
ubli1i~tb by t11t ililo rluting Qlomput1J

Serving Brownville Brownville Jet ) poundaGrange Milo Se6ee middot)l 2 No42 Thurs clay E vening Oc tober 17 1963 Ten Cents

Baptists Mark Anniversary

)f the featured speakers was Dr E lmer Bentley General Trinity Choir and members from Park Street Methodist Choir e tary United Baptist Convention of Maine

The observance of the fiftieth anniversary of the incorpora on of the United Baptist Church of Milo was held at the chur ch on Pleasant Street on October 13 1963 in the afternoon The sershyvice was well attended The program was as follows Prelude Sweet Me mories and Arioso by Carroll Fletcher -Orgains t The~OIlening Hymn The Churches One Founaation Prayer by Former Pastor Rev C alvinT Hayes Welc ome hy P astor Otto L P a lmer Anthem HallelujahChorus by the Trinity Choir and members from the P ark Street MethodistChurch choir Remarks by Field Secretary for E astern Maine Rev Archie M Craig s olo Bless This House by Mr Edwin Treworgy Memorial by Mrs Rosamond Golden Hymn Our God Help Remarks F or m shyer P astor Re John W Meis n er now Pastor of the Brownville Community Church Former P astor Rev Calvin T Hayes now Pastor of the F irst Baptist Church Bangor Maine

Letters R ead F rom Former Pastor Rev NewellJ Smith nOl Pastor of the United Baptist Church Caribou Maine F ormer Passhytor Rev GeraldW Beals now Pastor of the Uni ted Baptist Chnrc Top ham Maine Forme r P astor Rev Lee A P erry now P as -tor of the Maplewood Baptis tChurch Ma lden Mass but who has

ersaly cake in the for m of a church building was made by ac cepted a call to the Covenant Baptis t Church Indianapolis In shy0 Pauline Grindle dianaRe KeithE Wingler Pastor of theWf t Winnc()1 Rnt~


THE TOWN CRIER is published each Thursday evening by the Milo Printing Company We hope to be of help to the citizens of the towns in our covershyage through NEWS INFORMATION AND LOWPRIC shyED ADVERTISING

We accept no financial responsibility for errors in adve rtising but will gladly print corrections

Copies of most photos appearing in THE TOWN CRI shyER may be obtained through our ome lf you have news or available pbotos of any sort we

urge you to call or drop in Deadline will be Monday Noon but we would appreciate copy received earlier in the week

Classified ads 50 cent minimum lnclucUng up to 12 wods 3 cents for each additional middotword Display ad space by the column inch

John and Joanne Brigham - Editors

943-2622 with NEWS ITEMS 943-7384 for AD SP4CE

you want to BUY SE LL RENT or SWAP try Town -rier Clas sified

~ A LITY GUERNSEY vIILK [rom our own accredited middotd By the gallon 60~ at e L rm Ready Bottles - No liting Jugs available on r milk route also Searles r y Farm Schoodi (~ Lake

~ ld Brownville Ma ine

Jy S all-w 001 wi nter jack e L _e lined size 14 worn 3

nths any re asona ble offe r al l 943-2622

Dryer Very Rea- J T C t rE Auto

Dnb le


n rear

o 1t ro to tillers

1939 Che _ tion

Call 943-7405

)1 Chevrolet pickup dth 4 eed transmis s ion middotand 34

end and a 335 dis shylce ment power glide engine

condition Also 2 erigshybui lt by Kai sshy

r olet 1 2 ton 1e l body tr uck in good conshy

1953 Chevrolet 4 door

F OR RENT House on Daniel St 5 rooms and bath Oil Heat Glassed in porch Garder spot and nice lawn Call 943 - 8852 Myron Smart

SERVICE Electrolux Sales and Se vice L J Cote West Main Street Milo Maine 943-2232



THURSDAYQctobe r 17 1963 Lions Club

SATURDAY Oc tober 19 1963

~d 1 95~ Chevrolet 2 door 11 943-8807 H G Slllcl alr American Legion Home Supper

JR SALE will be served at 5 and 6 p m

ay een en e Belles and Beaux Square Dance

SUNDAY October 20 1963 Church

MONDAY October 21 1963 Jaycees Hunters B eakfas t

WEDNESDAY October 23 1963 T he Bernard Jones Post and its Auxi liary Am rican Legion will sponsor a Hunters Supperatthe


Organil1lational planning was the theme of a Friday Afternoon m eting in Guilford of person connect d wi th the econo mic d vel opmentofPis cataquis C unty O T Roze lle of Milo Chai rmar of the Piscataquis County Development ASS OCiation Mr s J oargt Mens ing nod James Martin both of Guilford who have been Laying the ground work for a coiltinuing Overall Econom ic Developmen Plan(OEDP)forthe County m et with Francis Montvill and Ri hard Johnson of the Universi ty of Maine Extension Service I is the duty of the Extension Ser vi ce to provide organizational assis shytance in work pertaining to Area Rede vlopment Procedures for obtaini)g informati on necessary in repo ting

progress to Ar eaDevelopmentAdministrationOfficials were di shyus sed

Benjamin D ob le of Milo s apPOinted a five person nominati n(T committee to present a slate of officers at the annual mee~ing 0 _

the Piscataquis County Extension ASS OCia tion on October 25 Lester Stevens of South Dover F aye Mi thee of Guilford Cente r EarlIngersonofMedford Bradley Nui te of Sangerville and Mary Lou Davis of Parkman are those appointed

The co mmittee will meet on Tuesday night October 15 to discuss nominees Nomination will also be received from the floor a the annual mee ting of the Ass ociation


P HON E 7 23-5667 p O BO X 478








s now ti res V ry G od con- Tickets are now on sale and may ion size 670X1 5 Six storm be ob tail d from any Pos t or any [ 0 5 size 32 inches by 58 Auxiliar~ member


Ul Conglomeration OJ Voras By Neill Robertson

They were holding some revival meetings in a church in the deep ~outh The visi ting evangelist was laying it on pretty hard about sin ighteousness and judgement to come A very serious looking lady as si tting right in the front row and the preacher seemed to be getshyjng real steamed up as he began to enumerare the sins of the peoshyle in general He took a shot at the drinkers of alcohol and this ady in the front seat shouted Amen brother Amen Then he ~ok a swipe at the gamblers and again came a strong Amen om the front seat andhe went on and all the while the Amens arne up louder from the front seat and then the preacher decided touch on the adulter ers The lady in the front seat got up and rarted to leave showing signs of disgust and anger as she gave be preacher this parting shot Now brother you has stopped r ea ching and started gossiping A youngster was walking along j)e c ountry road carrying a fishing pole when he me t the minister md two rather handsome young daughters apparently on their ay to church The minis ter took the boy tomiddot do for fishing on Sunshy

lay The youngster asked him if he ever -fished on Sunday The _r eacher with a very dignified state said Young man l am a fisher

men The boy gave another look at the pretty gir Is and repli~d e ll sir you have the right bait Allen Horne please note these

T ay have been some of the ones you told me but I have to use the pencil on some of yours (Har) Now after those two yarns

__tI s talk about something a little more in the serious vein ~ Im going to dare to write a little about something I ~ersonally

ttl notqualifiedtowriteabout--higher education-- but as I told ~ member of my family once who was criticizing me for going

t on speaking engagements for the Civic League of Maine many ar s ago He claimed I had no right to talk about the liquor proshy

em when I had never taken a drink I told him that I didnt have be bittenby a rattlesmke to find out what effect it would have

~o l donotnecessar~lyhavetobeacollegeprofessor to know what _ _e wrong kind of teaching can do to make a life fall fa r short of its - tential I have before me as I write a survey (in part) fr om he NEWSWEEK magazine referring to a survey of 291 graduating ~eDiors who appraised their own position A 26 year old history najor declared and 11 uote Our intellectual forebears - -Darwin fa rx and Fr~dd have left us with nearly barren ground With

~ rinciples and truths robbed of all certainty we are a generation ha t wants to believe but dares not We have no firm principles

grasp for support 11 Billy Graham says that a recent Sudany magazine article described the graduates of a large eastern unishyers ity in these words The modernY-0uth wants to be inconspicshy

lOUS in the crowd--to take on the protective coloring of his assoshy ate s He has no courage to speak his own convictions William enn imprisoned in the Tower of London for his Christian views reported to have exclaimed My prison shall be my grave before wi ll budge a jot for lowe my conscience to no man R ight is

ight even if everyone is against it and wrong is wr ong even

e veryone is for it I jus t wanted to gi ve you that las t quote l that you might see that the thing I may seem to overdo in my ~Lumn is also the conviction of some men who make me look _Ke a spiritual infant Things have come to such a pass that oome people thiut thatChristialls should go around apologizing beshy l use they do notfollow the crowd But people seem to forget that hristians are jus t as human as the next one and make the i r shar e er r ors but they do work at TRYING to serve the Lord

r- age

Towne middot Burton Wedding

Miss Jeanrtte Ann Burton daughter of Mrs Ve ra B urton Milo and the late Haro ld H Button and Owen P e ter Towne of Mrs Ge rtrude T owne of 543 Hammond Street Bangor the late Owen H T owne we re married in the chapel of the F BaptistChurch Bangor F r iday evening The Rev Calvin B~ preformed the double ring ceremony in the presence of the mediate families

Miss E leanor L Burton sister of the bride was maid of llt and John H P erry was best man

The b r ide wore a beige stri t with yellow accessories and flowers were yellow roses and white carnations

The maid of honorwore a blue cotton suit with white acceSSOL A wedding supper at the Or onoka followed the ceremony

her wedding trip to Quebe c City the bride wor e a bbcy sheath dT with white accessories The young couple will reside at 1 54 Gr Street Bangor

The bride was graduated from Milo HighSchool in 1962 weere was active in school affai r s

