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UNL – ARS-USDA & Fulbright Association

Final Report

Bioenergy and Biofuels Chair

Jose Geraldo Eugenio de Franca

Lincoln, NE, USA – Aug 04 to Dec 14 2012

. Acknowledgments

Thanks to the Fulbright Association. It is an honor and a privilege to be part of this

institution as a Fulbright Fellow. Dr. Luiz Valcov, Mrs. Rejania Araujo, Mrs. Giselle Melo and

Mrs. Camila Olimpio, I thank you for all the support since the application and throughout the

program at UNL.

I would like to express my thanks to Dr. Emidio Cantidio de Oliveira, who first advised

me to apply for the Fulbright Fellowship Chair in Bioenergy and Biofuels at the University of


My gratitude should be shown to Dr. Marcelino Granja, the Secretary of Science and

Technology of the State of Pernambuco; Dr. Frederico Montenegro, the General Director of

ITEP, and Dr. Julio Zoe de Brito, the General Director of IPA for their full support on my

request to spend the 2012 Fall at the UNL.

For the Itep colleagues with whom I am in direct contact, Sonia Valéria, who got the

helmet, Cristiane, Maria do Carmo, Eden, Marcos, Osmar, Elaine, Aníbal, Toinho, Antonio

Ferreira, I thank you very much for getting the things moving in my absence.

At Washington, DC, thanks to Mr. Jake Silva from IIE for providing the travel

arrangements and the due support from the Institute during the program.

At ARS-USDA Lincoln due to the hospitality from Dr. Kenneth Vogel, Dr. Rob Mitchell

and the scientific team on bioenergy, Mr. Robert Harrison, my roommate at Lincoln-ARS

headquarters, and Donna Martin, Amber Isenbart, Alvin Harding, Courtney Woods, Cheri

Marshal, John Toy, Patrick O’Neill, Steve Masterson, Patrick Callahan, Nathan Palmer, Aaron

Saathoff, Ben Fann, Suanne Kallis and Bill Bickmeir, I felt at home and could dedicate this

period for learning a bit more about the bioenergy research, technology and business activities

being carried out in the USA and Brazil and in the world as a whole. I thank all of Thanking you

for this familiar environment.

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With Dr. Vogel I had an incomparable opportunity to discuss agronomy, breeding and to

learn from his vast experience on American Agriculture about the efforts that are being made in

the USA in order to have cultivated feedstuff options for the second generation ethanol, and

other hydrocarbons and byproducts. I hope that will not take a long time to witness those

accomplishments been applied in a large scale industrial initiative. With the ARS I felt back on

my dearly original professional activity: Plant Breeding. Even for few moments it was pleasant

to handle plants, panicles, flowers, and more than anything to be updated with the switchchgrass,

indiangrass, big bluestem grass, and the sorghum programs at Lincoln.

I would express my gratitude to Dr. Ron Yoder, and his team, Murd Holland and Zaneta

Hahn. Dr. Yoder has been quite patient with me on discussing the path and opportunities to

enhance the level of collaboration between the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and the Brazilian

schools, support agencies and research institutions, particularly on how to use in the best way the

program Science without Borders Program in order to attend the priorities set up by the

governments of Brazil and the USA in the last few years.

I am in debt with all the professors and staff from UNL as well as with the friends from

the Partners of the Americas, Lincoln chapter and the Brazilian community for the special time

spent with us and the thorough support.

. Introduction

The USA and Brazil are the two countries which have most invested in developing a

biofuel industry in the last decades, especially in the case of ethanol. The pathways followed by

each country were distinct. While Brazil has the sugarcane as one of this most important cash

crop, and produces sugar and alcohol since the XVI century, the USA has based its production in

converting corn starch to ethanol, except for few industrial plants which operate with sugarcane

in the Southern states.

Therefore for the first generation ethanol, Brazil leaded its efforts in modernizing its

sugarcane industry and industrial infrastructure, since the 70’s while the USA was able to create

a modern industrial complex of ethanol production based on corn grain since the last decade.

At the moment the USA and Brazil are in a crossroad on ethanol production. In the USA

the limits established by its legislation towards the corn starch ethanol were reached while in the

case of Brazil the economic crisis and the evolution of sugar prices, the increased in use have

resulted in a default for its industry in producing enough biofuels for its demand at an acceptable

price for the consumer.

Altogether with the environmental and climate change realities and commitments,

independently from the oil and gas prices, and from the recent developments on the

technological upgrade for the industry through fracking, horizontal drilling, discoveries of new

reserves of natural and shale gas, in case of the USA; and the Pre-salt oil reserves in Brazil the

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second generation biofuels will be a reality, and soon a few countries, among them the USA,

Brazil, China, Italy, and Canada will have the domain of this technology.

The chair on bioenergy and biofuel established by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln

and the Fulbright Association may be recognized as a strategic initiative from both institutions

attending the USA and Brazil agreements enacted by both countries since President Bush and

President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva in 2007 and confirmed by President Obama and President

Dilma Roussef in 2011. It aims to bring together the scientific community of both countries on

bioenergy and biofuels in order to speed up the bioenergy and biofuels technological


The University of Nebraska-Lincoln has chosen Brazil as one strategic country for its

foreign program and this decision has to be translated in joint initiatives between the UNL and

the Brazilian institutions, Appendix 1. The Fulbright fellowship, together with the Science

without Borders Program, and the support from Capes, CNPq, FAPESP and other scientific

Brazilian Agencies may be the backbone to support a durable program with that nation.

