  • 1.Welcome to London October 12th - 13th

2. Ongoing Updates & Wifi Updates, Contents and Twitter Follow @PayPalDev #battlehack WIFI SSID: L39 Visitor Password: No Password Needed 3. Level39 House RulesMyles Mahon @mylesmahon 4. Agenda Saturday October 12thSunday October 13th9:00AM8:30AM 9:00AM 12:00PM 1:30PM 2:00PM 4:45PMBreakfast Rehearsals Lunch Hacking ends Presentations Award ceremony5:15PMDoors close10:30AM 12:00PM1:30PM 5:30PMRegistration opens Introduction & opening talks Lunch & Laser Cut Demo Hacking starts Dinner 5. What is 6. A Competition to Find the Worlds Best Hack Team 7. World Finals 8. Top Prize from @PayPalDev$100,000 9. Judging Criteria Judges will look for: 1. Quality of idea 1. Implementation1. Execution and overall user experience 10. Raspberry Pi: Come find us at 3:00 11. BattleHack Station 1 12. 13. BattleHack Station 2 14. BattleHack Station 3 15. Your Task Global & Local Problems 16. help charities match donors, improve public transportation planning, 17. Integrate PayPal REST API, SDKs, or 18. London #BattleHack Prizes 19. rd 3PrizeSpheros - 20. nd 2Prize Nexus 7 21. st 1Prize Trip to Silicon Valley to compete in the#BattleHack Finals! 22. Rehearsal Signup at Sunday @ 8amRehearsals begin Sunday @ 9 am 23. Thanks To Our Partners! 24. Myles Mahon @mylesmahon 25. Riaz Ahmed @TheRealRiaz 26. HELLO BATTLE HACK Riaz Ahmed Developer Evangelist, Nokia UK @TheRealRiaz / [email protected] 27. WINDOWS PHONE BATTLEHACK CHALLENGE Develop any Windows Phone app that helps solve a local problemmaybe for a charity, local council, transport, hospitals, etc Why not use HERE maps cross platform mapping service Use via REST, JS, Native APIs Set up in a few minutes One of the largest in the world! 28. RESOURCES Hack details Find me on Twitter @TheRealRiaz Email [email protected] 29. PRIZES 4 x Nokia Lumia 10204 x Nokia Lumia 925 2nd BEST Windows PhoneBEST Windows Phone app 30. Free dev tools/services Nokia Premium Developer Program for Lumia (worth $99) Windows Dev Center Membership Telerik RadControls for WP Cloud APIs and moreFREE accounts! Email [email protected] 31. WINDOWS PHONE MOMENTUM 175,000+ apps 2 billion downloads of apps & games Develop for 191 countries and 50+ languages Increasing market share (now 3rd after IOS & Android) 32. HAPPY CODING Ahmed Developer Evangelist, Nokia UK @TheRealRiaz / [email protected] 33. Jamie Parkins @jghackers 34. Prize Best Use of JustGiving 35. On JustGiving you can Create a fundraising page and donate to it Make a direct donation to a charity (one off or recurring) You can donate in multiple currencies You can donate via SMS (JustTextGiving) You can join in a team of fundraisers 36. Event based fundraising Created 25k fundraising pages within Facebook App Leaderboards based on GetFundraisingPageDetails method 37. Dogs Trust iPhone App & SMS Donations 38. Simple Donation Integration (SDI)No - we dont have a donation API SDI is a redirect based integration technique Allows you to send users to JustGiving to make a donation (optimised for mobile) Users are returned to your site afterwards with some query string magic You then use the API to verify the donation Simple stuff 39. Random Ideas 40. 1. Register Fundraising Page isterFundraisingPage Used to create fundraising pages for users Generates 250k+ pages per year on Race For Life Can PUT certain content (images, story, videos etc) to the fundraising page Page types include Event based, In Memory, Birthdays etc 41. 2. Get Page Details FundraisingPageDetails GET data from any given fundraising page (totals, donation comments, media etc) 42. 3. Get Donations For User ationsForUser GET donation history (amount, charity, date etc) for any given user (requires Auth) 43. Sandbox 44. Key to the Kingdom 1. Set yourself up with a developer key at Create an application 3. Point to sandbox API = Platform = www.v3-sandbox.justgiving.com4. Away you go! 45. Test Cards for Donations 46. Help, Im stuck?! 47. Help is on hand!1. Come grab us in person!2. Google Support Group at forum/?fromgroups#!forum/justgiving-api3. Tweet us at @jghackers 48. Useful Links & Documents GitHub repository with open source SDKs Sign up for an API account and create API keys Documentation and usage information Developer portal Simple Donation Integration guide Some hack-tastic examples in a few languages Logos & Assets 49. Ismail Chaib @iChaib 50. Michael Wawra @xmjw 51. #BattleHack London Judges 52. John Lunn Global Director PayPal | Developer 53. Jamie Parkins Product Manager JustGiving 54. Nadeem Shaikh Founder Anthemis 55. Tak Lo Program Manager TechStars 56. James Nicholson Senior Developer Hailo 57. The Ideas so Far 58. Well be Tweeting, so RT the TweetsBest Idea so far Best Progress Most Hardcore 59. RemindersPeople Ideas 60. Lunch

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