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High-order topological quantum optics in ultracold atomic metasurfaces

B. X. Wang and C. Y. Zhao∗

Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, School of Mechanical Engineering,Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China

(Dated: August 4, 2021)

Ultracold atom arrays in optical lattices emerge as an excellent playground for the integration oftopological photonics and quantum optics. Here, we study high-order topological quantum optics inan ultracold atom metasurface intended to mimic the two-dimensional Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model.We find the existence of long-range interactions beyond nearest-neighbor ones leads to isolatedcorner states in the band gap, and show a corner atom can be addressed by a laser drive far awayfrom it via these nontrivial states. We demonstrate the Purcell factor can be used as a powerful toolto examine the existence of topological edge and corner states. We predict topological edge statescan mediate strong coherent interactions between two remote impurity quantum emitters whilesuppressing dissipative losses thanks to the higher-order topology, generating robust and long-livedquantum entanglement, without the need for additional photonic structures.

Topological photonics, distinctive in the topologicallyprotected unidirectional edge states immune against dis-order and imperfections [1–3], opens new prospects of re-alizing resilient photonic devices, such as unidirectionalwaveguides [4], optical isolators [5, 6], topological lasers[7–9] and topological sensors [10]. The application oftopological photonics in the quantum domain enablessurprisingly robust and efficient avenues for quantumtechnologies. Topological photonic states can mediatestrong coupling and entanglement between distant quan-tum emitters (QEs) [11], induce or protect multipho-ton quantum interferences [12, 13], quantum correlations[14] and quantum coherence [15], and lead to substan-tial non-reciprocal photon scattering [16]. These newadvances constitute an emerging multidisciplinary fielddubbed topological quantum optics [17–21].

Previous works mainly rely on the integration of pho-tonic structures and QEs, while deterministic interfacingthem has been technically difficult, especially in a scal-able manner [22, 23]. Alternatively, the intrinsic quan-tum nature of atomic arrays, that is, a single atom can-not be excited twice, permits an ideal playground forthis emerging field. Recent progress in producing or-dered cold atomic arrays [24–28], thanks to current lasercooling and trapping technologies [29, 30], makes it pos-sible to achieve an extremely efficient manipulation ofphoton-atom interactions by using only a small numberof atoms, since significant spatial interferences of emit-ted photons arising from specific ordered arrangementcan mediate a variety of exotic collective and cooperativeexcitations [31–36]. These arrays are naturally suitablefor parallel quantum operations [37], high-fidelity quan-tum information storage [38], entanglement generation[39], photon-photon correlations [40] as well as quantumoptical metamaterials or metasurfaces [41–43]. Topolog-ical quantum optical states have also been demonstratedby several recent works including the integer quantumHall effect in 2D atomic arrays [44–46], and long-livedtopological states in 1D dimerized atomic chains [47–50].

Crucially, the intrinsic nonlinearity of photon-atom inter-action can be exploited to induce strong photon-photoninteractions, offering a platform for achieving many-bodytopological states of photons such as those in the frac-tional quantum Hall effect [51–55].

Recent discovery of high-order topological insulators(HOTIs) have led to novel aspects of topological photon-ics. In general, a m-th order topological insulator (TI)in nD can have nD gapped bulk states and (n − 1)D,(n−2)D, ..., (n−m−1)D gapped edge states while show-ing (n − m)D gapless corner states. Such multidimen-sional topological physics lead to very interesting physicsbeyond conventional bulk-edge correspondence, also of-fering emerging opportunities for the trapping, waveguid-ing and lasing of photons [56–67]. However, a quantumoptical counterpart in the cold atomic platform remainsto be unexplored.

Here, we consider high-order topological quantum op-tics in a two-dimensional ultracold atom metasurface,which is intended to mimic the 2D Su-Schrieffer-Heeger(SSH) model but have more profound implications asdiscussed below. The schematic of atomic metasurfaceis presented in Fig. 1(a), where atoms are assumed tobe well trapped in a perfect Mott insulator state in anoptical lattice [29]. It is a square lattice followed by adimerization procedure in each dimension by introducinginequivalent intercell and intracell spacings, i.e., d1 6= d2,resulting four sublattices denoted by A, B, C and D re-spectively. The overall period is dx = dy = d = d1 + d2with the definition of dimerization parameter being β =d1/(d1 + d2). Such dimerization leads to different “hop-ping” amplitudes of photons along different directionslike those in conventional 2D SSH model [68]. The two-level atom is assumed to have three degenerate excitedstates denoted by |eα〉 polarized along different direc-tions, where α = x, y, z stands for Cartesian coordinates,with a ground state denoted by |g〉. By applying thesingle and weak excitation approximations, we can workin the subspace spanned by the ground states and sin-










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gle excited states of the atoms [69–71]. By adiabaticallyeliminating the photonic degrees of freedom, the effectiveHamiltonian is given by [69–73]

H = ~N∑



(ω0 − iγ

2) |ei,α〉 〈ei,β |




Gαβ(rj , ri) |ei,α〉 〈ej,β | ,(1)

where ~ is the Planck’s constant, ω0 is transition fre-quency of a single atom in free space with a radiativelinewidth of γ, and c is the speed of light in vacuum.Gαβ(rj , ri) is the free-space dyadic Green’s function de-scribing the propagation of field emitting from the i-thatom to j-th atom, where rj and ri indicate their po-sitions [74]. In the following we consider out-of-planemodes in which all atoms are excited to |ez〉 states, as-suming in-plane polarizations can be shifted to other fre-quencies. By invoking Bloch theorem, we construct theeigenwavefunction with an in-plane wavevector k = kxx+ky y as a linear combination of the single-excited states as|ψk〉 =

