
BILC SEMINAR SOFIA, OCT Rou FLTP OCT LANGUAGE TRAINING IMPROVEMENT WHO NEEDS WHAT? BILC SEMINAR SOFIA, OCT Rou FLTP OCT LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM LANGUAGE TRAINING INSTITUTIONS LANGUAGE TRAINING NEEDS RESULTS FORCE GOAL REQUIREMENTS MEASURES TAKEN FG FULFILLMENT WHO NEEDS WHAT STUDY CONCLUSIONS SUMMARY BILC SEMINAR SOFIA, OCT Rou FLTP OCT ADVANCED ENGLISH LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY PROGRAM 2. BEGINNING AND INTERMEDIATE LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY PROGRAMS 3. TEACHER TRAINING 4. HRMD CORE AND REGIONAL TESTING SERVICES 5. HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT DIRECTORATEs FLTP MANAGEMENT 6. REGIONAL LEARNING/RESOURCE CENTERS FY06-FY07 SELF-SUFFICIENCY PHASE LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY OF MILITARY PERSONNEL - DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM - FY02-FY05 ASSISTED PHASE BILC SEMINAR SOFIA, OCT Rou FLTP OCT Military high schools Military Academies NCOs schools Aplication schools Snd lng centers / Army Snd lng centers / AF Snd lng centers Navy Snd lng centers / GS Resources training centers FLTCs SIBIU PITETI BUZU CONSTANA BUCURETI BRAOV RO FLTP - LOCATIONS BILC SEMINAR SOFIA, OCT Rou FLTP OCT Language Training ENGLIS H FRENCH GERMAN RUSSIA N GREEK TURKIS H ARABIC ITALIAN HUNGARIA N SERBIAN SPANISH JEWISH UKRAINEAN CHINESE BULGARIAN ALBANESE PRESENT NEEDS BILC SEMINAR SOFIA, OCT Rou FLTP OCT CO'sNCO'sEnlistedCivilianstotal INTENSIVE COURSES INTENSIVE MODULES NON-INTENSIV COURSES TRAINING IN A FOREIGN LANGUAGE GRAND TOTAL Language training BILC SEMINAR SOFIA, OCT Rou FLTP OCT English language training CO'sNCO'sEnlistedCiviliansTOTAL ENGLISH LANGUAGE INTENSIVE COURSES Beginners Intermediate level Advanced Special terminology Refreshment courses TOTAL INTENSIVE COURSES Non-intensive training Training in English GRAND TOTAL BILC SEMINAR SOFIA, OCT Rou FLTP OCT SLP TESTED BILC SEMINAR SOFIA, OCT Rou FLTP OCT Force goal (lng) requirements 1.Personnel for international staff: a. COs SLP ; b. NCOs SLP By the end of 2006/2007, personnel from NRF and HRF/FLR a) COs SLP ; b) NCOs SLP ; c) communications personnel SLP BILC SEMINAR SOFIA, OCT Rou FLTP OCT To meet the FG requirements English language is mandatory for every entry exam in military education institutions A minimum requirement for training in Defence University. An increase of English language hours in formation schools. Intensive English language module for each career course. BILC SEMINAR SOFIA, OCT Rou FLTP OCT To meet the FG requirements A wide variety of intensive training in English language: Familiarization courses. Beginners courses. Intermediate level courses (basic). Advanced courses on 2 skills (L&S). Advanced courses on 4 skills. Refreshment courses. Special terminology courses. BILC SEMINAR SOFIA, OCT Rou FLTP OCT To meet the FG requirements Language assessment mandatory after advanced courses Use of invited associated military instructors Data base with all training and test takers Detailed training plan for the deployable units personnel. Update of the job descriptions Minimum 50% of the trainees are NCOs List of priorities of training and testing. BILC SEMINAR SOFIA, OCT Rou FLTP OCT Force Goal Fulfillment NoService To be trained Meet the objective ETF 1. General Staff Army Air Force Navy Grand Total BILC SEMINAR SOFIA, OCT Rou FLTP OCT SLP TESTED from deployable forces and 363 from the target group !!! BILC SEMINAR SOFIA, OCT Rou FLTP OCT. 2005 BILC SEMINAR SOFIA, OCT Rou FLTP OCT Who needs what Study Specialists from MoND, J1/GS, Army and BC. Specialists from MoND, J1/GS, Army and BC. Questionnaire - 38 questions focused on all 4 skills / STANAG 6001 and 6 open questions for necessary comments. Questionnaire - 38 questions focused on all 4 skills / STANAG 6001 and 6 open questions for necessary comments. Target group COs, NCOs and enlisted personnel who participated in international missions. Target group COs, NCOs and enlisted personnel who participated in international missions. 293 people from 4 Army deployable units which served in Afganistan, Iraq, Angola, Bosnia i Kosovo. 293 people from 4 Army deployable units which served in Afganistan, Iraq, Angola, Bosnia i Kosovo. BILC SEMINAR SOFIA, OCT Rou FLTP OCT Who needs what Study Personnel PositionsTOTAL COs Command officers 3 Module chiefs 12 Staff officers 13 Company commanders 15 Platoon commanders 20 Communications 21 NCOs Staff NCOs 12 Specialists 14 Combat NCOs 10 Platoon commanders 80 Communications 9 Enlisted Communications 84 GRAND TOTAL 293 BILC SEMINAR SOFIA, OCT Rou FLTP OCT Who needs what Study Personnel Participation in international missions OnceTwo times Three times or more Total COs NCOs Enlisted TOTAL BILC SEMINAR SOFIA, OCT Rou FLTP OCT Who needs what Study PersonnelPositionsLSRW STANAG 6001 FG Req. COs Command officers Module chiefs S S S S CIMIC Other staff officers Company commanders Platoon leaders Communications BILC SEMINAR SOFIA, OCT Rou FLTP OCT Who needs what Study PersonnelPositionsLSRW STANAG 6001 FG Req. NCOs Staff NCOs NRF, HRF, FLR Specialists Combat NCOs Platoon leaders Communications EnlistedCommunications BILC SEMINAR SOFIA, OCT Rou FLTP OCT CONCLUSIONS: Who needs what Study BILC SEMINAR SOFIA, OCT Rou FLTP OCT. 2005 BILC SEMINAR SOFIA, OCT Rou FLTP OCT. 2005 BILC SEMINAR SOFIA, OCT Rou FLTP OCT THANK YOU FOR THE QUESTIONS YOU MAY NOT HAVE !

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