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  • 8/8/2019 Basic Electricity 1


    STUDY COURSEfor Home Appliances





    Module 1LIT 787739 Rev. B




  • 8/8/2019 Basic Electricity 1


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    1989, 1993, 2000 WHIRLPOOL CORPORATION

    WHIRLPOOL CORPORATION does not assu me an y responsibilityor a ny liability in conn ection with t he u se of th is ma nu al.

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  • 8/8/2019 Basic Electricity 1



    The material presented in this module is intended to provide you with an understanding of the

    fun dam enta ls of electricity as a pplied t o major appliances.

    Major appliances ha ve become more sophisticat ed, tak ing th em out of th e screwdriver a nd pliers category.

    Their electrical circuits include several different types of automatic controls, switches, heaters, valves, etc..

    Semiconductors, solid-state controls, and other components usually associated with radio and television

    electr onic circuits, are being engineered int o automa tic washers, dryers, dishwa shers, a nd r efrigerators.

    The appliance technician is emerging into a professiona l stat us of his own. He must prepar e himself now

    to be able to perform his du ties today as well as t o retain h is professiona lism in th e futur e.

    No longer is on-the-job training sufficient to prepare technicians for the complicated procedures required

    for todays sophisticated appliances. This tra ining can best be obtained thr ough organized classroom st udy

    and application. However, much of the knowledge necessary to service todays appliances can be obtained

    thr ough stu dy cour ses. Completion of this a nd other courses will provide you with su fficient u nderst an ding of

    appliances and their operation to enable you to do minor service. It will also serve as a valuable stepping

    stone to m ore advan ced st udy a nd on-th e-job tr aining t o improve your ser vicing skills.

    Informa tion conta ined in t his module is used on WHIRLPOOL applian ces.


  • 8/8/2019 Basic Electricity 1




    CHAP TER 1 ..............................................................................................3Electical Wiring

    CHAP TER 2 ..............................................................................................8Alternating Current

    CHAP TER 3 ..............................................................................................9Direct Current

    *TEST ............................................................See Test Book LIT787743

    *NOTE: We recomm end ta k ing the TEST for MODULE 1, r igh t

    a fter s tud ying i t .


  • 8/8/2019 Basic Electricity 1




    Before we get sta rt ed in t his ba sic electricity course, lets simplify how electricity

    flows from your citys power source t o inside your home.

    Look at a road map and pick out a major highway from one location to another.

    This would be the same as electricity flowing from a power source to a step-up

    (increases voltage) transformer. Transformers are used to hold AC voltage over long


    Do you see sma ll roads you can tu rn onto, off the m ajor h ighway? This is like th e

    power lines going to differen t h omes.

    At the intersection of the small road and major highway, there is a step-down

    (decreases voltage) transformer. This transformer reduces the AC voltage to your


    Now pictu re yourself going down t he sm all road an d into th e city with a ll the city

    street s. These streets a re like wiring inside your home.

    All the st reets, roads, an d th e major highway ar e connected t ogether . This is like

    having electricity flowing from the power source to all the outlets in your home.

    But wha t if someth ing doesnt work? It could be a brea k in th e road (power line). In

    oth er words, say t here is a d rawbr idge (like a switch) over wat er. As you drive down

    the road (like electricity flows), a small sail boat decides to go under the drawbridge

    (switch). The dra wbridge (switch) opens, st opping th e flow of tra ffic (electr icity). In

    order for t he tr affic (electricity) to sta rt flowing aga in, th e dra wbridge (switch) ha s to

    be lowered.


  • 8/8/2019 Basic Electricity 1



    A circuit is a complete path for electricity to flow


    This is a n exa mple of a complete circuit. It is called a

    complet e or closed circuit, becaus e th e electr icity can

    flow all the way from point A to point B without


    This is not a complete circuit. There is a brea k in t he

    pat h where th e electricity (cur rent ) can flow.

    Sometimes a br eak in th e circuit is caused by design.

    For example, when we turn a switch to its OFF

    position, we cause a break in th e circuit.


    Sometimes a break is caused by accident, and then

    YOU ha ve to find out wh ere it is.

    When there is a break in t he circuit , we say that the

    circuit is OPEN. An OPE N circuit is one tha t cann ot

    operate because th ere is a break in th e path thr ough

    which t he curr ent m ight flow.

