Page 1: ASSIGNMENT 2 (2020-21) – 2 (2020-21) CLASS – VII SUBJECT – ENGLISH Note: Assignment should be done in separate “Thin Copy”



Note: Assignment should be done in separate “Thin Copy”. It is compulsory and students must submit on the day school reopens.


1) You are the secretary of ‘Arts Club’ of your school, you are organising an ‘ Inter- school Drawing Competition'. Draft a notice for the event.

2) Write a diary entry sharing how you are using your time fruitfully and keeping pace with your studies during the lockdown period.


1. Write and learn the definitions of common, proper, collective, abstract and material nouns and give three examples of each.

2. Pick out the nouns and write their kind. a) The Godavari overflows it’s banks every year. b) Solomon was famous for its wisdom. c) The soldiers were rewarded for their bravery. d) All the schools are closed. e) The doctors and policeman are serving the nation day and night. f) Avoid consuming too much ghee. g) A galaxy of stars can be viewed on a clear night. h) Forests provide us wood. i) We offered bouquets to all the guests of honour. j) You can learn a lot from your failure.

3. Form abstract nouns from the following adjectives. For Example: Long – length, Good – goodness, Proud - pride

a) wide b) free c) dark d) true e) brave f) sweet g) honest

4. Fill in the blanks with suitable collective nouns: a) We saw a ______ of bees hovering over the tree. b) The police dispersed the __________ . c) There is a meeting of the _______ of directors. d) We had to climb a _______ of stairs to reach the temple. e) There was a large ________ of vehicles in procession.

5. Read masculine, feminine and neuter gender and identify the gender of the underlined nouns. a) The bridegroom wore a sherwani. b) Three students are absent. c) The missionary school is run by nuns. d) He is a skilledtablaplayer. e) I call my class teacher madam. f) We should always help our neighbours.


Page 2: ASSIGNMENT 2 (2020-21) – 2 (2020-21) CLASS – VII SUBJECT – ENGLISH Note: Assignment should be done in separate “Thin Copy”

गुरु गोव िंद स िंह पब्लिक स्कूि, जन तृ प ाँच बी

बोक रो इस्प त नगर

द्व तीय ननयत क यय (2020 -21)

व षय -हहिंदी

कक्ष 7

प्रश्न 1) नीचे सिखे गद्य िंश को पढ़कर हदए गए प्रश्नों क उत्तर दें :-

स्वास््य जीवन यापन करना हर व्यक्ति का अधिकार है । भोजन उसके उत्तम स्वास््य का एकमात्र आिार होिा है । यह व्यक्ति की मलू आवश्यकिाओं में से एक है । वाय ुऔर जल के बाद मनषु्य की अननवायय आवश्यकिा भोजन ही है । हमें भोजन ना िो कम करना चाहहए और ना आवश्यकिा से अधिक अर्ायि हमारे शरीर को क्जिनी आवश्यकिा हो भोजन की मात्रा उिनी ही होनी चाहहए । सिंलुलि आहार में भोजन के ववलभन्न पोषक ित्व यतुि होिे हैं । सिंुललि आहार नहीं लेने से शरीर अनेक प्रकार के रोगों से ग्रलसि हो सकिा है ।

क) उत्तम स्वास््य का एकमात्र आिार ककसे माना गया ?

ख) उत्तम स्वास््य के ललए भोजन की मात्रा ककिनी होनी चाहहए ?

ग) संिुललि आहार नहीं लेने पर तया-तया हो सकिा है ?

घ) उपयुयति ग्यांश का उधचि शीषयक ललिखए ।

प्रश्न 2) ‘ मेरे जी न क िक्ष्य ‘ इ व षय पर 150 शलदों में ननबिंध सिखें ।

प्रश्न 3) हदए गए भ ष ओिं की सिवप सिखें ।

क) उदूय ख) पजंाबी ग) हहदंी घ) अंगे्रजी

प्रश्न 4) भ ष की पररभ ष उ के भेदों के न म उद हरण हहत सिखें ।

प्रश्न 5) सिवप की पररभ ष उद हरण हहत सिखें ।

प्रश्न 6) प ठ -1 कव त को पढ़कर उ के अर्य को मझे और य द करें ।

नोट :- प्रश्न 1 े 5 तक पतिी क पी मे करें ।

Page 3: ASSIGNMENT 2 (2020-21) – 2 (2020-21) CLASS – VII SUBJECT – ENGLISH Note: Assignment should be done in separate “Thin Copy”


Sector –V/B


Class : 7


Fractional & rational numbers

1. Add

a. 5





16 +


24 +



2. Subtract

a. 4

45 −


63b. (5 +


5) −



3. Multiply

a. 31

3× 1


5× 1







4. Find

a. One tenth of110


b. a quarter of 1000(hint:- ¼× 1000)

c. Nine tenth of 100

99(hint ∶ −





5. 𝐷𝑖𝑣𝑖𝑑𝑒

a. 30

48 by


8 b. 4


3by 6



6. Simplify

a. 51

3× 4 ½ − 3 ¼ × 1



b. 62

6 ÷ 4





7. A person has 200

3 kg of rice. He has kept one tenth of it for his own use and distributed the rest among 6

people. How much kg of rice does each person get?

