsidering Practices and Reconceptualizing Democracy” in Participatory Governance: Theoretical, Political, and Societal Implications Eds. Jürgen Gröte and Bernard Gbikpi (Opladen: Leske and Budrich, 2002).


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“Federalism and State Governance in the EU and the US: An Institutional Perspective” in The Federal Vision: Legitimacy and Levels of Governance in the US and the EU Eds. Kalypso Nicholaides and Robert Howse (London: Oxford University Press, 2001).

“Discourse and the Legitimation of Economic and Social Policy Change” in Globalization and the European Political Economy Ed. Steven Weber (New York: Columbia University Press, 2001).

“Le Discours Politique et la Légitimation du Changement Économique et Sociale en Europe” in Les Effets d’Information Ed. Jacques Gerstlé (Paris: L’Harmattan, 20001).

“Privatization in France,” in Privatization and Public Enterprise Management Ed., Ali Farazmand (Greenwood Press, 2001).

“Values and Discourse in the Politics of Adjustment” in Welfare and Work in the Open Economy Volume I: From Vulnerability to Competitiveness Eds., Fritz W. Scharpf and Vivien A. Schmidt (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000), pp. 229-309.

“Still Three Models of Capitalism? The Dynamics of Economic Adjustment in Britain, Germany, and France” in Roland Czada and Susanne Luetz, eds., Die Politische Konstitution von Maerkten (The Political Constitution of Markets) (Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag, 2000).

“The Changing Dynamics of State-Society Relations in the Fifth Republic” in The Changing French Political System ed., Robert Elgie (London: Frank Cass, 2000)

“National Patterns of Governance under Siege: The Impact of European Integration” in The Transformation of Governance in the European Union ed., Beate Kohler-Koch and Rainer Eising (London: Routledge, l999).

“Convergent Pressures, Divergent Responses: France, Great Britain, and Germany between Globalization and Europeanization” in States and Sovereignty in the Global Economy eds., David A. Smith, Dorothy J. Solinger, and Steven Topik (London: Routledge, l999).

“Economic Development in France: From State-Directed to Market-Oriented Economy?” in

Handbook of Economic Development ed., Kuotsai Tom Liou (Marcel Dekker, l998): 427-449.

“Business, the State, and the End of Dirigisme” in Chirac’s Challenge: Liberalization, Europeanization, and Malaise in France eds. John T. S. Keeler and Martin A. Schain (New York: St. Martin’s, l996).

“An End to French Economic Exceptionalism? The Transformation of Business under Mitterrand” in The Mitterrand Era: Policy Alternatives and Political Mobilization in France ed. Anthony Daley (New York: Macmillan and NYU Press, 1996): 117-140.


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“La Décentralisation en France, en Europe, et aux Etats Unis: Une étude comparée.” La Décentralisation Française et l'Europe ed. Hughes Portelli (Paris: Editions Pouvoirs Locaux, l993): 49-56.

“Decentralization: A Revolutionary Reform” in The French Socialists in Power l981-l986 ed. Patrick McCarthy (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, l987): 83-105.

Encyclopaedia/ Dictionary Entries, Book Reviews, Forewords:“Institutionalism.” Encyclopaedia of Political Thought (2014).

Austerity: The History of a Dangerous Idea, by Mark Blyth. Book review for Queries no. 1 (2013): 96.

The Evolution of Modern States by Sven Steinmo. Book review for Perspectives on Politics. (1200 words). Vol. 11, no. 02 /(2013): 612-613

Foreword to The Europeanization of Gender Equality Policies: Discursive-sociological approaches Maxime Forest and Emanuela Lombardo. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011). (1135 words)

“Crisi Economica e Democrazia.” Entry for the Italian Encyclopaedia Atlante Geopolitico Treccani Rome: Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana fondata da Giovanni Treccani, 2011. (864 words)

“Discursive Institutionalism.’ Entry for the Encyclopaedia of Political Science, General Editors Bertrand Badie, Dirk Berg-Schlosser, and Leonardo Morlino. Sage, 2011. (1800 words)

“Capitalismes.” Entry for the French Dictionary of Public Policy Analysis (Paris: Presses de Science Po, 2010—revision of 2004). (3000 words)

“Le Neo-Institutionalisme Discursif” (with Amandince Crespy) French Dictionary of Public Policy Analysis (Paris: Presses de Science Po, 2010) (3000 words)

“State Capitalism.” Entry for the International Encyclopaedia of Political Science (IEPS), edited by George T. Kurian, CQ Press, forthcoming 2011 (1600 words)

‘Democracy in Europe.’ Entry for the International Encyclopedia of Political Science (IEPS),

edited by George T. Kurian, CQ Press (forthcoming 2011) (1200 words)

Europe as Empire: The Nature of the Enlarged European Union by Jan Zielonka. Book Review for Political Science Quarterly (2008).

The Politics of Free Markets: The Rise of Neoliberal Economic Policies in Britain, France, Germany, and the United States by Monica Prasad. Book Review for Perspectives on Politics Vol. 6, no. 1 (2008): 192-3.

“Capitalismes.” Dictionary entry for the French Dictionary of Public Policy Analysis (Paris: Presses de Science Po, 2004).


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Markets and Morality by Paulette Kurzer, Book review for EUSA Review (2002)

France in the European Union by Alain Guyomarch, Howard Machin and Ella Ritchie, eds., and Mitterrand et la Sortie de la Guerre Froide by Samy Cohen, ed.. Book review for ECSA Review (l999).

Adjusting to Europe: The Impact of the European Union on National Institutions and Policies by Yves Mény, Pierre Muller, and Jean-Louis Quermonne, eds. Book review in European Journal of International Law (l999).

La Décentralisation Dix Ans Après by Guy Gilbert and Alain Delcamp. Book review in French Politics and Society (Winter l995).

Mitterrand: A Political Biography by Wayne Northcutt. Book review in American Historical Review (October l994).

Monetary Sovereignty: The Politics of Central Banking in Western Europe by John B. Goodman. Book review in Journal of Politics Vol 55, no. 3 (August l993): 851-854.

“French Administration in a Time of Decentralization: Continuity or Change?” French Politics and Society #15 (September l986): 37-40. Review essay of Jacques Rondin, Le Sacre des Notables and François Dupuy and Jean-Claude Thoenig, L’administration en miettes.

On-Line Publications, Working Papers, Newsletter Articles“Does Discourse Matter in the Politics of Building Social Pacts on Social Protection? International

Experiences.” Working Paper for Economic Commission for Latin American and the Caribbean of the United Nations—CEPAL, Santiago, Chile. Social Policy Series 178 (June 2013).

“The Discursive Double Game of EMU Reform: The Clash of Titans between French White Knight and German Iron Lady.” EUDO eBook The Euro Crisis and the State of European Democracy (Fiesole: European University Institute, 2013)

“Analyzing Ideas and Tracing Discursive Interactions in Institutional Change: From Historical Institutionalism to Discursive Institutionalism.” Harvard Center for European Studies, CES Papers, Open Forum #3 (January 2011).

“The European Union in Search of Identity and Legitimacy: Is More Politics the Answer?” Working Paper for the Institute for European Integration Research, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna (July 2010)

“Democracy and Legitimacy in the European Union Revisited: Input, Output and ‘Throughput” Working paper for the Research College on the Transformation of Europe, Otto Suhr Institute,


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Freie Universität KFG Working Paper no. 21 (November 2010).

“Explaining Democracy in Europe” Council for European Studies Newsletter vol. 38, no. 2 (Autumn 2008): 106-112.

“‘Menu Europe:’ Re-inventing the EU after the Irish no” EUSA Review Forum, EUSA Review (Fall 2008)

“Bringing the State back into the Varieties of Capitalism and Discourse back into the Explanation of Change.” Center for European Studies, Harvard University Program for the Study of Germany and Europe Working Paper Series 07.3 (2007).

“Commentaire sur la question: Universités et recherche: doit-on reproduire le « modèle américain »?“ Write-up of comments for the symposium on university reform in France. Futuribles (Dec. 7, 2007).

“Democracy in an Enlarged European State.” Article for the new Italian online journal: EG - European Governance November 2007.

“The Role of Public Discourse in European Social Democratic Reform Projects,” European

Integration online Papers (EIoP) Vol. 9 (2005) N° 8;

“Europeanization and the Mechanics of Economic Policy Adjustment.” European Integration online Papers (Eiop) vol. 5, no. 6 (2001)

“Globalization, European Integration, and National Economic Adjustment.” Newsletter Political Economy in the World System and Political Sociology groups of the American Sociological Association (Spring 2001).

“Approaches to the Study of European Politics,” ECSA Review Forum ( wrote introductory essay, plus solicited contributions by George Tsebelis, Thomas Risse, and Fritz W. Scharpf) ECSA Review vol. 12, no. 2 (Spring l999): 4-9.

“The EU and its Member-States: Institutional Contrasts and their Consequences.” MPIfg Working Paper 99/7 (May 1999).

Policy Journal Articles, Online Think-Tank Pieces, Policy Briefs and Reports, Op-Eds “The Eurozone’s Crisis of Democratic Legitimacy: Can the EU Rebuild Public Trust and Support

for European Economic Integration?” Report on “Political Economy of EMU: Rebuilding trust and support for economic integration” prepared for the Commission, Directorate General of Economics and Finance (DG ECFIN), in partial completion of the DG ECFIN Fellowship Initiative 2014-2015 (June 22, 2015).

Saving Social Europe: Going Beyond the EU’s ‘Governing by the Rules and Ruling by the


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Numbers’ Social Europe Journal (Dec. 4, 2014)

“Neo-Liberal Conceptions of Citizenship and the State.” Neue Gesellschaft Frankfurter Hefte, no. 12 (2014): 20-24.

“How to sum up ‘Woman Up’? Remarks in Conclusion of the Conference.” Woman Up Conference. Foundation for European Progressive Studies (2014)

“Déficit Democrático da Uniào Europeia: A Crise da Zone do Euro como un Fator Agravante?” (“The European Union’s Democratic Deficit: The Eurozone as an Aggravating Factor?”) in Temas de Uma Agenda Estrateegica entre Brasil e Uniao Europeia (Strategic Issues on the EU-Brazil Agenda) Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (2014), pp. 257-278.

