Page 1: August 2013 九把刀 - Quwst 01_web version.pdf · 「我那時很喜歡《灌籃高手

通識寶典: 戰鬥就是學習!

To Fight as to Learn!Giddens Ko:

August 2013









“If you keep on working hard on what you want, you will never fall back—in the worst-case scenario, you’re just walking a little slower than the others,” wearing a pair of glasses and a bright red t-shirt designed by himself, the best-selling Taiwanese writer Giddens Ko (Jiu Ba Dao as his pseudonym) beamed. Invited by CityU’s Office of Education Development and Gateway Education (EDGE), Ko recently visited the University and shared his stories about growing up and being an author in Taiwan with our students.

The broken comic dreamUnless you are a very die-hard fan of Ko’s, you might not know that the now very poplar writer used to dream to be a comic artist. On the screen in the lecture hall, a sketch featuring several “Super Saiyan-looking” characters playing volleyball was shown. It was the masterpiece created by Ko, who was still in middle school then. He had spent an entire summer working on it.


把刀(柯景騰)瞇起雙眼笑著說。應城大教育發展及精進教育處 (EDGE)的邀請,九把刀最近曾來校演講,與同學分享其豐













Page 2: August 2013 九把刀 - Quwst 01_web version.pdf · 「我那時很喜歡《灌籃高手

“I was really into Slum Dunk at that time! Yet, I thought there hadn't been much left for one to explore in the basketball theme…that’s why I switched to volleyball instead. And of course, as you can see, the look of the characters was mostly referencing Dragon Ball!” laughed out Ko as he explained. When it comes to the topic of dreams, he is never the kind who only indulges in empty talk but does nothing; every time an idea springs up in his mind, he would almost take actions immediately and try his best to make it a reality. Back in his teenage times, he did not listen to the teachers in class; all he did was drawing on the textbooks and study storyboards himself. “But what’s bad about taking prompt actions is that… I feel disappointed sooner than anyone else.” There was a boy in another class who was also drawing comics back then. As Ko recalled, that lad drew extremely well and a sense of inferiority washed over little Ko. Later, as his grades were getting worse and worse in school, his mother confiscated all his sketches and banned him from drawing.

“Well, I suppose I should thank my mother for keeping these sketches for me now,” smiled Ko, “It’s an undeniable fact that I had absolutely no talent in drawing. But seeing them again after so many years made me so emotional—the little boy who tried so hard to embrace his dreams was just so cute. Although he did fail in the end, I’m glad that he’d done what he was supposed to do and didn’t leave me any regrets.”

From Shen Chia-yi to writing novelsIn fact, Ko always strives to make sure his life is not inundated with any regrets. After the broken comic dream, he went to high school and the rest is history—and a best-seller, You Are the Apple of My Eye. As depicted in both the novel and the film, Ko said he really hated school: if it was not for the girl with whom he had fallen so deeply in love, he wouldn’t have worked hard for exams; if it wasn’t her, he wouldn’t have the slightest chance to get into university later on.

It is saddening that the friendship between Ko Ching-teng and Shen Chia-yi did not blossom into love. Nevertheless, during his university years, Ko kept on exploring different fields and he finally discovered where he truly belonged—the world of writing. “If you have found the thing which makes you want to devote every bit of yourself to it, please stick to it no matter what.” Ko did, so he kept writing and sending his works to publishers. At last, in 2000, his first novel, The Bomb of Fear, was published. “I am really glad that people like my novels. But to me, writing is still something very personal and simple—it makes me happy.” Ko turned serious.

Based on the semi-autobiographical novel of the same title, the film You Are the Apple of My Eye was well-received by audience everywhere and at the moment, it is even the all-time highest-grossing Chinese-language film in Hong Kong. According to Ko, who also made his directorial debut with the film, it was yet another exploratory accomplishment and a dream come true. New books would still be coming up whilst he was busy working on his next film. “Being a director is fun, just as much as giving talks around…” he paused for a while and continued, “But I can abandon them all if it needs. The only thing I can’t live without is writing novels. Just… never.”

He raised his head, looking as determined as a fighter.

AfterwordIn order to meet Giddens Ko in person, a large number of students had started queuing outside the venue LT-16 before the talk started. Due to the overwhelming response, the talk was also livestreamed at another lecture hall (LT-4).

The moving stories told by Ko with his expressive terms and exceptional humour effortlessly touched every audience’s heart. At last, he passed the microphone to Xiaohua, a little Taiwanese girl who would be starring in his latest film, and played a short video taken from the film to end the enjoyable session. After two hours filled with dreams, laughter and faith, it is fair to say that everyone walked out of the theatre with a giant smile on his/her face.






















