  • 8/13/2019 Basics and Word Processing Workbook


    Adult Computerand Employment Skills

    Computer Basics and Word Processing

    Using a Computer


    Word Processing


    Jessica Grace JonesMinnesota Literacy Council


  • 8/13/2019 Basics and Word Processing Workbook


  • 8/13/2019 Basics and Word Processing Workbook



    1. Microsot !ord2. "ord processin#

    $. %ard"are&. sot"are'. operatin# system(. laptop7. desktop). *C+. Mac10. mouse11. monitor

    12. Central *rocessin# ,nit1$. ,S- drie1&. %eadset1'. icon1(. start menu17. drie1). ile1+. older 20. document21. minimi/e

    22. maimi/e2$. Microsot !indo"s2&. delete2'. ackspace2(. enter 27. ont2). old2+. italic$0. ali#n ri#%t

    $1. copy$2. cut

    $$. paste$&. spell c%eck

    $'. c%an#e$(. i#nore$7. i#nore all$). Microsot *o"er*oint$+. slide&0. tet o&1. animation&2. clipart&$. C34

    &&. C34!&'. 534&(. 534!

    4elated 5ocaulary1. skimmin#2. scannin#$. main idea&. usiness letter'. memo

    (. poster7. lyer). adertisement+. story10. essay11. poem12. report1$. sc%edule1&. assi#nment

    1'. enelope1(. mailin# lael


  • 8/13/2019 Basics and Word Processing Workbook


    Computer Basics and Word Processing Pre-Test

    1. !%at is t%is6

    2. !%at is t%is6

    $. !%at is t%is6

    &. Circle t%e key t%at moes t%e cursor one space.

    '. Circle t%e key t%at moes t%e cursor do"n to t%e net line.

    (. Circle t%ree keys t%at make capital or uppercase letters.

  • 8/13/2019 Basics and Word Processing Workbook


    7. !%at is a pro#ram6

    ). !%at is a ile6

    +. !%at is Microsot !ord6

    10.ra" a line rom t%e "ord to t%e correct deinition:

    A. Cursor

    -. Microsot !ord



    E. 9peratin# System

    . Laptop

    G.Spell C%eck

    1. a portale computer t%at you cancarry "it% you

    2. t%e parts o a computer t%at youcan touc%

    $. t%e line; arro"; or ot%er symolt%at you control y moin# t%emouse

    &. t%e most important pro#ram in

    your computer. o all o t%eot%er pro#rams.

    '. a tool or c%eckin# your spellin#and #rammar "%en you useMicrosot !ord

    (. a "ord processin# pro#ram t%atyou can use to type; sae; andprint documents

    7. anot%er "ord or pro#rams;instructions in t%e computer t%at%elp it do dierent tasks

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  • 8/13/2019 Basics and Word Processing Workbook


    ). DIS* D"IVE%

  • 8/13/2019 Basics and Word Processing Workbook


    1(. .!"D D"IVE%

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    2&. ,ENU B!"%

  • 8/13/2019 Basics and Word Processing Workbook


    $$. ,NIT"% Dour computerBsscreen

    $&. ,USE%

  • 8/13/2019 Basics and Word Processing Workbook


    &0. SC"EEN S!VE"% A desi#n ont%e screen t%at turns on i youdonBt use your computer or a e"minutes.

    &1. SC"$$ B!"S%

  • 8/13/2019 Basics and Word Processing Workbook


    &(. USB D"IVE% A disk t%at you cansae inormation on. Also called a2las& dri3e;4ump dri3e;ort&umb dri3e.

    &7. W"D P"CESSIN)%

  • 8/13/2019 Basics and Word Processing Workbook


    ,a3is Beacon Teac&es Typing

    Open the Program

    1. oule3click on t%e icon or Mais -eacon

  • 8/13/2019 Basics and Word Processing Workbook


    Start a new account (do this the 1st time only)

    T*e )ery ,irst time t*at you use (a)is Beacon on your computer you 8ill need to ma9e an account.

