  • 7/29/2019 AUDE Newsletter features one of our projects!


    AUDE NewsletterNo. 42, Winter 2013

    In this issue:

    AUDE to publish Estate Management Statistics report Update on the Efficiency Exchange project by Ian Powling, Universities UK 89m Technology and Innovation Centre under construction at Strathclyde 1960s building at Brighton to undergo fundamental refurbishment 1 billion University development in Cambridge Restoration of listed Riddel Hall at Queens University Belfast Atrium transformation at Hertfordshire creates informal learning and social space Palatine Centre at Durham enhances the student experience UCL unveils transformed galleries Government funding to support new Imperial West Technology Campus In Brief - short news items Web Watch, Events! Events! Goodbye, hello and on the move

    For the first time AUDE has undertaken the publication of

    the Estate Management Statistics (EMS) report, formerly

    produced by the Higher Education Funding Council

    (HEFCE). The report, which covers the 2009-10 financial

    year, incorporates data collated during 2010-11.

    Statistics from 161 higher education institutions (HEIs) in

    the UK have been collected to produce the publication,

    which continues to deliver a consistent and robust set ofestates data for the vast majority of UK HEIs.

    The report looks at the main estates trends and challenges

    in an on-going approach to property performance

    measurement and continues the commentary on sector

    trends from previous EMS annual reports. Trends are

    reported under the broad headings of efficiency,

    effectiveness and environment. Some of the key findings of

    the report are summarized below.


    Occupancy costs are rising faster than inflation.Both residential and non-residential occupancy costs have

    risen much faster than comparable rates of inflation

    between 2005/06 and 2009/10. As a proportion of

    income, non-residential total occupancy costs rose from

    8.9% to 9.4% of income between 2008/09 and 2009/10.

    This may relate to increases in usage.

    Size of the estate. Against many key metrics there is asignificant variance between the performance of larger

    and smaller institutions. Appropriate peer group analysiswill help HEIs to avoid misleading comparisons.

    AUDE to publish Estate Management Statistics Report


  • 7/29/2019 AUDE Newsletter features one of our projects!


    For many institutions space efficiency remains thebest opportunity to achieve savings. There remains high

    variability amongst institutions in terms of the amount ofspace that they provide and office space is still out of kilter

    with other sectors.

    Effectiveness investment

    The student perception of the HE estate mattersmore than ever. It is essential that the quality of estate

    continues to improve and the estate is appropriately sized

    against turnover.

    Capital investment is paying dividends. The quality ofthe UK higher education estate, as measured by its

    condition and functional suitability, is higher now than ithas ever been since the inception of EMS. In 2009/10,

    the proportion of non-residential space in good condition

    stood at 75.2% (weighted mean) and the proportion in

    functional suitability categories I & II stood at 81.3%.

    This is excellent news and is largely the result of a

    continued commitment on the part of the sector to invest

    in its estate.


    Energy consumption. Although energy consumption perstudent and staff FTE fell by around 7.8% between2005/06 and 2009/10, energy consumption per m

    remained largely static over the same period. There are

    likely to be a number of issues which are increasing this

    figure, with improved space use and increases in research

    being two of the key drivers. The sector is committed to

    reducing carbon emissions by 42% by 2020.

    The EMS report concludes that it is clear the sector is

    undergoing a period of rapid change due to a combination of

    external and internal pressures. In particular, significant

    alterations in how institutions are funded, along with changes

    in teaching and learning styles are likely to impact heavily onuniversity estates through the evolving requirements of

    stakeholders, particularly students. Institutions will need to

    plan and respond to these changes as a result.

    The Estate Management Statistics report will be published in

    February, distributed to all AUDE member institutions and

    uploaded to the AUDE web site.

    By Ian Powling, Project Manager, Universities UK

    The Efficiency Exchange project, to be delivered by

    Universities UK and JISC, supported by HEFCE and the

    Leadership Foundation, will help higher education

    professionals discover and share innovative ways to deliver

    greater efficiency and transformation within their institutions.

    Universities UK (UUK) and JISC will be making the Efficiency

    Exchange beta blog site available in February. Its initial

    purpose will be to facilitate the sector-led conversation thatwill be a vital part of ensuring that the service evolves in

    response to the needs of higher education professionals, as

    well as providing a channel for expert opinion and knowledge

    to be shared via guest blogs and partner content.

