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Australia is a country located between the South Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean. It’s the biggest island of the world. The first European settlers, who arrived in 1830, were English convicts that were sent to Australia to be punished for their crimes.

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Australia’s capital is Canberra.Located on the ancient lands of the

indigenous Ngunnawal people, Canberra’s name is thought to mean ‘meeting place’, derived from the aboriginal name Kamberra. This area was chosen for federal capital in 1908.

National institutions, museums and galleries are common in Canberra, and they hold the treasures of that nation.

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PopulationAustralia is the 53rd most populous

country in the world. It has more than 20 million people, who live in cities by sea. The most important cities are Sidney, Melbourne and Canberra.

Australia is a muticultural society with people of diverse origins. About 1% of the population is aboriginal (the aborigines were a group of people that has lived in Australia since the earliest times).

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Althought English is the official language, many other languages are spoken in Australia. Almost four million Australians speak another language besides English; more than 800,000 people speak one European language and another 800,000 speak one Asian language.

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FlagAustralia’s national flag has a star with seven tips,

known as the Commonwealth Star, each tip representing one of the five States (Western Australia, Queensland, South Australia, New South Wales and Victoria and Tasmania) and the two territories of the country (the Northern Territory and the Camberra Capital Territory). On the right side of the flag, we can see a group of five stars representing the Southern Cross constellation. There is also a miniature of the England flag (Union Jack) on the left corner, that represents the colonization of Australia by the English.

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GovernmentAustralia is a parliamentary democracy

and a constitutional monarchy. The queen is Elizabeth II, the same sovereign of England. Australia is also a federation united with one government, whose chief is the Prime-Minister John Howard.

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Most Australians are Christians: Protestants and Catholics make 74% of the population. There is freedom of religion in Australia, which allows the rest of the population to be able to choose their beliefs.

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•Australia’s national day is on 26th January.

•This country is the 6th biggest country of the world.

•The currency used is the Australian dollar.

•The most populous city in Australia is Sydney. Sydney is known by the Sydney Opera House, which is a fantastic building.


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• The climate of Australia is varied: we can find tropical rain forests, mild temperate climate and deserts.

• Many people in Australia live hundreds of miles away from the nearest school or hospital. Children study at home and talk to their teachers by radio. If someone is ill, the “flying doctor” will visit them by plane.

• Australia has unique animals such as the kangaroo, the koala and the platypus. It also has two of the most poisoned spiders in the world – the black widow and the Sydney funnel web. All children learn first aid for spider bites at school.

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Advance Australia Fair

Australians all let us rejoice, For we are young and free; We've golden soil and wealth

for toil, Our home is girt by sea; Our land abounds in Nature's

gifts Of beauty rich and rare; In history's page, let every

stage Advance Australia fair! In joyful strains then let us

sing, "Advance Australia fair!"

Beneath our radiant southern Cross,

We'll toil with hearts and hands;

To make this Commonwealth of ours

Renowned of all the lands; For those who've come across

the seas We've boundless plains to

share; With courage let us all

combine To advance Australia fair. In joyful strains then let us

sing "Advance Australia fair!"

Australian National Anthem

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Work Done by:

• Ana Catarina Queirós nº1 • Andreia Cardoso nº6• Luís Pinto nº14• Mónica Moura nº16• Rita Neves nº21

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