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    revile swear at, abuse; slander; vilify Chi ra, mng nhic, s v; re(=back) +vi=cheap)syllogism a formal argument with a major and minor premise and a conclusion; logical formula utilizing a major premise, a minor premise and a concphp tam oan lun , s suy lun, s suy dinrampart defensive mound of earth Thnh lu, s phng th; phng th bng thnh lu.cursory quick; hurried; done without attention to details; casual; hastily done

    nhanh u ongeuphemism use of other mild, vague and indirect words or phrases in placeof what is required by truth or accuracy; mild expression in place of an unpleasant one li ni tri , uyn ngwhimsical capricious; fanciful; quaint bt thng, hay thay i; k qui, k dallegory story in which characters are used as symbols; fable 1. Li ni bng, truyn ng ngn, phng d. 2. Biu tngtermagant shrew; scolding, brawling woman ngi an ba lm iu, ngi an ba lng lanagram word made by changing the order of the letters in another word Php o ch ci ra t khcflippant having a light, pert, trifling disposition thiu nghim trang,khim nh; hn lo

    metamorphose change completely the nature of something Thay i hinh dng ho

    c bcht; bin hinh; bin hoanalogous similar or parallel; comparable Tng t, ging nhausuffuse spread over tran ra, lan ra, lam t mhomeostasis tendency of a system to maintain relative stabilitycataclysm sudden and violent change; deluge; upheaval i hng thu, bin c ain ng lnchauvinist blindly devoted patriot ngi theo ch ngha s-vanhobviate get rid of; clear away; prevent by effective measures; make unnecessary;hedonism belief that pleasure is the chief good; belief that pleasure isthe sole aim in life ch ngha khoi lcautonomous self-governing; free t trredolent having a strong smell; reminiscent; fragrant; odorous; suggestiv

    e of an odor Sc mi, thm phc; gi nh li; red

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    haggard wasted away; gaunt hc hc, ph phcsojourn temporary stay S tm trplacid peaceful; calm (a) yn lng, binh yn, khng bi khuy ng (cnh vt); im tnhpellucid transparent; limpid; easy to understand trong sut, r rng, minh bchintractable unruly or stubborn; not easily controlled or dealt with; unruly;refractoryconnoisseur person with good judgement on matters in which taste is needed;

    expert; person competent to act as a judge of art, etc; a lover of an artngi snh iu, snh sidiversion act of turning aside; pastime s lam trch i; s trch i; (qun s) chthut nghi binh; s lam lng tr; s gii tr, tro tiu khinscapegoat someone who bears the blame for others anh chng d u chu bngdisarray a disorderly or untidy state N: s ln xn, s xo trn; V: lam ln xngerminate cause to sprout; sprout bt u mc, ny mmtrenchant sharp; keen, penetrating, incisive; clear-cut, distinct; cutting; keen sc bn, anh thp, manh mquiescent at rest; dormant im lim, yn lng, thu ng, khng hoat ngrespite time of relief or rest from toil, suffering, anything unpleasant; ; reprieve; delay in punishment; interval of relief; rest S hon thi hnh; thi gian ngh n

    gi, gii lao; re(=back, away) +spi(=look)effluvium noxious smell Kh xng ln, mi thi, x khdenigrate blacken ph bng gim pha, bi nhcorroborate give support or certainty to a statement, belief, theory, etc.;confirm ng hcollaborate work in partnership, especially in literature and art; work treasonably especially with enemy forces occupying one's country; work togethercng tcalloy a mixture as of metals 1-n. Hp kim, cht hn hp.2- v. Nu thnh hp kim, trn va tp, lm gim gi tr ienfranchise to admit to the rights of citizenship(especially the right to vote) ban cho quyn b phiu; tr t do, gii phngderivative unoriginal; derived from another source s rt c thu c, sn phm ph

    edify instruct; correct morally khai tri, soi sng (ngha bng)fidelity faithful devotion to duty or to one's obligations or vows, loyalty, faithfulness; accuracy, exactness lng trung thnh; s ng n, trung thcdeference the act of obeying the judgement or opinion of another; great respect; courteous regard for another's wish tn trng tn knhperemptory not to be disobeyed or questioned; dogmatic; insisting upon obedience; imperious; demanding and leaving no choicedefunct dead; extinct; dead; no longer in use or existence tit chng, bin mtexemplary serving as an example or a warning; serving as a model; outstanding gng mu, mu mc; lm gng, cnh cointrinsically essentially; inherently; naturally; intrinsicvolition the act of exercising one's will, the power of willing; act of m

    aking a conscious choice mun, s mong mun, chdisabuse free someone from false ideas and mistakes; correct a false impression; undeceiveequivocate use vague expressions; lie; mislead; attempt to conceal the truth ni lp l , ni nc ilibertine debauched person; roue ngi phng ng, ngi try lc, ngi dm ngsubstantive essential; pertaining to the substance trong yu, thc s, tn tai c llevity tendnecy to treat serious matters without respect; lack of seriousness;lightness tnh coi nh, tnh khinh sut, tnh khinh bc, tnh nh dsporadic occurring irregularly khng thng xuyn, ri rcanonymous without a name, or with a name that is not made known; having noname Nc danh, giu tn, n danhdoggerel poor verse th d, th ti; adj: d, ti

    acquiesce give consent silently; assent; agree passively Bng lng, ng thun, mchninfer reach an opinion from facts or reasoning; deduce; conclude Suy lun,

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    hm exposition an exhibition of art, industrial products,etc; explaining something in detail s ph by, trin lm, s trnh by, gii thch, m tlucid clear; lucent; bright; easily understood sng sa, minh bch, r rng, trong sng, d hiu, sng sut, minh mnofficious very fond of giving unwelcome services or advice; meddlesome; excessively trying to please n cm nh, vc t v hng tng

    prerogative a right or previlege that belongs to a person, class, etc. according to rank or position; privilege; unquestionable right (n) quyn; c quyn; (a) quyn; c c quyn, c hng c quynappease quiet an angry person, etc.; satisfy in appetite; yield to the demands of someone; pacify; soothe 1. Khuyn gii, an i, d dnh, lm khuy, lm du, lm ngnguyn tcimpair damage; make worse or less, weaker; worsen; diminish in value Lm suy yu,lm st km,lm h hngcatharsis outlet for strong emotion; emptying of the bowels; purging or cleansing of any passage of the body s ty nh, s hi hp phn chnarrogate claim or seize without right; attribute unjustly; claim withoutreasonable grounds i ci g khng phi ca mnh, vu cho ai

    arbiter a person with power to decide a dispute; judge ngi phn x, quan to, thm phnimplacable that cannot be appeased; relentless; incapable of being pacifiedKhng th lm ngui c, khng th lm mi lngemulate rival; imitate ua tranh, cnh tranhembellish make beautiful; decorate; make a story, etc. more interesting; adorn Lm p, trang im, t son im phn; thm thtlevee earthen or stone embankment to prevent flooding bui chiu i, m khch, con ,riveting capable of arousing and holding the attention Thu ht s ch .rant rave; speak bombastically Ni hunh hoang, cng iu; li ni hunh hoang;xung.consensus general agreement of opinion, feeling, etc.; collective opinion ng , nht trconsecrate make sacred; devote something to a special purpose; dedicate; sa

    nctify th cng , thnh hoquaff drink with relish (s) ung tng hi dai; s nc can mt hi; (mt) hi (rsaunter stroll slowly i tn b ,i mt cch nhn nhpathological pertaining to disease bnh hongloat express evil satisfaction; view malevolently nhn hau hu, nhn h h thm munconverge come towards each other and meet at a point; come togetherhi t, ng quy, t tpvociferous noisy,yelling; clamorous om sm, to ting, m ; mt mc khng khnparadox statement that seems to say something opposite to common sense or the truth, but which may contain a truth; statement that looks false but is actually correct nghch l, ngc iwelter wallow; turmoil; bewildering jumble n nng, ngi, vt to ln; m, m h

    g mnh vo, m mnh trongaudacious daring; bold to boazure sky blue xanh da triegress exit S ra; quyn ra vo; con ngextrapolation projection; conjecture php ngoi suyadversary opponent; enemy K ch, k th, i phng, i thapprehensive fearful about something that might happen; quick to understand;perceptive; fearful; discerning lo s, s hidiscerning mentally quick and observant; having insight nhn thc r, thy r; susng sutcharlatan quack; pretender to knowledge k lang bm, bp bmindubitably beyond a doubt R rng, s s, khng nghi ng cpallid pale; wan xanh xao, vng vt

    malign speak evil of; defame Ajd: c c, thm him; (y hoc) c tnh; V: ni xu, ph baesthetic artistic; dealing with or capable off appreciation of the beautiful 1. Thuc v thm m, m hc. 2. C gu thm m, c c thm m

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    boorish of or like a boor; rude; clownish cc mch, th l, qu marescind repeal, annul, or cancel a law, contract, etc. Bi b, hu b (hp ng); re(=bacway) +scind(=cut)exhume dig out of the ground; remove from a grave o ln , khai qutcompliant ready or disposed to comply; yielding hay chiu theo ngi khc, sn stun theoliaison connection, linkage between two separate groups; illicit sexual relation

    ship; officer who acts as go-between for two armies lin lc, quan h bt chnh (nam n, s ni vnaxiom self-evident truth requiring no proof chn lplumb checking perpendicularity; vertical (a) thng ng, ngay; (ngha bng) hoan to, ch thtitinerary plan of a trip k hoch v mt cuc hnh trnh, ghi chp v mt cuc hnhinchoate recently begun; rudimentary; elementary Va bt u, cn phi thaiinculcate impress upon the mind by frequent repetition or persistent urging; teach Ghi nh, khc su vo, in sutether tie with a rope buc, ct bng dydilapidated falling to pieces; ruined; shabby; ruined because of neglect nt, xiu veo, op ep (nha); st cang gy gong ( ac); xc x (qun o...) bi phung ph (ca

    g (n m

    c)malediction curse; prayer to God that someone or somthing may be destroyed,hurt, etc li chi ra, li nguyn ra, li chi biresigned unresisting; patiently submissive Cam chu, nhn nhcindomitable unyielding; that cannot be subdued or conquered; unconquerableBt khut, khng khut phc cquirk startling twist; caprice thoi quen, tt; s tinh c; li giu ct; li thong, nt ch kiu cch; nt v kiu cch; (kin trc) ng xoijudicious showing or having good sense; wise; determined by sound judgmentt ra hoc c u c sng sut, ng ndebase make lower or poorer in value, quality, character, etc.; reduce to lowerstate lm gim s lng, cht lngdint means; effort vt on, vt nh, vt hn p, vt ln ni, c nh by dint of...