    An online survey will also be launched in February to gather

    your views on the opportunities, challenges and themes

    within the efficiency agenda that are most important to you.

    The findings from the survey will form the basis of a

    programme of engagement which will include workshops with

    practitioners and an inter-professional feedback session with

    key professional groups. This will give rise to action plans for

    mapping resources, mobilising inter-professional communities

    of practice and commissioning new content.

    Other efficiency news:

    Universities UK host the Efficiency in Higher Education:second annual conference on 26 February, with keynote

    speakers including Professor Ian Diamond, Sarah

    Gillinson of the Innovation Unit and Professor Martyn

    Harrow of JISC.

    A joint UUK/Department for Business, Innovation andSkills (BIS) workshop on efficiency in higher education on

    23 November 2012 was standing room only and provided

    a rich exchange of views with senior officials within BIS,

    including Dr Graeme Reid, Head of Research Funding.BIS has requested a follow-up event in 2013. The key

    message was the importance of robust evidence-based

    communication about progress to officials in BIS and HM

    Treasury. Ministers Vince Cable and David Willetts

    confirmed their approval of the progress being made in a

    follow-up meeting with Professor Ian Diamond.

    The Efficiency Exchange project team looks forward to

    engaging widely to ensure that the service meets your needs.

    To learn more or contribute your ideas, please contact: Ian

    Powling, Project Manager, E.

    [email protected] and follow us on

    Twitter #EfficiencyExchange.

    Update on the Efficiency Exchange project

  • 7/29/2019 AUDE Newsletter features one of our projects!


    The state-of-the-art 89 million

    Technology and Innovation Centre

    (TIC) at the University of

    Strathclyde, currently under

    construction, represents the

    single biggest investment in

    research capacity in the history of

    the University.

    Developed with industry, for

    industry, the Technology and

    Innovation Centre has already

    attracted major partners including

    Scottish and Southern Energy,

    the Weir Group, ScottishPower

    and other cross-sectoral

    companies, with financial backing

    from Scottish Enterprise and the

    Scottish Funding Council.

    The Technology and Innovation Centres 25,000 metre square landmark building will house specialist shared and flexiblelaboratory facilities, enabling up to 1,200 researchers, engineers and project managers from academia and industry to work

    side-by-side in the heart of Glasgow. Planned research areas include: power and energy; renewable technologies;

    photonics and sensors; advanced engineering; pharmaceutical manufacturing and bio-nano systems.

    The building has been designed to facilitate a step-change in engagement between university researchers and industry. This

    new way of thinking is already informing the development of research and education across the University, where

    multidisciplinary teams are being brought together to combine strengths in engineering, science, business, humanities and

    the social sciences.

    The TIC building will include a welcoming and highly transparent base forming a shop window for the work taking place,

    combined with cutting-edge research space, a top-class conferencing and event facility, cafe and exhibition areas. A central

    atrium will allow natural light to flood every level of the building.

    The TIC has been designed with low carbon principles to the fore and project targets include a BREEAM rating of

    Excellent; class leading building fabric performance; class leading air leakage rates; high thermal mass; mixed mode passive

    displacement ventilation systems; water recycling to provide adiabatic cooling; potential for culvert ventilation (under

    investigation); low and zero carbon energy supplies.

    Professor Sir Jim McDonald, Principal and Vice-Chancellor at Strathclyde said:

    Strathclyde's Technology and Innovation Centre will help transform Glasgow and Scotlands' research and industrial

    innovation landscape. Based on our reputation for high quality research with industrial impact and relevance, it will attract

    multi-millions of pounds of inward investment to the city, drive global business, growth and create jobs.

    The Technology and Innovation Centre will officially open in 2014.

    89m Technology and Innovation Centre

    under construction at Strathclyde

    Technology and Innovation Centre, University of Strathclyde

  • 7/29/2019 AUDE Newsletter features one of our projects!


    A 26m refurbishment project will create state-of-the-art

    facilities for staff and students at the University of Brighton

    by 2015.