As for this I feel compelled in presenting a suggestion for this program on the area of

Bioenergy and Biofuels, as well as some hints on other technological areas that during my stay I

consider relevant for relevant cooperative efforts.

. Proposed Research Program in Bioenergy and Biofuels for the USA and Brazil

There is a need for a research, development, teaching, technology transfer and innovation

program to be carried out by the USA and Brazil during the next decade on advanced biofuels.

The first generation ethanol has succeeded and constitutes in a drastic change in the agricultural

and energy environment in the last decade. Now the circumstances are ready for the next big

step: the second generation liquid fuels, cogeneration and byproducts. It is clear that this goal

will be easier achieved if among all the nations, Brazil and the USA, as the most interested

countries in this business may work together. Those are the areas we consider ready depending

on issues as intellectual property and technology transfer.

I. Agronomy

Sugarcane and Corn

. Abiotic stresses – cold, heat and drought

The drought on the American Middle West in 2012 was a clear example of the need for

genetic genotypes in corn that are able to tolerate less water and higher temperature. The job was

done in the USA due to the introduction of specific genes in the corn breeding programs which

permitted the availability to the growers of hybrids that certainly were not available ten years

ago. It means that the efforts on gene identification and data mining as well as on the

development of transgenic materials will be a clear demand from now on in order to answer the

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climate change scenarios predicted ahead. In some way the same can be applied to sugar cane,

either in case of high as well as low temperatures.

. Lignocellulose material – content and quality

Since the corn stalk or the sugarcane bagasse, tops and leaves will be used for

cogeneration, ethanol or hydrocarbon production, and knowing that one of the limiting effects is

the conversion, either biochemical, chemical or physical, there will be a need for the breeding

programs aim specific traits on lignocellulosic arrangements which will be able to proceed

through conversion and fermentation with higher energetic efficiency.

. Water use efficiency

Despite the gains witnessed with the use of irrigation techniques and water deficit and

analysis predictability, there will many more to be done for crops such as corn, soybean,

sorghum, sugarcane and the dedicated grasses and forest species that are being used for

bioenergy production.

. Transportation and logistics

Due to the bulky, fluffy, low density material characteristics of the corn stalk it is not

been easy to get it to the plant. It is hard to see a sound economic advantage in transporting the

material from an area with a radio superior to 32 km (20 miles). On the other hand, despite the

higher density for the sugarcane tops, the leaves are as most as dense as the corn stalks,

therefore, event for the sugar and distillery mills R&D efforts have to be invested on packing,

pelleting and transportation of those feedstuffs.

Sweet Sorghum

The sweet sorghum is the number one candidate crop to fulfill the intermediate stage

between the first and the second generation ethanol either in Brazil or in the USA. The results

that have been obtained in Brazil in 2011/2012 have shown that this crop can be a real option to

complement the distillery operation for one to two months. During the last planting season the

field yields reached 60 t.ha-1

, while the industrial yield was 40 l.t-1

of cane crushed. Therefore

2,400 l.ha-1

(600 gal.ha-

1) was produced in 125 days. Considering that with sugarcane the ethanol

output per hectare is 7,000 l, in average, the demonstration trials that with additional investment

in R&D the crop will become a real player in the first and second generation ethanol production

either in the sugarcane or in the corn-starch producing systems.

In the Central and South regions of Brazil a sugarcane and distillery operates for 8 to 9

months, while in the Brazilian Northeast from 6 to 7 months. The capital cost is higher enough to

justify the extension of use for 30 to 60 days per year.

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The sweet sorghum will be processed by the end of the sugarcane harvest. There will be a

number of reason for this crop to be considered as this technology bridge: a. Totally mechanized,

which allows the use of farm equipment for corn and other cereals; b. A short cycle crop, being

able to be harvested between 120 and 130 days after planting; c. Mechanical harvesting - This

operation may use the same harvesters used in the sugarcane plantation; d. Compatible industrial

operation – It does not need any change in the plant with additional equipment for crashing or

during fermentation; d. Bagasse and co-products utilization -The sorghum bagasse can generate

energy, to be sold as feedstuff, for the paper industry or for the composite industry as it has been

done with the sugarcane bagasse; end e. Water use efficiency in biomass production – Sorghum

may be grown in areas of the distillery or sugarcane mill that are not advisable for sugarcane

production due to the rainfall deficit.

The trait or set of traits listed above may constitute the main topics for a joint program.

. Total biomass production and quality

. Juice and fermentable sugar contents

. Lodging tolerance

. Photoperiod response

. Leaf diseases and stem borer resistance

C4 Grasses – Switchgrass, Napier grass (model crops)

The switchgrass research program at Lincoln, leaded by the ARS team is recognized as

among the top plant bioenergy programs in the nation. It is not by chance that the breeding

research at Lincoln started in 1936, directed for forage use, and around 20 years ago, also as a

species with a bioenergy option.

The results that have been obtained in this program, on areas such as agronomy, crop

system, breeding, seed production, adaptability, quality analysis have been remarkable. Despite

the fact that some universities and research institutions have sent a number of scientists and

professionals for UNL and particularly to the ARS-USDA Lincoln, it seems that the interaction

between the United States and Brazil should be more robust by this time.