The bridegroom w as gr aduated from Brownville Jct High Sel in 1962 and i s employed at the Fuel Mart in Bangor


~~~ SteeiaL



fO 0 1uee




Arnolds Esso Station


mningham and Dwight Clark voted Dress Up Day pr ogram building was a Eature I t was the work of Mrs Pauline Gr indle


rector Noyes marches Milo Senior Band onto the field lilo Senior Band r epresented Keene New Hampshire at their o fuall game with Brewer High played-at Brewer las t F riday ~ht unde r lights

~t Council ollic 18 L to R Faraday Clalk Jannjfer DavIs

~ ect


Pharmac i ~ t s and man uCa ctur rs of pha rmac euti ca ls know there are two iue to ev ry drug One is effecti vemiddot ~ the other igt sa fety

T he ma ker and the men who fill preccrip lions exercir ll lrnoll l can to -sur that d rug Rerfnrm properi) before you or yuur fa mil y use them nd when you ilu Y(JU J] rpceie the geatesl be nefits when yo u take me uimiddot inc onl) a e(ordin~ to rtcommenurtl do -ages

P harm a ce uti c al m u n uf3 cturer~ -pl nd m i ll io n~ every year in testin Iheir products to de lermillc oalety as el l a e fiec t ivene T hey ~lI lply both doctors and dr uggist_ witb full prescription inform ation descrihing prod uct pd OrTll a nce Phyida lls rel y lI(JQ n the-e f(ic t ~ in cv~ry p re~c rj p shyUUf l hf ~ wrile Phann aci51 make

baggetl ~ p~afmacJ NEll DAGGETT JR B S bull R PH

PHOE 943middot778) MILO MAINE


UTe eac h doetorfO exucl In~~ r uc ti on shya re recQrded on the label of every bullle or box of medIcine before il is deli erNI tu the lIser

Thee safegua rd are appli~d fo r your prOle(t ion and 1 nu 5huuld lake full advantage of thplll In lIing an medication it 0 j to 10110 Ii imple ru le

~tj er attefnllf to change he dosshyage vihouL pr( fe~jonnl co unse1 f ]way phune YO llr phy ician or hnrmiddot mad~ 1 finl

By employing ucb Qmmo n ens~ you give allY drug a Iwtlr oppormiddot t unil to help VU Il aud any o lher pos shysib il ity is reduced Il it harest minishymum_ It seem cqwilly important here I I) r~peal I he precaution that a ll med i catjon~ sh ould be kept out of the reach of dli I Jr~n

Donations for itwere made by the following Mrs Gladys Bradeen the Dorcas Guild

A brief church history prepared by Oscar L Hamlinwas print shyed and distributed to those pr esent

The committee in charge of the annivers ary observance was composed of the following Oscar L Hamlin Chairm an Mr s Gladys Bradeen Mrs Pearl M Hamlin Mrs The lm a McE achshyern Mr Max P lace Mr Gardiner Osgood Pastor Otto L Palshymer ex-officio


Will anyone interested in subshyf)titute teaching please contact Superintendent Reginalct Dorishyty The Only rea uire ments are a higps chool educa tion and 18 ear s of age or over

Class room photo shows adult and businesslike appearnace of students on dress up day II

Milo High held their first Dr ess Up day last Friday Fbr the remainder of the school year students will dr ess up ~ach F riday Dr ess shirts ties and suits sport coats or dress swea ters are required for boys and dresses with dress shoes for the gi r ls Ex periments of this type in other parts of the country show that dressing up brings a marked drop in tendency to Horse ar ound and a more adult approach to studies resulting in better grades


Church Windsor New York a former resident of Milo who at shytended church and Sunday School in the United Baptist Chur ch

Solo The Church By rhe Side of The Road by Mrs Thelma Calver Remarks by GeneralSecretary United Baptist Convention of Maine Dr Elmer Bentley Solo Our House of God wi th or shyiginal words by Mr s Margaret Peters Remarks by Senior Deacon p aul H Day of the United Baptist Church of Milo Hymn Le ad ( o King Eternal Benediction by Former P astor Re v John W

Meisner P ostlude I WillGive Thanks Following the servicAS refreshments were served in the Max shy

well Parlors An anniversar y cake made in the form of a church


1954 to 1961 $10 73


l G49 to 19 59 $9 56


Single exhauSi 58-59 $11 08




Lady vs Bear

rrs Ann Richardson Stoddard Hill Milo was aim ing at a Typing I c l as s with inst ructor Philip Gerow in background -rridge when young Mr Bear came down a tr ee beside her Richardson fired at the bear wounding it and with only ~ she ll left for her 410 shotgun she dispatched the bear deshye noises of approaching animal which c ould have been the ~her Our lady bear-killer vows she will never go hunting ~ only two shells again

tIe cwo photos above were taken at the Harves t Hop spons ored euro J unior Class in the Junction gym l as t Frid ay night Mr --Y amo 0 av rl cord and attendance anoeared lo be

Students in Bookeepi ng I ins truc tor Anne Place in background

Instructor Walte r Macdougal with Scienc e students

Adul t Educ ation c lasses in Milo were termed very succe sfu by Supe r intendent Regi nald Dori ty A good attendance has been r epor ted a t a ll c lasses wi th a total of approximately 60 peopE enrolled Typing One and Two Bookkeeping One and Two aue

THE TOW middot RIP ~l Ii

Now I will tell you something about each of the cla s s es in tl program of the Conservation CampConservation Camper

There were three classes in archery In this class we learnl

A t a recent meeting of the Milo Garden Club Ne il Hamlin preshy~ nted a report on the week he spent at the Conservation Camp on _3011ch Pond where he was sponsored by the Milo Garden Club

le eport is as follows

a1 Ladies of the Regional Garden Club This letter is a summary of my week at the Conser vation Camp

Branch Pond I arrived atcamp in the afternoon on Sunday August 11 tho The

m p director M1 Bill Benent assigned me to Brewer cabin middot epolted to the cabin and met the counsellor his nam e was Dale -X8r Like many of the counsellors he was a college student Ie told me that I shouldgo to the waterfront for classification of ~ s wimming ability the classifications were swimmer beginshy~r and non-swimmer I was classified a svimmer

-I typical day in camp began at 640 a m with the sound of the een and the bugle to awaken everyone The next 15 minutes were r washing up At 705 all campers assembled aro und the flag r theflagraising This was followed by bre lkfas t After breakshy t the different class groups went out on capers chore s such

- cleaningthelodge the beach or piling wood At 8l 0 we asshymiddot mbled in fron t of the Lions cabin and then our c las s gr oups began e i l morning sessions These lasted for three ho ws up to 11 30

1200 we haddinnel followed by a rest period F ro m 130 to 30 wehadclasses Theperiodfrom430to 530was a free pershy

At 530 all campers assembled by the flag a nd the honor guard k the flag down and then led the assembly in to supper After per campers were free until 7 30 at which time the evening pro-shy

middot am began Thirty minutes after the program Taps were blown ing the day

BEST place

-)~-middotGje~t the BEST eal priee1~~He BEST

~~ riuU S ate4 I~ ew amp Us edt Easy Fi na nci ng

JI) EUI ST R E ET lvI1 LO lAlN E P ho lll l--W 39

the basics of safe and accurate use of the bow and arrow Canoeing Class was held for four periods three of them in onE

afternoon First the instructors explained the rules of cano middot s ar ty and the different paddle strokes then we want on a two bo canoe trip On our canoe trip it rained and we were all s oake

Cooking class included instructions in how to use new ~Peshyoutdoor stoves and how to cook foods over an open fire

For a total of three hours Wle had classes in spinning and casting where we were taught correct casting form and tec hni qUE

InoUl two hours of cr aft shop we made small signs with IrOt

toes written on them In the three classes of motor and beat safety we studied

Maine Boat Law and then we went out in boats with an ins tru( tor

In the two class es on Forestry we learned about different typE of trees forest management and firefighting

Map and Compass class taught how to read contour maps l

and compasses In the final class we split up into groups of were given a compass course and followed it through the 00

and out In conservation class we learned about the different ani mal

of the Maine woods and how to protect them In fish indentification we learned about the interior and extE

ior parts of the fish We were given books with which any fi in Maine waters c an be identified

Riflery classes were held on every day of camp Upon sati factory completion of these classes wereceived membershi p the National Riflery Association

Graduation exercises were held on Saturday at 130 p m received my graduation certificate and my National Riflery ~ sociation Membership Card

I feel that I learned a lot at summer camp and I would li ke thank all of you for sending me Yours tru _ ~

ml]J~~rn[3~~ Neil H amj



5 AM - AM Oto 8e~

Col 1 r rl4 8shy~I Coffee ~qJJ


~Aclmission $1 __l ~a- 1 1___ -c_


Lltu (li)

n ccling was held on Tuesshy- a fte lnoon at the home of lt Gladys Lycl s ton for the po o e of planning fo r the

nC E F ltollection on Ha lloshyU 1 night - ICEF this year will be

nsured by the Dorca s Guild h~ U B Chruc h and the W

S of the Park Street Methshy- t hurc h both of Milo _-rC E F istheUnitedl tL tions Idl e n Fund The gifts of ne ~ collected will be conshy

_te into milk and medicine youngs ters in the undeve lshyd a reas of the world

_TE D BAPIrIST CHURCH i r s will rehearse at regshy

- li mes on Thursday Sl turda f the Laymens

lP will meet for Upper m and Fellowship time at -L

Chr istian Youth R ecreashy- Cente r will be at 7 30 on day for the youth groups e (middothurch Golden Hule C la s sroo m

e n [or pr ayer prior to the ai Sunday evt ning s e rvice

-Radio-Stereo les amp Se rvice


rk Furaitllre Store

NEOTERlC C LUB The Neo teri c C lub met Oct

8th with 35 members att ndshying The F ederation Song wa s sung by Jean Hanson accomshypanied by Gay Ie 8hi rley a t the pi ano

The b usiness me e ti ng was conducted by the yi N -pl esi shydent Mrs Merna R icker

Cont d on Page 8

Jus t Come in and Check

Our Prices

Mens Hubber P ac s 4 75 Boys Rubber Pacs 419 Siz e 3 to 6

Hooded s we at s hirt Red or Gray Rego 2a 9 5 i nsulat shyed 419 Mens Flannel Shirts 259 HanesThermali te underwear Drawers amp Shirt 2 69 ea Mens Rain Sui ts Tan or yelshylow 575 set

We stock all types of Insulshyation BIRD SHINGLE S amp ROOFshyING P APER White CEI LING TILE 12X24 center scored with painted bevel 12~ sq f t


~AY0 at

SimkO 5j~~ General Store

DIAL 943 - 771 7


Belles n Be middotux Prize

Alfr e d Weymouth and Ga len Carey hold pr ize banne r

The attendanee banne r pic tur e d above may be won fro m the Belles N Beaux Square Dance Cl ub of Milo by other clubs in this area To take the b armer a c lub m ust appear at the regular dance of the Belles NT Beaux with a t leas t two squares The bal ner will be awarded to the club which has most square on thE floor To regain po ses sion of the banner the Belles N Beau must squar e up a t l eas t two s quare s on the Door of the club whi ch has won it After any c lub has won the banner five times the Belles N Bea uX wil l awar d a War Bond to that club The ban shyne r which be ar s the local c lub s insignia was d esigned by Dt Ralph Monroe and made by Mrs Myr na Ricker both m mber of the Belles N Beaux

Rainbow Installation

L to R Alletta Hill-Char ity Nancy Sha r row- Worthy Associate Advi sor Faraday C lar k- Wor thy Ad vi s or Pa tty Smith-Hope Paulette S tanchfie ld -F aith (McKu i ck Photo)

At an ins talla tion of the Brownville Rainbow As s e mb ly held las Sttulday nigh t a t the Blowl~Ji llc Ma sonic Hall the gir ls pictur abo ve were ins tallN I in th fi ve top offi ce s of the ssembly


Channel 5 SATURDAY OCTOBER 19 1963 700 Maine Farm Show 2 30 The Pioneers

TUESDAY OCTOBJR 22 1~63 730 Laurel amp Hardy 300 Dr agne t ~ 750 Open Door 325 CBS News 800 Captain Gallant 330 Champ ionship Bo 325 CBS _News 7 55 Farm Reporter 3 30 Edge of Night 830 Fun House 4 30 NF L Hi ghligh ts 330 Edge of Night 800 Captein Kangaroo 400 Secret SlDrm 900 Astro Boy 5 00 Dance P a rty400 Secret Storm 900 Three Stooges 430 Bozo tee Clown 930 Ruff amp Reddy (C) 6 00 Lawrence Welk430 Bozo the Clown 930 Teneessee Ernie 530 Father Knows Best 1000 Hector Heathcots (C) 700 Bill Dana530 Father Knows Best 10 00 Mike Wallace News 600 Geori(e Hale Sports 1030 King Leonardo (C) 730 The Lieutenant600 George HaleSports 1030 I Love Lucy 610 Weather Watch 1100 Fury 830 J oey Bishop (C)8 10 Weather Watch 11 00 Real MCos 615 George Redpath News 11- 30 Make Room For Daddy 900 Saturday Night bull615 George Redpath News 11 30 Pete amp Gladys 630 CBS News 1200 Watch Mr Wizard The Tall Men6 30 CBS News 1200 Love of Life 700 Greatest -Show On Earth 12 30 Bullwinkle (C) 11 15 Rheingold rrbeau 7 00 My Three Sons 1225 News 800 Red Skelton 1 00 Exploring The Untochable _-eW5 730 Password 1230 Search for Tomorrow 900 Petticoat Junction 200 The Deputy- arch for Tomorrow 800 Rawhide 1245 Guiding Light 930 Jack BennyGuiding Light 9 00 Perry Mason SUNDAY OCTOBER 20 1963

__I -Day 1000 The Nurses 1 110 Mid Day 10 60 Ga rry Moore 10 00 Americans at Work 500 WHd Kingdom (CI 130 As the World Turns 1100 News at Eleven 1015 Sacred Heart 530 G-E- College Bowl 11 00 News at Elven 00 Weather Watch 1030 Wagon Train1115 Weather Watch Password 1115 This is the Life 600

1120 Sports Final 230 Houseparty 11 20 Sports Final 11 00 Faith For Today 730 Walt Di s neys III 300 To Tell the Turlh 1130 The Hour OfSt Francis World of Color (e

1200 People Are Funny 830 Grindle 1963 WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 231963 12-30 Big Picture 8 10 00 Show of The V~

3 00 To Tell the Truth 750 Open Door 330 Edge of Nigh 100 Wide World Of Sports 1100 Channel 2 Nes 7 55 Farm Reporter Secret Storm Cameo Theater 1115 The Story of u-m Reporter 3 30 Edge of Night 4 00 230

~ tp lS in Kangar oo 400 Secret Stonn 800 Captain Kangaroo 430 Bozo the Clown 330 News IITheTunnel ll k An Ametl= 900 Three Stooges 500 Hal Lone Pine- ee Stooges 4 30 Bozo the Clown

MONDA Y OCTOBER 21 19633 30 Tennessee Ernie 530 Father Knows Best530 Father Knows Best 7 00 Today 300 Lore tta Young 1bo10 00 Mike Wallace News 6 00 Ge orge Hale Spor ts6 00 George Hale Sports

1030 I Lilve Lucy 6 10 Weather Watch 7 25 News 330 You Dont Say610 Weather Watch 730 Today 400 The Match Gao11 00 Real McCoys 6 15 George Redpath lews615 George Redpath News

11 30 -Pete amp Glndys 6 30 CBS News 8 25 News 4 25 NBC News630 CBS News 830 Today 430 Super man1200 Love Of Life 7 00 Huckleberry Hound700 The Great Adventure 900 Woman s Hour 5 00 Trililmaste r 1225 News 7 30 Chroni c le 800 -Arrest and Trail 10 00 Say When 6 00 Channel 2 New1230 Search for Tomorrow 830 Glyilis930 Twilight Zone

1245 Guiding Light 900 Beverly Hillbilies 10 25 News 620 Whats the Whel te 1000 Alfred Ilitchcock 1030 Word for Word (C) 6 25 Sports Report100 Mid Day 9 30 Di c k Van Dyke11 00 News at Eleven

130 As the World Turns 1000 Danny Kaye 1100 Concentration (C) 630 Huntley Brinkley F11 15 Weather WatCh 11 30 Missing Link (C) 7 0 0 Donna Reed200 r-assword 11 00 News at Eleven11 20 Sports Final

230 Houseparty 1115 Weather Watch 1200 Your First Impression C 7 30 Monday Night Moshy1230 Truth or Consequences The Rains of R300 To Tell the Truth 11 20 Sports Final

CBS News 1255 NBC News Day Report 930 Hollywood and the 196~ 1 00 General Hospi ta l 1000 Sing Al ng With


1 30 The Price is Right 11 00 ABC ews FinalWLBZ -TV lhon nel 2415 Football Scoreboard 200 People Will Talk Channe l 2 1110 ew 430 Studio City Bandstand 225 NBC News amp Sports

THURSDAY OCTOBER 1719635 00 Hootenanny 230 The Doctors 11 30 Ton~ght bow (C700 Today 2 30 The Doctors600 Bud Leavitt

7 25 News 300 Loretta Young Theater TUESbAY OCTOBER 22 1963630 77 Sunset Strip 7 30 Today 330 You Dont Say (C) 7 00 Today - 300 Loretta Young 11k730 Jackie Gleason 825 News 4 00 The U a tch Game 7 25 News 330 You Dont Say (e)830 Igtbil Silvers 830 Today 4 25 NBC News Afternoon 7 30 Today 4 00 Match Game900 Defenders 900 Womans Hour 4 30 Superman 8 25 News 425 NBC ews000 GllIismoke 1000 Say When (C) 500 Trailmaster 830 Today 4 30 Supe rmanNews 10 25 NBC News Morning Report 600 Channe l 2 News 900 Womans Hour 500 Tra ilmaster 10 30 Word of Word (C) 620 Whats the Weather 1000 Say When 600 Channel 2 News_Y OCTOBER 20 1963 11 00 Concentration tiZb ~ports Report 1025 News 620 Whats the Weath tT olby Telecourse 430 Sunday Sports Spectacular 11 30 Missing Link (C) 630 Huntley Brinkley RepoTL 1030 Word for Word (C) G25 Sports Re port~vlng Word 500 20th Century 1200 Your First Impression (C) 700 Curly OBrien 11 00 COllcentration(C) 630 Huntley Brinkley Pomiddot _swlic Mass 530 Amateur Hour 1230 Tr utb or Consequences (C) 730 Combat 1130 Missing Link (C) 700 Patty Dukeunp Unto My Feet 600 _Jairnie McPheeters 1255 NBC News Day Report 8 30 Dr Kildare 1200 Your First Impression (C) 7 30 Mr Nova k _oak Up And Live 700 Lassie 100 G neral Hospital 930 Haze l (C) 1230 Truth or Consequences 8 30 Mr amp Mrs Music he Chris tophels 730 My FavoriteMartian 130 Price is Right 1000 Kraft Mystery Theater (C) 1255 NBC News Day Report 9 00 Richard B onneindtlS try on Palade 800 Ed Sullivan

900 200 People Will Talk te) 1100 ABC News Final 1 00 General Ho ital 10 00 T e lephone Hour (CThi is the Life Judy Garland 225 NBC News Afternoon 1110 Channel 2 News Weather 1 30 Price is Right_ 11 00 ABC New~ Ina _sk Your Doctor 10 00 Candid Camera

Report 11 30 Tonight Show (C) Sports 200 People Will Talk (C) 1110 Chamel 2 News 9shyJ ympics Preview 1030 Whats My Line 225 NBC News amp Sports ro Football Kickoff 11 00 Harry Reasoner News

FRIDAY OCTOBER ~ 230 The Doc tors 11 30 Tonight Show (C) _0 F L Football 1115 Maine News 700 Today 230 The Doctors 725 News 300 Loretlla Young Theater WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 23 1963

1963 730 Today 330 You Dont Say (C) 7 00 Today 3 00 Loretta Young The325 CBS News 825 News 400 The Match Game 7 25 News 330 YouDont Say (C) 3 30 Edge of Night 230 Today 4 25 NBC News Afternoon 730 Today 400 The Matc h Game

400 Secret Storm 9 00 Womans Hour 430 Superman 825 Ne ws 4 25 NBC News bree Stooges 430 Bozo the CIIIWn 1000 Say lhen 500 Trailmaster 830 T oday 4 30 Superman ennessee Ernie 530 Father Knows Best 1025 NBC News Morning 6 00 Channel 2 News 900 Womans Hour 500 Trailma~ te r600 George Hale Sports 1030 Word for Word (C) 620 Whats the Wbeather 10 00 Say When 6 00 Channe l 2 News610 Weather Watch 11 00 Concentration (C) 625 Sports Report 10 25 NBC News 6 20 Wha ts the Wea ther615 George Redpath News 1130 Missing Link (C) 630 Huntley Brinkiey Report 1030 Word for Word (C) 6 25 Spor ts Report6 30 CBS News 1200 First Impression (C) 7 00 The Flirmiddottstones 1100 Concentration (C) 6 30 Huntley Brinkley R 700 lt11 Ed 1230 Truth or Consequences 730 Youth Rally j 11 30 MiSSing Link (C) 700 Spotl ight on You th7 30 To Tell the Truth 1255 NBC Ne ws Day Report 830 Bob Hope Show (C) 1200 Your First ImpreSSion (C) 730 The Virginian (C) 800 Ive Got A Secret 1 00 General Hospital 930 Farmers Daughter 1230 Truth or Consequences 9 00 Ben Casey~30 Lucy Show 130 Plice is Right 1000 Jack Paar (C) 1255 NBC New s Day Report 10 00 The Ele ve nth Hour900 BurkeS Law 200 People will Talk (C) 1100 ABC News Finai 1 00 Gener a l Hospi tal 1100 ABC News Final1000 East Side West Side

1100 News at ElevBn 225 N1lC News Mid Afternoon 11 10 Channel 2 News Weather l3J The Price is Right 11 10 Channe l 2 N I o us par ly 1130 Tonight Show(C)1115 Weather Watch70 T e ll the Truth Mrs Hedges Executive Secshy1120 Sports Final

retary of the Maine Commisshy

A mepting of the Penquis sion of Problems of the Menshy

Refreshments were served by Friends ot Retarded Children tally Retarded will speak and

Pat Ricker Connie Carey was held Thursday evening at show slides on problems of the

tarded children An- Dollie Harmon Violet Jones the Milo Elementary School Mentally retarded

s was 1i s Crockett Lee Spear Piicilla Millier Plans were made for a public Interested persons fro m lvli 10

of retarded child r en Judy Macdougall meeting to be held Oct 30th and surrounding towns are ur shy


__ he World Turns

n Door

-~ssee Ernie lke Wa llace News

ove Lucy eal McCoys _ et amp Gladys

e of Life _ews



--clDessee Tuxedo c k Iiraw McGraw

G)Rogers King C31ldlepin Bowling

oJIege Kickoff iusburg Vs W Virginia1 00

p tain Kangaroo

IOke Wallace News

middotews arob for Tmnorrow

GUId ing Light tid Day the iorld Turns

ro m Page 7 no ld Gellerson of Do-shy

roft s poke on the t1 ainshy


THE TOWN CRIER is published each Thursday evening by the Milo Printing Company We hope to be of help to the citizens of the towns in our covershyage through NEWS INFORMATION AND LOWPRIC shyED ADVERTISING

We accept no financial responsibility for errors in adve rtising but will gladly print corrections

Copies of most photos appearing in THE TOWN CRI shyER may be obtained through our ome lf you have news or available pbotos of any sort we

urge you to call or drop in Deadline will be Monday Noon but we would appreciate copy received earlier in the week

Classified ads 50 cent minimum lnclucUng up to 12 wods 3 cents for each additional middotword Display ad space by the column inch

John and Joanne Brigham - Editors

943-2622 with NEWS ITEMS 943-7384 for AD SP4CE

you want to BUY SE LL RENT or SWAP try Town -rier Clas sified

~ A LITY GUERNSEY vIILK [rom our own accredited middotd By the gallon 60~ at e L rm Ready Bottles - No liting Jugs available on r milk route also Searles r y Farm Schoodi (~ Lake

~ ld Brownville Ma ine

Jy S all-w 001 wi nter jack e L _e lined size 14 worn 3

nths any re asona ble offe r al l 943-2622

Dryer Very Rea- J T C t rE Auto

Dnb le


n rear

o 1t ro to tillers

1939 Che _ tion

Call 943-7405

)1 Chevrolet pickup dth 4 eed transmis s ion middotand 34

end and a 335 dis shylce ment power glide engine

condition Also 2 erigshybui lt by Kai sshy

r olet 1 2 ton 1e l body tr uck in good conshy

1953 Chevrolet 4 door

F OR RENT House on Daniel St 5 rooms and bath Oil Heat Glassed in porch Garder spot and nice lawn Call 943 - 8852 Myron Smart

SERVICE Electrolux Sales and Se vice L J Cote West Main Street Milo Maine 943-2232



THURSDAYQctobe r 17 1963 Lions Club

SATURDAY Oc tober 19 1963

~d 1 95~ Chevrolet 2 door 11 943-8807 H G Slllcl alr American Legion Home Supper

JR SALE will be served at 5 and 6 p m

ay een en e Belles and Beaux Square Dance

SUNDAY October 20 1963 Church

MONDAY October 21 1963 Jaycees Hunters B eakfas t

WEDNESDAY October 23 1963 T he Bernard Jones Post and its Auxi liary Am rican Legion will sponsor a Hunters Supperatthe


Organil1lational planning was the theme of a Friday Afternoon m eting in Guilford of person connect d wi th the econo mic d vel opmentofPis cataquis C unty O T Roze lle of Milo Chai rmar of the Piscataquis County Development ASS OCiation Mr s J oargt Mens ing nod James Martin both of Guilford who have been Laying the ground work for a coiltinuing Overall Econom ic Developmen Plan(OEDP)forthe County m et with Francis Montvill and Ri hard Johnson of the Universi ty of Maine Extension Service I is the duty of the Extension Ser vi ce to provide organizational assis shytance in work pertaining to Area Rede vlopment Procedures for obtaini)g informati on necessary in repo ting

progress to Ar eaDevelopmentAdministrationOfficials were di shyus sed

Benjamin D ob le of Milo s apPOinted a five person nominati n(T committee to present a slate of officers at the annual mee~ing 0 _

the Piscataquis County Extension ASS OCia tion on October 25 Lester Stevens of South Dover F aye Mi thee of Guilford Cente r EarlIngersonofMedford Bradley Nui te of Sangerville and Mary Lou Davis of Parkman are those appointed

The co mmittee will meet on Tuesday night October 15 to discuss nominees Nomination will also be received from the floor a the annual mee ting of the Ass ociation


P HON E 7 23-5667 p O BO X 478








s now ti res V ry G od con- Tickets are now on sale and may ion size 670X1 5 Six storm be ob tail d from any Pos t or any [ 0 5 size 32 inches by 58 Auxiliar~ member


Ul Conglomeration OJ Voras By Neill Robertson

They were holding some revival meetings in a church in the deep ~outh The visi ting evangelist was laying it on pretty hard about sin ighteousness and judgement to come A very serious looking lady as si tting right in the front row and the preacher seemed to be getshyjng real steamed up as he began to enumerare the sins of the peoshyle in general He took a shot at the drinkers of alcohol and this ady in the front seat shouted Amen brother Amen Then he ~ok a swipe at the gamblers and again came a strong Amen om the front seat andhe went on and all the while the Amens arne up louder from the front seat and then the preacher decided touch on the adulter ers The lady in the front seat got up and rarted to leave showing signs of disgust and anger as she gave be preacher this parting shot Now brother you has stopped r ea ching and started gossiping A youngster was walking along j)e c ountry road carrying a fishing pole when he me t the minister md two rather handsome young daughters apparently on their ay to church The minis ter took the boy tomiddot do for fishing on Sunshy

lay The youngster asked him if he ever -fished on Sunday The _r eacher with a very dignified state said Young man l am a fisher

men The boy gave another look at the pretty gir Is and repli~d e ll sir you have the right bait Allen Horne please note these

T ay have been some of the ones you told me but I have to use the pencil on some of yours (Har) Now after those two yarns

__tI s talk about something a little more in the serious vein ~ Im going to dare to write a little about something I ~ersonally

ttl notqualifiedtowriteabout--higher education-- but as I told ~ member of my family once who was criticizing me for going

t on speaking engagements for the Civic League of Maine many ar s ago He claimed I had no right to talk about the liquor proshy

em when I had never taken a drink I told him that I didnt have be bittenby a rattlesmke to find out what effect it would have

~o l donotnecessar~lyhavetobeacollegeprofessor to know what _ _e wrong kind of teaching can do to make a life fall fa r short of its - tential I have before me as I write a survey (in part) fr om he NEWSWEEK magazine referring to a survey of 291 graduating ~eDiors who appraised their own position A 26 year old history najor declared and 11 uote Our intellectual forebears - -Darwin fa rx and Fr~dd have left us with nearly barren ground With

~ rinciples and truths robbed of all certainty we are a generation ha t wants to believe but dares not We have no firm principles

grasp for support 11 Billy Graham says that a recent Sudany magazine article described the graduates of a large eastern unishyers ity in these words The modernY-0uth wants to be inconspicshy

lOUS in the crowd--to take on the protective coloring of his assoshy ate s He has no courage to speak his own convictions William enn imprisoned in the Tower of London for his Christian views reported to have exclaimed My prison shall be my grave before wi ll budge a jot for lowe my conscience to no man R ight is

ight even if everyone is against it and wrong is wr ong even

e veryone is for it I jus t wanted to gi ve you that las t quote l that you might see that the thing I may seem to overdo in my ~Lumn is also the conviction of some men who make me look _Ke a spiritual infant Things have come to such a pass that oome people thiut thatChristialls should go around apologizing beshy l use they do notfollow the crowd But people seem to forget that hristians are jus t as human as the next one and make the i r shar e er r ors but they do work at TRYING to serve the Lord

r- age

Towne middot Burton Wedding

Miss Jeanrtte Ann Burton daughter of Mrs Ve ra B urton Milo and the late Haro ld H Button and Owen P e ter Towne of Mrs Ge rtrude T owne of 543 Hammond Street Bangor the late Owen H T owne we re married in the chapel of the F BaptistChurch Bangor F r iday evening The Rev Calvin B~ preformed the double ring ceremony in the presence of the mediate families

Miss E leanor L Burton sister of the bride was maid of llt and John H P erry was best man

The b r ide wore a beige stri t with yellow accessories and flowers were yellow roses and white carnations

The maid of honorwore a blue cotton suit with white acceSSOL A wedding supper at the Or onoka followed the ceremony

her wedding trip to Quebe c City the bride wor e a bbcy sheath dT with white accessories The young couple will reside at 1 54 Gr Street Bangor

The bride was graduated from Milo HighSchool in 1962 weere was active in school affai r s

The bridegroom w as gr aduated from Brownville Jct High Sel in 1962 and i s employed at the Fuel Mart in Bangor


~~~ SteeiaL



fO 0 1uee




Arnolds Esso Station


mningham and Dwight Clark voted Dress Up Day pr ogram building was a Eature I t was the work of Mrs Pauline Gr indle


rector Noyes marches Milo Senior Band onto the field lilo Senior Band r epresented Keene New Hampshire at their o fuall game with Brewer High played-at Brewer las t F riday ~ht unde r lights

~t Council ollic 18 L to R Faraday Clalk Jannjfer DavIs

~ ect


Pharmac i ~ t s and man uCa ctur rs of pha rmac euti ca ls know there are two iue to ev ry drug One is effecti vemiddot ~ the other igt sa fety

T he ma ker and the men who fill preccrip lions exercir ll lrnoll l can to -sur that d rug Rerfnrm properi) before you or yuur fa mil y use them nd when you ilu Y(JU J] rpceie the geatesl be nefits when yo u take me uimiddot inc onl) a e(ordin~ to rtcommenurtl do -ages

P harm a ce uti c al m u n uf3 cturer~ -pl nd m i ll io n~ every year in testin Iheir products to de lermillc oalety as el l a e fiec t ivene T hey ~lI lply both doctors and dr uggist_ witb full prescription inform ation descrihing prod uct pd OrTll a nce Phyida lls rel y lI(JQ n the-e f(ic t ~ in cv~ry p re~c rj p shyUUf l hf ~ wrile Phann aci51 make

baggetl ~ p~afmacJ NEll DAGGETT JR B S bull R PH

PHOE 943middot778) MILO MAINE


UTe eac h doetorfO exucl In~~ r uc ti on shya re recQrded on the label of every bullle or box of medIcine before il is deli erNI tu the lIser

Thee safegua rd are appli~d fo r your prOle(t ion and 1 nu 5huuld lake full advantage of thplll In lIing an medication it 0 j to 10110 Ii imple ru le

~tj er attefnllf to change he dosshyage vihouL pr( fe~jonnl co unse1 f ]way phune YO llr phy ician or hnrmiddot mad~ 1 finl

By employing ucb Qmmo n ens~ you give allY drug a Iwtlr oppormiddot t unil to help VU Il aud any o lher pos shysib il ity is reduced Il it harest minishymum_ It seem cqwilly important here I I) r~peal I he precaution that a ll med i catjon~ sh ould be kept out of the reach of dli I Jr~n

Donations for itwere made by the following Mrs Gladys Bradeen the Dorcas Guild

A brief church history prepared by Oscar L Hamlinwas print shyed and distributed to those pr esent

The committee in charge of the annivers ary observance was composed of the following Oscar L Hamlin Chairm an Mr s Gladys Bradeen Mrs Pearl M Hamlin Mrs The lm a McE achshyern Mr Max P lace Mr Gardiner Osgood Pastor Otto L Palshymer ex-officio


Will anyone interested in subshyf)titute teaching please contact Superintendent Reginalct Dorishyty The Only rea uire ments are a higps chool educa tion and 18 ear s of age or over

Class room photo shows adult and businesslike appearnace of students on dress up day II

Milo High held their first Dr ess Up day last Friday Fbr the remainder of the school year students will dr ess up ~ach F riday Dr ess shirts ties and suits sport coats or dress swea ters are required for boys and dresses with dress shoes for the gi r ls Ex periments of this type in other parts of the country show that dressing up brings a marked drop in tendency to Horse ar ound and a more adult approach to studies resulting in better grades


Church Windsor New York a former resident of Milo who at shytended church and Sunday School in the United Baptist Chur ch