    A CLOSED circuit is one in wh ich t her e is a complet e

    pat h for th e electricity to follow.


    Circuits could have up to four kinds of components.

    There m ust be a power source and a condu ctor for a ny

    type of circuit.

    1. A Power Source might be a ba tter y, or it could be

    the electricity coming from the wall outlet.

    2. Condu ctors will usua lly be a wire, and even

    sometimes the metal chassis (frame) on which the

    component s are mount ed.

    3. Loads are th e components t hat do all the work.

    For example, motors turn the agitator in washing

    machines, move the hands on clocks, and turn fanblades. Other examples of loads would be resistors,

    solenoids, and light bulbs. A load is anything that

    uses up some of th e electr icity flowing thr ough the


    4. Contr ols ar e devices th at control the flow of

    electr icity to th e load s. A contr ol is usu ally some sort

    of switch th at is operat ed by the us er of th e appliance,

    or operat ed by th e applian ce itself.

    A B



    A B

    A B


    A B


    A B


  • 8/8/2019 Basic Electricity 1


    We will now cover t hr ee kind s of circuits .

    1. Ser ies ci rcui ts

    2. Paral lel ci rcui ts

    3. Series-par allel circuits (which are combinat ions of

    the first t wo kinds).


    In a series circuit, components ar e joined together in

    a chain or series.

    In a series circuit, there is only ONE path that

    electr icity can follow. If th ere is a br eak a nywh ere in

    the circuit, cur rent flow will be inter ru pted an d th e

    circuit will stop work ing.

    Exam ple: The circuit is a series circuit m ade u p of a

    strin g of six light bu lbs. This is how Christm as t ree

    lights used t o be wired.

    Here is th e same circuit with a br eak (OPEN) in it.

    Notice th at th e curren t can no longer flow from p oint

    A to point B, and so the entire circuit will not work.

    (That was th e trouble with wiring Christma s trees in

    series. If one bu lb burn ed out, ALL th e lights would

    go out becau se curr ent no longer could flow th rough

    an y part of the circuit.)

    When you look at wiring dia gra ms you will find ser ies

    circuits in all sorts of shapes. For example, on the

    circuits in th e next column tra ce th e path of cur rent

    flow from p oint A to point B.

    Notice that in each circuit there is only ONE path

    that the electricity can follow. There are no places

    where the current can bran ch into one path or a n-

    oth er. Whenever you look at a circuit t ha t h as only

    one path to follow, you are looking at a SERIES


    A B

    A B


    A B

    A B

    A B

    A B

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    Often you will find circuits in which there is more

    th an one pat h th at t he curren t can follow. As cur rent

    flows from point A to point B it comes t o a bra nch, like

    a fork in the r oad. When th is happens, the current

    will flow thr ough all the bran ches at th e same t ime.

    The amount of current that will flow through eachbranch depends on the resistances (loads) in the

    bran ch. The part s of a circuit wh ere curren t is flowing

    in two or m ore part s of th e circuit at t he sa me time is

    called a parallel circuit.

    In this circuit, you will notice that there are three

    pat hs, or bran ches, th rough which cur rent can flow at

    th e same t ime. This is a pa ra llel circuit.

    Look at this circuit and count the number of paths

    tha t current can flow at the sa me time. Three, right?

    The voltage is the same across all branches in this

    parallel circuit. This has the same effect as wiring

    each bra nch directly to th e volta ge source.

    Notice that like series circuits, the same parallel

    circuit can be drawn in ma ny different ways.

    A B

    A B

    A B

    A B

    A B

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    The series-parallel circuit is a combination of series

    circuits a nd par allel circuits.

    That par t of a circuit with in which ther e is only ONE

    pat h for curr ent is a series circuit.

    The part in which there is more than one path forcurr ent to follow is a pa ra llel circuit.

    The part where current flows thr ough both one branch

    and then through two or more branches is a series-

    parallel circuit.

    A B




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    An alternating current AC continually changes in

    potential-going from zero to maximum voltage and

    back to zero. In add ition, AC periodically reverses it s

    direction-from positive to negat ive. This is in contr ast

    to a direct current DC, which maintains a steady

    potential and flows in one direction only.