∑∞n=−∞ exp(ik ·Rn)[pA,k |enA,z〉+ pB,k |enB,z〉+

pC,k |enC,z〉+pD,k |enD,z〉], where n denotes the n-th unitcell, |enσ,z〉 stand for the single excited states of the σ-type atom with σ = A,B,C,D, and pσ,k denotes ex-pansion coefficients depending on σ and k. We solvenon-Hermitian eigenstate problem H|ψk〉 = ~Ek|ψk〉 toobtain the complex eigenfrequency Ek of the Bloch eigen-state, described by Ek = ωk − iΓk/2 with ωk denotingthe angular frequency and Γk the radiative linewidth [seedetails in Ref. [74]]. We further denote ∆ = ReEk − ω0

as the detuning of the eigenstate, and Γ = −2ImEk asthe decay rate. Note this model takes fully retarded near-field and far-field dipole-dipole interactions into accountbeyond the nearest-neighbor approximation [75].

Figure 1(b) shows Bloch band structures of a sub-wavelength atomic metasurface with d = 0.1λ0 for β =0.6, 0.5 and 0.4 where λ0 = 2πc/ω0 is the transitionwavelength. Four bands are observed, and near thelight line due to the strong coupling with free-space ra-diation the fourth band shows discontinuities [45]. Forβ = 0.5 the third and fourth bands are degenerate athigh-symmetry points of X and M as a consequenceof band folding. By introducing dimerization (namelyβ 6= 0.5), band degeneracies are broken and gaps areopened, and a smaller period d and larger dimerizationdegree |β − 0.5| can lead to a wider band gap due toenhanced dipole-dipole interactions at small interatomicspacings [50]. Although chiral symmetry is broken dueto intercell couplings [74, 76], the system still respectsC4v crystalline symmetry, protecting band topology andleading to two topological phases [76].

The bulk band topology of the 2D SSH model, whichstems from the quantization of dipole moments [57], canbe characterized by the 2D Zak phase [77–79]. The 2D

FIG. 1. Bulk properties and topology. (a) The cold atommetasurface mimicking the 2D SSH model. (b) Band struc-tures for different dimerization parameters. + (−) impliesthe even (odd) parity of the band. (c) 2D Zak phase for dif-ferent system parameters dx and dy for the second band gap(Nocc = 3). (d) Polarization directions (along +z or −z) ofthe atomic eigenstate at X point in the third (lower) andfourth (higher) bands for β = 0.6 and 0.4. + and − corre-spond to the sign of pσ,k and thus the parities of eigenwave-functions can be determined (c.f. Fig. 1(b)). The periodicityis d = 0.1λ0.

Zak phase is associated with the bulk polarization Pj interms of θj = 2πPj [see details in Ref. [74]]. In Fig.1(c), one can clearly observe the Zak phase for the sec-ond band gap is quantized for a set of system parametersdx and dy. Here we do not require dx and dy to be equal.For dx, dy > 0.5d, the Zak phase becomes (π, π), which,according to bulk-edge correspondence, implies the emer-gence of edge states in both x and y boundaries. Further-more, according to the edge-corner correspondence, thisset of Zak phase also indicates the existence of cornerstates. The topological corner charge can be determinedby the edge polarizations and then the bulk polarizationsas Qc = 4PxPy, which is understood as the number ofcorner modes for each corner [80]. On the other hand, fordx, dy < 0.5d, no edge or corner states can be observed.For other two cases (dx < 0.5d, dy > 0.5d or the reverse),there are only edge states in one dimension and no cornerstates can emerge [80–82].

Figure 2 shows verification results of above hierarchyof bulk-edge-corner correspondence [80–82]. Consider asupercell with open edges, in which 12 unit cells alignedalong the y-axis and periodic boundary condition is im-posed along the x-direction [see details in Ref. [74]].A comparison between band structures of topologicallytrivial and nontrivial cases is presented in Fig. 2(a). Herethe inverse participation ratio (IPR) of an eigenstatein the band structure is calculated, which is defined asIPR =

∑Nj=1 |pj |4/(

∑Nj=1 |pj |2)2 for a generalized wave-

function containing N atoms |ψ〉 =∑Nj=1 pj |ej,z〉, where

pj is the probability amplitude of |ej,z〉. The IPR depictsthe spatial confinement degree of eigenstates [83]. In Fig.

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FIG. 2. Edge and corner states. (a) Band structures underperiodic boundary condition in x-axis with 12 unit cells in they-direction for β = 0.3 and 0.7. (b) Comparison between theedge and bulk states in the topological case. (c) Eigenstates ofa fully open system. (d) Wavefunctions of four corner states.