廳 (LT-16)外排隊等候入場,反應十分熱烈。而校方亦早有準備,在旁邊的四號演講廳 (LT-4)安排了電視直播,讓未能進場的同學亦能聽到九把刀精彩的演講。





許競思Kasey Hui

馮翠霞Condi Fung



Page 3: August 2013 九把刀 - Quwst 01_web version.pdf · 「我那時很喜歡《灌籃高手

DEC as CityU’s TrademarkIt was a beautiful day on which the sun was shining above every corner of the campus. Stepping out of

the Provost office at Cheng Yick-chi Building, Professor Ellis told us, “With the DEC, we want students to

learn what it means to create new knowledge; and once they have done that, to communicate this new

knowledge to different audiences; to curate it, so that it can be shared and archived; and to cultivate it to

benefit society.” With profound enthusiasm and confidence in the cutting-edge curriculum, he went on,

elaborating on the key ideas behind the DEC. “The most important aspect of discovery and innovation

is that it helps one explore the unknown, to face new situations and to find the opportunities in those

situations. The ability to discover and innovate therefore benefits students throughout their professional


But isn't it a bit too ambitious if every student here in CityU is expected to have the chance to make an

original discovery of his/her own? “Yes, it is indeed ambitious,” said the Provost. “That’s why we have

spent the last few years engaging with every part of the campus to make sure we are on the right track for

achieving this goal. But I should also point out that while the term ‘DEC’ is new, our students have been

demonstrating their success in making original contributions for many years in, for example, regional and

international competitions. You could see some of their exciting work at the Discovery Festival. What is

different is that we are emphasizing discovery and innovation from the day that students arrive at campus,

including in their core and first-year GE courses.” The Office of the Provost has asked all colleges, schools,

and academic departments in the University to review and identify in all courses how we can strengthen

the three major elements of the DEC, namely attitude, ability and accomplishment. “We work with EDGE

(the Office of Education Development and Gateway Education) to create platforms that can broaden

students’ knowledge and unleash their creative potential.”

城大新標記從 鄭 翼 之樓 的學 務 副 校 長 室 走 到 城 大

廣場,感受到濃厚的青春氣息。「DEC 已推行

接 近 三年,在 DEC 理 念下,學 生學習如 何創



充滿熱 忱 和信心,「DEC 旨在 啟發學生的求





學 務 副 校 長 室 去 年 與 全校各 個 學 院、

學系、部門緊密聯繫,評 估並 統整各學系的

課程 以 加強 DEC 的三個主要 元素─ 態 度、

能力和展示。「雖然 DEC 對大學來說 是 新事


不錯,並在各地區 及國際性 比賽獲勝,部分




學 務副校 長 室 並 與 教育發 展 及精 進 教育處



間得到各方的大力支持和配合,確保 DEC 朝



教資會和城大教職員的鼎力支持DEC 不單得到校 方的支持,還得到大學


不經不覺走到新落成的學術樓 (三 ),仰望




《2012-2015學術發展規劃》和DEC 這個以學


正 面的迴響。」此外,城 大 教職 員 對此計劃







“I’d like to describe this as calling on the ‘genius’ of our campus because there are many really smart students and staff at CityU,” said Professor Arthur Ellis, Provost of the University, with a big smile on his face. He was talking about the new Discovery-enriched Curriculum (DEC), whose development has been at the core of work in the Office of the Provost for nearly three years.



務副校長李博亞教授(Professor Arthur Ellis)和我們一同散步閒聊,當談到城大全力推行的「重探索求創新課程」(DEC)時,他指出這是學務副校長室近年的重點計劃之一。

Almost A Revolution—An Interview with the Provost



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Support from the UGC and CityU StaffAs we were walking toward the newly established AC3 building, whose modern outlook was already so distinctive from

afar, Professor Ellis talked about the endorsement for the development of CityU’s DEC from Hong Kong’s University Grants

Committee (UGC). “When we put together City University's Strategic Plan and Academic Development Proposal (ADP)

2012-2015 and put forward the DEC idea to the UGC a few years ago, the response was extremely enthusiastic and

supportive of our plan.”

“Colleagues at CityU have realized as well that the DEC is an opportunity not only for our students but also for themselves

to promote creativity in our classrooms, studios, laboratories, and elsewhere.” Describing the curriculum as a journey

of creativity and imagination, Professor Ellis continued, “We’d like to encourage our staff to think about new ways to

communicate their expertise to students and at the same time invite students to be their partners in this journey of


Before and AfterStarting a new journey is, of course, not easy – it means leaving one’s comfort zone and making significant changes. The

DEC is no different, bringing about fundamental changes to the culture of a university.

