  • Assamite Sorcery Packet A Genre Resource Written for One World by Night

    By David Herold & Bryan Delius

    [September 28th, 2006] Objectives: This packet is a genre resource for Assamite Sorcery either printed by White Wolf, or recognized with in OWBN. This document is a representation of the collective support of OWBNs council members, and thus enforceable as

    official OWBN genre. This specifically includes, but is not exclusive to, the ranking and rarity system here in listed. This packet supersedes and replaces all materials presented in previous Assamite Sorcery packets.

    Introduction: The words Sorcerer, Magi and Magus, may be used interchangeably throughout this packet to reference Assamite Sorcerers. Origins of Sorcery Assamite Sorcery began in the time of the Second City. The first Assamite-affiliated sorcerers were mortal shamans and magicians from the birth land of Haqim (Mesopotamia; Persian, Assyrian; Sumerian, Akkadian, and Babylonian cultures) that were later embraced to serve as demon hunters in the wars against Baali incursion. Their earliest work was spent, adapting their various arts and traditions to call upon power of vampiric vitae, which established the ground rules of modern practices of blood magic, though many later efforts duplicated this work in different ways. Mechanics of Sorcery From a purely mechanical standpoint, the blood magic that the Assamite sorcerer caste practices differs little from that wielded by the Tremere. From a philosophical perspective, however, worlds of difference separate the two as such they are not cross-compatible. The sorcerer castes practices are the result of many millennia of adaptation and melding, and are far too disparate to be considered structured in any real sense. Unlike Tremere Thaumaturgy, the blood magic of the Assamites is highly spiritual and individual. One hundred Sorcerers standing in a row casting the same spell one hundred times would never repeat themselves or each other. Note: Assamite Sorcery rituals no longer require equivalent levels of Quietus as indicated by earlier editions of WW materials. Note: The applicable re-bid for Assamite Sorcery is the Occult Ability. Although the sorcerer is not required to have an equal level of the Occult ability as they have in their highest sorcery a path, it behooves them to focus their studies in this ability as well if they intend to actively use their magic. The Fundamentals of Sorcery: Assamite Sorcery draws in content from a wide array of ancient and modern magical tradition. Assamite sorcerers need not hold to a specific set of religious beliefs (although they certainly may, if they so chose). Sorcery is as individual, as the sorcerers who practice it, and as such it is likely that a sorcerer will call upon several different religious, spiritual, cultural beliefs and practices to empower their magic. However individual their methods of approach are though, there are still several prominent traditions that are practiced by all sorcerers such as; use of astrology to track auspicious events, use of theological research into various religions/cultures and their spiritual covenants/relationships in hopes to further draw power from these traditions as well, use of various methods of trance and meditation to fortify emotional barriers and familiarize their minds to the abstract concepts they will encounter in their pursuit to achieve greater power through understanding as they pierce the Veil of Truth. Methods of Trance: Not all sorcerers fuel their visionary journey, or quest for godhead with kalif. Indeed, most sorcerers practice several trance techniques, so as to understand trance and the spirit world more completely. As mentioned previously, Assamite sorcery is a highly individualized form of magic. This remains true when we examine the methods used by which a sorcerer enters a hallucinogenic trance. In order to further emphasize just how individual sorcery is we have implemented several other methods or trance, along with the trance techniques listed in Dur-An-Ki section of the BS: Thaumaturgy Companion (pg. 38-39), as Dur-an-Ki and Assamite sorcery are nearly indistinguishable in practice and origin. Kalif Most of the sorcerers climb the Ladder of Heaven through a drug called kalif, hashish from marijuana plants mystically fed on vampiric vitae (see OWBN Assamite Sorcery Genre Rituals: Awaken Kalif). Some sorcerers smoke the mystic resin themselves and force their blood to draw the drug from their lungs. Others have mortal servants smoke the kalif, then drink

  • the servants drug-saturated blood. A few simply powder the resin and mix it with a shot of blood. Kalif induces blissful hallucination in the untrained user. System: The results and effects of kalif upon the trained practitioner of Assamite sorcery versus those of the untrained user are quite different. In most cases Assamite sorcerers are given instruction and eventually learn to achieve some level of control over the mystical effects of this drug, thus bringing purpose beyond temporal pleasure. The untrained individual under the effects of this mystical drug will find themselves suddenly drifting along in a hallucinogenic state of bliss (for the effects; see the Hunters Winds: Whiff of Kalif.) Dance Mystics around the world have danced their way to ecstasy. In the Middle-East, the so-called whirling dervish seek communion with God in this manner. As the dervishes spin, they circle their teacher and master. At the climax of the dance, everyone leaps high into the air, seeming almost weightless in their flowing, skirted robes. Pain Overwhelming pain and shock can push a person beyond torment into a strange, floating ecstasy. The undead, however take a significant amount of pain before they enter a trance. A few needles stuck through the cheeks wont do to accomplish this. Instead a sorcerer might flay themselves and roll in salt. Sorcerers who know Auspex may deliberately heighten their senses before a bout of self-torture, just so they can feel enough pain to push beyond it. Sweat Lodge/ Ceremonial Sauna There are several styles of sweat lodge/ceremonial sauna that vary from region to region, including; a domed or oblong hut similar to a wickiup, a teepee, or even a simple hole dug into the ground and covered with planks or tree trunks. Stones are heated in an exterior fire and then placed in a hole in the middle of the floor. Ceremonies and traditions vary from region to region as well. They often include prayers, drumming, and offerings to the spirit world. Some common practices and key elements associated with sweat lodges include offerings of tobacco, sweet grass, red cedar, and other plants are often used to make prayers, give thanks or make other offerings. They can be smoked, sprinkled on the hot stones or offered to the fire. Prayer ties are also made in many traditions to set the intention of the lodge, show gratitude, purify one's self before the lodge, summon support from the spirit world, and other such purposes. Meditation Some sorcerers prefer to alter their consciousness through pure intellect. Most sorcerers believe that God dwells in a world of pure ideas. In ancient times sorcerers thought that the realm of archetypes lay outside the shell of the stars. Modern sorcerers know that this relationship is not spatial, in the conventional sense, but still believe in an intellectual realm beyond the material world and various spirit realms. Music/Drumming, Poetry, & Art Various forms of art can affect the emotions so profoundly that they induce altered states of consciousness. Many sorcerers employ poetry, music, song, painting or sculpture in their magic. They pour the power of the Blood into their art, increasing the power intrinsic to a skillful performance. For mortal artists, making the invisible, visible remains a metaphor a sorcerer artisan and performer does this for real. Prayer Praying has many different forms. Prayer may be done privately and individually, or it may be done corporately in the presence of fellow believers. Prayer can be incorporated into a "thought life", in which one is in constant communication with God. Praying throughout all that is happening during the day and seeking guidance as the day progresses. Ultimately prayer is a relationship between the created and the creator. There can be many different answers to prayer, just as there are many ways to "hear" the answers. Some may be audible, others may interpret healing, or specific physicals signs as answers to their prayer. How the answer is given and in what time frame it is given can be as varied as the requests themselves. Some outward acts that sometimes accompany prayer are: anointing with oil; ringing a bell; burning incense or paper; lighting a candle or candles; facing a specific direction (i.e. towards Mecca or the East); making the sign of the cross. One less noticeable act relating to prayer would be fasting. Approaching the Veil of Truth After a state of trance is achieved the sorcerer notices details of the physical world (or false world) begin to dissolve into tiny pins of light and eventually nothing remains, they see nothing for awhile, then everything goes red, followed by a series of geometric forms, whirling spirals, bottomless cones that seem ready to consume them appear. Then they find themselves at the bottom of a staircase leading upwards toward an archway. As they ascend the stairway they are assaulted by negative visions, memories of shame, past wrong doings and failures. First they must dismiss these visions and focus only on the stairway. This task requires fierce concentration. Eventually positive visions: sensual experiences, recollections of love and

  • comfort, feelings of power and mastery. In this state of bliss in lays a spiritual trap, as constant pleasure only serves as a distraction from true understanding it drains the soul of energy, stealing ones sense of purpose and dulled the sharpness of their mind, the sorcerers have dubbed this the Station of Ultimate Rapture. Sorcerers eventually suspected that there was to be more to their magic than the Station of Ultimate Rapture they believed this state hid from them the way to become blood-gods. Learning Assamite Sorcery: In OWBN Assamite genre, the Council of Scrolls for the Schismatic Assamites assembled in the year of 2004. The following rules however, apply to sorcerers of all sects. All sorcerers begin as Aspirants (rank 1), unless they meets all of the requirements for the next rank. The highest rank that any PC may begin with is that of Associate (rank 2). To attain any rank higher than Associate requires contacting the Assamite Coordinator (see Assamite Genre Packet for further details on rank). Before a sorcerer is able to attain their next rank, or learn a path/ritual at a higher rank, they must first have an equal level of knowledge in the following abilities, as the rank that they seek; Theology, Meditation, and Astrology. (ex. To attain Rank 2: Associate or learn Rarity 2 sorcery paths and rituals, the sorcerer would require x2 in all of the abilities listed). This is to represent the degree of discipline and understanding of the universe that anyone who wishes to learn Assamite Sorcery must achieve. Without such training an ill-prepared sorcerer is likely to be lost indefinitely to the Station of Ultimate Rapture or even worse this is assuming that they manage to pierce the Veil of Truth to acquire new knowledge to begin with. All sorcerers must select a primary path at creation. Suitable primary paths are denoted in this packets Assamite Sorcery Paths section of this packet with an asterix *. For every level gained in a sorcerers primary path, a ritual of an equivalent level is gained for free. Additional rituals may be purchased at a cost of two experience points per level of the ritual (ex. 2xp for a Basic ritual, 4xp for an Intermediate ritual and 6xp for an Advanced ritual). A sorcerer may not learn any ritual that is a higher level than they have in their primary path. Additional paths may be learned with the following requirements and restrictions: A suitable instructor as deemed by this packet is required. Both student and instructor must be of appropriate rank and ability. The sorcerer cannot learn any other path beyond the 2nd Basic level until their primary path has reached Advanced,

    after which point other paths may then be learned to Advanced. In instances where Assamite Coordinator permission/notification is required, the Storyteller(s) from the PCs home

    chronicle must be involved in this process as well for record purposes. Learning Sorcery out of Clan: Like Tremere thaumaturgy, Sorcery takes a monumental amount of time and effort to learn. Without an Assamite instructor there is no basis for the needed concepts within such a diverse form of magic. The ritual and somatic gestures of the paths are not from where the magic flows. If the individual finds an Assamite Sorcery instructor then, a minimum of a year of study is required to retrain the individuals understanding of the universe. Both the instructor and student must first meet all of the ability requirements relative to rank and rarity rating for paths and rituals. Once this study has begun it interferes in the learning of other things (disciplines, abilities, gaining influence, etc.) for both the student and the teacher. The amount of time and effort they must put towards breaking the students paradigm is too great for either to concentrate on anything else. The Vizier Caste, being the closest to Sorcerers in mindset, has a slightly easier time learning Sorcery then Warriors and the members of other Clans. For them the time of study required is only six months. It is still rare for even a Vizier to learn anything but the basics of Sorcery and even then only when it is in line with their area of Obsession. Note: Unlike the Tremere the Assamites do not have the ritual Inherited Affinity so it is not possible for this time to be reduced significantly. Although the Assamites have joined the Camarilla it does not mean that they are willing to teach their magic. Like the Tremere they would prefer to sell their services rather then teach them. Give a man a fish he eats for a day. Teach a man how to fish, he doesnt need you anymore. If an individual is chosen she should have gone to considerable lengths for clan Assamite. The applicant should be worthy of Clan Friendship (Assamite Coordinator approval required), and still only the more mundane paths (Weather Control, Movement of the Mind, etc) should be made available. Regardless of the situation, the Assamite Coordinator must be contacted before any non-Assamite PC may learn Assamite Sorcery.

