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    Area 44,579,000 km2 (17,212,000

    sq mi)[1 ]

    Populat ion 3,879,000,000 (1st)[2 ]

    Pop. densi ty 87/km2 (225/sq mi)

    Demonym Asian

    Countr ies 48 (list of countries)




    Languages List of languages

    Time Zones UTC+2 to UTC+12

    In ternet TLD .asia

    Larges t c i t ies List of metropolitan areas in Asia population

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    For other uses, seeAsia (disambiguation).

    Asia is the world's largest and most populous

    continent, located primarily in the eastern and

    northern hemispheres. It covers 8.7% of the

    Earth's total surface area (or 30% of its land

    area) and with approximately 3.9 billion people,

    it hosts 60% of the world's current human

    population. During the 20th century Asia's

    population nearly quadrupled.[3 ]

    Asia is defined according to similar definitions

    presented by the Encyclopdia Britannica[4 ] andthe National Geographic Society[5 ] as 4/5 of the

    landmass of Eurasia with the western portion

    of the latter occupied by Europe located to the

    east of the Suez Canal, east of the Ural

    Mountains and south of the Caucasus Mountains

    (or the Kuma-Manych Depression) and the

    Caspian and Black Seas. It is bounded on the

    east by the Pacific Ocean, on the south by the

    Indian Ocean and on the north by the Arctic

    Ocean. It contains one country in the

    Mediterranean Sea - Cyprus. Given its size anddiversity, Asia a toponym dating back to

    classical antiquity "is more a cultural concept"

    incorporating diverse regions and peoples than a

    homogeneous physical entity [6 ] Asia differs very

    widely among and within its regions with regard

    to ethnic groups, cultures, environments,

    economics, historical ties and government


    Contents [hide]

    1 Definition and boundaries

    1.1 Greek three-continent system

    1.2 Asia-Europe boundary

    1.3 Asia-Oceania boundary

    1.4 Ongoing definition

    2 Etymology

    2.1 Classical antiquity

    2.2 Bronze Age

    3 History

    4 Geography

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    5 Economy

    6 Demographics

    6.1 Languages

    6.2 Religions

    6.2.1 Abrahamic

    6.2.2 Dharmic and Taoist

    7 Culture

    7.1 Nobel prizes

    8 See also9 References

    10 Bibliography

    11 Further reading

    12 External links

    For more details on Asian borders, seeGeography of Asia, Boundaries between continents, Lis

    transcontinental countriesandCopenhagen criteria.

    The original distinction between Europe and

    Asia was made by the ancient Greeks. They

    used the Aegean Sea, the Dardanelles, the

    Sea of Marmara, the Bosporus, the Black

    Sea, the Kerch Strait, and the Sea of Azov as

    the border between Asia and Europe. The Nile

    was often used as the border between Asia

    and Africa (then called Libya), although some

    Greek geographers suggested the Red Sea

    would form a better boundary.[7 ]Darius' canal

    between the Nile and the Red Sea introducedconsiderable variation in opinion. Under the

    Roman Empire, the Don River emptying into

    the Black Sea was the western border of Asia.

    It was the northernmost navigable point of the

    European shore. [citation needed] In the 15th

    century the Red Sea became established as the boundary between Africa and Asia, replacing the

    Nile. As exploration developed, the border between Asia and Europe had to be redefined, as the

    borders of the time did not extend to the arctic.[7 ]

    The Don River became unsatisfactory to northern Europeans when Peter the Great, king of the

    Tsardom of Russia, defeating rival claims of Sweden and the Ottoman Empire to the eastern lands,

    and armed resistance by the tribes of Siberia, synthesized a new Russian Empire extending to the

    Ural Mountains and beyond, founded in 1721. The major geographical theorist of the empire was

    actually a former Swedish prisoner-of-war, taken at the Battle of Poltava in 1709 and assigned to

    Tobolsk, where he associated with Peter's Siberian official, Vasily Tatishchev, and was allowed

    freedom to conduct geographical and anthropological studies in preparation for a future

    book.[citation needed]

    At home in Sweden again, five years after Peter's death, in 1730 von Strahlenberg published a new

    Definition and boundaries

    Greek t h ree-cont inent sys tem

    Two-point equidistant projection of Asia and surroundinglandmasses.

    Asia-Europe boundary


    Bikol Central








    Chavacano deZamboanga








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    Fiji Hindi












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    atlas proposing the Urals as the border of Asia. The Russians were enthusiastic about the concept,

    which allowed them to keep their European identity in geography as well as other cultural heritage.