Prior to joining CityU back in 2010, our Provost had spent his career in the United States teaching and conducting research,

and involving himself in academic planning and university management. Recounting early comments he heard from staff

when he first came to CityU, he recalled their saying, “Oh, how we wish students would ask more questions in class!”

“The system in the United States is somewhat different. There are few restrictions on what students are studying. They

often change majors multiple times during the four years in college… Well, they often change universities multiple times, too!” the

Provost added laughingly. “But I think such flexibility actually helps encourage students to challenge ideas and use their creativity, which

is also what we've been trying to promote on this campus with the DEC.”

Currently, in the new four-year curriculum, every student in CityU has to take at least 30 credits of GE courses in order to fulfill the

graduation requirement; out of the 30 credits that most students would take in their first year, about 15 credits are supposed to be GE

courses. “Historically, at CityU as well as at other government-funded universities in Hong Kong, a student joins his/her major right after

high school and really has only limited opportunities to experiment with other kinds of ideas outside that specific major,” Professor Ellis

explained. “The new four-year curriculum is designed so that DSE students initially join a college or school, and postpone their major

selection at least until completion of the first year. We hope that with the DEC, students are able to explore a range of ideas and thus

make a more informed decision about their choice of major based on where they find their real passion lies.”

A beam of sunlight passed through the thin clouds and AC3 was somewhat sparkling underneath the azure sky. We were there, at the

bottom of the awe-inspiring stairway. Looking up, the Provost expressed his hopefulness about the future. “So far, we are on a good

track with the DEC. With that said, we know that there are areas that we have to pay attention to, and we’ll remain vigilant to make

sure we continue to make progress.”

As the interview concluded, Professor Ellis smiled once again.






是DEC 的目標和理想。」副校長邊說邊展露燦爛的笑容。

在四年本科課程制度下,持香港中學文憑試 (DSE)學歷的學生,循學院制進入城大,入學時不用選定主修學科,透過在




柔和的陽光穿過雲層,像鎂光燈般散落高聳的學術樓 (三 )上,吸引眾人的目光,與蔚藍的天空相映成趣。那令人振奮



嚴綺琳Lillian Yim

許競思Kasey Hui

薛頌斯Ricardo Sit4

Page 5: August 2013 九把刀 - Quwst 01_web version.pdf · 「我那時很喜歡《灌籃高手


In accordance with the 3-3-4 Curriculum, CityU’s latest batch of Gateway Education (GE) courses, tactfully

divided into three areas namely Arts and Humanities, Study of Societies, Social and Business Organizations

and Science and Technology, has been officially introduced back in September 2012. Under the new

arrangement, students are required to take a minimum of 30 credits of GE courses before graduation,

which offers them an opportunity to explore a wide array of subjects comprehensively.

To obtain a clearer picture of the GE courses, we have invited Professor Cheng Shuk-Han, Director of the

Office of Education Development and Gateway Education (EDGE), to share her visions and goals with us.

Sitting amongst a dozen of petal-like chairs in different colours, the Biology and Chemistry professor also

made use of the chance to clear the doubts about the shortage of GE courses and introduced to us two

programmes by EDGE which aim to improve learning and teaching in CityU.

Nurturing creativity and embracing new challenges“The Future is Now”—what we are doing today leads us to the next stop. With the new GE courses,

Professor Cheng hopes to train students to think critically and be courageous for unknown challenges.

The University and EDGE have devoted lots of resources to developing the new curriculum. Situated on

the 4th floor of the purple zone in AC-1, the GE Laboratory is equipped with some of the most advanced

equipment such as a rapid prototyping machine (3D Printer), a 3D scanner and a Microsoft Pixel Sense.

Enormous space with movable workbenches are also provided for students from different disciplines

to work together on creative projects and experiment with various ideas to create their own unique






《精探》創刊號請來教育發展及精進教育處 (EDGE)處長鄭淑嫻教授抽空





培養學生創意,迎接新挑戰「The Future is Now」,今天的發展就是未來的導向,鄭教授希望透過


展。校方和EDGE投入大量資源發展新課程,在學術樓 (一)四樓紫區的精進

教育實驗室(實驗室 )設有三維立體打印機、Microsoft Pixel Sense、錫焊儀器等



學生畢業後 踏入社會工作,將 要面對很多的突 發事情,需要即時應







具。鄭教授除了鼓 勵同學鞏固

本 科 的 知 識 外,還 建 議 大 家

主 動嘗 試 新事 物,為 將 來 投



Professor SH Cheng: The Future Is Now!


