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Assessment and Evaluation in Science

Incognito, Jennelyn T.BEE 3-1 ECEd

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is mainly concerned with the collection of information regarding the effectiveness of the teaching methodology in relation to the attainment of learning objectives.

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forming a judgment on the assessed data.

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1. To Appraise Achievement

Evidence to show how well the students understood the concepts or how well the desired behavior and attitude will be gathered.

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2. To Help Identify the Students' Learning Effectiveness

The students' strengths and weaknesses can be discovered through some assessment procedure. Their manipulative skills or level of comprehension can be assessed so as to undertake necessary revisions in the methodology and instructional materials used.

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3. To Determine the Effectiveness of Teaching Strategies

4. To serve as guide in the choice of appropriate assessment tools, thus enhancing the teacher's decision making.

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1. Administering Pencil-and-Paper TestsThis is also termed as assessment

objective. Objective tests like multiple choice items, completion type, and matching items are easy to construct and score. Essay tests that call for explanations or illustrations of principles take more time to check but are good means of assessing the kind of learning or changes in behavior that has taken place.

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2. Analyzing Work Products

This is like wise called product assessment. this involves a meticulous examination of work results such as:◦a design of a laboratory set-up to do an experiment

◦collections prepared as a culminating activity

◦accomplished records of data found in laboratory manuals

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projects submitted at the end of a unit

notebooks containing all assignments for the month

scrapbook with clippings, photographs, and news.

special reports written for a particular topic

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3. Oral AssessmentThis may take the form of oral questioning

which can be in the form of open ended and divergent questions. It includes:

Participation in class discussionsInterviewsOral reports

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4. Observing Formally and Informally the Students' Attitude and Behaviors

These are also called affective assessment observations on actual behavior exhibited and recorded in the form of qualitative expressions. Informal behavior can be assessed from remarks, comments or inquiries. Special interest can be recorded as examples of anecdotal records. Checklists and attitude scales can likewise assess attitude and values being developed.

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5. Performance-Based Assessment

Proficiency in performing some science process such as measuring, inferring, and controlling variables can be tested through on the spot observations while conducting investigations of things in environment.

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6. Conducting Personal Interviews and Small Group conferences This is in the form of conversations with

children who need special attention due to some learning difficulties. It is likewise resorted to incases where students show extraordinary interest and talent. some may produce new devices that can help them in understanding the lesson. The students' hobbies and recreation activities that are science-based can be part of their growth assessment.

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7. Portfolio Assessment

It is a method of collecting and assessing a variety of student work. A Best Work portfolio consists of students outstanding works. A scrapbook type includes tests, checklists, observations, and rating scales chosen by both student and teacher.

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Student Performance as on Indicator of Teacher Performance

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In order to evaluate teacher effectiveness and insure a successful teaching-learning process, the stakeholders may ask the ff. questions:

1. Does he/she provoke his/her students to think?

2. Can he/she motivate and enrich the experiences of the students through the learning activities she plans?

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3. Does he/she allow the students' creativity and resourcefulness to flourish through encouragement, recognition and praises?

4. Does he/she involve all students in the learning activities? His/her tact in soliciting active participation will be put to a test.

5. Is he/she free from bias and subjectivity in dealing with the students, and in the end, in evaluating their academic performance.

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6. Does he/she possess the scientific attitudes on values that science teaching aims to develop such as critical-mindedness, objectivity and persistence?

7. Is he/she knowledgably and skilled in employing a variety of teaching methodologies?

8. Does he/she use a variety of evaluation techniques suited to the learning objectives defined?

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