“Why are Neo-Liberal Ideas so Resilient?” (with Mark Thatcher) Policy Network, Oct. 24, 2013. (Also appeared in Social Europe). A revised version also appeared in Eutopia Magazine (September 4, 2014)

“The Eurozone Crisis: A Crisis of Politics and not Just Economics” International Spectator vol. 48, no. 3 (2013)

“The Democratic Deficit in Europe: Which way forward?” Renaissance for Europe--Turin Brussels: Foundation for European Progressive Studies (2013) (1600 words)

“Democratic Deficit 2.0: Can it be Fixed?” ItalianiEuropei (online magazine and EU-focused foundation and thinktank) (2013) (2000 words)

“Democracy in the EU: The Building Blocks for a Fully Democratic Future,” Special issue of Queries FEPS (Foundation for European Progressive Studies) Special issue of “The Next Chapter of European Democracy,” 3/9 (2012-2013): 63-75


“De la Démocratie dans l’Eurozone” Telos online journal, January 7, 2013

“EU Challenges to Democracy: Which way forward?” Open democracy online journal (Dec. 14, 2012)

“How to Tackle a Multinational Democratic Deficit” Interview with Vivien Schmidt (by Piotr Buras) Fresh Thinking no. 3 (2012), 30-32.


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“From Social Movements and Citizens to Policies, Processes, and Politics in European Governance: The Need for New ‘Next Left’ Ideas and Discourse.” Next Left: Building New Communities Next Left, vol. 5 (2012).

“EU Differentiated Integration and the EU Political Economy.” Policy brief for the European Parliament Committee on Constitutional Affairs for the workshop on ‘Challenges of Multi-Tier Governance in the European Union: Effectiveness, Efficiency and Legitimacy.’ (draft report filed Oct. 31, 2012; published March 2013) PE474.438. See pp. 161-175 in full report:

“EU Austerity Measures: Why the Nobel Peace Prize Matters.” Op-ed (with Cornel Ban) for WBUR radio online (Oct. 18, 2012)

“Can the EU Bicycle turn into a Jet Plane by 2020? Two Pathways for Europe" German Marshall Fund EuroFuture Series (Sept. 2012).

“Dealing with Europe’s Other Deficit” Juncture Institute for Public Policy Research vol.19, no. 2 (2012): 102-108.

“Eurozone crisis reveals lack of clear leadership.” Op-ed for the Boston Globe July 22, 2012.

“Democratizing the Eurozone.” Social Europe Journal online (May 15, 2012).

“Can Europe Survive the Euro?” Foundation for European Progressive Studies, March 17, 2012

also published online at e-International Relations:

“Europe 2020: The devil is in the details.” Bepa Monthly Brief (Bureau of European Policy Advisors—EU Commission) Issue 52, Dec. 2011/January 2012.

“Saving the Euro will mean Worse Trouble for Europe.” Foreign Affairs online, Nov. 29, 2011. or

“Can Technocratic Government be Democratic?” Telos (online French thinktank) Nov. 23, 2011 or  


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“The EU—An Extinct Vision?” Neue Gesellschaft Frankfurter Hefte, vol. 7/8 (July/August 2011).

“Transatlantische Beziehungen im Ubergang“,(”TransAtlantic Relations in transition”—with Jolyon Howorth) Neue Gesellschaft Frankfurter Hefte, vol. 7, no 10: 2010, pp.37-40

“Europe : pour plus de démocratie !” (“EU economic governance needs more democracy”) Telos French online think-tank (fr); (eng) July 19, 2010.

Ökonomische Solidarität in der EU: Großer Sprung nach vorn oder zu große Herausforderung?"" (EU Economic Solidarity: A Great Leap Forward or a Bridge too Far?) Neue Gesellschaft - Frankfurter Hefte vol 7, no 8: 2010 (2500 words)

“A ‘menu Europe’ will prove far more palatable,” Comment in the Financial Times July 22, 2008.

“L’Europe à la Carte?” Op-ed in Telos, the French online think tank journal, July 7, 2008.

“Democrazia in Europa e in America,” EAST, no. 17 (December 2007): 74-88.

“The Problems of Democracy in Europe: New Practices, Old Ideas, No Discourse.” Neue Gesellschaft / Frankfurter Hefte Newsletter of the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (October 2006).

“French views of Globalization” Foreign Policy (May/June 2005).

“Europe’s Democracy Dilemma” op-ed in the Financial Times, August 11, 2003.

“Entretien avec Gaston Defferre,” Pouvoirs Locaux no. 34 (March l992): 34-36.

Media Interviews, TV/Radio Appearances, Videos on presentations:“Greece’s Misery: A Fraternity in Which Everyone gets Hazed?” Interview in BU TODAY,

Comment on Chancellor Merkel’s austerity policy on German TV news (ARD) show Bericht aus Berlin Feb 4, 2015:

Quoted in the Greek newspaper Kathimerini by Xenia Koumalaki on the Eurozone crisis (Nov. 6, 2014)

Quoted in the Greek newspaper Kathimerini by Xenia Koumalaki on the Eurozone crisis and the role of Germany, Aug. 31, 2014

Interview in the Corriere della Sera by Lorenzo Salvia: “La ricetta di Vivien Schmidt: Stare


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nell’euro a queste condizioni è un’agonia.” Nov. 26, 2013.

Policy Network article on Resilient Liberalism quoted at length by William Pfaff in Op-ed for the Chicago Tribune, Nov. 5, 2013,0,7893432.column

Book launch and debate on Resilient Liberalism in Europe’s Political Economy with book contributors and commentators, University of Milan, Oct 11, 2013

Quoted by the Associated Press in “EU to Change Budget Calculation to Ease Austerity” by Juergen Baetz, Sept. 19, 2013.

Interview on the Eurozone Crisis, by the Crisis Observatory Eliamep, Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy, Athens, Greece. Interviewed in July 2013, posted Sept. 19, 2013:

Three part interview on the Eurozone crisis, Boston University media services May 2013:

Interviewed on the announced UK referendum on membership in the EU by the Correio Brasiliense Jan. 24, 2013.

Quoted in Harvard Political Review in article by Krister Koskelo, “Europe: Between Technocracy and Democracy” Oct. 2012

Interview in EurActiv, the main French online news site on Europe « La Commission ne peut pas nier qu’elle fait de la politique » September 11, 2012.

Quoted in Social Europe, May 5, 2012, Jeremy Cliffe, “The Meaning of François Hollande

Quoted in the Boston Globe, May 8, 2012

WZBC Radio interview on the French Elections, May 5, 2012.

NPR Marketplace in the Morning: A short clip from my comments at a Brown Watson Institute Conference on the Eurozone Crisis. (April 27, 2012)

Interview with Mark Blyth on the Future of the Euro, Watson Institute, April 2012


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China Radio International interview and roundtable on the French elections, April 18, 2012.

Quoted in op-ed in Sole 24: “Fiscal Compact: I Gironi che dividono l’Europe” by Giuliano Amato, Feb. 2, 2012

“Businesses want EU leaders to stimulate Growth.” web edition of the Boston Globe, Quoted in this article by Sarah di Lorenzo and David McHugh, AP, Dec. 11, 2011.

France 24 International Cable Television interview: Comment on the EU Summit proposals to save the Eurozone, Dec. 9, 2011.

Bloomberg Television interview: On Berlusconi’s Legacy. November 16, 2011 (video link)

Profile in Italian newspaper Europa Nov. 11, 2011:

NPR on point: “The Greek Crisis” November 1, 2011 or (audio link) my intervention begins at 32:54

“Europe digs ever deeper debt hole” Quoted in this article by Roddy Thomson, Agence France Presse Sept. 18, 2011.

“Savage drive to tame EU debt ramps up rage factor,” Quoted in this article, Agence France Presse Aug. 11, 2011.

Panelist discussing the strikes in response to the European economic crisis on ‘Debates’ France 24 International Cable News Channel, Dec. 15, 2010.

Commentary in SME, the leading Slovak newspaper, on my views of Europe’s future as published in JCMS Annual Review 2009 article. Oct. 11, 2009.

Interview on Europe in Ouest France Sept. 5, 2009

Panelist discussing the European Economic Crisis on ‘Debates’ France 24 International Cable News Channel, March 2, 2009

Interview on the American Presidential Election Results La Lettre Jean-Jaurès no. 88 (Jan-Feb. 2009)


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“‘Re-inventing the EU after the Irish no” Neue Gesellschaft / Frankfurter Hefte Newsletter of the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (December 2008).

Interview on the American Presidential Elections La Lettre Jean-Jaurès no. 85 (Sept-Oct. 2008)

Interviews in Dutch newspapers on French President Sarkozy’s foreign policy by Frank Renout: Die Standaard July 19, 2008; AD July 21, 2008.

Panelist discussing the Irish Referendum on ‘Debates’ France 24 International Cable News Channel, June 11 (with MEP Bervenche Bérès and Fr MP Pierre Lequiller) and 13, 2008. Links: ; lisbon-treaty-ireland-referendum-no-vote&navi=DEBATS

“Democracy in Europe and Dutch concerns.” Interview in the Amsterdam-based, Dutch

newspaper: NRC Handelsblad by Joop Meijnen, Dec. 6, 2007.

“The French Presidential Elections.” Interview in La Stampa, the Turin-based Italian newspaper, by Maria Maggiore (Oct. 27, 2007)

“French Constitutional Reform.” Commentator on ‘Le Débat’ with Sylain Attal, France 24

(international TV news channel) (Paris, July 12, 2007).

“Les Etats-Unis, cinq ans après le 11 septembre.” Commentator on Radio France Internationale with Philippe Kaplan (Boston, September 11, 2006)

“The French Riots.” Commentator on NewsNight with Jim Braude, New England Cable Television News (Boston, Nov. 9, 2005).

“France: La Réforme Impossible.” Panelist on France Culture radio show ‘Contre Expertise’ with host Brice Couturier (Paris, 12- 1pm, July 28, 2005).

“The American Elections” Commentator on French Radio show RFI (Boston, November 1, 2004).

“The European Constitutional Treaty and France.” Panelist on TV news show for LCI (Paris, June 1, 2004).

Workshops and Conferences Organized (recent):The Fifth Transatlantic Dialogue on Gender Issues, Woman Up! for a New Progressive Agenda,

hosted by the Center for the Study of Europe, in collaboration with BU’s Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies Program, sponsored by the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS) and the Fondation Jean Jaurès. The conference explored theoretical, strategic and policy challenges concerning gender equality facing progressives on both sides of the Atlantic and to consider ways to strengthen progressives’ positions in future elections. (Boston University, March 3-4, 2014)


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“Financial Stability and Energy Security in the Americas and Europe: The Role of Transnational Policy Networks.” Exploratory workshop with international participants sponsored by Boston University and the European union Commission’s Framework 7 Global Reordering: Evolution through European Networks (GR:EEN) (Boston, 14-15 February, 2013)

“Resilient Liberalism: The European Political Economy through Boom and Bust.” Sequence of two workshops with international participants for co-edited book project, to be published by Cambridge University Press, funded by the Humanities Foundation of Boston University (in Boston, March 25-26, 2012) and by the European Science Foundation (at Sciences Po, Paris, June 25-26, 2012).

