Page 1: b e -ycar-old MENDS TO JAS[|SMi iiiiir ll , iseiiLsii

V 6 L . X l l l . ' K o . 1 2 9 . ■ ■ . T V V m F A L L S , I D A H O , W K D N Ii :S lM ' ^ ~ ¥ E l ' T K M [ i 5 r 2 'l7 ~ l!^ i3 'u ° ^ ‘ ^ ' •iVa S I , ; , ' ' " ^ " * -----------P R j o i f F l V E ^ i ^ ~ '

• I I T i l J l U l f T D d D n I C B u r n e d D e a d H u s b a n d ’s W f t a t i i M a i - W C S I I C D P j n D A k i n r k ^ i l ^ r i S o T o > , ^ I J T v , X ^ 4 - ---------------- ^u n I IIIL lu UUO ■ Body ~ ° TT iicai. ^ x a i i x ^ LLHUlI\0ttfll>HI'luL o u s p c c i m A l i e iu p ie u ■GIEEIS llflflEP o' ^ ~ G e t S r B u m ^ “ A tte lltl^^^ i p n n n r n r n m O f L o C E I G M

CIIK’AQO. Schi. I I ; I '1- -T 1i.i nr tli« .Knriu tlurunii. iiiitnmoiinl[ ' i r ^ l J T 1 -

■ilHNTC HFBHF<: : A r r e s t e d a t S a l t L a k e ■■

C row d E stim ated At 3,000 ^; ' Secs Oostfi _and BcUonto

L an d a t S a lt L uke C ity ;P lao e G uarded b y S old iers

.MU.V1CIP.U. AlUI’OilT. SAhT ' U K B OITY, i;i«i,. aoi.1. s t (t;i-),.

'■—SmIIInK lliul ii(lal)l<i, blouluniio » CoMo nnd Muiirlrc i!i>11oiil.', fr.'iir l. trnn«--\ilniiHf!-. Oj-pm . m i ihclr; Iilano Krnlly ilttwn ul ili.- mii-iL' ,

.unj-u*f»4■»»'»^lll^lM.r■re ,'u i^'.<M,,•! „ tl UclURo of wclcoiiic. Tlicy flc»-] " trmii nciivff rnrlj’ loilny In iliHriAfi fiimuuK Mcjivli-i nnd Bruy lOiuh.' llic^-ii, Question. Murk. ■ !,,„

Tlic rrccpiinn of tlui- famoii*'to' Krenclimon wnn Ui no wl»e Ulmln-lAr inlieil liy il>(, iio.iiiioncnicnt o f :,.! tliclr Dciivor-Sitll Uikc flliBl ,,, Tiicmlny iie<:e«hltnled Iiy tm or.ily-i , ins.condition* In ili.. lu.clileH, ' "

A. tomnilKoo wnri*H- w dronicd; llio flycM nnd ii lu lf lioiirV iiro .ll , liruDi wns liclil on the field. Tlioij," nlano WM cureJully guarded liy! Boldlnr* whllo pollcu kppi H id f

•crow<| In cliccK. ’ l’" '• fiicnrtod hy i.lx |ilw iw . . iha;!|:i Qucmlon Mark aiiproiiclii'd 'fn .m j

iniidc a ihruc polnl IniidInK 'after i.|ll fIrclliiB the nlriiorl (wlcc. | l |

Tlie crnwil nf n|iyroxlnii(ioly :i.OOO flii'orvO .iinil sluiuicd "Vivo i i t i 'l o tlio reccplinn commltloc.Ill Kranci'" nii.tlio Lis pUine tailed Conto and Jtclloiilo waved a rsjily to ific Kfccilne.

Tlioy Ilien nicppeil o i i f n f llie Jilano nml wcro officlnlly KfcoleO

. Vy . tliy nnd alnto offlelaln. '•Tlio fllslii took flvo.hoiirn nml

iilno jiilimiM,TonlRlii the riyorn wtll W tlic

Kiienui at nn Informiil . Imminui I>( und Jaler will iinrtlclimtc In tlui forimil rorupilun n l 'l l io Morniom tnliernncle. . . . 1

• Promplly nt 10 p. in.—tliey lii- «Ul lliM ll bo mu liitor-C uato 1 mill llfilloiiio will rollro to 4liH r liotPi, to got n piod nlKlit'K-r»Kiq Thi<y plan to lake oft n t S~n. in.

.Tliiirjitay-for Bo!*6 whoro nniillicr T cntli$3lullc miiAlbn'il.Woli(t.' '* [ '■'t

' M.,- ••••'____ , Ol

- U t a h P i o n e e r P a s s e s H- ____ . . I.II,

. SALT l i k t : CITV, - 80|11. 21 . (UPj—A pioneer UUlin ' w lio« carjy carcer unn iinimlnonily liliiiitiricil with HtAto duTuloiimonl In

‘MIirncK 1..1I ('o(|iiotte„ iicrordliiK’ yt lo.,W(ird recclveil hero; iw

’Flo'wns Simiiul N'ewliuune'who I li) in tlio iBttiir pun of ••■lho in )h |w coolnry ami tlii' forepart of .llivj

.:!0(li eentiiry wnn a luadur Ui|ki l!t#Ji. Wii'rlnif rccont yonrti h« lirni;,,, liefli rwldlni! In Franco. ' ji,-,

•ttllA N I: 1 iu W ll- : . Sftitemlinr' (Spce. In

.lanf-T'*r«l. kllKorc. H nwlton, nn- -vl laR tlio Mlttry Conntruellun com- m .linny oiid Alfred Coy, for' $17,0nu dl •ttiteover liiJurlcD rccoivod In nn '(iccldlint lani.Moy S. covorliii;'totiii vl orUltne uud woilt. moillcai ircai-

'.uioQi.nml <1o«tniclIon lilH car. i,| ' wna- awnnlNl MCUO, nccorilinK to «,

• ftiyo rd lct remrned ljy the Jury ai ,y 'tlie. .uponhiK hckhIoh of Ilto iilm- ,v r k l coiirl nl Jeromo WoilncMilay „ inornlnK. Thv'a till bOK»n MoiiUny

'Jom Jl* trlc t--court ’unilor Jud in i, WJJllam A. Uabcock. TWln KulH.

- KIlROro WON returnlnR to 'llutel- ton,from T«*ln.Fnll|i Inat Mny n. f vfljen hi* cnr n«d the cur of Alfrcil ^ Coy. then In lho eniplny of Mliiry Cfltiilrucllon comiinny. tollltli'd whon Coy uilomplod tn lurn on lol^lho hlshwny; toward. TwInI.M I'allii. I t waj M«i)ri«d Uml KllROrc w

— - III"- ’lo p -n t AS‘h it-c a r nnd over a fonco ^0 fcot P,away. Slnco thn'l Ilme lio hun -bcsn h' unitblo lo work. II wnu ,cliilmvd. N ■ -^lulntlfrii nttornoy'u wero R. 1-. Prary nml J. I‘i»ul Thoiiinn. TwinFalln, anil Wuj'no Durclny. Joroiur. ‘ Uolhwoll Bnd-Ctinpmun, Twin Fall:i

‘roproaenteJ ilio defenJoniH. ^

' '■ ■ . ", ■ , c

It Happens l °E y i > r y i l a y l .

Someono tlndi wlml lUoy wur.i 4 thru tlio CliiHiilflod Column!!' of (ll'o Tlinex. Sumo unu tti.'mi ’

h InnK nniiMiI hlV of fiirnl- *' ture Into cMli via the Clnimlfl- „ cti roiilo..•■' Yoii ean’t iifforil' to pwiaup'• tlio oppnrttmlty offered J>y IIiIh dulclf, oa«y \\;By of-.-merchan- i

' (Illllns. Watch tho Tlmcu W.iiK r Adn tlic} are Krowlns dnlly— Proof of Iholr pcputiirliyl j j

Y o u C a n 'P h o n e Y o u r - * ' Ad- in—J u i t C a l l •

idalio-'EV^ii^g T im es i


ifiei- a ixiit miirl<-m exiimlnuitlml' hottpa pi>l»i)ii In the li(id)- of her luhhaml, J. K. Arnot. fm ier <!1:id- ow. Monlann. Imnkrr, Mrx. Annii] irnut, lelKtvo,.wns cliarscd withi Irnl decree innrdcr. A rnoi dicii j ; mmtli IIIIO, fiippniK'dly of <biirni :ml niifrocadnii. ^frH. Aniol tolil'S l lollco Hint licr lintiliand liud tnkon lulHon by miHlnku nnd (hut nhe, . cnrlnK Ili3 nlory would nol liu lullei-cil,' had tried tn bnni lil.i JOify In the liasumeni .'.f her . loiiie i>» Hint tlio pohionliiK wmild lot -be illwuvered. '■'*

iu iy R m s :

STORWiie^Long Pe riod o f D l Fee ling

P receded Shooting: o f M . O.i Myerfl by D u d le y C., G ray , jJ'' M ary land A u llio r it ic s F in d ti

B A I.T IM O R B , a q p t . ' U '- TllB Ktory ut haired nnd Junluun.ll* S' valry 'wplifBlf emTiltti'r'cd l l . t ll^cn of Dudloy'O. Grny nnd yiixwoll =■ C. Mycr*. wealthy rullroad execii- llVM, unfolded loiluy liufore lnve.v |* tlKuiorn HGckliii: lilddini duiulU ur;^' lho niurdcr-xuleldo trucrdy. j "

{■ollcu flli-1 cuntalnud n .HOrUld: ‘ rceiiril of (ho Kcetio Ihut look place! ' In IllU iironlilcnt'M clinnihcr of Iho \Ve.tern-Mi.ryluiid-r,Hlr..«d-ofnco» yenlerdiiy. niieii I’renldeiit .\lycrn wnx nhot elslil Ilmen and hilled ,, liy .(irny. tin. first vico preiildenl. who (nok hh owd lire. '

Thone whn worked 'with lh«m knew Ilyeni nnd (Irny wcro cue- nilex. -They m-ldom Kpoke excoplL, In Ihelr iici'CRHary biiuliiunK .cnn-^jjm il i :'T lH.'> UI!U’ 'tlllUlUI l■.■|H!■B| "■TpOBuil on ninltem of imllry. ,

Gray wnx C2'nml lmd lioon wltli - (lie riMil uliico i;-i;i. Uyer* wnx lU| ii yuur« hill Junlnr. had none over Io ir the \Ve»turn Mnrylnnd from lho' a rcn t NortJicrn n t ubonl tho xnmo tliiici, and liud beun iiciimoU'd'uVor f,'oraj-:— .------- ' - ' N

Tliclr iiennalntniiuo untended t< hiieli lo 1301. wben Gray wnx ii fll- .r vlnlon frol>;Iit nKcni for the llalil* fi moro and Ohln nnd Ilyern wan divinlnii ciiKlncer. '

Grny. iiltlniiKuly. lieniinti traffic ' vice prcBlilent of (ho WoHiern li .Murylaml. nyem, wlio luul lieoif nx-idi Hlntnnt to thn prexhlent.'.had nindoU) (lUch a fnTornlilo record tbnt Iio “ was choacn for tho |ircnldchry ] t .1' wax (linn llilit a r.iy ’» ho\tllliy to* " wnrd tho yonnKor cxccntlve, nl- (hoiiRh well nulnliieil, llrnt buRan (

--------------------- ---- ■ 5

0 . S t e d m a n P a s s e s

WA.S111N(1T0N Sepl. J l-C harlcs M. atedmnni . Intlmato of "atnnu- wall" Jaclmon d'irliiK lti,i) C|vll \

Ai!ttr..umlJiiiiui-uli)ri«cliC.vftiiKr.««4:^ pnxncd av'ny huro yenterday. ilo hnd licen n rcpre«cn(a(lvo front North Carollnu nlnco 1!>U,

nUIJKIlS V ,l)lIM ).lil‘1I.TV „ •LOS ANdra^l-M, Supl. l’l (UP) t

—Cllenn Rorom, M, .recently nc- „ OUlltcd nf luurderlns n (lolleemnn, / wnn fonml’ Rulliy l>y n xuporlor , court Jury Inm nlphi on, chnrfccH i or poxnefmlng u bludRcon. j

T o d a y ’s G a m e s j

.UIKUIC'AX l,KA«trK ‘I . Al.ltom in: ‘ 'U H E uWntlilnglnfi 012 000 000— 3 . 9 0 .lioxton .........OOD oco Olx— 0 10 .0 I

l|a(lerlci: Crowder and Jlur- i Kruve; L.!xenlivo and liovltiK- ’ i

• j{A T I()N ^ lK A (iU K I -Al Phfludolpliln: ' 11 It K ■

Ilrooklyn .....200 uuo 0 0 1 - ;» 11 1Phlln..........._.J01--«20 OUx~ C n 3 (

lloKerlcn; Moxh. . iriiunilon. < I’helim nnd Iioberry; Mllllican otid i llonia. ' . _ . « M 0 ^

‘a i Plti*bur£)i; . ■ '' .(Caltnd end r>tb/ ruin) .' K :

iCInclnniill, — 210 0 0 - V 5 .1 ,'i'ltialmriih,!,.!!.....r i: l0 02— fl 7 1 . ;R iiltMl«x;'-Curroll nnd anbeh: , French nml llcmxloy.' ■ ,

noninK llu .hoard o( illr<'<Uir» in i"noei on fhurnduy. OcKiIht tlm0 InvciiHnal.' Sovlri UiiBxln‘« ac- In;: ivllicH In nhort ncllhx. mn: ■ Snrrrtiiry of AKrlcnlliirc' Arituir " 1. llyclp. who arrived In I'hl- the

:aKo iM.nt iilKlit. wun Invlu-d i.i mm aienti lho nici-ilni;, luul Indleateil >-lhi ll' wonld In' prexcni. ' ’ fun

M. S. Windur, cxc'cnilve m rvinry dm

MENDS TO M i l f f l ■

J A S [ |S M iS enator P ro b in j 'P o l i t ic a l S it- '

na tion Fails •■ia>nn A tte m p t i‘ to L ea rn W bb In d u c c d N or- J,

r is ' N am esake to . R u n i

l.INCoiN. .\oU.. sept, i’ l (UP' ' -ConvlncL-d ihgt bl« Honnto In- vc^tUMtlni; cniiimltlce cnnnoi un- [ ravel (lie niyxlery snrrnundlnK H'" irci-nl .Vohraxkn Uepnbllcuii pri- miirk'H. Semnor. (ierahl I’. •. Nye |il:inncil 'toilny lo lukc (lie mullcr before Ibi! ni'nute Itxelf. L

After itto diiyji.of laklnK tMil- mony. lii which contrnverxy wuxed no furUiiiH tillll flxtlo <'ncmrntcrKj were In the offluK, .Nyo told (lie , Cnlli'il I’rcMi d ial he fell Ceornc W, Norrlii. Ilrnken Ilnw crorrr, woulil not dlvulKO 10 (he i-nmmll- I tee who Jiiill bucked hix nttcmpt to vit enter Ihe primnry rnce un a Hcmi- in lorlal eamlhlate, {lla

>0 I'ronf Found ; MnAllhouch Senator . CiiKirKe WM se;

Nnrrin, velcrnn Uepnbllirnn 1nciiin-,cri hent. hnx riilternlvd n(renuniinlv| mi tlio eontenllnn (hul lihi' pollllenl’ ‘ Piiemli'x Induccd (he Rrncer to run Mf licdaiisc of Iho rnnfiinlon (wo of "OcorKQ \V. N'orrlx" naniex wonld ipli cauBc on the bnlloU tho cnmmltoo ne r(illed-lo hrlnR.fflr«i,Vr'()or'‘'r U>W B< clinrise. '

Senntor N’yo Inllmntod thnl hc mi wnn conxtilorlnK lho flllnK of per-, Jnry nhnrucx ncutnxl Crocer-Norrlx a* tbe '■oiily -mojinx .of ftcllln«|llc lo the bottom of hix cundlducy."! U lie wnnhl not xtalo iloflnltely (hut lla bo-ln(endc(l tn fitti nuch rbnrcex. Mi bnt derlared ho felt Iho fnct" couldlcn iio-lenrne.l only liHVa^nflnKlonT— rn r

Oeor«e W, Norrlit, (ho Brocer, he fllccf appllrntliiil for a .pluci- on| lho Iteiiublicnn primary ballol' 1‘* nhnrtly before Ihe cleetlon, Snp-|He porterH of Bennlor Norrlx, who fm WHX eiiKro^xnl In a xin.‘ouon:i| im! rnnipnliin acnlnxl \\*, M. Stebblnn|fai for (hc xcnntiirbil nohilimtlon. nb-[imJiiinud“»tn-nnmisiy,------------------------

Mnenile,< lllunioil ■ They ehiir*eirSfliiUtorNMrrl»-|i0.lTr lllleal,.cncm!ei». luul ln<li|eed tliul-*-^ crorcr to bc a rnmllduie.

Tho ewitrovcrsy wnn HtlUed • lenyinrnrl!)' wlion. lh* atatn 8ii- ’ • prciim e o n rr 'f iile in ii iit ' ;'<lroiier ' Norrlx bad filed hix niipllentbm two duyx inn late. Senator Nnr-’lt . .enntlnncd- lilx- cniiionlKn xiitrcnji- ~|, fully ntfulnxl .qtcbblml.

31«\TAXA WHA’l'llKU Z ' (lencrally fair In oant, uu#ottled '' In woxl portion (onlitlit'ftml Thurn. , dny,: colder In extreme uox(, nllBlii- ly wiiTmer In cx(romo wout portion ■. lonlfthi; froa( nnd ftue>:liiK (em- ,1icra(uru ('um of divide: xlli.*htly|''“ warmer cunt of dlUdo Thnl'flOuy.l"’'

s i lT F lR S ' iDEMUlY

U. s. Oommissiijn S tu d y in g — W ishes— (jf*~‘I>laTia— R esl: -

dcnU D » ip itq ' th o H ea t

AllOAllD U. s. a OMiVll'A, Sepl. l’l (UP)—Tlie corilrenBlonal Sa­moan- eommlxnlou loday hold. df. Hplio (lio MwolioylhK lioftt. nnothor ,execHtlv6 xtxilfin .for coitHlUora^ (Ion of icntsdvo propoaala for a bill ;Bf riKhIa for ,tbe Samoan iKwplc. • - .

Tho commlnulon, lioadod liy Sen­ator Hlrnm ninnhdm, 1> alHO a(- (otnptlnR to form .yriiya .ojid meoiu ’ for tho iirexcrvntlon of tlio.nailru■l aiiiiiiiii itimmiigr f H t- r niiink'- ' li'c: ~

1 foro the onslnuRhta of world pro-IRfCHR.

"Tho nplrlt ot lho commlnalon Ih to refrnlu from Intorferlns w lth-ax many of. .ilio:, charmlns nailvo cualoma ,i>t»i)lblo wlilioui • cnnfllclinK -wlUi tho hlislioiK tru- ■ dliloDi of.Amorlcan:Ufo".^BlHRhamxald, . . .■>

Tho Qommltfllbn'nnnoiinced tha( thoy oxpooU'io lieair, llio doilrc* of many SamnnnijltiofnaelvoR tic- for© roaclilnjc u' d«blilon..-liut will hnvo a tuniallve' hill - of rlsliix rendy for aiibmUslon,'' ' '

•Il 1», undentlbod^hftt'U io com- mlMflon -WBR-In- f tv o r -o f - 'a -bill Kuarantoolnjp (hfr-'lnhabUiala freoi Oon, orUluo (0 live i*OBCtehly.‘ usnomblo lo potKIon fot' any rea l-a r faniiltd '

II i>aniiiiiH>''M. “"'I ^Imt the fcderiilloii ban been tnal:-[ ,:i : II full InvexilKutlon of ‘'(Vim-| nnnlx( .ucllvlllex," „

•■•I'he eiillrc Mitiuillon Ix tnktnsIM t he. iinpei'l of u worbl-wido <'c;i.i ] lonilc ciiiiMkl In wlilcll tbi>'Uu».-: ,inn ............ ix pllleil ni:u1iixl Ihc. ' J

........ . of Ameiliu." Windur ...... ,lnre.1,___________ ;_____________ .;

i e s p i r a t o r B e i u g

U s o i j t 9 . ^ v o T w o | i “ ;

F t o f l l y s i s O a s e s S l

S,VN K1UNCI.SC0, .Sept. -Jl j" ’" ((HM-The liven of two Kirln. ono olBhtcen aild (ho,, d ih e r . ' " seven, were belnc niived (odny _ ' by pbyxlclilnn who plucd ib.-ni J;, (iltenmtelyTihdcr tho-drinker J ■' rcsplraior o r •’nrilfichil lunK" muihlne at tho Chllilren'n lion- pllal. Hotli Rlrlii were Kuffer- I"*' liiK- from lilThiiille iiaralynln,A tew wcerix ai:o a yiuini: wo- | mnn died bei-uuiie another pa- I | Ilent WHX nlready imlnK the I,,,., machine. A cuinpaiKn .tbal re- k , .Hilled In two aildlilonal re:i- ,i„, plnitorx wun ntartcd noon nf-

i i i i i r l l , iseiiLsii|

lioisi:. Sept. 21' (iu* )-ln ter-;w b vlfweil by the t/nilcil. Pre4H liidayldil In lilx llolne bome, Srnuior Wll,-jt)a llani K,'Iior<th of Idaho, denied lhe|n Mnniumi rei^iri tlm l,he wonld'aid j l-'o Scnntor Wulxh und other Deiiln- pli crnix In their cnmpnlKun In Mon- ntt.

"*-<r bnvo no plnnn lor Kolnc to Montuna. Whllo I am nu udnilf’'’ lu' of .Senator Wnlnb, f huvo inudc iin cd planx (0 Mimtuiin in eon- nilnectlou with-lilll civmpalRu." mdd , W ruh, • '

The Idaho *olo:i refimell to eom- mont fiirthcr. .

nUTTi;. Mont.,.Sept. -24 ( U P ) - |" ‘’ Ilopubllenn tiuniitorK llniiert M,, 5.U Kollello nf Wlxeonnln and Wll- T '11am I'i. llorah of Idabn, will iitupip ^Mnnlann In behalf of Mn- Uumn- [ 'crutie cumlldnry of Senntor Thom- j” ;n r-J ;-W alB h — tt— ivim - nmii.nid fulhero.lodnf. ""

Whllo Ihlx iitralcKy 1« deiiUned <>fl t't inaterlnlly weaken It'c llepub-llenn rmnlmlitn In thlr ii(a(e. tho . . fnct lllul the Wlntonnlu und Idnbo iinliiiiH bi'lonc to tho-proKrexnIvcfacllun n t the Republleun pnriy 'limy rixlneo Ibelr prextlRc wllb ■

I d a l i o P o w e r F i r m t i

A s k s F o r R i g h t t o •«

' ^ M , a _ l I e w . . L i n e-------- • • • lio

.W.ASICIN(5T0N. Sept 2-1 ( U P f - xl<The (irln'icii l’n«x Power compnny mi of llnine, applied (o Kedwral I’oiv-vr Commlxxlon (odny for nn- . thorlly (n ronxlriiet i( mi-inlletrani.nilixlon lino /rnm (he nouth -fork of the Puyelle river to (h'l im’.Momitnin Chief Mine. .Tbe lino towonld rnn .ilirmiKh CeiitcrvlllD heand' Iduho City, provldtns power wlfor Kcnural imi>iM>xex to towiix, biinnd mlnen nloiiK tho route.- cn

s m

' J e

' ‘ n J


i ; n i i n u M u n u i i u j v u

lovo 'm ert A gainst tlic C hurch i H cnd Is G iiiiniit' I m p e tu o ;! ' H ia M ora) Filnc.s:; to ,H o ld j| Offica V/ii) Be S tu d ied j:

v,.v.-i iMutii:. M.l., .Si-pi. ::i I’ l’ l In^'-'li^ui'liiii nr Ihe moral 'IMC"> ii; lli-ll |l .Il'IUi'M I'vlllllOII.. U< 11.-mil.' II ut-leaili.i’- ■

Illl III lh" .M-i Iioi1Ihi Rpincopnl IllnVli l-l lUi* <ih]r<'tlve of Ili-i i"iv foniuil. niownii-nl nimlliHl Ibe Tli illtleii' ill'Uiii'. Ihc 'lli'V. Kor'eHl iir

I’l^'iviii.iii Intll the Unliv'd na i-.-r:i ! il.iy, • ft,Il^i iiym:in, wiili ihe Itev, Co:itnn ;r'i

, ll.irn ll nml ibo Uev, - J. T xilb'l <tin (if lllcbiiKinil. Vn., and (ho aK:rv I I'. .Marlin of AbliiKdon.'Vn.. thI'l’riilly flloil eh:ir,i;ex ni;alnxl >\<t:ii;hii|i {'.Illlinn wllh Mlnliop W. .V.' :. AUiriworlli, llliniinglinni. <ir

PniniKeH Inieslik'allim I'r tlyinnn explained loday lu.,

Mil Ihe plirane "inoral fllncHV]1 111 lari;c:<l Ki-nne and not I n ' f le lenlrleted ;..'piilnr 'm uniiillj| > Illrh liiillLattii 'In'oHe llvlns. , l j o | runil.-i.-d a thorough InvciHlKatliiii I f all piihli:i|ieil reporhi flR.llnnl lie lll-ihop, who lieeaine eiipcclnl- r prominent .In )n:<i nx an oiii-. poiicn opp^iieni - of (he prexlden- lal landidm-y ,jf Covernnr Alfred!:. .Smltli. I•'Thill I'OHc." Prellyinnn lolil iIicm

'nlted Prexx, "ttlll nnt he con-^ lucd lo llie ihrexbiiiK out of;Id Mruw. ‘I'hero nre penioii-i In rlioxc lieiidx (bem Im Ihe ld>-aU hat It will be ft rcpltltlon of l h e > lallux liieldcnl of Inxi May when I

Kronp of laym en' bonded hy, ■oniK'r Si^reiury of .Vavy Jone-1 lllli;' DanliHii 'brouslit eharKCil Rainnt Illxhop Cannon wlUi re- m-el to biieketxhop opDrntloiiii.^'Thhi eane will lie a lhori;iiKli nvo'iliKnllnn of nil ibe. ptrbllxh-j- d leporiu Uml may como to tho n lUcntloii of tbn eoinmlttoe." . xi

Miixt ^'^Rie I'ommlltrft _ . i’rciyman'M lilaiijc'd ''tlinf nndor

:hur.-h law, Illxhop Alunwdrih IOW munt appolnl a ccinmlKeo •* if 12 olilcru of the cluirch to In- ■cxilKn(o. lho Cniinon ohnrBC.i. I’bey would not .be liniilcd to ulr r esalinnn contnlned In lho paiior llod hy Prettymnn'a croup with iixbop Alnnworth hut Voulil liuyo ,j iilLuuUiorliy. In.dotorinluliiK.Can-l-i loii-x fliiiex# lo ocfuiiy hix lil ili „

__________________ : . j;

few Yorlc Names «■ Manager Nov, 1''

M W .YORK. ' Sepl. ( D P ) - rho'N ow York'Vnnlioon'w ill un* „ lounco their manoRor lo r tho IMI oBHon on- NoTfmhcr 1, Ed Iiur- 'OW. Koncrnl mnnaRer of (ho clnb aid todny. Harrow.Tefuxeil lo dlx- £ :u»H repnrtii-WIM*Tol.'5««>h‘ m tp--— iort. owner of,tho club, wnx con- ilJbrlUK'. Joo Mi-Orlhy, . dejToncd nanagor of tho ChlcURo Cubx.

ivATi'ii vim itk i is tSAN I-mNClSCO. Si-ji't. 21-(UP) n

-AKCitrlex.of tlm fcilcrnl Rovevn- (Inent were on (bc ouilook here n:onay for n hIiIif- believed to bti tilendod for Snii PrnnclHco. on ,*'blcb wnn reported to be n lurRii Sluml ot cummunlHtB fr/itu (ho Orl- li;nt, • c

F A L L 'G U Y S ! ■ ~

rii3 ycar’x younKent eollr;;I:i'i; iriilmlily. Ix l.l-year-olil Juliii I.--::iallun Criffln. nbnvc, r f ............. .:6n, who linn.been onrolleil n- a : . rr'cBbuian al OoorKetown rnlvi i - C i <liy. Mu ntarted to iicbool ,ii iIk:. .IKO of (>. flnlxhcd Kniinmiir s. iiinil iliien yenrx hiier, and l.i:.( .vi';ii' w'an Brudiin(ed from (he lln i .k h n ,' - SV. V.. Prcpurniory .Si'linol. In ;,.l.' dldon, be hnn. taken ilme iioni'bix -liookx li> iitui- lit .................. I |lec nkatlng, ^ ii<.

i i i i r iARE SflUGHI IN li'i:lom countiesIe

• Til-------- Iol

L atnh Jo ins P a y e tte in At* |m te m p t to F o rce th o H n n d of <b th e E qualiza tion B oard ;- Beo ,,, H eavy C ut in - th e T a x B ill U'

•• le;MOSCOW, Idaho. Sepl. lil (UP)

■—Uilali cminty will Join Payutte »■' eouniy lu liii effori (o force tho xlato buBtd of cflUftlliatlun lo com- pel reuaitcesmnmu . tn I I Idaho

'eountlA.. 'Tbexe pountlcx—(hey luelndc .