Solo The Church By rhe Side of The Road by Mrs Thelma Calver Remarks by GeneralSecretary United Baptist Convention of Maine Dr Elmer Bentley Solo Our House of God wi th or shyiginal words by Mr s Margaret Peters Remarks by Senior Deacon p aul H Day of the United Baptist Church of Milo Hymn Le ad ( o King Eternal Benediction by Former P astor Re v John W

Meisner P ostlude I WillGive Thanks Following the servicAS refreshments were served in the Max shy

well Parlors An anniversar y cake made in the form of a church


1954 to 1961 $10 73


l G49 to 19 59 $9 56


Single exhauSi 58-59 $11 08




Lady vs Bear

rrs Ann Richardson Stoddard Hill Milo was aim ing at a Typing I c l as s with inst ructor Philip Gerow in background -rridge when young Mr Bear came down a tr ee beside her Richardson fired at the bear wounding it and with only ~ she ll left for her 410 shotgun she dispatched the bear deshye noises of approaching animal which c ould have been the ~her Our lady bear-killer vows she will never go hunting ~ only two shells again

tIe cwo photos above were taken at the Harves t Hop spons ored euro J unior Class in the Junction gym l as t Frid ay night Mr --Y amo 0 av rl cord and attendance anoeared lo be

Students in Bookeepi ng I ins truc tor Anne Place in background

Instructor Walte r Macdougal with Scienc e students

Adul t Educ ation c lasses in Milo were termed very succe sfu by Supe r intendent Regi nald Dori ty A good attendance has been r epor ted a t a ll c lasses wi th a total of approximately 60 peopE enrolled Typing One and Two Bookkeeping One and Two aue

THE TOW middot RIP ~l Ii

Now I will tell you something about each of the cla s s es in tl program of the Conservation CampConservation Camper

There were three classes in archery In this class we learnl

A t a recent meeting of the Milo Garden Club Ne il Hamlin preshy~ nted a report on the week he spent at the Conservation Camp on _3011ch Pond where he was sponsored by the Milo Garden Club

le eport is as follows

a1 Ladies of the Regional Garden Club This letter is a summary of my week at the Conser vation Camp

Branch Pond I arrived atcamp in the afternoon on Sunday August 11 tho The

m p director M1 Bill Benent assigned me to Brewer cabin middot epolted to the cabin and met the counsellor his nam e was Dale -X8r Like many of the counsellors he was a college student Ie told me that I shouldgo to the waterfront for classification of ~ s wimming ability the classifications were swimmer beginshy~r and non-swimmer I was classified a svimmer

-I typical day in camp began at 640 a m with the sound of the een and the bugle to awaken everyone The next 15 minutes were r washing up At 705 all campers assembled aro und the flag r theflagraising This was followed by bre lkfas t After breakshy t the different class groups went out on capers chore s such

- cleaningthelodge the beach or piling wood At 8l 0 we asshymiddot mbled in fron t of the Lions cabin and then our c las s gr oups began e i l morning sessions These lasted for three ho ws up to 11 30

1200 we haddinnel followed by a rest period F ro m 130 to 30 wehadclasses Theperiodfrom430to 530was a free pershy

At 530 all campers assembled by the flag a nd the honor guard k the flag down and then led the assembly in to supper After per campers were free until 7 30 at which time the evening pro-shy

middot am began Thirty minutes after the program Taps were blown ing the day

BEST place

-)~-middotGje~t the BEST eal priee1~~He BEST

~~ riuU S ate4 I~ ew amp Us edt Easy Fi na nci ng

JI) EUI ST R E ET lvI1 LO lAlN E P ho lll l--W 39

the basics of safe and accurate use of the bow and arrow Canoeing Class was held for four periods three of them in onE

afternoon First the instructors explained the rules of cano middot s ar ty and the different paddle strokes then we want on a two bo canoe trip On our canoe trip it rained and we were all s oake

Cooking class included instructions in how to use new ~Peshyoutdoor stoves and how to cook foods over an open fire

For a total of three hours Wle had classes in spinning and casting where we were taught correct casting form and tec hni qUE

InoUl two hours of cr aft shop we made small signs with IrOt

toes written on them In the three classes of motor and beat safety we studied

Maine Boat Law and then we went out in boats with an ins tru( tor

In the two class es on Forestry we learned about different typE of trees forest management and firefighting

Map and Compass class taught how to read contour maps l

and compasses In the final class we split up into groups of were given a compass course and followed it through the 00

and out In conservation class we learned about the different ani mal

of the Maine woods and how to protect them In fish indentification we learned about the interior and extE

ior parts of the fish We were given books with which any fi in Maine waters c an be identified

Riflery classes were held on every day of camp Upon sati factory completion of these classes wereceived membershi p the National Riflery Association

Graduation exercises were held on Saturday at 130 p m received my graduation certificate and my National Riflery ~ sociation Membership Card

I feel that I learned a lot at summer camp and I would li ke thank all of you for sending me Yours tru _ ~

ml]J~~rn[3~~ Neil H amj



5 AM - AM Oto 8e~

Col 1 r rl4 8shy~I Coffee ~qJJ


~Aclmission $1 __l ~a- 1 1___ -c_


Lltu (li)

n ccling was held on Tuesshy- a fte lnoon at the home of lt Gladys Lycl s ton for the po o e of planning fo r the

nC E F ltollection on Ha lloshyU 1 night - ICEF this year will be

nsured by the Dorca s Guild h~ U B Chruc h and the W

S of the Park Street Methshy- t hurc h both of Milo _-rC E F istheUnitedl tL tions Idl e n Fund The gifts of ne ~ collected will be conshy

_te into milk and medicine youngs ters in the undeve lshyd a reas of the world

_TE D BAPIrIST CHURCH i r s will rehearse at regshy

- li mes on Thursday Sl turda f the Laymens

lP will meet for Upper m and Fellowship time at -L

Chr istian Youth R ecreashy- Cente r will be at 7 30 on day for the youth groups e (middothurch Golden Hule C la s sroo m

e n [or pr ayer prior to the ai Sunday evt ning s e rvice

-Radio-Stereo les amp Se rvice


rk Furaitllre Store

NEOTERlC C LUB The Neo teri c C lub met Oct

8th with 35 members att ndshying The F ederation Song wa s sung by Jean Hanson accomshypanied by Gay Ie 8hi rley a t the pi ano

The b usiness me e ti ng was conducted by the yi N -pl esi shydent Mrs Merna R icker

Cont d on Page 8

Jus t Come in and Check

Our Prices

Mens Hubber P ac s 4 75 Boys Rubber Pacs 419 Siz e 3 to 6

Hooded s we at s hirt Red or Gray Rego 2a 9 5 i nsulat shyed 419 Mens Flannel Shirts 259 HanesThermali te underwear Drawers amp Shirt 2 69 ea Mens Rain Sui ts Tan or yelshylow 575 set

We stock all types of Insulshyation BIRD SHINGLE S amp ROOFshyING P APER White CEI LING TILE 12X24 center scored with painted bevel 12~ sq f t


~AY0 at

SimkO 5j~~ General Store

DIAL 943 - 771 7


Belles n Be middotux Prize

Alfr e d Weymouth and Ga len Carey hold pr ize banne r

The attendanee banne r pic tur e d above may be won fro m the Belles N Beaux Square Dance Cl ub of Milo by other clubs in this area To take the b armer a c lub m ust appear at the regular dance of the Belles NT Beaux with a t leas t two squares The bal ner will be awarded to the club which has most square on thE floor To regain po ses sion of the banner the Belles N Beau must squar e up a t l eas t two s quare s on the Door of the club whi ch has won it After any c lub has won the banner five times the Belles N Bea uX wil l awar d a War Bond to that club The ban shyne r which be ar s the local c lub s insignia was d esigned by Dt Ralph Monroe and made by Mrs Myr na Ricker both m mber of the Belles N Beaux

Rainbow Installation

L to R Alletta Hill-Char ity Nancy Sha r row- Worthy Associate Advi sor Faraday C lar k- Wor thy Ad vi s or Pa tty Smith-Hope Paulette S tanchfie ld -F aith (McKu i ck Photo)

At an ins talla tion of the Brownville Rainbow As s e mb ly held las Sttulday nigh t a t the Blowl~Ji llc Ma sonic Hall the gir ls pictur abo ve were ins tallN I in th fi ve top offi ce s of the ssembly


Channel 5 SATURDAY OCTOBER 19 1963 700 Maine Farm Show 2 30 The Pioneers

TUESDAY OCTOBJR 22 1~63 730 Laurel amp Hardy 300 Dr agne t ~ 750 Open Door 325 CBS News 800 Captain Gallant 330 Champ ionship Bo 325 CBS _News 7 55 Farm Reporter 3 30 Edge of Night 830 Fun House 4 30 NF L Hi ghligh ts 330 Edge of Night 800 Captein Kangaroo 400 Secret SlDrm 900 Astro Boy 5 00 Dance P a rty400 Secret Storm 900 Three Stooges 430 Bozo tee Clown 930 Ruff amp Reddy (C) 6 00 Lawrence Welk430 Bozo the Clown 930 Teneessee Ernie 530 Father Knows Best 1000 Hector Heathcots (C) 700 Bill Dana530 Father Knows Best 10 00 Mike Wallace News 600 Geori(e Hale Sports 1030 King Leonardo (C) 730 The Lieutenant600 George HaleSports 1030 I Love Lucy 610 Weather Watch 1100 Fury 830 J oey Bishop (C)8 10 Weather Watch 11 00 Real MCos 615 George Redpath News 11- 30 Make Room For Daddy 900 Saturday Night bull615 George Redpath News 11 30 Pete amp Gladys 630 CBS News 1200 Watch Mr Wizard The Tall Men6 30 CBS News 1200 Love of Life 700 Greatest -Show On Earth 12 30 Bullwinkle (C) 11 15 Rheingold rrbeau 7 00 My Three Sons 1225 News 800 Red Skelton 1 00 Exploring The Untochable _-eW5 730 Password 1230 Search for Tomorrow 900 Petticoat Junction 200 The Deputy- arch for Tomorrow 800 Rawhide 1245 Guiding Light 930 Jack BennyGuiding Light 9 00 Perry Mason SUNDAY OCTOBER 20 1963

__I -Day 1000 The Nurses 1 110 Mid Day 10 60 Ga rry Moore 10 00 Americans at Work 500 WHd Kingdom (CI 130 As the World Turns 1100 News at Eleven 1015 Sacred Heart 530 G-E- College Bowl 11 00 News at Elven 00 Weather Watch 1030 Wagon Train1115 Weather Watch Password 1115 This is the Life 600

1120 Sports Final 230 Houseparty 11 20 Sports Final 11 00 Faith For Today 730 Walt Di s neys III 300 To Tell the Turlh 1130 The Hour OfSt Francis World of Color (e

1200 People Are Funny 830 Grindle 1963 WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 231963 12-30 Big Picture 8 10 00 Show of The V~

3 00 To Tell the Truth 750 Open Door 330 Edge of Nigh 100 Wide World Of Sports 1100 Channel 2 Nes 7 55 Farm Reporter Secret Storm Cameo Theater 1115 The Story of u-m Reporter 3 30 Edge of Night 4 00 230

~ tp lS in Kangar oo 400 Secret Stonn 800 Captain Kangaroo 430 Bozo the Clown 330 News IITheTunnel ll k An Ametl= 900 Three Stooges 500 Hal Lone Pine- ee Stooges 4 30 Bozo the Clown

MONDA Y OCTOBER 21 19633 30 Tennessee Ernie 530 Father Knows Best530 Father Knows Best 7 00 Today 300 Lore tta Young 1bo10 00 Mike Wallace News 6 00 Ge orge Hale Spor ts6 00 George Hale Sports

1030 I Lilve Lucy 6 10 Weather Watch 7 25 News 330 You Dont Say610 Weather Watch 730 Today 400 The Match Gao11 00 Real McCoys 6 15 George Redpath lews615 George Redpath News

11 30 -Pete amp Glndys 6 30 CBS News 8 25 News 4 25 NBC News630 CBS News 830 Today 430 Super man1200 Love Of Life 7 00 Huckleberry Hound700 The Great Adventure 900 Woman s Hour 5 00 Trililmaste r 1225 News 7 30 Chroni c le 800 -Arrest and Trail 10 00 Say When 6 00 Channel 2 New1230 Search for Tomorrow 830 Glyilis930 Twilight Zone

1245 Guiding Light 900 Beverly Hillbilies 10 25 News 620 Whats the Whel te 1000 Alfred Ilitchcock 1030 Word for Word (C) 6 25 Sports Report100 Mid Day 9 30 Di c k Van Dyke11 00 News at Eleven

130 As the World Turns 1000 Danny Kaye 1100 Concentration (C) 630 Huntley Brinkley F11 15 Weather WatCh 11 30 Missing Link (C) 7 0 0 Donna Reed200 r-assword 11 00 News at Eleven11 20 Sports Final

230 Houseparty 1115 Weather Watch 1200 Your First Impression C 7 30 Monday Night Moshy1230 Truth or Consequences The Rains of R300 To Tell the Truth 11 20 Sports Final

CBS News 1255 NBC News Day Report 930 Hollywood and the 196~ 1 00 General Hospi ta l 1000 Sing Al ng With


1 30 The Price is Right 11 00 ABC ews FinalWLBZ -TV lhon nel 2415 Football Scoreboard 200 People Will Talk Channe l 2 1110 ew 430 Studio City Bandstand 225 NBC News amp Sports

THURSDAY OCTOBER 1719635 00 Hootenanny 230 The Doctors 11 30 Ton~ght bow (C700 Today 2 30 The Doctors600 Bud Leavitt

7 25 News 300 Loretta Young Theater TUESbAY OCTOBER 22 1963630 77 Sunset Strip 7 30 Today 330 You Dont Say (C) 7 00 Today - 300 Loretta Young 11k730 Jackie Gleason 825 News 4 00 The U a tch Game 7 25 News 330 You Dont Say (e)830 Igtbil Silvers 830 Today 4 25 NBC News Afternoon 7 30 Today 4 00 Match Game900 Defenders 900 Womans Hour 4 30 Superman 8 25 News 425 NBC ews000 GllIismoke 1000 Say When (C) 500 Trailmaster 830 Today 4 30 Supe rmanNews 10 25 NBC News Morning Report 600 Channe l 2 News 900 Womans Hour 500 Tra ilmaster 10 30 Word of Word (C) 620 Whats the Weather 1000 Say When 600 Channel 2 News_Y OCTOBER 20 1963 11 00 Concentration tiZb ~ports Report 1025 News 620 Whats the Weath tT olby Telecourse 430 Sunday Sports Spectacular 11 30 Missing Link (C) 630 Huntley Brinkley RepoTL 1030 Word for Word (C) G25 Sports Re port~vlng Word 500 20th Century 1200 Your First Impression (C) 700 Curly OBrien 11 00 COllcentration(C) 630 Huntley Brinkley Pomiddot _swlic Mass 530 Amateur Hour 1230 Tr utb or Consequences (C) 730 Combat 1130 Missing Link (C) 700 Patty Dukeunp Unto My Feet 600 _Jairnie McPheeters 1255 NBC News Day Report 8 30 Dr Kildare 1200 Your First Impression (C) 7 30 Mr Nova k _oak Up And Live 700 Lassie 100 G neral Hospital 930 Haze l (C) 1230 Truth or Consequences 8 30 Mr amp Mrs Music he Chris tophels 730 My FavoriteMartian 130 Price is Right 1000 Kraft Mystery Theater (C) 1255 NBC News Day Report 9 00 Richard B onneindtlS try on Palade 800 Ed Sullivan

900 200 People Will Talk te) 1100 ABC News Final 1 00 General Ho ital 10 00 T e lephone Hour (CThi is the Life Judy Garland 225 NBC News Afternoon 1110 Channel 2 News Weather 1 30 Price is Right_ 11 00 ABC New~ Ina _sk Your Doctor 10 00 Candid Camera

Report 11 30 Tonight Show (C) Sports 200 People Will Talk (C) 1110 Chamel 2 News 9shyJ ympics Preview 1030 Whats My Line 225 NBC News amp Sports ro Football Kickoff 11 00 Harry Reasoner News

FRIDAY OCTOBER ~ 230 The Doc tors 11 30 Tonight Show (C) _0 F L Football 1115 Maine News 700 Today 230 The Doctors 725 News 300 Loretlla Young Theater WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 23 1963

1963 730 Today 330 You Dont Say (C) 7 00 Today 3 00 Loretta Young The325 CBS News 825 News 400 The Match Game 7 25 News 330 YouDont Say (C) 3 30 Edge of Night 230 Today 4 25 NBC News Afternoon 730 Today 400 The Matc h Game

400 Secret Storm 9 00 Womans Hour 430 Superman 825 Ne ws 4 25 NBC News bree Stooges 430 Bozo the CIIIWn 1000 Say lhen 500 Trailmaster 830 T oday 4 30 Superman ennessee Ernie 530 Father Knows Best 1025 NBC News Morning 6 00 Channel 2 News 900 Womans Hour 500 Trailma~ te r600 George Hale Sports 1030 Word for Word (C) 620 Whats the Wbeather 10 00 Say When 6 00 Channe l 2 News610 Weather Watch 11 00 Concentration (C) 625 Sports Report 10 25 NBC News 6 20 Wha ts the Wea ther615 George Redpath News 1130 Missing Link (C) 630 Huntley Brinkiey Report 1030 Word for Word (C) 6 25 Spor ts Report6 30 CBS News 1200 First Impression (C) 7 00 The Flirmiddottstones 1100 Concentration (C) 6 30 Huntley Brinkley R 700 lt11 Ed 1230 Truth or Consequences 730 Youth Rally j 11 30 MiSSing Link (C) 700 Spotl ight on You th7 30 To Tell the Truth 1255 NBC Ne ws Day Report 830 Bob Hope Show (C) 1200 Your First ImpreSSion (C) 730 The Virginian (C) 800 Ive Got A Secret 1 00 General Hospital 930 Farmers Daughter 1230 Truth or Consequences 9 00 Ben Casey~30 Lucy Show 130 Plice is Right 1000 Jack Paar (C) 1255 NBC New s Day Report 10 00 The Ele ve nth Hour900 BurkeS Law 200 People will Talk (C) 1100 ABC News Finai 1 00 Gener a l Hospi tal 1100 ABC News Final1000 East Side West Side

1100 News at ElevBn 225 N1lC News Mid Afternoon 11 10 Channel 2 News Weather l3J The Price is Right 11 10 Channe l 2 N I o us par ly 1130 Tonight Show(C)1115 Weather Watch70 T e ll the Truth Mrs Hedges Executive Secshy1120 Sports Final

retary of the Maine Commisshy

A mepting of the Penquis sion of Problems of the Menshy

Refreshments were served by Friends ot Retarded Children tally Retarded will speak and

Pat Ricker Connie Carey was held Thursday evening at show slides on problems of the

tarded children An- Dollie Harmon Violet Jones the Milo Elementary School Mentally retarded

s was 1i s Crockett Lee Spear Piicilla Millier Plans were made for a public Interested persons fro m lvli 10

of retarded child r en Judy Macdougall meeting to be held Oct 30th and surrounding towns are ur shy


__ he World Turns

n Door

-~ssee Ernie lke Wa llace News

ove Lucy eal McCoys _ et amp Gladys

e of Life _ews



--clDessee Tuxedo c k Iiraw McGraw

G)Rogers King C31ldlepin Bowling

oJIege Kickoff iusburg Vs W Virginia1 00

p tain Kangaroo

IOke Wallace News

middotews arob for Tmnorrow

GUId ing Light tid Day the iorld Turns

ro m Page 7 no ld Gellerson of Do-shy

roft s poke on the t1 ainshy


Ul Conglomeration OJ Voras By Neill Robertson

They were holding some revival meetings in a church in the deep ~outh The visi ting evangelist was laying it on pretty hard about sin ighteousness and judgement to come A very serious looking lady as si tting right in the front row and the preacher seemed to be getshyjng real steamed up as he began to enumerare the sins of the peoshyle in general He took a shot at the drinkers of alcohol and this ady in the front seat shouted Amen brother Amen Then he ~ok a swipe at the gamblers and again came a strong Amen om the front seat andhe went on and all the while the Amens arne up louder from the front seat and then the preacher decided touch on the adulter ers The lady in the front seat got up and rarted to leave showing signs of disgust and anger as she gave be preacher this parting shot Now brother you has stopped r ea ching and started gossiping A youngster was walking along j)e c ountry road carrying a fishing pole when he me t the minister md two rather handsome young daughters apparently on their ay to church The minis ter took the boy tomiddot do for fishing on Sunshy

lay The youngster asked him if he ever -fished on Sunday The _r eacher with a very dignified state said Young man l am a fisher

men The boy gave another look at the pretty gir Is and repli~d e ll sir you have the right bait Allen Horne please note these

T ay have been some of the ones you told me but I have to use the pencil on some of yours (Har) Now after those two yarns

__tI s talk about something a little more in the serious vein ~ Im going to dare to write a little about something I ~ersonally

ttl notqualifiedtowriteabout--higher education-- but as I told ~ member of my family once who was criticizing me for going

t on speaking engagements for the Civic League of Maine many ar s ago He claimed I had no right to talk about the liquor proshy

em when I had never taken a drink I told him that I didnt have be bittenby a rattlesmke to find out what effect it would have

~o l donotnecessar~lyhavetobeacollegeprofessor to know what _ _e wrong kind of teaching can do to make a life fall fa r short of its - tential I have before me as I write a survey (in part) fr om he NEWSWEEK magazine referring to a survey of 291 graduating ~eDiors who appraised their own position A 26 year old history najor declared and 11 uote Our intellectual forebears - -Darwin fa rx and Fr~dd have left us with nearly barren ground With