The Brazilian institutions are known for the very effective forage breeding and managing

program they have been conducted in the Cerrado’s region, with species from the Genus

Brachiaria, Pennisetum and Pannicum, among few other. However it is important to state that

no Brazilian institution has accomplished what has been done with the program conducted by Dr.

Kenneth Vogel and his team in terms of biomass production and sustainability towards the

energy use for any grass specie in particular.

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In term of warm-season grasses the topics below may be considered as strategic for future

engagement from both parts, as follows.

. Resilience

. Total biomass production and quality

. Carbon sequestration

. Life cycle analysis

For the following research themes it will suggested that a further and deep evaluation

from the UNL faculty and staff and from the ARS-USDA Lincoln may take place in order to

identify partners in the USA, in order to present to the Brazilian institutions a framework of a

comprehensive program.

II. Biotechnology and Biochemistry


. Yeast strains tolerant to high temperature

. Yeast strains tolerant to high ethanol content in the beer


. Yeast strains tolerant to high temperature

. Yeast strains tolerant to high ethanol content in the beer

. Modified starch molecules


. Designing enzymes to convert C5 sugars

. Lignin use

. NIRS analysis

. Identification and use of specific bioenergy applied traits

III. Environmental Issues

Climate Change

. GHG emissions

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. Carbon sequestration

. Water use efficiency in biomass production

. Water use efficiency in industrial activities

Life Cycle Analysis

. Net energy ratio

. Reduction in use of agrochemicals

. Biological N fixation in grasses

. P and K bioremediation


. Mechanical harvesting

. Soil compaction

. Transportation of leafs and tops

IV. Industrial Demands

Liquid Fuels

. Sugar extraction

. Enzymatic conversion

. Lignin use

. Hydrocarbons


. Electricity

. Thermal conversion

. Biogas


. Bio plastics

. New materials

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. Conclusions and Recommendations for the Suggested Program

There will be a huge scope for an interactive RD & Innovation program to be considered

including private companies involved with liquid fuels, energy and byproducts. Considering

Agronomy research, the warm-season grasses and sorghum programs may be the flag ship for a

joint effort that includes CTBE, Embrapa, Petrobras, and a number of Brazilian public and

private universities, as related in the list attached to this report.

Besides Bioenergy and Biofuels I would list a set of strategic areas to further

implementation, as follows.

. Complimentary Areas for Technological Cooperation

1. Fulbright fellowship on Bioenergy and Biofuels in Brazil for American Scientists - It

will be advisable that the Fulbright Association with any Brazilian scientific agency may

offer a chair on the subject enabling the American scientific community to get acquainted

with what has been done in Brazil during the last decades.

2. Corn Breeding and Production – I will recommend strongly that the Brazilians

institutions leading with plant breeding will study and apply the genetic modification

aiming the development of parental lines and hybrids tolerant to water stress and biotic

stresses. The drought occurred in the American Plains during the 2012 summer and the

yields obtained with corn under those severe conditions talks by itself. There will be no

time to lose if the Brazilian farmers have to keep the pace with the Americans on corn


3. Ogallala and Guarani Aquifers – The institutions and farmers from Nebraska have a

long history on handling the water of Ogallala Aquifer for irrigation and other purposes.

It seems that since the Guarani Aquifer, which spreads out in Brazil, Paraguay and

Uruguay, with risks of the depletion of the water content and its contamination due to the

intense use of pesticides, there has been the right time to build up an research and

technology transfer program between the University of Nebraska- Lincoln and

institutions from those three South American countries.

4. The National Drought Mitigation Center – UNL IANR - - This

center should be one of the most important initiative to be shared between the UNL and

some Brazilians institutions specialized on weather forecast and climate analysis in the

Northeast Region of the country in Particular. I will advise strong commitment from

ITEP in the State of Pernambuco and FUCEME in the State of Ceara to interact with the

National Drought Mitigation Center staff in order to have a joint program on dealing with

droughts in the USA and Brazil.

5. Engineering Teaching, R&D and Consulting – Mechanical, Civil, Electrical,

Computer, Biosystem among others – The last decade has witnessed a stabilization of the

Brazilian economy and a surge of investments in many areas such as oil and gas, naval

industry, electric transmission, mining, urban infrastructure, among others. The Brazilian

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government has launched an ambitious infrastructure program, the PAC – Acceleration

Growth Program, aiming to rebuild or construct new roads, ports, airports, with emphasis

on the support of the countryside production of agriculture and mineral commodities and

the national and international trade initiatives. Among the limitation it was detected that

one of the striking limitations was the lack of high qualified professionals to attend those

efforts. Today the central government together with the state and private schools and

universities are working hard on how can enhance the engineering teaching quality and

the domain on new technologies applied in different fields. Those are areas that UNL,

and in some cases with other American Universities and Research and Innovation

institutions may take part in this effort.