8. If 2

3 m of cloth is shared equally by 10 people. Calculate the length of cloth received by each person.

Rational numbers :- A number in the form of 𝐩/𝐪 , where p and q are integers and q ≠ 0 is called a rational

number. Example- −5



9, −





[ Note:- All natural nos. whole nos. integers and fractions are called rational numbers but all rational numbers

are not called natural nos. whole nos. integers and fraction ]

Positive rational numbers :-A rational number is said to be positive if its numerator and denominator are

either both positive or both negative integers.

Example - −5

−6 ,


9 etc.

Page 4: ASSIGNMENT 2 (2020-21) – 2 (2020-21) CLASS – VII SUBJECT – ENGLISH Note: Assignment should be done in separate “Thin Copy”

Negative rational numbers:- A rational number is said to be negative if its numerator and denominator are

such that one of them is positive and other one is negative integer.

Example - −7




Simplest form/standard form of a rational numbers:-Rational number p/q is said to be in standard form if q

is positive and the integers p and q have no common factor other than one.

Rule to find standard form :-

I. If denominator is negative, multiply numerator and denominator by -1 to make it positive

II. Find HCF of numerator and denominator.

III. Divide numerator and denominator by HCF to get standard form

Equivalent rational numbers:-To find equivalent rational numbers of a given rational number, we multiply or

divide its both numerator and denominator by the same non zero number.

1. Express each of the following as a rational number with positive denominator.

a. −15

−28 b.


−9 c. −


−11 d.



[hint:- multiply numerator and denominator by -1]

2. Express 5

7 as a rational number with denominator

a. -14 b. 70 c. -28

3. Express ¾ as a rational number with denominator

a. 36 b. -80 c. 36

4. Express in the standard form

a. −8

36 𝑏.


−119 𝑐. −



5. Find the four equivalent rational numbers of

a. −5

6b. −



6. Find the value of x, if the pairs of rational numbers given below are equivalent

a. −5



𝑥 b.




14 c.


𝑥, −



7. Arrange the following rational numbers in ascending order.

a. −5







2, −


2, −2 , 2

8. Arrange the following rational numbers in descending order.

a. −2





−5 b.


11, −


2, −



Page 5: ASSIGNMENT 2 (2020-21) – 2 (2020-21) CLASS – VII SUBJECT – ENGLISH Note: Assignment should be done in separate “Thin Copy”


Sector 5/B, Bokaro Steel City

Session 2020-21

2nd Holiday Assignment

Class: - 7 Subject: -Science

General Instructions: Assignment should be done in a separate note book. It is mandatory to

submit the assignment on the 1st day of school reopening.


CHAPTER: 12- Motion and Time

GRAPH- Pictorial representation of two inter-dependent physical quantity on Cartesian axis.

In this graph one quantity is expressed on X axis and other dependent quantity is expressed

on Y.

DISTANCE-TIME GRAPH- Graph between TIME and DISTANCE expressed on

Cartesian plane is called distance-time graph. In this graph time is expressed on X axis and

distance is expressed on y axis.

Y axis




TIME X axis


SLOPE OF GRAPH- INTERMEDIATE LINE between x axis and y axis is called slope of

the graph.


Case 1. Distance is not changing (body is in rest). Slope of this graph is a straight line and

parallel to time axis.

Case 2. Distance is changing but increasing uniformly. Slope of this graph is a straight line

going upward.

Case 3. Distance is changing but increasing non-uniformly. Slope of this graph is not a

straight line but going upward.

Case 4. Distance is changing but decreasing uniformly. Slope of this graph is a straight line

but coming downward.

Page 6: ASSIGNMENT 2 (2020-21) – 2 (2020-21) CLASS – VII SUBJECT – ENGLISH Note: Assignment should be done in separate “Thin Copy”

Case 5. Distance is changing but decreasing non-uniformly. Slope of this graph is not a

straight line but coming down.

Case 6. Slope is parallel to Y axis (distance axis). This case is not possible because two point

of time cannot coincide.