~ rinciples and truths robbed of all certainty we are a generation ha t wants to believe but dares not We have no firm principles

grasp for support 11 Billy Graham says that a recent Sudany magazine article described the graduates of a large eastern unishyers ity in these words The modernY-0uth wants to be inconspicshy

lOUS in the crowd--to take on the protective coloring of his assoshy ate s He has no courage to speak his own convictions William enn imprisoned in the Tower of London for his Christian views reported to have exclaimed My prison shall be my grave before wi ll budge a jot for lowe my conscience to no man R ight is

ight even if everyone is against it and wrong is wr ong even

e veryone is for it I jus t wanted to gi ve you that las t quote l that you might see that the thing I may seem to overdo in my ~Lumn is also the conviction of some men who make me look _Ke a spiritual infant Things have come to such a pass that oome people thiut thatChristialls should go around apologizing beshy l use they do notfollow the crowd But people seem to forget that hristians are jus t as human as the next one and make the i r shar e er r ors but they do work at TRYING to serve the Lord

r- age

Towne middot Burton Wedding

Miss Jeanrtte Ann Burton daughter of Mrs Ve ra B urton Milo and the late Haro ld H Button and Owen P e ter Towne of Mrs Ge rtrude T owne of 543 Hammond Street Bangor the late Owen H T owne we re married in the chapel of the F BaptistChurch Bangor F r iday evening The Rev Calvin B~ preformed the double ring ceremony in the presence of the mediate families

Miss E leanor L Burton sister of the bride was maid of llt and John H P erry was best man

The b r ide wore a beige stri t with yellow accessories and flowers were yellow roses and white carnations

The maid of honorwore a blue cotton suit with white acceSSOL A wedding supper at the Or onoka followed the ceremony

her wedding trip to Quebe c City the bride wor e a bbcy sheath dT with white accessories The young couple will reside at 1 54 Gr Street Bangor

The bride was graduated from Milo HighSchool in 1962 weere was active in school affai r s