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. Technical and Cultural Activities during the Fellowship Program at UNL

. Articles

1. Revista Opinioes – Setor Sucroenergetico – Uma Nova Arquitetura – Jul – Ago 2012 – 2. Preface for the Book: Manual de Praticas de Laboratoriais: Um guia para a pesquisa –

Oct 3 2012

. Reviews of Articles and Projects

1. Research proposal - Genetic Improvement of Sorghum for Non-grain Energy Uses - Aug

16 2012

2. RMP - Revista dos Mestrados Profissionais de Pernambuco – Proposta de Licitacao

Sustentavel a Fundacao Joaquim Nabuco

3. RMP – Revista dos Mestrados Profissioais de Pernambuco – Perfil Administrativo do

Governo Lula: Percepcao dos graduandos em administracao publica na Universidade

Federal de Pernambuco – Campus Agreste

4. RMP – Revista dos Mestrados Profissionais de Pernambuco – Politicas de Recursos

Hidricos o Brasil: As politicas publicas municipais de preservacao dos rios Ipojuca,

Capibaribe e Ipanema, em Pernambuco

. Seminar Delivered

1. UNL-IANR and ARS-USDA – East Union – Nov 28 2012 – 11:00 – Bioenergy and

Biofuel Development in Brazil and the USA: A Path to Cooperation – Presentation


2. Graintek 2012 – Moscow, Russia – Nov 12 2012 – Bioeconomy in Brazil: State of the art

and perspectives

. Seminars Attended

1. Aug 16 2012 - Keim Hall - r 150 – 14:30 – Dr. Mike Francki – The wheat pre-breeding

innovation pipeline at DAFWA: Delivering research products for desirable traits in

commercial breeding

2. Aug 23 2012 – Keim Hall – r 120 – 15:30 – Dr. Mahdi Aoda – Crop Production in Iraq

and water scarcity: Challenges and prospective solutions

3. Sep 05 2012 – Biotech/Life Sciences – r 103 – 16:00 – Dr. Brian A. Larkins – Associate

Vice-Chancellor for Life Sciences UNL – Maize endosperm: A system to investigate

complex biological process

4. Sep 10 2012 – Center for Grassland Studies – EUC – 15:00 – Dr. Rob Mitchell –

USDA/ARS/UNL - Improved Grasses for Perennial Pasture

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5. Sep 11 2012 – Hardin Hall Auditorium – r 107, 16:00 – Dr. Anthony (Tony) Michaels –

Private Equity - Taking Agricultural and Sustainability

6. Sep 12 2012 – Hardin Hall Auditorium – r 107 – 15:30 – Dr. John Gammon – Earth &

atmosphere sciences & biological sciences, University of Alberta, Canada - Sensing our

multicolored world – Plant pigments as functional indicators

7. Sep 19 2012 – Hardin Hall Auditorium – r 107 – 15:30 – Dr. Elizabeth Anderson –

Florida International University – Balancing Freshwater Needs of Humans and

Ecosystems in East Africa

8. Sep 20 2012 – Keim Hall – r 150 – 16:00 – Dr. James Stack – KSU – Plant Biosecurity in

a changing world

9. Sep 24 2012 – Hardin Hall Auditorium – r 107 – 15:00 – Mr. Ron Binz – Utility and

energy policy contractor – Energy Choices for 21st Century

10. Sep 26 2012 – Hardin Hall Auditorium – r 107 – 15:30 – Art Zygielbaum, Tim

Arkebauer, Betty Walter-Shea – UNL – Remote Sensing, Water Stress, and Things that

go Bump in the Night

11. Sep 27 2012 – Char Building – r 116 – 15:00 – Clayton Yeutter – Former Secretary of

Agriculture of U.S. and former Trade Representative of U.S., and UNL Professor –

Recent Developments in International Agri-food Markets

12. Sep 28 2012 – Keim Hall – r 150 – 15:30 – Humberto Blanco – Professor of Soil

Management UNL – Crop Residue Management and Soil Quality

13. Sep 28 2012 – Lied Center – Main Hall – 19:30 - Four former agricultural secretaries –

U.S. Sen. Mike Johanns, Clayton Yeutter, John Block and Dan Glickman – discussed

"The Land-Grant Mission of 2012 – Transforming Agriculture for the 2050 World."

14. Oct 01 2012 – Center of Grassland Studies – EUC – 15:00 - Gerry Steinauer, Nebraska

Game and Parks - "Using Fire and Tree Thinning to Manage Missouri River Oak


15. Oct 02 2012 – Hardin Hall Auditorium – 19:00 - Mike Hayes, Mark Svoboda and Kelly

Smith, all of the National Drought Mitigation Center – School of Natural Resources

Seminar – Tracking the 2012 Drought: Nebraska and beyond

16. Oct 04 2012 – Keim Hall, r 150, 11:00 - Carrie A. Knot – USDA-ARS Sorghum

Geneticist Position Seminar

17. Oct 05 2012 – Keim Hall, r 150, 15:30 – Agronomy Seminar – Sagoewa Maradosa –

Buffalo grass performance great in the drought, but still suffering

18. Oct 09 2012 – Keim Hall, r 150, 11:00 – Soon O. Park – USDA-ARS Sorghum

Geneticist Position Seminar

19. Oct 11 2012 – Keim Hall, r 150, 11:00 – Melinda Yearka – USDA-ARS Sorghum

Geneticist Position Seminar

20. Oct 25 2012 – Keim Hall, r 150, 15:30 - Baoguo Li – Associate Dean, College of

Resources & Environmental Sciences, China Agricultural University - Crop water use

and water productivity in China – Agronomy and Horticulture Fall 2012 Seminar

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21. Oct 25 2012 – Embassy Suites Ball Room, 1040 P Street – Daniel Hillel – World Food

Prize Laureate 2012 - Managing our Scarce Water in a Changing Climate - Robert B.