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Upon graduation, students will turn a new page in life and unavoidably encounter all sorts of difficulties that require instant responses and

actions. In order to improve students’ public speaking and communication skills, there is a digital Show-and-Tell studio in the laboratory,

“Students can consider themselves an anchor and make use of the camera and the screen to showcase their discoveries and display them

online.” Apart from the space reserved for discussion and experiments, the studio also consists of lockers for students to store their tools

and works. It is of huge importance, as Professor Cheng emphasises, that students do not just stick to their majors and study all the time,

“They should also be adventurous and try new things from time to time, as this obviously helps prepare them for future changes.”

Dispelling rumours and optimising course selection system Regarding the rumour that GE courses were short of places and thus could not meet the

huge demand from students, Professor Cheng provided the following statistics:

GE Course (3 Distributional Areas):

2012/13 No. of Enrolment Capacity Enrolment Rate

Sem A 7,698 (as of 14 Jan 2013) 8,220 (as of 2 Nov 2012) 93.6%

Sem B 8,416 (as of 22 Jan 2013) 11,750 (as of 2 Jan 2013) 71.6%

Total 16,114 19,970 80.7%

To ensure that the capacity of GE courses was enough, EDGE has been carefully

estimating the number of places needed for each course. The table above reveals the

enrolment of GE courses in the three distributional areas in 2012/13. It is shown that

nearly 20,000 places were offered in the past two semesters, and yet there were only

around 16,000 students who had enrolled in the first place. Professor Cheng pointed

out that the accusation against the supply of GE courses was groundless and she hoped

that the statistics above could clear up misunderstandings amongst students.

Aside from offering enough capacity for GE courses, EDGE also strives to optimise

the course selection system in CityU. As some junior students show concerns that the

more popular courses would no longer be available because senior students could

enrol first and thus take up all the places, Professor Cheng tried to assure our little

worriers again, “Starting from Semester B 2012/13, courses which entertain more than

80 students would open for enrolment in 4 time slots and ¼ of the capacity would be

given out each time. Junior students would have equal opportunities as their senior

counterparts to select their favourite courses.” In addition, a waiting list system has also

been introduced: when a certain course is full for further enrolment, students who fail

to enrol would automatically join the waiting list; if any students withdraws from the

course during the add/drop period subsequently, the system would fill the vacancy with

names on the waiting list.

LASSI and PALSI to facilitate teaching and learningOther than the coordination of GE courses, EDGE is also in charge of two programmes

namely LASSI (Learning and Study Strategies Inventory) and PALSI (The Peer-Assisted

Learning scheme using Supplemental Instruction). LASSI has been running for 10 years

since its launch. Freshmen are required to complete a survey with questions revolving

around strategic learning, self-regulation and skill and will etc. when they enter the

University. After that, the computer system will identify the respondent’s strengths

and weaknesses with which the person can consider further actions for

improvement. For example, joining appropriate workshops and training


On the other hand, started from 2009, PALSI aims at enhancing

students' understanding in course materials and deepening their sense of

belonging to the school. Senior students who have performed well in the

department core courses are invited to be the PALSI Leaders. They meet

junior students (called PALSI Students) studying in the same course at the

regularly scheduled, out-of-class and peer-facilitated review sessions to

discuss academic work and share tips on effective learning strategies. In

Semester B 2012/13, 16 courses with 1,300 students have participated in

the scheme.

Working closely with other units of the University, EDGE puts students’

needs and benefits as their priority and is eager to collect opinions from

different parties to improve the learning environment in CityU.


嚴綺琳Lillian Yim

許競思Kasey Hui

薛頌斯Ricardo Sit



GE 課程 (三大範疇 ):

2012/13 選修人數 名額 選修率

上學期 7,698 (截至14-01-2013) 8,220 (截至02-11-2012) 93.6%

下學期 8,416 (截至22-01-2013) 11,750 (截至02-01-2013) 71.6%

總計 16,114 19,970 80.7%

EDGE 為確保每個學期都有充裕的學額讓學生選讀,審慎預計每學期的學生人數,





EDGE 不只為GE 課程提供充足的名額,在選科流程上更做到精益求精。有低年級的






LASSI and PALSI 兩大計劃,薪火相傳EDGE除了統籌GE課程外,還提供兩大計劃支援教與學:LASSI (Learning and

Study Strategies Inventory) 和PALSI (The Peer-Assisted Learning scheme using Supplemental

Instruction)。LASSI 已推行10 年,新生入學時須完成問卷,然後透過電腦分析,使學



PALSI 由2009年開始推行,由曾修讀該課程的學生擔任小導師指導新修讀的




EDGE 與其他學系保持緊密聯繫,聆聽各方的意見,了解和關心同學的擔憂




Page 7: August 2013 九把刀 - Quwst 01_web version.pdf · 「我那時很喜歡《灌籃高手

Robotic dog, model car, 3D printer… all these are assignment that Dr. Ray Cheung would have received

from students at the end of the semester. Started in September 2012, “GE1314 Ironman: The Art and

Science of Robots in Our Society” has been tremendously popular amongst students. As the course

leader, Dr. Cheung thanked students for their overwhelming support, “The questions and perspectives

brought up by students were often delightful surprises that profoundly showed their creativity!”