    This graph shows how the voltage of an AC genera tor

    chan ges. At point A the voltage is zero. Immedia tely

    afterward it has a small, positive value. This valueincreases unt il it is maximum a t B. A moment lat er

    the voltage, still positive, continues to drop steadily

    un til it reaches zero again at C. Below C the voltage

    becomes negative. Therefore, the voltage is shown

    below th e zero line from C t o E.

    Notice that the polarity does not reverse at B or D

    th ese merely are th e point s of maximu m positive or

    negative potential. The points of polar ity reversal ar e

    at A, C, and E .

    The complet e series of volta ge values, repr esent ed by

    th e curve from A to E, r epres ent s one complet e cycle.When t he curve is cont inued, th e cycle is repeated.

    The t ime n ecessary t o complete one full cycle is called

    a period.


    CHAP TER 2


    The n umber of cycles generat ed in one second deter-

    mines th e frequen cy of th e AC voltage. Th e electr icity

    supplied to most h omes is 60 hert z, which mean s the

    volta ge goes t hr ough 60 complet e cycles from zero to

    positive to zero to negative t o zero, in one second.

    AC current can be transmitted more economically

    over long dista nces tha n DC. This is one of th e great

    advan ta ges of AC. It is easily tra nsform ed to higher

    or lower voltages. This is a very desirable cha ra cter-

    istic for radio and television circuit applications.

    Man y types of motors a re designed for AC opera tion.

    Some AC motors operate without brushes, which

    elimina tes a comm on source of wear a nd some motor

    maintenance problems.

    Although AC does differ from DC in many ways,practically all the basic principles of electricity that

    app ly to DC also apply t o AC.

    0 0










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    An electric current is the motion of electrons. This

    motion is called a current flow. To enable these

    electr ons to flow and to confine them in a par ticularpath, an electrical circuit must be provided. (The

    word circuit mean s t o go aroun d.) A complete elec-

    trical circuit will provide a continuous p ath for th e

    pas sage of cur ren t (electr on flow).

    A practical electr ical circuit ha s a t least four pa rts: (1)

    a source of electromotive force (emj), (2) a set of

    cond uctors, (3) a load, a nd (4) a m ean s of cont rol.

    Electromotive force (measu red in volts) is defined a s

    th e force th at can m ove electrons. It can come from

    a cell or ba tter y, a DC or AC generator, an electr onic

    power su pply, or any equipment th at can provide a

    CHAP TER 3


    differen ce of electr ical pr essu re.

    Wires of many sizes can be used as conductors. The

    ter m conductor actua lly refers to an y mat erial wh ich

    offers low resista nce to current . Condu ctors m ay begood or poor; however, poor cond uctors will usu ally

    be referred to as resistors or as insulators, if the

    conductivity is very low. There are no sharp lines of

    distinction which separa te condu ctors, resistors, an d

    insulat ors. For insta nce, semiconductors fit into th e

    ar eas between condu ctors an d resistors, and between

    resistors and insulators.

    The load of an electrical circuit may be any device

    th at uses electr ical energy, such as a lamp, a bell or

    buzzer, a toaster, a radio, or a motor. The load is

    usually considered as being separate from the con-

    ductors tha t conn ect it to a curren t source.

    The curr ent flowing in a n electrical circuit is stopped

    or started by means of switches. Further control is

    provided by variable resistances, such as rheostats

    and potentiometers. Fuses, circuit breakers, or re-

    lays can be u sed as contr ols.

    Many common electrical abbreviations are listed in

    th e cha rt below.

    Coulomb C Unit of electrical quantity. The number of electrons which must pass a point in one second to producea current of one ampere. The quantity which will deposit .0000116 ounce of copper from one plate to

    the other in a copper sulfate solution.Ampere A or amp Unit of current. One coulomb flowing per second.Milliampere mA .001 ampere. (The prefix milli means one-thousandth.)Microampere A .000001 ampere. (The prefix micro means one-millionth.)Ohm ohm or Unit of resistance (R). Measure of the opposition offered to the flow of current. The resistance offered

    by a column of mercury 106.3 centimeters in length and 1 square millimeter in cross-sectional area, at32 degrees Fahrenheit or 0 degrees Celsius.

