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2018 Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Oshkosh

Bellringer LENT AND EASTER 2018

Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, February 14th at 6:30pm. This ser-vice includes communion. Lenten Midweek Services: Making Change

Change is a constant in our lives. In the weeks, days, and hours before Jesus’ crucifixion, the disciples also experienced change: a change of venue as the gates of Jerusalem approached; a change of plans as their long-awaited Messiah was arrested and tried and a change of circumstance as the crowds shouted “Crucify!”

Change is hard! We long for the expected and familiar, but all

too often find ourselves in the midst of uncertainty and the unknown. We cannot predict how things will turn out. Our worship will explore God’s steadfast love in the midst of life’s inevitable changes.

We are blessed to be a part of a ‘round robin’ preaching

series again this year, with pastors from St. Andrews, Christ, Peace, Our Savior’s and a senior seminary intern taking turns at each of our four churches during the 5 weeks of Lent!

Midweek services begin Wed February 21st and end Wed

March 28th. Soup Supper at 5:30pm, service at 6:30pm (about 30 min).

Maundy Thursday service Thursday, March 29th at 6:30pm with communion. Good Friday service Friday, March 30th at 6:30pm. Easter Sunday, April 1st 9:00am!


Ash Wednesday Service ....... 2

Lenten Discipline ................. 3

World Interfaith ................... 4

Noisy Offerings ..................... 4

Inspirational Blog ................. 5

Worship Leaders .................. 6

Color-Brave Conversations .. 7

Word from your Bishop ....... 8

W.O.O.S ................................ 9

40 Days of Giving……………..10

Retire Wisely…………………….11

Confirmation Schedule……..12

Page 2: Bellringer - Our Saviors Lutheran Church of Oshkosh, WI · 2018-03-07 · 1 February 2018 Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Oshkosh Bellringer LENT AND EASTER 2018 Lent begins on Ash


Isn’t that a Roman Catholic practice to put ashes on the forehead? I get asked this question a lot. The ELCA has some very good resources. This is from their website.* I encourage you all to attend the service this year if you have not done it before. I believe you will find it to be one of the most meaningful services of the year ---Pastor Jan

Ash Wednesday is the Wednesday of the seventh week before Easter and the first day of Lent. The day is named for the practice of making a cross of ashes on the forehead, a practice that many Lutheran congregations have found to be a very meaningful part of the Ash Wednesday liturgy. Using ashes as a sign of repentance is an ancient practice, often mentioned in the Bible (e.g., Jonah 3:5-9; Job 42:6; Jeremiah 6:26; Matthew 11:21). The early Christians adopted the use of ashes from Jewish practice as an external mark of penitence. Ashes symbolize several aspects of our human existence:

Ashes remind us of God's condemnation of sin, as God said to Adam,

"Dust you are and to dust you shall return" (Genesis 3:19).

Ashes suggest cleansing and renewal. They were used anciently in the absence of soap. Even on Ash Wednesday, this most penitential day, we receive ashes in the form of the cross, the same symbol placed on our bodies with water in our baptism. Even in this ashen mark of death, we anticipate the new life of Easter.

Ashes remind us of the shortness of human life, for it is said as we are buried into the ground or placed in a special container for ashes: "We commit this body to the ground; earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust”

Ashes are a symbol of our need to repent, confess our sins, and return to God.


In other words, it is a Biblical practice, and a faith practice; not only a Roman Catholic tradition. It helps us repent—that is, it helps us turn back toward God, confess our sins and be reminded that we are loved, forgiven, and given new life because o the Resurrection.

Did I already mention this? I encourage you to attend this service this year—Wed. Feb 14 at 6:30pm. Come and see! --Pastor Jan


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In the 40 days of Lent, people of faith are invited to take up some form of a Lenten discipline to practice repentance—turning back toward God and focusing on God. There are three practices, and so many ways to adopt them in our own lives.