    ci gi)contravene go against a law, a custom, etc.; attack a statement, a principle, etc.; contradict; infringe onhypothetical having the nature of a hypothesis or a based on hypothesis; based on assumptions or hypotheses c tnh cht gi thuytingenuous frank; open; innocent; natural; naive; young; unsophisticatedChn tht, ngy threciprocate give and recieve, each to and from each; cause to move backwardsand forwards in a straight line; repay in kind Trao i ln nhau, n p li, chuyn n(=back) + ci (=s.e.) + pro(=forward) + c (=s.e.) + ate (=make)ignominious bringing contempt, disgrace, shame; dishonorable; disgracefulxu xa, tin, ng khinh, nhc

    prodigious enormous; surprisingly great; beyond what is ordinary; wonderful; marvelous; enormous phi thng, ky la; to ln, smacerate waste away Thm t; tm t; ngm t; Lam cho mm, lam cho kit qunemesis revenging agent S bo ng, s bo onveneer thin layer; cover tm trang tr, lp mt b bao ngoi; m ngoi, v ngoi; smotility ability to move spontaneously Co th vn ng; di ngmagnanimous having generosity; generous Hao hip, cao thnginterdict prohibit; forbid lnh cm, cm, khai tr(tn gio)recumbent lying down; idle; reclining; lying down completely or in partNm; nm nghing; re(=back) +cumb(=lie)capitulate surrender on stated condition u hng (c iu kin)vigilance watchfulness, keeping watch (s) cnh gic, thn trng, phngconsequential pompous; self-important

    ductility malleability; flexibility; ability to be drawn out tinh mm, tnh d un, tnh d ko si (kim loai), tnh d un nn, tnh d boaccolade bestowed of a knighthood by a tap on the shoulder with the flat

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    of a sword; praise; approval; award of merit 1. S m hn, s g nh sng gm ln vaitc. 2. Du gp trong m nhcexpedient an expedient thing; likely to be useful or helpful for a purpose; advantageous though contrary to principle; auitable; practical; politicc li , thit thc, thch hp; mu k, th on , cchcynic one who is skeptical or distrustful of human motives ngi hay hoi nghi, hay tr chch cay c

    enigma puzzle iu b nantagonism active resistance 1. S phn i, phn khng, i lp. 2. Nguyn tcdauntless bold dng cm, kin cngblandishment flattery nnh b, tn tnhintrepid fearless; boldeffigy representation of a person in wood, stone, etc.; dummy Hnh, hnh ni; hinh v, hinh nmbereft deprived; deprived of; lacking b tc, mtdecry disparage lm gim gi tr, ch bai gim phasaturnine gloomy Trm ngm ,Lm lprecipitate throw headlong; hasten; headlong; rash (a) hp tp; thiu suy ngh; (vt)lao xung, nm xung, lam gp, thc giuc, (ho hoc) kt ta; (vt l) lam ngng tu

    dogmatic positive; arbitrarydemur delay; object ngn ngi do d, phn irationalize reason; justify an improper act Hp l ho; gii thch cho hp vi l phitemerity boldness; rashness s to bao, s liu lnhadulterate make something poorer in quality by adding something improper; make impure by mixing with baser substances 1. Pha trn. 2. Lm gi mocompatible in accord with; able to live together in harmony; suited to; harmonious; in harmony with hp nhau, tng thchrecluse person who lives alone and avoids other people; shut away from the world; hermit Ngi sng n dt, xa lnh x hi; re(=back) +clus(=shut)palliate ease pain; make less guilty of offensive lm du ni au hay s phgdeterrent something that discourages; hindrance ngn cn,lm nn tr nht tr

    recalcitrant obstinately stubborn Hay ci li, chng li; cng u, ngoan c.obsequious too eager to obey or advantage; showing excessive respect from hope of reward or advantage; slavishly attentive; servile; sycophanticcognizance knowledge s nhn thc, s hiu bit; thm quyndiatribe bitter scolding; invectiveconundrum riddle; difficult problem cu cu hi hc batepid lukewarm m, m msedentary done sitting down at a desk, etc.; spending much of thier time seated; requiring sitting Ngi yn mt chmentor teacher Ngi thy thng thi, ngi c vn day kinh nghimeclectic selecting from various systems, doctrines, or sources; composedof material gathered from various sources, systems, etc.; a person who uses ecle

    ctic methods in philosophy, science, or art; selective; composed of elements drawn from disparate sources chit trungcoagulate thicken; congeal; clot lm ng livolatile evaporating rapidly; lighthearted; mercurial d bay hi; ko kin nh,hay thay i; nh d; ko n nhebullient bubbling, boiling; overflowing with enthusiaism,high spirits, etc.; exuberant; showing excitement; overflowing with enthusiasm si, ang si; si ni, hprobity uprightness of character, integrity, sincerity; uprightness; incorruptibility (n) tinh trung thc, tnh lim khit, ng tin cypundit learned Hindu; any learned man; authority on a subject nha hoc gi Hindu (n-); (ngha M) nha hoc gi uyn thm; nha ph binh, nha binh lunallocate assign 1. Cp cho, ch nh dng vo vic g. 2. Phn phi, phn pht, chgrovel crawl or creep on gound; remain prostrate nm phc xung t, b m

    hiatus gap; pause ch gin on, ch ntprecursor harbringer; forerunner; sign; a predecessor as in office(n) ngi (vt) n bo trc, im bo trc; tin thn

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    ostensible put forward in an attempt to hide the real reason; apparent; pretended; apparent; professed; pretended ra v(du s tht)extol praise highly; praise; glorify tn dng , ca tngignoble of low character; mean; of low birth; of lowly origin; unworthy tin, ti tin, a v hn mnimpromptu improvisation; an promptu speech,performance,etc.; without preparation or advance thought; without previous preparation ng khu, bi ni ng khu, khng

    b trcprecocious having developed certain faculties earlier than is normal; developed ahead of time (a) sm ra hoa, sm kt qu (cy); (ni v a b) sm pht trinimpasse blind alley; place or position from which there is no way out; deadlock;predicament from which there is no escape Ng ct, th b tc, khng li thoteffrontery impudence; shameless boldness Mt dy my dn; tnh v lim sindigenous native or beloning naturally Bn xinfamous disgraceful; having a bad reputation; wicked; notoriously bad nhc, b iprotocol first ro original draft of an agreement, signed by these makingit; code of behavior, etiquette as practiced on diplomatic occasions; diplomaticetiquette nghi thc ngoai giao; l tn; bn d tho u tin hoc nguyn gc ca mt

    htransgression violation of a law; sin s vt qua (gii han), s vi pham (php lut...)wane grow gradually smaller suy yu, tn t, mt dn i quyn lc hay tm quan trngmendicant beggar n xin; n may; hanh kht; k n xin; k n may; k hanh khticonoclastic attacking cherished traditions (thuc) bi tr thnh tngimmaculate pure; faultless; without a spot or stain; perfectly clean; rightin every detail; pure; spotless tinh khit, trong trngaberrant abnormal or deviant 1. Lm lc. 2. Khc thngproblematic perplexing; unsettled; questionable kho gii quyt, kh hiupermeable porous; allowing passage through c th thm thumite very small object or creature; small coin Phn nh; Vt nh bmalleable capable of being shaped by poundingvoracious devouring or eager to devour large puantities of food; very gree

    dy or eager in some desire or persuit; insatiable; ravenous tham n, phm n; ngu nghin; khao kht, rt ho hcexotic introduced from another country; foreign or unusual style; striking or pleasing because colorful or unusual; not native; strange nc ngoi a vo, ngo; k l , k ccstigmatize describe somebody scornfully; brand; mark as wicked lm ni r tnhcch xu ,bu xuabjure renounce upon oath 1. Tuyn b t b, t nguyn b. 2. Rt lui ( kin, li hkith familiar friends bn b, ngi quen bitantiseptic chemical substance preventing infection; preventing infection; substance that prevents infection N-adj: Kh trngapostate one who abandons his faith; one who abandons his religious faith

    or political beliefs K b o, bi gio, b nginarticulate speechless; producing indistinct speech Khng c ti n ni, , khng nberate scold sharply; scold strongly la mngbeseech ask earnestly or urgently cu xin, cu khn, van xinoaf stupid, awkward person a b ngu ngc; ngi n n va vung vcomport bear one's self; behave x sconjure summon a devil; practice magic; inagine; invent tr o thut, gi hncalumny malicious misrepresentation; slander li vu khngpedagogue teacher; dull and formal teacher nh s phm, m phmpittance a small allowance or wage (n) tin thu lao com, tin thu lao r ma,s lng nhsuppliant entreating; beseeching nn ni, van xin, khn khondevoid completely without; lacking khng co, trng rng

    alacrity cheerful promptness S st sng, nhanh nhu, hot btmundane worldly; dull, ordinary; worldly as opposed to spiritualbroach open up bt u

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    captious finding fault or making protests especially about unimportant points; faultfinding xo tr, ngy bin; hay xoi mi, hay bt bthwart baffle; frustrate can tr, ngn tr, ph ngang, lam tr ngaideign condescend hh cmisanthropy hatred of mankindtroth pledge of good faith especially in betrothal long trung thanh; s trung thcpenchant strong inclination; liking thin hng

    ornate richly ornamented; full of flowery language; not simple in style or vocabulary; excessively decorated; highly decorated trang sc lng ly, cng phuincorrigible that cannt be corrected, improved, or reformed beacause firmly established as a bad habit; uncorrectable Khng th sa cempirical relying on observation and experiment, not on theory; relying orbased on practical experience; based on experience theo kinh nghim, da vo kinhnghimdubious doubtful l m, m h, thiu minh bach; khng chc chnawry distorted; crooked mo, xin, lch, hng, khng nh mununwonted unaccustomed ko thng thng, ko quen, him thy; bt thnginveigh denounce; utter censure or invective cng kch, kch, phn khng kch litlecherous impure in thought and act; lustful; unchaste phng ng, dm ng

    fatuous foolish; inane ngu ngc, n nglib fluent lm lnh, lin thong, trnsagacious keen; shrewd; having insight thng minh ,sc soguileless without deceit ngy th, chn thtnotorious widly known for something bad; outstandingly bad; unfavorably known Ai cung bit vi mt hanh ng hoc tnh cch xu nao ; kht ting; c ting xudetraction slandering; aspersion s ly i, s khu i; s lam gim uy tn, s lam, s giem pha, s ni xusuave smooth; bland ngt ngo; kho lo, tinh t ((thng) ni v n ng)amiable good-tempered; kind-hearted; easy and pleasant to talk to; agreeable; lovable T t, tt bng, nh nhn, d thngjaded fatigued; surfeited mt mi, mt r ri, kit sc, phi lm vic qu sc, chndeposition testimony under oath lng ng, li khai, chng thc

    vehement impetuous; with marked vigor mnh lit, kch lit, d di; say mindolence laziness S li bingstint supply; allotted amount; assigned portion of work h tin ,hn chgullible easily deeived kh di, c tinpalatial magnificent nguy nga, trng l, nh lu irecondite abstruse; profound; secret Kh hiu, ti ngha, b him.rote repetition Kiu hc vtaloof remote in manner; apart; reserved adj-adv- xa, tch xa, cch bitribald wanton; profane Hi hc 1 cch th tc.skulk move furtively and secretly Ln trnh, ln trncorrelation mutual relationship mi tng, quan tng hfluency smoothness of speech s ni lu lot; vit tri chy

    humility humbleness of spirit s khim tn, nhng nhngadulation flattery; admiration S nnh ht, b abstruse deep in meaning; difficult to understand; obscure; profound; difficult to understand 1. Kh hiu. 2. Thm thu, su sceschew avoid trnh, king cfacilitate make less difficult lm cho d dng, thun tinlucrative profitable c li, sinh lipseudonym name taken, especially by author, instead of his real name; penname (Cach vit khc: nom de plume) bit hiu, bt danhmnemonic pertaining to memory (thuc) tr nh; gip tr nhhirsute hairy rm lngmendacious lying; falsedroll queer and amusing khi hai, bun ci, nh tro h; ky cuc, ky quc, anh h;

    rabid like a fanatic; furious Hung d, b bnh di, inadamant hard; inflexible 1. adj-cng rn, st . 2. n-Ci cng nh , k cngminion a servile dependent Ke b ; thuc ha; tay sai