    $,ter t*at: t*e program 8ill remember your name and 8*at lessons you need to 8or9 on.

    1. Click on Create a Ne' User.

    2. Click on Ne6t.

    $. Click on Englis&.

    &. Click in t%e o and type your name.

    '. Click on Ne6t.

    (. Click on Use De2aults.

  • 8/13/2019 Basics and Word Processing Workbook


    7. Click on t%e picture o t%e computer screen to start t%e lesson.

    ). C%oose beginneror test typing le3el.

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    +. Eery time you see t%is lue oal; read t&e in2ormationt%en click on Start $esson.

    10.Look at t%e %ands on t%e screen. o" put your %ands on your computerBskeyoard.


  • 8/13/2019 Basics and Word Processing Workbook


    W&at is ,icroso2t Word?

    Microsot !ord is a "ord3processin# pro#ramsold y -ill GatesBs company; Microsot. !ordlets you eiciently produce proessional3lookin#documents; suc% as letters; reports; essays; and ne"sletters.

    !ord oers many eatures t%at %elp you edit @c%an#e tet in a document. Dou canadd; delete; and rearran#e tet. Dou can also c%eck your document or spellin# and#rammar errors and use !ordBs uild3in t%esaurus to ind more suitale "ords.

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    ,icroso2t W"D Screen 8ui9Label each of the points by telling what it is called or what it does.











  • 8/13/2019 Basics and Word Processing Workbook


    ,icroso2t Word% E6ercise :

    In this exercise you will learn about:

    Using t*e toolbar

    ;ig*lig*ting tet

    Copy and Paste ,unctions

  • 8/13/2019 Basics and Word Processing Workbook


    1. Clickan& $ra*,rom t*e @aA to t*e @0A. T*is is called ;ig*lig*ting. W*en all t*e letters are*ig*lig*ted. Ta9e your ,inger o,, t*e mouse. Practice t*is a ,e8 times.

    . T*ere is anot*er 8ay to *ig*lig*t t*e letters. Use your le,t *and to Hol& $ownt*e SHI!T 9ey. Use

    your rig*t *and to Presst*e Ri*ht Arrow +eymany times until all t*e letters are *ig*lig*ted.

    +7. !o8: Clickon t*e Copy button.

    T*e computer 8ill remember t*e tet t*at is *ig*lig*ted.

    ++. Clicka,ter t*e @0A to put t*e cursor t*ere.

    +5. !o8 Clickt*e Paste button.

    ookat 8*at *appened. &ou s*ould no8 *a)e t8o alp*abets.

    +3. Clickon t*e "$ITmenu. &ou 8ill see a drop do8n menu.

    +4. Clickon S""CT A. T*is is anot*er 8ay to *ig*lig*t all t*e 8ords on t*e page.

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    +6. !o8: lookat your

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    5+. Click>ust a,ter @dA in t*e secondalp*abet to place your cursor t*ere.

    55. #n your 9eyboard: Presst*e $elete9ey se)eral times to erase e)eryt*ing bet8een @dA and @o.A

    53. Hi*hli*ht all o, t*e tet. Click an& &ra*across t*e letters.

    54. Click on t*e Center button ,rom t*e

  • 8/13/2019 Basics and Word Processing Workbook


    ,icroso2t Word% E6ercise ;

    In this exercise you will learn:

    Basic 9eyboard 9eys

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    +5. C*ange t*e ,ont style.

    +3. Hi*hli*ht>ust t*e p*one number.

    +4. Clickon t*e Cut button on t*e Standard toolbar.

    &our p*one number 8ill disappear.

    +6. Clicka,ter your name to put t*e cursor t*ere.

    +'. Clickt*e PAST"button. #r clickon "$IT and clickon PAST". &our p*one number s*ould be

    rig*t a,ter your name.

    +. Clickbet8een your name and p*one number.

    +1. Presst*e TA, 9ey to put a space bet8een your name and p*one number.