  • Teaching Assamite Sorcery: A sorcerer can only teach paths or rituals that are equal or lower in rarity and rank as they are, provided that the student meets all of the requirements needed in order to successfully achieve and retain the knowledge. (ex. A rank 2, Associate sorcerer is capable of teaching rarity 1 and 2 paths and rituals). Note: Before allowing the teaching or learning of Assamite Sorcery in their game, it is especially important for the storytellers to read the Assamite Genre Packet for further details on the social/political rewards and repercussions for any Assamite Sorcerer (PC or NPC) teaching or learning Assamite sorcery. Path and Ritual Creation: A sorcerer must first attain the rank of Master for Basic Rituals, and the rank of Distinguished Master for Paths, or have achieved an equivalent level of understanding required to be of said rank (see Assamite Genre Packet) in order to even consider embarking on the rigorous task of creating a new path or ritual. It is advised that any sorcerer intending to do such, do so with the aid of another accomplished sorcerer of equal or greater rank or understanding of the finer workings of sorcery. The player and storyteller(s) are encouraged to work with the Assamite Coordinator so that all parties involved may discuss potential implementation of the proposed path or ritual prior to it coming into play. Creating a completely new path or ritual can open up some serious problems if storytellers are not careful. It is recommended that a new power should rarely have combat applications. Carefully consider anything that has application in challenges with others (PC or NPC) or duplicates another discipline. Things that effect mortals and inanimate objects are good ideas. Examples: If you open this book everything written will disappear you cant read what Ive written in this book its just gibberish to you. The practitioner can perform and enjoy sex as if they were mortal. Kindred would pay heavily for such luxuries that most power gamers would consider useless. Further, it is suggested to the storytellers that any character that is working on creating a path or ritual, enters each game session several blood traits down. This is to nominally represent the significant demands upon a sorcerer, be it from experimentation, or from prolonged periods of time devoted strictly to study. Doing such will also fortify the need for Backgrounds such as Herd, Retainers, etc. as described by White Wolf during such times of mystical exploration. Listed below are the qualifications and requirements for a sorcerer prior to the creation of any path or ritual. Rank 3: Master - Can create: Basic Rituals - Must have fully completed at least 3 sorcery paths. - Must have at least 15 rituals - Required ability: Occult x5 - All of the following abilities must be 3 or higher; Theology, Meditation, and Astrology - Ritual creation time: 6 months Rank 4: Distinguished Master: - Can create: Intermediate Rituals - Can create: Paths - Must have fully completed at least 4 sorcery paths. - Must have at least 20 rituals - Required ability: Occult x5 - All of the following abilities must be 4 or higher; Theology, Meditation, and Astrology - Ritual creation time: 9 months - Path creation time: 1 years Rank 5: Full Master: - Can create: Advanced Rituals - Can create: Paths - Must have fully completed at least 5 sorcery paths. - Must have at least 30 rituals - Required ability: Occult x5 - All of the following abilities must be 5 or higher; Theology, Meditation, and Astrology - Ritual creation time: 1 year - Path creation time: 1 years Path and Ritual Conversion: Individual Sorcerers, especially elders, may have researched paths and rituals from other clans that are not included in this packet. All of the rules for creating new paths or rituals apply in converting non-Assamite Sorcery into a compatible format,

  • with the exception of time requirements. When it comes to converting paths of rituals from another variant of blood magic, all time requirements are doubled. This is representative of the immense amount of understanding and time required to break down and essentially reverse engineer a paradigm of magic that is in most cases quite foreign to the sorcerer. In these rare instances Assamite Coordinator approval is required, as they will also need to communicate with the genre coordinator that oversees the blood magic that is being converted before these paths or rituals may enter play. Assamite Sorcery - Paths & Rituals Rarity Rating/Required Rank: Not all of the paths and rituals are readily accessible to every sorcerer. The following system of rarity has been established to ease the understanding of which paths and rituals should be accessible to a given PC. As the path and ritual rarities increase so too does the level of understanding necessary to master them. Because of this fact, simply having a mentor (while still necessary) is not enough to learn a given path or ritual; instead the sorcerer must also spend a significant amount of time researching and expanding their understanding of themselves and the universe. It falls to the storyteller(s) to determine whether a character has indeed received the proper instruction that is required to guide the PCs steps, and if the they have been making a genuine effort (be it IC, in downtime, etc.) to develop a firmer grasp upon their chosen pursuits. Storytellers should feel free to deny any character(s) from attempting to circumvent this system by using PC instructor(s), especially in instances when note cards with paths and rituals described as having been scribed to scroll (or similar forms of mass production) are presented to them as a means in which to learn Assamite sorcery. The paths and rituals rarity scale has changed from a 1-4 rating system to a 1-5. This change came about for several reasons. First, it is done in the interest of bringing the Assamite sorcery rarity rating system more inline with other rarity rating systems throughout OWBNs blood magic packet. Secondly, it will also provide a scale that is much more conducive with our plan to further define and establish the Assamite caste ranking structure that has nominally been in play for several years. Rarity Ratings: Common (rarity 1): Instruction for magic of this level is relatively easy to come by for a sorcerer as the Veil of Truth has long since been pulled aside revealing the knowledge of these fundamental paths and rituals. [ST approval is required] Uncommon (rarity 2): Although instruction from an Associate sorcerer for magic of this level is still relatively easy for a sorcerer to come by, the student will begin to notice that the amount effort and understanding required on their part increases. [ST approval is required] Rare (rarity 3): The sorcerer must seek out a Master of sorcery to help guide them on their journey for knowledge of new magic. The sorcerer also has the option to petition full ranking elders of the sorcerer caste for access to their sects respective archive center(s). If access is granted a Full Master of Sorcery will be assigned to oversee and guide the student on their journey. [ST approval and Assamite Coordinator notification is required for PCs, unless otherwise noted] Very Rare (rarity 4): The sorcerer must seek out a Distinguished Master of sorcery to help guide them on their journey for knowledge of new magic. The sorcerer also has the option to petition full ranking elders of the sorcerer caste for access to their sects respective archive center(s). If access is granted a Full Master of Sorcery will be assigned to oversee and guide the student on their journey. [ST and Assamite Coordinator approval is required for PCs. Assamite Coordinator notification is required for NPCs] Exceptionally Rare (rarity 5): The paths and rituals at this level have either been created by a PC or are taught only to those who a have fully mastered the ways of sorcery and proven themselves trustworthy. In the case of PC created paths and rituals they can only be acquired from the PC who created the magic or through someone who acquired the path or ritual through legitimate means from the sorcerer who first created it. Approval from the full ranking elders of the sorcerer caste is always required. If the path or ritual has not been created by another PC, the sorcerer has the option to petition full ranking elders of the sorcerer caste for access to their sects respective archive center(s). If access is granted a Full Master of Sorcery will be assigned to oversee and guide the student on their journey. [ST and Assamite Coordinator approval is required for either PCs or NPCs] Rarity In-Clan Based Upon Sect, Caste and Rank: Clan Assamite is unique in that they have three castes (also described sometimes as sub-bloodlines in the Assamite Clanbook revised) with in their clan. There is a reason that Haqim had created three castes after all, and each one of these castes has their own distinct role with in the clan, even into modern nights. The Assamite clan is an extremely hierarchal clan, especially when it comes to following ways of tradition and minding ones elders in this case ones progenitor. This is not to say that the clans elders are entirely blind to individual necessity. For example, as mentioned it is not unheard of for a member of the