The bridegroom w as gr aduated from Brownville Jct High Sel in 1962 and i s employed at the Fuel Mart in Bangor


~~~ SteeiaL



fO 0 1uee




Arnolds Esso Station


mningham and Dwight Clark voted Dress Up Day pr ogram building was a Eature I t was the work of Mrs Pauline Gr indle


rector Noyes marches Milo Senior Band onto the field lilo Senior Band r epresented Keene New Hampshire at their o fuall game with Brewer High played-at Brewer las t F riday ~ht unde r lights

~t Council ollic 18 L to R Faraday Clalk Jannjfer DavIs

~ ect


Pharmac i ~ t s and man uCa ctur rs of pha rmac euti ca ls know there are two iue to ev ry drug One is effecti vemiddot ~ the other igt sa fety

T he ma ker and the men who fill preccrip lions exercir ll lrnoll l can to -sur that d rug Rerfnrm properi) before you or yuur fa mil y use them nd when you ilu Y(JU J] rpceie the geatesl be nefits when yo u take me uimiddot inc onl) a e(ordin~ to rtcommenurtl do -ages

P harm a ce uti c al m u n uf3 cturer~ -pl nd m i ll io n~ every year in testin Iheir products to de lermillc oalety as el l a e fiec t ivene T hey ~lI lply both doctors and dr uggist_ witb full prescription inform ation descrihing prod uct pd OrTll a nce Phyida lls rel y lI(JQ n the-e f(ic t ~ in cv~ry p re~c rj p shyUUf l hf ~ wrile Phann aci51 make

baggetl ~ p~afmacJ NEll DAGGETT JR B S bull R PH

PHOE 943middot778) MILO MAINE


UTe eac h doetorfO exucl In~~ r uc ti on shya re recQrded on the label of every bullle or box of medIcine before il is deli erNI tu the lIser

Thee safegua rd are appli~d fo r your prOle(t ion and 1 nu 5huuld lake full advantage of thplll In lIing an medication it 0 j to 10110 Ii imple ru le

~tj er attefnllf to change he dosshyage vihouL pr( fe~jonnl co unse1 f ]way phune YO llr phy ician or hnrmiddot mad~ 1 finl

By employing ucb Qmmo n ens~ you give allY drug a Iwtlr oppormiddot t unil to help VU Il aud any o lher pos shysib il ity is reduced Il it harest minishymum_ It seem cqwilly important here I I) r~peal I he precaution that a ll med i catjon~ sh ould be kept out of the reach of dli I Jr~n

Donations for itwere made by the following Mrs Gladys Bradeen the Dorcas Guild

A brief church history prepared by Oscar L Hamlinwas print shyed and distributed to those pr esent

The committee in charge of the annivers ary observance was composed of the following Oscar L Hamlin Chairm an Mr s Gladys Bradeen Mrs Pearl M Hamlin Mrs The lm a McE achshyern Mr Max P lace Mr Gardiner Osgood Pastor Otto L Palshymer ex-officio


Will anyone interested in subshyf)titute teaching please contact Superintendent Reginalct Dorishyty The Only rea uire ments are a higps chool educa tion and 18 ear s of age or over

Class room photo shows adult and businesslike appearnace of students on dress up day II

Milo High held their first Dr ess Up day last Friday Fbr the remainder of the school year students will dr ess up ~ach F riday Dr ess shirts ties and suits sport coats or dress swea ters are required for boys and dresses with dress shoes for the gi r ls Ex periments of this type in other parts of the country show that dressing up brings a marked drop in tendency to Horse ar ound and a more adult approach to studies resulting in better grades


Church Windsor New York a former resident of Milo who at shytended church and Sunday School in the United Baptist Chur ch

Solo The Church By rhe Side of The Road by Mrs Thelma Calver Remarks by GeneralSecretary United Baptist Convention of Maine Dr Elmer Bentley Solo Our House of God wi th or shyiginal words by Mr s Margaret Peters Remarks by Senior Deacon p aul H Day of the United Baptist Church of Milo Hymn Le ad ( o King Eternal Benediction by Former P astor Re v John W

Meisner P ostlude I WillGive Thanks Following the servicAS refreshments were served in the Max shy

well Parlors An anniversar y cake made in the form of a church


1954 to 1961 $10 73


l G49 to 19 59 $9 56


Single exhauSi 58-59 $11 08




Lady vs Bear

rrs Ann Richardson Stoddard Hill Milo was aim ing at a Typing I c l as s with inst ructor Philip Gerow in background -rridge when young Mr Bear came down a tr ee beside her Richardson fired at the bear wounding it and with only ~ she ll left for her 410 shotgun she dispatched the bear deshye noises of approaching animal which c ould have been the ~her Our lady bear-killer vows she will never go hunting ~ only two shells again

tIe cwo photos above were taken at the Harves t Hop spons ored euro J unior Class in the Junction gym l as t Frid ay night Mr --Y amo 0 av rl cord and attendance anoeared lo be

Students in Bookeepi ng I ins truc tor Anne Place in background

Instructor Walte r Macdougal with Scienc e students

Adul t Educ ation c lasses in Milo were termed very succe sfu by Supe r intendent Regi nald Dori ty A good attendance has been r epor ted a t a ll c lasses wi th a total of approximately 60 peopE enrolled Typing One and Two Bookkeeping One and Two aue

THE TOW middot RIP ~l Ii

Now I will tell you something about each of the cla s s es in tl program of the Conservation CampConservation Camper

There were three classes in archery In this class we learnl

A t a recent meeting of the Milo Garden Club Ne il Hamlin preshy~ nted a report on the week he spent at the Conservation Camp on _3011ch Pond where he was sponsored by the Milo Garden Club

le eport is as follows

a1 Ladies of the Regional Garden Club This letter is a summary of my week at the Conser vation Camp

Branch Pond I arrived atcamp in the afternoon on Sunday August 11 tho The

m p director M1 Bill Benent assigned me to Brewer cabin middot epolted to the cabin and met the counsellor his nam e was Dale -X8r Like many of the counsellors he was a college student Ie told me that I shouldgo to the waterfront for classification of ~ s wimming ability the classifications were swimmer beginshy~r and non-swimmer I was classified a svimmer

-I typical day in camp began at 640 a m with the sound of the een and the bugle to awaken everyone The next 15 minutes were r washing up At 705 all campers assembled aro und the flag r theflagraising This was followed by bre lkfas t After breakshy t the different class groups went out on capers chore s such

- cleaningthelodge the beach or piling wood At 8l 0 we asshymiddot mbled in fron t of the Lions cabin and then our c las s gr oups began e i l morning sessions These lasted for three ho ws up to 11 30

1200 we haddinnel followed by a rest period F ro m 130 to 30 wehadclasses Theperiodfrom430to 530was a free pershy

At 530 all campers assembled by the flag a nd the honor guard k the flag down and then led the assembly in to supper After per campers were free until 7 30 at which time the evening pro-shy

middot am began Thirty minutes after the program Taps were blown ing the day

BEST place

-)~-middotGje~t the BEST eal priee1~~He BEST

~~ riuU S ate4 I~ ew amp Us edt Easy Fi na nci ng

JI) EUI ST R E ET lvI1 LO lAlN E P ho lll l--W 39

the basics of safe and accurate use of the bow and arrow Canoeing Class was held for four periods three of them in onE

afternoon First the instructors explained the rules of cano middot s ar ty and the different paddle strokes then we want on a two bo canoe trip On our canoe trip it rained and we were all s oake

Cooking class included instructions in how to use new ~Peshyoutdoor stoves and how to cook foods over an open fire

For a total of three hours Wle had classes in spinning and casting where we were taught correct casting form and tec hni qUE

InoUl two hours of cr aft shop we made small signs with IrOt

toes written on them In the three classes of motor and beat safety we studied

Maine Boat Law and then we went out in boats with an ins tru( tor

In the two class es on Forestry we learned about different typE of trees forest management and firefighting

Map and Compass class taught how to read contour maps l

and compasses In the final class we split up into groups of were given a compass course and followed it through the 00

and out In conservation class we learned about the different ani mal

of the Maine woods and how to protect them In fish indentification we learned about the interior and extE

ior parts of the fish We were given books with which any fi in Maine waters c an be identified

Riflery classes were held on every day of camp Upon sati factory completion of these classes wereceived membershi p the National Riflery Association

Graduation exercises were held on Saturday at 130 p m received my graduation certificate and my National Riflery ~ sociation Membership Card

I feel that I learned a lot at summer camp and I would li ke thank all of you for sending me Yours tru _ ~

ml]J~~rn[3~~ Neil H amj



5 AM - AM Oto 8e~

Col 1 r rl4 8shy~I Coffee ~qJJ


~Aclmission $1 __l ~a- 1 1___ -c_


Lltu (li)

n ccling was held on Tuesshy- a fte lnoon at the home of lt Gladys Lycl s ton for the po o e of planning fo r the

nC E F ltollection on Ha lloshyU 1 night - ICEF this year will be

nsured by the Dorca s Guild h~ U B Chruc h and the W

S of the Park Street Methshy- t hurc h both of Milo _-rC E F istheUnitedl tL tions Idl e n Fund The gifts of ne ~ collected will be conshy

_te into milk and medicine youngs ters in the undeve lshyd a reas of the world

_TE D BAPIrIST CHURCH i r s will rehearse at regshy

- li mes on Thursday Sl turda f the Laymens

lP will meet for Upper m and Fellowship time at -L

Chr istian Youth R ecreashy- Cente r will be at 7 30 on day for the youth groups e (middothurch Golden Hule C la s sroo m

e n [or pr ayer prior to the ai Sunday evt ning s e rvice

-Radio-Stereo les amp Se rvice


rk Furaitllre Store

NEOTERlC C LUB The Neo teri c C lub met Oct

8th with 35 members att ndshying The F ederation Song wa s sung by Jean Hanson accomshypanied by Gay Ie 8hi rley a t the pi ano

The b usiness me e ti ng was conducted by the yi N -pl esi shydent Mrs Merna R icker

Cont d on Page 8

Jus t Come in and Check

Our Prices

Mens Hubber P ac s 4 75 Boys Rubber Pacs 419 Siz e 3 to 6

Hooded s we at s hirt Red or Gray Rego 2a 9 5 i nsulat shyed 419 Mens Flannel Shirts 259 HanesThermali te underwear Drawers amp Shirt 2 69 ea Mens Rain Sui ts Tan or yelshylow 575 set

We stock all types of Insulshyation BIRD SHINGLE S amp ROOFshyING P APER White CEI LING TILE 12X24 center scored with painted bevel 12~ sq f t


~AY0 at

SimkO 5j~~ General Store

DIAL 943 - 771 7


Belles n Be middotux Prize

Alfr e d Weymouth and Ga len Carey hold pr ize banne r

The attendanee banne r pic tur e d above may be won fro m the Belles N Beaux Square Dance Cl ub of Milo by other clubs in this area To take the b armer a c lub m ust appear at the regular dance of the Belles NT Beaux with a t leas t two squares The bal ner will be awarded to the club which has most square on thE floor To regain po ses sion of the banner the Belles N Beau must squar e up a t l eas t two s quare s on the Door of the club whi ch has won it After any c lub has won the banner five times the Belles N Bea uX wil l awar d a War Bond to that club The ban shyne r which be ar s the local c lub s insignia was d esigned by Dt Ralph Monroe and made by Mrs Myr na Ricker both m mber of the Belles N Beaux

Rainbow Installation

L to R Alletta Hill-Char ity Nancy Sha r row- Worthy Associate Advi sor Faraday C lar k- Wor thy Ad vi s or Pa tty Smith-Hope Paulette S tanchfie ld -F aith (McKu i ck Photo)

At an ins talla tion of the Brownville Rainbow As s e mb ly held las Sttulday nigh t a t the Blowl~Ji llc Ma sonic Hall the gir ls pictur abo ve were ins tallN I in th fi ve top offi ce s of the ssembly


Channel 5 SATURDAY OCTOBER 19 1963 700 Maine Farm Show 2 30 The Pioneers

TUESDAY OCTOBJR 22 1~63 730 Laurel amp Hardy 300 Dr agne t ~ 750 Open Door 325 CBS News 800 Captain Gallant 330 Champ ionship Bo 325 CBS _News 7 55 Farm Reporter 3 30 Edge of Night 830 Fun House 4 30 NF L Hi ghligh ts 330 Edge of Night 800 Captein Kangaroo 400 Secret SlDrm 900 Astro Boy 5 00 Dance P a rty400 Secret Storm 900 Three Stooges 430 Bozo tee Clown 930 Ruff amp Reddy (C) 6 00 Lawrence Welk430 Bozo the Clown 930 Teneessee Ernie 530 Father Knows Best 1000 Hector Heathcots (C) 700 Bill Dana530 Father Knows Best 10 00 Mike Wallace News 600 Geori(e Hale Sports 1030 King Leonardo (C) 730 The Lieutenant600 George HaleSports 1030 I Love Lucy 610 Weather Watch 1100 Fury 830 J oey Bishop (C)8 10 Weather Watch 11 00 Real MCos 615 George Redpath News 11- 30 Make Room For Daddy 900 Saturday Night bull615 George Redpath News 11 30 Pete amp Gladys 630 CBS News 1200 Watch Mr Wizard The Tall Men6 30 CBS News 1200 Love of Life 700 Greatest -Show On Earth 12 30 Bullwinkle (C) 11 15 Rheingold rrbeau 7 00 My Three Sons 1225 News 800 Red Skelton 1 00 Exploring The Untochable _-eW5 730 Password 1230 Search for Tomorrow 900 Petticoat Junction 200 The Deputy- arch for Tomorrow 800 Rawhide 1245 Guiding Light 930 Jack BennyGuiding Light 9 00 Perry Mason SUNDAY OCTOBER 20 1963

__I -Day 1000 The Nurses 1 110 Mid Day 10 60 Ga rry Moore 10 00 Americans at Work 500 WHd Kingdom (CI 130 As the World Turns 1100 News at Eleven 1015 Sacred Heart 530 G-E- College Bowl 11 00 News at Elven 00 Weather Watch 1030 Wagon Train1115 Weather Watch Password 1115 This is the Life 600

1120 Sports Final 230 Houseparty 11 20 Sports Final 11 00 Faith For Today 730 Walt Di s neys III 300 To Tell the Turlh 1130 The Hour OfSt Francis World of Color (e

1200 People Are Funny 830 Grindle 1963 WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 231963 12-30 Big Picture 8 10 00 Show of The V~

3 00 To Tell the Truth 750 Open Door 330 Edge of Nigh 100 Wide World Of Sports 1100 Channel 2 Nes 7 55 Farm Reporter Secret Storm Cameo Theater 1115 The Story of u-m Reporter 3 30 Edge of Night 4 00 230

~ tp lS in Kangar oo 400 Secret Stonn 800 Captain Kangaroo 430 Bozo the Clown 330 News IITheTunnel ll k An Ametl= 900 Three Stooges 500 Hal Lone Pine- ee Stooges 4 30 Bozo the Clown

MONDA Y OCTOBER 21 19633 30 Tennessee Ernie 530 Father Knows Best530 Father Knows Best 7 00 Today 300 Lore tta Young 1bo10 00 Mike Wallace News 6 00 Ge orge Hale Spor ts6 00 George Hale Sports

1030 I Lilve Lucy 6 10 Weather Watch 7 25 News 330 You Dont Say610 Weather Watch 730 Today 400 The Match Gao11 00 Real McCoys 6 15 George Redpath lews615 George Redpath News

11 30 -Pete amp Glndys 6 30 CBS News 8 25 News 4 25 NBC News630 CBS News 830 Today 430 Super man1200 Love Of Life 7 00 Huckleberry Hound700 The Great Adventure 900 Woman s Hour 5 00 Trililmaste r 1225 News 7 30 Chroni c le 800 -Arrest and Trail 10 00 Say When 6 00 Channel 2 New1230 Search for Tomorrow 830 Glyilis930 Twilight Zone

1245 Guiding Light 900 Beverly Hillbilies 10 25 News 620 Whats the Whel te 1000 Alfred Ilitchcock 1030 Word for Word (C) 6 25 Sports Report100 Mid Day 9 30 Di c k Van Dyke11 00 News at Eleven

130 As the World Turns 1000 Danny Kaye 1100 Concentration (C) 630 Huntley Brinkley F11 15 Weather WatCh 11 30 Missing Link (C) 7 0 0 Donna Reed200 r-assword 11 00 News at Eleven11 20 Sports Final

230 Houseparty 1115 Weather Watch 1200 Your First Impression C 7 30 Monday Night Moshy1230 Truth or Consequences The Rains of R300 To Tell the Truth 11 20 Sports Final

CBS News 1255 NBC News Day Report 930 Hollywood and the 196~ 1 00 General Hospi ta l 1000 Sing Al ng With


1 30 The Price is Right 11 00 ABC ews FinalWLBZ -TV lhon nel 2415 Football Scoreboard 200 People Will Talk Channe l 2 1110 ew 430 Studio City Bandstand 225 NBC News amp Sports

THURSDAY OCTOBER 1719635 00 Hootenanny 230 The Doctors 11 30 Ton~ght bow (C700 Today 2 30 The Doctors600 Bud Leavitt

7 25 News 300 Loretta Young Theater TUESbAY OCTOBER 22 1963630 77 Sunset Strip 7 30 Today 330 You Dont Say (C) 7 00 Today - 300 Loretta Young 11k730 Jackie Gleason 825 News 4 00 The U a tch Game 7 25 News 330 You Dont Say (e)830 Igtbil Silvers 830 Today 4 25 NBC News Afternoon 7 30 Today 4 00 Match Game900 Defenders 900 Womans Hour 4 30 Superman 8 25 News 425 NBC ews000 GllIismoke 1000 Say When (C) 500 Trailmaster 830 Today 4 30 Supe rmanNews 10 25 NBC News Morning Report 600 Channe l 2 News 900 Womans Hour 500 Tra ilmaster 10 30 Word of Word (C) 620 Whats the Weather 1000 Say When 600 Channel 2 News_Y OCTOBER 20 1963 11 00 Concentration tiZb ~ports Report 1025 News 620 Whats the Weath tT olby Telecourse 430 Sunday Sports Spectacular 11 30 Missing Link (C) 630 Huntley Brinkley RepoTL 1030 Word for Word (C) G25 Sports Re port~vlng Word 500 20th Century 1200 Your First Impression (C) 700 Curly OBrien 11 00 COllcentration(C) 630 Huntley Brinkley Pomiddot _swlic Mass 530 Amateur Hour 1230 Tr utb or Consequences (C) 730 Combat 1130 Missing Link (C) 700 Patty Dukeunp Unto My Feet 600 _Jairnie McPheeters 1255 NBC News Day Report 8 30 Dr Kildare 1200 Your First Impression (C) 7 30 Mr Nova k _oak Up And Live 700 Lassie 100 G neral Hospital 930 Haze l (C) 1230 Truth or Consequences 8 30 Mr amp Mrs Music he Chris tophels 730 My FavoriteMartian 130 Price is Right 1000 Kraft Mystery Theater (C) 1255 NBC News Day Report 9 00 Richard B onneindtlS try on Palade 800 Ed Sullivan

900 200 People Will Talk te) 1100 ABC News Final 1 00 General Ho ital 10 00 T e lephone Hour (CThi is the Life Judy Garland 225 NBC News Afternoon 1110 Channel 2 News Weather 1 30 Price is Right_ 11 00 ABC New~ Ina _sk Your Doctor 10 00 Candid Camera

Report 11 30 Tonight Show (C) Sports 200 People Will Talk (C) 1110 Chamel 2 News 9shyJ ympics Preview 1030 Whats My Line 225 NBC News amp Sports ro Football Kickoff 11 00 Harry Reasoner News

FRIDAY OCTOBER ~ 230 The Doc tors 11 30 Tonight Show (C) _0 F L Football 1115 Maine News 700 Today 230 The Doctors 725 News 300 Loretlla Young Theater WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 23 1963

1963 730 Today 330 You Dont Say (C) 7 00 Today 3 00 Loretta Young The325 CBS News 825 News 400 The Match Game 7 25 News 330 YouDont Say (C) 3 30 Edge of Night 230 Today 4 25 NBC News Afternoon 730 Today 400 The Matc h Game

400 Secret Storm 9 00 Womans Hour 430 Superman 825 Ne ws 4 25 NBC News bree Stooges 430 Bozo the CIIIWn 1000 Say lhen 500 Trailmaster 830 T oday 4 30 Superman ennessee Ernie 530 Father Knows Best 1025 NBC News Morning 6 00 Channel 2 News 900 Womans Hour 500 Trailma~ te r600 George Hale Sports 1030 Word for Word (C) 620 Whats the Wbeather 10 00 Say When 6 00 Channe l 2 News610 Weather Watch 11 00 Concentration (C) 625 Sports Report 10 25 NBC News 6 20 Wha ts the Wea ther615 George Redpath News 1130 Missing Link (C) 630 Huntley Brinkiey Report 1030 Word for Word (C) 6 25 Spor ts Report6 30 CBS News 1200 First Impression (C) 7 00 The Flirmiddottstones 1100 Concentration (C) 6 30 Huntley Brinkley R 700 lt11 Ed 1230 Truth or Consequences 730 Youth Rally j 11 30 MiSSing Link (C) 700 Spotl ight on You th7 30 To Tell the Truth 1255 NBC Ne ws Day Report 830 Bob Hope Show (C) 1200 Your First ImpreSSion (C) 730 The Virginian (C) 800 Ive Got A Secret 1 00 General Hospital 930 Farmers Daughter 1230 Truth or Consequences 9 00 Ben Casey~30 Lucy Show 130 Plice is Right 1000 Jack Paar (C) 1255 NBC New s Day Report 10 00 The Ele ve nth Hour900 BurkeS Law 200 People will Talk (C) 1100 ABC News Finai 1 00 Gener a l Hospi tal 1100 ABC News Final1000 East Side West Side

1100 News at ElevBn 225 N1lC News Mid Afternoon 11 10 Channel 2 News Weather l3J The Price is Right 11 10 Channe l 2 N I o us par ly 1130 Tonight Show(C)1115 Weather Watch70 T e ll the Truth Mrs Hedges Executive Secshy1120 Sports Final

retary of the Maine Commisshy

A mepting of the Penquis sion of Problems of the Menshy

Refreshments were served by Friends ot Retarded Children tally Retarded will speak and

Pat Ricker Connie Carey was held Thursday evening at show slides on problems of the

tarded children An- Dollie Harmon Violet Jones the Milo Elementary School Mentally retarded

s was 1i s Crockett Lee Spear Piicilla Millier Plans were made for a public Interested persons fro m lvli 10

of retarded child r en Judy Macdougall meeting to be held Oct 30th and surrounding towns are ur shy


__ he World Turns

n Door

-~ssee Ernie lke Wa llace News

ove Lucy eal McCoys _ et amp Gladys

e of Life _ews



--clDessee Tuxedo c k Iiraw McGraw

G)Rogers King C31ldlepin Bowling

oJIege Kickoff iusburg Vs W Virginia1 00

p tain Kangaroo

IOke Wallace News

middotews arob for Tmnorrow

GUId ing Light tid Day the iorld Turns

ro m Page 7 no ld Gellerson of Do-shy

roft s poke on the t1 ainshy


mningham and Dwight Clark voted Dress Up Day pr ogram building was a Eature I t was the work of Mrs Pauline Gr indle


rector Noyes marches Milo Senior Band onto the field lilo Senior Band r epresented Keene New Hampshire at their o fuall game with Brewer High played-at Brewer las t F riday ~ht unde r lights

~t Council ollic 18 L to R Faraday Clalk Jannjfer DavIs

~ ect


Pharmac i ~ t s and man uCa ctur rs of pha rmac euti ca ls know there are two iue to ev ry drug One is effecti vemiddot ~ the other igt sa fety

T he ma ker and the men who fill preccrip lions exercir ll lrnoll l can to -sur that d rug Rerfnrm properi) before you or yuur fa mil y use them nd when you ilu Y(JU J] rpceie the geatesl be nefits when yo u take me uimiddot inc onl) a e(ordin~ to rtcommenurtl do -ages

P harm a ce uti c al m u n uf3 cturer~ -pl nd m i ll io n~ every year in testin Iheir products to de lermillc oalety as el l a e fiec t ivene T hey ~lI lply both doctors and dr uggist_ witb full prescription inform ation descrihing prod uct pd OrTll a nce Phyida lls rel y lI(JQ n the-e f(ic t ~ in cv~ry p re~c rj p shyUUf l hf ~ wrile Phann aci51 make

baggetl ~ p~afmacJ NEll DAGGETT JR B S bull R PH

PHOE 943middot778) MILO MAINE


UTe eac h doetorfO exucl In~~ r uc ti on shya re recQrded on the label of every bullle or box of medIcine before il is deli erNI tu the lIser

Thee safegua rd are appli~d fo r your prOle(t ion and 1 nu 5huuld lake full advantage of thplll In lIing an medication it 0 j to 10110 Ii imple ru le

~tj er attefnllf to change he dosshyage vihouL pr( fe~jonnl co unse1 f ]way phune YO llr phy ician or hnrmiddot mad~ 1 finl

By employing ucb Qmmo n ens~ you give allY drug a Iwtlr oppormiddot t unil to help VU Il aud any o lher pos shysib il ity is reduced Il it harest minishymum_ It seem cqwilly important here I I) r~peal I he precaution that a ll med i catjon~ sh ould be kept out of the reach of dli I Jr~n

Donations for itwere made by the following Mrs Gladys Bradeen the Dorcas Guild

A brief church history prepared by Oscar L Hamlinwas print shyed and distributed to those pr esent

The committee in charge of the annivers ary observance was composed of the following Oscar L Hamlin Chairm an Mr s Gladys Bradeen Mrs Pearl M Hamlin Mrs The lm a McE achshyern Mr Max P lace Mr Gardiner Osgood Pastor Otto L Palshymer ex-officio


Will anyone interested in subshyf)titute teaching please contact Superintendent Reginalct Dorishyty The Only rea uire ments are a higps chool educa tion and 18 ear s of age or over

Class room photo shows adult and businesslike appearnace of students on dress up day II

Milo High held their first Dr ess Up day last Friday Fbr the remainder of the school year students will dr ess up ~ach F riday Dr ess shirts ties and suits sport coats or dress swea ters are required for boys and dresses with dress shoes for the gi r ls Ex periments of this type in other parts of the country show that dressing up brings a marked drop in tendency to Horse ar ound and a more adult approach to studies resulting in better grades