    +. Click at end o, t*e ,irst line.

    57. Presst*e "-T"R9ey. T*is 8ill put a space bet8een t*e ,irst and

    second line.


    your ,ull name.Click

    on t*e!ORMAT


    &ou 8ill see a dropdo8n menu.

    55. Clickon CHA-G" CAS",rom t*e dropdo8n menu.

    53. Clic9 on t*e circle net to t*e 8ord PP"RCAS". Click on


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    54. Click on t*e -$Obutton on t*e toolbar.

    T*is button 8ill let you go bac9 one step. "t is a good 8ay to correct your mista9es.

    56. Click t*e R"$Obutton on t*e toolbar.T*is button 8ill let you go ,or8ard one step a,ter you *a)e used t*e undo button.

    5'. Clickbe,ore your p*one number and Presst*e "-T"R 9ey.

    5. !o8: Hi*hli*htyour p*one number.

    51. Click ont*e 9ey on t*e ,ormatting toolbar. T*is 8ill underline your p*one number.

    5. !o8 select all t*e tet. Clickon t*e "$ITmenu. Clickon S""CT A,rom t*e dropdo8n


    37. Center all t*e tet using t*e Centerbutton on t*e

  • 8/13/2019 Basics and Word Processing Workbook


    ,icroso2t Word% E6ercise

    Dou 9 9< need to use t%e computer or t%is eercise. Dou 9 need a pencil or a pen.


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  • 8/13/2019 Basics and Word Processing Workbook


    ,icroso2t Word% E6ercise ?

    T*is is Kane Doe. Kane is going on )acation.

    S*e 8rote a letter to *er teac*er about *er )acation.

    T*e letter *as many spelling and grammar mista9es.

    "n t*is eercise: you 8ill do8nload Kanes letter ,rom t*e "nternet.

    &ou 8ill ,i t*e spelling and grammar mista9es and ,ormat t*e

    letter to ma9e it loo9 better.

    To start: ,ollo8 t*e step-by-step instructions.

    +. O)enyour "nternet bro8ser

    li9e "nternet plorer.

    5. Clickon t*e 8ebsite address.

    3. Presst*e $""T"9ey.

    4. Ty)et*is 8ebsite address2


    6. ClickonCOMPT"R "8"RCIS" !I"S.

    '. Click on =A-" $O".

    . Click on SA0".
  • 8/13/2019 Basics and Word Processing Workbook


    1. Click onM1 COMPT"R

    . $ouble6 Clickon t*e place

    8*ere you 8ant to sa)e you ,iles.

    I 2 3 !lo))y

    I Re4o'able $isk

    +7. Clickon SA0".

    ++. Clickon OP"-.

    +5. !o8 you see Kanes letter.

    +3. %ed lines mean t*at a 8ord is misspelled or t*at t*e computer does not 9no8 t*e 8ord. Ereen lines meant*at t*ere mig*t be a grammar mista9e. T*ese lines are only t*ere to *elp you 8*en you are typing.

    T*ey 8ill not be on t*e paper 8*en you print your document.

    +4. !o8 you 8ill c*ange *o8 t*e letter loo9s. T*is is calledformatting.

    +6. Hi*hli*ht Kanes name and address. C*ange t*e ,ont to Arial.

    +'. C*ange t*e ,ont si0e to >?. (a9e it ,ol&.

    +. Click on t*e ali*n centerbutton to mo)e t*e address to t*e center o, t*e page.

    +1. Hi*hli*htt*e date. Clickon t*e ali*n ri*htbutton.

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    +. Click in ,ront o, @&ear eslieA.