    Tatishchev announced that he had proposed the idea to von Strahlenberg. The latter had suggested

    the Emba River as the lower boundary. Over the next century various proposals were made until th

    Ural River prevailed in the mid-19th-century. The border had been moved perforce from the Black

    Sea to the Caspian Sea into which the Ural River projects. [8 ] In the maps of the period,

    Transcaucasia was counted as Asian. The incorporation of most of that region into the Soviet Unio

    tended to push views of the border to the south.

    The border between Asia and Oceania is placed somewhere in the Malay archipelago. The terms

    Southeast Asia and Oceania, devised in the 19th century, have had vastly different geographic

    meanings since their inception. Oceania has never been Asia, whatever it may have been defined to

    be. The chief factor in determining what islands of the Malay Archipelago are Asian has been the

    location of the colonial possessions of the various empires there (not all European). Lewis and Wig

    assert, "The narrowing of 'Southeast Asia' to its present boundaries was thus a gradual process." [7

    Geographical Asia is a cultural artifact, an imprecise

    concept causing endemic contention about what it meanscontrast to Europe, Asia is the largest and most culturally

    diverse of the continents in the seven-continent system.[9

    does not exactly correspond to the cultural borders of its

    various types of constituents.[10]

    In addition to its general inherited geographical meaning,

    which the entire literate world subscribes, Asia has any

    number of agency-specific meanings organizationally and

    operationally of use in more restricted fields of interest. F

    example, the World University Service of Canada is a

    volunteer organization dedicated to bringing educational,health and other services to nations that need them the

    most. The regional divisions most convenient to its

    operations include, among others, the Middle East and Europe, and South and Southeast Asia, term

    just "Asia." [11] Its administrative Asia is substantially different from the overall geographic and the

    same may be said of many hundreds more agencies across the globe that operate in Asia from

    headquarters elsewhere. Some of the most innovative and perhaps the most transitory uses of "Asia

    have been promulgated by the news media reporting on current events. Their classifications must b

    the most suitable for the news and the sources of it. For example, the BBC News has an Asia-Pac

    section, which acquires news from anywhere in Australasia, Oceania or the Pacific side of the


    From the time of Herodotus a minority of geographers have rejected the three-continent system(Europe, Africa, Asia) on the grounds that there is no or is no substantial physical separation betwe

    them.[6 ] For example, Sir Barry Cunliffe, the emeritus professor of European archeology at Oxford,

    argues that Europe has been geographically and culturally merely "the western excrescence of the

    continent of Asia."[13] Geographically, Asia is the major eastern constituent of the continent of Eura

    with Europe being a northwestern peninsulaof the landmass or of Afro-Eurasia; geologically, Asi

    Europe and Africa make up a single continuous landmass (except for the Suez Canal) and share a

    common continental shelf. Almost all of Europe and most of Asia sit atop the Eurasian Plate, adjoin

    on the south by the Arabianand Indian Plate and with the easternmost part of Siberia (east of the

    Cherskiy Range) on the North American Plate.

    Asia-Ocea nia boundary

    Ongoing def in i t ion

    Afro-Eurasia shown in red







    Bahasa Indonesia







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    Kreyl ayisyenKurd













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    Asia was originally a concept of Western

    civilization.[14] The place name, "Asia", in

    various forms in a large number of modern

    languages is of unknown ultimate provenience.

    Its etymology and language of origin are

    uncertain. It appears to be one of the most

    ancient of recorded names. A number oftheories have been published. English Asia

    can be traced through the formation of English

    literature to Latin literature, where it has the

    same form, Asia. Whether all uses and all

    forms of the name derive also from the Latin

    of the Roman Empire is much less certain.

    Latin Asia and Greek appear to be the same word. Roman authors translated as Asia. T

    Romans named a province Asia, which was in the location of the then Asia. There was an Asia Min

    and an Asia Major (Iraq), of which the name of Minor survived. As the earliest evidence of the namis Greek, it is likely circumstantially that Asia came from , but ancient transitions, due to the lac

    of literary contexts, are difficult to catch in the act. The most likely vehicles were the ancient

    geographers and historians, such as Herodotus, who were all Greek. Roman civilization Hellenized

    extensively. Ancient Greekcertainly evidences early and rich uses of the name. [15]

    The first continental use of Asia is attributed to Herodotus(about 440 BC), not because he innovate

    it, but because his Historiesare the earliest surviving prose to describe it in any detail. He defines

    carefully,[16] mentioning the previous geographers whom he had read, but whose works are now

    missing. By it he means Anatolia and the Persian Empire, in contrast to Greece and Egypt. Herodo

    comments that he is puzzled as to why three women's names were "given to a tract which is in rea

    one" (Europa, Asia, and Libya, referring to Africa), stating that most Greeks assumed that Asia wasnamed after the wife of Prometheus (i.e. Hesione), but that the Lydianssay it was named after Asi

    son of Cotys, who passed the name on to a tribe at Sardis.[17] In Greek mythology, "Asia" () o