Adn, Hudc. lloiindnry. L'jinynn. (lOJii. Jcrnmo, ICuotcnnl. Uihmi. «. Mndlxoli. Mlnldokn. Power, (iood- f ‘ hiK.- Twin KnllH and Hannork— J/ fulled to mako a comploto n>-i<e!ix- incn(. nerurdlDR to (hn nlleKiitlonii. nild, ax a renult. the couuden (bal did aro iiunallH'd. - ' ' L

tux bill tntallnr »10K,'mii woiibli^'J be materially reduced If Ihn u l- j- 'lci:cd-Ji_counll(!i>..fnll<'<t .io_rli}ili:;.,.u 'ftuln propcrtlux of their vahni-;*'' utloii nlhurnelx, nvoldliiK n.certaini nbare of (nxex carried by 30 olheri ronntleii, |: 'i

Thfl nlnte bonrd buu refuned lo;lli iin li»r ~ |bn leaxxcii.unf iK—mtd—th^rta prrilexlnn(.« have Jiucldcd lo ko ho- ut foro-dKi x(u(o .uuprumo courl In nn iiKvmpi lo Heeiiru nu order ni compelllnK the rcan<ennmeni. „■ tli

H o l t . N o m i n a t e d . j .

I n N e w " M e x i c o m____ . el

At,iiiiQri-;iifiui':. -v. m ., Sept. 2t tU l’l—H. II, Holt of I>nn Crueeii received (he ' Itopubllean nomliia- •“

,llr)ii f.or Unlled Staieit iiei\ntor a ti^- n pnrly convention horo tato yex-M' to rd u y ,' ■ '« .. Hf -will he oppoxod by Senator Sam llnillon. wbo wan re-noiu- “ lnu(ed b.v thu I>emocrnlic .slalo convention lant l 'rldny.


SAKT L A K E CITY. Sopt. 24 (Ul ;u3 a rrea ted Tiiesdiiy n ig h t b y Sail iirncil over to S h e riff E , F . P ra to i |Ci2h ton, T w in F a lls o ffice rs , nnd

b I I eT IJ l liO B.js

s i n m s E i j____ _ . |M a

)rini{,? CoiiUininff M e th y la te d . Sp irits, Com pnm blc to W ood A lcohol T ake a H ea v y

'T o ll In M errio E n g la n d yet

-------- iP ril.n.Mih.s, .Srpl, : i ( i ’p )_ i)en(li.i wa I'-i" .m-th.vlaieil Milrilx, .•onipar-;

I'......... .......I nlrohol w lileb :^ ""'ll. .1 llkh loll 'of liven iu d ie .T h•...... Sintrn a few yearn Un..v iu n .:i .,lm ;ln iiumbi.r In C real.D o lill.ilu. one Ilf Illl- bi-;ir1li-nl-i,.„ IrmlilnK n.iloiir. of lbi. world,

In adillilnn '10 Ihi- hiimbi'r ot'O f lr:ilti-i, llionMiihh In III.' la rs e rtraa ilien '- -luim. are beln - nlnwlyl .olsoni-il. I .

l-:nxland and Wali-s nf p m rn tia '!, nioxlenli'd 011 im-lhylalvil Kplrlli- '‘ rhe number Uiei.-an-d i;i-.';itly the ollowinu- year. ■

An luiri-aslnc niiniln-r of nlc-o- mile dealb!" Inni' lnu:ed lo , hr drink ."Iteil Mu."

The »(IlJatlon ben. i« „„t iinllke ;linl wlllell onee exinleil In tbe *“ •' Unlled Sliileii. «her,. -liioMe wbo [•oiilil OOI iifford to pay hIsh (khH. lec priee'x f<)r r.imonnlily Kiwd lliinor bouitht the eheaper brand (hat coniulned d.-imiiired aU-obi.l-

Thfl mimhor of deadm atirlliuted bli to aluohiillnni hax Inereaxed Irmn JS iwr 1.000.000 porsoiis-ln Knsi nl Iniul' .and- 'WMbs . tt.' K 'V e r 'J.DOCr.'- I* 0(10 In ' 10».' ■ . . J-

niATOKI.!>A-NCIlIl-:. Scoilnud. Inl Sept. (U P )-A xerioUH sluiiip cvl In (he deiiiuml (or Scotch whix- an key ban' Ibronn. be tw ^n SOO nnd ’ l.'^ni) dixllllery wnrkern In north- Fr

Al a recunr nieeiInK of dlutlllery the

^ent.•d aurecd to reduce tbe output p"bi iS per cen(. »ta

------------------ ---------- • ed(.‘.-() .-p r^ T A llT .S -S K I,l'(T !« \-- rnr

IH' M:iilSl„VTlVK TICKKT Jm SAl.T f-AKK CITV. Utnb, Supl. "Id

:•( i l 'P i—.S;ili Ijiku county Roptib- o\i lleiu^ Hiilay xet thenix..lY«n (o (bu ou<

ut. do'Tuesday a.-.foouU' tickoL.wa'^ x|r

namtd, ThiK mnrnlnR ot 10 o'clock rex (be IcRlxladvK rohvondon con- dlx vonoii; . • 1

The comity Itepubllcnn nofiijnccn ib.n

w . liiirvey' Roxj. coun('y!'com- • mbixloncr. four yenr leriii-Q uxk- ell .Moinney fur eoinitilnnlon- I er, (WO yc;ir (erm: Clifford Put- fl ten, Ineumbcnl. thurlffr Alonxo H Ma'ckny. Incnmhcnt. rounty ctcrk:J . H. Prccee. 'jcumbent. nxscHnor: '1). K,- Moffai; Incumlrenl. trcnaiir- c r: .\lrii. Helen F. Rclxcr. rccord- cc: Mntlhew Cowley, dlxirlct al- • (orney. C. llnxcne YlRUx, nQilltiir nnd J. 11. lIllckciiHderfcr. Iiicuni-| , bent, xurvo'or.__ nil

UTAH WKATHKIt JoUnnettlisl (onlRlU and Tburn-

dny; llltlo cbanRo In tcmpenitiire.


A ctrosa R efuses to B isduss h Tbo O bargo >of G am bling g DbligatloQ N ea r L&ke. T ahoe |

'illOIjI.VWOODl ■ Calif.. CPU ?! C (UP)—Kxcopl for a denial th*l xhc hnn noy boaeat dpbM, Clara Ilow declined to dlncuni :t,otlBr c h a r m Ihat a .womnn paitnK nx her owod.lU.OOO to n-Notiula RBitibllnR rcM rt' lir - loaies "In- inirrcif two -we'eka &ro.

commciit. but ai-Qlded nn r Nment un to whether she bad b ^ n ||| ul Iho Culiieva resort l^hleB lieii? {[ ■Lako Tnhoo. J , ' .

Neither dlil -Bhe • aay. .-wholUw she wnx (lie "Clara Pow ">U o'le» rued four check'* toU lllnc 913.900 und then hail payment/Blopped on them a l a llollywtjod honk.'.- -I

The' aciresi' fiUtomeni, leaued ii (hruiiR)t lho Pnrnmounl Bludjo, iidenied-'HiBt x h i^ « -* i i7 -T l8 h ttti l ;edifljlii nud added .that abe 'paid e all honesl dehlB promplljr. ' -t ' "If auyoDO In the. world teoU 's

he has a rlffhtfiil <lalm'.&SftiDtt .{ mb for'nny sum oflTOoney wlmt,.^-.l soever, which t deny; r . wlU Btalb Ta ly ' aocep l, wrvlce p( ,«n>: -lej*! 1 docutfients. . I alwaj'# pay • orarjr ^ honejt dobl promptly." .

IP )—L ouis Ronberff, 33, w ho It L ako C ity o ffice rs , w ill bo )r a n d Poiico C hief .R a lp h G.1 re lu m e d to T w in F a lls to ICO atlcn ip ted a ssau l t c harges, n receip t o f in fo rm a tio n .frb m w in . Fn lls, fo llo w in g a n a t- . mpCed a ssau lt ofi 12-ycar-old ir ro ll Ph ilips, S a l t L ak e -au* oritie s w ere o n . th o lookou t r R cnbcrc , w ho w as sns- ic te d 'b f T W n 'F a l l s po lice #3 w ^u ttack er.R onbcrg w aived isx trad ilion id o ffe re d to r e tu rn , to tho laho O lty w ith T w in .F a lls of- cere w ho a rr iv e d to d ay . H o a in ta in s h is innoconoc.;^- Poiico reco rd s hero sh o w onberg aervcd a te rm of 13 ja rs in tho C olorado, sta to iso i i fo r crim in al assau lt, a n d afl pa ro led la a t yclir. H c is lid to havo en lis ted in ^ th o liirly -e igb th In fa n try o f tho - n iled S ta te s o n n y a t F o r t ouglas, U tiih. b u t to h av e ;cn d ischarged upoii d iscovery .; h is crii^inal rec o rd . H o w as larricd hero la s t ye a r . ‘- >

Offleern dIncloxeJ toilny (iiHt .. . '!'plic (ho menttor dcncrlptl^u vt;n by Carroll I'hllllpu of tli» an wbl) u llcn ip le^to .uan iu ll hor I n Twin Kallx nireci Innl.Friday li:ht. U n it ItcnhcrR, vbo .^w 'u ricnieil • Tucxilny n lsb l nt Soil nk« (niy. WUH Huvpectcd of -tbe rlmi-. 'I'liat tbe arrcxi wa* not ii-xpeiied wax Indicated In . a " laivment madu lo n roproaiiiitn* ". ve of tho Times Tiicnday nUcr- ':on by Cblcf I.elKlilou.'‘ V.. bavo doflnlin Information

oncernlnR tho Idetill'ly <tf ihc .aU iickt'r, and cxpecl lo apprehonil llm," tbo otflccr, d tc lnred .- 'llti almltied’ tbal Uio doacrlptloa -l^ur* . ilibcd-by. .Ilio. .ClilUlpv>stti;j4iiti-

f. A. P b i i i ip * . : -b Q is : :^ ^ venue., w ar not .compIe(e,V hut.;- iitlmBtod 11)0 - oxUteiree' ol. olliar vidciico wlilclf would lead to tbo

Tho nllcRcd-Bllock occurrcd lulo' 'riday nifiht, aa lho l it t le ' Rlrl - 'an rcturnliiR from a viali lo 10. homo ot .u frlond. Sho hud ’9iifje.l_ l|B r_pnrenix In ' a • (ele.____bono mcaxaRo thnt abo' • w n s......:ariliiR fur ilionio. nnd ttioy start* *I oul 10 meet hor. Shordy be- >r-shc-reac!ii:d“ hor home a niaij limped frum ahndoWH u die de of tbc wnlk. clapped n.Uand >er lier mouth (o proVonran iiicry nnd direw hor'to the ground.

twn tho’ xireet, obiorvod -thn;ruR5»iiK pair, .m id-canie. 10 -Ihe____:hcuc; The aasallnni fled and Ixopptarcd.I t la ihouRbt by local ■officer*

lat ItcnliorR miiy also 'bo; ldtu«

■■(Condaued oti' Page Fjv#)K -'


MliltlO.S- CRICKBT- .CLUB, lA td. . lore, Pa., Sept. 2i (UP)—B o w ' on«a dofeatod C. Roas Somorvtt^. : ^inadlan champion, 6 aQd U todar.-'. ; n' a flral round ma(oh -ln :U ib 'itt- lonul amateur Rolf lourwuneDC^ , The m atch'cnded on .tbe 'ifo lir- ';.

ocnib sreen. Bomeryllle^wasjnbjo '•0 win only one h o le -lh o twWWw : eliero he alio( four io ,Jpuia’ J i f f ind wax fotir. down-.nt. (.he .tiira.

Jonea went mil In, 33. iDttio'.ltn. > icr pur. BomerYlllo'B - -Ao.ttal icoro for tho,flraU nloe waa-JT.-. ;

L ] nge.^ U P O N * ! ?

i % % A T I M ^ : ; g |

^ ■ f '

Eelaair:H 0 1 e ( t v k e t i p ^ l ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H l U r t e i l l i i r A ^ n ^ ^ ^ ^ H H

n r ' i t U ia :a6, - . h M p l n ( t U ( f l h | « M |M W | |

iCl t •

Page 2: b e -ycar-old MENDS TO JAS[|SMi iiiiir ll , iseiiLsii

r n go T w o ' _________ _


-PiOESlS-16^■ - Ni>v

'S t. LoiiIii N ced i to W in B ut Itl Twn TVTnri; Gainos In O rJiT «'in''l

to Ciiich th e P ciiii;in l;,C ul)S’

N' B atllc t!iu Cincy Hcit". ^

1l5 I . l i l r . l I 'r ." - I lo ll.

l l rH N l ’l« .i \M cin, . lilr,...r ...... I.. .ll'I.-l. ll.P

.\:itl.mnl Ic'.'iuic |i-iiii,.iil . u'u

.!.>• C'il<’;ii:. I'lil.-i »iii Illl ilKli ri.-, |.„ri t"i‘i' " ' 1'“ ' ’ Mlf'n

lliilll 1.-.hI.t:i w it,- Illr loila), liiill , Il.l’ Cir.ll.i;i’:i "•III i‘l"'i' 'ii.'li' n - |

,m il l t , r C . U U ill II,:.;,.. l - l r lllK lllf ll I l.u l itjT ila:.! ('inc:liiii;» ll .il C tl i - ,

ir II,!■ O tilia In...... . I l .v ’'.•iiUn.i';’ J ' l l l l i ; . '. ' I" "til only .1,' linr*' .IIIIIII' 1,1,'li‘ itiil f rn i ; '" '' lh,- Ciiliii i liD .ilil loii,' hv i) Knuii' i.

1'imUimlii I'aii U.,,' i.II tl.uir ri-v • n.iill.l:..; imiiii.':. n.i,I rllll "I., tliuj s r";.lli:int. ■ ’ t:- 'l

ririioliiyn ■.<> I'Hik-.-r Ini' a mSlli-i 'Mi.i ''i.inilriil cll!...,',' .vi'.i In llr llir- jii'liuaiil. .in thnlr .li’foiil »l Il.l' In Iiar.dii ,if II.,' Ni'W York! i,i:n >-i'-il.-nl;iy km.rl<."l ili.i IlnMim iltrf.. .,| InllVI)- nut oJ Ilio nmiiiiij:.

T l . 'i C a r .l l i .i iln iiuiri'aM i'il ili< ;. lc!i,| o v f ir . I l . f l lilo iriil),! n . ilir .'O ' 1 ,;" "ii.H .ji y o s lo rilii^ ' Il.v po im illiij; "U i {^u . IS - tS yk -I iir j- riv iT 111.' l'I.HIli.'ii, Y

w l i l lf C o .m lii J l l .o k m ill ili.i A i I j -1.^ ',. l.'(l.-fi lioliciJ <1.1, , .??'

Tlip-C .irJs vC’cr.'. forluiialo I'BvlliK Iliplr liaUlli? ryc'ii ua I'.I.V «!,, i.h Vlliit JUiPti., .11.1. nn.l f,‘, Ulll llnltuhiui. hail. Iroiibtt lii.l.l-!In i; th e r'l illtl '.H n . c h c 'k . lU iv 'i i M-ai. lii.o ck i'i» .11.1 iiftLT* ll.o C .ir ilit ' k - linil nlvcn h ll im Il-vuii Im,I, nml. j 1 M i.llnl.uii l .a il (r<iiil>li< cp tlli .K H .r I * n.nik'ii O l.l lu 11.P Iii l ll l . wlicii. I

« ilii-y r r c ir . 'i l t iv . ' r iin .v i ‘A.I.unri. r r l f . ' l . nu il S lu .iiiit,

. I'l.rli in.iilo rnur him. ilip {'.iril- ^ liialr. Bi.ilu'rliit; V.I hits <i{r f<iiir7 ,''‘i I’lillly iilJrlicn.

I'Vcil l ''l l / ) > ii i . i i :f i 'i v'.iiii hi;. IS U i 'T T '' vU-l.ii'v (If Ihl' n.':.-.r.i. Ill i.lifl.Iii;;;*'''' U..1 ( llm iiit lo UM K-S v i c i i r y .n 'f ir l h . ' Il 'r liliin . D a ^ rv V illli'v . w i n llllll l ii'n li'l i l l .c (;in i .li i ill il .p (lv>> i.i .l .*r kIx I.rcv liiiii; c iiiiii'n . «;i-> l iiinc ld '.l . lu l l.y ih u in In l l .y t l t i h •">" Im .liiK . , '■ . • I

TIi.i c i n r ln m i l l l l , '. l» n o .i a . I ' l ’ .li .u lili '-h i'i .iliir l i 'o n i I ' l l l l l .u r R l i^ ; ! - ;

' i> m ill S '2. Jnki(> M ay n lliiR 'liii: | / o n ly lillji III t l io J lrn l p im p i i ii i l ] l .o t l^e iii^ ;tli A'l^i j ils r : 1ii llic_ kocouiI ! S i t

TIjtirc wrrp ni> j:atiic* iitnyi'il liyiZal Uiu Amorlrnii IciiKiic.' ' ' j

I'ull'iu'liii; i.tailHiicn i:(.ii.|il1.'.l l.y R |iim -l' - l 'r f« ,.- l .i . liiil<'-H‘>; .''* Rl.liiy.cil Sci.I. I'o. ^ H

I’layor. i-l..h C AU It 11 I'cl. ■ /nvrry. ('.. . Ir.:: O-Ji; i s n . :r . ; ; ,io i Wiii'ri.iiui. iJ. . I III »:'i; n il ::.n /Kii'iii. f . . tfl-; fin: ifiiijiix .:i!i:! h

iv iV o i ii , 1-......... iilik :.i!J yi:! ' n(ii'lirl'i:, r,r,3 m : i t ,3sn IJ'

• • Itumi' Ituiv sliiKiirri. I w iiB o n . iim .H . ri;i............................. ^ Iiulll. Y iiukci't.. 17..........................H ilchrlj:. Vaiiliccii, in. , T KU-lli. r i i lU lp n ,.W ............................. J

.........Ui’tK iTriim vci.. n7, “ ....... ; [T

nM .v o m : m m ii s i ’m A t . i s r l IN TM'IX KALI.S. J’l.:iiif Hit'. Ilr. I * VoMor^Atlr.

F R U S i 3l i ^ " l j p l S P 0 R T S -

| P i

M i i l ' Cw n o N A i. i .K u .i i:

■ii.ij . wo.i 1..11.1 I'.'t, •I..,iii:. ; . r.\\ n t .-.m

.,.-11 '. m; in .r.T::..ii;i>.k, ., Sl .:.i',i.

.............. ” ji s u.■iNiiati i.M r" ■ " ' '■ ‘ I ’ ' ' ' - ' - r r - T T O — r r ^ ! |

\I’A iiv ic c iiA si' l i :a m i ;

•Illh • W.III 1-ii.t IM.Ilyw.ioil . VI r . '■■, Aiii;i'ii'* r; lln ..’i'lilII I-''.-,. :'.|’ ..T ' .Ml ■•'nlI'rauii'iito :i7 :i« .r."? « ’rik bu ii ................... :n i"illla . . . . . . IIL’ -11 ' i ’’’nlan il ................. no -11 .-12' ''i"fiRlnns ...................... ;!ii H .Il'ri 1

--------------—-------1— ull

i s i i mi O l R M l

— . ■ • .11,1

SA'; niAN'iMi^co. a,-iii. : i i i ’i'i ii.n■|«,-| .'.liali-lil ti.ll« Itiivo i;v .r .ll .,„ ;,,Illl: !a .luilla. Coli... i. vli - :y III.'; Umi D.t l.s.ii. of I'rnnii' mu .1 |..,itii:r \vr<''.tl1iiK iti.H.'li li'T'-’ owi

:H Illllllt ' tiii.'v«-ilii’ . Vrniihi.iatt j I. lii-'i iltiir- wllll uu i.lrjih.n,' .il 'in .ut..ul,';. nn.l llio n-coiirl; ,.„j

, l;‘ iii’uiui,"! wllll a flylm; in;irc^,,v( U ' * . T nMil. 111,11 hDlihi vl.tork'i. .n . 'r K.l lo

itrai.i;l,:r" I.i'«l5, Jii.> Ku-l.-hcr. llir Icl: l.nlJi' nn l oihiir iiroii.liinni: In all.Il'l. llllll l.nin'ii 10 n.i'.'l Uti'.i llir .inucnOtTi: li. try for it..' in>.' Ill', ’ |.-a

---------------------------- • I_____________________ :----------^ ll»

P A C I F IC C O A S T hll“ — L E A G U E ^

-------------------- -----------------------* ■ na!Al I>in AukcK'H H H -j

u'nmi.' . . . . ' . . . . 1 0IllljWOlIll ll ll n.nllal.iTl.ii: TlK.iii:..', lliitil.i'U.'.^;!ntiillii'ii iinij W lri'i lllnrlris "■'■'■'i,.,, •I .....I Si.VCl'i'hl.

Al Sun r riiii.h iii U II i: i ullllhlllll ............ ., ;i H 0iHnloliB .................... . . -J ; lillitlU'rlc''.; I’lu'hiir, aii.l II.'i..l; ’1'. i,,,

llli'ilc i.llll lln'uz.'l. milIhl

Al ;!i'..iih' u II i;,,oii AliKi'lc'. ................ I 11 2 '.I'alll.! ......................... ■ -‘ i .Ilall.irlon: iiall..U .11..I Wiirri'lil ....

iiliiilziT anil IIurrMiih

L I T T L 5 J O E , "

JU5T 1HINKIM0 -h O NES S E tP / I'-,

W MB 3 SrtuV . . . I N T h e S E R I E S .

.........'. R E l i R E P ^ E S l D E o n

Y , 3 P n r H E p . B A L i . s .

A - : -

R u H y . , ■

T - • • '' F p N W E D , ■

f e . : . / I N S R O U I [

f i " I N T H E - A J

o / V M E S - • • - S

I . IT •-

' ' • i p A n

QRNSBYil^'^; CALLlOiiGE (5W im iim I

J ir S c io n d B iuciim n Dciiicn! R ece iv in g ' O lfic ia l NoUcc , j B u t In d ica tes T liiil Ec^W ill A ccept llic Position

. 'l l i r ,u ; i i , .Si'jii, : i H ;i’)- U'n;-':i lliiriii.tiv I'lil.iy Iiiv,ilu-(l jiffi- III 11,111,1' ll'lil. .I'vi.i'r WllVa.ii— r;; rlKh'V i.r.It.i' (:iihai;i> Nalln.i:it ^ raK.lii lia.,.-1i,ill . Illh llllll hl« hi'.- .-.•^-wi'r,' ,li"l.i'.l lit. IMt-iniiiini;- • - ■ or il.o Ciilin,Itoniiiliy n:tHrii.'.l lo Clitinr'>Ilh hill ifiiiiiniuii'n liii'I nlKl.t. »(’■r I. ,liiianirou;i ci.hli-ru triii, fjir|

(Innl (our iramn -nlnnil iicahi’.L. ir cinr|..uall ll.vli, Uo ili'llli'll.. lal 1../ I.i.l rot'L'lv.iiI any omciiill. _'.' l.g Vlll Io lie innnncer; i r ihi; Cuhii, lii.i liiillralcil hi'! ! oulil aii-ci>l lliv ii^'illiiii ir It wn"! ■r^ T i'ir^ im .______ _____ _______ [_ IJbft'AUKTafitiy. iiif.'i'iil'liianaBcr.i ' I II nm ri'iiir« nlili ilu- Ipuiu iiiil I iv« ri!|iiirl.'il cn Voiiic from liln ’ I iiniu In liijrrnlu. N, V, It wan ex- I i;olcil llial llio nlKuluK ot Unnirt- y an iii.innKcr wonlil hn dclnyrilj llltl iitlcr .McC.irlliy .'aufcrs with I ivnor WflAlcy amL Proililcnl! ofick. ■ Folhnvlnc iho .'ni'O .wllh |

IcCarll.y. invnor WrlKloy iilnmi i.i' ull.’ ln lI.irnHl.y. nnil oftiT him nj .vo-ycar ri.nir.ici an ‘nmnaKi'r.! rOHvi.t iilnnii csll for McCt.irihyi I .............. In clinv.:n nf the tcu.uii.ruuKh Il.f rill'll (i.i.i uauici nm l;___1 U ll' fX liecli'il .U y noi'lna 1^•|lll.In' While Snv. iiillinilKli ll Im -ii.snlblo Ihiil h.' wlll n:-k 10 1>p r.c-; t •ant'd liniiiiilliitcly.Ilornnliy paM irlbtile In .Mcl.'ar-' L

Iiy ai< a Kicai li'a.tiir nn.l (, ho hiiil cvrr hail Irouhlp wltli] tiu niniiiiKcr, ''.McCiirlliy liiilU niij^

i;ri'al leiiiii. Inu wn« llio v k ilin .i . ,( liaJ liri'iil:ii Ihln tii'aaon,"’III' , alil, 1The hii: Ti'xan nilmiiK'il lhai, hi.,

iiinaKi’r, liu nilulit In; exjii'i'lcl l«; Ji lakii Kiiiilo cliatii;pn in IliP tiall, <111111 hlh. hill ilniii'il ih.ii III' alri-aily , Non ml iilailp jihiii:. (<n 11 rlr.i.'ilc; dnm iiii.iri'li'iniint;. ll,i .li'prcchilcil r('*i In .iirl" llial Mark Wllii.iii. dahliy'yuai Iiiil.ii-II. Kllil I'nyli-.- ami (.'h,iih<y' Irinii.i 11,'ivnl .hh. nnininiilliin n i - , iiiiiiaiipr wllll hoiiiillly mul mI.I! ' I.' hail nm Vlaihi'.l wlili IiIh ii'niii-! lllllp . iliirlnii tilH lwo yoiir» «1lli *','7 hPl-iiha..

IIIT HV nOTTI-K M.SAI.Z11UU0 , \^Aunlrla. lUl’)— dev

Vlillo MandlnkVWjIilo thc r,ill*ray fn« riicJi xviiiilni: fur an I'Xiirfiin Io h " i“ lanii ni. Ihnl hp nil/;h( rpi.umc '‘■‘‘f I'oi'k Ji'liaiiii llroil, .nf a iii;tiiin.(;H>“: '‘'l‘l<‘l' “I wofk! in .Ihl' I'finlir bi'.I. lunl lifn •nnnc;‘'»e iriilL'u mill rivu k'cUi kiiiiilic.l o u t l | ' '‘c l.v I. hoUIo thrown trnni a w in -:'" ' low of .Iho trnlii. liy a |innnoni:er.j l.i.i|illal Ii'cnI.iK'iil was ncc'JiiNary.j c r

— " la i i i^ T v iT f lr H h r —' l i i : ( ' l i A I { i :s T ( i ; i ’ ) - U u r l n i ; ih u ; iiv i l yciii- Ihp K n n ia n la n rn i lw a yn ,' ilTioIi i i re n ia lo o w ii t il . aiiil;Intl' oiiiTnlnil. n|iovvoil 11 .loflcU ot' lalf a hllllim k-l,

(IN AXM'AI. IIASIS ltliO.SI,\VV,\ iMnnmi.ullil Iviic..'

U l’)—Wllllain lIUKlx'H wlllcil tn! lit wKo \:,oo (or (lauli •I'iiinpi.'io.ll •piir lii-llvciI ndor lhi> ilalu nr-lil»[ niirrliiKP. ,

Menture for M iii-jra '■'TtiP i.iii viitiip’ io a-mninnTnic^

•lUhm' lhai 1,1' I'liniH rulliidn llm! ii'al \atiiu n( llii' w.irl; <.r vi.piilloti I I'V wlilili hi‘ raiii'i 11."—I.nwr.’iirc ■ iVarn.tll Ja.'U . . . i

• ^ I ■■ i^y L a u fer,

3 B U > S feB « S r:' •

ufbuTS ' . i

m l '.. I9 IQ

n o E V E N I N G T I M K S . T W

U E B O A E D I N G 'H O U S E ;

I .^ C llE E R I O m e m y l BRI)

H iI/W PV ^ I M G S , E O A P ,

riAUE. T o m l p A III

a ' r io M E T o R . - t h e q h iu 'viV C U I B I V E R V S r io R 0 W E W ll- t. M oW E llJ ' (5 ,/E R -T M E Q F F E tJ r ic A B A K E R ' ^ '— .R E M T ' \ B E - F R E E r /IS I I

■ ( m p E T R l-fZ O FFE

J T ' ____" *•'

1X0, V.

« T C BThu Ci.nllnnl Is nniiposeil lo hc k<hhy. nillil l.lnl, Unt tlio National Ruin

ca;:iiu varloly rurlalnly kDOwa i,avl()w ly nlliR hann, , off

J11.1 .Savolill. (ullhiK-li,' liroliu ih« inmny wllh n . fiurci' inckl.i M “ niro l)iiiii.> tlic olhor ilay. '[■li'- , , . ' . iiinmy. ■ hi.wovpr. in mil i.layliiK ' 1, Ihe Noiro tiiiiui! Ilncui. Ililn

’I’l.i-ro l.avu bi'cn thrcu. Junlhall .... ..I'.inliU', nlri'iKly ni I’unii. Ami .oy diiii’l |iliiy .N'olr - Diimo. iinill


Muny nlarn i.f tho IH23 Army thiul kvcn arc mlnnlnc. wrllvn ClirU ot C 'n«l,i lit n- Now' |Y<irk jiewii|i»por. fo r. ,nil. iinyn'O'Oooftjr.'niosl (rf 'thbni ojitt vro nunioil c . K, (tnKlc, lmJ,i‘ 111

- - - - - - - - . ' M 1. lUhu Jlcrmnii cut In Ihe,u iy of rnzt lie flf hin plnj’mnlM on llio bwo- Jnly iiics till) ollior flay. Tlioy iIiikIK ,I) oi|iiiii tlin Iinho with u (oqlioni T: ml a fpw .flarpn, , SUI

j t b a t s .