    57. Presst*e "-T"R 9ey. T*is mo)es t*e 8ords do8n.

    5+. Use t*e nter 9ey to ma9e spaces bet8een t*e lines as s*o8n belo82

    55. Hi*hli*htt*e tet ,rom t*e date to t*e end o, t*e letter. C*ange t*e ,ont to Arial >5)t.

    53. Hi*hli*htt*e 8ordsMay 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th. n&erlinet*em.

    54. Mo'e the cursorto t*e beginning o, t*e document.

    56. Clickon t*e Spelling and Erammar C*ec9 button.


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    35. Choosea ne8 8ord to replace @Sincerely.A

    ", you see an arro8: clickon t*e arro8: click on I-S"RT.

    33. Clickon t*e Print Pre'iewbutton.

    &ou can see 8*at t*e letter 8ill loo9 li9e

    8*en you print it on paper.

    34. &our document s*ould loo9 li9e t*e one belo8.

    @ane Doe:;>::

    March 28, 2003

    Leslie Gardnerunctional !ork En#lis% nstructor1(00 ,niersity Ae.St. *aul; M ''101

    ear Leslie:

    am "ritin# to let you kno" t%at "ill not e ale to attend classes durin# t%e irst ull "eeko May. "ill e isitin# my amily in 4a/les;

  • 8/13/2019 Basics and Word Processing Workbook


  • 8/13/2019 Basics and Word Processing Workbook


    1. Click onM1 COMPT"R.

    . $ouble6 Clickon t*e place

    8*ere you 8ant to sa)e you ,iles.

    I 2 3 !lo))y

    I Re4o'able $isk

    +7. Clickon SA0".

    ++. Clickon OP"-.

    +5. ookat t*e top o, t*e document. Does it say Microso%t #or& ", not: go bac9 to step number +

    +3. !o8 ,ollo8 t*e directions on t*e screen.

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    &our boss needs a sc*edule o, your classes and ot*er acti)ities so t*at s*e can decide 8*o

    s*ould 8or9 eac* s*i,t. "n t*is eercise: you 8ill learn *o8 to ma9e a table 8it* many

    boes. &ou 8ill type your 8ee9ly acti)ities in t*is table.

    To start: ,ollo8 t*e step-by-step instructions.

    +. O)en a ne8 (icroso,t Word document.

    5. #n t*e menu bar:Click on TA,".

    3. Clickon I-S"RT TA,".

    4. C*ange t*e number o, columns to and t*e

    number o, ro8s to 5. Clickon O+.

    6. Hi*hli*htt*e top ro8 o, cells. Click*ere and $ra*to *ere.

    '. Clickon !ORMAT ,rom t*e menu bar.

    Sunday (onday Tuesday Wednesday T*ursday

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    . Clickon ,OR$"RS an& SHA$I-G.

    1. Clickon t*e SHA$I-Gtab.

    Clickon a lig*t gray bo.

    Clickon O+.

    . Hi*hli*htt*e bottom ro8 o, t*e table.

    +7. Clickon !ORMAT.

    ++. Clickon ,OR$"RS an& SHA$I-G.

    +5. Clickon SHA$I-Gand select a

    di,,erent color t*is time. Clickon O+.

    +3. (o)e t*e Cursor o)er t*e bottom line until it loo9s li9e t*is2

    +4. Click an& $ra*do8n until t*e bottom ro8 is as big as t*is picture.

    +6. Ty)eMondayin t*e top le,t bo. Presst*e TA,9ey to mo)e to t*e net bo.

    Ty)et*e ot*er days o, t*e 8ee9.

    +'. Ty)e your 8or9 sc*edule in t*e bottom ro8. "t can be 8*at you really do e)eryday or you can ma9e itup. &ou s*ould *a)e at least one t*ing in eac* o, t*e cells.

    +. Mo'e the cursoro)er t*e table until you see a bo 8it*arro8s in t*e top le,t corner.

    +1. Mo'e the cursoro)er t*is bo until it also loo9s li9e ,our arro8s.

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    +. Click an& $ra*do8n until you see t*e dotted outline. W*en you let go: t*e table s*ould *a)e mo)ed

    do8n on t*e page.

    57. $ouble Click abo)e t*e table to put t*e cursor t*ere.

