Page 1: Awards SOP 2 - OCONUS … · Web viewPlease also note that if the soldier has already received a PCS award from a previous unit within USAREUR that the award period will have to start




USAREUR G1 Awards & Actions Branch

Page 2: Awards SOP 2 - OCONUS … · Web viewPlease also note that if the soldier has already received a PCS award from a previous unit within USAREUR that the award period will have to start

Table of Contents

I. Individual Awards Army Achievement Medal-Legion of Merit for signature by USAREUR CG or V Corps CG I.A. References I.B. Process I.C. Flowchart of Awards Process (Figure 1) I.D. USAREUR/V Corps Approval Authority Information (Figure 2) I.E. Example of DA Form 638 for V Corps Approval (Figures 3 & 4) I.F. Example of DA Form 638 For USAREUR CG Approval (Figures 5 & 6)

Page 3: Awards SOP 2 - OCONUS … · Web viewPlease also note that if the soldier has already received a PCS award from a previous unit within USAREUR that the award period will have to start

I. Individual Awards Army Achievement Medal-Legion of Merit for signature by USAREUR CG or V Corps CG


1. Purpose. To provide external Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) which gives purpose, general information, assumption, responsibilities and procedure to personnel working within USAREUR Brigade and Battalion S-1/G-1’s submitting AAM-LM award Recommendations for approval at the V Corps/USAREUR CG Level.

2. General. Applies to all awards Army Achievement Medal -Legion of Merit submitted through the USAREUR G1 Awards Branch for USAREUR CG or V Corps CG Approval.

3. Assumptions. All Brigade and Battalion S-1’s will have access to the necessary assets including but not limited to communication (e.g. digital sender, fax, phone, and email), computer hardware, computer software (e.g. Microsoft Office, eMilpo, TOPMIS, EDAS…), other office hardware (e.g. printer, copier…), administrative supplies (e.g. pen, highlighter, stapler, paper clips, folders, file labels, copier and printer paper, Dictionary, Thesaurus…), and regulations and messages pertaining to Unqualified Resignations. In addition, Brigades and Battalions are expected have complete POC lists for higher and lower echelons pertaining to award recommendations.

I.A. References

DoD Instruction 1348.33-M; Manual for Military Decorations and Awards

AR 600-8-22; Military Awards

AER 600-8-10; United States Army in Europe Military Awards

Messages Pertaining to Awards:

HRC Awards Website: /TAGD/awards/index.htm

Note: See the reference section of the above publications and awards messages for further references in United States Code, Executive Orders, Public Law, DoD Instructions, etc.

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I.B. Process

(A) Recommender

(1) Prepares DA Form 638 within unit prescribed timelines.

a. Complete blocks 1 through 19 In Accordance With (IAW) Table 3-2 AR 600-8-22 excerpted at table 1. For Block 11 the period of the award should be limited to the time that the soldier served within USAREUR or if it is a Retirement award it should be 10 years ending on the last day the Soldier will be in the Army for instance 1 June 2000 through 31 May 2010. Please also note that if the soldier has already received a PCS award from a previous unit within USAREUR that the award period will have to start the day after the end date of the last PCS award

b. Complete block 20 Achievements 1-4 if AAM-MSM with Soldier’s accomplishments, or write a narrative detailing Soldier’s accomplishments if recommended award is LM or above. While the award period may encompass deployment periods recognized by a wartime award, ensure that achievements during the period of the award are not included in the narrative or achievement blocks also do not include achievements that were recognized with a separate achievement award.c. Complete Blocks 23 through 26 with the name, rank, title, and address of the Soldier’s intermediate commanders and approval authority. See figure 2 for USAREUR and V Corps approval authority’s information

d. Complete part V (Orders Data) with the following: o 27a) HQ USAREUR, APO AE 09014o 28a) Knoche, Garrett o 28b) DACo 28c) Chief, USAREUR Awards Branch o Sign block 19 and date block 3

(2) Submits DA Form 638 to unit orderly room

(B) Unit orderly room.

(1) Verifies Soldiers eligibility by checking the AAA-095 verifying Soldier is not flagged.

a. If Soldier is not flagged or only flagged for APFT failure signs block 22a and dates block 22b

b. If Soldier is flagged for other than APFT Failure return award without action to recommender. See AR 600-8-22 paragraph 1-17 for procedures for requesting waiver for retirement or valor awards on Soldiers flagged for overweight if chain of command want to pursue the award in spite of Soldier’s overweight status.

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(2) Verify award is complete and generally free of errors.

(3) Verify award recommendations achievements do not duplicate those on previous awards during awards period.

(3) Routes DA FORM 638 to the company commander for recommendation and signature.

(5) Routes DA Form 638 to Battalion S-1.

(C) Battalion S-1

(1) Verify award is complete and generally free of errors.

(2) Pull ERB/ORB and assemble packet.

(3) Routes DA FORM 638 to the battalion commander for recommendation and signature.

(4) Submits to Brigade S-1.

(D) Brigade S-1

(1) Verify award is complete and generally free of errors.

(2) Pull ERB/ORB and assemble packet.

(3) Routes DA FORM 638 to the brigade commander for recommendation and signature.

(4) Submits to USAREUR G1 Awards Branch: “ODCS-G1 Awards” on Global or [email protected].

