Page 1: Beat Premature Aging with Professional Treatment and Skin Care Products

Beat Premature Aging with Professional Treatment and Skin Care Products

With so much of our identity today linked directly to our self-image, appearances have become increasingly important to individuals, not because they are vain or self absorbed, but because research has proven that people make quick judgments about others, based on their appearance. Some of this is justified, e.g. a person going for a job interview and some is not, but in any case, looking after our appearance is an important part of our acceptance by society in general. For people who are in the mid-stages of life, not only are they particular about their general appearance, but are also confronting the first signs of ageing, especially on the face, neck and arms.

Fortunately, there are now a great many options available to fight the ageing process, ranging from various creams, lotions and peels that can be used in the home, to a full anti-aging treatment in a beauty salon or with a qualified cosmetic technician. The best way to start the process, however, is to consult a dermatologist who will recommend a combination of professional treatments and home-based routines that can be continued between appointments.

Of course, the best weapon against ageing skin is prevention, and with sun damage a major contributor to the formation of wrinkles, pigmentation, skin cancers and thick, leathery texture, the rules are still to slip, slop and slap. With further damage under control, moderate wrinkles around the eyes and on the forehead could be treated with procedures like anti-wrinkle injections or dermal fillers.

Anti-wrinkle injections work by relaxing the muscles that cause wrinkles to form and are especially effective for frown lines on the forehead, and wrinkles around the eyes and mouth. The procedure is a little uncomfortable, but anaesthetic cream can be applied to the area 30 minutes before starting to relieve any stinging. The full results can be seen within 5 days, and the effects last for around 4 months.

Collagen and elastin give the skin volume, and as we age, our body produces less and less of both elements. This loss of volume leaves the skin hollow and sagging, and the purpose of dermal fillers is to counteract this loss and restore the volume to the skin. A dermatologist will recommend the right type of filler for a particular skin type and area of the face, so this is a specialised skin treatment Brisbane requiring knowledge as well as the skills to place the tiny injections in the correct places. The procedure takes about 20 minutes and should last for around 6 to 8 months.

Unfortunately for the over-fifties, sun damage was not widely understood. The result for many of this generation is premature ageing at a time in life when they are ready to embrace new experiences. Treating themselves to some anti-ageing procedures will give them confidence to get out there and party.

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