Prayer: you could consider a new daily prayer, or new daily times for prayer, or new ways to pray—for example, at every stoplight, or during every commercial; each time you use your computer; or even, for each person who texts you or emails you. What about praying the Lord’s prayer slowly, thinking about the words, each morning as you start your day and each evening as you get ready for bed?

‘Almsgiving’: that is, giving to the poor and needy. On page 10, we are sharing information about the ELCA’s 40 days of giving for specific countries/peoples in need. Or, consider giving up a coffee or soda each day and donating the money to a food pantry or shelter. (You know how hard it was for me to type the words ‘give up coffee’, don’t you?) Or, rather than give simply giving up something, give it up and use the money it costs to help a person in need.

Fasting: This is a tough one. It could be tied to skipping a meal and donating the cost to a shelter. I read a suggestion to fast on the Wednesdays of the midweek soup supper/service and then break the fast at that supper. It could mean giving up a practice or an item or a non-essential item or activity in your day and using that time to pray or fast from watching a show, or checking Facebook (I am serious; I know folks who have done that!) or reading the People magazine.

Whatever practice/s you consider, think of them not so much as negatives, but as positive ways to seek out the One who has loved you for all time; to draw closer to God; to hear how God’s love can be shared through your practice/s and to find the blessing of faith strengthened in such ways.

Try one this year. Quietly. It’s between you and the God who loves you.

Every blessing, Pastor Jan


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Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right doing, there is a field. I'll meet you there. When the soul lies down in that

grass the world is too full to talk about. Ideas, language, even the phrase each other doesn't make any sense

--Jalaluddin Rumi, trans. Coleman Barks

New from your Outreach Team

Start saving your loose change!

Once a month, we will haul out our soup pots and

collect a noisy offering during worship!

Each month, the collection will go toward a

different outside ministry that blesses others...and

we're looking for your help in two ways:

1.Save your change and bring it on the

second Sunday of each month

2. Help us come up with ideas for outreach

programs and organizations to support

3. If you forget your noisy offering, remember

that quiet offerings are ok!

[Right, that was three ways!]

Sunday February 11th: Warming Shelter

Sunday,March 11th, Loaves and Fishes (we

serve a meal March 31st)

Sunday, April 8th Oshkosh Humane

Society (April 22 is Earth Day—we care for all of

God's creation and creatures!)

Do you have ideas? Let us know!

The Outreach Team of


Maria Bouche, Ron Kuehl, Pr Jan LaVake

and Dan and Jenny Williams


FEBRUARY 8, 2018, AT 7PM.


Share an evening of

fellowship among members of the

Fox Valley's diverse faith

communities. We will practice

listening with humility and

compassion, challenging the biases

that limit us, and deepening our

understanding of shared humanity.

Fox Valley faith and fellowship

communities have participated in this

global celebration since its first

observance in 2011. The event is

free, planned locally and open to all.

St. Mark's Evangelical Lutheran

Church 140 S. Green Bay Road,

Neenah, Wisconsin February 8,

2018, 7 - 8:30 p.m.


Crossways is thrilled to host this retreat for men of all ages who yearn for real friendships and a closer relationship with Christ. Join us and be adventurous and courageous, genuine and spiritual. Look forward to banding together and being challenged as you're guided to examine your life and make decisions about how you are going to live it. Pine Lake Camp (Waupaca) Cost: $190 before Febru-ary 18, $205 after *Men ages 18-29 or in seminary have a discounted rate of $125 ($110 before Feb. 18) REGISTER ONLINE by March 2nd. For more information visit or call our administrative office at 920-882-0023!

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Dear Members of Our

Saviors Lutheran Church;

I am writing to thank you for

your donation of greeting

cards and calendars to

Oshkosh Correctional


As we are under a very tight

budget, donations of this

sort are of great value to the

Institution. It is always a

treasure for inmates when

new material is added.