    "Asie" () was the name of a "Nymph or Titan goddess of Lydia."[18]

    Herodotus' geographical puzzlement was perhaps only a form of disagreement, as, having read the

    earlier Greek poetry along with everyone else literate, he would have known perfectly well why plac

    received female names. Athens, Mycenae, Thebes and many other locations in fact had them. In

    ancient Greek religion, places were under the care of female divinities, parallel to guardian angels.

    The poets detailed their doings and generations in allegoric language salted with entertaining stories

    which subsequently playwrights transformed into classical Greek drama and became "Greek


    For example, Hesiodmentions the daughters of Tethys and Ocean, among whom are a "holy

    company", "who with the Lord Apollo and the Rivers have youths in their keeping."[19] Many of the

    are geographic: Doris, Rhodea, Europa, Asia. Hesiod explains: [20]

    "For there are three-thousand neat-ankled daughters of Ocean who are dispersed far

    and wide, and in every place alike serve the earth and the deep waters."

    The Iliad (attributed by the ancient Greeks to Homer) mentions two Phrygians (the tribe that replace

    the Luvians in Lydia) in the Trojan War named Asios (an adjective meaning "Asian");[21] and also a

    marsh or lowland containing a marsh in Lydia as .[22]


    Ptolemy's Asia

    Class ica l an t iqu i t y



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    Before Greek poetry, the Aegean Sea area was in a Greek Dark Age, at the beginning of which

    syllabic writing was lost and alphabetic writing had not begun. Prior to then in the Bronze Age the

    records of the Assyrian Empire, the Hittite Empire and the various Mycenaean states of Greece

    mention a region undoubtedly Asia, certainly in Anatolia, including if not identical to Lydia. These

    records are administrative and do not include poetry.

    The Mycenaean states were destroyed about 1200 BC by unknown agents although one school of

    thought assigns the Dorian invasionto this time. The burning of the palaces baked clay diurnaladministrative records written in a Greek syllabic script called Linear B, deciphered by a number of

    interested parties, most notably by a young World War II cryptographer, Michael Ventris, subsequen

    assisted by the scholar, John Chadwick. A major cache discovered by Carl Blegen at the site of

    ancient Pylos included hundreds of male and female names formed by different methods.

    Some of these are of women held in servitude (as study of the society implied by the content revea

    They were used in trades, such as cloth-making, and usually came with children. The epithet, lawia

    "captives," associated with some of them identifies their origin. Some are ethnic names. One in

    particular, aswiai, identifies "women of Asia." [23] Perhaps they were captured in Asia, but some

    others, Milatiai, appear to have been of Miletus, a Greek colony, which would not have been raided

    for slaves by Greeks. Chadwick suggests that the names record the locations where these foreign

    women were purchased. [24] The name is also in the singular, Aswia, which refers both to the nama country and to a female of it. There is a masculine form, aswios. This Aswia appears to have bee

    a remnant of a region known to the Hittites as Assuwa, centered on Lydia, or "Roman Asia."

    Alternatively, the etymology of the term may be from the Akkadian word (w)a(m), which means 't

    go outside' or 'to ascend', referring to the direction of the sun at sunrise in the Middle East and also

    likely connected with the Phoenician word asameaning east. This may be contrasted to a similar

    etymology proposed for Europe, as being from Akkadian erbu(m) 'to enter' or 'set' (of the sun).

    T.R. Reid supports this alternative etymology, noting that the ancient Greek name must have derive

    from asu, meaning 'east' in Assyrian (ereb for Europemeaning 'west').[14] The ideas of Occidental

    (form LatinOccidens 'setting') and Oriental(from Latin Oriensfor 'rising') are also European inventi

    synonymous with Westernand Eastern.[14] Reid further emphasizes that it explains the Western poof view of placing all the peoples and cultures of Asia into a single classification, almost as if there

    were a need for setting the distinction between Western and Eastern civilizationson the Eurasian

    continent.[14] Ogura Kazuo and Tenshin Okakura are two outspoken Japanese figures on the


    Also, Assuwahas been suggested as the origin for the name of the continent "Asia". [25] The Assuw

    league was a confederation of states in western Anatolia, defeated by the Hittites under Tudhaliya

    around 1400 BC.