“Actors Networks in International Economy.” Exploratory workshop with international participants sponsored by Boston University and the European union Commission’s Framework 7 Global Reordering: Evolution through European Networks (GR:EEN) (Boston, March 5, 2012).

“Liberty and Security in a Time of Global Reordering.” Two day conference with international participants sponsored by Boston University and the European Union Commission’s Framework 7 Global Reordering: Evolution through European Networks (GR:EEN) to reflect on human rights and security issues and the ways in which rights are seen as a legitimate part of the security discourse (Boston University, March 5-6, 2012).

Academic Papers, Presentations, and Invited Lectures (2010 to present): “EU Institutional Actors’ Pathways to Legitimation for Their Changing Crisis Responses.” Paper

presented on the panel "Grand designs: locating macro and micro ideas in the EU’s political economy" at the Council for European Studies annual conference (Paris, July 8-10, 2015)

“Contradictions, crisis and capitalist institutionalist diversity.” Discussant on this roundtable with Wolfgang Streeck , Andrew Gamble , Vivien A. Schmidt , Jonas Pontusson , Andy Smith and Colin Hay at the Council for European Studies annual conference (Paris, July 8-10, 2015).

“European Union at a crossroads: political tensions, economic weakness and the integration process in danger.” Chair of this roundtable at the Council for European Studies annual conference (Paris, July 8-10, 2015).

“Authors Meet Critics: ‘Resilient Liberalism in Europe’s Political Economy’.” Respondent on this panel with my co-editor and ‘critics’ Wolfgang Streeck, Bruno Amable, and Mark Pennington at the annual conference of the Society for the Advancement of Socioeconomic (London, July 2-4, 2015).

“The "State" of Legitimacy: Governance after Economic Crises in Advanced and Emerging Economies.” Chair of this panel at the annual conference of the Society for the Advancement of Socioeconomic (London, July 2-4, 2015)


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“Crisis, Change and Continuity: (re-)Establishing Macroeconomic Governability in Europe and Beyond.” Discussant for this panel at the at the annual conference of the Society for the Advancement of Socioeconomic (London, July 2-4, 2015)

“Author meets critics roundtable: Colin Crouch.” Comments on Crouch’s book for this roundtable at the annual conference of the Society for the Advancement of Socioeconomic (London, July 2-4, 2015)

“What does public policy do with different disciplines ?” Presentation for this plenary roundtable for the International Conference of Public Policy (Milan, July 1-3, 2015)

“Building Political Legitimacy in the EU ‘by stealth’ during the Eurozone crisis: EU Institutional Actors’ Differential Pathways to Legitimation.” Paper presented at the conference “The Quality of Government and the Performance of Democracies” hosted by the Quality of Government Institute, Gothenburg University (Gothenburg, May 20-22, 2014) 

“The Eurozone’s Legitimacy Crisis.” Talk for the University of Milan Graduate School (Milan, May 12, 2015)

“’Democracy’ in the work of Fritz W. Scharpf.” Presentation for the workshop with (and in honor of) Fritz Scharpf, European University Institute (Florence, April 24-25, 2015)

“Contrasting American and French Approaches to Public Policy.” Paper presented for the conference: Pierre Muller, le maverick des politiques publiques,” Sciences Po, Center for European Studies (Paris, Dec. 18, 2014)

“Rethinking the Varieties of Capitalism in light of the Changing Role of the State in the Context of Globalization and Europeanization.” Paper presented for the Conference: The Third Wave of State Capitalism? Differential Adjustments to Globalization in Advanced Industrialized and Emerging Economies - Essays in Memory of Uwe Becker” Institute of Social Science, University of Lisbon (Lisbon, Dec. 15-17, 2014)

“Forgotten Legitimacy: Governing by the Rules and Ruling by the Numbers in the Eurozone.” Talk for the research seminar of the Department of Political Science, Center for Comparative and International Studies, University of Zurich (Zurich, Nov. 27, 2014).

“Neo-Institutional Theory and Discursive Institutionalism:  Explaining Continuity  and Change, Power and Legitimacy.” Keynote speech for the Chilean Political Science Association (Oct 16, 2014).

“Explaining the Resilience of Neo-Liberal Ideas in Europe and Beyond:  What impact on Labor and the Welfare State?” Presentation for CEPAL, the UN’s Economic Commission on Latin America (Santiago, Chile, Oct. 14, 2014).

“The Political Power of Ideas and Discourse.” Keynote speech for the Uruguayan Political Science


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Association (Montevideo, Uruguay, Oct. 9, 2014).

“Speaking to the Markets or to the People? A Discursive Institutionalist Analysis of the EU’s Sovereign Debt Crisis.” Paper presented at the Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Tübingen University (July 7, 2014).

“Eurozone Crisis and Legitimacy: Governing by the Rules, Ruling by the Numbers.” Paper presented at the WIIW--Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (Vienna, June 26, 2014)

“The Roots of Neoliberal Resilience: Explaining Change in Background Ideas on Europe’s Political Economy.” Presentation for the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna and the University of Innsbruck (Vienna, June 25, 2014).

“Power through, over and in ideas: Theorizing Ideational Power in Discursive Institutionalism.” Paper co-authored with Martin Carstensen for the workshop on ‘Ideas, Political Power and Public Policy’ organized in conjunction with the Copenhagen Business School (Comwell Borupgaard, Snekkersten, Denmark, June 9-10, 2014.

“Politics Dynamics of the Emerging Political Economy in the European Union.” Paper prepared for presentation at the conference: ‘Rethinking European Integration’ at the Robert Schuman Center, European University Institute (Fiesole, June 16, 2014)

“The Resilience of Neo-Liberal Ideas and Europe.” Presentation for the Department of Political Science, La Sapienza University (Rome, May 26, 2013).

“Neoliberalismo e Politiche Economiche Europee” (Neoliberalism and European Political Economy): Debate on the Occasion of the Presentation of Resilient Liberalism in Europe’s Political Economy. Response to remarks by Giuliano Amato, Carlo Trigilia, and Alessandro Petretto (with Mark Thatcher). Sponsored by the Cesifin Foundation (Palazzo Incontri, Florence, May 23, 2014)

“Neoliberal Political Economy, Subjectivity, and Resilience.” A Panel Discussion with Peter Hall, Michele Lamont, Vivien Schmidt and Mark Thatcher sponsored by Boston University’s Center for the Study of Europe (April 9, 2014).

“Conceptualizing Europe as a Region-State.” Paper prepared for the panel “Conceptualizing Political Change in Light of New Ideas of Space and Place” at the International Studies Association Annual Meetings (Toronto, March 26-29, 2014)

“Which Future for Global Governance? Between Old Hegemony, New Power Politics and Multilateral Cooperation.” Presenter on this panel on the occasion of the publication of the GEM PhD textbook Globalization, Multilateralism, Europe: Towards a better global governance? at LUISS Guido Carli (Rome, Feb. 5, 2014).

“The Euro Crisis: Regulatory Responses, Social Consequences, and Legal Strategies.” Moderator and discussant for this panel co-hosted by the Boston University International Law Journal


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and the Hellenic Bar Association of Massachusetts (Boston , Jan. 17, 2014)

Resilient Liberalism in Europe's Political Economy-- Book launch and debate with a discussant at the Centre d'études européennes, Sciences Po (Paris, Dec. 16, 2013)

“Emerging Models of the New European Welfare.” Presentation for this panel for the celebration of the 500th anniversary of Il Principe by Machiavelli, held at the Italian Cultural Institute of New York (New York, December 9, 2013).

Resilient Liberalism in Europe’s Political Economy Book launch and debate with discussants in a joint seminar of the Schools of Government and of Political Economy, LUISS University (Rome, Nov. 25, 2013).

“Longer-term consequences of the crisis for the EU –possible scenarios.” Moderator for this panel and speaker at the wrap-up discussion for the conference: “European in a Post-Crisis World,” Harvard University (Cambridge, MA, Oct 31-Nov. 1 2013).

Resilient Liberalism in Europe’s Political Economy --Book launch and debate with book contributors and commentators, University of Milan, (Milan, Italy, Oct 11, 2013)

“The Euro Crisis and Challenges to Legitimacy.” Seminar presentation, Institute for European Studies, University of Vienna (Vienna, Oct. 7, 2013)

“The Battle for the Euro between Monetary Power and Political Persuasion.” Speaker for this roundtable sponsored by the European Consortium for Political Research at the American Political Science Association Annual Meetings (Chicago, Aug 31, 2013).

“The Resilience of Neo-Liberal Ideas.” Paper presented with co-author M. Thatcher at the Panel, “The Resilience of Neo-Liberal ideas in Europe: The Power of Persuasion or the Power of Interests and Institutions?” at the American Political Science Association Annual Meetings (Chicago, Aug 29, 2013).

“The State: Bête Noire of Neo-Liberalism or its Greatest Conquest.” Paper presented with co-author C. Woll at the Panel, “The Resilience of Neo-Liberal ideas in Europe: The Power of Persuasion or the Power of Interests and Institutions?” at the American Political Science Association Annual Meetings (Chicago, Aug 29, 2013).

“The Future of the Eurozone.” Keynote speaker for this plenary at the Sheffield Political Economy Research Institute annual conference ‘Beyond Austerity vs Growth: The Future of the European Political Economy’, to be held at Halifax Hall, University of Sheffield on 1-3 July 2013.

“The State: Bête Noire of Neo-Liberalism or its Greatest Conquest?” Paper presented for the panel: “The Resilience of Neoliberal Ideas in Europe (3)” at the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics conference (Milan Jun 27-29, 2013)


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“Thinking and Speaking about the Eurozone Crisis: Neo-liberal Ideas and Discourse in EU Economic Policy and Politics.” Presentation for the SASE mini-conference: ‘Economic Culture in the Public Sphere’ and panel: “Economic Culture in Post-Crisis Europe”, at the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics conference (Milan Jun 27-29, 2013)

“Author meets Critics: Jean-Claude Barbier, The Road to Social Europe.” Discussant on this panel at the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics conference (Milan, June 27-29, 2013)

“The Euro Crisis and Questions Of Legitimacy.” Speaker for this semi-plenary of the Council for European Studies Conference, Amsterdam, the Netherlands (June 24-27, 2013)

“Republicanism as an Alternative Paradigm for European Integration.” Chair of this panel at the Council for European Studies Conference, Amsterdam, the Netherlands (June 24-27, 2013)

“The Euro Problem: European Democracy and the Limits of European Solidarity (or) The Effects of ‘Governing by the Rules’ and ‘Ruling by the Numbers.’” Paper presented for the panel ‘The Euro Problem: What Went Wrong with the Single Currency?’ at the Council for European Studies Conference, Amsterdam, the Netherlands (June 24-27, 2013).