Daugherty Water for Food Institute UNL

22. Oct 28 2012 – 15:00 - UNL EU - Grassland Studies Seminar – Can Production

Agriculture and Conservation of Biodiversity Co-exist on Great Plains Rangelands -

David Engle - Regents Professor and Director of the Water Research and Extension

Center, Oklahoma State University

23. Oct 30 2012 - Entomology Lecture – UNL EU – 16:00 - "Pest Control Innovations at

BASF Specialty Products and Career Opportunities" Bob Davis, BASF

24. Oct 30 2012 - Natural Resources Seminar – Hardin Hall UNL, 5 130 – Oct 30 2012 –

"The Biodiversity of Nebraska Within the Great Plains" by Paul Johnsgard and Mary

Bomberger Brown

25. Nov 01 2012 – UNL Lecturer – Nebraska Union UNL Auditorium – Oct 30 2012 – 15:30

- "The Joy of Applied Science While Feeding the World," – P. Stephen Baenzeger –

Professor UNL

26. Nov 01 2012 - The G.E. Hendricks Symposium- Nebraska Union Auditorium - "The

Politics of Food in North Korea," - Rhoda Howard-Hassmann - Canada Research Chair

in International Human Rights at Ontario's Wilfrid Laurier University

27. Nov 26 2012 – 15:00 - UNL EU - Grassland Studies Seminar - Twenty Years of the

Nebraska Environmental Trust Preserving, Protection and Restoring Nebraska's - Mark

Brohman - Executive Director, Nebraska Environmental Trust

28. Nov 27 2012 – 13:00 – Keim Hall – r 150 – MSc Thesis – Environmental Trigger in

Winter Annual Weed Emergence Management to Reduce Soybean Cyst Nematode

Reproduction on Winter Annual Weed Hosts – Rodrigo Werle

29. Nov 30 2012 – 15:30 – Keim Hall – r 150 – Agronomy Seminar – Gene flow, herbicide-

resistant weeds, crop volunteers and much more ... – Amint Jhala – UNL – Department of

Agronomy and Horticulture

30. Dec 03 2012 – 15:00 – Grassland Seminar – UNL East Union – Potential Effects of Corn

Stover Grazing on Soil Properties – Brien Wienhold – ARS-USDA Lincoln

31. Dec 14.2012 – 15:30 – Department of Agronomy Seminar – Keim Hall 150 – Corn

Production in Crina – Dr. Shaowun Li – Institute of Crop Science - CAAS

. Technical Events attended

1. The CenUSA Annual Summit - Lincoln, NE – Aug 7-9 2012

2. UNL – ARDC – Public Schedules – Ithaca, NE – Aug 28 2012

3. Graintek 2012 – Moscow, Russia – Nov 12-13 2012 – Bioeconomy in Brazil: State of the

art and perspectives – Presentation attached

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. Technical Visits

1. Texas A&M University – College Station, TX, USA – Oct 15 – Oct 19 2012


Sunday – Nov 14

14:00 – 16:00 - Dr. Lloyd Rooney and Maxine

Monday – Oct 15

08:30 – 09:30 - Dr. Roger Norton - N E Borlaug Institute of International Agriculture - Texas


09:30 – 10:30 – Dr. Roger Norton, Dr. Alan Sam e Dr. Mark Hussey – College of Agriculture

and Life Sciences – Texas A&M

12:00 – 12:30 – Dr. Bill Rooney – Soil and Crop Sciences Department – Sorghum Breeding

Tuesday – Oct 16

11:00 – 13:00 - Dr. David Baltensperger – Head of the Soil & Crop Sciences - Texas A&M Soil

& Crop Sciences Depart

14:30 – 15:30 – Mrs. Vi Cook – International Programs - Bizzel Hall West – r 361

Wednesday – Oct 17

09:00 – 10:00 – Dr. Esther Rodriguez, Dr. Jorge DeLeon and Mr. Bharani – IDIS – Texas A&M

12:00 – 14:00 - Dr. Jorge Alvarado - ENTC - Texas A&M University

15:00 – 16:00 – Dr. Eduardo Gildin – Petroleum Engineering – Texas A&M University

19:30 – 21:00 – Nair and John Edwards

Thursday – Oct 18

07:30 – 17:30 - Houston - Nasa & other places

19:00 – 21:00 - Dr. Marcel Amstalden

Friday – Oct 19

12:00 – 14:00 - Dr. Ulisses Braga-Neto – Electrical Engineering – Texas A&M University

19:00 – 21:00 – Dr. Roger Norton

Saturday – Oct 20

06:45 - Leaving to Lincoln

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. Cultural Activities

I would like to praise the UNL Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts

Program. It enabled us to be exposed to a beautiful agenda of cultural activities during our stay at

Lincoln as listed below. The moments at the Lied Center, the Kimball Hall, the Mary Riepma

Ross Center, and the Cathedral were marvelous and unforgettable. This subject, as for me, is a

plus for any student, professor or scientist who would like to come to Lincoln. Besides the

scientific and teaching activities one may be exposed to the finest of art and culture. I and my

family enjoyed it very much indeed.

