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Target Audience Research

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How old are you?

We chose this question so we were able to aim our documentary at a niche audience ensuring that our documentary will be watched and enjoyed. This pie chart shows us that the most popular age range was 45 years plus, along with second most popular is 16-19 years old. This tells us that these ages ranges are the most interested in health and fitness so we can choose to aim our documentary at either age range.

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Are you Male or Female?

We asked this question because we wanted to find out if health and fitness is specific to a certain gender. The results show that the most popular gender for health and fitness is Female. However, males did contribute towards the questionnaire so this will help us with producing our documentary because it will be produced for both genders.

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What channels do you enjoy watching?

We asked this question because we wanted to find out what channel was the most popular. We found out that ITV 1 was the most popular followed by BBC1 then channel 4. So we will produce our documentary for these channels as we are know they are the most popular as they are watched more.

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What time of the day do you most watch TV?

We chose this question to find out when the most popular time of the day was to watch TV. The results show that the evening was the most popular so we will schedule our documentary in the evening. This will help us in our documentary because as we know it will be watched.

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What features do you like about a Documentary?

We chose this question to be in included in our questionnaire to enable us to include what our audience like in our Documentary. The graph shows that entertainment was the most popular so we will use this as our primary purpose and then it is followed by facts. This will help us in our production and planning for the Documentary, we will have entertainment and facts as the main priority but also include the others.

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How often do you watch Documentaries?

We chose this question to find out how often our target audience watch Documentaries. This will help us with planning our documentary as it allows us to find how popular documentaries are so that we can schedule our documentary accurately. The graph shows that 14 people watch documentaries 2-3 times a week and also 14 people watch documentaries monthly.

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What is your favourite colour?

We chose this question so that we can create a colour scheme suitable for our target audience. The graph shows a larger amount of people chose blue, followed by red, green, purple orange. This will help us to create a colour scheme around the colours that our audience chose but also relevant to our documentary.

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What genre of music do you listen to?

We need to use music for the background of our documentary so we asked this question to find what genre was most popular. The graph shows that the most popular music genre was Pop so we will choose a song from this genre as we know our audience will enjoy it, along with it being relevant to the topic of our documentary.

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Do you consider yourself as a healthy person?

The reason we asked this question was to find out what type of people are target audience were, we found that most or majority of people were very healthy or average. This means we can pick specific themes for our documentary that will apply to healthy people. The themes that we could do is subjects such as Nutritional information, fitness regimes and advice.

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What exercise do you do to keep fit?

This question was chosen so that we could see what the most popular exercise was to keep fit. The graph shows that the most popular exercise was walking, followed by the gym. This means that we can get relevant and appropriate cutaways used for our documentary that the audience will be interested in.

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When do you tend to do your exercising?

This question was asked so that we could include facts and figures in our documentary. The pie chart shows that most people tend to do their exercising in the early evening or the morning. This will help us with our documentary as we can look into why 39% of our target audience prefer to exercise in the early evening compared to the 25% of people that do their exercise in the morning. The pie chart also shows that only 4% of people that answered our questionnaire tend to do their exercising in the midday as they are likely to be in work. This will help us plan for interviews with the general public e.g. time available.

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Do you socialise when you exercise?

We asked this question to find whether people are more independent when they exercise or whether they go purposely to socialise with friends. The graph shows that most people do socialise when they exercise.

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Do you have a gym membership?

We asked this question to see whether our target audience have a gym membership or not. The graph shows that 30 out of 49 people don’t have a gym membership. This will help us with our documentary because we can include more information about gym memberships e.g. price rise. Also , we can focus on people who don’t have a gym membership and what exercise they do.

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If no to question 14, why?

This question was asked to find out why people don’t buy gym memberships, this is used for primary research and this was extra information on peoples personal opinions. The majority of these are due to price and lack of time.

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How much do you pay?

This question was asked to see how much people pay for their gym memberships monthly. The graph shows that most people pay £18-£22.99 whereas non of our target audience pay under £9,99. This will allow us to give detailed and correct information about the gym under the topic of gym.

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How often do you go?

This question was included in our questionnaire so we can find out how often people of our target audience go to the gym. Most of the people that attend the gym mainly go 2-3 times a week as this will help us plan questions for interviews about the gym.

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Why do you go the gym?

This question was asked in our questionnaire so we can find out why people actually go to the gym. The graph showsthat most people actually go the gym to tone and then it is build muscle and loose weight. This will help us when planning and filming our documentary because we can base our documentary around these areas at a gym.

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Do you attend any fitness classes?

We chose this question to ask our target audience because we wanted to find out if they attend any fitness classes and how popular they are. The graph shows that after other themost popular fitness class was circuit training, followed by body combat and yoga. This will help us with our productionbecause we can involve these classes in our filming.

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If no to question 19. Why not?

We asked this question to find out why people do not attend fitness classes. We found out that it isbecause people don’t have a gym membership or just do not want to go. This will help us with our documentary because we can include other information.

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Do you feel more pressured to be fit and healthy?

We asked this question to see if people thought that they are being more pressured into be a healthier person. Most people said that they feel as though they are being pressured from our results. This will help us with our documentary because we can look at how fitness has changed.

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Do you feel as though people have become more conscious of their

fitness over the years? We asked this question in our questionnaire to see if people feel that other people have become more conscious of their fitness levels over the years. 91% of our target audience that filled in our questionnaire said yes. This will help us with our documentary to also look at how fitness levels has changed.

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Do you have a strict dietary routine? If yes, what is it?

We asked this question to find out if any our target audiencehave a strict dietary routine. We found out that the dietary routines that target audience does have is diets such as:gluten/lactose free, low car, protein and some of our target audience don’t have a strict routine. This will help us with our documentary because we can include different diets in our production.

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If no. Why not?

We asked this question to see why our target audience don’t have a strict dietary routine. We found out that some of the reasons for this was that they didn’t feel the need too or they just eat healthier food. This will help us with our production because we can involve diets and why people don’t tend to follow a routine.

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Do you take any dietary or gym supplements or know anyone that does?

We asked this question to see if any of our target audience take any dietary or gym supplements to see what people dotake. The graph shows that most people who filled in our questionnaire take protein shakes followed by sports drinks. This will help us with our production because we can include ways that help people to achieve their goal.

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What would you like to see in a documentary about health and fitness?

We asked this question to see what our target audience would be interested in when producing a documentary on health and fitness. Most of our target audience said advice followed by information about different ways of keeping fit. This will help us with our production because we can make sure we include what our target audience would like to see.

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