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    reverie daydream; musing S m mng, m mngimbroglio a complicated situation; perplexity; entanglement tnh trng hnn, rc ricensure blame; criticize ph bnh, ch trch, khin trchparry ward off a blow ming , ming gt, ng tc , gtperdition damnation; complete ruin kip trm lun, s dit vongbrindled tawny or grayish with streaks or spots vt nu m

    endue provide with some quality; endow mc (o, qun); ph cho (ai/ c tnh)exculpate clear from blame gii ti, bo cha, tuyn b v tifelicitous apt; suitably expressed; well chosen rt thch hp, kho lo; may mnimmune exempt c min (thu), min dcheuphoria sense of well-being; elation; feeling of exaggerated (or unfounded) well-beinggoad urge on kch thch, thc gicimpale pierce m qua, xin qua, lm cht ng,lm ngy ngi, ro bng ccindefatigable tireless Khng bit mtmeticulous excessively carefuldilettante aimless follower of the arts; amateur; dabbler ngi ham m ngh thut tchi tai t, ngi khng chuyn su; (a)tai t

    mercurial fickle; changing Hay thay i, khng kin i

    nh, ng bnganomalous abnormal; irregular Bt thng, d thng, khng quy tcconclave private meeting bui hp knprogeny children; offspring con cai; dong di, con chu; (ngha bng) kt quabstemious not eating and drinking too much; frugal; temperate; sparing indringk, etc. 1. Tit ch, c iu . 2. S si, m bcprofligate profligate person; shamelessly immoral; reckless, extravagant; dissipated; wasteful; licentious (a) phng ng, trc tng; hoang toang, ngng cung;(n) kng ng, k trc tngnefarious very wicked Hung ac; Bt chnhdescant discuss fully ba bnh lun di dngaugment make or become greater, increasetawdry cheap and gaudy loe loet, ph trng, hao nhong

    amass collect, pile or heap up Cht ng, tch lu, cp nhtvirtuoso highly skilled artist ngh s bc thy, ngi ngh s rt thnh tho; sarduous hard; strenuous kh khn, gian kh,ht sc mnh, gng gibelie give a wrong or untrue idea of; fail to justify or be equal to what is hoped for or promised; contradict; give a false impression gy n tng sai lm, , khg gi li ha,ni ngc lilacerate mangle; tear x, x rch, lm tan ntdisperse scatter in all directioms; rout giai tn, phn tn xua tan, lam tan tc (my mu...); ri rc, gieo vi, gieo rc, truyn (tin n...)(vt l) tchaste pure trong trng, tit hnhstaid sober; sedate Trm tnh t nicraven cowardly nht gan

    diaphanous transparent, translucent; sheer; transparent trong mpolemic controversy; argument in support of point of view (n)(s nhiu polemics)cuc lun chin, bt chin; bai lun chin, bt chin; ( s nhiu) s lun chin, s btfervid ardent nng nhit, nhit thnhlithe flexible; supple mm mi, d un, yu iu, uyn chuynforbearance patience, self-control s t ch, kin tr; s lngirascible irritable; easily angered nng ny cu knhmeretricious flashy; tawdry ep gi tao; ep m; hao nhonglustrous shining Bong lng, rc r, chi ngivivacious lively,high-spirited,gay; animated; gay si ni, hot bt, lanh li; (thc) sng dai, lu nmapathy absence of sympathy or interest; indifference; lack of caring; indifference S th , h hng, lnh m

    peculate steal; embezzle tht kt, bin thchagrin vexation; disappointment s chn nn, s tht vngreminiscence recollection S nh li, hi tng, k nim

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    languid weary; sluggish; listless u oi, l , yu ui, thiu sinh ng, chm chvoluble loquacious; able to talk very quickly and easily; fluent; rotating; fluent; glib lin thong, lm, ba hoa; lu lot, trn tru, tri chy thanh thotapocalyptic prophetic; pertaining to revelations Thuc sch khi huyn( cun cui cca b kinh Tn c-tn gio), c tnh tin triconvoluted coiled around; involved; intricate qun , xon , phc tpabysmal bottomless Khng y, thm thm, su khng d c, v cng

    austere strict; stern khc kh, kh hnhbellicose warlike hiu chin, thch nh nhau, hay gy geulogy tribute; high praise bi tn dng, ca tng; li khen,/ca tngbumptious self-assertive t ph, t mnconventional ordinary; typical hnh mu nguyn murudimentary not developed; elementary S b, bc u, mi phi thaidecadence falling to a lower level in morals, art, literature, etc. especially after a period at a high level; decay n suy iparaphernalia equipment; odds and ends dng c nhn, trang thit b cho s thdisavowal denial; disclaiming s chi, s khng nhn; li chi, s t bearthy unrefined; coarse nh t; bng t; (ngha bng) trn tuc, pham tucelusive evasive; baffling; hard to grasp c tnh cht lng trnh, thoi thc

    manifest understandable; clear Ro rang, hin nhinlivid lead-colored; black and blue; enraged c mu ca ch, xm hi xanh, bm tm, thtm gan, cu titincessant continuous; not stopping; often repeated; uninterrupted Khng ngng,khng ngt, lin mincholeric hot-tempered hay cu, nng tnhfrenetic frenzied; frantic in cung; cung tnbereavement state of being deprived of something valuable or belovedtnh trng b mt ngi thn, vt thn thitfulsome disgustingly excessive thi qu trong li khen, lng yu mngrandiose imposing; impressive hng v, ph trnghaphazard random; by chance ba bi, lung tungquixotic idealistic but impractical hao hip vin vng, nh ng-ki-st

    inherent firmly established by nature or habit Vn c, c hu, vn thuc vperfidious faithless; treacherous; basely false phn bi, la di, khng trung thluminous giving out light; bright; clear; easily understood; shining; issuing light ta sng trong bng ti, d quang, r rng minh bchgenre style of art illustrating scenes of common life th loiimpervious not allowing water, etc. to pass through; not moved or influenced by; not penetrable; not permitting passage through Khng th thm qua c, tr, khnparsimonious stingy; excessively frugal chi li, keo kit, bn xnpuerile childish co tnh cht tr con; t ra non nt; tm thng, vt vnhraucous harsh and shrill Khn khn, kh nghe (ging ni)disjointed disconnected bi tho ri ra bi tho ri khp ni ra; bi trt khp ri rrisible inclined to laugh; ludicrous ng bun ci, tc ci; d ci.

    resonant echoing; resounding; possessing resonance Vang di li, vang vng;reverent respectful Tn knh, cung knh; c cha.flaccid flabby mm nhn; o l; yu ui, u mepitome summary, digest; something which shows, on a small scale, the characteristics of something much larger; summary; concise abstract bn tm tt, hnh nh thunh, v d mu mc/ hon hohomily sermon; serious warning bi thuyt php, nhng li dy bun texuberant abundant; effusive; lavish hoa m; di do; cha chan (tnh cm), susustrut pompous walk; supporting bar Dng i khnh khng, knh kiutimorous fearful; demonstrating fear s st, nht nhtimperious commanding; haughty; arrogant; urgent; domineering Hng hch, c d

    on, khn cpulterior beyond what is first seen or said; situated beyond; situated beyond; unstated v sau; sau, tng lai; kn om ko ni ra; nm ngoi iu quan st

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    vacillation fluctuation; wavering (s) lc l, lo o; chp chn, lung lay; do d,imbue saturate; fill nhng, lm thm mlachrymose producing tears hay chy nc mt, khc lc, bun ru, st si, st mteffeminate having womanly traits ging nh mt ngi an ba; khng mang tnh an nwanton unruly; unchaste; excessive bng, ngang ngnh; phng ng, ba bi, tri oingratiate bring oneself into favor,especially in order to gain an adventage; flatter; become popular with Lm cho mnh c mn

    abscond go away suddenly and hide; depart secretly and hide B trn, trn trnh php lut-nttantalize keep just out of reach something that somebody desires; raise hopes that cannot be realized; tease; torture with disappointment nh, nh tru ngitravail painful labor cng vic kh nhoc, cng vic vt v, nhng c gng kh nhocterse concise; abrupt; pithy "ngn gon; sc tch, dung t t (vn),cc lc, cut ngn, "objurgate scold; rebuke severely Trach mc, qu trch, mng nhicwreak inflict tin hnh (tr th); lm cho h, trt ginroseate rosy; optimistic Mu hng sm; lc quan, yu i.insipid tasteless; dull v v, nht pho, chn ngt t ngt, khng sinh ngaccrue come as a natural growth or development; come as a natural increase espe

    cially of money; come about by addition 1. Sinh ra t, do tm ra (+from). 2. dn v (3. Dn li, tch lu lipariah social outcast ngi cng khintransigent a person who is intransigent; uncompromising, especially in politics; refusing any compromiseproviso stipulation (s nhiu provisos, provisoes) iu khon, iu qui inh; iu ki, hp ng...)accomplice a person who helps another in a wrong act; partner in crimeK tng phm, k ng lopropagate multiply; spread nhn ging (cy, ng vt...); truyn b (quan il) truyn (m thanh, nh sng...); sinh sn (cy)elucidate explain; make clear; throw light on a problem, or difficulty; explain; enlighten Lm sng t, gii thch

    obliterate rub, or blot out; remove all signs of; destroy; destroy completely Xoa, ty hoc xo sach, xo m (du vt...); Ph hy hoan toan, lam tiu mascrupulous conscientious; extremely thorough Cc k cn thn ,Cc k chi tit ,aiveracious truthful chn thc, ng s thcfiat command mnh lnh, s ng ; s tha nhn, cho phpken range of knowledge phm vi hiu bit, tm mtiniquitous unjust; wicked Ti li, ht sc bt cng, tri o lreprobate person hardened in sin, devoid of a sense of decency Ngi ti li, vli, phng ng, tru lcdelineate show by drawing or by describing; portray delineation miu t, phcho

    virile manly cng dng, c kh nng sinh nhiu; hng dng, rn ri, ra v n ngstigma token of disgrace; brand Vt nh ,Ni nhccondone overlook or forgive an offence; overlook; forgive tha thbolster support; prop up ng hmaudlin effusively sentimental uy mi, hay khc lc, st mt; ngi y mi, ngi hay thprosaic commonplace; dull khng sang tao, tm thng, khng lng man; bun tsoporific sleep producer S gy bun ngreprehensible deserving to be blamed; deserving blamestamina strength; staying power Sc chu ng ,Kh nng n nhtumid swollen; pompous; bombastic khoa trng , bi sng ln, bi phu ln; ni thanh unexus connection Mi quan h, mi lin hpreponderate be superior in power; outweigh (vi) (+over) tri hn, u th, ln t, nn, chim a s hn; nghing v mt bn (cn cn)

    fathom comprehend; investigate tm hiu, thm dodious hateful gh tm, ng ghtparity equality; close resemblance s bnh ng, t sut, (tin) m chn l

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    opprobrious disgraceful nhc, lng mtenacious holding fast dai, khng qun (tri nh)surfeit too much of anything, especially food and drink; [cause to]take too muchof anything; cloy; overfeed "s tha thi, s n ung qu ,s ngy . V.chi bi qu

