  • 7/31/2019 Benefits of Joining the USAF


    By: Michael Spaulding Reasons to Join the US Air Force August 15, 2012

    pg. 1

    The USAF (United States Air Force) has given me much more than I had given it, and

    that is a very beneficial relationship indeed. Because of the USAF, I have learned to have self-

    discipline, received an education, continue to receive both health and education benefits, and I

    gained a positive self-image through learning to exercise regularly and concentrate on being

    proud of who I am. Without the USAF, I would not be the person I am today: more intelligent,

    more attractive, and with more prospects for a better future financially, socially, and

    emotionally. It taught me how to be an adult in a way that I think must be very hard to learn as a

    civilian. The USAF forces you to grow up and become a productive member of society, learn

    teamwork, and perseverance.

    First, I would like to discuss self-discipline. Before I joined the military, I had been out of

    high-school for two years, attending a community college in my hometown, and had worked

    many, what I consider, dead-end part time jobs. I worked at Quizno s, McDonalds, Wendys,

    Publix, as a vacuum salesman, as a telemarketer, at Wal-Mart, and at a family owned submarine

    sandwich shop where the store owner complained that he had to pay me minimum wage. I had

    no drive to better myself other than through lackl uster efforts: I was receiving Bs and Cs in all

    of my classes and I would usually withdraw from one of them each semester because I simply

    couldnt handle the course load and pursue my personal goals at the same time. My personal

    goals included: partying, going to clubs, visiting the beach, tanning, picking up girls, and

    spending more money than I had which resulted in debt. My personal life was toxic and was

    quickly leading me down a path that I didnt want to reach the end of living in my hometown,

    working a dead- end job, and juggling debt. I didnt have the self -discipline to put aside my

    personal wants and pursue my personal needs instead. I was always smart, but I was definitely

    not living up to my potential. I was performing below average, and I didn t seem to care. My life

    was fizzling away right in front of my eyes. The USAF taught me how to instill Excellence in

    all that I did; this is one of their core values, and now one of mine. They rewarded me for

    working hard. After I joined and allowed myself to become completely immersed in the giantmachine that is the USAF, I realized there was a lot of power in it that I could tap into to allow

    me to grow as a person. I won awards like Airman of the Month, Warrior of the Week, and

    received excellent marks on all of my tests I had to take for my career field as a Satellite,

    Wideband, and Telemetry Systems technician. Note that before the Air Force, I knew absolutely

    nothing about Satellite Communications, but after going to school in the Air Force I felt like I

  • 7/31/2019 Benefits of Joining the USAF


    By: Michael Spaulding Reasons to Join the US Air Force August 15, 2012

    pg. 2

    could contribute to something greater than myself while growing as an individual. I learned that

    going to bed at three a.m. and waking up at noon wasnt the most productive lifestyle and I

    figured out how to go to bed at a reasonable hour and wake up fresh each day, ready to tackle

    whatever obstacles lay ahead. Best of all, I learned to enjoy the challenge. The Air Force taught

    me to thrive in adversity, overcome issues, and solve problems. I can now confidently say that I

    am willing to tackle an y problem, and if I dont know how to fix it I am willing to put in the

    effort to learn how.

    Second, my education followed a greater comprehension and application of self-

    discipline. I received training in Electronic Principles and Satellite Communications while in the

    Air Force. Also, while working, the Air Force paid for any college classes I wanted to take on

    the side, apart from my job. In less than two years, I took six college courses and received As in

    all of them. I had the discipline to manage three times as much work as I ever had before joining

    the Air Force. I had unleashed the part of me that strove to pursue a greater future for myself. I

    found myself reading more books, for fun, thinking deeper thoughts, and considering the bigger

    picture of life, not just the small universe so many of us get stuck in. The Air Force showed me

    that there is always something more beyond the horizon that is worth pursuing. In 2010, I

    finished my associated degree, with honors. This coming Spring I will finish my Bachelors

    degree, and I currently have a 3.96 GPA, having received only one B the entire time all the rest

    were As. Learning became not only fun, but an integral part of my life. I now know that

    education is one of the keys to happiness; with it you can achieve so much.

    Third, and very important to someone like me that struggled with body image for most of

    my adolescent life, was exercise. I never really exercised before the Air Force. I ate Taco Bell

    almost every day. When I was in sixth grade, some girls ran past me during one of the days we

    were running during P.E. (Physical Education) class and one pointed at me and commented,

    look, his boobs are bigger than ours. When I was in middle -school and high-school, I would

    often wear a jacket to class to try and hide my chubby body. I was very insecure about my body

    and I wasnt sure what to do. My lifestyle of video games and poor eating habits should have

    been a clue, but I guess you arent too smart as a kid at least I never figured it out, and my poor

    mother always told me I was a handsome young boy; moms never tell you the truth, only the

    truth they see which is their little baby looking adorable as always. So, when I was eighteen, I

  • 7/31/2019 Benefits of Joining the USAF


    By: Michael Spaulding Reasons to Join the US Air Force August 15, 2012

    pg. 3

    luckily lost some weight because I ate less due to a switch in my priorities (which you can reread

    above in my second paragraph), but I didnt gain any muscle. After two years (from eighteen to

    twenty) of fluctuating between fat and skinny, I joined the Air Force and learned what strength

    was. The Air Force didnt just trai n me to have mental fortitude but also to have physical

    strength, endurance, and confidence. After basic training I could run a mile and a half in ten

    minutes flat and do fifty pushups and fifty sit-ups in just one minute each. I was very proud of

    this acc omplishment since I couldnt do twenty of each in a row before I joined. I was dating a

    beautiful, smart girl at the time too. Everything was better between us too, probably because I

    had more confidence. I was sexier, smarter, stronger, and this also made her more proud to date

    me. I had the whole world in my hands, and this was just after being in the USAF for only about

    two months the time it takes to get through basic training.

    And finally, I have received benefits. The Air Force removed my wisdom teeth while I

    was on Active Duty. Now that I am out, and have served at least three years, I had the

    Montgomery GI Bill and can attend any college in the United States, at no charge to myself.

    They pay for my books, tuition, and give me a monthly living stipend to help pay for rent, food,

    and all other bills. No person could ask for more. Because of the GI Bill, I am able to attend

    school full time and make fantastic grades. I have had time to buy two dogs, both of which I love

    with all my heart, and I exercise with them by going jogging at least a few times a week. I am

    putting to work everything the Air Force gave me. I gave the Air Force a few years of my time

    and it returned the favor by teaching me lessons that will be with me the rest of my life that

    sounds like a fair trade to me. I receive cheap dental and medical insurance through the Air Force

    Reserve, which I am currently a proud part of. And I have gained friendships that I know will

    last for the rest of my life. My friends from the Air Force live all over the world now, but I still

    talk to them at least once a month. I gave a little and got a lot. I cannot begin to tell the Air Force

    how grateful I am to have been a part. I still think of what it would be like to have remained

    Active Duty. Although I dont regret my decision to leave, I do encourage everyone else to signup for just a little bit. If you dont like it, get out and take the benefits. If you do like it, stay in

    it is a beautiful place to be. You make good money, learn how to live, and become a more whole

    person. God Bless America and God bless our soldiers.

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