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March 21st 2017

Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural SciencesGuiqing Han

Black Soil Conservation and Sustainable Use in China

2017 the Global Symposium on Soil Organic Carbon

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Black Soil Conservation and Food Security Main Problems of Black Soil in China

Suggestions on Back Soil Conservation and Sustainable Use in China




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Heilongjiang Province is a major agricultural province in China


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Speech of President Xi during the inspection in Heilongjiang on May 23-25

Heilongjiang province is one of the three largest black soil regions in the world. However, the black soils trend to desertification, alkalization and degradation in Heilongjiang province, due to unscientific utilization of black soil. One paper indicated that the layer of black soil decreased by 1 cm per year. The soil organic matter of black soil was decreased by 0.1% per year. Soil layer was decreased from 80-100 cm before reclamation to 20-30 in some areas now. Without scientific management, all the soil layers of black soil will vanish after 50 years. The major conservation projects of black soils in the province are implemented well. Scientific measures such as biological, engineering and horticultural measures need to be adopted and the farmer's initiatives be mobilized to protect and make use of black soils

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1. Black Soil Conservation and Food Security

The cultivated area of black soil in Heilongjiang Province accounts for 74.8% of total cultivated black soil area in China (China Statistical Yearbook)中国黑土主要指的就是东北黑土区,该地区是世界上仅有的三大黑土地带之一,约占全球黑土面积的五分之一,主要分布在黑龙江和吉林两省。黑龙江省黑土耕地面积占中国黑土总耕地面积的 74.8%。

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Heilongjiang has become an important commodity grain base and green food production base in China, due to abundant resources and fertile black soil, which makes a great contribution to China’s food security with 12 years of grain output increase in succession.由于黑土资源丰富,土壤肥沃,黑龙江省成为我国重要的商品粮基地和绿色食品生产基地,粮食产量实现“十二连增”,为保障国家粮食安全作出了重大贡献。

1. Black Soil Conservation and Food Security

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One third of China’s  commodity grain is come from Northeast.全国每三斤商品粮 ,就有一斤来自东北 .

1. Black Soil Conservation and Food Security

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The continuous yield increases depended on high input of agricultural production materials, leading to desertification, alkalization and degradation. Therefore, it has become urgent to protect and manage black soils. 然而,在粮食连年丰收的背后也蕴藏着巨大的潜在危机,由于多年来对黑土资源的高强度利用,导致黑土严重退化、碱化和沙化,持续增产主要靠高肥力和生产资料高投入,以牺牲环境和资源为代价,使黑龙江由“生态功能区”逐步变成了“生态脆弱区”,加强黑土保护和治理已刻不容缓。

1. Black Soil Conservation and Food Security

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Eastern Europe great plains : 1.90 million km2

Northeast China : 1.03 million km2The Mississippi River and tributaries

of US : 1.20 million km2

1. Black Soil Conservation and Food Security

全世界共有三大黑土区,其中美国的黑土区位于密西西比河流域,面积约为 120万平方公里;乌克兰黑土大平原位于乌克兰境内 ,面积约为 190万平方公里;中国黑土区总面积 103万平方公里。美国和乌克兰这两大片黑土都分布在与中国东北气候条件一致的寒温带,由于植被茂盛,冬季寒冷,大量枯枝落叶难以腐化、分解,历经千百年形成了厚厚的腐殖质,肥力高、最适宜农耕,都是重要的粮食生产基地。

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Corn yield of US account for 40% of the world and soybean 32%.

Ukraine is a top wheat producing country, which is lauded as “Europe's major granary”. Ukraine exports 10 million tons of grain per year.

The corn, soybean and rice production in Northeast China account for 1/3 of China’s commodity grain and 1/5 of China’s total grain.




