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Dave Ramstack lives in St. Louis Park, MN with his wife Ali, and two boys Augie & Miller. His background includes 12 years as a financial advisor providing solutions to individuals,and corporations. A diverse back-ground that has given him experience working for premier companies in the banking, in-surance, and brokerage indus-tries. Dave’s research minded focus on both the offensive, & defensive sides of Wealth Management has given him a very unique way of seeing things, and the ability to pass this perspective to his clients.

With their 20 years of combined experience, Dave and Pete are proud to serve the clients of their agency with fi-duciary interest and responsibility. Their industry leading client’s mission statement is a true example of their commitment to a lifelong relationship, and providing peace of mind for the people they serve.

1) n. Latin meaning “trust.” Refers to a business or person who may act for another with total trust, good faith, and hon-esty who has the complete confidence and trust of that person. A fiduciary may include a trustee of a trust, a business adviser, attorney, guardian, estate administrator, real estate agent, banker, stockbroker, or title company. The fiduciary has more knowledge and expertise about the matters being handled and is held to a higher standard of conduct and trust than a stranger or a casual businessperson. Conflicts of interest must be avoided where the fiduciary’s interests are not in the best interest of the person who trusts him/her/it. For example: a stockbroker must consider the best investment for the client and not buy or sell on the basis of what brings him/her the highest commission. The best beneficiary’s best interest should be primary even if a fiduciary and beneficiary join together in a business venture.

Peter Orth lives in Has-san Township (near Rogers, MN) with his wife, Danelle, and three daughters, Danica, Naomi, & Gabrielle. He was born on a small farm north of Melrose, and is the youngest of twelve siblings. Pete has been practicing retirement planning since Jan 2001. He has since become a Certified Financial Planner, focusing on invest-ment, estate, insurance, retire-ment, and tax planning. His well rounded views are a true benefit to any client regardless of their financial position.

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