Your generosity is


Sincerely, Judy P. Smith,

Warden OSCI


Good morning! Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Julia Towe. I

am a fellow Lutheran. And, this year, I answered the Lord's call to

become a Patient Advocate serving the needs of those who are living with

Chronic illness & their families. The result, in part, is an inspirational


Approximately 133M Americans live with a Chronic illness. Some live

with more than one. Awareness and support is essential. It can be a

physically & emotionally draining battle. These individuals need to have

a level of normalcy within their lives. We all do. Often times, a patient

struggles to communicate his/her feelings with those around them. It

can be frustrating, lonely & isolating. Caregivers can also face equally

trying circumstances -- physically & emotionally. These individuals are

all around us. They are in your church, mine & others. They are children,

spouses, parents, grandparents, friends, neighbors & co-workers.

Unfortunately, their numbers are growing. And the need is real.

I hope, you will take a moment to visit my blog at https:// New posts are published, every

Friday. Additional posts, as on 9-11, will occur. All are written to be

informative, uplifting & motivating, with Christians in mind. The topics

vary, but all are related to Chronic illness in some way. They can also be

accessed on Google, as well as Twitter, Facebook & Tumblr. Comments

are always welcome. Like it, if you do. Follow, if you prefer. Advice is

equally appreciated via email.

Below you will read a thank you from the Warden of the Oshkosh Correctional Institution for the calendars and cards that were donated in November and December of last year.

What the Warden did not realize it that there were so many more of these things given because Judy Russell of the Oshkosh Northwestern highlighted our collection and the need in her Sunday column. We had many, many people dropping in for weeks after that article was published, even some that have come in January! And, there still is need and one of the chaplains at the Correctional Institution continues to pick them up and distribute them.

Thank you, Judy, and thank you to the people of Oshkosh for their kindness and compassion for others in helping us with this collection!

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Thank you to all of you who were able to share our joy and worship with us on Sunday, December 31st; the church service with a wedding tucked in the middle! We were so delighted and grateful for the love, and prayers and many good wishes heard and felt!

Thank you to the folks who planned the lovely coffee hour; those who made the delicious food and the Norwegian wedding cake, and those of you who worked to make the room so lovely and welcoming! Thank you for your generosity in hosting this event and making it possible for us to celebrate with you! Our families and friends felt so welcomed!

Thank you for the lovely cards and the well-wishes!

While it may have seemed an unusual way to get married, for us it was the only way; worshipping the Lord, singing hymns of praise , praying, hearing a Gospel-filled sermon by Pastor Kim Krogstad, making our vows before God and the assembly of this congregation and family and friends and then taking communion together. Your presence richened, as Carol Stewart put it so beautifully in the Altar Guild’s annual report, the expressed evidence of LOVE.

Thank you, thank you.

Every blessing, Pastor Jan and Professor Jeff LaVake.


Usher Schedule John Holdorf, Karl Keas, Ron & Eileen Kuehl Greeters Feb 4th – Michael Dodson Feb 11th - Krissy & Warren Seeley Feb 18th – Diane Schumde & Kathy Keas Feb 25th – Chelsie Oberreich & Payten Totz Readers Feb 4th – Dave Grable Feb 11th - Maryla Karl Feb 14th - Ron Kuehl Feb 18th – Dane Williams Feb 25th – Cathy Nimmer Communion Assistants Feb 4th – Robin Grable Feb 11th - Shari Englund Feb 14th—Carol Stewart Feb 18th – Jenny Williams Feb 25th – Jerry Johnson Acolytes Feb 4th – Max Koerner Feb 11th - Payton Totz Feb 14th—Barb Schneider Feb 18th – Michael Kolinski Feb 25th – Lindsay Porst Worship Assistants: Sign up on Pastor’s Door Feb 4th – Feb 11th - Marie Bouche Feb 18th – Linda Tedlie Feb 25th – Altar Guild Team Pat Krohn & Diane Schmude PK-2 Sunday School Teachers Feb 4th – Krissy Seeley/Kathy Baccus Feb 11th - Pam Andersen Feb 18th – Jamie Bliske Feb 25th – Erica Nourse 3-5 Sunday School Teachers Feb 4th – Jeff Jorgensen Feb 11th - Pam Andersen Feb 18th – Barb Schneider/Diane Schmude Feb 25th – Robin Grable