2(a) for the topologically nontrivial case (β = 0.7), topo-logical edge states with relatively high IPRs (∼ 0.25) ap-pear in the first and second band gaps respectively, withabsolute values of wavefunction coefficients at differentlattice sites shown in Fig. 2(b), compared with those ofa randomly selected bulk state, exhibiting a strong edgelocalization behavior. The eigenstates of a topologicallynontrivial 40× 40 atomic lattice with fully open bound-ary conditions in both x- and y-directions are presentedin Fig. 2(c). Besides two bands of edge states residing inthe first and second gaps, four corner states emerge near∆/γ ∼ −0.6, in the gap between the third bulk and thesecond edge band. Their wavefunctions (here for read-ability a 10× 10 lattice is presented) shown in Fig. 2(d)confirm they are localized over the corners. By increas-ing β from 0.6 to 0.7, we find the spectral position oftopological corner states gradually move from within thebulk bands into isolated corner states. This phenomenonis not previously reported, which is due to the strongintercell dipole-dipole interactions. Without these inter-actions breaking chiral symmetry, corner states would beembedded in the continuum of bulk modes [84–86].

Next we show the existence of atomic metasurface cansignificantly affect the photonic environment by study-ing the Purcell factor for an impurity QE near it, whichis the ratio between the actual decay rate ΓI and thefree-space value γI . The result is obtained via the ef-fective Green’s function in the presence of cold atomicmetasurface. This approach neglects non-Markovian ef-fects which may lead to non-exponential decay of sponta-neous emission, valid when the effective Green’s functiondoes not vary significantly in the range of impurity QE’slinewidth, γI γ [see Ref. [74]]. In Fig. 3(a), twosituations are considered where transition frequency ωIof the impurity QE is ∆/γ = 110 (∆ = ωI − ω0, nearthe frequency of the edge state) and ∆/γ = 0 (near the

FIG. 3. Corner states and Purcell factor. The Purcell fac-tor of an impurity QE with a detuning of (a) ∆/γ = 110and ∆/γ = 0 at different positions in the cold atomic meta-surface. (b) The Purcell factor spectra for an impurity QEplaced near the corner or the middle of the edge of topologicaland non-topological atomic metasurfaces. (c) The excitationdynamics of corner atoms. An indirect excitation of remoteatoms mediated by topological corner states is found in theleft panel. Comparison between the topologically trivial caseis given in the right panel.

corner states) respectively. Clear signatures of edge andcorner states are observed. Moreover, the spectra of Pur-cell factor for an impurity QE placed near the corner orthe middle of the edge of topological and non-topologicalatomic metasurfaces are given in Fig. 3(b). In the topo-logically nontrivial case, a significant peak is observednear the frequency of corner states for the impurity QEnear the corner, which disappears for the impurity QEnear the edge. In the meanwhile, near the frequency ofedge states (∆ ∼ ±110γ), the impurity QE near the edgeexhibits more significant Purcell factor. On the contrary,in the topologically trivial case, the spectra of impurityQEs near the edge and corner almost overlap with eachother, exhibiting enhancements only near frequencies ofbulk bands. Therefore by mapping of Purcell factor onecan clearly demonstrate the existence of edge and cor-ner states, offering a powerful tool for identifying higher-order topology [67].

We then demonstrate a unique property of topolog-

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ical corner states, where a corner atom can be ad-dressed by an external laser driving another corneratom remotely. A Gaussian-shape source field, Ω(t) =Ω exp (−[t− 1.5γ−1]2/[0.15γ−2]) for t < 1.5γ−1, is ap-plied to excite the bottom left corner atom, where thedriving frequency is ∆ = 0 to excite the corner state.The Rabi frequency of the source field is chosen to besmall enough as Ω = 0.2γ so that the excitation of thesystem follows mainly on the collective decay from thesystem rather than the Rabi oscillation [45, 47]. It is ob-vious that only corner atoms are excited, which means acorner atom can be addressed by a laser drive far awayfrom it due to topological corner states [left panel of Fig.3(c)]. In contrast, for the topologically trivial atomiclattice, this remote excitation phenomenon does not ex-ist [right panel of Fig. 3(c)]. The time evolution of thewavefunction is also presented in Fig. S2 [74].

FIG. 4. Entanglement generation from the cold atomic meta-surface. (a) The absolute value of coherent interaction J12,decay rate ΓI and their ratio J12/Γ for different QE transitionfrequencies represented by detuning ∆. (b) Wavefunction ofthe topological edge state at ∆/γ = −110. The stars indicatepositions of two QEs. (c) Time evolution of density matrixelements. (d) Time evolution of concurrence.

Finally, we demonstrate high-order topology in coldatomic metasurfaces can mediate strong coherent inter-actions for impurity QEs, leading to significant quan-tum entanglement generation. Consider a lattice com-posed of 40 × 40 atoms with d = 0.1λ0 and β = 0.7.One impurity QE is located away from the bottom leftcorner atom with (−0.3d, 0) and the other identical QEis displaced from the bottom right corner atom with(0.3d, 0). Assume γI γ again to make the character-istic time of two-QE dynamics is much longer than thatof cold atomic metasurface, validating the Markovian ap-proximation [87]. We calculate the coherent interactionJ12 = (3πγI/k)Re [Gzz(r1, r2)] between the two QEs as

well as the spontaneous decay rate Γ11 = Γ22 = ΓI ofthemselves as a function of the detuning ∆ = ωI − ω0,where Gzz(r1, r2) is the effective Green’s function in thevacuum modified by the presence of cold atomic meta-surface. The spectra of J12 and ΓI along with their ra-tio are presented in Fig. 4(a). Near the frequency oftopological edge state (∆ ∼ ±110γ), strong coherent in-teractions can be achieved while maintaining a relativelysmall spontaneous emission rate as dissipative channels,as also clearly implied by the eigenwavefunction in Fig.4(b). By letting the detuning of the QEs be ∆/γ =−110, we have Γ11/γI = Γ22/γI = 0.0046, J12/γI =−4.1203, Γ12/γI = −6.225 × 10−4. A density matrixtreatment is implemented to investigate the evolution ofthe two-QE system in a photonic environment modifiedby the cold atomic metasurface in the Born-Markovianregime: ∂tρ = i[ρ,HQE]/~+