The difficulties in launching a new courseAs robots have already been a part of our daily life, the idea of launching a new course regarding robots

for non-Electronic-Engineering students struck Dr. Cheung and his colleagues one day. The teachers

hoped that students would not just learn more about the basic software and hardware equipped in

a robot, but also the close relationship between human being and robots, as well as the ethical issues


By any chance would students who have a background in arts and business fail to understand the

jargons and terms in Electronic Engineering? “This course is designed specifically for students who do

not study science in the first place; therefore, it wouldn’t have been too difficult for them. Besides, we

had to submit our proposal for starting a new course to EDGE and other committees in the University.

It had been revised and revised and revised before it finally got approved. Oh man, that was a tough



鋼鐵人:機器人在社會的藝術與科學Ironman: The Art and Science of Robots in Our Society


The first A+Apart from learning about engineering theories and concepts, students are also required to form

groups of five to six and design their first creative and imaginable robot in the laboratory. “We

taught students to use the LEGO MINDSTORM tool and provided them with the hardware needed.

Students are encouraged to be as creative as possible and realise whatever that is on their mind!”

Dr. Cheung went on to tell us how a group of students had made a small 3D-printer which knows

how to scan a picture and plot it as a B&W image all by itself. He revealed, “I was too amazed that I

couldn’t help but give an A+ to this group!”

In the future, Dr. Cheung hoped that more students will enroll in the course and develop an interest

in robots and Electronic Engineering. Since the course is newly introduced, he welcomed any opinions

from students to make the best of it.



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開新課程 過五關斬六將張博士表示,隨著機器人越來越普及,甚至已成為我們日常生活中的一部分,他和同









們會教授同學使用編製程式的軟件LEGO MINDSTORM,並會提供有關硬件予他








許競思Kasey Hui 薛頌斯Ricardo Sit



Page 9: August 2013 九把刀 - Quwst 01_web version.pdf · 「我那時很喜歡《灌籃高手

中華武術與科學Science in Chinese Kung FuGE1309


你也可以做 問葉主修應用生物學的許智森 (Sam)和主修應用物理學的葉懿

秋 (Paul),從小就喜愛看黃飛鴻的功夫片,加上近年電影《葉






葉準當特別嘉賓碰 巧城 大舉 行「探 索 創新 節」,Sam和 Paul和我們在






















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Sam and Paul, who are majoring in Applied Biology and Applied Physics respectively, have been loving Chinese martial arts since they

were little. Enrolled in the popular course “GE1309 Science in Chinese Kung Fu” during summer in 2011/12, they had the opportunity to

learn more about the history, culture, physiology and psychology of Chinese kung fu.

Mr. Ip Chun as the special guestOnce misunderstood Wing Chun as martial arts only for ladies, Sam and Paul admitted that it was the film Ip Man starring Donnie Yen

that sparked their interest in this special style of Chinese martial arts. “We thus enrolled in GE1309 and it turned out to be the best

decision ever. The course emphasises both on theories and practices. The professor even invited Mr. Ip Chun, Ip Man’s eldest son, to

share with us the concepts of Wing Chun and his experience in mastering the art!” the two boys yelled excitedly. Apart from Mr. Ip Chun,

masters of Tai Chi were also invited to demonstrate some basic movements of their expertise.

The advantages of learning Kung FuA lot of misconceptions regarding martial arts have also been cleared up. “Kung fu is definitely not just about fighting, but also self-

defence and the coordination between one’s body and mind. For instance, we learnt about the mechanics behind every striking and

grappling in Wing Chun, which is really scientific and interesting,” the boys explained.

As Sam and Paul demonstrated the Wing Chun they have learned around the “muk yan jong”, a wooden dummy used in kung fu training,

they continued, “Our interest in Wing Chun and Tai Chi grew immensely after taking GE1309 and we have now officially enrolled in

the Wing Chun class organised by the Wing Chun Martial Arts Association and the Tai Chi class by the Student Development Services!”

From kung fu films to practitioners in real life, Sam and Paul showed us how easy it is to incorporate martial arts into our life.