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The Library Committee is re-forming. Look for us again in

the March Bellringer!

are scheduled for Tuesdays, February 20 and March 20 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Fit Oshkosh headquarters,36 Broad St., Oshkosh. In Deep Diversity, Shakil Choudhury explores how our interactions with people who are different from us are influenced by things that are hidden. He shows that the “us versus them” attitude is an unfortunate but normal part of human experience. The author draws on “heart-touching stories, research on the brain, and hard-won lessons from real-world interventions to offer useful approaches,” Choudhury

helps us know ourselves better by knowing others better, for our own sake, and for the sake of our fragile shared world.” Copies of the book will be available for purchase through Fit Oshkosh. Contact us at 920-267-8687 or via email at [email protected] for further information.




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In Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting the message

of reconciliation to us (2 Corinthians 5:19).

The five days I spent in Vancouver, British Columbia was a rich experience with colleague bishops from the United States and Cana-

da. We had gathered for the annual Bishops Academy and the theme was “First Nations Peoples: Spirituality, Theology, Reconcilia-


It was significant that we met in Canada where 10% of the population is First Nations People, compared to 1% or less in the United

States. A sign of this stronger presence were front-page newspaper editorials and news stories about issues facing First Nation peo-

ples, something we rarely see in the U.S. media.

Canada has invested time and energy in addressing issues related to First Nations People or Native Americans as we might say. In

2008 the Truth and Reconciliation Commission was organized in response to the abuse inflicted upon native peoples through the

Indian Residential school system. The introduction to their work reads: “There is an emerging and compelling desire to put the

events of the past behind us so that we can work towards a stronger and healthier future.”

The speakers at our event were Prairie Rose Seminole, ELCA Program Director for the American Indian, Alaska Native Ministries;

Dr. Martin Broken leg who served as Professsor of Native American studies over 30 years at Augustana University, Sioux Falls, and

The Right Reverend Mark MacDonald, the Anglican Church of Canada’s first National Indigenous Anglican Bishop. All of them ref-

erenced the work Canada has done in trying to come to terms with its history. As Prairie Rose told us, “you’ve done nothing wrong

but you are benefitting from a history and a system of injustice and genocide.”

Through stories, a blanket exercise, and personal reflections we learned once again of the horror inflicted upon native peoples in

North America – the displacement of populations, the dehumanization of people, the enormous suffering and death. The Church’s

complicity also became painfully obvious, beginning with the Doctrine of Discovery. Papal rulings in the 14th century gave Christian

explorers the right to lay claim to lands they “discovered” and to claim them for Christian Monarchs. In the centuries since, the

Church has been involved “up to its eyeballs,” as one speaker said, in the dehumanization of indigenous people. “The Church partici-

pated openly and in animated ways, with ideologies and images that were intrinsically genocidal,” was the comment of Bishop Mac-


But there is the possibility for hope and healing. Reconciliation happens, said the bishop, when victims reclaim their humanity and

not because oppressors suddenly wake up to the reality of their evil. Victims are reconciled with what has happened in their history

and oppressors are invited to repair the damage to their own humanity as they are invited into this well of grace. Bishop MacDonald

spoke of churches as “incubators of reconciliation” and lifted up 4 ways that congregations can participate in God’s mission of recon-

ciling love. 1. One is to accompany the suffering. Reach out and listen to the stories of those who have suffered and endured centu-

ries of oppression and neglect. 2. Another is to be a place of truth telling. Reconciliation only happens as the painful realities are

noted and acknowledged. 3. Another is for congregations to be places of exemplary transformation by which, I think, he meant that

we listen and learn and grow and change from interaction with the other. 4. Finally, we are all called to deeper levels of disciple-

ship. We are called to integrate the will of God into our lives. With this I am reminded of the words of Dietrich Bonhoeffer that it

should be the ardent prayer of every Christian “to know and do the will of God.”