(1) It indicates that the motion is uniform or non-uniform.

(2) It indicates that distance is increasing or decreasing.

(3) Speed or Av speed can be calculated with the help of graph.

(4) Distance covered by the moving body can be calculated.

PIE CHART:- It is a circular statistical graphic divided into different sectors as per their

numerical proportions. Some of all angles of all sectors is 360°.

BAR GRAPH (BAR CHART):- A graph with rectangular bars. A graphic representing

numerical data by rectangular bars.


Motion is slow or fast, it is decided scientifically as, if in an equal intervals of time two

bodies cover different distances then the body covering smaller distance is in slow motion

whereas the body covering bigger distance is in fast motion. Measure of motion is speed.

SPEED= The distance covered by a body in unit time, or distance per unit time is called

speed. (unit time means either 1 sec or 1 min or 1 hr)

UNIT OF SPEED= km/hr, m/sec etc. SI UNIT OF SPEED= m/s.


1 .UNIFORM SPEED= Equal distances covered in equal intervals of time on a straight line

or straight path. CONSTANT SPEED and NON-ACCELERATED SPEED are another

names of uniform speed. Distance-time graph of a uniform motion is a straight line.

EXAMPLE- A car covers 10 km in 1st hr, 10km in 2nd hr, 10km in 3rd hr , and 10km in 4th hr,

it is the example of uniform motion.

2. NON-UNIFORM SPEED= Unequal distances covered in equal intervals of time on a

straight line or straight path. VARIABLE SPEED and ACCELERATED SPEED are another

names of non-uniform motion. Distance-time graph of non-uniform motion is not a straight

line but a curved line.

EXAMPLE- A car covers 10km in 1st hr, 15km in 2nd hr, 5km in 3rd hr, and 20km in 4th hr, it

is the example of non-uniform motion. The car is covering unequal distances in each 1hr.

3 .AVERAGE SPEED= Mean of more than one speeds.

Average speed= total of all distances /total time taken.

There is also another meter that measures the distance moved by the vehicle. This meter is

known as an Odometer.



TIME is expressed in two ways. (a) Point of time. (b) Period of time

Page 7: ASSIGNMENT 2 (2020-21) – 2 (2020-21) CLASS – VII SUBJECT – ENGLISH Note: Assignment should be done in separate “Thin Copy”

POINT OF TIME :- A single particular moment. As event occurs at 8am, or on Monday, or

in June, or in 2020 etc.

PERIOD OF TIME :- A duration between points of time. As time between sunrise to

sunset. It is a period of time. 1hr, 2hr, 6am to 10am etc.

UNITS OF TIME:- Second, minute, hour, day are smaller and common units of time

whereas month, year, decade(10years), century(100 years), millennium(1000years), light

year(distance travelled by light in one year 10x1012kms), are the bigger units of time.

SI UNIT OF TIME:- “Second” is SI unit of time.

CONVERSION: 60sec= 1minute





100years or 10decades=1century

1000years or 10centurt=1millennium.


In ancient period time was measured by – Sundials, Hourglass, Water clock etc.

SUNDIALS: It works on the principle of change of direction of shadow of vertical object. (fi

HOURGLASS: It works on the principle of regulated flow of sand.

WATERCLOCK: It works on the principle of regulated flow of water.

Answer the following questions:

1.Define: Uniform and non-uniform motion with distance-time graph.

2. Speed of a car is 65km/hr. Find the distance covered by the car in 15h?

3. A distance of 500km is covered in 10hr, find the speed of the body?

4. A bus is moving with a speed of 40km/hr. How much time is required to cover a

distance of 800km?

5. Distance between two places is 60km, change it into meter.

6. What is odometer?

Page 8: ASSIGNMENT 2 (2020-21) – 2 (2020-21) CLASS – VII SUBJECT – ENGLISH Note: Assignment should be done in separate “Thin Copy”


Chapter-5 Acids ,Bases and Salts

• Acids can be categorized into two types:-

a) Organic acids b) Mineral acids

a) Organic acids: Acids that occur naturally in plants and animals or in their

products. They are weak acids and are safe to consume. Ex-Citric acid.

b) Mineral acids: Acids derived from inorganic compounds. Ex-Hydrochloric acid

Types of Indicators

a) Natural Indicators: Some indicators that are prepared from flowers, Roots, Stems

and leaves of plants are called natural indicators. Ex. China rose, Turmeric, Red

Cabbage etc.

b) Man Made Indicators: There are some indicators which can be prepared in a

laboratory by using Dyes and some other chemical compounds. Ex- Phenolphthalein

LITMUS: Litmus is the most common indicator used in a laboratory. it is extracted

from lichens and is available in the form of strips of paper known as litmus paper or

in a solution form called litmus solution. Litmus paper is either blue or red in colour.