  • Vizier caste to eventually gain approval and preliminary training to learn sorcery as an aid to them in research and record keeping. A warrior on the other hand would be hard pressed to convince elders of their caste that they are ready to learn sorcery such proclamations usually lead to the warrior proving that they truly are, by facing their own caste elders in combat, if they survive this ordeal, they then must face the elders of the Sorcerer caste, who if they are lucky will find this bold request amusing at best. The following table establishes what rank a particular Caste & Sect is expected to have achieved prior to learning sorcery. It also defines access restrictions which adhere to the Rarity Ratings section of this packet. As you can see, there is a significant difference in what a non-traditional sorcery student can expect to learn Sect affiliation plays a significant part as well. Those outside the social norm simply do not have the luxury of access to the Sorcerer castes expansive library, nor the proper guidance and training to grasp the concepts they are presented should they seek to learn through inferior methods. Example #1: A Dispossessed/Anarch Sorcerer who had attained the rank of Master (Rank: 3) would be treated as though they were 1 rank lower than normal due to the limited access to libraries and instruction. This means that had they been a Loyalist or Schismatic Sorcerer they would have normally had potential access to Rarity 3 paths and rituals, but instead they only have access to Rarity 2 paths and rituals. Note: They do however retain the title they had rightfully earned. Example #2: A Schismatic Vizier who has attained the rank of Distinguished Master (Rank: 4) would be treated as though they were 2 ranks lower than normal due to being of non-traditional caste, and in turn having limited access to libraries and instruction. This means that had they been a Loyalist or Schismatic Sorcerer they would have normally had potential access to Rarity 4 paths and rituals, but instead they only have access to Rarity 2 paths and rituals. Note: This also means that even a Full Master (Rank: 5) Vizier Schismatic/Loyalist could only ever expect to gain access to Rarity 3 paths and rituals. Example #3: A Loyalist Warrior who has attained the rank of Hagakure (Rank: 4) would be treated as though they were 3 ranks lower than normal due to being of non-traditional caste, and in turn having limited access to libraries and instruction. This means that had they been a Loyalist or Schismatic Sorcerer they would have normally had potential access to Rarity 4 paths and rituals, but instead they only have access to Rarity 1 paths and rituals. Note: This means that even a Sharur (Rank: 5) Warrior Loyalist could only ever expect to gain access to Rarity 2 paths and rituals. Caste & Sect Schismatic/Loyalist Dispossessed/Anarch Antitribu (S) Sorcerer As per normal As if they were 1 ranks lower As if they were 3 ranks lower Vizier As if they were 2 ranks lower As if they were 3 ranks lower As if they were 4 ranks lower Warrior As if they were 3 ranks lower As if they were 4 ranks lower N/A (S) There are very few Assamite Antitribu Sorcerers or Viziers left in the Sabbat (and very few to begin with). The vast majority of the Assamites of the Sabbat that did know sorcery were largely once a part of the Black Hand, and most of those high profile members (WW NPCs) have since abandoned the Sabbat altogether returning to Mt. Alamut or joining the ranks of the Dispossessed see WW2428: Caines Chosen the Black Hand. Assamite Sorcery Paths (Rarity/Required Rank): All of the paths in this packet have their most recent text reference (which may differ from the actual genre text reference) listed in the chart below. Any paths not printed in a Revised MET book are listed in the section directly following the path chart. Note: Use of the Tremere: Clan Book (revised) as a MET rules references is merely for a lack of any other MET write up for paths listed as being in genre for Assamite Sorcerers. Common Paths: (Rarity: 1 / Rank: Aspirant) * =Primary path option, (**) =Assamite Coord approval, (A) =Assamite Only Path Name Preferred name for path MET rules reference Elemental Mastery* Elemental Mastery MET: CG, pg. 77 Lure of Flames* Hands of the Magi LotN (revised), pg. 178 Movement of the Mind* Movement of the Mind LotN (revised), pg. 180 Spirit Manipulation* Sulecmans Laws MET: CG, pg. 89 Weather Control* Weather Control MET: CG, pg. 93 Uncommon Paths: (Rarity: 2 / Rank: Associate) Path Name Preferred name for path MET rules reference Alchemy Alchemy MET: StG, pg. 47 Green Path, the The Covenant of Ashnan MET: CG, pg. 78 Hands of Destruction Fists of the Djinn LotN (revised), pg. 183

  • Neptunes Might* The Covenant of Enki MET: CG, pg. 81 Path of Blood Path of Lifes Water LotN (revised), pg. 177 Path of Conjuring Path of Conjuring LotN (revised), pg. 182 Rare Paths: (Rarity: 3 / Rank: Master) Path Name Preferred name for path MET rules reference Focused Mind, the Echo of Nirvana MET: StG, pg. 50 Hearth Path, the Defending the Mountain MET: StG, pg. 51 Hunters Winds, the* (A) Hunters Winds, the BM:SoT, pg. 123 Oneiromancy The Way of the Dreamer MET: StG, pg. 54 Path of Fathers Vengeance Path of the Ailing Jackal MET: SG, pg. 127 Path of Mars The Way of Ashur MET: SG, pg. 125 Very Rare Paths: (Rarity: 4 / Rank: Distinguished Master) Path Name Preferred name for path MET rules reference Awakening of the Steel (A) Awakening of the Steel Assamite:CB (revised), pg. 74 Path of Bloods Curse Fouling Lifes Water MET: StG, pg. 56 Path of Curses Path of Curses MET: StG, pg. 58 Path of Technomancy Reading the Skys Thoughts MET: CG, pg. 86 Way of Warding Way of Warding Dark Ages Companion Spirit Thaumaturgy Path of the Dead MET: LoE, pg. 74 Way of the Levinbolt Wielding Ishkurs Spear Tremere:CB (revised), pg. 51 Exceptionally Rare Paths: (Rarity: 5 / Rank: Full Master) Path Name Preferred name for path MET rules reference Whispers of the Heavens (A) Whispers of the Heavens Libellus Sanguinis:3, pg. 68 Table Top Converted Assamite Sorcery Paths: The paths listed below have been converted from White Wolf table top sources. The Assamite Coordinator has implemented these paths in order to more accurately represent Assamite genre in a MET setting. These rituals may be included in your game only with Storyteller permission and in some cases, with Assamite Coordinator permission as well. The Hunters Wind [BM:SoT, pg. 123] The Assamites are known as the assassins of the kindred world for good reason. Their sorcerers provide them with ways to avoid detection that go above and beyond the vampiric discipline of Obfuscate. Assamite magic do more than merely blind a person to their presence or confuse a targets senses: Those benefiting from the Path of the Hunters Winds have learned to do many of the things for which the Nosferatu are infamous, but in a more physical sense. Basic Scent of deception When this power is in employed the recipient can mask or completely alter their scent. If the sorcerer chooses to eliminate their scent, individuals attempting to track them by sense of smell receive a -5 Trait penalty to their tracking attempts the sorcerer may use their Occult Ability to retest against their pursuers. If they choose to alter their scent to that of another individual (to incriminate someone else for example), those attempting to determine the scent of the individual must defeat the sorcerer in a Mental challenge with Occult being the sorcerers retest and Investigation being the investigators retest. There is no inherent penalty to this test as with the elimination of scent. In many ways this is like Mask of 1000 faces for smell, with the additional effect that the power lingers. Skin of the Chameleon This power is in all ways like the Visceratika power, Chameleon Skin. Intermediate Unassuming Pose The sorcerer may use this power to go unnoticed by those perusing them by fading into a crowd. Once activated with a Static Mental challenge against a difficulty of 6, the sorcerer cannot be detected by anyone with less Auspex than his path rating in Hunters Winds. So long as he remains within a group of at least two other characters and does not look entirely out of place.

  • (e.g. They are dressed like a bum at a Ventrue board meeting, or a clown at the local biker bar). If their Auspex rating is equal to or greater than the Sorcerers Hunters Wind rating then the character must make a Mental challenge with the sorcerer to notice them. Just like Obfuscate, Unseen Presence, they will be completely ignored by all those around them, including the crowd they faded into. Whiff of Kalif The sorcerer distorts the perceptions of those around them, so that they experience a distractingly powerful feeling of intoxication. They may enjoy a pleasant hallucination, or may just stand there blissing out, not caring what the sorcerer is up to. The sorcerer may engage any and all targets that are paying attention to them in a Mental challenge. If the sorcerer succeeds the individuals gain the Negative Trait, Oblivious x1, as they become blissfully unaware of their surroundings for 15 minutes or the remainder of the scene, which ever comes first. If an obvious threat becomes present or a noticeable combat ensues this power ends immediately. Advanced Ghost Body With the expenditure of three Blood Traits (instead of the usual one for thaumaturgy) the sorcerer becomes completely intangible, and invisible. They cannot use any disciplines while in this power is activated. They cannot hear, but they can see, though strange visions have been known to occasionally haunt a sorcerer while in this realm (possibly ghosts or nearby astral travelers). They can be detected in the same manner as one would attempt to detect those on the astral plane. They can be attacked by other individuals using Ghost Body, or by astral travelers who have detected him. However, a Ghost Body cannot be lost to the astral plane nor do they suffer any real damage or wound penalties, they simply get knocked back into the real world if their Health levels are reduced to zero. Astral travelers attack with Mental Traits, use Willpower for Health levels, and Investigation as retests as normal. The Ghost Body uses Physical Traits, their normal Health levels (that may be healed as normal with blood), and Occult as retests. Note: Individuals in the astral do not automatically see the Ghost Body they must perform the normal Aura Perception challenge after the expenditure of a Mental Trait to find the Assamite first. If the astral traveler fails to see the Ghost Body they may not attack them. Also, although a combat for the Ghost Body is physical, no other disciplines may be activated while Ghost Body is active; as such Potence and Fortitude do not apply. Other powers that were activated prior to the activation of Ghost Body remain in effect per their normal duration. Whispers of the Heavens [Libellus Sanguinis:3, pg. 68] The Almohad Empire and Taugast both boast astronomers whose knowledge far exceeds all European lore of the stars. Both cultures also possess a wealth of fortune-tellers who claim the ability to read knowledge from the heavens. The Assamites draw on both of these traditions in addition to their own studies. This path emerged from sorcerer workshops after long effort to reconcile conflicting beliefs. Practitioners of Whispers of the Heavens are also known as seers and diviners. Note: The primary focus of Whispers of the Heavens is to prophesize the future. The sorcerer is two Traits down in any use of this power in overcast weather, and four Traits down in a storm. This power may not be used if the sorcerer cannot see the sky at all. This discipline should not be a license to Meta game. BE VAGUE. Basic Map the Skies The first technique that a student of this path learns is that of divining his location with a mere glance at the stars. The player performs a Static Mental challenge against a difficulty of 4. If successful, they then perform a simple test with the following results: Loss They are aware of their location within 100 miles. Tie They are aware of their location within 1 mile. Win They are aware of their location within 10 yards. Read the Heavens Plans The character must be standing in the place or touching the person on whom he wants to use this power. The player performs a Static Mental challenge against a difficulty assigned by the Storyteller. If successful the caster receives premonitions of evens that will occur within the next season (a season takes roughly 3 lunar months) involving that person or place. For example: The sorcerer may see the city ablaze and battle in the streets. This could be a premonition of a major Sabbat offensive. Or he/she may envision a serpent coiled around the Brujah Primogen. This could very well mean that he will be making a deal with the Followers of Set sometime soon. Intermediate Call Down the Hunters Moon

