Page 1: Belleville Artist's Space Exhibition



Belleville  Boutique  &  Café  

77-­‐79  Westbourne  Grove  -­‐  Notting  Hill  

London  W2  4UL    

FOR  IMMEDIATE  RELEASE  –  7th  July  2011  

On   the  occasion  of   Bastille  Day,   Belleville   is   opening   its   doors   around   three   events   and   is  launching  the  ArtSpace  with  the  first  in  a  series  of  themed  exhibitions.  The  season  opens  to  the  public  for  the  first  time  on  the  14th  July  2011  with  the  much  anticipated:      

DURALEX  glasses  exhibition  

From  July  14th  to  August  27th    

Artists  have  been  invited  to  give  a  new  life  to  these  iconic  French  glasses  and  were  provided  with  the  raw  materials.  The  only  stipulation  is  to  keep  them  usable/functional  (although  not  necessarily  as  glasses)  and  the  rest  is  up  to  them.  

This   July/August,   Belleville   will   be   the   platform   for   creations   from   the   following   artists:  Valerie   Von   Bechtolsheim,   Alexandra   Abraham,   Aurelie   Bourguet,   Lakwena   Suit,   Elena  Ferrato,   Lisa   Pettibone,   Ceilidh   Stapelkamp,   Melanie   Stapelkamp,   Bridget   Harvey,   Hervé  Vincent,  Georgios  Ignation  and  Joshua  Leeson.  


“Milky  Way”  by  Elena  Ferrato  


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The  Artist’s  window  display  

Belleville   has   invited   designers   to   exclusively   dress   its   large  windows   using   the   in-­‐store  products.  

This  month,  Aurélie  BOURGUET,   a   French  illustrator   and   designer,   has   been   given  free   reign   to   create   her   world   in   one  window.  She  will  reflect  the  essence  of  her  creativity  by   visualising  her   interpretation  of  summer.                                  

The  Art  Gallery  exhibition  

This  summer  the  Art  Gallery  presents  a  series  of  portraits  of  London  and  Paris  to  create  a  bridge  between  the  two  cities  through  Christina  Gestra  pictures.  

Christina  Gestra’s  work  consist  in  super-­‐imposing  layers  of  images  and  playing  with  varying  levels  of   transparencies.   The   images   are   about   cities   –  portraying   the  urban   fabric   in  new  and  unexpected  way.  Her  aim  is  to  recreate  the  frenetic  complexity  and  confusion  of  urban  landscapes  with  its  austere  non-­‐communicative  silent  population.  

“On  the  underground  the  individual  is  packed  in  like  a  sardine,  crammed  to  the  extent  that  he  can  almost  feel  the  next  person’s  breath  on  his  neck,  whilst  the  carriage  is  shrouded  by  a  sinister  curtain  of  passive  silence.”  

Christina  Mary  Ann  Gestra  is  a  photographer  and  chartered  landscape  architect.  She  is  based  in  south  London  but  has   lived,  worked  and  studied   in  both  the  Netherlands  and  Italy.    Her  photography  generally  tends  to  veer  more  towards  an  artistic  non-­‐commercial  viewpoint.  

Much   of   her  work   uses  manual   photography  methods   and   experimentations  with   various  darkroom  techniques.  


Hervé  Vincent  and  Edwige  Jacquemin  

T : 0207 229 5755

E:  [email protected]  


Belleville  on  line  presentation:  

Opening  hours:  Monday  to  Saturday  10am  –  7pm  /  Sunday  11am  to  5pm.  



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More  information?  

What  is  the  motivation  for  the  “Duralex  exhibition”  Belleville  is  committed  to  providing  an  outlet   for   the  most   innovative   and   exciting   designers   and   is   using   the   ArtSpace   series   to  invite  artists  to  create  and  show  exclusive  pieces.  For  the  first  exhibition  in  the  series,  artists  were   invited   to   respond   to   a   call   for   unique   creations   using   Duralex   glasses.   Belleville  selected  twelve  artists  and  provided  them  with  all  the  glasses  they  wanted.  Until  the  pieces  are  delivered  to  the  store,  their  details  remain  a  secret,  even  to  the  staff  of  Belleville.  

These  creations  will  be  unique,  contemporary  and  exciting  but  also  functional  which  is  why  it  is  a  great  investment  for  those  who  have  an  artistic  approach  to  interior  decoration.  

Belleville  Boutique  is  an  independent  concept  store,  a  niche,  dynamic  retail  experience  that  combines   several   lifestyle   themes   (boutique,   artspace,   cafe,   deli)   in   a   setting   currently  reminiscent  of  a  classic  Parisian  apartment.  The   inspiration  comes   from  the  arty  district  of  Belleville  in  Paris,  a  collision  of  food  and  trend  and  all  things  Paris.    

Belleville   was   started   by   Hervé   Vincent   and   Edwige   Jacquemin,   friends   who   met   while  running  food  businesses  in  the  South  of  France.  They  have  a  passion  for  art  and  food,  and  for  a  fusion  of  contemporary  and  vintage  that  they  deliver  through  the  carefully  sourced  items  they  sell  in  the  shop.    


DURALEX   :  At  one   time   the   fluted,  almost  unbreakable,  Duralex   "Picardie",  and   its  equally  tough  sister,  the  straighter  Duralex  "Gigogne",  could  be  found  in  every  French  café,  school  canteen   or   work   cafeteria.   The   tumblers   were   exhibited   in   art   museums;   they   were   the  subject  of  a  dozen   learned  essays  on  the  principles  of  simple,  satisfying,   functional  design.  We  have  seen  the  glasses  described  as  the  "ultimate  drinking  vessel  created  by  man".  

The  Duralex  brand-­‐name   is   imprinted  on   the  minds  of   French  boys  and  girls   from   the  day  that  they  learned  to  read.  For  decades,  a  game  has  been  played  in  French  school  canteens.  Every  child  at  a  table  would  read  out  the  serial  number  stamped  with  the  Duralex   logo  on  the  bottom  of   their  water  glass.  The  number  –  anything  between  1  and  48  –  became  that  child's  "age"   for   that   lunchtime.  The  "youngest"  had  to   fetch  the  water   for   the  rest  of   the  table.  

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