Page 1: As-Salaat (Continuation) · 2 1. Prayer is a light for those who perform it. The Prophet (ملس و هيلع الله ىلص) said: “Salah (Prayer) is a light…” [Recorded by


(Class by Sister Eman al Obaid on Tuesday, 30th

October 2012)

As-Salaat (Continuation)

Fadhl As-Salaat (Virtues of the Prayer) - Page 53

There are great virtues for Salaat (Prayers) and it is indicated in many

statements (from Qur’an and hadeeth). Some of them are the following:

Page 2: As-Salaat (Continuation) · 2 1. Prayer is a light for those who perform it. The Prophet (ملس و هيلع الله ىلص) said: “Salah (Prayer) is a light…” [Recorded by


1. Prayer is a light for those who perform it.

The Prophet (صلى هللا عليه و سلم) said: “Salah (Prayer) is a light…” [Recorded

by Muslim]

As-Salaat (prayer) is a light (ie; guidance) for a believer in his life, his grave and in

his Hereafter. It is a guiding light which guides a believer to the Straight Path and

makes his life easy and keeps him away from sins/transgressions. Salah is a source

of light for a believer in the darkness of his grave and on the Day of Judgment (ie;

before crossing the Siraat) and it illuminates his path to reach Jannah.

2. Salah (prayer) expiates the (minor) sins.

Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala says: “And establish prayer at the two ends of

the day and at the approach of the night [i.e. the five compulsory Salat

(prayers)]. Verily, the good deeds remove the evil deeds (i.e. minor sins)..”

(Surah Hud, 11:114).

The Prophet (صلى هللا عليه و سلم) said: “What do you think if there was a

river by the door of any one of you and he bathed in it five times a day,

would there be any trace of dirt left on him?” They said, “No trace of dirt

would be left on him.” He said, “That is like the five daily prayers, by

means of which Allah erases sins.” [Bukhaari (528) and Muslim (667)]

Performing wudhu’, offering the five (daily) prayers, the Friday Prayer to the

(next) Friday Prayer, Ramadan to the (next) Ramadan are expiations of minor

sins committed in between (their intervals).

3. Salah (prayer) is a means to enter Jannah (Paradise).

Rabi'a bin Ka'b (radhiyAllahu ‘anhu) said: I was with Allah's Messenger

.one night and I brought him water and what he required (صلى هللا عليه و سلم)

He said to me: Ask (anything you like). I said: I ask your company in

Paradise. He (صلى هللا عليه و سلم) said: Or anything else besides it. I said:

That is all (what I require). He (صلى هللا عليه و سلم) said: Then help me to

achieve this for you by devoting yourself often to prostration. [Muslim]

Page 3: As-Salaat (Continuation) · 2 1. Prayer is a light for those who perform it. The Prophet (ملس و هيلع الله ىلص) said: “Salah (Prayer) is a light…” [Recorded by


Hukum As-Salaat (Rulings on the Prayers) - Page 54

The five daily prayers is waajib (mandatory/obligatory) on a Muslim,

matured (understanding), sane and both male and female.

And order the children to pray at the age of seven when they

understand/recognize in order to train them for this great worship (ie;

Page 4: As-Salaat (Continuation) · 2 1. Prayer is a light for those who perform it. The Prophet (ملس و هيلع الله ىلص) said: “Salah (Prayer) is a light…” [Recorded by


Salah). And if they don’t pray at the age of ten when they reach maturity,

then beat them (lightly) without hurting them.

And there are many statements (which indicate that Salah is waajib) and

some of them are the following:

1. Allah Subhana wa Ta’ala says: “And establish prayer and give zakah

and bow with those who bow [in worship and obedience]” (Surat Al-

Baqarah. 2:43)

2. The Messenger of Allah (صلى هللا عليه و سلم) said: “Islam is built on five

[pillars]: the testimony that there is no god but Allah and that

Muhammad is His slave and Messenger, establishing prayer, paying

zakaah, performing pilgrimage to the House, and fasting

Ramadaan.” [Bukhaari, 8; Muslim, 16]

3. Narrated Talha bin 'Ubaidullah (radhiyAllahu ‘anhu): A man came

to Allah's Messenger (صلى هللا عليه و سلم) asking him about Islam,

Allah's Messenger said, "You have to offer five compulsory prayers

in a day and night." The man asked, "Is there any more compulsory

prayers for me?" Allah's Messenger (صلى هللا عليه و سلم) said, "No,

unless you like to offer Nawaafil (i.e. Voluntary prayers)." [Bukhari

and Muslim]

So the five daily prayers are obligatory upon every Muslim. Men should pray

the obligatory prayers in congregation at the Masjid.

REMEMBER!!! Our children are Amaanah (trust) from Allah. When we beat

our children we should neither hit them on their face nor hurt them badly.

Beat them using a small, light stick (e.g. miswaak or anything like that)

without causing pain or leaving a mark on them.

If we are not allowed to hurt our children when beating them for not praying the

five daily prayers, which is the most important thing (ie; the best deed of all), then

how can we hurt them when beating or punishing them for other things which are

less important (when compared to Salah)! Remember that children are not our

slaves. They will take our hasanaat on the Day of Judgment for badly hurting them.

