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Better than graphs, data-graphics

The tailor-made Data Visualization tool for PowerPoint and Excel

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X ’

Y ’

A chart is made of several forms Each form has several parameters

BeGraphic animates each parameter Any picture can be animated,

therefore becomes a graphic.

When images (+ color, size, border…) are meaningful, you build info-Graphics.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is BeGraphic made for: Excel & Powerpoint user who needs to make by himself his tailor-made storytelling data visualizations and diagrams dynamically linked to updated values.

Competitors : Only complex illustration engines (AutoCAD, Illustrator) able to query data that will be used to update diagrams and visual free forms’ parameters.

References : Insurance (CFO), University (History professor) … and soon Marketing people, Strategy consultants, Retail chains looking for easy GIS, Media relations, Visual journalists, Corporate communication.

Types of users : Any Excel & PowerPoint heavy user who wants to move his audience with new communication tools.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Installation : This Excel add-in has to be installed to animate graphics.

Versions of Office : From 2000 to 2007 versions (including an Excel 2007 ribbon). Compatible with any other add-in (e.g. : Olap database connector).

Languages : English, Spanish, French… and possibly more to come.

Pushing presentations to other users : Without BeGraphic on the PC, all graphs become static.

Road-map : A roadmap is currently discussed with key users. (Tell us if you want to be one of them).

The next release (09 fall) will be about optimization.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How to import large volume of data :

BeGraphic focuses on rich custom data visualizations. It doesn’t handle:

• Ratios calculation, (As BeGraphic works within Excel, calculations are done by the spreadsheet)

• Data import. (Nowadays all professional software have a connector with Excel).

If you want “real-time” access to a secured data source, we recommend the use of

• an Olap base (any solution from open source to ParisTech, Oracle, IBM TM1, SAP BW…)

• or the new Microsoft query maker “Project Gemini” working through Excel.

BeGraphic has been tested with many professional solutions, such as:

BW Performance


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First example : Financial Communication / Presentation to the Board

1st slide : Dashboard, showing « 2008 » values.

2nd slide : Which data visualization details to look at.

Please look carefully at circled objects (because they are animated forms).

3rd slide : Dashboard, showing « 2007 » values.

4th slide : Animated dashboard inside PowerPoint.

Make presentations differently!

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Focus on some dynamic info-graphics

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Focus on some dynamic info-graphics

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Second example : Spatial Olap / Custom maps, with interactive drillable areas

1st slide : Interactive map, showing corresponding figures for the clicked area.

2nd slide : geographical drill-down from the global map (top of the page) by clicking on one state, showing the detailled « zoom in » sub-map (only displaying the counties of the selected state).

3rd slide : Interactive map, showing corresponding figures of the clicked area on the detailled map (bottom of the page).

4th slide : Updated color-coding on geographical areas (when changing the year in the table).

5th slide : The old way to show data (Presenting the same values as the previous info-graphics).

Need to change your presentations?

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By clicking on one state, its detailled map appears

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Clicking on one county shows its table values

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Selecting the year in the table changes colors on the map

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Old way to present data This table shows the same values as the previous info-graphics

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Third example :

Six Sigma «Value Stream Map» / Engineering cutaway drawing

1st slide : Hong Kong schematic tube stations.

2nd slide : Interactive map, showing another layer.

The new layer (400 alerts) shows 4 Key Performance Indicators for each station.

3rd slide : Color-coded alerts based on thresholds + Interactive drill on stations. When the user clicks on a station logo, a dedicated table appears.

4th slide : The old way to show data

(Presenting the same values as the previous info-graphics).

It is time to move your audience!

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Showing the « Key Performance Indicators » layer

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Clicking on one tube station shows its 4 personal KPI

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Old way to present data This table shows the same values as the previous info-graphics

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Strategy map (Balanced ScoreCard) Easy GIS / Spatial BI

Process Intelligence / Projet tracking Story-telling / Visual journalism

Other examples (1/2)

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Corporate communication Maintenance flowchart / Shop floor plan

Graphics Reporting Exclusive and custom graphs…

Other examples (2/2)

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Bar chart Bullet chart

Pie chart Scale

« Sparklines » by BeGraphic The first micro-charts able to be used as combination graphs

Available in oct. 2009

Line chart

Variance chart

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More information

Videos are on BeGraphic channel on Youtube.

Brochures are on BeGraphic website.

Free version is on BeGraphic website. (Only 3 limitations : Slower version, up to 30 forms per worksheet/ dashboard, fewer sparklines).

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When presentation matters, think about BeGraphic.

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The tailor-made Data Visualization tool for PowerPoint and Excel

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