“Crisis and political economy methodologies’ - Perspectives, challenges and solutions.” Participant in this roundtable for the pre-conference workshop of the network “European Integration and Global Political Economy’ at the Council for European Studies Conference, Amsterdam, NL (June 24, 2013).

The Eurozone Crisis and its Impact on EU and National Political Economies and Democracy: ‘Governing by the rules’ and ‘Ruling by the Numbers.’ Paper prepared for the Conference Instabilités globales et ordres des politiques économiques, Paris, 17-18 June, 2013.

“Crise de la légitimité démocratique et de la politique sociale en Europe.” Keynote paper presented at the Conference “Diversités et solidarities: Vers une Sociologie Comparative de la Protection Sociale,” Journée en l’Honneur de Jean-Claude Barbier, Maison des Sciences économiques (Paris, June 10, 2013)

“The Eurozone Crisis as a Crisis of Economics and Politics.” Lecturer for the “2nd 2013 School on the European Union”, as well as commentator for the "Graduate Workshop on European Union Research," both celebrating Europe Day. Getulio Vargas Foundation (Rio de Janeiro, May 6-10, 2013).

'The EU's Democratic Dilemma:  Does more EU level Democracy mean less National, or vice-versa?' Paper for the Expert Workshop “How Can Europe Help Us Understand Transnational Democracy? A Research Workshop in Democratic Theory with a Case Study: Nantes, European Green Capital 2013”. Harvard Kennedy School of Government-– Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation Cambridge, MA April 30, 2013).

“The European Union’s Eurozone Crisis: A Failure of Economics or Politics?” Keynote speech sponsored by the Economics  and Finance Club  and the Jean Monnet Chair, Christopher


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Newport University (Newport News, VA, April 17 2013).

“Does Discourse Matter in the Politics of Building Social Pacts on Social Protection? International Experiences.” Paper prepared for the: Seminario Pactos Sociales para una Protección Social más Inclusiva, Identificando Experiencias, Obstáculos y Posibilidades en América Latina y El Caribe, organized by the Economic Commission for Latin American and the Caribbean of the United Nations—CEPAL (Santiago, Chile, 20-21 March, 2013).

“The Role of Transnational Policy Networks in Disseminating Ideas or Norms that bolster prevailing Liberal Economic Policies. Introductory talk for the GR:EEN conference “Financial Stability and Energy Security in the Americas and Europe: The Role of Transnational Policy Networks” at Boston University (Boston, 14-15 February, 2013).

“Public Panel on the Eurozone Crisis.” Presenter for this panel at the Conference: “Transformative Power of Europe 2.0: The Road Ahead.” Free University Berlin (14-15 Dec., 2012)

“European Democracy and the Limits of European Solidarity.” Paper prepared for the Conference: “The Future of the Euro” at SAIS Johns Hopkins University (Dec. 7, 2012).

“The Argumentative Turn, Revisited.” Presenter on this book panel, Interpretive Policy Analysis

Conference (Tilburg, Netherlands July 5-7, 2012).

“Linking concepts and methods: from discourse to (institutional) practice.” Commentator for this workshop on methodology, Interpretive Policy Analysis Conference (Tilburg, Netherlands July 5-7, 2012).

“Introduction: Analysing the Resilience of Liberalism in European Political Economies.” Co-authored paper with Mark Thatcher prepared for presentation for the workshop “Resilient Liberalism: The European Political Economy through Boom and Bust,” Sciences Po (Paris, June 25-26, 2012).

“The State: Bête Noire of Neo-Liberalism or its Greatest Conquest?” Co-authored paper with Cornelia Woll prepared for presentation for the workshop “Resilient Liberalism: The European Political Economy through Boom and Bust,” Sciences Po (Paris, June 25-26, 2012).

“State Transformation in Italy and France: Technocratic vs. Political Leadership on the Road from Non-Liberalism to Neo-Liberalism.” Co-authored paper with Elisabetta Gualmini prepared for presentation for the workshop “Resilient Liberalism: The European Political Economy through Boom and Bust,” Sciences Po (Paris, June 25-26, 2012).

“Theorizing the State and Processes of Change in the Varieties of Capitalism: Comparing

advanced European countries with the emerging BRICS.” Paper prepared for presentation to the conference: Varieties of Capitalism in Emerging Countries, Sabanci University (Istanbul, June 9-10, 2012).

“Sources of National Institutional Competitiveness. Sense-Making and Institutional Change.”


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Concluding remarks for this grant-funded workshop at the Copenhagen Business School, (Copenhagen, May 3-5, 2012).

“Europe in an Age of Austerity.” Keynote talk for this roundtable at the ECSA-Canada Biennal Conference, (Ottawa, April 27-28, 2012).

“The Clash of Titans/ The White Knight and the Iron Lady: France, Germany and the Simultaneous Double Discursive Game of EMU Reform.” (co-authored with Amandine Crespy) Paper prepared for presentation to the ECSA-Canada Biennal Conference, (Ottawa, April 27-28, 2012). Recipient of Best Paper Award.

“The State: Bête Noire of Neo-Liberalism or its Greatest Conquest?” Paper presented for the panel “Resilient Neo-Liberalism: The Impact on State, Welfare, and Growth Models in National Political Economies” at the Council for European Studies Conference (Boston, March 23-25, 2012).

“Resilient Neo-Liberalism: The Impact on European Finance, Regulation, and Markets.” Chair of this panel for the Council for European Studies Conference (Boston, March 23-25, 2012)

“The Eurozone Crisis and the Challenges for Democracy.” Paper prepared for the seminar: “The State of the Union(s): Comparative Regional Integration and the EU Model” organized by the Miami-Florida European Union Center of Excellence, Miami (Feb. 24, 2012).

“Speaking to the Markets or Speaking to the People? A Discursive Institutionalist Analysis of EU Leaders’ Discourse during the EU’s Sovereign Debt Crisis.” Paper prepared for the GR:EEN workshop: “Speaking Europe Abroad: Institutional Cooperation and the making of EU’s Discourse” (Brussels, Feb. 14-15, 2012)

“The European Union’s Eurozone Crisis: A Failure of Economics or of Leadership?” Talk for the Economics Department Lecture Series on International Economic Policy and Political Economy, Boston College (Nov. 2, 2011)

“Theorizing the State and Processes of Change in the Varieties of Capitalism:  Comparing Advanced European countries with the emerging BRICs.” Keynote speech and paper for the international seminar “Rethinking Capitalist Development in Emerging Countries” sponsored by the National Institute of Science and Technology “Public Policies, Strategies and Development” (INCT/PPED) and coordinated by the Institute of Social and Political Studies of Rio de Janeiro State University (IESP/UERJ), held at the Fundação Casa de Ruy Barbosa (October 19-21 2011).

“Europe in a Multi-polar World:  European and Extra-European Perspectives.” Keynote speech for the launch of the GR:EEN Research Project at the EU Commission (Brussels, Sept. 21, 2011).

“JCMS Annual Review: State of the European Union Roundtable.” Discussant on this roundtable for the American Political Science Association Annual Meetings (Seattle, WA, Sept. 2-5, 2011).


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“Discursive institutionalism: theoretical amplification and empirical studies on ideational and material factors in policy analysis.” Discussant for this three panel series at the 6th International Conference in Interpretive Policy Analysis: Discursive Spaces, Politics, Practices and Power, Cardiff University (Cardiff, Wales, UK, June 23 –25, 2011).

Methodology Workshop discussant at the 6th International Conference in Interpretive Policy Analysis: Discursive Spaces, Politics, Practices and Power, Cardiff University (Cardiff, Wales, UK, June 23 –25, 2011).

“Environment and sustainability: constructing a new politics of limits.” Discussant for this keynote speech by James Meadowcroft at the 6th International Conference in Interpretive Policy Analysis: Discursive Spaces, Politics, Practices and Power, Cardiff University (Cardiff, Wales, UK, June 23 –25, 2011).

“A Long Goodbye to Bismarck? The Politics of Welfare Reform in Continental Europe, edited by Bruno Palier.” Discussant on this book panel for the Eighteenth International Conference of Europeanists (Barcelona, Spain, June 20-22, 2011).

“Politicization: Does the Europeanization of Public Spheres Matter? Discussant on this roundtable for the Eighteenth International Conference of Europeanists (Barcelona, Spain, June 20-22, 2011).

“Global Crisis and EU Constraints: The Challenges to the State-Influenced Market Economies of Italy and France.” Paper co-authored with Elisabetta Gualmini (University of Bologna) for the panel I organized on “European Political Economy through Boom and Bust: Member-State Responses to the Economic Crisis in Historical Perspective” for the Eighteenth International Conference of Europeanists (Barcelona, Spain, June 20-22, 2011).

“Rediscovering Capitalism: Wolfgang Streeck’s Book ‘Re-Forming Capitalism’ in Light of the Current Economic Crisis.” Discussant on this book panel for the Eighteenth International Conference of Europeanists (Barcelona, Spain, June 20-22, 2011).

“Obama’s Health Care Reform.” Discussant for this talk by Joseph White at the Political Science Seminar, LUISS University (Rome, May 24, 2011).

“Democratic Legitimacy in the EU.” Talk for the BA Seminar in Political Science, Hebrew University (Jerusalem, May 11, 2011).

“The European Union’s Eurozone Crisis and What (not) to do about It.” Talk for the Political Science Seminar, Hebrew University (Jerusalem, May 11, 2011).

“Identity in the European Union: Is it Necessary for Legitimacy?” Talk for the Max Weber Chair Conference on “European Identity: Crisis and Transitions” at New York University (New York, April 7-8, 2011)


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“Democracy, Accountability and Ethics in the EU.” Chair and discussant for this panel at the biannual European Union Studies Association meetings (Boston, March 3-5, 2011)

“Democracy and Legitimacy in the European Union Revisited: Input, Output and Throughput.” Paper prepared for presentation at the biannual European Union Studies Association meetings (Boston, March 3-5, 2011).

“European Identity - The Way Ahead.” Participant in this Roundtable at the biannual European Union Studies Association meetings (Boston, March 3-5, 2011).

“The Relations between Multipolarism and Multilateral Cooperation: Views from America.” Talk for the conference on “Multilateralizing the Multipolar World: Views from Europe, East-Asia and the Americas. Is the EU an Isolated Case Study?” for the Global Erasmus Mundi Open Seminar (LUISS University, Rome, Feb. 11, 2011).

“The EU’s eurozone crisis and what (not) to do about it.” Talk for the “Seminar on European Democracy” at the European University Institute, Florence (Dec. 14, 2010).