嚴綺琳Lillian Yim

許競思Kasey Hui

馮翠霞Condi Fung


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Loving Work, Working to LoveGE1216

“This is really interesting. We are not only able to learn more about management skills, but also the different working cultures in various countries.” From North America to Hong Kong, Mia, John and Giovanni talked about their learning experience in the course “GE1216 Loving Work, Working to Love”.

Real-life Examples: InspiringOffered by the Department of Management, GE1216 is one of the new courses that aim to provide students interdisciplinary training and equip them with the ability to critically examine real-life issues. “Reading materials and videos which feature the stories of celebrities like Oprah Winfrey, Tony Hsieh and David Beckham are included in classes to explain theories of attachment, commitment and engagement etc,” said Mia, an exchange student from Canada who majors in Communications.

“And also Steve Jobs’,” added Giovanni, “His famous line basically tells it all: ‘You’ve got to find what you love. And that is as true for your work as it is for your lovers’. We are taught in the course the importance to identify what makes us love our job, and how one can navigate the interconnections between work and different social relations.”

Cultural Differences: UnexpectedIn the course, students are required to divide themselves into groups and have in-class discussions and presentations. They have to interview working individuals in Hong Kong for their mid-term and final assignments as well. So, anything special they have found out during the process?

John, who is also from the United States as Giovanni, recounted, “One day, we were asked in class to prioritise the important things to do at work and you could see that there was really quite a big difference between the answers given by international students and local students. All international students tend to put participation in decision-making ahead while local students enjoy establishing relationships with bosses and co-workers instead.” Like… a case of individualism v.s. collectivism? “Exactly,” smirked John.

“It is safe to say that this is by far the best course I’ve enrolled in CityU!” just like this, as our visitors commented.


我們分享他們在精進教育科目「GE1216 Loving Work, Working to Love」中的得著與感受。

來自現實生活的例子GE1216 由城大管理學系開辦,目的是為學生提供跨學科的訓練,培養他們獨立思考的能力。「在堂上,老師會向我們展示不同的材料,以及放映影片,






與Giovanni同樣來自美國的 John憶述:「有一次,我們需要在課上把我們認為在工作中最重要





致的交流生不約而同的說道。許競思Kasey Hui


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歷史與文化中的中國女性Women’s Lives in Chinese History




























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嚴綺琳Lillian Yim

許競思Kasey Hui

馮翠霞Condi Fung

“Actually it wasn’t the first time that the students asked us to increase the capacity for this course,” said

Dr. Lo Kar-kee and Dr. Lam Hok-chung, referring to the popular course “GE1114 Women’s Lives in Chinese

History”. Focusing on the historical changes of women’s lives in ancient China, the lives of women from different

social classes and the legacy of the lives of traditional Chinese women today, the course aims at leading students to

analyse modern issues from various perspectives.

Unveiling the mysterious pastAccording to Dr. Lo, TV series tend to set in ancient palaces, which effortlessly intrigue a lot of students. “They

usually wonder if some of the plots are based on real history or not. For example, foot binding used to be a

taboo in ancient China. However, with images and videos, students can now learn about the whole process

and thus explore the significance of this practice. Or, let’s say, they are very interested in topics like women’s

property right and virginity as well,” smiled Dr. Lo.

The course has also changed students’ long-rooted perception towards Chinese women. “In the tutorials, tutors

would lead students to look closely into figures like Li Qingzhao and Sai Jinhua through various multi-media tools.

By applying the historical concepts to current issues, we hope to train students to think more critically.”

“Adopting wives” in Po Leung KukPo Leung Kuk in Hong Kong has been providing orphans with shelters and education. In fact, it is also linked to

the history of women’s lives in the 18-19th century. “We bring students to visit Po Leung Kuk so that they can learn

more about abduction of women and children in Guangdong centuries ago and how Po Leung Kuk served to solve

the problems.” Besides, there was even the service of “adopting wives”. Dr. Lam explained, “In the past, men

could go to Po Leung Kuk to adopt a woman as their wife. Although the service is no longer available nowadays,

students are very much intrigued by this practice and they would wonder whether it is still appropriate in the

modern world!”

Literally meaning “Society for the Protection of Women and Children” in Chinese, Po Leung Kuk witnesses the

continuous changes in society and helps students rethink issues that still matter today.


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嚴綺琳Lillian Yim

許競思Kasey Hui


Dedicated to supporting CityU’s Discovery-enriched Curriculum (DEC) and serving more than

200 Gateway Education (GE) courses, two GE Laboratories, with more than 160 m2 of space,

are situated in AC-1, on the 4th floor of the purple zone. Apart from learning about all sorts of

theories in class, students are also given the chance to experiment with their innovative ideas

and turn them into reality now! The Lab consists of two parts:

GE Laboratory 1Equipped with movable workbenches and exhaust ventilation, the Laboratory provides space

for students to work together for group work and hands-on activities. This area can also be

transformed into different arrangements to support various GE courses' needs.