    "precept moral instruction; practical rule guiding conduct (n) chm ngn, li gio

    hun, lnh; (php l) trt, lnh t chc bu c, lnh thu tin, lnh tr tin (thu...);substantiate verify; support chng minhobloquy bad words spoken of a person or thing; ill repute; disgrade; slander; disgrace; infamysupplant take the place of ; take the place of someone, especially aftergetting him out of office; replace; usurp thay th; chim ch (ca ai/ci gi); htadjure request solemnly 1. Bt th, bt tuyn th. 2. Khn ni, van nidisparity inequality; difference; difference; condition of inequalitys chnh lch, s khng bng nhau, s khng binh ng; s khc bit, s cch bitpecuniary pertaining to money thuc tin ti, np phtmordant biting; sarcastic; biting; sarcastic; stinging Chua cay, ay nghin, chm choc(li ni...)

    surmise guess; conjecture s

    phng on, s

    c onblatant loudly offensive om xm, hay ku lanettle sting oneself with nettles; make rather angry; annoy; annoy; vexchoc tc, choc ginhypocritical pretending to be virtuous; deceiving o c giinnuendo hint; insinuation Li m ch, ni bng gi, ni cnhcavil make frivolous objections ci bngimpolitic not wise Khng khn ngoan, vngprecarious uncertain; risky (a) (phap l) tam, nht thi, khng n inh; himsavor have a distinctive flavor, smell, or quality ngi cu nguy, ngi gi tin tiinscrutable mysterious; that cannot be understood or known; incomprehensible; not to be discovered kh nhn thu c, b him kh hiu, khng d ccandid straightforward ngay thng, bc trc

    rivet circular rounded protuberance (as on a vault or shield or belt); focus one's attention on something; fasten with a rivet or rivets inh tn; ghp bng inh t; tp trung (s ch ).cajole coax; wheedle tn tnhcontemn regard with contempt; disregardrelinquish abandon B, t bwaive give up temporarily; yield (php l) b, t b, khc t; thiabhor hate something very much; detest Gh tm, ght cay ght ngcaustic able to burn or destroy by chemical action; acrid; sarcastic; burning; sarcastically biting n da; chua cay, cay cimplication that which is hinted at or suggested S li ko vo, s dnh lu, n ,efface rub or wipe out; obliterate; make indistinct; rub out xo, xo b lam lu m;

    t, tr

    i hnstipulate state or put forward as a necessary condition; insist upon as part of an agreement; make express conditions; specify Quy nh ,t iu kinprognosis forecasted course of a disease; prediction (s nhiu prognoses) (y hoc) d on (v s tin trin ca bnh), tin lng bnh; s d on (s pht trin caindict charge Truy t, buc tirelegate send someone to a lower position or grade; hand over a matter for decision or carrying out; banish; consign to inferior position H cp bc, ging chc; re(=back) +leg(=send)expunge cancel; remove xo, bdespoil plunder cp ot, chim otdiscomfit frustrate the plans or expectations of; make someone uneasy or confused; put to rout; defeat; disconcert anh bai lam hng, lam tht bai (k hoach.

    am bi ri, lam lng tng; lam chng hngcontrite filled with deep sorrow for wrongdoing; penitent n nn hi hnperuse read carefully c k, nghin cu k(sch)

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    gregarious living in groups or societies; liking the company of others; sociable sng thnh tp thsurreptitious done,got made, a secret,stealthy way,clandestine len lt;gian ln; b mt; la dicondescend do something that one's rank, merits, abilities, etc. do not require one to do; lower oneself; behave graciously, but in a way that shows one'sfeeling of superiority; bestow courtesies with a superior air h c, chiu c

    bereave rob; leave sad by taking away ly i ca aivenerate revere tn trng, tn knhinequity unfairness S khng cng bngderelict ship abandoned at sea; worthless person; person who neglects hisduty; abandoned; deserted and left to fall into ruin; failing in one's dutyb ri, khng castigate punish severely with blows or by criticizing trch mng, ch trch, trng pht nng nforensic suitable to debate or courts of law (thuc) php l, ta nburlesque give an imitation that ridicules tr khi hi, s ch giu; ch gichiprovident displaying foresight; thrifty; preparing for emergencies

    c ho

    c t r s

    khn ngoan i vi cc nhu cu trong tng lai; lo xa; tit ki

    mjettison throw overboard s vt hng xung bin cho nh tu, s vt bcohesion force which keeps parts together s c kt, lc c ktresolution fixed determination; formal expression of opinion by a legislative body or a public meeting; solution of a doubt, question, discord, etc.; process of separating into constituents S kin quyt, ngh quyt, quyt nh, cch gii qre(=intensive) +solu

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    harangue noisy speech li h ho, li ku gisophistry seemingly plausible but fallacious reasoning Php ngu bin ,Li ni ngu bininvective abuse language; curses; violent expressions li cng kch d i, lih lit, li chi ra thm t, li tha mpanegyric a formal speech or writing praising a person or event; high or hyperbolic praise,laudation; formal praise bi tn tng, ca ngi

    replica a reproduction or copy of a work of art, especially a copy by the makerof the original; facsimile Bn sao rt ging tht, m hnh; re(=again) +plic(=fold)ethnic relating to races thuc dn tc , thuc tc ngierratic odd; unpredictable tht thng, khng u, khng ng tin cysalvage the rescue of a ship and cargo at sea from peril such as fire, shipwreck, etc.; cargo, property, or ship saved; payment given to those who save property; waste material that can be used again after being processed; savefrom loss, fire, wreck, n-v- s cu h, Trc vtslovenly of or like a sloven; untidy; careless in work habits Nhch nhc,lum thum, cu thimprovident not looking to future needs; wasteful; thriftless Khng bit lo xa

    pinnacle tall, pointed ornament built on to a roof or buttress; high, slender mountain peak; highest point (n) thap nhon, nh cao nhon (ni, tng ..); (nga bng) cc im; nh cao nht; (vt) t ln thp nhon, trn cao cht vtcanard unfounded rumor; exaggerated report tin vtfinite limited hn chmeander to wind or turn in its course Ngon ngoeo, quanh co, khc khuu, un khc; i lag thang, i v vndisparate basically different; unrelated khac hn nhau, khc loai; tap nhamsqualid dirty; neglected; poor d dy bn thu ,ngho khtenacity firmness; persistency; adhesiveness dai, khng qunzealot fanatic; person who shows excessive zeal ngi cung tn, ngi qu khchstanch check flow of blood Cm mu ,lm ngng, khng chimplicit understood but not stated Ngm ngm, n tng,n

    imprudent lacking caution; injudicious Khng thn trng, khinh sutoscillate vibrate pendulumlike; waver dao ng, lung layironic resulting in an unexpected and contray mannerimpugn attack by argument or criticism,express doubt about a statement,act,quality,etc.; doubt; challenge; gainsay cng kch, bi bc, t nghi vnsubjugate conquer; bring under control chinh phc, khut phc, n l hotraduce say untrue or malicious things about; slander; expose to slandervu khng; ni xu; ph bnghermetic obcure and mysterious; occult knlethal deadly lm cht ngi, gy cht ngilatent present but not yet active, developed or visible; dormant; hiddenngm ngm, m , tim tng

    abase make someone lower in rank, position, character, etc.; lower; humiliatelm h phm gi, lm mt th din, lm nhcparallelism the state of never meeting because always at the same distance from each other; similarity; state of being parallel; similarity quan h song song,tng ngpresumptuous arrogant; taking liberties qua to bao hoc qu t tin; hanh ng khhan cn thithyperbole exaggerated statement made for effect and not intended to be taken literally; exaggeration; overstatement li ni cng iuprodigal wasteful; too free in giving or spending; abundant; wasteful; reckless with money (a) hoang phi (v vic tiu tin, s dung tai nguyn); (n) ngi hbruit tell or spread rumors ting nvogue popular fashion mt, thi trang; th ang c a chungm thnh hnh; s hoan ngh

    genial favorable to growth; mild; warm; kindly,sympathetic; sociable vui v, thni, n cnengender bring about; cause; produce sinh ra, gy ra, em li

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    indulgent inclined to indulge; lenient or kind, often to excess; humoring;yielding; lenient Hay nung chiu, khoan dungavarice greediness for wealth tham lambane cause of ruin nguyn nhn suy sp, b, thuc cdefamation harm that is given to one's reputation; slander; harming a person's reputation ni xu ph bngfeign pretend gi v

    dally triffle with; procrastinate r r , dy daigneous produced by fire; volcanic c tnh cht la, do la to raproscribe forbid someone to do something; put outside the protection of the law; force someone to go away; ostracize; banish; outlaw t (ai) ra ngoai vongphp lut; truc xut, ay i; cm, bai tr (vic dung ci gi coi (nh) nguy him)versatile interested in and clever at many different things; having various uses; having many talents; capable of working in many fields linh hot, nhiu ti,tho vt; a nng; ko kin nhrancor = rancour bitterness; hatred Th on, him thprate speak foolishly; boast idly (n) s ni huyn thin; tm phao; (vi) ni huyn tschism division; split s li gio ,s phn li ,Ti lm li gioineluctable that cannot be escaped from; irresistible; not to be escaped

    Khng th trnh khifledgling young bird just able to fly; young inexperienced person chim nonmi tp bay; ngi thiu kinh nghimcognizant having knowledge or being fully aware of hiu bit, c nhn thcpiety devoutness; reverence for God (n) long m ao; long hiu tho; long trung thanhFilial piety long hiu tho ca con i vi cha meephemeral living for a very short time; trasitory; short-lived; fleetingph du, chng tn, sm n ti tnerudite having or showing a wide knowledge gained from reading; learned; learned;scholarly uyn bc, thng thiequivocal doubtful; ambiguous lp l, nc i, ng ng, kh nghi; khng r rtpassive not active; acted upon b ngcatalyst a combination which starts a reaction; agent which brings about

    a chemical change while it remains unchanged cht xc tcdoughty courageous (t c,ngha c); (ua ct) dng cm, gan da; gan gcgarrulous loquacious; wordy ni nhiu, ba hoadross waste matter; worthless impurities xi, ct st cn b, rc rilaconic brief and to the point vn tt, gn gng, sc tchvicarious acting as a substitute; done by a deputy thay cho; thay mtcho ngi khc thc hinsalubrious healthful tt lnh ,Mnh khoserendipity gift for finding valuable things not searched for Kh nng cu mayrigor severity S nghim khc, nghim ngt, khc kh.ameliorate improve nt-ngt: lm tt hn, ci thin

    apocryphal relating to the apocryphal; not genuine; not genuine; shamgraduated arranged by degrees (of height, difficulty, etc.) theo mc winsome attractive; pleasing, bright; agreeable; gracious; engaging hp dn, quynr, li cun; vui v, ti tnh, rng ratrophy wasting away of the body or of a moral quality; cause atrophy in or waste away teo, hao mnviscous sticky; gluey sn st, ly nhy, nht; do dnhhybrid mongrel; mixed breed laiprodigy highly gifted child; marvel ngi ky diu, ngi phi thng; ( inh ng) thnflamboyant ornate chi li, sc s; hoa m, khoa trngabominate loathe; hate Gh tm, ght cay ght ngarbitrary based on opinion or impulse only, not on reason; dictatorial; using despotic power; fixed or decided; despotic chuyn quyn , c on, tu hng

    elicit draw out; evoke; draw out by discussion Khu ra, gi ra, suy lun radigress turn or wander away from the main point i lac (ch chnh) trong bai ni hocit; ra ngoai ; lac