Blue litmus paper turns red in an acidic medium. Red litmus paper turns blue in a

basic medium

pH SCALE: To know the strength of an acid or a base scientists have developed a

scale ranging from 1-14, which is known as the pH scale.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Most acidic Neutral Most basic

Increasing acidic character Increasing Basic Character

UNIVERSAL INDICATOR: Universal indicator is the mixture of indicators that give

different colours for different pH values.

1) Fill in the blanks

a) Distilled water is------ in nature.

b) --------------- is called the King of chemicals.

c) Bases turn yellow turmeric paper to------------.

d) --------------acid is used by goldsmiths to clean gold and silver ornaments.

e) Organic acids are----- acids.

f) Milk of magnesia is an-----------.

g) ----------acid is present in Amla.

2) Answer the following questions:

a) What is litmus? Explain.

b) Name the types of litmus paper.

Page 9: ASSIGNMENT 2 (2020-21) – 2 (2020-21) CLASS – VII SUBJECT – ENGLISH Note: Assignment should be done in separate “Thin Copy”

c) Write the effect of litmus paper in acidic and basic medium.

d) Define Natural indicators.

e) What is pH scale?

f) What do you know about universal indicator.

3) Give one example of each of the following:

a ) A natural indicator b) A synthetic indicator c) An organic acid d) A mineral acid


CH 1- Nutrition in plants (contd.)

The process by which an organism takes in food, uses it for its growth and utilizes it to

perform other vital activities is called nutrition.

Two modes of nutrition in plants:-a) Autotrophic b) Heterotrophic

Autotrophic Nutrition- This is the mode of nutrition in which living organisms prepare their

own food. (auto-self , trophe-feeding)

Green plants prepare their own food by the process of photosynthesis

Carbon Dioxide + Water Glucose + Oxygen.

(From air) (From soil) (food) (goes into air)

Importance of photosynthesis-

Photosynthesis is important for the existence of life on the earth because

a) Photosynthesis by plants provides food to animals (including human beings)

b) The process of photosynthesis by plants releases oxygen gas into the air.


(Some plants that obtain their nutrients from other plants and animals.)

Types of Heterotrophic plant:-

a) Parasitic plant –A plant which lives on or inside another organism and derives the food

from it, is called a parasite. In this relationship only parasitic plants benefits. Ex- Cuscuta

b) Saprophytic plants- Those non green plants which obtain their food from dead and

decaying organic matter are called saprophytes. Ex-Fungi such as mushroom, bread mould

and yeast

c) Insectivorous plants- Those green plants which obtain their food partly from insects are

called insectivorous plants. Ex-Pitcher plant, Sundew, Venus fly-trap

d) Symbiotic plants- The living together of two different species of plants as if they are parts

of same plants and help each other in obtaining food is called symbiosis. Ex-Lichens

Lichens are the organisms in which fungus and green algae live in association with each


1) Give two examples for each of the following-

(a) Parasitic plants (b) Saprophytic plants (c) Insectivorous plants (d) Symbiotic plants



Page 10: ASSIGNMENT 2 (2020-21) – 2 (2020-21) CLASS – VII SUBJECT – ENGLISH Note: Assignment should be done in separate “Thin Copy”

2) Very short answer type questions—

a) What type of plant is Cuscuta ?

b) What are lichens?

c) What is insectivorous plant?

d) Where does the synthesis of food in a plant usually take place ?

3) Long Answer Type Questions:-

a) Differentiate between parasites and Saprophytes.

b) List the benefits of photosynthesis.

4) Fill in the blanks:

a) ----------- are the living things that can prepare their own food.

b) The end products of photosynthesis are ______ & ____________.

c) The gas produced during photosynthesis is---------------------

d) Insectivorous plants trap insects to fulfill the requirement of ----------------.

Page 11: ASSIGNMENT 2 (2020-21) – 2 (2020-21) CLASS – VII SUBJECT – ENGLISH Note: Assignment should be done in separate “Thin Copy”





NOTE:- Assignments will be done in separate “Test Copy”. It is compulsory and students

must submit on the day school reopens.

• The physical and biological condition in which an organism lives is called environment.

• Biotic component includes all living things for example- plants ,animal ,human being


• Abiotic component include non-living things for example- water, air ,soil etc.

• Biotic and abiotic component combined to create a system is called an ecosystem.

• The special characteristics that enable plant and animal to survive and live in a particular

environment is called an adaptation.

• The liquid component of earth is called Hydrosphere.