    Work is taking place to redesign and improve facilities

    within the 1960s Cockcroft tower block on the universitys

    Moulsecoomb campus in Brighton & Hove. The ten storey

    building is one of the universitys largest providing: teaching

    rooms, laboratories, workshops, offices, the Students Union

    and restaurant facilities. The project will start in late spring

    2013 and be completed over three phases with the final

    phase ending in summer 2015.

    The refurbishment will provide high quality, flexible spaces

    to support student learning and research. This will include a

    suite of learning labs, designed to utilise a wide range of

    learning technologies, including the use of tablet devices,

    supplemented by project-on and write-on wall technology.

    Better ventilation, more natural light and open spaces will

    be provided throughout the buildings interior. Improved use

    of office space is also part of the design principles of the

    building, with areas for people to meet and social learningspaces where individuals and groups can study and

    collaborate in an informal way.

    Reducing carbon emissions and energy costs has been a

    key priority for the design team, as part of the universitys

    commitment to reducing carbon emissions by 50% by

    2016. The redesign of the building is projected to reduce

    energy costs by 47,000 per year. The roof was reinsulated

    and 132 solar panels were installed in 2012. New low

    carbon features in the building will include:

    Improved insulation including double glazed windowsthroughout the building

    A solar corridor that acts as a thermal buffer to reduceheat in summer and prevent heat loss in winter

    Installation of an aquifer thermal energy storage systemwhich uses water stored underground to heat and coolthe building.

    Professor Andrew Lloyd, Dean of the Faculty of Science

    and Engineering, said:

    We are investing in Cockcroft to create the best possible

    learning experience for students and a better working

    environment for staff, while supporting Brightons

    commitment to be among the UKs greenest universities.

    The project is led by Fraser Brown MacKenna Architects,

    working with a multidisciplinary design team involving

    Willmott Dixon Interiors, Curtins Consulting, Burnley Wilson

    Fish and Mott Macdonald Fulcrum.

    1960s building at Brighton to undergo fundamental refurbishment

    Artists impression of the Cockcroft building, image courtesy of Fraser Brown MacKenna Architects

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  • 7/29/2019 AUDE Newsletter features one of our projects!


    Riddel Hall, Queens University Belfast

    Queens University Belfast recently completed a 14m restoration of the Grade B listed Riddel Hall, plus the construction

    of two adjoining buildings, to create a state-of-the-art Executive Education Centre.

    The building now houses the Queens Management School, a Graduate Centre and a Leadership Institute, delivering

    professional development programmes, not just to Queens students, but also to executives and organisations from all

    sectors throughout the Province.

    The brief for Riddel Hall was to conserve its significant architectural and historical value by keeping intervention to a

    minimum, whilst creating an environmentally sustainable building to meet operational need.

    The dank, inner courtyard, at the heart of the building has been transformed into a multi-purpose dining and conference

    space and allows sight of the original Victorian construction; this space can be hired by the public and is proving verysuccessful with the local business community. Seminar and syndicate rooms are provided on the ground floor, with

    academic and postgraduate offices on the upper floors. The new buildings are contextually appropriate and suitably

    subservient to the restored Riddel Hall, providing a harmonious juxtaposition of old and new.

    Conservation was key to the restoration. Detailed condition surveys of the external fabric - including roofs, chimneys,

    rainwater goods, walls, brickwork and stonework - were undertaken, to establish the nature and extent of the conservation

    works that would be needed. This resulted in the majority of the original building fabric and materials being successfully

    retained, with original architectural drawings and photographs used to ensure the authentic re-instatement of interior

    features. The integration and concealment of extensive modern services was resolved through the use of under floor zones

    and careful routing above ceiling bulkheads in non-public spaces.

    Environmental, social and economic sustainability issues were embraced to achieve a Very good BREEAM rating for the

    project. As well as retaining the original building fabric of Riddel Hall, the new materials used were selected for their long

    term sustainability.

    Northern Irelands Programme for

    Government identifies the University

    as the powerhouse for economic

    growth and the restored Riddel Hall

    provides a focal point for students,

    leaders, business, and society -

    underpinned by world-class research,

    facilities and collaboration.

    The Riddel Hall project was highly

    commended in the RICS Northern

    Ireland 2012 Building Conservation

    Award category.

