Download - Assure monday 2



Analyze Learners: My class is an assorted mixture of girls and boys. I have 10 boys

and 9 girls, 16 Caucasian and 3 African American. No learning impairments.

State Objectives: 9th grade students will form an essay with a minimum of one page

explaining what led to Hitler’s rise to power in Europe. They will be more knowledgeable and aware of the major events that took place in the 1930’s and 1940’s that made Hitler the leader he was and how this all led to the events in World War II by using podcasts, blogs, social networking, and YouTube with 100% accuracy by the end of the day.

Select Methods: I will teach my students about how podcasts, blogs, and social

networks can be used to help with education. I will also show them how YouTube can be used for something other than watching videos of people hurting themselves. With these tools, I will teach them about how Adolf Hitler rose to power in Europe and how he led the country into WWII by showing them clips from the 1940s on YouTube, having them create a podcast discussing their opinions on how Hitler rose to the position he obtained, and then joining our class Facebook page. They will have to turn in their podcasts on the class discussion page by the time Wednesday’s class begins, as well as tweeting a link to it onto our class twitter page. The grading and evaluation for today’s assignment will be done on Wednesday. If, for some reason, something has gone wrong and they cannot upload their assignment, they can give a speech in front of the class that discusses what they said in their podcasts. Their blogs they will be creating will be about how they would feel if they were a citizen living in Germany when Hitler was rising to power. How would they feel about everything?

Utilize Media and Material:

- I will begin by making sure all of my students know how to properly use YouTube and

have their safesearch settings turned on.

- I will show them how to use the Smart Board to watch YouTube videos as well.

- I will show them several different clips of Adolf Hitler giving speeches.

- Next I will show them famous speeches from some US Presidents and have them

compare the similarities of how Hitler got the crowd’s support to the presidents’ abilities to do the same.

- I will them show them how to create a podcast using podcast creating software.

- I will let them test out the software a bit and then watch over the videos more to form

their own opinions.

- Then I will show the students how to create a Facebook and a Twitter just in case anyone

does not have one, and then I will have them follow and friend the class pages.

- I will then show them how to create a blog using Google.

- I will then pass everyone a sheet that has the requirements for their podcasts and blogs.

Require Learner Participation: The students must show participation in the

creation of their accounts today, and must stay on task and follow along with what I am showing them. They will each tell me a bit about their opinion before class is over in a class discussion in hopes that it sparks more ideas and opinions for their podcasts. On Wednesday they will present their podcasts to the class.

Evaluate and Revise: The students who are present will receive a participation grade

for the day by following along with me on their computers and getting their accounts created. They will also be graded on ...

- the quality of their podcast and if it was turned in on time.- The quality of their blog and if it was turned in on time- The overall quality of their arguments shown through their opinions- If they fully participated in class

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