    5+. Click on t*e C"-T"Rbutton.

    55. Ty)et*e 8ords WEEL! "#$E%&LEabo)e t*e table.

    53. C*ange t*e ,ont and ,ont si0e to somet*ing t*at you li9e.

    54. S)ell checkyour document.

    56. Sa'et*e document on your dis9.

    5'. $s9 a teac*er to c*ec9 your 8or9. T*e teac*er 8ill sign in t*is bo.

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    ,icroso2t Word% E6ercise

    +. O)ena ne8 (icroso,t Word document.

    5. Clickon t*e rig*t alignment button on t*e toolbar.

    3. Ty)etodays date.

    4. !o8 Mo'e the cursorto t*e center o, t*e page a ,e8 lines belo8 t*e date. T*e cursor s*ould *a)ese)eral small lines net to it. $s you mo)e t*e cursor ,rom t*e rig*t to t*e le,t t*e lines 8ill c*ange

    to s*o8 *o8 t*e program 8ill align t*e tet i, you clic9 t*ere.

    6. W*en t*e cursor loo9s li9e t*is: $ouble6click.

    '. Ty)et*e 8ords #hocolate #hip #oo'ies. Seet*at t*e title is aligned to t*e center.

    . Presst*e "-T"R9ey t8ice.

    1. Click on t*e "!T AIG-M"-Tbutton on t*e toolbar.

    . Ty)et*is list o, ingredients2

    L cup =ardL cup Butter

    5 L cups $ll Purpose Unbleac*ed

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    +7. Presst*e "-T"R9ey t8o times.

    ++. Ty)et*ese directions2

    Directions2 (i t*e =ard and Butter until creamy. (i insomeo, t*e ,lour about *al,: t*e

    bro8n sugar: 8*ite sugar: eggs: )anilla: and ba9ing soda. Stir until ingredients are t*oroug*ly

    mied: t*en blend in t*e remaining ,lour. $dd c*ocolate c*ips and stir. Drop by spoon,uls

    onto an ungreased ba9ing s*eet. Ba9e at 36 degrees ,or 1-+7 minutes: t*en en>oyH

    +5. Hi*hli*ht>ust t*e ingredients.

    +3. Clickon t*e !ORMATmenu.

    +4. Clickon COM-S.

    +6. Clickon t*e picture o, t8o columns.

    +'. Click on O+.

    +. T*e ingredients s*ould be in t8o columns. =i9e t*is2

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    +1. !o8 you 8ill indent t*e paragrap* o, directions. on t*e ruler. See*o8 t*e paragrap*c*anged.

    55. Click on t*e undo button.

    53. !o8 Click an& $ra*t*e bottom triangle until it is under t*e number >on t*e ruler. See *o8 t*e

    paragrap* c*anged.

    54. Click on t*e U!D# button.

    56. !o8 Click an& $ra* t*e bottom s?uare until it is under t*e number > on t*e ruler. See*o8 t*eparagrap* c*anged.

    5'. ookon t*e rig*t side o, t*e ruler ,or anot*er triangle. Click an& $ra* t*is triangle until it is undert*e number Bon t*e ruler.

    5. !o8 Click an& $ra* t*e top triangle on t*e le,t until it is bet8een t*e number > and number 5on t*e


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    51. Checkyour 8or9. &our document s*ould loo9 li9e t*is2

    5. Hi*hli*htt*e title #hocolate #hip #oo'ies. ,ol&and n&erlinet*e title.

    37. Sa'et*is document on your dis9.

    3+. $s9 a teac*er to c*ec9 your 8or9. &our teac*er 8ill sign in t*is bo.

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    ,icroso2t Word% E6ercise :

    +. O)ena ne8 Word Document.

    5. Ty)e t*e ,ollo8ing sentences on t*ree separate lines2

    T*is is a dog.

    T*is is a *og.T*is is a log.