YOUI I • E very tim , I ncwc'd i t fo r I - in c re a se d va l

I • O ne d a y h,I " a m o u n t o f in

. I , g a g e . J o h n 'sI . ever. ’ ■ -

...... j . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '..'Thafgxffl, i . liavc k ep t yoi

I ;\n.v S T O (i .1, 'lad to disou j FU L L Y PR C

' I T H E U N D— r - j ^ ^ I

P e a v e y -T a b e r , Co.j^Insiiranco

L e tsc h a n d V /illia Kcitl Estate •

' S tu a rjt :,H. t a y l o . Influranco

. m ' rM X & iilv l in o


’5 G R E A -rt ' , > C w .M l c e W A R M

; ; T I ( M - f H ’ 'W iw - T e R U o v y g R - t H " o U e / J .

- ’’•s . % AKi’ -TH,’ S ^ i lF PR'Ti-V OF B R E A P ’AM" ] M C A K e S B A K I M O .O F F % [ ^ M A K S S M e ■ W IL L | r - r i 4 i< JK w h e / HA'JE ^ I WAS F lR S I

■ E fJ r io F F / .W B U - f - r r i ’ W1F£

u B i r p r / L is e -T HJ . ■ROLLIAiG-plAS


k -^ L L y p C 5 P = i

Konllmll wlll ncoin lIKt n l.arlnr citip, nfter wakhinR liiflolilern sd ,vhiK thoir IctiH nn'i >'''‘'ii’ 'o ” * Ti;ii: by the rabbit hall. AJ

-------- JUILII i,ucmn that not only , ihc rnli- aiiiJ, ball Is iitrikhiK torn.r In itic Un.arm nt the ball iilaycrii, I»ok ciih

tbi' lurrltlc iiunlilitiioni mclcU t to Film IUi«m by tho Droak-; ,,I blKhbill,

. • hPii>’m v S l’KKt) HK('<I«1> rotii

:'.iiic.«iO, Sopt 2.1 ( t iD - n f iv o f l Ipn nn hour—Roal cf nnllwiinl Mni .tor riicorii—wuri' excccdoil fm ) firm limo III hlKlory ycntordny X'i'' .011 Uay I’rcBncjcr, Jr.. nt An- on- Ph, ni.i net n noH’ world rccord ‘"Ci C0.93 M I'. 11 In lln mllo irlnhk

:_JUiioil liclil hy Ili»- nullo'nfti Kiciird-mtaoehillon a l Ki>* U lto. 7 •

Ttiu provloiiH rqcord nt 417i’ I 1’ li wan’ oHiuhliulicl 1.y l'res-1 f - -

znr over ih j nnmc cunrne Inl K ly. ■ , . t uia:

-I----------------------- :/t,uiTIMES "WANT-ADS GET. UE- rliii II.T8. I bea

R Mt

le l i i s . f ir e ink iran (ie ,e .'i r th e sa m e am o u n t, rei ilue of. h is p ro p erty .

16 h a d a f i r e - a se rio u s nsu i'an ce j u s t a b o u t co \ i e q u ity in th e p ro p e r ty

ffi.l>i'PlJk>J!,",lie..was..t() ™ r in su ra n c e a d e q u a te .

C K IN S U R A N C E AG; u ss y o u r in su ra n c e nee. O T E C T E D . ,


IN S U R A N C E A G E N 1

iJ n c . I rr ig a te .T S H n s ■ - T k ” ’ . ™ .

Jo h n B. Robci

am s. J . IInsurarico

o r,.,. ■ C .D,.Rc

■ ......... By Ahem— T

' . r ' W ’ s E E H l a i H E V ' k E l M ' f 6 0 K M - T B A RR A - V - f f l l S B L1IU PIM 6 i i r o o lJ S b o w m , w h v F / , p o u ’ - f . - f r i ’ l l ; ; ; . - .

\ ■ C ' O M P A k i Vs ! ' i s u k l Q A P A R I V c i i t c i i

J X " F o r u s , A M ’ . 1‘ i t u i

r f 1 T H ’ - I r o U B l E ]

I T J j n i u i

j f ’ j I w S

J ’ I I’l'lln\ ' _ J Illl'P . ' li.inJ I ......... I UcnR

^ - r m * / n r f v r ^ ^ ^W l l l o ■ i v '^ juA ' J *1 crow

iiroU' p \ f ^ i ? •' J’OKi.

i i . 'V..J od-M


a k fep tijd - IW lill& L ! "luia

' Into^'.iiy

e A i y S r / r S S B ® . i»‘ oimti ; ;o( tl 1 . Itlic

~ r i.rov _______ ' - __________ III c

L A S T N IG H T ‘ l^ i! F IG H T R E S U L T S I ~

I'illUACiO. Sieiil. 21 (Ui’)-J*an ll .'bUfcr. HS, WloniiiOB, defMicd; i;iumy WilBon. US. ClileaKO, {6H 1 I Hcln, 132, CblcaKO. dctcaicil;UUI .Vera, 130>,4 ' Dalian. Tux, M». id Kr.nnlc IlcrUn, 1(13. Minnc.ipo- K. ilftouli'd Snnimy. Horora. IfiS.I _ hlc.ieo M), I

IIK.\Vi:u. Colo., ScpL '2I*(U I’) " •licorco Manley, Denver llKlit- 'iivywolKlii. took aa can)'. 10- itmd ilccihlon over Owen l’liclp« I ■ Vhoenlx. Arl»„ here laat hIkIU' . I nnlcy welRlicd HI- l’l‘eUi« H7. , | Chuck Moore. IfiS, Cbeyonne,'yo..' kniK'k«d nul Tommy O'llrl- j. Ifl7. In tlui nevonlh of ti nelied- - led tO-round neml-flnal tioul. ^

Y e s te rd a y 's H e r o |-...:_________- 1 - ----------- -+ 1

l'T.'il,ly LlDdntfom. ' Now York 1 laniii' Uiinl UiU'pnian who mauoi lUr hlln hi flvu lliiien nt Iml. lu-; •' iiKlIni; n luune nm an liU lean., cal Uronklyn 8-2. ;

blew. ' i p i r e d , ' J b h n r e - ;

e ^ a i ' d l e s s o f t h e

1 l o s s . - T h e - . 3 m a l l — i

i v e r e d t h e m o r t - \

;y w a s g o n e f o r - • I

o l d , . . “ y m i ^ h D j a l . d , _ _

l E N T ^ i s a l w a y s

e d s t o k e e p y o u

A R E S T O C KT “

e d L a n d s Co.E o te r t :o n , ‘ Bocy. '

icrtdon, M gr. I iu u m n c o .

E , W h iteL oans

D . T htfhiflB tf .le a l E s ta te ^

___ ' . ' • IM

T h

■ :” W « ( l n c s W |

r u e s d a i ^ '& a m e s I ; j | |

Ilfo k l y n ...:.«0.'i IUI) O U I - : : C . I I allerlen: niwluinKtnn nnd lio-l , .L VnntP, Klllolt, Ulurk anil U.-J O

I I ’l itiib u rK h : J n t « a n i c I I I t K cliinall ...OU 0211 O i l - X t l " nljlirK ll ono 000 o n u - 0 3 7 laiiorltis: Mpy »in«l Huhc(i>rih:i ncer. Ileilncr nail Hoel' tb'

I t 11 Kcinnn'u ...00i> 32l»'«01- - 3 11 u' {7 nbursb ....200 009 000- 2 fi 1 tttiorlcn: Adit n»d (ioorh; . od and llemnley. * Co

.1 Hiiladcl'i.lilii H 11 K l . , , , , IUiuln .... ICiS l" l-U i 21! ■la........ :..... 000 :ii)5-^lC 16 11 Tlliiiitnrlcn: Uhcm. l.indnoy. Ilalla-I I nml Maneuno: Colllnn. Klljoit.j . . | IRC. Hannnn nn.l llcit;ia. ! ,1 .

N K n u i w . s A X O f i r i l l - K I l A ' c a ' r '•I.KUIIK. S. I } . , an * )-S c n rp .; \„ m wn hcncofortb not only wlll I "li ilcct fannrrn' corn llllt nlno hlHlciiilo I't, Ilp;iiirln' ImllcntlnR nn uii-ivd—i ml nnniber of cano? of Innt^nn i ilcrn Rlno nncrll.p ni.rciuliiifp n( hnali-

dlsonan to crown. Tho illnc[iHc|,rlcci: belnK reporled -in nsiny nuutinr-; ii#niloiw.ot. iJio-*UU;.rr*Moii3ly I k:asl; rnn UiouKht lijen w.-re liio o n ly r "X TiPrn of liiC' illneoi'o, fTIinci

_ i ________________ UvlllK U K K ( J A U D K X - n . O l S 1 vidiii

vKOSKHNtBT, HiuiKary, lU i’) - I, H. rollOTO Ihe iirecoxlouit fiiinnrlal ntatc

.intlon ot KcenkesicfH Joblonn n.iiI.i > munlclpnl rouncU ban'dlvlilfd nroi'l 0 500 larKe Biiriloif ploln a liuKo '1 m y . owncil estnle In u wi'rli irlct. Tticuo ploiH fo r.n i.orlnd xpi.» throo yearn nro to be Riven In cinii

• clty'A EOO needlrnl tnnilllDS to ti jvIdPil that ihcno fiinillipnknKrce tirav. cutilvftlc them .llUlcootly.


Y o u r O '


P R E V E N T !


rV E R y w c e k : L l t i o n w e e k , I s o F F i c i a l l y s o o l

This Year*- ....... ............ --Thcv^ctivilies-oF

represent a -cc w lihln d short p

-T '-^ carry through fithe months lhat encouraging si’gi servation moveiri

. — __■- _ _ ."_you have a persit o o b s e r v e F i r e

; . c o n c e r n s y o t i r ' . ’ , y o u r b u s i n e s s — >

, t a k e r i o p a r t i n I y o u c a n a t l e a s t I t r i b u t i o n o F y o u .

- ' t i o n t o r e s i s t f i i m e a s u r e s . ,

7 S T O C

INSUIc o m p i n i e s — t h r o

- I ; - - - - - - - . _ _ l _ _ o r E l r e U n d e r w f im e r c e a n d o t h e i d o n e m u c h t o w a l i o n W e e k p q p i d l l p r o p e r t y o v s

_ . ; <3r n o t

. ' . ' . I n c r e a s e d p u b i k r e s u l t i n r e d u c i n g w a y j u s t i f y f u r t f

' • a ' v e r a g e c o s t o f------------ :--------i - L w h j c W ^ a r c c n j t t

. • I q i T g p e r i o d o f y i

T H E N A T I O N A L I F I R E U N l J E R V t

- ' - 8S J o h n S ( r c t t , N (h . > G Ot t . W < i t A d « « i S b H t ^

I p i i i f iim issiE C iF P K U H l

____ _ ; b

s e n i o r B a l d r i d f f o C a l l s U p o n > l i e P c o p l o l o p b s e r v o ^ c f l l ^ f O c t o b e r 9 i n d a m p d i c p i ' r i j o c r c a s o I ^ u m b e r o t ' k ’ t f S S

overiior II. C, nalilrld(5c., by i-laiifailon In calUnR (in-J’rtflhii- ll. nhnprvt> Uie wecli of' Oclu- 11 nn Klrc 1'rcvcnllon‘ wbtk. •

Iip ]ii'(K-liiuiiiIlon 111 full (ol-

; Kven wllh duprcaniuK tll an arnnKtd iiuUlIc ;enil-

il for (iro iiri'V.'Uilon. 'Aniprl- (Irc wanie Ih kIIII Ihc um lenl

hv wnrlil, 'll Ik hellcived Ihnl unly liy^'i'iln- on mny tbln nu'naci- bo Icmieii--piliicailnu Ilf I'vi'iy luan.iwoni*. anil cbll.1 in Ihc lian ril* -o t .

i - l i C H , o l K a r o i H - R U M o l l n e . ' B a ^'t ilc lly .'und olhi'r nmlcr4alii of rytlav imp, Kcnertilly iw',inro- :ly aud rcckionnUJmttJlad. .y . Ni.w. (borcfore, lo Klvo.^offlual cllon iinirulTiiintanco' lo llic nc- ilc.i of orKftnUntlonn nud' Indl- iialn'iniorunloil In (lro conirol.'

l ’, IlaldchlKo. Bovornor ot Iho lc iif-ldubii. hy vlrtuo; oC. Ilic horliy vonlol ln,'mp. iln herohy I'lalni tbo’fvoni .Oolftlier :,i II, lllilo. n r c I’reft'tnlloii •ll. nnd onrncnUy itrKO lht> clll- K ii( Iilahn to pnrlldiinlc-ln Uio iimlKn uf. oducniinii. In nii.offort fijrlhor docroflso Uii> lyimiier of vciiinble flrou,"

I . Y O X K v o o r S I ’ K C U X l S T T W I . V F A L L S . I ’ l i o i i c 8J 0. I l r . l e r . - A i l T . . 1 , . , .



: s h o u l d b e a f i r e p r e v e i i ", e v e i i ' i h t i u g h o n l y o n e , j b s e i v e d .

— O c t o b e r 5-77i f - F i r e - P r e v e n t i o n - W e e I c - - - - - - - - -: o n c e i i t r a t i o n o f e f f d j ' " ' ' p e r i o d . T h a t t h e r e s u l t y f a r t h e r a n d f a r t h e r I p t p , t - f o l l o w i s o n e o f t ( i « j n s . o f t h i s n a t i o n a l c o p - T ie n t.

• ns o n a l T c a s b n f o r - l ^ e i p i n g " ' - - - - - - -E P r e v e n t i o n W e e k . I t

f a m i l y — y o u r h o m e J V ,7 0 u r c o m m u n i t y . I f y o u

t h e p u b l i c o b s e r v a n c e ,: m a k e t h e v a l u a b l e c o n - u r o w n b e t t e r p r e p a r a * •. ' • f i r e . t h r o u g h p r e v e n t i v e '

: k f i r e

R A N C Eo u g h t h e N a t i o n a l B o a r d ' r i l e r s , C h f l m b e r j ' o f < i o m « ‘ “ - “ — i t o r g a n i z a t i o n s — ; h a v f . a r d m a k i n s F i r e P r e v e n > - 'J u l a r a n d e f f e c t i v e f p r j . v n e r S w h e t h e r I n s u ^ e c l

I c c o o p e r a t i o n s h o u l d ’ i g f i r e l o s s e s a n d I n i h i i ' i t h e r r e d u c t i o n s i n i h . e . ,

f i r e I n s u r a n c e — a c o s t ’s l e i i t l y - d e c i l i i e j u v e r d , , - - - - - - - - -i f c a r s . '■ :

S lee fc F ir t iH tiH n tt , . Ce{np«n(tt snR*prti»nt*i b y CtfM.bU A g < n ( i I n y * w

• ■ C » W » iiu n f t y • • '

B O A R D O f ' W RITERS . .' -V i< v ,y o * ■ ..

s A N i i i A N a s c b Exeli«i« BWiJ '

Page 3: b e -ycar-old MENDS TO JAS[|SMi iiiiir ll , iseiiLsii

W ediioa 'ilay.'Sciik-irilioi- 2J

• i i i i l i i i i ?

' ■ i f i l m s'F o ^ e id - to D ero lop

S p e M Pl'& yi.tknd D eception B ecause T eam I s L ig h t;!

ti.JuF lJU hy B acks in £v i;ionce

. r*. ■ : " . " j !.\-ivii:us n T ' o r rru im . Mr,

cow, Sciil. 2 l~Tim i llio IMO iJni., vunjlly ot fciollinll ivam,K^^li makes Im .iiinoarniico lirforr

' .a.DiQlxn- mill HOiiihu'i’Klurii hluliii KrlJ fan* Oclutmr <, fmiii)! Uio

:(V)ll0Rn nf Idnlio, wIIMm iiinilclrrl nloni; vaMlly tiUa'reni lliiPi froiiii

' llA linmPiCiU' iirvdpfcxHiirii lip>i .•comcH moro evident an ilip uriie-

.llcp a m o ii dcvelopii. Tin- woIkIii]" ..•'ftfz/oi'inpr yi!iirn l» iiollccn1ily . .IDE..Prom onp o( ihCitioiivltK

haH acKreCTf/on* Jti (he Cmied:'! ■Slnlufl Ihron ycnrH aco Idnliii lutn I":

„ 4;p|ij»>il to OIU* of Illp rTKliiPst.lh '„„rc»ilM yoar'n Vandal cruV-.lii ex .,d

pi’cti'il 10 lake IIkIiI'i’cIkIk hon(ir!i, ' , III: llio Pacific Coiinl I'niifcri'iK'C. I,[

• .AVIIli Blautx' lackliiB'CoM'li;,|, ' CnIlnrul Ik ilcvcloiilnK <iiln'r iiioOvk|(h . of atl4ck. Ln"( BM-nn ilip V ain ln lji " rqun'ilroii contalciPil .ciioukU. Ijuh'U i' "rftim to mnkii a imwpr iiiiacU |io.»-| w

HllOe. Tillll yoap ilip Yiniilal mcii-'d,• ' l o r ' will cmleaVor in di^cliiD (n!|i; ' llio biRlipxi deiirci' llic :iuci-d tiiiili ,

ni:Kreiii)l'‘<*iieiiH (hat in fniiml Iti hU' ], ' ‘'IlrfhlwclRhl utiuiid. An iivcrnKo of „

nnl tiiorc llian IT'i jiniinOi In fnrc-'(.,.... . Illlu•ycar'if rlii)i. Tlilii CDii-jj

trnntu wllli a Vanilal chib nP a |[, ' ' lDi)'|imin<l aVflriiKO ihron licaxciiH'i,

aKo. tlm fronl lino uralUii; ahoul ;,|■ .snft.pftiniln nor mnn. --.ti,

Plrnty of (laxhy Ijnekii nnd oni!i;';s nn> Id Ik- Hooti aniniii: Ihe Klxiy-.u

■'''''itfi* raridldaipii nlroaily fciiorlcd.-If [| ' Uifl'Vaiiilul inMiior is lo'havo'Miiy] p

ri-ally xciioiiH tiroliloin to ontip n sIU i It U Ukoly 10 mnke lln a|i-i • noaraiich helwcon Ihivlaclileti. Ccn-,,t lur In 10 lie yilcd. In tlo r Klrkiml-, rick, crack center of lunl year, has,

' |dnyed' lilH lant fnothall. Kirki>.-il- rick wax of thoiUiiiKual cIiihx; rltn'I lilayeil through illreii follcpf' Rou-i*'' houh wlilinur miildnic n Imd |<an:>in iiiKl wail Koni-rally resardvd nu tliCiS moNi flnlHhed iilaycr on ilic l!):ii;ii rlnl). IrlnU'Mnriln. rininln); ;;unrd,.1i 4«»rono nnil niioil«-B lilK'mt^'lH a t ,1i ■ rlnhV lacVld. hold do*ii hy OordoH:K

. rjljiUI. Flier, lino caiilaln of l 62l | nnil iBiil of llic f.-lm(;iiH .DJiOiliy lirothern. Only m o vi'icrniiK nrc (, linek in th f contcr ot ilio. Uao. D lir . llosSlcr, tacklft.'and lolio C;)rk><ry, .. r.uartl. A N’uniiia.hoy. A y SlmiiJj)'. , rosnrvc centor )a"l.yqar.^ln omt o^[y Oic loadlni; rnndldalc;i to inircceilj Klrkiiatrlck, Cninpcllni: wliU.hhiM( lor lliln |>0Ht Ih Hlfl Scliullc. | PrpKhman ccnicr-lajil year. j

llondInK the InipoHlnR lint of Iritt-kfi Is Captain Ifou'/ird Iler^ n f,- Twln FhtlB, halfback. Waldoinnrj

, Pwloradli.''lhc ''Oalloidni: Swode"!. iltinrlorlwck. Is on lho Joh nKain.J OOflrKC Wllsna.' flanhy frcuhinani Mold Koncral. of 1920, ix uxiioctvd; Id KtiariJ rcRiilnrtfiuar^erhat'k .liiiyi wttli I’cduMon. nlllioiiKlt IJinnH'rtj QuvlK.'.Quhl. u Cnnitldnio frotD ttiel ffcHhraaii rliih of uvo y<*arK nco ill n dutcnnlneil contondcr with

Wllh only HCren Ifldnrinen from lan t'y ear on ' liahit ilii> Vnndali

•oo.achCH aro conntlnu licavily on — Tmpjiffmoren'-antl- - transfers^from i-

ilic'.IJnlvbrnliy of. ld # l> noutlii'rn[- hranch. Playcru from lho Pocntol-

■ lo!Jntilllntlon 'nro- ahle lo jilay llll^lr flrsl year at, lilnhn. Six irnnKfcm Jroin lho ££iiiIiorn . Hrinich are eximcied to holtior

Voacli Oaltnnd UaH lont IKilo

v z E im e -T a b le -Qciicdulet ot paMoncor trnlDt

aud motor ttaseii paRitoB lUroiiRb Twin Ii'all* dolly ara an followc

o u e u o n ' s h o iit m n eKBatDooDd

No; ICfi. lo a v e s------ ...7:20 a. m 'N<v, 81. loavea — :__ :;.4:3S p. m

• • WenUjoUBd. No, 83. le a r iJ i -----------12.06 p. ta.

No. 155, I t 'a r a i --------- 3:63 p.. mSoDlhboanil

**ll(flndar( W rilB ^ 7 t Friday ' N o^sas. to Walls, r.T. ~..i:30 P,a»

, NorthboandTnm dnr. .T liurtdir. Satortio;

trom Wolli, Ar..8:36 p. b*•UNION PACltflC 8 T i,a iia

n WeitLDnnil 'ATTIVci____________ 0:00 a.' tuIjoatei — —-------- ........7:00 r- j ID.AVrJvM ..............—------6.20 p. B.

’ ".'“ e u Uio uT " ’ . 'A rr ly e s ____________ 11:20 o. m.U»«ioi -------- --------------- 12: nooa

- A r r iv e s _____ — 12:*nW nlsliiU u v e t ______ _.12:30 a. jo, .

noino LocalLeave* .. ...................- . -1 :3 0 .p m, •ArrlYSS _ ._ ,_ -_ _ .~ ...C :lS p. n

T>V1N FAI.LS.»LIS9■ -Lerlfe* ___ :------: _ ^ . . , 7 0 I) n . tn. '• A jT lm .- : .______^^.IXUMO'o-.-nv

. . - J ^ v e * ------------------ -.B:CO/,t). m. ,AWve* ------------— 12:01 >«d.

. . . T i m m L 8.WEI,L8 , ■ p , - - -

AfrlVM ......................... 3.3S p. m.'T n ln F tlU . Jeromo . 8hoi1ione '

KoriWonnd .I<onTC8 ________ — ....7:00 n. m.

■ " ■ •Arrive# - - . t— ___n. m.A rrive*' -------— p.

. . .PIC m yiC K 'ST A C K ? . ' '.ric- '• . ■-KB*Hiotitid '

A rr iv e s_________^ ___12:01 n. m .!,IxinvM ---------------- ^— .12:30 a. m, .Arrive* ....10:05 fl. nl.Leave* — ----- -— 10:16 a,' .m

W estlmnd

■ ■ KVESzriiiB i& ffi IU fT o i — .

I, 1980/



Wlilli' inlrlon from radio Rlniloti!i i lliu Innk I.f lhc Jiidi;<-i for llu- liiull dlfClciiIl jnll, ihoic ino liilcil cnlrU'i /IlfHfMli. Tlioy aiit llprnadhie Jl.iyi- nnd llcniay Mnl'cy; KlnKini: imiin.'r key»," l)iilh < f W'lH'M ( UIc.ieo, Tlio i dnrlllR Ihe Mi'i'k of ScilU'luii.'r In

llnir i;c'iiliiK Uhi t!i::o ciitninilMi nn-,1^ dcrwiiy. Diuiiiiiy wrltiiiiiiiKO was i ordcii'd lhc firm day nf iiriicllit.'.'II.\v.i's ('Hill'd dummy m:xlnini:iK', lull lJu« Vuudalii went nfU'r lhi-li work u i t t Mirh I'plhniiln-im ;infl ilc^torminallni'i llmt i*rvcial llni|n'.l lift lhc tli'ld »yllh mlnnv 'inliirl'"..- , v • UiiOhle Kii'.'cd hiifl Im'cii nnh-ri'il d lirnan^e iiiily a liin 'lid ilnii' I* I nvnllahli' m |ireii:irc for the Ilrnl,.\ conlenl here SciilpmhiT JT iitcalnriij Moniana Sinlo collptc. l''or tlic i, liiflt fonr iiciiMiiiH.lhc lliilicnlH liMVi-' j lipeii lho jicnlnu fill' oil, till' V;in-. dal KchPdulc. Thill yi'iir'n Monliin.i |(<:iiu r<'|iortcd iixo(-|>llnimllv

f f io n ? . t’nll.'KP Ilf Idnlio w ill.. wiiicU llilll itnnio clcuply m i:"i » llnp on the hind nf nllack li c i- f' |ip<-l nl lUil!<p llip f'lllowlni; S;il' '' nrda".

ATSTIliAN IIKU) AS 1■ sv .w c iin iK s i s r i : i T

IlAKKIlSPll-jlil). Calif;. Spi'u . :-I' iL'l’I—A » nmn whn ' mninlih'd a cr.ufcHKlnB T t innrdcrlni: a iii;iii,' tind. it \vjrtil.lii "Hll III- lakdi to Sllll lltoRi today for, ciiiculliialni:' ‘ in canneciloii wllh ilii- ICiikMiadii..

.licnch siiiyliiK of I.oIh Miirloii ‘ i1<cnilo. ,1.0.1 Anccleii nornrily kIi I . ,;anil rtaiii.'W (Ninlnn'. 31, ...................I ,Thu liuiiPcl, .iolia llPiid'T. VJ-. ;ypar-old A«i.lrlaii. did not »ii;cify j ,hiH vlrilinn In matcnii'iili )o n f< j iflccm, .Inil .lila- aiiKcrilnn Ihat In--1 ("luiriPd'. Ilitrin .lli xand" wiih i'iin>: .nldered'■'-RiiffU-lflni lo. link h lii i\ jwlili ilip Kti.<enriila caMc. i1 --------------- -- ;iKl.VI.y .(I.NH FOOT Sl*K('IAI.IST. IX TW fX‘KALI,S. I'hiino RIO, Iir.M TiiKtcr^-'AilT.-■'' •:

I J nI- • (fi ■ —

' i E E / W E n i C A ^ f ^

/ Z c X S j I Niy

’• • . I / / /

i /L

. C l e a n ! I

R i ^ s K

¥ / : a * ' i

’ .......'r g "IU. J^ I-1 • •

_____' I D A

3 F 0 R - J U D G E S Q

'l i

all (i.-or lho country havo niadp* = ill’i Wnild'ii Kali' lipaiily roaiexl a Icn inomltii' i» tiinki- ll even more »•». Miirn i'liiK''r. Ml,■r <if .SiniiiiH, "ivlrard ot ilv•lonlrr,! will lie |„ 'ld III ScW Veil K '

Maroa Women to , ■Attend. Session

MA!1(),\, Senl, 21 |.S|ii'ClaU—TliP Woiiii.n's ,'lnli « | |i ni'pl Tliiim-d.iv ;.l, fllP t' al 111,, liinnn ot .\lf». Irvin i-rc.'d; ,Mvs, Jotmliltairi and ;.. .Mrs. .•<. I’. Miilisr.'uKiitiiiiiiir. '. 'J J I '

•Mi>. S.;jl'..M<'nrniic« ilii;iinBio.nV-(.7 lor a vHlt.'wiiii? Urr • m^iliitflrol ' I’orti.iiid.., . j - ‘ i | ; .

I,: 11. Ilrown.lel.t'Salilfilay, niT a ' Imrtlni'Hn ,(rlp -io ’;«evcml iiiilntii l iu

,'lr. 1111,1 ..Mi'h. Ilnlipri- lllaiitiH'k nn- Mil' |iai-i'nn of n daiii:liii>r horn l.v'l wi'i'k nild iiiiiiM'd lliiriiliara.

.Mill.; Ada Wtlhlli', wtio Ihih hi'i-n. MhIIIiii; :ii'|- i.jiciii'i . Id t for Sail; l.alic (‘liy wlii'ri* the l;i emidoyi'ii: .

.\llw: i;\ :i MoHi'ly ,md .Mr.' Motil- ' l'.iim.'iy wiTi- iimi'ilcil nr^-drr-.iiii' ' .Snnday, S('|>l.-mticr H.

,\tni. riillll|i.>, Iiinllii'r <,I ,\lr;i. If. ., Sliiirii, l« homo aiialn after a vhll III IhK'o wci'kM iliiralloii 111 Ihc eaiil.