01. Sep 18 2012 – 19:30 – Hixson-Lied Concert Series – Kimball Recital Hall - The Chiara

String Quartet and Guest Skyros Quartet

02. Sep 20 2012 – 19:30 – UNL School of Music – Kimball Recital Hall – Guest Artist

Krassimira Jordan, Piano

03. Sep 21 2012 - 20:00 – Sheldon Friends of Chamber Music – Sheldon Museum of Art –

Hyeyung Julie Yoon, Soyeon Kate Lee & Gregory Beaver

04. Sep 25 2012 – 19:30 – UNL School of Arts – Faculty Recital – Kimball Recital Hall - Karen

Becker, Cello – Ann Chang, Piano, Christopher Marks, Harpsichord

05. Sep 20 2012 – 15:00 – UNL School of Arts – Kimball Recital Hall - Faculty Recital - UNL

Faculty Jazz Group

06. Sep 30 2012 – 19:30 – Lincoln Symphony Orchestra – Lied Center Auditorium – Guest

Artist Sarah Buechner

07. Oct 02 – 19:35 – Mary Riepma Ross Center – Sacrifice – Chinese Film Festival – Directed

by Kaige Chen

08. Oct 03 2012 – 19:30 – UNL School of Arts – Kimball Recital Hall - UNL Wind Ensemble –

Carolyn Barber – Conductor

09. Oct 09 2012 – 19:30 – UNL School of Music – Kimball Recital Hall - Mystery and Madness

– University Singers – Peter A. Eklund – Conductor

10. Oct 21 2012 – 19:30 – Marcus Theatre - Lincoln – Movie: Alex Cross

Page 20: Bioenergy in Brazil and the USA - an overvivew


11. Nov 02 2012 – 19:30 – UNL the Hixson-Lied College of Fine & Performing Arts – UNL

Opera – Kimball Recital Hall – O Pioneers! -

12. Nov 03 2012 - 15:00 – UNL School of Music - Kimball Recital Hall – Singer’s Contest

13. Nov 03 2012 – 19:00 – UNL School of Arts – Lied Center Auditorium – The 20th

Anniversary 2012 Sing Around Nebraska Honor Choir

14. Nov 04 2012 – 18:45 – Marcus Theatre – Lincoln Movie: Flight – Denzel Washington

15. Nov 07 2012 – 19:30 – UNL School of Arts – Lied Center Auditorium- Compagnie de

Danse: Jene-Rene Delsoin – Haiti

16. Nov 09 2012 – 19:30 – Lied Center Auditorium – Lincoln Symphonic Orchestra – (Selva and


17. Nov13 2012 – 19:30 – UNL School of Arts – Lied Center Auditorium - Vienna boys Choir –

Wiener Sangerknaben – (Selva and Ulysses)

18. Nov 17 2012 – 18:30 – Nebraska Union Auditorium – Chinese Movie: Hero

19. Nov 19 2012 – 19:30 – UNL School of Music – Hixson-Lied Concert Series – Kimball

Recital Hall - The Chiara String Quartet – Rebecca Fisher, Hyeyung Julie Yoon, Jonah Sirota,

Gregory Beaver

20. Nov 22 2012 – 19:15 - Mary Riepma Ross Center – Movie: The Sessions - Directed By: Ben

Lewin -With: John Hawkes, Helen Hunt, William H. Macy, Moon Bloodgood, Annika Marks,

Adam Arkin, Blake Lindsley, Jarrod Bailey, Robin Weigert, W. Earl Brown

21. Nov 23 2012 – 16:45 – Mary Riepma Ross Center – Movie talk: Cave of Forgoten Dreams –

Cauvet Caves – France

22. Nov 24 2012 – 18:45 – Marcus Theatre – Lincoln – Directed by Steve Spielberg – Daniel

Day Lewis

23. Nov 25 2012 – 16:00 – First-Plymouth Church – Abendmusik – Messiah and Coronation

Anthems by George Frideric Handel

24. Nov 27 2012 – 19:30 – UNL School of Music – the Hixson-Lied College of Fine and

Performing Arts – Kimball Recital Hall – Diane Barger, clarinet, with Kate Butler, mezzo

soprano; Mark Clinton, piano; Lori Falcone, accordion; Rebecca Fischer, violin and Jeffrey

McCray, bassoon. McAllister Madness – The Clarinet Music of Scott McAllister – A Lecture


25. Nov 29 2012 – 19:30 – UNL School of Music – The Hixson-Lied College of Fine and

Performing Arts – Kimball Recital Hall - The Percussion Ensemble – Meditations – Anthony M.