    3. Hi*hli*ht all t*ree sentences. Click on t*e bullet button on t*e toolbar.

    4. !o8 you 8ill c*ange *o8 t*e bullets loo9. Click on t*e !ORMAT menu.

    6. Click on ,"TS an& -M,"RI-G.

    '. Clickon t*e ,"T"$ tab. Click on t*e picture o, t*e s?uare bullets.

    . Click on O+.

    1. Click on t*e !ORMATmenu again. Eo to t*e bullet menu again.

    . Click on CSTOMI9".

    +7. Click on t*e ,"Tbutton.

    ++. Click on any o, t*e small pictures. W*en you ,ind one you li9e Clickon O+.

    +5. Clickon t*e !O-Tbutton. Chan*et*e ,ont si0e to >. T*is 8ill only c*ange t*e si0e o, t*e bullet.

    +3. Click on O+. Click on O+again. !otice t*at t*e bullets are a di,,erent s*ape and si0e.

    +4. Place the cursorat t*e end o, t*e ,irst line and Presst*e "-T"R9ey 4 times. Do t*is a,ter t*e second

    line also.

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    +6. !o8 you 8ill insert a picture o, a dog. Click on t*e I-S"RTmenu. Click on PICTR". T*enClickon CIP ART.

    +'. Ty)e $OG in t*e searc* bo.

    +. Click on a picture o, a dog.

    +1. Clickon t*e picture in your Word document. &ou 8ill see

    a bo around it.

    +. Mo'e the cursoro)er t*e corner o, t*e pictureuntil it loo9s li9e an arro8.

    57. Mo'e the Mouseto ma9e t*e picture smaller.

    5+. !o8 Click an& $ra* ,rom t*e picture to t*e end o, t*e8ord dog. T*e cursor 8ill loo9 li9e a dotted line. ookat t*e

    eample belo8.

    55. Clickbet8een t*e picture and t*e

    8ord Dog. Presst*e TA,9ey 5


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    53. Checkyour 8or9. "t s*ould loo9 li9e t*is2

    54. Clickbelo8 @T*is is a dog.A

    56. Click on t*e little arro8 net to t*e Outsi&e ,or&erbutton on t*e toolbar.

    5'. Click on t*e ;ori0ontal =ine button.

    5. Sa'et*is document on your dis9.

    51. Re)eat t*e steps you *a)e learned.

    Insertpictures ,or @;ogA and @=ogA.

    5. Inserta line bet8een eac* picture.

    37. W*en you are done Sa'e and Printone copy.

    3+. $s9 a teac*er to c*ec9 your 8or9. &our teac*er 8ill sign in t*is bo.

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  • 8/13/2019 Basics and Word Processing Workbook


    . Some o, t*e 8ords in t*ese instructions are lin9s to more in,ormation. T*e lin9s are blue.

    Clickon t*e blue 8ord TOO,AR. &ou 8ill see more in,ormation about toolbars. Clickin a blan9

    area to ma9e it go a8ay.

    +7. Clickon t*e 8ord TIPto s*o8 more in,ormation.

    ++. Rea&t*e (icroso,t Word ;elp directions. T*en Practiceadding a circle and a s?uare to

    your blan9 document.

    +5. ", your directions disappear 8*ile you are 8or9ing on t*e circle: Clickon t*e MICROSO!T

    #OR$ H"Pbo at t*e bottom o, t*e screen.

    +3. (icroso,t Word ;elp directions are not easy. ", you are *a)ing problems: try reading all t*e

    directions 5 or 3 times be,ore you try to dra8 t*e circle.

    +4. W*en you are done adding a circle and a s?uare: as9 a teac*er to c*ec9 your 8or9. &ourteac*er 8ill sign in t*is bo.

    +6. Click on t*e MICROSO!T #OR$ H"Pbo at t*e bottom o, t*e screen.

    +'. T*in9 o, somet*ing youd li9e to searc* ,or.

    +. Ty)eyour 8ords in t*e searc* bo. Press "-T"R.