Bishop Elaine Sauer of the Manitoba/Northwestern Ontario Synod said she learned through her work with the Truth and Reconcili-

ation process the importance of showing up. “We need to go, show up, and listen. Don’t look for resources or develop programs, just

listen and learn.”

As I think about the many issues before us in this country, including coming to terms with our treatment of Native Americans, I

think we would do well to listen and learn so that we can live into a stronger and healthier future. One of the recurring themes from

our speakers was that God also meets us and speaks to us outside the realm of the Church.

One of the oldest Native American ministries in the Lutheran Church is right here in the East Central Synod of Wisconsin. Church of

the Wilderness is a Lutheran congregation and part of the Stockbridge-Munsee Community near Bowler. Their ancestral roots are in

Stockbridge, Massachusetts having been forced into relocation several times before ending up in Wisconsin.

I wonder if God might be calling us in this synod, surrounded as we are by a rich heritage of First Nations People, to listen and learn

and to be an “incubator of reconciliation”. We grow into a stronger and healthier future when we build community, hear the stories

of others, and are transformed by the power of the Spirit at work among us. God has given us this promise in the Good News of Jesus


Blessings, The Rev. Gerald Mansholt, Bishop East Central Synod of Wisconsin


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Jesus said, “The first in importance is: The Lord your God is one; so love the Lord God with all your passion

and prayer and intelligence and energy.’ And here is the second: ‘Love others as well as you love yourself.’

There is no other commandment that ranks with these.” (Mark 12:29-31)

“SWEETEST DAY”, SUNDAY, FEB. 11: This annual fundraiser for MISSIONS is expanding this year! Yes,

the Bake Sale & Silent Auction remain, so continue to bake, and gather goods for those! In addition, we

will have separate areas including “Kids’ Korner”: bring gently used toys, books, and games. Have a clev-

er craft item or other handmade item to donate? We’ll have a “Hand Crafted” table. How about a “Book

X-Change”: bring your used books, and pick up a few more to read! Other donations of goods will be in

the “Gently Used” area. So start cleaning out those nooks, crannies, shelves, …where ever those treasures

have accumulated, and bring them in. Mark for the sale and place on stage in Fellowship Hall. THANKS!!

(We’ll be here on Sat., Feb.10 from 10 a.m. until at least noon to accept donated items!)

BOLD WOMEN’S DAY, SUNDAY, April 29 WORSHIP: We don’t really need a date on a calendar in

February to tell us to LOVE! Jesus told us this long ago. And the Women of Our Savior’s strive to be that

example in the community and world in which we live TODAY. We love the Lord God with ALL our pas-

sion, prayer, intelligence, and energy…and as a result, we love others, showing it in the missions we sup-

port. The BOLD Women of Our Savior’s will lead worship, and ask God’s Blessing and your support for

the work we do.

SPRING EVENT 2018 WILL BE IN OSHKOSH! Sat., March 17, hosted by women of Christ ELCA on

Church Ave, (right across from City Hall) Here is your perfect opportunity to experience the Spring Event,

which is a gathering of women from congregations in our regional synod! It’s ALWAYS an inspiring and

fun event. Featured speaker this year was a closing speaker at the National Women of the ELCA Triennial

Convention. Lunch AND shopping too! Just Fare Market of Fond du Lac will have their fair trade products

displayed to purchase. We’ll have a sign-up sheet, and the cost is $14. More info posted on board in

Fellowship Hall.



Tuesdays of the Month: 1st meeting at 9 a.m. at church on Feb.13. This will be a meeting to decide

on what we want to study, where we will meet, and to decide on a name for our group. Contact: Diane

Schmude (235-4689 or [email protected]) 4

th Thursday of the Month: A “Daylight Saving” Group! (This group will meet during Daylight Savings

time…April through October.) 1st meeting will be Thurs., April 5, 4 p.m. at the Caramel Crisp coffee shop.