1. Black Soil Conservation and Food Security

美国的玉米占全世界玉米总量的 40%,大豆占世界总产的 32%;乌克兰和哈萨克斯坦大平原盛产小麦,被称为欧洲大粮仓 ,每年出口粮食 1000万吨;中国东北玉米、大豆、水稻商品率占国家商品粮的 1/3,粮食总产的 1/5。

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The black soil, caused by over farming, has a serious environment problem which has destroyed vegetation and soil erosion. In US, the level of agriculture modernization is high now, and can provide a precious experience for Conservation and utilization of black soil to China. 然而,由于曾经过度开垦利用、破坏地表植被,水土流失严重,黑土区保护都有过惨痛的教训。美国 1934年的“黑风暴”卷走 3亿立方米黑土,当年小麦减产 51亿公斤。为了保护黑土地,美国、乌克兰投入了大量人力、物力和财力,围绕合理规划土地和建立科学耕作制度等开展研究,大举营造农田防护林,采取保土轮作、套种、少耕、免耕等办法,充分发挥耕作措施与林业措施相结合的群体防护作用,历经 40年的综合治理,已收到明显成效。目前,美国黑土区农业发展现代化水平很高,已经实现了规模化、机械化、标准化、集约化和信息化作业,为我国黑土保护、治理、研究和利用提供了宝贵经验,值得我们学习借鉴。

1. Black Soil Conservation and Food Security

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We suggest improving black soil quality by scientific technology and grain potential improvement to ensure national food security. 2015年中央“一号文件”明确要求,继续加强农业生态治理;《农业部财务司、财政部农业司关于做好东北黑土地保护利用试点工作的通知》明确, 2015年中央财政出资 5亿,在东北 17 个县市开展黑土保护试点工作,表明中央对东北黑土资源保护、开发、研究和利用的重视。鉴于中国黑土的重要性和其在保障国家粮食安全和农业可持续发展中的战略地位,迫切需要采取有效措施,进行黑土资源保护与可持续利用技术研究,全面提升黑土质量,实施藏粮于地、藏粮于技、藏粮于草战略,提高粮食增产的潜力;建立防、控黑土退化的综合技术体系,构建东北粮食增产的长效机制,确保国家粮食安全。

1. Black Soil Conservation and Food Security

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2. Main Problems of Black Soil in China

Soil erosion getting worse

The content of soil organic carbon (SOM) decreasing

Plough layer of black soil getting thinner

The structure of black soil getting worse and fertility level decreased

Lower soil nutrient capacity in black soil



Soil type map in Northeast China黑土是不可再生的珍贵国土资源。由于大规模、高强度、超负荷的利用,导致黑土资源越来越脆弱。近年来,黑土退化的趋势不断加剧,黑土资源保护面临的压力越来越大。黑土层逐渐变薄,水土流失、沙化、酸化、次生盐渍化日趋严重,土壤物理性能逆向发展,旱时板结僵硬,涝时粘朽,蓄水保墒能力显著下降,对生态安全、农业可持续发展构成严重威胁。主要表现为:

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1) Soil Erosion Becomes More Serious

Soil erosion becomes more serious after reclamation, causing seasonal freezing-melting and topographic conditions. According to soil erosion communiqué in 2013, the soil erosion area in Northeast China was 0.25 million square kilometers, accounting for 25.13% of land area. The main soil erosion type is water erosion. The main soil erosion area is in hilly area.黑土区由于季节性冻融作用和漫川漫岗的地形地貌特点,开垦后导致水土流失加剧。据 2013年水土普查公报,中国黑土区水土流失总面积为 25.88万 km2,占总土地面积的 25.13%。东北黑土区水土流失类型以水蚀为主,面积为 16.48万 km2,风蚀占 8.81万 km2,冻融面积占 7.01万 km2。

Soil erosion statue in China

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2) The Content of Soil Organic Matter (SOM) Decreasing


4.1-99.8 6x43.2

1.4-287.0 6x25.2

7.3-49.9 6x17.5

The SOM content of black soil is the highest in all soil type in China’s crop land. The SOM content was 8-10% before reclamation. The results of research indicated that SOM content was decreased by 1/3 after 20 year’s cultivation. The SOM content was decreased by 2/3 after four decade cultivation. Now, The SOM content is slow decreasing for 0.6-1.4g/kg per year.