.\livi. .1. ll. Winkle IvlMinie trojii ^llii- <oiiiily K-'Oeral hnniiilal where I idiP siiliiiililetl to an (iperatlon.■ .\lin, Karl Murray nnd Mr;'.| I'liiliicV iin Aii'iih'lln atfeiidcd ilie

I lloyal NelKliTjiifji ronvcniloii a l :' llanixin lain wei>u.; I,. C., Col.l. wltn wan in a car

wVi'<‘i Tiicj'day near ICiiull. w.n .■Ill'i Injnrcd Imi (tie ear wni very .liarlly danince'd^• Mr, itnil- Mrii. l.oe Knnls enler- Maln.'d a l-d in n er Siiaday for Mr. •an<l Mri*. .1. II. Sloau and family.

willl !*'£.

j. - 1 i litiftii/1 r j j f - ' Ju i» '■

J . .5 ,3

- . 'I-’ ’ "■j H ) L L O F ,■ l£M> THE-< LL i “ ■ ' HW IE T ) B U «" ‘ ' 'EM IN A TOO- i - ■ T O M i

■ ■ T a Q c u T j

A . Al «»■ . r o n o J

C o t t o n^ a n te itt::;'


i S i i ) I0ELH.GA1A li^ iv m iE s i

ir.S’IVKUSITY OP 1D.\HI). Mnii-j *•; i-r.w. Sept. 21—bcliR Ontnmn 'ii’ j rnrlty tind SlRmn Clil friiiernliy! tiBVO heen nwardcd lho woincji'il "• nnd nion'h crmip ii.:h(iliir»hlii tro-M'i phle* for, leadlns (heir dlvliilnn^| 1“ In tlio croup haUBc coiniietlUmi a t, '*

AvornRPK woro annnnncud trom tln-| y oflfce of the realBtrnr nnd awanh] Hern mado a l (ha oiionlni; aii*i'iu-l ' lily of the year ThurBOay. hy Con., 1- KicnBiiinn Ilnrlon L. Frcnch. Ontt*. or of the men’* award. , ,j-t:

Dnliu Gninina Soroniy Uoadii'C the ll.-it ot all catniuis Krniiii', wllIiJC lilt averaco of I.R'*, c.-ilciilaled 0U| h.



I i T ’S A S B A S Y i

. C i g a r ^ i t e . a ^ "

. ■ d a r n e l s ' n r i

I . . s m o k e r s — t l i

B u t t h a t d o e i

d e l i c a t c , m e l l

t h i n g t h a t a n

i‘ m i l d — n e v e r '

; ' i - W H y . i s t h 'c i

i d r e l e a r n i n g

i G i v e y o u r s e l

- e ^


"BASY TO LJSTBN^ TO’ CANH! W a d o H d l y ' e v c n la l i" on 11. C . KCO, KBCA; RTAft. KWD, K3L. KC


a llli.i.l -ifil.iiii iicifci-t, Tlic U II.! I lii»ll(iil,i, Witli Seiiloi^'.tiun .i,d

(:i.:ll|i. ,«.i;i nil av.-rnile n[ |.(;:-!.l I J lllill.i fn;- l l . ' ,.',.,x.liil .-nr..'*- -tv.' \rn r |..l..r llir- lll'-li'.. ltr<.H|H"l•'lii;ii<ir i<i-tii.^iMin|>,.titliiii tor Uie :: lliiiKiii 1. I'reiil'li irMnn Wlili an'............. „t I• tii-lTii (' (III (i.-ilf '»n.'i!i\ ,I:,Ki-',l >_<ai' ',,>:i_lh.- .M-.i.v- MrCllhiorf:; V

^U'lip''Mr:i,|’i'iVilhtii" 1,'itli cn'il.- 'M're' ii

Kiniil'" ivliitiltii; llern Jlirfc tiiiiiii,^

fl;ll:.%ll. Illl' M 'rl'lrill':' V.'IllTl ' iilioM,.: II,-K;, ll.irrin.i. 1 H;. , K i|>-'I'll All.liii TIm;Ii. I Di'lln li-ll’i' Hellii, l-l 111 In' i'lil. '

i ii’ ^ 4,i;;iii;“ Knii|i.i IC ii'rjM'' i';.imiM.v l.-.M; Clliiitii'i l-lii liel,. I.Korney ilall, !MT; llnv. Hall'i . i n . .

Men',I n o ii|i .: I. 'li. S itr.tlnu.- I

(■lii’. ' i iVi: li.-'V (ill. ’Will' 11Ku|i'>« ........... . I.;.,I. fl.....hnll. Alt.ln I'.ill <l';iu.ii,j ll

W f

r . t i r t d n a t u r a t t o c n j o j

j ^ t ' i s t o a d m i r e b c a i i t y ’

r e n r o d e , a h d - a l w a y s Ii h e p e o p l e ' w h o s e J t e c i i ]

2s n ’t m e n n y o u h a v e t o

I l o w f r a g r a n c e o f t h o s e . -

[ i y b o d y c a n a p p r t s c i a t c ,

• p a r Q h e d n o r i n s i p i d ,

i r e s u c l i a s v y i n g t o C a m e

I i t h e d i f f e r e n c e b e t w e c

i l f t h e l u x u r y o f a c i g o i

-■ m ■■ r - m . . ■ . V;.*:

:P.L PLEASURE nC)DR j j i ; . ' .. P iclflo 'Cow t-onirork; > ■ " .COX‘ W1Q,KOMO,KCW •

; l.^ 'H Il"';i T hct, l-l. n.M , .......... , Tlda Olli .Vljili'a. I Jll.-,; aii-.m;, Aliilin; 1 KlMl.ri, I I '': , i'i.l (luntiia Hidl.i.'I K.;*; l-hidlrv liull.; SiKiiiii

'N il. Ifini: lC/>|.ii'"n!i:it|i — n i ' i r ~ l>i'll,i (:iil,.3.!iUi rh l iJulla Till,la,. : ; . 'i l . |.

|).||.'1J| T.'l’> (llni.'i. I, Kll U,i,r- ' ell' 1 (i; ,;nllllllll|iilll>, l.nsil; T-lll .'l in ',, Afi'iid. lo^n men, '•(..«:? all-fiiii-1 ,, vemliy aveniKe, I.^T(, all wiiiiii n,| i, 4-i::’:; all.Vicn, I.WI; Hi.riirlty wo-' nun. l.Mi-; tnilcililly ini'ii, l ITI.

IIKI) sn ii iD i, iiiM si: u i \ s<'.\.N'T(I.V, (),. I l 'l ‘) I he etflrl- ' '

>i;r ...... i;inile ,1. i'n,| jn- “ni.T Ii1i:’i •■.•lii.iiI,; »lll tint M'liliiri- Ij.

:! ’ vCe'*'i'Vm'r!ill''lUi'ii'' n 'i'M ’.''! 'a'

IM.MKI, IIA n :s II', T»l- ,'| |-||.M:CI: i I'I’I- IVlDihi ti., ,i.:,; II

■ clilee.l a:, a "Criliey hilniiil (..ililti ’'111 I'riiKlit''.'! lafunil niiui'ieriii III '■ jinrk. W.irli on 'ihe iM.-e.-i.ii 1,. «.* t,I ij.-i;iiii early In AiiKiirJ. :

\ •uitf , ' y ■

j j R i i ? ' ' ' ’

0 | h

l y th e f ra g ra n t m ildnessr w h e n ''y o u s c c ; i t . ....

h a v e 'b e e n .inade, fo r di ju d g m e n t u n e rr liig ly scl

5 b e a n a v p c r t to e n jo y < 2.^cliQi<^.aun>ripencd toba

'C a m e l^ ixte. naturally

»els? B ccau sc m o re a n d n :e n t ru e m ild n e ss a n d n i r c t te th a t ’s ah v ay s p leas

y ' l

Mui'taugli Prim ary i" j'.l,an3_Houio Coming ill

AITllTAfMlI f’l'i.iniil'pr H i.'mlle- '■ l lall--Tho iirliiinty » y i Rive a ' 'ilrjim- I'cinliiK" i.rnrrnm l'fH a y |'; 11. Him; l«r ih - miiiti il l|iiid. Ite-I ' (t.'.luiiciTVi will lie i-i-rvcd fiillov,.'''; In.; iliA in \ ‘ri"iMii'; iiri'Knan. I**

Mr.. Ailc.' l.ariinii ii'tid ilaiiKhl-'r; .\niv of iialil'iv, -I'eiit Siiiiirilay •’ Wllh !i.-r rlHl"r, .Mr.. ilptl Kiilicrl. I’ ' 'flu- M. 1. A. lind II'. ■i|.enlm: ;ii- ''

I Il.'ll,id T.'li'i 111- ml.ti.'-H, Cllffyril llT.ilnuii: " l.- .ii ',i i, tl-r'lilvi-'Clrl-'- ll

I n.Illi:.. Oil-'ltli ( li.o linnii; kIil. 1,1 i', i:i,lllllll Uiil.etli, nni'lnliill- e.

I-.'k, i:,V|ii|iiii'- ic l i l r a i l True. Id.lM-. Tt'iira li.ile-: M|* ll:l!lie,]wIllll.\.I Ht.iuv. J'Hir Ti.liu.ili an d ':: \ . r i ," A'l.liiir:ili . ’-'I

-.1 i' j \i,iiMlny' a’" ilii'^ '-li ild j j'


i. J' • . 'g a j f i a

k o B

s of a C a m e l .............

J isc rim in 'a ting j I c c I s th e b e s t.C a m e ls ! T h e ' , “ accos is so m e- y sm o o th a n d

m o re sm o k e rs in c re f la tn ess . isan t sm o k in g . . .

I P n u e T i i M e

llxrlnide noberts cuiil’ MM.,, aijf* fonl. Slurry wore lii c li# r |» -6 flh 4 followlnt: iirogrom:, Adiltea«..OIIf* lord Tolm an;, lalk' hy . l‘?lnclMl roiid(in:-iinoirrJBmi>i-Cl»«»oii: liV lllin ■>ul<i, Alln Chrlilofforiian; ' rcndlnt:. -Mrn, Oliver Johnnon; innimiinliy i<inndH lod hy Clifford ■rnlninii. ll*rrc.ilitnet)iii were B«rv- ed. Till' rearherB- were. ,|{onared tiienln at tlila i'Vclil.

.Mr»i. Mnrjoric O»terloli of .“ll. I'aul. .M!iiitc<i>lii Ib rlHlilnit hfr, liaronH. ,Mr. nnd Mm, M. II. flow- li-y.

.\tr<: llavirl .Moyci pn1cllalni>.i nl ll |>;ifiy IM lioinir yf hor daiKh- ler. Kllie'<i flficonlh Mrihday. HiiiHhU’iiml aaniPH woro lho dlvor- Moil'* nild ii'fre.^hinenlB woro *«rv-

ichtml ai I'ocalcllo,........ I’lckeii. who Uoji been

vvdrltliiR ill >jpaltlt>. camo hotuu iiiindiiy i„ vliiIl h is parenlii. Mr.. ;'iid Mi'«. llyrinii I’lckett.

iiM .y i>m ; n io T s p i x ' ia u h tl \ T » J .\ KA1.I.H. J'hupe.ttM. Jll,1' h l \ .

; ■

S j i b ^ ^ ' A

. ' .

Page 4: b e -ycar-old MENDS TO JAS[|SMi iiiiir ll , iseiiLsii

• .y H p N E ss .____________________

’WJI-Uweil IVlr# HrrviM .V"''"!, IV.-- , «.■■ll1lloll r„ll NICA I'Viilurc

’Sww>»<i”«ix »*»■>*«lilnliii. Id- 1I»AH'l T lMI.S-I'l l ll.tHHIMI I H,

^ t t c t d . ns yrmticl T'InY 3 "isVr""" V'"*"l

sunso&xrTiON iA x r a i ,

;Oni!Mnni1t ....................................................................................................ia:jjg h m ....... i ,

;S l i ' ■ P IO N E E R S ' V '

H E A R much o f,p io n ee rs an d pioneer d ay s arid• too oiten give sca n t c o n s id e ra tio n . to th e ir • Im jio rtan c e ..K ee p in g in m ind th a t each gen era tio n ■

one day be pioneers— tiia t those of u s liv ing 25 I;tdl50 y ea rs or more fro m now, will then be .re fe ^ e d - I• t B |^ pioneere, b rings a rea lization of , th e contribii- P tifjn m ade by those ind iv idua ls, wlio e n d u red h a rd -1 ' ,1

b rav ed thc w ilderness- an d estab lished civil* ' hiz iition ,-industiY an d ag ric u ltu re in those, partg . _ Ir | i f w e o f th is g en e ra tio n are p o tc n t ia l 'i r io n C ^ , . Ith e n we^lshould all th e m ore be able to ap p recia te I•thH value o l the .W ork..done by those p ioneers of an* |

t;r ag e vWfo lived u n d e r m uch less fa v o rab le con- ■o n s-th a n Ave do. v

."Wn re co rd in g the p a s s in g from lifo o f one of llie |,„^,[, fc ijn d e rs o f 'th e tow n o f F ile r, only those w ho hayejii'!' m

th ro u g h it can k n o w o f th e boundless optiiiiism a n ^ f o r t i t u d e re q u ired of such men to .v isu a liz e a ■mb'dern little city in. the m idst of a sag e brusii p lo jp -: iVBut these p ion l^re h a d th a t vision an d th a t hope.T h ey h u d 'i t in T w in .F a lls a n d Buhl, and Je ro m e and itrs.m iiii Ml these tow ns w h ich .h a v e sprung in to bein g dur- i n g th e p a s t q u a r te r o f a centiuy.■~Tt i s -when these m c n ' die; th a t there comc.s keen- -•ness o f ap p recia tio n o f Avhat they did a n d th e jiart Ath e j ip J a y e d in th e build jnffi o f th/s agrjcuUwral Mem pire . # ' ■ ^A; T h e ir 'm o n u m e n ts a r e 'n o t puny markei-s, but i

^ e s a n d . tow ns, a n d fa rm ^ and churches and aBoipols a n d a ll th a t is m an ifest in our various com- p

:Jiiuriities. , . >/rS m a ll, though, ea ch ind iv idua l’s j)art im iy have vJ)Wn, tHe p ioheer in a n y com m unity or. in nny a r t ^'.o r'^ ro fess io n is w o r th y of respectful consideration v'a r ^ .high ap p recia tio n . y

, i p p r i c e s - g o o n d o w n ^

. T ^ f e ^ a s t few ,'.m on tijs h av e seen a n u n p le a ^ n t - - depi'feMiori^^^ on the U n ite d S tates

although f a r from b&lamitpus. In t i i ^ i w ’ fu tjii;® ,'icc o rd in g 'to ‘ o u r mos^ trusted econom ic t'x- = p e ra j-, cond itions .w ill p ick up . H ow ever, th e re re - ■ m aiiis one .question; h o t . o rd inarily covered in 'th e I p rospectuses o f th e fo re c a s te rs : f

W i i r com m odity p rice s stab ilize a t th e ir p resen t •- levels, o r will they co n tin u e to s lip 'd o w n th e .sc a le to w a rd th e pre-•^var f^eJV, ^ • -- -

. O n the answ er to th e question depends a great' Mojc,Vlo»1 • T T i n i ' f t ^ - > * f > n l i 7 . p . Itmay be h a rd tb w ork u p much in terest in a n a b s tra c t | d iscussion of^ com m odity p rice trends, b u t th e dis- J cussion is im portan t ju s t the sam e.• • ^W riting in the c u rre n t .issuej of T he M agazine of •— -■Wall Stijjct, John 0 : C ressw ill points o u t- th a t prices• h a v e b een declining stead ily fo r about e ig h t m onths.

§jh t n o w th e y are a b o u t halfAvay betw een th e highc l.o f .l9 2 8 a n 6 .lh e ’Jow :of--1913^..___. . . . .........

I l l f th is, proves’ to b e merely a tem porary slump •with a rebound fo llow ing soon a f te r ' no. harav i.s adne . B ut if priccs s tab iliz e w here they-are, o r con- lU u e o,n down to th e 1913 level or th ereabou ts we ^ a l l have trouble. M r. C ressw ill’ po in ts o u t th a t ijje re is grjtve d a n g e r th a t the la tte r is w h a t will

'ijflppen, an d the th o u g h t does, notf excite his . m jtim ism .- •

■ ITo begin w itfC IH e psycT ib log ica lT ^ffec t^w ild ; ~ - J ' f e b ad . F o r years w c have breathed an atm osphere o t 'r i s in g prices. T o g o into revei'se w ould m ake.:u8^._J Bhntion ol pessimists ju s t a s sw eJy as Die p o s t-w ir J f l i^ r t m arie us a n a t io n of optimists. ' mf ! Secondljj, iu s t a s .th e £ceditor class h it by a time, f l

r is ih g prices'/ th e .deb to r'c lass suffei-s ft-hbn prices 9

S .dovm: In d u stria l l irm s floating b'ond issues would 3 'h a r d h it. T he luck less farm er, needing a n annua l / J . ib r tg a g e ic u n a Y .e J iia ^ ro p s . -^^•ouId,sweat.eveIX4llore _ J •than he is sw eating now . i l

|(P Ju rth e rm o re ,.in tem atio n a l debt§ w ould be serious* f l j « ttffec ted .''M ah y econpmisLs, Sir. C ressw ill’ ))oinLs m W t,. iiw ists th a t bo th Germ an rei)arations a n d Allied | ' p r ; d e ^ to th e U n ited S tates will be re p u d ia ted if cq m iriO d i^ -p ric es genera lly slip below a level ai j ^ f ; 2 5 / p e r c e n U h o y e tHe ,W,13 le.val. N o one nccd.s , |B rptM der.,,lhat oift^ iDng to find p len ty o f clouds B w lih rh o ri^ ^ ' . ..If-ro'.^fe.-flure,.none, of, tliese d ire th ings h as 'h a p p en - fnor |a ^ y ;6 t T h e p re sen t'S lu m p m a y 'b e ioiJo\\"e(l Uy a B ttong ,'rebound. P rices m ay s ta r t rising aga in . The j^ n tro U e m o f intcj-n.atlonal ci'edit, Mr. CresswiH na- M itei'vare even now p lan n in g to exi)iind crq d it and wt" iH ^ e b y . send , prices upw ard . • ' .. i i J i a i ^ e situa tion , a t a ll events, is serious enough /5' Jo;.cdll-.f9,r re a l study . T he hiext few years, obvioiLslv, . ’ » |h il!l;ililace a .p reh iium on cool ■ business judgm ent;. i f f ic re r ic y ;a h d b ra in s . T he day of Uie opportunist Im d ith e b lu ffe r is~ a b o u t over.

i m e .ra te , p rove of S ''*'S ^ a t^ b e n e f i f t o th^ ag n c u ltu ra fm d u s try here . F acts

presented : th a t seem ingly ca n n o t help b u t th.'. s !t ^ ™ - a low erihg o f bean fre igh t ra tes. ‘ m»ii,

.............. -IDAH

■. ■ rV I p

' ' J l

'orkliii; r ‘<'t fho nnr. timnc(‘ nf Ihc Huy o( HlHcay .wlioni of k • \ llio Imlk r t llu- .Al1niiilG tlncK of> $ i;y]U. mink tifu r u rulilolfln in liiilll ny. Jti22, ItiiUaii illvorK here nrA ,bf, i lowu 111 oxrlt(riivf> M.iUo KvciiliiK Vxn«' Itiicn-NKA i>lii[li>i;faiili«’ Oiirlni; *onI; ii> imiHt itiirliii: liml rr)iiily’iiiilva);i> unit HTuiliiiiH i-vi.j.•iiii'^mptRd; 'iliourii inrtiii any-.mori' niimih^ »>f' worlf'. r*- »1ri» uln. mill tlix nr'iit:' ilcpl'li ami liulw siirlioroiiii riiri'.n i'i. nrii it conl jt w mil ilnncor l» llu. iiiic!Br.>ii>n dl- h1iI|i ■rs, tin- lirlz:- iln.y cx|icrt liiCnii’- Mmli irii.'\.|iiiiil lio Illl. rl|.|u’<t In liinri- tuul

. (Read tho story, then col'o T^rr-nntP!r-caniB-:-or--aiJltriraiWcik ui'cr. lUiil' Mlnkr T m u l Mnn lind layttl near i« wiilc-li llm lllili-l I kt

Believe It orEzplanatloo o t.U ls Cartoon wir

' f i ■ ‘

'IrATERS, - (utact>cUii> ..

F l i O M 3 0 m M R | | ^ H l ..ciTCg c t—jlORTHArtCfiiCA

COHTAUIIKO CORRECT AMSWERS Toft“fltt«/Cfr»f/O pCO rtT«ST V V Jd wtiic R tcuvtp oy The a tA ttit r.i.

REPRESENTS / 5 ^ , 5 8 0 flIRMHES,COVjf«D IN 92

' tW THW r HAS e v e r BEeN COILEC.1fftO M S O F A R S O F A ^T

KXI’liAXXAl rn(> I tje l i l t 'rhr;^,.|[unipr:i In One I:i« \Vuco.' Tc'xuN l -liin' On- Aiismil 7. lub,-1l)'o Illl lliicu,hu|iio riini\ ^lurliiilr, IK niBilo IS ?inm In Hit olxlilli Innin; irniunco.'till HlhfrlM i l« IITI Innpd—'riio SIfrPr mnll. .wlti];lvi:n. .iKlIc ln»(.rl Hint orici: I rcacli-mt ainrd i o r gluc in tlicm.

S g jB aiM IM fi TIMES, T y

ilVE H C ¥ u R p O.F ,GR|/(

— —

nn'"IiTlitcir}'. fVir<}-''f«hf pl'oJRnt(t nml nlLvcr, In llic vnlno In I

. tlicm .in .llio-Klnii'Illoo room iindiT llm iliird dcck .fecln;

lha .'KsyiiL Tlio key ,io Iho you n<'[.‘Jnrntlfln or tliit iruunii’ro wnn .Olnn nt.iliic'ii In' tlifl cniilalii'H 'snfc: ‘ c liII III'llio Icfl I* uliiiwn i i ’ lp.niie Ilii'. i\ini'iii ilip w iivw y oi tlic lo ri>iij U-,x.' iMilaHwO wlil' lwci.n'till- JftW» (if Krnpiiol inn.!.i lnn'i.wan Illlvd iiliniinl llu' Hnlvftso '>«lili'

III Ailllilllo wlillA wrirlii.rH lioM oi».i <!lr iirpnili Iriij. It mliilii rllii aw;i; id li:r limt f<iri;^;i', Tliit <.niiler lii'n


! y""-y j y ' - » .. ^ , Riioii:

^ I

)lo r th o p ic tu r e .) / ", ' J III |lmr!r-(lrive~fliiil-l'i>lU-H«-.nCun.

id ', to ' tirlnV" ^ Id foptiy. "Ci-i-. ic),; know my Htnff! I'm vcry Heldoin

N ot - Jr in appear lo T om orron'i T lno i (Re

utvmlKW f- A

: m m (tobbcr CKid o! the

-Ther dc f f i l L c C vCinnol/ 'S . X

J2,7S0M i!4iJTt5 '' ' ' 'PTcfN . ; The PATRiei

5AU)TEiTriE' • I . - Ow“ • c « •—

ATit»\ T(i.'KiiDAvs CAiiyoo: ‘ Ina|nir^UT«)tl>ini‘' f lu o Ryo plaV* r. Iti30.'‘''<ndrln|: a nrlicilnlcd niKMlRU ilnUlttipiShMi Inurjiic. I'lio riiinl ac^rof iiiR.’VlKlil'of wlilcli were ni:c<mntcil_

^rtlall. o r "»illcl(or" ilnc* nol lioionj Icn cnii«nH acriinia dainnco to.Uookij,';

™ f^A L iisrm A H O '^* ■ :■


' ' '"■— — lin k ' irhdir 'how -Uie ^d lven y f i a i 'iail lii^ary .Ql)H«rvatl:n 'sholla wltli aun

mi'por(holcK. iitiilo«r^ls.-& .ahtll tlie nit hauJcil nboard.. and'.-.ttbovj) !fil I soo i,Clilet D i r e r \ innl cmcrKlnK'tn toll;)ilB n a iA (Ml ..|i« lly ,.o t.’n no» 'JU covow JM ltfii ' Knyiii’ii, InipHnr. Wni■jnlviifift nil . nf ■ lh#'’, tiHlllon, hall ill'll nuw Ix ljuMov.<id i)0^11.1 llm water nonked <i3xea''ln fulP It'll II Wan 'iiackcd, Uio'aalviiRO 'mnt: .iiiti)ri linvo iloclilcil to ; tear wlii! ;iy llir iiii|nir I'mrt of Jlin aiin'i ji.nil :i vi.i::.|.| iinil ritiiovu Intitvl Iliu dcci

Ilii. rniiitli, nnd wlicti I rcncli liop Kfpun I iirnnuilly im lt Hi«

I rlKlil In.: . '"?cSoni(.|lpiMi you do," 'nriappcil wiie•|iy. "lllll, 1'v4! Kfcn yon tnliw an .Tlioy llllll. Don’l 'jraK about yoiir JT"’'.f lifraiiHo ynn'ro nol ao very ,i"i,id. Why I know moro niKiiii ^ 1,,!,'I Knmc Ihnn yon, 'Twill really , , , a Kimniu hnw jmdly.I will hmt1. And, nf ronrae, Ihiir* as I lllll." . . f ■ 'hfl Tra^Vl %Miin then ailnrcd a |II nnd iiald. "I hopo yuu a ll canI. Imt. really, wlial’a tlio <llf- mth i.ncp? II iH real fiin, Jnat Iho no. Why. I'vf .played cnlf ycnr „ f.r i’l-nr nnd lr>«l. hut ticver •d 11 irnr. If yiiii n u win or '“ ' f 11 nml. laiiKli, ll In u dnndy I"'** 110." •'hvy linlHhcil wllli Uinir cnmo I"”) 1 then'niKhoil nn and luH'Pcd a ‘>f“ ' all -train-wlicn tho TraViil Jlan iV. '".How “ n‘«'H W m "Zurich: a‘ t ml ll !>]>ol! I knnw ynu’vo liked I" '

Mnrlu well nnd you wlll Ilml ono 1 Ni'xt lowii »wdl. Ynu’Jl Imvc I'T I nthor Bpcll of wiuidrnna I'lleaii- p, llltl) a* not." . hoa'riio .train kept ohuRKlnc hniii;;i Uio. d.-Iinura. They triivi'Icd. lbu*'isli lon :oliplo o( HhowcrH and lluni onl Cni

tlio 'nnn. asalii.. A ralnhmv iinh Tatnrd—iIir-nky.-^'H crn'jv—Zii'r. .|h~ I." rrlo.1 Iho Trnvul .Mmi. "All KIrI

By Ripley rtoe. tn V. 8. P a t ofUe*) ' J. . 31

li'flowcitdiTnbcL U 0 86f^Eh4lM '''«

HftHD-To-HflHOQjMBAT ' <-»r

"I i i

\y. • ‘ *SWl.E/00PCtJHi£5 nr - b u t d r d p p w a

' i t f V 00LU»RB1LL ■ •■ 'jjglfl H<C.tlalion.ftwuil,| J

le fT ic a r ’ '’^EtiftG AT COMMANDu n ti byMu CtitA>bp,GrMl3cT (b)..

osi ■ ’I'f-tbo poBltlon'nf ouUloliIor for f amMTltli tho UcnnmonU'Toxnti', iflraB.JO*?, the Wnco cliAuiiaT- . .forjJjjr* Uyo’s BpocraFQra'r Por:

IS’ (a the flntiy tribo, ^'iil In ft I'ctoihlBsr.’oie., vh llo attonipttuK .

r t " , ' ; s iH C T t . " 4 ^. ....... — ............ ............. trayal■ L-..------------ ------- -------------------

f cl i S L . . \ . . . natM

I* tlu- - I f e l

S ' a i F| H K 8 | B : . : X r r \ ^ i ; . ; M u r d


‘ I'Ana

a M a i E ^ B E L k lJ w . unit<

ctoni . . . ' Til . nuQiii


... . L'uro “ Kl


j»r» room coatalolnff'^tlio I re a - . iro. Tho-retoarkttTjlo.'-iihoto pouc 10 right If'*'’

~z:in im ln m iin in i iK n U tf fn i^

ilf^ l''{K M Q FSSpSifi& ^ nnlent* .altoard^tho-salvaRo. ahlp hen. aa ,.yoUji^*p>Jicro, U llate<\ nil, th(jy;'M a/p |i\^ed. ov^rr,«'>“

ip rlljhl' OUI now., if ' you can. ‘Ml all fieenied Intcrcnlcd nod I oiiiiht wc^d^ldo rlplit by."•CouMc Zlirich wna i hlfC reirfrt hero ovcryliwly wenl fnr upon.!io flriit thln» that tlio tlnlcit did an.-Iouilly ahoiii, "Loi'a (to. and mt a boat which wc, can lako Khl onl.npon tha l lovely lake."Iipy nhorlly found Uio lioal and.I wenl out for ()ulto /» row.