    Megohm M 1,000,000 ohms. (The prefix meg means million.)Microhm .000001 ohm. (The prefix micro means one-millionth.)Mho g Unit of conductance (g). Measure of the ease with which a conductor will permit current to flow. A

    mho is the reciprocal of an ohm.Volt V Unit of pressure difference (emf-electromotive force). Pressure required to force one ampere of current

    through a resistance of 1.Hertz Hz Frequency (one cycle per second.)Millivolt mV .001 volt. (The prefix milli means one-thousandth.)Microvolt V .000001 volt. (The prefix micro means one-millionth.)

    Kilovolt kV 1000 volts. (The prefix kilo means one-thousand.)Watt W Unit of power. One watt is equal to one ampere of current under the pressure of one volt. The

    formula for power is P = A X V.Milliwatt mW .001 watt. (The prefix milli means one-thousandth.)Kilowatt kW 1000 watts. (The prefix kilo means one-thousand.)Watt-hour Wh Unit of work. (Power X time.)Kilowatt-hour kWh 1000 watt-hours. (The prefix kilo means one-thousand.)Horsepower hp 746 watts. The power required to raise 550 lbs one foot in one sec.Farad F Unit of capacitance. Capacity of capacitors (condensers).Microfarad mfd or F .000001 farad. (The prefix micro means one-mil lionth.)Picofarad pF .000001 microfarad. (One-millionth of one-millionth of a farad.)Henry H Unit of inductance (L).Millihenry mH .001 henry. (The prefix milli means one-thousandth.)Microhenry H .000001 henry. (The prefix micro means one-millionth.)


    2 3





  • 8/8/2019 Basic Electricity 1


    Now before we continue on with our study of basic

    electricity, lets ta ke a look at the laws an d formu las.

    ... To aid you down the pat h to easier under sta nding

    of th e laws an d formu las used in th e stu dy of Basic

    Electricity, we will use the common name for the

    term an d an a ppropriate initial. I know this isnt th e

    way you would see these formu las in a ph ysics class

    or an electrical engineering class, but in the real

    world a volt is a volt an d sh ould be indicated by a V

    in a formula not by an E for electromotive force.


    The law which governs m ost electr ical ph enomena is

    known as Oh ms law. It is the most importan t law in

    electricity. In 1827, a German physicist, Dr. Georg

    Simon Ohm (1787-1854), introduced the law whichbears his name. His many years of experimenting

    with electricity brought out the fact that the a mount

    of current which flowed in a circuit was directly

    proport iona l to the applied voltage. In other words,

    when the voltage increases, the current increases;

    when t he voltage decreases, th e cur rent decreases.

    If the voltage is held constan t, th e current will cha nge

    as the resistance changes, but now in the opposite

    direction. The cur rent will decrease a s th e resistan ce

    increases, and then will increase as the resistance


    Ohm s law st at es: The cur ren t wh ich flows in a circuit

    is directly proportional to the applied voltage and

    inversely proportiona l to th e resista nce.

    There a re t hr ee form ulas concerning Ohm s law a s

    shown in th e mem ory circle.

    Remember t hat a load is anything tha t u ses up some

    of th e electr icity flowing t hr ough a circuit. A thin g to

    remember also is, ELECTRICITY FOLLOWS THE

    PATH OF LE AST RESISTANCE. In oth er words, it

    is th e potent ial differen ce from one side of th e load t o

    the other side th at forces curr ent to flow in a circuit.

    Think about this, when was the last t ime you h eard

    someone say my house is wired for 120 volts of

    electromotive force. Okay, if we are going to say

    volts lets u se a V for volt s in our form ula s. Let s

    also us e R for r esista nce a nd A for am ps.

    I hope this will help clear up some of the confusion

    caused by unfamiliar initials in the formulas. The

    cross reference chart shown below can be u sed as a

    reference to terms; however, the int ent is t o keep the

    formulas so under sta nda ble you wont ha ve to refer

    back t o the chart.



