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  • Assessment of foreign medical qualifications Professor Peter G. Procopis AM, MBBS, FRACP Member, Medical Board of Australia President, Medical Council of New South Wales
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  • Introduction 87,000 registered doctors in Australia 21,000 (24%) completed their medical degree overseas 7 of the top 10 source countries were developing countries 2
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  • Eligibility and assessments Primary qualification at a training institution listed in IMED Completion of internship (note Canada) Training verified by ECFMG International Credentials Service 3
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  • Pathways to registration Competent authority pathway Specialist pathway Standard pathway 4
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  • Competent authority pathway General Medical Council (GMC), UK: for PLAB examination of UK graduates Medical Council of Canada: LMCC United States of America: USMLE + 2 years of approved residency New Zealand: NZ registration exam + internship Ireland: graduate + internship 5
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  • Specialist pathway For overseas trained specialists recognised as such in their own country: Full specialty recognition qualifications assessed by Australian Specialty College Area of need specialist assessed on qualifications of job requirements Training for a limited position for specialists in training or OTS 6
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  • Standard pathway IMGs not eligible under competent authority or specialist pathways. AMC examinations - MCQ - Clinical Workplace based assessments must have passed AMC MCQ (pilot program 6 accredited sites) Area of need pathway : suitable for position as per PD. Structured clinical interview beforehand. 7
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  • English language proficiency Recognised tests: IELTS, OET, NZREX, PLAB Exemptions: Qualifications taught and assessed in English in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Ireland, South Africa, UK and USA Limited registration demonstration clinical techniques -Research with limited or no patient contact -Supervised training in an appropriately supported environment ensuring patient safety not compromised 8
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  • Challenges Reduced bureaucracy lost in the labyrinth report Are English test requirements too strict? Competent authority pathway for specialists Assessment before starting vs on the job Workforce considerations 9

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