    Main article:History of Asia

    The history of Asia can be seen as the distinct

    histories of several peripheral coastal regions: East

    Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia and the Middle Ea

    linked by the interior mass of the Central Asian


    The coastal periphery was home to some of the

    world's earliest known civilizations, each of them

    developing around fertile river valleys. The civilizatio

    Bronze Age



    Gagana Samoa





    Sesotho sa Leboa



    Simple English





    / Srpski

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    in Mesopotamia, the Indus Valleyand the Huanghe

    shared many similarities. These civilizations may wehave exchanged technologies and ideas such as

    mathematics and the wheel. Other innovations, such

    as writing, seem to have been developed individually

    each area. Cities, states and empires developed in these lowlands.

    The central steppe region had long been inhabited by horse-mounted nomads who could reach all

    areas of Asia from the steppes. The earliest postulated expansion out of the steppe is that of the

    Indo-Europeans, who spread their languages into the Middle East, South Asia, and the borders of

    China, where the Tocharians resided. The northernmost part of Asia, including much of Siberia, wa

    largely inaccessible to the steppe nomads, owing to the dense forests, climate and tundra. These

    areas remained very sparsely populated.The center and the peripheries were mostly kept

    separated by mountains and deserts. The Caucasus

    and Himalaya mountains and the Karakum and Gobi

    deserts formed barriers that the steppe horsemen

    could cross only with difficulty. While the urban city

    dwellers were more advanced technologically and

    socially, in many cases they could do little in a military

    aspect to defend against the mounted hordes of the

    steppe. However, the lowlands did not have enough

    open grasslands to support a large horsebound force;

    for this and other reasons, the nomads who conquered

    states in China, India, and the Middle East often found

    themselves adapting to the local, more affluent


    The Islamic Caliphate took over the Middle East and

    Central Asia during the Muslim conquestsof the 7th century. The Mongol Empire conquered a larg

    part of Asia in the 13th century, an area extending from China to Europe.

    This section requires expansion.

    Main article:Geography of Asia

    Geography in Asia is rather complicated, while Asia is the largest continent on Earth, and Asia is

    neighboring with Europe, Africa and Oceania. While neighboring with Pacific Ocean and Indian

    Ocean. It contains 48 countries[27] in its region, with 2 of them (Russia and Turkey) having part of

    their land in Europe, and also see Geography of Asia for further information.

    Main article:Economy of Asia

    1890 map of Asia

    The Silk Roadconnected many civilizations

    across Asia[26]









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    Asia has the second largest nominal GDP of all

    continents, after Europe, but the largest when

    measured in purchasing power parity. As of 2010, th

    largest economies in Asia are China, Japan, India,

    South Korea and Indonesia. Based on Global Office

    Locations 2011, Asia dominated the office locations

    with 4 of top 5 were in Asia, Hong Kong, Singapore

    Tokyo, London and Shanghai. Around 68 percent of

    international firms have office in Hong Kong.[28]

    In the late 1990s and early 2000s, the economies o

    the PRC[29] and India have been growing rapidly, b

    with an average annual growth rate of more than 8%

    Other recent very high growth nations in Asia includ

    Malaysia, Indonesia, Pakistan, Thailand, Vietnam,

    Mongolia, Uzbekistan, Cyprus and the Philippines, and mineral-rich nations such as Kazakhstan,

    Turkmenistan, Iran, Brunei, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Oman

    According to economic historianAngus Maddison in his book The World Economy: A Millennial

    Perspective, India had the world's largest economy during 0 BCE and 1000 BCE. [30][31] China was

    the largest and most advanced economy on earth for much of recorded history,[32][33][34][35] until

    British Empire (excluding India) overtook it in the mid 19th century. For several decades in the late

    twentieth century Japan was the largest economy in Asia and second-largest of any single nation in

    the world, after surpassing the Soviet Union(measured in net material product) in 1986 and Germa

    in 1968. (NB: A number of supernational economies are larger, such as the European Union(EU),

    North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) or APEC). This ended in 2010 when China overto

    Japan to become the world's second largest economy.

    In the late 1980s and early 1990s, Japan's GDP was almost as large (current exchange rate metho

    as that of the rest of Asia combined.[citation needed] In 1995, Japan's economy nearly equaled that o

    the USA as the largest economy in the world for a day, after the Japanese currency reached a rec

    high of 79 yen/US$. Economic growth in Asia since World War II to the 1990s had been concentra

    in Japan as well as the four regions of South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore located in Pacific Rim, known as the Asian tigers, which have now all received developed country status, hav

    the highest GDP per capitain Asia.[36]

    It is forecasted that India will overtake Japan in

    terms of nominal GDP by 2020.[37] In terms of

    GDP per capita, both nominal and PPP-

    adjusted, South Korea will become the second

    wealthiest country in Asia by 2025, overtaking

    Germany, the United Kingdom and France.