A t t h a ' . T h e a t r e s 1___________ ' * ■


Riillt ChAllcrinn. the welt lown aclreiin of iho ntafio nnd . IklnK .Hcrcen, IA marred hy - otro-<7oIdvi'yn'-Mayer • Jn fl new ay "TJie l.mly of Scandal", a amatlc coincdy of modem , mor* a an'd marriage. Now playlnit the Idaha Tlieotrc. 7 h l i coaieitV - > ‘ aahl lA otfor MbH, Chatterlon

to ot 'jlio moat IntorcailaB.rolea ,® ; ' hor Jirllllant career. . :X ;.CuHi -un Klalo H ilary, fanioiia } - ; }niity. whiMQ Klnmnroua . 11(0 la **'' 10 talk of London, MIhk.Chatter* in -beccmcH ongaRcd to John riiylb, .tho ho'H of u n ‘ Encllah J i ; ihlunian. John’ii family of conmo :„ 1 —winmlulUeil.—Thu—IhoHitlit-o - J L IkIc, n no-cnilod womnn o f tlic m i orld. c'-mlnic Inio tho fnmlly m i urrlflcn them, lint Klnlo Is .moro 241 inn— cfiiml— to— tlfo— oTcaKi&tT fonsht (0 a ranifly conference f Imr Bweelhcart, Klale'a mas* s s i flic cliann ond hoauty w(n them 0 4 1 i r tn hcr nldo. yg {Here la n dratnallc altuatlon « lill Ih w(ffked n p . tb a clCYor m< :nl uniiHually poworfnl cllmaic.-lt uvonia .Mlaa Chaltorlon In ft )lo of varied omotlonB, lightlos Q >r loro y e t. fully realW njr theJR mom. iiiHurnioiintAblu ohilaclM; hlch •Bho-.muBi'-fJriir.-bvoroobie'' •' Btoro 'flhe, Ik froo to hIvc licrl (■art to lljo nUiti who'mcana moH i.lier than life Half,' ' I n \ i Klulc Hilary, Ruth Chatterlon g

■COUPCjN jjO RU FaEE : | .' . h y m n t h s ! |. i i . l n l ' i s S v f C M r . , o t' S

n Inlmcl^ba^dfi'f iUimrlorbul'iiB wii' 8 " 111 ilWlhuin . Hovcrai-'111011101111 QS i r .{"“ l i r m ™ :'’ '™,;'; *5®iiur.iniFrd (0 Ijinem- In alx difftr*It rniorx-• If .llilR roii|>un la -rCi I . 'Ivr>l irltliln 1 0 . darn tOltfthrr: v . ; f a , r r i : ’ a r ; s ' ”r ;;;llr^lmaK!''^oyrln? nVnelnlh"bull)!

i-ASHixr.TOW - BOLB .c o , . . i s c ;eyiniBK ^.WASH.

d B I E ' "

TONIGH T :S ep t^2 4 th

B up' : r : [ -Eosie.. Layne's | ■

U of I OroMatra

D A N C I N G ^ ' ■'

, 9,.30;to 12:30

Hall;Jl6o)iaiiioaUy I '.Cooled and.-'r J

' Vehtilated;- w d S s a l s M i

- . - . '-W c'dB ifeS 'day .

^ “t i T i w l ^ S s ^ u B U o r i y i .5WBBwi,-And*- i j a a i l - ^ - ^ ^ n e — Bdward.Dror^ii a n . Ideal lead*' liian Jor Mlaa Ct^lterlQO. - --

Hbone. It ■will 4)0 romenybered .pjL Iio noted a lar of Ihe'^lKltloiait '>S)r, :o, who rw enlly mado lili ap- of Co ranco «n tho lalkinc acreen Tjaltlt •Tlio Laat of Mra. Cheney" ami btolh'i Plillo Vanco In ^Tlio'' niahop li^fl fi •dor Caio”. OUiora Jn Iho-Onjl dfly. lidtf Ralph F^rboa’ na John bakln. too 07(011, Robert Bolder nnd b«en dorick Kerr. rsate

' . l.'rnncY IIEI.Vfi I'AVBJ) TO . J

UNION O l ' ' cou.vT«ii:.s ‘ J™; ;SXSVA,-8e p M » - H > P M l^ r iMrm enutlvea 9f ?T E^^rofcan■ nn- daya )B moetlnir, today.,.under the mlnoi a ld o D c y .o f Arlalldo, llflnnd lo nble iBldor' iho ' Dreanlutdon of a wllhn It.ed Statea o( Enropu found'the 'X ' .

well pavod for ''Kiiropean «itcni noinic nnlofl. ,Iio Ide’aa conlnlitotl ln nrlniid^a Khl iflllnonnlre on a fttdomllon of ij*-Ib roixsin atatea, liaVo been alrosai from . by Pmnco and frlonda ot pnren tnce In the economic commln. - .Mir 0 of tho IxaRue of .Vallonii, ins a phaal2lnR tho uritont need nf wpck ropcan tariff reform. rAlntlnK,af m filoomy • picturo of under-con* londe npllon . of manufactured pro. there :w and orfr-prodii«/on, In nft- Coi jltn rc , tho countries voiced,tho j-nvo :d for Domo middle path buwc'cu diiirc Hi favonl nation claunex an'il chun loluto vreforonllal trcailca.' jatltul

oiiROXic ( 'u » J .n u i,K ir ' ,.O.VOaV ( V P ) - A woman Irt *>y fJi ice courl aalil Itcr hURhand imliled a t overythlns ’aho did, ONf.1 m lo complaining aho Kavo him IN T . much to eat. Fostr

j ^ E ” ' l s UseiI p

~ ®IT" ' I , 13

i s - - ^ - - - - - - - - - lj) EH . ' I!

5 q ^ [5T ] ' m ■ ■ “

s r — —

----------— — 3j

iHORIZOSTAL' aO P ar t o t>TC. SW

■ . JO T o liiiM. , ; „ , 0 T . iCavItle*. r>KyelMhe*. «2 I>cpart«I. .

; I " “ T™"' - •>.' ww™ *"!. i ■ “ Ti: S ? - ' ; sSl’aiaasea.' ' itESTER'DAY'S.'A r To 'M Boratc.. | 5 [^ |< ;!m |jlg « U |A

) To cho'oac'liy-

p i ^ i . '

i c ^ e io t i a .— -Ib d S E o S l B l i f l

J l ’u t to l 'l ln

■Into Onr Now Quarters—TIio Old —JuHt Next Uoor tho Flral

look fb r us in o u r r .V: q u arte rs

: W liere W e W ill H ave Rc

BACON&CF' P hone O ffice 265 . ' )

CasK buyers .of Potaloi

; S e e Y c

F o r d D e a l ^

::lIt:PaC Oor Prices Al

So Are the1 9 2 9 .E o ri" W (lo r S dS K ;

■.,,,l9?9rFoi'd.,Co,upe _ 4 i i 9 - - '1 9 2 8 D u ran t-C o n ch I,L:_. l ^ ta 2 f l J < j r A . ’A'A~ T n w k- 1

1929 F o rd Sport •RdaB6l ■ ■ ■1928 C hevrolet Coach ■■:.

1980 C hevrolet Sport ,,®1927 C hevrole t .C o u p e '..

. 1927 F o rd .Coupe ........: 1927 F o rd B oadsfer. l.i;.

1928 Buick.jCqupe,.

LBR. 8oplMnbcV,24 (S p o c la t)- . r, and Mra. rtuaaoll ShBa/fcrl''^ killum, llllnola who .Aaa Ins for aotcral diya w tlb 'hia lima. Guy and Ray Sluar^t-.,'"; for.hla home In Illlnola Satur- ' " ’

Rtiaaoll ShtViror .!» .ns bnalncM In Collnm and naS” ''^ y I to tho coaat. Iwln*0 to n fflntonilon held In Bin > iclaeo. He atopped horo for •• vtali on Jll*' ' f iT Jiome tn m ^ « ,

llm Slobcr, 'who' waa ]p a cql*.

1 BRo. la recoverlnir ffroni hW;*"' - nr Injwrle* vchr'nicely.

to he uhmll tho Blreota n'ow lout llio i}fd‘’br'.crUlclipa.■number of .people from rvVj:fl.,'I ndccl tlip iKjat rarca at Dler- , '

lako Sumlay. , .•Iirloy Coatfu and irarrl6 iio 'Khl apcni the w^ck*end ,liyA . 'I Ooodlnb'i Ihe ,RiieBt.B ,of th6i?.^,, ,

laa a racc n ick i. wli<),Ja at Hurley thla le rm .'iM nl JIiV ;'; k-end a l Heyhnm. the «iTW'” ' Mlaa Alice Mc.\'caley, aiiporlnr ... • lenl of llie ‘ prl.mary Kra[|ji |r

uiKrcaanmn Adtllaon' T : Sm)'{h‘ .> a talk, a l Iho ' Srcihodlat*" ' rcli on tho imhjccl. Of ‘T h e ,' ' rch. the Siato and 'the iiloii." A cood .crowd was lent. The talk waa '.w y .iJ fl. ,, atlonal hnil was well r e e c lM ” he atuUpoec. , ' ’

,Y OSR •VOOT~«FKCIArtfiT. TW N KA1.I.8. I’lJftDO BW.-;DiV:,i lrr,-AU». .

fu l '— .......... , , ; t i 4 i r .

5 6 ' 7 " B ji*

— - t t T - 1 ........■ , ....ri'T

; s r 35T ! P ;■!. .

J a . . — —•M'h'1 ■ !..„■.-■'•. !■ ..

VbiB.IIkc. J, -SnbcJt. ro Ivnalroue OCunttlB*. o ap fro ia^ „ A lw a ilik .„ - j,,, ' "I"* ';- - laP H M tljlU s ..-

ro ,w «nr. .lOFeoBt. • -..ullnwj»h.;: ,-£01 'o .Iilo .,o r«)n«U oi.. ., , , t e u •

aiS iU oT .

T O s f e ■ I 'a r i 'r tm iu v ^ g p i 8 H B s s c o u t . - .;,,iit ■«

—mreyf SSXUtnM. -illg P p S s 88 U i t «or« . \

8T%VIioUy. ' m Vh .UN I-t.INIG o a io .eu t..: .

1 C. L. DelonR nulldlnff; '«l of Nexi Meiilh . w H

new a n d larg e r ' " g

ea l O nion S to rage .i*i|

RYDM IR e s ; i y 7 ,& - ,1 8 7 5 - : > \ > t g . : 363 a n d ’OW ohs ,

o u r ■ ? « ■:■. r..- ■; j .. : . 'i'a

i T v P i r s t , ? ! '


i ' — i t o i - ...._.;,.i .:.:.:'3753"“ ,ys-. . . . . . . , . .t o i d s t e r .......... 450 ,.a

' ■'......:- 7S * ' ,, . 426

Page 5: b e -ycar-old MENDS TO JAS[|SMi iiiiir ll , iseiiLsii


. .'Weiftiesday/Seiltcmb'eV. 2-t,' 1981T.,' ~ '

Mr, and JlT "., Noblo Pl*her are ♦ '* COMIXO BVENT9 ♦ 'tU« .f r o n t s of a «on bora Mon. ♦ ' _____ . • ♦ ■

' • • ' ♦ Sfi««ml.ef 2i-M Jeronio * ”;.,.L •. — ' ♦ - t ount y fdr. at-Joromo, ♦

low B iJU U or. ............. , * 20 Pootbslli ♦ArrlTM . V . , . ♦ roll* vs. Uiii>oN, Lln* ♦ ' '

CflJ?, JoTforn of Jetferion. lown ♦ coin P lalj , . ♦ .Iirotfipr of > lr i, P. flboneiHffKor, ♦ Suiilombor 30 Twflntleiti ♦ I.In niiffueiil a t tho Ijonie ot Mr and * Century ctuli. optnint! r«- *Mra. Slionahorjer. ♦ wpUoti o i }iomo ol Mrs. C. ♦ ' J

• II. ♦ A. Ktnda. ♦

AtJfM tu n r r a i . i , . ~ ♦ of now Twin Fttll* JilRh +1“ —,n b rta N'elRhbon of Amcrl. ♦ "chool audltorlum-nyinnniil- ♦ • —

ca wlll moot lo a body a t WTilt# ♦ utii. foaturlns coticeri Iiy ♦ ^mortuBr; chapol to attend tbo fun- * ‘Unlltd SlalcH Marino band.'oral. pf Mra. PM rl Colbori n t 2 ♦ Ociobor 1M6 MarIi; Vn|. ♦ ^o'cldelf 'T hum dfty *Hefnnon. ♦ loy-Dlitrlet V. W. C. H- * G

' ♦ nnnco fcampaijcn, ♦ ^f r a « 0 I r Pli^pcd ’ • ♦ Octobor 17-18'Aniiiml In- +A t,Idaho '.- - Mliuio. loaelicr* nl clRhU ♦ ^

U aV cli- CraVcn, " 'Twin' FnllK ♦ counlfon. In Twin Falln, ♦noplrt^moro a t "ttie VnWorilty of * Ocinbrr ■ IS I''aiir(li din- +IdtttiR., a t the end' of' lb« niith * • irlct P..T. a . convention n l ♦«nawi), pIcdRcd'’Phi'Oarpma Doltn ♦ 'Wendoll. ' + •f rn tom lty .'Jl Ik'donoiinced. * October c.i Unst day to 4

,,-i • • ' ' ♦ reitistor for Koiiural cloc- 4W a/.M olhew T o 'P a r ■ ♦ tion. , 4Trlliuic (o U o p a n ' , * October 2S-26 Annnal Oirl 4

Tbo W ar'M otUet* will meet In ♦ n«"erv*-'f(jntorcnro, Twin 4frodj;;,oC tlio ProBbjtorlan churcb * . 4a t T J i o r f t l a y ■aftffraoon Jo ,flf. ♦ . , . . 4

, lon^^^^tho funornl pf. Mm; E llin * * * * 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

/I IV /•'.* * Whito’ chniiel In Twin FallnfaiUfcford Couule f ir t Tliuraday ntternoon at 2 o'clock.LIrrnNe lu lVeu Xho Kdon «ranso will hnvo tho

A mnrrlOKO llconM wan liinuod jirocUon of tho fnnsrnl ncrvlcCT?: b y .tb p T w ft l->ll^eounly,rccordcr Twin iSiUh cnmp. Itoyal NpIkIi-I _

" " f . ' ’? ; IwrB'Of AtncrK'U. will offlcluto nt ■ . vin Ifail Mlldrod McCnlllntcr. both Bravcnlde sorvlcuK In Twin FnlU flf Coitlcford. . ; romotory- . ,_ r r ^ - _ - Tho. bmly ri-xtH nt tl»* WhltnSc-wTlaBBicor^ftl-.Store'. Mortuary bnri>,. wiiijro It nrrlvc<tA rtfvei from JfonUna Tuondny ' L

H. A. M rlntyre, nbW; mnnagor ■tho'iPay'n Trfkit .*toro'hor«, ^ f r /v - ■

l ' f e ? C ”S X " a rf fO rg a n i2 a tio n 3 to.... . A ttend Services Cll

l).'»a rM T J r t p " ' , „ ____ ' I• l i - . J 'tli'irndny nflornoon.'tho many

To AtlMd ' Mo'bor’H chaptor nnil „V . . . . ; . tb«,-^rlm »w 'lU flw knh Io.Iko wbo

MomborJi of tbo Primrodolnobd- ‘“ 0" requested lo ntlcnil . b a ltJo d K o .a i^ o a ao u e a lc d jijac fit *|‘0 hen

ttt .W .P ro H b y tc rtJn c H u S h T at!! S- «nd S .-^ u b imnhem, nnd wo- j .,,,o-ctick T hursday a t-m o n of otlwr orKiinlxatlnnB lo ,tctJEf-^fiinural for r Mr*: whWi M m -W oodbwd bolonKo4,

. Elixilk • WoodhpaU. • . w llL llkowUo Jio In nttcndnnco.■ • U - '■— Woodhoad> non* cbu

•ThMven fipt Pnm e i - ' - f will nervo b« pnllbsnrcr*. Rov. moiA tjlh irrn n n n • ( J Ja jnW sn iln r will coniljict the

Tffrtvca wlm 'otilorea* a n o ^ c n fuifora] Horvlee. nnd Ifttermoni i,.‘ ntiitlnn n t 'Ungorman-. - Tiicsdav yfUl lo In Twin Fnlls comctery „'_,i niKht took purM > ooitfelnlnR bonlde lli«- Kravo ot bor Into hun- i,,,., four flvofilollar 1)1118} a n d « olbcf. bwid. ,

.•M«,.Wp(,abcn<S wn»l ono of tlia me »tlvl«cd Wcdnmdny raortj^g ._ ,^^ , pjo;ieor .V5<j|n6n ot Twin m i n noi

' h i « / J------ T '• - irac t.’, living hore for nboul 30 I

•l':n r6 titd-to '’Uiolr liome'lii'fiolBO ■ , ' : •'.'■'. • . i . -

s i t p i j s a m i M N E E ^ Hmaklnic -o labo rt vlill with' tlPolr * * " I . I U . I I I , hlldaunhter; ^trs.- RbIiiIi H U lRbton. n n A | f r : n f k i n n

ULOUnl LiLllInu -pocldd lh a l-» BpoclU'»>eak<ir'Wltl • - r - r — _ . «=bo present a t tbe sc s tlo n .'. Ini

• . ___________L ,, iPOCATELLp-The rato boarlnBOfflcInU lo Meet • . . ' o f flft-W abo Public Utllltlei. Com-Here Toalifbt • - • ■ ? thlsilon versus OrcRon Short Llnu

. 'A meotlnif o f Jhs.OmcJnJ*- a s . M Hwwd-cojw ^y.w hlcJj Jiaa bcca ,im hrtJoB .ot-tho 'eouihiC cntnillda- ln.;i*Mtoft-tW :P«sl two-dnya - be- ‘JiJprMUloUc dlitTlot;wlll bo bold foro C^mmlsHlonor Claudo.ll. f o r .

A the Twin Palls Cbnm bof of to rnndJJxam lnerU U Koch pf.tbc-Wmhiorcc Wodnonday CTonlnK 'a t IntM »talo-Comm#r«»-Coramlttlou =

. ^ 3 0 .’ accornlng an. annouuco-. -^W .-dlMod. .Into. .Tue»dny, .nftor- ... — liffitit-by-A 'nar'Caffoyrchalrm nn.- »ioon. ”D eci)iion '-ln -iho-ca«e-»m ' - 4

■ f iir th o r dhtcuMlon-'of rules and bo niado by either lhre< mombor* ,

a occduro to r ,Ih e football flonson of tbo commlnslonror by Ibo on-,n be hold. MI-.:Caftcy niated. . Urfc commission.

• ; _ i___O O rejon Short L(n«. an tf. Itoloo. S ^ llio r of Pamous (lolfct Poelfle officials, icstlflcd a t Uio,

S ih ln m Visitor H eri r " . hearlnir yostordny. poiminff oiit “■ ^P rou W.:Von Elm.- Urolhcr. of tbo H '« «*r>on*« ot. m«lnt?n»{icrf of ner.l^ o u R aeo rso Von Bim. who lu vice throuRb Wyo. Is lam or Uiun '

• • ^ & /o lf? r in and Nob., thus Justify,« Dobby J o n e s . ' i n Twin In* w los on Idnbo pcaa nnr(S l l , ° S u , ! n « s Ho 1" h « t.s Bhlppod .to a ica R o ; thnnSprcaenlAtlyo flf a .coa l concorn. ‘''o»o ' -hipped, from .Colorado. ,xbit modestly adinlitei) ho Is no Sovoro ilorm s each winter nn,1S a n » ^ l S t . " a v ^ ^ ^ ^ •«>« « .Uock . Sprlaw Im i§»rnl>^rnam eD U ,.,V In.^act.■^.llo fumtnor/wer,o moatloncd In tho

KOlf." - • • ager Of tho Oregon Bborl Hn6 ,f , ; . -- - • Salt U k o :cily, was lho flrsl w n:

. ' t h i } ■.! ! K S 3 n i £ » ' ’S ? 2 » ■' I f * L. s T .,h » .

l E E E E I S E ‘

• j|nd p is tr le l Judso 0 . A. SuUon. . su tea , espoclnlly Colo*

> b ih nnii.flBiuii f l r a n S ^ n J ^ f t . -1l* laai ,;Trottt I'laatlBK . . • •

' j

|U (M i^P llS rv6» 'ou tlin i!d ’<forjliS filstrlbutloB b t CM.OOO,,troul fruiR

, ' IDA

BOO'TS A # . ^ R B r o p i E

• " " ^ i V i"O W ii W puB. , 'W rt« • w w ', wBCfc' A U . a v c o t : m i ' 1 v n w Tft' t o lh * . v w o w 'c o w s .yow s

' - ' f e e l

- i M

■ ‘w r .v o o K f T . • W IU . . ■ ' n u w O O N l■ ov T0r<i\6m ' OP

^ I I k

f o S i i N i ”D E I N J I W , .Tbo bmly of W iliam KnlKS". i;|;

<S, [oraier rMldeni o f iJubl nml Twin h'nils. will -bo rcculvcd Thurniliiy nt ihi- M'.hllo mortuiiry *■" here. 'Mr. KnlKKo illod Monday In' H Cblciicn whoro lie bml bcon a cli realdfcnt f tr l lu panl two yi’arn. j.j Funeral sorvlccn will prnbnWy • Iw hold, h'rlday nl tho Lutheran church bcrc. ot which bc wnn a

Imomlior.I 'Mr. KiilRca h|iii retiirno.l rcceni- « ly for a'vIhU with ibrco brothcrn It nnd two KlHtorn riialillu); Jn ihln |n liicalliy un<l wukIu Knod hcaliii wlicifhi) returned to llllnolx. Tho ni mcMUKOluillnK ot bln doiilh did li not Htnto tho caUdo of his dentil. V

Ko. Ik survived tbe follow- f ln s .« l8 t« rs i’aud'ibrulbcr».. a ll ■.»!•■ ' a l iH fl r 'a t . ' 'n 'A rm -'-hom o ncflr ■ Twin Prtllst.aorhard Knltftio. Al­be rt . KnlRKo. Itlcbnrd KnlgRo. Mlnil Mlnnlo KdIrso nnd Miss 1 Klin KnlRSO. . ‘

■ f S p I.(Conlioued from Pago 1)

U fled_na_a_jnnu_KliQ_ haa. J)tcn. iicoiitlnR Blrlx Icavlnc tito, .Wnnb< InKlon ijcboni iu the nftcrnooii.

,Shsrllf'i:.- P. I’m tor ntid'Chief Lclgbtou. who lefl for Salt Lnko Tncnday night. Immedlntoly fol- lowlnK'w-ord of lho cnpturo thcro. w crb'e jpw leil lo return.herO 'w llli Ibolr pritoner- Weduonilny; niRht.


■; V.-' 'S a iA 'W 'ir M tH ^ I m ML — «ii . ' i>'i '.'' (‘Mt " " "'i" .. r r n e

i ‘'V . ' t - '—•.riida"8P6T8;y h d s n THB.BOY PBd fA:'-fanun«Bnf.O>a

^ likwimSBwroSSSl<lll»ii

A H Q ,iB ^ i;m N G T m 8 „ 'T

E S r ^ i i

UbTEW- " i« '6 -WST.

r bvOM'x i t t i P A ______ } T WMK LKW~y. I

, A io

l | , . i

. .T H V i SWT.ACAMXI T .•5WMK n v a s t VROt-^; H TvitMiM' 0 ?

H B '"T.- ;• r H - v ,.ftw a -

■' A J _ ■ ■ '. ,

M a t i v e s ' A r r i v e

F o r L a s t S e r v i c e

Krli<iidii nnd iiolchlmrn nf thr- '< Int.' Josi'iih i,.'Aln»wnrtli. C2, dur^Im): bin rt’Khli'Uco huro the im!<l oIkIii yrnr;*. p:iiit bim liiiprpiHlv'- Irtliiilc Tuesday nfiernonn' nt Ihu Drake rhat>«l. Illnbnp Mlli;hell W. ’ Hum Ilf ibc U lt ter nay-Sahitii chureh. and R A. flahhrl. Twin , IJillK, n .Riienkor, wore In cbargo.A <|iinrtol sans. " 0 ' My Fnther." or mid -'Itnnnnworcd." Interment waa i>i In Twin ii'all)* cemetery. ■

IrvIn Cook. Fred MnrvlK, Qohl- ^ cn Darlow. I’nrloy Stmlddnl. Kvan - Iiyrah and Olcn IlyriihMv^rc iho imllln'nri'rii.

A mimbnr nf out-(if-l6M,'n frlond ' nncl roIiitlvoH utteni\<’d lho uvrvlcuii, ’ Inc'luilinn Prod . AlnK>vorlh and ' Vorn Alnsworlh, Ln Crandi',' Oro-'. f:nn. brothern; nlnu'the m’fah. .011-'', worth .md ,Cook fnnillli)«„pt.Carcy;5' Idaha , . ' , <'

Ilo In nnrvlvcd by hlH.wlduw.and M children: Howard. ..M«lv|n..Lci»- iinnl. Joiiepli, I.cona. William; ftoy- . nl. Fred, Ada. Holh, Kniina. Irma. Dee Wnyve Alnnworth amLMra. Anna Morris. With Iho excoiitign ' of l,eonnrd Alnnworth, ..who' llvia In . Itonper. Wiuhlnition, oil- aro . r<'nl.loniB of Twin Falln. ■ .. i .

T iw :a W,V.NT-^I)S . OCT 1U5- ' SULTS. • '

Cooked Food.'Sale „•will ho belli TIiiirnday.-flopioTji- - lior 25 nl old Dairy Store niL

.SboHhono. n o n h ..b y loillen. o t . I.- • I). S.' a ■. ^ ' j

■* - i' ■■ ■■ '

... 'iv

) r d h ^ d - r ; /

y S o 0 t y f I ?

r iE lo r c c - s 'h c r f U v ’nnce’s . 'a r l f i t o c r n t l c • i/-'. ' f a m l J y - to , aekhowl-"'';-.;; V,i jS

B ho r na^tt.w om an o l 5 ' i rm ; a li-itrdisU n'ction I ' f ' •- “ ;Il f a te aw eepa h o r ’ d e a 8 te Jh ta o ..a c m 8 i: i_ ; „ .: a n o th e r Tnanl M ^ c s :.

sa c r if ic e '■ d u ty \tin tl . l l t y f o r le v e l j .

Liiolhw sp le n d id d ra ‘ .:I t ro lo : f o r : t h e . f i r s t ’ • r o f t h t m c r o c n l - N ':. • ^ i j

; '.V - I • :V- ■ ';

Uilii . I. . ' ■ M . ,

s : \ < m k ‘ \

>■ w e t h i [


r w i w F A i i i f e n J T i A P O .

. 'I'iBy,Martiii pA I ^

fl IIVMK'OT- IM .'t ' ■ J. . KK,W\ --------nWRVt I I

, OT tO W SW , ^ J | .

l ^ v r n g i ^ ^ H

— —_ . ' ii»




•■•■•..II— — ' ' «>••' ' ' • , • n ; .‘'II

: ' TWAX . v o o . •;„ni-V . . MOW i t B I rlK

• ' V O u a ^ H P . O O W A I i ‘Vll ! AL'C TOCKiO iM I

VOti ! iV'”

"»I n n ' *1

______________ ___ U B ^ H

.---'A”--- 1-- -----

h — — I'*' '


H ^ R | | | H | R ^


A nuiiiIXT Ilf naturnl (G2'llll»nKi <li iitvo t'(iniblnc<l In make thu iipcii ||| ii!ahi,n nil diii'liii nud coono whli-ii vlll oiirn In Twin Falls and nd- xn olninR ci.iinlli'n'Wi'dnPHdny. Oc- nl ober I. one of the liMl for.sfv- ■ .■ral yi-ani. nccnrdhiK to W. It, ■ I’riclic, who o|icr,nles a impplnK Si

2 -=TodaY'And '


. l o S f t s■; ,A .H o ^ c i;P i(i tu ro

5 f K \ \ ‘ ■ O I ^ E ' - j ^ T u i

y ^ - . V . •& ST A T IO N ".^ '

i D i l s i e L ! ^lOBEfflFiM

Frldiiy nfleriKion nl H o’clnrk he whinllp >if n whlU>.clad foot-1 miu offl--!al will i.i»iMid. opc\lilBK lic'srlillroii ni-aiion tor Twin Falli. iIkIi H -lii>iil, nud xnrtluR th'? (Ii‘»l I CIIIIK' 10 III- plaji'd tin ;lh« new | ur. cfidlron of 'i.liicoln Fli-ld. I

Wbllc 0 icnlKllvo llnoup liaiiy

iractii'i' Hcrnloiin HO (at tblx week' invi' Indicated lhc Twin Fallii. ni'iiior lini hi* tcnm pm rilcaliyi i''lo'rlr:I, Tho ilrnlii" will proliii')-, y line n Rroat luiiny iiulwlUnii'K,,III a iitiiiXiiT of iin«Dii»on<'(l play-,•r» will' i:pI thclr firm nriualf xpi'rtciiic In Krlduy'H rdni.-m, 'ir.-'iiuouH work-outu'uiich ntler-1 imin liavi’ Improved pr(j»p«rtn fo r''lie. Twill Knlln" aRKreK.iilinr, over; .vhlcli riiscli JoiiM wun i imii-'I IKI iiptimliillc enrlkr In llif iic;i-1 mn, nntll .n ntroiiK ncorUiR si|ii;nl'» r.-ady to. meet ibi- .vlfiliiirn, I

ConHldorablc nnil:l.'ai;ili)ii nvor | ho niiiiJUIon of thi5 Inrt. field w ail 'X|>r< 'i'ied by J i.uvh. | n !>;i'l yearn thi\ dlrl tli'ld h u s V - ; ronio imtkcl duwn nnlll li r.'-1 icnililcil ..concreiu... bo . lu-ild. anil 1 laa- acconnlcd tnr nmny nt tlu:l nJnrU's In Twin . Palla.-playi'r*. 1 \no lbor ndvnuiiiRC of lln- tiiifl H th'* ahiicnro .-iir nind or du»i.i I’rnctlcc HPiuilonii ari' IipIih: lu>hli in l.lnc.'.lii th'ld only . 'n n n - ' <ir 1

each tt-i'i'k Jll iinfi'i ihm 1 hc tu rf may not bccomi' m l ni>, J ;

, n o i » a \ iv1'ns~ —SHATPbl.',. Syil. '21 ( I 'lM -

i\w.»7.iid a dcc.iMlim over .SainliiRO Zorllln. To-J .MnrRnn. former Junior llchtu'ulRlit oh:ini|don. now* IIkIiI- Ini; ai> a llRhlwulKbl, advanc.'d u flop ni-arcr tn a chiini'o nl iliai i-ronii. Ianl nlKhl-

ami handliiK iilallou for inii:r;iiory wali!rfuwl 111 Twin Falln, ]

The lucai batch wus iln> Ix'Kti (!ViT rcnlln-d here, .Mr. l-ilrhi. hc-| lii-vcH. Itnd nilKratlnn trom mukIi- I •■ru Idaho' walern Imn lin-n li'sx IIiIh ycnr. thn,n iinniil. Due tn ilioURhl condftlimB In ihp mlilwtni, all woNtorn lil;ai!K whi-n- w alrr lr liloulltnl nro czppr|i.j| hy i;nvcrn- ment walcrfowl exiiprlM lo linvi' un nbnnduni'o ot blrdx.