“Démocratie en Europe.” Presentation of French translation of my book, Democracy in Europe in the seminar series: ‘Recontres Européennes’ Sciences Po, Paris (Dec. 8, 2010).

“Les implications politiques du modèle économique italien“ (The Political Implications of the Italian economic model).” Paper (in French) for the conference: ‘The Italian Transition in European Perspective: Society, Political System and Institutions, The State of Democracy” at the Free University of Brussels, Belgium (Dec. 2-4, 2010).

“The Eurozone Crisis and What not to do about it” Talk for the Quality of Government Institute, Gothenburg University (Oct. 20, 2010).

“Democratizing the Euro through more Social and Political Citizenship.” Paper prepared for the workshop on the Euro and Citizenship Fondaca / JMC of Excellence / KFG Transformative Power of Europe at the Free University Berlin (October 11, 2010).

“The Unfinished Architecture of the European Union.” Talk upon the occasion of the publication of my Comment of the same title in Governance at Suffolk University Law School (Sept. 29, 2010).

“What Happened to the State-Influenced Market Economies (SMEs)? France, Italy and Spain confront the Crisis as the Good, the Bad, and The Ugly” Paper prepared for the Boston University-Warwick University Workshop, Boston MA (Sept. 24, 2010).

“Analyzing Ideas and Tracing Discursive Interactions in Institutional Change: From Historical Institutionalism to Discursive Institutionalism.” Paper for American Political Science Association Annual Meetings (Sept. 2-5, 2010).

"The Role of State Leadership and Policy Ideas in State‐Influenced Market Economies: Differential Responses in Italy and France” Paper for panel I co-organized: “"Theme Panel:


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Economic Crisis and Varying State Responses in Europe: Explaining Change Through 3 Different ‘Isms.’" American Political Science Association Annual Meetings (Boston, Sept. 2-5, 2010).

“The Spectre at the Feast: Capitalist Crisis and the Politics of Recession.” Participant in roundtable on this book by Andrew Gamble. American Political Science Association Annual Meetings (Boston, Sept. 2-5, 2010).

Discursive Institutionalism Workshops: I Theoretical considerations; II. Empirical Research Applications; II Substantive Research Results. Co-organizer with N. Doerr, M. van Steeg, and A. Hechinger, and overall discussant. KFG --Freie Universität Berlin (Feb. 17, April 20, June 28, 2010)

“Speaking of Change:  Why discourse is key to the dynamics of policy transformation.” Keynote Paper --5th International Conference in Interpretive Policy Analysis. Grenoble (23-25 June 2010).

Comment on Mark Bevir’s Democratic Governance in Author meets Critics Roundtable--5th International Conference in Interpretive Policy Analysis, Grenoble (23-25 June 2010)

Discussant for two papers in the Methodology Workshops at the 5th International Conference in Interpretive Policy Analysis, Grenoble (23-25 June 2010)

“Democracy and Legitimacy in Europe after Lisbon.” Lecture for the Political Science Department, Ruhr-Universität Bochum University (June 16, 2010)

"The Fall, Rise, Fall, and Rise of the National State and the Impact of European Economic Governance in Europe.” Talk for the group on political and social economy, Wissenschaftzentrum Berlin (WZB) (June 15, 2010)

“The EU as Regional State and its consequences for democratic legitimacy.” Lecture at the Otto

Suhr Institute, Freie Universität Berlin (June 15, 2010)

“The European Union in Search of Identity and Legitimacy: Is More Politics the Answer?” Paper presented at the Institute for European Integration Research, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna (June 8, 2010).

“Democracy and legitimacy in the EU:  Input, output, AND throughput.” Paper presented for the PhD Colloquium series: “Diversity and Integration in the New Europe” BiGSSS Bremen University (May 11, 2010)

“Democracy and Legitimacy in the European Union Revisited: Input, Output and ‘Throughput” Paper prepared for the Jour Fixe seminar, Research College on the Transformation of Europe, Otto Suhr Institute, Freie Universität, April 19, 2010.


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“EU democracy and institutions after Lisbon.” Presentation for the Department of International Politics, School of International Relations and Public Affairs, Fudan University Shanghai (April 12, 2010)

"The Fall, Rise, Fall, and Rise of the State in Modern Capitalism and how to explain it.” Talk for the Chinese Academy of the Social Sciences on the occasion of the publication of my book, The Futures of European Capitalism, Beijing (April 5, 2010)

Participant on Roundtable on “Current Trends in Institutionalism” plus discussant on four other panels for the Conference: “Rethinking the Dynamics of Political Institutions: Integrating Gender and Neo-institutionalist Perspectives” (Sydney, Australia, March 23-25, 2010)

“The Fall, Rise, Fall, and Rise of the State in Modern Capitalism, and How to Explain it.” Talk at the Institute for Advanced Study, Warwick University with responses from Colin Hay and Colin Crouch (Coventry, March 2, 2010)

“The Fall, Rise, Fall, and Rise of the State in Modern Capitalism, and How to Explain it” Talk for Political Economy Research Centre, Sheffield University (Sheffield, March 3, 2010)

“Discursive Institutionalism.” Lecturer and discussant at workshop for CRIPS (Critical International and Political Studies) Postgraduate Working Group at PAIS (Department of Politics and International Studies) of Warwick University (March 4, 2010)

“The EU with the Lisbon Treaty: Government vs. Governance.” Presentation in Italian for this roundtable at the Conference: “How to Govern the European Union with the Lisbon Treaty?” LUISS School of Government, Rome (Feb. 23, 2010)

“The Fall, Rise, Fall, and Rise of the State in Modern Capitalism and how to explain it.”

Presentation for the “Transformation of Modern Capitalism” colloquium series, Free University of Berlin (Feb. 3, 2010)

Participant on the panel Politicization in Transnational Publics at the Conference “Contentious Face of European Politics: Towards an Analysis of Discursive and Visual Strategies of Transnational Diffusion” Freie Universität Berlin (Jan. 14-16, 2010)

Papers and Presentations at Professional Association Meetings (prior to 2010):66 papers and presentations, 16 chair/discussant roles at national meetings of major associations

including: American Political Science Association; American Sociological Association; American Society for Public Administration; American Consortium for International Public Administration; Academy of Management; Council for European Studies (CES); European Community Studies Association (ECSA) and ECSA-World; European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR); European Union Studies Association (EUSA); EPS-net (European Political Science Network); French Political Science Association; French Institute for Administrative Sciences; International Political Science Association; International Studies Association (ISA); Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE); University


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Association of Centers of European Studies (UACES), UK; Politics Standing Group of the Political Studies Association.

Invited Lectures at Universities and other venues (prior to 2010):194 invited university lectures or papers and presentations at conferences at universities, research

institutes, and think-tanks including: UK and Ireland: London School of Economics; Nuffield College, Oxford University;

Manchester University; University of Bath; University College London; Keele University; Sheffield University; Demos; Warwick University; University of Birmingham; Cardiff University; University College Dublin; Cambridge University.

Italy: European University Institute, Florence; University of Florence; University of Perugia; IMT, Lucca; Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa; Graduate School in Social Economic and Political Sciences, State University of Milan; Centro Studi Americani, Rome; University of Macerata; University of Milan Biccocca.

France: Institut d’Etudes Politiques, Paris; Centre d’Etudes et de Recherche Internationale (CERI), Paris; Institut Français de Relations Internationales (IFRI), Paris; Centre pour l’Étude de la Vie Politique Française (CEVIPOF), Paris; Center for the Sociology of Organizations (CNRS), Paris; University of Paris I (Tolbiac, Panthéon, Sorbonne); University of Paris X (Nanterre); CEREMAP, University of Paris ; Institut d’Études Politiques, Grenoble; University of Grenoble III; CERAT (Grenoble); Institut de la Décentralisation, Paris; Institut d’Etudes Politiques (Lille); University of Lille II; École Nationale Supérieure des PTT (Paris); Institut d’Etudes Politiques (Strasbourg); University of Picardie; University of Marseilles-Aix III ; CERVEPAS, University of Paris III ; Maison des sciences économiques, Paris I Sorbonne.

Germany: Max Planck Institute for the Study of Society (Cologne); Max Planck Project Group for Public Goods, Bonn; University of Cologne; Wissenschaftzentrum, Berlin; University of Bochum; University of Mannheim; Hannover University; Deutsch-Französich Institut (dfi), Ludwigsburg.

Benelux/Austria/Nordic/CEEC: Université Libre de Bruxelles; Center for Strategic and International Studies, Brussels; Catholic University of Louvain; Utrecht University, Netherlands; Amsterdam School of Social Research, Amsterdam; Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna; University of Graz; Göteborg University, Sweden; RECON conference of the Oslo Arena Group, Prague, Czech Republic; Roskilde University, Denmark; University of Amsterdam, NL.

Canada: University of Western Ontario, McGill University; University of Toronto.Asia/Turkey: University of Nagoya, Japan; University of Delhi, India; Bosphorus University,

Istanbul. US: SAIS, Johns Hopkins University; New York University; Center for European Studies,

Harvard University; JFK School of Government, Harvard University; Yale University; Wesleyan University; University of Pittsburgh; Daedalus Conference, American Academy of Arts and Sciences (Cambridge); University of California, Irvine; Princeton University; Emory University; University of California, Berkeley; Brookings Institution, Wash., D.C.; Brandeis University; Columbia University; American University; University of Washington, Seattle; University of Washington (St. Louis, MO; US Air Force Academy; University of Oklahoma; CUNY Graduate Faculty; University of North Carolina; University of Chicago; Brown University; Stonehill College; University of Miami, Florida; Georgia Tech University; University of Virginia; Mt Holyoke College.


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POLICY INPUTS, CONSULTANCY, AND PUBLIC TALKS:“ How to think about legitimacy in the Eurozone Crisis.” Paper for the ENLIGHTEN Instigation

AGORA© Forum at the Institute for the Study of Europe, Université Libre de Bruxelles, IEE-ULB (Brussels, June 15-16, 2015)

“The Political Economy of EMU and questions of legitimacy.” Presentation for this panel at the Wrap-Up Meeting of the Research Fellowship program 2014-2015 of the Directorate General of Economics and Finance, EU Commission (Brussels, June 8, 2015).

“Towards a New Europe in the World.” Moderator for this panel featuring Kristalina Georgieva, Vice President of the Commission in charge of Human Resources and Budget, Pierre Vimont, Secretary General of the European External Action Service, and Charles Maier, Professor of History at Harvard University, for the Harvard Graduate Student Conference (Cambridge, Ma, Feb. 28, 2015).