  • To everything, there is a season This power allows the sorcerer to predict the best time to perform a given task. The caster performs a Static Mental challenge against difficulty 8. If successful, the beneficiary is considered one Trait up in any action directly related to the performance of said task (aside from combat challenges). For example: Mohamed wishes to kill a prince. He consults the sorcerer who casts this power on him. He tells Mohamed that Friday June 14th will be the best night to make his attack, as the prince will be traveling to a far away land, and will be away from guards and the safety of his castle. Mohamed takes his advice and uses said night to attack. While sneaking past a guard he is one trait up in the stealth challenge. When picking the lock on the door to the princes chamber he is one trait up on the security test. However, once he enters combat Mohameds own skills will have to suffice. At narrators discretion this power may give a more tangible effect such as giving the time to sneak into the Giovanni mansion when he (the ST) knows the Giovanni player will be visiting another chronicle, or the tempest will be strong and the wraith will be unable to defend it, etcStorytellers are strongly cautioned regarding this power to strongly consider the benefits it will confer as it can easily lead to, or be viewed as, favoritism. Trace the Souls Favor In order to use this power the sorcerer must know the date of mortal birth, date of embrace, or the birth name of the subject. They then enters a Static Mental challenge with his target. Upon success the Storyteller may grant one piece of the following information: Nature, Demeanor, Path (and approximate rating), notable skills or disciplines, or approximate Willpower. Divination is not a science; therefore numbers should not be given when presenting the information gleaned by this power. Suggestions: You sense a great force of will. High willpower You see a mighty sword. High melee score You see chaos all around him. Nature: Eye of the Storm You see a mask of a king. Demeanor: Autocrat

    Advanced Ripples on the Sea of Stars A sorcerer can perceive any scene that is occurring beneath the same stars that they can see (roughly 100 miles). They must perform a Static Mental challenge against difficulty 10 to perceive the scene, for one turn. If successful the difficulty drops by two for each subsequent turn, until it reaches four. Any failure resets the difficulty back to 10. The Sorcerer may use no other powers in conjunction with this discipline to effect the scene in question unless those powers specifically allow it of their own accord such as summon. Note: People with WW lore 5 will notice that this is considerably different from the actual mechanics of the tabletop version of this path. This is because the original text of the path grants a more powerful version of the Elder Auspex: Clairvoyance. Assamite Sorcery Rituals (Rarity/Required Rank): All of the rituals in this packet have their most recent text reference (which may differ from the actual genre text reference) listed in the chart below. Any rituals not printed in a Revised MET book are listed in the section directly following the ritual chart. Note: Use of the Tremere: Clan Book (revised) as a MET rules references is merely for a lack of any other MET write up for rituals listed as being in genre for Assamite Sorcerers. Common Rituals: (Rarity: 1 / Rank: Aspirant) Basic Rituals (B-1): Preferred name for ritual MET rules reference Blood Call (A) Blood Call MET: LoE, pg. 86 Blood of Peace (A) Blood of Peace MET: LoE, pg. 86 Calling the Restless Spirit Nergals Call MET: LoE, pg. 80 Communicate w/ Kindred Sire Speak w/ Sire LotN (revised), pg. 185 Defense of the Sacred Haven Curtain of Will LotN (revised), pg. 185 Deflection of the Wooden Doom Turn the Impaling Shaft LotN (revised), pg. 185 Donning the Mask of Shadows Blanket of Night MET: LoE, pg. 80 Encrypt Missive Loyal Eyes MET: StG, pg. 65 Engaging Vessel of Transference Falsely Sealed Vessel LotN (pre-revised), pg. 102 Extinguish Quench MET: StG, pg. 66 Eye of the Translator (A) Eye of the Translator Libellus Sanguinis: 3, pg. 70 Incantations of the Shepard Shepards Silent Vigil TT: CG, pg. 110 Open Passage, the Passage of Ghul LotN (revised), pg. 185 Principal Focus of Vitae Infusion Draught of the Pebble LotN (revised), pg. 186 Purify Blood Purify Blood Tremere: CB (revised), pg. 57 Purity of the Flesh Purity of the Flesh TT: CG, pg. 110

  • Rebirth of Mortal Vanity Don the Lions Mane MET: StG, pg. 67 Sanguineous Phial Preserve Lifes Water MET: StG, pg. 68 Scent of the Lupines Passing Wolves Secret LotN (revised), pg. 186 Scribe, the Scribe, the MET: StG, pg. 68 Sense the Mystical Sense the Mystical MET: StG, pg. 68 Serenading of the Kami Serenading of the Kami BM: SoT, pg. 91 Wake with Evenings Freshness Black Sunrise LotN (revised), pg. 186 Ward vs. Ghouls Ward vs. Ghouls LotN (revised), pg. 186 Warding Circle vs. Ghouls Warding Circle vs. Ghouls TT: CG, pg. 111 Whispers of the Ghost Speech of Heaven MET: StG, pg. 69 Intermediate Rituals (I-1): Preferred name for ritual MET rules reference Binding the Beast Shackle the Predator MET: LoE, pg. 82 Bladed Hands Qingus Wicked Hand MET: LoE, pg. 82 Bone of Lies Stain of Guilt LotN (revised), pg. 186 Gentle Mind Haqims Will MET: LoE, pg. 83 Illusion of Peaceful Death Departing with Grace MET: LoE, pg. 84 Messenger of the Winds (A) Messenger of the Winds Libellus Sanguinis: 3, pg. 71 Stolen Kisses Tap the Hidden Well MET: StG, pg. 71 Ward vs. Kindred Ward vs. Kindred TT: CG, pg. 113 Warding Circle vs. Kindred Warding Circle vs. Kindred TT: CG, pg. 111 Watcher, the Watcher, the MET: LoE, pg. 85 Advanced Rituals (A-1): Preferred name for ritual MET rules reference Ghost in the System Call of Lamashtu-Nabu BM: SoT, pg. 97 Ward vs. Spirits Ward vs. Spirits TT: CG, pg. 114 Warding Circle vs. Spirits Warding Circle vs. Spirits TT: CG, pg. 110 Uncommon Rituals: (Rarity: 2 / Rank: Associate) Basic Rituals (B-2): Preferred name for ritual MET rules reference Bind the Accusing Tongue Quell the Liars Tongue TT: CG, pg. 109 Blood Rush Feast of Air MET: SG, pg. 130 Blood Walk Sins of the Father MET: LoE, pg. 80 Brand of the Paramour Shepard of Seth MET: StG, pg. 65 Craft Bloodstone Follow the Lie MET: StG, pg. 65 Dominoe of Life Take Life's Visage MET: SG, pg. 130 Eyes of the Nighthawk Eagles Eye's MET: SG, pg. 130 Friend of the Trees Child of Ashnan MET: LoE, pg. 90 Illuminate Trail of the Prey Covenant of Enkidu MET: SG, pg. 130 Imps Affliction Mar Visage MET: StG, pg. 66 Impassable Trail Hidden Path MET: StG, pg. 66 Jinx Destroy Tool MET: StG, pg. 66 Learning the Mind Enslumbered Voice of the Fallen MET: StG, pg. 67 Recure of the Homeland Blessing of the Mountain MET: SG, pg. 131 Sanguine Assistant Servant of Blood TT: CG, pg. 111 Steps of the Terrified Run to Judgment MET: LoE, pg. 89 Summon Guardian Spirit Summon Guardian Spirit MET: LoE, pg. 89 Will o the Wisp Lights of the D'jinn MET: LoE, pg. 89 Intermediate Rituals (I-2): Preferred name for ritual MET rules reference Approach the Veil (A) Approach the Veil BM: SoT, pg. 125 Awaken Kalif (A) Awaken Kalif OWBN Sorcery Packet Cleansing of the Flesh Cleansing of the Flesh MET: StG, pg. 69 Clinging of the Insect Uttus Travel MET: SG, pg. 132 Eyes of the Past Eyes of the Past MET: LoE, pg. 83 Firewalker Ishum's Blessing MET: SG, pg. 132 Flesh of Fiery Touch Skin of Nusku MET: LoE, pg. 83

  • Heart of Stone Basalt Heart MET: LoE, pg. 83 Incorporeal Passage Incorporeal Passage LotN (revised), pg. 186 Innocence of the Childs Heart Aura of the Prophet MET: LoE, pg. 84 Light of Vengeance (A) Light of Vengeance MET: LoE, pg. 86 Major Creation (Conjuring) Grand Summoning MET: StG, pg. 71 Rending Sweet Earth Releasing Nintus Grasp MET: LoE, pg. 84 Respect of the Animals Lahars Gift of Passage MET: LoE, pg. 91 Splinter Servant Wooden Scarab TT: CG, pg. 113 Unseen Change, the Strip the Sheep's Clothing MET: LoE, pg. 85 Ward vs. Lupines Ward vs. Lupines TT: CG, pg. 113 Warding Circle vs. Lupines Warding Circle vs. Lupines TT: CG, pg. 111 Advanced Rituals (A-2): Preferred name for ritual MET rules reference Healing Blood (A) Healing Blood MET: LoE, pg. 87 Spirit of Torment Spirit Ally MET: LoE, pg. 92 Stone of the True Form Stone of the True Form MET: StG, pg. 74 Ward vs. Demons Ward vs. Demons TT: CG, pg. 114 Warding Circle vs. Demons Warding Circle vs. Demons TT: CG, pg. 111 Rare Rituals: (Rarity: 3 / Rank: Master) Basic Rituals (B-3): Preferred name for ritual MET rules reference Burning Blade Fuel the Blades Fury TT: CG, pg. 110 Gift of Mithras Bull (A) Gift of Mithras Bull BM: SoT, pg. 125 Impressive Visage Glory of Haqim MET: StG, pg. 66 Pebble from the Mountain (A) Pebble from the Mountain BM: SoT, pg. 125 Power of the Invisible Flame (L. of Flames) Gerras Hidden Fury MET: LoE, pg. 89 Purge the Inner Demon Pacify the Beast MET: StG, pg. 67 Touch the Earth (A) Touch the Earth BM: SoT, pg. 124 True Sight Eyes of Haqim Diablerie Britain, pg. 9 Intermediate Rituals (I-3): Preferred name for ritual MET rules reference Craft Dream Catcher (Oneiromancy) Gift of the Dreamer MET: StG, pg. 70 Curse Belated, the Ereshkigals Promise MET: StG, pg. 70 Iron Mind Fortress of the Mind LotN (pre-revised), pg. 105 Kafirs Bane (A) Kafirs Bane Sins of the Blood, pg. 102 Mirror of Second Sight Reflection of Truth MET: SG, pg. 133 Mirror Walk Mirror Walk MET: LoE, pg. 91 Protean Curse Beast Curse MET: LoE, pg. 84 Scry Hidden Witness MET: StG, pg. 71 Shaft of the Belated Quiescence Inevitable Judgment TT: CG, pg. 112 Summon Mischievous Spirit Summon Mischievous Spirit TT: Sabbat (2nd ed), pg. 118 Telecommunication Redirecting the Skies Eye MET: StG, pg. 72 Track Transgressor (Sorcery) Enkidus Great Hunt MET: StG, pg. 72 Unweave Ritual Deny the Curse Tremere:CB (revised), pg. 64 Words of Undoing (A) Words of Undoing OWBN Sorcery Packet Advanced Rituals (A-3): Preferred name for ritual MET rules reference Enchant Talisman Craft Foci TT: CG, pg. 113 Escape to a True Friend Escape to a True Friend MET: FaF, pg. 209 Eyes of the Beast Covenant of Lahar MET: LoE, pg. 92 Lion Heart Ashurs Wrath MET: LoE, pg. 92 Severed Hand Tithe to Law MET: StG, pg. 73 Ward vs. Fae Ward vs. Fae MET: StG, pg. 73 Ward vs. Wraiths Ward vs. Wraiths TT: CG, pg. 114 Warding Circle vs. Fae Warding Circle vs. Fae TT: CG, pg. 114 Warding Circle vs. Wraiths Warding Circle vs. Wraiths TT: CG, pg. 111