We’ll decide on what to study, the perfect time, and decide on a name. Contact: Shari Englund (920-379-

5669 or [email protected])

STILL….LOOKING FOR LEADERS: 1.) Welcome women who come to worship/visit Our Savior’s.

Assemble a “Welcome to Women of Our Savior’s” packet, to include the informational booklet, bible

study opportunities, mission support budget, etc. to have available as an offering of WELCOME! 2.) Like

to “work behind the scenes”? Consider changing the Narthex seasonal “Baskets of Promise” display table

for the ingathering of LWR items. Included would be to update the table at the West end of Narthex

seasonally for “Feed Our Children”, ELCA “Good Gifts”, and other specific emphases during the year. If

you are willing to help, contact anyone on Women’s committee…info below. 2018 WOMEN OF OUR SAVIOR’S BOOKLET: We are in the process printing the booklet. A copy will be placed in each mailbox. Extras available in the Narthex. A NEW CONSTITUTION for WOMEN OF OUR SAVIOR’S: Copies can be found in the Narthex. The next Women of Our Savior’s committee meeting will be Tuesday, Feb. 13, 6 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Please feel free to attend!! We’re working on a budget, and need your input…additions? Changes? Let us know. We will have an Annual Meeting, on June 21.


[email protected]); Shari Englund ([email protected]); Kim Steiner (920-232-0330

or [email protected]); Diane Schmude (235-4689 or [email protected]); Kathy Keas (Baby Care

kits) Heidi Witt (Personal Care Kits; School Kits); Laura Gehling (Knitten Tree donations) Linda Meyer

(Prayer Shawl Ministry) Audrey Reichow (The Tie that Binds; LWR Quilters)





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The 40 Days of Giving starts Feb. 14.

Starting in Lent 2018, we’re lifting up sev-eral programs in India, Malawi and the United States that urgently need your support. Choose a program and walk alongside our neighbors as they address hunger in their communities.

Visit for more information and project-specific bulletin inserts as they become available. Please begin planning your congregation’s participation and fundrais-

ing now. Online giving will open on Ash Wednesday (Feb. 14) and continue through Easter (April 1).

If funds raised for a specific program exceed the goal, the funds will be used to address a similar need in that country or region. Check back often – new programs and projects

may be unlocked if our goals are met.

Your gifts will ensure that ELCA World Hunger can fund this life-saving, life-changing work in 2018.




ELCA, P.O. Box 1809, Merrifield, VA 22116-8009

Please make checks payable to “ELCA World Hunger” and write “40 Days of Giving” and the project name, if desired, in the check’s memo

Look for Brochures in Narthex

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Having trouble

making Sunday

morning worship?

We have Weekly

Wednesday Evening

Lenten services

starting with Ash

Wednesday, Feb

14th! All at 6:30pm



-Wed Feb 7th 5:30pm to 7:30pm Class

-Thursday Feb 8th World Interfaith Harmony Week. 7pm to

8:30pm. St Mark’s Lutheran Church, 140 S. Green Bay Rd,

Neenah WI.

-Wed Feb 14th 6:30 Ash Wednesday Service

-Wed Feb 21st, Class 5:30p to 6:15p then Lenten Service then

back to class from 7p to 7:30p

- Wed Feb 28th, Class 5:30p to 6:15p then Lenten Service then

back to class from 7p to 7:30p


-NO Classes in March


-Wed April 4th, 5:30 to 7:30p

-Wed April 18th, 5:30 to 7:30p


-Wed May 2nd, 5:30 to 7:30p

-Wed May 16th, 5:30 to 7:30p

Service Projects

-March 31st & June 30th—Loaves and Fishes @ Trinity

Episcopal 10am to 1pm






Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Pastor Jan LaVake

1860 Wisconsin Street Oshkosh, WI 54904

920-235-4850 Pastor Cell: 920-891-6404 Find us on

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