  • 1. Banishing The Butterflies: Overcoming Speech Anxiety

2. Butterflies?Why and how to make them fly in formation
Communication Apprehension in Different Settings
Why Do We Get Nervous?
Ways to Triumph Over this Common Occurrencecmu
3. Communication Apprehension in Different Settings
Group Communication/Meetings
Interpersonal Communication
Public Speaking/Public Communication
4. Why Do We Get Nervous?
Top Reasons Why We Get Nervous
Reinforcement Theory
Performance Orientation
Perceived Lack of Public Speaking Skills
Uncontrolled Bodily Movements
Situational Aspects
Previous Bad Experience
Center of Attention
Number One Reason.
5. Worrisome Thoughts

  • Worrisome Thoughts are Rooted in Your Thought Process 6. Good Worry 7.Brings us CLOSER to our goal 8. Rational Thoughts 9. Bad Worry 10.Takes us AWAY from our goal

Bad Worry Produces Irrational Fear of Public SpeakingCreates an illusion of DANGER.Put us in a Fight or Flight mode
11. Increased Adrenaline
12. The Fight/Flight Response from Activating
#1 Restructure Your Worrisome Thoughts
#2 Relaxation Techniques
13. Identify Your Bad Worry Thoughts
I will make a mistake or forget something.My speech will be ruined.I will be embarrassed and look stupid
Everyone is staring at me and judging everything I do and say.I cant stand it.
I must deliver a polished speech with intelligent smooth language or I will look foolish.

I worry about the speech for days in advance.I could do a bad job or get a poor grade.
I hate to feel nervous. When I do, the speech goes badly. Its awful.You have to feel calm to be a good speaker.
My audience will think that my speech is boring and I am boring.

When Im nervous, I speak so fast that my audience doesnt understand me.
I hate public speaking.I dont have public speaking skills; others do a lot better than me.
Change to Positive Coping Statements

14. Relax
8 seconds inhale, 8 seconds hold, 8 seconds exhale
Consider your introduction Pause (3 seconds)
Relax your muscles
Practice, Practice, Practice venue, learned skill, gain confidence
Eye Contact on a focal point
Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
Write Love notes on your cards
Visualize Success
Show Off
Have a Plan B
15. In a Nutshell
Restructure Your Worrisome Thoughts to Coping Statements
Practice Relaxation Techniques Before and During your speech
Employ Public Speaking Tips

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