    +1. Chooseon o, t*e topics and read t*e directions.

    +. Try to ,ollo8 t*e *elp directions. Use t*e directions to ma9e somet*ing you can s*o8 your


    57. $s9 a teac*er to c*ec9 your 8or9. &our teac*er 8ill sign in t*is bo.

    5+. &ou do not need to sa)e.

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    ,icroso2t Word% E6ercise :;

    +. O)en t*e program MICROSO!T #OR$.

    5. Clickon t*e TOOSmenu.

    3. Click on "TT"RS an& MAII-GS t*en Clickon "-0"OP"S A-$ A,"S.

    4. Clickon t*e A,"Stab. Ty)eyour address in t*e large ,iled belo8 A$$R"SS.

    6. Clickin t*e circle net to t*e 8ords ! PAG" O! TH" SAM" A,".

    '. T*ere are many di,,erent si0es and s*apes o, labels. &ou

    must c*oose t*e one you 8ant. ookon t*e s*eet o, labels,or t*e name and number.

    . Clickon OPTIO-S.

  • 8/13/2019 Basics and Word Processing Workbook


    1. Selectt*e brand name in t*e area net to A," PRO$CT.

    . Select t*e label number in t*e

    area net to PRO$CT-M,"R.

    +7. Clickon O+.

    ++. Clickon -"#


    +5. &ou 8ill see your labels. &ou 8ill *a)e many labels t*at all loo9 t*e same. ", you 8ant to c*ange

    anyt*ing you can Clickon t*e tet and Ty)e>ust li9e a normal Word document.

    +3. Sa)e your document.

    +4. Ask your teacherto s*o8 you *o8 to put t*e s*eet o, labels into t*e printer.

    +6. Clickon PRI-T. $s9 a teac*er to c*ec9 your 8or9. &our teac*er 8ill sign in t*is bo.

    +'. !o8 you 8ill ma9e many di,,erent labels. Clickon t*e TOOSmenu. Clickon "-0"OP"S

    A-$ A,"S.

    +. Clickon t*e A,"S tab. T*e address ,ield s*ould be blan9. "raseany 8ords in t*is ,ield.

    +1. Clickin t*e circle net to t*e 8ords ! PAG" O! TH" SAM" A,".

    +. Clickon OPTIO-S.

    57. Selectt*e brand name in t*e area net to A," PRO$CT.

    5+. Select t*e label number in t*e area net to PRO$CT -M,"R.

  • 8/13/2019 Basics and Word Processing Workbook


    55. Clickon O+. Clickon -"# $OCM"-T. &ou 8ill see a page o, blan9 labels.

    53. Clickin t*e ,irst label. Ty)e your address.

    54. Presst*e TA,9ey 5 times to mo)e to t*e net label. Ty)eyour ,riends address.

    56. Type a ,e8 more addresses. Sa)e t*is document.

  • 8/13/2019 Basics and Word Processing Workbook


    5'. !o8 you 8ill print an address on an en)elope. Eo to t*e "-0"OP"S A-$ A,"S8indo8

    again. Clickon t*e "-0"OP"S tab.

    5. Ty)e t*e address you 8ant to send to in t*e ,ield mar9ed $"I0"R1 A$$R"SS.

    51. Ty)e your address in t*e ,ield mar9ed R"TR- A$$R"SS.

    5. Clickon OPTIO-S. Under Deli)ery $ddress Clickon !O-T. "n t*is 8indo8 you can ,ormat t*e

    deli)ery address. Clickon O+.

    37. Under %eturn $ddress Clickon !O-T. "n t*is 8indo8 you can ,ormat t*e return address. Clickon

    O+. ClickonO+ again.

    3+. ookat t*e picture o, t*e en)elope 8it* t*e arro8. T*is picture s*o8s you *o8 to put t*e en)elopein t*e printer.