    Restoration of listed Riddel Hall at Queens University Belfast

  • 7/29/2019 AUDE Newsletter features one of our projects!


    The Weston Atrium on Hertfordshires de Havilland Campus

    has been transformed into a rich, comfortable informal

    learning, meeting and socialising environment with

    remodelling completed in September 2012.

    The Atrium was a large enclosed space at the heart of the

    campus linking the Academic Buildings, Learning

    Resources Centre and Weston Atrium. Whilst a focus for

    substantial pedestrian traffic and University events, its

    nature as an unheated space did little to encourage informal

    congregation and provide opportunities to meet, learn, relax

    or socialise. Originally designed as an outdoor space, it

    lacked clear ownership and was not welcoming or well

    utilised. It was recognised that the existing space had great

    potential and following an intensive consultation process

    with internal stakeholders, the Weston Atrium has been

    transformed into a rich, comfortable informal learning,

    meeting and socialising environment a place that

    encourages people to linger and congregate; to learn,

    socialise, and relax both during the day and into the

    evening; a place to sit without pressure to buy.

    mosescameronwillams architects conceptual design

    proposed the insertion of a mezzanine at the first floor that

    provides 24/7 space for students to study while retaining

    flexibility on the ground floor to host large scale events and

    exhibitions, at the same time resolving the potential conflictsthat could have arisen. The project also provides a dedicated

    space for the Students Union and a new Box Office,

    creating a shop front for

    their services. The

    space is supported by

    vending facilities, coffee

    kiosk, wireless

    connectivity, power

    supply and low energy

    lighting systems and its

    thermal fabric has been

    substantially improved

    to provide a comfortable

    environment in which to


    As the remodelled

    atrium was at the centre

    of the campus, the build

    period was severely restricted to a maximum 15 weeks over

    summer, after the completion of examinations and before

    students returned mid-September. It was a logistically

    difficult project as access and safe egress from surroundingbuildings had to be maintained through the works, whilst

    facilitating deliveries and the construction process. In

    addition, far from being a quiet campus the University

    hosted summer conferences, the Olympic Flame and a large

    scale Olympic booking. Pexhurst, the appointed contractor,

    successfully managed all these logistic aspects and

    delivered the project on time and to budget.

    The project opened to much acclaim and positive feedback

    from students, staff and visitors alike.

    The remodelling of the Weston Atrium at de Havilland

    Campus is the first project of the University of

    Hertfordshires 2020 Estates Vision.


    Architect mosescameronwilliams architects

    PM Turner Townsend

    CM Turner Townsend

    Structural Engineer AECOM

    Services Engineer CPW

    Fire Independent Fire Engineering Services

    Acoustics RambollLoose Furniture JamTree

    Contractor Pexhurst

    Atrium transformation at Hertfordshire

    creates informal learning and social space

  • 7/29/2019 AUDE Newsletter features one of our projects!


    The Palatine Centre at Durham is the culmination of a four-

    year, 50 million development programme to create a hub

    at the heart of the university in Durham City to enhance the

    student experience. For the first time it brings together all

    student-facing services, alongside the extended Bill Bryson

    Library and the new Durham Law School.

    The Centre, on Durhams Stockton Road, houses the

    Universitys Careers, Employability and Enterprise Centre;

    Academic and International Offices; Counselling and

    Disabilities Services; the Student Immigration and Financial

    Support Office and the IT and Finance help desks, which

    were previously spread around the City. In addition the

    Universitys professional support departments have

    relocated to the Palatine Centre and to modern, open-plan

    offices at nearby Mountjoy.

    The Palatine Centre blazes a trail on the environmental front,

    with green technologies and eco-friendly materials at its

    heart. The building incorporates solar thermal collectors,

    photovoltaic panels, air source heat pumps, solar shading,

    rainwater harvesting and sedum roofing. The integration of

    these elements has been recognised with an excellent

    rating on the Building Research EstablishmentsEnvironmental Assessment Method (BREEAM).

    Designed by _space and PH Partnership, with Laing

    ORourke as the main contractor, engineering by Cundall

    and Turner & Townsend as cost consultant, the

    development sustained 200 construction jobs at the peak of

    building works and over 130 subcontractor companies

    worked on the project.