B n g i i j ^ c , n m ca r a iraham K iSLi equipped

PL A T E ^ i l i j i i i t a s h a l tc r 'c v e n ;

J ' • '

j c p e n IO E P A R T M E N

. 2 0 1 ^ 'M a in ^ .v e . .k -

H E R E ’ S ^

I n M e n ’s C l o t i i i H e r e ’ s g r e a t e i

Meii^sS u i t s

I o r F a l l

$ 2 4 - 7 5

Hi{;ht now Is an cxccllcnf time 1 'culnc ill and Kc' tlic new 'suit whcllier you arc ready to bity.i nut. These are notcwortliy «ar jilcs of the values tb' bc found lie

•olKays. .

H ^ l j . P E K

’ \ "

n iJD S O N -B S S B X u e a h j

M o s t O u t

P r i c e d G r j

' '-i-iby gi'inding them ar ■ dairy cattle a

A L e t z D i

w ll cut and .g rin d h isman.

T • 'S .T :’ b ' j i s i i " ' k"T w i n ,F ^ l s ; , . l M 6 ; ‘

VALUE iies for Falli r v a l u e i n ;

,erc ll '1 <1

S e ll in ij

I t

anl - S i . X ; | ^ P

/ ;—

f R S .f iV E R V W H E B E 'J

. •. ‘-V

^ l a k e T h e |

o f L o w 1' a J n s M,nd' f e e ; d m g :# ; j i ^ D |^ ^ H an d '8 h d e ii? - .';^ H 'i< w j^ ^ B

i x i e | | »

lay a i i d . g r a i n t ' | M M | H .'cost ■,



Page 6: b e -ycar-old MENDS TO JAS[|SMi iiiiir ll , iseiiLsii

t e w — ^ ^ a m p a i ^ n o f

t ''.JM a * lo ' V«iloy dUtricl V. W. C. d i fliiiiucc cfliiii'iiiKii. yo

K iW lI bo'crirrlofl oiil in (liU Houtlon I Octolwr 13 to IB. wroplloR tn un: “• fldunccmonl mado -WodnoKlBy l y

[I- MUR CUra Un^clftnil, .nli! «l#ry, Townti-imrilelpaitnK'' a re y,iL feim n&ultoii. iliin(e|i. Klii)bcr> ,,• If, .Twlo fViU*. Mlcr anJ IJuhi. „■ ’■'•‘MIm Iti-len N. Klnck. reK lm l nef* **felan-. who win Olrcci tin* luut* v '■■' tmlW. Is M iitctcd lo'arrW e nboul *, ^i.tOcloUor 1. Sliu U- ol Iirctcni In o. i\...jpol(>no., WritliltiKlon. organltlnn „

Thfi biKlRei thin year-In »2::5, Twiu railn lo Tolto I12S0; lluhl

,'iaOO; Filer, IIBO:, Kimberly l i:5 , IncrcMlnR sirt by $W thl» yonr:

TiHlanKcn. »100;. HnwUnn $1(10; Ed- HOO. Annnnlly tho Id^ho Power

iromwny m>J J)>o Iioi»e-J’aynu«* .. ■'“'ISimtier company bIv(* $1(B .-acb, !}

lo romiilclp thfl u ta l budRH.. 5«iiuusiini'Niiinpd D

^„.,.Tw«Dly:ono mtonnnrit varlmis

..„,flRAND IniA PT E R HEPOHT V .U I’RWRXTKD ,w t. .n^pof’t; ot iirantl clmitlir |irn- •j9««llnK »' wan slvtin by Mm. 0. K., worthy matron, n i .o «m -

llon of ,lbo O nldr i f tho J>niii'‘rn S ja r 'ln 'th n Mnnonlc-tamjiln Tiir' *-

nvwliifc ■Inlll.niun nlKn look ••*?lae«-iiurtnr'll>c butlnesfi •- ,M ra., N«Ulo TcasdalB Ontrom" nnil

D^hiIo carUon »unB nulcc- ■ tloii»' duHnK tbe noilal hour, MIm

v U Ncll# \nrMkenTlil|c« bolnR i«(neharRo a l . tlio proRrom. nefr««h- ^• •menu worr. Aor'-cirby MMilnmcR T ; W ltaman,''Carl Sablnbcrr-WnlkM ,

' Johnw n nnU T. J. rb»tor. di . ■ V, • • • • b]

m w . OROAXIZE. . . P'HOBOBITY, ______ '

' ■''Mrt. a r h c R an ,'B . nVe'm'b*r ■J'• o f;P l Mu, nationni miiiile jororlty

hM 'bflen lUppolnteU to nrsanlK o cKnpl^r .In ^ l u . l^ l i i . the hn* ,

. noUoc«Jv‘W*dD6*(l<iy. Jlr*. D. B. P‘ X i m ;JR-.B «flll*knowc muiie

• f c ^ c lie t‘ her». and b«r wudMin nre |> { K m i l t e d . l a ilio Twin Failn'.htcli

T S m 'M T o m rfa '* , rotel/sn Mlwlon- L" S ^ l ^ I f l l y o r the MotbodIM L'pli- fJ a S i w l . cburch.^wlll ' Di«oi -In the L B a f l r c i i ‘*5srWrif-'Thuriirtny sfK r- Spe»-kt:B ;80^« 'el<K )(. Otdeom- wlll

All ;»einb«rit aro' re- ? , « p « te t . to .l ) r ln ( f /m 6 n o y lH»tca<I of fW rtilii.fop, Iho’ .Chrlitma* tund In

f c o : : - V . . , . ■ PK m S H B T IX K U N ai»Sn>N * l |W .lE T r '!C 0 MEET '

‘arjTTie'iPrtebytorlan'M Iiilonttry no- ^ l y ,wlH. mwrt - a l »n) flbiirC)i[ • j i r l o n Thuniday ■ uftorzioon nt s;80^o‘cloek; ^Mr>. Mlllnr will bf ill" charge 'And ibo mibjeci wlll

•• 1*0,' ‘T h # .^ o iiD jtir . Otneratlon." m,vit.' . H,

, - U w r is o B iB 'n ia K U H so; , . . ^ i r e ^ f T I J U W D A T , toL-')^Wi(t^<NDbH.' O rand i' w llll .rteot lh

Ttmriday ;e»cnlnif. September 25. fm• u . thb hemo of M ra-E- .v. Whll- co

fiey.'.'apK’Slxth avenuo ennl. All cf' r tf ltl6 n ’noblt>,Kr4oil» aro Invllod ' ltf''¥U «d.'. . ml

' • - • •• * . OSPr

- ^ M i n i : a U A - - ■ . “■ '.aofl'aira. Tlioinu* Jiobertson

, tfrii, Emma Warreii- upeni iVl , tbp)‘»erttr. end a t Kelchum. -

' n i n f c , OV' HOSOT^ :;::iE R is .T H cm airA Y .. ; \T b o D eireo 'flf llnnor will meet ' i ;%'T'luir»dny eventnB In tlic Himlneim —

and ' Prn?eiliilonftlW oiiien’H <'lub t<u“ VfiKitnit'----- . . . . . nn* '1 ----------- — • nil

■ ■ ly

:..J ^ .R e a l E s t a t e t r a n s f e r s .- ^ ’; r r = r r r r r n : ^ z = z : - d i b

' : iDtormaUon 'FamUbed by I In «< 'iDlenDonnillo TlUa aoaranly / , , , f o m p t n r - - .• |i

, Monday, acpil'mber 22 • j " ••WArnnleo ilcpd I). Tlmmaii lol „

lora] IJ. U t Jl- Wk•...'Twin Pall*. ^ . I 'em ’ Wnrranipp dred Tnininn'O. ;i/>>ill ®

er.V 10 Cln^lida ’Martin »l_I-«! ij •o rM k-^r-T Prrapft-purkrT w lh .ynllii.

■ Warrnniup <lp«l Mlnnlu Iloyil ><- “ •^ 'M r-T iu . u i i .28..1IU lot • •:

>rt bIk JJD Twin Vnllr. | m|:,„ .Q u it da lm iloeil Twiu P»lli> g wCOunty to Twin l-'Ulln MoriRftKc D

and U a n CO. SIC. BB.ll) ID U. . B____;,Qult..<:lalin'• doid Twin K.illn B

ro'iinty lo A. U Sw ltirw rn iil:! H- IB l i» t '12;.L 0lN 8 'to 14 Iiil-.. bik,; 1<; Plliir. . I ________ _ ^ j

:M ^ i:/r

'< M «,';)ubtts^'npaa. inl'th lac. Carli .'iiwludp ^u«M ;i« ;Mi;.Jlon>«wbcrol

11. lD'lili;niSC'Jolj:W*^*rf<«*’ proi****'-r. UM’ fldnSfiJit^W r . i a r lUa PacJ- , jaflfi j to rU )W |4 j lU ’i i i o i ox-cbKboy,

V ^ l U « r r i ^ d = ^ ^ ! 7 ^ 4 l e l l e r . '

y,wTg.aV' rfo r --O c to b e r "•■lub* liro iiclltrly i'iiRii«rit tlilx ' ; COiir, Tliuy uro Mrr. Troy ,Monre. niibl- utiilnr lilKli i-rbnol|- Ml** ' \ne tln Jncoliinii; l-;ilrr: .MU* llcv iili't' Ilalicock, Hluo Triaiiiitr, Tn-iii W IU: Ml«« Tbelma W lefnon, J.0. V., Twin PttlU; Mlnn .Awnci. acbubcri. I'hlln J'bilo. Twiu. Fallii: ... Mil* I'enrl Cocdr.ny. Kimberly: MI*b Huth niirllnR, llaiiHi-n; Mr*. Ava lla ru o , Kden; Mm. w . R. B(okc«l)arry, ilaielton: .Mim .Mnr- R> w t Owen*. A. W, W,. Tr/ln '

en Ol’rl llesnrvM. Twin ►'all'*,T lfo^M iienl Uliirloi mrin1iniiilili»l

In'p^n, en? flf whlcb nri! (ilrl lin< , xervcfi and HOU, adnli mcmberH. j

Tbo annual (nil confffciied of; Girl llenervoH, held ia»i year ul! »dhl. wlJf coni'mo (/iN yi'nr ln( Twin ' Falln. O.'lober S.Mc Uoluit «ot a» leniatl,vn date*. ‘'Ilulldera nfj Dri-nrii Caillcn" wlll Im thn Iheuini for ibU yoar'i cnnferencp. {

ilESHELDFOfm n m

FIl.Kil. .Si^iil.‘ 2l ifiperioD—Vii* ncfnl HiTvlrP* ;o r' tli>. .lauv 'll. Clii'aln. 77. who dlrd bore rhrlyj Tiienday mnrnlnR afior a prblrnoi*. i. M lllnnw v f t t - conduelcd WodncH* day ariernnon nt tbe Ihmfry'homo.''< by nov. 3. A. lloffmtn, Mrly.dny , PAxtor of Ibc Meibodlnt Hpliicoiial churcb In Pllpr. tlurU l van in tbe .1.- O, 0 . K.- cfmeioryr PJler,, uiider lbo dlrocilon of tbe UuRtr fuijoral f] parlor* ot llubl.

m u bearerK. elioxen /rain imionR pioneer renldenm.of ibe Filer nec- llon 'w ero Frank Hall, Ocoreo A. Drake. \N-. M. flponcer,..C^'A. Vln- In*. A S. LaMohto.anil T. 0 . Smiib. ,

Ml-; Lornln. wah a native i>f:„ We*hlnR(on county, Oblo, cdmInK' wllb 111* pireniB a t the age of 1/1 ib years to llllnoln'niid lalr^ IlvlnR b In •.S'ebranka and Colorado.'He nnd h h<( famJt)' came to liStha la .AiTlI, m 1905. lak lns up laail. a pan ot K wblcli wan later In thn orlRlnal tl Incorporation of ibe Flier lown-ib Rile. Mrs. Lorain, n dausblev amtlc. five Jinn* MurrWe. •• • j-n

F r a n c e M o v e s t o C h e c k I n f l u x o f

C o m m u n i s t G rra in

PAIttS, Kepi. 21 fU P)-Frftnee mn»nl to provent ail Influx of lluANian .'wlical totlay wb'eh tbe ;ovornnvont ordered poK olflclala lo make a - eirlct appllcallon of lha. law foKblddlnK tbo Iniport ut 'o rblm w heat cxcgpt by permll lorronponUIni; to n similar amount ;f French wboat prevloiiely ex- if>rled. At time French iillJpM n-oro remJjjilfd. nt tbe Jaw .SIlRlnR thoni to uae 90 percent ^reiich w bcat In maklnit flour. , •

W e t h e r o f T e n o r , .... ^ E a .a s .e s _ in . I t a l y .

BAN PRAN’CiaCOf S^pl. 21 (UP) -RonlamI (Hull, world famotui onor horo .lo 8an FrancinCo wlUi m -opera ' company, ibrlllod- bis ludlonro Innt niRbt wllh Uie heiiu- y of hlfl voice, denplfo ibo fact hat ho^hiiil-lcnrited only a abort > thal ilirrJio: 'oa>'*aioa"ni6ihfrTjiad»'dled " n.llncnm atj, llaly.

8KI-I. 1..VXIIS1V;AR1II.VOTON-.;Hi.b1. 2< (UP)

—I'n i '. Cblcnco and ^orlhweiiitfrp rallrnaU asked ibe liheritlnlo com-' • morco cnmml*»lon today-for au- ihorliy 10 Koil 112,000.000'of 4','j i jicr cent flrnl and retundliti; mort- c MRO Riild bond* .ihtIm (•,, io ra- v tinbiirfin' llrt 'lrpaiiiify. tor "uuc'fttil il lializcil cxiir^ndlliirM. i c

B e l t i n g ,

; L i n k C h a

_________C O M P L YH A R V E S T

V « Iv«

A gent# for

KrengBUekimltlii. fieOer Make2 1 0 ^ 2 n d A y e . S.

. ' . '-ID A

Slic.H as~.ii.W orI

' I K


: ^ ^ | | |

'. 'tho nioM bci'uiKiil flio worl JiidRM In' fi" Ulo .llo'.Jniiorlo contrr 'iVrelra, miicd Kuriniean! benuiy. II-* ihni liolved lo i'i*rn her :Crown,Cf ".'.ti olbnr ri'iTojieumilv.* benuiicfvrtrn;-.-, ul

T h a t O ld E o m a n ' "■ C u s t o m ' r i . ; v i T e d P

.. ....... II■\Vbpro nro ilioa^- people who

naUI Ibey ,iii'Vi’r vvoiild Rko up"r>00'' for niiiiUin lirldRo, bcrnune pbt^dRO <lld uni iiormll a- ntillo kbid? Aud iho".’ licople wbo y c Themontly prou-sii'ii thal .Mah-Jouc 2'M'«K too hur'k-nsonu- and rsQiilreil Lloo many IrapitlnKS? ‘And then o;thoHo pii'plo 'vliii went hack lo mbrlilno nfler Mab-Joiiu Iiad lls ■ rxot'c flliiK. and who nworo nvver

l» forniike auulUuiT iu d l R

But She’s from P

W m

HCl^ _

s l j i S S S S i :wny. folkji prnud, for'RvelVii > j

S h a f t i n g ; ^ !

a i n , B p l t s , E t

r E j l Q ) a £ 5 i T I N G SUPPLIES

U i^ .G h a in

" WA L L K IN D S o r BOLTS • r_ C Q m p M e Flwrhankt-M ara


ker*, lfichlnIil«,..»fanDrodnr«rs, TT So. . E le c tr ic a l S u p p lie s '

• W - ' ■ ' I.’ II i M l i B ' - ' ' - j sl

tlI t ;.', ’ . I' 11

I.;|v> tc

r'jWR.:-.:-,.. v'

orld" . . . . TliafK wbat keonreyM trs t prouoinicoii .iiriinoiio Yolandi i(>‘ I- u )«'.• hrr wllh tba amllii -

l(nlvrr»t." lu compuililou wllh dll imtUt nf Ibl- world.

llioiie devoleen who dodnrwl Hint contracl wnn ilio nioiii nnlUfylDB Of nil rnrd Kaiiii% truly an Olyni. l>lnw pasilnic? A\1»'r«‘ arn ihoy • nil?

aailier roniul nml wo-U'iell you. Tbey'»> nil i:oiii' •■Irnukijammon." yea. all of ibem. T hr>'{0 now.dip* plnK-Inln ibe'old Itoman Rambling Kami- linniKlil up-lo-d»ie, Hnrold Tborile'n bnoklel. "ilaeknammon nJ 2 0 ' .MlnniP.1,'’ iiiibllnhcd by E. I*. Uimwi rtjiil f.v>.. hiv., 'nt-(}iifljni» ono with, ilH- riiloH- In nn llmiil fit ntl. and very aiillieutlc.illy. |


Portland , Orejron • |

[c«. .

,wl nn lue "Swcfliiieart of Southern Jiniiimniy conreM. Anil np.OrcRon > a n opd IdI'oulil* n;o 1(1 crj'Hb (bo vuHiilolil

p r o ® t s ^

t c . ■’

■■■' - ' ' ' O i i C a n i ; " . ;

r a e J L i n e -■• - ■ _____



OMAHA.' Nli)..; Sopi. 21 lUl’i - Thii H r* l utrcak* of dawn, flllor- lUR tbroURh lbo alnlncd;'rIkmi windows of St. Peter-* Culliolk cKlbedral. toll In prlnmallc benle* . nlty -loday -op -ibe ■upluriiid face* . of IJOO worsblppors.

Tliroujtb lbs ntillnenn u( the Rrout .vaulU-d aiidllnrlimi camo . tho rytbmic chant ot prayer.

Tlm Hiloaallon ceased, but waa - lakfin. up Vy anolb'er toiceriih li. H a no lbo r.'and auolher,’ unlll ib ’t I imennlty-. tif ' feollnic seemed to I rlb rale In tho very walln of tbu | caibedrat.' . . .

Tho flow of dawn iiiereo^n'd, lllnuilnnllnR In a slranee llsbt lbo' Honrtier raluienf of the wor- ’ i shippers. Tbo cbnnl ceaaed nnd, i an n body, 'ibn conRrejiallon arose' from ihelr kn?oH.‘ '. Fares wen- brlsht III tbo *ereue i-niivleilnii Ibnt -Rlnn comuilUed by mnnklnd A afler nlRhlfnll had bfen exiiliited i'to Ood, - ........... ....... jll' Tho 'nlRbl-lons vIrII of ibejP .Voctiirnal Adoration Hoclriy. 1iel'l,o ift coniJMMon wltb D ie'flral «ii- a llnnivl BiicbariHtlo ‘ rdiitfreKR .In T nineioon* wan ended. Slucn li tbo .ip iiliiR 'o r thc nun laM uIkIi'i if ni»mb«»ra-U>f- tho^w >daty-bail-Bni,,, ftaaed In prayhr aud mediiflllon, laklD'e'-lurli* -iB-iv*pM-ri»J>niirU' J> worship vocally. , 1

B verj' cercmony wan polnied lo-|*

" C o m in g « i ' c a s t t h i

■ ' i h a d o w s b

TRIEDW h e n tem iite /l^

' REASHiuciciriBe >sodefaie'->l>e maJer.

Avoid tha t fun 0»tr<lndulBehcf,l^youwoi ew'et-youtliful Cfure. •'R t

l i i c k v S tr ik e , t h e

y o u o v o r s m o k e

f ln o s f t o b a c c o — 1

C r o p — " i r s TOA S

h a s a n « x t r a , s e c r i

' C v a r y o n e k n o w s

• a n d 50 2 0 ,,i^ ..^ |> !

i u c k i e s a r a l a s s

“ tB r d a t .

- ^ '‘T W a n B B

• i have coniitto tKe conithfltpm bittcrs h um an t! Cigarettes whi bring tti

. ‘to do yourjclf t « well ihlogs tbnt cAusc' cicce

. . T l ) N B I N r ^ L a <


I ' S te E la n s i 'o ',

a ' parachule Jiinip ot morn than ' iliree nnd oa6-balf mllo*. brcak-

lUiR tbe...record- for., women...lU I planned by Mrs. llnlio Smith, 23. |o f Sl. Joiiepb, ^fo. Mrn. Snillb. and ‘bor btinband Sli; Smllh aru ■profoMh:n;il paracbiilo jiimporn: lior l)l|;lL3nt Jump to ilntc 'is frnm If liolffhl (tf i.'/WO feel.

w ard-tnnl'fflifir-clim sxrw ion’ i h c ' Holy N.imo iiocloly: li-lll bold im!

j*ervlce 'before’ nomo 7.500 iipi-clii*i

i . - j . v . w A •.ill /,

i v a n M

Uti 1

rto'dv'ei-'fiKcufige' I

iK isieA i>'4cT3Je }n-all u u n p , evea la . ' ■ jiute sliadow* by avoldlnjf , I B.-ouldtnaJntaljTihamodemi-— ■. ■ —'Xcach (or a Lucky laitead.” . ■

e f i n e s t C i g a r e t t e I

■ e i i T T n a ^ f l o b f t h V ^ H

■ T h e '^ ^ ^ C re a m ; o f t h e : ■

S T E P . " t u c l i y S t r i k e ■

r e t h e a t i n g p r o c e s s ^

i t h a t h e a t ; p u r l f i o j • ■

^ ^ s i c i a h s s d y t h a t v l

I r r l t o t l n g ' t o , b u V ' f

JHg g q i r i s

n c lu j iS n .’f ^ S W S f D l ^ ^H fe Is i lu e td ! ^ { d a b le ^ e & o rs jin ' <

tn o d e r n . . f im i ^ 'o r c a i j i s i 'th c -rcdi sll; i f y o u . will " R e ic h .fo r a ^ :ew w d g h U a n d > W a v o id in g 0 ^


' Vinr* -111' the. Crol^hion t|i Hludlmni' ; '

The ctfr^rnimy r i l l ' fn r i

coniru i* .'C ind ies ■ will buieil iiDd a ll'w lll.'bo ' Hr n niRnal.-

E o b G k l a h o m a ]

. PRAOUB. Okln,.-Sept. I —Till' Plrel Blulft bank of .vni». ro ’jbk'd. today of »ji;iri ly t2.n0(i'by Ihree men whi ed lu. nn aulouiubile. Two m en 'en tered tho bank Iblrd romalnrd lu ' tbo 'r nlile. Tbri-c.bnnk official

Fiflht «>"• P®*** E. .MnliV Knix''':*K lii. liN llulil

........... will dipcml iiitiri- nii|Mii)'liU nlillily i» <'cinlri (ii'fls ilpnlro.vHii: ii;:r!rullun

' " " “ i l i i p i G r e a t N

W e wil! buy tl on them u n t i l ,

O ur wurehoi Wc »S£


o u r T h r o a l

srirriwlioinSfi5O T .I);-ra!UI drcl.’^ < ? d o niftYeprisa d u iitlb 'a o f 'f lw K ' We^a ck2 iaS<cad,;^,yoli w il l 'I> v 6 t^ ^ d t ^ g e ^ r ' m o ln f t

■■ ' /’i c;-.''nV,. • ) . s',Iun lay and Tluinday c y s ^

Page 7: b e -ycar-old MENDS TO JAS[|SMi iiiiir ll , iseiiLsii


-;;u\ I• •■pg y r a W A i ) H i N i > I '

• '■ " I . - C U S S IP lK D lU JE g ' Btob tnmUoB,. p t r l l n o - ^ .05

•!•• On* monlh, m n r luuo , m h i-JDMrtloft,'ptr. Iln i------------- 0( '

Six «iog lh i' coDiract, a v trr i .:lu u « ,' .M0h loitrUoD. p tr•'Ilo* J J I

. ^ JTw«Ut'. raoBlhi*. coBtrieL____ .' , p r « » » r r iH u » , t» o h I n i^ tn .

S U ro ta 'd i t a k tT to T l lJ u T ^ n i '* i“ >r - l la t l . Mlnlmnro-^hftrica— .25 |

‘|N ew Today■ LOST—1 brown kiiKcakp lie- |, IWCOJI T. P. n«cl Mafiiii Hot . SprlDK*. Loavo nl Time* iiHlcp. ,

i! WANTBt)-<}|fl for (.friec worlt.Twin Fnll* HrfjkcrnKo Co. lilalm

< Tliealre Bldit.

j ; KALL JIVB ror nnlc. ll.GU ft liun- '. ilroil. 2 miles norlh or noBemon, jl —John Laallnif, UoRrmon, Iilaho.

^VANTBD-^-ton* Imy. N. ('■.l.._5'Uot*Utt»wi.-.1^4— mllfii - wcnl nf ;• hw iilu i op hldhwiiy. •

‘ > IA T U n N lT V N im S IN c T - .Mr*. W. .MoDtooth. Phone 1S34W/

• r o n SA L & -arapoii6c pound ^ • jnllfr BQuih of SoiilU Park.

Classified IAP artm ^ t s • ro:&.' e e n t

&ouiel(<«plai:.% ^rtm$QU.. .Cjoso 'lQ.-,.U»..raU* ;by.w«»lc o r ffJOBth g h f p^tord. Mala norUu

iMJV. RBM T~rumtJbod apart- K iu u ,'.-d u < t Bprno.. Low ra K . P hobe 'f iL V ; ■ •, y ' ■

IJjisTO O K A im E0UI.TB7 ^K OR'5 2 2 ^ 8 ycaViliiK Kniuit-

(Jilre raiiii- IC ir in lamba. H. W.' ItoldemaD, Pbop'«'lO!)pJ4. • . •

' ■ . R00W8 yOB RENTP O U 'M S T -N lco - tlm n t t t rn . . .

heated bert-’ room.' U W - .o t hoi' wnt?r for.balh, twin UcdB.'TWo r t- '

— mriicwDiff— nm iniscii— -fr5 i¥ rr« iir riione-1170M;-.. •■ j j : .

' F on^ K ^ S T ^ u r a ls h id ■■ roflm. .717 Sbpabone Bu No; piipoo’. B07.

• '_^OQM AND BOARD I'" llO O M 7A N D T 'n6A n^2U '~ 'B 'n t! Arc.

-1 3 1 S S 0 P 1 ER eip o o i|b Ie 'fiuaineM F

L . ; f o r Q i i i c k J

■ A P A E T i r i r r a ■ ^

. STEAM HBAt.'M OT AND COLD waiar. •:fl»Bclhc ligh t ' coeklOR.

_:_.._ 'Koii«]«r;:iificidi:.cloao.:^jji:;_One. Wock- No.-'.port •office. P hon |

•: . ICOg.. California. ApartmcnU. •,

r U R N I S H B D ' • APAIITMBNTS , O all.j‘« 8 ^ f tr o n a o ^ : Jtuum er# .

r o h n E S T ^ n n w is H E D ltishti>ouMkt«plac:ApartinoDU. CIom Ini'i;oir.v.wW a: D prro* roomi, 3S’ W.»it:.Jli08hp.aB. • , • •

r b j i h f i i J T - j r i i h .B B nooM(urDiibWl.ApanmeDiB. Bungalow Apailnwtt..2DaVAve. EaaU

• " i n o s s n a :P.' p i n s i

N ayb;i> l^S(O Idf., PUOOB 842W


-------{-j —.vi;' ,'.:j% 'i'i . i.w.»;«ii j_jL i,i ,i . . .

l i f e o ; T S j P - B p p j - r ? < > S “

-PlioaB 7»tl.’ . . . ' T

U8I3D DAM AND TRA1>8. NBW a6U uabd,plpe. balllhe. PbOBQ

v»rf05. -Tirin’PalU JODk~Mouao. .

lo d , bliw '. j u t a o n -« « -S*-1 , Trollhfsrarpiarm BD yj'Roseraon, m a B A V M B — 3 .'."

f f c D D I N,0;! i W r a o N t W B m..villa ,,c ;u iw , tn i i ii i ; „ f iitn i iii ' or. prinleff;, Many oo rrtet l iy l ia to

.ehobie f ro o , 'C o ir a t tb a - ^ e a -

' ■' PEAVRY-.TAaBIt'Gd.t ;:lNO;LbANfl

24, . 1930. ' ; /

FOR SALSxMiscQh&npou |lfn iT iiA iiv B aT of p o u to d oiui

onloiiH la 'lio re . Tho Idalio JunUi Houte, tho oldem nml moal rell.' ablo of Its kind' In Idnho, lun u comploto alock of anckti nnd IwIno for Iho hnrvosllnft nnd shlpplnR u( pntalooa and nnloiis. I’hoae 6<0. lC3-2nd Ayp. Sjolh.

•FOU »AU>^Koiirunco prctnuro, wrttor sysleni. 1000 (ullon prcKiuro. lank anil one Leavy duly pump. <00 fl. 2H Inch cnlvBuUcil walor, pipe. '100 fl. of piinip run l%i Inch wldo. C. A. Sallccl iU 2, Uuhl,* Idaho.