∑i,j=1,2 Γij(2σiρσ


ρσ†iσj)/2, where ρ is the 4 × 4 density matrix of twoQEs under the normal basis |00〉, |01〉, |10〉, |11〉 [11].The Hamiltonian HQE for two identical QEs is given

by HQE =∑i=1,2 ~ωIσ

†iσi + J12(σ†1σ2 + σ†2σ1), where

the environment-induced Lamb shift is neglected with-out any effect on the result [88]. The matrix elementρ22(33) represents the population when the first (second)QE is in the ground state and the second (first) QE is inthe excited state. The obtained time evolution of den-sity matrix elements is presented in Fig. 4(c), an os-cillatory behavior implying a strong exchange of exci-tations between two QEs is observed, and the decay ofpopulation is significantly suppressed compared to thefree-space situation. We use two-qubit concurrence, de-fined as C(ρ) = max 0, λ1 − λ2 − λ3 − λ4, to measurethe entanglement between two QEs [89], where λi-s areeigenvalues of the matrix

√√ρρ√ρ in decreasing or-

der and ρ is the spin-flipped state, which is defined asρ = (σy ⊗ σy)ρ∗(σy ⊗ σy) with ρ∗ the complex conju-gate of ρ. The time evolution of concurrence is given inFig. 4(d), which indicates the entanglement between twoQEs can reach a significant value near 0.8 and persist fora very long time. Therefore entanglement is generatedwithout the need for the QEs to be individually address-able, because topological edge states can mediate this en-tanglement. We note the phenomenon that topologicaledge state can mediate strong coherent interactions be-tween impurity QEs and in the meantime lead to a strongsuppression of their decay is a unique property of HOTIsystems. This can be seen from the eigenstate wavefunc-tion given in Fig. 4(b). For edge states in conventional(first order) topological systems, the rise of coherent in-teractions also makes the decay of impurity QEs increase,leading to the short lifetime of entanglement. Due to therobustness against disorder, the present platform enablesresilient generation of entanglement and permits the gen-eration of entangled quantum network for a large numberof QEs if we construct a quantum network using these

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topological edge states.In summary, this work provides a thorough under-

standing of high-order quantum optics in cold atomicsettings. Further explorations include non-Markovian ef-fects involving the corner and edge states, non-Hermitianeffects and experimental realizations as well as analogs inother systems like nitrogen-vacancy centers. The topo-logically protected, strong photon-atom interaction en-ables the generation of robust and long-lived quantumentanglement in a scalable way without the need of addi-tional photonic structures, promising for quantum infor-mation sciences. Additionally, the intrinsic nonlinearityof photon-atom interaction can further facilitate the ex-ploration of the interplay between high-order topologyand many-body quantum physics [55, 90].

This work has been financially supported by the Na-tional Natural Science Foundation of China (Grants No.51906144 and No. 51636004) and Shanghai Key Funda-mental Research Grant (Grants No. 18JC1413300 andNo. 20JC1414800).

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Supplemental Material for ”High-order topological quantum optics in ultracoldatomic metasurfaces”

B. X. Wang and C. Y. Zhao∗

Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, School of Mechanical Engineering,Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China

(Dated: August 4, 2021)


A. General formalism

The two-level atom is assumed to have three degenerate excited states denoted by |eα〉 polarized along differentdirections, where α = x, y, z stands for Cartesian coordinates, with a ground state denoted by |g〉. By applying thesingle excitation approximation [S1–S3], we can work in the subspace spanned by the ground states |G〉 ≡ |g...g〉 andthe single excited states |i〉 ≡ |g...ei...g〉 of the atoms [S1–S3]. By adiabatically eliminating the photonic degrees offreedom, the effective Hamiltonian in the absence of the external field is given by [S1–S8]

H = ~N∑



(ω0 − iγ

2) |ej,α〉 〈ej,β |+




G0,αβ(rj , ri) |ej,α〉 〈ei,β | , (S1)

where ~ is the Planck’s constant, ω0 is angular frequency of the dipole transition of a single atom in free space witha radiative linewidth of γ, and c is the speed of light in vacuum. The Green’s tensor is given by [S9–S11]

G0,αβ(rj , ri) = −exp (ikr)


[(1 +


kr− 1


)δαβ +

(− 1− 3i






In the following we consider out-of-plane modes in which all atoms are excited to the |ez〉 states, assuming the in-planemodes can be shifted to other frequencies:

H = ~N∑


(ω0 − iγ

2) |ei,z〉 〈ei,z|+


i=1,i6=jG0,zz(rj , ri) |ej,z〉 〈ei,z| , (S3)

We consider out-of-plane modes in which the polarization of the dipoles are vertical to the 2D plane, namely, onlypz 6= 0. This amounts to retaining the G0,zz component

G0,zz(r) =exp (ikr)



kr− 1

k2r2+ 1

). (S4)