So we need to repent if we had done so. May Allah forgive us all (ameen).

Page 5: As-Salaat (Continuation) · 2 1. Prayer is a light for those who perform it. The Prophet (ملس و هيلع الله ىلص) said: “Salah (Prayer) is a light…” [Recorded by


Hukum Taariq-us-Salaat (Rulings on leaving/abandoning the


The one who deliberately (intentionally) leaves (neglects/abandons) the prayer

(or prays irregularly) because of carelessness and laziness has disbelieved (ie;

becomes a kaafir/disbeliever).

His guardian (ie; his father, mother, brother or any of his close relatives) should

advise him to pray and he should make repentance in three days.

The Prophet (صلى هللا عليه و سلم) said: “The covenant that distinguishes between

us and them is the prayer, and whoever neglects it has disbelieved (become a

kaafir).” [At-Tirmidhi]

And he (صلى هللا عليه و سلم) also said: “Between a man and shirk and kufr there

stands his neglect of the prayer.”[Recorded by Muslim]

So it is clear that the person who neglects the prayer with no valid excuse is a

kaafir (disbeliever) who is beyond the pale of Islam, on the basis of these


Page 6: As-Salaat (Continuation) · 2 1. Prayer is a light for those who perform it. The Prophet (ملس و هيلع الله ىلص) said: “Salah (Prayer) is a light…” [Recorded by


The ruling that the person who neglects the prayer is a kaafir (disbeliever) is

connected to the action of his neglecting the prayer with no valid excuse and not to

his denial of it being obligatory.

Hukum alladhee yunkir wujub as-Salaat (Rulings on the one who

denies the prayer) - Page 55

If someone says that the prayer is not obligatory on us (ie; he denies that the

prayer is obligatory), you need to teach him because he may be

ignorant/unaware (of it). After knowing if he still continues to deny, then he is

(considered) a kaafir (disbeliever) and a liar who denies Allah and His

Messenger (صلى هللا عليه و سلم) and the consensus of the Muslims.

If we find people doing any mistakes especially in the matter of Deen, we need to

tell them the right thing or correct them because they may be ignorant of it.

Even if we are praying we need to rely on Allah to keep us firm till the end.

May Allah keep us always firm on His Deen (Ameen)

The scholars have unanimously agreed that the one who does not pray because he

denies that the prayer is obligatory, is a kaafir (disbeliever).

Page 7: As-Salaat (Continuation) · 2 1. Prayer is a light for those who perform it. The Prophet (ملس و هيلع الله ىلص) said: “Salah (Prayer) is a light…” [Recorded by


Shuroot As-Salaat (The conditions of the Prayers) - Page 57

There are nine conditions of prayer. These conditions are required for one to

pray as well as required for the other acts of worship. (The first) three of them


1. Al-Islaam (Muslim)

2. Al-‘Aqal (Sane/Sound mind)

3. At-Tameez (The age of discernment/Understanding)

So in order to pray one should be a Muslim, sane and matured enough to

distinguish or recognize things- for example: A child at the age of 7 or 8.

4. Ash-Sharat ar-raabi’a: At-Tahaarah min al-hadath (Fourth

condition: Purification from ritual impurities)

Page 8: As-Salaat (Continuation) · 2 1. Prayer is a light for those who perform it. The Prophet (ملس و هيلع الله ىلص) said: “Salah (Prayer) is a light…” [Recorded by


Purify from hadath al-asghar/minor ritual impurity (e.g. passing wind, urine,

stool etc.) by making wudhu’ and from hadath al-akbar/major ritual impurity

(e.g. menstrual periods, sexual intercourse, Post-natal, bleeding etc.) by making


The Prophet (صلى هللا عليه و سلم) said: “Allah will not accept the prayer of any

one of you, if he is ritually impure, until he does wudhu’.” [Saheeh Muslim]

The prayer of the one who hasn’t done purification (wudhu’/ghusl) is invalid.

If one remembers in his prayer that he hasn't done purification (ie; he didn’t

make wudhu) or if he becomes ritually impure (ie; he breaks his wudhu’) while

praying, then his Salaah is invalid. And so he should exit from it (ie; leave his

prayer), make purifications (ie; make wudhu’) and then start praying again

(ie; he should repeat that prayer).

In such situations (ie; when leaving/breaking the prayer in the middle) there is

no need to say salaam. He can break/leave his prayer without salaam. Salaam

is to seal the Salaah (ie; to complete/end the prayer).

When performing the ‘Umrah or Hajj, if the one doing tawaaf breaks his

wudhu’, then he has to go out of the tawaaf and do wudhu’, then come back

and continue doing his tawaaf from where he had stopped- for e.g. If he had

been interrupted (or stopped) after completing his second tawaaf, then after

renewing his wudhu’ he should start/continue doing his third circuit of

tawaaf. If he had stopped in the middle of his second tawaaf, then he should

start doing his second tawaaf again as it was interrupted in the middle and he

couldn’t complete it.

To be continued next week inshaAllah.

And Allah knows best

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