    The Palatine Centre officially opened in the autumn and is

    part of an on-going 100m facilities investment programmeby the university. The investment includes 12m for sports

    facilities at Queens Campus in Stockton and the Graham

    Sports Centre in Durham, with a further 10m (including

    generous funding from alumni and charitable foundations)

    for redeveloping facilities on Durhams World Heritage Site.

    A 16.6million rebuilding and major extension of Durham

    Business Schools current Mill Hill Lane home in Durham, is

    also underway.

    Professor Chris Higgins, Vice-Chancellor of Durham

    University, said the Palatine Centre was a wonderful

    building which he hoped would add to the architectural

    heritage of Durham City. Professor Higgins added:

    Our investment in the Palatine Centre, Bill Bryson Library,

    Durham Law School and the wider University estate

    underlines the commitment we have to providing students,

    staff and visitors with the very best facilities in what is a

    rapidly changing and highly competitive environment.

    Durham is a global university, attracting students from more

    than 140 countries, and the on-going development and

    enhancement of our facilities reflects our position as a

    world-leading institution.

    Palatine Centre at Durham enhances the student experience

    The Palatine Centre, Durham University

  • 7/29/2019 AUDE Newsletter features one of our projects!


    A transformation of the historic Octagon and Flaxman galleries

    at University College London (UCL) has revitalised the spaces

    and will allow the University to showcase objects from its

    collections which have never been displayed before.

    The challenging alterations required an important sculptural

    work in the Oculus area of the Flaxman Gallery to be retained,

    whilst opening up a light well to the floor below.

    Burwell Deakins Architects addressed the challenge with a

    dramatic transparent structural glass plinth to support the

    statue. The bold positioning of John Flaxmans sculpture, StMichael Overcoming Satan (1818-1824) has created dramatic

    views between the galleries and retained the position of the

    artwork within its circular space. The Octagon below is now a

    new gallery incorporating audio visual and touchscreen


    William Deakins, Director at Burwell Deakins Architects, said:

    Its extremely satisfying to see such prominent areas of the

    university being brought back to life, reaffirming the galleries as

    the cultural heart of the university. By visually linking the twogalleries, it has animated both spaces whilst also helping

    visitors orientate themselves in the building.

    Having worked on several projects throughout the campus, its

    remarkable to see the accumulative effect of the changes that

    have been made and Im particularly looking forward to seeing

    the relationship between the two galleries evolve over time.

    Sally MacDonald, Director, Museums and Public Engagement

    at UCL said:

    The Octagon Gallery will showcase collections that many

    students probably wouldnt be aware of otherwise. We hope

    that this bright and surprising space, which thousands of

    students will pass through every day on their way into the main

    library, will help spark new ideas about cross disciplinary


    The funding of the gallery, which will be used for changing

    exhibitions featuring UCLs museum collections and illustrating

    current UCL research, has been supported through HEFCEs

    Strategic Development Fund.

    The enhancement of the space is one of the first University

    College London (UCL) Masterplan projects

    UCL unveils transformed galleries

    St Michael Overcoming Satan, UCL Flaxman Gallery,

    Burwell Deakins Architects

  • 7/29/2019 AUDE Newsletter features one of our projects!


    BREEAM Non-Domestic Refurbishment

    BRE Global is developing a new scheme for assessment of non-domestic building refurbishment. This new scheme will be

    a standalone version of BREEAM for non-domestic refurbishment, running alongside BREEAM New Construction and

    BREEAM In-Use.

    Building Reference Sheets

    The Higher Education Design Quality Forum is pleased to announce that Building Reference Sheets are available for alleight of the buildings it visited during 2012. These can be accessed either via the AUDE website: or the HEDQF website

    Julian Robinson, Director of Estates at LSE and Deputy Chair of HEDQF commented:

    One of the strongest aspects of AUDE is the sharing of knowledge and data between members - the re-invigoration of the

    Building Reference Sheets will create a meaningful database of key information that can be referenced prior to embarking

    on a new building project.

    Last year HEDQF visited buildings at the Universities of Lancaster, Newport, Aberdeen and University of the Arts London

    and is grateful to the host institutions for taking the trouble to complete the Building Reference Sheets.