  • Very Rare Rituals: (Rarity: 4 / Rank: Distinguished Master) Basic Rituals (B-4): Preferred name for ritual MET rules reference Bloods Cry for Vengeance (A) Bloods Cry for Vengeance Libellus Sanguinis: 3, pg. 71 Bottled Voice Sealing the Vault of Words MET: LoE, pg. 90 Machine Blitz Compel Machine Spirit MET: SG, pg. 131 Rotten-wood (Hands of Destruction) Rotten-wood LotN (pre-revised), pg. 105 Intermediate Rituals (I-4): Preferred name for ritual MET rules reference Blood Allergy Blood Drought MET: StG, pg. 69 Directing Ahrimans Lance (A) Directing Ahrimans Lance BM: SoT, pg. 125 Fire in the Blood Torment of Gerra LotN (pre-revised), pg. 105 Infirm Inert Traitorous Blood MET: StG, pg. 70 Return of the Heart (Path of Bloods Curse) Return of the Heart MET: StG, pg. 71 Rite of Marduk Triumphant (A) Rite of Marduk Triumphant BM: SoT, pg. 125 Sire Impotent, the (A) Sire Impotent, the Sins of the Blood, pg. 102 Touch of Nightshade Haqims Disfavor MET: StG, pg. 72 Advanced Rituals (A-4): Preferred name for ritual MET rules reference Blood Contract Blood Oath LotN (revised), pg. 187 Dominion House of Enlil MET: LoE, pg. 92 Invisible Chains of Binding Sharrus Tether LotN (pre-revised), pg. 106 Umbra Walk Gate to Nirvana LotN (revised), pg. 188 Vires Acquirit Eundo Empower Ritual BM: SoT, pg. 98 Exceptionally Rare Rituals: (Rarity: 5 / Rank: Full Master) Basic Rituals (B-5): Preferred name for ritual MET rules reference Intermediate Rituals (I-5): Preferred name for ritual MET rules reference Blood of the Chameleon (PC) Blood of the Chameleon OWBN Sorcery Packet Havens Passage (PC) Havens Passage OWBN Sorcery Packet Advanced Rituals (A-5): Preferred name for ritual MET rules reference Accessing the Truth (A) Accessing the Truth OWBN Sorcery Packet Rite of Marduk Slain and Risen (A) Rite of Marduk Slain and Risen BM: SoT, pg. 125 Seeing with the Skies Eyes (A) Seeing with the Skies Eyes BM: SoT, pg. 126 Table Top Converted Sorcery Rituals: The rituals listed below have been converted from White Wolf table top sources. The Assamite Coordinator has implemented these rituals in order to more accurately represent Assamite genre in a MET setting. These rituals may be included in your game only with Storyteller permission and in some cases, with Assamite Coordinator permission as well. Approach the Veil (A) [BM: SoT, pg. 125] The sorcerer enters a transcendental state required to experience visions of the veil. He ingests kalif-laden blood, bathes in the blood of a fresh killed bull and meditates. He must first ward off a distracting cascade of unpleasant memories, then an even more tempting series of sensual pleasures then comes the opportunity for revelation. The ritual takes 8 hours. Although the sorcerer performs if for research purposes, seeking the secrets of apotheosis, a peek past the veil of truth does grant direct benefits. The sorcerer automatically succeeds in his next challenge for sorcery or rituals. Enacting this ritual requires no challenge only time. If the sorcerer does not take advantage of the rituals benefits before he loses his next blood point it is wasted (remember you expend one blood point for waking). Note: This benefit does not apply to challenges against other players, only static difficulties such as ritual challenges and Whispers of the Heavens. Bind the Accusing Tongue [TT: CG, pg. 109] Bind the accusing tongue lays a compulsion upon the target that prevents her from speaking ill of the caster, allowing the thaumaturge to commit literally unspeakable acts without fear of reprisal. System: The caster must have a picture or image of the target, a lock of her hair and a black silken cord. The caster ties the cord around the hair while chanting. Any time the target wants to speak ill of the caster, she must defeat the caster in a mental challenge (Occult retests on both sides are applicable).

  • Burning Blade [TT: CG, pg. 110] Burning Blade allows a thaumaturge to temporarily enchant a melee weapon to inflict aggravated wounds on supernatural creatures. While this ritual is in effect, the weapon flickers with an unholy greenish flame. This ritual can only be cast on melee weapons. The caster must cut the palm of her weapon hand during the ritual with the weapon if it is edged, otherwise with a sharp stone. This inflicts a single health level of lethal damage which cannot be soaked but may be healed normally. The player spends three blood points which are absorbed by the weapon. Once the ritual is cast, the weapon inflicts aggravated damage on all supernatural creatures for the next few successful attacks, one per temporary mental trait spent during the casting, up to a maximum of three. Multiple castings of Burning Blade cannot be stacked for longer durations. Furthermore, the wielder of the weapon cannot choose to do normal damage and save up aggravated strikes each successful attack uses one aggravated strike until there are none left, at which point the weapon reverts to inflicting normal damage. Directing Ahrimans Lance (A) [BM: SoT, pg. 125] The sorcerer takes an accurate image of the target or a personal possession of theirs and swallows it. He waits an hour and then cuts it out of his belly. Until the next sunrise, any Assamite in possession of the image or object improves her chances of killing the target. The possessor of the ritualized item is two traits up on all non-combat challenges that would bring you closer to killing the target (ST discretion). Enchant Talisman [TT: CG, pg. 113] Enchant Talisman allows the Sorcerer to enchant a personal magical item to act as a focus. Many such talismans are covered with magical writing and runes (like every ward the caster knows). The object must be rigid and about a yard in length (swords and walking staffs are the most common, but some may enchant shotguns, pool cues or other more exotic objects). System: This ritual takes 6 hours per night for a complete lunar cycle, beginning and ending with a new moon. The caster enters one extended challenge per week. The challenge is 10 static mental challenges against 16 traits. The caster must win or tie (be sure to compare traits on a tie on the RPS) 20 times over the course of the 4 sets of challenges. Failure means that the effort has been wasted, and the thaumaturge must start over. If successful, the caster now has a potent weapon and tool with the following benefits (as long as the Talisman is in the hands of the caster): 1. The caster is considered 1 trait up on any Magical attack made against her. 2. The caster is considered 2 traits up on any challenge with her Primary Path. 3. The caster is considered 1 trait up when casting her rituals. 4. If the item is used as a weapon, it has no negative traits. If another person ever takes this item, being that it is inscribed with the true name of its creator (and if you are a product of western society, your birth name IS your true name), they are considered three traits up in any Magical attack against you. You always have an innate mental connection with your talisman, and you can track it if moving at a normal walking pace. You can always tell general direction and distance. You know if it is destroyed. You can only have One Talisman in existence at a time. Eye of the Translator [Libellus Sanguinis: 3, pg. 70] The sorcerer cuts himself above the left eye and allows three droplets of blood to spill upon the page he is trying to translate. They then meditate for 10 minutes while the blood soaks into the writing and disappears. He then engages in a static mental challenge, difficulty determined by the storyteller. If this ritual is successful he can translate the writing on the page so long as he does not leave it for more than 10 minutes. This ritual only lasts for the evening. It does not grant the user the ability to speak the language (though it may justify the caster the beginning to learning it). Ghost in the System [BM: SoT, pg. 97] Modern false identities can be created with this ritual. The identity is created with great detail, Citizenship, drivers license, SSN number, etc. System: The castor must make 7 challenges (they must be won), one for each night that this ritual takes to complete (IE one week). If she fails 4 or more of the challenges the ritual is a complete failure and a certain government agency might start looking into the changes. If all of the challenges are not won there is an extended delay in the creation of the new identity. The amount of time is up to the ST. While in this problem time the Kindred will have as much of a hard time completing mortal activities as an ST wishes. This ritual is powerful with real negative drawbacks if failed. Gift of Mithras Bull (A) [BM: SoT, pg. 125] With this ritual Sorcerer and subject must be connected by Touch the Earth or Pebble from the Mountain. The sorcerer places a small, sharp blade inside a wine skin, then withdraws it and passes it to the target (via Touch the Earth). The subject cuts an incision in his or her chest. Blood bubbles out of the incision but then vanishes, reappearing in the wine skin. Through this method, the target may pay the sorcerer in vitae for his or her services.