“The State of France.” Participant in roundtable with Philippe Aghion, Professor of Economics at Harvard University and Jean Schere, visiting scholar at BU. Boston University (Feb. 5, 2015)

“ From Take-Off into Flight Mode: The New Commission at Work.” Presentation for this panel at the Annual Research Conference— DG-ECFIN Research Fellowship Initiative: “Getting Out of Stagnation: Growth, Jobs and Investment in the EU,” EU Commission, DG ECFIN (Nov. 24, 2014).

“Will the Next Crisis be a Social and Political Crisis—How to build a fairer union of democratic change.” Discussant on this panel for the Kick-Off Conference of the Research Fellows of the EU Commission’s DG ECFIN (Brussels, Sept. 15, 2014).

“The Role of Discourse in Social Democratic Reform Efforts.” Presentation for “Social Democracy 2017 plus,” 14th Annual Summer University of the Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation ( Potsdam, July 10-11, 2014)

“The Eurozone Crisis” and “The Crisis of Immigration.” Presentations for panels at the IAI (Istituto degli Affari Internazionali) conference “Towards a More United, Effective and Legitimate European Union” (Rome and Santo Stefano di Sessanio, June 27 - 29, 2014).

“Could Social Democrats learn from the Resilience of Neo-Liberalism?” Book Discussion (with Mark Thatcher and Bruno Liebhaberg) for the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (Brussels, June 23, 2014)

“The State of the European Union: EU Crisis, Parliament Elections, the New Commission, and Banking Union.” Speaker on this panel for the ‘Europe Day Conference’ as well as lecturer for the 3rd 2014 School on the European Union. Getulio Vargas Foundation (Rio de Janeiro, May 8, 2014).

5th Transatlantic Dialogue on Gender Issues: Woman Up! for a New Progressive Agenda.’ Concluding wrap-up presentation (Boston, March 3-4, 2014)


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“Europhiles, Eursceptics, Europeans: Who will be in Parliament in 2014?” Moderator and discussant on this panel featuring Klaus Welle, Secretary General of the European Parliament, and Antonio Vitorino, President of Notre Europe—Jacques Delors Institute, for the European Conference at Harvard University (Cambridge, MA, March 1-2, 2014).

“Governing by the Rules, Ruling by the Numbers: Euro Crisis and Challenges to Democratic Legitimacy.” Keynote speaker, Bruno Kreisky Forum, Vienna (Vienna, Oct. 8, 2013)

“Technocracy vs. Politics in Times of Crisis: Is the Democratic Deficit Getting Bigger? Or The Effects of ‘Governing by the Rules’ and ‘Ruling by the Numbers.” Paper prepared for the Eliamap 10th European Seminar, “Europe in Crisis, Citizens in Protest” (Nafplio, Greece, July 4-7, 2013).

“The Eurozone Crisis:  A crisis of economics or of politics?” Talk for the IAI Istituto Affari Internazionali, (Rome, May 16, 2013)

“A Secure Europe in a Multipolar World?" Panelist for this international conference on the

Eurozone Crisis, Getulio Vargas Foundation (Rio de Janeiro, May 6-10, 2013).

“European Foreign Policy.” Moderator for Pierre Vimont, Executive Secretary General of the European External Action Service, Harvard Graduate Student Conference (Cambridge, Ma, 2 March 2013).

“The Eurozone Crisis seen from the US.” Talk for the conference on Trans-Atlantic Relations sponsored by the Foreign Affairs Committee of the French National Assembly (Paris, 21 February 2013).

“Reshaping the Fundamentals: Developing Democracy.” Participant in this roundtable for the conference of European Social Democratic party leaders: “A Common Progressive European Vision. Renaissance for Europe: Peace, Prosperity, Progress” (Turin, 8-9 February 2013)

“Maastricht + 20 and Euro + 10.” Keynote speaker for the conference: “THE EURO KNOT: The Single Currency and European Citizenship in the time of Community Turmoil” convened by the 1st VP of the EP Gianni Pittella and FONDACA at the EU Parliament, Brussels (January 24, 2013).

“The European Political Model and the Citizen.” Keynote speech for the Conference: “What Future for the European Model?” sponsored by the Europa Association and hosted by the University of Limoges (Limoges, Nov. 23, 2012).

“The Future of Europe.” Keynote speech to the European Parliament’s party grouping of social democrats at a special session (Strasbourg, Oct. 24, 2012).

“Mentoring other Women.” Moderator on this panel for the Conference, ‘Women up’, organized by FEPS-- Foundation for European Progressive Studies (Brussels, 18-19 Oct., 2012).


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“Differentiated Europe and the EU Political Economy.” Policy brief delivered at the European Parliament Committee on Constitutional Affairs workshop on Multi-Tier Governance and the Future of Europe. (October 4, 2012). Recording of afternoon session, Panel III&IV: legitimacy, future prospects:

“Staying in Sync: How can the EU’s model remain relevant with International Developments?” Panelist for this concluding roundtable for the conference:  Global European in a Rapidly Changing World—How to Avoid Irrelevance?  ELIAMAP policy institute (Poros, Greece, June 21-22, 2012).

"The EU, An Extinct Vision?"  Talk for the Bruno Kreisky Foundation (Vienna, Austria, June 12, 2012)

“The European Project: Can Europe Survive the Euro?” Panelist on this roundtable for the Conference: “The Failure of the Euro? Causes and Consequences for Europe and Beyond” sponsored by the Watson Institute for International Studies and the Rhodes Center for International Economics, Brown University (April 17, 2012).

“Next Left Values in Party and Electoral Politics.” Panelist for this session of the Conference: “Next Left: Building New Communities” sponsored by the International Global and Policy Institute at Harvard University and four social democratic foundations (Harvard University, April 12-13, 2012).

“Democratic Europe.” Introductory keynote presentation to a panel of experts followed the next day by a seven minute summary of my comments and the discussion to the social-democratic leaders in attendance at the 'Renaissance for Europe' event of the European Social-Democrats in Paris March 16-17, sponsored by four social-democratic foundations, on the occasion of François Hollande's speech on Europe at the Cirque d'Hiver (Paris, March 16-17, 2012).

“Europe 2020: Governance.” Panel participant for the conference ‘Europe 2020’ organized by the German Marshall Fund and the École Nationale d’Administration (Paris, February 16, 2012)

“The EU in the World: A Fresh Perspective.” Keynote speech for the conference “Call to Europe,” organized by the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (Brussels, June 29-30, 2011)

“L'Intégration européenne détruit-elle la démocratie ? (Does European integration destroy democracy?).” Talk for Institut Français des Relations Internationales (IFRI), Paris (Dec. 8, 2010)

“Re-Envisioning the EU after Lisbon.” Talk at IFRI (French Institute for International Relations) Brussels (Brussels, March 16, 2010)


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Nautilus Politikberatung, Berlin. Consulted for this think-tank on the German elections and the Social Democratic Party’s ideas and discourse in the election campaign (Berlin, Sept. 2009)

The Delphic Oracle on Europe: Policies and Politics. Participant and commentator on the panel on European Elections at this conference organised by ELIAMEP (Delphi, Greece, 25-27 June 2009)

Kalevi Sorsa Foundation: Keynote paper on “Is Globalization undermining Western Democracy?” and roundtable debate on “Globalization, Privatization, and Democracy” for this social-democratic think-tank (Helsinki, November 7-8, 2008).

WorldBoston and European Chambers of Commerce (British, French, German): Roundtable on EU views of the US Presidential Elections (Goethe Institute, Boston, Oct. 15, 2008).

WorldBoston: “The EU at 50.” (Boston, April 8, 2008).

Royal Association of Alumni of the College Saint-Michel: “Which Europe to Choose? Supranational State or Free Trade Zone? With or Without Turkey?” Keynote speech plus moderation of debate by representatives of France, UK, Poland, Turkey (Brussels, Feb 19 2008).

US Government : “Is the European Social Model the Future for Europe?” Paper prepared for presentation to US government agencies for the conference Future Developments in European Trade and Economics (Washington DC, Jan. 18, 2008).

Netherlands Institute of International Relations ‘Clingendael’ and the Scientific Council for Government Policy (WRR): “EU Legitimacy in the Member-States: Taking Stock.” Keynote speech for the Conference: EU Legitimacy at the National Levell (Clingendael, NL, Nov. 30, 2007).

Istituto degli Affari Internazionali: Talk on “Is Europe strengthening or weakening democracy?” (Rome, Oct. 12, 2007.

CIDE—Centro Nazionale di Informazione e Documentazione Europea: Talk on “Cittadinanza e Partecipazione negli Stati Uniti e nel Europa: Tra Stato regionale et stato nazionale (Citizenship and Participation in the US and the EU),” sponsored by Fondaca—the Citizenship Foundation, (Rome, Oct. 11, 2007).

Carlo Alberto Foundation, Urge think-tank: Talk on “Democratic legitimacy in Europe,” “Democracy and European Integration: Challenges and Problems.” Presentation in English, questions and answers in Italian (Turin, 9 Oct. 2007)

Egmont Institute: Consulted on the role of National Parliaments in view of a Joint Report to the Parliament on the Reform Treaty (Brussels, 10 Sept. 2007).


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EUR-IFRI, the European Union branch of the Institut Français de Relations Internationales, Brussels : Talk on “Is Europe strengthening or weakening democracy?” (Brussels, June 12, 2007).

CSIS--Center for Strategic and International Studies: (Presented paper for conference Terms of Engagement: The Euro-Atlantic Partnership at Sixty (Brussels, June 10-12, 2007).

German Marshall Fund Brussels Forum: Participation in conference on EU-US relations (Brussels, April 27-29, 2007).

IFRI (Institut Français de Relations Internationales—French International Relations Institute), Paris : Talk on “L’Europe crée-t-elle ou détruit-elle la démocracie?” (Paris, April 23, 2007).

Indian International Club: Book talk on “Democracy in Europe: The EU and National Polities.” (Delhi, Feb 5, 2007)

Ditchley Foundation: Participated in a conference on Turkey and the EU (Oxford, Jan. 12-14, 2007).

Woodrow Wilson Center: Book talk on “Democracy in Europe: The EU and National Polities.” (Washington D.C., Dec. 19, 2007).

CSIS (Center for Strategic and International Studies): Task force on the future of the EU and EU-US relations (Washington D.C., Feb. 27-28, May 15-16, 2006).

Korean Development Institute: “Public Attitudes toward Business in France: The Importance of Good Ideas and Persuasive Discourse.” Paper prepared for delivery to the conference: “Public Attitude toward Business and the Modern Market Economy,” (Seoul, South Korea, Oct. 4, 2006).

Carlo Alberto Foundation, Urge: “The Open Method of Coordination and the Future of Social Europe.” Talk for roundtable for the conference “Social Governance in the EU: The Open Method of Coordination in Action” (Turin, June 9, 2005).

Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Long-Range Future, Boston University: “The EU as a Case Study of Planning: A Prospective Retrospective from the Marshall Plan to the Present.” Talk for the conference: “Looking Ahead: Forecasting and Planning for the Longer-Range Future” (April 7-8, 2005).

Phi Beta Kappa, Epsilon: “What is Democracy?” Address to initiates as recipient of Honorary Membership in the society (Boston, Dec. 1, 2004).

Friedrich Ebert-Stiftung: “The Role of Public Discourse for a Social Democratic Reform Project.” Keynote address to the Forum Scholars for European Social Democracy (Berlin, Oct. 4-6, 2004).


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EU Social Sciences Advisory Group, SSHERA project: “Which Public Sphere does Europe Need?” Paper prepared for presentation for the Workshop on the European Public Sphere (Berlin May 28, 2004).

Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future, Boston University: “What are the right levels of decision-making? Europe compared with developing countries.” Speaker for the conference “Economic Development, Human Development, and the Pursuit of Happiness” (Boston, MA, April 2, 2004).

European American Chambers of Commerce: “Prospects and Problems of EU Enlargement for Business.” Talk (Downtown Club, Boston, Oct. 22, 2003).

Oxford Analytica: “The EU at 25.” Panel presenter at the Annual Conference (Oxford, September 16-18, 2003).

WorldBoston: “The EU as a Market Force: Does Expansion Bode Well for the US.” Talk for the Business Breakfast Meeting (Boston, MA, May 14, 2003).

World Affairs Council: “Differences in Foreign Policy: A Western European Perspective.” Speaker at a roundtable (Seattle, WA., May 8, 2003).

MGIMO, the Russian Foreign Ministry Institute: “Varieties of Capitalism in Europe.” Talk (Moscow, May 21, 2002).

EU Commission Delegation: Presented on the future of the EU for a fund-raising conference in (New York, March 2001).

“France, Britain, Germany and Europe under Globalization,” Responsible for overall analysis and synopsis of this Workshop, Brookings Institution (Washington, D.C., October 6, 2000).

State Department: Consulted on Europe (2000).

WorldBoston: “European management and business culture.” Talk for senior business executives (Meridien Hotel, Boston, Sept. 17, l997)

Greek negotiations in the European Union’s Intergovernmental Conference: Engaged in consultations as part of a Harvard University team (Cambridge, MA, May 1-2, 1997).

French-American Chamber of Commerce: “French Business in Comparative Perspective” (Boston, Sept. 25, l996)

French-American Chamber of Commerce: “French Business today” Talk for the International Business Breakfast Series: (Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Boston, March 9, l994)

Second Annual International Software Business Development Conference: European management and business culture” Talk for senior business executives (Burlington MA, Nov. 19, l993).


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French Library: “French Business and Intercultural Management” Talk (Boston MA, Oct. 21, l993).

French-American Chamber of Commerce: “French Business” (Boston, Oct. 13, l992) Consultant for area businesses and Massport (pro-bono) on intercultural management and doing

business in France (l991-l993); consultant for Peabody and Arnold, a Boston-based law firm, on trans-Atlantic alliances between French and American hi-tech firms (Boston and Paris, l991-l992); and for Frost and Sullivan Political Risk Services on France (l989).

Francophone and Southern Africa:Between l991 and l998, I was engaged in a wide range of policy and consultancy activities first sponsored by the United States Information Agency (USIA) and then as a result of grants by the USIA and other development agencies in conjunction with my work as Director of the Center for Democracy and Development. These included:

USIA grant: Principal investigator for a grant on “Decentralization and Local Democracy: Citizen empowerment in Cameroon, Mali, and Senegal” (l997-l998). Consultations with elected officials, civil servants and civil society in Cameroon, Mali, and Senegal (June-July 1997; Boston, Oct. 1997).

National Democratic Institute: Consultations for the Gauteng Provincial Legislature, Johannesburg, South Africa, at the workshop on the reform of the Second Legislative Chamber (October l996).

USIA grant: Lectures in Namibia on institutional reform and democratic access to decision-making for the Prime Minister's staff and the National Assembly (October, l996).

USIS-sponsored American studies conference in Dakar, Senegal: Lectured on federalism and decentralization in comparative perspective (March l996).

Francophone Africa Research Group (GRAF): Talks on “Democratization and Decentralization in Francophone Africa” for the at Boston University (Nov. 6, l996) and on “Decentralization in Francophone Africa” for the conference: “Brazzaville + 50,” at Boston University (Boston, MA: Oct. 7-8, 1994).

Africa Regional Services (USIS): Lectures on "Decentralization and Local Democracy," "Federalism and the Unitary State," and "The Role of the State in the Economy" in Cameroon, Benin, Ivory Coast, and Mali (June l993).

Africa Regional Services (USIS): Consulted with central governmental officials in charge of formulating decentralizing reforms and with local elected officials and civil servants charged with implementing the reforms (Mali June 1993).

African National Congress delegation: Presentation on “Institutional Change in Comparative Perspective” at a symposium (University of Massachusetts, Boston, June 24, l992).


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Africa Regional Services (USIS): Lectures on “Local Government and Democracy" and “The Role of the State in the Economy" in Kinshasa, Zaire (July l991).

SELECTED UNIVERSITY ADMINISTRATIVE EXPERIENCE Founding Director: Center for the Study of Europe (2011 to present)—established this new

interdisciplinary Center that hosts speakers and visiting fellows; sponsors events and conferences on European Studies across the humanities and social sciences; and oversees the newly established Major and Minor in European Studies.

Director: Center for International Relations (2008 to 2012)—host speakers and events on international relations, with a special focus on the European Union.

Ad Hoc Director: European Studies Program, Boston University, with a range of EU focused activities and grants (1999 to 2011).

Director: Center for Democracy and Development , McCormack Institute, University of Massachusetts (l994-1998): Director of this applied public policy center, with the mission to encourage democratization efforts primarily in developing nations. The center focused in particular on promoting democratic development in Francophone and sub-Saharan African through programs and exchanges of academics, policymakers, and grassroots organizers. Responsible for administering Center, generating grant applications, and organizing and running projects focused on research and training programs on local government administration and local economic development. Initiatives included South Africa, Namibia, Francophone Africa (Cameroon, Mali, Senegal), Russia, and Northern Ireland.

Director: European Studies Program, University of Massachusetts (l993-1998): Founding director of this interdisciplinary, university-wide program which sponsors courses, runs a lecture series, and has a European Scholar in Residence Program which brings in approximately six scholars a year for short-term visits. Responsible for running the undergraduate certificate program, advising students, and promoting curriculum development; for fundraising and grantwriting; and for public outreach, which involves arranging lectures in conjunction with area professional groups. Program received support.

Coordinator: Problems of Inquiry Program, University of Massachusetts (l977-l982): an interdisciplinary, nine-credit foundation program in the logic of inquiry and ethics which integrated materials from the natural sciences, social sciences, philosophy, and management. I originated, co-designed, and coordinated the program as well as edited a custom-published book for it: The Problems of Inquiry (Lexington, MA: Ginn, l981).

SELECTED UNIVERSITY SERVICEBoston University: Peter Paul Award Committee (2014); Pardee School of Global Studies Search

Committee (2014); Pardee School of Global Studies Advisory Committee (2013); University representative to the University of Geneva International Network Collaboration, (2013 to present); College of Arts and Sciences Graduate Research Abroad Fellowship (GRAF) committee (2012-2013); College of Arts and Sciences Appointments and Promotions


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Committee (2008-2009); Co-supervisor, Brussels-BU Masters in International Relations (2006 to present); International Finance Search Committee (2011-2012); Chair of the EU Security and Defence Search Committee (fall 2009); Member of the Negotiations Search Committee (2008-2009); Chair of the International Economy and International Environmental Politics Searches (2003-2004); Associate Chair, Department of International Relations (2002-2003); Chair of the International Relations Dept. subcommittee on PhD program (2001); member of the International Programs Committee- Paris and Grenoble programs (l999 to present); Chair of committees to develop the European Studies Major/Minor (l999 to 2005, 2008 to 2011).

University of Massachusetts: Served on all major executive committees including the University System Board of Trustees; University Assembly Steering Committee; University Academic Affairs Committee; International Advisory Committee; University System Planning Council Board; College Senate; plus chaired major search committees; chaired and was a member of innumerable personnel committees; chaired curriculum development committees for the European Studies Program, and the Diversity Requirement; and member of the University committee on the reorganization of Massachusetts Higher Education.


Professional Associations:American Political Science Association:

Member of the Executive Council, Political Epistemology, Organized Section (2014-17) Chair of the Ernst B. Haas Best Dissertation Award Committee for the European Politics

and Society Section (2010-2011) Chair of the Program Committee for Politics and Society in Western Europe Organized

Section (2003-2004). Chair of the Gabriel Almond Prize Committee (2003-2004). Member of the Executive Committee, Politics and Society in Western Europe, Organized

Section (2000-2003). Member of Executive Committee, Comparative Politics Section (l992-l995).

Boston Council on Foreign Relations: Member of the Board of Directors of the Council (2013 to present)

European Union Studies Association: Local Host for the Biannual Meetings of the Association in Boston (2010-2011) Chair of the Executive Committee (l999-2001). Secretary of Executive Committee (l997-l999).

Council for European Studies: Program Committee Member—CES 2012 conference in Boston (2011-2012) Member of the Executive Board and Research coordinator for the CES Network:

“European Integration and the Global Political Economy: New Directions” (2011 to present)

International Studies Association:


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Conference Group on French Politics and Society: Member, Lavau Prize Committee (l998-2000, l991-1993).

International Political Science Association: Member of Executive Council RC 33: History of Discipline (l994-1997).On-going Member

American Society for Public Administration: Member of Executive Committee, Massachusetts Chapter (l992-l997). Chair—Membership Committee (l987-l988). Chair—Scholarship Committee (l988-l989). Member of the Executive Committee of the Section on International and Comparative

Administration (l987-l989).

French-American Chamber of Commerce: Member, Program Committee and Newsletter co-editor (l993-l996).

Advisory Board Memberships

Institutes and FoundationsInternational Institute for Peace, Vienna Austria—Member of the Executive Board (2014 to


Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB)—Member of the Advisory Board (2014 to present)

Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS)—Member of the Scientific Council of the European level think-tank for Europe’s main national social-democratic parties (2012 to present).

Sheffield Political Economy Research Institute (SPERI)—Chair of the International Advisory Board (2014 to present); Member (2011 to present)

Urge (Research Unit on European Governance) Carlo Alberto Foundation, Turin—Member of Advisory Board (2006 to 2012)

Institut de la Décentralisation: Member of the Advisory Board (l990-1996).