4.1-99.8 6x43.2

Inner Mongolia

Agricultural reclamation


Liaoning Jilin

Now The second land survey, 1980s


SOM content of Northeast China ( g/kg )Distribution of SOM content in Northeast China

黑土是我国农田土壤中有机质含量最高的土壤,开垦前,黑土有机质含量高达 8% - 10%。据研究数据表明,开垦 20年的黑土地有机质含量下降 1/3;开垦 40年的黑土有机质下降 1/2 左右;开垦 70 - 80年的有机质下降 2/3 左右,下降趋势显著。目前,土壤有机质缓慢下降,为每 10年下降 0.06-0.1%。《东北黑土区耕地质量主要性状数据集》东北土壤有机质为平均为 3.5%。黑龙江省平均值为 3.5%,黑龙江垦区平均值为 4.3%。吉林省平均为 2.5%;辽宁省平均 1.7%;内蒙东四蒙平均 3.4%。

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3) Plough layer of black soil getting thinner






Plough layer of black soil has decreased due to cultivation

and erosion. Soil layer of black soil was 80-100cm[11]

before reclamation. Then the soil layer of black soil

decreased by 20-30 cm after 70-80 years of cultivation.

Now, the plough layer of black soil is 10-25 cm, the

average is 18.7 cm.由于多年耕种和侵蚀,黑土层已渐浅薄。初垦时黑土层在 80 ~ 100cm,开垦 70 至 80

年只剩下 20 ~ 30cm。《东北黑土区耕地质量主要性状数据集》中国黑土耕层厚度平均 22.1cm。

Inner Mongolia Heilongjiang

Agricultural reclamation

Liaoning Jilin

Distribution of Plough layer in Northeast China

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4) The structure of black soil getting worse and fertility level decreasing

Distribution of  high-middle-low yielding land in black soil region of Northeast China

Classification figure of black structure in black soil region of Northeast China

黑土土壤物理性能逆向发展,旱时板结僵硬,涝时朽粘,蓄渗水和供肥能力大大下降。黑龙江省西部地区,北部和中部地区出现耕地次生盐碱化现象;西北部地区出现了沙化现象;东部地区出现了严重的土壤酸化现象。东北大部分是三、四、五等地,占 66.84%,一、二等地面积仅占 17.8%。

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5) Lower soil nutrient capacity in black soil

N分 级 (m g /k g)<7575-100100 -125125 -150150 -175>175


P 分 级 (m g /k g)<1010-1515-2020-2525-30>30


K分 级 (m g /k g )<10 0100 -1 20120 -1 40140 -1 60160 -1 80>18 0


100% of black soil is under nitrogen

deficit condition.

57.7% of black soil is under

phosphorus deficit condition.

42% of black soil is under potassium

deficit condition.松嫩平原和三江平原土壤养分丰缺状况 尽管无机肥料的投入已经达到了 20kg/ 亩,但由于黑土的保肥、保水性能变差,肥料的利用率偏低,从而造成黑土不同养分库容偏低的局面。黑土养分限制因子是氮、磷、钾三种元素,潜在限制因子为硫和锌。

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Black Soil Conservation Is

Urgently Needed!


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3. Suggestion on Black Soil Conservation and Sustainable Use in China

Protection of Black Soil Resources

Construction of the Infrastructure

Improvement of Farmland Quality

Adjustment and Optimization of the Structure

Technological Innovation Service System




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1) Black soil resources Conservation

Establish sustainable mechanism for black soil conservation

Build black soil Conservation project

Make a red line for black soil Conservation

Creat a fund for black soil farmland Conservation

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2) Building the infrastructure

Strengthen high-standard farmland construction

Build organic fertilizer facilities

Build efficient fertilization and water-saving irrigation facilities

Strengthen the control of soil and water conservation 加强高标准农田建设。开展土地平整,建设田间灌排沟渠及节水灌溉、小型集雨蓄水等基础设施,修建农田道路、农田防护林、输配电设施,建设有机肥积造设施。加强渠道防渗、喷灌滴灌微灌、施肥一体化等高效节水灌溉设施建设。强化水土保持治理。

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3) Improve the farmland quality

Strengthen the control and improvement of

low fertility  soils

Cultivate healthy soil

Control slope farmland and degraded soil


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4) Adjustment and optimization of the structure

Adjust cropping system Optimize agricultural industrial

structure Change agricultural producing methods


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5) Technological innovation of service system

Establish cooperative mechanism with United States, Ukraine and other countries

Establish international institute for black soil research

Establish service platform for monitoring and big data


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Thank you Thank you

for your attention!for your attention!

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