  • Incantation of the Shepherd [TT: CG, pg. 110] This 15 Minute Ritual allows the user to locate, in approximate Direction and Distance, all members of the Caster's Herd. To properly cast this ritual, the Thaumaurgist, while intoning the names of her Herd, must hold two small glass objects to her eyes and spin in a slow circle. If the Caster does not have the Herd Background, she will detect the closest three mortals from whom she has fed at least three times. This Ritual has a Maximum range of 10 times the Caster's Herd Background, or 5 miles if she does not have any Herd Background. Kafirs Bane (A) [Sins of the Blood, pg. 102] Through this ritual the sorcerer, or willing target partakes of kalif smoke or blood. After this ritual has been performed, if the individual is confronted by a situation that could result in frenzy they are considered to be one Trait up on resolution of Self Control/Instinct and Courage Virtues tests due to the Beast being partially subdued and more under their control. While under the affects of this ritual however the individual suffers the Negative Trait Oblivious x1. The effects of this ritual wear off at sunrise. Messenger of the Wind (A) [Libellus Sanguinis: 3, pg. 71] Although the sorcerer need not be the one to actually write the message, the message must still be written upon clean linen with a pen made from the feather of an eagle. The sorcerer then rolls the message and ties it with a white silken cord. On the cord they write the recipients name in their (not the sorcerers) blood. They then must throw the message into the open sky where the wind carries it away. It will appear in the recipients hand at noon of the next day. This message cannot be further enchanted in anyway. Pebble from the Mountain (A) [BM: SoT, pg. 125] The sorcerer takes a stone from Mount Alamut and places it in his mouth, and meditates for an hour. They then soak the stone in their own blood, then in the blood of another Assamite. The stone is given to this Assamite while chanting an incantation naming the sorcerer and the subject as successors to Tiamat, Ahriman, and all the shiatans of Hell. At any subsequent point, in which the participating Assamite places the stone in their mouth, after repeating the incantation, they can initiate a mystical link between them and the sorcerer that is identical to the link described in the ritual, Touch the Earth. Once this ritual has been activated by the subject, the sorcerer hears the name of the Assamite whispered in their ear. Note: The Assamite participant is not actually performing sorcery, but is instead receiving the magical effects cast by the sorcerer at that same moment, provided that the sorcerer chooses to, or is able to respond to their call the stone itself merely acts as a conduit from which to channel said magic power. This ritual takes an hour and a half to perform and always works if the initial casting was successful. Rite of Marduks Slain and Risen (A) [BM: SoT, pg. 125] The beneficiary of this ritual names a target he wishes to diablerize. If successful (which is known upon completion) the sire, brood mates, childer and all those blood bound to the victim of diablerie loose one blood and three temporary willpower. The diablerist gains all of this with excess going to the rituals castor (all other excess is lost). For every 10 minutes that each of these individuals is in the presence of either the castor or the diablerist they loose a temporary willpower and suffer flashbacks of the victims demise. Rite of Marduk Triumphant (A) [BM: SoT, pg. 125] This ritual allows a Sorcerer to assert their authority over a lesser ranking clan member. The sorcerer ritually enacts the coronation of Marduk, donning mask and robe. Other Assamites, of weaker generation than the sorcerer, may participate in the ritual, thereby increasing its effects. The sorcerer may increase the penalty of any action taken by an Assamite by the number of participants (no greater than half the sorcerers total mental traits). This penalty comes in the form of trait reductions for ties and overbids. It is only applicable in any action, which threatens their life or position of the sorcerer. This ritual takes one hour to cast plus twenty minutes for each additional participant these effects last 1 month. Sanguine Assistant [TT: CG, pg. 111] Sorcerers often need lab assistants that they can trust implicitly. This ritual allows a sorcerer to create a temporary servant that was utterly loyal. System: The caster spends 5 blood and makes a static test against 10 traits. The resulting servant is about a foot tall, and roughly humanoid shape and is formed out of random objects in the room (but oddly enough it will never take anything that you will be using). The servant will last for a number of days equal to the casters mental traits. The servant will follow the orders of the caster, and will take on the personality and mannerisms of the caster. When the ritual expires, it will return to the bowl it was summoned in, and fall apart. The caster may re-summon the same servant and it will retain its personality and memories. Seeing with the Skies Eyes (A) [BM: SoT, pg. 126]

  • The sorcerer enters a trance state and concentrates on a subject individual. They must have on their person an accurate image of the target, or an object they once owned. They then see visions of the target, and in so doing learn of the targets precise, current location, no matter where on earth they are. Serenading the Kami [BM: SoT, pg. 91] By binding spirits to their physical form the thaumaturge can gain a temporary boost in strength. System: This ritual grants the castor 2 additional traits in their next physical action. This action could be as simple as digging a ditch or hitting someone. It takes 30 minutes to cast this ritual. Shaft of the Belated Quiescence [TT: CG, pg. 112] This ritual turns a regular stake of rowan wood into a particularly vicious weapon. When the tip touches kindred, it breaks off and burrows for the victims heart. System: The stake must be of rowan wood, coated in three traits of the casters blood and baked over an oak wood fire. When the stake is used in combat, it acts normally as a weapon. If a successful strike hits, the tip of the stake breaks off and begins burrowing at the heart of the victim (even if you have misplaced heart). Every hour, the affected player must make a static physical challenge against the mental traits of the caster or take One Lethal damage. Once Five Lethal damage has been done in this fashion, the character is staked. Removing the tip via surgery requires the medicine ability. The surgeon enters an extended challenge against a number of traits equal to the creator of the stakes mental traits. She must cumulate 5 successes to remove the tip. Each challenge made will do 1 point of lethal damage win, lose or tie. Healing the wounds closes the incisions and the surgeon must start over. If a stake enchanted with this ritual is used on someone that has her heart removed by Heart of Darkness (advanced Serpents), the stake will do normal combat damage on the initial hit, but the tip will not break off, and the ritual is not expended. Sire Impotent, the (A) [Sins of the Blood, pg. 102] It is unknown whether this ritual was developed as a punishment or as a warning to neonates Assamites. Regardless of its origin, this ritual temporarily renders a given Kindreds vitae inert for the purposes or siring new vampires. Using this ritual requires the caster to partake of the kalif blood, not merely inhale the smoke. The targets of this ritual must either be a descendant of the sorcerer, or the sorcerer must have the fang or tongue of the subject and succeed in a Mental challenge against their intended target. If the sorcerer succeeds in the challenge, the subject is unable to sire childer for one month, or until the Final Death of the sorcerer, whichever comes first. Any potential childer drained of blood will simply die if the Kindred attempts to Embrace them. Whether the ritual succeeds or fails, the fang and tongue are destroyed in the process. Splinter Servant [TT: CG, pg. 113] Another ritual designed to enchant a stake, Splinter Servant is a progressive development of Shaft of Belated Quiescence, and the two rituals are mutually exclusive (They cannot be placed on the same stake). The stake itself becomes a minion bent on staking its target. System: The stake must be made from a tree that has been nourished by the dead (a tree from a graveyard would be a good choice) and wrapped in sheath made of nightshade twine and wax. When the binding is torn off, the splinter servant springs to life, ripping little legs out of itself, and attacking the person that it is commanded too attack (by pointing it at the target as the sheath is ripped off). The splinter servant has a number of Physical Traits equal to half the Mental Traits of the caster, a number of melee equal to the casters occult rating, and is immune to mental and social challenges. It has three health levels, and ignores wound penalties. It can move up to 30 (9 paces) per turn. It will remain active and attacking until it stakes its victim, it is destroyed by damage, or 5 combat rounds have passed. It looses traits normally, and must succeed in the normal staking challenges. It is up three traits to avoid attacks due to small size. Any damage increasing effects (Scorpions Touch, Wards, ext.) will ruin the ritual. Summon Mischievous Spirit [TT: Sabbat (2nd ed), pg. 118] The Vampire with this Ritual is able to summon a poltergeist. The poltergeist will cause a ruckus, messing with appliances, furniture, plumbing, electronic devices, and any other inanimate objects. The Spirit may cause almost any object to move around, but it will seldom directly harm a person. However, it will readily cause indirect injury, such as dropping a chair on someones head, or causing a knife to fly across the room. It is important to remember that the Spirit doesnt want to harm the victim it just wants to annoy the hell out of him. System: The effect of the spirit is up to ST discretion. The length of time the spirit stays is based on a simple challenge that is thrown and repeated until a loss occurs. The amount of success, are the number of hours the spirit will stay. Touch the Earth (A) [BM: SoT, pg. 124] This ritual allows the sorcerer to contact another Assamite for the purpose of aiding them with further magical effects. Long in advance of the ritual, the Sorcerer takes a stylus and writes, in ancient Mesopotamian script, on a small, still-wet, clay tablet, the name of an Assamite of weaker generation than they are. Once hardened, the tablet is placed in an acid to weaken it again. When the sorcerer chooses to begin the ritual, they use chalk or paint to draw on the tiled floor of his ceremonial chamber the stylized image of an eye, with white, pupil and iris. The eye must be big enough so that a cat, dog or rodent can