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TABLE 1 Excerpted from AR 600-8-22 Table 3-2 (Steps Below Approval Authority)STEPS WORK


1 Recommended Soldier

Soldier performs a valorous or heroic act, meritorious achievement or meritorious service.

2 Recommender Completes parts I, II, and III of DA Form 638. 3 Recommender Enter the address of the final approval authority in block 1. 4 Recommender Enter the address of the Soldier’s immediate commander in block 2. 5 Recommender Enter date in block 3. This field is automatically completed once the user signs block 19. 6 Recommender Click the SET NAME button in block 4 and enter Soldier’s complete name. Then click SAVE NAME.

7 Recommender Enter Soldier’s rank in block 5 or click the drop down menu and select a rank. 8 Recommender Enter Soldier’s social security number and unit in blocks 6 and 7, respectively. 9 Recommender List all previous individual decorations to include oak leaf clusters or numerals in block 8 (for examples,

AAM-2OLC). If no award, state “NO AWDS.” The user will click on the PREVIOUS AWARDS button to complete.

10 Recommender Use block 9 for recommendations for award to member of other U.S. Armed Forces and foreign military personnel. For members of the other U.S. Armed Forces, enter the Service (for example, U.S. Air Force). For foreign military personnel enter the country (for example, Federal Republic of Germany).

11 Recommender Enter recommended award, to include oak leaf cluster or number of award (in case of the Air Medal) in block 10.

12 Recommender Enter the period covered by proposed award in block 11. The date format is YYYYMMDD. Also, the user will click on SET DATE button to complete the field.

13 Recommender Enter reasons for the recommended award in block 12. Specify if the award is for valor, heroism, meritorious achievement or meritorious service. If interim award was made, state award given. See glossary for definitions of valor, heroism, meritorious achievement and meritorious service.

14 Recommender Check yes or no in block 12c for posthumous award. 15 Recommender Enter the proposed presentation date in block 13. The date format is YYYYMMDD. Also, the user will click

on SET DATE button to complete the field.

16 Recommender Recommender will complete blocks 14 through 19. (Block 18 serves to clarify the status of the recommender particularly in cases where someone outside the chain of command is making a recommendation.) For historical purposes it is imperative that the recommender sign the original DA Form 638 in block 19. The user cannot digitally sign this field until the first page is completed (includes blocks 20 and 21).

17 Recommender Block 20–for awards of the MSM, ARCOM, and AAM, use bullet statements to list the in-dividual’s meritorious achievements or service. This block allows for up to 4 separate achievements to be listed. A maximum of 4 lines

18 Recommender Complete the proposed citation in block 21. Citation for awards of the MSM, ARCOM, & AAM are limited to six lines and will be restricted to the space allowed on the DA Form 638. All other awards are limited to nine lines and may be submitted on 81/2 by 11-inch bond paper. Awards of the DSM and above may be up to 19 lines.

19 Recommender Submit the proposed award to the individual’s immediate commander/supervisor for further action.

20 Commander/Supervisor

Forward the DA Form 638 to PAC for verification of eligibility (flagging) data.

21 PAC/Admin Clerk

Check to see if Soldier is flagged. If flagged, check AR 600-8-22 for award eligibility. If eligible,certify by signature in block 22 and return to Cdr/Supv. If ineligible, return the DA Form 638 through Cdr/Supv to recommender.

22 Commander/Supervisor

Complete block 23 of the DA Form 638 to either approve, disapprove, upgrade or downgradethe award recommendation. One block must be checked. If recommending downgrade/upgrade, ensure to indicate which award next to the appropriate block. Take final action and complete block 26 if authorized to do so or forward to next higher commander, supervisor, or headquarters.

23 Intermediate authority

Complete blocks 24 and 25, as applicable. If the chain is such that more blocks are required, the addendum page to DA Form 638 must be completed.

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Page 8: Awards SOP 2 - OCONUS … · Web viewPlease also note that if the soldier has already received a PCS award from a previous unit within USAREUR that the award period will have to start

USAREUR/V Corps Awards Routing Procedures

If Error Free! *All Key Leaders Available

Awards Minimum Processing Time: 45 Working Days TAG Awards Branch 5 working daysTAG/G1: 2 working days SGS 3 to15 working days CG Signature: Up to 15 days








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I.D. USAREUR/ V Corps Approval Authority Information (Figure 2)

Current USAREUR Approval Authorities for Awards Processed through the USAREUR Awards Branch


BG Acting Commander, V Corps

APO AE 09014

GEN Commanding General USAREUR

APO AE 09014

I.E. Example of DA Form 638 for V Corps Approval (Figures 3 & 4)

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Page 11: Awards SOP 2 - OCONUS … · Web viewPlease also note that if the soldier has already received a PCS award from a previous unit within USAREUR that the award period will have to start
Page 12: Awards SOP 2 - OCONUS … · Web viewPlease also note that if the soldier has already received a PCS award from a previous unit within USAREUR that the award period will have to start

I.F. Example of DA Form 638 for USAREUR CG Approval (Figures (5 & 6)

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Page 14: Awards SOP 2 - OCONUS … · Web viewPlease also note that if the soldier has already received a PCS award from a previous unit within USAREUR that the award period will have to start


Garrett KnocheChief, Awards Branch

Victor RodriguezU.S Awards for Foreign Soldiers

Daniel CallahanUnit Awards

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