• TOU S A L K -« nerea 3nl cui- IlnK hay In flold. 125 \o m U l ami' Snd cuillnR. IIIO ncrea hMin tilraw. 40 ncrc* pAKlure, UrIh foncc. ninnInK wnler, Ixiwo llron., .211 ml. No. Kimberly. \ “ ' | i

FOn- SA W i-SO .lb.-ialt-blorka, ' eacb S6c: itoek salt In sarks. . cwu TOc: Calcllu Cri; Shell build- , er, ewi, fiOc; Oyalor Ahell, e«(,

K taaer'a 3 Storos, Twin . F^lli,> Idaho.

FOn s iu .^ A rM n a to of ' lend to r . fruit • BBray...Bctota. dooti^iaii . bM auppllea. Moo&'a ra la l.a aA Purcllura Slort.

FOil HALK-nrRisUtrod lloslon I terrier im vi'tu. 2 munUiN old. Cnll . o r phono Mrs.' Dcnn SnJllvao. Ru- pen. Idaho,_____________ , I

SlX'CNl) HAND poUifl (lAckii cheap nt Twin I'nlls Feed «i Icc •Co. -I'hono 191.

r o n S A I.i:-2 becl bodlcn in Al I condlllon. Ptionii 113T. Sea lliem a t 1C8 itamaRo S4., Bouih I’ark. y

FOR SAI.&~Gobd nbtd heatcm.h Price* rlRhi, Lyd.-i Sccond Handi ■ Store, rifl Main Bmilh.__________ I

FOU .'wU.V: 01I>JAI’—licet bo*!| for Model A Ford truck. E. O.i' Btieavliig. 1’. t), Ilox D2. H ler. Wn.j

FOU s a u :—Applo wooil, IIJ.OO ' per loK dflllvunxI.JMionc 6C2. j ,

FOIt'. S.U«K-^ril ■cultliiK tiny In] Uic flDld- .P . F,.^Ul«rlt, Phwio SS7. ‘ .

KOII - 8/VLE-l'^ininill ••trncjnr.V .iF rcd Itlppo. Hollliilcr,* Idaho. j

,]• MOBT AKD FOnND . . ’’{ I.OST—Oil' Hspl. 18lh nil Jar-1 UiidRCslaria— E a l lH - r n a d - u - Iw d - ’.Seoffl down middle nf lurp. Itc-i 1 ward. >>l Wells. It. 2 Twin Ful l»,

'I m S4LE OE IRADE ' 1I "TnADK • fbr'ilintled~ llm o, Ncivi I radio (or. cood piano. lle ii mukesi

I.,of. rn'dloa' lo 'cbooHo from. Wriiol j j > f ^ , f f ^ l a i . < l e ^ M w ^ ; ^ u ^ e ^ ,

i i p s i ® ; -

F i n n s ; n n d P p f e a s i o n a l A lp W ) i6 i i< % I |y - A r > a n g e d - R efe ren c e ’ . _•

d r : ‘ M'm; ' d . > nBV N oii>s. l o jEaat SL :■ .

PMNO',-‘ TBAOmCR-aJlsdlNNBIlSand Advaoeed '.Puplli',.'. Alto claase#" lii'M usic HlitbrW MI*t

: Ruby'Dtinn.riSO-onr.'Ave. .VT'

P L U U m a AHD. E X A ^ raH O S IB P U B m w O t ' - H O A tlK O .1' Co.,8hQW.'TOOtna -and' ihopi,. 335 •.Third AVfl.

PUHPB—WELLS DRZLIED-^WELLS PRILLED. PUMPS . tN- aUlltd. AoMlr w ork br a ll klAilf. •Agtot. for ,pem jiator Uao of wind mllla and pumpi. M. L. Realb, Box. 308, Twin Falli, fAon'M:nTOR>.— '........... - - -

r--Eb07iN a

RE:,RM t^j^\V..ASP4iALfr SHIN-, clfli.Xotlrtt»lhingllDfc n apeclally.

“ T jllm aiia. t n t on ' o n O ln d of roofi Ca ih . or ' torma. Aij)halt

dBr(l.^pV ^So»hm i6 !^^.^Pbo°n«

.. ,8H0E m P A ^ a ' ;TWIS t 'A t L ^ a i lM '; R E P A I R . 'a b o « ’r « i i i i ^ ' . 'v b i io » u ' . irall. m .Sboaboab: W wt. PIiobb »»■

■iLOEflTtB'-'m'NCIS,--ACCRED; it ltta(?l<>tltt>taa61iji‘..ghOB» 6MH.

i j v p w i y r a i i s . - 'a d d in o , .n a -

. N. Bbona-OO.’-. ;

ln»: ic b n t ' :pf6b«i«i to” Will , Tyiln;v--Slelrlch;",Ida,- Poataie

; C A R i;..0 :>U m 0M :.^„-fi(;00E B -

PSGEl! f P jg O A I ^ B E A L ESTATjE |

i A «t)(i» n a IS A iioJiK 7 rooni niudtfrn houi«, cImo

i In on pavbd nlrocl, pavlnR paid.’I lia .1 Rood RuraRO,' Priced for

quick aalo )1050. I4C0 caib,I lonR ll(no on b.-ilaui'O nnd po»-

I Vllh lai'Qc nIoeplnR porch, hard n j .wood floom IhroiiRlionl, nlcc 1 firoi’lhrp, furnaco, heat. lawii ■ . I and (ihrubbcry. oaracc.- Uxiit- I lion In. cn«i part. |3:i0i),'soud L I icnnn', posacNnlon nl once,

• HEAUCII.V3IP nml ADAJIS 13C Shonhont So.

; I’hono 301 or sss „lI ----------, 111

FOU SALB-Flvo tioii>*i-r •\Vcll »l tocnied; oh ojBy unim . Wliy pnyii;! r«ul? Sco iC. A. .Muon. I'hono Cor 21. . ' Ioi

FOR S A U :-6 ronm iniiiliirni',', liouHf nn cavy Icinta. Phono 419'ic o r .63111. •____________ -lo

W A H T E D T M ia o ^ ra H E O l iB .

“ w a .VTED-IIoubo Pftlnilnffi^knl-"^'’ 'omlnl.iK and paper hnnnlait.:',, MOOii't'FaliirfiUd-FlirijTIilto' alore;;",

* W iW EU -TiiTorlngi grado andj>I hiKti', filiool. Call .137J, 'J);

• W A N Tt;D -: or n room. I'lirlty "t) fnrnlnticd hounc. Call -tin sili |-;.:.\J------------------------------------------------ Mra U I T B AND T IG E T A B L S S ;

FOK .SAt.K-Nico alnnm d'^diji inalncs. Priced rcnannnltle. .Iirlni; |-i conUiincrVT W5 2nd Avc. iWciI.i Phono 1662. ' . - :

ITA1-IAN,1-UUNK.S in a cnnplc,'''' ' of wDcka or n f ie r -a kooiI froKi..

Public MiirkoU '_______________ ;

FOR 8AI.^^-P«nr^i and applw tiy tho buflhnl. Mr». Paul LnrHL'a.j

j2 mi. CB5l ot'Tiiiperary. .

1 •. VX)Il SA!.Ii—Cnucord nraiii-H nit. i::u»t V(t--'>'o. OQ KliiibiTly ruail.;J. A. Ixivcll, !

KKl) W lim ; und llluc (ir.i|n-s:,ii r>c pur Ib. Spiuu lower. .i'ubilciM

1 .Mur.kct,_________________________ J1,

j FOIt SAl.i'^-rcnrM and apiiicx.! Tayliir orchards, Ji uiiio .S'o. Klui-iberly.____________________ ;_____ ; [j

j l-'On SAI.K .S'o. 2 apiitCH, .Mrln-j-I' loKli, SaloncK a jd Plpiilim,, ROc a llp

ITTnrKO Orcliafd. . ;7.

• FLl'^il'sri HKAUTVPi'iir#. PuU-i", Ilc Miu-kci.______________ _ __ I

J IIOMK QIIOWN'trinnnie#. ll.OO; '!p e r liuabel nnd tip. I'nblic Markcl.I

i - m S O g ^ ^ L N ^ V U B ~ -

! I f IrcIBR rNVA^BSjoot^^tluTd^ ? jmnixoltlnR COc. minlciirin); &I>c,, fuctalii GO, by oxptrichrcd oiipra- c :tor; S04 Glh Avenuu .S'oi'lli. Phone i,j:,o3.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4{;

] MADAM DKWIAn, Claln'oyanl;

clc.H, F rlday .'s p. m.'SOl Main Si:i^ I No. ■ . I"

I H E L P W & N T E D -M A L E ~ I


1 yonnK mail who is wlltlnp lo L work:, inusl t»» j i i 'n l i J ia ta j a l i s .o ability riud miitiiltoua to. a(lrnncu| q In^ our orRanlialioa. Tho -rlRlil . man can cstabltah bliniielf In a pn- ,

. alllon - of permaiioucy w hich, in* , , crean'cs In valuo ns iits Ji))lllty , ' varran ls. Call'lu iiervon, 10 a. m, , .,.to_J_;.Oll,-j);.iD.'-Tuciday; • i

TrolinBcr’a Phnrmaty. Twin I'^ila *

y P B B ^ E ^ t i i o m o b n a i j;

1 with’ a suaraSiU^i^ J1&90 T o n i ipo rt roadator *433.00 '

, 1928 DodgOaV'I«jr/.»«‘'" '; - , 132T Pontiac’ 2 -fto r sedan' 375.001921 Buick. Coupo .......... •125.00 •

I 1928 Pontlae l-(Joar aedan 525.00 1929 Ford 2-dobr ledan, .... 425.00 •

TlV'iN KAM.S UOl'0118 333 IJaat Main .Twin W lls, Idaho 4

. WASH -

• f e iK i t

m ' f f l

l i i l iL ■ ~ ^ * » .« » tlM 4 'tti^ ’wf-!i

p ^ ( j ) | ; f y E W S 6 , . T P t f E V ,

Today’s Mar]m T B r ^

ATCLOSETOOW::c i i i tu d o , Si'pi. :m (UPi'-'Hfu-l X

ii'tithiT wi'mi mitifii lu t h e ' . lam few mtnniM'Of irarilntf on 'iho .

■ Iiimrd of' Trade lodiiy lo fully, , ri-nivcr lhc early Iohh tbat iiad Kcni llial delivery lo llii', lowest ixilni filni'c i:iU7 bui n Hhort half hour hi'for.' (he rlOKC. Hhorin nnd (. i'a«ii.'rn hnnncs who hnd iiceii j. Iie:ivy nellcr« eaily look ibe buy- j', luu »ldc nnd brpUKhl tbe mnrkrl*,.. ntiout: corn naKBOii wtih wiieiil q

iliui rccaveriMl. abowInK Kimd q utruuRili 0;iiH followed O'c major [j

I i;riitns, ' ' n. At llie closo wheal wns Mii' low- |( ;e r 111 \iv IilKhcr, September lnnd-,g -lnir.--rorn -.wn.v >j li> le-blRhor. 'und <i:iln were unchnnKe<t l» U (* : lower. ITovlnionK wont unevenly, p 'loivcr. , <;>

n ill 'A i;!) tiKAIN RAMli; if■Ament------(»pen—HlKlj— L w ^ 'ld s c - ^Sepl ... .7S’-i .75‘i .TCTi . . W »

iiJoc...... ...... .t : i i_ i3 li_ .S 0 » I_ ..S a . 1 ^i.Miir. : ,S5',3 .'«% -s:;a; .S6 I ;Mny .s i’-i ,xot^ .x«H .S9I Ilaitj; !

t>-.i ....... ,nn s:Mar ... y j': ’, .IOU .:'SH .40 .mV ... .w ?i . l i ’i .411 .41

I c a s h ' ( iH .V IN ■ «i (••Ull'A(il). St'irl. ?J . ( r i ’f-C u«h I-Rralii .r-tnxe: ' i ti

' Wllcai: Nu xalcit roporli'd. |Vi Oiii.->: 2 whiri. :i »'hlK' i’''JS 'i-n iii; I wbil.i 3C. IfiI Iliirlcy 4‘l-72. ;T: Ttmolhy 7.2.'-*..’'iii. i:: Clov.-r ' ,T

; ^

L i v e s t o c k• <im;i)K> .MYKSTIKK"

1 (KiilKS', Sei'l 21 (l.'P)— i t- ,;i>loek prtcun: Stinrpiy low er,' fim-; idimirabte wciiiUlH early 10.13;],. {Mn.i1l lui 2:i3‘ lhii lu.SS; Huu i:>.„ ihciivliii. B.-lO, ' ' I ;r I ’niilc: ri'ceipiii 2.«, . |,: Shuon: rcceliiiH iiiciudlui; i,

fur markei, lOSfi lo Omaha ,| !;i2GS lo KunHa.i Clly. SOS lo |i jJojupti mill 8M fo Loh AnKuliM li Ipaeln’r.'', I.alo ye»lorday. 24 decW. v ;7 3 'lb Inmlm 0.23; with w riiiktivl' ’xktns nu t' al 4.n«: two deckn I I ])itxci'< iiimliH Ciin; .lii:h: |w h1tc- fiiccd fi'fiderii , r

j P O U T l.A ^ LIYKSTOCK I i •rOIlTI.iANI). OriS. Sepl. 21 (UP)—ilosx: rccclpin. cuiimated r.flu! * UbpHt-.-Meajlyji-bulk -107 to 200 ‘ Hr- butchwn U .7C 'lb 12. '

Caittc: rci-eiptii. ;6mtmiiioit aS, \ enivcR ' 10; n il' .drivuhia: »iow; '

'itoiid fairly Roud nrouml 1000 J!i. ' riioldov'er aU-erS ut TM . " " ' ~ I Sbcep: rccelplM, csUmntrd . 3n0, ::AlU.drlvulnii^-n(k-(.(vrly—w ilc«-or - ^ IdK ; Ro;d.|o near cbolctr year*

llMBa lato-Tuctdar stcmlj: a l,

O U A IIA Ll'VK.sf«C’K ' O M A K A ;' ScjiU 24 (UP)—Llvu-

alock [irlcc*! i . llofiB,. loxBipnrr'Gnioo:. market'^

alow, uneven. IS-ZOo 'Idwori lop > ; btiik-i7o-2iio ''yaiiiiirunm ico^ j

■' C‘ntile:--nccorpi« i(5oo: markot-'t I alow, hulk /cd Btcora und year* v . IIUKs 12.00-12,50; hulk lictfcri •

10,00.11,00; prncllcai top ve'flla i ' .ILMi .-alockcra -iin'd^ feeder# C.60- .., 8.00.-— ...... ---------- • '.............. . - - - r r

,6hccp: .Kccelpla 21.000;- Inelud-.' inR 1.300 illreci; iumbs 25-60c iQvr- , e r; nhe atcck steady, bulk rnnKO.'t feeding lamba 725-7,SO; twmo heiif]-:

, Msher; natlvo lonlb's 7.00.-,23fl, owo top 3.00: bulk rauRo fecdiag i

|nambi(>a25.0.76; top'S.90, . . . J

' -HOOBES PQH RENT ' I. ' RKN’T - 3 room huuao. SOO t 1 4th Ato, Weau \

YG0T.;t0M6v:»P \ ; .\ ttO R W -'ikns -'-V MMTGRVH;iVi

/ ( B B

y g j f f i - t M s f e a ; iB H g K 5 r ‘‘m ^ E

I K v l S s

T \v m FALLS,'IDAHQ..-

•ke& arfd Fina ^ Y . -Stocks-J

riMuiutli'ms nol fonnd ,ln (iie prvKenl Ilal of. alockii wtit' tw In.! eluded If poBsililo upon tm -tp l,' ol Ik wrlilen rdiutyii.)-' . ' r

Amorican Can ............. .......... ll’l.’jlAmer. Tel and Tei. . . . \ ...-ri'W |Amnrlciin Totiaceo ........ .Atnn i 'an* Suptr I*dwct";."^".' - S frii *■ Alebl,. Topeka * Santa I-V .. : t 'Ailanilc llcflnlni: ..................Ilendix Avlallou ........... :8’i | >"Dalllnioro & O iilo ..................| 'CitlM Scrrlco . "C-:inada Dry .......................... C.i-Sjt;hi:. Mil, & 8t'. Paul nod Pa.-, I^i.ij’'! IhiPont. De N’c n i i m r a l t l \ " ll-;ieeirlc llond & Khnro ........ 7aSi",Ceiiernl l-;tPclrlc .................. •Oeni-rnl Motora .,•:.................. illsHupii Molof .. t .. ...................\ It iluttiuailonal 1 . nnd T. .. . a ; ' ; : "Kciinocoii .......... '. . ............. :il'-»Il^ainndard o il uf X. J ......... .. ei'iiMoniRrtmcry Ward -rT r,:.-:-r-rijji^ ; J' l!hry»ler Sloinvif.. . < '-’.I'jPoan. K, II. .......................' .. 7 t’i lPan- .Im. « ................ .. .. .‘.l (Itadio IVjrp of America ....... :nTi -tladio Kcllb Uriiliciini ... ..'-i«lmmoH».Co,-.......- .... .. ;4H.Swrii Itoobnc'i; .................... u.i^,!alieit liuinn oil ................... i.T ;rlstitn iiarn t)H .*?irrm r*~r-;-—u7T?"fi’I'e jjs ' Carii ............................. iiK . wHalted Btaie.f Sleel. ............ lO i'l.ctWarner tlron, I'le lurei .... .. ai WcsilnKlintiso .. 1”.* ulWnolworlh . . . i 7((ii!<(- Thri'nlituK . .... ...........I.U ;nilleel'rlP I’, and 1‘. .................. «r. ,Mm-i-’ri Incorporaled................ 7l(ibodyciar-TIrp ........... t>il’iiram;>iiiit pub lk ..........Inirriiiilloniil liarventer .- . 72’i,Viinadtuiii ............ ......................... . ,IMi-karit .^iolor» .......... .. ., 12'^firaliain i’n iu c ........... «.>Tol.ncio PrKctiii-in..................... ?>-iii ’nliei) flicnrii . ..... .............. ,Traiiaumerlea .. . „ . - ............... ;il-’ i 'Ciimw. Smiiii Wis , n 'i j •Kurd !.lmlli'd .'..........•’......... «. i l ' i i #

■ ' ........... RCillCAfJO t.tVnSTdCH . i«

' (.•iiu;.\ti0, Si-Iil. 21 l lJ fl i.lvc- ^ •<hi(-l: Iirlci'x: . ! '

Slieop: IteoeliiU 23.0UU;. murliel i * very idow. few early ruiien cuoil'b nnd ehuice.' naltvu Ininhn nniimd'* ;:>(• loH-rr a ' 7.23-.‘!.Uu; elt.<ely n'lrl-:? id Idi'idh lu ouMldoni K.I.I, aonie r held hlKlicr. [iraellcully nolhtiiB’ doln;: i>n ranucni. iiinM liidx 2jc ' inn-cr, ■•ln;«|i weiik 10 2.’e lower.' t>ujl< deatrnidii liKhl nnd tiandy,[

iwelKbl ewcH *3-^75: ft'cders, { Mcady to 23e'liiwur“ rflW"miIt3Ti£l™' Ier klnd« Jj.'Gm.UO. :J

Ili>K»: iletcipls- IS.uOO:'markcl J riiilier »ii)w. early iinicii biiii-lievs; m allnit 210 pounds up lo lO-IIic | luwcr, ' ' h

(.•nillc: 9,000: e.ilvvs 2,R»U: fatr- 'j ly ucltvo und fully nleady: market.] un .ftd;<J>ttnH.«atl..wwrllii8»: bei«. te r kraden' jirtHlomlnatlDs: •slilpporli demand, fairly .hrsnd; >13 jiajd fnr.i ]029'p«un'di nnd 1120 pound av«l| uraRCxi .

■ ^ otatb esH1


• Ja ah o .F a lla : Douiaud. poor, loo J(«»^BBlet_on..RuwelB -Jo .-,,i|uolc. . Rurats, demand KMOd. market f lnu,-Juoaily 1.117:..rarlond* cash , 'lb grower uround I.U); frosl pre- i ■dlcied. 1' Twin I'lalta: Ucmnnii pour, Ico ( fow Hnlog to quote, ' j

,; . . ClftCAOU VW ATitEH ' . ;.'aiIO A OO . 's iip t; 24 (UP) Po- J taloc# on track-.307 earn; a rrtrali g 70 NbiitmsnlJi 710; market tieady to iilR]illy MlroiiRor; Mlnnesola ao<l' ^’orlh Dattola R«d • UlT'er Obion 1.7S to ' 2.00;.' Mlnsotbla' Backed li:arly. Qbloa 1.75, lo -1.90: Idabc; Ulisa -Triutnpha 2.00 YVIa* coDBtn Sacked Irluh Cobblora'2.DO '. 10.3,15: Colorado. McChiroi 2,00 ■ lo 5,05

~ ., By C rane '

^ISK' . . ' . I

V ' '■ '■ !i

ancial N ew sM M i r ,

» K p W.s'HW vonK , Sinii, 24 (IT )-^A ; /'

Mnck mnrkcl unuWarc. iotby | "nliiiiilhia priccs down 3 lo 14 j „[loluoi. bul toward lhc Cluse noniu ■nillyinK wan noted nhd n fair imr-j f.ili.n of lhc loHSCH were retovc^ed., r.

I', S. B led led lho n-covrry: ]• Js|>ei-lal lanuen were ihe.vnlnRrtilili!' “ »poiK oil Uic dceltnc. TradhiK dnr-, IHK Ibo 'b reak wn» lhc he:uh»il| iiincR AtlRUll 8, ' I

In Ihe cnKc of t;. S, Steoi tiiu| rally wns .of HUlmlnnilal pmi^ir-l , itoiin, nmounlluK in nearly :i ‘ jKjlnu. Al ouo lim f llie atock lo h r ‘ al ISmi off 4i4, n . e r o f ' . l lOll ‘ juii-beforf‘- tb c close, • • -............ j 1

• DKN.VKR ,MI,TAl. : JC’oIo., .S-'pr. ;’4 ti'j-)^ t

-.fillver nc-'i;: lead Ti.r-n. j I

IVOOL 1 IllOSms*. acp l. 21 (Ul’l-T e r - ;

rlmry wnplH of , 54s lo r.a;i amt i n ‘flnPr 'g i-ades-^ irr -riiillc—netlve.; r ititte a fair (Icinand li IMiik re . ' I reived on .IfiH «nd 4« lo 50n, Prlvrsi | are iiendy on all Krade*; <)rU:ln. ui liaR Cln and finer wroin lirlni::70 lo 73c iicniired bai.ln for ilh'l ;iuik Ffcncli cninbliiR lines, (Jrail-!' ed Hirleliy comblnK r,iin »;ti a:70 10 7.1i;. Mcoured liai.h whll",, brliisliiK 71 lo 7:ic. Slrlrily. <.onil.-; InK Ms lerrito ry brings i;t lu file;

inruured hauiu, wblle l i lo |<eji:i al r<n to r>'j. I

L o c a l M a r k e t s j; 'T b e following market (luotailoDij ;aro corrtc lad daily by tbo Idaba! ' Rvenlng Tim es and rcpreacat tbt';

InveraEO prices paid, auordiog itV 'the te s t aTalinblo. iaformaiioa 'Tbo price* oro aubjoci lo cbauga ; wlllioul nollco 'b y ibo dcalcrr ibowover. .lljader^ nro urged ie 'Walcb tbe daIIuuuI inarliula, w/lbi jKblcb .tb c so ' local markoti will I rise and fall.

BU Y iK fTpR IC II ■I ITheal

iDlcklow ....................................... r.ti:l.Federallon ................................. SIcI^ g - _ ,

iSugnr, boot ...J.....'....... ............« . ‘Sl'Sugar, cano ............................. 15,041-

Prcdnee 'iliu iicrtat .........................- .......... :.7c'Ikrkk. ex trw .......................... IMc.■'KgBa.-iitnndard ;........... — ■2i'cl

•I»eavy/h'cn*,.<l6.1bi. up ]5c'lU g h t lico ir under 4<& lbs. .,— lie

r.C8bom-b>^jllora,. S iba u dunder ...... ......... .. .......... . l.'c

1iigtiorn-ata5i»r9njr3-lhK-.™ -:r;lJc -Cocka .... . .1;-::_ _ _ _ :_ _ _ _ _ _ J.HeJ lu l lB ra u :c a o rr f_ ^ tB -l . l l i3 . , 15c .

Great .S’orlhern ...................... .J4.23Red Mo*lwm-.......... |;i nnd 13.10

. VvlatosinuRiietB No. 3 , .............L ii.coRuaiola N o . '2 ............: ......$1.00

• Ihirttla ..................... .>1:09 -lil ic i t e d t __ i'

•Hosa. hoavy "...,,’...,‘..” '17:.'.—Hojpi.-'Jigbl.'.;-..-______L - m iSle«r» ...... ............ Cc nnd CcUoifer* .... .................... and 5>,4

' Cowi ....... - ...................... J... 4 ahd 5Lamb - ...... ---------------1------------6c ..

B eU Il' - ----------KDBllr«f64)8-laeb Lump, to a • ...i t i m T tf4 »rleB«: |L M Imjl .

. 'T , ' |~ :■ jitw

i i r K »i i p m, 31\LT-L.\KE c it y . Utah, So|rt. J l n ’PI—A ..tlilr .t_ tllflh_iialHICn1 party,.coiiaecralett to tbo,repeal ot tb s ISIli'/anicadmeDir'waa 'loday ' nibblllilng Itx fofcen and precar- Jng to nonilnato.cbngroulonal.aad •uilo . le*lsmur«,-;^n(Ildatoa.\

I t Is tbo “Llbkly'.' na'rty vboao nucleus la composed of formor Re- j Dubllcaua and . Democrnls , wbo boKad liccanqo their rt^DiCtlviT

'..TUo new j/arly wa» formally , IgUDdied InHt/ ntgbl ni.-ca.-^Ui'M ': f f lA tm s-o rsa jt L&ko'\‘otoT«;:t»m- MltU$k.We^e;;)nmvd..lbp pa^f^W tt ^


Demo-! ic fjiU o ^ A nepubllcan partlasi .< M fU iptutA neRliei'.iquBrely. faced thaV S w lb ltton ; or economic-,Is*

iS M O rililX ' HKItVldKg FOR • •

S S a y ^ ^ ^ ^ i h ' atnrlees uiflty ti'U ir 'S bu la bburc}i b tr s . 't ^ i'. 'i&lil?jor;M U tb& ' Sllll, prbtplaadl iW % lidt-:whb dled-UBOPtcttd

ttf w t?k nwi-wdayr

HAS i i ^ r f r s r o iiKforit:rvnJIjig II,t tStrlff mill ii>l(j nl i,i. .‘J

lAroH.jJi r.iiii »t.l ,’iiirl /m,.. .,I<} hlii<u»linrj'.' t i f Jmfirly..

'"Ir".■ :i», nml iTrtiMM .i; ,1 iifdmlM i'in,lr

/rijfier nj|

.vulf CO 0.v*'ir(r/i ri(')i aro/.-r

' CHAPTEH l-Conllrtued kt Tlio nc it moriiln;; u-ni Urliihl ;-inO

sunahlny. AiiJ lliu ivliolo loivn of Khrcw.hiiry iiiriioii nut la luo tlio circiij parade, Smiley In p irlcl; uniform. «ni on lop el llio ;al'.ln[io

. b o ilu s lo Ihe eroivd', Wbon they 13 rtsdicd lho public atniarc, Smiley Jiimpeit oil ail iBiprovlscd plalforin In and (ho crowd Raiiicred arnund /iloi. Immcdl^lelrSnillfiy iaunclioU n|«.n la

.n.clon-liis desrrlpllun of ilis cireua; lu p a tiln t out handbills aa.lio ipntio. pa

I’re.itnlly on onoildo ot ihn crowd ili n dislilrlinnca appeared In tbe form of A tnos'K r Shrewahnry. w tim i- lu tiowcd his ivny lutvaril ihe plaiforni . Kbenu Smiley slood, and Vainly at- pa

! '.iRioi —IVgir. ivftal porl u/ Ihv ilioiv ic 1 / 6* cnflllcd tot •

finillry—lI'Ap, you troulit be enflMed (

I templed 10 mako himtolf Iioard oTcr t I Lho nolto ot the ozcllod gntberins. '

Smiley, porfeclly. a ra ro oe 'h is I presence, had a suspldon that lho i piper Amos wared fmallcalty bo. j fort bim wat Ibo. feed'bitt be bad

to haranguQ ibe poopto and paised c _^ils band bllta lo Amoaj wlio, to get I

rld'ofiliom, waa forced lo paia Ihem •on lo thecro ird . fi

At 11)6 conclusion of hla bBliyboo n lho peoplo cheered aad applauded ii and Smiley allompled to slip away a qu Io tlr 'R u t Amos reached b it aide, a

-gTMp««-«lbow i: and, looking blm-ortr-iuspieloualy, p ho loqiilrad; - t

"You know wbo I amT I'm Amos > R.'Shrewshury., Own most ol Ibo H real estato hereabouls. fm chlot «' councilm an-tar coOeclor'and »o» » oral olber tbiagi.” "

i:v.withTa:aiMrm!aB.amile.;-SmIlfly.:: grabbod Amoi’ haad-and tbnnktd S bim olaboralely for b it liotp in dts- » trlbullng ths band bitli. llo was so a< profuat In b it prnba of'A mof tar^ tl ticcs ib s t Amoi bueamo allgbily b eoDluaed bot be did flnalir maaago n lo tt i la Qrmly: S

"Tbera ain't gonna bo no circus." 8 "Why n o trin a u ire d Smites; "'C auso ycAi dldn'l.pajt your.feed y

bill orer a t— " b' "And you' want to know why ws a

didn't psy tbat feed blit,- interrupt- t] •d sm iley .-, r tw 'r o . sfAdlng ray iiu^ilioa." j

ta la Amos suaplelDualy. a“Say. do you know what ll Ukes q

to run'a.clfcusTf ,. A. ."Dotsa'c ■ Interest - mo,” replied

'A teoslrfltflb lr. '


N AUMSWOKfHC O L U M B I A P I G tU R ^ S '! ' ■

•'Dll >ci ll doot>.lniIstBd SB,llty. ' •Monoy. real money. And a man 61 ,-niir-lmaslnBtlon, your bm ln, your ivciillb. should own .■» circus.' rua a ;lrciia. ba a parinar. T h afs : t t - a i n r l i ic r ." I ~

CHAPTER il • ■ JH a t AaiflS ,vatn‘l''.inlereslail In

lecoijiliis a patlner in t l io Ralnfy ;iK iii. Ho opened his moulii ae»- iral ilinca lo .say so bul.S ip lier icpi' r l s l i i on i.tlliins.' Ona tb ln * Inally caustil bli ailcullon. Smiley inured llini lhal "a partner pays lo b ll lt" . * " .