    Amperage Amperes (Amps) I A for ampsCurrent Amperes (Amps) I A for amps

    Resistance Ohms or R R for resistanceVoltage Volts V or E V for volts

    Electromotive Force Volts V or E V for volts




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    Lets look a t a problem from t he p ersp ective of Ohms

    law. First we need to understand the three factors

    used in O hm s law:

    1. Voltage is the difference in potent ial between two

    point s or th e difference in sta tic cha nges between t wo

    points, voltage does not flow or do any work in a

    circuit, it is simply a potential. The fundam enta l law

    to find voltage is stated:

    The pressure in volts is equal to the current in

    amperes multiplied by the resistance in ohms. The

    equat ion is:

    V (volts) = A (amps) X R (resistance)

    2. Cur ren t is the flow of electr ons from a nega tive to

    a positive potential. Without a difference in potential,

    current will not flow. Curr ent is t he factor t ha t doesthe work in the circuit (light the light, ring the

    buzzer). The fundamental law to find current is


    The current in amperes is equal to the pressure in

    volts divided by the r esistance in ohms. Th e equa tion

    is :

    3. Resista nce is the opposition to curr ent flow or th e

    load. Curr ent t hr ough the resistor causes work t o be

    done. The fundamental law to find resistance is


    The resistance in ohms is equal to the pressure in

    volts divided by the curr ent in amp eres. The equat ion

    is :

    Remember th at current is what does the work and it

    only flows when there is a difference in potential.

    In t his series circuit th ere is a difference in potential

    between the positive and negative terminals of the

    bat ter y of 20 volts DC.

    Ther efore, curr ent will tr y to flow from th e negat ive

    terminal to the positive terminal. There will be a

    difference of potential across the resistor. The cur-

    rent th rough th e resistor will be:

    Usin g Ohm s law:

    If we open t he switch, th e current in th e circuit goes

    to zero becau se th ere is no pa th for curr ent to flow.

    When we close th e switch, curr ent will aga in flow in

    the circuit. There will be no voltage drop across the

    switch because t here is n o resistance.

    Now lets look a t h ow cur ren t flows in a par allelcircuit.

    In t his case, the total resistan ce in th e para llel circuit

    is figured using t he formu la:

    A (am ps) =V (volts)

    R (resistan ce)

    R (resistance) =V (volts)

    A (amps)

    A =V

    R= 1 amp



    = RT or20 X 20

    20 + 20= 10 ohm s



    R1 X R2

    R1 + R2


    A B







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    A =V

    R3 + RT= 1 amp


    10 + 10=

    The pa ra llel portion of th e circuit is equa l to 10 ohms.

    The total curr ent in the circuit is equal to:

    The voltage drop across the parallel portion of the

    circuit will be:

    V = A X RT = 1 a mp X 10 ohm s = 10 volts

    But an int eresting thing happens Aen current r eaches

    the parallel portion of the network. It now has two

    differen t wa ys to go so it splits u p. To find t he cur ren t

    in each leg, use Ohm's law:

    Now lets chan ge the va lues of th e resist ors.

    In t his case, the total resista nce in t he pa ra llel circuit

    is figur ed using t he formu la:

    The pa ra llel portion of th e circuit is equa l to 10 ohm s.

    The total curren t in t he circuit is equal to:

    The voltage drop across the parallel portion of the

    circuit will be:

    V = A X RT = 1 a mp X 10 ohm s = 10 volts

    But an interesting thing happens when current

    reaches the parallel portion of the network. It now

    ha s two different ways to go, so it splits u p. Inst ead of

    the .5 amp in each leg as before, we now get:

    This shows that more current flows in the leg with

    the least r esistance. Therefore, it seems th at curr ent

    tak es the pat h of least resistan ce.

    Lets look at what ha ppens wh en t he r esistance of oneof th e pa ra llel legs is zero.

    In t his case, the total resistan ce in th e para llel circuit

    is figured using t he formu la:

    A =V

    R1= .5 am p (Leg 1 or R1)



    A =V

    R2= .5 am p (Leg 2 or R2)



    = RT or30 X 15

    30 + 15= 10 ohms



    R1 X R2

    R1 + R2

    A =V

    R3 + RT= 1 amp


    10 + 10=

    A =V

    R1= .33 am p (Leg 1 or R1)



    A =V

    R2= .66 am p (Leg 2 or R2)



    = RT or20 X 0

    20 + 0= 0 ohm s



    R1 X R2

    R1 + R2









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    The total curren t in t he circuit is equal to:

    The voltage drop across the parallel leg 1 or R1 willbe :