Falcone, conductor; Al Rometo, associate conductor, with John Bailey, flute, UNL Senior Dance

Ensemble, Susan Levine, director and choreographer

Page 21: Bioenergy in Brazil and the USA - an overvivew


26. Dec 01 2012 – 19:30 – UNL -The Johnny Carson School of Theatre and Film and Theatrix –

The Temple 3rd

floor - Melancholy Play, by Sarah Ruhl, directed by Joshua Waterstone

27. Dec 02 2012 – 19:30 – Lied Center Auditorium – Lincoln Symphony Orchestra – Deck the


28. Dec 03 2012 – 19:30 – UNL School of Music – Kimball Recital Hall – Large Brass

Ensembles – Alan Mattingly, Craig Fuller and Scott Anderson – directors

29. Dec 04 2012 – 19:30 – UNL School of Music – Kimball Recital Hall – UNL Jazz Ensembles

in Concert! Featuring guest artist-in-residence Clay Jenkins, trumpet

30. Dec 05 2012 – 19:30 – UNL School of Music – Kimball Recital Hall – UNL Wind Ensemble

– Carolyn Barber, conductor

31. Dec 06 2012 – 19:30 – UNL School of Music – UNL Symphony Orchestra – ‘French-and


32. Dec 09 2012 – 15:00 – UNL School of Music – Big Red Singers, Rocktavo and Vocal Jazz

33. Dec 12 2012 – 19:30 – Mary Riepma Ross Center – Movie: Price Check

34. Dec 13 2012 – 19:30 – Nebraska Wesleyan University Theatre – McDonald Theatre - The

Complete Works of Christmas (Abridged)

35. Dec 15. 2012 – 14:00 – Lincoln Midwest Ballet Company - Lied Center Auditorium – The

Nutcracker at Lied

Page 22: Bioenergy in Brazil and the USA - an overvivew


Appendix 1

Brazilian Universities to be addressed by the UNL as priority for a joint research, teaching and

innovation program on science and technology - 2012-2014



State/town University webpage Rector Colleges to be


North PA – Belem Federal

University of

Pará Carlos Edilson de

Almeida Maneschy –

[email protected]


and Agricultue

North AC – Rio



University of

Acre Olinda Batista Assmar –

[email protected]


and Agriculture

Northeast CE -



University of

Ceará Jesualdo Pereira Farias –

[email protected]


and Agriculture

Northeast CE -


State University

of Ceará José Jackson Coelho



Northeast PE - Recife Federal

University of

Pernambuco Anisio Brasileiro –

[email protected]


Northeast PE - Recife State University

of Pernambuco Carlos Calado –

[email protected]




Northeast PE - Recife Agricultural


University of

Pernambuco Maria Jose Sena –

[email protected]


Northeast BA -



University of

Bahia Dora Leal Rosa Engineering,


and Agriculture

Midwest MT -



University of

Mato Grosso Maria Lúcia Cavalli



and Agriculture

Midwest MS –




University of

Mato Grosso do

Sul Celia Maria Silva Correia

Oliveira –

[email protected]


and Agriculture

Midwest DF -


University of

Brasilia Ivan Marques de Toledo

Camargo –

[email protected]



and Agriculture

Southeast MG -



University of

Minas Gerais Clelio Campolina Diniz –

[email protected]



and Agriculture

Southeast MG -



University of

Lavras José Roberto Soares

Scolforo –

[email protected]


and Agriculture

Southeast SP – Sao

Paulo and


University of

São Paulo Joao Grandino Rodas Engineering,


and Agriculture

Southeast SP – Sao

Paulo and


State University

of São Paulo Julio Cesar Durigan –

[email protected]


and Agricultue

Page 23: Bioenergy in Brazil and the USA - an overvivew


Southeast SP – Sao



University of

São Carlos Targino de Araujo Filho –

[email protected]


South PR -


State University

of Maringá Julio Santiago Prates




and Agriculture

South PR -



University of

Paraná Zaki Akel Sobrinho -

[email protected]


and Agriculture

South RS – Porto



University of

Rio Grande do

Sul Carlos Alexandre Neto -

[email protected]



and Agriculture

South RS - Pelotas Federal

University of

Pelotas Antonio Cesar Gonçalves



and Agriculture

Dec 15 2012

Jose Geraldo Eugenio de Franca

Superintendende de Pesquisa e Pos-graduacao do ITEP

[email protected], [email protected]

Page 24: Bioenergy in Brazil and the USA - an overvivew


Bioenergy and Biofuel Industry in the USA and Brazil

– Path to cooperation

Geraldo Eugenio de FrancaFulbright Association


ITEP – The Technology Institute of Pernambuco

Lincoln, NE – Nov 28 2012


• Brazil

• ITEP – The Technology Institute of Pernambuco –Dr. Frederico Montenegro

• IPA – The Agriculture Research Institute of PE –Dr. Julio Zoe

• Fulbright Association – Dr. Luiz Valcov


• UNL – IANR – Dr. Ron Yoder

• ARS-USDA Lincoln – Dr. Ken Vogel and ARS team

• IIE – International Institute of Education – Mr. Jake Silva

Page 25: Bioenergy in Brazil and the USA - an overvivew



. Bioenergy policies in Brazil

. The sugarcane and the ethanol industry

. The second generation ethanol and other hydrocarbons

. Biological and industrial R&D demands

. The cooperation between Brazil and the USA

Biofuels World Map

Page 26: Bioenergy in Brazil and the USA - an overvivew


Bioenergy Policies in Brazil - A brief account

• 1931 – 5% mixture of ethanol in gasoline

• 1966 – 25% is the allowable mixture

• 1975 – Brazilian Alcohol National Program – Proalcool

• 1979 – Proalcool – Second phase

- Iran-Iraq war – Crude prices jumped from US$ 14.00 to US$ 30.00/barrel

• 1983 – Brazilian Energy Nation Program – Biodiesel research – Univ. Fed. of Parana