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    vindicate prove the justice, truth, validity, etc. of; clear of chargesminh oan; xc nhn, chng minh l ngparagon a model or pattern of perfection or excellence; model of perfectionmu mcmunificent extremely generous; large in amount or splendid in quality; verygenerous hao phngsundry various; several gm nhiu th khc nhau; lt vt; tap nhap

    myriad very large number Mi nghin; V senamored in love say m, ham thchindigence poverty, indigent S ngho kh, bn cngtaciturn habitually silent; talking little it ni, lm li, khng ci m (ngabnegation repudiation; self-sacrifice 1. S b (o), s t b, t chi (quyn lS hi sinh, x thn (=self abnegation)epilogue peroration, prologue; last part of a literary work; shortspeech at conclusion of dramatic work phn kt, li kt, l ktabrogate abolish laws, customs, etc. Bi b, hu b, th tiu, bi trnostrum questionable medicine Mn thuc c gii thiu gi di la c hiu qu; thuc laparallel to cause to correspond or lie in the same direction and equidistant in all parts song song, tng ng

    quintessence purest and highest embodiment tinh cht; tinh tu, tinh hoa;(trit ho

    c) nguyn t th nm; th du hoan ho ca (mt phm cht)sunder separate; part phn ra, tach ra, ring ra ai/ci gi (nht la bng sc manh)effusive expressing excessive emotion in an unrestrained manner; pouringout; overflowing; pouring forth; gushing Do dt, phun trosloth laziness; slow-moving tree dwelling mammal S li bing ,s chm chpresolve determination Quyt tm, kin quyt, phn gii.effervescence Cch vit khc : effervescency inner excitement; exuberance s si, song bng, s suc si, s si nimitigate appeasetorpor lethargy; sluggishness; dormancy trang thi l ; trang thi u oisanction approve; ratify n-s tha nhn ,s cm vn; V- ng vigauntlet leather glove bao st, bao di, gng tay

    palpable that can be felt or touched; clear to the mind; tangible; easilyperceptible s tn tay cgossamer sheer; like cobwebs mng nh t nhn, t nhn (n)mercenary soldier hired for pay to serve in a foreign army; working only for money or other reward; inspired by love of money; interested in money or gainlnh nh thu; tay saipartisan one-sided; prejudiced; committed to a party ngi ng hcompendium concise and comprehensive account; summary; brief comprehensivesummary bn tm tt, bn trch yuelegy poem or song expressing lamentation Khc bi thngnullify to make invalid Hu b; lam thanh v hiubeget father; produce; give rise to l cha ca ai, sinh ra, gy ra

    idiosyncrasy peculiarity; eccentricity c tnh, kh cht, phong cch ringcountenance face, including its appearance and expression; support; give support, approval, or encouragement to; approve; tolerate v mt , sc mt, s tn thnhdisdain contempt; scorn; look on with contempt; think it dishonorable to do something; be too proud; treat with scorn or contempt s khinh b c thi khinh thngi khc; v:coi khinh; khinh thi; khng them (lam gi...)reprieve postponement or remission of punishment, especially by death; delay or respite; postpone or delay punishment; give relief for a short time fromdanger, trouble, etc.; temporary stay Hon thi hnh, tm thi thot khi nguy him, rc=back) +prieve

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    savant scholar c cp hc bng, hc giinertia state of being inert or indisposed to move Tnh quagmire bog; marsh bai ly, m ly, vng ly (nh) quag (ngha bng) tinh trmoot debatable co th ban, c th tranh lunparadigm model; example; pattern mu, m hnh, kiusplenetic spiteful; irritable; peevish hay cu knh ,hay bc dcdisseminate distribute or spread widely ideas, doctrines, etc.; scatter like

    seedsperfunctory done as a duty or routine but without care or interest; doing things without concern or solicitude; superficial; listless; not thorough lm chiu l cho qua chuynligneous like wood bng g, ging g, c cht gbeneficent doing good; kind; kindly; doning good tt, c chpathology science of diseases bnh hcobfuscate darken or obscure the mind; bewilder; confuse; muddle lam hoangmang, lam bi risuperfluous excessive; overabundant; unnecessary tha, v dung, khng cn thitvex annoy; distress lm bc mnh, lm pht ; chc tc, quy rycharisma divine gift; great popular charm or appeal of a political leader

    uy tn, sc li cun qun chngperpetual never-ending; going on for a long time or without stopping; continual; often repeated; everlasting chung thn, vnh vin, bt tnrecidivism habitual return to crime S ti phm ti.impassive showing no sign of feeling; unmoved; without feeling; not affected by pain Khng cm gic, trm tnh, im tnharmada fleet of warships hm imellifluous sweet-sounding, smooth-flowing; flowing smoothly; smoothngot ngao, ngot nh mt, diu dang (giong ni, li ni)jocund merry vui v, vui ti, vui tnhprofusion lavish expenditure; overabundant condition s c nhiu, s tha thi,, s v khicastigation punishment; severe criticism s trng pht, s ch trch nng n

    fustian pompous; bombastic so rng, khoa trngbrevity shortness of statements, human life and other nonmaterial things; conciseness khc trit ngn gn, ngn ngicalumniate slander ni xu, vu khngguile deceit; duplicity la gtinured accustomed; hardenedjeopardy exposure to death or danger nguy c, cnh nguy him, cnh him nghoeduce draw forth; elicit rut ra (ho hoc) chit ratumult commotion; riot; noise ln xn, s no ng, s hn nlionize treat as a celebrity a (ai) i thm nhng cnh l, i xem nhng vt l, i thferret drive or hunt out of hiding i sn; tm kim, truy kim, khm phvagary caprice; whim thi ng nh; tnh cch tht thng hay thay i; tnh ng bng

    copious plentiful giu c , y mien demeanor; bearing Ve mt, sc mt, dung nhandepict show something with a picture; describe something in words; portraymiu t phc hogarner gather; store up b vo kho; np, thu vo khovilify slander ni xu, lng m, ph bng, gim pha; vu khngwily cunning; artful xo tr, qu quyt, lm mudiversity remarkable difference; variety; variety; dissimilitude tinh a dangqualify to endow or furnish with requisite ability, character, knowledge, skill,or possessions (lam cho ai) c t cch/kh nng/tiu chun/iu kin; (ng php) m tghawheedle cajole; coax; deceive by flattery vi vnh, phnh nnh; nn b, tn tnh

    perjury the act of making a false statement after taking an oath to tell the truth; wilful false statement; false testimony while under oath li khai man trc ta,li ha man

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    plethora excess; overabundance (n) (y hoc) trang thi qu tha (mu...); (nghabng) trang thi qu tha thi, s lng ln hn cn thitrebuff snub; beat back C tuyt, t chi dt khot; y lui (1 cuc tn cng)strident loud and harsh The th, inh taiumbrage resentment; anger; sense of injury or insult bng cy, bng rm;s xc phm, sgic b xem thngdowdy slovenly; untidy ti tan; khng lich s, khng ng mt

    spurious false; counterfeit sai, khng xc thc, gi mounfeigned genuine; real khng gia v; chn thc, thanh thtaghast filled with fear and surprise; horrified Kinh ngc, kinh hong, tht kinhgist essence l do, nguyn nhn chnh, thc chtturpitude wickedness, depravity tinh trang i bai, tnh cht i bai; s sa oafawning courting favor by cringing and flattering xu nnh, b , nnh htcoy shy; modest; coquettish bn ln, e linveigle lead astray; wheedle d d, tn ly challowed blessed; consecrated linh thing, thing lingbrusque blunt; abrupt l mng, cc cnheretic person who maintains opinions contrary to the doctrines of the church

    ngi theo d gioconciliatory reconciling; soothing ho giigainsay deny chi ci, ni ngc licontusion bruise nh lm gip vt gipunequivocal clear, having one only possible meaning; plain; obvious r rng, komp m; ko kh nghi; r rtk, dt khotgarish gaudy lo lot, sc s; chi mtblithe gay; joyous thanh thn, v tinsensible unconscious; unresponsive Bt tnh, m, khng bit khng cm thydecorous proper ng mc, oan trangdecorum decorous ng mc, oan trangmalefactor wrongdoer or criminal Ngi lam iu c, k bt lng, k gian taauspicious showing signs or promising good fortune, favorable; favoring suc

    cess c trin vng thng lipretentious claiming great merit or importance; ostentatious; ambitioust phu, kiu cng, khoe khoangremonstrate say or plead in protest, objection, complaints, etc. Phn i, thanphin; re(=again, against) +monstr(=show)incognito concealed under a disguised identity; with an assumed name; withone's name, identity, etc. concealed; with identity concealed; using an assumedname Khng l tung tch, ci trangbeholden obligated; indebted chu ntravesty any treatment that makes a serious work seem ridiculous; imitation or description of something; comical parody; treatment aimed at making something appear ridiculous s bt chc, s nhai; tro h nhai

    inordinate not properly restrained or controlled; excessive; immoderate; unrestrained; excessive Qu mc, qu x, tht thngrefractory resisting control, discipline, etc. wilful; not yielding to treatment; hard to melt, fuse or work; stubborn; unmanageable Bng, kh bo; dai dng,kh cha (bnh); kh nung, kh chy; re(=again) +fract(=break)fraught filled y; xp ydisinterested not influenced by personal feelings or interests; fair; indifferent; unprejudicedperennial perennial plant; continuing throughout the whole year; lasting for a very long time; living for more than two years lu nm, bch ningratuitous given, obtained, or done without payment; done, or given withoutgood reason; uncalled; given freely; unwarranted cho khng, vu vplenary unlimited; absolute; attended by all who have a right to attend; complet

    e; full (a) (noi v quyn lc, quyn han..) khng c gii han; tuyt i;(ni v cc cucu c mt y ; toan thanachronism mistake in dating something; something out of date now or in a d