    V = A X RT = 2 a mps X 0 ohm s = 0 volts

    Therefore, the current flow through leg 1 or R1 will

    be :

    With no curren t flow th rough t his leg, no work will be

    done. Tha t is, th e light wont light or t he bu zzer wont



    Current is measured in amperes. The term ampere

    refers to the number of electrons passing a given

    point in one second. This number is unbelievably

    lar ge. If one could count th e individua l electr ons, he

    would see app roximat ely 6,280 quadr illion electrons

    go by during the one second that one ampere was


    This number of electrons, 6,280 quadrillion, is a

    coulomb. This is a measurement of quantity (like

    saying there are eight pints in a gallon of water).

    When the electrons are moving, there is current.

    Current can be measured in amperes, which is a

    measurement of quantity multiplied by time. this

    would be similar to saying th at we could fill so man y

    gallon buckets with wat er at t he ra te of so ma ny pints

    per minute.

    One ampere is equal to one coulomb per second. An

    instrument called an ammeterwill mea sur e electronflow in coulombs per second. The ammeter is cali-

    brated in amperes, which we always use instead of

    coulombs per second when speaking of the a mount of


    The schematic shows an ammeter connected in a

    circuit to measure the current in amperes.


    Electromotive force is measu red in volts. This is th e

    amount of pressure difference between points in a

    circuit. It is this pressure or difference of potentialtha t forces curren t t o flow in a circuit. For examp le,

    suppose we ha ve two aut omobile tires, one inflated to

    a pressu re of 30 poun ds per squa re inch, the other to

    a pr essure of 10 pounds per squar e inch. If we conn ect

    a hose to the valves of the tires, the difference in

    pressur e will send air from th e 30-psi tire to th e 10-

    psi tire. Air will continu e to flow un til th e pressu re is

    the sam e in both tires.

    One volt (potent ial differen ce) is requ ired t o force one

    ampere of current through one ohm of resistance.

    This is similar to a water pum p tha t forces wat er to

    flow through a pipe. The water pump can be com-pared to the potential difference. The number of

    pounds of pressure produced by the water pump

    corresponds to the number of volts produced by a

    current source. The action of the pump pushing a

    nu mber of gallons of water per second past a certa in

    point in a water system could be compared to the

    action of a curr ent sour ce which sen ds a n um ber of

    amperes of current. A valve in the pipe offers a

    resistan ce to the flow of water ; the a mount of resis-

    tance offered is comparable to the ohm. Keep this

    water pu mp an alogy and th e road map ana logy in

    mind a s you st udy electricity. It will help you t o bett er

    understand the action of the Big Threevoltage,amper age, and r esistance in an electrical circuit.

    A =V

    R3 + RT= 2 amps


    10 + 0=

    A =V

    R 1= 0 amps





  • 8/8/2019 Basic Electricity 1


    An inst ru ment t ha t will measur e voltage is known as

    a voltmeter.

    The schematic shows a voltmeter connected in the

    circuit to measure the voltage. Voltmeter No. 1 is

    connected to read the applied or source voltage.

    Voltmeter No. 2 is connected to measu re t he voltage

    drop, or potent ial differen ce, across R2.


    Resistance is measur ed in ohms. Resista nce opposes

    th e flow of electrons (current ). So then the amoun t of

    opposition to the flow is stated in ohms.

    If a glass tu be 106.3 centimet ers (approxima tely 41

    inches) in length and one square millimeter in a

    crosssectional ar ea is filled with m ercury an d ma in-

    tained at zero degrees Celsius (32 degrees Fahren-

    heit ), th e tu be will offer a resist an ce of one ohm . This

    is the stan dard by which t he ohm is determined.

    An instru ment t hat will measure ohms is known as

    an ohmm eter.

    The schemat ic shows an ohmm eter conn ected to read

    th e resistan ce of R1. The resistan ce of any ma terial

    depends on the type, size, and temperature of the

    material. Even the best conductor will offer some

    opposition t o th e flow of electr ons.



    R2#1 #2





  • 8/8/2019 Basic Electricity 1



  • 8/8/2019 Basic Electricity 1



  • 8/8/2019 Basic Electricity 1



  • 8/8/2019 Basic Electricity 1



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