Bioenergy Policies in Brazil - A brief account

• 2002 - Ethanol – gasoline mixtures ranges from 20 to 25%

• 2003 – Automobile industry launches the ‘flex-fuel’ vehicle –(ethanol – gasoline)

• 2005 – Law 10097 – Biodiesel legislation and National AgrienergyPlan

• 2010 – The Brazilian National Laboratory of Bioethanol – CTBE inaugurated

• 2010 – Embrapa’s National Agrienergy Research Center

Page 27: Bioenergy in Brazil and the USA - an overvivew


Page 28: Bioenergy in Brazil and the USA - an overvivew




s d

e H







Gráfico 1 - Evolução da área de cana







2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Soca Reformada Expansão Em reforma

Fonte: Elaboração EPE a partir de INPE [20]

Sugarcane acreage in Brazil – million hectares



s d

e t




Gráfico 2– Histórico anual de produção de cana



622,6 627,3









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Fonte: EPE com base em MAPA [26]

Sugarcane production in Brazil – million tonnes

Page 29: Bioenergy in Brazil and the USA - an overvivew


1/3 juice: ethanol and sugar – 608 x 109 kcal

153 kg sugar or 90 l ethanol

1/3 bagasse: vapour and electricity – 598 x 109 kcal

1/3 leafs and tops - 512 x 109 kcal

Total 1,718 x 109 kcal

1 crude barrel 1,386x 109 kcal

Sugarcane primary energy – 1 ton

Sugarcane geography in Brazil

Page 30: Bioenergy in Brazil and the USA - an overvivew




s d

e m


Gráfico 3 – Oferta de etanol

30,0 26,1




19,1 19,9






6,5 7,0



8,0 8,7


2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Anidro Hidratado Etanol Total

Fonte: Elaboração EPE a partir de MAPA [30]

Brazilian ethanol supply

0.0 0.3






2.9 2.8





85.6%87.2% 88.2% 86.4%





















2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011




Veículos Flex FuelParticipação nas vendas de veículos leves - em milhões de unidades

Vendas de veículos flex Participação de veículos flex nas vendas de veículos leves

Source: EPE 2012

Flex-fuels vehicles sales in Brazil – 2003 - 2011

Page 31: Bioenergy in Brazil and the USA - an overvivew


Brazilian ethanol production and oil price

Fonte: BP e EPE

USA RFS Program requirements

Page 32: Bioenergy in Brazil and the USA - an overvivew


Ethanol Production in the USA and Brazil


hõe s

de l



Gráfico 7 – Projeções de Importação – Estados Unidos


















200 8 200 9 2010 2011 2012 20 13 20 14 20 15 20 16 20 17

Fonte: elaboração EPE a partir de EIA [19].

Projected ethanol importation from the USA

Page 33: Bioenergy in Brazil and the USA - an overvivew




Biochemistry and Biotechnology

Industrial issues

Priority areas

USA and Brazil R&D collaborative program

Sugarcane and Corn

• Abiotic stresses – cold, heat, drought

• Lignocellulose material - content and quality

• Water use efficiency

• Transportation logistics

Sweet Sorghum

• Total biomass production and quality

• Juice and fermentable sugars content

• Lodging tolerance

• Photoperiod response

• Leaf diseases resistance

C4 Grasses – Switchgrass, Napier grass

• Resilience

• Total biomass production and quality

• Carbon sequestration

• Life cycle analysis

Agronomy - R&D demands

Page 34: Bioenergy in Brazil and the USA - an overvivew



• Yeast strains tolerant to high temperature

• Yeast strains tolerant to high ethanol content in the beer


• Yeast strains tolerant to high temperature

• Yeast strains tolerant to high ethanol content in the beer

•Modified starch molecules


•Designing enzymes for conversion – C5

• Lignin use

•NIRS analysis

• Identification and use of specific traits

Biotechnology and Biochemistry – R&D

Climate Change

•GHG emissions

•Carbon sequestration

•Water use efficiency in biomass production

•WUE in industrial activities

Life Cycle Analysis

•Net energy ratio

•Reduction in use of agrochemicals

•Biological N fixation

• P and K bioremediation



• Soil compaction

• Transportation of leafs and tops

Environmental issues

Page 35: Bioenergy in Brazil and the USA - an overvivew


Liquid fuels

• Sugar extraction

• Enzymatic conversion

• Lignin use




•New materials


• Electricity

• Thermal conversion


Industrial demands

2007 – Agreement - President Bush and President Lula da Silva

. Bioenergy, ethanol, joint projects

2011 – MOU on Scientific Cooperation - President Barak Obama and President Dilma Roussef

• Agriculture, health, aerospace engineering, bioenergy

2011 – The Science without Borders Program

• Brazil is sending 100,000 students abroad in 4 years

• 75,000 students with public funds.

• 18,000 selected. Around 4,000 to the USA

USA and Brazil – Mechanisms of cooperation

Page 36: Bioenergy in Brazil and the USA - an overvivew


PhD and MSc students graduated – 1998 - 2011

Source: MCTI 2012

Thanking you!

Fulbright Association – UNL & ARS-USDA

Geraldo [email protected]

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