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    escription of past events; an error involving time in a story 1. S li thi, vic, ngli thi. 2. S sai nin idormant in a state of inactivity but awaiting development or activity; sleeping;lethargic; torpid nm im lim, khng hoat ng; ng ng; tim tang; ngm ngm, m vn); (php l) khng p dung, khng thi hanhempathy projecting oneself into and so fully understanding, and losing one's identity in a work of art or other object of contemplation; sharing another person'

    s feelings S thu cmcensor overseer of marals; person who reads to eliminate inappropriate remarnhn vin kim duyt; kim duytdissonance discord (m nhac) s nghich tai; tnh khng hoa tan; s khng hoa hp, splacate soothe; pacify; pacify; conciliate (vt) xoa diu (ai); lam cho (ai) bt gincacophony discord m thanh chi tai, tp mapotheosis deification; release from earthly life; deification; glorification 1. S tn sng, s thn thnh ho, l tng ho. 2. S gii thot khi trn tclassitude tiredness; state of being uninterested in things; languor; weariness s mt nhc, s mt mi, s u oimaladroit not adroit; clumsy; tactless; clumsy; bungling Vung v, khng khn kho

    grouse complain; fuss cn nhn, cu nhugauche clumsy; boorish vng vvitriolic corrosive; sarcastic sunfuric; cay c, chm chc, chua caywan having a pale or sickly color; pallid xanh xao, vng vt, nht nht; u oi, mtko thn scevanescent tending to fade from sight; soon going from the memory; ephemeral; fleeting; vanishing ph du, chng phai mverbiage unnecessary words for the expression of an idea, etc.; pompous array of words s ni di, s lm li; li ni ba hoaideology ideas of a group people h t tngfigment invention; imaginary thing iu tng tng; iu ba trender cause someone or something to be or become; give in return or exchange;present, send in; give a performance of; express in another languge; deliver; pr

    ovide; represent Tr li, dng np; a ra, nu ra; ren

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    serrated having a sawtoothed edge c rng cabenefactor person who has given financial help to a school, hospital, or charitable institution; gift gver; patron ngi ho tmparapet low wall at edge of roof or balcony lan can, cng sobeisance deep bow of respect or homage; homage; obedience, submissions tn trong, s knh phucbiennial plant that lives two years; occuring every two years hai nm

    furtive stealthy c thc hin b mt, ln lt; ngm ngmrenaissance the revival of letters, and then of art, which marks the transition from medieval to modern time S phc hng, thi k phc hng.coalesce combine; fuse kt hp lm mt nhm, mt cht, mt khicabal small group of persons secretly united to promote their own interests mmu, b ngarid dry; barren khmutinous unruly; rebellious ni dy chng i, ni loan, lam binh bin, lam lotaut tight; ready cng, khng chung ,cng thngthrall slave; bondage ngi n lcarnage killing of many people; destruction of life s chm git, s tn stabeyance condition of not being in force or in use for a time; suspended

    action 1. S ng li, hon li, nh ch. 2.(php l) tnh trng tm thi v ch khng cuyt(1 chc v)alchemy medieval chemistry Thut gi kim(tm cch bin cc kim loi thnh vng)bauble trinket; trifle trang sc r tin, khng c gi trsecular worldly; not pertaining to church matters; temporal Trng k, trm nm mt lanathema formal declaration of the church, excommunicating somebody or condemning something as evil; solemn curse 1. S nguyn ra, s ght cay ght ng. 2tn gio) Rt php thng cngcircumlocution roundabout way of speaking; roundabout expression; indirect or roundabout expression li ni quanh co lun qunindemnify make secure against loss; compensate for loss Bi thng, n b, bo chafe warm by rubbing; make sore by rubbing ch st, chc tctribute tax levied by a ruler; mark of respect vt triu cng; cng nap

    eccentric odd; whimsical; irregular ngi lp di, (k thut) bnh lch tm; (auc, lch tm, khng ng tmdivestiture Cch vit khc : divestment an order to an offending party to rid itself of property; it has the purpose of depriving the defendant of the gains ofwrongful behavior s ci qun o; s lt qun o, s tc b, s tc oat; s tr bforay raid s cp ph, s t nhpagrarian pertaining to land or its cultivation Thuc v rung t, lin quan nbetroth engage a waman in contract of marriage; become engaged to marry ha hn, nh hnurbane suave; refined; elegant lch s, tinh t; ho nh, tao nhlaudatory expressing praise tn dng, ca ngi, khen, hay tn dng, hay khenbrook tolerate; endure chu ngdearth scarcity thiu thn, him

    debonair friendly; aiming to please than thin, d gncupidity greed tham lam, mu thamrelevant closely connected with what is happening, being discussed, done,etc.; to the point Thch ng, c lin quan; re(=again) +lev(=lift, light)refute disprove Bc li, b lilout clumsy person ngi vng v, ngi th l, ngi cc mchgibber speak foolishly ni lp bpdepredation destruction or pillaging of property; plundering s cp bc, ph phchstymie present an obstacle; stump lm cho lng tng; t vo tnh hung kh xcache hiding place ni giu, ni trperipheral of external boundary or surface; marginal; outer thit b ngoivi, ngoi bin

    subside settle down; descend; grow quiet rt xung, rt bt; ln xung; ngt, gim;g, lng xung; ngi phch xungstoic person who is indifferent to pleasure or pain Ngi khc k, ng+F1071i chu

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    nghch cnhabstinence restraint from eating or drinking 1. S king khem, tit ch(n ungchi bi...). 2. S king ru, khng ung ru. 3. S n chaydregs sediment; worthless residue Cn; not a dreg khng con t gibaleful deadly; destructive tai ho, xu , d, himpercussion striking one object against another sharply s g, p vt ny ln vtra ting ng(trng, kng)

    dulcet sweet sounding diu dang, m i, m diu (m thanh)stolid dull; impassive Dng dng, lnh m, th efficacy power to produce desired effect tinh c hiu qu; hiu lchackneyed commonplace; trite nhm (li l, lun iu)ferment agitation; commotion men; s xn xao, s no nggalvanize stimulate by shock; stir up lm phn khi, kch ngestranged separated xa l, gh lnh, ly ginrepugnant distasteful; causing a feeling of dislike or opposition ng ght, khnga, xung khc; re(=back, against) +pugn(=fight)blighted suffering from a disease; destroyed lm hi, hng, tn lifacade front of the building mt tin, b ngoipreclude prevent; make impossible in advance; make impossible; eliminate

    (vt) ngn nga ai/ci gi lam ci gi; lam cho ci gi khng th xy rafecundity fertility; fruitfulness s nhiu; s mu mfealty loyalty; faithfulness s trung thnholigarchy government by a few u xpetulant touchy; peevish nng ny, hay hn difinesse delicate skill s kho lo; mnh kho, mu moverity truth; reality s tht; chn l; tnh cht chn thccower shrink quivering, as from fear cun ly byadvocate a person who advocates; barrister; speak in favor of something;urge; plead for 1. Bin h, bo cha, tn thnh, ng h. 2. Ngi bin h, ngi bo chindiscriminate acting without care or taste; choosing at random; confusedKhng phn bit, ba bicollusion secret agreement for an unlawful or evil purpose; conspiring in

    a fraudulent scheme s cu kt, thng nggarbled mixed up; based on false or unfair selection ct xn (on vn, bo co lmh bp mostriated marked with parallel bands vn, xcbode foreshadow; portend bo trcgnarled twisted nhn nh, mo m, xng xuchronicle report; record (in chronological order) s bin ningourmand epicure; person who takes excessive pleasure in food and drinkngi phm n, thch n ngonuncouth rough, awkward, not cultured; outlandish; clumsy; boorish cha vn minh, th l, vng v; hoang vu, hoang d, cha khai phflout reject; mock coi thng, mit th; ch giu, ch nho

    equipoise balance; balancing force; equilivrium s thng bng, cn bng; trng lg, i trngdebilitate make weak; weaken; enfeeble lm yu i, lm gim s lngduress Cch vit khc : duresse forcible restraint, especially unlawfullys cu thc, s cm tu; s cng p, s p bucbuttress support or prop ch ta, s ng hgerrymander change voting district lines in order to favor a political partyxp xp gian ln (trong cuc b phiu ) ginh phn thnghomogeneous of the same kind thun nhtincongruity lack of harmony; absurdity iu khng thch hp, iu phi lviable capable of maintaining life c th lm c; c th tn ti, c th sng cimmutable that cannot be changed; unchangeable Khng thay i, khng bin i insularity narrow-mindedness; isolation tnh cht l mt hn o, tnh hp hi thi

    intransigence state of stubborn unwillingness to compromiseabsolve declare someone free from guilt or punishment; pardon an offense1. Gii, ci, g ra. 2. Tha ti, x ti, min trch cho

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    portend foretell; presage (vt) bao hiu; bo im, bo trc; bo trc, cnh colascivious lustful dm dt, dm ng, khiu dmgermane pertinent; bearing upon the case at hand thch hp, ph hppertinent suitable; to the point ng ch, thch ng, i thng vo vn chnhlicentious wanton; lewd; dissolute phng tng, ba bi, dm lonprattle babble (n) chuyn tm phao; chuyn v vn tr con; (vi) ni bi b; ni chuyn tusury lending money at illegal rates of interest s cho vay nng li

    salient salient angle; forward wedge driven into the enemy's battle front; outstanding, prominent, easily noticed; pointing outwards li ra ,nh ra ,ni btguffaw boisterous laughter ting ci h h, ting ci ha hlugubrious mournful su thm, bi thmlurid wild; sensationaldesuetude disused condition khng c s dngdexterous skillful kheo, kho tay, c k xo; kho lo; thun dung tay phimalicious dictated by hatred or spite Him c, c c tm; c him thu, c tinhhoary white with age hoa rm, bcgarrulity talkativeness tnh ni nhiu, ba hoagrisly causing horror or terror, ghastly gh tm, kinh khng, rng rnglut overstock; fill to excess nhi nht, tha ma

    exude discharge; give forth r, a raincompatible inharmonious Khng hp vi, k nhau, xung khcbucolic rustic; pastoral ng qu, in vinacerbity bitterness of speech and temper 1. V cht, v chua. 2. Tnh cht chua chmetamorphosis change of form or character, eg. by natural growth or development S thay i hinh dng hoc bn chtecclesiastic pertaining to the church giao s (thuc) gio hi; thch hp vi gihamper obstruct lm vng vumisanthrope hater of mankind; person who avoids society; one who hates mankindennui boredom s bun chn, s chn nnlucent shining; brightprevaricate make untrue or partly untrue statements, try to evade telling th

    e whole truth; lie noi lp l; ni quanh co ( la di hoc lng trnh s tht)pernicious injurious; harmful; fatal; very destructive c, nguy hifissure crevice vt nt; ch gyamorphous having no definite shape or form; shapeless V nh hnh, khng c hnnht nh, khng kt tinh (dng cho ho cht)seethe be disturbed; boil Ni ln ,si bt ,kch ngfetish object supposed to possess magical powers; an object of special devotvt th; iu m tnexpedite help the progress of; speed up business, etc. xc tin, tin hnh, giiquytincursion temporary invasion S xm nhp, tn cng bt ngsanguine hopeful; optimistic; having a red complexion; cheerful; hopeful

    Lc quan, hng hophlegmatic calm; not easily disturbed pht tnh, lnh lng, thn nhinfortitude calm courage in the face of pain, danger, or difficulty; bravery; courage s chu ng, ngoan cng; s dng cmdeciduous falling of as of leaves ing lwhet sharpen; stimulate (s) mi sc; kch thch, khuy ngaskance with suspicion; with a sideway or indirect look nghing, ng vcalleviate make pain or suffering less or easier to bear; relieve Lm gim nh,lm bt, lm du, lm khuyopaque dark; not transparent ti tm, khng thng sut, tr nrepertoire list of works of music, drama, etc., a performer is prepared toprese Vn tit mc (tt c cc bn nhc, v kch 1 ngh s c th trnh din)bombastic pompous; using inflated language khoa trng

    raze destroy completely San bng, xo tristupor almost unconscious condition caused by shock, drugs, alcohol, etc.; state of apathy; daze; lack of awareness S ngn ng, t+F1046rng thi kinh ngc

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    ensconce settle comfortably gn ln, ngi gn ln, ngi thu luparley conference cuc ha m, thng lngpensive dreamily thoughtful; thoughtful with a hint of sadness su sc, trm ngmfulminate thunder; explode xo la, n, ni gin ng ng; tun ra, phun rablasphemous profane; impious bng b, nguyn radespotism tyranny bo ngc , chuyn quyncelibate unmarried; abstaining from sexual intercourse c thn

    perquisite any gain above stipulated salary bng lc, tin th lao thm, thacrass very unrefined; grossly insensible th b , n n dt dcredundant superfluous; superfluous; excessively wordy; repetitiousTha, rm r; red