• The solid layer comprising The crust and upper most part of mantle is called lithosphere.

• The word biosphere is the sphere of life. The part of earth surface and Atmosphere in

which plant and animal can live.


I. Choose the correct option :

1.What does the term Lithosphere mean ?

a. Air b. Water c. Land

2. Which one of these is an example of a small ecosystem.

a. Agriculture field b. River c. Aquarium

3. Which of the following is a biotic component?

a. Soil b. Rose plant c. Microbes in soil

Page 12: ASSIGNMENT 2 (2020-21) – 2 (2020-21) CLASS – VII SUBJECT – ENGLISH Note: Assignment should be done in separate “Thin Copy”

4. The special characteristics that enable plants and animals to survive or live in a particular

environment is called.

a. environment b. Adaption c. Biosphere

II. Match the following:

1.Tree a. Land

2.Biotic component b. Water

3.Abiotic component c. Rubber

4.Lithosphere d. Life

5.Hydrospheree e. Non-Living things

6.Biospheref f. Living things

III. Define the following terms:

1.Abiotic components

2. Lithosphere

3. Hydrosphere


IV. Answer the following questions:

1.What is the solid crust of the earth known as?

2. What do you mean by environment?

3. What do you mean by Biotic component? Give one example.

4. What do you mean by an Ecosystem?

5. What do you mean by Adaptation?


Page 13: ASSIGNMENT 2 (2020-21) – 2 (2020-21) CLASS – VII SUBJECT – ENGLISH Note: Assignment should be done in separate “Thin Copy”

Xkq# xksfcan flag ifCyd Ldwy

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iz’u %1 xn~;ka’k dks i<dj iz’uksa ds mRrj nhft, A

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d% &,d in esa mRrj nhft, A

1& yrk % dq= vklu~ \ 2 &dL; o.kZe~ jDre~ vklhr~ \

[k& iw.kZ okD; esa mRrj nhft, A

1 &dk ‘kuS % ‘kuS % vpyr~ \ 2 & dLekr~ Qye~ virr~ \

x% & funsZ’kkuqlkj mRrj nhft, A

1 & vO;; in pqudj fyf[k, A

2 & o{̀kkr~ in dk foHkfDr opu fyf[k, A

3&vHkzer~ rFkk vklhr~ dk in ifjp; fyf[k, A

Izk’u %&2 O;kdj.k iqLrd ls ist u0 11 esa fn, x, mPpkj.k LFkku rkfydk dks dkWih esa fy[ksa rFkk ;kn dsa A

Izk’u %&3 jke rFkk vLen~ dk ‘kCn #i dk ‘kCn #i dkWih esa fyf[k, rFkk ;kn dhft, A

iz’u %&4 iB~ rFkk xe~ dk ?kkrq #i yax ydkj esa fyf[k, rFkk ;kn dhft, A

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Page 14: ASSIGNMENT 2 (2020-21) – 2 (2020-21) CLASS – VII SUBJECT – ENGLISH Note: Assignment should be done in separate “Thin Copy”



Chapter 1:Computer System


Note: Assignment should be done in separate “Test Copy”. It is compulsory and students

must submit on the day school reopens.

1) Fill in the blanks:

a) The computer processes the data __________.

b) ________ is also known as the brain of the computer.

c) Bit is the ________ data storage unit.

d) Anything that can be stored electronically is ________.

2) Multiple choice questions (select the correct one):

a) Which of these is not an input device?

i) Drawing tablet ii) Touch Screen iii) Speakers iv) Scanner

b) This is the processing unit or brain of the PC.

i) RAM ii) ROM iii) ALU iv) CPU

c) Which one of these retains the memory always?

i) ROM ii) RAM iii) ALU iv) None of these

d) This type of printer uses to print back and forth.

i) Dot Matrix ii) Inkjet iii) Laser iv) None

3) Write ‘T’ for True or ‘F’ for False for the following statements:

a) Information stored in RAM is erased when the computer is turned off. ( )

b) Primary memory cannot be processed directly by the CPU. ( )

c) CPU is further divided into five units. ( )

d) CPU cannot perform all the calculation and operation of the system. ( )

4) Write short answers:

a) Define Computer System.

b) What is software?

c) What are binary numbers?

d) What is secondary storage?

5) Write one word for following:

a) The storage unit which is equivalent to 8 bits.

b) Part of CPU which coordinates all the functions of the computer.

c) It prints by spreading tiny droplets of ink onto paper.

d) Permanent memory which stores control programs.

6) Long Answer questions:

a) What is the function of CPU? Explain its Components.

b) Differentiate between RAM and ROM.

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