Research and Conference ProjectsYale European Student Conference—Member of Advisory Board for student-sponsored

conference on the Future of the European Union, funded by the EU (set for Feb 13-14, 2015).


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The Performance of Democracies—European Research Council Advanced Grant Project located at Gothenburg University (directed by Prof. Bo Rothstein)—Member of International Advisory Board (2013-2018)

Understanding Institutional Change: a gender perspective European Research Council Project located at the University of Manchester (directed by Prof. Georgina Wayland)—Member of International Advisory Board (2012 -2017)

Professions in International Political Economies European Research Council Project located at the Copenhagen Business School (directed by Prof. Leonard Seabrooke)—Member of Advisory Board (2011-2014)

FPV project ‘Welfare Reform and the Management of Societal Change” directed by Peter Taylor-Gooby, University of Kent: Advisory Board (10/01-09/04).

Team Europe-USA, a group established by the European Union Delegation of the European Commission. Member (2000 to 2006).

Editorial Board Memberships:Social Europe Journal—Member of the Advisory Board of this online policy journal (2015 to


Palgrave Communications—Member of the Editorial Board of this new online open access journal (2015 to present)

Post—Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of this Italian online philosophical/political journal (2013 to present).

Politics and Governance—Member of the Editorial Board (2012 to present)

European Review of International Studies—Member of the Academic Advisory Board (2012 to present).

Routledge ‘Conceptualizing Comparative Politics’ Book Series—Member of Editorial Board (2012 to present)

Harvard Center for European Studies Working Papers Series—Member of the Editorial Board (2010 to present).

Routledge Globalization Book Series—Member of Editorial Board (2010 to present)

Revista Universitaria Europa (RUE), Journal of the Spanish ECSA (European Community Studies Association)—Member of the Editorial Board (2010 to present)

Contemporary Italian Politics (formerly Bulletin of Italian Politics)—Member of Editorial Board (2009 to present)


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Contemporary Politics—Member of Editorial Board (2007 to present)

LREG (Living Reviews)—Member of Editorial Board (2007 to present)

Routledge-UACES Contemporary European Studies Book Series—Member of Editorial Board (2005 to present)

Comparative European Politics-Member of Editorial Board (2002 to present)

Anthropolis: Editorial Board (2002 to 2005)

Rivista Italiana di Politiche Pubbliche—Member of Editorial Board (2002 to present)

West European Politics—Member of Editorial Board (2001 to present)

Critique Internationale, a Paris-based international relations journal—Member of Editorial Board (l998 to present).

Europe in Change Series of Manchester University Press—Member of Editorial Board (2002 to present).

Symposium book series of PACTE, the social science research center of the CNRS in Grenoble—Member of International Editorial Board (2004 to present).

Affiliations:Center for European Studies, Harvard University:

Co-Chair of the Study Group on the European Union (Sept. 2008 to present) Faculty Affiliate (1999 to present). Member of the European Integration and Domestic Politics Study Group (2000-2001). French Grant Coordinating Committee (1994-1996); Co-Chair, French Study Group (l994).

Professional Evaluation Committees:Sciences Po, Paris:

Member of Senior Professor Selection Committee in Comparative Politics (2012-2013) Member of the Evaluation and Merit Committee for Researchers of the FNSP

(National Foundation of Political Science) (2009 to present)

Brown University External Evaluator of the Watson Institute (February 2011)

Copenhagen Business School: Member of Recruitment Evaluation Committee for Full Professorship in International

Political Economy (September 2010) External Evaluator of the Center for Business and Politics (December 2009)


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Université Libre de Bruxelles: External evaluator for the self-study of the Institut d’Etudes Européennes (May 2009)

Fulbright Committee: Member of Area Advisory Committee for the European Union (2008) Member of French Selection Committee, Paris (2002). Chair of Area Advisory Committee for Western Europe—Belgium, France, Netherlands,

EU (Chair--l996-l998). Member of Area Advisory Committee for Western Europe—Belgium, France,

Netherlands, EU (l995-l996). Fulbright Faculty Sponsor (l988-l989).

ANR (French National Research Agency): Proposal Evaluation (2008)

European University Institute: Member of Recruitment and Hiring Committee for the Chair in Public Policy (Fall 2005)

Max Planck Gesellschaft: Review committee member for the Bonn Max Planck Project Group “Law of Common Goods”

(2001-2002). Recruitment committee for new director (2002).

External member, PhD (and other advanced degrees) Committees: Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)—GEM (Global Erasmus Mundus) PhD program

(Maya Saveska—PhD defense, December 2014) Oxford University, Oxford, UK—Dept. of Political Science (Piero Tortola—PhD defense,

July 2012). IMT Lucca, Italy—Dept. of Political Science. I served as primary supervisor of PhD

(Carlo Giuseppe Cirulli, PhD. defense—December 2012. The dissertation received the Medal of the President of the Italian Republic.)

Harvard University, Cambridge, MA—Dept. of Sociology, member of PhD committee (Oana Dan—PhD defense May 2012).

University of Paris-Panthéon Assas—Department of Political Science, external member at defense (Maxime Lefèvre, PhD defense, February 18, 2012)

University of Grenoble, France—Political Science Institute, external member at defense (Philippe Zittoun—Habilitation defense, July 11, 2011).

Hebrew University, Jerusalem—Dept of Political Science, external member for written evaluation (Ronen Mendelkern—PhD defense, December 2010)

Free University of Brussels—European Studies Institute, external member at defense (Amandine Crespy—PhD defense, April 16-17, 2010)

European University Institute, Florence, Italy—Dept of Social Sciences, external member at defense (Joachim Wentzel—PhD defense, Dec. 5, 2009)

Radboud University, Nijmegen, NL—Dept. of Political Science, external member at defense (Sabina Stiller, PhD defense, Oct. 4, 2007).

London School of Economics, UK—Dept. of Political Science, external member at defense (Alison Dodd, PhD defense, March 2006)


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Mss. Reviewer: American Political Science Review; World Politics; Comparative Politics; Comparative Political Studies; Current Politics and Business in Europe; Journal of European Public Policy; European Societies; Feminist Theory Journal; Forest Policy; Land Use Policy; Governance; Political Studies; Political Studies Review; Environmental Politics, European Journal for Political Research; European Political Science Review; Comparative European Politics; West European Politics; Comparative Education; Review of International Political Economy; Global Environmental Change; Perspectives on Politics; Minerva; Contemporary Politics; Sustainability; International Studies Quarterly; International Theory; International Studies Quarterly; Journal of Common Market Studies; New Political Economy; Government and Opposition; British Politics; Journal of Politics; Journal of Political Philosophy; Policy Studies, Policy Studies Review; Public Administration Review; Public Management Review; Ethics and International Affairs; Public Administration; Journal of Urban Affairs; Journal of Public Policy; Publius; American Review of Public Administration; The Bureaucrat; Diplomacy and Statecraft; Houghton-Mifflin; Wadsworth; NSF; Manchester University Press; Palgrave Macmillan; Cambridge University Press; Oxford University Press; Cornell University Press; Routledge; Amsterdam University Press.

Professional MembershipsAmerican Political Science Association, Association Française de Science Politique; Council on European Studies, Conference Group on French Politics and Society, GRAF: Francophone African Research Group, European Union Studies Association, International Political Science Association, Study for the Advancement of Socio-Economics

TEACHING:I have lectured in English, French, and Italian on a wide range of subjects to undergraduate and graduate level students. Courses include: Eurozone Crisis and Democracy (graduate)European Integration (undergraduate and graduate)European Political Economy (graduate and undergraduate)European Social Economy (graduate)European Policy and Politics (graduate)Social Europe (undergraduate and graduate)Globalization and Contemporary Capitalism (graduate and undergraduate)Topics in European Politics and Culture: Critical Moments and Memory (advanced undergrad)Comparative Politics (undergraduate)Comparative Political Economy (graduate).Comparative Public Policy (graduate).Democratic Theory (undergraduate)Organizational Theory (undergraduate)Political Ideology (undergraduate)Political Philosophy (undergraduate)Problems of Inquiry (undergraduate)Ethics (undergraduate)Public Policy and Business, U.S. (undergraduate and graduate)

LANGUAGE SKILLS:Native Fluency: French, Italian.


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Other Languages: Spanish, German.

FINE ART PHOTOGRAPHY: (Photo website: ) Solo Exhibitions:

‘Landscapes of History Harvard University, Center for European Studies, Boston MA (Oct 21 opening, from October 2014 through September 2015) and the Italian Consulate of Boston (October 2015 through September 2016)

‘Peaks and Valleys’ NY Center of Photography and the Moving Image, New York, NY (April-May 2011)

‘Imagined Landscapes’ Galleria Mentana, Florence Italy (Jan. 2010). Show extended in semi-permanent exhibit at the Residence Porta al Prato.

‘Tracing Landscape,’ CAN New Art Center, New York, NY (Oct. 2009) ‘Romantic Landscapes’ Museum of Viniculture, Montespertoli, Italy (Oct. 2007) ‘Facets of France.’ French Library, Boston MA (1996) ‘Untitled.’ York Chamber of Commerce, York, Maine (1996) ‘From Here and Away.’ York Chamber of Commerce, York Maine (1995)

Group Exhibitions: ‘Firenze Incontra Roma’ Tornatora Art Galley, Rome (September 2015)

‘Little Treasures 2014’. Trevisan International Art, Bologna (April 2014) ‘Il Calore del Colore.’ Galleria Mentana, Florence, Italy (June 2012) ‘Il Calore del Colore.’ Galleria Mentana, Florence, Italy (July 2011) ‘Wild Nature.’ Galleria Primopiano, Lecce Italy (February-March 2010) ‘Time Passages,’ Studio Vogue Gallery, Toronto, Canada (January 2011) ‘Valori di Continuità,’ Galeria Mentana, Florence Italy (December 2010) ‘Inside-Outside: The Invisibility of the Landscape Visible.’ Galleria Primopiano, Lecce Italy

(December 2010) ‘New York Fashion District Festival.’ New Art Center, New York NY (November 2009) ‘En Plein View 2’ CAN New Art Center, New York, NY (2008) Canterbury Gallery of Photographic Arts, Canterbury NH (1997-1998) Ogunquit Arts Center, Ogunquit Maine (1996)

Book covers/Calendars/Art Book Inclusions: 2013 Schmidt, Vivien and Thatcher, Mark, eds., Resilient Liberalism Cambridge University

Press (book cover)2013 Cerami, Alfio Permanent Emergency Welfare Regimes in Sub-Saharan Africa Palgrave

Macmillan (book cover)2012 Yearly Art Calendar Galleria Mentana2011 International Dictionary of Art 2011 40th Anniversary Calendar Galleria Mentana 2006 Schmidt, Vivien Democracy in Europe Oxford University Press (book cover)


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