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    shoal shallow place Ni n+F1032ng cn, khng sucontumacious resisting authority; obstinate and disobedient; disobedient; resisting authority bng bnh ngang ngnhsinuous winding; bending in and out; not morally honest Ngon ngho, quanh co un khcsordid filthy; base; vile bn thu ,nhp nha, d dysoliloquy talking to oneself S c thoi ,on c thoimarauder raider; intruder Ke cp

    impede hinder; block Ngn cn, ngn trdiverge get farther apart from a point or from each other as they progress; turnoff; deviate; vary; go in different directions from the same point phn ky; rra; khc nhau (v kin, quan im...); bt ng kin (ngha bng) xa ristagnant motionless; stale; dull ng (nc), tr trpandemonium wild and noisy disorder; wild tumult huyn no, a ngc, qu dmagnate person of prominence or influence yu nhn; ngi quyn qu, ngi kit xut(t bn); vua (t bn)visage face; appearance (a ct) b mt, nt mt, mt ca mt ngicapricious flickle; incalculable hay thay i, ng bngexonerate relieve of a burden, obligation, etc.; free from a charge or theimputation of guilt, exculpate; acquit; exculpate min cho (ai), gii ti

    lethargic drowsy; dull hn msubtlety nicety; cunning; guile; delicacy " tinh phng pht, tnh huyn o,s tinh vi, s tinh t; s khn kho, s khn ngoan, s tinh nhanh"resplendent very bright; splendid; brilliant; lustrous Chi li, rc r, lng lyre(=intensive) +splend(=shine)transmute change the shape, nature or substance of; change; convert to something different chuyn ho, i dang, bin i bn cht; chuyn thanh vt khcfickle often changing; not constant; changeable; faithless hay thay i; khng kinnhtorpid dormant; dull; lethargic thiu linh hoat, u oi, m mt; tri trinnocuous causing no harm; harmless Khng c hi, v thng v phttrek travel; migrate di c; i di c

    trite hackneyed; commonplace lp i lp lai, c rch, mon, so, nhamdiscordant not in agreement; not harmonious; harsh; inharmonious; conflicting bt hoa, tri ngc nhau, khng hoa hp; chi tai, nghich tai; khng hp mreciprocal mutual; exchangeable; interacting Ln nhau, tng h, qua liamalgamate combine; unite in one body Trn, pha trn, hp nhtdiscrete separate; unconnected ring bit, ring r, ri racunruly not easily controlled; disorderly; disobedient; lawless ng ngc, ngang bng; bkham, ko vng li; phng tngvacuous empty; inane rng, trng rng; ng ngn, ngy ng; ri, v cng ri nghvenal capable of being bribed d mua chuc, d hi l; v li; b nh hng bi n hi lequinox period of equal days and nights; the beginning of Spring and Autumn imphn, im thu -xun phn

    vicissitude change, especially in somebody's fortunes; change of fortunes thng trm (s nhiu); s thay i theo chu k, s tun honenervate deprive of strength, force, vigor, etc.; weaken physically, mentally, or morally ;; weakened lm kit sc , lm mn mivirulent extremely poisonous c hi, kch c; c c, him cfastidious difficult to please; squeamish kh tnh, kh chiu; kn c chn canhdank damp m tincarcerate imprison B t, b giam, o bturbid muddy; having the sediment disturbed uc,m, ln ln, hn n, ln xn, mt trascetic practicing self-denial; austere kh hnhdeprecate feel and express disapproval of; disapprove regretfully khng ng h ,khng tn thnhcredulity belief on slight evidence d tin, c tin

    bedizen dress with vulgar finery t son im phn lo lotwizened withered; shriveled kh xc, nhn nheo; ho honambiguous having more than one meaning; of uncertain meaning or intention;

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    doubtful in meaning Kh hiu, m h, nhp nhngmolten in a melted and therefore very hot state; made of metal that has been melted and cast nu chy (kim loai)cessation stopping s ngng, s chm dtdocile easily trained or controlled; obedient; easily managed d bo, d sai khin, ngoan ngondiscourse formal discussion; conversation bai thuyt trinh; bai din thuyt; bai lu

    v: thuyt trinh; din thuytsedulous diligent cn mn, chuyn cn, sing nng, kin trsaturate soak Nhng t, lm t sngfervor glowing ardor s nhit tnh, s hng hipropinquity nearness; kinship s gn gi (v khng gian, thi gian; hang xm..);uyt thng, quan h ho hang gndiverse differing in some characteristics; various gm nhiu loai khc nhau, linh tinh; thay i khc nhaudichotomy division into two parts, groups. or classes, especially when there are sharply distinguished or opposed; branching into two parts s tch thanh hai hoc gia hai nhm hoc vt khc nhau va i lp nhau, s lng phn; tun trng nstipend pay for services Lng ,thu nhp chnh thc

    anarchy absence of government or control; disorder; confusion; absence of governing body; state of disorder Tnh trng v chnh ph, tnh trng hn lonloquacious talkative,fond of talking ni nhiu, ba hoafallible liable to error c th sai lmoccult hidden; secret; mysterious; supernatural; magical; mysterious; secret; supernatural su kn, huyn b, che khut, b che lpfortuitous accidental; by chance tnh c, ngu nhin, bt ngdisparage say that someone or something is of small value or importance; speak ill of; belittle lam mt uy tn, lam mt th din, lam mang tai mang ting, lam dch bai; coi r, xem thng, mit thicomplacent self-satisfied t mnominous threatening im xuexcoriate flay; abrade lm tut/try da; bc,lt (da)

    burnish make shiny by rubbing; polish (s) nh bngpaucity scarcity khan thiudesecrate treat a holy thing without respect; profane; violate the sanctity of mo phm, bng bscourge lash; whip; severe punishment Ngi trng pht ,Ngi ph bnh nghim khcvantage position giving an advantage li, li, li; li th, u th; phn thngbreach breaking of contract or duty; fissure; gap vi phm, chc thnglewd lustful dm dc, dm dtbaroque highly ornate hoa mderision ridicule bi mc, ch nho, tr cilambent flickering; softly radiant lt nh, lim nh, nhum nh, sng ng nh, sngcircumvent prevent a plan from being carried out, frustrate; outwit; baffle

    dng mu vt qua hoc n trnh ci gaddle rotten; muddled; crazy 1. Ln, ri tr, qun tr. 2. Thi, hng, ung, khng cn tnugatory futile; worthless Vun vt, v gi tri, v dung; V hiu, khng c hipristine characteristic of earlier times; primitive; unspoiled ban s, tinh khi, khng bi h hng, con mi nguyn; ti, sach s nh mi; (thuc ng) nguyn thy,verbose wordy a ngn, lm li, dng nhiu t ko cn thitsynthesis a combination of parts to form a whole; combining parts into a whole s tng hpcomprehensive thorough; inclusive bao qut, ton dinsapid savory; tasty; relishable Thm ngon, F1012ho hngcodicil supplement to the body of a will khon b sung vo t di chcdebacle breaking up; downfall thm ho, ththt bi hon tonendemic prevailing among a specific group of people or in a specific area c

    hu, a phnginert lacking independent power to move; not active Tr tr, chm chp, tr, hapless unfortunate ri ro, khng may

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    paltry insignificant; petty nh nhen, tm thngsaga scandinavian myth; any legend truyn k dn gian ca cc nc bc u v anh hngdng hfeasible practical kh thi, c th thc hin cvaunted boasted; bragged; highly publicized c ca tng, c tn dngfoment stir up; instigate xi gic, xi by (bt ha, phin lon)geniality cheerfulness; kindliness; sympathy s vui v, n cn, n ho (thi ti

    delusion false belief; hallucination o tng o gic, nh lamotif theme (Vn hoc) ch qun xuynpropitiate do something to take away the anger of; appease lam lanh; lam diu, lam ngui; lam thun li, lam thun tinesoteric known only to the chosen few b truynepisodic loosely connected thuc on , hi, tnh tit; chia ra tng on , hpedagogy teaching; art of education khoa s phm, gio dc hcequanimity calmness of mind or temper; calmness of temperament tnh bnh thn, trm tnh; s th thi, thanh thndoting extravagantly or foolishly loving and indulgent yu m mn, say m, m nh iu imprecate curse; pray that evil will befall Nguyn rarepudiate disown; say that one will have nothing more to do with; refuse t

    o accept or acknowledge; refuse to pay an obligation or dept; disown; disavowThoi thc, khng nhn, t chi; re(=back, away) +pud(=ashamed)hone sharpen mi, mi (n)approbation approval; sanction chp thunvisionary visionary person; existing only in a vision or the imagination;unpractical; fanciful; produced by imagination; fanciful; mystical (ngi) nhn xa trng rng; ho huyn h omaverick rebel; nonconformistrhetorical pertaining to effective communication; insincere in languageHoa m; khoa trng.labyrinth maze m cung, m hn trn, trng thi rc ri phc tplitigation lawsuit s kin tng, s tranh chpcovenant formed agreement that is legally binding Chnh ng ph hp vi tp

    truculence aggressiveness; ferocity tinh ng ngc, tnh hung hng, tnh hungqualified limited; restricted u t cch; kh nng; iu kin; han ch; depurview range of operation or activity; range of sight or understanding; the body and scope of an act or bill nhng iu khon (ca mt bn iu l...); pham vi c hiunhin, tm hiu bittutelage guardianship; training s gim h;s gio duc, s day duntoward unfortunate; annoying bt lch s, v l, khim nh; ko may, bt hnh; k; ko thch hpdiscombobulated having self-possession upset; thrown into confusion (t M, nghaM) lam cho lng tngcarte blanche unlimited authority or freedom s c ton quyn hnh ngethereal light; heavenly; fine cao tt tng my, trn thinh khng; nh lng lng,

    opulence wealth, abundance giu c, ph nhiuvouchsafe grant condescendingly; guarantee chiu c, h c, ban chorotundity roundness; sonorousness of speech S trn trnh, bo, mp mp;specious seeming right or true, but not really so; seemingly reasonable but incorrect Ch c b ngoa ,ch tt mfoible weakness; slight fault nhc im, im yuruminate chew the cud; ponder nhai li; (+over, about, of, on) t l, trm t suy ngh, ngm nghknavery rascality s bt lng, tnh u gi, tnh x l ba que, hnh ng bt lngcascade small waterfall thc ncimpenitent not repentant Khng hi ci, chng no tt yvestige trace; remains vt tch, du vt, di tch; mt cht, t;lax careless lng lo, khng cht ch, khng nghim

    privy secret; hidden; not public (a) ring t; kin; b mt; (n) (t c, ngha c) niu, nha v sinh; (php l) ng s, ngi hu quantemperament person's disposition or nature khi cht; tnh kh; tnh

