
Avantages of eating meat Meat contains sarcodina which helps muscles to develop. B6 vitamin which accelerates metabolism Carnitine helps to reduce fat and to produce amino acids Contains B12 vitamin, iron and zinc (keeps neurons, red blood cells and DNA healthy. Contains Omega 3 which strengthens cell membrane and oxygenates blood. Contains lysine which helps in the formation of hormones and white blood cells. Contains potassium Contains antioxidantsTransgenics They affect the environment as well as the human health. Infertile fields. New allergies. Resistance to antibiotics. New food toxics. Agriculture contamination. Insect and unwanted herbs resistance to drugs used for its contention. Irreversible and unpredictable harm to treated plants and animals.Manuel of best practices for the production of meat Seek environments preservation. Ensure human health. Ensure animal health. Guarantee food safety. Promote trade and consumption.WTO came into force in 1995General Law of Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection:Natural environment, fresh air,optimal area, 18C approximately, maternity 15-20C.Industrial Polluting Agriculture

Genetically engineered crops will not solve worlds hunger.Responsible for 14% of gas emissions.Dependant on toxics.Groundwater contamination.Risks to the environment.

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