    In Brief - short news items

    Imperial College London has been awarded 35 million to

    support the development of its new Imperial West

    Technology Campus in west London. The investment by the

    Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE)

    through the UK Research Partnership Investment Fund (UK

    RPIF) will contribute to the development of the campuss

    150 million Research and Translation Hub.

    The 42,000 square metre Hub will be the focus of the

    seven acre technology campus on the BBCs former

    Woodlands site. It will deliver world-class education,

    research and translation activities, and foster partnershipswith global stakeholders from business, industry, higher

    education and the NHS.

    Incorporating 50 new units for spinout companies, the Hub

    will serve the needs of Londons enterprise community. The

    Hub will also provide high specification, multidisciplinary

    research space for 1,000 scientists and engineers

    investigating next generation materials.

    Alongside the award from HEFCE, one of the largest

    awarded from the UK RPIF, the new 150 million Research

    and Translation Hub will be funded by a 90 million

    contribution from investor Voreda Capital, with the

    remainder funded by the College.

    Plans to develop the Research and Translation Hub will

    begin in 2013. The site will eventually include leisure and

    retail facilities, a conference centre, homes for College and

    NHS Trust key workers, homes for private sale and a

    publicly accessible square.

    The UK Research Partnership Investment Fund (UK RPIF) is

    designed to support investment in higher education

    research facilities. The fund was set up in 2012 and will run

    for three years until 2015. Funding of 220 million for 14

    projects was announced in the first RPIF round. Proposals

    to the second round of UK RPIF should be submitted to the

    HEFCE by 11 February 2013. More details at:


    Government funding to support new Imperial West Technology Campus

  • 7/29/2019 AUDE Newsletter features one of our projects!


    Green Gown Award Winners

    AUDE would like to congratulate all of the winners and highly commended entries of the 2012 Green Gown Awards

    announced in November. AUDE sponsored a brand new Award category in 2012. The Modernisation Effectiveness andEfficiency category celebrates the achievements of institutions proactively managing costs and demonstrating value for

    money whilst also enhancing sustainability. The University of the West of Scotland won the new Award with the University

    of Worcester as Highly Commended.

    Loughborough University low carbon success

    Loughborough University and

    combined heat and power

    (CHP) specialist ENER-G won

    an award for excellence in low

    carbon energy generation at

    the Combined Heat and Power

    Associations annual ceremonyin November, taking the

    Campus, Community and

    Residential award. Now in its

    fifth year, the CHPA Awards

    showcase achievement,

    innovation and best practice

    from across the sector.

    Olympic expertise to be made available

    Following the successful involvement of UK universities and colleges in the London 2012 Olympics and Paralympics,HEFCE has commissioned Podium, the Further and Higher Education Unit for the Olympic Games to help universities and

    colleges build on their 2012 experience by making their expertise available to other major events. Podium will use HEFCEs

    funding to capture the expertise developed by HEIs through their engagement with London 2012 in a comprehensive

    record and help maximise the opportunities available to HEIs to engage with organisers of forthcoming sporting and cultural


    Smaller institutions to become universities

    Universities and Science Minister David Willetts has recommended to the Privy Council that 10 higher education institutions

    be awarded the title of university. It follows the Governments announcement in June that red tape barring some smaller

    institutions from being awarded the title of university would be removed. Previously, institutions needed a minimum of

    4,000 students to become a university. This has now been reduced to 1,000.

    The new universities are: Arts University Bournemouth; Bishop Grosseteste University; Harper Adams University; Leeds

    Trinity University; Newman University; Norwich University of the Arts; Royal Agricultural College (awaiting Privy Council

    approval to become the Royal Agricultural University); University College Birmingham; Falmouth University and the

    University of St. Mark & St. John.

    Pictured (L to R) David Sigsworth, Vice President of the CHPA; Derek Duffill, ENER-G Group; Nick

    Gosling, Vital Energi; Matt Chassagne, ENER-G Combined Power Ltd; Matthew Clarke,

    Loughborough University and Peter Concannon, AECOM]

  • 7/29/2019 AUDE Newsletter features one of our projects!


    Events! Events!