  • be placed inside it. Using a mortar and pestle, the sorcerer reduces the tablet to powder. They then mix it into food, which is placed in front of the animal. When the animal has ingested the food, the sorcerer cuts its throat with a knife and waits until the pool of spilled blood has expanded in at least four places past the line denoting the white of the eye. When the sorcerer speaks into the animals ear, the Assamite whose name was written on the tablet hears the sorcerers voice. When the sorcerer listens at the animals mouth, they can hear their targets voice. The Sorcerer may also pass to the target any object small enough to fit in the palm of their hand. This works no matter how much distance separates the sorcerer and target. Once the mystical bond between sorcerer and target is established, the sorcerer may then proceed to use their chosen primary path of Sorcery (chosen at creation) to benefit the target. The sorcery path used must be an Assamite primary path as defined by this packet. This is not a usage of the discipline by the beneficiary, and so they do not directly gain the use of the discipline. For example: The sorcerer may use Hunters Wind: Skin of the Chameleon, to aid their clan mate in infiltrating a haven. However, they would not be allowed to grant Lure of Flames: Flame Bolt, as the power does not affect the Assamite recipient it affects their opponent. Further, the sorcerer may perform any ritual that they have learned, upon their chosen target, with the same criteria for mystical affect. True Sight [Diablerie Britain, pg. 9] This ritual turns a vampire into an undead polygraph. It is often used by Justicars to catch Diabolists. Once the short ritual is performed (requiring about five minutes), the vampire's senses become amazingly enhanced, allowing her to hear the slightest quaver in a person's voice, see the minute twitching of a liar's mouth, or notice how a liar's eyes blink too much. System: True Sight only detects deliberate, willful lies. If the other party believes she is telling the truth, then what she says will appear to be true. The ritual detects the state of nervousness, not whether the truth was spoken. In effect, the Thaumaturge has a single extra investigation ability and five extra mental traits, for the duration of the ritual, for the purposes of Auspex challenges that they initiate. These traits may not be bid, but are added to the caster's total for purposes of comparison or overbid. They do not aid in Auspex challenges initiated against the caster because the ritual does nothing to alter the Thaumaturgists ability to hide their own reactions, nor the other person's ability to perceive the Thaumaturgists. To indicate that this ritual is in effect, the player should get a card denoting the extra traits and the time cast from a storyteller. This ritual takes five minutes to cast and lasts one hour. Vires Acquirit Eundo [BM: SoT, pg. 98] This ritual when cast in tandem with another ritual can increase some effects of that ritual System: The affects that are extended are completely up to the ST. The player can suggest possibilities as to what affects are changed, but the ST has the final say so. It is suggest that the player carry an index card signed by an ST that says that the change is legit. It is strongly advised to ST's that allow this ritual that they use common sense before approving some extended requests. Warding Circle vs. X [TT: CG, pg. 111] Created as a protective ward, it creates a circle of protection against many different creature types. Each creature type is a separate ritual. System: These rituals require three traits of blood of the appropriate creature type (handful of sea salt for spirits, ground marble from a tombstone for ghosts, or holy water for demons, cold-iron filings for fae). The caster determines the size of the warding circle in the following manner. It starts at a base of 10 radius (20 diameter). The caster may spend one mental trait and one-blood trait to increase the radius by 10. Any appropriate creature that approaches the circle will feel the power of the circle. In order to cross the ward, she must win a static test against the mental traits of the caster, bidding her current number of willpower traits (no traits are risked by either side). If she fails she takes three Lethal damage, and is denied entry. If she wins the challenge she may cross, but still takes the three Lethal damage. Attempts to leave the circle are not blocked. Wards can be laid inside of each other, but must have at lest 20 diameter smaller than the one they are inside of whether they are different types. PC Created Sorcery Rituals: The rituals listed below will not be found in any White Wolf publication. Players of OWbN have created these rituals. They are included here for Players and Storytellers to appreciate the devotion that these players have had to their characters and the Assamite genre. These rituals may be included in your game only with Storyteller permission and in some cases, with Assamite Coordinator permission as well (please take note of the rarity restrictions for PC created sorcery rituals). Blood of the Chameleon (A) [PC Created] This is purely an Assamite ritual created by the character Isaac al-Rahim, this character was a PC and it is unlikely that he would have taught it unless the elders of the clan ordered it. This character is now an NPC controlled by Bay of Blood: Baltimore Under Siege. The ritual allows the caster to modify his blood for the purposes of Thaumaturgy path of blood: Taste of Vitae. This ritual requires a live chameleon drowned in the blood of a vampire of a given clan (or caitiff). To cast this ritual, you must imbibe a trait of blood from a given clan after a chameleon has been drowned in it. Upon successfully casting the ritual, any thaumaturgical means to determine clan of origin will imply the caster to be of the same clan as the blood consumed for the casting. The caster however takes on the clan weakness (if applicable) of the clan impersonated.

  • Havens Passage (A) [PC Created] First, the Sorcerer needs a stone, rock, or pebble from the excavation site or other original interior space of a building or other structure. Then while pouring vitae over the stone, the Sorcerer performs the ritual. Once completed, the donor of the vitae may hold the stone and speak the words, "Guide me spirits of earth and air, and give me your conveyance," in any language while facing an exterior of the wall of the space the bearer wishes to enter. The bearer may then begin moving forward at which point he become incorporeal and can pass through exterior walls. The bearer becomes corporeal again when he stops moving or reaches a second exterior wall. OWBN Assamite Sorcery - Genre Rituals: The rituals listed below will not be found in any White Wolf publication. We have implemented these rituals in order to more accurately represent Assamite genre in a MET setting. These rituals may be included in your game only with Storyteller permission and in some cases, with Assamite Coordinator permission as well. Accessing the Truth (A) [Advanced] (Spirit Manipulation & Technomancy required) This ritual is required in order for a sorcerer to gain access to the contents contained with in the Schismatic Assamites CD archive. Any attempts to access the information contained in these archives without first performing this ritual will result in an immediate, if not deadly encounter with Nar-Sheptha, the enigmatic entity that willingly serves as a guardian for this portable Great Library. This ritual is only taught to sorcerers who have attained the rank of Full Master (Rank: 5). Sorcerers of this rank have shown extreme dedication towards achieving greater understanding of the universe, and as a result, a healthy respect for the perils that many have faced in hopes of gaining greater knowledge to share with the rest of the caste they understand fully the importance of this great library to their fellow Schismatic brothers and sisters. Note: Nar-Sheptha is WW NPC that is spiritually networked and bound to any and all copies of the Schismatic Assamites Great Library, and as such under direct control of the Assamite Coordinator in short accessing the data (eg. instruction on paths, rituals, lores, et cetera) will require Assamite Coordinator contact. In character this guardian/library is a disquieting blend of high technology and ancient sorcery with adaptation of privacy rituals to ensure that any attempts to copy the data fails: A straight data copy crashes hard drives and burns out processors, while more indirect attempts like taking notes from the monitor meet with other equally expensive mechanical failure. No other means of accessing the data contained with in these libraries beyond use of this ritual is known. If any non-Assamite hand touches the disks or attempts to access their contents, something described as a vaguely humanoid whirlwind of blood droplets manifests. (See WW NPC Nar-Sheptha: Assamite Clanbook, revised, pg. 72, 99-100) Awaken Kalif (A) [Basic] Kalif derives from leaves and resins of a plant grown through sorcerous means; its consciousness-altering properties make its mundane cousin, the cannabis plant, seem tame by comparison. Through the use of this ritual the sorcerer mystically infuses the roots of the cannabis plant by saturating the soil at the base plant in their own vitae. This costs the sorcerer one Trait of Blood per plant they seek to imbue. The sorcerer then calls upon the goddess Ashnan to honor the covenants between her and the Assamites, by requesting her to awaken the kalif. The sorcerer must win a Static Mental challenge against a difficulty of 6 in order to successfully perform this ritual. Note: See the Methods of Trance section of this packet for description of the effects of kalif upon an individual. Words of Undoing (A) [Intermediate] This ritual allows the Assamite to commit suicide if necessary to avoid capture (and to prevent closet teachers for Sorcery, Quietus, and Assamite lore 5). System: The sorcerer may cast this ritual upon himself or another. He does so by soaking the recipients weapon in a mixture of their own blood, the venom of a scorpion, and ashes of nightshade. The sorcerer then uses the weapon to trace the symbol of death over the recipients heart. Once cast the recipient of this ritual may at any time immediately destroy himself, this is not considered diablerie and he does not become a wraith. So long as the recipient of the ritual is conscious and willing, (no coercion of any kind) he may activate this effect. Once cast this ritual is active until used. Appendix Alphabetized Listing Assamite Sorcery Paths: * = Primary sorcery path option, (**) = Assamite Coordinator approval is required, (A) = Assamite Only Path Name: Rarity/Rank MET rules reference Alchemy 2 MET: StG, pg. 47 Awakening of the Steel (A)(**) 3 Assamite:CB (revised), pg. 74 Counter Magic (Sorcery) 5 MET: CG, pg. 92 Elemental Mastery* 1 MET: CG, pg. 77 Focused Mind, the 3 MET: StG, pg. 50 Green Path, the 2 MET: CG, pg. 78 Hands of Destruction 2 LotN (revised), pg. 183

  • Hearth Path, the 3 MET: StG, pg. 51 Hunters Winds, the* (A)(**) 3 BM:SoT, pg. 123 Lure of Flames* 1 LotN (revised), pg. 178 Movement of the Mind* 1 LotN (revised), pg. 180 Neptunes Might* 2 MET: CG, pg. 81 Oneiromancy 3 MET: StG, pg. 54 Path of Blood 2 LotN (revised), pg. 177 Path of Bloods Curse 4 MET: StG, pg. 56 Path of Conjuring 2 LotN (revised), pg. 182 Path of Curses 4 MET: StG, pg. 58 Path of Fathers Vengeance 3 MET: SG, pg. 127 Path of Mars 3 MET: SG, pg. 125 Path of Technomancy 4 MET: CG, pg. 86 Spirit Manipulation* 1 MET: CG, pg. 89 Spirit Thaumaturgy 4 MET: LoE, pg. 74 Way of the Levinbolt 4 Tremere:CB (revised), pg. 51 Way of Warding 4 Dark Ages Companion Weather Control* 1 MET: CG, pg. 93 Whispers of the Heavens (A) 5 Libellus Sanguinis:3, pg. 68 Assamite Sorcery Rituals: (A) = Assamite Only Ritual Name: Rarity/Rank Level MET rules reference Accessing the Truth (A) 5 Advanced OWBN Sorcery Packet Approach the Veil (A) 2 Intermediate BM: SoT, pg. 125 Awaken Kalif (A) 2 Intermediate OWBN Sorcery Packet Binding the Beast 1 Intermediate MET: LoE, pg. 82 Bind the Accusing Tongue 2 Basic TT: CG, pg. 109 Bladed Hands 1 Intermediate MET: LoE, pg. 82 Blood Allergy 4 Intermediate MET: StG, pg. 69 Blood Call (A) 1 Basic MET: LoE, pg. 86 Blood Contract 4 Advanced LotN (revised), pg. 187 Blood of the Chameleon (A) 5 Intermediate OWBN Sorcery Packet Blood of Peace (A) 1 Basic MET: LoE, pg. 86 Blood Rush 2 Basic MET: SG, pg. 130 Bloods Cry for Vengeance (A) 4 Basic Libellus Sanguinis: 3, pg. 71 Blood Walk 2 Basic MET: LoE, pg. 80 Bone of Lies 1 Intermediate LotN (revised), pg. 186 Bottled Voice 4 Basic MET: LoE, pg. 90 Brand of the Paramour 2 Basic MET: StG, pg. 65 Burning Blade 3 Basic TT: CG, pg. 110 Calling the Restless Spirit 1 Basic MET: LoE, pg. 80 Cleansing of the Flesh 2 Intermediate MET: StG, pg. 69 Clinging of the Insect 2 Intermediate MET: SG, pg. 132 Communicate w/ Kindred Sire 1 Basic LotN (revised), pg. 185 Craft Bloodstone 2 Basic MET: StG, pg. 65 Craft Dream Catcher (Oneiromancy) 3 Intermediate MET: StG, pg. 70 Curse Belated, the 3 Intermediate MET: StG, pg. 70 Defense of the Sacred Haven 1 Basic LotN (revised), pg. 185 Deflection of the Wooden Doom 1 Basic LotN (revised), pg. 185 Directing Ahrimans Lance (A) 4 Intermediate BM: SoT, pg. 125 Dominoe of Life 2 Basic MET: SG, pg. 130 Dominion 4 Advanced MET: LoE, pg. 92 Donning the Mask of Shadows 1 Basic MET: LoE, pg. 80 Enchant Talisman 3 Advanced TT: CG, pg. 113 Encrypt Missive 1 Basic MET: StG, pg. 65 Engaging Vessel of Transference 1 Basic LotN (pre-revised), pg. 102 Escape to a True Friend 3 Advanced MET: FaF, pg. 209