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    penury extreme poverty tng thiu, cng quncogent having a powerful appeal to the mind; convincing vng chc, c tnh thuytphcconsort associate withfractious irritable, peevish, bad-tempered; unruly cng u, cng c; cau ctacit understood; not put into words ngm, khng ni ra, ngu terrestrial on the earth (thuc) t; trn mt t, sng trn mt t

    contentious quarrelsometimbre quality of a musical tone produced by a musical instrument m scprefatory of a preface, introductory (a) lam li ta gii thiuuncanny unnatural, mysterious, weird; strange; mysterious k l, huyn b; thn b,t nhin; phi thng; nguy him, ko ng tinincorporeal immaterial; without a material body V hnh, v th, thuc thn linhramification branching out; subdivision Phn nhnh, chia nhnhtrepidation fear; trembling agitation s rung ng, s rung chuyn, s no ngattenuate make thin or slender; weaken; make thin; weaken lm yu, mng iimpiety irreverence; wickedness S khng tn ngng, s bt knhtoxic poisonous cbestial beastlike; brutal sc vt, d man

    noxious harmfulsuccor aid; assistance; relief s cu gip; s vin tr; s cu tr; s gip inimical hostile; harmful; unfriendly; hostile Th ch, c hivertigo dizziness s chng mt, hoa mt; cm gic mt thng bngforestall upset somebody or his plans by doing something unexpectedly early; buy up; do something first and so prevent another from doing it; prevent by taking action in advance hnh ng trc ngn chn 1 ngi lm vic g; chn trcimpetuous violent; hasty; rash Mnh m, d di, hng, bcmollify sootheobtrude push oneself, one's opinions, etc. forward when unwanted; force oneselfupon others; push into prominence ep buc, tng n, bt phi theoturbulence state of violent agitation s hn loan; s bt an, s no ngabdicate formally give up an office or a duty; give up the throne; renoun

    ce; give up 1. T b (quyn li, a v)ngt. 2. (ndt) Thoi v, nhng ngireiterate say or do again several times; repeat Lm li, ni li, lp li; re(=aga) +it(=go)sumptuous costly, luxurious; magnificent, splendid; lavish; rich xa hoa,xa x, lng lyrecant withdraw or renounce beliefs, statement, etc. in a formal or public manner; repudiate; withdraw previous statement Cng khai rt lui ( kin,..); re (=back, away) + cant (=sing)immolate kill as an offering; sacrifice one thing to another; offer as asacrifice git (vt) cng t, cng taltercation quarrel or noisy argument; wordy quarrel Cuc ci ln, u khucriteria standards used in judging tiu chun nh gi

    disingenuous insincere; not straightforward; not naive; sophisticatedkhng thanh tht, khng tht tha, khng trung thc, quay quc, gian xoculpable blameworthy,deserving punishment; deserving blame dng khin trch co tialtruistic considering the well-being and happines of others first,unselfish; unselfishly generous; concerned for others C lng v tha, thuc ch ngha v thaassiduous working steadily, diligent; eagerly attentive chm ch,sing nngpragmatic treating things in a matter-of-fact or pratical way; practical;concerned with practical values (a) thc t, thc dung; (thuc) ch ngha thc dung; (s hpedantic showing off learning; bookish thng thi rmmettle courage; spirit Dung kh; kh khi; kh phchdais raised platform for guests of honor b bcossify change or harden into bone ha thch, ha xng

    harass to annoy by repeated attacks quy ry, quy ri, lm phinfester generate pus mng m, thi ra; day dt, cay comniscient all knowing, having unlimited authority; knowing all; having com

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    plete or infinite knowledge; all-knowing trn thng thin vn, di tng a l(g)propitious favorable; well-disposed; kindly thun li, thun tin, thch hp clanh (s im, triu)swathe wrap around; bandage bng, qun bng; qun tinsolvent backrupt; lacking money to pay khng tr n c, v n, khng trdissemble hide one's feeling, intentions, etc.; disguise; disguise; preten

    d che giu, giu gim, che y gi tr, gi ao cflag drop; grow feeble y i, gim st; tr nn nht nhoimminent impending; likely to happen without delay; impending; near at hand sp xy raegregious remarkably bad; outstanding, used for someone or something bad;flagrant; gross; shocking Qu x, izenith point directly overhead in the sky; summit thin nh; im cao nht, cc iquandary dilemma tinh th kh x, tinh hung lng tng, tinh hung kh khnzephyr gentle breeze; west wind gi ty; gi nh, hiu hiu; vi xfia; o mng thng vinassay analyze; evaluate th, th nghim,ptchmorose ill-humored; sullen

    rummage ransack; thoroughly search lc li ,bi mcvie contend; compete (with sb for st/to do st) ganh ua quyt litchaff worthless products of an endeavor tru, v; vt v gi tr; li bn ctflux flowing; series of changes s tun chy; s thay i lin tcchasten discipline; punish in order to correct un nn, trng pht; kim chaver declare as true; assert; affirm; state confidently xc nhnreticent not saying all that is known or felt; in the habit of saving little; reserved; uncommunicative, inclined to silence Trm lng, t ni,kn o; re(=intve) +tic

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    diffusion wordiness; spreading in all directions like a gas s truyn tin;s truyn b; s ph bin; s khuch tn nh sng s rm ra, s dai dongdilatory delaying chm chap, l m, tr nifacetious humorous; jocular hay khi hi, hi hcflippancy trifling gaiety s khim nh, sung s; s hn lo, xc xcinsouciant indifferent; without concern or care khng lo ngh, v tmassuage ease; lessen pain xoa du

    propensity a natural inclination or tendency thin hng; xu hngfallacious misleading sai lm; lm lcscurrilous obscene; indecent Tc tu ,th lfactious inclined to form factions; causing dissension gy b phidaunt intimidate de do, do dmtorturous marked by extreme suffering co tnh cht giay vo; gy au khtransitory existing for a short time only ngn ngi; phu du; bng chpthroe extreme struggling anguish s au d di; nhng cn au d disullen showing a brooding ill humor; darkened by clouds u r, ru r, m am; buhmpinioned (of birds) especially having the flight feathers; bound fast especially having the arms restrained (n) (ky thut) bnh rng chuyn, u cnh; cnh ch

    ct lng cnh, ch

    t cnh tri ch

    tvaunt extravagant self-praise; extravagant self-praise (thi, li) khoe khoang khoc lcpreen clean with one's bill, of birds; pride or congratulate (oneself) for anachievement (vt) ria lng (chim); ( + oneself) lam dng, t im; t khen minh, t haidebauchery a wild gathering involving excessive drinking and promiscuity nchi trc tng , h hngiconoclast an image-breaker; someone who tries to destroy traditional ideasor institutions bi tr thnh tng, bc b tn ngngindolent habitually inactive or idle bing nhc, khng auindignant having such anger and scorn as is aroused by meanness or wickedness Cm phn, phn n, cng phnsterile having no reproductive power cn ci ,khng c kh nng sn xut,V sinh

    palindrome a word or phrase that reads the same backward as forwardcu c xui ngc u ging nhausalutatory the opening oration at the commemcement in American collegesCho mng,chc mng ,Din vn khai mcreprehend express strong disapproval of Ch trch, khin trchacerbic sour or bitter in taste; harsh or corrosive in tone chua cht, gay gtextricable capable of being extricated c th g ra c, c th thot ra c, cfecund capable of producing offspring or vegetation; intellectually productive nhiu, c kh nng sinh sn; ph nhiu, mu minsalubrious detrimental to health c c hi cho sc khecohort a company of companions or supporters; a band of warriors (originally aunit of a Roman Legion) i qun, m ng

    innovate to introduce or strive to introduce new things a vo nhng ci mi, tii micynical exhibiting moral skepticism hay nghi ngretroaction Operation on something past or preceding Hiu lc tr v trc (caut); tc dng ngc tr v trc.glutton a person who is devoted to eating and drinking to excess; wolverine of northern Eurasia k hu nsycophant a servile flatterer, especially of those in authority or influence ke ninh ht/b conjoin to unite kt hpanhydrous withered Khan( ho hc)provocative serving or tending to provoke, excite, or stimulate; stimulatingdiscussion orexciting controversy; exciting sexual desire khiu khch, tru choc

    ; kch thch, khu gi (v tinh duc)incoherent not logically coordinated, as to parts, elements, or detailsKhng mch lc, tp nham

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    litigate to cause to become the subject-matter of a suitat law kin, tranh chphaughty having or showing arrogant superiority to and disdain of those one viewsas unworthy kiu cng, kiu karrogant unduly or excessively proud, as of wealth, station, learning, etc kiu cng, ngo mn, t cao t iphilanthropy voluntary promotion of human welfare; active humanitarianism

    lng bc i, nhn tperceptive having the ability to perceive or understand; keen in discernmenta word or phrase that reads the same backward as forward mn cm, d cm thartifice deception; trickery mnh khocalk a metal cleat on the bottom front of a horseshoe to prevent slipping; provide with calks; seal with caulking; injure with a calk mu sc (ng vo mng nggiy); bt, trt, hnqualm a fit of nausea mi lo ngai, ni e s; ni day dt, ni bn khon; s nn nao, ssolicit make a solicitation or entreaty for something; request urgently; make amorous advances towards; offer one's body for sex in return for money Ni n ,khn khon+F1049spendthrift someone who spends money prodigallyRecklessly wasteful ngi n tiu ho

    ang phfanatic a religious zealot ngi cung tnbenevolent doing or inclined to do good; kindly; charitable; generous; charitable nhn t, rng lngnostalgic unhappy at being away and longing for familiar things or personsNh nha, nh qu hng; luyn tic qu kh; hoai cchronology the science that treats of computation of time,or of investigation and arrangement of events nin i hc, bng nin iadulate flatter in an obsequious manner Nnh ht, b coltish given to merry frolicking non nt, t kinh nghimostentatious Isn't it rather ostentatious to wear a Phi Beta kappa key on a chain around your neck?; The real hero is modest, never ostentatious. ph trng, khoe khoang, thch n

    acrimony sharpness or bitterness of speeech or temper S chua cay, s gaygtimprecation a curse S chi ra, cu nguyn raepiphany any appearance or bodily manifestation of a deity s hin linhindefatigability tireless determination S khng bit mi mtintemperance immoderate action or indulgence, as of the appetites s khng iu ,u , s n ni khng ng mclatency the state of being dormant s ngm ngm, s m , s tim tngeminence an elevated position with respect to rank, place, character, condition, etc S ni ting, a v caoidyllic excellent and delightful in all respects; suggestive of an idyll; charmingly simple and serene th in vin, khc ng qu (thuc)

    renascence the revival of learning and culture Thi k Phc hng; s hi phc, tbilge where the sides of the vessel curve in to form the bottom; cause to leak(as of vessels); take in water at the bilge thng yhedonistic devoted to pleasure thuc ch ngha khoi lcvernacular the language of one's country ting bn a, bn x; th ngexpository pertaining to a formal presentation tnh cch m t/gii thchinsalubrity the quality of being insalubrious and debilitating tnh c, tnh chi cho sc khepervasive thoroughly penetrating or permeating ta lan, thm nhp, khuch tnuxoricide ti git v, k git vteem to be full to overflowing tran ngp; y, di dao, c rt nhiusatiric resembling poetry, in which vice, incapacity,or corruption is held up toridicule Tro phng (trong th vn)

    beatify to make supremely happy tuyn phccalcify become impregnated with calcium salts; turn into lime; become calcified;convert into lime vi ha

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    loutish ill-mannered and coarse and contemptible in behavior or appearancevng v, th l cc mchenfetter restrain with fetters; constrain; make a slave; xing li, xch li, n dhoconsummation the act of bringing to completion or fruitioneconomical using the minimum of time or resources necessary for effectiveness; of or relating to an economy, the system of production and management of mat

    erial wealtheconomy the system of production and distribution and consumption; the efficientuse of resources; frugality in the expenditure of money or resourcesmagnanimity extremely liberal generosity of spirit

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