GE Laboratory 2A rapid prototyping machine (3D Printer) and a 3D scanner in the Laboratory enable students to

transform their digital designs into physical objects! Besides, a digital Show-and-Tell studio allows

students to showcase their discoveries, display them online and practice their communication


An overview of the major equipment in the GE Laboratory高科技大檢閱

為配合城大「重探索求創新課程」(DEC) 的發展,加上精進教育科目(GE) 全面推

行,校方在學術樓 (一)四樓紫區設置精進教育實驗室(實驗室 ),面積超過160平方米,




根據GE 課程的設計,工作桌椅可隨意設置,靈活配合老師們的教學。實驗室內還設


GE實驗室2實驗室設有「快速原型機」(三維立體打印機 )和「三維立體掃瞄器」,令學生天




精進教育實驗室導覽Laboratory Preview

Major Equipment 主要儀器 Description 簡介Rapid Prototyping Machine (3D Printer) Fortus 400mc with Ultra-sonic cleaning tank

Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) JEOL JCM6000

Spectrophotometer CRAIC 308 PV UV-Visible-NIR microscope Spectrophotometer

3D Scanner NextEngine 3D Scanner

Exhaust Ventilation Extractor Arm Fumex Terfu Extraction Arm MT1300-75PP

Interactive eBoard Sharp 70" LCD Touch Screen Panel PN-L702B

HD Video Camera Sony HDR-AX2000E Show & Tell Studio

Canon EOS DSLR 5D markIII Show & Tell Studio

Visualizer Elmo P10S

PC for CAD x 4 Computer installed with CAD Software

Power Mac With video editing software

CAD Software - SolidWorks SolidWorks Education License

CAD Software - Rhino 4.0 Rhino 4.0 Educational Lab License


Below are the three major highlights in the GE Lab:

Rapid Prototyping Machine (3D Printer) After completing their digital designs, students can use the 3D printer to

produce heat-resistant products that are made of plastics. Customising

your unique, say, phone case is no longer an unthinkable act now!

3D ScannerEarlier a student from the School of Creative Media captured the

movement of a ballet dancer by the 3D scanner and, as staggeringly

beautiful as the dance itself is, all the gracefulness and rhythmicity are

transformed into a 3D model.

Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)With a maximum magnification of 60,000x, SEM offers students an

opportunity to look into the mysterious world of objects around us like

hair, fingernails, leaves and petals and thus explore many of the yet-

to-be-known facets in science.













Rapid Prototyping Machine (3D Printer) 快速原型機

Exhaust Ventilation Extractor Arm排氣通風延伸臂

GE Laboratory精進教育實驗室


Digital Show-and-Tell Studio 數碼展示錄像製作室


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The very first GE course was introduced in Semester B 2007/08. Five years have passed, and the number of GE courses in CityU has now increased to more than 200! How well do you know about these courses? Let’s dig out some interesting facts about them!


由2007/08年下學期開始,至 2012/13年下學期,最多學生已報讀的課

程是由中國文化中心 (CCIV)開設的「GE1501中國文化─歷史與哲學」,




系 (SS)開設的「GE2203新晉專業人員心理學」奪得,它於2008/09年上學


學生修讀,同學們都稱呼這科為「Young Psy」,看來它與韓國熱爆歌手

PSY和他的首本名曲「Gangnam Style」一樣廣受歡迎,絕對是實至名歸。

• GEcourse(s)withthehighestenrolment

Offered by the Chinese Civilisation Centre (CCIV) as a GE core course, “GE1501

Chinese Civilisation - History and Philosophy” has had the highest enrolment since

it was first introduced in Semester B 2007/08. Until Semester B 2012/13, there

were altogether 5,272 students in CityU who have enrolled in this course! Wow!

As for GE courses in the 3 distributional areas, the highest enrolment goes to

“GE2203 Psychology for Young Professionals”. Offered by the Department of

Applied Social Studies (SS) and more commonly addressed by students as “Young

Psy”, this course has had a total enrolment of 4,554 for 14 semesters in 5 years

since it was first launched in Semester A 2008/09. Korean singer PSY's Gangnam

Style? Apparently our “Young Psy” is just as popular as that!

開辦次數最多The most frequent

• (連續 ) 開辦次數最多的課程

GE2203「Young Psy」不僅是開辦次數最多的GE課程,還是連續開


GE2203是唯一一個GE課程每個學期 (包括暑期 )都有開設,同學們

絕對不能錯過!「Young Psy」再一次榮登「GE之最」的寶座,絕不


• GEcourseonofferthemostfrequenttodate

Guess what? Yes, it is “GE 2203 Young Psy” again! In fact, it is the only GE

course that was offered in every single semester including summer terms

since Semester A 2008/09.