    AUDE Sustainability Group meeting, 6 February 2013,

    for members of the AUDE Sustainability group.

    Government Property 2013: Aligning National Strategies,

    7 February 2013. Event being run and organised by Public

    Sector Connect.

    AUDE East Midlands regional meeting , 20 February


    SAUDE Conference, 22 February 2013, for members ofthe AUDE Scottish region.

    Efficiency in higher education: second annual

    conference, 26 February 2013

    This conference is being organised by Universities UK.

    The Future of Higher Education Guardian Summit

    2013, 27 February 2013.

    AUDE Executive committee meeting, 7 March 2013.

    Contact: [email protected]

    UCISA Conference 2013, 13 March 2013. This

    Conference is being run by the Universities and Colleges

    Information Systems Association.

    Student Housing Conference, 21 March 2013. A NeilStewart Associates event.

    AUDE Conference 2013, Annual conference of the

    Association, Monday 25 March 2013 to Wednesday 27

    March 2013 with a pre-conference social on Sunday 24

    March. This by invitation only event is for AUDE members.

    All the events listed above are displayed on the AUDE web site with hyperlinks to more information/

    booking. see:

    Explore IT toolkit - new version now available

    The Explore It toolkit was developed with financial support from AUDE and the Scottish Funding Council to aid estates

    personnel, academics and administrators in higher and further education with the briefing process for academic workspace.

    Improvements to the toolkit have now been completed and the upgraded version released.

    The re-vamped tools are designed to assist users to clarify their needs and aspirations for workspace, capture their vision

    and clarify objectives and constraints. The tookit can open up discussion about the workspace in a meaningful way and

    enhance the decision making process. The tools allow options and possible solutions to be tested and parameters for the

    workspace brief to be derived so that the working environment can be planned to meet evolving needs. Explore IT is

    available via the Scottish Funding Council website at:

    Web Watch!

  • 7/29/2019 AUDE Newsletter features one of our projects!


    Goodbye, hello and on the move

    The Barbican Centre and Guildhall School of Music and Drama has joined AUDE. Michael Dickis the AUDE


    As of 3rd December, Stuart Laird has been appointed to the substantive role of Director of Estates for Bournemouth


    Clive Martin retired from the University of Buckingham in the autumn. His replacement is Jim Brown.

    Diana Hampson will be stepping down from the role of North West AUDE Representative at the end of March 2013 after

    serving over ten years on the AUDE Executive. Colin Davis from Liverpool John Moore University will take over as NW

    AUDE Representative from 1st April 2013.

    Gill Winder has left the University of Northampton. The current interim AUDE representative is Terry Cox, Head of

    Infrastructure Development.

    Trevor Thurlow took early retirement from Northumbria University at the end of December. Damon Kent has taken

    over as Director of Campus Services.

    Stephen Wells became Director of Estates and Facilities at Queen Mary, University of London at the beginning of

    January; he was formerly Director of Estates and Facilities at London South Bank University.

    Ian Mehrtens is interim Director at London South Bank.

    Paul Taylor Director of Estates at Staffordshire University is to retire by 31 March 2013.

    Denis Minchell stepped down as Head of Estates at Teeside University in the autumn. Darren Vipond is Acting Head

    of Estates and the current AUDE representative.

    Graham Simner has left the University of the Arts London. His interim replacement is Derek Paxman.

    We would like to welcome newcomers, congratulate those in new posts, offer our good wishes to people who are leaving

    and thank everyone who has generously given their time to the affairs of the Association for the benefit of all of members of


  • 7/29/2019 AUDE Newsletter features one of our projects!


    The Association of University Directors of Estates

    Promoting excellence in the strategic planning, management, administration, operation and development

    of estates and facilities in higher education

    Opinions expressed in newsletter articles are those of the author and may not reflect the opinions

    or policies of the Association of University Directors of Estates

    And finally

    Feedback and contributions to the newsletter are always welcome.

    Can you update us on staff changes? Would you be willing to write an article? Have you information to share with other AUDE members?

    The next newsletter will be produced at the end of April 2013.

    The deadline for contributions is 18 April 2013.

    Please send to:

    Suzanne Irwin, Executive Officer, [email protected]

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