Church Windsor New York a former resident of Milo who at shytended church and Sunday School in the United Baptist Chur ch

Solo The Church By rhe Side of The Road by Mrs Thelma Calver Remarks by GeneralSecretary United Baptist Convention of Maine Dr Elmer Bentley Solo Our House of God wi th or shyiginal words by Mr s Margaret Peters Remarks by Senior Deacon p aul H Day of the United Baptist Church of Milo Hymn Le ad ( o King Eternal Benediction by Former P astor Re v John W

Meisner P ostlude I WillGive Thanks Following the servicAS refreshments were served in the Max shy

well Parlors An anniversar y cake made in the form of a church


1954 to 1961 $10 73


l G49 to 19 59 $9 56


Single exhauSi 58-59 $11 08




Lady vs Bear

rrs Ann Richardson Stoddard Hill Milo was aim ing at a Typing I c l as s with inst ructor Philip Gerow in background -rridge when young Mr Bear came down a tr ee beside her Richardson fired at the bear wounding it and with only ~ she ll left for her 410 shotgun she dispatched the bear deshye noises of approaching animal which c ould have been the ~her Our lady bear-killer vows she will never go hunting ~ only two shells again

tIe cwo photos above were taken at the Harves t Hop spons ored euro J unior Class in the Junction gym l as t Frid ay night Mr --Y amo 0 av rl cord and attendance anoeared lo be

Students in Bookeepi ng I ins truc tor Anne Place in background

Instructor Walte r Macdougal with Scienc e students

Adul t Educ ation c lasses in Milo were termed very succe sfu by Supe r intendent Regi nald Dori ty A good attendance has been r epor ted a t a ll c lasses wi th a total of approximately 60 peopE enrolled Typing One and Two Bookkeeping One and Two aue

THE TOW middot RIP ~l Ii

Now I will tell you something about each of the cla s s es in tl program of the Conservation CampConservation Camper

There were three classes in archery In this class we learnl

A t a recent meeting of the Milo Garden Club Ne il Hamlin preshy~ nted a report on the week he spent at the Conservation Camp on _3011ch Pond where he was sponsored by the Milo Garden Club

le eport is as follows

a1 Ladies of the Regional Garden Club This letter is a summary of my week at the Conser vation Camp

Branch Pond I arrived atcamp in the afternoon on Sunday August 11 tho The

m p director M1 Bill Benent assigned me to Brewer cabin middot epolted to the cabin and met the counsellor his nam e was Dale -X8r Like many of the counsellors he was a college student Ie told me that I shouldgo to the waterfront for classification of ~ s wimming ability the classifications were swimmer beginshy~r and non-swimmer I was classified a svimmer

-I typical day in camp began at 640 a m with the sound of the een and the bugle to awaken everyone The next 15 minutes were r washing up At 705 all campers assembled aro und the flag r theflagraising This was followed by bre lkfas t After breakshy t the different class groups went out on capers chore s such

- cleaningthelodge the beach or piling wood At 8l 0 we asshymiddot mbled in fron t of the Lions cabin and then our c las s gr oups began e i l morning sessions These lasted for three ho ws up to 11 30

1200 we haddinnel followed by a rest period F ro m 130 to 30 wehadclasses Theperiodfrom430to 530was a free pershy

At 530 all campers assembled by the flag a nd the honor guard k the flag down and then led the assembly in to supper After per campers were free until 7 30 at which time the evening pro-shy

middot am began Thirty minutes after the program Taps were blown ing the day

BEST place

-)~-middotGje~t the BEST eal priee1~~He BEST

~~ riuU S ate4 I~ ew amp Us edt Easy Fi na nci ng

JI) EUI ST R E ET lvI1 LO lAlN E P ho lll l--W 39

the basics of safe and accurate use of the bow and arrow Canoeing Class was held for four periods three of them in onE

afternoon First the instructors explained the rules of cano middot s ar ty and the different paddle strokes then we want on a two bo canoe trip On our canoe trip it rained and we were all s oake

Cooking class included instructions in how to use new ~Peshyoutdoor stoves and how to cook foods over an open fire

For a total of three hours Wle had classes in spinning and casting where we were taught correct casting form and tec hni qUE

InoUl two hours of cr aft shop we made small signs with IrOt

toes written on them In the three classes of motor and beat safety we studied

Maine Boat Law and then we went out in boats with an ins tru( tor

In the two class es on Forestry we learned about different typE of trees forest management and firefighting

Map and Compass class taught how to read contour maps l

and compasses In the final class we split up into groups of were given a compass course and followed it through the 00

and out In conservation class we learned about the different ani mal

of the Maine woods and how to protect them In fish indentification we learned about the interior and extE

ior parts of the fish We were given books with which any fi in Maine waters c an be identified

Riflery classes were held on every day of camp Upon sati factory completion of these classes wereceived membershi p the National Riflery Association

Graduation exercises were held on Saturday at 130 p m received my graduation certificate and my National Riflery ~ sociation Membership Card

I feel that I learned a lot at summer camp and I would li ke thank all of you for sending me Yours tru _ ~

ml]J~~rn[3~~ Neil H amj



5 AM - AM Oto 8e~

Col 1 r rl4 8shy~I Coffee ~qJJ


~Aclmission $1 __l ~a- 1 1___ -c_


Lltu (li)

n ccling was held on Tuesshy- a fte lnoon at the home of lt Gladys Lycl s ton for the po o e of planning fo r the

nC E F ltollection on Ha lloshyU 1 night - ICEF this year will be

nsured by the Dorca s Guild h~ U B Chruc h and the W

S of the Park Street Methshy- t hurc h both of Milo _-rC E F istheUnitedl tL tions Idl e n Fund The gifts of ne ~ collected will be conshy

_te into milk and medicine youngs ters in the undeve lshyd a reas of the world

_TE D BAPIrIST CHURCH i r s will rehearse at regshy

- li mes on Thursday Sl turda f the Laymens

lP will meet for Upper m and Fellowship time at -L

Chr istian Youth R ecreashy- Cente r will be at 7 30 on day for the youth groups e (middothurch Golden Hule C la s sroo m

e n [or pr ayer prior to the ai Sunday evt ning s e rvice

-Radio-Stereo les amp Se rvice


rk Furaitllre Store

NEOTERlC C LUB The Neo teri c C lub met Oct

8th with 35 members att ndshying The F ederation Song wa s sung by Jean Hanson accomshypanied by Gay Ie 8hi rley a t the pi ano

The b usiness me e ti ng was conducted by the yi N -pl esi shydent Mrs Merna R icker

Cont d on Page 8

Jus t Come in and Check

Our Prices

Mens Hubber P ac s 4 75 Boys Rubber Pacs 419 Siz e 3 to 6

Hooded s we at s hirt Red or Gray Rego 2a 9 5 i nsulat shyed 419 Mens Flannel Shirts 259 HanesThermali te underwear Drawers amp Shirt 2 69 ea Mens Rain Sui ts Tan or yelshylow 575 set

We stock all types of Insulshyation BIRD SHINGLE S amp ROOFshyING P APER White CEI LING TILE 12X24 center scored with painted bevel 12~ sq f t


~AY0 at

SimkO 5j~~ General Store

DIAL 943 - 771 7


Belles n Be middotux Prize

Alfr e d Weymouth and Ga len Carey hold pr ize banne r

The attendanee banne r pic tur e d above may be won fro m the Belles N Beaux Square Dance Cl ub of Milo by other clubs in this area To take the b armer a c lub m ust appear at the regular dance of the Belles NT Beaux with a t leas t two squares The bal ner will be awarded to the club which has most square on thE floor To regain po ses sion of the banner the Belles N Beau must squar e up a t l eas t two s quare s on the Door of the club whi ch has won it After any c lub has won the banner five times the Belles N Bea uX wil l awar d a War Bond to that club The ban shyne r which be ar s the local c lub s insignia was d esigned by Dt Ralph Monroe and made by Mrs Myr na Ricker both m mber of the Belles N Beaux

Rainbow Installation

L to R Alletta Hill-Char ity Nancy Sha r row- Worthy Associate Advi sor Faraday C lar k- Wor thy Ad vi s or Pa tty Smith-Hope Paulette S tanchfie ld -F aith (McKu i ck Photo)

At an ins talla tion of the Brownville Rainbow As s e mb ly held las Sttulday nigh t a t the Blowl~Ji llc Ma sonic Hall the gir ls pictur abo ve were ins tallN I in th fi ve top offi ce s of the ssembly


Channel 5 SATURDAY OCTOBER 19 1963 700 Maine Farm Show 2 30 The Pioneers

TUESDAY OCTOBJR 22 1~63 730 Laurel amp Hardy 300 Dr agne t ~ 750 Open Door 325 CBS News 800 Captain Gallant 330 Champ ionship Bo 325 CBS _News 7 55 Farm Reporter 3 30 Edge of Night 830 Fun House 4 30 NF L Hi ghligh ts 330 Edge of Night 800 Captein Kangaroo 400 Secret SlDrm 900 Astro Boy 5 00 Dance P a rty400 Secret Storm 900 Three Stooges 430 Bozo tee Clown 930 Ruff amp Reddy (C) 6 00 Lawrence Welk430 Bozo the Clown 930 Teneessee Ernie 530 Father Knows Best 1000 Hector Heathcots (C) 700 Bill Dana530 Father Knows Best 10 00 Mike Wallace News 600 Geori(e Hale Sports 1030 King Leonardo (C) 730 The Lieutenant600 George HaleSports 1030 I Love Lucy 610 Weather Watch 1100 Fury 830 J oey Bishop (C)8 10 Weather Watch 11 00 Real MCos 615 George Redpath News 11- 30 Make Room For Daddy 900 Saturday Night bull615 George Redpath News 11 30 Pete amp Gladys 630 CBS News 1200 Watch Mr Wizard The Tall Men6 30 CBS News 1200 Love of Life 700 Greatest -Show On Earth 12 30 Bullwinkle (C) 11 15 Rheingold rrbeau 7 00 My Three Sons 1225 News 800 Red Skelton 1 00 Exploring The Untochable _-eW5 730 Password 1230 Search for Tomorrow 900 Petticoat Junction 200 The Deputy- arch for Tomorrow 800 Rawhide 1245 Guiding Light 930 Jack BennyGuiding Light 9 00 Perry Mason SUNDAY OCTOBER 20 1963

__I -Day 1000 The Nurses 1 110 Mid Day 10 60 Ga rry Moore 10 00 Americans at Work 500 WHd Kingdom (CI 130 As the World Turns 1100 News at Eleven 1015 Sacred Heart 530 G-E- College Bowl 11 00 News at Elven 00 Weather Watch 1030 Wagon Train1115 Weather Watch Password 1115 This is the Life 600

1120 Sports Final 230 Houseparty 11 20 Sports Final 11 00 Faith For Today 730 Walt Di s neys III 300 To Tell the Turlh 1130 The Hour OfSt Francis World of Color (e

1200 People Are Funny 830 Grindle 1963 WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 231963 12-30 Big Picture 8 10 00 Show of The V~

3 00 To Tell the Truth 750 Open Door 330 Edge of Nigh 100 Wide World Of Sports 1100 Channel 2 Nes 7 55 Farm Reporter Secret Storm Cameo Theater 1115 The Story of u-m Reporter 3 30 Edge of Night 4 00 230

~ tp lS in Kangar oo 400 Secret Stonn 800 Captain Kangaroo 430 Bozo the Clown 330 News IITheTunnel ll k An Ametl= 900 Three Stooges 500 Hal Lone Pine- ee Stooges 4 30 Bozo the Clown

MONDA Y OCTOBER 21 19633 30 Tennessee Ernie 530 Father Knows Best530 Father Knows Best 7 00 Today 300 Lore tta Young 1bo10 00 Mike Wallace News 6 00 Ge orge Hale Spor ts6 00 George Hale Sports

1030 I Lilve Lucy 6 10 Weather Watch 7 25 News 330 You Dont Say610 Weather Watch 730 Today 400 The Match Gao11 00 Real McCoys 6 15 George Redpath lews615 George Redpath News

11 30 -Pete amp Glndys 6 30 CBS News 8 25 News 4 25 NBC News630 CBS News 830 Today 430 Super man1200 Love Of Life 7 00 Huckleberry Hound700 The Great Adventure 900 Woman s Hour 5 00 Trililmaste r 1225 News 7 30 Chroni c le 800 -Arrest and Trail 10 00 Say When 6 00 Channel 2 New1230 Search for Tomorrow 830 Glyilis930 Twilight Zone

1245 Guiding Light 900 Beverly Hillbilies 10 25 News 620 Whats the Whel te 1000 Alfred Ilitchcock 1030 Word for Word (C) 6 25 Sports Report100 Mid Day 9 30 Di c k Van Dyke11 00 News at Eleven

130 As the World Turns 1000 Danny Kaye 1100 Concentration (C) 630 Huntley Brinkley F11 15 Weather WatCh 11 30 Missing Link (C) 7 0 0 Donna Reed200 r-assword 11 00 News at Eleven11 20 Sports Final

230 Houseparty 1115 Weather Watch 1200 Your First Impression C 7 30 Monday Night Moshy1230 Truth or Consequences The Rains of R300 To Tell the Truth 11 20 Sports Final

CBS News 1255 NBC News Day Report 930 Hollywood and the 196~ 1 00 General Hospi ta l 1000 Sing Al ng With


1 30 The Price is Right 11 00 ABC ews FinalWLBZ -TV lhon nel 2415 Football Scoreboard 200 People Will Talk Channe l 2 1110 ew 430 Studio City Bandstand 225 NBC News amp Sports

THURSDAY OCTOBER 1719635 00 Hootenanny 230 The Doctors 11 30 Ton~ght bow (C700 Today 2 30 The Doctors600 Bud Leavitt

7 25 News 300 Loretta Young Theater TUESbAY OCTOBER 22 1963630 77 Sunset Strip 7 30 Today 330 You Dont Say (C) 7 00 Today - 300 Loretta Young 11k730 Jackie Gleason 825 News 4 00 The U a tch Game 7 25 News 330 You Dont Say (e)830 Igtbil Silvers 830 Today 4 25 NBC News Afternoon 7 30 Today 4 00 Match Game900 Defenders 900 Womans Hour 4 30 Superman 8 25 News 425 NBC ews000 GllIismoke 1000 Say When (C) 500 Trailmaster 830 Today 4 30 Supe rmanNews 10 25 NBC News Morning Report 600 Channe l 2 News 900 Womans Hour 500 Tra ilmaster 10 30 Word of Word (C) 620 Whats the Weather 1000 Say When 600 Channel 2 News_Y OCTOBER 20 1963 11 00 Concentration tiZb ~ports Report 1025 News 620 Whats the Weath tT olby Telecourse 430 Sunday Sports Spectacular 11 30 Missing Link (C) 630 Huntley Brinkley RepoTL 1030 Word for Word (C) G25 Sports Re port~vlng Word 500 20th Century 1200 Your First Impression (C) 700 Curly OBrien 11 00 COllcentration(C) 630 Huntley Brinkley Pomiddot _swlic Mass 530 Amateur Hour 1230 Tr utb or Consequences (C) 730 Combat 1130 Missing Link (C) 700 Patty Dukeunp Unto My Feet 600 _Jairnie McPheeters 1255 NBC News Day Report 8 30 Dr Kildare 1200 Your First Impression (C) 7 30 Mr Nova k _oak Up And Live 700 Lassie 100 G neral Hospital 930 Haze l (C) 1230 Truth or Consequences 8 30 Mr amp Mrs Music he Chris tophels 730 My FavoriteMartian 130 Price is Right 1000 Kraft Mystery Theater (C) 1255 NBC News Day Report 9 00 Richard B onneindtlS try on Palade 800 Ed Sullivan

900 200 People Will Talk te) 1100 ABC News Final 1 00 General Ho ital 10 00 T e lephone Hour (CThi is the Life Judy Garland 225 NBC News Afternoon 1110 Channel 2 News Weather 1 30 Price is Right_ 11 00 ABC New~ Ina _sk Your Doctor 10 00 Candid Camera

Report 11 30 Tonight Show (C) Sports 200 People Will Talk (C) 1110 Chamel 2 News 9shyJ ympics Preview 1030 Whats My Line 225 NBC News amp Sports ro Football Kickoff 11 00 Harry Reasoner News

FRIDAY OCTOBER ~ 230 The Doc tors 11 30 Tonight Show (C) _0 F L Football 1115 Maine News 700 Today 230 The Doctors 725 News 300 Loretlla Young Theater WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 23 1963

1963 730 Today 330 You Dont Say (C) 7 00 Today 3 00 Loretta Young The325 CBS News 825 News 400 The Match Game 7 25 News 330 YouDont Say (C) 3 30 Edge of Night 230 Today 4 25 NBC News Afternoon 730 Today 400 The Matc h Game

400 Secret Storm 9 00 Womans Hour 430 Superman 825 Ne ws 4 25 NBC News bree Stooges 430 Bozo the CIIIWn 1000 Say lhen 500 Trailmaster 830 T oday 4 30 Superman ennessee Ernie 530 Father Knows Best 1025 NBC News Morning 6 00 Channel 2 News 900 Womans Hour 500 Trailma~ te r600 George Hale Sports 1030 Word for Word (C) 620 Whats the Wbeather 10 00 Say When 6 00 Channe l 2 News610 Weather Watch 11 00 Concentration (C) 625 Sports Report 10 25 NBC News 6 20 Wha ts the Wea ther615 George Redpath News 1130 Missing Link (C) 630 Huntley Brinkiey Report 1030 Word for Word (C) 6 25 Spor ts Report6 30 CBS News 1200 First Impression (C) 7 00 The Flirmiddottstones 1100 Concentration (C) 6 30 Huntley Brinkley R 700 lt11 Ed 1230 Truth or Consequences 730 Youth Rally j 11 30 MiSSing Link (C) 700 Spotl ight on You th7 30 To Tell the Truth 1255 NBC Ne ws Day Report 830 Bob Hope Show (C) 1200 Your First ImpreSSion (C) 730 The Virginian (C) 800 Ive Got A Secret 1 00 General Hospital 930 Farmers Daughter 1230 Truth or Consequences 9 00 Ben Casey~30 Lucy Show 130 Plice is Right 1000 Jack Paar (C) 1255 NBC New s Day Report 10 00 The Ele ve nth Hour900 BurkeS Law 200 People will Talk (C) 1100 ABC News Finai 1 00 Gener a l Hospi tal 1100 ABC News Final1000 East Side West Side

1100 News at ElevBn 225 N1lC News Mid Afternoon 11 10 Channel 2 News Weather l3J The Price is Right 11 10 Channe l 2 N I o us par ly 1130 Tonight Show(C)1115 Weather Watch70 T e ll the Truth Mrs Hedges Executive Secshy1120 Sports Final

retary of the Maine Commisshy

A mepting of the Penquis sion of Problems of the Menshy

Refreshments were served by Friends ot Retarded Children tally Retarded will speak and

Pat Ricker Connie Carey was held Thursday evening at show slides on problems of the

tarded children An- Dollie Harmon Violet Jones the Milo Elementary School Mentally retarded

s was 1i s Crockett Lee Spear Piicilla Millier Plans were made for a public Interested persons fro m lvli 10

of retarded child r en Judy Macdougall meeting to be held Oct 30th and surrounding towns are ur shy


__ he World Turns

n Door

-~ssee Ernie lke Wa llace News

ove Lucy eal McCoys _ et amp Gladys

e of Life _ews



--clDessee Tuxedo c k Iiraw McGraw

G)Rogers King C31ldlepin Bowling

oJIege Kickoff iusburg Vs W Virginia1 00

p tain Kangaroo

IOke Wallace News

middotews arob for Tmnorrow

GUId ing Light tid Day the iorld Turns

ro m Page 7 no ld Gellerson of Do-shy

roft s poke on the t1 ainshy


Lady vs Bear

rrs Ann Richardson Stoddard Hill Milo was aim ing at a Typing I c l as s with inst ructor Philip Gerow in background -rridge when young Mr Bear came down a tr ee beside her Richardson fired at the bear wounding it and with only ~ she ll left for her 410 shotgun she dispatched the bear deshye noises of approaching animal which c ould have been the ~her Our lady bear-killer vows she will never go hunting ~ only two shells again

tIe cwo photos above were taken at the Harves t Hop spons ored euro J unior Class in the Junction gym l as t Frid ay night Mr --Y amo 0 av rl cord and attendance anoeared lo be

Students in Bookeepi ng I ins truc tor Anne Place in background

Instructor Walte r Macdougal with Scienc e students

Adul t Educ ation c lasses in Milo were termed very succe sfu by Supe r intendent Regi nald Dori ty A good attendance has been r epor ted a t a ll c lasses wi th a total of approximately 60 peopE enrolled Typing One and Two Bookkeeping One and Two aue

THE TOW middot RIP ~l Ii

Now I will tell you something about each of the cla s s es in tl program of the Conservation CampConservation Camper

There were three classes in archery In this class we learnl

A t a recent meeting of the Milo Garden Club Ne il Hamlin preshy~ nted a report on the week he spent at the Conservation Camp on _3011ch Pond where he was sponsored by the Milo Garden Club

le eport is as follows

a1 Ladies of the Regional Garden Club This letter is a summary of my week at the Conser vation Camp

Branch Pond I arrived atcamp in the afternoon on Sunday August 11 tho The

m p director M1 Bill Benent assigned me to Brewer cabin middot epolted to the cabin and met the counsellor his nam e was Dale -X8r Like many of the counsellors he was a college student Ie told me that I shouldgo to the waterfront for classification of ~ s wimming ability the classifications were swimmer beginshy~r and non-swimmer I was classified a svimmer

-I typical day in camp began at 640 a m with the sound of the een and the bugle to awaken everyone The next 15 minutes were r washing up At 705 all campers assembled aro und the flag r theflagraising This was followed by bre lkfas t After breakshy t the different class groups went out on capers chore s such

- cleaningthelodge the beach or piling wood At 8l 0 we asshymiddot mbled in fron t of the Lions cabin and then our c las s gr oups began e i l morning sessions These lasted for three ho ws up to 11 30

1200 we haddinnel followed by a rest period F ro m 130 to 30 wehadclasses Theperiodfrom430to 530was a free pershy

At 530 all campers assembled by the flag a nd the honor guard k the flag down and then led the assembly in to supper After per campers were free until 7 30 at which time the evening pro-shy

middot am began Thirty minutes after the program Taps were blown ing the day

BEST place

-)~-middotGje~t the BEST eal priee1~~He BEST

~~ riuU S ate4 I~ ew amp Us edt Easy Fi na nci ng

JI) EUI ST R E ET lvI1 LO lAlN E P ho lll l--W 39

the basics of safe and accurate use of the bow and arrow Canoeing Class was held for four periods three of them in onE

afternoon First the instructors explained the rules of cano middot s ar ty and the different paddle strokes then we want on a two bo canoe trip On our canoe trip it rained and we were all s oake

Cooking class included instructions in how to use new ~Peshyoutdoor stoves and how to cook foods over an open fire

For a total of three hours Wle had classes in spinning and casting where we were taught correct casting form and tec hni qUE

InoUl two hours of cr aft shop we made small signs with IrOt

toes written on them In the three classes of motor and beat safety we studied

Maine Boat Law and then we went out in boats with an ins tru( tor

In the two class es on Forestry we learned about different typE of trees forest management and firefighting

Map and Compass class taught how to read contour maps l

and compasses In the final class we split up into groups of were given a compass course and followed it through the 00

and out In conservation class we learned about the different ani mal

of the Maine woods and how to protect them In fish indentification we learned about the interior and extE

ior parts of the fish We were given books with which any fi in Maine waters c an be identified

Riflery classes were held on every day of camp Upon sati factory completion of these classes wereceived membershi p the National Riflery Association

Graduation exercises were held on Saturday at 130 p m received my graduation certificate and my National Riflery ~ sociation Membership Card

I feel that I learned a lot at summer camp and I would li ke thank all of you for sending me Yours tru _ ~

ml]J~~rn[3~~ Neil H amj



5 AM - AM Oto 8e~

Col 1 r rl4 8shy~I Coffee ~qJJ


~Aclmission $1 __l ~a- 1 1___ -c_


Lltu (li)

n ccling was held on Tuesshy- a fte lnoon at the home of lt Gladys Lycl s ton for the po o e of planning fo r the

nC E F ltollection on Ha lloshyU 1 night - ICEF this year will be

nsured by the Dorca s Guild h~ U B Chruc h and the W

S of the Park Street Methshy- t hurc h both of Milo _-rC E F istheUnitedl tL tions Idl e n Fund The gifts of ne ~ collected will be conshy

_te into milk and medicine youngs ters in the undeve lshyd a reas of the world

_TE D BAPIrIST CHURCH i r s will rehearse at regshy

- li mes on Thursday Sl turda f the Laymens

lP will meet for Upper m and Fellowship time at -L

Chr istian Youth R ecreashy- Cente r will be at 7 30 on day for the youth groups e (middothurch Golden Hule C la s sroo m

e n [or pr ayer prior to the ai Sunday evt ning s e rvice

-Radio-Stereo les amp Se rvice


rk Furaitllre Store

NEOTERlC C LUB The Neo teri c C lub met Oct

8th with 35 members att ndshying The F ederation Song wa s sung by Jean Hanson accomshypanied by Gay Ie 8hi rley a t the pi ano

