Page 1: Axis 4 of the EFF:  The Leader Approach in European Fisheries Areas…

Axis 4 of the EFF: The Leader Approach in European Fisheries


Marseille, 26th SeptemberMonica Burch, FARNET Support Unit

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FARNET and the EU FLAGs (Fisheries Local Action Groups)

success stories and lessons learnt from LEADER dissemination into fisheries areas

introducing the LEADER approach to EU urban policy (ESF, ERDF)?

future plans for CLLD in 2014-20 in the EMFF (European Maritime and Fisheries Fund)

The Leader Approach in European Fisheries Areas…

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Sectoral challenges

Fisheries areas challenges

dwindling fish stocks

fishing overcapacity

lack of competitiveness

Vulnerability of small scale fisheries

lack of organisation and integration

within the sector and along the chain

Rising costs (especially fuel)

Low attractivity of employment in


urbanisation pressure

environnemental degradation

peripheral areas

depopulation in some small

fishing communities

lack of economic alternatives

A fisheries focus

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The sustainable development of fisheries areas

€600M or 13% of the

EFF (€826M total public)

Average budgets: €3.3

million – but huge range

(€200,000 - €17 million)

Differences in strategies,

partnerships & areas.

Nearly 2/3 have formal

cooperation with


Over 300 groups with integrated local development strategies,

implemented by bottom-up partnerships in 21 countries

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An Axis 4 example...

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Forms of LAG-FLAG coordination



Seperate selection committees

One LAG-FLAG Common accountable body




LAG / FLAG cooperation

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Other formal coordination

Defining areas that fit strategies

Boundaries for coastal strips and rivers

Boundaries for dispersed fishing communities

Other forms of coordination

• Board members - cross partners

• Common admin and fin. support

• Shared staff

• Shared premises

• Technical coordination meetings

• Agreed criteria and procedures

Same or similar boundaries



How to achieve synergy & respect specificity?

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different forms of cooperation : Adapt model of cooperation to needs

advantage when building on prior experience

But not force things into artificial structures (divided up into too small packages

(eg merely distributed to Leader groups) – need to look at all the alternatives &

chose option best suited to area. Ideally no blanket rule at national level

Ensure fit between strategies and programme goals (budgets, types of

measures, criteria…..)

Adapt boundaries to fit what you want to achieve (FI, IT, FR…)

Build partnerships from allies required to achieve change.


A few lessons…

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introducing the LEADER approach to EU urban policy (ESF, ERDF)?

reticence on the part of urban policies (partly because sums of money much bigger – and already many actors)

Need to convince the cities if it is to appear in Operation Programmes (Ops)

CLLD often used in deprived areas… but can also be used in other types of areas (industrial districts, knowledge districts, city centres…) or specific target groups or by theme (employment, entrepreneurship, low carbon transport, food, water…)…

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Expectation for Axis 4 to be strengthened

Option for multi-funding (but rules need to be really simple within any ONE fund)

flexible tool for fisheries communities - possibilities for fisheries focused strategies & broader coastal development (link water-land)

Future plans for CLLD in 2014-20 in the EMFF

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Thank you for your attention!

FARNET Support Unit36-38 rue Saint LaurentB - 1000 Bruxelles+32 2 613 26 50

[email protected]

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