For convenience, we define the position of the center of unit cell (m,n) as Rmn = ma1 + na2 with a1 = a0[1 0 0]T

and a1 = a0[0 1 0]T , and the positions of four atoms inside a unit cell are given by sij with i, j = 1, 2, .., 4, as presentedin Fig. 1 in the main text. By invoking the Bloch theorem, for an infinite periodic lattice, we construct the eigenstatewavefunction with an in-plane wavevector k = kxx+ ky y as a linear combination of the single-excited states as [S12]

|ψk〉 =


m,n=−∞exp(ik ·Rmn)[pA,k |emnA,z〉+ pB,k |emnB,z〉+ pC,k |emnC,z〉+ pD,k |emnD,z〉], (S5)

where mn denotes the (m,n)-th unit cell, |emnσ,z〉 stand for the single excited states of the σ-type atom with σ =A,B,C,D, and pσ,k denotes corresponding expansion coefficients depending on k, and Rmn = ma1 + na2 is theposition vector of the center of (m,n)-th unit cell. We can solve non-Hermitian eigenstate problem

H|ψk〉 = ~Ek |ψk〉 (S6)

[email protected]










3 A

ug 2


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and obtain







exp(ik·Rmn)pσ,k |emnσ,z〉+3πγc










Gzz(Rmn+sσ,Rpq+sτ )pτ,k exp(ik·Rpq) |emnσ,z〉 = 0,

(S7)with Rpq + si 6= Rmn + sj . Equivalently according to the biorthogonality of each singly excited state, we have

(−ω0 + iγ

2+ Ek) exp(ik ·Rmn)pσ,k =







Gzz(Rmn + sσ,Rpq + sτ )pτ,k exp(ik ·Rpq). (S8)

In a more compact form we have

(−ω0 + iγ

2+ Ek)pσ,k = −3πγc




Hστ (k)pτ,k (S9)

with elements of the effective Hamiltonian H in k-space given by

Hστ (k) = −∞∑

m,n=−∞Gzz(Rmn + sσ, sτ ) exp (ik ·Rmn). (S10)

More specifically, if σ = τ

Hσσ(k) = −∞∑

m,n=−∞,Rmn 6=0

Gzz(Rmn, 0) exp (ik ·Rmn). (S11)

and if σ 6= τ

Hστ (k) = −∞∑

m,n=−∞Gzz(Rmn + sστ , 0) exp (ik ·Rmn). (S12)

with sστ = sσ − sτ .

Therefore, the complex eigenfrequency (energy) Ek of the Bloch (quasi)eigenstate is obtained, which can be de-scribed by Ek = ωk− iΓk/2 with ωk denoting the angular frequency and Γk the radiative linewidth of the eigenstate.More specifically, the eigenfrequencies are given by

[ωk − iΓk/2

γ− ω0 − iγ/2


]pσ,k = −3π


[ 4∑




with k0 = ω0/c. We further denote ∆ = ReEk − ω0 as the detuning of the eigenstate, and Γ = −2ImEk as thecorresponding radiative linewidth. Therefore we have

γ= −3π

k0ReEig[H] (S14)



γ= 1 +

k0ImEig[H], (S15)

where Eig[·] denotes the eigenvalues of a matrix. Note here the matrix elements of effective Hamiltonian are notunique, depending on the choice of unit cell [S13]. Applying the periodic gauge the unit cell is chosen such that thematrix elements fulfills Hij(k) = Hij(k + K) with K denoting a reciprocal lattice vector [S14, S15].

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B. Calculation of diagonal terms of H

Here we use the technique developed by Simovski to evaluate the diagonal terms of the effective Hamiltonian ink-space [S16]. The diagonal terms Hσσ(k) are given by:

Hσσ(k) = −∞∑

m,n=−∞,Rmn 6=0

G0,zz(Rmn, 0) exp (ik ·Rmn)



m,n=−∞,Rmn 6=0

exp (ikRmn)



kRmn− 1


+ 1

)exp (ik ·Rmn)


We specifically consider the slowest-decaying term

S(k) =∞∑

m,n=−∞,Rmn 6=0

exp (ikRmn)

Rmnexp (ik ·Rmn), (S17)

which can be evaluated by taking the limit of a more general function as

S(k) = limr→0

Q(r,k)− limz→0+

exp (ikz)



Q(r,k) =



exp (ik|r−Rmn|)|r−Rmn|

exp (ik ·Rmn). (S19)

Note, different from S(k), the series Q(r,k) includes the term with Rmn = 0 and as a result we should subtract thisterm from the result after taking the limit.

From Poisson’s summation formula [S17], we have

Q(r,k) =∑



ΩF (k + qmn) exp [i(k + qmn) · ρ]. (S20)

where Ω is the area of unit cell of the real lattice, and qmn denotes a reciprocal lattice vector, and F (p) is the (2D)Fourier transform of the function exp (ikr)/r as follows [S17]

F (p) =

∫dρ exp (−ip · r)

exp (ikr)


2πi exp (ikzz)


with kz =√k2 − p2. Here r = ρ + zz are 3D vectors, while ρ, R, p, qmn and k are 2D vectors.

Combining above equations, we have

S(k) = limr→0




exp (ikz,mnz)

kz,mnexp [i(k + qmn) · ρ]− lim


exp (ikz)


= limz→0+




exp (ikz,mnz)

kz,mnkz,mn −

exp (ikz)



with kz,mn = kz(k,qmn) =√k2 − |k + qmn|2.