  • Extinguish 1 Basic MET: StG, pg. 66 Eyes of the Beast 3 Advanced MET: LoE, pg. 92 Eyes of the Nighthawk 2 Basic MET: SG, pg. 130 Eyes of the Past 2 Intermediate MET: LoE, pg. 83 Eye of the Translator (A) 1 Basic Libellus Sanguinis: 3, pg. 70 Fire in the Blood 4 Intermediate LotN (pre-revised), pg. 105 Fire Walker 2 Intermediate MET: SG, pg. 132 Flesh of Fiery Touch 2 Intermediate MET: LoE, pg. 83 Friend of the Trees 2 Basic MET: LoE, pg. 90 Gentle Mind 1 Intermediate MET: LoE, pg. 83 Ghost in the System 1 Advanced BM: SoT, pg. 97 Gift of Mithras Bull (A) 3 Basic BM: SoT, pg. 125 Havens Passage (A) 5 Intermediate OWBN Sorcery Packet Healing Blood (A) 2 Advanced MET: LoE, pg. 87 Heart of Stone 2 Intermediate MET: LoE, pg. 83 Illuminate Trail of the Prey 2 Basic MET: SG, pg. 130 Illusion of Peaceful Death 1 Intermediate MET: LoE, pg. 84 Impassable Trail 2 Basic MET: StG, pg. 66 Impressive Visage 3 Basic MET: StG, pg. 66 Imps Affliction 2 Basic MET: StG, pg. 66 Incantations of the Shepard 1 Basic TT: CG, pg. 110 Incorporeal Passage 2 Intermediate LotN (revised), pg. 186 Infirm Inert 4 Intermediate MET: StG, pg. 70 Innocence of the Childs Heart 2 Intermediate MET: LoE, pg. 84 Invisible Chains of Binding 4 Advanced LotN (pre-revised), pg. 106 Iron Mind 3 Intermediate LotN (pre-revised), pg. 105 Jinx 2 Basic MET: StG, pg. 66 Kafirs Bane (A) 3 Intermediate Sins of the Blood, pg. 102 Learning the Mind Enslumbered 2 Basic MET: StG, pg. 67 Light of Vengeance (A) 2 Intermediate MET: LoE, pg. 86 Lion Heart 3 Advanced MET: LoE, pg. 92 Machine Blitz 4 Basic MET: SG, pg. 131 Major Creation (Conjuring) 2 Intermediate MET: StG, pg. 71 Messenger of the Winds (A) 1 Intermediate Libellus Sanguinis: 3, pg. 71 Mirror of Second Sight 3 Intermediate MET: SG, pg. 133 Mirror Walk 3 Intermediate MET: LoE, pg. 91 Open Passage, the 1 Basic LotN (revised), pg. 185 Pebble from the Mountain (A) 3 Basic BM: SoT, pg. 125 Power of the Invisible Flame (L. of Flames) 3 Basic MET: LoE, pg. 89 Principal Focus of Vitae Infusion 1 Basic LotN (revised), pg. 186 Protean Curse 3 Intermediate MET: LoE, pg. 84 Purify Blood 1 Basic Tremere: CB (revised), pg. 57 Purge the Inner Demon 3 Basic MET: StG, pg. 67 Purity of the Flesh 1 Basic TT: CG, pg. 110 Rebirth of Mortal Vanity 1 Basic MET: StG, pg. 67 Recure of the Homeland 2 Basic MET: SG, pg. 131 Rending Sweet Earth 2 Intermediate MET: LoE, pg. 84 Respect of the Animals 2 Intermediate MET: LoE, pg. 91 Return of the Heart (Bloods Curse) 4 Intermediate MET: StG, pg. 71 Rite of Marduk Slain and Risen (A) 5 Advanced BM: SoT, pg. 125 Rite of Marduk Triumphant (A) 4 Intermediate BM: SoT, pg. 125 Rotten-wood (Hands of Destruction) 4 Basic LotN (pre-revised), pg. 105 Sanguinary Assistant 2 Basic TT: CG, pg. 111 Sanguineous Phial 1 Basic MET: StG, pg. 68 Scent of the Lupines Passing 1 Basic LotN (revised), pg. 186 Scribe, the 1 Basic MET: StG, pg. 68 Scry 3 Intermediate MET: StG, pg. 71

  • Seeing with the Skies Eyes (A) 5 Advanced BM: SoT, pg. 126 Sense the Mystical 1 Basic MET: StG, pg. 68 Serenading of the Kami 1 Basic BM: SoT, pg. 91 Severed Hand 3 Advanced MET: StG, pg. 73 Shaft of the Belated Quiescence 3 Intermediate TT: CG, pg. 112 Sire Impotent, the (A) 4 Intermediate Sins of the Blood, pg. 102 Spirit of Torment 2 Advanced MET: LoE, pg. 92 Splinter Servant 2 Intermediate TT: CG, pg. 113 Steps of the Terrified 2 Basic MET: LoE, pg. 89 Stolen Kisses 1 Intermediate MET: StG, pg. 71 Stone of the True Form 2 Advanced MET: StG, pg. 74 Summon Guardian Spirit 2 Basic MET: LoE, pg. 89 Summon Mischievous Spirit 3 Intermediate TT: Sabbat (2nd ed), pg. 118 Telecommunication 3 Intermediate MET: StG, pg. 72 Touch of Nightshade 4 Intermediate MET: StG, pg. 72 Touch the Earth (A) 3 Basic BM: SoT, pg. 124 Track Transgressor (Sorcery) 3 Intermediate MET: StG, pg. 72 True Sight 3 Basic Diablerie Britain, pg. 9 Umbra Walk 4 Advanced LotN (revised), pg. 188 Unseen Change, the 2 Intermediate MET: LoE, pg. 85 Unweave Ritual 3 Intermediate Tremere:CB (revised), pg. 64 Vires Acquirit Eundo 4 Advanced BM: SoT, pg. 98 Wake w/ the Evenings Freshness 1 Basic LotN (revised), pg. 186 Warding Circle vs. Demons 2 Advanced TT: CG, pg. 111 Warding Circle vs. Fae 3 Advanced TT: CG, pg. 114 Warding Circle vs. Ghouls 1 Basic TT: CG, pg. 111 Warding Circle vs. Kindred 1 Intermediate TT: CG, pg. 111 Warding Circle vs. Lupines 2 Intermediate TT: CG, pg. 111 Warding Circle vs. Spirits 1 Advanced TT: CG, pg. 110 Warding Circle vs. Wraiths 3 Advanced TT: CG, pg. 111 Ward vs. Demons 2 Advanced TT: CG, pg. 114 Ward vs. Fae 3 Advanced MET: StG, pg. 73 Ward vs. Ghouls 1 Basic LotN (revised), pg. 186 Ward vs. Kindred 1 Intermediate TT: CG, pg. 113 Ward vs. Lupines 2 Intermediate TT: CG, pg. 113 Ward vs. Spirits 1 Advanced TT: CG, pg. 114 Ward vs. Wraiths 3 Advanced TT: CG, pg. 114 Watcher, the 1 Intermediate MET: LoE, pg. 85 Whispers of the Ghost 1 Basic MET: StG, pg. 69 Will o the Wisp 2 Basic MET: LoE, pg. 89 Words of Undoing (A) 3 Intermediate OWBN Sorcery Packet Assamite Sorcery Path & Ritual Additions: The sorcerers have equivalent teachings for many common blood magic techniques in addition to their own unique lessons. The following list is not an exhaustive coverage of everything in the Great Library, but it is a starting point for players and Storytellers who wish to determine the capabilities of Assamite sorcerers. It does not include those paths and rituals that this or other books have specifically designated as primarily Assamite in origin. The list is organized by book, presenting first the paths and then the rituals found in that publication to which the Assamites commonly have access. [Assamite Clanbook revised, pg. 73] Despite this being said, when developing this packet we did not lean on the passage listed above which is taken directly from the Assamite Clanbook revised. Our intention was not to pick-n-choose and just grab as we desired we specifically avoided this. We instead went the route of extensive research and citation from WW sources. Citation of WW sources for Paths: Technomancy: The following thaumaturgical paths are practiced primarily by the Camarilla Tremere thaumaturges. They may be available to other thaumaturgical practitioners, such as the Tremere antiribu or Assamites, at Storyteller discretion. The following

  • paths are listed: Elemental Mastery, The Green Path, Neptunes Might, Path of Corruption, Path of Technomancy, Spirit Manipulation, Counter Magic, Weather Control. The potential origins or grounds for development of the Path of Technomancy, is inferred in Assamite genre under the section titled Reading What the Sky is Thinking. This is later confirmed by the Assamite Clanbook revised (see WW NPC of clan Assamite, Nar-Sheptha). [WW2106: Blood Magic Secrets of Thaumaturgy (2000), 122] Path of Technomancy is listed as Assamite Sorcery Path on WW NPC of clan Assamite, Nar-Sheptha. [WW2359: The Assamite Clanbook revised (2000), pg. 100] Citation of WW sources for Rituals: The following 18 rituals were added to the Assamite Sorcery packet. All others rituals were either created by the Assamite team for genre purposes (see Awaken Kalif and Accessing the Truth) or taken directly from the previous Assamite Sorcery packet which passed through OWBN Council. - Brand of the Paramour [MET: Storyteller Guide: pg. 64-74] - Ward vs. Fae [MET: Storyteller Guide: pg. 64-74] - Warding Circle vs. [Fae MET: Storyteller Guide: pg. 64-74] - Curse Belated, the [MET: Storyteller Guide: pg. 64-74] - Telecommunication [MET: Storyteller Guide: pg. 64-74] - Track Transgressor (Sorcery) [MET: Storyteller Guide: pg. 64-74] - Bind the Accusing Tongue [GtC, pg. 109] - Clinging of the Insect [MET: Sabbat Guide, pg. 130-133] - Escape to a True Friend [MET: Faith & Fire, pg. 206-209]

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