••Voirte enl Ibrco hundred dn't- 3;s, havti/t yuu?" Inquired Srrffley.

••Vc«. I tiave," aald Amoa. prodnc- ne a roll of billi from his pOiteL

".S'liw. n t bold It." aald Snilley, akliiR Itio'money, from AmW.'If#. uctaui handa. . “T bat’a your da- iDsIf as .1, parliicr, ' .S’ow wa|,bw« liat fucd bill fnr S2I0."

"NVo owe il?" uucstioniid ^)pBa ' luaplcioujly, , . "

"But a partnrr pays no i>lll«. - I lay att blila. First you givai.Jua

icouM inp (nicrrtl b tt . It'Aol icsald

(0 all ol Iht u t t i Uekett., ■

aiily. dollars ctianca.’.’i.Ttiatii; IU- Tbank yon. - tlow ;-ho^ji;r ti‘it|iw .-v, hundred. Tbat-tiltI«i>lb>t'i)l)|.';U*a'' ' groat to bo a partoar, ise’t . ' l i : T , ■ yon a t the circui. partnor.",>''.i*.<'!

Amos Hood loai la .proroab'i'^l* ; culfltlon^ J in Uti,»>-.i.i» ~cheated but ba couldn't QuIfi^Clira - '-U_ont._____^

Down,by the -Dlf Top. .•Sqll»y-; .•'found the circua. perfortjuri; ♦ah'-^^'. much out of to rn . Fol^.jtba^'llOB lamer, rcfuaed to g iro 'a .plrftitm-'.''' - ance till bis Ilona bad b t ta rb i- in * ■" anirnali paced back and tbtUVin Ibelr cages, a h a r l la f r r a l - ^ t a r r - ^ pasiarby. - Smiley waa.-llreBkiy” ' tlumped,- Now, when- eotild 'b a . i t t six hundred pounda o C m eit l Cer' ib o ie ' lioasT' , T b s '^ ta t'- '- 'w hu Itt'-'^ alrolled by-aad S m ile ;M u rn 'ii-r ' ' speeuistira ays la b tr illreetloB'bnt- wllb a grin,.discarded'tbaV'ld«i.‘. >: -A :t>Rnch-,o( .cW tarop^M fi'R iftV tSS Smiley aad asked’«asB ;lr?U 'm *>.V the thov. Smliey,iTlttfr«’f«w1U1ar--^ stories to turn ihe lf-a ll^n tlbo it^n ':; '' the’clrcui bat It di'dn’t work, ' . n v . ' ' I bad como to sea tiitt c ire iii ljiid , ' noiblug elsa >ouldVa«tlBlr’'ttfBU Suddeuiy a b r l l l l a a t h d # * : . ^ > . , - ; Smliay. . •'.=

T a i l you wbat I'll do,.';U'iMfyo(t:--i yoo kids Witt'go bbiaa a'a'd baek lomi raw .,m aat.'.'i^ ‘jUii$>''«er':f m eat,.l'irgl»ii joo** 'tr tii.) la iM ?i^v i thaJcircai.” ' ' ; ■> i ' - V T ? ; * * ' A i r t i g * r : i h o u l '1 r t f B l '^ i s f t f e - |* « a ^ ^

youBgsters. u ' ’lhby .ic a m w m ? o ifC g after tha mesL 8 u t 'B i b l l M i | ^ i ^ quickly d lia p p e a ra d ^ if^ ii^ f tm |d ‘‘

"You otr'a' m« tlxiy.’d o lli 'rw ^ '? '^

/ ‘ j. ‘

Page 8: b e -ycar-old MENDS TO JAS[|SMi iiiiir ll , iseiiLsii

I f a g c : E i g h t " ' ' :

I t i l i f - °i i i »plthlEiNEt uamNOTON, Bn.i, 31 (im’i - -

Went IlooviT'B iHvlffj

illl'ilone, wlilrli (JiK'im lu-iii a.Horloti ot 11 lieiirliikii,

It. tlfKt iillrnllnll llll-',"iaw :iho floxllilc iiirlfFiTrovlriiJiis .

(OfUhoio •'commoiililtH wIiK'li ro- iDcrrnocU piiit-rtloii urxlor

' ME'H&wley.SmoQl liirlfr imr. K'pWllhoiiKli Ilio i-ommlK»li)ii hu1<I . r . ' l h f t p ' i r u iio rigtilflcntici- in ili'.'j j ' ^ o r l t y Clvcn tliom- t>-irl!i'iilni' liUi

llto mnnuf.-iciiircrn nf i Iik . ooiiccrncil will tic t>la<<'‘l|

• 'flwMho (letoriKiYfl und in lln- ixiKi- '<;U(in of ilet«nilitiK tlivir new rnlos I ';» H jb r Ihiin hmUIbr lilr.lier (iiu'*. :.;Tl^B;-M»ult may 'lip lla- t in i vc- ,.4(Ci(^j(Dilft(loriK of llic cimimlHnioiij

' y i J h ’atldlUoii. nil of tiic i'dimiihhI-]' MtHM'on 'w hich tlic IivarliiXH n ill l .

nro .tiiiioiiK tlio 60 re-;‘0 WiiiiiiiKiiioti f(ir l i i - l ' '

’ -TiiRtiKaUon by tlio Sminip. Momi |’ '<>t|.'(Ui9, lii(|ulrlefi -^vcrc .imlifil Iiy’

!Cm]IUI(^ meiiitiern wlio were ncck-' ’.^ ^ .to y l iu T e llic ratpn rcUiicml, -i^Jp>t..-.>ncro-liiiii6fiauL_uL-tliaaii:- - ' COIrflti0lllilc>I..OII ull ot. wiikli till';

werD lticrcumsl liy ilip Haw-; .Joy-SniDOl uct. hrfl niriiw liaH.'j

f irpn, wodl, fell linlH mill

•niiouiicltiK liui tiwiririK".' rautu Klfllclivr'iiiilicnU'it iln'y|

. jf tjr 1>p' licit] oii.lliCBo iinrlli’iiinri tM niaoilllteii firat livcmiitc tlio|' G&mlialdu'H iirelinilniiry, worli; '-J

•vW letclibr nnlll ilic .lomiiiiiwloir ■“ ' JiA^VrocccdiiiR n'itli Itn wnrk <Ii- I t7 •nnro. tti9 diet (tint tiiv I'TvnlilciK IA b M il lo l yo^ lipiicillitoil tlip-lliircl!

• JW mocratlc of tiip iii.l . pirUimn coniiiilijNldii of ulx., J

l i i o l L

" v V H IO T tE K , Cullf.. 8c;.t. 21 ' ■ (D P J-T to . trail of CliarlcK. K . ‘J'l

AjM>li>>y,j«Bnte(l In llio I’l i c I f U '“ BoBlIiir«el‘M«' « »eric» of vnrloiin Mr oflmoa. led.'fortliiir tmiiili loOny os I'"

_ “kthi?tlijM_jrnc<’(l,jirw.,(.-lur!). to lill. whsrenbuutH. n

'S lJrtlnB -froiti l-oi AnKclcn, the novemeniii. of Muri>liy. ihn "Niiiior- ~ crim inal” wore imecil lowiird ih« h irlio r distrlcl nnd ilinn tn LonK I I liach;-T odny ilicy ccnlcrcd «t AVUIUier, IS m llcK '^ iith . br i/iH I ..AfiKolflr,: wliere M. rviine ,(mlA Klin. rented {i roon'i to Mur- ItUy Monday nlRlH. I

>^nnii nalil'M uriiliy • ricd i when ,h e . Lonrd licr liimlininl'Hi! •liomccoininK foiilHtoim, • _______ M

Ywo ulTicr iioT-foiiit Huici iiioy «.i>v n man ronumhllni; Hic niuch-wniii-l

nn (ill 'ccn icr’ii tew intlon fardicr soulh. .

t in m 'I’enrNon. u tolorod (lortor. told police.II man.uiinwpriiiF; Miir- ililiy'a ' )le»crlplinn liad qucmlnncd lilm nbonl.nliipii fnr Snulh Ain.orl-

/RAnmaii's |ii|purti nnJ K wan bc- .tl(v id ‘ a t flrnt ho tiRd clmlcd orfl-^ cum by bnardInK u ii»at for Auk-

• trolla.- r •'M urphy wan iiccuHnl ' nt twn _

m urO WiiHlilnslon. Itidimii- Ine an .11 year <ild CiillI..

.•.(Jl.rli .novtrtil biKanii)Ufl..niurrluKC»-«nd :dcscrllnn trom -tlm -A m crlcau • uiurAOKtriitliin urniit'n.

D>vt CIbiqn S*TI Jil'SiRim nf iiiiiirH <iid iiS'i: Wlini

Bllmcllvp yiMini: •n.imni ...... . u|.’nild tnli; *oii!>r m joii wlihmit iliu “ I Ifi'himllly nf uu liilniiliirllnn.-I.o- I

ruin Jnuriial. I

‘jlNI.V <I\K l- 'oo r H5‘K(r.\J.JST I , .W .TH 'IX KAM,S.-I>linn6 HIH. Dr, C ' T o » le r^ A i!r . 3

A S . E N T E R r a i S E

*'■ ---------------- ---

O f ■ , - ■

' . I

" p i i i i i ®

• alboii. EnlcrprHo l» njmwn lifro. riiihi;' .<a*cBtia,r«W*rtr''tlii»1ili«lrTrtc-tTftTihy-oi

’''il'»04'nl»!trliihKulai; cuiirn^, flnlHliiiik*. race-wax .rnn. In lljfiil »r;iihi-r whfii- i i:.l |<knJll''J‘-PW «PK'TJT'>>',__________

, . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ITT


^ W A V S c t cVg\'TV-l wot. v ^ o m T Wm'

\ - rv iE iR p A tACQO-S'S '

" ■ . s p a

( ^ ' r ' P ■

H 5 B E .

K n u l l R e s i d e n t s f,' D e p a r t f o r .U t a h

KX n.I,. Sinn. 21 I.Siii'ciall’ - • ‘’IIII. und Mr». Jnik. Noili<nn iiml ,vjiinilly Icfl Hiiiiiluy for .Salt l.;ii<L- Di:iiy lu uiiikc tlicir InmU', vr

Mr. u»d Mm', W.iIiit ll.iliowayiiidM'f. nnd .Mrn. Ji.liuTiin-iipr will ai ciivc Wi'itiicHdny,. oV^rlaiiii fnr 1,1 .Il-i»niltl t j ' vinll trioiidti und rvi-ilkCH

Mr. ami Mm. I.: M. Il.illnwi.y oil'lirntcd liiT SJud liirtliday nn; ,| i'uL'adiiy Till' KiiJHiii wcru Mr. nnd'i „. 'Ir«,' AiiPo AilkiiiH. -Mni.' C. K. „ »niill..and mntlier. -Mm illllU iK 'lsl


. fiMB l-A 0E E S -5H P S »V iHOUiTj OE YOyR cow's


, |y o f ? VOUR OI S H B S --^

J n V - n i E f ? A o / 9 < x . m m f M A h u o w c e r ^

E W O N S lic O N lT sT R A K

Jgf' ■ '

>1. Iii)lii, <ni IIiP 7T-yi-at.iihl Ain;'.riia’« irlm IJ-iln!iv*a»\-.iy tfniii Sir Thnni;! off^\i'wimri, U. I. KiKi'riirinc »niloil : !i iiiinulpii nnd fci'ciitiin alu-mi '

lll'in:>.itiiih nf ;i|>i'i |:lI:lr^ I<ii|k<'il Dll


' ............................ . IDA:

rWALV< u p Q01*re A \ .O S S R V A JOqFV W P i R t l )

>oR DEUv;cnV "TkZ / j v j o w v T s • / •\ P e R ' C.R -Th ' s T f l e E T .


I ■

^ T j o R T n e R e . I

•_________ . .■! '■

MiH Cliirii^a W<ii>ilA and Mi'h, | | /llarriiinii. ‘ K

Ki-i'iiii’th Kali ivfl TncHday to | \ I'lilvr Slanforii iiiiiicrnlty.

Miji> Abxaiiiirr- and >Mw1n I’ollim U'fl Kcdurmliiy overland li> vnlcr hcIki. i. .Mr. Ali'xundvrl nlll iMiicr iiriaiiun nclioii) In Sun Dii-Ki.' ami Mr. Coiiu'it tlic Uiil- I 'rniiiy uf Wiiniitiiclmi at Scattlv.

Mr-. J. M llorili'U. from I.on )' AiiKi-lci... In vi-itlni; Mrs Amanda'oiii. . Iial)

Self Diagnoait___________ lllR Mi»I nf UH kniiu"u'licn ko nrs »'l'‘

•l.'i;. Tnr of UK liimw xvii'-llu'r «vo of'e nrc ri'iili.v xvcll. Wp dnn'l knuw 'ITai wIiiTO liMliif onii« m d >.ic'knoM Iiv- Ifa sln«.—Woniiin'a Cmiiimnioii.. l*ic ______________________________ .flt '

By Dorothy U rfer " 1;WD~SOAP j 1 r 1 rM r'STANTCOM- I t3Ti. VOUR J i, “ “3UH CHILOREW, \ U sd i

I EKill

f ,

fjK c V A »<!«v ' "TITIO

• J IW A / ■/

i ' W ' t__ _ _ _ _ — ' Itll


I ' ai?

. I P i : V ' ! a

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H i f c l

Ii ;

'« -^(^|i-H nrolil‘ 8. Vnudo'Hillfni i;is Lliilun'. Siiamrci'k V In llip,■ll lo unollicr ca*y viclnry over

Ilf liu- forjipn'.cliallciiKcr.’ Th':1 Ir. in llif di-rk* nf :l(in j'iicIuh uj

AH O ; EV EN IN G .TffliES.’ T

., r a i i a m a ^

I ’ I



« ■" "'i i J r j V K ^ liaif e - u j u xa m m S S k uii

iT iS ^ S S B i ■'''- I

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'J.R-VM lLUftM * • . Jif-

oi»j9iT»CA»otvicc.ii«e. ______ ____ nn

■ rci

(li[RLID[iyBS rM O N . I E l l

0.1• . ■ ' ■

IIAZIOI.TON. Sci>1. 21 (Siii.'cl<»l)|]'«' -Tlui .Kliuliprly iiii;ii'iicliiiul all tlcvoii nptncii tiiclr srld «ca-i j,f on and Ihni of IlaziOlun hy dc«l-|HR n .wIiKoauHiaiiK to tho locnl I'Viu itiiud In II KUinc iduyeil Tucsdny ' .' ftarnon'n ni. a fvaturo of the ila Tarvcsl ,K|!9llva! lit Hiixclton. A =fl Lavy lini) wliich m a^’lu:a IhrouKii liic lic-liKhlcr llazcltnn eleven nlimit.1 Mr, t wlll aided In running np 32 lo liic

Kiinliorly'R flrKi iniichilown nuiioI tlic llrnt unnrlor. wiicu it . Itn uf llnv iiUinKC'H forced llio hnll ' cro«n. In Illl) nccond i;<)rlod.Cap-lln Denton nircil.over the Ilno )r nnotlivr Kimberly toneliilown. s s :cltlier kick wn* mndc. and .tlio itnru al imlf /aH 12 in fl. fJiirlnK IC nccnnil Imlf Kimhcrly «coi'ud i '• . irei- more tonrliilowHH, nud hout-|,II 'two kivkii tor imln.t aiTnnii Uicj,OHlll.______ _________________;iiniinrlvl::2) • . ifa /ic i l t in (U) huimnrd,., yl-K ....'.IC. I’uicri'u i | •' ;ubank« ........... I.T ......... . ..•llic'M;iiia ....... ;..... U5 ....:.... Ilu(ilibnru|(lolinr .............. C .............. Kelly V'an llouk ...... IKi ......... lIc.inhorHtl. llrnwn - ...... UT ......... flelmnn«. ■Ciimiilieil ...... IIK ........... York .icnlon ............. Q ■ ■ ■ ....... \Villn| •in y n rr“ '" .r '.." l' . Kmi i'i'ii'iJ..iii] "ivnncit ............Jl ......... ..'uMi, ■ •'alnipr ......... ••• 11.............. IlrysunJ . C. l':day. llnieltnn. rcfvri'C. . .

L atlint MemoryI fcM liml lltcrc t< iii> 'Uicli Ildus I '

iH iililiiiiiiK foisfiilns; ................. ....■ .imiil'i'iwd npiiii liic mrmtiry iirv In- | •••ilMirucllliic.-l'ii'Jiilnccy. I

. Human Natur« Ij-'Kvi'u'lhc imiii-.-l UIIHI." will III ! •

itli.'lliu ’•ap' <if riilimnnvii. "iiuiy ‘ ■■11' 'cany tu iiiiiiiiicc limt ulia l in 1In .ids own a'itiiu|ji-:M mtinl bu ' rJ;;ilI.'‘—Wa:.liiuKl'‘li

Men «nd Sheep

!liii-mi;rn'"'iiir|i''i.|’i it" idih't'lc;pi.ttiii, iiy .iiiiiidinu'a ilocI; ur<iic<'|i in (hlli '|io<<1iioii .VIIII >-1111 iiiiikc a i-niM'il uf iiicii.—Miix lli'crliiilini.

t im e s ’ WA.NT-AU3 OLTf KE- iULTS.

ATTEN TION PO TA TO G R O W ERSWill contract a lim ited am oun t'o f cai-s for O ct- ober-(lo livory ,-u i]vance

'5100 per ca r..§ee J . H. Kimb&ll

P roduce Co. K im berly.. P hone 72

mSKKW TOTATOKS (Run.cprtl(li'd>

sn ucrcn ot nnn-curlifluii Uiih- .acL. Rueil :iiolimua_grnmi— u - — C.ouu,fcot allituau In tlic AhIi- inii Mpcllun ubov’iv lrri'<nilnu. 10 acres of lllt.w TrliiinMiti iilso.Coniu nnd n c j’liiein. Tlu-y have bcnn roRUvd cnud. I'linnc SU I tll Aiihinn, Mnlui. Aildreiin

J . LKK ]IO}I.MN(;,■ Ijm ent. lilahii •

: ; ;B r A :S ^ K - E - T - S — L i n e r s G a p 's •

M , A , S t r o n k "' P r o d t i c e C o;DeLong W arehouse '

- l l ' H.lll — . ••

r w m > A U ^ / I D A H O

j a i 'g e . E n r o l l m e n 5 1 ‘" A t S t a t e S c l io o l I

■(JOOlH.Mj. Hcjilciiiiier sn (Spu-j lull—SuiiiTiiiii'iiiliini <;. *J: .Sul-1 icA ..of .U ic. iilalc . iiduiol. .rcpocbL. ilill S.* pilpliii lliivc rnrulleil. nnd‘ Iml I-* more nrc exiiceicU loj uijie .Hiinn. Mnt. Soillcn un<l d;iii»;n- Qr Cnibcrl^e hnve rcini;n<'<l frum ..vlnlt lo iio r former home nl • icranion. I'enniiylvunia. '

Janien Cruniwell ban ri'luriii'il’ I n Iowa (Miy, nml ex]iertii lo (iim .| ' l itcte bin mudicui eourim Iliin year] j The Ilickn Aulu eoiiipf.:iy lil'cnc lj |

Ilf nr»- HiTvlm clullmi. Simitiloy i . tl (lie nuM' hhlldlnK Ibal ban lunli cun uiiiiiplutcd un \Va:iiiln«iiin Sl. ml 4l|i Ave.- ..Mrr. .Marlun Jbiriu>H anil ilauuh- I

l'l- o f Tncnma. WuniilUKion, wiio an beu:i vtnllInK fur uuvcral »’ -ck.i | lilii her parciitH, Mr. anil Mrn. ■ !. .\l. Coolcdiju, hun ri-liirneil to i cr borne. . "MinH Kidrcil Tlioniiii'iin, diini;h-

IT of A, t ‘. Tiiouip:uin. of (iood-1 MS Iell Tbnrndiiy for rtcullie lo nier lliu 1,'nlvefiiiiy of Wnnbln-:. H nil. Sill' will •ulii'clulllr 111 miinlc bl nd <loli|c»llc .«i{i3 riV, Hlie wnn u'c. th nnnianicd hy bur fclcml Mhm IIH- «c u Werner nf Alidon. who will a tea iiilriul Ilir m;iic. .■•vlinol. I In 'i'bdiiiure Tootle. Kruii liani.'tbcr.j

'cntnii nnd ''Cie" I'rlnuc liavcjK'' uni' IU I'rovo. Diah lo aiicn.l H<'lie llrlKliam ........ unlvernliy. ]<‘l'. Kdwanl Davin iukI 8aiii AllMuu..ln '.rnirr ntudcmn n r-G nndin(r'rn i-’— ,';;e hiivn i;nne lo lOvannioii. t il l- ja r lli’l, In vnlcr ibe Nnrtliivuplcrii. ([i ■iilvcrnlly, IJaviH in nliiily law .fri ml Aliinnn tn lake np Ibu niiuly 11,„ f nudiilnv. ' • ImiJenn WInlurii bnn xnlil hin lioniu '

I Kasi tiondLiii: li> 10. Aiiijnslliic f..Vuw OricaiiH. wbo buiidii ll /u r ' n Invcslinent. Mr. AnBiinilnc^J-i'

Miiliir, and lins bi'cn viiiliinK I cinllvuK hurv. und derided loj wn Huiiie properly in (ioodlni:. i Mr. ami .Mrn. Troy Cox have.';*

loveil inlu Ibclr new hoiifD urhleb;<‘'‘I one ot Ihe tlncHt vtnldvncen i n j ” ' lie eiiy. Tbc properly vaculud h y .* ' Ir. Vox will lie uci-n|ilud hy Dcp-!ly .Siiurlff ■ Iviin Dunham, nmi jim Ir. and Mrii. Jobn, flflodlni.* wiil {In. I' lit bnme in.lhu re.iiduiicc vaial-, InII by Ibn Dunbanm. !>'ii Moyil Knivcly and wife are nnw i nt

icaleii iu lbc bomi' tiiey n 'celil-' pureimticd trom Mrn. Ira ‘I 'a rp.' ,

InK in lbc wpHt jiarl of luwii.i*'' Ir. umi Mrn. Hurley Duller wlii- iiivc lo lill! C. .\. Seacravc hounc.:iicau'd iiy lbo .Bnivtlyp. _____ l j „ . .Mr". II. li. Hrni'elman uml h ">.

.aipii. Icll Krldny fnr l/i;i An-I*; elu’i wbiTu tiiey Expect lo lunkci. iclr linim’. The nuildun dciitii ofj . ir.illannelnian, lani week, iiiailc]'' IC eiiiiHKC in rcnliluncu 'nurun-. ,iry. -Thoy—wlll—UuvLl. hy.. auin I'coinpanliil hy .Marlu und Ivan on ailKlilur aiul nun of Mrn. Iliim-cl- eii; I'l'.u, M'lin came lo liondiui; from ari nllforuia lo nllend ilie tiinvral ycj r ibidr falbcr. Tbu llannolmann Icj


w m sm m




A b is , b rond 'S houIdc rcd , th ick iib x o rb in g S u p cr tw b il C ord (Go Y es, s i r ! ' F u ll o v e rs ize nml n h G oodyear can oU cr bccuusc of

G E T O U i A N D G<


O f f i c e Bti ' ’ ’ ’ 'O f f i c t a r B

S a l e s a n d .

a r - —----- ,1

Henry Allen fonjior. wiiu re lc -^ ^ brMeil hin .»uili birlhda}' carlv '.B thin inuntli will continue lu llm. C lonnlry'.i lankini: cionriennmaii a:i 5 a rennlt <if liic,^'inciinnln primary.] K in irjjii b • be jv«ii nwiomlli.’ill'J!!' ^ for illn I'Mii l?nii in Ibe flrnl eon-' » crcnMloiinl diflricl o n 't iic Kepiib-' liean tickvt-ojnlvulvni. lu lb a t '% diiilrict. lo elcellon. lie liaa beeujw- In ConKfi'nn slnre 1S02. • ! O

are umnnK ibe early pioliecrH o f ^ llie Cimiilni; irai'l, and liieir.iuaily B frlcndn arc nnrry lo have ihcni i.’ii, bul bo|ii. Ihuy wlli flmi iiluiimire'« i.utnuiiiuini: Ibelr new lncaiio|i.

Ui-v. \V. K. Ooubran eiiairm an; ^ of 111;' enunly lied C’ro^K c iia p ic r ja Imn Knnc lo I’.iyeiiu ti» attend lh">ijl aiinnnr ri'A'ioiial rn iifin 'iiic nf ib i '.V lli’d (Iroiiti. ■

Cliarli'i Tciiney. a Kflulnnic 7*f ^ C.KidiuK (’idlene. i.n<l nun of PrcnL -'k diini ami '.Mrn. V. \y . Tenney, willi reniiiiie hin nlli'Hqfl nt I lnvvard.A rnlvef»i1y mn|nrlnK in Knclinh.^,^

•Norlvjti Ariei'hiirii, wife am i;'® im!>y! vUllud u few dnyn In Cinid-iW Inj:, on llieir way lo vinit rclaitv.'n ■ S In' IluxiTinan vnlley. They' b u v e la .iiieiil Iiic numim;r in Ihe v ic ln ily jS nt (innnell. lilalio.. . ' A

--------- ,— ' i gDIAMIIMI A.SKKD TO

l.KAVH rnii,.\Di;i,i-iiiA « .I’lril.ADKM-IIIA. .Sepi. ::i I’l ' l ' i . ; ^

samchler wiui wn'ii no eoi.iially 'lu-; k'il:il lo iuuvv (iumiany. wan u l:i .> '^ Invltcil tn leave l-hilailelphia K'- lay hui wliii a ono honr time m limit. ■ ^

Tiie Noiv y.irt<er wiu urr'alK ncd;« III u "iuinjil:'iiiii' c b a r a e le r ''n •liarK.. ntier •hriai; arr^-teii i i i i i .n :^ irilvluK bun- on- tbe H iin n o v u r 'a .e.iterday, nud ordcreii ciivn Ion'll wiiiilii an btjiir. ‘ I ?IH’

r— -- - - - - - - - —

I ' r — — n


G O O D Y E .

H E A V Y D l1 L A T E S T G O O D Y E A R

;k-lrcai]cd Gbo^yrar w ith C plies joodycor p atent) lowithsUind hnr hniKLsomc IiKikcr. ,.Ltli(»t cxnmpli

)f enjoying, the world’s largciit t in


s l ™le F in e s t a n d - B e s t E q u ip p e d

t]d S h o p P h o ile 299 B o sc h ''M a g n e to Tid .S en ’ice S ta t io n

■ W eUncsda;

R t i m m a g e S a l e -Thure. and Friday

St-'ptemlier 2T) and 2(5 ''■ 2 '2 rS h o slio n i- 'N .' V"

At-ross frum Sciiw'arlz A u 'ta Ixcjiair

MdaboDepajrt^ , "If i t m it I


^ A B e a i P a r t 1

I B | ^ a t only $


f mj w

n C E S A T



s of n sturdy, shock- • ird i>Iow8 bn thc road.' lie of thc Hupcr values rcialcs. It’saB U Y l •.


:d Q arag e in Ihe W est .

Parts Phone, 29£ Fimken, N e w D e p a r tu i^ ta id

H y a tt B earing D istribu tori

ly, Septeinhor 1930^ .

■ J . .„ F O R .-^ S A L E ..- :_- A u to D 6 o r G la s s . . . - ' w in d sh ie ld s a n d w in ­

d o w ' g la ss ,' N o c h a r g e '......- f o r se tt in g ;-----------

M O O N ’ S ^ P a in t a n d F u rn i tu r e

S to re

t m e n f S t o r e ^b r in q i t B a d e ■ ^

M O R E > C E T S ! ' , 5

i i t i f u l ^ W ool Ki k e t J

M m \Sateen bound

^ c d j ; o s g o o d Jlooking la rg e J

^ ' \ p la id s . . m ade ^^ (if finest C h ina ^

cotton witli a W ^ 7 g o o d p erccn - W l y tagc nf wool— %

■ 'th a t 's w hyj)cn- ^\ p ie judge th is .k

,> 1 blanket to sell- . ja t. least ? 'l J

tliin k i t J real va hie— ^

w hen you sec W it. f i

4 lb w e ig h t ■ '. J - Size 70 .X 80 J ,

Econom y • 'B asem ent ' J


j n K i u

L i

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1 - '■ '8 '. ' . U

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