The b usiness me e ti ng was conducted by the yi N -pl esi shydent Mrs Merna R icker

Cont d on Page 8

Jus t Come in and Check

Our Prices

Mens Hubber P ac s 4 75 Boys Rubber Pacs 419 Siz e 3 to 6

Hooded s we at s hirt Red or Gray Rego 2a 9 5 i nsulat shyed 419 Mens Flannel Shirts 259 HanesThermali te underwear Drawers amp Shirt 2 69 ea Mens Rain Sui ts Tan or yelshylow 575 set

We stock all types of Insulshyation BIRD SHINGLE S amp ROOFshyING P APER White CEI LING TILE 12X24 center scored with painted bevel 12~ sq f t


~AY0 at

SimkO 5j~~ General Store

DIAL 943 - 771 7


Belles n Be middotux Prize

Alfr e d Weymouth and Ga len Carey hold pr ize banne r

The attendanee banne r pic tur e d above may be won fro m the Belles N Beaux Square Dance Cl ub of Milo by other clubs in this area To take the b armer a c lub m ust appear at the regular dance of the Belles NT Beaux with a t leas t two squares The bal ner will be awarded to the club which has most square on thE floor To regain po ses sion of the banner the Belles N Beau must squar e up a t l eas t two s quare s on the Door of the club whi ch has won it After any c lub has won the banner five times the Belles N Bea uX wil l awar d a War Bond to that club The ban shyne r which be ar s the local c lub s insignia was d esigned by Dt Ralph Monroe and made by Mrs Myr na Ricker both m mber of the Belles N Beaux

Rainbow Installation

L to R Alletta Hill-Char ity Nancy Sha r row- Worthy Associate Advi sor Faraday C lar k- Wor thy Ad vi s or Pa tty Smith-Hope Paulette S tanchfie ld -F aith (McKu i ck Photo)

At an ins talla tion of the Brownville Rainbow As s e mb ly held las Sttulday nigh t a t the Blowl~Ji llc Ma sonic Hall the gir ls pictur abo ve were ins tallN I in th fi ve top offi ce s of the ssembly


Channel 5 SATURDAY OCTOBER 19 1963 700 Maine Farm Show 2 30 The Pioneers

TUESDAY OCTOBJR 22 1~63 730 Laurel amp Hardy 300 Dr agne t ~ 750 Open Door 325 CBS News 800 Captain Gallant 330 Champ ionship Bo 325 CBS _News 7 55 Farm Reporter 3 30 Edge of Night 830 Fun House 4 30 NF L Hi ghligh ts 330 Edge of Night 800 Captein Kangaroo 400 Secret SlDrm 900 Astro Boy 5 00 Dance P a rty400 Secret Storm 900 Three Stooges 430 Bozo tee Clown 930 Ruff amp Reddy (C) 6 00 Lawrence Welk430 Bozo the Clown 930 Teneessee Ernie 530 Father Knows Best 1000 Hector Heathcots (C) 700 Bill Dana530 Father Knows Best 10 00 Mike Wallace News 600 Geori(e Hale Sports 1030 King Leonardo (C) 730 The Lieutenant600 George HaleSports 1030 I Love Lucy 610 Weather Watch 1100 Fury 830 J oey Bishop (C)8 10 Weather Watch 11 00 Real MCos 615 George Redpath News 11- 30 Make Room For Daddy 900 Saturday Night bull615 George Redpath News 11 30 Pete amp Gladys 630 CBS News 1200 Watch Mr Wizard The Tall Men6 30 CBS News 1200 Love of Life 700 Greatest -Show On Earth 12 30 Bullwinkle (C) 11 15 Rheingold rrbeau 7 00 My Three Sons 1225 News 800 Red Skelton 1 00 Exploring The Untochable _-eW5 730 Password 1230 Search for Tomorrow 900 Petticoat Junction 200 The Deputy- arch for Tomorrow 800 Rawhide 1245 Guiding Light 930 Jack BennyGuiding Light 9 00 Perry Mason SUNDAY OCTOBER 20 1963

__I -Day 1000 The Nurses 1 110 Mid Day 10 60 Ga rry Moore 10 00 Americans at Work 500 WHd Kingdom (CI 130 As the World Turns 1100 News at Eleven 1015 Sacred Heart 530 G-E- College Bowl 11 00 News at Elven 00 Weather Watch 1030 Wagon Train1115 Weather Watch Password 1115 This is the Life 600

1120 Sports Final 230 Houseparty 11 20 Sports Final 11 00 Faith For Today 730 Walt Di s neys III 300 To Tell the Turlh 1130 The Hour OfSt Francis World of Color (e

1200 People Are Funny 830 Grindle 1963 WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 231963 12-30 Big Picture 8 10 00 Show of The V~

3 00 To Tell the Truth 750 Open Door 330 Edge of Nigh 100 Wide World Of Sports 1100 Channel 2 Nes 7 55 Farm Reporter Secret Storm Cameo Theater 1115 The Story of u-m Reporter 3 30 Edge of Night 4 00 230

~ tp lS in Kangar oo 400 Secret Stonn 800 Captain Kangaroo 430 Bozo the Clown 330 News IITheTunnel ll k An Ametl= 900 Three Stooges 500 Hal Lone Pine- ee Stooges 4 30 Bozo the Clown

MONDA Y OCTOBER 21 19633 30 Tennessee Ernie 530 Father Knows Best530 Father Knows Best 7 00 Today 300 Lore tta Young 1bo10 00 Mike Wallace News 6 00 Ge orge Hale Spor ts6 00 George Hale Sports

1030 I Lilve Lucy 6 10 Weather Watch 7 25 News 330 You Dont Say610 Weather Watch 730 Today 400 The Match Gao11 00 Real McCoys 6 15 George Redpath lews615 George Redpath News

11 30 -Pete amp Glndys 6 30 CBS News 8 25 News 4 25 NBC News630 CBS News 830 Today 430 Super man1200 Love Of Life 7 00 Huckleberry Hound700 The Great Adventure 900 Woman s Hour 5 00 Trililmaste r 1225 News 7 30 Chroni c le 800 -Arrest and Trail 10 00 Say When 6 00 Channel 2 New1230 Search for Tomorrow 830 Glyilis930 Twilight Zone

1245 Guiding Light 900 Beverly Hillbilies 10 25 News 620 Whats the Whel te 1000 Alfred Ilitchcock 1030 Word for Word (C) 6 25 Sports Report100 Mid Day 9 30 Di c k Van Dyke11 00 News at Eleven

130 As the World Turns 1000 Danny Kaye 1100 Concentration (C) 630 Huntley Brinkley F11 15 Weather WatCh 11 30 Missing Link (C) 7 0 0 Donna Reed200 r-assword 11 00 News at Eleven11 20 Sports Final

230 Houseparty 1115 Weather Watch 1200 Your First Impression C 7 30 Monday Night Moshy1230 Truth or Consequences The Rains of R300 To Tell the Truth 11 20 Sports Final

CBS News 1255 NBC News Day Report 930 Hollywood and the 196~ 1 00 General Hospi ta l 1000 Sing Al ng With


1 30 The Price is Right 11 00 ABC ews FinalWLBZ -TV lhon nel 2415 Football Scoreboard 200 People Will Talk Channe l 2 1110 ew 430 Studio City Bandstand 225 NBC News amp Sports

THURSDAY OCTOBER 1719635 00 Hootenanny 230 The Doctors 11 30 Ton~ght bow (C700 Today 2 30 The Doctors600 Bud Leavitt

7 25 News 300 Loretta Young Theater TUESbAY OCTOBER 22 1963630 77 Sunset Strip 7 30 Today 330 You Dont Say (C) 7 00 Today - 300 Loretta Young 11k730 Jackie Gleason 825 News 4 00 The U a tch Game 7 25 News 330 You Dont Say (e)830 Igtbil Silvers 830 Today 4 25 NBC News Afternoon 7 30 Today 4 00 Match Game900 Defenders 900 Womans Hour 4 30 Superman 8 25 News 425 NBC ews000 GllIismoke 1000 Say When (C) 500 Trailmaster 830 Today 4 30 Supe rmanNews 10 25 NBC News Morning Report 600 Channe l 2 News 900 Womans Hour 500 Tra ilmaster 10 30 Word of Word (C) 620 Whats the Weather 1000 Say When 600 Channel 2 News_Y OCTOBER 20 1963 11 00 Concentration tiZb ~ports Report 1025 News 620 Whats the Weath tT olby Telecourse 430 Sunday Sports Spectacular 11 30 Missing Link (C) 630 Huntley Brinkley RepoTL 1030 Word for Word (C) G25 Sports Re port~vlng Word 500 20th Century 1200 Your First Impression (C) 700 Curly OBrien 11 00 COllcentration(C) 630 Huntley Brinkley Pomiddot _swlic Mass 530 Amateur Hour 1230 Tr utb or Consequences (C) 730 Combat 1130 Missing Link (C) 700 Patty Dukeunp Unto My Feet 600 _Jairnie McPheeters 1255 NBC News Day Report 8 30 Dr Kildare 1200 Your First Impression (C) 7 30 Mr Nova k _oak Up And Live 700 Lassie 100 G neral Hospital 930 Haze l (C) 1230 Truth or Consequences 8 30 Mr amp Mrs Music he Chris tophels 730 My FavoriteMartian 130 Price is Right 1000 Kraft Mystery Theater (C) 1255 NBC News Day Report 9 00 Richard B onneindtlS try on Palade 800 Ed Sullivan

900 200 People Will Talk te) 1100 ABC News Final 1 00 General Ho ital 10 00 T e lephone Hour (CThi is the Life Judy Garland 225 NBC News Afternoon 1110 Channel 2 News Weather 1 30 Price is Right_ 11 00 ABC New~ Ina _sk Your Doctor 10 00 Candid Camera

Report 11 30 Tonight Show (C) Sports 200 People Will Talk (C) 1110 Chamel 2 News 9shyJ ympics Preview 1030 Whats My Line 225 NBC News amp Sports ro Football Kickoff 11 00 Harry Reasoner News

FRIDAY OCTOBER ~ 230 The Doc tors 11 30 Tonight Show (C) _0 F L Football 1115 Maine News 700 Today 230 The Doctors 725 News 300 Loretlla Young Theater WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 23 1963

1963 730 Today 330 You Dont Say (C) 7 00 Today 3 00 Loretta Young The325 CBS News 825 News 400 The Match Game 7 25 News 330 YouDont Say (C) 3 30 Edge of Night 230 Today 4 25 NBC News Afternoon 730 Today 400 The Matc h Game

400 Secret Storm 9 00 Womans Hour 430 Superman 825 Ne ws 4 25 NBC News bree Stooges 430 Bozo the CIIIWn 1000 Say lhen 500 Trailmaster 830 T oday 4 30 Superman ennessee Ernie 530 Father Knows Best 1025 NBC News Morning 6 00 Channel 2 News 900 Womans Hour 500 Trailma~ te r600 George Hale Sports 1030 Word for Word (C) 620 Whats the Wbeather 10 00 Say When 6 00 Channe l 2 News610 Weather Watch 11 00 Concentration (C) 625 Sports Report 10 25 NBC News 6 20 Wha ts the Wea ther615 George Redpath News 1130 Missing Link (C) 630 Huntley Brinkiey Report 1030 Word for Word (C) 6 25 Spor ts Report6 30 CBS News 1200 First Impression (C) 7 00 The Flirmiddottstones 1100 Concentration (C) 6 30 Huntley Brinkley R 700 lt11 Ed 1230 Truth or Consequences 730 Youth Rally j 11 30 MiSSing Link (C) 700 Spotl ight on You th7 30 To Tell the Truth 1255 NBC Ne ws Day Report 830 Bob Hope Show (C) 1200 Your First ImpreSSion (C) 730 The Virginian (C) 800 Ive Got A Secret 1 00 General Hospital 930 Farmers Daughter 1230 Truth or Consequences 9 00 Ben Casey~30 Lucy Show 130 Plice is Right 1000 Jack Paar (C) 1255 NBC New s Day Report 10 00 The Ele ve nth Hour900 BurkeS Law 200 People will Talk (C) 1100 ABC News Finai 1 00 Gener a l Hospi tal 1100 ABC News Final1000 East Side West Side

1100 News at ElevBn 225 N1lC News Mid Afternoon 11 10 Channel 2 News Weather l3J The Price is Right 11 10 Channe l 2 N I o us par ly 1130 Tonight Show(C)1115 Weather Watch70 T e ll the Truth Mrs Hedges Executive Secshy1120 Sports Final

retary of the Maine Commisshy

A mepting of the Penquis sion of Problems of the Menshy

Refreshments were served by Friends ot Retarded Children tally Retarded will speak and

Pat Ricker Connie Carey was held Thursday evening at show slides on problems of the

tarded children An- Dollie Harmon Violet Jones the Milo Elementary School Mentally retarded

s was 1i s Crockett Lee Spear Piicilla Millier Plans were made for a public Interested persons fro m lvli 10

of retarded child r en Judy Macdougall meeting to be held Oct 30th and surrounding towns are ur shy


__ he World Turns

n Door

-~ssee Ernie lke Wa llace News

ove Lucy eal McCoys _ et amp Gladys

e of Life _ews



--clDessee Tuxedo c k Iiraw McGraw

G)Rogers King C31ldlepin Bowling

oJIege Kickoff iusburg Vs W Virginia1 00

p tain Kangaroo

IOke Wallace News

middotews arob for Tmnorrow

GUId ing Light tid Day the iorld Turns

ro m Page 7 no ld Gellerson of Do-shy

roft s poke on the t1 ainshy

THE TOW middot RIP ~l Ii

Now I will tell you something about each of the cla s s es in tl program of the Conservation CampConservation Camper

There were three classes in archery In this class we learnl

A t a recent meeting of the Milo Garden Club Ne il Hamlin preshy~ nted a report on the week he spent at the Conservation Camp on _3011ch Pond where he was sponsored by the Milo Garden Club

le eport is as follows

a1 Ladies of the Regional Garden Club This letter is a summary of my week at the Conser vation Camp

Branch Pond I arrived atcamp in the afternoon on Sunday August 11 tho The

m p director M1 Bill Benent assigned me to Brewer cabin middot epolted to the cabin and met the counsellor his nam e was Dale -X8r Like many of the counsellors he was a college student Ie told me that I shouldgo to the waterfront for classification of ~ s wimming ability the classifications were swimmer beginshy~r and non-swimmer I was classified a svimmer

-I typical day in camp began at 640 a m with the sound of the een and the bugle to awaken everyone The next 15 minutes were r washing up At 705 all campers assembled aro und the flag r theflagraising This was followed by bre lkfas t After breakshy t the different class groups went out on capers chore s such

- cleaningthelodge the beach or piling wood At 8l 0 we asshymiddot mbled in fron t of the Lions cabin and then our c las s gr oups began e i l morning sessions These lasted for three ho ws up to 11 30

1200 we haddinnel followed by a rest period F ro m 130 to 30 wehadclasses Theperiodfrom430to 530was a free pershy

At 530 all campers assembled by the flag a nd the honor guard k the flag down and then led the assembly in to supper After per campers were free until 7 30 at which time the evening pro-shy

middot am began Thirty minutes after the program Taps were blown ing the day

BEST place

-)~-middotGje~t the BEST eal priee1~~He BEST

~~ riuU S ate4 I~ ew amp Us edt Easy Fi na nci ng

JI) EUI ST R E ET lvI1 LO lAlN E P ho lll l--W 39

the basics of safe and accurate use of the bow and arrow Canoeing Class was held for four periods three of them in onE

afternoon First the instructors explained the rules of cano middot s ar ty and the different paddle strokes then we want on a two bo canoe trip On our canoe trip it rained and we were all s oake

Cooking class included instructions in how to use new ~Peshyoutdoor stoves and how to cook foods over an open fire

For a total of three hours Wle had classes in spinning and casting where we were taught correct casting form and tec hni qUE

InoUl two hours of cr aft shop we made small signs with IrOt

toes written on them In the three classes of motor and beat safety we studied

Maine Boat Law and then we went out in boats with an ins tru( tor

In the two class es on Forestry we learned about different typE of trees forest management and firefighting

Map and Compass class taught how to read contour maps l

and compasses In the final class we split up into groups of were given a compass course and followed it through the 00

and out In conservation class we learned about the different ani mal

of the Maine woods and how to protect them In fish indentification we learned about the interior and extE

ior parts of the fish We were given books with which any fi in Maine waters c an be identified

Riflery classes were held on every day of camp Upon sati factory completion of these classes wereceived membershi p the National Riflery Association

Graduation exercises were held on Saturday at 130 p m received my graduation certificate and my National Riflery ~ sociation Membership Card

I feel that I learned a lot at summer camp and I would li ke thank all of you for sending me Yours tru _ ~

ml]J~~rn[3~~ Neil H amj



5 AM - AM Oto 8e~

Col 1 r rl4 8shy~I Coffee ~qJJ


~Aclmission $1 __l ~a- 1 1___ -c_


Lltu (li)

n ccling was held on Tuesshy- a fte lnoon at the home of lt Gladys Lycl s ton for the po o e of planning fo r the

nC E F ltollection on Ha lloshyU 1 night - ICEF this year will be

nsured by the Dorca s Guild h~ U B Chruc h and the W

S of the Park Street Methshy- t hurc h both of Milo _-rC E F istheUnitedl tL tions Idl e n Fund The gifts of ne ~ collected will be conshy

_te into milk and medicine youngs ters in the undeve lshyd a reas of the world

_TE D BAPIrIST CHURCH i r s will rehearse at regshy

- li mes on Thursday Sl turda f the Laymens

lP will meet for Upper m and Fellowship time at -L

Chr istian Youth R ecreashy- Cente r will be at 7 30 on day for the youth groups e (middothurch Golden Hule C la s sroo m

e n [or pr ayer prior to the ai Sunday evt ning s e rvice

-Radio-Stereo les amp Se rvice


rk Furaitllre Store

NEOTERlC C LUB The Neo teri c C lub met Oct

8th with 35 members att ndshying The F ederation Song wa s sung by Jean Hanson accomshypanied by Gay Ie 8hi rley a t the pi ano

The b usiness me e ti ng was conducted by the yi N -pl esi shydent Mrs Merna R icker

Cont d on Page 8

Jus t Come in and Check

Our Prices

Mens Hubber P ac s 4 75 Boys Rubber Pacs 419 Siz e 3 to 6

Hooded s we at s hirt Red or Gray Rego 2a 9 5 i nsulat shyed 419 Mens Flannel Shirts 259 HanesThermali te underwear Drawers amp Shirt 2 69 ea Mens Rain Sui ts Tan or yelshylow 575 set

We stock all types of Insulshyation BIRD SHINGLE S amp ROOFshyING P APER White CEI LING TILE 12X24 center scored with painted bevel 12~ sq f t


~AY0 at

SimkO 5j~~ General Store

DIAL 943 - 771 7


Belles n Be middotux Prize

Alfr e d Weymouth and Ga len Carey hold pr ize banne r

The attendanee banne r pic tur e d above may be won fro m the Belles N Beaux Square Dance Cl ub of Milo by other clubs in this area To take the b armer a c lub m ust appear at the regular dance of the Belles NT Beaux with a t leas t two squares The bal ner will be awarded to the club which has most square on thE floor To regain po ses sion of the banner the Belles N Beau must squar e up a t l eas t two s quare s on the Door of the club whi ch has won it After any c lub has won the banner five times the Belles N Bea uX wil l awar d a War Bond to that club The ban shyne r which be ar s the local c lub s insignia was d esigned by Dt Ralph Monroe and made by Mrs Myr na Ricker both m mber of the Belles N Beaux

Rainbow Installation

L to R Alletta Hill-Char ity Nancy Sha r row- Worthy Associate Advi sor Faraday C lar k- Wor thy Ad vi s or Pa tty Smith-Hope Paulette S tanchfie ld -F aith (McKu i ck Photo)

At an ins talla tion of the Brownville Rainbow As s e mb ly held las Sttulday nigh t a t the Blowl~Ji llc Ma sonic Hall the gir ls pictur abo ve were ins tallN I in th fi ve top offi ce s of the ssembly


Channel 5 SATURDAY OCTOBER 19 1963 700 Maine Farm Show 2 30 The Pioneers

TUESDAY OCTOBJR 22 1~63 730 Laurel amp Hardy 300 Dr agne t ~ 750 Open Door 325 CBS News 800 Captain Gallant 330 Champ ionship Bo 325 CBS _News 7 55 Farm Reporter 3 30 Edge of Night 830 Fun House 4 30 NF L Hi ghligh ts 330 Edge of Night 800 Captein Kangaroo 400 Secret SlDrm 900 Astro Boy 5 00 Dance P a rty400 Secret Storm 900 Three Stooges 430 Bozo tee Clown 930 Ruff amp Reddy (C) 6 00 Lawrence Welk430 Bozo the Clown 930 Teneessee Ernie 530 Father Knows Best 1000 Hector Heathcots (C) 700 Bill Dana530 Father Knows Best 10 00 Mike Wallace News 600 Geori(e Hale Sports 1030 King Leonardo (C) 730 The Lieutenant600 George HaleSports 1030 I Love Lucy 610 Weather Watch 1100 Fury 830 J oey Bishop (C)8 10 Weather Watch 11 00 Real MCos 615 George Redpath News 11- 30 Make Room For Daddy 900 Saturday Night bull615 George Redpath News 11 30 Pete amp Gladys 630 CBS News 1200 Watch Mr Wizard The Tall Men6 30 CBS News 1200 Love of Life 700 Greatest -Show On Earth 12 30 Bullwinkle (C) 11 15 Rheingold rrbeau 7 00 My Three Sons 1225 News 800 Red Skelton 1 00 Exploring The Untochable _-eW5 730 Password 1230 Search for Tomorrow 900 Petticoat Junction 200 The Deputy- arch for Tomorrow 800 Rawhide 1245 Guiding Light 930 Jack BennyGuiding Light 9 00 Perry Mason SUNDAY OCTOBER 20 1963

__I -Day 1000 The Nurses 1 110 Mid Day 10 60 Ga rry Moore 10 00 Americans at Work 500 WHd Kingdom (CI 130 As the World Turns 1100 News at Eleven 1015 Sacred Heart 530 G-E- College Bowl 11 00 News at Elven 00 Weather Watch 1030 Wagon Train1115 Weather Watch Password 1115 This is the Life 600

1120 Sports Final 230 Houseparty 11 20 Sports Final 11 00 Faith For Today 730 Walt Di s neys III 300 To Tell the Turlh 1130 The Hour OfSt Francis World of Color (e

1200 People Are Funny 830 Grindle 1963 WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 231963 12-30 Big Picture 8 10 00 Show of The V~

3 00 To Tell the Truth 750 Open Door 330 Edge of Nigh 100 Wide World Of Sports 1100 Channel 2 Nes 7 55 Farm Reporter Secret Storm Cameo Theater 1115 The Story of u-m Reporter 3 30 Edge of Night 4 00 230

~ tp lS in Kangar oo 400 Secret Stonn 800 Captain Kangaroo 430 Bozo the Clown 330 News IITheTunnel ll k An Ametl= 900 Three Stooges 500 Hal Lone Pine- ee Stooges 4 30 Bozo the Clown

MONDA Y OCTOBER 21 19633 30 Tennessee Ernie 530 Father Knows Best530 Father Knows Best 7 00 Today 300 Lore tta Young 1bo10 00 Mike Wallace News 6 00 Ge orge Hale Spor ts6 00 George Hale Sports

1030 I Lilve Lucy 6 10 Weather Watch 7 25 News 330 You Dont Say610 Weather Watch 730 Today 400 The Match Gao11 00 Real McCoys 6 15 George Redpath lews615 George Redpath News

11 30 -Pete amp Glndys 6 30 CBS News 8 25 News 4 25 NBC News630 CBS News 830 Today 430 Super man1200 Love Of Life 7 00 Huckleberry Hound700 The Great Adventure 900 Woman s Hour 5 00 Trililmaste r 1225 News 7 30 Chroni c le 800 -Arrest and Trail 10 00 Say When 6 00 Channel 2 New1230 Search for Tomorrow 830 Glyilis930 Twilight Zone

1245 Guiding Light 900 Beverly Hillbilies 10 25 News 620 Whats the Whel te 1000 Alfred Ilitchcock 1030 Word for Word (C) 6 25 Sports Report100 Mid Day 9 30 Di c k Van Dyke11 00 News at Eleven

130 As the World Turns 1000 Danny Kaye 1100 Concentration (C) 630 Huntley Brinkley F11 15 Weather WatCh 11 30 Missing Link (C) 7 0 0 Donna Reed200 r-assword 11 00 News at Eleven11 20 Sports Final

230 Houseparty 1115 Weather Watch 1200 Your First Impression C 7 30 Monday Night Moshy1230 Truth or Consequences The Rains of R300 To Tell the Truth 11 20 Sports Final

CBS News 1255 NBC News Day Report 930 Hollywood and the 196~ 1 00 General Hospi ta l 1000 Sing Al ng With


1 30 The Price is Right 11 00 ABC ews FinalWLBZ -TV lhon nel 2415 Football Scoreboard 200 People Will Talk Channe l 2 1110 ew 430 Studio City Bandstand 225 NBC News amp Sports

THURSDAY OCTOBER 1719635 00 Hootenanny 230 The Doctors 11 30 Ton~ght bow (C700 Today 2 30 The Doctors600 Bud Leavitt

7 25 News 300 Loretta Young Theater TUESbAY OCTOBER 22 1963630 77 Sunset Strip 7 30 Today 330 You Dont Say (C) 7 00 Today - 300 Loretta Young 11k730 Jackie Gleason 825 News 4 00 The U a tch Game 7 25 News 330 You Dont Say (e)830 Igtbil Silvers 830 Today 4 25 NBC News Afternoon 7 30 Today 4 00 Match Game900 Defenders 900 Womans Hour 4 30 Superman 8 25 News 425 NBC ews000 GllIismoke 1000 Say When (C) 500 Trailmaster 830 Today 4 30 Supe rmanNews 10 25 NBC News Morning Report 600 Channe l 2 News 900 Womans Hour 500 Tra ilmaster 10 30 Word of Word (C) 620 Whats the Weather 1000 Say When 600 Channel 2 News_Y OCTOBER 20 1963 11 00 Concentration tiZb ~ports Report 1025 News 620 Whats the Weath tT olby Telecourse 430 Sunday Sports Spectacular 11 30 Missing Link (C) 630 Huntley Brinkley RepoTL 1030 Word for Word (C) G25 Sports Re port~vlng Word 500 20th Century 1200 Your First Impression (C) 700 Curly OBrien 11 00 COllcentration(C) 630 Huntley Brinkley Pomiddot _swlic Mass 530 Amateur Hour 1230 Tr utb or Consequences (C) 730 Combat 1130 Missing Link (C) 700 Patty Dukeunp Unto My Feet 600 _Jairnie McPheeters 1255 NBC News Day Report 8 30 Dr Kildare 1200 Your First Impression (C) 7 30 Mr Nova k _oak Up And Live 700 Lassie 100 G neral Hospital 930 Haze l (C) 1230 Truth or Consequences 8 30 Mr amp Mrs Music he Chris tophels 730 My FavoriteMartian 130 Price is Right 1000 Kraft Mystery Theater (C) 1255 NBC News Day Report 9 00 Richard B onneindtlS try on Palade 800 Ed Sullivan

900 200 People Will Talk te) 1100 ABC News Final 1 00 General Ho ital 10 00 T e lephone Hour (CThi is the Life Judy Garland 225 NBC News Afternoon 1110 Channel 2 News Weather 1 30 Price is Right_ 11 00 ABC New~ Ina _sk Your Doctor 10 00 Candid Camera

Report 11 30 Tonight Show (C) Sports 200 People Will Talk (C) 1110 Chamel 2 News 9shyJ ympics Preview 1030 Whats My Line 225 NBC News amp Sports ro Football Kickoff 11 00 Harry Reasoner News

FRIDAY OCTOBER ~ 230 The Doc tors 11 30 Tonight Show (C) _0 F L Football 1115 Maine News 700 Today 230 The Doctors 725 News 300 Loretlla Young Theater WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 23 1963