For k = 0 and taking the limit of k → 0+, we define the real part of S(k) by (and subtracting the diverging termRmn = 0 )

D = limk→0+

ReS(k = 0) = limk→0+


Rmn 6=0

exp (ikRmn)


= lim


qmn 6=0


exp (−qmnz)qmn

− 1

z. (S23)

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Then by taking this limit into account in the general expression, we can get

S(k) = D + limz→0+




exp (ikz,mnz)

kz,mn− exp (ikz)


qmn 6=0


exp (−qmnz)qmn



= D +2πi


1√k2 − k2

+ limz→0+


z− exp (ikz)




qmn 6=0

exp [−√|k + qmn|2 − k2z]√|k + qmn|2 − k2

− exp (−qmnz)qmn

= D +2πi


1√k2 − k2

− ik +2π


qmn 6=0


|k + qmn|2 − k2− 1




As discussed by Zhen et al [S18], the interesting quantity D is found to possess definite physical meaning, whichrepresents a geometrical effect in electrostatic limit as k tends to zero, and only depends on the lattice structure ratherthan any wave nature of the summation. On the other hand, both the second term and third term in above equationdepend on the wave number k and wave vector k so that they mainly represent the wave nature of the summation.Last, the series of correction terms is evaluated over reciprocal lattice excluding origin so that it depends on both thegeometrical effect and the wave nature. However, the correction series is much smaller than other terms. As a result,the lattice sum above equation is dominated by the first three terms and is very fast converging. To evaluate D, wefirst replace the discrete summation by a continuous summation, namely



qmn 6=0

→∫ 2π


∫ ∞


gdg. (S25)

This replacement is assumed to be rigorous as long as the integral is taken outside a finite circle centered at the originand with radius gmin.

D = limz→0+

qmn 6=0


exp (−qmnz)qmn

− 1


= limz→0+


∫ 2π


∫ ∞



g− 1



= limz→0+

(∫ ∞


dge−zg − 1



== limz→0+


z− 1



= −gmin


Then we should determine numerically the value of gmin. For doing this, we introduce a parameter sufficiently largeand the let the summation in the above equation be numerically calculated in the range of 0 < qmn ≤ U/z. We thusintroduce the following quantity

L = limz→0+



exp (−qmnz)qmn

= limz→0+

(∫ U/z



== limz→0+

(e−zgmin − e−U




Thus by numerically calculating L, we can get D = −gmin as

D = −gmin = limz→0+

(ln(Lz + e−U )



Another form of above equation to reach D from numerically calculated L is

D = limz→0+


e−U − 1



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For square lattice D = −3.9002/d [S16, S18]. In Ref. [S18], the short-range and intermediate-range terms of dipolarGreen’s function in Eq. (S16) are summed over 3000 × 3000 grids, while the long-range terms are evaluated by Eq.(S24) , with the correction terms summed in the region |qmn| ≤ 320/d.

C. Calculation of off-diagonal terms of H

Here to analytically carry out the above summation, we use the Ewald summation technique [S17–S20]. Forsumming the long-range term on an infinite and complete 2D lattice, the Ewald’s method can be applied to splitthe term into two parts, with one fast converging on the spatial lattice and the other on reciprocal lattice [S17]. Foroff-diagonal terms, we have

Hστ (k) =N→∞∑


Gzz(Rmn + sστ , 0) exp (ik ·Rmn)



exp (ik|Rmn − sτσ|)4π|Rmn − sτσ|


k|Rmn − sτσ|− 1

k2|Rmn − sτσ|2+ 1

)exp (ik ·Rmn)



exp (ik|sτσ −Rmn|)4π|sτσ −Rmn|


k|sτσ −Rmn|− 1

k2|sτσ −Rmn|2+ 1

)exp (ik ·Rmn)


We again consider the following series

Q(r,k) =



exp (ik|r−Rmn|)|r−Rmn|

exp (ik ·Rmn). (S31)

and we can get

Q(r,k) =∑




exp [i√k2 − |k + qmn|2z]√

k2 − |k + qmn|2exp [i(k + qmn) · ρ]. (S32)

in the reciprocal space. As indicated in Ref. [S17], this series in reciprocal lattice converge faster than the direct realdomain summation, however, it still does not converge well in some cases with large lattice constants and in-planeevaluating points (z = 0). In this circumstance, it is better to apply the Ewald’s summation method. To this end,we can split Q(r,k) into two components

Q1(r,k) =∑


exp (ik ·Rmn)2√π

∫ E


ds exp

[−|r−Rmn|2s2 +




Q2(r,k) =∑


exp (ik ·Rmn)2√π

∫ ∞


ds exp

[−|r−Rmn|2s2 +




with the use of the expression of the zeroth order spherical Hankel function of the first kind

h(1)0 = − ie






ds exp

[−r2s2 +



]. (S35)

In the next, we will calculate Q1 in the reciprocal domain and Q2 in the real domain. The final result for Q1 is