由電腦科學系 (CS)開辦的「GE2315信息化時代



• GEcoursewiththelargestclasssize

Offered by the Department of Computer Science

(CS), “GE2315 Security and Privacy in the Information

Age” took 210 students in each lecture. What a

large class!


英文系 (EN)提供了13個英文的必修GE課

程和 5個選修 課程,合共18 科勇奪開設


• DepartmentofferingthemostGEcourses

The Department of English (EN) snatches the

title with a total of 18 GE courses—13 of them

are core courses while 5 are electives.


由物理及材料科學系 (AP)、生物及

化 學系 (BCH)、土 木 及 建 築 工程 系

(CA)、數學系 (MA)、機械及生物醫學

工程學系 (MBE)、系統工程及工程管理

學系 (SEEM)六大學系聯手合作開設「GE1319專業跨領域


• GEcourse“crossing”themostdepartments

“GE1319 Interdisciplinary Research for Smart Professionals”

involved 6 departments in total, namely Department of Physics

and Materials Science (AP), Department of Biology and Chemistry

(BCH), Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering (CA),

Department of Mathematics (MA), Department of Mechanical

and Biomedical Engineering (MBE) and Department of Systems

Engineering and Engineering Management (SEEM).

* 資料截至2012/13年下學期。 All data as of Semester B, 2012/13.


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For any enquiries, please contact:


Office of Education Development and Gateway Education (EDGE)


電郵Email: [email protected]

電話Tel: 3442 5746

嚴綺琳Lillian Yim

許競思Kasey Hui




• Thelongestcoursetitle

SAY THIS OUT LOUD: “GE2112 Vampires, Monsters and Teen Demons: Representations of

the Dark Side of the Mind in Literature and Popular Culture”. 18 words! No wonder it is the

longest course title!



個學期中,最多長者學生報讀的課程是由電子工程學系 (EE)開辦的「GE2318古代智慧與現代科


• GEcoursetakingthemostelderlystudents

To promote continuous learning in the community, 58 GE courses were offered to the Elder Academy in

2012/13. Throughout the academic year, the course that most elderly students enrolled in was “GE2318

From Ancient Wisdom to Modern Science” as offered by Department of Electronic Engineering (EE).

Apparently, learning science is fun and WISE!






• GEcoursetaughtbymostteachers

“GE1401 University English” had an enrolment of 2,274

students in Semester A 2012/13 and 93 sessions involving

44 English teachers were offered for selection.


三大範疇的GE課程合共開辦了186個科目,其中第二大範疇─ 社會及


• Distributionalareawiththemostcourses

There are altogether 186 GE courses in the 3 distributional areas. Amongst them,

Area 2 “Study of Societies, Social and Business Organisations” has provided the

most courses—69 in total.

最早開辦Started the Earliest


GE課程由2007/08年下學期開始開辦,包括以下六個科目:課程編號 開辦學系 課程名稱

GE1101 中國文化中心 (CCIV) 中國文化遺產與當代社會

GE1102 創意媒體學院 (SCM) 東西方電影

GE1201 資訊系統學系 (IS) 資訊管理及其對社會的影響

GE1209 (前身GE2201) 亞洲及國際學系 (AIS) 全球化下的身份與公民意識

GE2101 公共政策學系 (POL) 理性思考與創意

GE2301 機械及生物醫學工程學系 (MBE) 科學與科技:過去與未來

其中「GE1209全球化下的身份與公民意識」(前身 GE2201)的大課更 是 眾多GE



• GEcoursestartedtheearliest

GE courses in CityU were first introduced in Semester B 2007/08. At that time, 6 courses

were offered:Course Code Host Department Course Title

GE1101 Chinese Civilisation Centre (CCIV) Chinese Cultural Heritage in Modern Perspective

GE1102 School of Creative Media (SCM) Cinema: East and West

GE1201 Department of Information Systems (IS) Information Management and Its Social Impact

GE1209 (formerly known as GE2201)

Department of Asian and International Studies (AIS)

Identity and Citizenship in a Globalized World

GE2101 Department of Public Policy (POL) Rational Thinking and Creative Ideas

GE2301 Department of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering (MBE)

Science and Technology: From Past to Future

In fact, “GE1209 Identity and Citizenship in a Globalized World” (formerly known as

GE2201) had its very first lecture at 9:30a.m. on Monday 14 January 2008. By any chance

you were there?

最多長者學生報讀taking the most elderly students



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