1963 730 Today 330 You Dont Say (C) 7 00 Today 3 00 Loretta Young The325 CBS News 825 News 400 The Match Game 7 25 News 330 YouDont Say (C) 3 30 Edge of Night 230 Today 4 25 NBC News Afternoon 730 Today 400 The Matc h Game

400 Secret Storm 9 00 Womans Hour 430 Superman 825 Ne ws 4 25 NBC News bree Stooges 430 Bozo the CIIIWn 1000 Say lhen 500 Trailmaster 830 T oday 4 30 Superman ennessee Ernie 530 Father Knows Best 1025 NBC News Morning 6 00 Channel 2 News 900 Womans Hour 500 Trailma~ te r600 George Hale Sports 1030 Word for Word (C) 620 Whats the Wbeather 10 00 Say When 6 00 Channe l 2 News610 Weather Watch 11 00 Concentration (C) 625 Sports Report 10 25 NBC News 6 20 Wha ts the Wea ther615 George Redpath News 1130 Missing Link (C) 630 Huntley Brinkiey Report 1030 Word for Word (C) 6 25 Spor ts Report6 30 CBS News 1200 First Impression (C) 7 00 The Flirmiddottstones 1100 Concentration (C) 6 30 Huntley Brinkley R 700 lt11 Ed 1230 Truth or Consequences 730 Youth Rally j 11 30 MiSSing Link (C) 700 Spotl ight on You th7 30 To Tell the Truth 1255 NBC Ne ws Day Report 830 Bob Hope Show (C) 1200 Your First ImpreSSion (C) 730 The Virginian (C) 800 Ive Got A Secret 1 00 General Hospital 930 Farmers Daughter 1230 Truth or Consequences 9 00 Ben Casey~30 Lucy Show 130 Plice is Right 1000 Jack Paar (C) 1255 NBC New s Day Report 10 00 The Ele ve nth Hour900 BurkeS Law 200 People will Talk (C) 1100 ABC News Finai 1 00 Gener a l Hospi tal 1100 ABC News Final1000 East Side West Side

1100 News at ElevBn 225 N1lC News Mid Afternoon 11 10 Channel 2 News Weather l3J The Price is Right 11 10 Channe l 2 N I o us par ly 1130 Tonight Show(C)1115 Weather Watch70 T e ll the Truth Mrs Hedges Executive Secshy1120 Sports Final

retary of the Maine Commisshy

A mepting of the Penquis sion of Problems of the Menshy

Refreshments were served by Friends ot Retarded Children tally Retarded will speak and

Pat Ricker Connie Carey was held Thursday evening at show slides on problems of the

tarded children An- Dollie Harmon Violet Jones the Milo Elementary School Mentally retarded

s was 1i s Crockett Lee Spear Piicilla Millier Plans were made for a public Interested persons fro m lvli 10

of retarded child r en Judy Macdougall meeting to be held Oct 30th and surrounding towns are ur shy


__ he World Turns

n Door

-~ssee Ernie lke Wa llace News

ove Lucy eal McCoys _ et amp Gladys

e of Life _ews



--clDessee Tuxedo c k Iiraw McGraw

G)Rogers King C31ldlepin Bowling

oJIege Kickoff iusburg Vs W Virginia1 00

p tain Kangaroo

IOke Wallace News

middotews arob for Tmnorrow

GUId ing Light tid Day the iorld Turns

ro m Page 7 no ld Gellerson of Do-shy

roft s poke on the t1 ainshy


Lltu (li)

n ccling was held on Tuesshy- a fte lnoon at the home of lt Gladys Lycl s ton for the po o e of planning fo r the

nC E F ltollection on Ha lloshyU 1 night - ICEF this year will be

nsured by the Dorca s Guild h~ U B Chruc h and the W

S of the Park Street Methshy- t hurc h both of Milo _-rC E F istheUnitedl tL tions Idl e n Fund The gifts of ne ~ collected will be conshy

_te into milk and medicine youngs ters in the undeve lshyd a reas of the world

_TE D BAPIrIST CHURCH i r s will rehearse at regshy

- li mes on Thursday Sl turda f the Laymens

lP will meet for Upper m and Fellowship time at -L

Chr istian Youth R ecreashy- Cente r will be at 7 30 on day for the youth groups e (middothurch Golden Hule C la s sroo m

e n [or pr ayer prior to the ai Sunday evt ning s e rvice

-Radio-Stereo les amp Se rvice


rk Furaitllre Store

NEOTERlC C LUB The Neo teri c C lub met Oct

8th with 35 members att ndshying The F ederation Song wa s sung by Jean Hanson accomshypanied by Gay Ie 8hi rley a t the pi ano

The b usiness me e ti ng was conducted by the yi N -pl esi shydent Mrs Merna R icker

Cont d on Page 8

Jus t Come in and Check

Our Prices

Mens Hubber P ac s 4 75 Boys Rubber Pacs 419 Siz e 3 to 6

Hooded s we at s hirt Red or Gray Rego 2a 9 5 i nsulat shyed 419 Mens Flannel Shirts 259 HanesThermali te underwear Drawers amp Shirt 2 69 ea Mens Rain Sui ts Tan or yelshylow 575 set

We stock all types of Insulshyation BIRD SHINGLE S amp ROOFshyING P APER White CEI LING TILE 12X24 center scored with painted bevel 12~ sq f t


~AY0 at

SimkO 5j~~ General Store

DIAL 943 - 771 7


Belles n Be middotux Prize

Alfr e d Weymouth and Ga len Carey hold pr ize banne r

The attendanee banne r pic tur e d above may be won fro m the Belles N Beaux Square Dance Cl ub of Milo by other clubs in this area To take the b armer a c lub m ust appear at the regular dance of the Belles NT Beaux with a t leas t two squares The bal ner will be awarded to the club which has most square on thE floor To regain po ses sion of the banner the Belles N Beau must squar e up a t l eas t two s quare s on the Door of the club whi ch has won it After any c lub has won the banner five times the Belles N Bea uX wil l awar d a War Bond to that club The ban shyne r which be ar s the local c lub s insignia was d esigned by Dt Ralph Monroe and made by Mrs Myr na Ricker both m mber of the Belles N Beaux

Rainbow Installation

L to R Alletta Hill-Char ity Nancy Sha r row- Worthy Associate Advi sor Faraday C lar k- Wor thy Ad vi s or Pa tty Smith-Hope Paulette S tanchfie ld -F aith (McKu i ck Photo)

At an ins talla tion of the Brownville Rainbow As s e mb ly held las Sttulday nigh t a t the Blowl~Ji llc Ma sonic Hall the gir ls pictur abo ve were ins tallN I in th fi ve top offi ce s of the ssembly


Channel 5 SATURDAY OCTOBER 19 1963 700 Maine Farm Show 2 30 The Pioneers

TUESDAY OCTOBJR 22 1~63 730 Laurel amp Hardy 300 Dr agne t ~ 750 Open Door 325 CBS News 800 Captain Gallant 330 Champ ionship Bo 325 CBS _News 7 55 Farm Reporter 3 30 Edge of Night 830 Fun House 4 30 NF L Hi ghligh ts 330 Edge of Night 800 Captein Kangaroo 400 Secret SlDrm 900 Astro Boy 5 00 Dance P a rty400 Secret Storm 900 Three Stooges 430 Bozo tee Clown 930 Ruff amp Reddy (C) 6 00 Lawrence Welk430 Bozo the Clown 930 Teneessee Ernie 530 Father Knows Best 1000 Hector Heathcots (C) 700 Bill Dana530 Father Knows Best 10 00 Mike Wallace News 600 Geori(e Hale Sports 1030 King Leonardo (C) 730 The Lieutenant600 George HaleSports 1030 I Love Lucy 610 Weather Watch 1100 Fury 830 J oey Bishop (C)8 10 Weather Watch 11 00 Real MCos 615 George Redpath News 11- 30 Make Room For Daddy 900 Saturday Night bull615 George Redpath News 11 30 Pete amp Gladys 630 CBS News 1200 Watch Mr Wizard The Tall Men6 30 CBS News 1200 Love of Life 700 Greatest -Show On Earth 12 30 Bullwinkle (C) 11 15 Rheingold rrbeau 7 00 My Three Sons 1225 News 800 Red Skelton 1 00 Exploring The Untochable _-eW5 730 Password 1230 Search for Tomorrow 900 Petticoat Junction 200 The Deputy- arch for Tomorrow 800 Rawhide 1245 Guiding Light 930 Jack BennyGuiding Light 9 00 Perry Mason SUNDAY OCTOBER 20 1963

__I -Day 1000 The Nurses 1 110 Mid Day 10 60 Ga rry Moore 10 00 Americans at Work 500 WHd Kingdom (CI 130 As the World Turns 1100 News at Eleven 1015 Sacred Heart 530 G-E- College Bowl 11 00 News at Elven 00 Weather Watch 1030 Wagon Train1115 Weather Watch Password 1115 This is the Life 600

1120 Sports Final 230 Houseparty 11 20 Sports Final 11 00 Faith For Today 730 Walt Di s neys III 300 To Tell the Turlh 1130 The Hour OfSt Francis World of Color (e

1200 People Are Funny 830 Grindle 1963 WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 231963 12-30 Big Picture 8 10 00 Show of The V~

3 00 To Tell the Truth 750 Open Door 330 Edge of Nigh 100 Wide World Of Sports 1100 Channel 2 Nes 7 55 Farm Reporter Secret Storm Cameo Theater 1115 The Story of u-m Reporter 3 30 Edge of Night 4 00 230

~ tp lS in Kangar oo 400 Secret Stonn 800 Captain Kangaroo 430 Bozo the Clown 330 News IITheTunnel ll k An Ametl= 900 Three Stooges 500 Hal Lone Pine- ee Stooges 4 30 Bozo the Clown

MONDA Y OCTOBER 21 19633 30 Tennessee Ernie 530 Father Knows Best530 Father Knows Best 7 00 Today 300 Lore tta Young 1bo10 00 Mike Wallace News 6 00 Ge orge Hale Spor ts6 00 George Hale Sports

1030 I Lilve Lucy 6 10 Weather Watch 7 25 News 330 You Dont Say610 Weather Watch 730 Today 400 The Match Gao11 00 Real McCoys 6 15 George Redpath lews615 George Redpath News

11 30 -Pete amp Glndys 6 30 CBS News 8 25 News 4 25 NBC News630 CBS News 830 Today 430 Super man1200 Love Of Life 7 00 Huckleberry Hound700 The Great Adventure 900 Woman s Hour 5 00 Trililmaste r 1225 News 7 30 Chroni c le 800 -Arrest and Trail 10 00 Say When 6 00 Channel 2 New1230 Search for Tomorrow 830 Glyilis930 Twilight Zone

1245 Guiding Light 900 Beverly Hillbilies 10 25 News 620 Whats the Whel te 1000 Alfred Ilitchcock 1030 Word for Word (C) 6 25 Sports Report100 Mid Day 9 30 Di c k Van Dyke11 00 News at Eleven

130 As the World Turns 1000 Danny Kaye 1100 Concentration (C) 630 Huntley Brinkley F11 15 Weather WatCh 11 30 Missing Link (C) 7 0 0 Donna Reed200 r-assword 11 00 News at Eleven11 20 Sports Final

230 Houseparty 1115 Weather Watch 1200 Your First Impression C 7 30 Monday Night Moshy1230 Truth or Consequences The Rains of R300 To Tell the Truth 11 20 Sports Final

CBS News 1255 NBC News Day Report 930 Hollywood and the 196~ 1 00 General Hospi ta l 1000 Sing Al ng With


1 30 The Price is Right 11 00 ABC ews FinalWLBZ -TV lhon nel 2415 Football Scoreboard 200 People Will Talk Channe l 2 1110 ew 430 Studio City Bandstand 225 NBC News amp Sports

THURSDAY OCTOBER 1719635 00 Hootenanny 230 The Doctors 11 30 Ton~ght bow (C700 Today 2 30 The Doctors600 Bud Leavitt

7 25 News 300 Loretta Young Theater TUESbAY OCTOBER 22 1963630 77 Sunset Strip 7 30 Today 330 You Dont Say (C) 7 00 Today - 300 Loretta Young 11k730 Jackie Gleason 825 News 4 00 The U a tch Game 7 25 News 330 You Dont Say (e)830 Igtbil Silvers 830 Today 4 25 NBC News Afternoon 7 30 Today 4 00 Match Game900 Defenders 900 Womans Hour 4 30 Superman 8 25 News 425 NBC ews000 GllIismoke 1000 Say When (C) 500 Trailmaster 830 Today 4 30 Supe rmanNews 10 25 NBC News Morning Report 600 Channe l 2 News 900 Womans Hour 500 Tra ilmaster 10 30 Word of Word (C) 620 Whats the Weather 1000 Say When 600 Channel 2 News_Y OCTOBER 20 1963 11 00 Concentration tiZb ~ports Report 1025 News 620 Whats the Weath tT olby Telecourse 430 Sunday Sports Spectacular 11 30 Missing Link (C) 630 Huntley Brinkley RepoTL 1030 Word for Word (C) G25 Sports Re port~vlng Word 500 20th Century 1200 Your First Impression (C) 700 Curly OBrien 11 00 COllcentration(C) 630 Huntley Brinkley Pomiddot _swlic Mass 530 Amateur Hour 1230 Tr utb or Consequences (C) 730 Combat 1130 Missing Link (C) 700 Patty Dukeunp Unto My Feet 600 _Jairnie McPheeters 1255 NBC News Day Report 8 30 Dr Kildare 1200 Your First Impression (C) 7 30 Mr Nova k _oak Up And Live 700 Lassie 100 G neral Hospital 930 Haze l (C) 1230 Truth or Consequences 8 30 Mr amp Mrs Music he Chris tophels 730 My FavoriteMartian 130 Price is Right 1000 Kraft Mystery Theater (C) 1255 NBC News Day Report 9 00 Richard B onneindtlS try on Palade 800 Ed Sullivan

900 200 People Will Talk te) 1100 ABC News Final 1 00 General Ho ital 10 00 T e lephone Hour (CThi is the Life Judy Garland 225 NBC News Afternoon 1110 Channel 2 News Weather 1 30 Price is Right_ 11 00 ABC New~ Ina _sk Your Doctor 10 00 Candid Camera

Report 11 30 Tonight Show (C) Sports 200 People Will Talk (C) 1110 Chamel 2 News 9shyJ ympics Preview 1030 Whats My Line 225 NBC News amp Sports ro Football Kickoff 11 00 Harry Reasoner News

FRIDAY OCTOBER ~ 230 The Doc tors 11 30 Tonight Show (C) _0 F L Football 1115 Maine News 700 Today 230 The Doctors 725 News 300 Loretlla Young Theater WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 23 1963

1963 730 Today 330 You Dont Say (C) 7 00 Today 3 00 Loretta Young The325 CBS News 825 News 400 The Match Game 7 25 News 330 YouDont Say (C) 3 30 Edge of Night 230 Today 4 25 NBC News Afternoon 730 Today 400 The Matc h Game

400 Secret Storm 9 00 Womans Hour 430 Superman 825 Ne ws 4 25 NBC News bree Stooges 430 Bozo the CIIIWn 1000 Say lhen 500 Trailmaster 830 T oday 4 30 Superman ennessee Ernie 530 Father Knows Best 1025 NBC News Morning 6 00 Channel 2 News 900 Womans Hour 500 Trailma~ te r600 George Hale Sports 1030 Word for Word (C) 620 Whats the Wbeather 10 00 Say When 6 00 Channe l 2 News610 Weather Watch 11 00 Concentration (C) 625 Sports Report 10 25 NBC News 6 20 Wha ts the Wea ther615 George Redpath News 1130 Missing Link (C) 630 Huntley Brinkiey Report 1030 Word for Word (C) 6 25 Spor ts Report6 30 CBS News 1200 First Impression (C) 7 00 The Flirmiddottstones 1100 Concentration (C) 6 30 Huntley Brinkley R 700 lt11 Ed 1230 Truth or Consequences 730 Youth Rally j 11 30 MiSSing Link (C) 700 Spotl ight on You th7 30 To Tell the Truth 1255 NBC Ne ws Day Report 830 Bob Hope Show (C) 1200 Your First ImpreSSion (C) 730 The Virginian (C) 800 Ive Got A Secret 1 00 General Hospital 930 Farmers Daughter 1230 Truth or Consequences 9 00 Ben Casey~30 Lucy Show 130 Plice is Right 1000 Jack Paar (C) 1255 NBC New s Day Report 10 00 The Ele ve nth Hour900 BurkeS Law 200 People will Talk (C) 1100 ABC News Finai 1 00 Gener a l Hospi tal 1100 ABC News Final1000 East Side West Side

1100 News at ElevBn 225 N1lC News Mid Afternoon 11 10 Channel 2 News Weather l3J The Price is Right 11 10 Channe l 2 N I o us par ly 1130 Tonight Show(C)1115 Weather Watch70 T e ll the Truth Mrs Hedges Executive Secshy1120 Sports Final

retary of the Maine Commisshy

A mepting of the Penquis sion of Problems of the Menshy

Refreshments were served by Friends ot Retarded Children tally Retarded will speak and

Pat Ricker Connie Carey was held Thursday evening at show slides on problems of the

tarded children An- Dollie Harmon Violet Jones the Milo Elementary School Mentally retarded

s was 1i s Crockett Lee Spear Piicilla Millier Plans were made for a public Interested persons fro m lvli 10

of retarded child r en Judy Macdougall meeting to be held Oct 30th and surrounding towns are ur shy


__ he World Turns

n Door

-~ssee Ernie lke Wa llace News

ove Lucy eal McCoys _ et amp Gladys

e of Life _ews



--clDessee Tuxedo c k Iiraw McGraw

G)Rogers King C31ldlepin Bowling

oJIege Kickoff iusburg Vs W Virginia1 00

p tain Kangaroo

IOke Wallace News

middotews arob for Tmnorrow

GUId ing Light tid Day the iorld Turns

ro m Page 7 no ld Gellerson of Do-shy

roft s poke on the t1 ainshy


Channel 5 SATURDAY OCTOBER 19 1963 700 Maine Farm Show 2 30 The Pioneers

TUESDAY OCTOBJR 22 1~63 730 Laurel amp Hardy 300 Dr agne t ~ 750 Open Door 325 CBS News 800 Captain Gallant 330 Champ ionship Bo 325 CBS _News 7 55 Farm Reporter 3 30 Edge of Night 830 Fun House 4 30 NF L Hi ghligh ts 330 Edge of Night 800 Captein Kangaroo 400 Secret SlDrm 900 Astro Boy 5 00 Dance P a rty400 Secret Storm 900 Three Stooges 430 Bozo tee Clown 930 Ruff amp Reddy (C) 6 00 Lawrence Welk430 Bozo the Clown 930 Teneessee Ernie 530 Father Knows Best 1000 Hector Heathcots (C) 700 Bill Dana530 Father Knows Best 10 00 Mike Wallace News 600 Geori(e Hale Sports 1030 King Leonardo (C) 730 The Lieutenant600 George HaleSports 1030 I Love Lucy 610 Weather Watch 1100 Fury 830 J oey Bishop (C)8 10 Weather Watch 11 00 Real MCos 615 George Redpath News 11- 30 Make Room For Daddy 900 Saturday Night bull615 George Redpath News 11 30 Pete amp Gladys 630 CBS News 1200 Watch Mr Wizard The Tall Men6 30 CBS News 1200 Love of Life 700 Greatest -Show On Earth 12 30 Bullwinkle (C) 11 15 Rheingold rrbeau 7 00 My Three Sons 1225 News 800 Red Skelton 1 00 Exploring The Untochable _-eW5 730 Password 1230 Search for Tomorrow 900 Petticoat Junction 200 The Deputy- arch for Tomorrow 800 Rawhide 1245 Guiding Light 930 Jack BennyGuiding Light 9 00 Perry Mason SUNDAY OCTOBER 20 1963

__I -Day 1000 The Nurses 1 110 Mid Day 10 60 Ga rry Moore 10 00 Americans at Work 500 WHd Kingdom (CI 130 As the World Turns 1100 News at Eleven 1015 Sacred Heart 530 G-E- College Bowl 11 00 News at Elven 00 Weather Watch 1030 Wagon Train1115 Weather Watch Password 1115 This is the Life 600

1120 Sports Final 230 Houseparty 11 20 Sports Final 11 00 Faith For Today 730 Walt Di s neys III 300 To Tell the Turlh 1130 The Hour OfSt Francis World of Color (e

1200 People Are Funny 830 Grindle 1963 WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 231963 12-30 Big Picture 8 10 00 Show of The V~

3 00 To Tell the Truth 750 Open Door 330 Edge of Nigh 100 Wide World Of Sports 1100 Channel 2 Nes 7 55 Farm Reporter Secret Storm Cameo Theater 1115 The Story of u-m Reporter 3 30 Edge of Night 4 00 230

~ tp lS in Kangar oo 400 Secret Stonn 800 Captain Kangaroo 430 Bozo the Clown 330 News IITheTunnel ll k An Ametl= 900 Three Stooges 500 Hal Lone Pine- ee Stooges 4 30 Bozo the Clown

MONDA Y OCTOBER 21 19633 30 Tennessee Ernie 530 Father Knows Best530 Father Knows Best 7 00 Today 300 Lore tta Young 1bo10 00 Mike Wallace News 6 00 Ge orge Hale Spor ts6 00 George Hale Sports

1030 I Lilve Lucy 6 10 Weather Watch 7 25 News 330 You Dont Say610 Weather Watch 730 Today 400 The Match Gao11 00 Real McCoys 6 15 George Redpath lews615 George Redpath News

11 30 -Pete amp Glndys 6 30 CBS News 8 25 News 4 25 NBC News630 CBS News 830 Today 430 Super man1200 Love Of Life 7 00 Huckleberry Hound700 The Great Adventure 900 Woman s Hour 5 00 Trililmaste r 1225 News 7 30 Chroni c le 800 -Arrest and Trail 10 00 Say When 6 00 Channel 2 New1230 Search for Tomorrow 830 Glyilis930 Twilight Zone

1245 Guiding Light 900 Beverly Hillbilies 10 25 News 620 Whats the Whel te 1000 Alfred Ilitchcock 1030 Word for Word (C) 6 25 Sports Report100 Mid Day 9 30 Di c k Van Dyke11 00 News at Eleven

130 As the World Turns 1000 Danny Kaye 1100 Concentration (C) 630 Huntley Brinkley F11 15 Weather WatCh 11 30 Missing Link (C) 7 0 0 Donna Reed200 r-assword 11 00 News at Eleven11 20 Sports Final

230 Houseparty 1115 Weather Watch 1200 Your First Impression C 7 30 Monday Night Moshy1230 Truth or Consequences The Rains of R300 To Tell the Truth 11 20 Sports Final

CBS News 1255 NBC News Day Report 930 Hollywood and the 196~ 1 00 General Hospi ta l 1000 Sing Al ng With


1 30 The Price is Right 11 00 ABC ews FinalWLBZ -TV lhon nel 2415 Football Scoreboard 200 People Will Talk Channe l 2 1110 ew 430 Studio City Bandstand 225 NBC News amp Sports

THURSDAY OCTOBER 1719635 00 Hootenanny 230 The Doctors 11 30 Ton~ght bow (C700 Today 2 30 The Doctors600 Bud Leavitt

7 25 News 300 Loretta Young Theater TUESbAY OCTOBER 22 1963630 77 Sunset Strip 7 30 Today 330 You Dont Say (C) 7 00 Today - 300 Loretta Young 11k730 Jackie Gleason 825 News 4 00 The U a tch Game 7 25 News 330 You Dont Say (e)830 Igtbil Silvers 830 Today 4 25 NBC News Afternoon 7 30 Today 4 00 Match Game900 Defenders 900 Womans Hour 4 30 Superman 8 25 News 425 NBC ews000 GllIismoke 1000 Say When (C) 500 Trailmaster 830 Today 4 30 Supe rmanNews 10 25 NBC News Morning Report 600 Channe l 2 News 900 Womans Hour 500 Tra ilmaster 10 30 Word of Word (C) 620 Whats the Weather 1000 Say When 600 Channel 2 News_Y OCTOBER 20 1963 11 00 Concentration tiZb ~ports Report 1025 News 620 Whats the Weath tT olby Telecourse 430 Sunday Sports Spectacular 11 30 Missing Link (C) 630 Huntley Brinkley RepoTL 1030 Word for Word (C) G25 Sports Re port~vlng Word 500 20th Century 1200 Your First Impression (C) 700 Curly OBrien 11 00 COllcentration(C) 630 Huntley Brinkley Pomiddot _swlic Mass 530 Amateur Hour 1230 Tr utb or Consequences (C) 730 Combat 1130 Missing Link (C) 700 Patty Dukeunp Unto My Feet 600 _Jairnie McPheeters 1255 NBC News Day Report 8 30 Dr Kildare 1200 Your First Impression (C) 7 30 Mr Nova k _oak Up And Live 700 Lassie 100 G neral Hospital 930 Haze l (C) 1230 Truth or Consequences 8 30 Mr amp Mrs Music he Chris tophels 730 My FavoriteMartian 130 Price is Right 1000 Kraft Mystery Theater (C) 1255 NBC News Day Report 9 00 Richard B onneindtlS try on Palade 800 Ed Sullivan

900 200 People Will Talk te) 1100 ABC News Final 1 00 General Ho ital 10 00 T e lephone Hour (CThi is the Life Judy Garland 225 NBC News Afternoon 1110 Channel 2 News Weather 1 30 Price is Right_ 11 00 ABC New~ Ina _sk Your Doctor 10 00 Candid Camera

Report 11 30 Tonight Show (C) Sports 200 People Will Talk (C) 1110 Chamel 2 News 9shyJ ympics Preview 1030 Whats My Line 225 NBC News amp Sports ro Football Kickoff 11 00 Harry Reasoner News

FRIDAY OCTOBER ~ 230 The Doc tors 11 30 Tonight Show (C) _0 F L Football 1115 Maine News 700 Today 230 The Doctors 725 News 300 Loretlla Young Theater WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 23 1963

1963 730 Today 330 You Dont Say (C) 7 00 Today 3 00 Loretta Young The325 CBS News 825 News 400 The Match Game 7 25 News 330 YouDont Say (C) 3 30 Edge of Night 230 Today 4 25 NBC News Afternoon 730 Today 400 The Matc h Game

400 Secret Storm 9 00 Womans Hour 430 Superman 825 Ne ws 4 25 NBC News bree Stooges 430 Bozo the CIIIWn 1000 Say lhen 500 Trailmaster 830 T oday 4 30 Superman ennessee Ernie 530 Father Knows Best 1025 NBC News Morning 6 00 Channel 2 News 900 Womans Hour 500 Trailma~ te r600 George Hale Sports 1030 Word for Word (C) 620 Whats the Wbeather 10 00 Say When 6 00 Channe l 2 News610 Weather Watch 11 00 Concentration (C) 625 Sports Report 10 25 NBC News 6 20 Wha ts the Wea ther615 George Redpath News 1130 Missing Link (C) 630 Huntley Brinkiey Report 1030 Word for Word (C) 6 25 Spor ts Report6 30 CBS News 1200 First Impression (C) 7 00 The Flirmiddottstones 1100 Concentration (C) 6 30 Huntley Brinkley R 700 lt11 Ed 1230 Truth or Consequences 730 Youth Rally j 11 30 MiSSing Link (C) 700 Spotl ight on You th7 30 To Tell the Truth 1255 NBC Ne ws Day Report 830 Bob Hope Show (C) 1200 Your First ImpreSSion (C) 730 The Virginian (C) 800 Ive Got A Secret 1 00 General Hospital 930 Farmers Daughter 1230 Truth or Consequences 9 00 Ben Casey~30 Lucy Show 130 Plice is Right 1000 Jack Paar (C) 1255 NBC New s Day Report 10 00 The Ele ve nth Hour900 BurkeS Law 200 People will Talk (C) 1100 ABC News Finai 1 00 Gener a l Hospi tal 1100 ABC News Final1000 East Side West Side

1100 News at ElevBn 225 N1lC News Mid Afternoon 11 10 Channel 2 News Weather l3J The Price is Right 11 10 Channe l 2 N I o us par ly 1130 Tonight Show(C)1115 Weather Watch70 T e ll the Truth Mrs Hedges Executive Secshy1120 Sports Final

retary of the Maine Commisshy

A mepting of the Penquis sion of Problems of the Menshy

Refreshments were served by Friends ot Retarded Children tally Retarded will speak and

Pat Ricker Connie Carey was held Thursday evening at show slides on problems of the

tarded children An- Dollie Harmon Violet Jones the Milo Elementary School Mentally retarded

s was 1i s Crockett Lee Spear Piicilla Millier Plans were made for a public Interested persons fro m lvli 10

of retarded child r en Judy Macdougall meeting to be held Oct 30th and surrounding towns are ur shy


__ he World Turns

n Door

-~ssee Ernie lke Wa llace News

ove Lucy eal McCoys _ et amp Gladys

e of Life _ews



--clDessee Tuxedo c k Iiraw McGraw

G)Rogers King C31ldlepin Bowling

oJIege Kickoff iusburg Vs W Virginia1 00

p tain Kangaroo

IOke Wallace News

middotews arob for Tmnorrow

GUId ing Light tid Day the iorld Turns

ro m Page 7 no ld Gellerson of Do-shy

roft s poke on the t1 ainshy

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