Q1(r,k) =πi



exp [i(k + qmn) · ρ]


exp (ikz,mnz)erfc

(− ikz,mn

2E− Ez

)+ exp (−ikz,mnz)erfc

(− ikz,mn

2E+ Ez



with kz,mn = kz(k,qmn) =√k2 − |k + qmn|2 and erfc(z) = (2/



. And the final result for Q2 is

Q2(r,k) =



exp (ik ·Rmn)


exp (ik|r−Rmn|)erfc

(|r−Rmn|E +



)+ exp (−ik|r−Rmn|)erfc

(|r−Rmn|E −





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The splitting parameter E is optimally chosen such that Q1 and Q2 do not differ by more than several orders ofmagnitude. According to Tsang et al [S17], for square lattice, the splitting parameter can be chosen as

E =




In this section, we show the calculation of 2D Zak phase. The 2D Zak phase (θx, θy) is calculated as

θj = −(1/2π)


d2kTr[Aj(k)], j = x, y (S39)

where (Aj)mn(k) = i〈uLmk|∂kj |unk〉 with |unk〉 denoting the periodic part of the Bloch function [pA,k pB,k pC,k pD,k]T

of the n-th band [S21–S24]. The 2D Zak phase is associated with the bulk polarization Pj in terms of θj = 2πPj . Tonumerically obtain the 2D Zak phase, one can use a Wilson loop [S25, S26]

θx =d


nx (ky) (S40)


θy =d


ny (kx), (S41)

where vnj is the n-th eigenvalue of the Wannier Hamiltonian

Hw,j(k) = −i log ΠMq=0



for M satisfying (M+1)∆kj = 2π/d and j = x, y, and the (m,n)-th component of (Fj,k)mn =∫uL∗mk(r)un,k+∆kj (r)dr

for m,n ∈ 1, 2, 3, ...Nocc, where Nocc is the number of bands below the band gap [S12, S27, S28]. The correspondingbiorthogonal condition of the periodic parts of left and right Bloch wavefunctions is given by [S29]

∫uL∗mk(r)un,k(r)dr = δmn. (S43)

More specifically, vnx (ky) is the n-th eigenvalue of the Wannier Hamiltonian Hw,x(ky) and vny (kx) is the n-theigenvalue of the Wannier Hamiltonian Hw,y(kx). As an example, in Fig. S1, we show Wannier bands vnx (ky) of thefirst and third band gaps for topologically nontrivial and trivial cases. It can be clearly found that for the topologicallynontrivial cases, θx is π, which becomes zero in the topologically nontrivial cases. The same is true for θy.


In this section, we show the procedure to obtain the band structure of semi-infinite lattices with domain walls ofdifferent topology. Without loss of generality, we can assume that the lattice extends infinitely along the x-directionwith kx becomes a good quantum number. For a semi-infinite lattice, we can still use the formulas presented in Eqs.(S30) and (S16), with the difference being that there are a large number of atoms N0 in a single unit cell with domainwalls. Here more specifically we consider the domain wall between a topologically nontrivial lattice and free space.

For the out-of-plane polarization, H is a N0 ×N0 matrix. The diagonal terms are given by Hjj(k):

Hjj(k) = −N∑


G0,zz(ω, kx|ma0|, 0) exp (ikxma0)



exp (ik|ma0|)4π|ma0|


k|ma0|− 1


+ 1

)exp (ikxma0).


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FIG. S1. Wannier bands vnx (ky) of the first band gap for the cases under (a) β = 0.7 and (b) β = 0.3, as well as the third bandgap for (c) β = 0.7 and (d) β = 0.3.

This is a common summation typically encountered in 1D periodic systems, which can be evaluated as [S30]

Hjj(k) =



exp (ik|ma0|)4π|ma0|


k|ma0|− 1


+ 1

)exp (ikxma0) +



exp (ik|ma0|)4π|ma0|


k|ma0|− 1


+ 1

)exp (ikxma0)



exp (ikma0 + ikxma0)



kma0− 1


+ 1



exp (ikma0 − ikxma0)



kma0− 1


+ 1


=Li1(z+) + Li1(z−)

4πa0+ i

Li2(z+) + Li2(z−)


− Li3(z+) + Li3(z−)




with z+ = exp [i(k + kx)a0] and z− = exp [i(k − kx)a0] and Lis(z) =∑∞n=1 z

n/ns being the polylogarithm.For off-diagonal terms, we have

Hji(k) = −∞∑


G0(ω,Rm + sji, 0) exp (ik ·Rm)



exp (ik|Rm − sij |)4π|Rm − sij |


k|Rm − sij |− 1

k2|Rm − sij |2+ 1

)exp (ik ·Rm).


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Note the convergence of above summation is much faster than the complete 2D summation. For convenience, we candirectly carry out the summation without resorting to special techniques. We also calculate the IPRs of eigenvectorsof the Hamiltonian Hjj for each kx as an indicator of the degree of localization:


∑Nj=1 |pj |4

[∑Nj=1 |pj |2]2

. (S47)

This quantity can be utilized to identify edge states.


Under external driving, the effective Hamiltonian in the rotating frame becomes [S2, S9, S31]

H = ~N∑




(|ej,α〉 〈G|+ |G〉 〈ej,α|)− ~N∑



(∆ + iγ

2) |ej,α〉 〈ej,β |+




Gαβ(rj , ri) |ej,α〉 〈ei,β | ,


where Ωj is the Rabi frequency of the driving field evaluated at the positions of the atoms given by Ωj = Ω0 exp (ik · rj)in which Ω0 = degEL with deg being the transition dipole moment of the atom and EL the amplitude of the laserfield.