    35. Tryputting t*e en)elope in t*e printer as t*e picture s*o8s. Ask your teacheri, you are correct.

    33. Clickon PRI-T. Check your work. Does t*e en)elope loo9 correct

    34. $s9 a teac*er to c*ec9 your 8or9. &our teac*er 8ill sign in t*is bo.

  • 8/13/2019 Basics and Word Processing Workbook


    36. !o8 you 8ill 8rite a letter and ma9e an en)elope to go 8it* t*e letter. O)ena ne8 Word document.

    3'. Ty)ea letter to a member o, your go)ernment Senator: %epresentati)e: (ayor: President: etc. Tell

    *im or *er about a problem youd li9e t*em to ,i.

    3. $s9 a teac*er to *elp you ,ind t*e address to send your letter. T*ey can ,ind t*e address on t*e"nternet.

    31. se what you ha'e learne&about en)elopes to ma9e an en)elope ,or t*is letter. W*en you are done

    D# !#T print.

    3. Clickon A$$ TO $OCM"-T.

    47. &ou 8ill see your en)elope and t*en t*e letter. !o8 e)ery time you 8ant to print t*is letter you canalso print an en)elope ,or it.

    4+. Sa'et*is document.

    45. $s9 a teac*er to c*ec9 your 8or9. &our teac*er 8ill sign in t*is bo.

    43. Printyour en)elope and letter.

  • 8/13/2019 Basics and Word Processing Workbook


    W&at is ,icroso2t Po'erPointF

    !%y !ould !ant to ,se


    *o"er*oint is a presentation sot"are pro#ram t%at ispart o t%e Microsot 9ice #roup o pro#rams.

    Many people %ae seen a *o"er*oint presentation eore ut donBt eenreali/e it. *o"er*oint presentations use pictures and tet to %elp illustrate"%at youBre talkin# aout. *o"er*oint is usually used "it% a proFector so t%at

    eeryone in t%e room can see your presentation at t%e same time.

    *o"er*oint is "idely used in usiness and classrooms and is an eectie tool"%en used or trainin# purposes. A *o"er*oint presentation is sometimescalled a slides%o". !%ile you are talkin#; a slides%o" #ies listenerssomet%in# to look at.

  • 8/13/2019 Basics and Word Processing Workbook


    ,icroso2t Po'erPoint E6ercise

    "n t*is eercise: you 8ill create a presentation about yoursel,. &ou 8ill s*o8 your

    presentation to t*e class.

    $s you type your in,ormation: t*in9 about 8*at you 8ill say 8*en you present. &ou shoul&-OTread eactly 8*at you *a)e typed. &ou shoul& type s*ort sentences or p*rases t*at you

    8ill tal9 about during your presentation.

    To start: ,ollo8 t*e step-by-step instructions.

    +. O)en MICROSO!T PO#"RPOI-T,rom t*e Start menu.

    SI$" >

    5. &ou 8ill see a blan9 ,irst slide. "t *as t8o tet boes. Click in t*e top bo and Ty)e your name.

    3. Clickin t*e bottom bo and Ty)ea title ,or yourpresentation. &ou are no8 ,inis*ed 8it* your ,irst slide.

    SI$" 5

    4. Clickon I-S"RT,rom t*e (enu bar.

    6. Click on -"# SI$",rom t*e dropdo8n menu.

    '. #n t*e rig*t side: place t*e mouse o)er eac* slide layout to

    see t*e name. Click on t*e slide TIT" an& 5 COM-T"8T.

  • 8/13/2019 Basics and Word Processing Workbook


    . &ou 8ill see a blan9 slide 8it* t*ree tet boes.

    1. Clickin t*e top bo and Ty)et*e 8ords(bo)t My *amily.

    . Clickin t*e bottom le,t tet bo and Ty)eany in,ormation about your ,amily t*at you 8ould li9e to

    include. Bet8een eac* piece o, in,ormation: Presst*e "-T"R9ey. W*en t*e le,t tet bo ,ills up:

    Clickin t*e rig*t tet bo and continue to type in,ormation about your ,amily.


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