    According to IMF statistics for the year 2010,

    Taiwan PPP-adjusted GDP per capita, at USD34,743, is already higher than that of Finland,

    France, or Japan. [citation needed] By 2027,

    according to Goldman Sachs, China will have

    the largest economy in the world. Several trade

    blocs exist, with the most developed being the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.

    Asia is the largest continent in the world by a considerable margin, and it is rich in natural resource

    such as petroleum, forests, fish, water, rice, copper and silver. Manufacturing in Asia has traditional

    been strongest in East and Southeast Asia, particularly in the China, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan,

    India, the Philippines, and Singapore. Japan and South Korea continue to dominate in the area of

    Singapore has one of the busiest ports in theworld and is the world's fourth largest foreignexchange trading centre.

    Mumbai is one of the most populous cities on thecontinent, is a hub for infrastructure & tourism and playsa crucial role in the Economy of India
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    His to r i ca l

    popula t ions

    Year Pop. %

    1500 243,000,000

    1700 436,000,000 +79.4

    1900 947,000,000 +117.2

    1950 1,402,000,000 +48.0

    1999 3,634,000,000 +159.2

    Source: "UN report 2004 data"


    multinational corporations, but increasingly the PRC and India are making significant inroads. Many

    companies from Europe, North America, South Korea and Japan have operations in Asia's developi

    countries to take advantage of its abundant supply of cheap labour and relatively developed


    According to Citigroup 9 of 11 Global Growth Generators countries came from Asia driven by

    population and income growth. They are Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Mongolia,

    Philippines, Sri Lanka and Vietnam.[38] Asia has four main financial centres: Tokyo, Hong Kong,

    Singapore and Shanghai. Call centres and business process outsourcing(BPOs) are becoming ma

    employers in India and the Philippines due to the availability of a large pool of highly skilled, Englishspeaking workers. The increased use of outsourcing has assisted the rise of India and the China as

    financial centres. Due to its large and extremely competitive information technology industry, India h

    become a major hub for outsourcing.

    In 2010, Asia had 3.3 million millionaires (people with net worth over US$1 million excluding their

    homes), slightly below North America with 3.4 million millionaires. Last year Asia had toppled

    Europe.[39] Citigroup in The Wealth Report 2012 stated that Asian centa-millionaire overtook North

    America's wealth for the first time as the world's "economic center of gravity" continued moving eas

    At the end of 2011, there were 18,000 Asian people mainly in Southeast Asia, China and Japan wh

    have at least $100 million in disposable assets, while North America with 17,000 people and Weste

    Europe with 14,000 people.[40]

    Main article:Demographics of Asia

    East Asia had by far the strongest overall Human Development Index

    (HDI) improvement of any region in the world, nearly doubling

    average HDI attainment over the past 40 years, according to the

    reports analysis of health, education and income data. China, the

    second highest achiever in the world in terms of HDI improvement

    since 1970, is the only country on the Top 10 Movers list due to

    income rather than health or education achievements. Its per capita

    income increased a stunning 21-fold over the last four decades, also

    lifting hundreds of millions out of income poverty. Yet it was not

    among the regions top performers in improving school enrolment

    and life expectancy.[41]

    Nepal, a South Asian country, emerges as one of the worlds fastest

    movers since 1970 mainly due to health and education

    achievements. Its present life expectancy is 25 years longer than in the 1970s. More than four of

    every five children of school age in Nepal now attend primary school, compared to just one in five 4

    years ago.[41]

    Japan and South Korea ranked highest among the countries grouped on the HDI (number 11 and 1

    in the world, which are in the very high human development category), followed by Hong Kong(SAR)(21) and Singapore (27). Afghanistan (155) ranked lowest amongst Asian countries out of the

    169 countries assessed.[41]

    Main article:Languages of Asia

    Asia is home to several language families and many language isolates. Most Asian countries have

    more than one language that is natively spoken. For instance, according to Ethnologue, more than

    600 languages are spoken in Indonesia, more than 800 languages spoken in India, and more than 1

    are spoken in the Philippines. China has many languages and dialects in different provinces.


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    See also:Eastern philosophy, Religion in Asia, andList of Asian mythologies

    Asian mythology is complex and diverse. The story of the

    Great Flood for example, as presented to Christians in th

    Old Testament, is first found in Mesopotamian mythology

    the Epic of Gilgamesh. Hindu mythology tells about an

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