Since we only consider the out-of-plane polarization, the wavefunction is assumed in the following form

|ψ(t)〉 = α(t) |G〉+



pj(t) |ej,z〉 . (S49)

Under this effective Hamiltonian and taking the low-excitation limit α→ 1, the time-dependent Schrodinger equationis

H|ψ(t)〉 = i~d

dt|ψ(t)〉. (S50)

and then we have



Ωj2|ej,z〉 −



(∆ + iγ

2)pj(t) |ej,z〉+



i=1,i6=jGzz(rj , ri)pi(t) |ej,z〉 = i





pi(t) |ej,z〉 . (S51)

In a compact matrix form, the dynamics of light-atom interactions is therefore given by Ref. [S32, S33]


dt|p(t)〉 = M|p(t)〉+ w, (S52)


Mij = i(∆ + iγ/2)δij − i3πγ

kGzz(rj , ri), (S53)

and |w〉 = −i[Ω1Ω2...Ωj ...ΩN ]/2.In the main text, a Gaussian-shape source field Ωs(t) is applied to excite the bottom left corner atom with a

tunable frequency detuning ∆. The Rabi frequency of the source field is chosen to be small enough so that theexcitation of the system follows mainly on the collective decay from the system rather than the Rabi oscillation [S34].Similar to Ref. [S9], the driving laser in this work is assumed to be adiabatically switched on with a Gaussian profileΩ(t) = Ω exp (−[t− 1.5γ−1]2/[0.15γ−2]) for t < 1.5γ−1. It should be noted that sometimes the profile can be switchedusing a Sigmoid profile to avoid exciting non-resonant modes and it continuously excites the atom. Another approachis to assume a single excited atom is prepared at the bottom left corner. In Fig. S2, the snapshots of the atomicwavefunction at different time moments after the bottom left corner atom is addressed by an external laser drive.

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FIG. S2. Snapshots of the atomic wavefunction at different time moments after the bottom left corner atom is addressed byan external laser drive.


The decay rate of an impurity quantum emitter near the cold atom metasurface can be obtained by computing theGreen’s tensor evaluated at the emitter’s position in the presence of the metasurface [S7, S8, S35]. For doing so, westart from the effective Hamiltonian with external driving

H = Hin − ~N∑



(∆ + iγ

2) |ej,α〉 〈ej,β |+




Gαβ(rj , ri) |ej,α〉 〈ei,β | , (S54)

where Hin is associated with the input field that drives the atoms and here we do not specify its detailed form, unlikein Eq. (S48). Given the evolution of the atomic state under H, any observables associated with the total field operator

Eout(r) can be derived from the input-output relation [S7, S33]

Eout(r) = Ein(r) + µ0degω20


G0(r, rj)djσgej , (S55)

where we have noted that γ = ω3d2eg/(3~ε0c

3), and deg is the dipole matrix element associated with the transition,

and dj is unit atomic polarization vector. This equation tells us that the total field is a superposition of the incomingfield and the fields emitted by the atoms, whose spatial pattern is determined by the Green’s function. We furtherassume the incident (driving) field is generated by a dipole source (impurity quantum emitter) µ and can be expressedin the form of expectation value as

Ein(r) = 〈Ein(r)〉 =ω2

ε0c2G0(r, rs, ω) · µ (S56)

Under this illumination we can solve the wavefunction in the form of |ψ〉 = α |G〉 +∑Nj=1 pj |ej,z〉 according to the

Schrodinger equation describing the evolution of wavefunction under the effective Hamiltonian. Then the expectationvalue of total field for the obtained wavefunction Eq. (S49) is

Eout(r) =ω2

ε0c2G0(r, rs, ω) · µ +



G0(r, rj , ωeg) · dj〈σgej 〉. (S57)

By noting 〈σgej 〉 = pj with respect to the obtained wavefunction after assuming α ≈ 1 [S1], we get

Eout(r) =ω2

ε0c2G0(r, rs, ω) · µ +



G0(r, rj , ωeg) · djpj . (S58)

Again, the Green’s tensor accounting for the presence of the cold atomic metasurface can be expressed equivalentlyas [S7]

Eout(r) =ω2

ε0c2G(r, rs, ω) · µ. (S59)

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Thus by combing above two equations we can solve the Green’s tensor for the vacuum modified by the presence ofthe cold atomic metasurface given an arbitrary position vector r. Afterwards the decay rate of the impurity quantumemitter in such photonic environment under the Markovian approximation is

ΓI(rs, ω) =πω

3~ε0|µ|2ρµ(rs, ω), (S60)


ρµ(rs, ω) =6ω

πc2nµ · Im [G(ω, rs, rs)] · nµ. (S61)

is the partial local density of states (LDOS) projected to the polarization direction of the impurity quantum emitterin the vacuum modified by the presence of cold atomic arrays, with nµ being the unit vector of the dipole moment ofthe impurity quantum emitter. The decay rate of such emitter in vacuum is

γI(rs, ω) =πω

3~ε0|µ|2ρ0 =


3~ε0c3|µ|2. (S62)

where ρ0 = ω2/(π2c3) is the density of states in vacuum.Therefore the Purcell factor in the Markovian approximation is obtained from the full Green’s function as


=ρµ(rs, ω)



ωnµ · Im [G(ω, rs, rs)] · nµ. (S63)

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